Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Aprenda Fazer Lives Animadas para YouTube e Facebook" |
"Eleve suas Transmisses AO VIVO para outro nvel com o curso ""Lives Animadas para Youtube e Facebook"". Nunca fez uma transmisso ao vivo? No tem problema! Aprenda agora o passo a passo de forma rpida, fcil e sem enrolao!Por que voc precisa iniciar o curso ainda hoje? Voc sabia que os usurios do YouTube assistem 4x mais contedos ao vivo do que sob demanda? E que canais que que transmitem ao vivo ao menos uma vez por semana tem alcanado um crescimento 40% maior em novos inscritos e 70% no tempo de exibio do canal?As tranmisses ao vivo so perfeitas para voc se aproximar do seu pblico, gerar mais engajamento e o melhor de tudo: elas servem aos mais diferentes tipos de projetos e contedo. Independente de qual seja o seu pblico, experimente conectar-se ao vivo com ele e veja os resultados!E, alm de aprender inserir textos, imagens, fotos, udio e at vdeos ao vivo, voc vai ver tambm como eu fao Live usando a imagem da minha Cmera DSLR em vez da Webcam!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
mediapro |
Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
"Mindfulness in action 1." |
"The course introduce the connection between meditation and playbacktheatre skills with the tool of Buddhism especially by the method of zazen meditation. The other main part is how to setup a playbacktheatre group it is useful for students who want to build a playbacktheatre group and want to get some revenue of it. There are ideas how to setup a playbacktheatre group from the looking for new members through the regular rehearsals until how you can get revenue for your hard work. There is a whole section with five lectures to give ideas how you can try yourself in different roles (what you can try yourself only) and you can decide are you interested about the improvisational actor role or are you interested about a meditation practice? And last but not the least sorry for the language errors i tried to be careful but one never know where make faults. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Filmora 9: Videoschnitt fr Anfnger, der Spa macht" |
"In diesem Videoschnitt Kurs lernst du Schritt fr Schritt die Videobearbeitung mit Filmora9. Neben den Schritt fr Schritt Anleitungen erstellst du dein eigenes Videoprojekt. Durch dein eigenes Videoprojekt wirst du das Gelernte besser verinnerlichen und lnger behalten, weil du es aktiv anwendest - unmittelbar nachdem du es gelernt hast.Videos werden immer wichtiger. Ein wichtiger Schritt beim Erstellen von Videos ist die Videobearbeitung. Wenn du heute damit beginnst, dir Wissen und Knnen im Bereich Videobearbeitung anzueignen, dann investierst du damit in eine Fhigkeit, die nicht nur heute schon, sondern auch in Zukunft sehr stark nachgefragt sein wird.Dieser Kurs bietet folgende Vorteile.Deine VorteileFr YouTuberMit ansprechend erstellten Videos kannst du auf YouTube mehr Watchtime, mehr Aufrufe und mehr Abonnenten bekommen. Egal, ob du YouTube als Privatperson oder als Unternehmen verwendest. YouTube ist nach Google die zweitgrte Suchmaschinen und bietet dir optimale Bedingungen, dass du mit deinen Inhalten dort gut gefunden wirst du die Leute deine Videos anschauen.Fr ArbeitnehmerWenn du Videos bearbeiten kannst, dann hast du bessere Chancen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt. Dies wird fr dich bei Bewerbungsgesprchen vorteilhaft sein und dir bessere Chancen bei Gehaltsverhandlungen verschaffen. Du kannst damit einen soliden Mehrwert bei der Arbeit in Teams beitragen. Deine Fhigkeiten im Bearbeiten von Videos werden vor allem gefragt sein in den Bereichen Marketing, Produktentwicklung, HR (von Recruiting bis Onboarding), Lehre, Weiterbildung uvm.Fr Selbstndige und UnternehmerMit Videos kannst du gegenber Kunden, Partnern und Interessenten einen professionellen Eindruck machen. Deine Inhalte werden als hochwertig wahrgenommen und du kannst schneller Vertrauen zu deinen Zuschauern aufbauen. Auf Verkaufseiten kannst du mit einem guten Video deine Conversionrates verbessern und mehr Leads fr deinen Salesfunnel generieren.Fr KurserstellerWenn du einen Videokurs auf Udemy oder einer anderen Plattform erstellst, wird dieser von Interessenten und Kunden hochwertiger wahrgenommen, weil die Videos einen professionellen Eindruck machen. Dadurch sind deine Kunden zufriedener, der Kurs wird sich besser verkaufen und du du kannst einen hheren Preis verlangen.Fr LehrendeOft ist es unntig, wenn du gleich bleibende Lerninhalte deinen Schlern, Studenten oder Kursteilnehmern immer wieder selbst aktiv vortrgst. Mit einem Video kannst du diese Aufgabe nicht nur automatisieren, sondern bietest deinen Studenten gleichzeitig die Vorteile, das Video mehrfach ansehen und an bestimmte Stellen im Video zurckspringen zu knnen. Dies kann die Lernerfahrung deiner Studenten verbessern und ihnen helfen, das Wissen besser zu verinnerlichen.Fr PrivatanwenderMit einem professionell erstellten Urlaubsvideo oder einem Video von deinem Hobby, kannst du Freunde, Bekannte und deine Familie begeistern. Deine Erinnerungen bleiben mit einem Video eindrucksvoll erhalten.Warum Filmora9?Filmora hat sich inzwischen zu einem der angesagtesten Videobearbeitungsprogramme entwickelt, weil es einfach zu erlernen ist und intuitiv benutzt werden kann. Es bietet viel Funktionen, sodass du auch professionelle Videos damit erstellen kannst.Finanziell bietet Filmora zwei Vorteile. Zum einen ist Filmora vergleichsweise gnstig. Zum anderen brauchst du weder ein Abo, noch musst du jhrlich neue Versionen kaufen, um auf dem aktuellen Stand zu bleiben (wie etwa bei MAGIX oder Powerdirector). Bei Filmora brauchst du die Software nur einmalig zu kaufen und bekommst dafr alle Folgeversionen kostenlos.Meine ErfahrungenIch persnlich habe in den letzten Jahren sehr viele Videobearbeitungsprogramme ausprobiert, bis ich letztendlich bei Filmora gelandet bin. Angefangen habe ich mit kostenloser Software, die aber entweder zu einfach, nicht stabil oder viel zu kompliziert war.Also habe ich nach und nach kostenpflichtige Videobearbeitungsprogramme getestet. Filmora hat sich fr mich letztendlich als das intuitivste Programm, als eines der gnstigsten und als das stabilste auf meinem Windows Computer herausgestellt.Fr wen eignet sich dieser Kurs nicht?Leute, die nur sehr einfache Videos bentigen, die man schon mit einer Smartphone App erstellen kann.Fortgeschrittene Videografen / Filmemacher"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
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Price: 3600.00 ![]() |
"You and Your Personal Style:" |
"Assured self-expression. Confidence. A deeper appreciation of your appearance. Extra time to yourself. Added value to your daily life.Getting to fully know, own and embrace your personal style can bring you all of these. And then some!Because your personal style is an amazing means of translating your personality- your inner world- outwardly. But since we're all busy and hurried, and don't exactly have a dedicated personal stylist handy at all times, actually getting there can very easily veer daunting.And I know, I've been there too! Feeling at times lost or frustrated in the process of trying to find my style. Spending too much time and money, and still not feeling 100% happy with the results......So, based on what I've learned, accumulated, curated and experimented with over the years, I wanted to give you an online fashion styling tool at your fingertips! So you can bypass that same lost time, energy (and money!) and make your own style discovery journey easier.Which is why I built You and Your Personal Style to give you:The knowledge to measure, identify and flatter your body's vertical and horizontal proportions, as well as your facial shape and features The ability to identify the most complimenting hues for your skin, eye and hair color combination, to pair colours, and to continue wearing ones that don't enhance your complexion.The tools to declutter and transform your closet into your ideal, functional and beautiful wardrobe. For good!The skill of selecting only the most valuable sources of style inspiration for you, individually + a small library of already curated sources, as a starting point!The style vocabulary and sartorial understanding that comes from successfully deconstructing, analyzing and understanding the major personal style typologies, and which helps you build your own, unique definition of personal style.5 actionable steps. Easy enough to break down, but comprehensive enough to help you gain the confidence in expressing yourself through your personal style.And because discovering your personal style is not a punctual event, but a lifelong journey and evolution, this course is for you, whether you are:A style novice, looking to truly clarify the way you see yourself and your style, maybe for the first time everAn always on trend fashionista looking to pinpoint the style that truly speaks to you, but not knowing where to startAn already knowledgeable fashion lover, entering a new chapter of your life- a career switch, motherhood, retirement- and not finding yourself in your style anymoreA seasoned style lover, who just needs some extra inspiration for her otherwise well-disciplined wardrobeA lover and life-long student of style, fashion, beauty, self-growth and all things soul-enriching (Hi there, know that you have e-met a fellow enthusiast!)I hope you enjoy this course, and that at the end of it, you feel more empowered, confident and at ease in your skin- and in your clothes! Please know that I am very keen on hearing back from you once you reach the end: Has it helped you uncover and advance your personal style? Did you find it lacking in any way?Don't hesitate to let me know in the Feedback section!Your personal style is an amazing means of self-expression.But knowing how to maximize its potential can be a bit confusing, especially when you're busy and hurried, and dont exactly have a dedicated personal stylist handy......Which is where You and Your Personal Style comes in!This 5 step course is dedicated to all women who need that stylist at their fingertips anytime. Because they want to more confidently express their inner world to the outer one through their personal style, and need just that extra boost of information and inspiration to do so.And because discovering your personal style is not a punctual event, but a lifelong journey and evolution, this course is right for you, whether you are:*A style novice, looking to truly clarify the way you see yourself and your style, maybe for the first time ever*An always on trend fashionista looking to pinpoint the style that truly speaks to you, but not knowing where to start*An already knowledgeable fashion lover, entering a new chapter of your life- a career switch, motherhood, retirement- and not finding yourself in your style anymore*A seasoned style lover, who just needs some extra inspiration for her otherwise well-disciplined wardrobe*A lover and life-long student of style, fashion, beauty, self-growth and all things soul-enriching (Hi there, know that you have e-met a fellow enthusiast!)BONUS:I am adding a new layer to You and Your Personal Style for this season of back-to-school e-learning:The 1-1-1 Style System!Have you purchased You and Your Personal Style on or after the 1st September 2020?Then please dont wait to book your free 1 hour Q&A session with me!I love reading your feedback and questions! And with all the ones I have received so far, I decided to develop a more personalized system of supporting you in your style journey.So make sure to write down any style questions you have based on the course, and drop me a line in the Messages section to book an online session where we will discuss everything 1-on-1!..........................................................................Copyright 2020 Silvia CosmaNo portion of this course may be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever, without the express written permission of the publisher, except for brief quotations embodied in critical reviews."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Start with Facebook by Vargas Digital USA" |
"Great businesses need a helping hand. Today's world of marketing goes through fast-paced changes, takeovers, and instability, and it's exceptionally hard if you're a new business owner to go around and figure everything out from the beginning, especially if your budget is small.If you want to take things to the next level, start with Facebook, by Vargas Digital! Sign Up Today! After years of experience and research, I came to the conclusion that Facebook is the perfect place for displaying ads. Together with my team, I started designing this course because I wanted to give the new entrepreneurs a chance to grow their business, reach more people, and ultimately get more clients.I'm sure you want all that, so don't waste your time anymore. Download the course right now, and watch your business flourish. I've been in your shoes, and I know how it feels to have to figure it all out on your own. It's hard and makes you want to quit most of the time. That's why I want to make it easier for you, offering great content at an affordable price. Think of it as an introduction and deepening of your knowledge, both in one. Think of it as the start of your success.Get the course at this exceptionable price, and start improving your marketing. Start with Facebook!From the right mindset, Setup, Ad Set and Ad Level, Pixel, Attribution and Analytics Tracking to helpful tools, Key Performance Indicators, Campaign Management, Bidding, the Facebook Algorithm, A/B Testing, Breakdowns, and Reports. These are just some of the aspects covered in our marketing course.Don't miss your chance to reach your full potential & buy the course right now!Over 5.30h of on-demand videos! Be our next happy student!I was always reserved when it came to buying courses online because most of them aren't worth a penny. But seeing this one only cost around $30 and being in desperate need of advertising advice, I bought it. I swear there is nothing else on the internet that's worth the money more than this course. My ads run smoothly right now, and my boat business starts growing bigger. Highly recommend! Bianca from Miami, FLWhen I started my business, I didn't know which road to take. I didn't have money to hire a marketing agency, so I started doing my research alone. I came across this course and went through it twice. Now I know everything I need for doing my marketing alone, and it works more than great. Travis from Bronx, NYThis course helped me a lot to improve my knowledge. It goes into the small details, and even though I knew the basics of Facebook ads, now I feel like an expert. H. from Blaine, MNUseful course! My restaurant is getting a lot of recognition since I started applying the principles in it. Jess from Stockton, CAIt's tough as a small entrepreneur to do good in the beginning, but with a bit of help, it's possible. This course came exactly when I needed it the most and did its job! Matt from Tulsa, OK"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
physics-mechanics-in-hebrew |
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Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Benefit Realisation Management - What is it & How to do it." |
"Consider these questions:Are you involved in change projects and not seeing them deliver enough value?Are you being asked about the benefits of your project and you don't know?Have you heard about benefits management and wondered what it is and how it could help you?Do you know about benefits management but it all seems too complicated?Do you want to learn how to maximise the value from your change investments using simple and proven techniques?If you answered yes to any of these then this course is for you. You will learn what benefits realisation management is and how to apply it on your change initiative using proven approaches based on real world experience - so it is practical and pragmatic and full of hints and tips. This is provided to you with over 4 hours of videos, tools, templates, case studies and activities.Step by step youll:Learn what Benefits Realisation Management is.Learn about the 4 steps to apply benefits management: Identify; Define; Plan; RealiseDiscover the 3 step process to Identify benefits; the role of objectives (and what to do if there aren't any), and the factors to consider when selecting benefitsLearn about the 6 important items to Define for every benefit, the fundamental importance of measures and the proven approach for recording your definition information.Using two case study examples you will uncover the key contents for your benefit realisation Plan and the 4 items that really make a difference.Discover the 4 key elements to Realise benefits, which is much more than simply implementing your benefit realisation plan.Learn all about the important Benefit Map including approaches to create one, everything you need to know to run a workshop to develop a map, and how you can use it to inform priorities.Discover why and how you should capture all your benefits management learning in a Benefits Management Strategy document.Who this course is for:Anyone involved in change initiatives - typically project, programme & change professionalsAnyone who wants to learn or apply benefits realisation managementAnyone who wants to get more value from investments in change projectsAre there any course requirements or prerequisites?Some understanding of project, programme or change management would be helpful"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Apprenez linux par la pratique" |
"Dans ce cours, vous allez apprendre installer une distribution Linux Debian, puis l'utiliser et l'administrer en dtail. L'accent est port sur la pratique pour que vous puissiez reproduire ce que vous apprenez et retenir long terme les connaissances et comptences acquises. A la suite de ce cours, vous serez capable d'administrer vos propres services, comme un serveur web, et d'automatiser la gestion de votre serveur.Si l'aventure Linux vous tente, suivez-moi !"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Siemens WinCC SCADA Program SCADA2 ( Advanced )" |
"Hi dear Friend! Code: DISCOUNT9Looking to improve your career in Industrial Automation and SCADA programming , PLC & SCADA design track and being able to design a complete project?What Do you think ?If your answer is YES, then you're definitely in the right place.Let's start learning,Do not forget to look at my other trainings after this training,I provide P7, HSC trainings with S71500, S71200, S7300 PLC, HMI & WinCC SCADA Trainings, AC and Servo drives.I am waiting for all your questions and opinions"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Mtodo Completo Piano Prctico Para Principiantes - Nivel 1" |
"Curso de piano y teclado destinado al principiante que empieza desde 0, sin conocimientos previos, y a todas aquellas personas que quieren aprender a tocar el piano de una manera fcil, rpida, prctica y divertida.El propsito es que adquieras las bases que te permitan desarrollarte como pianista rpidamente y aprendas la teora y prctica fundamental para que seas capaz de aprender y tocar la msica contempornea, pop, rock, soul, jazz, reggae, popular, cantautor, etc. de una forma intuitiva, independiente y con confianza, desarrollando capacidad de composicin, acompaamiento e improvisacin que te permitan disfrutar al mximo nivel como pianista solista, en un grupo musical o cualquier otro contexto.En este Nivel 1, los primeros captulos de este estn destinados a conceptos bsicos que todo pianista debe conocer para avanzar rpidamente y entender explicaciones posteriores, pasando despus a la parte prctica de acordes, ejercicios, ritmos y canciones.El curso completo est desarrollado en diferentes niveles para que puedas ir aprendiendo y progresando adecuadamente, asentando conocimientos, practicando, desarrollando tu odo y sentido musical, adquiriendo una buena capacidad rtmica, ampliando tu repertorio, etc.Para seguir este curso de piano no es necesario tener conocimientos previos ni saber leer msica.Eres principiante y quieres seguir un mtodo fcil que funciona? Este es el curso de piano que necesitas."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Moving Beyond The Founder - Sales Leadership Training Course" |
"Hello, my name is Henning Schwinum, coming to you from Vendux in Kansas City, MO.I spent over 20 years building, transforming, and leading global sales teams.I am very passionate about the value of great sales leadership, and the success it brings to an organization.I feel that every company deserves a great sales leader.Are YOU the founder, the owner, or the CEO of a business?Lets assume for a moment that you are and at this point, YOU and your team have built a great product.You have taken it to potential clients, received positive feedback, and possibly sold it a few times.Now it is time to scale and repeat this sales process hundreds and thousands of times over again.It is time to put a successful team in place that retains and adds to your revenue every month.- Have you failed to find a playbook for this step?- Have you hired and fired your first sales reps?- Have you hired a VP of Sales and he or she does not deliver to your expectations?- Or are you unsure as to what steps to take first?If these are situations you find yourself in, this course is for you."
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
chieguentherdreamgarden |
Price: 5400.00 ![]() |
"Principles of Behavior Management (Conscious Discipline)" |
"You will learn 7 critical skills to effectively manage behavior in your preschool classroom. This course is based primarily on Dr. Becky Bailey's Conscious Discipline approach and will help you examine your own thoughts and ideas about discipline in order to create learning spaces that are safe, connected, and open to collaboration.You will learn the following objectives:1. Define what conscious discipline is and how it differs from corporal/physical punishment, lack of choice, and other methods of controlling behavior2. Identify the primary goals of children's behaviors using the brain state model3. Examine the three core components of conscious discipline and how they contribute to successful behavior management"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"BOOK IT - Audition Technique - The Secrets" |
"You will learn how to book auditions for TV & film from a professional working actress of 30 years, who has never had to wait tables. This instructor has over 80 film and TV credits. You will also learn secrets, tips and techniques that will allow you to compete among the top 10% in your category, with confidence."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Kaizen Exam Challenge to Prospective Kaizeners and Experts" |
"Kaizen is a continuous improvement Japanese concept used in manufacturing industries to substantially and continuously improve. Kaizen exam and activity test offers learning opportunity and challenge to those experts who think they are Kaizen champions or big Kaizeners. This exam is also a prospect for those who want to become Kaizeners in their respective industries.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Why you need this exam?If you are a professional working in the Continuous improvement dept. or you want to work in Lean industry you are supposed to validate your knowledge-base on Kaizen. You need to assess your knowledge on Kaizen.If you are planning to do course on Kaizen, this practice exam will help you to self-assess your knowledge. This exam is not exactly on the same format as of any official exam; however it gives you a good idea. This practice exam is based on MCQs.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Exam CompositionThe exam will assess you on following:o Continuous improvemento Change o Kaizen conceptso Kaizen historyo Kaizen principleso Kaizen companieso Kaizen modelso Kaizen Typeso Types of wasteo Kaizen issueso Kaizen Approacheso Value for a Producto 5So JIT----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Food for ThoughtIf you think you are an expert in Kaizen after taking courses on this subject.You need to hold on!Join this exam and self-assess yourself!Take the Practice Exam...Be Familiar with Kaizen knowledge which you hold...May be you need to learn and learn...Or you can prove your knowledge and expertise by successfully completing this exam.Both ways, you are in a win-win situation.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Good news: We will be adding more content for example activities to practice tests in the future. If you feel that you lack the knowledge you can re-take Kaizen training courses.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Self-Learning Process by examining your answers with explanation: Once you finish Kaizen assessment exam, you will be provided with a review option. When you click review, a result sheet will be provided. It includes correct answers as well as the reason or explanation for the correct answer. So this exam is itself a learning process. You can improve your learning by assessing your answers against the explanation provided.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------One Month Money Back Guarantee: Don't forget One Month 100% Money Back Guarantee without inquiry. This means you have unconditionally no risk when registering to this Exam.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ask Questions & Report Complaints: Discussion forum on the right side of this course can be used to discuss specific queries and report problems you are facing about the content of the course."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Kanban Exam Challenge for Lean Practitioners & Aspirants" |
"Taiichi Ohno, at Toyota, instituted Kanban to enhance manufacturing efficiency with increasing visibility on workflow. Kanban is one of the technique to achieve JIT. Many companies now claim to have this Kanban methodology to balance the work flow of their processes. Many are still in way to improve their processes with Kanban methodology.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Why you need this exam?As Lean professionals or Industrial engineers one should validate his/her knowledge on Kanban methodology. What are the latest trend in the market related to Kanban, how is the methodology is more efficiently used today, what are the different areas of application of Kanban methodology etc. If you are planning to do course on Kanban, this practice exam will help you to self-assess your knowledge. This exam is not exactly on the same format as of any official Lean exam in Japan; however it gives you a good idea. This practice exam is based on MCQs.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Exam CompositionThe exam will assess you on following:o Kanban Conceptso Kanban Historyo Kanban in modern worldo Toyota's Approach to Kanbano Types of Kanbano Three bin systemo E-Kanban----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Food for ThoughtIf you think you are an expert in Kanban after taking courses on this subject.You need to hold on!Join this exam and self-assess yourself!Take the Practice Exam...Be Familiar with Kanban knowledge which you hold...May be you need to learn and learn...Or you can prove your knowledge and expertise by successfully completing this exam.Both ways, you are in a win-win situation.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Good news: We will be adding more content for example activities to practice tests in the future. If you feel that you lack the knowledge you can re-take Kanban training courses.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Self-Learning Process by examining your answers with explanation: Once you finish Kanban assessment exam, you will be provided with a review option. When you click review, a result sheet will be provided. It includes correct answers as well as the reason or explanation for the correct answer. So this exam is itself a learning process. You can improve your learning by assessing your answers against the explanation provided.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------One Month Money Back Guarantee: Don't forget, with this exam there is an unconditional offer of 100% Money Back Guarantee without inquiry. within a month This means you have no risk when registering to this Exam.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ask Questions & Report Complaints: Discussion forum on the right side of this exam can be used to discuss specific queries and report problems you are facing about the content of the course."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Six Sigma White Belt - Learn 6 by Self Assessment & Exam" |
"Six Sigma (6) is a set of methodologies and techniques for process improvement that focuses on defects elimination and reduction techniques. It was initially introduced by Engr. Bill Smith at Motorola in 1980. General Electric adopted six sigma as business strategy in 1995.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Why you need this exam?As Six sigma professionals or Quality engineers one should validate his/her knowledge on six sigma basic knowledge and methodology. What are the two approaches of six sigma i.e. DMAIC and DMADV, what is meant by each phase of these approaches, how these approaches differ with each other etc. What are the various tool used in sig sigma projects, and what are they meant?What are the different roles in six sigma projects etc. If you are planning to do course on six sigma white belt, yellow belt or green belt, this practice exam will help you to self-assess your knowledge. This exam is not exactly on the same format as of any official Six sigma ASQ exam; however it gives you a good idea. This practice exam is based on MCQs.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Exam CompositionThe exam will assess you on following:o Six sigma methodologyo DMAICo DMADVo Six sigma toolso Roles in six sigma projectso Phases of DMAICo Phases of DMADV----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Food for ThoughtIf you think you are a Six sigma white belt after taking course on this subject.You need to hold on!Join this exam and self-assess yourself!Take the Practice Exam...Be Familiar with Six sigma knowledge which you hold...May be you need to learn and learn...Or you can prove your knowledge and expertise by successfully completing this exam.Both ways, you are in a win-win situation.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Good news: We will be adding more content for example activities to practice tests in the future. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Self-Learning Process by examining your answers with explanation: Once you finish Six sigma assessment exam, you will be provided with a review option. When you click review, a result sheet will be provided. It includes correct answers as well as the reason or explanation for the correct answer. So this exam is itself a learning process. You can improve your learning by assessing your answers against the explanation provided.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------One Month Money Back Guarantee: Don't forget, with this exam there is an unconditional offer of 100% Money Back Guarantee without inquiry. within a month This means you have no risk when registering to this Exam.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Certification: Certification is not provided with this exam, as Udemy does not offer certificates for practice exams. However if you really need one you can contact the instructor, he may arrange it on additional fee. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ask Questions & Report Complaints: Discussion forum on the right side of this exam can be used to discuss specific queries and report problems you are facing about the content of the course."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Entenda o que tem e pra que serve e o que fazer no Secador" |
"Algumas chaves tm apenas duas posies: ligado ou desligado, alto ou baixo. Outras tm trs ou mais. Contudo, todas so testadas e substitudas do mesmo modo. veja as 3 meneiras sobre as chaves. O ideal que o secador de cabelo passe pela avaliao de um tcnico a cada 3 meses, perodo considerado suficiente para prevenir problemas, mesmo quando ele usado de forma contnua. "
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"NEW CCNA 200-301 PART 1/6" |
"This course is the first Part of CCNA 200-301 Video Series by Triple CCIE Certified Trainer Sikandar Shaik (CCIEx3 - RS/SP/SEC) This course helps you prepare to take the 200-301 Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) exam. By passing this one exam, you earn CCNA certification. The 200-301 CCNA exam goes live on February 24, 2020."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn How to Make a Doll House Purse" |
"I hope you will love my Dollhouse Digital Purse Pattern which is very easy to make. You can Instantly Download the PDF Pattern from within the course. The finished size is about 11 inches tall from base to top of handle. Approximately 4 inches wide on each side.This pattern is specially designed for beginner sewers who are interested in sewing something simple but useful and pretty. I have added a link below to detailed tutorial-style step-by-step video instructions.I do not provide written instructions, however, the pattern has tips printed directly onto the pattern.This PDF sewing pattern will allow you to create and sew a very simple Dollhouse Purse that you can customize in numerous ways.These are the 2 files you will need to make the dollhouse purse. It is a printable, computer-drafted pattern that I designed with custom computer software. I have made many Dollhouse Purses with this pattern and the pieces fit and work well together. This size will print on 3 sheets of 8 1/2 by 11-inch paper. You then cut out your pattern pieces.This dollhouse purse pattern and online course is complete with all the instructions you need to bring a little petite purse to bring it to life. This course will show you how to create a beautiful dollhouse purse using any fabric you desire. Its such fun to stitch, and makes the perfect accessory for children and adults alike.Crafts therapy is a form of therapy predicated on the belief that artistic expression has the power to help us in healing, in self-esteem or simply in chilling out. Its unique in that most other forms of therapy rely on language as the foremost mode of communication, whereas art requires something different, something harder to define. I'm not an art therapist, but if you're hungry for a creative outlet to relieve the tension that is building up in the world around us this project may help."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Chaves que Abrem Portas do Futuro" |
"Cada ser humano tem um propsito dado por Deus para a vida. Cabe a cada um procurar descobrir. Principalmente os cristos precisam reconhecer que h necessidade desta descoberta. Este curso se prope mostrar como fomos criados e formados com elementos para alcanar o propsito de vida. Durante o curso o aluno vai poder traar o seu perfil como pessoa respondendo diversas perguntas que o levaram a descoberta da sua misso de vida. Descobrir a misso de vida leva as pessoas darem sentido a sua prpria existncia"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Salesforce Trailhead 2020 - Admin Advanced" |
"Congratulations on completing Salesforce Trailhead - Admin Intermediate!The next step is to jump into the Admin Advanced trail. Dig into more advanced subjects on administering a salesforce org. Advanced formulas: Learn how to write clean, easy-to-understand formulas for complex use cases.Event monitoring: Discover insights into your Salesforce org with this powerful monitoring feature.Salesforce connect: Access, display, and integrate data from an external data source in real time.Company-Wide Org Settings: Learn about search, regional settings, multiple currencies, and user interface controls.Well, let's get goin! Badabing Badaboooooom!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Salesforce Trailhead 2020 - Developer Beginner" |
"You are required to have successfully completed the following Udemy courses before you take this one:Salesforce Trailhead 2020 - Admin BeginnerSalesforce Trailhead 2020 - Admin IntermediateThe Developer Beginner trail has modules that are covered in the two Admin courses above. Without completing the two courses above, your developer beginner trail will not be complete.If you have completed the two Admin courses above, then you're ready to rock'n roll! It's development time!This course is the starting ground of Salesforce Development.My aim and final goal is to equip and guide you so that you are able to develop your own Salesforce Apps that are App Exchange ready.This course is only the starting point for your salesforce development adventure. The final destination is for you to be able to distribute your own apps at the Salesforce App Exchange. Hopefully make some serious money making apps that will change your world and the world around you.To accomplish this goal, you and I will need to go through a few trails together, but, in the end, it's totally worth it.This is the first trail.Are you ready to explore a whole new world? New challenges? New opportunities? New heights? Here we goooooooooooo!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Using Elementor to Quickly Design WordPress Pages" |
"Learn how to design web pages using the Elementor WordPress plugin.I will show you how to add Elementor to your WordPress website, how to create and navigate a page using Elementor and how to customize the content, background, spacing, and responsiveness of your pages. Then I will show you how to make Elementor work with the Gutenberg editor."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"2020 Guide to Generating Leads With Google Local Service Ads" |
"If you are a local business owner or marketer who serves local businesses and are not yet taking advantage of Local Services by Google, youre missing out on highly targeted leads.Local Services by Google is an excellent generation strategy for local businesses. By participating you receive prime real estate in Google as these pay-per-(highly targeted)lead ads are what searchers see before everything else including Google ads, the local map listings and regular search results.Adding this strategy makes your entire marketing campaign more effective when combined with other strategies including Google Ads, Search Engine Optimization and Google My Business. This is a powerful way to dominate Google search results giving you the opportunity to appear in 4 or more places on the first page of search results.If you are a local business owner or service local business clients, Google Local Service ads should be a strategy you implement to bring in highly targeted leads who are ready to hire.By the end of this course you will not only have a thorough understanding of Local Services By Google, you will also be able to set-up and manage your account and understand how to increase your ad rankings.Specifically we will be covering:What Google Local Services ads areThe ranking factors for Local Services ads & how they appear in SERPsWhy local businesses should be using these adsHow to set-up your Local Services ad accountWhich businesses are eligible to participateHow to have the Google Guarantee badge show on your accountHow Google ranks Local Services adsHow to have your Local Services ads appear when searchers use Voice searchand more"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Building RESTful Web APIs with ASP.NET Core 3.1" |
"Learn how to develop Web APIs with ASP.NET Core from scratch with this incredible course.We are going to see the entire life cycle of developing a Web API, from creating the solution, developing the endpoints, working on the manipulation of resources, doing automatic testing, and deployment to Azure.Also, learn how to use Azure DevOps to configure a Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery pipeline to be able to publish your projects from their source code in Github, Bitbucket, or any other GIT repository provider."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Hands-On Computer Vision with PyTorch 1.x" |
"PyTorch is powerful and simple to use. This course will help you leverage the power of PyTorch to perform image processing. Beginning with an introduction to image processing, the course introduces you to basic deep-learning and optimization concepts. Next, you'll learn to use PyTorch's APIs such as the dynamic graph computation tensor, which can be used for image classification. Starting off with basic 2D images, the course gradually takes you through recognizing more complex images, color, shapes, and more.Using the Python API, you'll move on to classifying and training your model to identify more complex imagesfor example, recognizing plant species better than humans. Then you'll delve into AlexNet, ResNet, VGG-net, Generative Adversarial Networks(GANs), neural style transfer, and moreall by taking advantage of PyTorch's Deep Neural Networks.Taking this course is your one-stop, hands-on guide to applying computer vision to your projects using PyTorch. You'll create and deploy your own models, and gain the necessary intuition to work on real-world projects.Please note that a understanding of calculus and linear algebra, along with some experience using Python, are assumed for taking this course.About the AuthorColibri Digital is a technology consultancy company founded in 2015 by James Cross and Ingrid Funie. The company works to help its clients navigate the rapidly changing and complex world of emerging technologies, with deep expertise in areas such as big data, data science, machine learning, and cloud computing. Over the past few years, they have worked with some of the world's largest and most prestigious companies, including a tier 1 investment bank, a leading management consultancy group, and one of the World's most popular soft drinks companies, helping each of them to make better sense of its data and process it in more intelligent ways. The company lives by its motto: Data -> Intelligence -> Action.Tom Joy is studying for a PhD at the University of Oxford in the field of Semantic SLAM, which is the process of simultaneously localizing a robot in space; producing a map/understanding of the surrounding area whilst also detecting and delineating objects in 3D space. Achieving this requires a high level of competency in computer vision, machine learning, and optimization.Tom has extensive experience in computer vision and machine learning, having taken several internships and placements over the course of his degree and spent time in industry prior to starting his PhD. He is a big advocate of explaining concepts simply and in a clear and concise manner; he strives to obtain and provide a comprehensive understanding of all relevant methods to the task at hand."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Arduino Digital Ohmmeter" |
"Welcome to this new course.This course will teach you ways to create your own Arduino Digital Ohmmeter at your home using Few electronic components and LCD Display. This Guide will take you in an exceedingly step by step manner to understand what each component is, why we use it, and what it does, and the way to wire it up, starting with the fundamentals of Arduino and ending with displaying unknown resistance on the LCD display and discussing Analog to Digital Conversion using Arduino.You will know what's the particular working rule of Arduino Digital Ohmmeter, what's got to be coded and the way to the interface - wire -and code all parts correctly so you'll be able to make Arduino Digital Ohmmeter using different scenarios and implement the knowledge that you simply will get during this course in several project ideas.After this course, you'll be ready to make your homemade very own Arduino Digital Ohmmeter and therefore the choice is yours to use it and apply it with any application that comes in your mind.All connections are explained thoroughly, and you'll choose the project that you just want to Implement this knowledge.Get Started Today and Have fun learning while Practicing"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How To Create Online Courses That Convert" |
" A COMPLETE STEP BY STEP SYSTEM FOR CREATING PROFITABLE ONLINE COURSES FROM SCRATCH!If you wanna learn how to create highly profitable online courses, youre in the right place!This course is the result of +5 years of experience as an online course creator & marketer. In it youll learn PROVEN strategies, tools, & ideas that i used to create & sell very PROFITABLE online courses . THIS IS MORE THAN JUST HOW TO CREATE AN ONLINE COURSE:Well cover SO MUCH MORE than that.. On top of: Choosing a profitable topic, Establishing trust & credibility in the marketplace, & Creating an amazing online course that produces RESULTS for your students...Youll also learn how you can perfect every element on your landing page so that your course gets HIGHER conversions..& Ill also show you different promotions you can run for your course to drive tons of traffic & sales to your course as well! THESE ARE THE TOP MISTAKES ONLINE INSTRUCTORS ARE MAKING:The majority of online instructors, and this has been my experience, create courses with the end goal being to make monetary benefit. So, often, their courses are NOT designed to make their students lives better, a huge mistake that often ends up sabotaging their efforts to create profitable courses..& if they DID create courses with the students benefit in mind, they wont put in the effort to market & get their courses in front of as many people as possible.Thats why i created this course to not only help you create an amazing online course, but also optimize & promote it as well...This allows you to provide the most value to your students, and to get paid handsomely for it. IF YOURE WONDERING IF THIS COURSE IS FOR YOU..With my help, one of my clients went from unpublishing his course (because he wasnt making any sales)..To making his course one of the GREATEST courses of all time in its category by making a few simple tweaks that you will learn inside this course!What you're going to learn inside this course is EXACTLY what i've done (and still do) to help my clients with all things online courses.With the ideas, advice, tools, and strategies that are inside this course, i was able to turn more than 20+ courses into BEST-SELLING courses on Udemy.EVEN IF you are an existing online instructor, youre going to learn a lot of VALUABLE information & insights here that will help your existing courses provide more value to your students & produce more profit for you.Taking this 1 course will give you a clear picture of what works today in the online course business. It is an Up-To-Date course that shows you what you need to do TODAY to become successful. SEE YOU INSIDE THE COURSE!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |