Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
ohjxwlix |
", ."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Las 5S" |
"En este curso aprenders a implementar la tcnica de las 5'S en diferentes entornos, como pueden ser una oficina, un taller, una bodega, tu propio cuarto, un jardn o toda una empresa.Las 5'S son muy fciles de comprender, pero su implementacin es todo un reto, por lo que en este curso estamos haciendo nfasis en que se requiere para lograr una profunda implementacin que se mantenga de manera permanente.A esta tcnica la llamamos la ""Joya de la Corona"", por que siempre tiene que estar presente en cualquier esfuerzo de mejora o aplicacin de tcnicas ms avanzadas como Calidad Total, Lean Manufacturing o TPM (Total Productive Maintenance).Mauricio Rodrguez-Martnez, tu instructor, aprendi est tcnica directamente con los japoneses, a travs de 5 cursos que tuvo en Japn, entre 1990 y 2001 y la ha implementado exitosamente en gran cantidad de negocios, como pueden ser fbricas, oficinas, restaurantes, comunidades indgenas y hasta en un aeropuerto."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Dijital rnler Gelitirme Eitimi" |
"Gnmzde meslekler teknolojinin de gelimesiyle birlikte artk dijitale evirilmitir. Hal byle olunca genlerde gelecekte isiz kalmamak iin kendilerine bu gelecekte yer edinmek istemektedirler.Bu eitimi inceliyorsanz muhtemelen siz de onlardan birisiniz. Kendinize gelecekte iyi olanaklar olan, ok kazanabileceiniz ve kendi iinizi yapabileceiniz bir gelecek arayndasnz. Bir zamanlar ben de byleydim. Ben de kendime iyi bir gelecek kurabileceim iler aryordum. Uzun aratrmalar sonucunda da kendimi dijital sektrde ilerletmeye karar verdim.Size bu eitimde kendi rnlerinizi oluturmay, herhangi bir sermayeye ihtiya duymadan dijital rnlerle para kazanabileceinizi ve bunlar nasl satabileceinizi sylesem, ilginizi eker miydi? Ya da geleceinizi tamamen bu sektrde ilerleyerek kendinize gzel bir pasif gelir oluturabileceinizi sylesem, ilgilenir miydiniz? te size bu eitimde tam olarak bunlar sunuyorum.Daha nce eitimlerimi ve kitaplarm alan birok rencim kendi internet ilerini kurdular. Hatta birou buradan rendikleri bilgilerle kendilerine tamamen yeni bir kariyer izdiler. Bununla ilgili detayl bilgilere nstagram sayfamdan ulaabilirsiniz (@girisimciyazar). Ayrca rettiim dier rnlere bakarak hakkmda daha fazla fikir sahibi olabilirsiniz.Burada kaybedebileceiniz hibir ey yoktur, tam aksine bu eitimin sonunda yeni bir bilinle ve farkl bak as ile ayrlacanz size garanti ediyorum.Siz de dijital dnyada yerinizi almak iin vakit kaybetmeyin. Hadi hemen cretsiz rneklere bakarak eitime balayn."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Now Practice English & Be Prepared" |
"Testing your wings is important before flying, likewise, testing your knowledge is also important as learning new skills. The concept and understanding of English Grammar is very important in establishing effective communication. This course is for those individuals who want to review or improve their skills for proper communication. You have already gone from series of courses online and offline both. You have read and learn from different books written on English but what you just missed is series of practice test to convert your learning into one skill. Yes, learning language is a skill and it's important both in schools and in building career. When you go through this series of 5 practice test which contains 300 questions you were going to explore your knowledge. You will be able to identify your mistakes and you know where to improve, so you will focus more on those topics to avoid same silly mistakes in future and quick soon you will find yourself growing more and better way just because you have improve your one skill its gives you the better way to communicate. This course will provide you 6 practice test and if you take even a one practice test a week, then in just 6 weeks you will rectify your mistakes and work on it to become expert in language. This course contain question on the major topics of English Grammar such as :1) Tenses 6) Modals 2) Verbs 7) Adverbs3) Nouns 8) Adjectives4) Pronouns 9) Relative Pronouns5) Articles 10) Conditionals# This course will help you prepare for various English Examinations.#This course is useful even if you only want to refresh your Grammar in an amazing quick way.This course is basically for the learners of English Language who want to control and rectify mistakes of their spoken or written English Grammar and anyone who want to improve and upgrade their skills and want to master English Grammar can take this course."
Price: 10880.00 ![]() |
fullmoonjackson |
"Basic English Grammar 1 ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"OKR: Methodology and Application" |
"OKR: Methodology and ApplicationIn this course you will learn the all the basics and advanced topics of OKR (Objectives and Key Results) methodology and how to apply it in an organization.OKR (Objectives and Key Results) is a management system that has been used by the best tech companies from Silicon Valley such as: Intel, Google, GoPro, Uber and Airbnb.This course is divided in 3 sessions and 12 classes:LEARNING THE BASICS - Introduction and basic concepts- Defining Objectives- Defining Key Results- Defining InitiativesLEARNING ADVANCED TOPICS- KRs vs KPIs- Defining Targets (Moonshot and Roofshots)- Calculating KR achievement rate- Perverse Incentives- OKR of Performance and OKR of Value- Shared OKR- OKR Strategic vs OKR TacticalAPPLYING THE METHODOLOGY- OKR Cycle and Ceremonies During the whole it will be used real examples from tech companies."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Reduce Stress using Hypnotherapy !" |
"In this course you will be guided weekly into Hypnosis where we will work to reduce stress from the mind and boost up your feelings of self worth and confidence. As the weeks progress you will be given tools that you can use yourself to ensure that managing daily stress becomes easier and your resilience levels increase. Hypnosis is a natural state of mind. You are in control and responsible for what you take from the session. Hypnosis is not mind control and I am not able to put unwanted thoughts and feelings into your mind or control your actions in any way. The power is all yours and you can do amazing things for you making you feel amazing and in perfect control of how you feel."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Simulados CPA 20 - Certificao Profissional ANBIMA 20" |
"Tem interesse em valores acessveis para esse curso - acesse o instagran vivian.vense - deixarei links atualizados para que voc seja aprovado. VOC um profissional que no tem medo do alcance do seu SUCE$$0 , esse curso/ simulado foi projetado para VOC.A melhor maneira para aprovao em concursos/provas/testes e exames de certificao a pratica.Pratique seus conhecimentos, VOC profissional que ainda no est se preparando para o exame CPA 20 ou VOC profissional que j iniciou seus estudos. *Aps a realizao dos Simulados voc receber a explicao para cada questo, poder utilizar como resumo e avaliar o percentual de todo o seu conhecimento j adquirido. Voc que ainda no iniciou seus estudos, acredite esse curso/simulado tambm feito para VOC , pois te dar a direo para verificar qual assunto que devers focar.Desejo Suce$$o em toda a SUA trajetria profissional. Conte comigo!Pratique, pratique e pratique. ALAVANQUE SUA CARREIRA E ALCANCE O SUCE$$0 QUE ALMEJA!!* Clique em revisar perguntas que voc receber a explicao para todo o simulado realizado. Curso/Simulado conforme normas ,leis, portarias e contedo de quaisquer Instituies financeiras, BACEN (Banco Central), ANBIMA e Orgos Gerais. Assunto abordado conforme Edital ANBIMA .*ADQUIRA TAMBM TODOS OS CURSOS/SIMULADOS CEA ANBIMA - (Certificao de Especialista em Investimentos ANBIMA) ACESSE OS CURSOS DESSE GRUPO."
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Sistema de Ventas con Stack MEAN, Angular conceptos base" |
"CUPN DE DESCUENTO: 7854151BAABD9B9900D6, recomendable si Udemy no ofrece descuento.Este curso contiene todos los conocimientos necesarios para que puedas entender como funciona este STACK MEAN en especial las tcnicas de programacin en Angular 8 como frontend y Express como backend y asi poder crear tu mismo tu propia aplicacion web asincrona y reactiva con todas las interacciones que te imagines."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Datenschutz Dokumentation Videoberwachung" |
"Du betreibst eine Videoberwachung und filmst damit als Einzelhndler oder Unternehmer in Deinen Geschftsrumen oder den Auenbereich vor der Tr. Das bedeutet, die persnlichen Rechte Deiner Mitarbeiter, Kunden oder von zuflligen Passanten werden eingeschrnkt. Du hattest sicherlich gute Grnde fr diese Investition in eine Videoberwachung. Nach dem Seminar hast Du den Umfang Deiner Kameraanlage sauber begrndet und kannst Deine Datenschutz-Dokumentation beschreiben und komplettieren. Dabei sttzen wir uns auf die Norm DIN 62676-4 ""Videoberwachung - Anwendungsregeln"".Zum Seminar bekommst Du Musterdokumente, die Du fr Dein Geschft anpassen kannst. Vermutlich hast Du das vorgelagerte Hinweisschild ""Achtung Videoberwachung"" lngst ausgehngt und zeigst Deinen Kunden auch die erweiterten Informationen gem DSGVO. Darber hinaus entwickelst Du im Seminar die individuelle Begrndung fr Deine Videoberwachung , so wie es der Datenschutz erwartet. Darin wirst Du die Abwgung Deiner berechtigten Interessen gegen die Rechte der Betroffenen schriftlich festhalten, wie es in 4 BDSG verlangt wird.Nach den Lektionen kannst Du die entstandenen Abschnitte Deiner Dokumentation als bungsaufgabe einreichen und bekommst mein Feedback.Auch wenn Du Dich bisher nur wenig mit der Videotechnik beschftigt hast, wirst Du lernen, wie leicht Du die Bildqualitt Deiner Videoanlage auf Basis der Videonorm DIN 62676-4 selber berprfen kannst. Die passende Prftafel kannst Du selber ausdrucken. Du erfhrst, warum wir Menschen dazu neigen, die Leistungsfhigkeit von Videobildern zu berschtzen. Du kannst selber verifizieren, inwieweit Deine installierten Kameras Deine Erwartungen an Dein Videosicherheitssystem tatschlich erfllen. Mit der genormten Messmethode nach DIN 62676-4 kannst Du fr den Datenschutz belegen, wie intensiv jede Kamera in die persnlichen Rechte der gefilmten Personen eingreift und angemessen argumentieren.Mit diesem Seminar richte ich mich gezielt an die Betreiber einer Videoberwachung und interne oder externe Beauftragte fr Datenschutz, die dieses Thema behandeln."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Hardware e Informtica para Desktop (TI)" |
"J de incio falo que no um curso extenso e tedioso, serei breve e objetivo para transmitir meu conhecimento!Gosta de TECH e quer entender de computao? O comeo pelo HARDWARE!Digo tambm que hardware alm de extremamente importante, ali onde comea as primeiras experincias com a computao no verdade? algo que amo aprender e ""brincar"", ento fiz esse curso com o muito carinho para quem pensa o mesmo. como voc conhecer a mecnica bsica do seu carro, algo extremamente necessrio! Ento por qu no conhecer o prpria ferramenta de trabalho, estudo e lazer!?Est comeando seus estudos, seja curso tcnico ou graduao e necessita de conhecimento sobre o tema? ou; J passou apuros quando sua mquina de estudos ou trabalho no est funcionando como devia e voc nem si quer sabe como ela funciona? ACREDITE! Voc pode diagnosticar ou at resolver vrios problemas sem ter o trabalho de mandar para uma assistncia.Estou aqui para passar o mximo de conhecimento que obtive na minha carreira de TI a respeito dessa mquina essencial para o funcionamento do mundo globalizado.Compartilhe esse treinamento com quem voc acha que tambm deve obter esse conhecimento tanto pra sua vida pessoal quanto pra profissional, pois no ir se arrepender!"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Six Steps to Business Planning Success During Coronavirus" |
"In this class I lay out six steps to creating a crisis business plan that will help carry your business to success even during the coronavirus pandemic. These are simple, concise, actionable steps you can take right now and make a difference in your business. Many people don't realize it, but a crisis actually creates unique business opportunities. in this class you will learn the following;How to recognize the needs and business opportunities that arising as a result of the coronavirus. how to evaluate what you do offer, and what you can offer, and how they can meet these new needs.How to bridge the gap between what you offer and the needs. how to bring your products and services to the market and make money doing it. How to let the market know you exist.How to get people to buy and pay you. How to finance steps 1 - 5. Fortunes will be made during this disaster. Some businesses will succeed. Some will fail. Your business does not have to fail. it's not too late."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Advance Windows & Linux Exploitation: A Querse" |
"Welcome to this comprehensive course on Advance Windows & Linux Exploitation - A Querse! This course assumes you have prior knowledge of basic penetration testing and by the end of it you'll have knowledge of advance penetration testing like reverse engineering, 1-day exploit and Return Oriented Programming.This course is highly practical but it won't neglect the theory, so we will start with exploit mitigation techniques, and then we'll dive and start exploiting systems straight away. From here onwards you'll learn everything by practical, by analyzing and exploiting vulnerable systems, so you'll never have any boring dry theoretical lectures."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Formao de Planejadores da Manuteno - PCM" |
"Capacitar engenheiros, tcnicos ou interessados da rea de manuteno, para a realizao do Planejamento e Controle da Manuteno abordando conceitos e tcnicas de classe mundial necessrias para o desenvolvimento das atividades do dia a dia no planejamento e nas aes de manuteno, em empresas de qualquer segmento, o curso dividido em 5 Mdulos. Temos uma equipe de instrutores tcnicos e engenheiros especialistas em PCM, prontos para atender voc."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft 70-642 Configuring Windows Server Network Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) You are the network administrator for your company. The network includes Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista computers. SRV2 File SRV2 events pass you configure the log book. File SRV2 win rm quick config you run on. If you run out of SRV2 wecutil QC. Finally, you add the account File SRV2 SRV2 the local Administrators group. What do you do next?a) Create a customized view of FileSRV2.b) Create a customized view of SRV2.c) Create a new subscription File SRV2.d) Create a new subscription SRV2e) NoneQ) You are the network administrator for your company. The company's network of DNS1 network Domain Name System (DNS) server to manage users, such as in name resolution from a server running Windows Server 2008 servers are configured. DNS data that is holding the primary zone for the network users have DNS1. DNS1 is no longer the primary zone on the network computers that you have to find the entries. What you need to do is to start as soon as the cleaning of stale resource records?a) Right-click the DNS server node in the DNS Manager snap-in and a set of selected zones for all the scavenging / Click Aging.b) Automatic cleanup options on the Advanced tab in the Properties dialog box for the DNS server, select Enable for use.c) Zone Properties dialog box to select the option of stale resource records Himalayan griffins vultures Aging / Clear.d) Right-click the DNS server node in the DNS Manager snap-in and click on the option to clear the old resource records.e) NoneQ) Mark works as a network administrator for Test King Inc. The company has a Server 2008 domain-based network Windows. The network has a file server that runs on Windows Server 2008. Mark wants to secure all important data so that only he can access the data. All data is stored on a Windows Server member 2008. As the volume of data is large, it is held in a compressed form on the NTFS partition. He decides to encrypt data with Encrypting File System (EFS). When he tries to encrypt data, he is unable to do so. What is the most likely cause of the problem?a) Data is stored in the NTFS file system.b) Windows Server 2008 EFS does not support.c) EFS does not support compression.d) Data files that are larger than 2 MB.e) NoneQ) If you are a network administrator in a Server 2008 domain-based network Test King, Inc. company, is the Windows task. Three members of the network servers and 150 Windows Vista Windows Server 2008 is the client computers. The company's employees to work from remote locations, you can install a VPN can access via the Internet to plan the company's private network. The Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) to use the connection. The following data on VPN protocol to ensure safety and to protect what you have?a) Transport Layer Security (TLS)b) Internet Protocol Security (IP Sec)c) Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)d) Microsoft Point-to-point encryption (MPPE)e) None"
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"ECCouncil 412-79v8 Certified Security Analyst (ECSA) Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Which of the following methods of cracking the password used when the attacker has any information about the password?a) Hybrid Attackb) Dictionary Attackc) attack syllabled) attack on the basis of the rulese) NoneQ) Which of the following is a notification application that returned the web-based application that helps an attacker to guess the correct username?a) incorrect username or passwordb) Username not foundc)incorrect passwordd) Incorrect username or passworde) NoneQ) Pen testers have extracted the database name using a blind SQL injection. Now he begins to check a table within the database using the following query and find the table: What is the name of the table?a) CTSb) QRTc) EMPd) ABCe) NoneQ) When the network startup and IDS to close the connection, which is used IDS?a) passive IDSb) active IDSc) progressive IDSd) NIPSe) None"
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"Networking Design E20-011 Storage and Management Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) In the analysis of the requirements, it is classified as external requirements?a) Availability and reliability b) Delivery and standardsc) Portability and Interoperabilityd) Privacy and legale) NoneQ) In the FC SAN, which is an advantage of using copper media instead of optical media?a) Better signal to noise ratio for short distancesb) high speedc) Larger payload of the framed) Longer distances are supportede) NoneQ) Pair ISL, configured between two Fibre Channel, switched trunking included. Strain carrying the I / O traffic from multiple hosts generate a total of 3200 IOPS each, with a block size of 4 KB. Provided 2GB of links that share is the best estimate of the ISL operation?a) 1b) 3c) 10d) 20e) NoneQ) Pair ISL, configured between two Fibre Channel, switched trunking included. Strain carrying the I / O traffic from multiple hosts generate total 3,000 IOPS with a block size of 32 KB. If we assume 2 GB links that ISL operation?a) 3%b) 25%c) fifty%d) 90%e) None"
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"Curso Aprende Guitarra paso a paso" |
"Nuestro curso est pensado para personas que realmente desean aprender a tocar guitarra de manera rpida pero sin tener que asistir a una escuela o conservatorio de manera presencial.La ejecucin de un instrumento requiere en un 80% de prctica y esto consume tiempo. No podemos comparar el tiempo de prctica que necesitar un concertista de guitarra para ejecutar una obra clsica, con el que necesita un guitarrista profesional para tocar en un grupo de rock, o con el que requiere un guitarrista, que simplemente desee poder para l, para un pblico reducido o para acompaar a un cantante.A pesar de lo antes mencionado, seguimos sin entender por qu an existen empresas que brindan cursos para concertistas destinados a gente que solo dispone de pocas horas semanales para brindarle al instrumento. El resultado de esto es una persona que paga un alto precio por un curso que no podr implementar.Es por esto que nos especializamos en ensear combinando la manera ms profesional con la mxima sencillez posible, logrando as, que el alumno pueda adquirir los conceptos bsicos para disfrutar del instrumento sin tanta teora, y disponer del conocimiento para decidir cmo seguir de ah en adelante con su carrera de guitarrista.Simple, si en el futuro alumno desea progresar en el instrument de manera ms profesional, no hay problema, nosotros tambin disponemos de cursos ms avanzados, pero primero lo primero, aprender los conceptos bsicos y disfrutar del instrumento, ya que el fin de nuestra vida es poder disfrutar de lo que nos gusta hacer y el tiempo de hacerlo es ahora."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Excel preparatrio para processos seletivos" |
"Voc pensa que para passar na prova de Excel de um processo seletivo voc precisa de Excel Avanado?Pensou erradoExiste truques, macetes, ""peguinhas""A 7 anos estudos essas provasE descobri que existe um padro. Um padro de questes nas provas de Excel cobradas em processos seletivosE quer saber por que no se cobra Excel avanado? Porque nem o recrutador deve saberNesse curso voc vai aprender tudo que cai num processo seletivo na parte de ExcelNo parece razovel voc ter que aprender sobre a ferramenta mais usada no mundo corporativo?Se voc no gostar a Udemy devolve seu dinheiro em at 30 diasBom curso!Att, Rubens"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"NLP Practitioner: Alles zum Thema Reframing" |
"Du erhltst eine komplette Unterrichtssequenz zum Thema Reframing, also genau das, was ein NLP-Lehrtrainer dir an 2 Tagen eines DVNLP-zertifizierten NLP-Practitioner-Kurses erklrt und zeigt. Das einzige, was in einem Videokurs nicht leistbar ist, sind Vorab-Antworten auf Verstndnisfragen, bungsgruppen und das Feedback zu deinen Erfahrungen in den bungsgruppen... das solltest du dir selbst organisieren, damit du alles Gezeigte trainieren kannst. Im Kurs findest du eine Demonstration zum Kontextreframing, jeweils zwei Demos mit unterschiedlichen Coachees zum Six-Step- und zum Verhandlungsreframing. Es handelt sich um echte Coachees mit echten Themen!Wenn du einen NLP-Practitioner-Kurs besuchst, kannst du das Videomaterial als wertvolle Ergnzung nutzen, denn du weit ja, dass NLP eine Methode ist, die durch Modelllernen vermittelt wird. Je mehr Demonstrationen du zu einem Thema kennst, umso leichter wird es fr dich, das Wesentliche herauszufiltern. Du lernst, an den individuellen Coaching-Bedarf angepasste Variationen des Vorgehens kennen und kannst dadurch souverner mit eigenen Blockaden und Themen von Coachees umgehen. Der Kurs ist sowohl fr Anfnger / Einsteiger ins NLP geeignet, als auch zur Vertiefung der Kenntnisse fr fortgeschrittene NLP-Anwender.Kursinhalte: Was ist Reframing?Die Grundlagen des ReframingWahrnehmung und BedeutungDas NLP-TeilemodellDie Grundannahmen des NLPWas ist Bedeutungsreframing?Was ist Kontextreframing?NLP-Reframing-Formate mit bersichtszeichnungen, Anleitungen und bungenKontextreframingSix-Step-ReframingVerhandlungsreframingDemonstrationen der Formate mit echten Klienten und echten Themenbungen zur SelbstanwendungTrancen zum HerunterladenKomplettes Handout zum herunterladen.NLP (Neuro Linguistisches Programmieren) ist in allen berufichen Bereichen, in denen Kommunikation, Beratungskompetenz sowie gelungene Selbststeuerung einen wesentlichen Anteil hat, von groem Nutzen. NLP ist eine Methode, die zunchst durch Modeling von Hchstleistungen entstand. Ursprnglich ging es dabei um effektive Psychotherapie. Die Methode hat sich inzwischen in vielen weiteren Bereichen etabliert, wie: Personalwesen, Fhrung, Werbung, Vertrieb, Kundenzufriedenheit, Gesundheit, Physiotherapie, Coaching, Seminargestaltung und Training, Sport und natrlich in allen sozialen Berufen wie Psychologie, Pdagogik, Pdagogik, Sozial-Pdagogik, Coaching, Berarung, Schule und Erziehung...... Und natrlich ist NLP eine hervorragende Methode der Persnlichkeitsentwicklung. Du kannst dein Selbstbewusstsein und Selbstvertrauen verbesserndein Lebensglck und deine Zufriedenheit steigernschnell groe Mengen Wissensstoff sowie praktische Vorgehensweisen lernendeine berzeugungen und Glaubensstze optimierenDeine Ziele erreichenNLP als Methoden der Achtsamkeit und Meditation nutzendeine innere Verfassung positiv beeinflussendeine Gesundheit verbessern... ...denn gute Stimmung und schnelles berwinden von Stress-Zustnden untersttzt die Funktion deines Immunsystems.deine Spiritualitt frdern...."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"NLP: Wer Lffel verbiegen kann, kann alles !" |
"Im Kurs erfhrst und bst du mit Hilfe von NLP-Methoden, wie du den passenden inneren Zustand herbeifhren kannst, um deine Ziele wirklich zu erreichen.Dazu gehren Meditationen, die dir helfen......dich zu zentrieren und dem Informationsfeld zu ffnen...Gedankenfreiheit zu schaffen...einen klaren Zielfilm zu erzeugen...den Film Wirklichkeit werden zu lassenDabei ist Lffelverbiegen nur ein kleines Experiment, das dir beweisen kann, wozu du in der Lage bist, wenn du deine mentalen Krfte wirklich nutzt......denn, wer Lffel verbiegen kann, kann allles!Die bungen gibt es zustzlich zum nachmachen fr sich selber oder andere noch als Download !Einmal als Audio, einfach zuhren und geschehen lassenUnd als Handout mit Hintergrundwissen !NLP-Anfnger, NLP-Practitioner, NLP-Master und NLP-Trainer werden ihren Spa an dem Experiment haben!NLP (Neuro Linguistisches Programmieren) ist in allen berufichen Bereichen, in denen Kommunikation, Beratungskompetenz sowie gelungene Selbststeuerung einen wesentlichen Anteil hat, von groem Nutzen. NLP ist eine Methode, die zunchst durch Modeling von Hchstleistungen entstand. Ursprnglich ging es dabei um effektive Psychotherapie. Die Methode hat sich inzwischen in vielen weiteren Bereichen etabliert, wie: Personalwesen, Fhrung, Werbung, Vertrieb, Kundenzufriedenheit, Gesundheit, Physiotherapie, Coaching, Seminargestaltung und Training, Sport und natrlich in allen sozialen Berufen wie Psychologie, Pdagogik, Pdagogik, Sozial-Pdagogik, Coaching, Berarung, Schule und Erziehung...... Und natrlich ist NLP eine hervorragende Methode der Persnlichkeitsentwicklung. Mit NLP kannst du......dein Selbstbewusstsein und Selbstvertrauen verbessern...Blockaden lsen...dein Lebensglck und deine Zufriedenheit steigern...unabhngig und selbstbestimmt werden...schnell groe Mengen Wissensstoff sowie praktische Vorgehensweisen lernen...deine berzeugungen und Glaubensstze optimieren...deine Ziele erreichen...Achtsamkeit und Meditation pflegen...deine innere Verfassung positiv beeinflussen...deine Gesundheit verbessern... ...denn gute Stimmung und schnelles berwinden von Stress-Zustnden untersttzt die Funktion deines Immunsystems....deine Spiritualitt frdern...."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"6TOEIC 550900 +" |
Price: 2400.00 ![]() |
"Write to Grow Rich" |
"Have you ever wanted to become a published author? How about in one day? This Program called Write to Grow Rich can help you do that. Where successful author of The Nerd who saved The Universe and the Les Brown mentored Destiny on Purpose: How to get what you truly want out of life, will teach first timers or authors that want to elevate their careers, how to get your brook published and how to have a successful career doing it.In this book, you will be taught step by step how to gain an audience, how to sell it to the right people, how to create a brand, in local and national markets and most importantly how to get rich doing it.When author Rich Fontaine wrote his first book, a romance novel called The EastSide, he spent more money than needed, from shady editors and false promising publishers, so he decided to do it for himself. Through trial and error became an award nominated and bestselling author, which he wants to share his secrets with you. It is time to turn your fantasy of becoming an internationally known author to a reality in just one day!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
zakupkigov |
". - , . . , , , . , , , . , . - . , , , . 9 , 95% . , - . , ."
Price: 15799.00 ![]() |
"Farsi Crash Course for Beginners: Speak Farsi Confidently" |
"This Farsi (Persian) Crash-course is designed for helping language learners to acquire and use conversational/spoken Farsi quickly. It is a must-have Farsi language course for complete beginners in Farsi, who want to reach the intermediate level of spoken Farsi language in the shortest time possible.What you learn in this Farsi/Persian Course: (/ /)Learn and Practice the Essentials for Reading, Writings and Pronouncing of Farsi Alphabets:Learn to read, write and pronounce sounds of 32 Farsi lettersLearn the 6 Farsi vowels and 3-dictations of each alphabetGet exposed to basic Farsi grammar and sentence constructs through sample sentences Build a Solid Foundation for Speaking Farsi: Learn 500+ important and frequent Farsi words and phrasesLearn to speak the pronunciation of Farsi words and phrases through constant repetitionLearn +15 word-groups and common phrases for more fluent conversation.Employ Contents Suitable for Different Learning Styles:Employed Textual, auditorial and visual contents for better retentionTrack your progress through repetitions and multiple-choice quizzesLearn the basics of grammar through conversationsAccess to a Comprehensive Conversational Materials for Speaking Farsi, including:Downloadable resources, PDF files, bonus videos (more advanced topics)List of +500 Farsi words and common phrases and their pronunciation[Bonus Videos] more intermediate contents and practicesp.s. thanks for choosing this course to guide you in the Farsi learning journey. If there is a topic you'd like me to cover, leave it in the comment section. Mohammad :)"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Sun 310-052 Certify Enterprise Architect J2EE Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ)You are architecting the layers for a complex n-tier web application. Which two pairs of technologies do NOT exhibit direct dependencies? (Choose two.)a)EJB to RMI b) Linux to JDBCc) HTML to Firefox d) SunFire E20k server to Java EEQ) You are architecting a complex multi-tiered web application. Within each tier you have designed layers, the lowest being the hardware layer and the highest being the application layer. Which statement is true?a) Generally, a given layer in one tier of this application should be concerned with the technology used in the same layer of adjacent tiers.b) To maximize separation of concerns, a given layer in a tier of this application should only have knowledge of the adjacent layer in that tier.c) For any given tier, separation of concerns is fulfilled when a given layer in that tier knows or needs to know little or nothing of the layers below it.d) If the layers in one tier of the application have been designed to achieve separation of concerns, then the remaining tiers also achieve separation of concerns by default.Q) You are the architect on a project to build a bridge between the legacy customer service tool, an outdated VT100 terminal server, and a company's new Java EE web application. You do NOT have access to the terminal server and cannot deploy any code to it. Which approach should you use to integrate the systems?a) use a DAO wrapped around a JDBC connection to query the legacy systemb) deploy a CORBA server to the legacy system and use RMI-over-IIOP to communicate to itc) develop a session bean that wraps a screen-scraping tool to interact with the legacy systemd) develop a web services-based service and use XML to communicate with the terminal serverQ) What are two characteristics of object-oriented design? (Choose two.)a) scalabilityb) manageabilityc) encapsulationd) polymorphismQ) Security restrictions in a use-case require that the behavior of an EJB business method vary according to the role of the user. How should this be achieved?a) The deployment descriptor is written using the roles determined by the programmer.b) The programmer determines a role reference and uses it in the code. This is mapped to a role in the deployment descriptor.c) The business method determines the role of the user using JNDI and configuration information in the deployment descriptor.d) The business method determines the role of the user using JAAS and configuration information in the deployment descriptor."
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"Managing Your Data with Microsoft Access" |
"A common complaint about Microsoft Access is that it's simply too complicated for many people to work with on their own. The reason for this is that Access is designed for building database applications that can be used to automate and manage processes. Too few resources approach it from that perspective. This leaves users and students without the understanding they need to effectively use the software.Managing Your Data with Microsoft Access demonstrates from start to finish how to organize your data and build an application that will enable you to manage it as needed. This course will show you the clear and logical steps involved in modeling your data, designing tables around it and then creating forms and reports based on it.During this course, you will be able to see and follow along with the design of the Collier Public Library Database, a database application used to manage a fictional lending library. This application will include multiple tables, forms and reports intended to manage the processes involved in a library including checkouts and customer registration. The Job Search Plus application also serves as an example of a finished, distribution-ready application and what can be accomplished with Access.Managing Your Data with Microsoft Access also includes previously published bonus content demonstrating specific tasks and concepts related to working with Access. This content will help you gain an additional perspective on some of the things that are possible with Microsoft's premier database software."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Drop Servicing 2020 MasterClass" |
"In this course, you will learn everything about a new online business model in 2020 called DROP SERVICING! We will teach about the basic concept of drop servicing, how to start it as an absolute beginner, without any knowledge. You will learn how to create your own website with software that we will provide you and how to implement Google Ads in this model! After the course you will be expert for Drop Servicing!"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda Excel de Forma Rpida e Divertida." |
"Oi. Eu sou Fabrcio. Tenho Experiencia de diversos anos Ensinando Informtica. Hoje sou Proprietrio de uma das Maiores Escolas de Informtica do Pas. Estou lanando esse curso de Excel para ensinar aquelas pessoas que tem a necessidade de aprender esse programa de forma fcil e rpida. Fizemos um contedo que no tornaro as aulas cansativas. Alm de videos iremos dispor de exerccios de fixao. Tenho certeza que voc ir gostar."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Coaching Com Espiritualidade: Desperte Sua Abundncia" |
"O curso Coaching Com Espiritualidade um curso inovador e terico-prtico para voc despertar sua abundncia e poder pessoal atravs do autoconhecimento e da espiritualidade. Com atividades para o despertar da conscincia e ferramentas de Coaching Integral Sistmico cientificamente comprovadas, o aluno vai trazer do subconsciente suas crenas limitantes, compreender aspectos de seu mundo interior e, a partir desse entendimento, reprogramar a sua mente com novas verdades e aes dirias.Trata-se de duas vertentes de conhecimentos aplicadas neste curso para auxiliar o despertar interior do aluno: Coaching em sua abordagem cognitiva, racional com ferramentas de aplicao prticas em seu dia a dia para promover a reprogramao mental por meio da mudanas de sentimentos, comportamentos e novos hbitos; Espiritualidade, com conceitos claros sobre o poder que ns, seres humanos, temos na criao e/ou mudana da nossa prpria realidade.O curso mostra o caminho para a superao do medo, como elaborar metas neurologicamente corretas para alcanar seus sonhos, fornece um mapa de identificao de sentimentos txicos para que voc traga a conscincias as emoes que esto governando seus resultados, alm de lhe ajudar na jornada da descoberta do que voc realmente quer, despertando, como consequncia, a abundncia em sua vida.O resultado ser mais entendimento acerca dos seus comportamentos atuais, aumento da vibrao para alterar a sua realidade, clareza sobre o que voc realmente quer para a sua vida, ferramentas e informaes acessadas da sua mente subconsciente para voc seguir promovendo as mudanas na sua vida e ser cada vez mais abundante!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
italian-renaissance-painting |
". - ., ( . Rinascimento ) XIIIXVI , , ( . humanus ). , , , , , . . , . . , , , , , , , . , , . , , . , , , - ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |