Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Stress Management: 20+ Ways to Reduce Stress" |
"What if I told you that you could start living a happier, more fulfilling life today? Do you want to sleep better and have more energy? Imagine living life with purpose and meaning.Many of us are dealing with stress at a chronic level. Because of this constant stress, we are finding ourselves not only physically, but also mentally and emotionally depleted. Stress has become an epidemic and is costing us greatly. It is driving us to the doctor and is even driving us to our graves. Chronic stress is connected to six leading causes of death!After completing this course, you will be able to use these techniques to manage and reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. You will be able to sleep better and have more energy and have reduced pain and fatigue.Some may ask what do I know about the subject of Stress Management? I do not have a doctorate in psychology. There are no cool titles or letters before or after my name. No Dr. Eidson or Christy Eidson, Ph.D. Im just your average Joe. I finally found ways to reduce my stress, but it took a lot of work. I am experiencing the lowest level of stress that I have felt in years.I may be a comedian, but this is a very serious topic to me, and one that we see affecting most of us on a daily basis. It is a perfect topic for a comedian to cover because, as a group, most comedians are often affected by anxiety and depression. We use humor as a coping mechanism in dealing with stress in our search for happiness. We search and search for exterior elements to make us happy, but that wont happen, at least not for the long-run. True happiness comes from within.I have been doing standup for over 15 years. I have been suffering from anxiety and depression for twice as long. I have been suffering from chronic insomnia for the better part of the past decade. It has taken me half of my life of trial and error to figure out what works for me to cope.With this course, I will help you reduce stress while seeing your life in a new light. You will be able to define stress and identify stressors, discover helpful and effective stress management techniques that have been proven to work. I havent selected these techniques flippantly. They have worked for me, but why? I started researching the science behind each one and share it with you here.In these lessons, I may mention pop culture references to make my points. I think it makes the material more relatable. For instance, I will be mentioning the Bill Murray movie, What About Bob. In the movie, Bob had to learn to cope with his anxiety by not get overwhelmed with how monumental the task was, but instead by taking baby steps to achieve his goals. He used baby steps to make changes in his life and not become crippled by his fear.I am not happy one hundred percent of the time, but I have learned various ways of coping with the negatives when they pop up. I have spent half of my life suffering from depression and anxiety. I have lost jobs because of it, shut people out because of it, and even lost my home because of it. But I have come out on the other side. I have found purpose in my life, started a business that fulfills me, and found joy in the small things. I have learned to stay in the moment and really enjoy the here and now.In this course, you will also receive The Heart of Happiness WORKBOOK for FREE!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Chitarra Elettrica Base - Pop/Rock - Le Basi" |
"Incontra Emilio, il tuo nuovo tutor on line di chitarra elettrica e inizia a suonare fin da subito con il video corso in 6 lezioni.I primi accordi, il tempo e il ritmo, laccordatura dello strumento, i power chords e tanto altro.Inoltre con le 3 lezioni bonus impari i nomi delle parti componenti della chitarra, impari ad accordare e cambiarti le corde da solo, in modo pratico ed esaustivo!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Python 3 Course For Beginners" |
"Today python has a grate demand in industry. So if you learn this language it will help you to get your dream job also! Python is a very easy to learn and powerful language.Unlike very long courses, this Python course doesn't focus on giving you as much information as possible. Instead, it focuses in practical programming showing you the way to build complete Python program from start to finish. Of course the course covers all the Python basics in detail and on top of that uses practical examples to illustrate the concepts. Once you have learned the basics, instead of teaching you advanced and rarely used code that you will most likely forget, the course progresses into showing you how to build real applications that people can actually use.Learning Python will give you more opportunities for jobs and career advancement because Python is one of the most requested skills today."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"BRANDING, Singers, Songwriters, Bands & Performing Artist." |
"Working in the brand & marketing for over 15 years, Lord Johnson has created great wealth to companies, products and performing artist, with his unique method of developing the right story and image that makes everything created by him a press release sensation. Listen carefully and if you do everything mentioned in this course and put in the work needed you are sure to get the results you desire."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
qevgvsra |
Price: 10800.00 ![]() |
"Algorithmes d'optimisation : Exemples dtaills" |
"Ce cours montre sur des exemples les tapes de chacun des algorithmes suivants :- Algorithme de Little- Algorithme de Dijkstra- Algorithme de Bellman-Ford- Algorithme de JohnsonChaque exemple est trait la main sur un tableau, pas pas, avec avec une explication dtaille des tapes successives.L'objectif est de comprendre comment chaque algorithme tourne, comment il traite les donnes travers ses diffrentes tapes et itrations pour arriver la fin une solution optimale."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Tia Portal ile Siemens S7-1200 PLC Programlama (1)" |
"Bu eitimde, uzun yllar endstriyel otomasyon alannda alan bir mhendis olarak yllarn verdii saha tecrbesi ve birikim ile PLC programlamay anlatyorum. Bu konu hakknda daha nceden bir bilginizin olmamas hi problem deil. nk sfrdan balayarak ileri dzeye doru adm adm gideceiz. Derslerimizi srasyla izleyip ve derslerde anlatlanlar uyguladnzda, PLC programlama konusunda ok iyi bir noktaya geleceinizi size garanti ediyorum.Bu kursun dier kurslarndan fark, PLC programlamann iin temeline konarak btnyle bir endstriyel otomasyon eitimi verilmesi, eitmenin bu konuda uzun yllar boyunca yaad tecrbeleri eitim srecine dahil etmesi ve eitimi bitiren rencilerin eitim sonunda bir vizyon edinmelerini salamasdr. Ayrca bu kursta, renciler sorduklar sorulara annda geri dn almakta ve sanki bu konuda zel bir ders alyormu gibi hissetmektedirler. Kursun bu dinamik yaps, rencilere ksa srede konular anlama ve hedeflerine ulama konusunda yardmc olmaktadr.Bu eitimde; programlama dnda saha ekipmanlarnn seimi, ekipman arzalar ve i grmelerinde PLC programlama konusunda karnza gelebilecek sorulara kadar sizlere faydal olacak bir ok ey bulacaksnz. Kurs boyunca, elinizde herhangi bir PLC olmadan programlama yapabilecek, programlarnz PLC SIM ve Factory IO zerinde simle ederek her eyi kontrol edebilecek ve sistemin sahada gerek ekipmanlar zerinde nasl altn grebildiiniz bir eitim tecrbesi yaayacaksnz. (Factory IO program kursun 2. ksmnda eitime dahil olacaktr)Eitimin her bir ksm bittikten sonra rendiiniz her eyi pekitirmeniz iin sizlere ok faydal olacak rnek otomasyon projeleri ve uygulamalar yapacam. Bylece bu eitimin sonunda, sizler de benim gibi PLC programlayabilecek, sistem arzalarna mdahale edebilecek ve PLC tabanl otomasyon projeleri yapabileceksiniz.Yukarda sylediim btn her eyi yapabilme amacyla oluturduum PLC programlama eitimi, temelden ileri dzeye doru 3 ksmdan olumaktadr. Kursun birinci ksmnn bitirmekle iyi bir PLC programcs olma yolunda ilk nemli adm atm olacaksnz."
Price: 399.99 ![]() |
"Siemens WinCC SCADA Programming, SCADA1 ( Basic )" |
"Hi dear Friend!Code: DISCOUNT9Looking to improve your career in Industrial Automation and SCADA programming , PLC & SCADA design track and being able to design a complete project?What Do you think ?If your answer is YES, then you're definitely in the right place.Let's start learning,Do not forget to look at my other trainings after this training,I provide P7, HSC trainings with S71500, S71200, S7300 PLC, HMI & WinCC SCADA Trainings, AC and Servo drives.I am waiting for all your questions and opinions"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"The Beginner's JavaScript Course" |
"Welcome to my JavaScript course. This JavaScript course is designed to take you zero to hero in coding. Learn to code practically using this comprehensive JavaScript course. Whether you want to learn JavaScript because: You are a beginner and want to code like a professional Enhance your coding skills. You are an existing programmer and want to learn JavaScript from scratch Apply for programming or web development related jobs Get started with JavaScript and boost your Web Development career.Why This Course? Learn programming practically. Learn Basics and Advanced Of JavaScript. The course is well structured and easy to learn. High quality support from a professional web developer. Start as a beginner and go all the way to make your responsive websites."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Momentum Trading Start" |
"Este curso nasceu da necessidade de ensinar mercado financeiro para quem no sabe absolutamente nada do assunto, de forma estruturada e simples. A meta levar voc at conhecer as bases de como funcionar o mercado, uma introduo famosa tcnica do price action e, por fim, fazer com que voc seja capaz de abrir uma conta demonstrativa na corretora, instalar e configurar o famoso meta trader e aprender a realizar operaes simuladas no mercado real."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Swing Trading Bootcamp For Traders & Investors (NEW 2020)" |
"Attention Traders, Investors & Stock Market Lovers!Finally You'll Discover All Secret Swing Trading Hacks to Achieve Consistent Profits Every Single Week. Get Results or Your Money Back!The Swing Trading Bootcamp For Traders & Investors is designed to bring you a proven trading system and technical analysis setups that help you find the highest probability trades as easy as counting 1... 2... 3...In this course, you'll master how to use advanced technical indicators and oscillators for analyzing and predicting upcoming market trends with high accuracy and confidence.You'll also learn how to further empower your trading strategies with the best performing candlestick and chart patterns on earth so that you can consistently beat the market.What you're going to learn in this course can be used for trading securities in any freely traded markets around the world. These include stocks, options, forex, cryptocurrencies, ETFs, and even bonds.In this course, you will learn... Learn All Secret Swing Trading Strategies & Profitable Technical Analysis Setups With Real World Examples!How to Build a Solid Strong Technical Analysis Foundation For Swing TradingHow to Use Technical Indicators & Oscillators For Swing TradingHow to Trade Support & Resistance LevelsHow to Trade Fibonacci LevelsHow to Identify Market Trends Using EMA and MACDHow to Identify Overbought and Oversold Conditions Using RSI and StochasticHow to Trade Bollinger Bands Breakout With MACD and Increased VolumeHow to Use Candlestick Trading Strategies For Swing TradingHow to Trade Marubozu PatternsHow to Trade Doji PatternsHow to Trade Harami PatternsHow to Trade Engulfing PatternsHow to Trade Hammer and Hanging Man PatternsHow to Trade Inverted Hammer and Shooting Star PatternsHow to Trade Morning and Evening Star PatternsHow to Trade Three White Soldiers and Three Black Crows PatternsHow to Use Chart Pattern Trading Strategies For Swing TradingHow to Trade Head and Shoulders PatternsHow to Trade Double Top and Bottom PatternsHow to Trade Rounding Top and Bottom PatternsHow to Trade Rectangle Top and Bottom PatternsHow to Trade Wedge and Triangle PatternsHow to Trade Flag and Penant PatternsHow to Trade Cup and Handle PatternsHow to Trade Dead Cat Bounce PatternsAnd a lot more...What is more?You will get a lifetime access to this course, without any limits!The course will keep updating frequently with more up-to-date learning resources.Get dedicated support from the course Instructors and the learning community anytime you need!You will also get a 30-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE, so don't hesitate to give yourself a chance to learn new things by just taking this course now!So let me ask you this... Will your investment portfolio grow much faster in the next 12 months after having this swing trading system...Do you have some money to invest?Are you reasonably intelligent?Does your family need extra care or support?Are you willing to learn a new skill that guarantees you a second income for the rest of your life?Would you like to work less and make more?I will assume your answers are the same as mine...Then You Have 2 Clear Choices1. Keep doing things the way you have been and remain frustrated, lose money and simply get use to your average life...or2. Enroll in The Swing Trading Bootcamp For Traders & Investors and become a ninja swing trader, start making a good living trading online, and never worry about money ever again.Now You Have a Big Chance to Upgrade Your Swing Trading SkillsListen, if you dont get how important mastering these swing trading strategies is then dont enroll in this program.Keep shlepping away in the same manner you have been, maybe youll get a different result :)In that case, you're going to wake up 6 months from now, with everything still very much the same as it is today - don't know how to trade, have no clue about what's going on with your money, stress, feel frustrated you know how it goes.Is that you want for yourself?No. I don't want that for you either which is why I want you to do something right now. Sign up for this course, learn all the profitable swing trading hacks, and start trading from home today.Simply click the Enroll Now button to get started now!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"This webinar is specifically designed for breathwork practitioners to guide the use of touch and bodywork in breath sessions. One of the six key elements of BBTRS is TOUCH. Touch can be used in many different ways: for the purpose of resourcing; activating the parasympathetic rest and digest response, activation of the sympathetic nervous system for flight or fight and also myofascial bodywork for structural alignment. The energetic residues of our traumatic events, experiences, emotions or accidents are stored in the soft tissue in the fascial network of our bodies. Skilful use of bodywork along with conscious breathing can tremendously support clients in trauma resolution. The contents of this webinar cover strokes and bodywork techniques for all seven major belts of tension as well as the necessary anatomical, structural and physiological knowledge to apply them safely and with confidence. The download also includes a short quiz that all BBTRS students need to complete in order to receive credit towards their certification. The recording of this webinar is 1.5 hours in total. It is part of the required Curriculum for the BBTRS practitioner certification program and the information covered will also benefit massage therapists, yoga teachers, and others in the healing professions.Topics covered in this webinar are:Use of different types of touch in BBTRS sessionsFour stages of conscious touchExplanation of the Fascial networkThe importance of the Iliopsoas muscle and its relationship to traumaBodywork & Anatomy forOcular beltCervical and Oral beltThoracic belt, including shoulder, arms and handsDiaphragmatic and Abdominal beltPelvic belt, including legs and feet."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Product Design Fundamentals" |
"If you are setting out on your entrepreneurial journey, or facing challenges in understanding how to align your business to the product, this is the place for you to start. Through this course you will be able to gain clarity in your design process and ensure that the product you are creating is aligned to the business goals. Using a user-centric approach, we will guide you through a step by step approach and help you ask the right questions to create products that sell. Each phase is conducted with minimal resources so you may be able to sample small and fail quick , instead of spending a lot of time and resources on product development and then finding out that the product is either not usable or not required by your customers.The entire course has been created and explained using a case study of a 'Cookie Bites App'.By the end of the course, if you are able to think differently when creating products then this course has achieved its goal."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Automating Administration Using Ansible on CentOS 8" |
"With Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 the RHCE has changed to being able to manage your estate with Ansible, the configuration management system owned by Red Hat. This course takes you from zero to hero and in Ansible and prepares you for the exam if tis is something you want to take. Regardless of the exam using both Ubuntu and CentOS, as well as a little Raspberry Pi, you will be prepared for the real world as you are not working with a single Linux distribution. You will learn to manage multiple distributions of Linux and the short-cuts created by Ansible to make this happen."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Freelancers & Entrepreneurs: Resume (CV) & First Steps" |
"The first part of this course is for Freelancers/Entrepreneurs who need a Resume to send to prospective clients in order to get hired for specific jobs. Resumes for Freelancers are very different from those of employees and office workers.What are the differences?This class covers all of that, going through a real example, step by step.The Second part is for those of you who wish to earn a living from Freelancing. Those of you who would like to use your skills as an artist/designer/writer/translator/researcher/photographer/consultant/editor/programmer/etc. etc. and find a way to earn money, so you can have extra income, or even to earn a living, so you can quit your job and do your own work full-time.Chances are, you would like to start earning a living from being a Freelancer, but you're not sure where or how to start. Well then, this Course is for you!This Course will explain what you should do when you're starting from Zero. It will go through what to prepare ahead of time (so you won't be caught unprepared later!), as well as how to then find clients, approach them, and get chosen for freelance jobs."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"LinuxLinuC ver. 10" |
"LinuxLinuxLinuxLinuC 1 10LinuxUnix"
Price: 10800.00 ![]() |
"2020Adobe XD UI/UX" |
Price: 19800.00 ![]() |
"Technical Analysis 101: Indicators & Strategy for Trading" |
"Ichimoku, Fibonacci, Bollinger Bands, flags and pennants. Confused yet? This introductory course breaks down technical analysis into easily understandable bite-sized lessons. Learn a variety of technical indicators and chart patterns and learn how to incorporate them into your trading strategy. Regardless of your investing/ trading timeframe (minutes, hours, weeks or months) or whether you intend to predominantly use fundamental analysis for investing/ trading, this course equips you with the basics of technical analysis every trader should know.The course covers:Theoretical Foundations (Efficient Market Hypothesis & Behavioral Finance)Japanese CandlesticksSupport & ResistanceFibonacciPivot PointsMoving Averages (EMA & SMA)Oscillators (MACD, RSI, Stochastic)Williams %RBollinger Bands & Keltner ChannelsParabolic SARAverage Directional Index (ADX)Ichimoku Kinko Hyo (IKH)Elliot WavesHarmonic Price PatternsChart PatternsIncorporating Technical Analysis into Trading Strategy"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cmo Crear tu Tienda en lnea desde Cero utilizando Shopify" |
"Nunca haba sido tan fcil vender en cualquier ciudad y a cualquier parte del mundo. Crea tu Tienda Ecommerce en Shopify Paso a Paso sin experiencia previa.Este curso es para ti, si quieres:- Crear una tienda en lnea que se convierta en tu sucursal digital para vender a todo el mundo- Establecer y crecer tu marca en internet sin contratar costosas agencias digitales- Aprender de CERO A CIEN cmo utilizar la mejor plataforma del mundo para ecommerce como es Shopify.- Emprender un negocio de Dropshipping vendiendo productos sin inversin inicial a sus productores directos de China. Nunca tendrs saldo negativo, ya que compras solamente los productos que has vendido.Aprenders todo lo necesario para crear, disear y lanzar una tienda para vender tus productos a cualquier parte del mundo, incluimos informacin sobre el manejo de impuestos y envos para cualquier pas. Puedes tener tu tienda registrada localmente, pero vender en los mercados ms grandes del mundo como Estados Unidos, Canad, Europa o Amrica Latina.Tu propio Ecommerce:Haremos en vivo las configuraciones bsicas que cualquier tienda necesita para funcionar correctamente.Tambin aprenders a elegir el mejor plan de shopify para tu negocio.Personalizacin:Personaliza tu tienda 100% FULL con banners profesionales, logos, temas sin necesidad de contratar una agencia de diseo grfico.Tu tienda tiene super poderes con las apps de la Shopify Store. Te ayudamos a elegir las mejores, as como aprender a espiar a las que utiliza tu competencia.Cobros y Pagos:Configuraremos todos los procesadores de pagos como Paypal, Stripe, Oxxo, tiendas de conveniencia, Mercado Pago, Conekta e incluso podrs aceptar Bitcoin y otras Cryptomonedas.Ahorra Dinero:Ahorra tiempo buscando profesionales de shopify o agencias. Sigue paso a paso este entrenamiento completo para lanzar tu tienda en lnea en tiempo rcord."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"- AWS" |
Price: 7200.00 ![]() |
"JIRA in 2hrs - The crash Course for Managing Agile Projects" |
"JIRA Software is an agile project management tool that supports any agile methodology, be it scrum, Kanban, or your own unique flavor. From agile boards to reports, you can plan, track, and manage all your agile software development projects from a single tool. JIRA Software brings the power of the agile methodology to Atlassian's JIRA Software.With this course, you will dive straight into the action, exploring critical agile terminologies and concepts in the context of JIRA Software. You will learn how to plan, track, and release great software. This course will teach you how to choose a workflow, set issue types and assign permissions.You will learn to stay connected with your team from anywhere to ensure great development.You will also be able to use JIRA Dashboards to broadcast your project results to all stakeholders so everyone is aligned.By the end of this course, you will have developed a great working knowledge of JIRA Software, thus making your project management much more efficient."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"First Steps with Chef - A Recipe for Infrastructure as Code" |
"How does expressing Infrastructure as Code with Chef accelerate building, deploying, and managing infrastructure? This course will focus on executing Chef code with the chef-client and introduces the DSL for writing recipes and cookbooks.DevOps practitioners and systems administrators interested in learning how to automate configuration tasks with ChefWhat is so special about THIS course?Lectures backed by animated slides makes it simple and easy to understand. This is the only course that is hands on and coding exercises where you can practice developing Chef.ObjectivesIntroducing Config Management with ChefDescribe how automation and version control contribute to DevOpsDescribe the Chef distribution model and the declarative syntax used in writing Chef recipesInstall the Chef Development Kit (ChefDK)Recipes and Ruby BasicsUse the package and file resources inside of a Chef RecipeDescribe Ruby basics such as variables, arrays, and objectsCookbooks and the Chef-clientIdentify how recipes are packaged and distributed with cookbooksIdentify best practices of using Git for version controlDeploy a cookbook using the chef-client in local modeNode Attributes and TemplatesWork with system profiling with Ohai and accessing node object attributesUse the cookbook_file, remote_file, and template Chef resources to manage filesManage dynamic file creation using the template resourceRefactor recipes to use node attributes instead of hard-coded valuesPractice: Working with a Simple Web ServerBuild a simple Apache cookbook that configures a ""hello, world"" page to serve on the localhost"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mtodo de Elementos Finitos para Anlisis de Consolidacin" |
"Este curso se orienta a Ampliar tus Herramientas de resolucin del problema de consolidacin de suelos. Desarrollaremos un programa en Excel y MATLAB que te permitir tener diversas formas de obtener resultados rpidamente cambiando el tradicional uso de bacos para calculo de asentamiento.Muy recomendado haber cursado EL MTODO ELEMENTOS FINITOS tambin disponible en esta plataforma. Los temas a desarrollar incluyen:Teora de ConsolidacinEcuacin Diferencial del ProblemaFormulacin Fuerte y Dbil del ProblemaMatrices de Rigidez e HidrulicasProgramacin en ExcelUso del Mtodo de Diferencias Centrales Programacin y Graficado en Matlab para Resolver el Problema de AsentamientoEl curso no busca sustituir la formacin tradicional en Mecnica de Suelos, en s lo que se busca es ampliar y actualizar los mtodos tradicionales de resolucin tomando ventaja de la tecnologa. Es Ideal para cualquier Ingeniero Civil."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn English Idioms and Expressions with Diana -Course 2" |
"Would you like to easily understand native English speakers?Do you have to have amazing English fluency?Would you like to impress your friends, family, and even your boss at work with your English speaking?I'm Diana and I am back with my second course about English idioms:Learn English Idioms and Expressions with Diana - Course 2English idioms and expressions are famously difficult when you learn English. They are English expressions where collections of words mean something new For example, the phrase ""its in the bag"" - I think you know what bag means right?But do you know that this expression means: sure that something will be very successful?You can literally put something in a bag... thats what it means!But this special combination of words means something different.English native speakers, like myself, use them all the time! They are essential to communicate and understand in English. If you are one of the students that is serious about speaking English fluently, then this course is for you!My mission with my lessons is to make learning English idioms simple, fun and easy.In my lessons I give a lot of examples of the English idioms. I show you ways to use the expressions in a simple, easy and memorable way. This course will really help your confidence in English. You will feel more prepared for English conversations with native speakers.The best part of the course is you have constant feedback!After every lesson we have a special test video so you can test yourself!You will remember much more from the lesson and very soon you will feel comfortable to use the expressions when you speak English.In this course I have wonderful lessons about:musictravelbookslovesuccessand more!And I am sure you will love Learn English Idioms and Expressions with Diana - Course 2, but if for any reason you are not completely satisfied, you have a 30-day money-back guarantee!Join me now in Learn English Idioms and Expressions with Diana - Course 2 to take your English to the next level, with me, Diana.Thanks for watching, and see you in the course!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Cmo Vender con Instagram y Facebook" |
"Este es un Curso de Marketing en Instagram y Facebook enfocado en Negocios, es decir te ensear las estrategias precisas para obtener ms clientes y ventas y no slo seguidores y me gustas.Deja de perder el tiempo con estrategias que no obtienen resultados, aqu te ensear las dos estrategias para EN VERDAD VENDER POR INSTAGRAM Y FACEBOOK: 1) Marketing de Contenidos y 2) Anuncios Pagados"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Scurit internet, mots de passe - les conseils pratiques" |
"Bonjour! Ce cours s'adresse tous ceux d'entre vous qui souhaitez amliorer la scurit de vos donnes et de vos systmes informatiques (ordinateurs, mobiles, tablettes...). L'objectif de ce cours est de vous expliquer de faon claire et accessible le langage informatique qui est parfois trs complexe. Je suis disponible pour rpondre vos questions tout au long du cours, et mme aprs que vous l'ayez fini! Rappelez-vous, vous avez trente jours satisfait ou rembours! A bientt!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Restorative Yoga: Breathing Practices" |
"Restorative Breathing for Relaxation and Rejuvenation is a balanced sequence of restorative breathing poses for relief of stress, anxiety and tension. This course offers complete video instructions for each pose of the sequence. The use of props for each pose is shown in detail so that anyone, regardless of previous experience, can follow and experience the transformative effect and deep relaxation that restorative yoga has to offer. Yoga teachers will learn to assist students in restorative breathing poses; including assisting in prop set up, modifications and adjustments for each student's individual needs. This course is offered by Satya Greenstone. In the Tradition and Lineage of Sri Swami Satchidananda; Satya has been practicing and teaching yoga for 49 years.Restore yourself to your natural state of balance through the gentle supported poses of Restorative Breathing for Relaxation and Rejuvenation"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Teoria Musical para cantantes N2" |
"Este Curso esta Diseado para personas que ya tienen conocimientos de Msica, es la Secuencia del Curso N1 de Teoria Musical para Cantantes 1. El requisito Fundamental es que hayas aprobado satisfactoriamente el anterior curso, para que puedas comprender los temas.A continuacin el contenido:1. Triadas2. Funciones tonales3. Inversiones 4. Progresiones Armnicas5. Inversiones6. Inversiones Aplicadas a progresiones7. Acordes Suspendidos (sus2 y sus4)8. Sistema ternario 9. Escala Pentatonica10. Ejercicios de solfeo (Scatts)11. Escala Blues12. Ejercicios Rtmicos13. Duetos14. Anexos."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Programa de Musculacin sin material Entrenamiento en Casa" |
"Bienvenido en el curso el ms completo sobre la musculacin sin material !En este curso podrs aprender como entrenarte solo con el peso de tu cuerpo, en un espacio restringido, desde tu casa o desde cualquier lugar. Qu voy a encontrar en este curso ?- Mtodos de entrenamiento desde tu casa- Ejercicios y Rutinas para hombros : fuerza, resistencia, definicin muscular, hipertrofia- Ejercicios y Rutinas para bceps : fuerza, volumen- Ejercicios y Rutinas para triceps : fuerza, hipertrofia, definicin muscular- Ejercicios y Rutinas para antebrazos : fuerza, resistencia, definicin muscular- Ejercicios y Rutinas para pectorales : fuerza, volumen, resistencia, definicin muscular, explosividad- Ejercicios y Rutinas para espalda : fuerza, resistencia, definicin muscular- Ejercicios y Rutinas para lumbares : fuerza, resistencia- Ejercicios y Rutinas para glteos : fuerza, volumen, definicin muscular- Ejercicios y Rutinas para piernas y gemelos : fuerza, definicin muscular, resistencia, volumen- Rutinas integrales Full body de 40, 50 y 60 minutos- Rutinas intensas de 40 minutos para la parte alta del cuerpo- Rutinas intensas de 40 minutos para la parte baja del cuerpoAl practicar este curso, disfrutars:Conocer los principios de entrenamiento que lo capacitarn para ser fsicamente poderosoIntensificar tu fuerzaIncrementar tu resistenciaAumentar tu flexibilidad, tu movilidadDesarrollar el cuerpo armonioso que deseasSentirte mejor, ms enrgicoDesestresarte al reenfocarte en el esfuerzo fsicoDesarrollar tu capacidad pulmonar, cardiorrespiratoriaTener glteos firmes y bien redondeados.No solo tener abdominales marcados, sino funcionales y potentesTambin recuerdar que el deporte es uno de los mejores (quizs el mejor?) Tratamientos contra la depresin. Cuales son las ventajas de entrenar sin material ?Entrenar al peso corporal te permite seguir siendo un atleta libre. No es necesario ir al gimnasio o invertir en equipos costosos, solo usas tu peso corporal para entrenar.Practica tu sesin de musculacin donde quieras, ya que no depende de los horarios de un gimnasio, uno no se avergenza de las miradas de los dems ni molesta el precio de una suscripcin exorbitante.Los ejercicios de entrenamiento con peso corporal son poliarticulares, es decir, solicitan simultneamente varias cadenas musculares. Ninguna parte del cuerpo se olvida. Varios msculos se fortalecen durante un solo ejercicio. Obtienes una musculatura armoniosa mientras desarrollas una fuerza til, llamada funcional.Trabajar con el peso corporal es algo bueno si deseas tener una buena preparacin deportiva, porque te empuja a usar los llamados movimientos ""funcionales"", realizados en tu rutina deportiva diaria. Disparar, empujar, levantar, saltar, cargar, lanzar, correr, mantener ... son todas las acciones que realizas todos los das. Tienes que dominar tu cuerpo y manejar tu propio peso para realizar estos movimientos. Eres lo suficientemente pesado como para generar un trabajo muscular efectivo.Desarrolla eficazmente tus cualidades atlticas para un mejor rendimiento en tu deporte preferido. A diferencia de las mquinas, tendrs un mejor rendimiento haciendo ejercicios de peso corporal, para saltar ms alto o correr ms rpido, etc.El entrenamiento en peso corporal permite un trabajo efectivo en pliometra. Tus cualidades fsicas se mejoran sin recurrir a ningn material.Con el entrenamiento en peso corporal tambin se realiza un trabajo eficiente en isometra. Mientras ests inmvil, sientes que tus msculos se contraen. Durante un ejercicio esttico, siente que la cintura abdominal se contrae, las piernas y los msculos de la parte superior del cuerpo se tensan. Mejoras tu capacidad de resistir los msculos. Gracias a un trabajo con el peso corporal, puede enfrentar una multitud de solicitaciones musculares y contextos deportivos. Refuerza tu mente y tu voluntad.Permite reforzar las articulaciones, los tendones, los huesos : as te hars ms resistente ante un accidente. Trabajar con el peso del cuerpo previene lesiones.Mejora tu capacidad cardiorespiratoria.Por qu el deporte es esencial en tu vida?Sabemos que la actividad fsica es buena para la salud, a menudo lo hemos escuchado.Pero, para ser ms especficos, el deporte, para qu sirve realmente, excepto para ser ms fuerte, ms esttico, ms resistente?1) El deporte previene enfermedadesOsteoporosis, lumbago, reumatismo, cncer ... Una actividad regular lo mantendr alejado de estas enfermedades que pudren las vidas de nuestros adultos mayores.De hecho, generalmente nos damos cuenta de la importancia de nuestra salud cuando nos enfermamos o sufrimos repentinamente. Uno se dice ""flaco, qu bien que estaba antes, por qu me quejaba? "".Para los ms jvenes, el deporte fortalece todos los rganos, permitiendo adems tener un sistema inmunitario ms efectivo. Adis grasas incomodas, problemas respiratorios, problemas de eliminacin.El deporte te mantiene en forma de manera duradera y constante.2) El deporte cura enfermedadesTe sientes decaido o con bajo animo de vez en cuando?Depresin, ansiedad, pnico ... estos trastornos psicolgicos tienen un remedio fsico. El deporte permite al cuerpo liberar serotonina, encefalinas: son neuromediadores que nos hacen sentir bien, muy bien.Tienes pensamientos que dan vuelta en tu cabeza? Te aflige un dolor? El remordimiento te atrapa? Deshgate de esta energa vil al disfrutar de un deporte. Transpirar. Purificar las emociones a travs del deporte es algo que deberan ensearnos en la escuela.3) El deporte te hace vivir ms tiempoPregunta a nuestros mayores quin lo confirmar: la vida pasa muy rpido.Si quieres que no vaya demasiado rpido, quieres lograr tus proyectos, lograr algo grande, hermoso, saludable, prspero, recuerda que solo el deporte te dar energa y tiempo de hacerlo.4) El deporte da confianza en uno mismoVer los resultados rpidos con una pratica constante es un sentimiento muy hermoso.La comodidad de tener un cuerpo ms funcional y estetico se har sentir y percibir por los dems.Estamos en una sociedad de la imagen, de lo visual, y tan pronto como hacemos deporte, nuestro entorno, consciente o inconscientemente, nos presta ms atencin, el subconsciente sabe reconocer una morfologa deportiva o sedentaria.5) El deporte mejora la menteEl deporte nos permite progresar en nuestro rendimiento cognitivo, nuestra concentracin, nuestra memoria, nuestra atencin ... El estado fsico tambin determina cmo pensamos, qu tan rpido pensamos, qu tan eficientemente calculamos y administramos los datos.6) El deporte es la mejor cura para el insomnioS de lo que estoy hablando, he sido insomne durante 12 aos, con pldoras de todos los colores, escner cerebral, terapia de luz, etc.De hecho, tena demasiada energa. Los insomnes no son personas enfermas, no dormir no es una enfermedad, es un sntoma. Una seal de que tienes una energa desbordante, que se convierte en pensamientos por la noche, en una enorme imaginacin, en una creatividad incesante. Canalizando este excedente de energa a travs de una actividad fsica intensa, HIIT, cardio equilibrado es lo mejor que puede hacer para descansar la mente.7) El deporte permite trascenderseIr ms all, ir ms all de nuestra zona de confort, ir ms all de nosotros mismos, regresar en el momento del dolor/placer con xtasis ... Para saborear la vida, el placer intenso y natural.Estas son las promesas cumplidas del deporte. A veces estn esperando, pero siempre estarn all, una vez que el cuerpo est despejado por la respiracin, el sudor y el esfuerzo. Suscrbete ahora ya !"
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