Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Conversational Italian for Beginners." |
"It excites me that all of my students have progressed to conversational novice level Italian.Easy to follow and Italian lessons taught in bite sized chunks that are fun and easy to follow. Each section will add to the previous knowledge and in just a few weeks you'll be amazed at your progress. My beginners Italian course focuses on spoken Italian. I do just touch on some basic written to help you understand how we Italians think. That said 95% of the course is spoken. My course is aimed at complete beginners of any age and has a 100% success rate. Students I started with are great friends today and almost all of them are still with me or in contact today. They started with absolutely no experience and now speak it with great confidence.By the end of the beginners course you'll know enough to be understood and converse with any Italian; certainly more than enough to feel confident when ordering, saying hello, getting introductions, and early conversation. If you are travelling to Italy or want to impress friends then this course is perfect for you. My method of teaching focuses on every day situations that you will face when visiting Italy. For example 10% of your time will be in a restaurant or coffee shop ordering refreshments and food. So I've structured the lessons in such a way that you'll know how to order. 5% will be travelling around, so we will explore directions, asking where the toilet is, checking into a hotel and so on. You can see how the course is structured by looking at the content below. As always there is a full money back guarantee."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Learn to Deal Blackjack" |
"This is the most comprehensive course on how to deal blackjack and how to get hired as a casino dealer. If you are looking to move into a career working in the casino industry then this course will get you there. You will learn all of the essential skills necessary to land an audition and pass. Whether you are looking to work at a casino events company or a licensed casino in your area or somewhere else in the world, this course will teach you what you need to know to get hired."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Lebendiges Software Design 1/3: Qualitativ Hochwertiger Code" |
"In diesem Kurs geht es um das Geheimnis von qualitativ hochwertigem Code, also Codeder nicht nur vom Compiler, sondern auch von deinen Kollegen verstanden wird. wo nicht jede kleine nderung einen unerwnschten Seiteneffekten in anderen Codeteilen auslst.den man spter auch noch an dann genderte Wnsche des Auftraggebers anpassen kannEs ist allerdings dabei keiner dieser vielen Kurse ber Clean Code und die berhmte SOLID Prinzipiensammlung. Beides wird aber natrlich in ausreichendem Ma vorkommen.Unser Hauptaugenmerk wird auf den wichtigen Prinzipien liegen um die o.a. Ziele fr qualitativ hochwertigen Code zu erreichen. Dazu werden wir auch das eine oder andere Pattern (Muster) anwenden, die dann, wenn ntig, erklrt werden. Zum Einsatz und zur Etablierung von Prinzipien und Mustern im Team gibt es ebenfalls ntzliche Tipps & Tricks!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Workspace ONE Design and Advanced Integration Specialist" |
"This simulation allows those who are preparing to take the Prepare for the exam 5v0-62.19 Workspace ONE Design and Advanced Integration Specialist to have contact with issues similar to what falls in the exam, this better prepares the student and trains him in studies and preparation. With these questions students live a little bit of what happens during the exam.Note:This simulation aims to help students and may have questions and incorrect answers."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"2V0-31.19 Professional VMware vRealize Automation 7.6" |
"This simulation allows those who are preparing to take the Prepare for the exam 2V0-31.19 Professional VMware vRealize Automation 7.6 to have contact with issues similar to what falls in the exam, this better prepares the student and trains him in studies and preparation. With these questions students live a little bit of what happens during the exam.Note:This simulation aims to help students and may have questions and incorrect answers."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Google Analytics Certification Exam Training in 2020" |
"SIGN UP FOR THIS COURSE TO STUDY 100'S OF REAL GOOGLE ANALYTICS CERTIFICATION EXAM QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS!Three reasons to TAKE THIS COURSE right now!Get lifetime access to this quick, but info packed hour-long course.Ask me questions and see me respond to every single one of your discussions!Advance your life today. What you will learn in this course is original, honest, and detailed! Use my Google Analytics strategies that helped me perfect endless websites using the data that users demanded.Become Google Analytics Certified and Earn More!Stand out from the crowd and get hired as a Google Analytics specialist.Secure your next interview, promotion or client with your Google Analytics Certification."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ace the Coding Interview in 2020" |
"In my experience in interviewing over 150 engineers in big tech companies and startups, I noticed that most questions were only a variation of a small subset of questions and concepts. The goal of this class is to give candidates a guide and a list of questions to study to set them up for success in the coding and system design interviews."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Introduo a Gesto de RH" |
"Este curso tem a proposta de oferecer conhecimento terico e propostas de prtica direcionada para a formao de profissionais de RH capazes de auxiliar colegas e empresa a crescer. Abordo temas como rotinas burocrticas, gesto de conflitos, pacotes de benefcios, aplicabilidade de legislao, relao com sindicatos, processos seletivos, entre outros."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"CompTIA PD1-001 PDI+ Beta Certified Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) The fuser unit is powered by which of the following components?multiple-choicea) AC PWBb) SCSIc) USBd) HVPSQ) The charge roller or charge corona is supplied by which of the following components?multiple-choicea) LEDb) LVPSc) HVPSd) LEDQ) The developer bias is supplied by which of the following components?multiple-choicea) LEDb) LEDc) HVPSd) LVPSQ) The transfer belt or transfer roller is supplied by which of the fol owing?multiple-choicea) USBb) HVPSc) SCSId)LVPS"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"CompTIA JK0-018 Security+ E2C Certified Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) A hacker has discovered a simple way to disrupt business for the day in a small company which relies on staff working remotely. In a matter of minutes the hacker was able to deny remotely working staff access to company systems with a script. Which of the following security controls is the hacker exploiting?a) DoSb) Account lockoutc) Password recoveryd) Password complexityQ) A security specialist has been asked to evaluate a corporate network by performing a vulnerability assessment. Which of the following will MOST likely be performed?a) Identify vulnerabilities, check applicability of vulnerabilities by passively testing security controls.b) Verify vulnerabilities exist, bypass security controls and exploit the vulnerabilities.c) Exploit security controls to determine vulnerabilities and mis-configurations.d) Bypass security controls and identify applicability of vulnerabilities by passively testing security controls.Q) A security technician is attempting to access a wireless network protected with WEP. The technician does not know any information about the network. Which of the following should the technician do to gather information about the configuration of the wireless network?a) Spoof the MAC address of an observed wireless network clientb) Ping the access point to discover the SSID of the networkc) Perform a dictionary attack on the access point to enumerate the WEP keyd) Capture client to access point disassociation packets to replay on the local PC's loopbackQ) After an assessment, auditors recommended that an application hosting company should contract with additional data providers for redundant high speed Internet connections. Which of the following is MOST likely the reason for this recommendation? (Select TWO).a) To allow load balancing for cloud supportb) To allow for business continuity if one provider goes out of businessc) To eliminate a single point of failured) To allow for a hot site in case of disastere) To improve intranet communication speeds"
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"CompTIA JK0-015 E2C Security + Certified Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Which of the following is a preventative physical security control?a) CCTVb) Armed guardc) Proper lightingd) Access listQ) Which of the following security concerns is MOST prominent when utilizing cloud computing service providers?a) Video surveillanceb) Mobile device accessc) Removable storage mediad) Blended systems and dataQ) Which of the following is an example of forcing users to change their password every 90 days?a) Password recovery requirementsb) Password length requirementsc) Password expiration requirementsd) Password complexity requirementsQ) Which of the following is an example of requiring users to have a password of 16 characters or more?a) Password recovery requirementsb) Password complexity requirementsc) Password expiration requirementsd) Password length requirementsQ) Which of the following is an example of allowing a user to perform a self-service password reset?a) Password lengthb) Password recoveryc) Password complexityd) Password expiration"
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"IBM C2040-985 Developing IBM Lotus Notes Domino 8.5 Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Daniel is designing a Suggestions application and wants to minimize replication conflicts. Which one of the following will accomplish this?a) Assign users Editor access to the database. Create a form of type Document and name the form ""Suggestion"". Create a form of type Comment and name the form ""Comments"". Use Authors fields on both forms.b) Assign users Author access to the database. Create a form of type Document and name the form ""Suggestion"". Create a form of type Comment and name the form ""Comments"". Use Readers fields on both forms.c) Assign users Author access to the database. Create a form of type Document and name the form ""Suggestion"". Create a form of type Response and name the form ""Comments"". Use Authors fields on both forms.d) Assign users Editor access to the database. Create a form of type Document and name the form ""Suggestion"". Create a form of type Response and name the form ""Comments"". Use Readers fields on both forms.Q) Mac is planning a Change Control application that will be used by thousands of staff located in 10 different countries. What is one thing Mac can do to help optimize the performance of the application for his users?a) On the Advanced tab of Database properties, enable ""Support specialized response hierarchy"" and enable ""Allow simple search""b) On the Advanced tab of Database properties, enable ""Don't support specialized response hierarchy"" and disable ""Allow simple search""c) Use File > Application > New Copy to create a copy of the application on a server in each country, and have users access the application from a local server.d) Use File > Replication > New Replica to create a replica of the application on a server in each country, and have users access the application from a local server.Q) Richard's form includes a field that causes a document to be mailed when the document is saved. Which of the following is the reserved field name that Richard assigned to the field?a) Mail Sendb) Force Mailc) Save Optionsd) Mail OptionsQ) What type of element CANNOT be embedded into a page?a) Viewb) Editorc) Navigatord) Date picker"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"IBM C2040-925 Installing Configuring IBM Lotus Notes Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) The default port for SSL over SMTP is which one of the following?a) 389b) 465c) 636d) 995Q) Which protocol must be enabled on the Domino server to support RSS feeds for mail files?a) RSSb) HTTPc) IMAPd) LDAPQ) Which task reads the for new or changed messages that require processing?a) SMTPb) Amgrc) Asminpd) RouterQ) Without manually restarting the SMTP server task, how often will it automatically check for changes to Configuration Settings documents?a) Neverb) Two minutesc) Hourlyd) Daily at midnight"
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"IBM C2010-652 Smart Cloud Control Desk V7.5 Fundamental Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Most loggers are inactive by default and set to which mode level?a) WARNb) DEBUGc) ERRORd) DEFAULTQ) Which statement best describes the Service Request Management functionality in IBM Smart Cloud Control Desk V7.5?a) A tool that provides end-to-end IT and Enterprise asset life cycle management on a single integrated platform.b) A tool that enables users to request, deploy, monitor and manage cloud computing services. It also provides traceable approvals and processes.c) A tool that helps customers manage, audit, and coordinate change and configuration management processes using user interlaces and workflows that facilitate cross-silo cooperation.d) A tool that provides a comprehensive and modular approach to integrated service desk and service catalog management enabling IT personnel to improve the efficiency of service delivery and to drive down operating costs.Q) Which format is used to import and export workflow processes in IBM Smart Cloud Control Desk V7.5?a) XSLb) Javac) XMLd) VBSQ) An end user is presented with fields to gather specific or additional data when creating a service request from the Self Service Center. Where are these fields presented to the service desk agent when working the ticket?a) Activities tabb) Specification tabc) Solutions Details tabd) Service Request tab in the Details section"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to @RISK. Monte Carlo Simulation addin on Excel" |
"This is an introductory course to @RISK (Palisade's Monte Carlo simulation software on top of Excel). You will learn how to set up, run a simulation and interpret results for any type of model.We use an example of a simple business example: Joe runs a small contracting business repairing residential exteriors. We introduce the decisions he has to make. Step by step we explain how, by using @RISK, he is able to make sound and consistent decisions around his business."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Celadas y trampas que debes saber...despus de 1.d4" |
"En este curso aprenders de celadas y trampas en las aperturas que comienzan con 1. d4.Veras varias posiciones de diferentes lineas....y la celada o trampa sucede antes de la movida 10...en general...el saber estas celadas te permitir entender los errores que se cometen y que hacen que uno entre en una celada....y tambin te servir para evitarlas....Algunas celadas y trampas estn explicadas con variantes de otras celadas dentro de la linea....para que comprendas mejor la situacin y lo variado e infinito del ajedrez!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Trazos y apuntes de Paileria" |
"Geometra Y matemticas aplicadas a la Pailera para soldadura industrial.De 1981 a 1986 maestro de Geometra y Matemticas aplicadas a la soldadura industrial.Me gusta compartir lo aprendido con la experiencia para dejar un legado de conocimiento.En el curso aprenders sobre trazos para tengas experiencia como se realizan los cortes con ngulos y como crear formas."
Price: 645.00 ![]() |
"How to raise Responsible, Respectful and Resourceful kids ?" |
"learning the skills of effective parenting is the one of the most worthwhile ventures you ever pursue.Recent research tells us that children are hardwired from birth to connect with others, and that children who feel a sense of connection to their community, family, and school are less likely to misbehave. To be successful, contributing members of their community, children must learn necessary social and life skills. Positive Discipline is based on the understanding that discipline must be taught and that discipline also teaches.I will teach you parenting skills to establish love ,joy , respect,peace and harmony in your home, put an end to conflict and power struggles, and communicate with your children in ways that invite cooperation, solve problems, build trust, enhance self-worth, and help your children learn personal responsibility. Are you ready to start the journey?THIS COURSE GIVES YOU THE FRAMEWORK OF POSITIVE DISCIPLINE PARENTING A Guideline and a Compass to direct your parenting plan , ITS a Bridge from the challenges now to the skills they need while their Growing up"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"C - Programming : From core of the system" |
"This course is created for students, beginners or professionals who want to become strong in programming. Students or professionals who are aiming for top company jobs, this course definitely will play a key roll to fulfill.Along with concepts in C - language, this course discussing what is happening in the system. It means, how one statement is executing in the system, how memory is created and how much memory created for variables and where it is created, how much time it will take. This type learning will give good command on programming when performance is matter."
Price: 3200.00 ![]() |
"Create Your Own Animation Series using Cartoon Animator 4" |
"Would you like to create your own animation series, but you don't know where to start. Or you think you can't do it because you are all alone and don't have the financial backing of a large animation studio?Well in this course I will teach you how you can create your very own animation series all by yourself, and with no big budget.It is easier than you think!So take the first step in making your dreams a reality, and allow me to show you exactly how I managed to do it.Happy animating!**DISCLAIMER**This is not an animation course. This course doesn't teach animation or share animation tips. It is a course that teach animators the complete process of how they can create their very own animation series."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Study law effectively" |
"This is a course that will help you with your studies in law. Chances are that you spend a fortune and endless hours studying law. For a fraction of the cost of law school I will teach you how to be more effective with your studies and how to learn more easily, which will lead to better results.I will teach you: memory-technique, how to dig in to a new and complex subject, how to take better notes, speed-reading, how to prepare for exams and much more.I myself passed law school with these techniques, but I did waste a lot of time during my first years. In my later years I applied these methods, which have been proven to work for me, resulting in better grades and less time spent studying. That is why I want you to get better results and use your time in a better way."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Introduccin a la Vida y Obra de Diego Velzquez" |
"Este se trata de un curso, para tener un primer acercamiento a la vida y obra del pintor espaol del Siglo XVII Diego Velzquez. A lo largo del curso se explorara la vida del pintor, desde sus etapas formativas hasta su desarrollo y consolidacin como uno de los ms grandes pintores espaoles. Se revisaran sus obras y se practicarn algunos anlisis artsticos."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Create Your First Successful Ad in 7 Simple Steps" |
"You want to create your first successful Ad, but are not sure how?You dont want to waste your time and money learning the kinds of skills that a marketing firm has to offer?Then this course is for you. I will take you step-by-step through the task of creating a successful Ad. To support the course video material, there is also a workbook. In the workbook, you can capture your ideas and use my success templates and then use it again for every Ad you create!By the end of the course you will have a successful Ad to drive business to you.Note: This course teaches copywriting skills, not graphic design."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate ReactJS Developer Course" |
"Welcome to this course: The Ultimate ReactJS Developer Course. React is a JavaScript library that communicates changes on a User Interface to the browsers quickly, without having to re-render anything except the part of the display that needs to change. Building web applications with maintainable and performant user interfaces is a challenge that many have faced for more than a decade, but no one has risen to this challenge quite like ReactJS. Many new users recognize the benefits of Reactjs and adopt it in their own projects, forming a fast-growing community. The speed at which Reactjs has evolved promises a bright future for those who invest in learning it today. In this course, you'll learn:Test your React components with Jest test frameworkUse JSX to speed up your Reactjs development processCreate React elements with properties and childrenGet started with stateless and stateful React componentsAdd reactivity to your React components with lifecycle methodsUtilize the Flux application architecture with your React componentsIntegrate your React components with other JavaScript librariesShare data between various React components and techniques for data flow within a React appHandle user interactions with the help of event handlers and dynamic componentsAt the end of this course, you will not only have a good understanding of ReactJS but will also have built your very own responsive frontend applications from scratch."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Certification Course For JavaScript -Function & Oop Included" |
"Welcome to my course. In this course you will become advance from scratch. By using this comprehensive course you will learn the basics of JavaScript, Some of the advanced methods of JavaScript and much more.In this course i will assume that you have no prior knowledge about JavaScript and by the end of the course you will be at advanced level. This course will guide you step by step so that you will learn basics and theory of every part. In this complete JavaScript course you will learn,Basics Of JavaScriptArrayFunctionLoopConditionalStringBooleanAdvanced JavaScript"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Python 3 Guide For Complete Beginners" |
"This course has everything for enrich knowledge for programemrs and python developer!This course is designed for beginners who want to build a strong foundation for writing python code. Learn how python works and how to combine multiple statements together to make things happen online. 1)Learn about variables and how they are used to hold values in coding. 2)Explore basics and practical python programming 3)Advanced python coding tutorials added! This python course is meant for people who are familiar with programming and also for the people who are not familiar with any programming. No prior knowledge about Python is needed. We will guide you step by step and you will learn some of the important basics of python from scratch."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Basics and Advanced Angular 2 Programming Course" |
"Welcome to my comprehensive Angular course. This course will teach you everything that you need to become an expert from scratch. In this course i will assume that you have no prior knowledge about Angular and by the end of the course you will be at advanced level. This course will guide you step by step so that you will learn basics and theory of every part. This course contain hands on example so that you can understand Angular better. This course contain hands on practical examples without neglecting theory and basics. Learn to use Angular like a professional."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Certification Course For Angular 6" |
"If you're a complete beginner this is the right course for you! This Angular course is designed for people who don't have any knowledge about programming. It doesn't matter if you have never written any programs or you have no idea about programming... After my course, all this will change. You will bust the myth that programming is a difficult thing only for the few! Angular is one of the most in-demand & highest paying programming language. This course is mostly designed for beginner who wants to learn Angular or programming fundamentals, if you are advanced and already familiar with programming fundamentals, or with programming in Angular. This course might not be for you. Angular is the most used and popular programming language, by Indeed there were a lot of Job openings in Angular. And it was marked as Most in-demand Programming language."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Ethical Hacking Crash Course 2020" |
"This Ethical Hacking course is designed to take you zero to hero in hacking. Learn to hack practically using this comprehensive ethical hacking course.Whether you want to learn Ethical Hacking because:You are a beginner and want to hack like a professionalEnhance your hacking skills.You are an existing hacker and want to learn Ethical Hacking from scratchApply for hacking related jobsGet started with ethical hacking and boost your IT career.Why This Course?Learn hacking practically.Learn Basics and Advanced Of Ethical Hacking.The course is well structured and easy to learn.High quality support from an professional Ethical Hacker.Start as a beginner and go all the way to launch your own hacking attacks."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Certified Ethical Hacking Crash Course" |
"Whether you want to learn Certified Ethical Hacking because:You are a beginner and want to hack like a professionalEnhance your hacking skills.You are an existing hacker and want to learn Ethical Hacking from scratchApply for hacking related jobsGet started with ethical hacking and boost your IT career.Why learn Certified Ethical Hacking?Certified Ethical Hacking is very important for Hacking related jobs. Whether you want to learn hacking, boost ethical hacking career or make money by getting a job, Certified Ethical Hacking can be used! This course will assume that you have no prior knowledge in Certified Ethical Hacking and by the end of this course you will be at advanced level. Why This Course?Learn hacking practically.Learn Basics and Advanced Of Certified Ethical Hacking.The course is well structured and easy to learn.High quality support from an professional Ethical Hacker.Start as a beginner and go all the way to launch your own hacking attacks."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Metasploit Ethical Hacker Guide" |
"Why This Course?Learn hacking practically.Learn Basics and Advanced Of Metasploit.The course is well structured and easy to learn.High quality support from an professional Ethical Hacker.Start as a beginner and go all the way to launch your own hacking attacks. Who this course is for:Beginner hacker who want to go from beginner to advacedCyber Security expert who know other cyber hacking but want to learn Ethical hacking or MetasploitAny one who want to learn Metasploit for career related purposeThis Metasploit Ethical Hacking course is designed to take you zero to hero in hacking. Learn to hack practically using this comprehensive hacking course."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |