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"Extreme focus on yourself" |
"We live in a world where it teaches you that you need to do several actions in parallel. Today his employer expects employees to also be able to perform several operations at the same time. The main problem is that doing some actions at the same time divides our energy and concentration ability into several different our daily lives we doing several things simultaneously without knowing. That we do not Finish anything.Because we concentrate on so many actions and we divide our energy into so many tasks we actually can't finish what we started.For example, when I hear a book and also clean my home, I divide my energy and focus on fifty-fifty. This is why it is very difficult for me to understand the book and also not sure that I will clean the house properly.This lie that we need to do some actions at the same time was born from the domain of computers.A computer is designed to perform several operations in parallel. But the ability to do some actions at the same time is not suitable for humansWe only have to take one action until we Finish the assignment.I want to teach you how you can use your focus to achieve your goal.I want to teach you that you can also take one action on achieving your goal.If you're reading a book, I don't want you to hear music at the same time. I want to train you that you must concentrate solely on the book.When you study for an examination and you also can't browse Facebook, I want to teach you to concentrate on your studies.When you watch a comedy show, I want you to learn how to concentrate on the movie and not surf the Internet at the same timeBesides, I want you to create a list of success, which lists three important things that you must do that day for your success. And after you make the list I want you to do only 1 thing from the list until you finish making it to the end.In this course, I will teach you how to create a focus habit that you can complete your assignments to the end.See you on the other side"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Stop thinking small. And learn to think big" |
"In life, it is very important to know how to think big. If you want to get out of the average life.Your ability to know to think big can transform your life. When you think big, you are pushing yourself to be the best story of yourself.When you think big, you make yourself bigger goals that will make you work longer hours and more energy.And to that, you need to put more energy from yourself so that you can achieve your goals. When you think small, you eliminate your ability to discover what you can accomplish.When you think small, you are adopting a limiting belief that doesn't get you anywhere.No one knows what you can accomplish in one year. And you don't know how your life can transform in 10 years. I want to give you. Hint!You are capable of much, much more than you think. much moreYou do not know what you are capable of. Until you push yourself to the limit of your ability.In this course, I want to teach you how to think big about achieving your goals and your dreams.You will also learn the following topics in the course:1 How To Get Negative Energy Out Of Your Life2 Why You Must Get Out Of Your Debt3 Why You Must Accumulate Financial Wealth4 Why you should demand more from your body5 Why it is important to change your story6 Why it is important to double your goals tenfoldDon't think small. If you want to start thinking big you need this program for yourself.See you on the other side"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Investing in gold will protect your family" |
"You have to start investing in physical gold.In this course, I will teach you the simplest way to invest in gold.Learning to invest in gold is not complicated. And anyone can start investing in gold.So if you want to learn how to invest in gold simply and correctly this course is for you!In the program you will learn the following topics:1 What is the definition of gold2 Why it is important to invest in gold3 Which gold coins you must to buy4 Where to store your gold5 What methods you must know to invest in gold6 And how do I check that gold I buy is not fake7 How do I know at what price to buy gold8 When to Sell My Gold"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentos Wireshark" |
"O Wireshark muito mais fcil de aprender quando voc faz esse curso e experimenta tudo o que v por si mesmo! O Wireshark um analisador de pacotes de software livre gratuito que a ferramenta nmero um para anlise de rede, soluo de problemas, desenvolvimento de software e protocolo de comunicao e educao relacionada em redes. De posse deste conhecimento voc ter a capacidade de se candidatar com xito para trabalhos de administrador de rede e facilmente ganhar dinheiro como freelancer !Use este curso para acelerar o seu aprendizado com o Wireshark com tutoriais em mos mostrando exatamente o que voc pode fazer no Wireshark baseado em explicaes da terminologia bsica da rede, instalando o Wireshark e uma reviso das funes bsicas. O curso comea com o bsico e continua a mergulhar mais fundo, permitindo-lhe acompanhar e experimentar tudo o que v por si mesmo!Este curso apresenta os procedimentos necessrios para efetuar a captura de dados em redes de computadores, analisar os tipos de informaes que podem ser coletadas, qual a forma de coleta destas informaes e as formas de identificar que o processo de sniffing est sendo utilizado na rede.Venha conferir!"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Metasploit Hands ON" |
"Este curso ensinar a voc a mentalidade do hacker. Voc ver todos os passos que devem ser executados para um ataque bem-sucedido usando o Metasploit no Kali. Se voc quer saber como os mecanismos de segurana do Windows e do Linux funcionam e tambm saber como contorn-los, este curso definitivamente para voc.Todas as lies so bem estruturadas e contm informaes reais. Isso significa que todas as tcnicas representadas no curso ainda funcionam no sistema moderno.Vou manter o contedo atualizado e tambm regularmente adicionarei novas lies e tarefas aos meus alunos.O objetivo do curso que todos estejam interessados em hacking tico e segurana ciberntica. Ser til para iniciantes e profissionais. Os principiantes entendero o que importante para orientar no aprendizado da segurana da informao e os ajudar a estruturar seu processo de estudo.O que voc vai aprender?Depois de concluir o curso, voc ter as seguintes habilidades e conhecimentos: Habilidades para gerenciar o Windows e o Linux usando comandos do console Todas as etapas do sistema remoto de hackers Diferentes mtodos de varredura de porta e vulnerabilidade de dispositivos de rede Voc aprender a atacar sistemas Windows e Linux usando mtodos diferentes Voc entender como proteger seu sistema contra diferentes ataques"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Kali Linux - O Incio" |
"Se voc tem interesse em conhecer mais desta ferramenta que vai te apoiar nas anlises de vulnerabilidades feitas em ambientes de laboratrio ou profissional, junte-se a ns neste aprendizado. O Kali linux uma distribuio GNU/Linux baseada no Debian, considerado o sucessor do Back Track. O projeto apresenta vrias melhorias, alm de mais aplicativos. voltado principalmente para auditoria e segurana de computadores em geral. desenvolvido e mantido pela Offensive Security Ltd. Desde 21 de janeiro de 2016, uma distribuio ""rolling-release"".O Kali Linux dispe de numerosos softwares pr-instalados, incluindo o Nmap (port scanner), Wireshark (um sniffer), John the Ripper (crackeador de password) e Aircrack-ng (software para testes de segurana em redes sem fios). O sistema pode ser utilizado a partir de um Live CD ou live-usb, alm de poder ser instalado como sistema operacional principal. distribudo em imagens ISO compilados para diferentes arquiteturas (32/64 bits e ARM). AQUI O APRENDIZADO PRTICO, EST PRONTO?!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"El Arte del Relato" |
"En este Taller Literario Online, te ensearemos todas las herramientas y conocimientos de escritura creativa que necesitas aprender para poder expresar tus ideas en papel, y convertirlas en relatos. Consta de 8 clases en vdeo, de alrededor de 50 minutos, 1 hora cada clase, aproximadamente, donde clase a clase aprenders: - Cmo escribir Cuentos y Novelas. - Cmo darle Forma y estructura a un relato. - Cmo construir personajes para tus relatos. - Cmo corregir y editar tus textos. - Cmo encontrar ideas, y transformarlas en relatos. - El proceso de publicacin.Y tambin el taller incluye una excelente seleccin de cuentos y novelas, de los ms grandes autores de la literatura universal, que podrs descargar en pdf y word, para que leas en complemento del taller, y que iremos analizando a lo largo de las clases.Clase a clase se dan ejercicios prcticos de escritura creativa, que son contnuos, para que puedas poner en movimiento tus ideas, logres conectarte con tu lado mas creativo, comiences a imaginar y componer tu propio relato, y lo vayas construyendo a lo largo del taller.Es muy taller prctico, rico en contenidos y no se requieren conocimientos previos. Adems, es importante tener en cuenta que al inscribirse , tendrs acceso a ver las clases de manera ilimitada, las veces que quiera y en cualquier horario. De manera que si se necesita repasar temas o conceptos, lo puede hacer sin ningn inconveniente. A continuacin dejamos el temario completo del taller, con todos los temas abordados, y ms abajo la lista de autores seleccionados.TEMARIO DEL TALLER: - Breve introduccin de Historia de la Literatura.- El primer Resplandor.- La inspiracin creativa.- La construccin de un relato.- Las cuatro etapas de la escritura literaria.- La diferencia entre Novela, Cuento, Microrrelato.- La construccin del personaje. Los distintos tipos de Personajes: primarios y secundarios.- El Arquetipo del Hroe.- Viaje del Hroe.- Como crear un conflicto en el relato.- Los Tiempos Verbales.- La construccin de los dilogos.- Los Estilos Literarios.- La construccin de las Escenas- Los puntos de giro.- La Lectura como alimento de la Escritura Creativa.- Como analizar un relato.- Tcnicas de escritura para iniciar un relato.- El origen de las ideas.- Qu dijeron los grandes literatos a lo largo de la historia, sobre el proceso de escritura creativa.- Consejos, tips y recomendaciones de lecturas complementarias.- La correccin y reescritura.- La publicacin.Los autores de lecturas seleccionadas que acompaan el taller son los siguientes:- Julio Cortzar.- Jorge Luis Borges.- Leopoldo Lugones.- Len Tolstoi.- Antn Chjov.- Hermann Hesse.- Rainer Mara Rilke.- Ernest Hemingway.- Oscar Wilde.- Ingmar Bergman.- Ivn Turgueniev."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Native American Style Flute Course" |
"In this course I will teach you to play the Native American Style Flute!This instrument is so intuitive and easy to play, I know you will get the hang of it really fast. You will learn about:FingeringBreath RegulationDrone FlutesAlternate TuningsPlaying with Backing TracksPlaying Along with Guitar& Lots more!I am excited to take you on this journey with me! :)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"LeetCode In Python: 50 Algorithms Coding Interview Questions" |
"Getting ready for your software engineering coding interview? This is the place for you.Want to learn about the most popular problem-solving techniques, patterns, data structures, and algorithms used in those difficult interviews? Come on inWant a step by step explanation of 50 of the most popular interview questions in the industry? You got it.Want to get better at competitive programming? Enjoy the rideWelcome to the course!In this course, you'll have a detailed, step by step explanation of 50 hand-picked LeetCode questions where you'll learn about the most popular techniques and problems used in the coding interview, This is the course I wish I had when I was doing my interviews. and it comes with a 30-day money-back guaranteeWhat is LeetCode?LeetCode is essentially a huge repository of real interview questions asked by the most popular tech companies ( Google, Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft, and more ).The problem with LeetCode is also its advantage, IT'S HUGE, so huge in fact that interviewers from the most popular companies often directly ask questions they find on LeetCode, So it's hard to navigate through the huge amount of problems to find those that really matter, this is what this course is for.I spent countless hours on LeetCode and I'm telling you that you don't have to do the same and still be able to get a job at a major tech company.Course overview :In this course, I compiled 50 of the most important and the most popular interview questions asked by these major companies and I explain them, in a true STEP BY STEP fashion to help you understand exactly how to solve these types of questions.The problems are handpicked to ensure complete coverage of the most popular techniques, data structures, and algorithms used in interviews so you can generalize the patterns you learn here on other problems.Each problem gets 2 videos :Explanation video: we do a detailed explanation of the problems and its solution, this video will be longer because we will do a step by step explanation for the problems.Coding video: where we code the solution discussed in the explanation video together.We will use basic python for this course to code our solutions, previous knowledge in python is preferred but NOT required for the coding part of the course.The problems are categorized for easier navigation and will be regularly updated with more popular and interesting problems.Some of the stuff this course will cover are :Arrays and Strings interview questions.Searching interview questions and algorithms.Dynamic Programming interview questions.Backtracking interview questions ( With step by step visualization ).Trees and Graphs interview questions and algorithms.Data structures Like Stacks, Queues, Maps, Linked Lists, and more.In other words, this course is your one-stop-shop for your dream job."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Criando Negcios Automticos" |
"Voc j sonhou empreender mas no sabe como comear? Voc costuma fazer planos mas no tem tempo, pois est preso de oito a doze horas por dia em um emprego que te deixa infeliz? Planejou ter liberdade para se dedicar aos seus hobbies ou a sua famlia?Este curso para voc. Neste treinamento direto e objetivo, voc vai descobrir como criar negcios automatizados, de forma que funcionem sem a sua presena fsica. Negcios que crescem exponenciamente enquanto voc se dedica ao seu emprego formal, at que decisa qual o momento certo de mudar sua vida. O treinamento Negcios Automaticos a perspectiva de um empresario e especialista em marketing digital, que presta consultoria e faz palestras h oito anos e que dedicou os ltimos quatro anos criao de diversas fontes de renda passiva e nomadismo digital."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Einstieg ins Einkaufsmanagement" |
"ALLGEMEINNicht das Personal, oder die Miete, sondern der Materialaufwand betrgt die hchsten Kosten im Unternehmen. Von daher haben die Einkufer eine Verantwortung. Sie mssen mit Lieferanten oftmals schwierige Verhandlungen ber Konditionen fhren. Damit Sie fr diese Verhandlungen bestens vorbereitet sind, lernen Sie in diesem Video-Kurs die Grundlagen der Methoden und Techniken fr erfolgreiches Einkaufsmanagement.INHALT Einkauf AllgemeinUnterschied Verkufer und EinkuferUmgang mit EinwndenChecklisteVorbereitung von VerhandlungenLieferanten-Managementoperativer und strategischer EinkaufZustzlich erhalten Sie die Excel-Dateien ""Lieferantenbewertung"" und das ""Scoring Modell"" sowie 2 Fachartikel zu den Themen der strategischen Bedeutung und Limitplanung im Textilhandel."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"CodeIgniter 3 - De 0 al Limite" |
"Aprenda a desarrollar en CodeIgniter 3 desde cero, donde aprender paso a paso como desarrollar, desde la creacin de una base de datos, la creacin del back-end y mostrarlos en el front-end, usar postman con algunos de los mtodos http para probar su API RESTful, actualmente aprender frameworks php es una habilidad imprescindible para trabajar en un equipo colaborativo.*****Actualizaciones del curso progresivas**********Aprende sin miedo recuerda que tienes una garanta de 30 das para probar la calidad del curso*****"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"RESTful Web Services de 0 incluye back + front end" |
"Aprenda a desarrollar la API RESTful desde cero, donde aprender paso a paso como desarrollarla, desde la creacin de una base de datos, la creacin del back-end y mostrarlos en el front-end, usar postman con algunos de los mtodos http para probar su API RESTful, incluye github, actualmente es una habilidad imprescindible para trabajar en un equipo colaborativo.*****Aprende sin miedo recuerda que tienes una garanta de 30 das para probar la calidad del curso*****"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn SQL - Database and C# for beginners ( )" |
"... .. .. .. ... .... . .... .... ............................................................................................... 2019"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Pink Fit Challenge" |
"PINK FIT CHALLENGE torna in forma in soli 21 giorniChi lo dice che per perdere peso e tornare in forma hai bisogno di andare in palestra?Oggi c il PINK FIT CHALLENGEIn Italia ci sono tante donne e ragazze frustrate dal fatto che non si sentono bene col proprio corpo, eppure fanno poco per cambiare questa situazione.A volte si, ci provano. Iniziano una nuova dieta. Sempre quella pi alla moda ovviamente.Ed a volte ritornano in palestra. Ma durano il tempo che va da Natale a Santo Stefano. Avranno iniziato, terminato e ricominciato decine di volte.E poi, dallaltro lato della barricata ci sono quelle donne e ragazze sempre in forma e che vogliono sempre migliorarsi.Hanno un fisico invidiabile rispetto alle prime, e sono sempre piuttosto antipatiche (agli occhi delle prime) perch sono in splendida forma ma vogliono sempre migliorarsi.PINK FIT CHALLENGEIl PINK FIT CHALLENGE stato creato da me e dal TEAM TUDOR. Il mio TEAM, composto dal mio fitness coach, il mio personal trainer e la mia dietista personale.Si tratta di un modo per innescare la tua voglia per partire e allenarti seriamente o per migliorare le tue prestazioni se gi ti alleni con costanza.DI COSA SI COMPONE IL CHALLENGE?Si compone di: 14 video WORKOUT (12 in stile Tabata e 2 Detox) in cui potremo allenarci assieme. Li eseguir io personalmente, tu devi solo seguirmi con costanza Piano dietetico diverso giorno per giorno Piano di integrazione alimentare Guida pdf dove puoi trovare tutte le indicazioni nel dettaglioCon questo ti prometto che se seguirai tutte le indicazioni da me consigliate (ricorda bene SE SEGUIRAI TUTTE LE INDICAZIONI): Riuscirai a perdere in soli 21 giorni fino a 2,5 kg (a seconda del tuo peso di partenza) Farai tornare il tuo fisico pi tonico e in forma In 21 giorni avrai preso una buona abitudine che io prover a far rimanere costante nel tempo (lo scoprirai solo in seguito perch ti dico questo)Farai tutto questo standotene comodamente in casa.Ma non rimanendo esattamente comoda. Tocca muovere il culo in questi 21 giorni, lo sai no???#bastascuse e #muoviilculoVeronica"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Italian Pasta Making: The Easiest Method" |
"This course talks about making a fresh pasta. The method and the learning process is the easiest way to memorize by heart. Italians are known for putting health into priority so their mindset is always homemade and fresh. So, when they go to restaurant, they are proud to ask if the food they're going to eat is fresh by saying ""homemade"". Mostly , Italian restaurants will add on their courtesy upon ordering that ""certain"" food is fresh and homemade. This is their way of doing marketing on their restaurants whether it is osteria or trattoria. So, when you hear the word ""homemade"", be glad, it means it's fresh and good for health. In this course, we are using all biological to maintain the freshness and homemade thing of pasta making. Il uova (the egg) is biologico in Italian or biological and ""la farina"" (the flour) is also biologico. Hope you enjoy this Italian pasta making experience and hope you visit Italy. ""Ci vediamo quando tu sei qui."" (See you when you are here)."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Parenting Confidence Tips & Motivational Course For Parents" |
"This course is geared toward parents. First it goes over COVID-19, coronavirus information. It covers how to talk to your children about the virus. The signs of the virus are explored. After the timely information the course transitions to a course to build up your family happiness. Many parents believe their life purpose is to raise happy children. Too many things today tear families apart. I will go over a habit forming month of motivating messages for dad to reinforce all the reason your child loves you. Following that, I will cover a month of motivating messages for mom to remind her of all the reasons the children love and need her. We will round out the course with ten ways you can build up confidence and self esteem in your children. Improve the parenting relationship in your family through mindfulness in parenting. "
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
Android |
"Android-. - - FunnyChat. Android- . XML- , , , . Android- WebSockets, ."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"How to Teach Online with Great Results" |
"Do you need to teach online? Do you need to manage a meeting which will be conducted over several days? Are you an in-person teacher now finding yourself with the challenge of teaching to students remotely? If so, this course is for you.Save yourself some pain learning the little details of successful online teaching and take this course taught by corporate trainer, Eric Greene, who teaches both in-person and online as well. A big part of his training business over the last 5 years has been conducting training classes online for clients large and small.This course does not focus on how to use a particular brand of meeting software or something like that. Instead, this course focuses on the equipment needed (hardware and software) in general, the timeline and tasks of conducting an online class, and some best practices in critical areas of online teaching.Eric has used these techniques with great success over the last 5 years. Each best practice and tip has been developed and refined through actual teaching of online courses.We invite you now to enroll in this course and gain a lot of online training wisdom in a just a few hours of completing this course."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Acrylic Painting Mixed Media Art" |
"Mixed media is a fun way to express your creative voice. There are no limitations because you will be breaking the boundaries that hold your creative surge back!In this project you'll be playing with materials like acrylic paints, textures, peg dolls, threads and sparkly beads!Let's travel on this therapeutic adventure together and at the end of it all you will have a statement art piece that will get people talking."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Master vi / vim Linux Command Line Text Editor" |
"DescriptionThe most important thing you as a Linux power user should know is how to work with command line ( CLI ) and most important thing in Command Line is editing and managing files. Yes , you heard it right , Linux is file based Operating System and it treats every part of the system as if it is a file. There is a configuration file for everything, including your hardware.To edit these configuration files , to write your own system administration scripts in Bash , Perl , Python , creating complete Programs in C , C++ , Java , to create websites in PHP , it all need an editor , the editor that is easy to use and help you perform task in fast and efficient way VI / VIM is the de facto editor in most Linux distribution , it is the most important editor that makes your system administration and development whole lot easy. The quality of VI is it is one of the oldest and widely used editor by system administrators and developers who work on Unix / Linux Operating systems. Advantages of Vi smallest in size widely available in all variants of Unix / Linux Operating system and now in Mac and Windows as well Ability to execute commands to the operating System command based editing fast and reliable highly secure greatly supported. The only challenge vi pose to its new users is to understand how it works and learn whole lot of options that any latest GUI editor offer and how to manage your files from command line , and this course is exactly about that. Course Objectives Learn vi basic operations manage files with vi efficientlyexecute system commands from vi setup environment for programmer , system administrators Get help for vi advance features Learning OutcomesStudents will be able to Understand vi modes ( insert , command , visual mode ) Enter and Exit vi modes Understanding how to Navigate around files ( character , word , line , paragraph , sections , screens ) Editing Text (cut , copy , paste , replace ) Difference between vi and vim Working with Multiple Files Through vi (tabs , splits ) Finding and Replacing Text in vi Creating Local and Global marks ( bookmarks )Running System Commands in VI Creating Macros , short custom commands in vi Setting up vi environment for System Administrator , Developers Backup and Recovery optionsExtended vi plugin vimdiff Who this course is for:text editor can be used by all computer users but vi is very helpful for Linux system administrators computer programmers Devops Engineers Linux / Unix users Engineers & Academic staff Researchers if you are someone who want to make there life easy with vi Enroll Now!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Spring Boot Expert: JPA, RESTFul API, Security, JWT e Mais" |
"Mais um curso para aqueles que querem ou precisam dominar o framework Java mais utilizado do momento: Spring Boot.Neste curso iremos abordar toda a arquitetura e os mdulos que compem esse grande framework. No um curso para experts um curso para tornar-se um expert, utilize-o como fonte de conhecimento prtico acerca do Spring e seu ecossistema."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Keto Class with Keto Coach E" |
"This course has been designed to cover the basics of the ketogenic lifestyle. Touching on all of the topics you will need to be successful with this lifestyle. I understand that there might be questions along the way, so I will personally answer in inbox questions, or questions within the comments.Topics Discussed-3 Week Keto Meal Plan (FREE DOCUMENT)-Keto Basics-How to get into and stay in Ketosis-Keto food-Non-Keto Foods-Kitchen appliances-Keto Snacks-Keto Drinks-Intermittent Fasting-How to stay Keto in restaurants-Keto Amazon-Keto recipes (FREE DOCUMENT)-100 Keto Swaps (FREE DOCUMENT)-148 Item Keto Shopping List (FREE DOCUMENT)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Geld Meisterkurs - Lerne Geld verstehen um damit umzugehen!" |
"Wrdest du gerne viel mehr ber das Thema Geld wissen, um dein eigener Finanzexperte zu sein? Willst du wissen, wie du am besten Geld sparst, deine Schulden abbaust oder du willst deine Einstellung zu Geld ndern? Dann ist dieser ""Geld Meisterkurs - Lerne Geld verstehen um damit umzugehen!"" genau das richtige fr dich!In diesem Kurs werde ich dir zeigen, wie du an das Thema Geld heran gehst, in einfachen Worten, keine komplexe Theorie! Alles was ich dir beibringe, habe ich selber getestet und meine Erfahrungen gemacht!Was genau wirst du aber im Detail hier in diesem Kurs lernen?Wie alles mit dem Geld begann: Was hatten wir frher als Zahlungsmittel und wie hat sich das alles so entwickelt, dass wir heute Papiergeld haben?Warum knnen die meisten Menschen nicht mit Geld umgehen? Welche Grnde sind das? Und warum du nichts dafr kannst!Warum ist deine Situation so wie sie ist? Alles hat seinen Grund, auch das!Wichtige Zahlen, Daten und Fakten ber Geld: Hier erfhrst du wichtige Erkenntnisse, die du so wahrscheinlich noch nie gehrt hast!Einnahmen und Ausgaben: Hier gehe ich mit dir die wichtigsten Einnahmen, aber vor allem Ausgaben durch und stelle dir dazu eine PDF zur Verfgung, die du herunterladen kannst!So baust du eine bessere Beziehung zu Geld auf: Hier zeige ich dir mit einem einfachen Trick, wie du Geld als deinen Freund siehst!Schulden sind nicht gleich Schulden: Hier erfhrst du, dass es sogar tolle Schulden gibt, die dich finanziell nach vorne bringen!Schulden optimal abbauen: Hier sage ich dir, wie du deine Schulden clever abbaust und gleichzeitig Geld aufbaust!Alles rund um das Thema sparen: Mit welchem System, wo und wie viel du sparen sollst, erfhrst du in diesem Abschnitt!10. Und, und, und...Folgende Dinge wirst du knnen wenn du diesen Kurs abgeschlossen hast:Du verstehst das Thema Geld bestensDu hast deine kompletten Einnahmen und Ausgaben im berblickDu weit wie du sparen sollstDu weit wie du deine Schulden abbauen sollst, wenn du welche hastDu weit jetzt, dass Schulden nicht gleich Schulden sindDu verstehst, dass das Thema Geld enorm wichtig istDu weit, wo und wie viel du sparen sollstKeiner kann dir was vormachen, wenn es um das Thema Geld gehtDeswegen schreibe dich JETZT ein und werde zum Geldprofi! Worauf wartest du? Leg los und werde dein eigener Finanzexperte und sei fhig mit Geld umzugehen! Wir sehen uns gleich im ersten Video! Ich freue mich auf DICH!Viele Grsse!Mathias Klavina- Dozent -"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Construction Productivity-How to build Productivity DataBase" |
"This course is a very important for engineers working on construction field, it gives an idea about how monitoring and control productivity of workers crew, work team and equipment.This course also start with you how to build your company data base of productivity and its cost.Using an excel sheet and site observation to collect data or examine historical data and experts information."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Speed Typing course: master Touch Typing and shortcut keys" |
"Discover just how POWERFUL Touch Typing can beAre you looking for a step-by-step resource to learn speed typing? Do you want to practice touch typing? Are you looking to increase your productivity with effective keyboard shortcuts? Then this is the perfect course for you!Touch typing is the skill to type without looking at your keyboard. But how POWERFUL can it be?Here is one example: I am using touch typing for 14+ years at a 1.75x speed than the average user, and it saved me 2000+ hours so far. I also type at a speed about 4x faster than the average handwriting speed. This course teaches you exactly how to learn, practice, and become a Master of Touch typing.This is the most straightforward path to learn and master touch typing and bottom line, it works.Learn 3 new skills in one class with this 3-in-1 course approach: Faster and accurate touch typingTop keyboard shortcuts in WordTop keyboard shortcuts in ExcelStart to see value from the first tutorials of the trainingThis course is only about relevant, powerful, and effective tools that professionals regularly use to type faster and boost productivity while meeting the accuracy requirements. I concentrated 14 years of work in Ms Office and more than one year of course preparation to select for you the best path to learn and master speed typing. As a result, right after the first tutorials, you will be already in the position of using this knowledge in your daily work. This is a productive start to learning touch typing and the keyboard shortcut keys.By the end of this course, you will be confidently and naturally touch typing and using Word and Excel keyboard shortcuts to further increase your productivity.Learn By DoingThe course is hugely interactive, with examples and exercises built into every lesson.Follow the steps on screen, practice to learn fast, and get tangible results at work.I designed the course to be hands-on and engaging. Using the working files included in the course materials, youll be able to follow along, practice each concept, and receive a trusted certificate of completion when you complete the course.We will cover all the keys and 75+ shortcuts. Here are some examples of what you will learn & receive: How to get from A to Z on your keyboardHow to use punctuation keysHow to type numbers on a numeric keypadHow to type all the special characters, including the ones on the number keysTouch-typing practice file (QWERTY and QWERTZ - German configurations)Keyboard color-coded map (showing for each key which finger to use)Keyboard home map with finger positionEssential and advanced shortcuts for data selection, data formatting, and editing Keyboard Shortcuts using the CTRL, SHIFT, and Function keys - navigate thousands of rows or characters in a millisecond, select data in one action Fundamental and advanced navigation shortcuts,Practice files (Word and Excel)and many other topicsYou'll Also Get: Downloadable practice files, containing all course examples, but as exercises and a user-friendly, printable version of the shortcuts Lifetime Access to course updates Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A section Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for DownloadDon't Miss Out!Every second you wait is costing you valuable time, increased complexity, and frustration.Touch typing is a skill that will serve you for a lifetime. The best way to make your computer more efficient is to touch-type to type without looking at the keyboard. This course will teach you the fundamentals of typing and features typing exercising that will get you typing with accuracy and speed in no time.This course comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee - so there's no risk to get started.Go ahead and hit the ""Take this course"" button now to start working faster and create a great impression at work by using touch typing and the keyboard shortcuts today!See you there!-Valentin (Founder of VeryFastExcel)"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Photoshop in 10 Minuten Alles was du Wissen musst!" |
"Lerne in 10 Minuten das wichtigste zum Thema Bildbearbeitung mit Photoshop. Einfach erklrt. Danach beherrschen Sie die Basics zur Bildbearbeitung mit Adobe Photoshop und knnen dieses Wissen auf andere Bildbearbeitungsprogramme bertragen. Dieser Kurs beinhaltet das Erstellen eines neuen Projektes, die Basic Tools von Photoshop, das Ebenen Konzept und das Konzept von Gruppen. Auerdem wirst du das zuschneiden, ausschneiden und begradigen von Bildern lernen sowie Filter und Image Adjustments kennen lernen. Als letztes wirst du lernen wie man Fotos exportiert und fr das Web speichert."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Modern Folk Art: Drawing and Painting fish" |
"This course is for anybody from beginners to people who like fish or folk art.In the class, you will learn to make your own fish forms which will give an impression of folk art with a modern touch. We will gather some colorful reference images from the internet and study the form in detail. Then you will learn some ways of decorating it.I will tell you some basic technique of gouache. You will get to see some related example of fish which were done using those techniques.You will also get pdfs including notes for better understanding.So come join me in the class to create your own folk art inspired fish paintings!Enroll now and learn these easy to follow techniques in the comfort of your own home."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Criao de flyers no photoshop" |
"Ol, seja muito bem-vindo ao curso Criao de flyers no photoshop. Eu sou o Eduardo Duarte, designer grfico e criador do canal EDesign, e dediquei os ltimos 6 meses do meu tempo na criao deste curso para voc desenvolver suas habilidades na criao de flyers para mdias sociais.Eu resumi 3 anos de estudos sobre a criao de flyers nessas 10 sees temticas. Voc ir aprender a criar 10 estilos diferentes de flyers: summer, dj, rock, religioso, esporte, funk, rap, sertanejo, fastfood e forr.Contedo do curso:10 estilos diferentes de flyers com 3 aulas prticas para cada seo.Todos os arquivos trabalhados em cada seo sero disponibilizados para download, inclusive o PSD de cada projeto.Uma seo bnus no final do curso com as seguintes temticas: os tipos de fontes para cada projeto; os tipos de paleta de cores para cada projeto; os melhores bancos de imagens gratutos da web.Melhore suas habilidades como designer grfico"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"1Z0-238 Oracle EBS R12 Install Patch Maintain Practice Exam" |
"224 UNIQUE practice questions for 1Z0-238 Oracle EBS R12 Install Patch Maintain Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 1Z0-238 Oracle EBS R12 Install Patch Maintain Practice ExamTotal Questions : 224Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :140 minsPassing Score : 75 (168 of 224)"
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"PMI PGMP Program Management Professional Practice Exam" |
"269 UNIQUE practice questions for PMI PGMP Program Management Professional Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : PMI PGMP Program Management Professional Practice ExamTotal Questions : 269Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :170 minsPassing Score : 75 (201 of 269)"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |