Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Make a Digital Download Website with WordPress + Elementor" |
"Why Should You Take This AMAZING Digital Download WordPress Course?You will Learn How To Make a Digital Download Website with WordPress and ElementorGet a Modern And Amazing Look For Your Website That Will Impress your Customers!Learn from a WordPress Professional who is Developing WordPress Website from 7 years.THE MOST UPDATED AND MODERN COURSE. Don't Settle For Outdated Content!Get A fully Mobile and Desktop Responsive WebsiteI Have served over 16,000+ StudentsUnlike Other Instructors I Cover Everything. Don't be left in the dark with other courses that are about only an hour long. I help my students and make sure they are 100% taught on all WordPress features. This is a detailed WordPress Course that teaches you how to make a DIGITAL DOWNLOAD WEBSITE with WordPress from Scratch.What You Will Learn From This Course?Setting up your domain and hostingCreate a Modern, beautiful, and STUNNING Website!Master WordPress. Create Your Own Website Simply And Easily.What are the requirements?No Previous Experience Required. No Programming Knowledge Required.Complete Beginners Welcome.What are you going to get from this course?You will Create A Digital Download Website With WordPress FROM SCRATCH!You will Create A Modern And Beautiful WebsiteYou can Fully Control and Manage Your WebsiteYou will learn how to sell digital products online!What are the requirements?NO EXPERIENCE NEEDEDJust a Computer And An Internet ConnectionWhat is the target audience?Anyone Who Wants To Create a Professional And Modern Looking Digital Download Website!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"5 Principles for Landing Your Dream Engineering Job" |
"You are unique. You have unique talents and abilities. You see problems from a unique perspective, and you need a job that is as unique as you are. Maybe you know what that job is... and maybe you don't. Either way you've come to the right place.Through this course you will learn how to:Choose a job that matches your interestsComfortably network your way into the company you want to work forWrite a compelling resume to get you in the front doorGet past the resume and show them your unique attributesGuide the interview to play to your strengthsYour education taught you a lot of skills, but it probably did not teach you how to get a job. Getting a job takes some know-how. It's not hard. It's just that we aren't properly taught how to take that next step after we graduate from school. Those who apply the principles discussed here have a world of opportunity open to them.I am an engineer, and most of the examples I use are geared towards engineering. However, these principles apply to all fields, and the perspective you'll gain from this course can significantly shape your future."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
cats_zipc_basic |
"() ZIPC V10 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ZIPC V10 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. (1)"
Price: 10200.00 ![]() |
"CompTIA RF0-001 RFID+ Certification Practice Exam" |
"158 UNIQUE practice questions for CompTIA RF0-001 RFID+ Certification Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : CompTIA RF0-001 RFID+ Certification Practice ExamTotal Questions : 158Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :105 minsPassing Score : 75 (118 of 158)"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Solution Focused Brief Therapy, Resolve Issues Quickly" |
"In this comprehensive Solution Based Therapy Course, you will learn why this is becoming a popular therapy solution. Upon completion you will know:How this therapy shares similarities to Positive PsychologyThe History of Solution Focused Brief TherapyFind out about the use of Coping Questions and Exception QuestionsThe All-Important Miracle QuestionLearn What Scaling IsDiscover what happens in Solution Focused Therapy SessionLearn How to Do Mind MappingLearn to Set GoalsLearn to Improve FocusLearn How to MeditateThe course includes helpful questionnaires and worksheets. Whether you are looking to learn more about this for your own needs, or as a way to increase the therapeutic solutions you can offer the course will meet your needs. Upon completion you do earn a Udemy certificate and the course comes with a 30-day money back guarantee."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Marketing Digital para Empresas 2020 [ nvel Iniciante ]" |
"Se voc busca criar uma estratgia de marketing digital para sua empresa seja para captar mais clientes ou para melhorar o nome da sua empresa no mercado, seja para contratar uma empresa para criar toda essa estratgia mas no deseja fazer essa reunio sem saber nada , este curso para voc.Neste curso passaremos por estruturas com exemplos prticos afim de te deixar apto a decidir qual estratgia vivel para sua empresa"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Database Projects" |
"Relational Databases Data Requirments Analysis ER, EER Relational Schema ERDPlus Visual Paradigm . MySQL SQLServer SQLite . UUI Navicat SQL Relational Databases."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Boost Self-love with Yoga and Personal Growth" |
"Do you feel that there is no space left in your life for your own needs and your own dreams? Are you too busy taking care of others or trying to live up to expectations? Then this course could be right for you, one month to make piece with yourself and find your own truth.The three tools that you will use during the course are:- Yoga- Meditation- Self-awareness exercisesSelf-loveWhat is self-love? It is a big word with so many meanings and is of course an ongoing process through out life. To simplify the concept of self-love it is to be able to see your own value and the right to be on this planet. A few things that can help with increasing this love is to get to know your own person and your qualities, to take care of your self and your body and to make some active changes in your life. This is what the course will help you with. When you find self-worth it can cure the root of so many problems, such as dwelling, indecision and the infinite search for confirmation. This will lead to clarity, motivation and well-being.The yoga formThe yoga practice will contain downword facing dogs, balance exercises and yinyoga positions, so it is a soft yin yang practice. Practical informationThe estimated duration of the course is five weeks. You will be guided through videos and texts."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Eer hayal edebiliyorsanz dnyann en iyi tasarm uygulamalar ile gerekletirebilirsiniz. Fotoraflarnz, izimlerinizi ve 3B almalarnz tasarlayabilir ve gelitirebilirsiniz. Websiteleri ve mobil uygulamalar tasarlayabilirsiniz. Videolar dzenleyebilir, resimlerinizi geree en yakn ekilde benzetebilirsiniz. Dncenizi gerekletirmek iin ihtiyacnz olan her ey iin Creative Cloud Aralar yeterlidir. Srekli gelien uygulamalarn yeni zelliklerini hzlca renin. srelerinizi hzlandrn."
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"Kundalini Awakening" |
"Kundalini energy is often depicted as a serpent, coiled three-and-a-half times around, resting at the base of the spine. This serpent represents the journey of the mind from human consciousness to cosmic consciousness.Although this course focuses mostly on the teachings of Tantra and Kundalini yoga, Kundalini can be awakened in many ways, such as: from a guru to a disciple, through ecstatic dance, devotional chanting, the use of mantras, rhythmic breathing and movement, or a variety of other techniques and practices and in some cases, completely unintentionally (a phenomena known as spontaneous Kundalini awakening).When activated, there are few things that can accelerate your spiritual awakening faster than tapping into this divine feminine force within you called Kundalini Shakti. You rise up to the highest realms to connect your energy (Shakti) with pure consciousness (Shiva) to unite as one. This is called The Dance of Shiva and Shakti. Your mind and being are flooded with divine light, and you gain access to a vast intelligence.Awakening your Kundalini can have a profound impact on your personal magnetism, creativity, and ability to motivate others. You also experience massive shifts in relation to your emotions, reactions, and desires.The purpose of awakening the Kundalini energy is to purify and prepare your body, mind, and spirit to welcome the Divine into your life and then embody and express that divinity in every moment.When Kundalini energy is awakened, you become an observer. You recognize the illusions, and drama is replaced by a deep sense of peace. You are continuously aware of your center and your stability.Awakening the Kundalini energy frees your spirit to transcend the body-consciousness of the ego and align with Shiva-consciousness. Youll feel empowered and confident, and more joyously and passionately alive than you ever have before.In this course, I will guide you through the fundamentals of both the Eastern and Western philosophies for a full understanding of these topics. I also share my personal experience with Kundalini awakening so that you may know what to expect and better understand your own experience.Each lesson builds harmoniously upon the previous ones. Youll develop a complete understanding of the practices, tools, and principles youll need to experience the bliss of inner awakening.Awakening your Kundalini energy truly is a life-changing experience and is not for the faint of heart. Yes, it can bring you a sense of peace, joy, and even bliss but it is also an intense experience. Its a rebirth, and because of that I feel its my responsibility to prepare you for that before you set out on this journey.I know I keep using the word experience but its so much more than that. If youre simply seeking an experience, I dont recommend you take this course - but if youre serious about awakening, knowing and living your purpose, and living a life filled with health, balance, confidence, and love, youve come to the right place.Heres everything youll learn in this courseLesson 1 - What is Kundalini What Kundalini is What the purpose of Kundalini Awakening is About the 3 main nadis Shiva and Shakti as energy What can trigger a Kundalini Awakening My personal experience with Kundalini Awakening How Kundalini Awakening works What the signs and symptoms of Kundalini Awakening are What the signs and symptoms of a spontaneous Kundalini Awakening are (aka Kundalini syndrome) Tips for getting through a Kundalini AwakeningLesson 2 - The History of Kundalini The Rishis Upanishads The Advaita Vedanta path About Swami Vivekananda C. W. Leadbeater and his book about chakras About Swami Muktananda About Yogi BhajanLesson 3 - The Dance of Shiva and Shakti Shiva in the Shaiva tradition Shakti in the Tantric tradition What role Kali The Destroyer plays in Kundalini awakening About SamadhiLesson 4 - Koshas and Karma About the 5 Koshas What Karma is How to clear bad karma The psychology and neuroscience of creating new habitsLesson 5 - The sevenfold chakra system What the chakras are and what they look like The cause and effects of blocked and overactive chakras About the elements, seed mantras, and mudrasLesson 6 - Root Chakra About the Muladhara in Eastern tradition About the Root chakra in Western tradition Root chakra correspondences When the Root chakra is balanced About imbalance When the Root chakra is blocked How to boost the Root chakra When the Root chakra is overactive How to balance the Root chakra Affirmations for the Root chakraLesson 7 - Sacral chakra About the Svadhistana in Eastern tradition About the Sacral chakra in Western tradition Sacral chakra correspondences When the Sacral chakra is balanced About imbalance When the Sacral chakra is blocked How to boost the Sacral chakra When the Sacral chakra is overactive How to balance the Sacral chakra Affirmations for the Sacral chakraLesson 8 - Solar Plexus chakra About the Manipura in Eastern tradition About the Solar Plexus chakra Western tradition Solar Plexus chakra correspondences When the Solar Plexus chakra is balanced About imbalance When the Solar Plexus chakra is blocked How to boost the Solar Plexus chakra When the Solar Plexus chakra is overactive How to balance the Solar Plexus chakra Affirmations for the Solar Plexus chakraLesson 9 - Heart chakra About the Anahata in Eastern tradition About the Heart chakra in Western tradition Heart chakra correspondences When the Heart chakra is balanced About imbalance When the Heart chakra is blocked How to boost the Heart chakra When the Heart chakra is overactive How to balance the Heart chakra Affirmations for the Heart chakraLesson 10 - Throat chakra The Vishuddha in Eastern tradition The Throat chakra Western tradition Throat chakra correspondences When the Throat chakra is balanced About imbalance When the Throat chakra is blocked How to boost the Throat chakra When the Throat chakra is overactive How to balance the Throat chakra Affirmations for the Throat chakraLesson 11 - Third eye chakra The Ajna in Eastern tradition The Third eye chakra in Western tradition Third eye chakra correspondences When the Third eye chakra is balanced About imbalance When the Third eye chakra is blocked How to boost the Third eye chakra When the Third eye chakra is overactive How to balance the Third eye chakra Affirmations for the Third eye chakraLesson 12 - Crown chakra The Sahasrara in Eastern tradition The Crown chakra Western tradition Crown chakra correspondences When the Crown chakra is balanced About imbalance When the Crown chakra is blocked How to boost the Crown chakra When the Crown chakra is overactive How to balance the Crown chakra Affirmations for the Crown chakraLesson 13 - How to raise Kundalini Understanding my experience The different paths to awaken Kundalini Kundalini yoga The Sa Ta Na Ma mantra meditation for Kundalini awakening Signs of a Kundalini awakeningLesson 14 - Why this is not the end of the journey About Joseph Campbells The Heros Journey and how it applies to Kundalini awakening"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Complete Cyber Security Course - Learn From Scratch" |
"Welcome to my course ""Complete Cyber Security Course - Learn From Scratch"". By using this comprehensive course you will learn the basics of Cyber Security, Some of the advanced methods of Cyber attacks and much more.In this course i will assume that you have no prior knowledge about Cyber Security and by the end of the course you will be at advanced level. Learn to launch cyber attacks like a professional hacker. This course will guide you step by step so that you will learn basics and theory of every part. In this complete Cyber Security course you will learn,Basics Of Cyber SecuritySetting Up The LabAnonymityLearn To Launch Cyber AttacksIn every part first you shall learn the basics and theory then we will cover the main topics."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Java For Kids - A Fun 30 Minutes Course" |
"By using this comprehensive course you will learn the basics of Java, Some of the advanced methods of Java programming and much more.In this course i will assume that you have no prior knowledge about Java and by the end of the course you will be at advanced level. This course will guide you step by step so that you will learn basics and theory of every part. Welcome to my Java course. In this course you will learn about Java from scratch. We will assume that you are a complete beginner and by the end of the course you will be at advanced level. This course contain Real-World examples and Hands On practicals. We will guide you step by step so that you can understand better."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Python Strings , Tuples & List Course" |
"Welcome to my Python course. Python is a very easy to learn and powerful language.If you have no previous knowledge or experience in Python, you will like that the course begins with Python basics. otherwise if you have few experience in programming in Python, this course can help you learn some new information . By using this comprehensive course you will learn the basics of Python, Some of the advanced methods of Python programming and much more.In this course i will assume that you have no prior knowledge about Python and by the end of the course you will be at advanced level. This course will guide you step by step so that you will learn basics and theory of every part. This course contain hands on example so that you can understand coding in Python better."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"The Node.js Certification Course" |
"Welcome to my Node.js course. In this course you will learn about Node.js from scratch. We will assume that you are a complete beginner and by the end of the course you will be at advanced level. This course contain Real-World examples and Hands On practicals. We will guide you step by step so that you can understand better. By using this comprehensive course you will learn the basics of Node.js, Some of the advanced methods of Node.js programming and much more.In this course i will assume that you have no prior knowledge about Node.js and by the end of the course you will be at advanced level. This course will guide you step by step so that you will learn basics and theory of every part."
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"A Practical Guide To Learn Photoshop From Scratch" |
"Welcome to my course ""Complete Photoshop Course: Beginner to Expert!"". By using this comprehensive course you will learn the basics of Photoshop, Some of the advanced methods of using Photoshop and much more. Learn practically with hands on example in this course. In this course i will assume that you have no prior knowledge about Photoshop and by the end of the course you will be at advanced level. Learn to use Photoshop like a professional. This course will guide you step by step so that you will learn basics and theory of every part."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Curso BSICO para APRENDER Diseo Grfico DESDE CERO" |
"Hey que holas! Bienvenido al curso esencial de Diseo Grfico para principiantes. El objetivo de este CURSO BSICO es que entiendas lo complejo de la teora a travs de ejemplos fciles de entender, para que aprendas a pensar como lo hace un Diseador Grfico cada vez que se enfrenta a un diseo.La idea es explicarte la teora como la tipografa, el color, la psicologa del color, la composicin, entre otros. Para luego aplicar todo este conocimiento en un ejemplo prctico utilizando Photoshop como la primera y mejor herramienta para iniciarte en este mundo del diseo.Bueno, basta de tanta palabra y mejor inscrbete la curso para que comiences a aprender :)Te espero en el prximo video, chao! :D"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Anforderungen und Qualitt mit ATDD/BDD fr Java und PHP" |
"ATDD und BDD sind Test first Konzept bei dem du deine Anforderungen als Beispiel erfassen kannst (Specification by Example).Fr Product Owner: (Oder andere mit Produkteverantwortung wenn ihr etwas anderes als Scrum einsetzt.)Als Product Owner kannst du die die Given When Then Sprache einsetzen um deine Anforderungen als Akzeptanz Kriterien zu erfassen und spter sehen ob diese durch Automatische Tests Abgedeckt sind Fr Software Tester:Du lernst praktische Tipps wie du Entwickler und Product Owner in den Prozess der Akzeptanz Test Getriebenen Entwicklung einbinden kannst. Fr Software Entwickler:Endlich eine Methode mit dem du saubere und verifizierbare Anforderungen erhlstbung: Workshop ATDD-Bownling eine praktischer Workshop welche ich bereits auf der PHP Conference UK 2020 in London gehalten habe fr dich aufbereitet und zum nachprogrammieren. Technologien im Kurs:- ATDD - Akzeptanz Test Getriebene Entwicklung- BDD - Behavior Driven Development- TDD - Test Driven Development - Gherkin - Given When Then language- Feature Files - Format fr die Requirments als Test- Glue Code - Test Code - Cucumber - Implementierung unter JavaDas Video erklrt wie du mit der Methodik, das ganze Team vom Product Owner, Tester und Entwickler einbinden kannst und so gemeinsam die besten Spezifikationen zu erstellen. Du lernst wie du Anforderungen in Feature Files aufschreibst und wie du diese mit den entsprechenden Step Definitions ausfhrbar machst. Dieser Kurs beinhaltet zahlreiche Praxistips wie du ATDD/BDD in deiner Umgebung implementieren kannst und eine Programmierbung welche sowohl die PHP Variante Behat als auch die Java Variante Cucumber enthlt.Cucumber und Gherkin sind sehr gelufige Tools mit der sich Testautomatisierung realisieren lsst."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Complete Legal English for Students and Legal Professionals" |
"This course is intended primarily for non-native English language speakers either studying law or working in some capacity in the field of law. It introduces students (or provides a good review for those already with some knowledge) to key vocabulary, concepts, collocations and prepositions in some of the most important areas of law. It can also be a good introduction to the world of law for those with no legal background whatsoever (whether native or non-native English speakers). Each lesson is divided into 4 parts: i) a video that introduces the student to the fundamental language in the field of law studied; ii) a video script for those who want to see all the contents in writing with key terminology highlighted in bold; iii) a series of questions that check the understanding of the contents of the video; iv) a workbook with practical exercises that make it necessary to use the fundamental concepts introduced through the video and finally v) answer key (found towards the end of the course).Some of the key areas of law covered include: Contracts; Business and Company; Property (both Intellectual and Real Estate); Legal Procedure (Civil and Criminal) and Litigation, among others. The course also includes several sessions on development of practical professional skills (in legal setting) such as email writing and negotiating. A final exam testing understanding of all areas of law covered is provided at the end of the course.Course Outline:Section 1: Commercial Law I: * Contract Law: Intro to the language of Contracts; Contractual Remedies; legal referencing words & understanding clauses Section 2: Commercial Law II:* Business formation & restructuring and Property Law: Intro to the language of Business and Company Law; Mergers & Acquisitions; Property law: Real Estate and Intellectual Property (IP)Section 3: Most essential Non-Commercial Law:* Intro to the language of Tort law (Civil Responsibility), Criminal Law and Litigation (Court process) Section 4: Practical legal & professional skills:* Legal and professional writing and speaking: Linking (or connecting) words; email writing & meetings/negotiating Final Exam and Answer Key (to all exercises included in the course) is found at the end of the course."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentos em Gerenciamento de Projetos" |
"Fundamentos em Gerenciamento de Projetos - um curso da DC que desenvolve competncias essenciais para o gerenciamento de projetos, aplicando as melhores prticas previstas nos padres do PMI (Project Management Institute). No curso os conceitos fundamentais do gerenciamento de projetos so apresentados e analisados com nosso professor: Carlos Borges. Curso exclusivo da DC-DinsmoreCompass."
Price: 279.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop renerek Tasarm Gcnz Ortaya kartn" |
"Adobe Photoshop ile yeni dnya dzenine hazrlann ! Program becerilerinin gn getike artmasyla beraber kendinize deer katacak bir kurs edinin ! ster meslek sahibi olun isterseniz renci isterseniz de sadece hobi olarak fotoraflkla ilgileniyor olun bu kursu tamamladktan sonra kendinizi gelitirebilmek adna bir yeteneiniz daha olacak. Kursun sizlere sunaca bir dier imkan ise almalarnz deerlendirilmesi olacak. zgn kurs yapmz sayesinde ncelikle sizlerin renmesini salayacaz daha sonra ise verdiimiz devleri yapmanz iin sizi sizinle brakacaz. Bunun asl nedeni hibir kursun, kullanc kendini denemedike faydal olmayacana olan inancmz. Kendinizin tasarm retme kapasitenizi grmenizi salamakla beraber kafanza taklan sorularda bizimle paylaabilmenize yardmc olacaz. Ve almalarnz bizimle paylamanz isteyeceiz. Bu sayede kurs boyunca kafanzda oluacak tm soru iaretlerini gidermek iin yannzda olacaz.Kurs interaktif bir ekilde ilerleyecektir ve gncel tasarm uygulamalar yklenmeye devam edecektir. Buna tek bir kursa kayt olarak sahip olabileceksiniz. imdiden Baarlar !"
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"Certificacin de COACH Profesional (Acreditado)" |
"En este curso aprenders todas las tcnicas y herramientas necesarias para convertirte en COACH profesional y lanzar tu propio negocio/empresa. ( curso Acreditado por IAOTH) Adems si eres trabajador o empresario este curso te ayudar a mejorar departamentos y estructura empresarial para conseguir mejorar tus resultados o el de tu empresa.Aprenders tcnicas y herramientas del coaching y sobretodo CMO APLICARLAS, con ejemplos reales y explicacin paso a paso. Tendrs acceso a tres manuales para reforzar todos los conocimientos. Cdigo tico de la ICF, contrato modelo para tus sesiones.Aprenders a usar la PNL, detectar falsas creencias o creencias limitadoras, sabrs cmo empoderar a tus clientes y motivarlos. Dar y recibir feedback o retroalimentacin ADECUADA. Aprenders a enfrentar miedos y hacer que tu cliente sepa enfrentar los suyos con XITO. Aprenders esta maravillosa profesin y sabrs cmo ayudar a otros a realizarse y alcanzar sus metas. Aprenders a crear tu propio negocio de la forma que mejor se adecue a tus circunstancias y modo de vida.Nos vemos en el camino. ?Un abrazo,Cristina HD.(miembro de la IAOTH)"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Audacity For (Beginners): Fast Track Training" |
"Audacity For (Beginners): Fast Track Training.Want to produce audios like pros?Brand New Over-The-Shoulder Video Series On How To Record & Edit Pro-Level Audios With Audacity.Dear Friend,Do you want to improve your audio quality without wasting a lot of money hiring a professional?What if theres a simple way to record and edit using a simple and completely free software?Would you be interested to know more about it?If youve given this a thought and you want to find a solution, then this will be the most important letter you will ever read.WOW Your Audience Using Audacity.So you want to know whats the fastest and most convenient way to edit audios like a real pro?Theres one software that you absolutely need to use to get it done effectivelyIn one word: AUDACITY.Thats right.Its the best audio editing software on the market. Its been there for many years and its really awesome.But thats not all.Its super easy to use and its very flexible.And most importantly it costs nothing to use.Beginners To Professionals. Completely FREE!Before we go any further, let me give you some insights about Audacity1. Audacity is a free and open-source digital audio editor and recording application software for professionals and beginners.2. The software is available for all platforms including Windows, macOS/OS X and Unix-like operating systems.3. In 2011, Audacity was the most downloaded software, getting over 75 million downloads on SourceForge alone.4. Audacity won the SourceForge 2007 and 2009 Community Choice Award for Best Project for Multimedia.5. In 2015 the software continued to dominate multimedia projects with over 50 million downloads.6. Audacity has a 5/5 stars on CNET and a 3.5/5 stars on PC magazine.7. Audacity introduced a 7-step proprietary process to maximize ROI and help increase revenue and market share for its clients.8. Over the years, Audacity has been commended for having excellent customer care and support service by users of the software.Why You Need To Get Started Now:Audacity is a freemium software.Audacity is cross-platform software thats available across many platforms.Easy multitrack editing.Never lose your work with the auto save function.Import audio from video and other media files.IntroducingAudacity (Beginners & Advanced): Fast Track TrainingHow To Produce Pro-Level Audios With Just A Few Clicks.Theres nothing like this video series.Watch as I show you how to get started with Audacity to edit your audios and make it sound like pros in just a few clicks.I reveal my best tips for using some unknown tactics that only a few elite few knows.You get to see everything. I explain everything to you.There will be no guesswork.All you need is just a short hour of your time to learn everything and youd be ready to get started with it instantly.Heres What Youll Discover Inside This Video Training:How to get started with Audacity.Learn how to get use to the interface and configure your settings.Learn how to upload your audio file and what are the options to select when doing it.Learn how to work with Audacity features and which one you should choose to correctly edit your audios.How to quickly and easily reduce noises from your audio files to make it clearer.How to import and export audio files in multiple format quickly and easily.How to use record live audio with your microphone or mixer with audacity.And so many more...Audacity (Beginners & Advanced): Fast Track TrainingDescription: This is a detailed Audacity Tutorial for Advanced students. In this tutorial you will learn about using Audacity for Audio Editing. This tutorial will help you improve your Audio for your YouTube videos or Podcasts.Audacity is the most popular, free, cross-platform and easy to use software for audio editing and recording. It has all the audio functions you would need for most projects.To put it in a nutshell: Audacity is extremely versatile and a MUST for anybody producing high quality video content.You will be able to make your own recordings:In this course, you will learn all the basics necessary to enable you to confidently make your own audio recordings whether they are voice, music or other.After making the recordings, you will have learned the skills needed to edit your audio, add sound effects, merge different audio tracks and more.There are no complicated tech skills required:You will not have to be a tech whiz to understand the language or terminology used in the making of this course. It was made to be straight to the point and easy to understand.Audacity is easy and simple:If you are thinking of starting to make your own audio recordings but are daunted by the possible complexity of it, this course will both set your mind at ease and show you how easy it can be.Audacity Main Features:Recording:Audacity can record live audio through a microphone or mixer, or digitize recordings from other media.Export / Import:Import, edit, and combine sound files. Export your recordings in many different file formats, including multiple files at once.Sound Quality:Supports 16-bit, 24-bit and 32-bit. Sample rates and formats are converted using high-quality resampling and dithering.Plugins:Support for LADSPA, LV2, Nyquist, VST and Audio Unit effect plug-ins. Nyquist effects can be easily modified in a text editor or you can even write your own plug-in.Editing:Easy editing with Cut, Copy, Paste and Delete. Also unlimited sequential Undo (and Redo) in the session to go back any number of steps.Effects:Real-time preview of LADSPA, LV2, VST and Audio Unit (macOS) effects. Plug-in Manager handles plug-in installation and addition/removal of effects and generators from the menus.Accessibility:Tracks and selections can be fully manipulated using the keyboard. Large range of keyboard shortcuts.Analysis:Spectrogram view mode for visualizing and selecting frequencies. Plot Spectrum window for detailed frequency analysis.Most people do not know how to get started with all the puzzling functions of Audacity today. With this Fast Track Training course designed to take you through the Beginners level, you will be up and running in no time using Audacity with confidence.Audacity For (Beginners): Fast Track Training is a straight to the point, step by step training course to get you started immediately.See the course subjects below:-------------------------------------------------------------------------Audacity For (Beginners): Fast Track TrainingSection 1: Course Overview1 - OverviewSection 2: Download and Install2 - Download and Install3 - Audacity Toolbar - Part One4 - Audacity Toolbar - Part TwoSection 3: Hardware Needed5 - Hardware Needed6 - Importing Content7 - Audio From Mp4Section 4: Projects and Recording8 - Using Projects and Project Files9 - Creating A Simple Recording10 - Labelling TracksSection 5: Adding Metadata and Track Features11 - Adding Metadata12 - Using Track View Features13 - Adding TracksSection 6: Noise Reduction Edits and Tracks14 - Noise Reduction and Normalization15 - Doing Simple Edits16 - Splitting TracksSection 7: Adjusting Audio17 - Adjusting Audio Speed18 - Exporting Audio - Part 119 - Exporting Audio - Part 2Section 8: Conclusion20 - Conclusion - Line In Audio"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Step by step guide to nutrition, weight loss, and health" |
"Do you find yourself struggling to lose weight or keep it off? Are you overwhelmed and confused when it comes to eating healthy? Learn what modern research tells us about weight loss and nutrition. Forget fad diets and information overload; discover easy steps that you can take day by day to reclaim your health even if youre a beginner whos just trying to adopt a healthy lifestyle or have been struggling with your weight for years. With Dr. Tennants step-by-step digital course, youll find a foundation of evidence-based strategies that help you take back control. So be honest, do you find yourself saying ""yes"" to any of these questions...Are you confused on how to eat healthy?Lack the motivation or focus to make changes to your health?Sick of counting calories or struggling with workout plans?Unable to break free from unhealthy cravings, mindless eating or late-night snack binges?Does your body make you lack confidence or feel unsexy?Are you tired of being tired?Do you not know where to start with weight loss and healthy living?Forget about crash diets or unhealthy radical lifestyle changes. This course explores the foundations of health from a science-based perspective. Learn what actually causes weight loss and behavioral changes in people in an easy to understand lesson plan. You'll learn about what actually keeps you healthy so you can make healthy choices."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Great Decision Making: How To Decide Well and Act Fast" |
"This course is for you if you often find yourself in the following situations:You want to make a decision, but something inside you doesn't let you;You have to choose between two or more variants and you do not know which one to choose;You have often made bad decisions in your life, so now you are discouraged, you do not know what way to go;You have made a decision, but you have no power to take on the job. Although you have decided, you endlessly postpone to putting the decision into practice;You often need to be persuasive, to convince someone of something. For example, convince someone of an idea. Or sell something. Or motivate a group of people to do something together.When you finish these courses, here's what you can do:You will make conscious and powerful decisions;You will gain control over your decisions;You will have the power to resist the instincts and reflexes that make you often do what you do not want;You will have tools for evaluating the decision variants you have in front of you;You will be able to take action as soon as you have made a certain decision;You will know how to influence others. You will know what to say to a man you want to sell something to;You will know how to use stress in your favor;You will be able to prepare for a tough meeting, a sports competition, a difficult moment in your professional or personal life;You will gain a winning mentality.The human mind is an extraordinarily powerful tool. But it must be used well. You need to know how to use your mind's resources. Unfortunately, you are almost never taught to do this in school. In this course, I will show you some of the ways in which your mind relates to itself and the actions it has to perform. That way, you'll have at hand a part of your brain's user manual. And that's fantastic, because our brain is the best performing computing machine out there.Give your life consistency! Start deciding well! Decide to enroll in this course: here you will find information and tools that will change your life!With great confidence in you,Nicholas"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Making Your Idea Pay - From Invention to Inovation" |
"HOW DOES ONE INVENT AND GENERATE WEALTH? You need the five pillars of creative thinking. And of those, you must be stimulated by your environment, receptive to that stimulation, and have an emotional, or eureka moment. So, if you dont have these things (yet), can you teach creativity? The short answer is, yes.HOW DO YOU invent a method? Yes, methods are patentable; they are the same things as processes or systems. You will still need the five pillars of creative thinking to invent methods. And, like other kinds of creations, you need to put the idea on paper or make an electronic record of it. For something as simple as how a coffee shop operates. Even if you think there is no way to improve the coffee shops routine, youd be mistaken; there is always a way to make things better. Your method must also have benefits; if not, its a waste of time."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Java - Krok 1." |
"Jeli mylisz o zostaniu programist lub zwyczajnie chcesz si nauczy programowania, ale nie wiesz jak zacz - ten kurs jest dla Ciebie.Nauczysz si podstaw programowania w jzyku Java przy wykorzystaniu aktualnych narzdzi, ktrymi posuguj si profesjonalni programici. Od samego pocztku wyrobisz sobie dobre nawyki oraz poznasz praktyki, ktre s powszechnie uznawane i stosowane w zaawansowanych projektach.Zakres kluczowych zagadnie kursu w punktach:Zasada dziaania aplikacji JavaTypy prosteZmienne i staeOperatoryRzutowanieInstrukcje sterujceTabliceStrumienieKompleksowo omwione programowanie obiektoweKolekcjeWyjtkiProgram podsumowujcyWszystkie zagadnienia s poparte przykadami, ktre moesz wykonywa wraz ze mn!Gwarantuj, e ten kurs da Ci solidne podstawy oraz umiejtnoci pozwalajce tworzy wasne aplikacje i rozwija si dalej."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Adobe 9A0-182 Flex 4.5 ACE Certified Practice Exam" |
"96 UNIQUE practice questions for Adobe 9A0-182 Flex 4.5 ACE Certified Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : Adobe 9A0-182 Flex 4.5 ACE Certified Practice ExamTotal Questions : 96Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :60 minsPassing Score : 75 (72 of 96)"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Nokia 4A0-M02 Mobile Gateways Certified Practice Exam" |
"107 UNIQUE practice questions for Nokia 4A0-M02 Mobile Gateways Certified Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : Nokia 4A0-M02 Mobile Gateways Certified Practice ExamTotal Questions : 107Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :65 minsPassing Score : 75 (80 of 107)"
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"Marketing for Entrepreneurs: Where Do I Even Begin?" |
"Welcome to Marketing for Entrepreneurs: Where Do I Even Begin?Youre good at what you do, but finding your target audience and creating messaging that matters is something totally different. We get it, you may not be ready to add a dedicated marketing resource or even a consultant to your team. There is TONS of information out there on marketing dos and donts, and we love a good blog or article as much as the next person. But how do you pull it all together and make sense of the noise and figure out where to start? Dont worry weve got you covered!This course is designed to give you actionable tasks you can make to begin to pull back the curtain on some of the foundational basics of marketing and help you apply it to your business."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Fruit And Vegetable Healthy Smoothies Detox For Weight Loss" |
"Detoxification, Healthy MenuDue to nowadays people get a lot of toxins into their body, via environment, stress, food contaminants, and also food that we eat which cannot be all digested until it become a toxin inside our body and lead to various diseases. As a result, many people tend to be more look after their health and detoxes become so popular.DetoxDetox stands for Detoxification, which is the process of cleansing toxins that accumulate in your body and helping your body rebuild itself from inside out. In the past, medical use of colon hydrotherapy to clear toxins inside the body and treat diseases such as fever, bloating, diarrhea, flu and cancer. Nowadays, there are a lot of ways to detox your body, for example colon hydrotherapy, massage and drinking fruit and vegetable juices. In this course I will talk about detox by drinking fruit and vegetable smoothies, because it is easy to start detox yourself and has efficient result.How will I know that I have to detox?People who have a lot of toxins in their bodies tend to have headaches, body aches, asthma, tired, exhausted, loss of appetite, poor concentration, bloating, constipation, allergy, and have got pimples. If you have these symptoms, you should start detoxification.How to choose fruits and vegetables for detox smoothiesFruits and vegetables detox smoothies are blended juices with various fruits and vegetables. Sour fruit normally use for detox smoothies such as berries, lemons, limes and grapefruit because these fruits have a lot of vitamins such as vitamins A, C, E, iron, as well as antioxidants such as polyphenols, carotenoid, chlorophyll that has detoxification properties and can strengthen the body's immune system."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Expresiones Regulares (Regex)" |
"En este curso se aprender a manejar las tan utilizadas Expresiones Regulares. Con ellas se pueden crear patrones para encontrar o reemplezar complejas secuencias de texto. Con ellos los lenguajes de programacin pueden realizar sofisticadas operaciones en la informacin facilitada por ficheros, bases de datos, registros de log, etc.En este curso aprenderemos desde los caractres especiaes que se utilizan para delimitar patrones de texto, pasando por las clases de caracteres, respeticiones, sustitucones, etc..."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |