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"Web APP (Concept of Web APP Programming)" |
"HTML5, CSS3, JavaScriptCordovaWeb APP (Maybe you can find some interesting thing when browsing lecturer's website.)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Data Manipulation in Python: A Pandas Crash Course" |
"In the real-world, data is anything but clean, which is why Python libraries like Pandas are so valuable.If data manipulation is setting your data analysis workflow behind then this course is the key to taking your power back.Own your data, dont let your data own you!When data manipulation and preparation accounts for up to 80% of your work as a data scientist, learning data munging techniques that take raw data to a final product for analysis as efficiently as possible is essential for success.Data analysis with Python library Pandas makes it easier for you to achieve better results, increase your productivity, spend more time problem-solving and less time data-wrangling, and communicate your insights more effectively.This course prepares you to do just that!With Pandas DataFrame, prepare to learn advanced data manipulation, preparation, sorting, blending, and data cleaning approaches to turn chaotic bits of data into a final pre-analysis product. This is exactly why Pandas is the most popular Python library in data science and why data scientists at Google, Facebook, JP Morgan, and nearly every other major company that analyzes data use Pandas.If you want to learn how to efficiently utilize Pandas to manipulate, transform, pivot, stack, merge and aggregate your data for preparation of visualization, statistical analysis, or machine learning, then this course is for you.Heres what you can expect when you enrolled with your instructor, Ph.D. Samuel Hinton:Learn common and advanced Pandas data manipulation techniques to take raw data to a final product for analysis as efficiently as possible.Achieve better results by spending more time problem-solving and less time data-wrangling.Learn how to shape and manipulate data to make statistical analysis and machine learning as simple as possible.Utilize the latest version of Python and the industry-standard Pandas library.Performing data analysis with Pythons Pandas library can help you do a lot, but it does have its downsides. And this course helps you beat them head-on:1. Pandas has a steep learning curve: As you dive deeper into the Pandas library, the learning slope becomes steeper and steeper. This course guides beginners and intermediate users smoothly into every aspect of Pandas.2. Inadequate documentation: Without proper documentation, its difficult to learn a new library. When it comes to advanced functions, Pandas documentation is rarely helpful. This course helps you grasp advanced Pandas techniques easily and saves you time in searching for help.After this course, you will feel comfortable delving into complex and heterogeneous datasets knowing with absolute confidence that you can produce a useful result for the next stage of data analysis.Heres a closer look at the curriculum:Loading and creating Pandas DataFramesDisplaying your data with basic plots, and 1D, 2D and multidimensional visualizations.Performing basic DataFrame manipulations: indexing, labeling, ordering slicing, filtering and more.Performing advanced Pandas DataFrame manipulations: multiIndexing, stacking, hierarchical indexing, pivoting, melting and more.Carrying out DataFrame grouping: aggregation, imputation, and more.Mastering time series manipulations: reindexing, resampling, rolling functions, method chaining and filtering, and more.Merging Pandas DataFramesLastly, this course is packed with a cheatsheet and practical exercises that are based on real-life examples. So not only will you learn the theory, but you will also get some hands-on practice with Pandas too."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Practical Industrial Process Gamification." |
"Utilize downloadable gamified facilities in the up, mid and down streams of the petroleum industry to learn how their key components function. This is a hands on course whereby after studying you have three(3) gamified industrial facilities in the petroleum industry (i.e, a crude oil production platform, petroleum refinery plant and petroleum products loading depot) included which can be self administered to confirm knowledge gained and for fun,alone or with other individuals."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Happy Days Coaching - Positive Thinking for a High Vibe Life" |
"This open minded Course is about changing the mind-set from negative to positive thinking, overcoming lifes challenges, emotional healing and gaining confidence in finding the life spark of happiness thats inside us all. You will learn simple to apply life changing tools and techniques that help you with your emotional well-being by practicing daily disciplines that help you change the way you think about life and yourself.It will help you to understand the value of feeling happy and fulfilled by overcoming self-doubts, limiting beliefs, fears, sadness, worries, feeling Blue and negative emotions. You can find your true potential by focusing on the positive feelings, its all about raising your energy vibration to feel good; letting go of past mistakes, visualising what we do want, and making it happen.My life story is a testimonial.Through experience of applying the tools it has totally changed my life and the way I see the world, myself and the people in it.This work has changed the attitudes of my clients, because if you think in a different way you will act in a different way and then gain different results in your own life.I want this course to help people create a future that makes them want to bounce out of bed in the morning, start to look up and take control of their own thoughts so that they have a choice to focus on their Happiness."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Psicologa del trading. Conceptos fundamentales" |
"A pesar de lo que pueda parecer, el llamado psicotrading es casi la disciplina ms importante para el trader. El control emocional o mental es un ingrediente decisivo y factor comn en los traders de xitoPero para conseguir el equilibrio emocional y mental es muy importante que te asesores y busques buenos consejeros. Desde mi experiencia de ms de 12 aos en el mundo del trading te ayudar a mejorar tu gestin emocional y que notes los efectos desde el primer instante.Librate de las cadenas... controla t a tu operativa. No permitas que sea la operativa la que te controle a ti. Aprenders a adaptarte a los vaivenes del mercado sin sufrir, plantendote el mercado de la forma correcta y evitando todo lo que te desvie de tu objetivo: ser productivo en el trading"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Interior Styling with Plants" |
"No live demo, only lecture. In this course you will learn the basic structure of plants in order to understand how they grow, remove indoor air pollutants, and make oxygen for us through a process called photosynthesis. You will also learn how to take care of plants (types of potting soil, the right light, temperature and water) and where to best style them in different rooms of your home."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
photo_for_beginners |
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Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Stress Management & Meditation - With Wellbeing Expert" |
"Greetings!In this course you will learn a unique blend of easy to use techniques to shake off stress at will. I have been using techniques like this from a range of wellbeing modalities on real people from all walks of life. The demand is great so I have put them in this easy to follow course called stress management & meditation. I have qualified in numerous disciplines and created my own unique modality called ""Power Meditation"". I have used this system to help thousands of people going through a range of life changing events create calm within themselves. You will learn a range of beneficial coping strategies for numerous conditions. You will learn a basic calming meditation to settle your emotions, a meditative process to sharpen the mind and control thoughts/event thought forms. And you will use a range of assignments to identify stress & a meditative process to manage and understand it at first...and eventually annihilate it.This course can be helpful for any and all people going through such as depression, frustration, sadness, fear of the unknown, worry, anxiety, anger, grief, lack of confidence, low self esteem etc. You can also learn how to cope emotionally with financial obligations/problems, exam stress and many more stresses life throws your way. All the best to you!Paul J Tavares MSc BScWellbeing Expert"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Learn the SECRETS to outline your screenplay" |
"In this course you will learn how to structure your screenplay. Teaching you the three Act structure, but with Act 2 split by the mid point. The course is designed for you to follow along with your screenplay and each exercise will help your write a scene to add structure to your screenplay.Examples are included in each lesson, making the course easy to follow and simple to adapt to your story."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
c# |
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Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"SPSS R" |
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Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Amazon Affiliate Marketing Course: From ZERO to HERO" |
"In this course, I will teach you little tactics that will help you get into 1% of affiliate marketers.I will share all those little known secrets and barely legal techniques you need to become a successful affiliate marketer.The great part is that the skills you learn in this course are transferable to other industries.Every product or service needs to be promoted.Look. You can show anyone to hit a golf ball you just take a club and whack that little dimpled thing.But to play golf well to make the ball go where you want it to go you need the inside secrets you will not discover casually on your own.Its the same with making money online.The advanced, mega-powerful secrets do not appear to you magically.You need a master.This is the insider course I wish it was around when I was starting out. Immediately after you complete this masterclass, burning fire that lights up ideas inside you will push you into creating your next successful affiliate website.People with that fire inside is what separates them from marketers that become wealthy from those that struggle.Or you can take advantage of the 5+ years of being inside this field, learning with the greatest players in the field of marketing.(Yes, I made the number of mistakes during that process. Would you rather learn from those, or repeat them all yourself?)There is absolutely no sane reason why you should want to waste years of your own life attempting to cover this same ground.This is the course I would have killed to own when I was starting out.But you dont have to take anyone out to get your hands on it.If you are looking to create Amazon affiliate marketing websites that you will sell for a little fortune, then you are in the right place. By the way, if you are not satisfied, you are covered up with 30 Day 100% Money Back GuaranteeYou risk nothing.It's up to you now!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn Microsoft SQL Server" |
"Microsoft SQL server is the most popular database platform for Windows, and with this course, we will take you from absolute beginner to expert in just under six hours of hands-on experience.We begin by teaching you how to install your own free copy of SQL server on your own machine, or if you prefer, to host SQL server on the cloud with Amazon Web Services or Microsoft Azure. Following on, we teach you how to create tables, insert rows, update and delete them, and read them back. You'll quickly learn how to write queries to filter and sort data, to group and summarize data, to run statistical queries on the data. Once you've mastered the basics, we show you how to create database triggers, to manage transactions, and how to wrap up complex code as simpler code using stored procedures and user defined functions. But, it's not all about database development, we also teach you about database adminstration, how to backup and restore your database, and more importantly, transfer your backups to the cloud, like AWS S3 or Azure Blob storage. We also teach you about database tuning, how to make your queries run faster, and make your system more performant, and about database security, how to protect your data, and comply with data protection laws like GDPR and CCPA.And to wrap up, we teach you how to connect to SQL server from four different programming languages, Microsoft C# .NET Core, Node JS, Python and Java."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Revit Structure + Template TOP + Famlias" |
"Neste curso, voc ira aprender a modelar estruturas de REVIT ;Template exclusivo para Revit estruturaal. Famlias para Revit , para detalhamento de projetos estruturais conforme as normas. O template perfeito para detalhamento de projeto executivo, as famlias estruturais configuradas para detalhamento e analise estrutural.Brinde 20mil Arquivos de Famlias para Revit Estrutural, arquitetura e Mep."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Crer votre chatbot et trouvez des prospects qualifis" |
"En tant que partenaire certifie par Manychat je vous accompagne pas pas dans la cration de votre Chatbot.Vous souhaitez acqurir ou/et fidliser vos clients afin daugmenter votre chiffre daffaire ?Dans ce cas, ll faut vous faire connatre et crer une relation privilgie avec chaque client. Le chatbot est loutil parfait puisque le taux douverture des messages est de plus de 88% et le taux de clics de plus de 56% ! ?Ok Ludivine mais concrtement quest ce quun Chatbot exactement ? Tout simplement, un chatbot est un assistant virtuel qui va discuter avec votre audience de manire automatique. Il peut rpondre des questions prcises, proposer vos produits/services, faire du service client et jen passe !a lair cool Ludivine mais est-ce que mon entreprise est vraiment concerne ? ?Posez-vous ces questions :-Est-ce quautomatiser une partie de mon business me permettrait de rduire mes cots et me consacrer des tches plus haute valeur ajoute ?-Est-ce quil est intressant pour moi davoir un assistant virtuel disponible 7j/7 24h/24 qui rpond aux besoins de mes clients mme quand je dors !- Est-ce que je souhaite tablir une relation de confiance avec mes prospects/clients tout en connaissant toujours mieux quelles sont leurs attentes ?La taille du march des chatbot devrait passer de 2,6 milliards de dollars en 2019 9,4 milliards de dollars d'ici 2024, avec un taux de croissance annuel compos de 29,7 %.Autant dire quil y aura dun ct les business qui auront saisi lopportunit de se dvelopper grce au chatbot et les autres qui stagneront dans leur activit voir mettront la cl sous la porte.Pourquoi travailler avec moi ? ??Je suis certifie ""Manychat Agency Partner"". Ce qui signifie que j'ai t agre par Manychat pour mes comptences en matire de construction et gestion de Chatbot. La formation contient 9 vidos compltes o je filme mon cran afin de vous accompagner pas pas sur la cration dun chatbot sur la plate-forme Manychat. En plus de ces 9 vidos vous aurez une vido BONUS qui vous explique les rgles publicitaires facebook concernant messenger qui ont t mise jour rcemment.vido 1: Cration de votre compte manychat et prsentation de la plateformevido 2: la diffrence entre flows/squences et broadcastsvido 3: Comment personnaliser un chatbot: images, pdf, messages vocaux...vido 4: Crer un message de bienvenue pour accueillir les personnes qui arrive sur votre page facebookvido 5: les mots-cls: rendre votre chatbot intelligentvido 6: Crer un menu principal dans votre chatbot accessible 24h/24 par votre prospect.vido 7: crer une URL mettre partout sur vos rseaux et sites afin de faire entrer des prospects dans votre chatbot.vido 8: Comments Growth Tool. Ds qu'une personne commente votre post elle entre dans votre chatbot !vido 9: Installation d'un widget sur votre site web, blog, landing page.vido BONUS: Tout savoir sur les bonnes pratiques & les rgles respecter en 2020."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"VFX Compositing in After Effects" |
"The course was created in 2018 especially for students who are interested in cinema and specially created video effects in films. The film cannot do without consequences, from a superhero to historical cinema. Video effects are used everywhere.Marvel Universe, DC, Harry Potter, The Terminator and others.You can practice, not too much time.Plugins (free plugins) and many other important points to help you understand how video effects work in movies.This course will cover basic and basic skills.After completing the course, you need to find a higher paying job in the field of cinema."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Conquer Your Anxiety and Depression Today" |
"When you struggle with anxiety and/or depression it can have a devastating impact to your life. In our world today it is often difficult to prioritize your mental health when there always seems to be more pressing matters. Combine that with the cost of therapy and it is a recipe for you to avoid doing anything substantial about it. In this course I have taken approximately 3-5 therapy sessions with me (costs clients $450 - $750) and presented in an easy to follow and practice manner. I believe that when people understand the steps to managing anxiety and depression and learn the tools, they can make drastic improvements in the quality of their life."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Universidad Python - Django, Flask, Postgresql y ms! +40hrs" |
"Universidad Python: Este es el mejor curso para aprender Python desde Cero hasta Experto. Ya llegamos a +40 horas de curso y somos ms de +12,800 alumnos inscritos al curso y creciendo rpidamente, con una calificacin promedio de 4.7 (de 5 estrellas), la calificacin ms alta de los cursos de Python.Aprenders Python desde las bases, NO necesitas ningn tipo de experiencia programando, iremos avanzando desde lo ms bsico hasta llegar a niveles intermedios y avanzados, todo en este mismo curso, la Universidad Python. Estudiaremos desde los Fundamentos de Python utilizando Visual Studio Code como Herramienta para desarrollar tu cdigo (Funciona en Windows, Mac o Linux). Adems aprenders la POO (Programacin Orientada a Objetos) en Python, Manejo de Archivos con Python, Conexin a Base de Datos con Postgresql y el conector de psycopg2, el desarrollo de aplicaciones Web con Django utilizando el IDE de PyCharm, aprenderemos el ORM de Django para la creacin de clases de modelo que mapean a tablas de base de datos, el concepto de Migraciones con Django, Panel de Administracin de Django, etc. Tambin aprenders el Microframework de Flask para el desarrollo de aplicaciones Web incluyendo Jinja para la creacin de Templates HTML con Flask, el uso de SQL Alchemy para el mapeo ORM de tus clases de modelo, Flask Migrate con Alembic, entre muchsimos temas ms.Nunca estars slo en tu proceso de aprendizaje, en todo momento respondemos a tus dudas lo ms pronto posible (muchas veces de inmediato) para que no te detengas en ningn momento en tu curso.Los temas que aprenders son:Fundamentos de Python con Visual Studio Code:Introduccin a PythonManejo de Variables con PythonManejo de Operadores en PythonManejo de Sentencias de Control If-ElseUso de Ciclos While y For en PythonColecciones en Python (List, Tuple, Set y Dictionary)Creacin y Uso de Funciones en Python (Programacin Estructurada)Programacin Orientada a Objetos en Python (POO):Clases y Objetos en Python (Programacin Orientada a Objetos)Encapsulamiento en Python (Programacin Orientada a Objetos)Herencia en Python (Programacin Orientada a Objetos)Mdulos en PythonHerencia Mltiple en PythonClases Abstractas en PythonContexto Esttico en PythonManejo de ConstantesDiseo de Clases con Python y POOSobrecarga de Operadores en PythonPolimorfismo en PythonManejo de ExcepcionesManejo de ArchivosAplicacin de Catlogo de Pelculas con POO y PythonAplicacin de Administracin de Computadoras con POO y PythonConexin a bases de datos con Python y PostgresqlInstalacin y configuracin para realizar la conexin a base de datos con Python y PostgresqlSentencia SELECT con Python y Postgresql con psycopg2Sentencia INSERT con Python y Postgresql con psycopg2Sentencia UPDATE con Python y Postgresql con psycopg2Sentencia DELETE con Python y Postgresql con psycopg2Manejo de Transacciones con Python y PostgresqlManejo de Logging para mejor administracin de la consola y los mensajes que enviamosCreacin de capa de datos para la clase de entidad PersonaCreacin de la clase ConexinCreacin de la clase PersonaDAO (Data Access Object) para hacer CRUD: Create-Read-Update-DeleteCreacin de Pool de Conexin con Python y psycopg2 para PostgresqlLaboratorio Final incluyendo todo lo visto hasta el momento!Django y Postgresql con Python con PyCharmIntroduccin a Django y PythonInstalacin de PyCharm como IDE para este nivelInstalacin de DjangoCreacin de un Proyecto DjangoCreacin de una App en DjangoUso de Views en DjangoUso de URLsUso de la consola de Administracin en DjangoUso de Clases de ModeloConcepto de Migracin en DjangoIntegracin de Clases de Modelo en Django y PostgresqlUso de Templates en DjangoCreacin de un CRUD con Django y PostgresqlFlask - Microframework de Python con PyCharmIntroduccin a FlaskHola Mundo con Flask (Instalacin y primera aplicacin con Flask)Uso de Logging en FlaskManejo de Routing y Parmetros con FlaskInstalacin de Insomnia REST ClientPeticiones POST y FlaskTemplates en Flask con JinjaUso de Jinja para crear Templates en FlaskURL Redirect con FlaskManejo de Errores con FlaskUso de JSON y FlaskUso de JSON y Flask Combinando JSON y FlaskManejo de Sesiones con FlaskUso de Sesiones con FlaskIntegrando el uso de sesiones con FlaskAplicacin de Login con Sesiones y FlaskOperaciones CRUD con Flask y SQL AlchemyOperaciones CRUD con Flask y SQL AlchemyConfiguracin de SQL AlchemyProceso de migracin con Flask MigrateListado de Objetos con Flask, Jinja y SQL AlchemyVer Objetos con Flask, Jinja y SQL AlchemyAgregar Objetos con WTForms, Flask, Jinja y SQL AlchemyRefactorizacin de clase Model en Flask y SQL AlchemyEditar/Modificar Objetos con Flask, Jinja, WTForms y SQL AlchemyEliminar Objetos con Flask, Jinja y SQLAlchemyAs que este es el mejor y ms completo curso para apdender Python de una vez por todas, tu nica inversin. Universidad Python de Cero a Experto!!!Nos vemos dentro!Ing. Ubaldo AcostaFundador de Global Mentoring"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"FlyHigh: Basic English" |
"Per chi parte da zero o quasi: un corso corredato di contenuti grafici e audio per aiutarti ad assimilare meglio nuove informazioni. Ogni video propone una breve selezione di frasi: presentate, spiegate e ripetute in modo da renderle memorabili. I brevi quiz servono a consolidare i concetti fondamentali e mirano a eliminare gli errori grammaticali pi frequenti."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cash Flow Modelling for Lease Rental Discounting Loan" |
"Welcome to your course Cash Flow Modelling for Lease Rental Discounting Loan.This course is a result of demand from present students to structure a course on Cash Flow Modelling for structured loan facility called Lease Rental Discounting. Lease Rental Discounting is a long term loan facility given by the bankers to owners of commercial real estate property owners against the lease receivables in future. These loans are generally given for a long term period and it involves methodical and detailed calculations for preparing Estimation and Projections as well as DSCR Statements.In this course, you will be a) Introduced to Real Estate and Lease Rental Discounting Loan conceptsb) Exposed to Pre-sanction basic formalities and risk factors that should be reckoned for these loansand finally you will be taken to 100% Practical worksheet on Lease Rental Computations.This course is structured in self paced learning style. Listen the lectures with microphone headset and do take note of key points discussed within the course. Have your Excel opened to work out Cash flow modelling.See you inside the course!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Technical Analysis Masterclass For Traders & Investors 2020" |
"Attention Traders, Investors & Stock Market Lovers!Finally You'll Master All Proven Technical Analysis Strategies & Boost Your Trading Profits in No Time. Get Results or Your Money Back!The Technical Analysis Masterclass is designed to bring you from knowing nothing about technical analysis to becoming a real master trader and winning 80% of your trades in just a matter of weeks.In this course, you'll master how to use advanced technical indicators and oscillators that every trader must know to predict the market. These tools will bring you the confidence and capability to successfully trade in any market conditions.You'll also learn how to trade the best performing candlesticks and chart patterns to identify potential trend reversals and breakouts. By knowing these hacks, you can easily power your trading strategies for bigger gains.We'll also talk hacks like secret trading tactics, how to read and analyze a candlestick chart effectively, how to perform multiple time frame analysis, volume analysis, and a hell of a lot more...What you're going to learn from this course can be applied to trade not only options, but also securities in any freely traded markets including stocks, forex, crypto, options, ETFs and even bonds.In this course, you'll learn...Master The Most Profitable Technical Analysis Strategies, Chart Patterns and Candlesticks With Real World Examples Included!How to Build a Solid Strong Technical Analysis Foundation for Day Trading & Swing Trading!How to Read & Analyze a Candlestick ChartHow to Trade Levels, Trend Lines & Price ChannelsHow to Trade Support & Resistance LevelsHow to Trade Fibonacci & Fib ExtensionsHow to Perform Multiple Time Frame AnalysisHow to Perform Volume AnalysisHow to Stop Loss & Protect Your ProfitsHow to Use Technical Indicators to Quickly Identify Market Trends & DirectionsHow to Trade Exponential Moving Averages (EMA)How to Trade Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD)How to Trade Parabolic Stop and Reverse (Parabolic SAR)How to Trade Average Directional Index (ADX)How to Trade Bollinger Bands (BB)How to Trade Keltner Channels (KC)How to Trade Donchian Channels (DC)How to Trade Average True Range (ATR)How to Trade Relative Strength Index (RSI)How to Trade Stochastic Oscillator (SO)How to Trade Chande Momentum Oscillator (MO)How to Trade Commodity Channel Index (CCI)How to Trade On Balance Volume (OBV)How to Trade Chaikin Money Flow (CMF)How to Trade Money Flow Index (MFI)How to Trade The Best Performing Chart PatternsHow to Trade Double Tops and BottomsHow to Trade Rounding Tops and BottomsHow to Trade Broadening Tops and BottomsHow to Trade Bump & Run Reversal Tops and BottomsHow to Trade Diamond Tops and BottomsHow to Trade Head and ShouldersHow to Trade Wedges and TrianglesHow to Trade Flags and PenantsHow to Trade Rectangle Tops and BottomsHow to Trade Cup and HandleHow to Trade Dead Cat BounceHow to Trade The Best Performing Candlestick PatternsHow to Trade Doji & Spinning Top PatternsHow to Trade Bullish & Bearish Belt Hold PatternsHow to Trade Green & Red Marubozu PatternsHow to Trade Hammer & Hanging Man PatternsHow to Trade Inverted Hammer & Shooting Star PatternsHow to Trade Bullish & Bearish Harami PatternsHow to Trade Bullish & Bearish Engulfing PatternsHow to Trade Dark Cloud Cover & Piercing PatternsHow to Trade Bullish & Bearish Kicking PatternsHow to Trade Falling & Rising Window PatternsHow to Trade Tweezer Top & Bottom PatternsHow to Trade Three White Soldiers & Three Black Crows PatternsHow to Trade Morning Star & Evening Star PatternsHow to Trade Bullish & Bearish Abandoned Baby PatternsHow to Trade Three Inside Up & Down PatternsHow to Trade Three Outside Up & Down PatternsAnd a lot more...What is more?You will get a lifetime access to this course, without any limits!The course will keep updating frequently with more up-to-date learning resources.Get dedicated support from the course Instructors and the learning community anytime you need!You will also get a 30-DAY FULL-MONEY BACK GUARANTEE, so don't hesitate to give yourself a chance to learn new things by just taking this course now!So let me ask you this... Will your investment portfolio grow much faster in the next 12 months after mastering how to make 80% of your trades profitable ...Do you have some money to invest?Are you reasonably intelligent?Does your family need extra care or support?Are you willing to learn a new skill that guarantees you a second income for the rest of your life?Would you like to work less and make more?I will assume your answers are the same as mine...Then You Have 2 Clear Choices1. Keep doing things the way you have been and remain frustrated, lose money and simply get use to your average life...or2. Enroll in Technical Analysis Masterclass and start trading the smart way, quadruple your wealth and never worry about money ever again.Now You Have a Big Chance to Upgrade Your Trading SkillsListen, if you dont get how important technical analysis is then dont enroll in this program.Keep shlepping away in the same manner you have been, maybe youll get a different result :)In that case, you're going to wake up 6 months from now, with everything still very much the same as it is today - don't know how to trade, have no clue about what's going on with your money, stress, feel frustrated you know how it goes.Is that you want for yourself?No. I don't want that for you either which is why I want you to do something right now. Sign up for this course, master technical analysis, and start earning extra income online from home today.Simply click the Enroll Now button to get started now!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Internet of Things (IoT) with Arduino & Raspberry Pi" |
"This course enables individuals to validate their expertise in IoT development. IoT offers a rewarding career, and it is likely to change how we live and work in the future. IoT course is an expertly curated and excellently designed training, rendering profound knowledge on various aspects of IoT.It covers basic to advanced concepts of IoT, Architecture and design process, Protocols and Hand-on on Arduino & Raspberry Pi. The most significant benefits of taking this course are that there is a massive market for IoT right now because IoT has the power to change our world. It will play an essential role in the future, and there is expected to be a notable amount of money flowing through the market in the upcoming years."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Piano for Adults with NO Talent" |
"Many are drawn towards playing the piano. It is an amazing instrument that sounds beautiful and seems to fit in at almost every setting. Some of us have tried to learn though and have failed, while others have never tried because they don't have enough musical talent. Throughout the years I have taught hundreds of students and have found that anyone can learn if they are given the right knowledge, tools, and direction. In this course we break down learning the piano into 6 different parts. You may find that you need to focus on one or more of these parts to get the success that you want. The parts are:Music Knowledge = this is how all music fits together. Not just sheet music and notes on the keyboard but all instruments and music.Finger Exercises = It doesn't matter how much music you may know or how well you can read sheet music, if your fingers can't play it then it doesn't matter. Finger exercises help build up muscle memory.Rhythm and Patterns = rhythm is the basis of much of music. Understanding and practicing basic rhythms and patterns without worrying about notes and sheet music will help you focus on this exclusivelySheet Music = It's great to be able to play music but sometimes we want to just read some music and play it. Sheet music allows others to easily show you what to play and to play along with others..Ear Training = There are times that you just need to know if you are hearing things correctly. This is a skill that we can work on in our Ear training sectionComposing = From the first day to the last day that you are learning music we put a little piece of ourselves into it. Learning to write basic music allows us to better influence any music that we play. This class will bring new piano players to a ""Launch Point"" where they can spread there wings and learn more specific things for their musical journey. Whether that be; Classical MusicRock Band KeyboardistChurch pianistor just Playing for Yourself"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"POO en C#: aplica conceptos de POO en C# en proyectos reales" |
"Muy buenas estudiante y bienvenido a Programacin Orientada a Objetos en C#: aplica conceptos de POO en C# en proyectos reales.Quieres usar C# para crear tus propias aplicaciones web, aplicaciones para telfonos mviles, videojuegos con Unity o entender las clases de C# o quieres tener xito con una programacin limpia, estructurada, gil y utilizando los patrones de diseo ms avanzados?Si tu respuesta es S, entonces tienes que dominar la Programacin Orientada a Objetos en C#. Y definitivamente ests en el sitio correcto pues este curso est diseado especialmente para cumplir este objetivo.La programacin orientada a los objetos es la base de muchos de los enfoques actuales del desarrollo de aplicaciones. Las interfaces y los principios de la programacin dirigida a objetos son cruciales. Durante nuestro curso de C# POO, aprenders todo, de la A a la Z, sobre Programacin Orientada a Objetos en proyectos reales utilizando el lenguaje de programacin .Net o C#.En este curso, utilizamos tcnicas de programacin interactiva; lo que significa que construiremos aplicaciones juntos y adems habr mucho trabajo por hacer, por supuesto, seguido de dudas que hallarn sus respuestas en el foro del curso. Tambin aprenders consejos y trucos profesionales sobre bellas y eficientes tcnicas de codificacin.Por eso ests en un buen lugar para empezar a utilizar la Programacin Orientada a Objetos con C#.Por qu tienes que tomar este curso?Nuestra respuesta es simple: La calidad de la enseanza.Cuando te inscribas, aprenders desde mi propia experiencia y la del material creado por los expertos de OAK Academy.Este curso comienza con lo ms bsico. Aprenders todo con prcticas reales. Tambin te ensear las mejores prcticas y shortcuts a utilizar en Visual Studio.Paso a paso, simple y fcil con los ejercicios prcticos.Al final del curso, tendrs un entendimiento slido del rogramacin Orientada a Objetos con C# y ansias de seguir aprendiendo.Calidad de produccin de vdeo y audioTodos nuestros vdeos estn creados y producidos en vdeo y audio de alta calidad para proporcionarte la mejor experiencia de aprendizaje. Con ello podrsVer el material en alta definicin.Escuchar al instructor con claridad.Avanzar a travs del curso sin distracciones.Tambin obtendrs:Acceso de por vida al curso.Soporte rpido y amigable en el foro de preguntas y respuestas del curso.Certificado de finalizacin de Udemy listo para ser descargado.Ests listo para sumergirte ahora en mis Conceptos C# Programacin Orientada a Objetos: Aplicar los conceptos de programacin orientada a objetos de C# en el curso de proyectos reales de C#?Te ofrecemos apoyo total, respondiendo a cualquier pregunta.Nos vemos en el curso!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"ML Web Apps to Change the World - Predicting Life Expectancy" |
"In this class I'll show you how easy it is to take those Python ideas and extend them into a useful, professional, actionable web application using Flask, HTML responsive templates and some sensible UI design - as that's really the heart of all this - we want to translate or even shed our programming, statistics, Jupyter notebook navigation into the universal language that is the web that everybody knows how to use, how to interact with.We'll build a health-awareness web application to predict life expectancy. This is an interactive tool to show you what is your average life expectancy at your current age and using additional parameters. It uses statistics, real localized data, and has a minimal UI, and is fully responsive - are you ready to build things that matter?"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Job Interview Training: Impress the Hiring Manager" |
"Job interviews are strange human interactions. We rarely do job interviews, but when we do, they are crucial to the progression of our careers. You must prepare effectively to do well in these unique situations. Reduce your risk of failing a job interview. Avoid the non-verbal and verbal bad habits that will annoy the hiring manager. Increase your knowledge of the organization to avoid embarrassing mistakes in your answers. Recognize the standard interview questions and practice the right kind of answers.Job Interview Training: Impress the Hiring Manager provides a comprehensive set of lessons that will help you succeed at job interviews, both face-to-face and on Skype.These lessons are a product of my experience interviewing candidates and coaching students over the past 20 years.Unique to this course: videos of real and effective job interviews. Watch as these students answer the very same questions you will face. Recognize a good answer when you hear it.Enrol now to learn the fundamentals of successful job interviews and get the job of your dreams!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Deine eigene Plattform fr Webkonferenzen mit BigBlueButton" |
"Wer aktuell eine Software fr Webkonferenzen sucht, kann auf fertige Anwendungen aus der Cloud zurckgreifen. Diese sind allerdings teils teuer, teils unflexibel und in Zeiten von Spitzenauslastungen durch die Home Office-Umstellung oft von Strungen geplagt. Mchte man allerdings dieses Vorhaben auf eigenen Servern umsetzen, um eine zuverlssige Ausweichalternative zu ermglichen, muss zu Spezialsoftware gegriffen werden. BigBlueButton stellt eine komfortable Software fr Webkonferenzen, Online-Unterricht oder Schulungen zur Verfgung, die schnell installiert werden kann.Dieser Kurs gibt einen kurzen und kompakten Einblick, wie es geht. Ziel ist eine, eine lauffhige Webkonferenzsoftware zu installieren. Das konkrete Finetuning ist nicht Teil des Kurses, am Abschluss wird allerdings ein Ausblick auf die Dokumentation gegeben.Dieser Kurs ist fr Linux-Systemadministratoren gedacht, die eine Multimediaaufwendung aufsetzen mchten und die ntigen Ressourcen wie 4 CPU-Kerne, mindestens 4 GB RAM und weitestgehend ungefilterten schnellen Internetzugang bereitstellen knnen."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"BadUSB/Digispark ile Hack ve Gvenlik Yntemleri" |
"Bu eitim Digispark donanmn programlama eitimidir. Bir parmak boumu bykle sahip olan Digispark kendi senaryolarnz dorultusunda programlayabilirsiniz. Eitimde Digispark bir klavye olarak programlamay anlatyorum. Bu sayede digispark takld bilgisayarda, programland ekilde almaya balyor. Bir ka saniye iinde hedefe uygun dosyalar indirilip uzak masast balants veya farkl trde ilemler gerekletirilebilir.Digispark programlama, dier programlama dillerinden ok daha basit olduu iin, anlalmas ve renilmesi olduka kolay. bir ka saat iinde digispark programlamay renebilirsiniz."
Price: 309.99 ![]() |
"35mm Film Photography For Beginners" |
"Before there was digital photography, 35mm film ruled the imaging landscape. We had 24 to 36 frames per roll of film to express ourselves creatively and capture moments. In the modern era, there are tons of analogue film options available that allow for unique and authentic-feeling experiences that evoke a strong, personal style of photography. This course explores:various film cameras, from SLRs to Lomo-style toy cameras and everything in betweenmethods of developing and scanning our filmunique methods of presenting our photo workincorporating film grain and the push/ pull techniqueand much more!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"In this course, the students will be able to have a broad overview of what constitutes online defamation, what are its salient features and what are the practical legal, policy and regulatory issues concerning online defamation, what practical challenges the entirely new phenomenon of online defamation is beginning to throw up and how there is a need for the legal frameworks to constantly evolve in adopting more proactive approaches while dealing with the newly emerging avatars and manifestations of online defamation."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"In this course, the students will get an overview of some of the more important online financial frauds that are existing in cyberspace today. The students will be able to appreciate the peculiar features and characteristics of online financial frauds and will further be able to learn about how legal approaches are being adopted in different countries to effectively trying to regulate online financial frauds. This course will enable any internet user to be better sensitized about online financial frauds and the connected legal nuances so that they can be better prepared while dealing with any online financial frauds in their day-to-day digital activities and digital lives. The purpose of the present course is to sensitize and empower every online user to be more aware of the different legal, policy and regulatory nuances concerning online financial frauds so that they can be in a much better position to deal with these fraudulent activities as and when faced by them in the coming times."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |