Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Electron JS y React JS: Creando un Spotify" |
"En este curso vas a aprender a crear una aplicacin de Escritorio tipo Spotify donde podremos subir Artistas, lbumes y Canciones, despus podremos reproducir cualquier cancin te tengamos subida a la aplicacin y podremos controlar el estado de la reproduccin y el volumen, directamente desde nuestra app.Crearemos nuestra aplicacin desde cero conectando React JS, Electron JS y Firebase.Cuando tengamos nuestra aplicacin terminara aprenderemos a crear el .DMG para MacOS y el .EXE para Windows.Este curso tiene como objetivo ensearte a desarrollar cualquier tipo de aplicacin de escritorio con React y Electron desde cero.Estructura del cursoLa Biblioteca creada por Facebook! REACT JSEl Framework Electron JS para crear Apps de EscritorioJuntaremos React JS con Electron JSAprende a usar Firesbase, Firestore y StorageAadiremos SASS al proyectoSistema de Login y RegistroSistema de seguridad para verificar cuenta y recuperar cuentasSistema de permisos y rolesEnrutamiento con React Router DomCrearemos un reproductor de msica personalizadoSubiremos msica al servidor usando Drag & DropSubiremos imgenes al servidor usando Drag & DropEnlazaremos Artistas con lbumes y CancionesConfiguraremos la app para poder compilarCrearemos el .dmg para instalar en Sistemas Operativos MacOSCrearemos el .exe para poder instalar en Sistema Operativos Windows"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"HTML For Everyone: Real World Coding in HTML" |
"Welcome to HTML For Everyone: Real World Coding in HTML course.HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. It allows the user to create and structure sections, paragraphs, headings, links, and blockquotes for web pages and applications. HTML is the biggest markup language used to display web pages on the Internet. In other words, web pages are composed of HTML, which is used to display text, images or other resources through a web browser.HTML is the basic building block of the web and actually isnt a technical programming language. It is responsible for the structure of the website. In this course,You will learn to create static HTML sitesYou will learn to create a beautiful, responsive landing page for anyoneYou will learn to use basic tags which are used commonlyYou will be able to prepare lists in different formatsYou will learn the difference in usage between block-level and inline elements in HTMLBy learning the use of the HTML table, you will be able to create different designs of your ownYou will be able to create commonly used user login and registration pages by learning the form structure.Why would you want to take this course? Our answer is simple: The quality of teaching. When you enroll, you will feel the OAK Academy`s seasoned instructors' expertise. This course starts with very basics. You will learn everything with hands-on practices. I'll also teach you the best practices and shortcuts. Step-by-Step Way, Simple and Easy With Exercises By the end of the course, youll have a firm understanding of the HTML and hungry to learn more.Video and Audio Production QualityAll our videos are created/produced as high-quality video and audio to provide you the best learning experience. You will be,Seeing clearlyHearing clearlyMoving through the course without distractions You'll also get:Lifetime Access to The CourseFast & Friendly Support in the Q&A sectionUdemy Certificate of Completion Ready for DownloadAre you ready to dive in now to my HTML For Everyone: Real World Coding in HTML courseWe offer full support, answering any questions.See you in the course!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Gatsby JS Starter Guide: Setup, Build & Deploy" |
"Gatsby JS is one of the single greatest ways to build a static site. It leverages the power of React under the hood. At first glance, Gatsby can seem overwhelming. There's JSX but there's also HTML and CSS and Components and nodes, oh my. That's where this course comes in. This course is designed for someone who knows a little bit about HTML/CSS, but that's about it. This course will walk you through, step-by-step, on how-to:Step 1: Install Install the needed components for Gatsby to runiTerm 2Homebrew (for the Mac)Xcode (for the Mac)GitGatsby CLINode JSDownload the hello-world template Step 2: Modify & Build Download and modify the Gatsby Starter Default templateModify the Gatsby Starter Default templateSetup a custom CSS to modify your design withSetup a responsive navigation in Gatsby JS using React BootstrapAdd an image in as a logoUse the <Container> <Row> and <Col> in React BootstrapAdd responsive/fluid images into your pagesAdjust the Footer using BootstrapStep 3: Deploy to either Google Firebase or NetlifyThe costs of both services (free at the beginning)The Setup of Google FirebaseThe deployment of the website to FirebaseThe drag and drop method of deploying to NetlifyThe Gatsby-to-Git-to-Netlify method of deploying your siteEvery step of the way is explained. From adjusting the Gatsby-Config file to setting up Git to understanding how to use and read the terminal. Recommended software:iTermVisual Studio Code (VS Code)"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"La prevenzione e la gestione del conflitto" |
"Il corso su La prevenzione e la gestione del conflitto tenuto dalla dottoressa Laura Pedrinelli Carrara, psicologa clinica, psicoterapeuta che ha collaborato con alcune importanti riviste italiane come Starbene, BenEssere e Donna Moderna. Formatrice con oltre 15 anni di esperienza, sia in campo clinico che formativo, la dottoressa Pedrinelli Carrara coniuga il metodo didattico teorico con quello esperienziale per migliorare e rendere pi efficace lapprendimento.I contenuti riguardano l'approfondimento di specifici aspetti di personalit dell'individuo in coppia e nel gruppo per poi comprendere le dinamiche comunicative e relazionali funzionali e disfunzionali. Grande parte viene data alla comprensione di come certe interazioni o ruoli possano influenzare una comunicazione e produrre un conflitto e sulle risorse e le modalit efficaci per arrivare a prevenirlo o a gestirlo.Per questo motivo, il corso si svolge in 27 lezioni con la metodica teorico esperienziale. La dottoressa si avvale di tecniche diverse che vanno dallesposizione diretta dei contenuti da parte della professionista, allutilizzo di immagini, di test e alla compilazione di schede di lavoro che il corsista pu scaricare e svolgere per ottimizzare lapprendimento.Il corso contiene i seguenti argomenti divisi per lezione:1. introduzione2. Lo studio della personalit: la prospettiva caratteriologico-strutturale3. Lo studio della personalit: La prospettiva psicodinamica La tipologia di Jung prima parte)4. Lo studio della personalit: La prospettiva psicodinamica (La tipologia di Jung seconda parte)5. Lo studio della personalit: La prospettiva psicodinamica (Gli stati dellIo dellAnalisi Transazionale)6. Lo studio della personalit gruppo: La prospettiva psicodinamica (Le transazioni fra stati dellIo)7. Lo studio della personalit: La prospettiva psicodinamica (Le transazioni nel gruppo)8. Le dinamiche di gruppo9. Il gruppo di lavoro e la comunicazione10. Le risorse che limitano il conflitto nel gruppo11. I ruoli e la loro influenza nel conflitto12. Gli stili di comportamento nel gruppo (prima parte)13. Gli stili di comportamento nel gruppo (seconda parte)14. TEST: scopri il tuo stile principale di comportamento nel gruppo15. Punteggi e risultati del test: Scopri il tuo stile principale di comportamento nel gruppo16. Linfluenza della leadership nel conflitto17. Prevenire il conflitto: Linterazione efficace nel gruppo18. Prevenire il conflitto: Limitare le incomprensioni nel gruppo19. Prevenire il conflitto: Prova la tecnica per limitare le incomprensioni20. Prevenire il conflitto: Il messaggio Io e il messaggio Tu21. Prevenire il conflitto: Il problem solving (Prima parte)22. Prevenire il conflitto: Il problem solving (Seconda parte)23. La gestione del conflitto: Il conflitto con laltro e il conflitto nel gruppo24. La gestione del conflitto: Dal conflitto al contrasto alla collaborazione25. La gestione del conflitto: Affrontare e risolvere un conflitto26. Test: Come gestisci il conflitto?27. Punteggi e risultati del test: Come gestisci il conflitto?"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Innovative Digitale Lehre mit Webinaren, Videos und Podcasts" |
"In diesem Kurs erhltst du eine Einfhrung in innovative Tools, mit denen du in der digitalen Lehre (Fernlehre, Home Learning, etc.) durchstarten kannst. Wir zeigen dir alles Technische und Didaktische das du brauchst, um exzellente digitale Lehre umzusetzen. In mehreren Stunden an Videolektionen wird dir genau gezeigt, wie du verschiedene didaktische Settings in deiner eigenen Lehre implementieren kannst. Aber das ist nicht alles. Wir helfen dir mit Checklists und Templates weiter, mit Hilfe deren du direkt loslegen kannst!Lerne, welche Tools mir dabei geholfen haben, exzellente Lehre - mit drei Lehrpreisen in drei Jahren - durchzufhren.Ich freue mich, mit dir mein Wissen und meine Erfahrungen mit der digitalen Lehre zu teilen!Besprochene Tools: LiveWebinar, BigBlueButton, loom, Dubb, Vectera, Clapboard, Fleeq, anchor"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Inteligncia Emocional: Seja Lder de Si Mesmo!" |
"CURSO 100% ONLINE - ESTUDE EM SUA CASACURSO DE INTELIGNCIA EMOCIONAL:SEJA LDER DE SI MESMOCHEGA DE TER PROBLEMAS DE RELACIONAMENTOCHEGA DE TER PROBLEMAS COM PESSOAS NO TRABALHO OU NA FAMLIACOMECE A DESENVOLVER SUA INTELIGNCIA EMOCIONAL AINDA HOJESEJA LDER DE SI MESMOOito videoaulas com exerccios e testesCom pelo menos um ms duas aulas por semana voc perceber a real mudana em sua vida.POUCO TEMPO DE ESTUDOVoc poder aproveitar ao mximo de seus talentos e recursos se, pelo menos, assistir duas aulas por semana e praticar os exerccios propostos no curso.Veja 7 motivos para voc adquirir esse curso nos prximos minutos e comear a mudar sua vida:PRIMEIRO So oito videoaulas gravadas com a Profa. Dra. Beatriz Acampora - mdia de 20 minutos cada com toda didtica que ir facilitar o desenvolvimento de sua INTELIGNCIA EMOCIONAL. No final voc mesmo pode imprimir o seu certificado no sistema.SEGUNDO So udio aulas tambm! Voc pode apenas ouvir as aulas! Todas as videoaulas possuem um arquivo de udio separado para voc ouvir enquanto se movimenta no dia a dia: no nibus, no carro, no metro, andando nas ruas ou em sua bicicleta. Assim, voc pode aproveitar ao mximo do contedo do curso!TERCEIRO Muitos vdeos de apoio: em todas as aulas voc ir encontrar um vdeo do Youtube que aprofunda no tema para lhe dar mais base de conhecimento. Assim, voc entende mais ainda do assunto o que ir facilitar as mudanas que iro ocorrer em sua vida.QUARTO Artigos e mais artigos para saber mais sobre o tema: da mesma forma que os vdeos de apoio, voc ir encontrar textos explicativos de diversos autores. Tudo isso ir colocar voc diante de informaes importantes que sero bastante teis no seu dia a dia de mudanas.QUINTO Vrios PDFs com exerccios: a partir da segunda aula voc ir poder baixar e imprimir exerccios que iro lhe ajudar no seu desenvolvimento. Acelerando e dando formato as suas novas possibilidades comportamentais.SEXTO - TESTE O SEU MOMENTO: Na primeira e ltima aula voc dever baixar e imprimir um teste de verificao de sua inteligncia emocional naquele momento! Dessa forma voc mesmo poder aferir seu status emocional: as mudanas que ocorreram em voc!STIMO MOTIVO - GANHE UM E-BOOK NO FINAL DO CURSO - Com 83 pginas em PDF voc poder baixar e imprimir esse livro escrito pelos professores doutores: Joo Oliveira e Beatriz Acampora. Uma sntese de todo conhecimento que poder ser guardado com voc pode toda vida."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"DNA Damage and Repair" |
"The Course deals with understating of concepts in DNA damage and repair. DNA is Highly stable and versatile molecule. But few times damage is caused to it. DNA has many elaborate mechanisms to repair any damage or distortion. Most frequent sources of damage to DNA are the inaccuracy in DNA replication and chemical changes in DNA. Failure of the process of replication can lead to incorporation of wrong bases and this leads to mismatching to the complementary bases. Alkylation, oxidation and methylation cause damage to bases. X-rays and gamma radiations cause single or double stranded breaks in DNA. If such changes passed to new generation can lead to mutations and becomes permanent. Therefore a balance between mutation and repair is necessary."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Temel Mzik Eitimi" |
"Bu kursta 'Temel Mzik Eitimi' konularn eksiksiz bir ekilde bulabilirsiniz. Her seviyeye uygun olarak hazrlanm, videolarn tamamnda konular nitelendirilmi, rneklendirilmi ve anlatmlarda sade bir dil kullanlmtr. ster mzie yeni balayn, ister mzik okullarna hazrlann ya da herhangi bir mzik okuluna devam ediyor olun bu eitim setinin size kataca ok ey olacaktr. Bu kursu ayn zamanda YouTube/egemensekmen kanalmda CRETSZ bulabilirsiniz ya da destek olmak amacyla buradan satn alabilirsiniz. Teekkrler."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Self Preparedness - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Dos & Don'ts" |
"Value Addition Alerts: Passing Certification Awarded By InstructorRoad Map for Further LearningCertification: Udemy does not provide certification for exams, they only do in the case of Video Courses. But the great news here is, we have empowered our paid students to have a certificate, once they qualify by 80% in the exams. It is a manual process, in which learners our requested to submit evidence of qualification, and apply for the certificate. The certificates are issued at the end of a month.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------With lots of free resource material, awareness videos by leading global and regional healthcare organizations like World Health Organization (WHO), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Health Service (NHS) and so many governmental bodies and others, there is clutter of information available on the website, YouTube and other platforms. Have you absorbed that clutter of information on the web correctly?? The answer lies within this 1st exclusive online exam globally. Check your preparedness response in different situations that can come to impact you with this outbreak. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Exam CompositionYou will be assessed when you take this online exam in following areas (Course Objectives):WHO Public Advice for CoronavirusBasic protective and prevention measures against the new coronavirusImportance of Social Distancing Practice Respiratory and hand HygienePandemic PlanningWhen and how to use the Mask WHO Travel AdviceImportance of Travel HistoryDy-mystifying Myths about CoronavirusInformation and Communication with Regional Healthcare Authorities----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: WHO public guidance and advice is available on their website for free access. It includes videos, if you are struggling to get that information, instructor can help you to get that. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Recommendation: Please read WHO Public Advice, Travel guidelines and other related documents, before taking this exam. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Good news: We will be adding more content for example any breakthrough in the future. If you feel that you lack the knowledge you can read WHO guidelines or the instructor to guide you on gaining awareness on COVID-19.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------One Month Money Back Guarantee: Don't forget One Month 100% Money Back Guarantee without inquiry. This means you have unconditionally no risk when registering to this Course.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ask Questions & Report Complaints: Discussion forum on the right side of this course can be used to discuss specific queries and report problems you are facing about the content of the course.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Take this course: Follow the Take This Course"" Button by clicking at the Top Right Hand Side of the Page. Proceed with the instructions and follow it to register and pay for the course."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Asp.Net Core + Docker (Sfrdan)" |
"Bu kursumda sfrdan balayarak adm adm core (mvc) projelerimizi nasl dockerize yaplacan reniyor olacaksnz.Kurs 3 Ana balk altndan olumaktadr. Docker teknolojisinin ne olduunu,zelliklerini ve ana bileenlerini reneceksiniz.Net Core projelerini nasl dockerize yaplabileceini reneceksiniz Asp.Net Core projelerini nasl dockerize yaplabileceini reneceksinizBu Kurs aadaki konular iermektedir.Docker Nedir ?Dockerfile/ Image /Container nedir ?Docker CLI nedir ?Docker Registry nedir ?Resmi Asp.Net Core image'lar nelerdir ?Net Core Console uygulamas adm adm nasl dockerize edilir ?Docker CLI Komutlar nelerdir ?Asp.Net Core Mvc uygulamasn adm adm nasl dockerize edilir ?Docker Volume nedir ?Bind Mount nedir ?MultiStage build nedir ?Container iin environment deikenleri nasl belirlenir ?Visual studio IDE'si bize nasl bir docker ortam salamaktadr ?"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Symfony 4 curso bsico e intensivo" |
"Dominaremos Symfony 4 juntos, comenzando por lo bsico, pero avanzando rpidamente. Vamos a construir una aplicacin real.Symfony abarca las mejores prcticas en la programacin orientada a objetos. No solo podrs construir algo potente, flexible y rpido: tambin dominars algunos de los conceptos de programacin ms importantes y las mejores prcticas web de hoy.Configuraremos nuestra app con Symfony 4Configuraremos nuestro IDE (PhpStorm )para trabajar efectivamente con SymfonyFlex y las recipesRutas y controladoresHerramientas de consolaTwigInstalaremos DoctrineCrearemos tablas con Doctrine e importaremos datosQuerys con Doctrine para obtener el contenido dinmicamente Como extra instaleremos el web debug toolbar o profiler!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
shopblog-master |
"1: 2: 3: SEO 4: 33 5: UP UP 6: 3 7: 100 8: SEOSEOSEOSEO 9: SEO 10: USP 11: nofollownoindexSNS 12:202041301000"
Price: 10800.00 ![]() |
"Communication Skills 101" |
"Communication is a fundamental skill, with benefits for work life and personal life. And the good news is, these skills can always be improved! If communication doesn't come easy for you or you just want to brush up on your skills, whether that be in group conversations (like a team meeting at work) or one-on-one conversations (like a difficult discussion with your spouse), this course is for you! It will help you build confidence in your communication and give you the tools you need to start improving your skills today!Communication Skills 101 offers lecture content, reading material, and practical worksheets to help you on your journey to becoming a better communicator. The content covered will provide you with the foundation, and methods and tools to continuously build, grow, and improve upon your skills. The course was intentionally designed to provide actionable steps in a concise 10 lecture series, so that you get the information you need to start moving forward."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"International Keyword Research for Translators" |
"International keyword research is more than just translating keywords, but it is still a skill that is relatively simple to acquire, with no coding or programming necessary!If you are working as a translator, then you already have hard-won language skills, as well as in-depth understanding of at least two different cultures. That puts you light years ahead of anyone else offering SEO or keyword research services.Weve put together this course for you so that you can leverage the abilities you already have as a translator to offer a more competitive service. Learn to translate keywords and provide international keyword research, and you'll be able to diversify your income, become more competitive in a fast-changing industry, and future-proof your freelance translation business."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"CompTIA E2C JK0-019 Network + Network Management Exam" |
"137 UNIQUE practice questions for CompTIA E2C JK0-019 Network + Network Management ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : CompTIA E2C JK0-019 Network + Network Management ExamTotal Questions : 137Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :95 minsPassing Score : 75 (102 of 137)"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"3-Meal Italian Food Course: Appetizer, Primo, Sweets" |
"Appetizer: Baking Italian Grissini BreadCrunch that stick!This course talks about how Italian loves to eat grissini before devouring prime course or primo. Italian loves to crunch that bread while waiting for their main dish. Grissini is best eaten with acciugha (small preserved fish in a container) or strachino, a soft white cheese.Primo: Italian Pasta Making: The Easiest MethodLearn how to make a fresh pasta at home for your family and friends.This course talks about making a fresh pasta. The method and the learning process is the easiest way to memorize by heart. Italians are known for putting health into priority so their mindset is always homemade and fresh. So, when they go to restaurant, they are proud to ask if the food they're going to eat is fresh by saying ""homemade"". Mostly , Italian restaurants will add on their courtesy upon ordering that ""certain"" food is fresh and homemade. This is their way of doing marketing on their restaurants whether it is osteria or trattoria. So, when you hear the word ""homemade"", be glad, it means it's fresh and good for health.In this course, we are using all biological to maintain the freshness and homemade thing of pasta making. Il uova (the egg) is biologico in Italian or biological and ""la farina"" (the flour) is also biologico.Hope you enjoy this Italian pasta making experience and hope you visit Italy. ""Ci vediamo quando tu sei qui."" (See you when you are here).Dolce: Quick and Easy Italian Classical Tiramisu CakeA Glimpse of Northern Italy Dolce in Treviso, a city near VeniceThis course is all about Treviso tiramisu and how to make it at home just like all Italians do. Italy is known for cheese, so, when they eat they have cheese as a appetizer, prime and second course, and now we have this sweet cheese incorporated in the cake that is common in the whole region of Italy. However, tiramisu was born in Treviso which signifies ""tira"" means pull, ""mi"" means me, ""su"" means up. Tiramisu means ""pull me up"" or ""lift me up.""Am I lifting you up?"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Klavier spielen online lernen - Die 6-Schritte Formel" |
"Vorteile:Du lernst schon nach der ersten Lektion die WOHL BEKANNTESTE MELODIE DER WELT die sich alle wnschen zu spielenKein Lehrer ist perfekt, weswegen du in diesem Kurs gleich aus den Erwartungswerten von 2 Klavierlehrern lernstWie werden wir vorgehen:In 6 einfachen Schritten werden wir dir das Klavierspielen beibringenDoch was bringt dir der beste Kurs, wenn du nicht motiviert bist? Wir zeigen dir Strategien mit denen du motiviert bleibst und noch bessere Resultate erzielst...Aufbau: 6 ModuleModul: Instrument besorgen (auch mit einem niedrigen Budget)Modul: Die wohl bekannteste Melodie der Welt lernenModul: berblick ber die TastaturModul: Deine ersten LiederModul: Motivation, Disziplin und betechnikModul: ImprovisationMchtest du herausfinden, wie auch du die wohl bekannteste Melodie in krzester Zeit spielen kannst? Dann lass uns loslegen!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
Drupal |
"Drupal CMS . , .5 : / 8 . ( ) . (Module Commerce 2). , ( ) (Module SearchApi, Facets). 3 (, ), . : , , Layout Builder sass Drupal 8 SearchApi, Facets, TaxonomyMenu, Token, PathAuto"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn Your Ideal Customer" |
"Build a network of customers that will secure your divine success. This course will help you answer key questions to position your brand and business for success. This will help you design a strategic plan that will ensure customer empowerment. Oftentimes when someone starts a business, the focal point is primarily making a profit. We focus on gaining customers and expanding through sales. However, as the company grows, we sometimes face serious challenges dealing with and managing clients. How different could it be, if we were to identify our client baseline?"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Properties of Trees in Graph Theory: Discrete Mathematics" |
"Have you ever wanted to learn more about Trees in Graph Theory? Then, this could help you.This course starts with the concept of Trees in Graph theory and properties of trees. We then proceed to the concept of a Forest as a collection of trees and basic results about the number of vertices and edges in a tree and forest are derived.Rooted trees are introduced next and their use is illustrated through practical examples. This is followed by the Merge-Sort method. Rooted trees and Merge Sort method are used extensively in Computer Science.The course ends with all the formulae and terms used in this course ,put together in a single video, for your benefit.There is also an assignment at the end. You are encouraged to complete each session and then practice the problems relevant to that session in the assignment.Buy now!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Warrior Plus 2.0 Advanced: Fast Track (Profit) Training" |
"This is the Marketers platformBrand New Over-The-Shoulder Video Series On How To Increase Profit With Warrior PlusIntroducingWarrior Plus Advanced 2.0: Fast Track Profit TrainingHere's What You'll Learn In These Upgraded Video Series:How to work with the advanced features and make the best of it.How to become more efficient in your daily activities and speed up your output using this platform.Learn the smart way to make things happen fast as the experts do with some key features of this service.Learn how to reduce frustrations and time-consuming activities by applying my practical advice when using this service.How about automation? Learn the simple tricks and tips we use to get it done.Master every aspect of this service so that you can train other people how to use it as it.Stay at the top of your competition and keep your business ahead of the learning curve.And so many more...Youve been wanting to get your offer out there to be seen by others.Its almost impossible for a new affiliate program to gain traction.The mistake many program owners make is thinking that affiliates will flock to them.Very few people are going to promote your program if they dont know who you are.Trust is an issue in todays world of online marketing. The affiliate needs to put a lot of trust into someone who is unvetted.That trust means risking valuable time and money that an affiliate may not have.Warrior Plus Is The Trusted Platform Online Marketers UseYouve been considering about putting your offer out there on Warrior Plus.Its both an exciting platform and also somewhat confusing to those whove never used it before.We help take out the confusion by explaining the entire process in our video series.All you need to do is watch our videos to fully understand how to take advantage of all the Warrior Plus benefits.Well even show you how to use their wallet system to make paying affiliates a snap. No longer do you have to worry about cutting checks or anything like that.The entire process has been streamlined so that you can focus all of your efforts on profits.The Growth Potential Is Almost LimitlessMany people promoting Warrior Plus offers are in the make money online niche. Every year there are more and more people wanting to make money on the internet.If youre in this niche, then you already know how profitable it can be. Though you should be aware other niches are being promoted at Warrior Plus.You can tap into all of the marketing power the site has to your offers, and it will result in sales.There arent many other places on the internet where you have the eyes of so many marketers focused on your offer.If what you have converts, youll have an almost endless amount of affiliates ready and willing to promote your offer.Let The Affiliates Do All The Hard Work For YouHow does that sound? It has to sound pretty good.Just think of how having others promote your offers will free up your time. It will allow you to focus on growing and expanding your business.Who knows, it may even give you enough time to create a new offer. All of this is possible if you fully understand how Warrior Plus works.No one signs up and understands all the bells and whistles the site has to offer. Anyone who thinks they do are fooling themselves.Itll be costly if you make this mistake. Instead, watch our videos and learn from the pros.Youll turn your offer into cash with the help of our videos and the professional marketers who promote the offers at Warrior Plus.Our Easy To Follow Videos Will Show You How Its DoneYou wont have any questions after watching our videos.Youll not only fully understand how Warrior Plus works, but you will also learn how to get affiliates to promote your offer.Our videos are fun, entertaining, and highly educational.Youll have a firm grasp of how to get your offer on Warrior Plus and the best ways to ensure that affiliates actively promote it.Sign up for this training today and make your future as bright as it possibly can be.----------------------------------------------------Course Description And Overview:Most people do not know how to get started with all the puzzling functions of the Warrior Plus Platform today. With this Fast Track Training course designed to take you through the Beginner's level, you will be up and running in no time using Warrior Plus with confidence.Warrior Plus Advanced 2.0: Fast Track Profit Training, is a straight to the point, step by step training course to get you started immediately.***NOTE: This training is an Advanced continuation of our other course ""Warrior Plus Advanced: Fast Track Training 2020""***See the course subjects below:Warrior Plus Advanced 2.0: Fast Track Profit TrainingSection 1: Advanced Training Part-11 - Adding A Bonus As An Affiliate To An Upsell2 - Adding An Upsell To Your Offer - Part 13 - Adding An Upsell To Your Offer - Part 2Section 2: Advanced Training Part-24 - Adding A Downsell To Your Offer5 - Creating A Subscription Product6 - Adding A Dime Sale To Your ProductSection 3: Advanced Training Part-37 - Adding An Auto Responder To Your Product8 - Adding After Sale Customers To A WebinarSection 4: Advanced Training Part-49 - Adding Zapier To Warrior Plus - Part 110 - Adding Zapier To Warrior Plus - Part 2Section 5: Advanced Training Part-511 - Adding In A Time Sale12 - Adding In A Countdown TimerSection 6: Advanced Training Part-613 - Adding In A Scarcity Warning14 - Adding In A JV PartnerSection 7: Advanced Training Part-715 - Adding In A Coupon - Part 1 - Enter At Checkout16 - Adding In A Coupon - Part 2 - Auto Assign A CouponSection 8: Advanced Training Part-817 - Adding An Affiliate Program - Part 118 - Adding An Affiliate Program - Part 219 - Adding An Affiliate Program - Part 3Section 9: Advanced Training Part-920 - Adding An Affiliate Specific Coupon---------------------------------------------------------"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"IB Maths AA Calculus (SL)" |
"A comprehensive course on the topic of Calculus, designed according to the latest syllabus of IB Math AA SL, under topic 5: CalculusDesigned to the need of an SL student. Also included exam question demonstrations to show IB exam skills. It covers both differentiation and integration, with applications. Also check out my YouTube channel KIDD WSTWTY Math Channel and my Patreon Membership @ KiddCheung"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"ISACA Risk and Information Systems Control Practice Tests" |
"Hello there!I am extremely pleased to have you on board.Lets begin a journey where we would be working together to go through every possible challenging question ISACA Risk and Information Systems Control exam offered by ISACA has to you.Here is what makes this course so unique and beneficial for you. Since our material ISACA Risk and Information Systems Control Practice Tests is based on a real test, We can guarantee that you would be able to solve 65% questions(at least) in your exam without putting any extra effort by going through all those reference textbooks.My purpose here is to ensure that when you appear in the real exam, you are calm and super confident about yourselves.This test is being offered by ISACA and our material has about +100 questions. Now, each question has been specifically designed for this course that will push your cognitive abilities to the limits. This intense journey will not only make you have a good idea about what type of questions the real exam would have but also cover the tiny concepts people usually miss while preparing for ISACA Risk and Information Systems Control Practice TestsThe test was last updated on March 18th 2020 and covers all the latest concepts as per the course requirements and it is written in English.I have a firm belief that you are going to ace that exam like a true champion!Thanks for your time!"
Price: 345.00 ![]() |
AWS2020 |
"AWS AWSAWSAPI Gateway FAQAPI GatewayLambda/JSONAWS Key Management Service (KMS) AWS Key Management ServiceKMSKMS Web Wild Rydes unicorn HTML RESTful Web unicorn AWS LambdaAmazon API GatewayAmazon S3Amazon DynamoDB Amazon Cognito AWS Lambda Amazon DynamoDB Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose S3 Amazon Athena OracleAurora Oracle Amazon Aurora Amazon Aurora AWS Database Migration Service AWS Schema Conversion Tool AWS Schema Conversion Tool C++C#Java SQL Amazon Aurora AWS Database Migration Service AWS SQL AWS"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Exam MS-300: Deploying Microsoft 365 Teamwork (Updated 2020)" |
"Exam MS-300: Deploying Microsoft 365 Teamwork (Updated 2020)Candidates for this exam are Teamwork Administrators who are responsible for configuring, deploying, and managing Office 365 and Azure workloads that focus on efficient and effective collaboration and adoption. Teamwork Administrators manage apps, services, and supporting infrastructure to meet business requirements. The Teamwork Administrator must be able to deploy, manage, migrate, and secure SharePoint (online, on-premises, and hybrid), OneDrive, and Teams. The Teamwork Administrator is involved with decisions regarding governance and works with other Administrators to implement many of the decisions made by governance bodies. The Teamwork Administrator collaborates with the Messaging Administrator to configure options and security related to email tasks, the Voice Administrator to integrate voice capabilities in organizations, and the Security Administrator to ensure end-to-end security.I have prepared this practice test course for all those candidates who are planning of taking MS-300 exam in near future.This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with Microsoft in any way.Exam Topics covered as per syllabus MS-300 exam Certification questions :Configure and manage SharePoint Online (35-40%)Configure and manage OneDrive for Business (25-30%)Configure and manage Teams (20-25%)Configure and manage workload integrations (15-20%)"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Exam MS-301: Deploying SharePoint Server Hybrid Updated 2020" |
"Exam MS-301: Deploying SharePoint Server Hybrid Updated 2020Candidates for this exam are Teamwork Administrators who are responsible for configuring, deploying, and managing Office 365 and Azure workloads that focus on efficient and effective collaboration and adoption. Teamwork Administrators manage apps, services, and supporting infrastructure to meet business requirements. The Teamwork Administrator must be able to deploy, manage, migrate, and secure SharePoint (online, on-premises, and hybrid), OneDrive, and Teams. The Teamwork Administrator is involved with decisions regarding governance and works with other Administrators to implement many of the decisions made by governance bodies. The Teamwork Administrator collaborates with the Messaging Administrator to configure options and security related to email tasks, the Voice Administrator to integrate voice capabilities in organizations, and the Security Administrator to ensure end-to-end security.I have prepared this practice test course for all those candidates who are planning of taking MS-301 exam in near future.This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with Microsoft in any way.Exam Topics covered as per syllabus MS-301 exam Certification questions :Configure and manage SharePoint on-premises (55-60%)Configure and manage hybrid scenarios (30-35%)Migrate to SharePoint Online (5-10%)"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"The Complete AutoCAD 2020 learning Course : Hindi" |
"This course covers a complete guide to learn 2D and 3D designing in AutoCAD 2020 In HINDI.This course is upgrading continuously, so keep checking this course for more video lectures and quiz. During the course, students learn The featuresCommandsTechniques for creating, editing and printing drawings.Students explore how to create 2D And 3D drawings in the best interactive learning environment under the guidance of a certified trainer. You will be able to make all design independently with confidence after completion of the course. We have explained about all available tools & options in the best simple will get all files used to create this course for your reference and practice.If you are a new student or already doing jobs or assignments in AutoCAD. This course will help you to make your profile best and become an expert in the field of designing."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Apprendre le scalping de manire simple et efficace" |
"Comment savoir quand le march va faire une excs haussier ou baissier ? Comment profiter de cet excs et scalper de manire simple et efficace pour engranger des pips facilement et sans stress ?La rponse est dans ce cours !Vous apprendrez une technique simple et efficace pour reprer et scalper en tout scurit dans les excs du march pour rcuprer un max de point dans un temps record."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Lgica em AdvPL" |
"AdvPL uma linguagem de programao, que utilizada no ERP Protheus da TOTVS.Com ela possvel voc criar customizaes poderosas no sistema, desde coisas simples at mesmo coisas avanadas como pontos de entrada ou gravao de dados.Nesse curso, ns veremos os conceitos de lgica de programao em AdvPL, desde coisas simples como escopo de variveis, at pontos mais elaborados como manipulao de registros.Obs.: Para fazer o download dos cdigos fontes, veja a mensagem de boas vindas"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner in 5 Hours" |
"Welcome to the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner in 5 Hours course.Are you wanting to launch a career in the IT industry? Are you a non-technical individual who always wanted to know about AWS Cloud? This course is designed for the absolute beginner and it contains all the necessary knowledge to PASS the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Certification exam. This course contains very beautiful animations and illustrations to make your learning experience enjoyable and entertaining. You will watch this course as if you are watching your favourite TV show. After each section, you will find knowledge check exercises that will reinforce your understanding, and at the end of the course there is a BONUS Sample Final Exam!Join us today and kickstart your career with the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner in 5 Hours course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Taming REGEX - A Complete Guide to Regular Expressions" |
"Now updated in July 2020. Welcome to Taming.Techs REGEX Course. No previous Regular Expressions experience required!Regular expressions are also referred to as Regex, Regexes or Regexp (sometimes called a rational expression)This course is designed to advance you from beginner to proficient. It is laid out logically so that you can incrementally build your regular expressions knowledge. Essential foundations are established first to facilitate in-depth comprehension of this key skill.The real world and real-life examples explored in this course will deepen your understanding of REGEX and how to apply what youve learnt authentically and appropriately. Experimentation with a new skill is vital in exercising and integrating wider application; which is why well explore practical examples because it ingrains the information contained here.Our world is pretty much run by data now and those that know how to intelligently interrogate and manage data have a distinct advantage. Regular expressions unlock the powerful possibilities of any data set.Data analysis is vital in a variety of industries and circumstances and being able to deploy and utilise this formidable tool will strengthen your skills set, enhance your confidence and give you an edge.HOW CONFIDENT AM I? Take this course. If you don't learn everything you need to know about Regular Expressions (Regex) in the next 30 days, I'll refund every penny!ASK YOURSELF:Are you battling to learn Regex? Have you tried many Regular Expression courses on Udemy and YouTube and you are still not getting it?Are you a programmer that avoids using Regex because you are not confident?Are you a beginner and you have heard about this and are not sure where to start?As a Data Scientist, you know that this will help you query and clean data, but you don't have a proper foundation to start from.Have you started programming in Python, PHP, JavaScript, Java etc and you need to have a better understanding of Regular Expressions?Are you using Google Sheets to clean data up and you would like to make the process faster?Are you a system administrator using PowerShell and you would like to run scripts that make your job easier?Do you know REGEX? How about advanced REGEX? Date Matching? Regular Expressions with Leap Years? If you have answered YES to any of these questions - then you NEED this course!What questions do we answer?Is regex case sensitive?Are regex the same for all languages?Is regex evil? :-)How do Regular Expressions work in Python?What are the special characters in Regex?Can Regex contain spaces?How to exclude a string from Regex?How to escape a backslash in Regexes? And what regex characters need to be escaped.What are Regexp groups?When was Regex created?What are the differences between Greedy, Lazy and Possessive Quantifiers? And many more. And the full 30 day no-questions-asked Udemy instant guarantee is your assurance of the quality and potential of this course.Get started today by clicking ""Buy Now"" and get full, lifetime access to this unique Regular Expressions (Regex) course with all future updates and all current and future course materials included!Here are some recent reviews for this Regex course...5 Star - Regex can be a tricky beast to tame, but this course certainly helps one to get to grips with it. The course goes in to great depth and has plenty of good examples to explore. I was particularly interested in the Python and PowerShell sections, however the entire course is very informative. - Bryan Smith5 Star - Regex annoyed me. Then I found Paul's course. Well worth the money and time invested. The reason it's worth it isn't because of the content, no the content is actually tedious and annoying... it's worth it because of how he positions the content, walks you through it and explains it in an INTUITIVE way. If more people taught the way Paul does, we'd be a smarter planet. Also the jokes are on 'a neighborhood of dads' level. - Eugenio ParagesLets get started!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |