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"Sagradas Escrituras Introduccin" |
"! Importante Recuerda leer el texto gua "" Formacin Bsica Cristiana"" Sal Terrae para poder desarrollar completamente el curso.Objetivo del Instituto Sal Terrae Ofrecer a los laicos de la Dicesis de Zipaquir procesos formativos de carcter integral y sistemtico que les ayuden a vivir en mayor plenitud su vocacin y misin en la Iglesia y en el mundo, respetando y asumiendo sus diferentes necesidades dentro de la comn vocacin a la santidad.ORACIN PARA CADA ENCUENTRO Padre Dios que nos has llamado a la vida y la conservas con tu providencia, te glorificamos porque eres la fuente del amor, la alegra y la misericordia. Aqu estamos tus hijos e hijas; abre nuestra mente para conocerte, nuestro corazn para amarte y nuestras manos para servirte en todos nuestros hermanos.Seor Jesucristo, Hijo nico de Dios, Maestro y hermano nuestro, te alabamos porque eres el camino y la verdad que nos hace libres.Aqu estamos tus discpulos; frmanos en la escuela de tu seguimiento para saber amar la cruz de cada da, vivir en obediencia a tu palabra y ser testigos de tu resurreccin.Espritu Santo, amor eterno del Padre y del Hijo, que habitas en nosotros, te bendecimos porque nos santificas hacindonos parte del Cuerpo de Cristo.Aqu estamos los bautizados en tu Iglesia; danos la gracia divina para que cumplamos la misin de ser sal de la tierra en medio de nuestra familia, del trabajo, de la cultura y la sociedad. Oh Mara, Seora de la Asuncin y patrona de nuestra dicesis, orienta nuestros pasos hacia tu Hijo para que todos los que nos preparamos en este instituto superior diocesano de formacin pastoral, cooperemos en la construccin de autnticas comunidades de discpulos suyos que alienten la esperanza de nuestro pueblo. Amn"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
practical_design_thinking_kunitakesaso |
Price: 15000.00 ![]() |
"Curso De Canto Para Principiantes Para Hombres - Cante Mejor" |
"Este curso te ayudar a convertirte en un excelente cantante ... rpidamente! Lo creas o no, CANTAR ES UNA HABILIDAD, NO UN TALENTO! Cualquiera puede aprender a cantar con la gua correcta. Desglosaremos la voz en sus partes fundamentales para desmitificar los diferentes aspectos del canto.El curso incluye:Un enfoque claro y conciso para mejorar su voz sin problemas.Una competencia de canto con la posibilidad de aparecer en mi canal de YouTube de ms de 200 mil suscriptores. Ejercicios (Mp3s) puedes descargarlos para practicar las lecciones en cualquier lugar!Aprender a cantar se trata de desarrollar la memoria muscular y los hbitos adecuados. Tu mentalidad y tus emociones tambin son muy importantes cuando se trata de cantar. Aprenders a dejar que el estrs y el miedo se desvanezcan.Este es el curso perfecto para PRINCIPIANTES, no se preocupe si nunca ha recibido una leccin en su vida! Estoy aqu para usted. Si su objetivo es cantar Pop, Rock, Country, Blues, R&B, Indie, Alternativa ... cualquier estilo de msica popular, este curso es ideal para usted.Para que el mtodo le d resultado...- NO necesita ningn talento musical ""de nacimiento"", talento para el canto o entrenamiento vocal previo- NO necesita saber nada sobre la tcnica o el funcionamiento de su voz (de hecho, cuanto menos sepa, mejor, porque tendr menos malos hbitos que superar)- NO necesita saber teora musical, ni siquiera leer msica"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
learnpilates |
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"e-Learning SystemVerilog Language concepts in detail" |
"This course shall help you learn SystemVerilog Verification language concepts starting from basics till detailed level. Course videos are structured bottoms-up to help students first learn what is SystemVerilog as a language and why it was needed, along with its differences with Verilog by putting together examples.After that it covers basic as well as advanced verification concepts for important topics such as OOPs, Ranomization, Functional Coverage and Assertions.Today any verification TB and methodology makes use of verification language as SystemVerilog. All concepts covered in course are critical for any experienced as well as fresher student to learn to really become productive in creating TB for a design.At end of every topic, we go through some interview questions as well.As pretty much all videos have been recorded from interactive online sessions with students, much more questions are asked and answered then and there itself. So going through course will help you get a detailed perspective about many concepts."
Price: 4800.00 ![]() |
"Nunca mais precise de nutricionista" |
"Aprenda a comer s de uma vez por todas! Dispense pra sempre a ajuda de um profissional pra te ajudar a comer. Desenvolva a autonomia de comer o QUE quiser , QUANDO quiser. Descubra o passo a passo para elaborar seu prprio cardpio: escolha o que comer, quando comer, porque comer e como comer Eu vou te ensinar o segredo que existe por trs do mtodo que eu j usei com centenas de clientes pra que eles ficassem LIVRES para comer o que querem, tendo a autonomia pra montarem seu prprio cardpio e se adaptarem onde quer que estejam SEM precisar de uma dieta. Antes de pensar em emagrecer, voc precisa reajustar seu metabolismo, que provavelmente est bem abaixo do BASAL , devido s inmeras dietas que voc j fez na vida, quando acreditava fielmente que precisava comer pouco pra emagrecer e nessa aula voc vai entender o porque precisa comer mais pra que seu metabolismo volte a funcionar."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"EPLAN Tutorials" |
"In next few tutorials I'm going to cover a big part of ePLAN functions. The learner will be able to see how it is possible to work with graphical functions in ePLAN, how to create customized plot frames in order to have uniqe project, how to create own parts manually in parts database, use those parts, draw a simple schematic, assign all devices to symbols, how to create own uniqe forms, create macros, plc macros, how to create 2D and 3D macro files, and how to work in ePLAN Pro Panel. As udemy changed it's rules about free tutorials, now there are restrictions regarding lenght of a video tutorials. Also, I want to improve this course ( give a better understanding about few things), which made me to put a price on this tutorial. I want to thank you all, am also very sorry about that (my first intention was to create a videos that can be watched that can help others and of course that they are free ), but in the end maybe it will force me to create things faster. coupon for unlimited redemptions : E0F71B31713EE5D045B3"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Explanation with Numericals: Structure of Atom" |
"If you are a student of Chemistry...If you don't like chemistry, but you need to learn this topic just for the sake of exams...If you know the concepts, but don't know how to do numericals on this topic....Then this course is for you.Each lecture includes the numericals or multiple-choice questions and lots of quiz questions.The lectures are very small so that you don't get lost in the topic. I hope you will enjoy.Negative and positive comments, both are welcome. This will help me in improving the lectures. Good luck..."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Onboarding Employees - A Strategic Approach" |
"A Talent Management Strategic Approach for Validation, Navigation, Integration & Separation!Post completing this course, you will be confident in achieving the below objectives for your organization:1)Shortening the time for new employees to become productive and revenue-generating2)Minimizing the cost of poorly trained new hires, in terms of substandard quality and customer service3)Reducing turnover4)Increasing engagement5)Establishing leadership credibilityOnboarding is a critical part of creating a great candidate experience for a new employee. When onboarding goes well, the benefits from increased employee engagement directly impact organizational success. Employees who go through an effective onboarding program become more productive quicker and put out more valuable work. Organizations with a standard onboarding process experience 54% greater new hire productivity leading to better performance. Employees who go through a more focused and detailed welcoming experience are more likely to be enthusiastic about their organization and ultimately can become brand ambassadors. This ultimately translates to an organizations bottom-line and tangible results in higher productivity.Great Onboarding Leads to Ongoing Employee EngagementImplementing a 30/60/90 Day Plan will help to increase employee engagement while making sure the new employee understands their responsibilities and expectations from the first day onward. Companies with highly engaged workers have higher rates of customer satisfaction and fewer errors. Learn how onboarding doesnt just happen on day one.The first 30 days is all about learning everything from where the office supplies are kept to what the company sells to what the new employees responsibilities will be.The second month of employment should focus more on collaboration and taking on more responsibilities. Training usually is ongoing throughout an employees time at a company, but the intense training takes place within the first month. The employee will now use the training from the first 30 days to start implementing that knowledge.The last 30 days of the plan is all about independence. As the employee starts taking on more responsibilities and working on bigger projects, they need to be more accountable for your work.In this course, we propose an onboarding model that can help talent management leads to plan and execute an effective onboarding for their organization.The four phases of the onboarding model are:Validation: Did I make the right choice (Validating the candidate's decision to join your organisation) Navigation: Initial DevelopmentIntegration: Ongoing development and RetentionSeparation: Supporting employees who have resignedWe also include case studies from various corporates to give a 360-degree view of how successful organizations are using Onboarding as an effective Talent Management Strategic tool for employee engagement."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Painting Portraits with Procreate" |
"Have you always wanted to draw portraits? Do you have that vision in your head of something you want to create, but struggle getting it out into the world? Then this course is for you!This course will teach you how to draw a semi-realistic portrait using Procreate, while simultaneously teaching you a little bit more about using the software. Follow along with the instructor and recreate the portrait she's creating. Or use your own reference photo, following the same steps.This course is great for those who may be an artist that has struggled drawing portraits or faces, or want to create more detailed portraits of real people, or original characters (OC's).You will build a foundation for drawing faces and learn how to add extra satisfying details such as highlights, reflective light, shadows, etc.The course will be broken down into sections, it's preferable you already have a basic understanding for creating a line drawing, as this course will mainly focus on the full rendering of a portrait, and will not cover much about the line drawing. However if you are inexperienced in line drawings, tracings of reference photos (as a guide for the line drawing only) is acceptable as a way to get you started.Whether you are a beginning artist that just bought an Ipad and want to learn how to use Procreate, or if you're a traditional artist that needs some help converting to the digital medium, or maybe even an accomplished character designer who just wants to learn how to add more realistic details to your character, there is something here for you.At the end of the course, students will be able to create semi-realistic portraits and be more confident in their ability to use procreate."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Essential Oils for Children" |
"Nikki is a Clinical Aromatherapist with both the Canadian Federation of Aromatherapist (CFA), and National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA). She also has her own online school, School of Essentria, to train people on how to become Certified Aromatherapists. In this course, you will learn proper dilution, safety tips, my top 20 essential oils to use, recipes to use with children and through the house to keep everyone safe. Everything you need to support your children physically and emotionally as they grow into independent young adults. This is a great course if you have children of any age, from newborns to help with diaper rash, to teenagers helping with hormone balance and focus for homework. Also helping you reduce your toxic footprint in your home. Learn how essential oils can help clean your produce, your kitchen, bathroom and so much more. This course is a great way to start slowly replacing your everyday items with natural alternatives."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Trading - Portefeuille optimal ( En 2H )" |
"Cours condens de trading vous permettant dacqurir les bases pour constituer un portefeuille optimal.Le cours dveloppe notamment l'approche de Markowitz, lune des approches les plus utilises par les traders dans la dtermination du portefeuille optimal.Le cours aborde galement les principes d'entre et de sortie de position (Suite de Fibonacci) ainsi que la dtermination d'objectif."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Curso De Instalaes Eltricas Residenciais" |
"Curso focado em ensinar o princpio terico das instalaes eltricas residenciais, possibilitando que os alunos consigam desenvolver a capacidade de interpretao e instalao de esquemas eltricos de residencias. Objetivo do curso promover conhecimento terico voltado para as instalaes eltricas residencias, ou seja, interpretao de diagramas multifilar e unifilar, instalao de tomadas, interruptores, lmpadas e outros dispositivos. Apresentando a funo dos mesmos atravs de simulaes feitas pelo programa CrocTech."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"108 Workouts on Mind & Brain FITNESS For Students & Adults" |
"Lot of focus and effort is given on Physical Fitness and it's required also.But are you doing something for your *MIND AND BRAIN FITNESS*. This is the area which is often IGNORED.Most of the time is spent on News, Netflix , TV and Social Media. *Dont you feel something needs to be done for the fitness of MIND and BRAIN?*If you have TEENAGERS in your home and are getting bored, irritated, frustrated and are majorly occupied on Mobile, then this course will be very useful to them also.For very young KIDS you can always teach them the workouts.It will be great *FAMILY TIME* too where the entire family is involved in the workouts.If you are ENTREPRENEUR, PROFESSIONAL, HOUSE MAKER, COACH and stuck up in same routine and want to stimulate your thought process and be successful then this course is definitely going to help you.Just answer following question for yourself:""Have you really challenged your mind lately?""""How often do you do nothing and relax?""""Have you been learning anything new?""""What kind of food do you feed your mind?""If you are finding difficulty in answering any of the above questions then you really need to do something about your Mental Shape.This is the very unique program where you will workout different muscles of Brain to have the stronger Mind & Brain Fitness.The Course comes with *108 WORKOUTS* spread across *6 Modules* stimulating *Seven Components* of MIND and BRAIN FITNESS. This ensures the overall fitness fir MIND and BRAIN. It come with more than *7+ hours of easily understandable bit size 81 video lectures* and the downloadable *WORKBOOK*.It's been designed so that you understand the different aspect of Mind-brain fitness and actual do the exercise so that you can have Better Concentration, Improve Your Exam Results, Increase Your Self-Confidence, Perform Above Average professionally and be successfully in academics, professional and social life too.It will make you alert and sharp and speed the processing of your brain too."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Learn to draw in 24 hours !" |
"Learn to draw quickly and effortlessly in just 24 hours...Do you want to learn how to draw?You are the right place!Thanks to my training: Dessin24, you will learn how to draw in a few hours of practice:You will be introduced to the art of portraiture; design, anatomy, landscape; animal drawings and many other surprises!Why this training is so original:Because is based 100% on practice!My training is also the most competitive on the market, it is updated on a regular base and will guide you throughout your learning process. Step by step, you will become an ""ace"" of sketching.Dessin24 is also fun and allows you to understand the magic art of creation.On a professional level:Drawing is an asset of choice in your professional career:Whether in illustration, conception, design, medical , communication, marketing or in fashion and web business ... Sketching skills are on great demand. Moreover; creative people are often put forward in the professional field.So why not you ?On a personal level:Drawing is a source of relaxation and allows you to develop your intellectual skills. In fact, numerous studies show that drawing brings well-being, stimulates your creativity and increases your cognitive capacities. My training is bilingual in English and French, so you will learn how to draw and at the same time you will assimilate a technical vocabulary in two languages!You are interested? Bravo!So join now: hundreds of students who have chosen the training: Dessin24and become the future reference in graphic design."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Aprende A Contar Historias Increbles (Storytelling)" |
"En este curso aprenders a contar las mismas ancdotas que te han pasado toda la vida, pero de una manera diferente. Podrs transformar tus ancdotas en historias que a todo el mundo le encante escuchar; en historias interesantes, que cautiven al pblico y que quieran seguirlas escuchando; en historias graciosas de las cuales la gente se ra; y en historias dramticas que le trasmitan a los oyentes tu emocin.Que todo lo que cuentes de ahora en adelante, sea interesante y cautivador, que la gente quiera escuchar tus ancdotas!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ace MBA interviews" |
"Every battle is won before it has been fought.This is done through preparation. Learn the secrets to acing the interview by preparing well.Are you an MBA aspirant preparing for interviews?Are you struggling with your Why MBA answer?Do you face difficulties in articulating your answers in a convincing manner?Do you face a dilemma in answering strengths and weaknesses answers?Have you prepared answers to all the questions, but are not sure if those are worthy of MBA interviews?Dont worry. You are one among many MBA aspirants facing similar issues. In this course, I help you prepare in the right direction towards success.While preparing for my MBA interviews, I realized how little relevant guidance is available on the same. Since then, I have been coaching students on the same and have been helping them crack their interviews and secure offers.I am Sankalp Chhabra,A former faculty at IMS, Byjus, TIME and CL, leading MBA entrance exam preparation institutesa guest lecturer at top Indian B-schools, like the Indian Institute of Management(IIM-B & C), SP Jain, Indian Institute of Technology (IITs), Management Development Institute(MDI) Gurgaon, etc.A coach for MBA interview preparation & consulting case interview preparation.Coach to MBA aspirants who eventually received offers from top colleges - Indian Institute of Management(B, C, L & K), NITIE Mumbai, Indian Institute of Technology (IITs), Management Development Institute(MDI), new IIMs, etc.a Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (DCE-IIFT), a top MBA college, alumnus.I have especially designed this course for MBA aspirants. Together in this online course of around 4 hrs, We will master things like:How to develop a response to Why MBA and related cross questionsHow to make a powerful introductionSharing significant accomplishments storyYour strengths, weaknesses, achievements, etc.What are the unsaid X-factors on which candidates get evaluatedQuestions around Role model, Hobbies, Puzzles, Current affairs, etc.And we do all of this step-by-step. I would be using proven techniques and frameworks to teach you all the things you need to learn to ace your MBA interviews.This is a one-stop solution to all your hurdles between your top grades in MBA entrance exams and your dream B-school.By the end of this course, you would be able to craft personalized answers to commonly asked MBA questions with ease and confidence and would be able to impress interviewers with the real you.To make sure that you do not fall for common pitfalls that most of the MBA aspirants do, I have also included snippets of recorded mock-interviews of real candidates who were preparing for MBA interviews. A unique opportunity to learn from the mistakes of candidates who have been through the same journey.Hurry up, Enroll today. Dont wait for prices to go up, buy this course at the current discounted price.Learn, Prepare, and excel.Happy Learning!"
Price: 2560.00 ![]() |
azbukapsy |
""" ""? : , , , , , - , , , . , . . , ."
Price: 15299.00 ![]() |
"Sales Booster Using Effective Selling Framework & Techniques" |
"Learn the VARNISH sales framework to understand the 7 steps of selling. Learn and enhance your selling techniques Create an interest for your customer to talk to you and find out more about your products/servicesUnderstand customers needs and increase the desire of your customer to buy from youTurn sales objections into sales opportunities"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"sterreichisches Arbeitsrecht fr Studierende und Praktiker" |
"Kennst du das Gefhl, wenn du fr eine Prfung lernst aber den Wald vor lauter Bumen nicht mehr siehst? Du strzt dich in smtliche Details, hast daher aber das Gefhl, dass du den berblick verlierst?Gehrst du zu dem auditiven Lerntyp und suchst daher nach einer geeigneten Lernhilfe, die dich dabei optimal untersttzt? --> Dann habe ich eine gute Nachricht fr dich! Dieser Kurs eignet sich perfekt fr deine Bedrfnisse! Egal ob auf dem Weg zur Uni oder zur Arbeit, beim Sport oder gemtlich auf der Couch! Hr dir wann und wo auch immer du mchtest eine Zusammenfassung der wichtigsten Kapiteln des sterreichischen Arbeitsrechts an. Egal ob am Laptop oder ber die Udemy App auf deinem Smartphone! Keine Sorge, anders als Youtube luft die App auch im Hintergrund. Du musst dir das Video auch nicht ansehen, es reicht, einfach nur zu entspannen und zuzuhren. Und das beste daran!Der Kursaufbau und der Inhalt orientieren sich am Lehrbuch ""Arbeitsrecht in Grundzgen"". Du kannst dich daher immer zielgenau mit dem Kapitel beschftigen, welches fr dich gerade relevant ist. Egal ob du dieses gerade in der Bibliothek durchgerackert hast oder du dich auf deine nchste Lernsession vorbereiten mchtest. Du kannst dir auch ganz entspannt den ganzen Kurs anhren, damit dir dann der Start deutlich leichter fllt. ""Mein Professor bentzt aber ein anderes Buch. Hilft mir der Kurs dann trotzdem?"" Hier ein klares JA! Die Inhalte sind in allen Bchern die selbe! Wenn ein Kapitel gerade nicht passt, kannst du es problemlos berspringen und dann spter anhren. Der Kurs bietet dir aber noch mehr: am Ende von jedem Kapitel gibt es noch eine Zusammenfassung der wichtigsten Take Awaysnach jedem Kapitel erhltst du eine PDF Zusammenfassung, damit du dir auch durchlesen kannst, was du gerade gelernst hastin regelmigen Abstnden gibt es Quizfragen, damit du berprfen kannst, ob du das gelernte verstanden hast. Zgere also nicht und schreibe dich noch heute in diesen Kurs ein......sehe den Preis dieses Kurses als eine Investition, die dir Zeit und Nerven spart! Bist du dir noch unsicher? Schreibe dich in den Kurs ein und wenn du unzufrieden bist, gibt es eine 100% Geld zurck Garantie.Ich wnsche dir viel Spa!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Sun 310-110 Certify Mobile Application Developer Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Which is true regarding the use of Thread objects in a CLDC 1.1 compliant virtual machine?a) To stop a Thread, a developer can use the stop() method.b) A Thread can be stopped only from the inside of a MIDlet class.c) There is no way for one Thread to force another Thread to stop.d) A Thread lives until it exits from the run() method it invoked at startup.Q) Which is used to retrieve the version of MIDP a device has implemented?a) System.getProperty(""microedition.profiles"")b) System.getProperty(""microedition.platform"")c) System.getAppProperty(""microedition.platform"")d) System.getAppProperty(""microedition.profiles"")e) System.getProperty(""microedition.configuration"")Q) Which two are true about class file verification as defined by the CLDC specification? (Choose two.)a) Verification is NOT required.b) Verification can use a custom implementation.c) Verification is completed at compile time and no further verification is necessary.d) Verification can use the same implementation as defined in the JVM specification.Q) Which two are true regarding error handling for classes that exist in both CLDC and J2SE? (Choose two.)a) The set of error classes is essentially the same in CLDC and J2SE.b) The set of error classes is much reduced in CLDC to help reduce the overhead of the JVM.c) If a class throws an error in CLDC, it should throw the same error as in J2SE or its nearest superclass.d) There is no correspondence between the errors defined by CLDC and J2SE because the needs of CLDC and J2SE are so different.Q) What is the minimum volatile memory requirement identified by the CLDC 1.1 specification?a) 32 KBb) 64 KBc) 128 KBd) 160 KB"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Sun 310-091 Certified Bus. Component Developer Java Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) A developer needs to include a set of managed classes in a persistence unit. Which two solutions are correct? (Choose two.)a) Place the class files in the orm.xml file.b) Place the class files in the root of the persistence unit.c) Place the class files in any mapping file that is included on the classpath.d) Place the class files in any jar on the classpath that is included in the persistence unit.Q) The bean class of an EJB Web service endpoint has one method annotated with @WebMethod. Which two types can be legally returned from that method? (Choose two.)a) java.util.Dateb) javax.ejb.Timerc)an array of java.lang.Stringd) an EJB 3.0 local business interface referencee) an EJB 3.0 remote business interface referenceQ) A developer wants to use the Java Persistence query language. Which two are true? (Choose two.)a) A WHERE clause is required in every query.b) The WHERE clause can restrict the scope of a delete operation.c) The WHERE clause can be used to order the results returned by a query.d) The WHERE clause is used to restrict the contents of a collection of objects that are returned from a query.Q) Using bean-managed transaction demarcation, under which two circumstances must the container roll back a transaction? (Choose two.)a) A stateful session bean invokes UserTransaction.getRollbackOnlyb) A stateful session bean throws an uncaught application exception from a business method.c) A stateless session bean begins a transaction in a business method but does NOT complete it before returning.d) A message-driven bean begins a transaction in a message listener method but does NOT complete it before returning.Q) The syntax of the ORDER BY clause is defined in the Java Persistence API as: orderby_clause ::=ORDER BY orderby_item {, orderby_item}* Which statement is correct about the use of ORDER BY clauses?a) Only literals can be specified as an orderby_item.b) Fields or properties of any type can be specified as an orderby_item.c) The ordering must be specified if two or more orderby_item methods are provided.d) If two orderby_item methods are provided the left orderby_item has the higher precedence"
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"Getting started as a Japanese to English translator" |
"Japanese to English is the most lucrative language pair for translators, and demand for skilled Japanese to English translators continues to grow. In this course I teach you how to get started as a Japanese to English translator. I focus on freelance translation, but the information is also relevant to in-house translation jobs. The course covers the basics of the freelance translation industry, including getting clients, keeping project managers happy, lucrative specializations, and the future of translation as a career. In the ""Resources"" section, I cover the essential dictionary subscriptions, books, Computer-Aided Translation (CAT) tools, and other resources that every Japanese translator needs. I also go over specific Japanese terms and abbreviations you need to watch out for because they are frequently mistranslated by beginners."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Essentials of Customer Service" |
"The course revolves around Customer service, its relevance and how it can be delivered. It brings to light some key actions in the form of Ownership, reduction of Customer effort and the need to measure customer service. It highlights how every company today needs a strong VOC process and that companies start listening to their customers."
Price: 2240.00 ![]() |
"Holistic Happiness Wellness Workshop" |
"This is an introduction course to the 5 bodies of Yoga as I have incorporated them in my life. In this course I will suggest ways in which you can make positive, achievable changes in your life to increase your own well-being. Using the philosophy of the 5 bodies of yoga - physical, energy, mind, knowledge and bliss you will begin to understand yourself at a deeper level. As you move through the course you will see that these 5 bodies make up, who you are. When you actively make changes to improve these areas your overall wellness will naturally increase."
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"Excel ," |
"1a) b) 2a) b) c) d) e) 3 a) b) 4 Excel a) b) c) 5 6 a) b) c) 7 a) b) 8 a) b) 9 a) b) c) d) e)"
Price: 1799.00 ![]() |
"Learn Java with hands on practical tutorial videos" |
"If you're a complete beginner this is the right course for you!Learn Java Fast and Simply!Programming is one of the fastest growing and lucrative profession in today's high-tech age. No wonder, a lot of people are jumping into this profession in droves. But the amazing thing is that industry's appetite to employ more and more engineers is only growing. The demand is way too high to fill this gap. Which is why companies are ready to pay higher and higher salaries and hourly rates for these skills.Why Java?Ever since Java was introduced in 1995 it has been growing in popularity especially in the enterprise software sector. Over the years, it has been proven to be a mature, robust and very versatile programming platform. The language designers have added tons of features to the language which makes it very efficient and fun to code in Java.Java has the advantage of ubiquity. If you program for a living, you're probably going to come across Java sooner or later. Java is showing up in all sorts of places: You can write Java servlets that run on Apache and many other web servers. You can write applets that run in the browsers that most of the world uses. Java programs can run seamlessly on Linux, Windows, and MacOS. In fact, Java is also supported on many embedded and mobile platforms."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Love Yourself to Weight Loss - Course 1 - Chillaxed Eating" |
"Love Yourself to Weight Loss - Course One - Chillaxed EatingWhat is Chillaxed Eating & Why is It So Important? Reasons why Chillaxed Eating is so vitally important Things that no will ever tell you about how stress can severely affect digestive tract and other Bodily Organs5 Blissful Tips to succeed at having a Chillaxed eating environment.Bonus! - Roasted Butternut Squash Soup - How To Video"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Negocio de la sublimacin de 0 a 100" |
"Aprende todo acerca de la sublimacin, aprende a hacer mockup, aprende a usar photoshop, aprende a usar mug animator, aprende a crear tu negocio de sublimacin y escalarlo. En este curso tendrs todos los recursos necesarios para comenzar tu propio negocio en el rublo de la sublimacin, y no solo comenzarlo sino que escalarlo para tener una gran rentabilidad. Especial para aquellos que recin se estn adentrando en mundo de la sublimacin, o si ya tenes experiencia previa."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"A Complete Guide to build RESTful Web API with .NET Core 3.1" |
"This course contain all the step by step detail that are required to build a production ready web API project in .NET Core 3.1, it will cover implementation of all the layers like business, data access, domain and presentation layer, dependency handling and communication among layers, it contain cross-cutting concern like exception handling, logging, filters implementation. It also cover swagger implementation to expose your web API to end user including unit test project. It have complete all the information that required to work as professional and create web API in good architecture. This design is already tested in multiple production applications. At the end of this course, you will be confident to create a web API project independently and to leave good impression to your senior, interviewer and management."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Mini-curso introdutrio de LaTeX usando o Overleaf" |
"Curso bsico para edio de artigos usando o Overleaf. Nesse curso voc vai aprender as principais funcionalidades da plataforma Overleaf;Vou fornecer algumas dicas para a produo do artigo cientfico como: O que escrever em cada seo e em que ordemFalaremos tambm sobre referncias usando o Bibtex, figuras e tabelas (de modo bem bsico). Espero vocs!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |