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"Logic pro X mixing course" |
"As a fellow audio engineer, I've always cared about getting my song to sound like the ones I hear on apple music. When I first started out I didn't have tens of thousands of dollars to invest in the schooling. I also didn't know where to start. I felt like a deer in headlights. For the past 4-5 years and 300 tracks later, I've been working non-stop everyday. I feel like I'm getting closer to where I want to be as an engineer, but I know how rocky the path to understanding the engineering process may be. Which is why I decided to make this course. I will be breaking down my process of mixing, while explaining why I do what I do. From the structure of the DAW Logic Pro X. To Compressing, Adding Effects, and even how to mix the master track of your beat! Now just because this is a ""Logic Pro X"" mixing course, doesn't mean those of you on Pro Tools, Fruity Loops, or any other DAW shouldn't want it. All the tips I'm giving out in this course are rules of mixing. Meaning they are universal principles. Walking through the functions of the plugins, and what certain plugins can create paired up. And throughout the 2 hours of the course, I'm dropping great tips that took me awhile to learn. That helped me take my mix to the next level. All-in-all this course is great for all my amateur audio engineers who either want to start making money from mixing, or who just simply want their tracks to rival those on apple music. Here is where you start."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"AC Motor Drivers G120 & G120C VFD Control" |
"Hi dear Friend!Code: DISCOUNT9Looking to improve your career in Industrial Automation and AC Driver programming , PLC & SCADA design track and being able to design a complete project?What Do you think ?If your answer is YES, then you're definitely in the right place.Let's start learning,Do not forget to look at my other trainings after this training,I provide P7, HSC trainings with S71500, S71200, S7300 PLC, HMI & WinCC SCADA Trainings, AC and Servo drives.I am waiting for all your questions and opinions"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Piano completo: desde cero a nivel avanzado." |
"Te traigo un gran curso de piano, tanto por su contenido como por su forma. He llevado especial cuidado en la claridad y el dinamismo de las lecciones, en que el resultado sea profesional, y donde condenso toda mi experiencia, tanto como msico de directo, como tambin en lo que se refiere a la docencia.En lo que se refiere al contenido online, me parece indispensable la calidad de imagen y sonido, as como tambin la progresin didctica que siguen los contenidos, en la consecucin de unos objetivos claros para el alumno. Con este curso pretendo que tengas un material nico, donde aprenders desde varios enfoques:El primero de ellos lo baso en una buena formacin de mbito acadmica, donde puedas asumir conceptos universales sobre el lenguaje de la msica, as como el estudio, tanto de msica clsica como de msicas modernas. En este apartado te mostrar escalas, acordes, secuencias armnicas, lectura musical, etc donde te enseo cmo tocar el piano desde el lenguaje musical tradicional, as como tambin desde una perspectiva ms dinmica y creativa, basada en acordes y arpegios, donde no necesitas leer partituras.El segundo aborda la msica que rodea a tu presente: el pop, la balada, el blues, el jazz, el dance, etc.En tercer lugar quiero que aprendas a improvisar, donde te aporto un material nico, que yo he creado de forma exclusiva para este curso, donde te facilito patrones de improvisacin, as como instrumentales en distintas tonalidades que he compuesto especficamente para este curso. En estas instrumentales aparecen guitarras, percusin, bajo, etc con el fin de que puedas practicar todos los patrones, arpegios, escalas y dems consejos aplicados que harn de este curso una experiencia nica.En cuarto lugar quiero que desarrolles la habilidad de acompaar a cantantes e instrumentistas solitas, as como los aspectos que necesitas para participar en una banda o conjunto instrumental. Para ello he elaborado una serie de melodas que te proporciono en este curso con instrucciones precisas sobre cmo acompaarlas.Es por ello que este curso resulta tan completo, ya que puedes interpretar tanto a los clsicos universales, como tambin puedes jugar con escalas, acordes, patrones rtmico meldicos, y dems herramientas que dan vida al pop, al jazz, al blues y a la balada No te decepcionar!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Como ter Liderana e Sucesso usando o Coaching" |
"O Curso de Como ter Liderana e Sucesso usando o Coaching voltado a qualquer pessoa que esteja com muita vontade de transformar seu estado atual em um estado fantstico.Com tcnicas e ferramentas do coaching, o aluno poder se autoconhecer e transformar hbitos, crenas e pensamentos no produtivos em novos. Com isso, mudanas sero geradas ao seu redor, trazendo maior aproveitamentos de vrias reas de sua vida.O importante fazer todas as atividades propostas nas aulas e a cada nova descoberta, realizar as ferramentas para melhor aprendizado.Todos ns temos o poder de mudar o mundo que vivemos, basta PENSAR, FAZER, E AGIR DIFERENTES.Um grande abrao e sucesso."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Associate SOLIDWORKS Certification CSWA 2020" |
"- SURPRISE GIVEAWAY: COMPLETE MECHANICAL SYSTEMS (3D MODELS, ASSEMBLIES, VIDEOS, DRAWINGS ETC.) & CSWA EXAMPLES PREMIUM FILES FOR MY STUDENTS!- The course is recorded in 2020 using SOLIDWORKS 2017, but the material version is independent so you can use older ones like solidworks 2019 2016 2015 or any others without any issue- Sheets so you can easily review the information- This course include 5 Sections:1 Introduction Section For the Basics of SOLIDWORKS2 Sections for 2 solidworks certification CSWA exam examples1 Section for the most common solidworks CSWA Exam1 Bonus Section============================================================My approach is simple: we focus on real CSWA cases and I present the best techniques that require minimal effort yet produce maximum results. All my content is focused on getting the job done in the least amount of time possible.This is the ultimate SOLIDWORKS training course that will take you from absolute beginner to proficient SOLIDWORKS user in no time at all. ============================================================With this course, you will get:After finishing the Second Section CORRECTLY, a notification of completion will be sent By SOLIDWORKS CERTIFICATION CENTER including a QR code for verification Certificate of completionFull, free lifetime access (increasing over time).All future extra lectures and upgrades will always be free.Regular free bonuses additions to increase your knowledge. - lots of fun topics!Today, you can start your journey to becoming a SOLIDWORKS professional with ZERO prior experience!I stress that you need no prior experience and there is nothing to buy or pay for!!! You will only need SOLIDWORKS itself."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"SOLIDWORKS Simulation (STATIC & FLOW )& MOTION Analysis 2020" |
"- The course is recorded in 2020 using SOLIDWORKS 2017 CAD online (en ligne) , but the material version is independent so you can use other ones without any issue like solidworks 2015 solidworks 2016 solidworks 2019- 3D Professional Files so you can easily review the information- This course includes:Introduction to Motion Analysis: Slider Crank MechanismCurves & Paths To Excel Tables: Car Wiper MechanismPath Following: Copying MechanismAnimation: System Rotation & Video Export: Gear + Cam Follower MechanismStatic Simulation: Stress ApplicationIntroduction To Flow Simulation============================================================My approach is simple: we focus on real Mechanical cases and I present the best techniques that require minimal effort yet produce maximum results. All my content is focused on getting the job done in the least amount of time possible.This is the ultimate SOLIDWORKS SIMULATION and MOTION training course that will take you from absolute beginner to proficient SOLIDWORKS user in no time at all. ============================================================With this course, you will get:All Systems used in this course: Slider Crank Mechanism Car Wiper Mechanism Copying Mechanism Gear + Cam Follower Mechanism & Exhaust Manifold ModelCertificate of completionFull, free lifetime access (increasing over time).All future extra lectures and upgrades will always be free.Regular free bonuses additions to increase your knowledge. - lots of fun topics!Today, you can start your journey to becoming a SOLIDWORKS SIMULATION and MOTION professional with ZERO prior experience!I stress that you need no prior experience and there is nothing to buy or pay for!!! You will only need SOLIDWORKS itself."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to model a base mesh in Maya" |
"Creating a Character Base Mesh - Maya Tutorial[1hr 24min] Project Files IncludedThis course is designed to teach you how to build a character from scratch. Learn step-by-step how to create a polygon base character mesh suitable for games or film. You will be provided reference images for your image planes so you can follow along step by step. Learn how to properly prep your scene, set up image planes, and import your reference images. Create proper edge flow that will make the model suitable for the rest of the character pipeline. This tutorial assumes you have a basic understanding of the Maya Interface.Files Provided:Reference Images (Front and Side)10 Maya Project Files that are the completed example for each lessonVideo Tutorials:Lesson 1: [9:58] Setting up your SceneLesson 2: [9:34] Blocking out the Torso and LegsLesson 3: [10:14] Blocking out the ArmsLesson 4: [7:54] Blocking out the HeadLesson 5: [12:57] Blocking out the HandsLesson 6: [6:24] Adding Thumbs and Mirroring ModelLesson 7: [7:56] Creating Proper Facial Edge FlowLesson 8: [3:52] Blocking out the EarLesson 9: [4:41] Edits using Soft SelectLesson 10: [11:13] Adding the BreastsSoftware Used in Videos:Maya 2018 (Maya 2018 or newer is recommended)This is part of the Creating Female Character Series: The series is designed to show the workflow from Modeling to Animation but any part can be viewed as a stand alone lesson. Each lesson can be purchased individually. You will be provided the proper starting files to follow along."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Create Retro 3D Graphics with Blender and Gimp" |
"Learn how to use free tools like Blender, Gimp, and Krita to model, texture, and animate 3d graphics in the style of retro 3d consoles and games like the Playstation 1 and Quake. You will also learn how to find free textures online for your models. This course is designed for beginners to 3d graphics."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Spring Security Developer Course" |
"Welcome to this course: The Ultimate Spring Security Developer Course. Spring Security is a framework that focuses on providing both authentication and authorization to Java applications. Security for a web application is nothing but protecting resources and allowing only specific users to access it. Like all Spring projects, the real power of Spring Security is how easily it can be extended to meet custom requirements. Spring Security shouldn't be assumed as a firewall, a proxy server, intrusion detection, JVM security, or anything similar. Spring Security is basically made for the Java EE Enterprise software application and is primarily targeted towards Spring-framework-based web applications.In this course, you'll learn:Learn and Understand Spring SecurityCompare different security servers and techniquesUse Spring Extensions for various security mechanismsDesign and develop advanced Spring Security layers Get further readings and guidance on advanced security mechanismsUnderstand the principles of security servers, concepts, installation, and integrationExplore various security concepts using real-time examples of the Spring Security frameworkLearn about the functionalities that implement industry standard authentication and authorization mechanismsAt the end of this course, you will master the security layer integration with the Server, then implement the experience gained from this course in your own real-time application."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Twitch Streaming-Guide: Schritt-fr-Schritt von 0 auf LIVE" |
"Dieser Kurs enthlt alles, was du wissen musst, wenn du auf Twitch erfolgreich streamen mchtest, einschlielich der Einrichtung von StreamlabsOBS, der erstellung von professionellen Overlays und einrichten deines eigene ChatBots. Bevor ich mit dem Live-Streaming begann, hatte ich viele Fragen, und ein solcher Kurs wre fr mich von unschtzbarem Wert gewesen. Egal, ob du ein Streamer bist, der nach neuer inspiration sucht, um deinen Twitch-Kanal und deine Community auf die nchste Stufe zu bringen, oder einfach nur ein begeisterter Spieler mit dem Wunsch, deine Talente einem breiteren Publikum zu vermitteln - dies ist der vollstndige Leitfaden zum Twitch-Streaming. Im Laufe dieses Kurses werden wir Themen behandeln, die zum optimalen Streamen ntzlich und notwendig sind. Jede Lektion wird Schritt-fr-Schritt, ohne um den sogenannten ""heien brei"" zu reden, erklrt. Das ganze wird von praktischen Beispielen begleitet, damit du das Gelernte auf deinen eigenen Twitch-Stream bertragen kannst."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Seasonals - Analisi di Stagionalit su Futures e Opzioni" |
"Commodities Agricole, Energetiche, Carni, Prodotti Coloniali e Metalli, ma anche il mercato Valutario, esibiscono in certi momenti dell'anno delle tendenze stagionali molto affidabili, perch hanno alla base motivazioni di natura fondamentale legate ai raccolti o alle semine, alla necessit di ricostituzione delle scorte o alla domanda di un certo prodotto maggiormente concentrata in un certo periodo dell'anno, all'avvicinasi di un nuovo anno fiscale (che porta a rotazioni delle scorte in magazzino). Non una sorpresa che durante il periodo estivo si consumi pi benzina, o che durante inverni molto rigidi aumenti il consumo di Gas Naturale e Heating Oil...In questo corso viene mostrato DOVE reperire e COME sfruttare queste Tendenze Stagionali comprando direttamente il contratto future o un contratto di Opzione o un CFDs legato ad una certa materia prima.Seguendo questo corso, imparerai:Cosa Sono Le Finestre StagionaliIn Quali Mercati Sono Presenti e Dove sono pi AffidabiliCome Leggere i Grafici delle Tendenze StagionaliCome Valutare l'Affidabilit di una Stagionalit di prossima partenzaDove Monitorare le Notizie sui Fondamentali, che potrebbero alterare la dinamica stagionaleQuali sono gli Strumenti pi efficaci per Operare Sulle Stagionalit (sapevi che le Opzioni sono uno di questi?)MA OGGI NON STAI ACQUISTANDO SOLTANTO QUESTO CORSO ONLINE!Inclusa nella quota di iscrizione al corso, hai anche un'ora di Coaching One To One che potrai effettuare con uno dei nostri Trader, per essere guidato al meglio nel tuo percorso di formazione sul Trading sui mercati finanziari. Scrivici su per fissare subito questa sessione one to one che potrai condurre online con uno di noi..."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Competitive Selling" |
"Proactive Calling in a Reactive WorldThis course is about the toughness and edge you need to be successful in the highly competitive world of professional sales. But it doesn't just give you theories it gives you tried and true techniques to be a proactive caller, in very practical terms.Teachers Stacia Skinner and Marisa Pensa are the authors of a book by the same name, and this course introduces you to the most important concepts of their Competitive Selling program. By the end of this course, you will be able to beat the competition by practicing competitive selling."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Aprende Canvas HTML5" |
"El canvas de HTML5 es una poderosa herramienta orientada a artistas, diseadores, profesores y principiantes de programacin que nos permitir hacer tareas creativas y de animacin que se ejecuta perfectamente en las pginas web. Esta basada en la enorme flexibilidad de JavaScript. Los objetivos de este curso son:Aprender a manejar las principales formas como lneas, curvas bezier, arcos y rectngulos.Aprender a manejar los gradientes, textos y cargar imgenes en Canvas de HTML 5.Aprender a aplicar filtros y efectos a las imgenes con el canvas de HTML 5.Aplicar las transformaciones de trasladar, rotar, escalar y sesgar en el Canvas de HTML5.Aprender a manejar los diferentes eventos del ratn.Aprender la realizacin de animaciones con Canvas de HTML 5.Crear grficas de pastel o pie, de barras y de lneas con el Canvas de HTML5.Este curso esta dirigido a diseadores y desarrolladores web que deseen crear animaciones interactivas visibles en navegadores web. Necesitas tener conocimientos previos de JavaScript y de HTML. En el captulo de manejo de imgenes necesitars un servidor local o un servidor web para poder cargar recursos externos a nuestras pginas. En todo momento contars con los archivos del curso y los apuntes de cada seccin."
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
AngularJS |
"CEO AngularJS 5 AngularJS AngularJS"
Price: 7800.00 ![]() |
"Digital Marketing" |
"This course named Digital Marketing - Leverage online World is a comprehensive course covers every aspects of Digital Marketing from Basics to detailed level. A very helpful guide to those who are intending to learn and make a career in Digital Marketing. This being with basic concepts of search engines and SEO to advanced aspects of Youtube Marketing, Twitter Marketing as well as Facebook Marketing Strategy. Course has several quiz sections which will consolidate learning and understanding. Close to 4 Hours of Training material and around 48 lectures gives you complete overview. If we talk more about the Course topic, Digital Marketing is the comprehensive phrase for marketing products and services online. It includes all digital channels like search engines, ads and social media.In the early days, digital marketing was more about getting listed in popular online directories like Yahoo and email marketing. Once Google became the dominant search engine, every business wanted to make sure people could find it in Google search. This led to growth of search engine marketing and SEO.With the growing number of online users and commerce, every business wants to build an online presence. However, just building a website or creating a Facebook account will not bring in new customers.To get customers online, a business needs to reach out to them. Prospects need to visit the website, engage with the content and develop trust before buying from the site. Businesses need to invest in marketing themselves online so that they can attract prospects and engage them."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Advanced Node-RED" |
"September 2020 UpdateIn-depth Lecture on changes and updates to Node-RED (Version 1.1+)Lecture on how to add/update nodes to the Flow Library in Node-RED (Version 1.1+)Hello learners! Welcome to Makerdemys ""Advanced Node-RED"" course. If you are looking for that special course that teaches you how to prototype and develop applications by interfacing multiple cloud platforms, on the go, you have come to the right place. This is an advanced level course, so, prior knowledge of basic programming principles and electronic concepts is a must before taking this course.Through an innovative pedagogy of mixing projects and concepts, this course will help you learn the WHY, HOW and WHAT. To this end, this course is beyond a cookbook. You will always know WHY you are doing something. For the more curious learners, we have ample resources to dive in and continue your learning journey.By the end of the course, you will be confident enough to use Node-RED to prototype real-world applications using different cloud platforms. You will also learn to build Node-RED nodes. As a part of this course, you will be exposed to building flows absolutely based on logic which is how Node-RED works!If you are a technology enthusiast or an engineer with a good understanding of electronics and programming, JS, HTML, and Node.js, and also have experience with working on AWS, GCP, and Azure cloud platforms, this is the course for you. Also, we highly recommend you complete MAKERDEMYs Introduction to Node-RED Course before enrolling in this.So, what are you waiting for?! Come, join me in this course. I am looking forward to being your instructor and guide you in building cool applications with Node-RED."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"The Developing Emotional Intelligence Program" |
"The Developing Emotional Intelligence Program, includes 5 sections also presented as individual courses for your convenience:Defining Emotional Intelligence,Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace,Emotional Intelligence and Teamwork,Increasing Emotional Intelligence, andEmotionally Intelligent Leadership.1. Defining Emotional IntelligenceDeep feelings and emotions act as necessary guides when humans face situations too important to defer to the intellect alone.In all decision-making and action situations, feelings count as much, if not more, than rational thought. In fact, there has been far too much emphasis on rational thought (IQ) in the past when evaluating human behavior and potential.In this course you'll gain an understanding of the emotional intelligence theory, and you'll explore the basis of emotional intelligence by examining the following four areas:the purpose of emotions,managing emotions,the impact of emotional intelligence,what it takes to become emotionally literate.2. Emotional Intelligence in the WorkplaceCan you measure your intelligence simply by taking an IQ test? Will your SAT scores determine your on-the-job success?Studies show that emotional intelligence plays a role that's just as, if not more, important than IQ. By developing your people skills, you'll have a positive effect on your career.In this course, you'll explore:what emotional intelligence is,how to realistically evaluate yourself,why it's important to manage your emotions, andhow self-motivation affects your career.3. Emotional Intelligence and TeamworkGroups are common in the workplace. Why do some work groups flourish, while others seem to drag behind? Team members develop a culture which contributes strongly to their success.Some groups have an atmosphere of excitement and an ability to adapt. Others resist change and have a negative, growth-inhibiting environment. The ability to handle emotions appropriately and work well with others is known as emotional intelligence.This competency factors into the team's success. Participation and collaboration are key to the success of your team. In this course, you'll explore the importance of these characteristics in accomplishing group goals.You'll also examine:the competencies needed to become an effective team member,the techniques for handling emotions,the ways to evaluate your team's emotional intelligence, andthe strategies for improving your team's emotional intelligence.Stellar teams don't appear out of thin air. They're made up of the right people in the right place. These teams have the support and encouragement they need to succeed.Team members are committed to the success of the group and they work to enhance their abilities to thrive in today's fast-paced business environment. This course will help you contribute effectively to your team's growth.Increasing Emotional IntelligenceAre the most successful people ""intellectuals""? Or do they have a different kind of brainpower that helps them excel in the workplace? How can you increase your ""people smarts""?First, you'll need a strong understanding of emotional intelligence. Then, you will need to understand how and what you need to improve.In this course, you'll examine:how emotional and intellectual intelligence differ,why emotional intelligence matters at work,where emotional intelligence comes from, andhow to improve your emotional intelligence.In today's workplace, you need emotional intelligence to get along with others. The ""stars"" around you outshine others because of their ability to use their emotions effectively.Most people believe that emotions are automatic responses over which they have no control. Actually, emotions are determined by what you think.There are concrete techniques to help you gain control of your feelings. In this course, you'll gain the skills needed to increase your emotional intelligence.Emotionally Intelligent LeadershipEmotional intelligence is a popular concept. How does it relate to your effectiveness as a leader? This course delves into the importance of emotional intelligence to today's leaders.You'll examine:why leaders need emotional intelligence,how you can acquire emotional intelligence,why it's important to develop your staff, andhow you can increase others' emotional intelligence.This course will provide you with a step-by-step guide to increasing your effectiveness as a leader. You'll learn proven techniques for improving your relationship with your staff. You will also examine leadership strategies for getting more work done with less stress.Thats it! Now go ahead and push that Take this course button, and see you on the inside!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Basic Penetration Testing" |
"Kegiatan penetration testing (pentest) adalah melakukan penetrasi kedalam jaringan ataupun sistem operasi untuk menemukan celah /lubang keamanan sehingga jaringan atau sistem operasi tersebut bisa di exploit. Di dalam kursus ini akan dibahas penggunaan beberapa tool dan teknik dasar untuk melakukan sebuah penetration testing. Yang akan dipelajari antara lain Instalasi Kali Linux , Geo Location, NMAP, ROBTEX, Shodan."
Price: 280000.00 ![]() |
"Fundamental Market Analysis with Python" |
"This course covers the critical fundamental indicators to help navigate the financial markets and answer your own questions without relying on the opinion of others. Learn to find your way around the chaotic world of the financial markets.Whether you are a trader, a financial analyst, a data scientist, or just a curious person that wants to be informed, this class is for you. I will show you where to get free and reliable data, how to analyze and plot that data using Python and Jupyter notebooks (I do expect you to know a little python). Well start with the S&P 500, my favorite index and the worlds economic barometer. This powerful and telling index comprise some 80% of all equity market value in the United States and 30% of its revenue comes from outside the US. If you only have time for one fundamental indicator - this is the one! Well continue by exploring the VIX, the Yield Curve, The Case-Shiller Home Price Index, the CPI, PMI, BCI and much more.Here is a sample of the lectures (all lectures with code come with a link to download the Jupyter notebook).S&P 500 - Economic Barometer of the World VIX - The Fear IndexMarket MovementsConsumer Price Index (CPI) and InflationReal Estate - Case-Shiller Index, CPPI, VNQUnemployment and the Labor PoolBankruptciesOil & Gold DecouplingBitcoinYield/Inverted Yield CurveDividends, Dividend YieldBusiness Confidence Index (BCI) Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI)Retail NumbersCustom IndexesBogleheads InvestmentsCOT - Commitment of TradersCandlestick ChartingBackground ColoringRSI - Relative Strength IndexMACD - Moving Average Convergence/DivergenceOBV - On-Balance Volume Technical Indicator ROC - Rate of Change..."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"NEW Learn Google hacks, gather sensitive data and Phishing" |
"Google is a great tool that must of us use on a daily basis, however it's real power and capacities are hidden to the vast majority of us. Since it fetches data from all over the internet (or most of it) some sensitive data also stays available and can be gathered with a few custom search queries and a bit of imagination This course will not only teach you how use most of Google's full capacities, it will also show you how to use other search engines to fetch sensitive information and validate if credentials are compromised. Besides this you will learn how to setup a phishing attack website in order to get sensitive information by cloning websites such as Google's, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc and you will also learn how to setup a local fake WiFi access point to get users credentials, among other useful information.You will also learn best practices to secure your information, detect and avoid phishing scams in order to best secure your data. This course is meant to be practical, no boring slideshows or lectures, we will go straight to the point and start exploring the several tools right from the first lessons.This course is for educational purposes only, I do not take any responsibility for your actions and you are highly advised not to use this information to perform any illicit actions."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Master C# And SQL By Building Applications" |
"It is time for you to master C# and SQL by putting them together and pushing yourself to build real life applications. There are no shortcuts or magic potions that will make you good. You will just have to take the course, dedicate your time and learn all of the information.The sole purpose of this course is to challenge you to put multiple technologies together while solving real life problems.All of the applications written in this course could be used in the real world with a bit of enhancement.We are not just going to write simple console applications. We will start with a console application, but then we will build up on top of that and move on to WPF forms using XAML. We will learn about MVVM best practices.At the same time each application is going to be a combination of SQL and C# together. We will be building SQL tables, SQL views, SQL stored procedures, SQL user defined data types and much more. Then we will be using SQL explorer to connect to SQL Server from Visual Studio.We will be putting SQL data onto Excel worksheets and workbooks and emailing them over as an attachment all through C#.We will be building WPF forms which use data coming from the database and using Dapper we will make the communication between our C# code and SQL Server seamless.There is so much more so you will have to take the course and see it for yourself.The great thing is that I took the time to make this course interesting and flowing so you don't have to suffer through it. You will enjoy it and even more so will want to rematch it again.Make sure that you have already taken the courses mentioned in the prerequisites section. This way you will be ready to dive into the course and be able to keep up with the pace.If you are able to get through this course, understand it and feel comfortable with the concepts then you are ready to enter the real world of software development. Of course there are always going to be challenges but you will be equipped with enough skill to be able to handle the complexities and find an optimal solution.I will see you on the other side - take action now!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Construction Management: Construction Claims 101 (2 PDUs)" |
"Welcome to the most comprehensive Construction Claims Management Foundations course!Here, you will learn the core knowledge about construction claims management. So, * if you are a beginner just started to learn about construction claims, or * a relatively experienced construction professional searching for a reference tool for construction claims,then, this course is the perfect match for you.What will you learn after completing this course?You will learn:* The construction claims mechanism* Causes of construction claims* Claims procedure (FIDIC 1st Edition, 1999)* Claims procedure (FIDIC 2nd Edition, 2017)* Types of construction delays* Core knowledge of delay analysis techniquesThis course also includes 2 WORKSHOPS which will help you to clearly understand what you have learned in the course!After completing this course, you will get your COURSE COMPLETION CERTIFICATE from casePM!PLUS: If you are a PMP certified project professional, then you will earn 2 PDUs after completing this course!If you are a Project Manager or aiming to become a Project Manager, then the information you will learn in this course will help you confidently manage the claims process of your construction project. Or, if you want to start a new career as a claims specialist, this course is the best starting point for you. After completing this course, you can go further by attending more advanced classes and by gaining practical experience in your projects. (But please note that this course is not for experienced claims management staff having advanced knowledge of claims.)"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Creating Illustrations with Adobe and SVG!" |
"We at Mammoth Interactive value input from students like you. Feel free to leave us your feedback.Gain hands-on experience with coding real projects! Make vector graphics by coding in this awesome course for beginners. Scaleable Vector Graphics (SVG) is an image format that uses vectors, in contrast to other image formats like jpg, gif, or pngs, which are raster graphics. SVG is made with math. For this reason, it can scale indefinitely! This makes it great for making logos, icons, and simple designs.Why use SVG?It has good support among all modern browsers, and it's an open standard.It uses smaller file sizes compared to bitmapped files.You can style shapes in CSS and interact with them in JavaScript! Thus you can programmatically alter shapes for use on web pages.Learn to navigate the interfaces of the top 2 programs for graphic design and digital art. Make stunning projects - learn graphic design and drawing in Adobe's most powerful computer art for graphic design.Create Projects and Get Creative with ZERO ExperiencePart 1: Learn to use Photoshop's extensive toolkit and features. Make beautiful projects that anyone can make.Part 2: Use Illustrator, the vector graphics editor developed for professional design.Get FREE 6 webinars as a bonus giftNo risk attached - get full lifetime access to this course for a single fee. PhotoshopWith Photoshop's incredible tools, you can make your projects stand out from the rest of the crowd. Photoshop has features that can make your photographs or designs go from beginner to advanced-looking with ease once you master the basics of the powerful interface. Don't be intimidated by the initially complex interface - anyone can learn to use Photoshop. Primarily for photo editing, enroll today to add this software to your resume.IllustratorIllustrator is for designers because it allows you to create a massive variety of graphic design projects, such as vector graphics and logos. In this course, you learn how to create a project in Illustrator using the must-know tools. By the end of this course, you'll be able to use Illustrator at your work, to make brand material for your company or to express your creativity to make any project. The only limit is your imagination - enroll today to learn an in-demand skill that will further your professional skills.Stop making excusesNo experience is necessary to take this course. Even if youve never coded before, you can join us. One of the best features is that you can watch the tutorials at any speed you want. This means you can speed up or slow down the video if you want to.This course is project-based - you follow along with your instructor to build real projects. The best way for you to learn how to make your own app is to follow project-based training content. By enrolling, you learn practical, employable skills immediately. You can put the apps you make in this course in your portfolio!Included in this course is material for beginners to get comfortable with the interfaces.Please note that we reuse this content in similar courses because it is introductory material. You can find some material in this course in The Ultimate iOS 11 & Swift 4 Course. Learn to Build Apps!A hands-on approachIn Mammoth Interactive courses, you learn by doing: You create projects alongside your instructor. All source code for projects we make is included in this course. Our experienced instructors know how to explain topics clearly at a logical pace. We don't just teach you theory - we make projects you can put directly into your portfolio.Also now Included in these bundles are our Extra Courses, if you want to learn to use other programs such as Camtasia or Sketch, you get more content than what you paid for this way!We really hope you decide to purchase this course and take your knowledge to the next level!Let's get started!Enroll now to join the Mammoth community!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Creative Reiki" |
"Due to the chaotic times we are living in, its more important now than ever to look after our energy.For those of us who are attuned to Reiki Symbols, we have instant access to higher frequencies of universal energy. Yet, for many, we either cant remember how to draw or visualise the symbols; therefore, we omit them from our healings.Research now shows that when we connect in with our heart centre, we bypass fear and logic (ego). When we work from a heart-centred place of pure intention, we can communicate with our Higher Self.This course provides you with:Fail-safe techniques for recalling your Reiki Symbols through your Higher Self, providing instant access to higher frequencies of universal energies. A number of simple Reiki techniques to support you in maintaining a healthy, balanced aura and therefore, a healthy, balanced life.Finding time for healings, especially in our time-poor, fast-paced lives, can prove to be difficult for many people. This course provides you with some simple, quick-and-easy ways to incorporate Reiki healing into your day.As healers and therapists, were always keen to support the healing needs of others. Simply holding a crystal programmed with the Reiki Symbols can bring about very deep healing. Reiki- programmed crystals are a fantastic way of gifting Reiki healings to friends and families, thereby supporting them on their healing journeys. This course provides you with ways of combing Reiki energy with crystal energy.For some sensitive souls, working in other peoples energies can be overwhelming, especially so in these chaotic times. Its, therefore, of greater importance that we learn how to maintain healthy boundaries and how to protect our energy. This course provides insight and understanding of our energy exchanges, helping you define and respect your boundaries."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
matem_tema7 |
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Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Google Docs for Beginner [English Edition]" |
"Through this course, you will be able to create a well-organized document with the useful functions of Google Docs. When it comes to a word processor, most people often use MS Word. You have already created self-introduction documents or business documents such as contracts in Word, havent you?Word is a very simple snd very useful word processor, but it is not suitable for sharing created files or documents with others. Also, Word cannot be edited by multiple users at the same time. On the other hand, Google Docs can cover those functions. These days, more and more functions are added in Google Docs, which are not seen in MS Word, and Google Docs have become better and more useful. In particular, Google Docs is superior to MS Word in sharing information and collaborative edit. In this course, we are going to teach you the basic usage od Google Docs and suggest some advanced usage which should improve your business efficiency. Dont worry about your skills. We use easy terms and show real operation screen, so all you have to do is to focus on the screen and to imitate our operation. Lets learn and master the basic skills for Google Docs. This course is NOT for people belowPeople who want to learn MS Words"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Apache Kafka: Real-Time Streaming fr Big Data" |
"Du hast schon viel ber Apache Kafka gehrt und wrdest dich gerne gut damit auskennen, aber du weit nicht wo du anfangen sollst? Dann ist dieser Kurs ist genau das richtige fr dich! Dieser Kurs bringt dir alle wichtigen Grundlagen, die du brauchst, anhand von Praxisbeispielen bei.Apache Kafka hat sich zum fhrenden verteilten Datenstreaming-Plattform der Big Data Technologien entwickelt. Kafka wird in der Produktion von ber 33% der Fortune 500 und DAX Unternehmen wie Volkswagen, Netflix, Airbnb, Uber und LinkedIn verwendet.Lerne in diesem Kurs, wie du Apache Kafka schnell und effektiv einsetzen kannst!In diesem Kurs lernst du die grundlegenden Konzepte von Apache Kafka, das Senden und Empfangen von Nachrichten, die Prinzipien der Apache Kafka Server-Installation, der Betrieb und anschlieend die Bereitstellung des Kafka-Clusters untersucht. Schlielich werden wir mit der Anwendung von Produzenten und Consumern abschlieen und spter fge ich Echtzeitanwendungen und die Integration mit Big Data Technologies hinzu.Wir haben diesen Kurs so konzipiert, um schnell in das Thema Kafka einzusteigen, wir haben die Grundkonzepte in dem Kafka Schnellstart hinzugefgt, dann werden fortgeschrittene Themen behandelt, die Verbindung und Schnittstellen zu anderen Systemen und Datenbanken und schlielich lernst du mit einer Programmiersprache (Python) dich mit Kafka zu verbinden.Am Ende des Kurses wirst du praktische Anwendungen mit Apache Kafka erstellen knnen und in der Lage sein, eigene Kafka Projekte zu erstellen und Konnektoren einzusetzten um deine Daten zu transferieren. Fr all das gilt eine 30-tgige Geld-zurck-Garantie. Worauf wartest du noch? Melde dich gleich an und wir sehen uns im Kurs!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
Flutter |
"FlutterGoogleAppDartDartFlutter AppiOSAndroidFlutterFlutterFlutterFlutterFlutterFlutterTalk is cheap, show me the code!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Solution Based Hypnotherapy Practitioner Certification" |
"Solution Based Hypnotherapy Practitioner CertificationThis Solution Based Hypnotherapy Practitioner Course is a clear, concise and practical guide into the world of Hypnotherapy. It will provide you with a simple to use, yet hugely effective process for guiding clients through the Hypnotherapy process that does not just include the hypnosis section but the whole process from starting with a client to closing out with a client.Following a practical and easy to use framework is the best way to help your clients and this course provides you with exactly that, no jargon, no fluff, just a practical guide to using hypnotherapy to help others. If you want a down to earth guide with practical training into the effective skills and techniques that hypnotherapy holds then you have found the right course for you.""Trust your unconscious, it knows more than you do"" - Milton Erickson (one of the fathers of hypnotherapy)If you don't need to read any more and you are ready to dive in then hit the ""Buy Now"" or ""Enroll Now"" button and let's get started!Why Solution Based Hypnotherapy? Too many people are trying to solve issues by focussing on their problems and yet their problems never hold the answers they seek. When we help clients to make a shift from looking at and listening to their problems to focussing on the solutions we open up their options and give them greater perspective. With more options and greater perspective the chances of them resolving their problem is exponentially improved.As you get started and follow through this Solution Based Hypnotherapy course you will discover practical steps that you can take to help your clients find that greater perspective. You can help them to dive into their unconscious mind and develop their options from the deepest part of themselves. Hypnotherapy has been proven to be effective in helping with many issues including (but not limited to):- Depression- Anxiety -Anger & Frustration- Stress- Over Eating- Smoking- Fears- and much, much moreWhat an incredibly powerful tool to have in your toolbox to go out and help others with.""It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is formed"" Tony RobbinsSo now comes you moment of decision, all you have to do is say yes then click on the ""Buy Now"" or ""Enroll Now"" button and we can get started. We can go on this fascinating journey together and by the end you will know how to take a client from the very first moment you contact them, all the way through the hypnotherapy process and successfully out the other side to where their life awaits. Are you ready to say yes?Fantastic, let's get going......... I can't wait to see you inside the course.My Very Best RegardsGrahamP.S. If you want to check out the amazing information that you'll be getting then take a look at the intro video to the course, I've made it available to you so that you can understand all of the practical skills you'll be learning!Go on........ Click ""Buy Now"" or ""Enroll Now'....... I'll see you in there!Hypnotherapy Solution Based Hypnotherapy Practitioner"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Come Vivere in Armonia Metodi per stare bene con noi stessi" |
"In questo corso online LArte di Vivere in Armonia: strategie essenziali per vivere in armonia con se stessi e gli altri imparerai le migliori strategie per vivere in armonia con noi stessi, non significa cambiare vita, e rivoluzionare la nostra esistenza, ma significa, ritornare dentro di noi per creare e ricercare la vita che desideriamo creare, partendo da quello che abbiamo e imparando che attraverso il nostro potere personale riusciremo a dirottare i nostri pensieri in azioni concrete.Perch scegliere questo corso?Questo corso adatto a tutte quelle persone che vogliono scoprire il proprio potenziale interiore, da mettere in pratica in tutte le aree della nostra vita, dallo studio, al lavoro, nello sport, nelle relazioni e nella salute. Seguendo ogni singola lezione troverai degli esercizi pratici da fare subito con estrema facilit e sentirai nellimmediato i benefici dal fisico alla mente, se pensi bene siamo creati per la maggior parte del nostro corpo di acqua, se impariamo a innalzare il livello di energia interiore e comprendiamo come portare questa energia al di fuori noi stessi, possiamo creare davvero quello che vogliamo. Con questo corso online LArte di Vivere in Armonia: strategie essenziali per vivere in armonia con se stessi e gli altri potrai scoprire come essere in equilibrio con le tue idee, intuizioni e decidere come agire evitando di commettere alcuni errori che molto spesso si fanno quando vogliamo cambiare vita, oppure reagire alla nostra parte emotiva. Si molto spesso abbiamo delle emozioni forti che ci inducono a comprendere che siamo sulla strada giusta, pu essere, ma se conosciamo noi stessi e comprendiamo la qualit dei nostri pensieri, da li che potrai iniziare a portare concretezza nella tua vita di tutti i giorni, portando a termine i tuoi sogni, desideri e obiettivi. In queste lezioni imparerai passo dopo passo a formare la tua forza interiore dando potere alle tue idee e attualizzando alcune dinamiche che le farai tue giorno per giorno.Comprenderai come fare scelte efficaci e come prendere delle decisioni utili al tuo progresso personale, puoi avere un mezzo potente da guidare ma se non sai gestirlo e non conosci i suoi punti deboli molto probabile che non riuscirai a portarlo alla velocit massima, qui imparerai come accelerare fino al fondo scala, senza farti male e riuscirai ad avere il massimo controllo del tuo potere personale. Alla fine delle lezioni potrai essere completamente consapevole di come mettere in pratica le tue intuizioni e comprenderai quali sono quelle giuste da quelle create dalla nostra mente. Molto spesso si parla molto di evoluzione personale, di crescita, conoscenza, miglioramento, di successo e ricchezza, ma se non conosciamo bene noi stessi e non conosciamo quali sono i segreti per stare in armonia con noi stessi, sar molto difficile evolvere, anzi molto probabile che restiamo fermi al punto iniziale.Cosa imparerai con questo corso?Imparerai larte di gestire il tuo stato danimo per fare scelte e prendere le giuste decisioni nella vita e nel lavoro, Conoscerai come funziona il nostro pensiero e come attraverso il nostro linguaggio interiore come possiamo influenzare e negoziare la vita di tutti giorni, Scoprirai come fare da solo la meditazione pi funzionale alla tua ricerca interiore e comprenderai come vivere momenti eccellenti nella quotidianit; Comprenderai come attraverso il respiro troverai lequilibrio fisico e mentale in modo istantaneo, Troverai idee e intuizioni di come trovare le risposte giuste dentro di te e saprai decodificare i messaggi che arriveranno attraverso i tuoi simboli e sensazioni che risuonano dentro di te.Ti Auguro di realizzare i Tuoi Sogni"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Xamarin Forms: CollectionView a Fondo" |
"Las listas, son un elemento vital en la mayora de las aplicaciones mviles. En Xamarin Forms, existe un control que es relativamente nuevo, llamado CollectionView.El control collectionview, nos ofrece una mayor flexibilidad respecto a su antecesor, el ListView. Es por ello, que es de suma importancia, que sepas cmo dominar cada aspecto de este control, para que se comporte como t necesites.En este curso, iremos paso a paso, aprendiendo a utilizar cada una de las funcionalidades del collectionview, y en el camino, aprenderemos una serie de consejos, que nos ayudarn a mejorar la experiencia de usuario, como el cargado de informacin incremental, o la implementacin de esqueltos visuales, mientras esperamos la llegada de la informacin.Algunos de los temas que veremos en el curso son:Carga y diseo de datosTipos de Layout existentesSeleccin de elementosColecciones vacasAgrupamientoEntre otros temas"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |