Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Marketing Digital, na prtica, para iniciantes" |
"Descubra qual o SEGREDO das vendas com anncios no Instagram, Facebook e Google Ads que pode levar VOC ao SUCESSO!Voc vai aprender 04 passos simples para ATRAIR visitantes, GERAR leads/contatos, VENDER e REMARKETING!TELA POR TELA, PASSO A PASSO!E ainda vou REVELAR toda a estratgia de marketing integrado que fiz para o lanamento deste INCRVEL treinamento online.Mdulo 1 - Introduo ao Marketing DigitalRevoluo 4.0/ Gesto de Marketing x Marketing Digital / Mercado Digital / Cases UX User Experience.Mdulo 2 - Por onde eu comeo?Como foi feito o lanamento deste produto digital. Abro meu modelo de mentoria para voc!Mercado, segmentao, posicionamento, 4 Ps (produto, preo, praa e promoo), aquisio e reteno.Mdulo 3 - Estratgias de Marketing Digital Como criar a sua persona/Inbound Marketing na prtica / Google e Redes Sociais / Dicas de ferramentas.Mdulo 4 na prtica - Como vender pelo Facebook AdsComo anunciar no Facebook / Como criar a sua FanPage / Como criar suas publicaes pelo gerenciador de anncios: passos 1, 2, 3 e 4.Mdulo 5 na prtica - Como vender pelo Google AdsPasso 1: Divulgar a marca para atrair visitantes / Passo 2: Gerar leads /Passo 3: Venda / Passo 4: Remarketing.Mdulo 6 na prtica - Como vender pelo Instagram AdsComo integrar a sua FanPage e Instagram / Passo 1: Divulgar a marca para atrair visitantes / Passo 2: Gerar leads / Passo 3: Venda / Passo 4: Remarketing.E mais! Voc receber, DE PRESENTE, vrios BNUS!1) WHATSAPP BUSINESS (como configurar e vender pelo gerenciador de anncios). Com Flaguimir Santos do meu time e profa Me Renata Correa.2) PREMIER EDIO DE VDEO (como editar um vdeo, primeiros passos).Com Flaguimir Santos do meu time!3) PHOTOSHOP (como fazer um post de sucesso). Com o publicitrio eprof. David Fraga.4) COMUNICAO PESSOAL (como trabalhar a sua imagem pessoal e como vencer o medo de falar em pblico). Com a Profa Me Kelly Loureno, especialista em PNL, Coach elinguagem corporal.5) GESTO DE VAREJO (como ter sucesso em vendas). Com o gestor de grandes marcas de varejoRobson Vergara."
Price: 399.99 ![]() |
"Cmo tus decisiones afectan el xito financiero empresarial" |
"Ante la gran competitividad que afrontan las compaas en la actualidad, cada vez cobra mayor relevancia que la gerencia cuente con los conocimientos y habilidades para tomar decisiones que efectivamente mejoren el desempeo financiero de la compaa.Este curso busca desarrollar habilidades y conocimientos para gerenciar una compaa desde el punto de vista financiero. Se abordarn preguntas como Cul debe ser el objetivo financiero de mi compaa? Cmo las diferentes decisiones gerenciales afectan el xito empresarial?Al finalizar el curso el estudiante estar en capacidad de entender cmo las diferentes decisiones gerenciales afectan el desempeo financiero de una compaa."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"AWS SysOps Administrator(SOA-C01) Certification Practice" |
"Enhance your certification score. Even though you're working at a top company, you'll want to keep your certification score up. It's important for your job search, especially if you want to go for a higher level position. When you're looking for new jobs, people are going to be screening your resume a bit with certifications. Understand the test structure and what to expect; then walk through each topic area, quiz yourself with practice questions and answers, and ensure youre ready to take the certification.Scenario based exam questions for AWS Certified SysOps AdministratorAssociate (SOA-C01) Certification Practice exam.Online practice exam to be completed in Specified Time Duration.Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts. Your results are immediately available, while you stay focused on your exam results. Practice tests provides the answer to a test/questions you haven't already learned.Exam Questions similar to actual Certification Exam.Life time Access to practice tests to try as many times until you master the subject. You have access to practice test answers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you're not satisfied, you can easily return to the practice test to make corrections.The practice test have been designed carefully by maintaining the exam structure , syllabus, topic weights , cut score and time duration same as actual certification exam. The aim of the practice exam is to allow the candidate to identify the risks related to a exam topics and be able to recognise them when analysing a real practice scenario.Applicants will need to make sure that they are able to complete the practice examination in its entirety and pass all the multiple choice tests in general nature.Topic AreasDomain 1: Monitoring and Reporting 22% Domain 2: High Availability 8% Domain 3: Deployment and Provisioning 14% Domain 4: Storage and Data Management 12% Domain 5: Security and Compliance 18% Domain 6: Networking 14% Domain 7: Automation and Optimization 12%Domain 1: Monitoring and Reporting 1.1 Create and maintain metrics and alarms utilizing AWS monitoring services 1.2 Recognize and differentiate performance and availability metrics 1.3 Perform the steps necessary to remediate based on performance and availability metrics Domain 2: High Availability 2.1 Implement scalability and elasticity based on use case 2.2 Recognize and differentiate highly available and resilient environments on AWS Domain 3: Deployment and Provisioning 3.1 Identify and execute steps required to provision cloud resources 3.2 Identify and remediate deployment issues Domain 4: Storage and Data Management 4.1 Create and manage data retention 4.2 Identify and implement data protection, encryption, and capacity planning needs Domain 5: Security and Compliance 5.1 Implement and manage security policies on AWS 5.2 Implement access controls when using AWS 5.3 Differentiate between the roles and responsibility within the shared responsibility model Domain 6: Networking 6.1 Apply AWS networking features 6.2 Implement connectivity services of AWS 6.3 Gather and interpret relevant information for network troubleshooting Domain 7: Automation and Optimization 7.1 Use AWS services and features to manage and assess resource utilization 7.2 Employ cost-optimization strategies for efficient resource utilization 7.3 Automate manual or repeatable process to minimize management overheadOfficial Exam Details:Exam Name : AWS Certified SysOps AdministratorAssociate (SOA-C01) Certification.Exam Code : SOA-C01Exam Level : AssociateThere are two types of questions on the examination: Multiple-choice: Has one correct response and three incorrect responses (distractors). Multiple-response: Has two or more correct responses out of five or more options. Select one or more responses that best complete the statement or answer the question. Distractors, or incorrect answers, are response options that an examinee with incomplete knowledge or skill would likely choose. However, they are generally plausible responses that fit in the content area defined by the test objective. Unanswered questions are scored as incorrect; there is no penalty for guessing.The AWS Certified SysOps Administrator (SOA-C01) is a pass or fail exam. The examination is scored against a minimum standard established by AWS professionals who are guided by certification industry best practices and guidelines. Your results for the examination are reported as a score from 100-1000, with a minimum passing score of 720. Your score shows how you performed on the examination as a whole and whether or not you passed. Scaled scoring models are used to equate scores across multiple exam forms that may have slightly different difficulty levels.Total Questions to check your knowledge: 300"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Programao em Microsoft C# do bsico ao avanado" |
"A linguagem C# uma das que mais oferecem oportunidades para os desenvolvedores. Seja pelasua praticidade e possibilidade de se criar projetos de todos os tipos ou seja pela sua competitividadecom todo o suporte da comunidade de desenvolvedores ou de empresas como a Microsoft.Este curso voltado para usurios Windows, Linux ou Mac OS!So mais de 10 horas de curso que vai ensinar de verdade do bsico ao avanado, desde a instalao e configurao do sistema, passando por variveis, funes, orientao a objetos, estruturas de dados e plataforma .NET.Em cada seo do curso fazemos uma breve introduo terica e codificamos passo a passo cada um dos exemplos. Neste curso voc ter mais de 100 exerccios espalhados pelas sees para que voc possa praticar ainda mais tudo que aprendemos no curso.Aprenda sobre:- Estruturas de Controle e Deciso;- Tipos de Dados;- Vetores e Matrizes (Arrays Unidimensionais e Multidimensionais);- Funes;- Orientao a Objetos;- Pacotes;- Modificadores de Acesso;- Herana e Polimorfismo;- Classes Abstratas;- Atributos e Mtodos Estticos;- Colees;- E muito mais!No fim desde curso voc ser um especialista em C# e estar apto a desenvolver qualquer tipo de software utilizando a linguagem."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Design concept shoes" |
"Welcome to the courseThis course is for anyone looking to Design Cyberpunk shoes based on True proportions and aesthetics in this course you will find :> Learn how to Designing different types of Cyberpunk shoes > Insights from an industry pro and from a hiring manager > Creating Creative structures and artistic frames > Ideas for setting up both digital and hard-copy Cyberpunk Footwear Design portfolios > Learn how to inspire and visual Torque techniques> Learn how to sketch and render your ideas by Photoshopyou will learn creating stunning Concepts fast ,Creative and efficient..."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
easytrades |
"- , . , , . . - ., - , , . ."
Price: 1799.00 ![]() |
"A Complete React Native Course - Redux - Context API - 2020" |
"This react native course is a beginners level course that will give you enough confidence to develop your first mobile application.For this course, you should atleast know how to setup a react native environment and know-how of base react native development.This course includes- Networking using axios- State Management using Hooks, Context API and Redux.- Google Maps- Social Login (Facebook)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Persnlichkeitsentwicklung: Erfolg manifestieren lernen" |
"Stehst du noch ganz am Anfang und mchtest direkt mit einem Raketenstart in deine Persnlichkeitsentwicklung starten? Oder dauert deine Persnlichkeitsentwicklung schon so lang, dass du das Gefhl hast, dass du kaum vorankommst? Hast du die Schnauze voll davon das Internet stndig nach neuen Tipps abzsuchen, die sich dann auch noch andauernd widersprechen? Mchtest du jetzt endlich wissen, was Phase ist und eine detaillierte Anleitung aus einer Hand?Dann ist dieser Kurs genau der richtige fr dich. Du profitierst von 8 Jahren an Erfahrung und echten Praxisanwendungen, weil ich diese ganze Entwicklung auch selbst von Anfang an selbst durchgemacht habe. Deswegen wirst du auch dort abgeholt, wo du in deiner Entwicklung stehst, egal ob du Anfnger oder Fortgeschrittener bist und wirst auf ein neues Level gehoben.Lerne, wie du deine Ziele mit einer Scharfschtzen-Zielgenauigkeit erreichst, weil du die Geheimnisse der Effektivitt kennenlernst.Erfahre, wie du dein Leben meistern und deine Lebensbereiche dominieren kannst, mit den 9 Erfolgsschlsseln.Werde zu jemandem, der von anderen beneidet wird, aber selbst die volle Kontrolle ber seine Gedanken und sich selbst hat, mit dem Power Mindset.Lerne die Schlssel zu wahrem und dauerhaften Glck kennen und wie du dieses Glck in dein Leben ziehst.Wichtig fr dich: Alle Tipps, Lehren und Weisheiten beruhen auf allgemeingltigen Prinzipien und sind somit fr jeden anwendbar.Der Fokus dieses Kurses liegt auf deinem persnlichen Erfolg. Und jetzt stelle dir vor, wie du diesen Erfolg lebst. Wie du endlich den Traumkrper hast, den du schon so lange versuchst zu erreichen. Wie du endlich gigantisch viel Geld verdienst, sodass du dir kaufen kannst, worauf du Lust hast. Und wie du die Beziehungen fhrst, die dich erfllen.Darum klicke Jetzt auf den Jetzt kaufen Button und sichere dir deinen Zugang zu deinem Erfolgsschlssel."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn English and Have Fun" |
"Learn English language with fun! In this course you will watch an educational entertainment programmes about movies for Beginner and Intermediate levels. Learn interesting facts about popular movies and expand your vocabulary with new words and phrases. Study English while enjoying a fascinating world of cinematography!Combine education with leisure. You will get to learn some fun trivia about each specific movie, and test your language skills in a more informal manner.Also, you will watch an interesting series of programmes with the goal of motivating people to learn English. The film crew walks around public places in various countries and asks different people questions about learning a foreign language.As well this course will give you some new topics for discussion. Its an interesting and easy way to learn everyday English. Colloquial English allows you to communicate with the native speakers easily. Thats why this program is so useful. Also, it shows different extreme sports videos made by amateurs. Sports fans will definitely like it!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"A Positive Start - How to Raise Healthy, Happy Children" |
"Overview of the courseThis course will help you teach young children essential life skills, become more self-confident, more aware of others and challenge them to grow.It will walk you through 10 fundamental life skills essential for empowering children to become more positive and happy.This is then supplemented with further resources to help reinforce their learning by way of illustrated story-books to illustrate these skills through FUN and a Personal Advancement Manual to put their skills into ACTION.FUN and ACTION: two of the most powerful ways to learn."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"E-Ticarete Bugn Balyoruz - %100 Deneyim Odakl Teknikler" |
"E-Ticaret'e balamak istiyorsunuz ve henz piyasa aratrmas ksmndasnz. Karnzda onlarca altyap seenei. Her uzman kendi kullanabildii altyapy size neriyor. Woo ok iyi diyende oluyor, shopify ok iyi diyende.. ok iyi kavram neye gre ok iyi.. Baar kavram neye gre ok baarl. . te bunlarn hepsini durduruyoruz ve 15 ylda biriktirdiim dijital tecrbem ile sizlere E-Ticaret altyaplarn tamamen anlatyorum.Peki bu videonun hedefi hangi sonulara etki eder?E-Ticaret sitesi zerinden problemsiz sipari alabilme.E-Ticarette yaplan pazarlamann geri dnmn.E-Ticarette yeni rnler, yeni trendler, yeni deme teknolojiler.E-Ticaret sayfasnn erielebilirliini.E-Ticarette daha fazla mteriye ulamak iin alternatifleri.Global E-Ticaret trendlerini.E-Ticaret altyapsnn glendirilmesi iin ilgili almalar.E-Ticaret ; web , mobil ve app eriimleri zerinden tm kontrollerini.E-Ticaret sayfasnn ana sayfa ve kategori sayfalarnda rahata srdrlen operasyon srelerini."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Sculpt 3D Printable Skeleton Warriors in Zbrush" |
"Created with the absolute first timer in mind, this course will teach you to become proficient in many of Zbrush's more complex features - many of which are unknown to more advanced users. By the end of this course, you will have the knowledge and skills to create professional-quality 3D models fit for 3D printing and sales. This course builds on our previous course: "" Sculpt a 3D printable Skeleton model in Zbrush "", but it is not necessary to have taken that class before this one. This course is completely approachable to a first time beginner using Zbrush. Join our lead 3D Modeler Josh O'hala as he recreates the exact same skeletal Warrior models that we sell to customers. You will be guided through our professional production pipeline:You will learn how to become comfortable navigating Zbrush.You will learn how to add simple geometry to your project which will be used later. Learn to create many weapons and Armors Learn to create various accessories to bring your Warriors to lifeYou will learn how to use many commonly used brushes as well as specialized brushes to create beautiful and accurate sculpts. The lessons learned will be reinforced as Josh guides you through creating the entire skeleton model. You will learn how to pose your skeleton to create many variations of models. You will learn how to optimize your model for 3D printing.You will learn the process of making your model 3D printable.and much more! visit us on youtube (runeforge studios) for examples of our models and tutorials. "
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"ORGANIC CHEMISTRY: Conformation and energy of stereo-isomers" |
"This course will help students to understand and write Newman projections for straight chain organic molecules as well as writing conformations for different cyclohexane chair derivatives . Students should be able to complete the course and solve similar problems with other organic molecules. This examples that are used in the video lectures are very common and this has been explained with extra clarity details easy enough for students to understand."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Complete Python in Hindi" |
"Who this course is for Beginners, who have no programming experience and want to start programming.People who have little bit experience with other programming language and want to learn Python.Anyone who want to develop computer application with minimum effortsWho don't want to learn different programming language for different tasks such as Web development, GUI Development.Who want to learn basics of Python.Who want to learn object oriented programming in Python.Who want to develop Graphical user interface application.Who want to develop Websites.Who want to learn using Databases.Who want to learn basics of git.Who want to make different projects to build strong CV.Who this course is not for If you already have experience with Python's basics, GUI development, Web development. But i am sure you'll learn something new in each section.Requirements Able to understand Hindi Language.Enthusiasm to learn something new.Any computer having Windows, Mac OS or Linux Operating system on it.Everything else that is needed is already included in this course.What will you learn in this course?Basics of Python programming language.Object oriented programming using Python.Exception Handling.Working with files (text and binaries).Regular Expressions in Python.Converting text to speech using Python.Working with web browser using Python.Playing audio files using Python.Working with zip files using Python.Basics of web scraping using Python.Working with excel sheets using Python to automate tasks.Edit pictures using Python.Plotting charts using PythonSocket programming using Python.Database connectivity in Python.Developing websites using Python.Developing GUI Application for windows/linux/mac using Python.Benefits -After completing this course you'll have confidence to say that you know Python because you will be having all the knowledge from basics to developing GUI software and Websites and will get know to know how to solve real world problems using a programming language. What else you want?About instructor Hey, I am Indrajeet Singh. I have completed Master in Computer Applications and have more than 8 months of industrial experience in a Multinational Company. I have more than 5 years of Experience in Python and IBM certified Data Scientist (issued by coursera). Currently i am working as a Cloud Solution Engineer at a firm. I have also worked on different technologies apart from Python like Spring boot, Microservice Architechture, Microsoft Azure and Node.js . And in the end, I am co-founder of Tech-Gram Academy. From where you can learn programming languages in your language Hindi. So English won't be the barrier for you to step up in programming world."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"SAP C_TSCM42_66 Certified Associate Production Planning Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) You want to use the function ""Read PP master data"" in the production order. However, while calling the function you receive an error message. What could be the reason?a) The material availability check has been performed.b) Goods movements have been posted.c) The production order has been released.d) Order papers have been printed.Q) Which objects can affect the calculation of capacity requirements for an operation? (Choose three)a) Standard values (routing)b) In-house production time (material master)c) Transport time (routing)d) Formulas (work center)e) Operation control key (routing)Q) In the Customizing for requirements planning, a project team notices that the alternatives P1, P2, P3 and P4 are also delivered as standard in addition to MRP type PD. The number in each of these alternatives represents a firming type. What does a firming type define? (Choose two)a) Handling existing procurement proposals outside the planning time fence.b) Handling existing procurement proposals within a planning time fence.c) Handling new requirements within the planning time fence.d) Handling new procurement proposals that need to be created due to new requirements within the planning time fence.Q) Which of the following scheduling types can only be used in capacity planning?a) Midpointb) Forwardc) Only capacity requirementsd) Backward"
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"SAP C_TSCM52_66 Certify Associate Procurement Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Which of the following are SAP Solution Manager usage scenarios? (Choose two)a) Legacy system data mappingb) Implementation of SAP solutionsc) User productivity monitoringd) Service deskQ) Which criteria can you select to create the invoices automatically for invoicing plans? (Choose three)a) Company codeb) Vendorc) Purchasing organizationd) PlantQ) During net requirements calculation of a material planned with reorder point planning, the warehouse stock available for MRP is the sum of the plant stock and the on-order stock. Which of the following documents belong to the on-order stock? (Choose three)a) Purchase ordersb) Material forecastc) Fixed purchase requisitionsd) Firm planned ordersQ) Which of the following elements must you consider for calculating the reorder point in planning? (Choose three)a) Replenishment lead timeb) Previous consumptionc) Lot sized) Safety stock"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"SAP C_TSCM62_65 Certified Associate - Order Fulfillment Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Which of the following elements can directly influence whether an availability check will be performed? (Choose two)a) The schedule line category in the sales documentb) The delivery typec) The check group in the material masterd) The item category in the sales documentQ) Based on which of the following dates is the availability check (ATP) carried out?a) Requested delivery dateb) Replenishment lead datec) Material availability dated) Goods issue dateQ) According to the system there is no stock available, but you still receive a confirmed schedule line in the sales order. What is the reason for this confirmation?a) The availability check that was carried out included a replenishment lead time in the scope of check.b) The system automatically searches other plants for inventory and transfers this inventory to the plant with zero inventory in the sales order.c) The availability check was carried out, and on saving, the system immediately rescheduled the sales order according to the customer priority.d) Inventory Management creates a stock transfer when the sales order is saved.Q) If the material entered in the sales order is not available, how is the user alerted to this situation?a) The in completion log displays the unconfirmed schedule line as a missing field.b) The availability control screen is displayed.c) The schedule line is marked and highlighted by the system.d) An error message appears on the status bar alerting the user to the situation."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"BGP for Juniper JNCIS, JNCIP" |
"A complete BGP course with 4 hours video content, 3 assignments, and 5 Quizzes. CHOOSE THIS COURSE IF YOU WANT TO BECOME AN EXPERT IN BGP IMPLEMENTATION ON JUNOS.This course is designed to teach you everything you need to know about BGP to successfully implement it and effectively support it. There is a long list of things that you will learn in this course (go through the table of contents for the course for details, please!).The course is divided into sections:Basic BGP setup - that will have you setup the BGP in real-life like network (Message Types, Peering establishment, Route advertisement, Authentication)BGP Scaling - route reflectors, default route origination, route aggregationPath Selection - BGP attributes in detail (1 hour 13 minutes videos to show how BGP path selection works)Route Filtering - with prefix lists and route filters BGP Maintenance and troubleshooting - setting up trace-options and logging to maintain BGP and troubleshoot issues. Select this course, IFYou want to work in a service provider environmentYou have basic IP routing skills and want to take your skills to next levelYou have worked on other vendor's devices and want to learn Juniper's way of implementing BGP with details and examples.If you have time for only 1 course and you want to be confident in your BGP skills then chose this one, I am sure you will not regret!"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda a Criar Artes Dentro do Silhouette Studio V4" |
"J pensou em aprender tcnicas incrveis e criar belas artes dentro do Silhouette Studio V4? Nesse nosso segundo curso de Silhouette Studio V4, vamos abordar somente tcnicas para criao de artes dentro do Studio V4. Muita gente pensa que o Studio somente um programa para corte e que para criar artes, tem que comprar a verso paga do Studio. Nesse curso vamos te mostrar que ele tambm uma software poderoso de edio e vetorizao de imagens. Usaremos a verso BSICA, FREE do Studio para criar todas as artes mostradas no vdeo."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Nei panni dell'HR. Cosa pensa chi ti assume?" |
"Stai cercando il tuo lavoro?Sei convinto che il tuo percorso di crescita professionale sia giunto al punto di fare un salto di livello?In questo video corso troverai suggerimenti, consigli, strategie tecniche e comportamentali per:Scrivere un CV capace di catturare lattenzione;Svolgere un colloquio di selezione memorabile; Creare un network professionale efficace e ben posizionato con LinkedIn#Jobsearch #resume #cvwriting #interviewingskills #hr #recruiting #tips #tricks #businessandcareers"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Arabic language in 3 Minutes" |
"Learning Arabic and becoming a confident communicator in the Arabic language is something that can enrich your life and open up so many new opportunities.But as an experienced Arabic teacher, I know that it can often be difficult and scary to learn a new language.Im here to help you learn at a pace that is comfortable for you, and to motivate you and help you in your journey to learn Arabic!This course teaches you the basics of the Arabic language.It is meant for persons with little or no knowledge of Arabic. High Quality Full HD Video Lessons: 45 videos and approximately 4.5 hours of the highest quality, fully animated, engaging content, taught to you by myself, a professional Arabic teacher.Topics covered in this introductory course are the Arabic letters, Arabic numbers, Basic phrases, vocabulary and pronunciation, asking and giving directions, introducing yourself (asking and telling your age, nationality, profession, etc), genders (feminine and masculine),and more !Last but not least, . Learning Arabic is no easy task, one must put time and effort to learn and eventually master the language, but you MUST keep in mind that it has to remain a FUN experience. Enjoying learning is the key to staying motivated and progressing efficiently.Ready ? Thats great"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Solidworks pour dbutant et prparation CSWP" |
"la fin du cours, vous serez en mesure de concevoir les pices de votre choix , de faire de belle conception et de russir votre examen CSWP. Pour les lves ingnieurs et les passionns de CAO ce cours vous permettra de bien comprendre les outils de conception .Ce cours augmentera votre valeur sur le march du travail . Les fonctions sont bien dtailles et traites dans des cas pratiques. Ensemble nous allons concevoir nos pices afin de matriser l'usage de SOLIDWORKS ,nous allons aussi corriger des examens de CSWP .aprs ce cours vous verrez votre niveau augmenter de faon exponentielle . Grace cela les entreprises vous ouvreront leurs portes car vous aurez un plus ."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"E05-001 Information Storage and Management Version Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Which data center characteristic ensures that adequate resources are provided to efficiently store and process data?a) Capacityb) Availabilityc) Scalabilityc) PerformanceQ) Which data center management process involves collating and presenting the utilization of resources?a) Reportingb) Provisioningc) Planningd) MaintenanceQ) Which type of digital data has no defined format but has a self-describing structure that enables its analysis?a) Semi-structured datab) Structured datac) Metadatad) Quasi-structured dataQ) Which type of digital data consists of textual data with inconsistent formats but can be formatted with the use of software tools?a) Quasi-structured datab) Semi structured datac) Metadatad) Unstructured dataQ) What is an accurate statement about a hybrid cloud?a) Supports data and application portability for load balancing between cloudsb) Allows organizations with commonconcerns to share the cost of deploying the cloudc) Enables the entire cloud infrastructure to be controlled by the consumers IT staffd) Allows an organization to outsource the implementation of a private cloud to a cloud provider"
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"A Mindset Boot Camp for Beginners" |
"Description:We are taught what NORMAL is supposed to be and told more about limitations than possibilities. The reality is that times have changed when it comes to how companies do business and how the average person generates income. Its time to look deeper in ourselves and stride for complete fulfillment not just money. Imagine pursuing your personal destiny and dreams; imagine living a life that you desire and not accepting someone elses path. Its been said that a wise person learns from others mistakes and the attendees will be given the opportunity to learn and grow from this workshop and gain a perspective that will put them on the path to success. Attendees will gain knowledge and learn that success and leadership will not happen by chance, but will come after careful preparation, planning, and how to take proper action towards a goal. I will use personal life examples to illustrate the positive effect this success formula has had on my life. I will assist you in creating a personal success formula that will lead you to achieving personal fulfillment.What you will learn Get to know more about yourself during the course Understand the value of changing your mindset Be inspired to take small steps towards your purpose and goals Equipped with information and a process that can be used immediately to help achieve their goals. Begin thinking about and answering the following questions as part of an action plano Who am I and what do I really want?o Where am I in my life and why am I here?o Who are my allies and how can they help?o How can I improve my circle of influenceStudent Activities to Promote Learning Define personal passions for success and create a list Identify and write a personal WHY for development Define and create a list of personal talents and skills Identify personal associations needed for success Create an action plan for success"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Spirituality - The Science Of Living" |
"Spirituality is a subject of great interest in modern times. Its knowledge and experience can transform our life completely, including the way we look at people and situations that we find ourselves in, and also in the way we react to external situations, and so on. .This structured course in Spirituality draws upon ancient wisdom, combines it with knowledge of medical science and presents an insightful outlook in life skills and the way to happiness, something which is still not taught in schools. It is a course that seeks to empower us to cope with our mind, with which we have to live our whole life."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso sobre Oolong Tea o T Azul en Taiwan China" |
"En el curso podrs conocer y aprender los siguiente temas :De dnde proviene el Oolong T y su clasificacin con las variedades mas conocidas.Saber cundo tomar el t para adelgazar y cundo no se debe tomar el t azul. Algunos compuestos esenciales del T.Conoce el proceso de elaboracin del Oolong T en detalle y los puntos crticos para controlar la calidad. A qu se debe el alto precio del T Azul y que ventajas tiene Taiwan para fabricarlo ?Comprende los parmetros mas importantes en las competencias de T que se llevan a cabo todos los aos en Taiwan. Sabias que China no es el mayor productor ni consumidor de t ? Busca la repuesta en el curso.Si quieres bajar de peso, aprovecha el T fro que cada vez se hace mas popular, aprender a prepararlo y los cuidados a tener al tomarlo.Recuerda de bajarte la hoja de preguntas claves de cada captulo para resaltar los puntos mas importantes.Curso preparado por productor de T de habla hispana en Taiwan, no te compliques con ingls ni trminos en mandarn."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop CC for Beginners" |
"Welcome to the Photoshop CC for Beginners course! Im so pleased that youve chosen to learn from me, and I hope youre excited to dive in and see all about what this incredible software has to offer. Photoshop is probably the most popular tool in the Adobe creative suite, and let me say - it has an OVERWHELMING amount of options inside.Thats exactly why I created this course, to take you from the beginner stages and to help you become proficient with many of the most helpful tools that Photoshop has to offer. I have over 15 years of experience with graphic design, including print and digital media and web design. Ive also taught Photoshop to many students in both classroom and one-on-one settings. Within the few hours encompassed by this course, you can learn the necessary skills to create and edit incredible photoshop projects. Thats right, not weeks or months - in hours!Were not going to go through every single option and overwhelm you with information, but instead we're going to examine the essential tools and principles that will get you off to a great start.This course is for absolute beginners, so you dont need any prior Photoshop knowledge. Ive included downloadable images so you can follow along as I create and edit the projects in class, and work on those yourself at your own pace. Ideally, you should have the Mac version of Adobe Photoshop CC available to work from, which by the way, is available as a free trial from Adobe.So if youve been tinkering with Photoshop for a while and just feel stuck and overwhelmed with the available tools and options, or if this is your first time using the software, THIS COURSE IS FOR YOU! Lets jump in and learn how we can begin creating some Photoshop magic."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"---OmniPlan for Mac" |
"OmniPlan for Mac WindowsMicrosoft Project The Omni GroupMaciPadiPhoneMacworld Editors' ChoiceOmniPlan for MacMacOmniPlanOmniPlan for MacExcelOmniPlan for MacOmniPlan for MacOmniPlan for Mac OmniPlan for Mac"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"O B-A-B da Educao Financeira Para Crianas" |
"Hoje temos mais de 63 milhes de pessoas endividadas no Brasil. Tudo isso se d pela falta de educao financeira.Tenho certeza que voc quer o melhor para sua criana, ento j comece a ensinar desde de cedo para que na fase adulta sua criana no entre na estatstica de endividados.Aqui voc ir aprender de forma prtica e ldica cada mdulo que voc terminar j ter condies de aplicar em seu filho(a).Neste curso voc ir aprender:Como falar sobre dinheiro.Como ter equilbrio o financeiro.Como planejar os sonhos de curto,mdio e longo prazo.Empreendedorismo infantil.Como trabalhar as emoes.Bnus livro: Lili, a menina que no tinha sonhos."
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Learn HTML5 Programming In 60 Mintutes For Beginners" |
"In this course you will learn how to use the most important HTML5 tags (and some CSS too). The course is dedicated to university students why study Coputer Science (CS) or Sofware Engineers, also for people who want to start a new career as HTML developers. HTML is an important language that is used by almost all of the sites in the internet and we do not assume any prior knowledge like many of the courses. So if you want to know to create HTML5 tables, forms and many other things - take the course."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Start a Contracting Business - Contractors That Crush" |
"Welcome to my course, Contractor That Crush - Complete Guide and Secrets.My name is Spencer Stephenson; I have started multiple successful contracting companies over the last decade. In this course, I will share with you my valuable secrets and nuggets, which I have learnt and compiled over my time spent in the trenches of contracting and service business start-ups. I will force you to think about service businesses in ways you were likely not aware of, and make essential assessments on yourself, your interests, and reach conclusions as to how to start a successful service company. I will show you how to use practical business tools to construct winning strategies and minimize risks. I will walk you through from start to finish what you need to do to start a business while putting systems in place to ensure you can scale as/when required. Throughout the course, I will reference an example business to demonstrate how to use the information and build a blueprint for a successful business.Service businesses and contracting is my passion; I welcome an opportunity to hear from you. Please feel free to reach out to me on Udemy with any feedback you may have or when I can answer any questions to help you succeed. Thank you."
Price: 154.99 ![]() |