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"Guided Meditations to Heal the Fear of Abandonment" |
"If you, or someone you know, suffer from excessive anxiety due to the idea of losing someone they care about, then you know how overwhelming the feelings can be. These emotions of fear almost always stem from past experiences. The resulting behavior can be extremely damaging to adult relationships.In this course, Guided Meditations to Heal the Fear of Abandonment, we'll be addressing and healing these underlying emotions and the repeating patterns they create.In each section of this course, I'll be providing useful lecture material, true stories, contemplations, and deep guided meditations to help you heal past trauma and assist you on your path to wholeness.Topics in this course will include:The importance of learning how to enter states of DEEP RELAXATION.Understanding the CAUSES, SYMPTOMS, and TECHNIQUES to heal the FEAR of ABANDONMENT.Utilizing CONTEMPLATION to gain insight into healing emotions that underly abandonment issues.How to heal SUPPRESSED EMOTION from the past, with THREE GUIDED MEDITATION TECHNIQUES.Two TRUE STORIES of how Fear of Abandonment can impact the lives of adults.A VERIFICATION SHEET to help chart your success.Although there are no prerequisites for this course, some experience in meditation will be helpful. But more than anything, what you really need is a burning desire to take action to heal your inner world.This course is very personal to me because I have experienced and overcome the effects of Abandonment and I hope I can help you do the same.What students are saying:I wanted to tell you that Ive taken a lot of online courses & yours are some of the best Ive come across Lauren Carterthe meditations are next-level awesome. Courtney SeardThis course was delivered in a simple to follow fashion. I especially enjoyed the meditations and feel as though I really connected with and was able to truly feel a presence and full-body energy vibrations from each of them. This is a huge plus for me! So many courses and meditations out there that you end up not really connecting with and you leave feeling empty or dissatisfied with. This was not the case with this course. If you are in the early stages of a spiritual journey that you give this a try. You need to be connected with yourself and in the right frame of mind and this course walks you through each stage clearly and with easy to follow exercises. So worth it! Kevin DickensDrumheller asks me to go deep right off. He is gentle in his delivery, providing a safe space for me to resolve stuff I thought I had taken care of. I am looking forward to the rest of the course. Susy GoinsExcellent clarification and just amazing. Wow!! Mollie Shannon Rama"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Minicurso de Excel VBA" |
"Minicurso de Excel VBA com o objetivo de ensinar os alunos o bsico da programao de aplicativos dentro da sute de pacote de escritrios mais utilizado no mundo atravs da linguagem Visual Basic for Applications.Aprenda desde o zero absoluto, ou seja, como iniciar o Visual Basic Editor, e como criar macros simples no Excel, fazer alteraes nas funcionalidades da macro criada e por fim criar seus primeiros cdigos personalizados at a concluso do curso onde ser feito um formulrio VBA no Excel."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"1.1 Introduccin a los Sistemas Embebidos" |
"El curso esta pensado para ser una introduccion a los Sistemas Embebidos, por lo tanto esta orientado a que el estudiante razone y comprenda conceptos involucrados en el Desarrollo de Software a nivel Embebido.Mediante un criterio profesional el alumno podra involucrar el uso de un lenguaje tecnico en la explicacion de topicos relacionados con el tema en cuestion.Se hara notar porque la necesidad hoy en dia de Ingenieros en Desarrollo de Software Embebido con diferentes cualificaciones para afrontar retos, asi tambien del porque se debe estar familiarizado con diferentes topicos de la Ingenieria para la resolucion de problemas a efecto de los avances tecnologicos.Luego entonces el objetivo final es entender de manera clara ideas esenciales, como la diferencia entre un uP (microprocesador) y uC (microcontrolador) o el concepto cross- compiling; que despues el estudiante hara valer en poder seguir temas con mayor profundidad, tal como el desarrollo de drivers o Firmware para diferentes Arquitecturas Hardware."
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"1.2 ""C Programming"" para Sistemas Embebidos" |
"ADVERTENCIA: El curso NO se encuentra completo, se est trabajando en ello.Cada vez nuevos Microcontroladores se encuentran disponibles en el mercado, los viejos se vuelven redundantes y en este cambio lo nico que hasta este momento se ha mantenido igual es el lenguaje de programacin ""C"" para desarrollar sobre estos.Por tal, se propone este curso como una entrada para iniciar en el Desarrollo de Software Embebido de manera profesional.Este curso esta pensado para ser una introduccin a conceptos bsicos sobre la programacin de Sistemas Embebidos usando como principal lenguaje de programacin a ""C"".Por lo tanto este curso comprende lo esencial sobre el lenguaje de programacin ""C"" para Desarrollo Embebido basado en Microcontroladores.Estructuras de control, funciones, variables, tipos de datos, ""Bitwise Operators"", ""Bit masking"", ""Bit monitoring"" y mucho ms son los tpicos se llevaran a cabo durante el curso.Adems se realizarn practicas con el objetivo de afianzar conceptos y teora propuesta en el curso."
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"A complete Guide to Personal Effectiveness & Development" |
"This module revolves around the learnings I have gathered in my 30 years of professional life and the coaching I had received from senior Leaders I had worked with.I got shaped through these traits and looked for reasons why some were good leaders and had impacts on others.This module is sum total of the insights of my 30 years of Professional life.You will cherish this.I have kept all the things and examples unchanged.CheersKalyan Das"
Price: 12800.00 ![]() |
"SharePoint 2013/2016 List & Workflow" |
"This course describes the SharePoint custom list & workflow step by step that copies a list item when created, then create a list item to another sub-site. Also, when we update the list item it also updates the corresponding list item to other site. You will also be able to loop through each item in a list and work on that using the workflow.So, you will be able to create lists in a way that allows SharePoint sub-sites ""list to list"" data transfer, workflow using Call HTTP Web Service, use of workflow variables, SharePoint app permissions, use of Advanced REST Client to view the results and step by step development of workflow using SharePoint designer 2013."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Angularjs for Beginners" |
"This course teaches Angularjs 1.X version step by step, below are the topics covered :- Lab 1:- $scope, $rootscope, controller, models, expression & debugging.Lab 2 :- Digest Cycle, watchers, One time, $watch and $apply.Lab 3 :- Services and FactoryLab 4 :- Using $http service with WebAPI as back end.Lab 5 :- Custom Directives, Restrict and Isolation Scope.Lab 6:- Deferred and Promises.Lab 7 :- Angular Unit Testing using Jasmine.Lab 8 :- Implementing SPA using Angular Route and Angular UI Router.Lab 9 :- Emit, BroadCast and On Events.Lab 10 :- Filters in Angular.Lab 11 :- JQuery with AngularJS.Lab 12 :- Dot Rule and Controller AS Keyword.Lab 13:- Angular Provider (Constant, Values, Provider, Service and Decorator)."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Find and keep motivation" |
"This is course about motivation, passion and self-esteem. You can take practices from this course to become more motivated, passionate and result-oriented.During the course you learn about theories. Self-efficacy will show you how people are different based on their internal burn to success, two-factor theory takes it to other level showing two kind of motivators that affect to use. You will also learn about Maslow's hierarchy of needs how people can either reach or want to get in different levels. Vroom's expectancy theory is easy to understand as different things like attitude will affect to our success. Locke's goal setting theory shows how important it is to know your target. All theories have practice to make sure you understand and can put it to your life. In your path to better life and motivation you have to understand your strengths and weaknesses clearly. I teach you in this course what kind of question you must ask yourself to make it clear.Other section you learn how to either find your passion, keep up in current status or make changes. Sometimes we feel that nothing is happening, we wait for changes but are not able to do it. Sometimes we feel everything is okay, but still missing something. Most people want changes, but we know that if we are able to just keep up in current, it can be enough. You learn how to make changes, improve and prepare yourself mentally!There are also examples of successful people. These people come from business, entertainment, political, religious and research backgrounds. All of them have been successful and you can learn from each of them. Take it part of your toolbox and make changes or learn to observe others.Latest update for this course: start with motivation and passion and latest findings. You have to make sure especially in these difficult times how it's possible see the light at the end of tunnel. Make sure you keep yourself ready for your next career step even if it looks far now!This course is a complete package you can do on your own with time. Enroll today and start your journey for better, improved, motivated and passionate life! You deserve it."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"What should you sell in a Government Contracting Business?" |
"Not sure what to sell to the government or what type of GovCon Business to open?This is one of the most important questions to ask when deciding to open a Government Contracting Business.What should you sell?If I could recommend JUST ONE course for my students to take, it would be this one.In this course, you will learn how to do research like a top-paid Government Contracting Consultant.By the end of this course, you will have a systematic approach to identifying proven GovCon Business models and selecting appropriate goods/services for your GovCon Business to sell to the US Government."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Linux Hardening - Mxima seguridad en Linux" |
"En este curso de Hardening, vamos a enfocarnos en el correcto aseguramiento de maquinas con Linux mediante distintos tips y tcnicas teniendo como objetivo, el correcto funcionamiento de un blindaje extra de seguridad de nuestra maquina en donde se proteger desde el sistema de ficheros hasta el arranque del mismo sistema. Aprenderemos cosas cmo el manejo de los LSM de Linux, reglas y entradas del firewall, anlisis de logs y bitcoras, comandos esenciales del sistema y herramientas para auditorias locales.Tiene dudas sobre adquirir el curso?Recuerde que hay reembolso!"
Price: 2970.00 ![]() |
"How To Talk To Your Customers" |
"How to effectively talk to your customers. How to communicate value in an honest way and and show them that doing business with you is a huge win for them. Learn about what is important to customers and what they look for when making a buying decision. Show them that buying from you is the best and most enjoyable deal they can get. Put yourself ahead of the competition by making you the person your customers like to buy from the most. How to beat your competition and establish a great relationship with your customers so that they only want to buy from you."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
Aromaterapia |
"Este mais um mdulo do nosso curso FTHS - Formao em Terapeuta Holstico Sistmico da MEDA - Minha Escola de Autoconhecimento. Este curso foi escrito pelo Casal Josi & Marco Meda com o objetivo de apoiar o desenvolvimento de estudantes e profissionais que buscam na terapia holstica uma oportunidade de cura, autoconhecimento e espiritualidade.Ao longo dos ltimos cem anos, ouvimos cada dia mais falar da aromaterapia, mas o uso dos leos essenciais comeou bem antes disso. Nas antigas civilizaes as ervas medicinais e plantas aromticas j desempenhavam um importante papel na cura da humanidade. Por tentativa e erro, os nossos ancestrais j dispunham de tal conhecimento, onde a observao principalmente de animais doentes que acabavam comendo certas razes, frutos, folhas e isso os ajudava na sua recuperao. Ao ingerir alguns destes a pessoa ou o animal passava a apresentar um certo alvio nos sintomas ou piorava o que estavam sentindo.Esta sabedoria de cura foi passada para frente atravs de homens e mulheres que exerciam a medicina, juntamente com novas descobertas e inovaes. Tal conhecimento acabou se transformando na medicina herbrea que conhecemos hoje.Prepare-se para mergulhar no delicioso curso repleto de aromas que vo levar voc a transcendncia."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"SQL Server Interview Questions and Answers" |
"In this course you will find most frequently asked sql server interview questionsBelow questions are included - What is a DBMS?What is RDBMS?What are query types in a database?What is candidate keyWhat is unique keyWhat is surrogateWhat is Primary KeyWhat is default constraintWhat is unique indexWhat is Distributed TablesWhat is ACID properties?What are the sql commands available?What is temporary tablesWhat is local temporary tablesWhat is a table variable?Which is faster a table variable or a temp table?What is a stored procedureWhat are the types of indexes available in SQL Server?What is Clustered Index?What is Nonclustered Index?What is hash index?What is memory-optimized Nonclustered?What is unique index?What is columnstore index?What is Index with included columns?What is index on computed columnsWhat is filtered index?What is spatial indexWhat is xml index?What is full text index?What is recursive sp?WHat is having clauseWhat is an er diagramwhat is normalizationWhat is COALESCE in SQL Server?What is CTE?What is inner join?what is outer join?what is full join?What is self join?What is Cross Join?What is merge join?What is a function?What is system function?What is user defined function?What is the difference between UNION and UNION ALLWhat are the differences between delete and truncate?What are the differences between Clustered Index and Non Clustered IndexWhat are the differences between functions and stored procedure?What is the difference between SQL and PL/SQL?What is the difference between in and existsWhat is the difference between inner join and outer joinWhat is the difference between join and inner joinWhat is the difference between isnull and coalesce functionWhat is the difference between claustered index and non clustered indexWhat is difference between primary key and surrogate keyWhat is the difference between primary key and unique What is the difference between Primary Key and Foreign Key?How many columns can be taken in update statement?How many types of relationships available in SQL ServerHow many parameters can be provided to a UDFHow do you delete duplicate rows from a table without any keysHow do you improve stored procedure performance?How do you improve a sql query performance?When you should use clustered index?When you should use non-clustered index?what is ldf and mdf"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"{ Taiwanese cuisine } - 21" |
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"JETZT mit Excel loslegen - fr Einsteiger!" |
"Excelpedia ist eine Microsoft Excel Lernplattform und bietet dabei vor allem Excel-Online-Video-Kurse an, um mit Excel effizienter und effektiver arbeiten zu knnen. Nach Absolvierung des Kurses erhlt der Absolvent eine Zertifizierung ber die Absolvierung des Kurses. Der Excel Kurs im Level A1 ist der ideale Einstieg in die MS Excel Welt um tglich effizienter und effektiver arbeiten zu knnen. Der Kurs inkludiert:6,5 Stunden Videomaterial32 LektionenbungsaufgabenEine grobe Agenda:Allgemeiner Einstieg und BasicsDatums- und Textfunktionen Logische Funktionen WENN-Funktionen VERWEIS-Funktionen Pivot-Tabellen Diagramme und Charts Arbeitsmappe finalisieren"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Az ingatlan befektets 9 kkve Elads" |
"Egy ingatlan befektetsnek 9 rsze van. Mindegyiket meg kell csinlni. Ha csak az egyiket is kihagyod, nem lesz az ingatlan befektetsed stabil. Szerencsre az ingatlan befektets tanulhat dolog. Nincsenek csodk. Nincsenek titkos dolgok. Egyszeren csak csinld meg a hzi feladatot lelkiismeretesen.Amikor nvekszik az ingatlanaid szma, akkor csinld vgig jra a tanfolyamot. Ms lesz a 9 kk.A mostani helyzeted, remlem ms lesz, mint ami 5 v mlva.Akkor tbb ingatlanod lesz, jobban fogsz lni.De ...A leckt akkor is meg kell csinlni.kohazicsaba hu"
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"VBA Excel - Preparazione al Corso Master" |
"Ciao, il mio nome Casegna Alfonso sono un Docente informatico specializzato in ambito Office e non solo.ATTENZIONE:""Purtroppo il Corso, per una politica di Udemy, non pi gratuito come lo era inizialmente e questo mi dispiace.""IL MIO CONSIGLIO E' QUELLO DI COMPRARE DIRETTAMENTE IL CORSO VBA - LA GUIDA COMPLETA POICHE' TROVERETE ALL'INTERNO ANCHE QUESTA PARTE.Torniamo a noi ...Un altro motivo per cui ho deciso di creare questo corso perch reputo fondamentale che lo studente metta alla prova il Docente. Questo deve essere in grado di spiegare concetti complessi in modo estremamente semplice. Lo studente deve valutare se chi insegna possiede la giusta competenza nel campo e affidargli, in modo totale, la propria fiducia.La prima cosa che voglio sottolineare che: ""questo corso stato creato per coloro che non hanno mai avuto a che fare con la programmazione in VBA o altri linguaggi.""Un requisito IMPORTANTE il fatto di saper utilizzare bene Excel ...quindi Formule, Funzioni, Macro, etc devono far parte del proprio repertorio. Nel caso ti suggerisco vivamente di iniziare dai miei Corsi: Base, Esperto, Master Level.Qualcosa in pi sul CorsoIn realt non si tratta di un corso a s stante, infatti, unestrapolazione del CORSO VBA - LA GUIDA COMPLETA che pubblicher tra non molto.La decisione di intraprendere questa strada dettata dal fatto che chi si avvicina per la prima volta alla Programmazione, deve essere guidato passo dopo passo fino ad acquisire una SOLIDA BASE. Quindi il percorso sar pieno di Esempi, Test, Domande e soprattutto tanta pratica. Credimi quando ti dico che argomenti come, Programmazione ad Oggetti, Programmazione Strutturata, Variabili, Costanti, Propriet, Metodi, Routine, Function, Costrutti devono diventare il tuo pane quotidiano per poi fare il grande passo.Per esperienza posso dirti che:1. Tutti possono imparare a programmare in VBA.2. Il VBA di Excel un linguaggio semplice e versatile che permette di creare applicazioni davvero potenti.3. Per diventare utilizzatori Avanzati, in ambito VBA, bisogna necessariamente fondarsi su Basi Solide.4. Dedicare il giusto tempo a qualcosa rispettando Regole e Metodi porta sempre a centrare l'obiettivo prefissatosi.Il Corso VBA Excel - Preparazione al Corso Master ti permetter di imparare le Basi della programmazione in modo da affrontare, come davvero si dovrebbe, lo step successivo e cio il CORSO VBA - LA GUIDA COMPLETAIl CORSO, strada facendo, verr integrato anche di materiale aggiuntivo utile a rafforzare e testare quanto lo studente ha appreso."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Unity 3D Anfnger Kurs komplett ohne Vorwissen" |
"In diesem Kurs lernt ihr wie man mit Unity3D Spiele entwickeln kann. Ich zeige euch die Grundlagen des Systems und wie man allgemein einsteigt in diese komplexe Thema. Ihr werdet lernen wie man Objekte erzeugt, diese manipuliert und auch wie man auf sie Physik wirken lassen kann. Ihr werdet die Grundlagen der Programmierung kennen lernen und eure ersten kleinen Spiele entwickeln."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Conforto Trmico - Aplicado Arquitetura" |
"Um bom projeto de arquitetura precisa atender as estratgias de Conforto Ambiental para ser o mais eficiente energicamente falando. Sendo assim, aqui voc ir aprender desde o mais bsico at aplicaes prticas para ter um bom resultado em seus projetos.Seja voc um acadmico do curso, um profissional da rea ou um entusiasta do assunto. A linguagem simples e acessvel do curso vai permitir voc se aprofundar no assunto."
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
"Como criar e lanar seu primeiro produto digital" |
"Este curso ir te ajudar a entender o cenrio do mercado digital e trazer novas possiblidade para voc empreender na internet, criando seu primeiro produto produto digital. Voc ver o passo a passo para entender os tipos de formatos de produtos digitais e como empacotar o seu conhecimento para gerar lucro na internet."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentos de Periodismo (Prensa Escrita)" |
"Siempre has sentido deseos de dedicarte al periodismo?Si tu respuesta es s, este curso es el adecuado para comenzar. Cmo cualquier otra rea de estudio, el periodismo requiere adquirir conocimientos desde cero, que sern la base ms importante para poder adquirir con la prctica las habilidades necesarias.En este contenido incluyo temas bsicos que cualquier periodista domina en el momento de ejercer sus funciones.Es un curso te permitir analizar y conocer los puntos principales para comenzar a escribir tu primer nota periodstica, he diseado las clases ms efectivas para que sea un curso dinmico y preciso.He incluido los temas que he aplicado en la vida real en toda mi experiencia periodstica, resaltando los aspectos ms importantes para empezar en esta aventura del periodismo.Podrs ver dentro de los temas el papel periodista, la noticia y su estructura, la entrevista... las bases principales para poder empezar a trabajar. Si dominas estos rubros podrs aventurarte con seguridad.En un nivel bsico y sencillo podrs conocer la forma ms prctica para comenzar.**Si buscas algo muy avanzado o tienes experiencia previa, este curso no cubrir ciertas expectativas. Te invito a inscribirte al curso! No olvides que contars con mi asesora y puedes preguntar en el rea de preguntas y respuestas para cada clase..."
Price: 945.00 ![]() |
"Complete Kotlin Bootcamp" |
"in Kotlin Bootcamp we are going to learn kotlin from zero to hero, you can use this course whether you are a complete beginner or an expert developer and wants to learn some tips.Kotlin has lots of great feature and the most important ones is that it is concise and understandable, especially in comparison with Java without sacrificing performance or safety.You can use kotilin weather you are an android developer, back end developer or even frontend developer. the demand for Kotlin skill is increasing every this course we learn kotlin from scratch and with the challenges that have been provided for you, you have the chance to improve your understanding.In the course I tried to reveal some questions that will be asked in interviews from every developer, questions that needs your great understanding of programming concepts."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Stress Management: Meditation and Yoga Relaxation" |
"Stress Management: meditation and meditation for healing and well-beingYoga is for everyone, at all ages and stages of life.This course includes:Guided meditation, walking and eye gazing meditationsYogic breathing exercises (pranayama)Guided yogic progressive relaxation videosAffirmations and mantras and tips for healthy livingShort and long meditation and relaxation breaksPDF handoutsInstructed by Stacie Dooreck, Author of SunLight Chair Yoga and Yoga for everyone! books, Certified Yoga Instructor since 1995 and Stress Management Specialist for the N. CA Heart Disease Reversal ProgramMeditation and conscious relaxation improves concentration, clarity, intuition and brings inner peace.This course:Is self-paced: go in any order of modules and videosUnlimited viewingIncludes access to a private closed facebook group Chair Yoga & Yoga for Everyone! SunLight Yoga Online Courses for ongoing support.Instructed by Stacie Dooreck, Certified Sivananda Yoga Instructor since 1995, Gentle Integral and Kundalini Yoga Certified Instructor and author of SunLIght Chair Yoga: yoga for everyone! and Yoga for Everyone! books. SunLight Yoga"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Cell Biology - NEET" |
"Hello Future Doctors,In this course you will learn about Cellular Biology, mainly Eukaryotic Cell for Pre Medical Entrance Exams like NEETThe discussion & knowledge about Cell is fundamental in Understanding Biology, whether botany or zoology.Hence, understand all concepts in detail.This Course is described in English & Hindi LanguagesAll the bestDr. Dipen ShahMentor Counselor EducatorDipenism"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Practical Robotics with 3D printing for Begginers" |
"3D printing the robots filled with arduino programming is the perfect way of doing robotics for researchers. Fusion 360 is used in this course as it provides free educational license .This course encapsulates the approach to completely build a robot for projects with the following stages . Create a Design according to verbal problem.Convert design to 3D model in Fusion 360Construct the Robot ( the awesome looking part.Mobile Robotics is going to be the Main focus of this course the following robot designs will be created .1 - Differential Drive Robot.2 - Line Following Robot.3 - Self balancing Robot.You will learn how to properly take care of electronics parts and arrange them with concern to stable body design."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Powerful Discipline: The Ultimate Guide" |
"In This Online Course You Will Learn How To Take Your LIFE & CAREER To The Next Level. This Course Covers ALL The Major Life Skills You Need To Be Massively Successful Giving You The Key Tools, Strategies & Techniques You Need To Take Your Life & Career to the Next Level. Learn How To Realize Your FULL Potential!Learning These Key Skills & Techniques Can Help You Be Massively Successful. Once You Can Master These Key Skills & Techniques Your Potential Is Limitless!By The End Of This Course, You Will Discover 1) Gain a FRESH & Positive Perspective On Discipline2) How The Hidden Secrets of Discipline Can Help You Take Massive Action And GET Amazing Results!3) Discover How Discipline Can Easily Improve EVERY Area Of Your Life4) Learn The Hidden SECRETS of How To Gain Powerful Personal Discipline!5) Discover How To A Lack Of Discipline Can Hurt You And HOW to Turn It Around!6) Discover Secret Tools, Strategies & Techniques That Can Make Being Disciplined WAY Easier Then You Ever Thought!7) Learn The Secrets Of Discipline The MOST Successful & Famous People In the World Use!. And This Is Just A TINY Part Of The Training There Is SO Much More!!!Dont Miss This Once-In-A-Lifetime Opportunity To Learn Life Skills That Can Transform Your Life From Our Pros At Advanced Ideas - Who Have Condensed Their Many Years Of Learning, Training & Testing Into This One Quick & Easy Course For You."
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"Network Programming in golang - Learn Networking" |
"In this course you'll be able to create a small TCP server and Client and use this to communicate data over a network. This course uses golang as its primary language for development. You will start by creating a TCP based server and establishing connection with the client. Then you'll use this connection to transmit data over the network. Then, you'll be move to the more advanced stage, where you'll start transmitting huge files over the network."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Deltek Acumen 360 - Step by Step" |
"Welcome!This course covers a comprehensive Step by Step approach for learning Deltek Acumen 360. The course is extremely detailed and comprehensive, and covers the understanding, use and application of Deltek Acumen 360. It is of particular use to all types of enterprises who wish to ensure that their Project Schedules are the best that they can be.The course content applies all versions of Deltek Acumen 360If you are a Project Manager, Project Scheduler, Project Controller, Engineer, Cost Controller, Risk Analyst or anyone else who wishes to learn how to use Deltek Acumen 360, then this course is for you. So, this course covers the methodology for Acceleration, Deceleration and Recovery of project schedules and complements the modules for Deltek Acumen Fuse and Deltek Acumen Risk.By the end of the course, you will be able perform Project Schedule Diagnostics and Reporting at a competent level.We will be covering the typical steps required for performing a schedule risk analysis, using Deltek Acumen 360.We will be following the Deltek Acumen S1 to S5 Maturity Framework steps. There are five steps that should be followed to decrease risk, and improve quality and confidence for the validation of Project Schedules.The five steps of the S1 to S5 Maturity Framework are:S1 (the Project Base) The non -validated scheduleS2 (Critiqued) the use of schedule diagnostics to identify and correct schedule problems.S3 (Risk Adjusted) Risk analysis to mitigate identified schedule risks.S4 (Optimised) Develop cleansed scenarios to accelerate and optimise the schedulesS5 (Team aligned) - Confidence in forecasted dates is improved, and team buy-in on the critiqued, risk-adjusted and optimized schedule is obtained.As a pre-requisite, it is preferable that all participants have a good understanding of the principles of project scheduling.Although it is assumed that imported files will be from Primavera P6, files can also be imported from Primavera Risk Analysis, Microsoft Project, Microsoft Excel, Phoenix Project Manager, Asta Powerproject, UN/CEFACT, Safran or Deltek Open Plan.Before taking this course, it is assumed that all participants will already have a good working knowledge and understanding of Deltek Acumen Fuse.For many of the participants in this course, it is likely that your organisation will possess licenced copies of Deltek Acumen 360 for you to use. If you wish to obtain a Trial copy of the software, you will need to contact Deltek or your local Deltek software representative. I have no association with Deltek, so participants themselves will need to ensure that they have a functioning copy of Deltek Acumen 360.All of the XER files used in this course can be found in the Samples folder that will have been provided with your copy of Deltek Acumen Risk.Throughout the course, we will work through examples, followed by exercises to consolidate our knowledge. Answers to the exercises will be provided as we progress and I encourage all students to complete the exercises before moving onto the next lesson.For those students who are interested, there is a fully illustrated Step-by-Step eBook available for this course (146 pages). You'll find full details in the Bonus Learning Section."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda a fazer declarao de imposto de renda Pessoa Fsica" |
"Esse curso ensinado passo a passo como fazer uma declarao de ajuste anual do imposto de renda da pessoa fsica (DIRPF), ensinado a baixar o programa, os campos da declarao, como deve ser preenchido a declarao e como fazer a transmisso...Alm disso tambm contem algumas dicas como ser possvel sanar algumas dvidas que possam surgir na hora de preenchimento e transmisso da declarao."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"The Inside of Storytelling. "" """ |
"1 5 2 7 3 8 4 92% 4 1. 2. 3.4."
Price: 1200.00 ![]() |
"Web Design Coding For Beginners: Accelerated Mobile Pages" |
"World's most famous websites use AMP HTML framework. Every web designer and product owner wants to rank their website on first page of google to increase their sales/profit. According to the Netcraft's survey their are over 1.8 billion website. After learning how to develop website using Accelerated Mobile Pages AMP HTML framework, you will build a gigantic client base.Do you:- Want to learn user friendly web designing using Accelerated Mobile Pages AMP HTML?- Want to create your first AMP HTML page ?- Want to know how google amp work?- Want to convert plain HTML to AMP HTML Website ?- Want to create your first AMP Website?- Want to know how to validate AMP Pages ?Welcome you are at right place.You will learn that all and much more. I've designed this course in a way so that beginners and professionals can actually understand that, how does amp works and how to use AMP HTML in real life to design websites.This course starts from very basic concept to advance level. You will learn what is AMP HTML and how to create your first AMP user friendly web template. After this course You will be able to create your own AMP website.Initially I've explained that how AMP is beneficial for your website and what benefits you will get after learning AMP development. After that you will create your first Hello World AMP page. With that you will also learn AMP Components importance and how they help to create a responsive website. You will learn how to Run Google Adsense Auto Ads and other Ads Networks Ads on your AMP website. Finally we will develop a complete AMP website template for a marketing company. Google AMP validator will help us to find errors and you will learn how to fix AMP errors.This course will not only help you to learn a new skill but also your clientele will increase after learning AMP. If you stuck on any point and need my help, please don't hesitate to ping me. I will be happy to help you :)"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |