Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"ActiveCampaign - il corso completo, da zero ad avanzato" |
"ActiveCampaign uno degli strumenti di marketing automation pi potenti del mondo.Ha un rapporto qualit - prezzo che lo rende il CRM definitivo per la costumer experience automation (CXA).Cosa lo rende cos potente?Pur essendo semplice da usare, ActiveCampaign offre funzioni di automazione avanzate come il tagging, gli if/else, gli obiettivi, il tracking di aperture e clic, l'attesa fino a determinate condizioni e molto altro ancora.Inoltre, le sue funzioni di segmentazione condizionale sono anni luce avanti rispetto ai concorrenti. Inoltre, ActiveCampaign ti permette di monitorare i visitatori del tuo sito o gli acquirenti del tuo eCommerce.Perch scegliere questo corso?Non vedremo solo tutte le funzionalit tecniche di ActiveCampaign, ma cercheremo di calarle sul pratico con esempi e strategie di Marketing. Partiremo analizzando le funzioni pi elementari di ActiveCampaign per arrivare a quelle pi avanzate che quasi nessuno utilizza."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Fimu. Finanzas personales para msicos y artistas." |
"Objetivo: Ensear a los msicos una visin general de finanzas y contabilidad para que la puedan aplicar a su empresa y a ellos mismos.1. Introduccin y estados financieros. Cmo los msicos deben saber y analizar todos los estados financieros para su carrera.2. Temas generales financieros: Un anlisis global del mundo financiero.3.Manejo de las finanzas personales: Como manejar nuestras finanzas bsicas y como aplicarlas en nuestro da a da y nuestro futuro econmico.Al terminar el msico tendr las herramientas bsicas de las finanzas para entender y hacer un plan en su vida financiera."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Channeln mit Engeln" |
"Hallo und Herzlich Willkommen im Kurs ""Channeln mit Engeln"",Wolltest Du schon immer wissen , wie es klappt mit den Engeln zu kommunizieren?Oder allgemein einfach wie es klappt Botschaften empfangen zu knnen?Dann bist Du hier genau richtig: Hier lerne ich Dir, wie Du leicht und verstndlich ein Engel Medium werden kannst. Dabei bekommst Du viele Informationen ber die jeweiligen Erzengel und ihre Themen mit an die Hand. Ebenso das jeweilige Engelsymbol, um den Kontakt leichter aufzubauen und die Energie zu spren.Du lernst Schritt-fr- Schritt den Ablauf einer Channeling-Sitzung inklusive Meditation & Schutzaufbau, sowie viele bungsvideos & Dateien dazu und vieles mehr.Gemeinsam mit mir und den Engeln, werden wir deinen Kanal zur geistigen Welt reinigen & strken und ermglichen Dir damit einen leichteren Zugang zum Channeln mit den Engel und deinem geistigen Team.Am besten siehst Du Dir mein Einfhrungsvideo an, lernst mich dabei persnlich kennen und hrst Dir dabei an was dich in dem Kurs alles erwartet.Sollte Dir mein Kurs nicht gefallen oder er sich nicht stimmig anfhlen fr Dich, hast Du die Mglichkeit innerhalb von 30 Tagen dein Geld zurck zu erhalten. Auerdem kannst Du jederzeit persnlich mit mir Kontakt aufnehmen und mir deine Fragen stellen.Nun: Bist Du bereit mit den Engeln Kontakt aufzunehmen? Sie warten schon auf dich <3Tauche ein in die geistige Welt und in die wundervolle Welt der Engel <3 Ich freue mich auf Dich! LG Patricia"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Centering Prayer" |
"Centering Prayer is a method of meditation that has in use by Christians with a strong emphasis on interior silence. The modern Centering Prayer movement in Christianity can be traced to several books published by three Trappist monks of St. Joseph's Abbey in Spencer, Massachusetts in the 1970s: Fr. William Meninger, Fr. M. Basil Pennington and Abbot Thomas Keating. Fr. Keating through his teachings, workshops, and retreats has made Centering Prayer available and accessible to all people regardless of their religious affiliation and affinity. This is a great practice of prayer for anyone interested in changing their focus in life. This prayer practice centers you and helps you get into a deeper relationship with God. It is a very useful method of prayer that can be used by anyone regardless of their spiritual status. If you believe in God, you can easily enter into this prayer practice. Because in the end, this is not about a particular religion, but rather a God-centered living."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Google My Business: Everything from setup to posts & more" |
"Do you want to learn how to create a Google Business listing to help you show up more in local search?Do you want to learn how to get more reviews from customers? This course will walk you through step by step how to create a Google My Business listing or how to claim an existing account. Then we will walk through how to optimize your account for search and utilize some of the FREE marketing tools your Google My Business listing has available to you.You will learn how to optimize your account for optimal local search results including:> How to get more Google Reviews.> How to manage positive and negative Google Reviews> How to create posts to promote events, promotions, contests or recent blogs> Tips on how to get more photo views and show up in Google image search > Adding a ""booking"" button to your Google Business Listing.> Need a website? Google My Business can help you set up a website in minutes.> Understand your insights to learn where your customers are coming from and what they are searching.Includes> Download of my free excel spreadsheet for reporting.> Download instructions on how to ask previous visitors to leave you a Google Review.> Third-party links, apps, and tools to help you get the most out of your account. Google is constantly making changes to their Google My Business listing so my job is to always be adding and updating to this course when new things become available.I am also available to help answer any questions you have about Google My Business pertaining to your business."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Okula gitmeden Web tasarm/kodlama mezunu olun" |
"Web tasarm ve kodlama blm mezunu ayn zaman da halen daha renmeye devam ettii gibi baka kii kurum ya da tzel kiiliklere rendii ve ald bilgileri iletmeyi,retmeyi ok seven online zerinden video ekme,sayfa dzenleme,reklam ve pazarlamaclk yapan bir kii olmakla beraber 5 senedir aktif sosyal medya i birlikleri yapan bir insan olmanz salayacak bir kurstur."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Coaching Skills for Managers" |
"""Coaching Skill"" is one of the best Training on Coaching. There are 5 Sections in Coaching Skills Course, Total 25 Lectures including activity and exercises. There are 5 paper pencil exercises & 1 case study. In addition there is 1 brain storming sessionThis course contain the below Modules/ SectionsS-1: Concept of CoachingS-2: Skills and Competencies of CoachingS-3: Coaching ChemistryS-4: Role & Approaches of CoachingS-5: Learning outcomes & Its ApplicationYou will get exercise, self assessment and case analysis which will ensure practical focused learning"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Comunicazione Efficace e la persuasione - il VAK" |
"In questo corso imparerai a analizzare la tua comunicazione, quella dell'interlocutore e poi a modularti per essere perfettamente predisposto per una comunicazione efficace altamente persuasiva.Ci sar possibile attraverso la scoperta delle basi conoscitive del V.A.K (Visive, auditive, kinestetic) e delle fondamenta della comunicazione non verbale.Il master consiste in videolezioni, slides e contenuti altamente efficienti e sintetici per massimizzare l'efficacia in poco tempo, inoltre sono disponibili esercitazioni, il tutto sar trasmesso con tecniche di apprendimento efficace, proprie del centro Cerbellum."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Mtodo Maruko - Curso de Oratria" |
"Capacitar os alunos, a terem melhor persuaso e domnio para abordar e vender seus produtos ou servios, apresentaes escolares, apresentao de TCC's e palestras em geral alm de receberem as tcnicas necessrias para controlar medo, ansiedade, nervosismo e terem a autoestima elevada, tornando-se mais confiantes na execuo de suas funes e desafios."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Teoria musical para productores electrnicos" |
"El curso dura 41 minutos, y contiene 6 secciones, podrs repetirlo cuantas veces lo necesites, cada clase dura entre 1 y 8 minutos.Cada leccin contiene actividades puedes descargar para que practiques.Todas las herramientas bsicas sobre la teora de la msica explicado desde un punto de vista de productor electrnico estn incluidas en este curso.Para hacerlo ms interactivo trabajaremos con ejemplos de canciones populares que tu conoces."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Teora Musical Exhaustiva: Parte 1 - Cmo Leer Msica" |
"Quieres aprender Teora Musical?Esta maravillosa serie de cursos te llevar a lograrlo desde un nivel bsico (en el que no necesitas saber nada realmente), hasta un nivel tan avanzado como el que se enseara en la facultad de msica de una universidad.Esta primera entrega de la serie ""Teora Musical Exhaustiva: Parte 1 - Cmo Leer Msica"" te llevar de la mano paso a paso hasta lograr leer TODOS los smbolos que encuentras comnmente en una partitura, no slo las notas.Incluso si has intentado leer partituras antes sin mucho xito, te invitamos a darle una oportunidad a este mtodo y vas a ver que en nada de tiempo vas a poder estar leyendo msica sin mayor dificultad.Por qu tomar ESTE curso?Al inscribirte a este curso tendrs acceso inmediato a un mtodo que est aprobado por miles de estudiantes!Estas lecciones surgen como una colaboracin que hicimos el Dr. J. Anthony Allen y yo para traerte sus maravillosos cursos de teora musical 100% doblados al espaol. Estos cursos tienen en conjunto ms de 100,000 estudiantes!Tabajars con videos amigables y concisos que te facilitarn aprender ms rpido, y que te permitirn regresar a consultar rpida y fcilmente cualquier tema en el que tengas dudas.Tambin contars con el apoyo de instructores con experiencia real y no slo la teora.Veremos TODO lo que necesitas saber para comenzar tu carrera musical, ya sea por hobby, o con la intencin de dedicarte a esto profesionalmente.Quin imparte este curso?Mi nombre es Marco Ramrez Barrera, y yo estar a cargo de este curso. Tengo bastante experiencia dando clases particulares, pero mi fortaleza viene de trabajar estrechamente con la Orquesta Sinfnica de la BUAP en Puebla, Mxico. Con ellos he tenido el privilegio de aplicar toda la teora musical que conozco escribiendo arreglos sinfnicos que se han interpretado al acompaar a artistas de talla internacional.Adems, aqu encontrars exactamente el mismo contenido de los cursos en ingls de Jason, que estn basados en toda su experiencia dando clases en la Universidad Augsburg en Minneapolis, EUA; as como en toda su experiencia como compositor, intrprete, y productor musical.Obtienes acceso a los cursos mejor valuados y mejor vendidos en cuanto a teora musical en Udemy, totalmente en espaol!No esperes ms y netenos en el curso!Si por algn motivo sientes que el curso no cumple tus expectativas, cuentas con una garanta de satisfaccin total por 30 das! Si no ests feliz, nosotros tampoco, as que obtienes tu dinero de regreso."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"How to use your Energy to attract the Life you Desire" |
"What are the Universal Laws?These are the Laws of Nature, this is how the Universe operates. Just like there are man made laws, like if you run a Red light or Speed while driving you will get a ticket because it is against the law. There are also Laws by which the Universe operates, and being aware of these laws we tend work against them instead of with them.When we learn to work with them you then start to unleash the power that you possess and can turn anything you desire into your physical reality.The focus is to get into alignment with Source Energy, that is when your Thoughts and Desires are in alignment and you are in a high vibration to manifesting things you want to you.As you learn the Universal Laws and how to align with them you become more aware and in control of your life. These laws all work together and mastering them will allow you to live a life of happiness and alignment.Now it's time to learn how to use your energy to attract the life you desire.Be sure to do this with a open mind and heart, being aware of the Universal Laws will truly Transform your Life.With this teaching course you will learn about the Universal Laws and how to get into Alignment with the Universe to attract any result you desire in life."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Location Independent Entrepreneur: Start a Remote Business" |
"Becoming a location independent entrepreneur means youre have a CHOICE.Youre not tied to any specific timezone. You decide whether you want to pack up your bags and travel the world, head to a warmer location when winter arrives, or live in different cities without worrying about how you will pay for it all.As a location independent entrepreneur you have the freedom to craft your ideal life.And you dont have to do it alone. We have brought together 5 location independent coaches to spill the secrets of the trade so you can set up systems for your business, attract your ideal clients, and make your vision of a long-term travel lifestyle a reality.This course is for you if:You dream of making travel a lifestyle - youre not just looking to vacationYou want to travel the world while working on your passion, and for yourself You are have been seriously thinking about launching your own business, and are ready to put in work to make it happen You have an entrepreneurial mindset, but lack the structure and skills to turn your vision into realityYou are ready to stop procrastinating and start living life on your own terms - doing what you want, when you want, from where you want. You're ready to join the nomadic revolution! By the end of this course you'll have: Identified your strengths to craft your location independent business around themCreated an action plan to launch your businessLearned how to build your network, attract ideal clients, and find like-minded entrepreneurs to collaborate withUtilized the power of social media to establish yourself as an industry expertSet your productivity hours to manage your business effectively from anywhereGotten your finances in order, identifying how much to pay yourself and invest back into your businessLearned to work smarter, not harder to scale your business with ease"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Corso di Youtube Marketing" |
"Come faccio a far crescere con YouTube? Come faccio a guadagnare con i video online?Grazie al corso di YouTube Marketing puoi rispondere a queste domande e scoprire finalmente tanti piccoli segreti che girano intorno al modo sconfinato che Youtube.Il corso composto da una video lezione per ogni step per monetizzare i video online e da una presentazione che vedrai apparire all'interno delle video lezioni e che potrai scaricare per seguire e ricordare i concetti trattati.Passeremo dal crearsi una propria nicchia di mercato e un profilo Youtube fino ad addentrarci nei meandri della famosa SEO di Youtube. Imparerete ad analizzare i dati che generer il vostro profilo grazie ad Analytics nonch l'uso di programmi per fare e modifcare i vostri video."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"How to Design, Plan, and Deliver Successful Events" |
"Welcome to the PRO-EVENT formula. A simple eight step process which will help you to design, plan and deliver successful and profitable events, again and again. In this course I outline the proven formula I have used to create and run over 500 events over the last 5 years. This step by step process is easy to follow and you can use it again and again! Are you ready to run an awesome event? Get started today!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"ETF Kurs - Vermgen aufbauen durch passives Investieren" |
"Der ETF Kurs fr das passive investieren zum langfristigen Vermgensaufbau.In diesem Kurs sollst du alles lernen, rund ums Thema ETFs.Wie funktionieren sie und warum sollte man in sie investieren.Wir schauen uns alle wichtigen Punkte dazu an. Von den Grundlagen der ETFs, ber die speziellen unterschiede, bis hin zu den Vor & Nachteilen. So das du ein Grundverstndnis zu dem Thema entwickelst.Wir werden gemeinsam herausfinden wie man ETFs heraussucht und miteinander vergleicht. Anschlieend werde ich dir einige Musterportfolios aufbauen und verschiedene Strategien aufzeigen damit du die beste Strategie fr dich persnlich herausfindest.Um die passende Investitionsstrategie auch gleich in die Tat umzusetzen, schauen wir uns anschlieend auerdem an, wie du herausfindest, welcher der passende Broker fr dich ist, und wie du dort direkt dein Wertpapierdepot erffnest und auch gleich deinen ersten Sparplan anlegst.Durch diesen Kurs lernst du, dein Geld fr dich Arbeiten zu lassen und dir deine private Altersvorsorge oder einfach Vermgen aufzubauen, ohne dabei ein besonders hohes Risiko einzugehen, noch viel dafr tun zu mssen._____________Disclaimer: Dieser Kurs ist keine Anlageberatung und dargestellte Beispiele sind nicht als Anlage Empfehlungen zu verstehen. Die Inhalte dienen lediglich als Information. Bevor du investierst, ist es immer wichtig zu verstehen, in was du investierst und warum.Aufgezeigte Kursentwicklungen in der Vergangenheit bieten keine Sicherheit fr die Entwicklung in der Zukunft. Die Inhalte sollen nicht als Aufforderung verstanden werden, ein Geschft einzugehen. Der Inhalt des Kurses stellt keine Werbung fr Wertpapiere, Broker oder sonstiges dar."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Complete Photoshop Course: Beginner To Expert!" |
"In this course you will learn photoshop from scratch. Unlike very long courses, this photoshop course doesn't focus on giving you as much information as possible. Instead, it focuses in practical examples showing you the way to work on real world from start to finish. Of course the course covers all the photoshop basics in detail and on top of that uses practical examples to illustrate the concepts. Once you have learned the basics, instead of teaching you advanced and rarely used things that you will most likely forget, the course progresses into showing you how to do it in real world that people can actually use. Learning photoshop will give you more opportunities for jobs and career advancement because photoshop is one of the most requested skills today."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"OneNote for Windows 10 - A Complete Guide" |
"This course is an introduction to, and in-depth look at OneNote for Windows. During the course, students will learn how OneNote can help them to organize their notes more efficiently, and allow them to access their content from anywhere. Students will also learn how to share the contents of their OneNote notebooks with others, and collaborate.This IAAP-certified counts for 2.5 recertification points for the CAP certification under the Technology and Information Distribution content area.Email with proof of completion of the course to obtain your certificate."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Apache Kafka Complete Developer's Guide" |
"This course is all about Apache KafkaUnderstand HOW Apache Kafka works and learn its core features ON PRACTICE. This is 80% practice course without no useless demos!Build custom Apache Kafka Producers and Consumers using native Java API. Also you will build projects using APIs for other programming languages like Node.js and Python.Become a master of Apache Kafka by understanding and practicing its architecture and main features.All project files and mostly used commands are available in the GitHub repository.This is the most complete practical Apache Kafka guide here on Udemy that includes tons of practical activities. Most important is that you will learn how Apache Kafka works and knowing it you will be able much more easier use its features and fix mistakes in the future after you'll finish this course. You can have zero knowledge about Apache Kafka, Java, Node.js or Python. All will be taught from scratch, from basic to advanced features. If you want to get deep knowledge of Apache Kafka this course is for you!We will start by installing Apache Kafka on your computer, VPS (Virtual Private Server) or Virtual Machine on your computer. You will learn that installation of Apache Kafka is pretty easy - you just need to download archive with executable scripts and run them. Also you will learn and practice how to run multiple brokers on the same computer.Afterwards we will jump into tons of practice activities and use different Apache Kafka features and built-in scripts. You will launch Zookeeper, multiple Brokers, Console Consumer and Console Producer. Also you will test performance of the Kafka Cluster using built-in utility called Performance Monitor.In practice sections you will perform multiple practice Apache activities:Create cluster with multiple brokersCreate topic with multiple partitions spread across different brokersCreate topics with replication factor that allows you to store copy of every message on different brokers for redundancyProduce messages using built-in Console ProducerConsume messages using built-in Console ConsumerLaunch multiple consumers in the same consumer groupLaunch Performance Monitor for testing Consumers and Producers performance and speedYou will also learn and practice how to use Apache Kafka API to create your own Consumers and ProducersCreate Java Maven projectLaunch Producer and Consumer using JavaLaunch multiple consumers in the same Consumer GroupUnderstand and practice difference between ""subscribe"" and ""assign""Create Node.js projectLaunch Producers and Consumers using Node.jsCreate Python projectLaunch Producers and Consumers using PythonDuring the course you will need to view and edit text files. For that you will NOT use terminal. Instead you will use GUI application VisualStudio Code. Also all configuration files and project files are available in the GitHub repository. This means that during this course you will also learn how to use :Git and GitHubVisualStudio CodeWith this course you will get lifetime-long access to more than 100 lectures and tens of practical exercises. After the course you will become a guru of Apache Kafka and will be able easily create custom Apache Kafka Producers and Consumers. But most important is that you will UNDERSTAND Apache Kafka.You will also get 30-days money-back guarantee. No questions asked!Don't wait and join the course now!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Resistance Band Super Strength Series- Sydney" |
"Did you know that physically inactive people lose 3-5% of their muscle mass each decade after the age of 30? This can lead to weakness, loss of energy, stress on our joints, osteoarthritis, joint pain and osteoporosis. The end result is the inability to do activities that we enjoy such as walking, traveling and fun things with our family and friends.Fortunately there are ways to slow down this ageing process and a great was to do this is through resistance training which can be done at home with resistance bands.BENEFITS OF RESISTANCE BAND TRAINING Some great benefits of resistance bands is that they: Strengthen and tone your whole body and put minimal stress on our joints, reducing the chance of injury. You can change the intensity of your workout gradually by increasing the resistance of the band, which means you can progress at your own pace. Bands are light and portable so you can use them at home, or even when you are away or in the office. This saves you time and money as you dont need a gym membership. They add variety to your training program, so you dont get bored and stay motivated. When bands are combined with Pilates exercises our muscle fibres are strengthened much more as you can work on each muscle group individually.ABOUT THIS PROGRAMThe Resistance Band Super Strength Series- Sydney, consists of 12 short videos that can be completed over a 7-day period, or at your own pace depending on your fitness level. Each video is specifically designed to strengthen one part of your body including the legs, arms, back, core and feet. There are also 3 stretching videos included in the program.It is recommended that you do the videos once per day and repeat the series 3 times if possible, to gain maximum benefit. You can change the resistance band strength along the way as your strength increases.YOUR INSTRUCTORYour personal online instructor is Dr Fleur who is a qualified Chiropractor, Pilates teacher and personal trainer with 19 years experience in the health and fitness field and previously was an elite athlete. She created this safe and effective resistance band series for people that are fairly new to exercise or have suffered injuries previously and want to gain strength again, as she knows from personal experience how frustrating it can be to train in big gyms with minimal help from qualified instructors.When she was living in Hong Kong from 2017-2019, she found that the gyms there were catering for people that were at a much higher fitness level. Fleur had suffered a back injury while training to be an elite athlete many years ago and a recent flare-up of symptoms meant that she had to be very careful at the gym and couldnt cope with the intensity of training in group exercise classes. After feeling sore and disillusioned for a few months she decided to create a safe, low impact resistance band program that could help people like herself that were frustrated with gyms and group classes.This resistance band course is the first of a 2-part series that she created for people that want to gain strength safely and effectively and was filmed in Sydney, Australia. The second part was shot in beautiful Santo Island, Vanuatu just before lockdown in March 2020 (can be purchased on Udemy separately).Join now and you will be taking a step toward staying active, healthy and happy as you age!You can ask Dr Fleur any questions that you may have along the way through the Udemy platform or by accessing the course Facebook group."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"TikTok Marketing Made Easy for Beginners - TikTok 2020!" |
"""TikTok provides a framework that makes it easier for people to create especially if they don't know what else to do."" - Gary VaynerchukTikTok Marketing has become the best method for marketers to make the most from their advertising efforts, and if not given enough attention to, it can prove fatal for your brand. Not only does it give you more opportunities to improve your reliability, but you can easily stay on top of the thoughts of your targeted audience on a long-term basis.TikTok marketing is the hidden answer to reach out promptly to widely spread customers & conveniently boost ROI.Let's check out some Influence Marketing Hub exciting facts that will get you fixed to it:TikTok is available in over 150 countries, has over 1 billion users.The TikTok app has been downloaded over 1.5 billion times worldwide, as published by Sensor Tower 0n November 14, 2019.November 2018, TikTok reported that they had 20 million monthly active users in the United States. With the staggering growth that's occurred since then, we estimate that the current number of monthly active TikTok users in the U.S. is about 60 million.Average Minutes Per User TikTok users love the app. They spend an average of 52 minutes per day on the platform.User opens the TikTok app eight times per day.83% of TikTok users have posted a video.We estimate that TikTok has about 60 million monthly active users in the United States. 60% are female, 40% are male. 60% are between the ages of 16-24. 26% are between the ages of 25-44. 80% are between the ages of 16-34. This data comes straight from TikTok.$500 the amount TikTok is reportedly paying influencers to join the app and start creating content. It's working well, though. The platform is growing like crazy.TikTok was the second most downloaded app in the U.S. in November with 4 million downloads (trailing only Disney+).According to TechCrunch/Apptopia, TikTok's Q4 2019 revenue grew over 300% from the same period a year earlier.There's no hype here, just cold solid facts.Honestly, that's just a small piece of the endless opportunities that it holds for business owners of all shapes and sizes. Yes, benefits are getting BIGGER AND BIGGER with TikTok, so the chance to reach potential customers & promote your offers to improve sales & profits.Do you know what the best part is? Now you don't need to worry about the complexities involved in mastering these TikTok techniques. We have an innovative TikTok blueprint that takes you by the hand and guides you safely through the entire process quick and easy.IntroducingTikTok Marketing Made Easy for Beginners - TikTok 2020!This step-by-step TikTok course will guide you by the hand and show you how to create high converting TikTok Marketing campaigns to boost leads, sales and profits.With its proper use, you can learn quickly increase reach by cross-promoting your TikTok content on other social platforms.And, MOST IMPORTANTLY,You'll discover advanced TikTok Marketing Tips and Methods to expand sales and profits.Well, this is proven, tried and tested.It works today, tomorrow and for months and years to come.It works for product creators, service providers, for me and will work for you.And all you need to do is to follow the exact steps stated in the course. Rest will be history.This course takes care of all the business-boosting efforts by harnessing the massive power of TikTok Marketing. You need to apply these proven tactics and get your business way beyond your competitors.Well, it's time for you to start making the most out of TikTok Marketing. We know you'll love this course.We only produce High-Quality Stuff!Please don't take our word for it; check the preview Videos yourself.The tricks and tips that you will learn with us are the same that have been used by many successful marketers to increase their visitors, sales and profits.So, what are you waiting for?Access our TikTok Marketing Made Easy for Beginners Video Training today!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Album Cover Design Course" |
"Welcome to the Album Cover Design Course! This course is for artists and designers who would like to expand their skills creating album covers for music clients. I have been designing album art for over 15 years and have toured the world with my husband who is a rock artist. Over the years I have learned some key things about designing for music, and in the this course I am sharing some powerful tips.There will be an Album Cover Design Challenge at the end of the course, with a PDF Album Cover Design Checklist for your convenience and review.In this course you will learn:- pricing, invoicing and taking deposit- how to connect with your music clients and learn more about them so you are working in the right direction creatively.- how to research covers of the past and present so you can identify reference material- sketch phase: using your research to produce unique and powerful ideas- how to create a solid mock up sample and send to your client- how to handle client feedback- how to properly name and submit final art files to your clientLooking forward to having you join this course and learn how to create powerful, memorable and effective album covers."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"No Budget Feature Film Master Class" |
"Welcome to my No Budget Feature Film Master Class. I will be using my first feature film Cashing Out as the case study. I've worked on multiple short film, feature film, and various other projects where I have used this method to success. In the course you will learn how I create films from concept all the way to distribution. This course is specific to a feature film, but these methods can be applied to any length no budget project."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Recover From Broken Relationships & Attract True Love" |
"You are worth fighting for! So is your best self and your best life. Especially if you've experienced personal loss or heartbreak from the end of a relationship.In this course, youre going to gain the tools and resources to heal your heart and mind from heartbreak so you can become your best self, have the best relationships of your life, love and embrace yourself fully, and attract your ideal partner and true love.Utilizing key lessons and principles found in the book Be Solid: How To Go Through Hell & Come Out Whole (free copy included in this course), author and relationship coach D Grant Smith teaches a combination of emotional intelligence and self-love to bring complete restoration to your mind and heart following the end of a relationship.We will address key emotional areas that are impacted by the end of a relationship as well as their causes. If you've experienced rejections, abandonment and cheating from a former partner or spouse, you will gain the tools needed to heal your heart and mind so that you can move forward in life with peace. You will also gain powerful self-love and self-care techniques and tools that can be used anytime to free your mind from overthinking, stress, and feelings of insecurity and self-doubt. This course covers areas of mental and emotional health, emotional intelligence, spirituality, healthy relationships, dating and marriage. Here's what you'll learn and gain with this powerful and transformational course:*Tools and resources to heal from past relationship trauma including rejection, abandonment, and cheating. *Recover from heartbreak so that you can move on, trust yourself again, and foster healthy relationships.*Feel empowered, inspired, and restored throughout this process *Have strong, healthy and whole relationships in every area of life from family to friendships to work*Grow in your relationship with yourself, your support system, social circles, spiritual connection with God, and more. Plus, you will have the step-by-step process to your own personal growth that leads you into being the best version of yourself. It's in this place where you attract the right people and relationships to make your life complete and whole.All of this culminates with being able to attract and have the best relationship with your dream partner, which you'll learn in a bonus lesson within this training program."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Developing Unity & Unreal Games and Assets w/ Blender 2.8!" |
"We at Mammoth Interactive value input from students like you. Feel free to leave us your feedback.Benefits of Learning UnrealPopular - Unreal is a free game development engine used by developers all the way from beginner indie developers to AAA studios. The community is large and available for help.Powerful - Unreal is a powerful engine, with a huge library of image assets available for you to use as much as humanly possible, saving hours of development time.High Definition - Unreal is one of the main engines to use because it is so good at making good looking and high quality games. Unreal has high fidelity, meaning you can zoom in and still have high quality images.Coding Optional - The best part about Unreal is their blueprint system, letting you build games without coding. We have been using Unreal technologies since UDK and are delighted to see that the blueprint system is incredibly robust and resource-efficient.Resource-Efficient - You can minimize loss of performance by a large amount simply by using Blueprints.Other Industries - Unreal is for more than just game development. You can get hired in filmmaking, architectural design and product visualization, to name a few.For instance, Mcclaren Automotive uses Unreal to let users visualize their own unique luxury car before building it. Unreal Engine has even been used to build Star Wars-themed areas in Disney World and Disneyland.The Weather Channel used mixed reality to visualize Hurricane Florence's floods.A hands-on approachAre you brand new to 3D and have never touched it before? Are you coming over from Blender 2.7 and need to learn the new Blender 2.8? This course is for you! You will learn Blender 2.8 from scratch by creating your own 3D models.Blender is a fantastic, free software that enables you to make AAA-quality models which can be exported to any game engine, 3D printer or software.Beginner to the world of 3D? No problem! We go from A-Z, from the basics to the more advanced of 3D creation.This course is project based, which means you'll get your hands dirty with projects immediately. You will learn the skills of 3D art that will enable you to make your very own 3D assets.We'll start with the Blender user interface and navigation tools, providing you with a solid foundation before moving forward. Then we will dive into building low poly models from scratch.You will learn by working through projects that will help you to master the art of 3D and come out of it with some awesome work of your own!You will get full lifetime access for a single one-off fee.By the end of the course, you'll be very confident in the basics of Blender. Get started today!Explore with a smart character! Learn to build a spaceship on a planet.Welcome to Mammoth Interactive's NavMesh course with Glauco Pires. In this course you will program a spaceship in a three-dimensional game.A wildly successful Kickstarter funded this courseWith artificial intelligence your ship character will learn to explore a planet. The ship will travel around craters, rocks, aliens and buildings in a 3D world.You will make a good pathfinding system to find the best path for the player to navigate to wherever you click.Glauco has a decade's experience in game development. He makes games in Unity, Unreal, and HTML languages. He works with languages like C#, C++, and JavaScript.straightforward coding skillsclean development techniquesthoughtful developer adviceWith Glauco you will learn to make games in the most efficient and cleanest way possible.Why you need artificial intelligence in gamesWith artificial intelligence, you can make your games morecomplexrandominterestingvaluablewithout putting in more effort thanks to algorithms.Old games - the very first computer games - were simple and straightforward.These days, you must make more complex games. Players want to believe they are playing against something complex, something lifelike.In Mammoth Interactive courses, you learn by doing: You create projects alongside your instructor. All source code for projects we make is included in this course. Our experienced instructors know how to explain topics clearly at a logical pace. We don't just teach you theory - we make projects you can put directly into your portfolio.Also now Included in these bundles are our Extra Courses, if you want to learn to use other programs such as Camtasia or Sketch, you get more content than what you paid for this way!We really hope you decide to purchase this course and take your knowledge to the next level!Let's get started!Enroll now to join the Mammoth community!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Coaching Tools um richtig gute Entscheidungen zu treffen" |
"Dein Leben ist das Resultat deiner vergangenen Entscheidungen. Wenn dir dein Leben nicht mehr gefllt, dann ist es Zeit, neue Entscheidungen zu treffen. Wirklich erfolgreiche Menschen haben eins gemeinsam: Sie knnen alle gute und klare Entscheidungen treffen! In diesem Kurs bringen die Tools und Sichtweisen visuell auf den Punkt, was es braucht, um klare Entscheidungen zu treffen."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso bsico de Winplot" |
"O curso bsico de Winplot um curso voltado para quem gosta de matemtica e, tambm, para quem gosta de informtica. Nesse curso, por ser bsico, abordo, os seguintes temas: introduo, grficos 2D e, h assuntos extras: como, insero de ponto, segmento e reta, no plano cartesiano. O curso tem aproximadamente 1,5 hora de durao e, tambm, conta com 7 exerccios prticos. Aproveitem, pois est imperdvel!!!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Connect Systems with SAP Web Services using SAP SOA MANAGER" |
"You will be learning how to create and build Web Services in SAP and expose SAP data to other systems. You will also be learning how to consume the web services which are provided by other third party systems.You will be learning in a Step-by-Step manner how to build these objects and integrate them so that you can work in real time projects in various MNCs.This course will contain creating and consuming web services configuration steps & writing the ABAP code so that we are able to pull the correct data.I have kept the course as simple as possible so that someone who doesnt have good programming knowledge is also able to understand it.By the time you complete this course youll be confident of creating and consuming various web services to act as an interface between SAP and other systems.This course will be useful for both freshers and experienced SAP Consultants. It can be useful for both SAP Functional and Technical Team members to understand and create interfaces using Web Services."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"CCNA6 : Apprenez Configurer comme un Administrateur Rseau" |
"Le parcours de formation CCNA pour russir la certification Cisco CCNA 200-301 se compose de 7 cours CCNA.+ d'infos dans la liste de mes coursVOS COMPTENCES ENFIN RECONNUES AVEC LA CERTIFICATION CCNA !Que diriez-vous de pouvoir attester professionnellement de votre expertise dans le domaine du rseau informatique ?De pouvoir vous perfectionner et vous spcialiser sur un march trs demandeur ? Tout a avec une certification reconnue la cl !La certification CCNA est un puissant levier professionnel qui permet de :valoriser son CVScuriser son emploiCertifier ses comptencesMais se faire reconnatre comme administrateur rseau, et dcrocher son ID Cisco est un vrai parcours du combattant.VOICI LE PROBLME AVEC LE PROGRAMME CCNALe programme CCNA compte officiellement plus de 280 heures de cours thorique, dont 60 h de pratique. Or, cest tout fait impossible tenir dans une simple formation de type prsentiel qui dure gnralement 2 semaines.ET EN PLUS, il ny a aucune prparation lexamen.Cette frustration je la comprends trs bien, car jtais moi-mme dans cette situation, et ai rat 2 fois lexamen officielET POURTANT, IL EXISTE UNE SOLUTIONJe mappelle Damien et je suis formateur rseau IT sur les certifications Cisco.Quand jai commenc ma route vers la certification CCNA, je partais de ZRO, car je venais du monde des tlcoms. Un monde qui ntait pas encore coupl linformatique.Aprs avoir suivi 3 formations en prsentiel, toutes identiques et aprs avoir chou 2 fois lexamen CCNA, jai compris que je devais revoir mon processus dapprentissage.Jai investi dans de nombreux outils et formations en e-learning avant de dcrocher enfin mon CCNA.Ce qui reprsente au total + de 5 annes.5 ans pour arriver russir mon CCNA et obtenir mon numro Cisco.Alors issue de ma propre exprience et pour aider ceux qui veulent russir dans cette voie, jai cr le parcours de formation CCNA en 15 coursCe parcours a t conu pour vous offrir toutes les comptences techniques et professionnelles indispensables tout administrateur rseau.Que vous soyez technicien support, administrateur rseau ou en reconversion professionnelle, cette formation en ligne est un puissant levier professionnel qui vous ouvrira les portes dopportunits de carrire.La formation intgralement en ligne contient des outils digitaux et des mthodes pdagogiques la pointe des tendances actuelles, rendant ainsi votre apprentissage bien plus efficace.Je suis galement le formateur francophone n1 sur les produits Cisco de la plateforme Udemy. Cela reprsente plus de 5 000 participants dans 110 pays. Tous prpars lexamen Cisco.VOICI QUELQUES-UNS DE LEURS TMOIGNAGES :Merci votre soutien au long de ma prparation au CCNA. J'ai commenc de zro, et je vois le rseau d'une toute autre manire prsent et ces connaissances vont m'tre extrmement bnfiques dans mon parcours professionnel.Encore merci pour tout et bravo pour la richesse et la qualit des cours ainsi que pour les changes.Olivier.GSi vous avez zro base d'informatique rseau comme moi, cette formation est faite pour vous.Le formateur a une trs bonne pdagogieThierry.CAlors est-ce que cela changerait votre vie ?Vous pouvez dvelopper ces connaissances techniques hautement utiles et recherches dans le monde professionnel informatique en suivant le parcours de formationCette formation prpare pas pas, votre rythme, la certification Cisco CCNA.Et vous savez que cest important dattester de vos comptences pour ce mtier o il nexiste aucun diplme !Mon principal objectif est que vous russissiez votre CCNA ! Jai conu ce programme limage de celui que jaurais aim avoir, quand jai commenc ma route vers la certification Cisco, ce qui maurait vit davoir 2 checs lexamenEt je lai cr, pour quil soit motivant, dynamique, et quil vous aide progresser.La voie Express vers la Certification Cisco CCNA Le parcours CCNA est la voie express vers la certification Cisco, en apprenant pas--pas, devenir administrateur rseau.Jaime interagir avec mes participants, nhsitez donc pas poser des questions ! De plus, le cours dispose d'une garantie satisfaite ou rembourse de 30 jours. la demande de plusieurs participants, qui ont des difficults d'internet, j'ai activ le tlchargement de la formation sur l'ensemble de mes cours. Je suis ravi de partager mes connaissances avec vous et vous souhaite un max de succs !LA CERTIFICATION CISCO N'A JAMAIS T SI PROCHE DE VOUS !"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Landing page" |
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure" |
"This course introduces you to important concepts and terminology for working with Google Cloud Platform (GCP). You learn about, and compare, many of the computing and storage services available in Google Cloud Platform, including Google App Engine,Google Compute EngineGoogle Kubernetes EngineGoogle Cloud Storage, Google Cloud SQLBigQuery. You learn about important resource and policy management tools, such as the Google Cloud Resource Manager hierarchy and Google Cloud Identity and Access Management. Hands-on labs give you foundational skills for working with GCP."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |