Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"SQL Injection Ethical Hacking Course" |
"Why learn SQL Injection?SQL Injection is very important for Ethical Hacking. There are a lot of vulnerable websites available on the web. Whether you want to learn hacking, boost ethical hacking career or make money using bug bounty program, SQL injection can be used! This course will assume that you have no prior knowledge in Ethical Hacking or SQL Injection and by the end of this course you will be at advanced level. Learn to launch hacking attacks like a real-world black hat hacker.Whether you want to learn SQL Injection because:You are a beginner and want to hack websites like a professionalEnhance your hacking skills.You are an existing hacker and want to learn SQL Injection from scratchApply for hacking related jobsGet started with website hacking, SQL Injection hacking, ethical hacking or any other area that SQL Injection specializes inThen you have come to the right place. This course is designed to teach you SQL Injection from scratch and raise your status from a beginner hacker to an intermediate hacker."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"AWS Certification Course" |
"Welcome to Complete AWS Course: Learn Hands On Practically course.Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a cloud service from Amazon, which provides services in the form of building blocks, these building blocks can be used to create and deploy any type of application in the cloud.Introduction to AWS. Best practices on your account, security issues, IAM ( identity & access management) , how to create users, roles and assign policies to them.This course is designed for the absolute beginner, meaning no experience with Amazon Web Services is required.You will start by learning about AWS specific concepts, then jump into deploying WordPress on AWS. From there, Mark will teach you how to create a strong foundation, including configuring IAM for deployment and setting up Cloud Trail. This video tutorial also covers deploying a secure networking configuration, deploying a server, and deploying a relational database."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Personal Emergency Planning (Coronavirus - COVID-19 Edition)" |
"Last year, in 2019, I got a request from a student in to create a course on how to deal with emergencies. This is an important part of long term planning, and I put it on my to do list of courses to create sometime in the future.Then, in January 2020, I learned about the Coronavisus (now COVID-19) and decided that I should make this course my top priority. But this course isn't like my normal courses, where it's the result of years of accumulated effort.This course is a rushed-course designed to give you the information I found to be most useful over the last month (2020.02) when I researched the field of Emergency Management and it's related fields on Crises, Disasters, etc. I've collected the mental models, processes and ideas that I think are most valuable and put them into one place. I've also collected my favorite website, books, PDFs and other resources into one place so that you can check these out and do more learning for yourself, and keep up to date as things change.The focus of this course is primarily on how to think about handling emergencies as an individual and as a leader in a family. I have not included much on COVID-19 itself because a lot of details are still uncertain or unknown, so I think it's better that I point you to the best places for up to date information and then you can use those to learn about the disease itself. -Timothy"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Complete TikTok Marketing Course for Business TikTok Habits" |
"Complete TikTok Marketing Course for Business -TikTok HabitsLearn Daily TikTok Marketing Habits to Promote Your Business or Passion - You Can Master TikTok MarketingTikTok is the newest and fastest growing social media platform. It's getting a lot of hype, and with good reason. It is possible to start with zero followers on TikTok and within a few days or even a few hours, generate thousands or even tens of thousands of views for your videos. That is why marketers are now flocking to TikTok, and why you should too.TikTok is completely unlike any other social media platform. What works on YouTube, Facebook and LinkedIn does not work on TikTok. You must learn what is unique to the TikTok platform and how to engage audiences there.If you are a large or small business, an author, expert or entertainer, then you need to be posting regular content on TikTok and marketing your brand to this worldwide audience.TikTok now as more than 1.5 billion downloads of its app and more than half a billion regular monthly users. It is huge!You may have heard that TikTok has a lot of teenagers and pre-teens. This is true, but with more than half a billion regular monthly users, TikTok now has members from every age group and every demographic. Many of your customers, clients and prospects are already on TikTok.Facebook, Instagram, Linked and YouTube all have strengths that can be leveraged by marketers. But these are mature platforms that are all increasingly expensive to market on, even to your own followers. TikTok is the Wild West. Now is THE time for you and your brand to stake your claim by getting serious about TikTok marketing.The instructors for this course are not academic theoreticians. They are practitioners who produce and post new videos every single day on TikTok. They share with you the best TikTok marketing tips, tricks and tactics in real time.If you are ready to jump into TikTok marketing, then enroll in this course today."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Specialized massage course in runners" |
"Specialized massage course in athletes, to be able to perform a correct massage before a competition, during a competition, after a competition and days before as a maintenance massage.In this course, I transfer my experience as an elite athlete masseuse, footballers, formula one drivers ... A course that you can take full advantage of if you want to specialize in sports massage."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Aerial yoga course official method (aeroyoga) restorative" |
"In this course we will teach you how to get started in the world of aerial yoga. We will show you the postures, transitions, the use of the swing.This course will give you the tools to start in the world of aerial yoga and see if you want to make this your profession by training as a professional with aeroyoga-official. The largest arial yoga company in the world."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Docker: Tips, Tricks, and Techniques" |
"This course will give you new possibilities to get the best out of Docker and enhance your skill set. It covers the key aspects of Docker to allow you to create, deploy, and run production-ready applications with Docker using a practical hands-on approach.In this course, you'll learn to make your storage robust using Docker volumes, ensuring no data loss between containers by leveraging volume lifecycle. You will create and troubleshoot networking in Docker. Next, you will be able to make inter-container communication with best-practice, proven tricks and techniques. We will create a robust image packaging mechanism, and diagnose and debug the most common Docker problems.You will also learn to improve the performance of your set-up by leveraging advanced Docker commands. We will use Kubernetes with Docker to tackle more complex problems of deployment. Finally, you will leverage Docker Compose for orchestrating complex architecture and to create the cloud deployment of multi-container setup with AWS, Azure and GCP.By the end of this course, you will be armed with crucial tips, best practices, and techniques on Docker. You will be able to tackle and troubleshoot Docker issues in production applications. Please note that proficiency with Docker and AWS is assumed for taking this course.About the AuthorTomasz Lelek is a software engineer, programming mostly in Java and Scala. He has been working with the Spark and ML APIs for the past 6 years, with production experience in processing petabytes of data.He is passionate about nearly everything associated with software development and believes that we should always try to consider different solutions and approaches before attempting to solve a problem. Recently, he was also a speaker at conferences in PolandConfitura, and JDD (Java Developers Day) and at Krakow Scala User Group. He has also conducted a live coding session at the Geecon Conference."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Learn Practical Web Components Quickly" |
"As a developer, haven't you often suffered from writing too much code? More often than not, you rewrite the same piece of code for different pages and end up wasting precious time you could have used more productively . . .In this course, we introduce you to the world of web components, a fairly new concept that has simplified coding for web developers. Web components allow you to create custom and reusable HTML tags that will work across modern web browsers and can be used with any JavaScript library or web framework that works with HTML.After working through this course, you will be ready to develop production-ready web component applications! You will be able to build your own custom components that can be reused again and again. Moreover, you will also be able to share your custom components with other developers.To benefit fully from this course, you need to have at least a basic idea of ES6 concepts such as const, let, classes, map, filters, and so on. A basic understanding of JavaScript frameworks such as Angular, React, and Vue would be beneficial in order to gain a full understanding of web component integration aspects.About the AuthorRushabh Shah is a seasoned UI developer working in an exciting start-up based out of Mumbai. He is one of the founding members of the company and also the Senior UI Developer there. Rushabh has worked on a variety of projects across different frameworks and software architectures. His forte lies in creating web applications and user-friendly dashboards using reusable component-friendly library like React along with the latest developments in the traditional web development technologies.Rushabh has previously worked with major companies like Capgemini India Pvt. Ltd. and Fractal Analytics and has a rich experience in developing web applications for clients like Ernst Young, Procter & Gamble (P&G), Colgate Palmolive, Reckitt Benckiser, and Indian Navy before venturing into the product domain with companies like Cuddle .ai and later Eugenie .ai (of which he is a founding member). He has also curated articles and tutorials for web development.Having been the sole developer for a major chunk in his career, he understands the need to gain the right and efficient knowledge from the vast ocean that is, the World Wide Web. Additionally, having worked with industry stalwarts later in his career, he knows the best practices to be used for creating web tools."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"R para Data Science: ETL parte 4 (final) - Limpeza de Dados" |
"Seja muito bem vindo a parte final da srie de cursos na rea de ETL para Data Science, a rea com mais sobra de vagas e com um dos salrios mais altos da atualidade.Este curso a pea que faltava para que voc tenha total controle da parte de leitura, arrumao e limpeza do banco de dados, etapas indispensveis que preparam o banco antes do processo de anlises, grficos e resultados estatsticos.Por que preciso deste curso?As empresas esto registrando tudo o que fazem, gerando ""toneladas"" de dados que para elas , muitoas vezes no fazem sentido, por isto, elas esto pagando alto para quem conseguir:Fazer filtro nos dados para ver diferentes perspectivas dos dados.Fazer a limpesa completa dos dadosTrabalhar com informaes no tempo (datas, orrios, meses, perodos, intervalos entre datas, etc.) em dadosE isto que voc vai dominar ao final deste curso.Quem vai ministrar o curso?Isaas Lira, bacharel em Estatstica, Consultor em Anlise Estatstica de Dados no SPSS e R, Data Scientist, Data analyst, autor de livros e cursos na rea de Estatstica aplicada em situaes reais, Especialista em Docncia Superior e apaixonado por ensinar.Para quem o curso?Estudantes e profissionais de TI ou de qualquer rea que tenha interesse em se aprofundar na rea de Data ScienceQual o diferencial deste curso?A didtica simplificada. Fiz questo de fazer uma ps graduao em Docncia Superior e esta minha paixo por ensinar me faz repassar tudo de maneira mais simples, direta e passo a passo, com o menor tempo possvel.Inicie agora e conclua quando bem desejar! Sem presso! Respeitaremos o seu prprio ritmo e estaremos aqui para tirar suas dvidas.O mercado profissional precisa de voc, ento aprenda isto e seja til para as grandes empresas."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Cisco Certified Network Associate v2.0 (CCNA 200-301) Course" |
"The New CCNA 200-301 training course. Come and join hundreds of students learning how to configure and troubleshoot Cisco Routers and Switches. The new Exam is coming out February 24th 2020. Cisco Certified Network Associate v2.0 (CCNA 200-301) is a 120-minute exam associated with the CCNA certification. This exam tests a candidate's knowledge and skills related to network fundamentals, network access, IP connectivity, IP services, security fundamentals, and automation and programmability. The course, Implementing and Administering Cisco Solutions (CCNA), helps candidates prepare for this exam."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Create Promotional Videos That Sell - Proven Formula" |
"Hi and welcome to the course that will show you a proven formula to create promotional videos that sell coursesMy name is Ian Stables. I currently have more than 51,000 studetns enrolled in my Udemy courses. So I know a thing or two about how to get students to enrol in courses.By the end of this course, you will be able to create very persuasive promotional videos that sell.When I started on Udemy, I wasn't very good at creating promo videos. They were not very persuasive. I'm not saying they were useless. I already had good knowledge of how to sell. But I knew I needed to improve them to get the results I wanted.I've spent a fortune and a lot of time reading books, taking courses, and watching Youtube videos to find out what worked. I tried and tested everything. I was dissapointed in not finding anything that really gave me the results I wanted.I put my thinking cap on and tried to come up with something on my own. I used all the sales methods I knew and came up with a few new ones. But I still didn't have a formula that gave top results. I was desperate to find out what really worked.Then it occured to me. I decided to watch sales videos that worked. I paid attention to the ones that sold top selling courses. I watched many Youtube videos that sold something. I particularly paid attention to any part of these videos that sold me.In the end, I finally found five ingredients that made a promo video sell well. I had created a formula that I could use to create a promotional video that would sell any course. No matter what the subject was.It's not just what you say, but what you show. (No. It's not animation or anything fancy like that.)There are also some very important things you need to have in place for your promo video to work.It is this formula I teach you in this course.This is what you'll learn to make your promotional videos sell:- THe certain length that gives the best results- What you must show for each part- The five step formula that sells courses- The opener that makes them watch your promo video- The best way of all to show you're qualified- How to make tham want your course (Very important)- Show them how you'll give them what they want- The step that's proven to increase sales- What your promo video must have - or it will failIf you don't want to appear on camera, don't worry. You don't need to.Let me show you how to create promotional videos that really do sell your course.Enrol now"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"QuickBooks For Attorneys In A Lawfirm" |
"Self employed Attorneys and law firms have unique challenges that relate to the bookkeeping and record keeping standards set forth by the bar association and other regulating authorities. The procedures you will learn in this course will enable you to keep records that will show you the results of your operations and be in compliance with the regulation for attorneys. You will learn: How to set up a file that is specifically designed for attorneys using quickbooks desktop for windows, how to record retainer payments from clients, how to record income earned for work done for a client, how to bill the client, how to adjust for a client who starts to pay late, calculate cost per client, calculate profit and loss by client, bill client for case related expenses and distribute cost to clients long after paying for the items or service (after the fact costing). The new quickbooks topics for lawyers include: Creating Attorney trust accounts for collecting on behalf of clients, refunds to clients, writing off uncollectable clients and attorney services with immidiate colections and sales receipts. I know many attorneys who use these methods. They are simple to understand and easy to do. They will defiantly work for you!!This QuickBooks Learning Video Series is guaranteed to show every possible type of transaction that a law firm could need to enter in to QuickBooks. It has easy, step by step instructions and follow along files to help make learning easy and fun.This course shows the special but simple ways that attorneys should and must use QuickBooks for their law firm. It is made with QuickBooks Desktop for Windows.This Course is A new and improved version of the previously successful course here on Udemy: QuickBooks For Landlords.This course is completely re-vamped so that it includes EVERYTHING MY ATTORNEY STUDENTS ASKED ME TO ADD over the past 3 years.This one starts with the very basics of the set up so you can hire a bookkeeper who knows nothing about QuickBooks and have her/him simply watch and follow these videos and they can be your law firms bookkeeper!!This version of the course is so good that I am asking all attorney students to help me make this an accredited course for continuing education credits to keep you license to practice law in your state.There are 'follow along files for each lecture so you can follow step by step. This makes learning QuickBooks Easy and fun.The course is made with QuickBooks desktop for windows. However, the ideas apply to QuickBooks online as well as QuickBooks for Macintosh and Enterprise solutions.I'm right here for you if you have any questions or need support. I hope you learn well and enjoy the course , -Mark"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Accounting Journal Entries For Kids" |
"You will quickly and easily understand the most important accounting ideas from this, perfect, easy to understand course.Users of Accounting Software should be able to make journal entries themselves. This course wil give you the ability to do that. You will properly learn the appropriate accounting vocabulary. Then, you will see how our accounting system started with the fundamental accounting equation.You will finally get a clear explanation for the ideas of debits and credits. We will practice them together before learning about the general journal and the accounting cycle.For merchandise companies, I provided an explanation of Inventory Valuation, Inventory Adjustment and Cost Of Goods Sold. You will enjoy the presentation about Account Adjustments, Closing Entries and distributing partnership income. I even included the calculation of early pay cash discounts as well as interest and mortgage calculations.The teaching and learning methods of accounting have been extremely successful regarding student passing rate and job placement. Now you can benefit from this in the comfort of your own home.I'm here to answer any of the course related questions you may have.-Mark"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"QuickBooks Online Complex Issues And Advanced Techniques" |
"Would you like to be able to guarantee that your entire set of QuickBooks online records are correct to The Last Detail? Then you should choose this course: QuickBooks Online Complex Issues And Advanced Techniques. It's the only course ever in history that teaches how to prove an entire set of accounting records in QuickBooks online are correct to the last detail!This revolutionary new QuickBooks online instructional video series includes a video lesson for every advanced and complex issue, transaction or feature, that could ever be included in a transaction in QuickBooks that involves receivables, payables, banking, credit card or journal entry transactions.Theses QuickBooks topics will be shown with real life examples and follow along step by step demonstrations that make for clear, effective tutorials and are the most helpful when learning QuickBooks online. This course is the sequel to the original, top rated course right here on Udemy: Mastering QuickBooks Online. You are guaranteed that every on the job QuickBooks problem, challenge or issue has a QuickBooks solution and this course is the best way to learn them. It has the best QuickBooks help available for complex QuickBooks issues and advanced level transactions with details that involve extra attention and sometimes problem-solving skills applied to QuickBooks online.Most of the QuickBooks topics here have been requested by students who took the original course. I have included every topic that was requested and many bonus QuickBooks Online topics to make for complete, easy and fun learning.In fact, there's even a section that teaches about journal entries and owner's equity transactions for transactions between the owner of the business and the business itself. You will learn how to record QuickBooks transactions when the owner co-mingled funds with the business account by putting in non-business money in to, or taking money out of, your business for non-business spending. Theres no better QuickBooks Online help with these topics then the video class lectures right here in this ground-breaking course. The list of topics in this course is so extensive that you really need to read the topic list below very carefully to make sure that it will include any topic that you're looking for: CUSTOMER REFUND RECEIPTS CREATING CUSTOMER CREDIT MEMOS CUSTOMER REFUNDS FOR PAID INVOICES RECORDING CUSTOMER PRE-PAYMENTS USING THE INVOICE DEPOSIT FEATURE SETTING UP AND RECORDING CUSTOMER DISCOUNTS SETTING UP CUSTOMER DISCOUNT TERMS CUSTOMERS AND ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLES EARLY PAY DISCOUNT RECORDING CUSTOMER BOUNCED CHECKS MANAGING CUSTOMER MONTHLY STATEMENTS RECONCILING RECEIVABLES WITH CUSTOMERS FIXING MISAPPLIED PAYMENTS USING FILE ATTACHMENT FEATURES PRINTING CHECKS IN QUICKBOOKS ONLINE RECORDING BILL PAYMENTS WITH PROCESSING FEES RECORDING CHECKS AND EXPENSE REFUNDS ENTERING VENDOR CREDIT MEMOS REFUNDS OF VENDOR PAID BILLS VENDOR DISCOUNT TERMS PREPAID VENDOR EXPENSES RECONCILING VENDOR STATEMENTS MANAGING COMPANY CREDIT CARD CHARGES AND PAYMENTS USING ACCOUNT REGISTERS WINDOW UNDERSTANDING AND MAKING JOURNAL ENTRIES UNDERSTANDING AND ENTERING OWNERS EQUITY TRANSACTIONS RECORDING EVENTS WHERE THE OWNER CO-MINGLES FUNDS REAL-LIFE HANDS-ON BANK RECONCILIATION PRACTICE USING ALL QUICKBOOKS ONLINE BANK RECONCILIATION FEATURES USING THE QUICKBOOKS ONLINE DISCREPANCY REPORT HOW TO ADJUST A BANK RECONCILIATION HOW TO UNDO A BANK RECONCILIATION PROVING ALL QUICKBOOKS ONLINE RECORDS ALL ARE CORRECT FINDING MISTAKEN EXPENSE CATEGORIES USING THE RECLASSIFY TRANSACTION TOOLAmong the more special things about this course is the revolutionary way that QuickBooks Online Bank Reconciliation is presented and practiced with real life, hands on challenges and solutions that you would normally only experience in a QuickBooks Online Bookkeeping job.It includes reconciling with vendors and reconciling with customers and proving that your receivables and payables are independently verified and correct to The Last Detail. This follows from learning how to manage customer monthly statements and vendor monthly statements right from QuickBooks Online. You'll even learn how to make sure that you chose the right expense category and what to do to find out that all your expenses are classified correctly. Well even show what to do if they're not correct, so you can fix it and make it perfect.Purchasing these QuickBooks Online classes comes with free unlimited questions that relate to the course material. I always get back to my students quickly. I enjoy helping with this because I think it helps everyone, everywhere if we all know how to keep financial records perfectly. You will be better than everybody at QuickBooks Online once you finish this courseI'm sure it will give you everything you need, and I hope to see you there-Mark"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Kubernetes al completo" |
"Hola, Bienvenido!!!Si ests leyendo esto, es que ests interesado en conocer esta fascinante tecnologa, que adems es una de las ms demandadas a nivel laboral y profesional, sobre todo en entornos devops.Si quieres hacerte con un buen perfil profesional que ofrecer a las empresas este es tu curso!!!Durante este curso vas a aprender a manejar y gestionar un cluster de Kubernetes. Manejars todos los componentes que lo forman y sers capaz de desplegar aplicaciones basadas en contenedores.Llegars incluso a crear un cluster real, a travs de mquinas virtuales, para que trabajes como si fuera un entorno de produccin.Est realizado en el 2020Son ms de 13 horas de vdeos, prcticas y ejemplos diversos, que te permitirn de una forma sencilla y evolutiva llegar a conocer esta fascinante tecnologa.Adems, siempre mantengo mis cursos actualizados, con lo que ir aadiendo ms puntos segn vayan surgiendo.Los puntos bsicos que veremos en la formacin son:Arquitectura y componentesInstalacinPODsDeployments y replica setsServiciosAlmacenamientoConfig MapsSecretsVariablesY otros conceptos interesantesSi tienes cualquier duda o pregunta, ponte en contacto conmigo. Estar encantadode atenderte.Espero verte pronto y que disfrutes del curso!!!!Sergio de Apasoft Training"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Facebook Ads Course - Facebook Ads Bootcamp" |
"Want to become a Facebook Ads Specialist? Learn to use Facebook Ads so you can easily promote a product, service, brand, or public figure . Facebook Ads have changed the world of ecommerce. Learn to use Facebook Ads and become a in-demand digital marketer.The main goal of this course is to teach you Facebook Ads and Facebook Advertising. Nowadays Facebook Ads is the way to go if you want to grow your business. My name is Morteza Kordi, Facebook Ads specialist and Udemy instructor with over 60,000 satisfied students, and Ive designed The Complete Facebook Ads Course with one thing in mind: you should learn by practicing your skills and creating ads. Ill personally be answering any questions you might have and Ill be happy to provide links, resources and any help I can offer to help you master Facebook Ads and Facebook Marketing Strategy.In this course, you will discover the power of Facebook Ads, and obtain the skills to dramatically increase your career prospects as a Facebook Advertiser. So... Why This Course?!You'll learn to create ads and funnels the right way You'll learn the latest ads strategies that I use to generate profitYou'll create ads - A lot of themYou don't need experienceYou'll get lifetime supportDon't wait and join us now by clicking the BUY NOW button!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"12 Steps to Rapid Business Growth" |
"It is important for every business to grow every year. If you are experiencing a plateau in your business or are looking for new ways to grow. This course will help you.This course covers the options you need to consider as you are looking to expand. Implementing any of these concepts into your business will lead to growth."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
(Windows10)1013120 |
"Windows1.132.101.13WinCortana()OS2.10 Excel2UdemyOfficeRyo Watanabe100"
Price: 2400.00 ![]() |
"Artificial Intelligence Expert Certification" |
"Artificial Intelligence (AI) seems to be a unique technology of making a machine, a robot fully autonomous. AI is an analysis of how the machine is thinking, studying, determining and functioning when it is trying to solve problems.These kinds of problems are present in all fields, the most emerging ones in 2020 and even beyond. The aim of Artificial Intelligence is to enhance machine functions relating to human knowledge, such as reasoning, learning, and problems along with the ability to manipulate things. For example, virtual assistants or chatbots offer expert advice. Smart robots or robot advisors will provide instant research or findings in the fields of finance, insurance, law, the media, and journalism, and medical diagnosis and support will be provided by AI software on the health front. Other advantages include increasing productivity dramatically in research and development programs by reducing time to the market, enhancing the transport and supply chain networks and improving governance by improved decision-making processes etc.Artificial Intelligence technology is aiding the following prominent fields in 2020 and many others:Website Creation - Artificial Intelligence tools can help to create websites and landing pages in merely minutes.App Creation - Artificial Intelligence tools can help to automate the whole concept of creating apps.Natural Language Processing (NLP) This process is simulating the actual interaction with the computer that understands natural language spoken by humans.Expert Systems Learners and users will be provided with guided information and advice on the computer or software.Vision Systems Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems in 2020 can understand, explain and describe the computer's visual input to the ultimate core.Spoken Word or Speech Recognition Many Artificial Intelligence (AI) based speech recognition systems are capable of listening, voicing and recognizing the user input - i.e. when a person speaks with them. Alexa, Siri and Google's assistant, are examples of this function. Machine Learning - Artificial Intelligence (AI) can help users to create and experiment with machine learning models and build data science applications in a flash. Video Creation - Artificial Intelligence (AI) can help to automate video production and cut high costs of hiring resources and team as everything is taken care of in the cloud. Python and Coding tools - Artificial Intelligence (AI) can help to automate writing lakhs of lines of code in python and even Java or PHP in minutes without the need for a human coder or even someone who will debug the code. Everything is automated in the concept of AI-powered programming.This mind-blowing exhaustive course titled ""Artificial Intelligence Expert Certification"" taught by Digital Marketing Legend Srinidhi Ranganathan and Civil MasterMind Saranya Srinidhi will change your perspective on the concept of Artificial Intelligence forever to rely on AI tools of the future for your needs. We will cover 100's of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools that are highly popular in the following fields that include: Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Digital Marketing, Research, Analytics, Voice-cloning, Mind-Cloning, Video Creation, Virtual Reality (VR) based Artificial Intelligence tools etc. As you learn these AI tools you will understand that Artificial Intelligence has so much evolved in the last 2 to 5 years. You will also see the growth of the emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools across industries that have exploded and its impact on business and society that is emerging at a quick pace. In this incredible journey, you will also encounter businesses that are pushing the limits of automation, search and social media. As you slowly realize that with the brain of a computer, AI would potentially automate control in such sectors as self-employed vehicles and non-manned drones, you will be left spellbound.""Artificial Intelligence (AI) will not only reduce costs by automating processes but also skyrocket revenues by helping startups and corporates introduce new product and service categories at the fastest speed ever imagined with limited resources.""But, will jobs die as automation takes over? Will AI will surpass human intelligence in 2020, itself? The answer to these questions is a ""No"".The development and eventual growth in AI apps helping in productivity will provide workers with a range of opportunities to improve their skills and concentrate on creative aspects. Stating additional forecasts, disruptive market trends are highly likely to occur in the AI Expansion period (i.e. 2025-2030), the opportunity for employment would require a high degree of personalization, innovation or ability tasks which will still require a person to perform them (even though the AI robotic tools have actually speeded up the process). These occupations or technologies are difficult to imagine at this stage, yet these occupations will rapidly increase as new specializations are required when the demand would kick in. The time is coming soon for a global Artificial Intelligence (AI) revolution to strongly emerge. Okay. Let's start learning and go on an adventure in Artificial Intelligence. Enroll Now and I will see you inside. Let's rock this world with learning secretive tools. Don't waste any more time. Special Note: Several Artificial Intelligence (AI) coding tools will be taught in the course. Most of the tools will be free and also paid alternatives will be covered. You can choose the best tools according to your requirements with the correct features during usage."
Price: 4480.00 ![]() |
"How to draw a comics character with a 3D software and Photos" |
"In this course, you will learn how to draw a comics character from zero to its end. The steps of this course are:-Creation of a 3D chracter with th software FLEX-Printing the screen capture of the character-Drawing with the help of a light pad-Inking the drawing-Adding the color with PhotoshopThis course is a real demonstration of the different steps you can use to do a work of illustration."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Comment dessiner les mains sous PROCREATE" |
"le fait de devoir dessiner des mains est quelque chose qui peut vraiment crer un problme pour beaucoup de dessinateurs, professionnels ou amateurs. Ce cours va vous donner les bases du dessin des mains, avec des exercices et, de plus, va vous apprendre utiliser le logiciel PROCREATE pour dessiner ces mains. De cette manire, vous pourrez complter votre utilisation de ce super logiciel en apprenant dessiner l'un des lments anatomique les plus compliqus."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ansible Essentials with Hands-on Labs" |
"Ansible is a simple to understand, simple to adopt, simple to use IT configuration management and automation tool. With the Ansible Essentials course, you can start from the basics and go all the way to creating your own playbooks and roles with Ansible.This is a focused course designed to rapidly get you up to speed on using Ansible automation engine in real life. As an IT professional, you'll develop a solid understanding of Ansible and will be able to apply it to daily automation and configuration management tasks.Ansible Essentials course includes lots of examples and hands-on labs and aims at providing students with first-hand experience with course concepts. You can follow along the course by setting up your own lab environment. A Vagrant environment is used throughout the course, and in the appendix, you'll find detailed lectures showing you how to set up one for yourself.Each lecture introduces a new Ansible concept. Concepts are first explained, and then relevant examples are provided. Some of them are also demoed in the lab environment showing you how they can be applied to playbooks. And finally, we apply the concept to our LAMP Stack playbooks.Course follows a progressive path that mirrors a real-world approach to automation. It's divided into five sections, starting with the architectural overview and foundational concepts. In section 2, we'll install Ansible automation engine and learn about inventory, which is the first thing we need to get started automating tasks with Ansible. We'll learn ad-hoc commands and also discover some of Ansible's commonly used modules in section 3.Then we'll move on to ansible playbooks. Playbooks let us use fully-fledged configuration management and orchestration capabilities of Ansible. Ansible playbooks are written in YAML, so before diving into the details of playbooks, we'll do a YAML overview. Then, we'll learn about playbook basics, including playbook structure, idempotency, and tasks. We'll learn how to run a playbook, check its syntax, and control its output with verbose.Then we'll start building our 3 tier web application. In each lecture, we'll learn one or more ansible features, and we'll apply them to our project. In this part of the course, you'll learn about handlers, Jinja2 templating, loops, variables, error handling, and much more. At the end of this section, you'll have prepared playbooks that can deploy a fully functional multi-node LAMP stack on your machines.In section 5, we'll cover how to organize playbooks more effectively where you'll learn about imports, includes, and roles. We'll refactor the playbooks into roles and make them easy to share and reuse.This course is based on Red Hat Ansible Engine 2.8 and CentOS Linux 7.7. By following along the course, you'll learn how to set up a 3-tiered web application environment that leverages Apache2, Python, and MySQL on CentOS machines."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Character Design for Beginners - Create Your First Character" |
"Welcome to the Welcome to the Character Design for Beginners - Create Your First Character class!Throughout this class I will carefully guide you through a 15 step process which will take you from an empty page to a full illustration like the one you can see on the course image.In this class you will learn strategies and skills you can apply to your own illustration practice:- You will be able to come up with your own characters.- You will be able to create powerful silhouettes.- You will be able to add eye catching features.- You will be able to use harmonious colors.- You will be able to create balanced design and great compositions.- You will be able to set mood with light and shadow.and most importantly, you will be able to tell a story.Because what is illustration about? Storytelling.In this class, as I am going to use the iPad Pro and Procreate, it is recommended to have these tools and have a basic knowledge of the program, however comment on everything and leave detailed notes so that you can work along with me easily. You can also use different programs, like Photoshop, but then you will need to adjust the steps for yourself.Regarding the artistic background, this course is perfect for beginners. So if you are at the beginning of your illustration journey, you are at the right place either you are willing to take this as a professional path or if you are taking it as a hobby.The skills you will learn in this course will open so many doors for you, not just by leveling up your technical skills, but by changing your mindset about approaching a project.So, hopefully after this course, there will be no stress and unnecessary procrastination about an artwork you need to create for somebody, or for any of your personal projects.The best thing about this course is that by the end of it, you will be able to create a full illustration like this how amazing is that!So if you are ready to start, lets get into it! Level up your illustration game TODAY!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Business Mind - Verifica La Tua Metodologia Imprenditoriale" |
"Dal mio protocollo di ""Pronto Assistenza Business"" ho costruito questo corso.Direttamente da un cliente, e dalle sessioni di ""Modellamento della Mentalit Imprenditoriale"" (Che non c'entra nulla con argomenti motivazionali, qui solo business puro), ecco i video che ti possono dare una prospettiva ampia, una visione d'insieme quasi totale.Dalle situazioni reali si costruiscono le mentalit e gli atteggiamenti, e da essi dipendono per il 50% il Business o comunque la riuscita di un qualunque progetto.L'altro 50%, che non presente qui in questo corso, utilizzare capacit sviluppate, in un protocollo ""tecnico-analitico"", che ho diviso in altre fasi in questo modo:Analisi di mercato, le sue procedure interne sono:A) costruire un reportage sul mercato, i segmenti e le nicchie, decidendo se agire in maniera ""Stretta"" ma potenzialmente pi efficace o in maniera ""ampia"" perch mancano i competitor ""pericolosi""B) comprendere quali siano VERAMENTE i tuoi concorrenti, e come distinguersi e rendersi appetibili e ""inarrestabili"" grazie alle offerte ben differenzianti e attraentiC) Costruire una prima impronta da dare al nuovo business, o per potenziare quello gi esistentePredisposizione degli Ausili, le procedure interne sono:A) Piano Comunicativo (1+ Canali comunicativi compatibili da utilizzare 2+ Argomenti da comunicare in linea con il Target 3+ Tempi di rilascio delle comunicazioni e quali tipi di comunicazione)B) Costruzione degli aspetti estetici delle comunicazioniC) Costruzione tecnica degli ausili (email marketing, sms marketing e altri strumenti)Avvio e Ricalibrazione, le procedure interne sono:A) Avvio di tutto il sistema (chiamato ""Funnel"" in realt un ""WorfFlow"")B) Verifica dei KPI e delle risposteC) Riaggiustamenti vari e OttimizzazioniD) Implementazioni del punto 2 A ed eventualmente del punto 2 CSperando di non aver tralasciato nulla, ti invito a vedere i video introduttivi per comprendere il valore di questo ""Corso Percorso Gi Da Altri Imprenditori"".Sicuramente, conoscendo SOLAMENTE questi concetti, e applicandoli, si ha quasi certamente un miglioramenti sugli utili, perch moltissimi imprenditori lavorano senza una concezione di cosa sia fare impresa e, purtroppo, ancora meno di cosa sia e fa di valore la PROPRIA IMPRESA.Spero di darti una mano concreta, un Saluto, Da Paone Ramon, Imprenditore ""Ruspante"""
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Morning Mastery" |
"This course can help you to become more productive, energetic, positive, and have a better day.If you plan out your day and think of how to make use of your time each day, you can really make the time you have count.The following topics will be covered in this course:How to be more productiveHow to accomplish all goals you set in lifeHow to reduce stress and anxiety by starting your day rightHow to enjoy better sleepHow to feel more positiveHow to be healthier and improve general well-beingHow to lead a happier lifeHow to be highly motivatedHow to have an amazing start to your day!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Deploy Machine Learning Models on GCP + AWS Lambda (Docker)" |
"Hello everyone, welcome to one of the most practical course on Machine learning and Deep learning model deployment production level.What is model deployment :Let's say you have a model after doing some rigorous training on your data set. But now what to do with this model. You have tested your model with testing data set that's fine. You got very good accuracy also with this model. But real test will come when live data will hit your model. So This course is about How to serialize your model and deployed on server.After attending this course :you will be able to deploy a model on a cloud server. You will be ahead one step in a machine learning journey.You will be able to add one more machine learning skill in your resume.What is going to cover in this course?1. Course IntroductionIn this section I will teach you about what is model deployment basic idea about machine learning system design workflow and different deployment options are available at a cloud level.2. Flask Crash courseIn this section you will learn about crash course on flask for those of you who is not familiar with flask framework as we are going to deploy model with the help of this flask web development framework available in Python.3. Model Deployment with FlaskIn this section you will learn how to Serialize and Deserialize scikit-learn model and will deploy owner flask based Web services. For testing Web API we will use Postman API testing tool and Python requests module.4. Serialize Deep Learning Tensorflow Model In this section you will learn how to serialize and deserialize keras model on Fashion MNIST Dataset.5. Deploy on Heroku cloudIn this section you will learn how to deploy already serialized flower classification data set model which we have created in a last section will deploy on Heroku cloud - Pass solution.6. Deploy on Google cloudIn this section you will learn how to deploy model on different Google cloud services like Google Cloud function, Google app engine and Google managed AI cloud.7. Deploy on Amazon AWS LambdaIn this section, you will learn how to deploy flower classification model on AWS lambda function.8. Deploy on Amazon AWS ECS with Docker ContainerIn This section, we will see how to put application inside docker container and deploy it inside Amazon ECS (Elastic Container Services)This course comes with 30 days money back guarantee. No question ask. So what are you waiting for just enroll it today.I will see you inside class.Happy learningAnkit Mistry"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"AWS DNS & Networking Expert Class (English)" |
"Q. Are you looking for learning AWS or Cloud Computing?Q. Looking forward for one place where you can get the quality content and can understand the concept in real with similar to live environment?Q. Confused where should I go?Q. Also, can put some effort and like to learn by Watching practical based tutorial?If your answer is Yes to all these questions, you are at right place go through the Course and you will be an AWS Guru after doing this completely.After covering all Modules, you can Go for Global Certification AWS Solution Architect Associate 2020. This course cover major networking services for AWS such as Route 53, VPC in detail along with Lab. Important Tip - Here is that watch video completely, do practically by using Free Tier Account. Wish you all the best... Keep Learning and Keep Rocking....."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Top Linux Interview Questions & Answers (beginner-advanced)" |
"This course is suitable for beginner to advanced levels/students.The course aims to prepare the student very well for some of the most common interview questions for Linux related jobs/careers.The course is highly recommended for Linux beginners, and should help the student to start using Linux very quickly.Via detailed answers, clear explanations and engaging practical examples using the Linux BASH shell terminal, the student should be able to do extremely well during interview questions, and successfully secure that job.Linux version used for this course is Ubuntu Linux 18.04, and a live dvd version is used via a virtual machine, so that the student can actually see the Linux desktop while listening to the lectures and following the practical examples.If you learn and understand all the answers to the 57 questions in this course, you should be able to comfortably ace most interviews for junior to intermediate level Linux jobs."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Adobe Xd Webdesign: Design websites from zero: UX & UI" |
"Is Adobe Xd really better than Photoshop when it comes to webdesign?The problemThe problem with designing websites in older design tools (like Photoshop or Illustrator) is that these tools don't have the features that UX/UI designers really need to help them designing websites. Like working with color pallets, font style guides and repeating elements. Or things like sharing your work via prototypes. These old software tools are also not vector, which can be an issue for development. What is the solution?Working with Adobe Xd! Because Adobe Xd was built with UI/UX designers in mind. This means that Adobe has done everything to make sure that you can design and share your work without limitations. The only thing you have to do is prepare a few things upfront and then re-use your elements on the whole website. What if I don't have any design elements?In this course was build for people who only have Adobe Xd on their computer. I will give you my design files to practice and I will give you websites where you can get fonts, colors and images for free (for your next project). The opportunityLearning how to design websites comes with huge opportunities. You will be able to design your own website (like I do in this course) or design websites for other people or businesses. This makes website creation a hugely profitable skill. Companies are willing to spend thousands of dollars for each website. Why is this course different?Most Adobe Xd courses on this platform focus on App Design. This is cool and very fancy, but I like a more realistic approach. Because from my experience an UI/UX designer doesn't start his first interface design project for a cool startup. We start by designing websites for web and mobile. This is why I believe this course is very different from most of the courses about Adobe Xd. Again, app design is fancy, but I like to give you a skill that you can actually start using next week (because you probably already know a few people who need a redesign for their current website, don't you?).I am not new to this gameI've gathered more than 30.000 subscribers on YouTube over the past few years and generated more than over 4 million views. I've been so thankful and happy that people like my content. That's why I'm also creating online video courses now. Step by stepIn this course we are not going to rush and design a quick cool website without learning the basics first. There is enough of that on the internet. I am going to show you a real project where I'm going to start from scratch and slowly built up 4 pages in Adobe XD. This means that I will show you all the steps, from the first title to the last button.Once we progress in the course (and you've seen the same techniques over and over) we will slowly start increasing the speed so will also be able to speed up your skills by watching this course. Reviews from others""I watch your videos and I get inspired every time because of your work/design."" - Sam""Your channel has inspired me to start designing myself."" - Jordy""I can't wait until the next video. I am following you for 4 years already and I've learned how to design this way :)"" - FloorBuy without any riskIf you really don't like my course, then that's not a problem. You can just ask your money back with the 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee that this website offers. This makes it possible for everybody to hop on the course. Sign up for the course and you can start right away!"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Living beyond Denial - Transcending Perceptions A6.5" |
"How to get over the feeling of needing to be in denial or deceitful. A course on training your mind to escape its own traps.KEY: Recognizing how you feel, IS how you want to feel misunderstood.----Did you know: All of our courses are unscripted. Each course in the series is so similar because one is recorded for each, back to back. These courses are guided by spiritual support and inspiration. ----This one course of a seven-part course-series called Transcending Perceptions. It is complete in itself, however, this one course is specifically focused on getting over the need to be in denial or deceitful. For your professor Rev. Devan Jesse Byrne this mind-training comes second nature and is a simple choice that can be made at any time if desired.Here you will learn techniques and strategies to think differently and overcome the blocks and obstacles which seem in the way of allowing yourself to live an enjoyable life. Justifiably you have felt this way in your life because there have seemed to be many reasons in the world conforming to the need for it. Part of this mind-training is in the realm of recognizing you have misunderstood the reality of these justifications, and have made then perceptually larger and more unmovable then they actually are. A common occurrence when the mind attempts to protect itself from seeming threats.A large part of this course and for you to truly succeed in what it offers is the willingness to see things differently. Your emotions are justified in the world (of bodies). So the key is to see the world differently. In a spiritual-universe, the rules and regulations are drastically different. Freedom is our inheritance within this spiritual reality. This pain you feel is a part of your self-made prison, which IF you recognized how you got into it, also would you recognize your way out!KEY: Recognizing how you feel, IS how you want to feel misunderstood."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Arduino & Node.JS ile GSM Tabanl Konum Takip Proje Tasarm" |
"ArduinoArduino ekosistemine hzl bir giri yaptktan sonra Arduino programlamann temellerini reneceksiniz. Giri/k ilemleri, Analog/Dijital gibi kavramlarn dnda Arduino kartlarnn enerji gereksinimleri gibi konular da detayl olarak izleyeceksiniz.GSM Shield / GSM ModlSIM800C tabanl GSM Shield' detaylca inceleyeceiz. SMS, arama yapma gibi konular rendikten sonra gerek zamanl veri transferi iin MQTT iletiimini reneceksiniz. GSM Shield/Modl seiminde yaanan sorunlar konusunda farkndalk sahibi olacanz iin, doru kart seimi yapabileceksiniz.GPS ModlEitimde NEO 6M tabanl bir GPS modl greceksiniz. GPS modlnn verdii ham verileri yani NMEA verilerini inceleyip, ihtiyacnz olan bilgileri yazlm ile nasl alacanz reneceksiniz. Bunun dnda TinyGPS ktphanesine gz atp kendi yazlmmza nas entegre edeceimizi de greceiz. Konum, irtifa, hz, tarih ve zaman gibi bilgileri de projemizde kullanacaz. Node.JSNode.JS, gnmzn en popler yazlm gelitirme dillerinden biri . ok geni bir kullanm alanna sahip ve renmesi olduka kolay. Biz de kurs ierisinde hibir d servise bal kalmadan, tm backend ilemlerini Node.JS ile yapyoruz. MQTT broker' Node.JS ile hazrlyoruz ve tm veri alveriini bu server zerinden yapyoruz.React ile WEB Uygulamas GelitirmeWeb sayfalarnzda gl kullanc deneyimi sunmak istediinizde yardmnza koan ilk aralardan biri React oluyor. Gnmz itibari ile mimarisini ve gcn kantlam en iyi arayz gelitirme aralarndan birisi. Biz de kurs ierisinde konum takip projemizin web ekrann React ile gelitiriyoruz.React Native ile Mobil Uygulama GelitirmeReact Native; mobil iletim sistemleri iin kararl ve yksek performansl uygulamalar gelitirmek istediinizde ayn kod ile IOS ve Android ortamlarna uygulama karabilen harika bir ara. Kurs ierisinde React Native'i kullanarak mobil uygulamalarmz da gelitiriyoruz. Kullandnzda ok seveceksiniz :)MQTTArduino ve GSM kullanarak MQTT client' oluturmann bir ok sorunlu yan var. Bu sorunlar ap sorunsuz alan bir sistem tasarmn reneceksiniz. Hem donanm hem Arduino yazlmn reneceksiniz.Pil Ynetim SistemiElektronik devrelerinizi elektrik ile beslemeyi izleyeceksiniz. zellikle lityum ion/polimer pillerin arj ve pilin gerilimini sistemin altrma gerilimi olan 5V'a ykseltmeyi reneceksiniz.3D Modelleme TinkerCAD ile hzl bir ekilde 3 boyutlu modellemeye giri yapacaksnz. Elektronik projelerimiz iin kutu tasarmn reneceksiniz.3D Bask3D modelimizi 3 boyutlu yazc ile basp kullanacaz. Bu kapsamda 3D yazc ve 3D model arasndaki balant ve tasarmda dikkat edilmesi gerekenleri reneceksiniz. Projemizdeki konum takip cihazna bir de kutu yapacaz."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |