Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Healing Flower Essences and Crystals for Animals" |
"This class will cover healing Flower Remedies and Crystals for pets who have emotional and behavior issues.Learn about Individual Bach Flower Remedies and how to use them for pets with emotional and behavior issues. This class will cover how Dr Bach discovered and formulated the flower essences. Detailed information on Bach Flower Remedy and how it can be used for animals.Learn about 20 individual healing crystals, their properties and how they can be used treating pets and animals at home and during holistic veterinary practices.An easy way to memorize color and crystal correlations.Pet Sections also include:Flower Remedies & Crystals for Rescued, Abused and Abandoned PetsFlower Remedies & Crystals for Fear, Terror and PanicFlower Remedies for Grief Flower Remedies & Crystals for Pets with Cancer & Chronically Ill PetsFlower Remedies and Crystals for Aggressive PetsFlower Remedies for Pets that are Hyperactive or have OCD.Flower Remedies for pets with irrational unexplained behavior.Crystals for the home and veterinary office.Learn about Animal Chakras and their meaning, colors, location and which crystals affect them."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Goddess School" |
"Tired of confusing ""woo woo"" spiritual teachings? Law of Attraction not working for you?Are you ready to be fully expressed in the most delicious way possible?Want to learn how to access your most authentic self and manifest the life of your dreams?Then you are in the right place!Goddess School offers down-to-earth, practical teachings in this exclusive 10-module course. This holistic and comprehensive approach was specifically designed to assist you on your journey to awaken your true potential and embody the goddess within. In this course you will learn tools and techniques necessary to successfully navigate through challenges and manifest your heart's desires. Module One:Meet Your Goddess SelfModule Two:Harness Intuition & EnergyModule Three:Self LoveModule Four: Inner Child HealingModule Five:DesireModule Six:SensualityModule Seven:SexualityModule Eight:RelationshipsModule Nine:EnlightenmentModule Ten:Manifestation SecretsGoddess School includes:10 Course Modules, 11 Meditations, Downloadable Workbook & Slides, Private Instagram Group"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Getting your business story to the right media" |
"Have you ever tried to get your story in the local, national, trade or online media only to get no response? Or do you want to gain invaluable, free, money-can't-buy media exposure for your business and not sure how to go about it? It boils down to knowing what the different types of media want, so you can tailor your business story to them. That's where this course will help you! This detailed course, taken from my bigger PR 101, clearly shows you the examples of stories related to your business, which will help you gain amazing PR coverage.To make it even easier, Ive laid out real, relatable examples of PR coverage I have secured for clients.Perfect for small businesses, start-ups, bloggers, PR students... anyone who wants to up their PR game, build their brand, boost their credibility and get more customers. This in-depth 101 course tells you what other PR agencies wont - how to secure free, credible and invaluable media coverage for your brand. There's no classroom theory here, it's all real world expertise that you can use to find multiple stories in your business, that will gain s of free publicity. Why I created this course I created this DIY PR online course to help businesses like yours reap the benefits of PR, without having to spend a fortune on an agency. As a small business owner (with a background in journalism and 10+ years in PR) myself, I understand that being lean is key, but at the same time, you need to invest to grow and market your brand. So this course is the perfect solution - rather than investing money and outsourcing your PR, you're investing in yourself by doing your own. "
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Machine Learning with Watson and Azure" |
"As Machine learning and cloud computing are trending topic and also have lot of job opportunities If you have interest in machine learning as well as cloud computing then this course for you. This course will let you use your machine learning skills deploy in cloud. There are various cloud platform but only few are popular like Azure, AWS, IBM Bluemix and GCP.You could integrate these services in your Web, Android, IoT, Desktop Applications like Face Detection, ChatBot, Voice Detection, Text to custom Speech (with pitch, emotions, etc), Speech to text, Sentimental Analysis on Social media or any textual data. You are about to learn Machine Learning tools and techniques on IBM Bluemix (Watson) and Microsoft Azure.Watson Services like-Watson Assistant -> Build and deploy chatbots and virtual assistants. Watson Discovery -> Uncover connections in data by combining automated ingestion with advanced AI functions. Watson Speech to Text (STT) ->Easily convert audio and voice into written text. Watson Text to Speech (TTS) ->Convert written text into natural-sounding audio in a variety of languages and voices. Watson Language Translator ->Dynamically translate news, patents or conversational documents. Watson Natural Language Classifier ->Interpret and classify natural language with confidence. Watson Natural Language Understanding -> Analyze text to extract metadata from content such as concepts, entities and sentiment. Watson Visual Recognition ->Tag, classify and search visual content using machine learning. Watson Tone Analyzer ->Analyze emotions and tones in written content. Watson Personality Insights -> Predict personality characteristics, needs and values through written text. Azure services like-1. Computer Vision2. Content Moderator3. Custom Vision4. Text Analysis5. Translator"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Solando com Escalas Pentatnicas" |
"um curso curto, direto e temtico para quem deseja se concentrar exclusivamente nas escalas pentatnicas bsicas. O objetivo principal e direcionar o aluno para os possveis padres das escalas no brao da guitarra e sua aplicao sobre os sete acordes das tonalidades maiores e menores naturais. Apresento tambm a escala meio diminuta, uma escala ""necessria"" para o acorde meio diminuto presente nessas nas tonalidades. "
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Soft Skills: The 10 Soft Skills You Must Have in Workplace" |
"Soft Skills are those unique attributes that facilitates great #communication . They can be the special way that you show confidence in challenging situations. ""The 10 Soft Skills You Must Have in Workplace"" will help you learn how to develop a core set of soft skills. By managing and looking at the way people interact and seeing things in a new light, you will improve on almost every aspect of your life not only at work. By the end of this course, you will:Understand how to develop the must-have 10 soft skillsUse soft skills to relate more effectively to othersApply these soft skills to specific situations.Differentiate between empathy, EI and professionalism.Understand how to communicate non-verballyIdentify the team building techniquesIdentify the steps of solving a problemIdentify the time management techniquesUnderstand how to build trustUnderstand how to change your style of managing people or processes.Identify self-confidence traitsUnderstand how to learn from criticism in workplace.Understand how to reach out to people and when to back off.Avoid the Good Old Days Syndrome"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"The Last Digital Marketing Strategy Express" |
"Ok! So you have something you need to communicate, a message, a product or a cause.You want to move people, shake them to change something, in their lives and in yours.This thing that you do, this business that you have wants to expand and reach out to more people.And the internet, the social media, podcasts, youtube etc is apparently the whey to goWell, I help people like you to succeed. I help people like you to create and prosper.But not just that, I give you the ability to do the same thing with all of your things from now on. You will KNOW HOW. It changed my life and I will change yours with this knowledge.When I discovered how to think like they think and to learn how to sort out the digital mess in my head, I gave steps forward. I believe that Udemy is the best place to share this insightful knowledge in this moment in space and time.I always were the smart guy, the strategy genius. That gave me a shoot in becoming a co-founder in a brilliant successful marketing agency in the beginning of the digital revolution. We were young and audacious. Our web in house department were THE THING back in the day. It was a experimentation lab! It took a good time of my life to really put all of that learning together, put some sense in all of that. I needed the help of some masters, but I finally composed a complete vision and understanding of it all.I will give YOU this, the juice, the crme, the best part of the cake.And it will be FATS. I selected the expedited way to help you, because that is the feedback from the good guys.Good courses are objective and trim.Dont get intimidated by the hours in this course because a complete version of it would have 20 hours minimum, but all of this extra stuff would not be the life changing stuff.And all of this trimming is hard work! As the smart Mark Twain said: If you want me to give you a two-hour presentation, I am ready today. If you want only a five-minute speech, it will take me two weeks to prepare.What you see here, is the 20% that do the 80% of the result as pareto's law dictates.So my promise to you is this: DO YOUR PART AND YOU WILL CHANGE FOREVER.Never again you will see a product development or a marketing campaign in the same way.I will EMPOWER you teaching how to THINK MARKETING in the ways that WORKS.You will LEARN how to use all the marketing tool box in the way that works!BUT this course is NOT for you IF you seek a magic formula to HACK facebook, instagran, youtube etc.Or a some kind of trick were you just sit and do nothing to things to move.Im not a Jedi that teaches to levitate stuff (But I would love to be one).Maybe a little more like the green guy that seats on your shoulder and points the way with smart remarks (excluding the X-wing levitation part, of course).So focus, respond the exercises and HELP ME HELP YOU with POSITIVE feedback and SMART questions, this ways our course will grow a little more to empower you not just 80% but a 100%.See you inside"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Grficos avanzados en Microsoft Excel." |
"En este curso, vamos a aprender a colocar nmeros e imgenes para que sean manejados con facilidad.Este curso se compone de multitud de trucos y tcnicas avanzadas de visualizacin de datos mediante grficos en Excel, para que dejes atrs los grficos aburridos, inadecuados, que no expresan nada, y descubras cmo hacer grficos eficaces.Algunos apartados de este curso mostrarn qu grfico es el ideal para cada situacin, qu colores debes utilizar, qu tamaos de fuente, etc.El resto del curso constituye una serie de tcnicas avanzadas y trucos aplicados para aportar ms valor a los grficos y al formato condicional para que sean ms tiles, y, ms impactantes.Soy Miguel ngel Franco Garca, estoy certificado en MOS, y ser tu instructor para este curso sobre grficos avanzados.Es importante poder representar los datos de manera que cualquier persona de un simple vistazo pueda comprender los datos, representar los datos grficamente y asegurarse de que los grficos cumplen su cometido.Temario.1. Que grfico usar para cada ocasin.Grficos para mostrar evolucin y tendencia.La comparacin entre distintos datos en un grfico.Mostrar lo conseguido respecto de un objetivo.Cuando lo importante es ver las partes de un todo.La correlacin o causa y efecto mediante grficos.Cmo mostrar lo rpido de un aumento o de una disminucin.Mostrar abundancia o escasez de algo en una muestra.Grficos para mostrar la importancia relativa.Cuando cada punto de datos tiene varias categoras.Grficos de superficie para grandes matrices de datos.Necesidades cubiertas grficos coroplticos y minigrficos.Test del capitulo 1.2. Anatoma de un grfico.El rea externa y el rea de trazado de un grfico.Ejes horizontal, vertical y secundario de un grfico de Excel.Ttulo, leyenda y ttulos de los ejes de un grfico.Las lneas de divisin en un grfico.Las etiquetas de datos de los grficos de Excel.Series y categoras en los grficos de Excel.Lneas de tendencia para mostrar proyecciones.Otros elementos de los grficos en Excel.Test de capitulo 2.3. Buenas practicas de diseo.Colores, formatos y tamaos adecuados en grficos.Los grficos circulares a examen.Buenas prcticas con los ejes de un grfico.Opciones con etiquetas, leyendas y ttulos en grficos.Grficos de Excel de varias series.3D y texturas en grficos utilizacin poco recomendada.Claridad y minimalismo en un grfico de Excel.Test de capitulo 3.4. Tcnicas y trucos.Evitar ceros visibles en grficos de lnea.Cuando el origen de datos cambia. Tablas de Excel.Representar un grfico en PowerPoint con animaciones.Resaltar los puntos mximo y mnimo de un grfico.Tres trucos sencillos y muy prcticos para grficos.Insertar imgenes en grficos de columnas.Separar porciones de grficos de tarta.Escala vertical de un grfico con nmeros negativos rojos.Grfico de lneas con tramos de varios colores.Plantillas para crear grficos con diseo uniforme.Test de capitulo 4.5. Tecnicas y trucos elaborados para graficos.Comparar los datos de un grfico con el promedio.Smbolos de incremento y decremento dentro de celdas.Interactuar con el grfico mediante listas desplegables.Comparar los datos de un grfico con una franja de margen.Agregar leyenda dinmica a un grfico de columnas apiladas.Poner en el eje horizontal dos datos distintos.Grficos partidos cuando la escala no comienza desde cero.Test del capitulo 5.6. Grficos especiales sencillos.Grficos de anillo moderno.Minigrficos personalizables.Usar el complemento Personas para crear infografas.Grficos lineales minimalistas.Grficos con segmentacin de datos.Grficos con escalas de tiempo para seleccin de fechas.Grfico con la herramienta Previsin de Excel.Test de capitulo 6.7. Grficos especiales elaborados.Grficos de Gantt avanzados planificado vs. real.Aprende a hacer grficos que son figuras humanas.Grficos de barra con iconos de figuras humanas.Grficos de mapas para cualquier versin de Excel.Grfico de velocmetro para comparar realidad vs. Objetivo.Grficos de termmetro comparar realidad vs. Presupuesto.Grfico de termmetro rangos de valoracin.Test capitulo 7.8. Formato condicional avanzado y graficos dinamicos.Formato condicional con formulas para resaltar filas alternas.Formato condicional de Excel con configuracin avanzada.Crear un grfico dinmico a partir de una tabla dinmica.Limitaciones y particularidades de los grficos dinmicos.Test de capitulo 8."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Blefarite -Terapia Visual para os Olhos" |
"O curso online de Blefarite - Terapia Visual um programa de reeducao do uso do corpo e dos olhos, uma tcnica teraputica integrativa, baseada numa conscincia ampliada de sade e bem-estar fsico, mental, emocional e espiritual.Programa online para melhoria da viso natural. A viso natural uma alternativa atravs de meios naturais de recuperao, melhoria e preveno de problemas visuais. O curso foi desenvolvido pelo Educador Visual Nildo Muniz que tem ajudado mais de 4.586 pessoas a melhorar sua viso.Os inmeros estudantes validam que essa metodologia no invasiva, baseada no conhecimento da funo visual, atravs de tcnicas naturais, simples e eficazes para melhorar a viso de qualquer pessoa, independentemente da idade ou problema visual. Disfunes visuais como Blefarite, glaucoma, blefarite, miopia, hipermetropia, estrabismo, astigmatismo, catarata, descolamento de retina, moscas voadoras, uvete, etc ... tm uma soluo graas viso natural.Possui propriedades teraputicas e educativas, possibilitando s pessoas o desenvolvimento da conscincia corporal, tornando-as os agentes principais de sua recuperao ou da preveno das boas condies de sade ocular.Se Voc deseja:Melhorar a viso de forma simples e natural.Realizar desinflamao das plpebras, eliminando olhos vermelhos e clios com caspas.Combater olhos secos e cansados e preservar uma boa viso para o resto da vidaEvitar ou recuperar de cirurgia, diminuindo ou eliminando medicamentos e injees nos olhos.Retomar o formato natural dos olhos e parar de usar culos para perto ou longe?Aumentar a nitidez ao olhar perto e longe atravs da pratica de exerccios visuaisEnto aprenda esse mtodo simples e natural que utiliza seu prprio corpo, atravs de exerccios visuais, para fazer voc enxergar melhor sem culos, comprovados por centenas de pessoas e voc vai ser o prximo.Um curso online que ensina como enxergar melhor sem culos que pode ser feito de qualquer lugar do mundo com acesso internet.O Professor Nildo Coach Vision (no mdico), no faz diagnstico. A pessoa tem que ter um diagnstico do Oftalmologista para entendemos melhor seus problemas nos olhos e assim realizamos um programa de reeducao do uso do corpo e dos olhos.Quais problemas visuais esse curso abrange: Glaucoma terapia visual para olhosNeste curso voc vai aprender:1 - Como relaxar os seus dois olhos e mant-los relaxados quando estiver estressado2 - Manter equilbrio entre as diferentes tonalidades de luz e escuro3 - Ajustar o equilbrio do piscar, fortalecimento da plpebra e relaxamento da plpebra e do piscar4 - Estimular e manter equilbrio entre o olhar longe e a viso perifrica5 - Ajustar e manter o equilbrio entre os dois olhos para enxergar melhor6 - Equilbrio da viso central, mcula7 - Equilbrio entre Foco, Leitura para PertoPara quem esse curso?Pessoas que usam culos e sofrem de problemas visuais, que o grau dos culos continua aumentando, usam culos multifocais, tem vrias doenas visuais, vai ter que fazer cirurgia, tomar medicamentos e injees nos olhos.Qual o principal benefcio desse curso?Gerar autonomia para voc realizar todas as atividades do seu dia a dia sem precisar de culos.Quais os benefcios secundrios? Passar mais tempo ao ar livre, sem fugir da luz do sol. Ensina a ler letra por letra normalmente e sem ser demorado. Fortalece os msculos ao redor dos olhos (ris e o cristalino). Estimula o Olho Mais Fraco e Fortalece o Olho mais forte. Ativa a Viso Perifrica e Central com movimentos. Ativao da circulao sangunea para os olhos e partes dadas como perdidas Restaura conexes neurolgicas e clulas em regies consideradas incurveis, e ativa foco e nitidez na leitura. Melhora a Sade e Estado Geral dos Olhos e Lubrificao. Relaxa partes mais utilizadas da viso (foco perto, olho mais forte, viso central), e fortalece as menos usadas (olhar longe, olho mais fraco, viso perifrica, msculos dos olhos). Realiza estmulos especficos que aumentam a Nitidez da Leitura de perto e de longe. Voc entende os sinais que seus olhos enviam antes de piorarem. E muito mais...Quais so pontos-chave desse curso?- Uso de Recursos Prprios: voc utiliza o que j tem nos seus olhos, como msculos e nervos, eles j esto com voc o tempo todo.- Viso a Longo Prazo: cuida das causas para resolver definitivamente o problema e do jeito certo.- Cuida de Voc Como Um Todo: no desconecta as partes, nutrio, corpo, emoes, hbitos, ou seja, o todo.- Independncia de Mdicos, Terapias e Remdios: quando voc sabe ouvir e suprir o seu corpo do que ele precisa, enxergar bem se torna natural e simples.- Liberdade de Vida: voc livre de culos, de limitaes, de vergonha e de superviso.Como funciona esse curso?Voc pode seguir o modelo de ensino que sugerimos, que a aplicao de uma quantidade de exerccios por semana, conforme descrevemos nos Programas de Exerccios Visuais. Mas, est livre para utilizar o curso conforme desejar.O mtodo dos exerccios visuais considerado uma terapia que utiliza o prprio corpo para execuo dos exerccios, sem contraindicaes ou efeitos colaterais, cabendo ao praticante/aluno determinar tempo de execuo, fora de aplicao e repeties de acordo a sua vontade pessoal.Se voc est atualmente sob os cuidados de um mdico receptivo abordagem holstica de cura, recomendamos que compartilhe com ele estas informaes. Juntos vocs podero monitorar o progresso e adaptar as minhas sugestes sua situao particular.Este curso no substitui orientaes mdicas e todo acompanhamento deve ser feito com seu mdico.As aulas sero apresentadas por meio de vdeo em alta resoluo e o aluno pode estudar no seu prprio tempo, fazer seu prprio horrio, o acesso ao curso vitalcio e o aluno pode interagir com os demais alunos no super sistema de frum desenvolvido pela Udemy no menu de perguntas do seu curso.O aluno conta com a sofisticao da plataforma de ensino a distncia mais respeitada do mundo.Grande Abrao, puxe uma cadeira, fique a vontade e nos vemos no curso!O mtodo trata ou cura qualquer problema de viso?No se trata de tratamento no sentido mdico/clnico do termo, mas de um programa de reeducao do uso do corpo e dos olhos, voltado para a quebra de padres automatizados, restritivos e prejudiciais de postura, movimento e olhar. Por isso, o mtodo pode ajudar a prevenir grande variedade de problemas visuais, que so, em sua maioria, causados ou agravados pelo uso desequilibrado e restrito do corpo. Algumas vezes os sintomas melhoram significativamente, outras interrompem ou retardam o processo degenerativo. um mtodo alternativo Medicina Oftalmolgica e aos tratamentos convencionais?No se trata de alternativa, pois no substitui nenhum tratamento mdico, oftalmolgico, fisioteraputico, etc, seja ele medicamentoso ou cirrgico. No fazemos diagnstico, apenas avaliao da postura e do movimento segundo parmetros do Self-Healing. No prescrevemos remdios, nem mesmo homeopticos ou fitoterpicos. fundamental que o cliente procure ou mantenha o acompanhamento mdico/clnico de sua preferncia e que assine um Termo de Consentimento nesse sentido antes do incio dos atendimentos.O sucesso do programa depende do paciente?Sim. Somos facilitadores do processo de autoconhecimento, autodescoberta e auto cura das pessoas. Junto com o cliente, descobrimos caminhos e traamos um programa de exerccios para os olhos, massagens e recomendaes. Os resultados dependem principalmente da flexibilidade do cliente em mudar seus padres fsicos e mentais e da regularidade da realizao dos exerccios. essencial que a pessoa assuma a responsabilidade pelo corpo e sua sade e participe ativamente do processo.Por outro lado, os resultados tambm so influenciados por outros fatores como: grau de acometimento da doena ou sintoma, idade, agressividade do tipo da doena, capacidade mental de abstrao e sade mental, apoio da famlia, presena de outras doenas, frequncia das sesses, etc."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"python temelleri-1" |
"Python dilini kullanarak, programlamann temel kavramlarna deindim. Bu sre iinde de aklnza gelebilecek, daha nce biroklarnn sorduu sorular videolar srasnda cevaplandrarak anlattm. Temel seviyede matematiksel operatrleri, liseden bildiiniz toplam arpm sembolleri ile ifade ettim. Nesneye ynelik programlama paradigmasn atomlar mertebesinde aktardm. Dng, karar verme mekanizmalar, veri tipleri gibi daha birok bilinmesi gereken konular da basite indirgeyerek gsterdim. Yakn zamanda python temelleri-2 ve rnekler kursu ile bu seriyi noktalamay dnyorum."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"A Practical Guide for Young Smart Student to be Successful" |
"Youth is prime in everyones life.We think that tomorrow is there to cover and conquer all the things that we have not done or not completed today or yesterday.Competency Building and developing Campus skill are crucial for young student to embrace in life.They also need to be prepared for future and how they have to shape their lives. Will they enter to corporate world or will start his start ups.I have taken all points and to describe in details in these modules so that they can enrich themselves.CheersKalyan Das"
Price: 12800.00 ![]() |
"Aprende Redis 5 desde Cero" |
"Redis es una de las bases de datos NoSQL ms demandadas en el mercado. Es rpido, simple, fiable, compatible con todos los lenguajes y... he dicho rpido?Sea porque quieres aprender cosas nuevas, quieras prepararte para entrevistas de trabajo, tu aplicacin web vaya lenta y quieres mejorar el rendimiento o en la empresa tenis un nuevo reto por delante que no sabis resolver... sea cual sea el motivo por el que haya llegado aqu con ste curso conseguirs: Aprender a usar Redis, y sus diferentes estructuras de datos, de forma eficiente Ver ejemplos reales de webs como Reddit, NYTimes, eBay, etc... Cada leccin se centra en un caso prctico que aprenderemos a resolver Mejorar tu carrera profesionalEn el curso veremos: clave-valor, maps, conjuntos, conjuntos ordenados, listas, invalidacin de claves, etc. Y con todo esto construiremos limitadores de peticiones, sistemas de votacin, sistema de cache, listas de lderes...Y todo esto de un profesor que ha trabajando en entornos productivos con varios clusters de Redis que hacan ms de 10.000 peticiones por segundo a Redis en webs de reservas que generan (500.000/da) y profesor de la asignatura Webs De Alto Rendimiento del master de la universidad de La Salle.Cuando finalice el curso podrs usar Redis para muchos casos de uso, habrs visto muchos ejemplos y patrones a evitar.Recuerda, Redis es una tecnologa que se encuentra bajo demanda, y en ste curso tienes los conocimientos necesarios para mejorar tu carrera profesional. Por qu no empezar hoy?"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Bolt - A must have devops tool form puppet" |
"Hello,This course is an introductory course on the bolt tool from puppet. This is a tool which is very similar to ansible, it allows you to automate most of the aspects of your daily work from a single node. In this course we will build up the knowledge that allows you to utilize this tool to its full potential. We will start with an environment setup, then go through from the very basics to the most advanced usecases of bolt. This course is intended to anyone who wants to make their lives easier and go with the devops flow.See you in my first video.Cheers,Daniel"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Mastering 101" |
"In this installment, Eddie Grey will take you through his process of Mastering. He will not only show you his detailed approach but also his Speed Mastering Method (a method he implements daily to complete projects efficiently).He will show you how to do this simply so that your tracks sound amazing every time. Mastering does not have to be complicated so long as you understand what to look/hear for. Modern Mastering differs from the traditional methods of the past. Originally, we went to a ""specialist"" to bring our Music up to competitive standards but to the nature of today's Musical Climate, it very much requires all of us creatives to learn and understand the Art that is Mastering.If you want your Music to sound better, you need to learn MASTERING.If you want your music to be competitive in the marketplace, you need to learn MASTERING..If you want to help others make better Music, you need to learn MASTERING..If you want to take your Music Game to the next level, you need to learn MASTERING.So what is Modern Mastering? It can be defined as any modification during the Mixing Process that raises the volume and levels of the track by means of Gain, EQ, Compression to improve the quality of your Mix so as to bring it up to competitive and commercial standards.Eddie Grey's body of work includes being the Head Composer for the Kim Kardashian West ""Justice Project"" documentary along with the Emmy Award Winning show ""Born This Way"" on A&E."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Mixing Pop Vocals" |
"About James RimMy music career began in 2008 with an internship at The Boom Boom Room Studios in Burbank, CA. The studio became my 2nd home where I worked day & night, eventually becoming Lead Engineer. Over the years I worked closely with many A-List Artists, Producers, Songwriters, and Engineers, learning the subtle art & craft of music production.In 2012 I set out on my own as a freelance engineer, working with many new clients that challenged me to take my skills to the next level. I spent more time delving into all aspects of producing, mixing, vocal production, sound design, and midi programming. Its my well-rounded knowledge and experience that gives me a unique perspective on how I create, craft, organize, and teach music production.Past Clients include: Jaden Smith, Willow Smith, Kobe Bryant, Raury, Dev Hynes, Chloe & Halle, SZA, Meek Mill, YG, DJ Mustard, Ciara, Jill Scott, Jamie Foxx, Tyler the Creator, Frank Ocean, Aloe Blacc, Tricky Stewart, Akon, LMFAO, Brandy, Ray J, Justin Bieber, Christina Milian, The Dream, P. Diddy, Heavy D, and more."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to the Actuarial Exams" |
"What is the Purpose of Actuarial Science?What are the Dimensions of Risk?What is the complete syllabus of Actuarial Science?What Actuarial Exams do I need to write?What Study Techniques can I use?This course aims to answer the questions above and be an introduction to anyone writing the actuarial exams.I'll also be adding lists of recommended textbooks for each subject and other resources in time."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Electrical M.V Power Cables (Design & Specifications)" |
"A course that pays attention, detail and focuses on designing components of medium voltage power cables, as it makes you fully aware of knowledge of how to choose and use power cables in installations and how to know the technical specifications used internationally.In addition to that learn using tables of manufacturers at work."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Matrix Algebra Explained" |
"In this course, you will learn about the basics of matrices in algebra. While this is not a linear algebra course, it will serve to get you up to speed with most of the entry level topics taught in a linear algebra course. In this course, you will learn the following:How to Solve Linear Systems Using Gaussian EliminationHow to Solve Linear Systems Using Gauss-Jordan EliminationHow to Place an Augmented Matrix in Row Echelon FormHow to Place an Augmented Matrix in Reduced Row Echelon FormHow to Add MatricesHow to Subtract MatricesHow to Multiply a Matrix by a ScalarHow to Multiply MatricesHow to Find the Inverse of a Matrix using Row ReductionHow to Solve Linear Systems using Matrix Equations (Using the Inverse of a Matrix)How to Find the Determinant of a Matrix Using Laplace ExpansionHow to Find the Determinant of a 3 x 3 Matrix Using the ShortcutHow to Find the Determinant of a Matrix in Upper Triangular Form 4 x 4 ShortcutHow to Find the Transpose of a MatrixHow to Find the Classical Adjoint (Adjugate of a Matrix)How to Find the Inverse of a Matrix Using the Determinant and the Adjoint (Adjugate)How to Solve a 2 x 2 Linear System Using Cramer's RuleHow to Solve a 3 x 3 Linear System Using Cramer's RuleApplications of Determinants - Finding the Area of a TriangleApplications of Determinants - Testing for CollinearityApplications of Determinants - Finding the Equation of a Line Using Determinants"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Brazilian Portuguese Language Course #4,for Intermediates." |
"Warning:To take this course, you must first take the Brazilian Portuguese Beginner course - Module 1, 2 and 3.Have you ever imagined what it would be like to learn Portuguese quickly, easily, and without all the complicated grammar rules?And without having to translate everything you learn? Learn speaking Portuguese?So stop imagining and start learning! In the course ""Brazilian Portuguese - Beginners, Module 1""you learn exactly in this way, through the Direct Method, the method by which living languages are taught. The way you learned your native language! Learning without translation: through examples, images, listening and speaking. It is the ideal method for anyone who needs to learn a language quickly and effectively.We teach Brazilian Portuguese through short, colorful and fun videos. Some tell small stories with a beginning and an end. Each lesson uses only vocabulary you've learned in earlier lessons, and adds to it. (For that reason, it is important to follow the exact order of the videos.)Buy the first module now and see how easy it is to learn Portuguese with us!"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
the-secret-compass-for-leaders |
". . . ... ""The Secret Compass"" . - 15 - KFC Pizza Hut Hardee's Costa Coffee .- The Secret Compass"" ""The CODE of Business Transformation""- ""Neuro-Linguistic Programming NLP"" - - - Navigator - . : : : : : : : :"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Tips Efisiensi Pemakaian Listrik dan Air dalam Gedung" |
"Lecture : Property Management CourseSection : Mechanical, Electrical & Plumbing (Efisiensi Pemakaian Listrik & Air)Bagi anda yang tertarik dengan dunia properti, dan ingin mengetahui tips bagaimana mengefisiensi pemakaian listrik dan air di dalam gedung? Course ini menyajikan materi tips untuk menghemat biaya pemakaian listrik dan air yang disampaikan oleh Ir. Thomas Rimbani seorang praktisi yang ahli dalam bidang Mechanical, Electrical & Plumbing. Course ini mengajikan beberapa materi, diantaranya:1. Sistem Catu Daya 2. Sistem Tata Udara3. Sistem Instalasi Air Bersih & Air Kotor4. Sistem Transportasi dalam Gedung"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"MTA 98-364 Database Fundamentals Preparation Course" |
"Become a Microsoft Technology Associate and get recognized for demonstrating introductory knowledge of and skills with databases, including relational databases, such as Microsoft SQL Server.In this self-paced course, I'll cover the objectives tested on the Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) 98-364 Database Fundamentals Exam. I'll be taking you from the basic understanding of database concepts to writing your own queries, selecting data, modifying data, and creating database structures. Along the way, I'll explain the key concepts, demonstrate the syntax, and give you an opportunity to test the skills you have acquired during this course.This course consists of presentations to cover the theoretical objectives of the exam and demonstrations to cover the practical skills required to pass the exam.**This is a dedicated preparation course for the Microsoft Technology Associate: 98-364 Database Fundamentals Exam**"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How To Crack Job Interview?" |
"This Course ""How To Crack Job Interview?"" focuses on the non-technical questions that might be asked in an interview. It has as many as 156 questions and the probable answers that you can give. It will help you understand What is the purpose of having an interview in the selection process?On what basis the interviewers select candidates?How to showcase yourself as a potential candidate?What things do you need to prepare before taking the interview?How not to answer in an interview?What kind of questions you can ask the interviewers to impress them?How to create a good impression of you on them?How to stand out in an interview?It will enhance you to market yourself in an interview! Happy Learning!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Data structure (level 1)" |
"this course is 1st level to data structures and algorithms after completing this course you can try some coding questions of various coding interviews websites. this course contains in-depth knowledge of arrays and string in java which is i think the basics building blocks before learning complex data structures or algorithms."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn to Program with Processing" |
"Do you wish learn to program once and for all? Wish you could do it in an easy and friendly manner? Then this course is for you!This course is designed to teach you to program in a more graphical and interactive way. Learn to program in Java with the easy to use Processing development environment. Forget about difficult setups and installations. Just download Processing and run.Unlike other courses, we wont begin learning by outputting text to a console, instead we will draw and animate on the screen right from the first lesson. By forgetting about tedious setups and initializations we can focus more on developing ideas and concepts.The course is designed with the absolute beginner in mind. We start from scratch by looking at the absolute basics and build on from there to more complex topics. The objective is to make the process of learning to code less intimidating. Complex subjects are explained in a simple and visual way. By using images and animations students can grasp concepts better. End of section exercises and their respective solutions allow you to practice what you learn in the lessons.What about math? We keep the complicated math to a minimum and only introduce it when absolutely necessary. Even when this happens, the main goal or concept of the lesson is not dependent on the math. So even if you dont want to deal with the math, you can still understand the concepts.With our carefully designed curriculum you get an extensive course that won't take a year to finish. Each lesson will teach you essential concepts without long improvised explanations. Theory is kept to a minimum, only explaining the most important concepts, then is of to implementing it in code. A lot of work has gone into getting the right balance between theory and practice.So if you wish to learn to code in an easy and fun way this is the course for you!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Monitorao de Desempenho Gesto e Otimizao com LINUX" |
"Torne-se um analista de systemas linux, iremos conhecer vrias ferramentas em linha de comando do Linux (CLI), no final deste curso sairs com uma viso sobre como monitor de forma pro-activa sua infraestrutura Linux, tanto faz servidores, ou desktops, e fazendo isso estars preparado para proteger seus sistemas de muitos problemas que poderiam vir a acontecer.Iremos usar ferramentas j embutidas no prprio Linux, como tambm ter a seco aonde iremos ver algumas outras ferramentas que no vm por padro, e veremos como instalar as mesmas.Ser um curso, de grande proveito para:Administradores de SistemasAdministradores de RedesUsurios normais"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Morganti Ju-Jitsu blue belt digital manual" |
"Digital manual for Morganti Ju-Jitsu blue belt students, this guide contains all the technical and theoretical content necessary for the gradings:- Introduction- Pronunciation of the techniques- Kihon (Punches, Kicks and Defenses), Ne Waza (Ground Fight), Nage Waza (Throws) and Kata- PDF Book- Theoretical Test* All the techniques are commented on by Shidoshi and recorded in different angles"
Price: 300.00 ![]() |
"Morganti Ju-Jitsu green belt digital manual" |
"Digital manual for Morganti Ju-Jitsu green belt students, this guide contains all the technical and theoretical content necessary for the gradings:- Introduction- Pronunciation of the techniques- Kihon (Punches, Kicks and Defenses), Ne Waza (Ground Fight), Nage Waza (Throws) and Kata- PDF Book- Theoretical Test* All the techniques are commented on by Shidoshi and recorded in different angles"
Price: 300.00 ![]() |
"Morganti Ju-Jitsu purple belt digital manual" |
"Digital manual for Morganti Ju-Jitsu purple belt students, this guide contains all the technical and theoretical content necessary for the gradings:- Introduction- Pronunciation of the techniques- Kihon (Punches, Kicks and Defenses), Ne Waza (Ground Fight), Nage Waza (Throws) and Kata- PDF Book- Theoretical Test* All the techniques are commented on by Shidoshi and recorded in different angles"
Price: 300.00 ![]() |
"Morganti Ju-Jitsu brown belt digital manual" |
"Digital manual for Morganti Ju-Jitsu brown belt students, this guide contains all the technical and theoretical content necessary for the gradings:- Introduction- Pronunciation of the techniques- Kihon (Punches, Kicks and Defenses), Ne Waza (Ground Fight), Nage Waza (Throws) and Kata- PDF Book- Theoretical Test* All the techniques are commented on by Shidoshi and recorded in different angles"
Price: 300.00 ![]() |
"System Center 2012 R2 Operations Manager" |
"System Center 2012 R2 Operations Manager , System Center 2012 R2 Operation Manager"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |