Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Gua completa sobre el color aplicado al diseo de proyecto" |
"En este curso aprendersLa teora del color aplicada a proyectos de diseo, as como las tcnicas de creacin de paletas de colores para crear una comunicacin con el color eficaz. Conocer como influye el color a nivel psicolgico y as poder transmitir a si mensajes fuertes. Todo por medios de proyectos fciles y prcticos. Tips para optimizar el proceso de aplicacin de color aplicados a diseo de marcas, diseo editorial, y de anuncios publicitarios. Adems del conocimiento para su impresin como son creacin de color kits y las configuraciones necesarias para crear los archivos digitales en ilustrador y Photoshop para su correcta impresin. Al final de curso el alumno ser capaz de realizar un diseo grfico mediante una metodologa estratgica, creando una paleta de color que cumpla con un objetivo de comunicacin tomando en cuenta los factores que ayudan y afectan al color.Para quin es este curso?Este curso es para cualquier persona que genere contenido, ilustradores, diseadores, diseadores de interiores y quiere conocer los secretos de crear combinaciones de colores atractivas y modernas.Personas amantes del color.Personas que quieran mejorar el uso de color.Material Bonus al comprar el cursoGua de psicologa del colorPlantilla de color kit para impresin.Circul cromtico para su impresinANMATE YA A MEJORAR TUS PROYECTOS DE DISEO!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Practical Deep Learning: Real World Deep Learning Projects" |
"In this course, we are going to provide students with knowledge of key aspects of state-of-the-art deep learning techniques. We are going to build 5 projects from scratch using real world dataset, heres a sample of the projects we will be working on:Time Series Prediction with LSTM Recurrent Neural NetworksAutomated malaria detection using deep learning models like CNNMortality Prediction In ICU Using ANNE-signing of a loan based on financial historyNYSE Stock Price Prediction"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Learn Mandarin Chinese" |
"By taking this course, students get a comprehensive appreciation and sense-making of Simplified Mandarin Chinese ( which is used in more than 90% areas in mainland China ), get familiar with most important Chinese characters, can speak, read and write some simple sentences.At first, I only planned to introduce 100 most important characters. Later the plan was changed to cater to students' demand.So far 3 floors are built well, with 100+ new characters each floor. 4th floor will be completed by end of October 2020. I plan to build it up to 10th floor in the future at a speed of introducing 10 new characters every two weeks. So, once you catch up, your workload is just about 1 new character per day.Note: PinYin is utilized to put sound on paper. PinYin is similar to English alphabet. There are many short videos introducing this special phonetic recording utility. I don't repeat them. Research a bit at youtube and you'll grasp it soon. PinYin is not part of the language. Native speakers first remember the sound and then learn how to put the sound on paper with PinYin, not the other way around.I hope you'll feel you get a solid foundation after catching up on this course ( and keep up with it in the future ). And I hope you enjoy the way I present this foundation and its inner wirings."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learning Spring with Spring Boot" |
"In this course along with learning the basics of Spring Boot Framework while designing a Parking Lot Application , you will be learning some of the most desired skills of being counted among the best techies in the industry for web application development. you will learn and understand how to create Swagger-Api, how to use Lombok Framework to minimize the boilerplate even further then most techies can possibly imagine and last but not least understanding of embedded database and leveraging the same for faster application development."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Excel 2020 Aplicado-Funciones y Formulas Bsicas desde CERO!" |
"En el curso Excel Aplicado para funciones y formulas bsicas en Excel seras capaz de construir formulas totalmente practicas que te ayudaran a encontrar soluciones aplicables directamente a optimizar tu actividad en el trabajo, en tu actividad acadmica y en tu vida personal, utilizando las funciones mas comunes de Microsoft Excel en un ambiente totalmente practico, sin necesidad de conocimiento previo.Excelizate!!"
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"ntegral Alma Kurallar - 1ntegral Alma Kurallar - 2ntegral Alma Kurallar - 3ntegral Alma Kurallar - 4Trigonometrik fadelerin ntegralintegral Alma Kurallar - 5ntegral Alma Kurallar - 6"" ln "" tipi integralRasyonel Fonksiyon ntegralistel Fonksiyon ntegraliTrevi Bilinen Fonk. Yorumu - 1Trevi Bilinen Fonk. Yorumu - 2Deiken Deitirme - 1Deiken Deitirme - 2Trigonometrik fadelerde Deiken Deitirme - 3Deiken Deitirme - 4Ksmi ntegral - 1Ksmi ntegral - 2Basit Kesirlere Ayrma - 1Basit Kesirlere Ayrma - 2Basit Kesirlere Ayrma - 3Polinom Blmesi ile ntegral - 1Polinom Blmesi ile ntegral - 2Trigonometrik zdeliklerBelirli ntegral - 1Belirli ntegral - 2Belirli ntegral - 3Grafik zerine Belirli ntegral - 1Grafik zerine Belirli ntegral - 2Paral Fonk. Belirli ntegralMutlak Deer fonk. Belirli ntegralTrigonometrik ve stel Fonk. Belirli ntegralntegralde Alan - 1ntegralde Alan - 2ntegralde Alan - 3ntegralde Alan - 4ntegralde Alan - 5ntegralde Alan - 6ntegralde Alan - 7 (ember izerek)ntegralde Alan - 8Karma - 1Karma - 2"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"MongoDB In Nutshell - Example driven Quick Start in MongoDB" |
"Launched just about 10 years ago as on date of launching this course, the MongoDB as NoSQL database has gained such a popularity that no one seeking job in the IT field can ignore it. The developers in MongoDB can claim high salary as there is a big gap between demand of MongoDB developers and their availability.Optimization of the databases and complexities in accessing various forms of data have always been the challenges, the MongoDB has met them very easily with its simple to handle JSON document type model. The students of this course will just not be introduced to all the features of this incredibly complete database system but also learn all the techniques to make their applications developed with MongoDB to perform efficiently.The course currently is not complete, but I promise it will keep on receiving addition of lesson every week to make it eventually complete and most comprehensive as my other courses did."
Price: 12800.00 ![]() |
fklmihes |
"4ps . . . < < < < < < (). . ."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"CISA Domanin 3 - Exam questions, answers with explanations" |
"In this course you will find a set of 150 questions and answers with explanations for your CISA exam. There are 6 tests containing 25 questions which are related to Domain 3 from the latest CISA Manual Review - The Process of Auditing Information Systems, including : 1. Information Systems Acquisition and Development2. Information Systems ImplementationThis course will get you ready for becoming a certified IS Auditor by learning in an easy and fast way, practicing exam questions.Upgrade your career, upgrade yourself!DOMAIN 4 - WILL SOON FOLLOW! STAY TUNED!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Jill Marie Pasquinille" |
"Jill Marie Pasquinille262626JILL26"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Jill Marie Pasquinille" |
"Jill Marie Pasquinille2614,400680"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Farmacologia clnica e teraputica 1.0" |
"Nesse curso sero visto os aspectos relativos a teraputica, algoritmo e raciocnio clnico alm de indicadores para monitorar a efetividade do tratamento ou segurana do paciente. Nesse mdulo chamado de 1.0 sero visto os seguintes tratamentos: Dor e inflamao (AINES, corticides, analgsicos e opiides), tratamento de doenas do sistema digestivo (gastrite e refluxo e diarreias), tratamento das doenas do aparelho respiratrio (Asmas, DPOC, pneumonia e infeces das vias areas superiores), tratamento das infeces (Infeces de pele e tecidos moles e infeces do trato urinrio)"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Edio de Vdeo Profissional com Wondershare Filmora 9" |
"Voc ir aprender neste curso a usar todas as ferramentas, desde bsicas a mais avanadas para edio de vdeos, ideal para voc que esta comeando n rea de edio de vdeos, mostrarei exemplos prticos e de fcil aprendizado.Mostraremos como um vdeo composto, tais como pista de udio, de vdeo, de imagens, efeitos e outros. E ao final aprenderemos como juntar todas essas pistas e fazer dela um nico vdeo.Inclui todas as ferramentas bsicas para um trabalho simples e rpido.Voc ir aprender aqui, a editar vdeo tutoriais, aulas, cursos, e vdeos para anncios para stories e feed, com aquelas famosas Headlines e Legendas.Aprender tambm a criar e editar vdeos animados com elementos criados em softwares vetoriais como o CorelDRAW, Illustrator e at mesmo Photoshop.Em cursos posteriores, estarei ensinando como usar mtodos avanados de edio, tais como chrome key, movimento em vdeo, tratamento de imagem e outros para deixar seu vdeo com efeitos surpreendentes."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Curso Completo de Desenvolvedor RPA com UiPath" |
"S muito bem-vindo ao Curso Completo de Desenvolvedor RPA com UiPath, aonde vais aprender tudo o que precisas para iniciares a tua carreira como desenvolvedor de automatizao robtica de processos(RPA) !Neste curso, vamos aprender a desenvolver vrios robs RPA e descobrir as funcionalidades mais importantes e interessantes do UiPath!Os temas abordados sero os seguintes:Instalao do UiPath StudioExplorar as funcionalidades presentes no UiPath StudioAprender as bases para automaoAutomao WebAutomao de EmailAutomao PDFAutomao com Machine LearningClassificao de documentosUso de OCR (Reconhecimento ptico de Caracteres)Compreender e usar o UiPath OrchrestatorResolver desafio RPACompreender e dominar Robotic Framework EnterpriseResoluo de exercicio proveniente da certificao de desenvolvedor avanado RPA UiPathSero fornecidos os robs desenvolvidos durante o curso!Este curso ser atualizado sempre que houver novas funcionalidades/atualizaes relevantes!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Selbstbewusstsein strken fr introvertierte" |
"Hast du die Schnauze voll davon, dass du einfach nicht den Mut aufbringen kannst deinen Wunschpartner anzusprechen? Kotzt es dich an, wenn andere auf deiner Nase herumtanzen und dir das Durchsetzungsvermgen fehlt dich zu wehren? Oder regst du dich auch fter wegen Kleinigkeiten auf und wrst gerne viel entspannter?Dann ist deine Lsung die Freisetzung deines felsenfesten Selbstbewusstseins.Erwecke deinen inneren Lwen und werde zu einem Alpha Menschen, der sich von niemandem auf der Nase herumtanzen lsst! Der genau wei, was er will und seine Ziele mit einem raubtierartigen Fokus verfolgt.Lerne, wie du dich sofort groartig fhlen kannst.Entfessele dein wahres Selbstvertrauen.Entdecke deine tief verborgenen Strken und entfessele ihr wahres Potenzial.Schaffe dir ein unerschtterliches Ich, das jedem Problem standhalten kann.Sprenge die Ketten der Emotionen und lerne, wie du dir deine Gefhle zunutze machen kannst.Werde zu einem wahren Alpha Menschen, zu dem die Menschen aufsehen und den sie bewundern.Erwecke die Persnlichkeit, die schon lange in dir steckt und nur noch herausgelassen werden will. ffne ihren Kfig und werde zu einer unaufhaltbaren Person, der keine Grenzen mehr gesetzt sind.Klicke Jetzt auf den Jetzt kaufen Button und sichere dir deinen persnlichen Zugang zum Trffner deines Lwen-Selbstbewusstseins."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to become a web application security tester" |
"Based on 20 years of experience in hacking web applications (yes, I read the book :)) I want to give a full overview of the basics to get started as a web application security tester.You will learn how HTTP(S) works, how you can use Burp to intercept and manipulate traffic and how to use Burp to do some hacking excercises against OWASP WebGoat"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Instagram 7" |
": Instagram , , . "" Instagram"" . 3 000 10 000"
Price: 1799.00 ![]() |
"Learn Chemical Engineering Design Through A Worked Solution" |
"The work of the chemical process engineer is robust, exciting and intriguing as s/he has not only to find a finite answer but to select the best answer for the situation from a variety of options. S/he has to design a plant or a part of it and may have to design a unit operation or a unit process or a system. The critical aspect is that it must work and operate reliably and smoothly. The unit is to be designed for a commercial purpose and, hence, it has to be economical and cost-effective. A sound process engineer has to have plant experience and, also, a good understanding of process economics and knowledge of current costs and trends.The chemical process industry covers a vast spectrum of industrial products handled in quantities and sizes that also vary. This situation requires the process engineer to have the flexibility of mind and vision to adapt itself to any scale. The selection and design of the equipment should, therefore, be capable of handling the capacities and instruments to measure the parameters for large chemical plants to micro-units to manufacture enzymes.Till 1973, fuel and energy costs were a small component of the manufacturing costs of a chemical product. Since then, the rising fuel prices have made it mandatory that the plant design and its operation be energy efficient. The approach to process design has undergone a paradigm change.The industry is required to deliver cheaper and better quality products. Besides these two requirements, there is an added requirement that the process adopted for the manufacturer should be environmentally compatible. Since every production process and its associated technology has a life cycle, entrepreneurs must take advantage of technological advancements.The process sheeting or the development of a process scheme remains a brain-teasing function. As this task is not standardized, the process engineer has to be innovative and creative. The preparation of a Process Flow Diagram is still a significant challenge for a process engineer. However, this course describes a systematic method for the process design with many illustrations and solved problems with sufficient details. The authors approach is user-friendly and result oriented. An in-depth study of this example will boost the confidence of the student in solving real-life design and operating problems.A large number of references cited at the end indicate the extensive literature review made by the author. An exclusive section is devoted to the development of the Process Flow Diagram (PFD) and Piping and Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID). Sufficient emphasis is placed on green engineering.Although written primarily to meet the needs of candidates preparing for the UK Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) Design Project Examination, the work, being concerned with the practical application of basic principles, will be of value to all chemical and process engineers including students at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Essential Guide On How To Get a Ph.D. With Relative Ease" |
"This Guide to How to get a Ph.D. is the most student-friendly and engaging resource for the Ph.D. specification. It is written based on the authors experience and the anecdotal evidence of others to match the demands of the research programme. Besides providing motivation and interesting content, the Guide retains a rigorous approach. It functions as a systematic map to provide the Ph.D. student with a framework for understanding and hence systematically approaching the research process. While every Ph.D. research journey is different, there are, however, shared opportunities and hurdles that frequently arise. Whether one is considering entering a Ph.D. program or has already begun, this Guide should help to avoid pitfalls on the road to ultimate success.Topics Covered.- Introduction to the Doctoral Research Journey- Challenges faced by Ph.D. Students- Purpose & Significance of the Journey- Topic Development & Research Questions Synthesis- The Doctoral Research Journey- Opportunities & Events Not to Miss- The Chapters Write-ups & Presentations- The Thesis Write-up & Presentation- The Ph.D. Examination System- The Ph.D. Viva, Preparation & Sample Questions- Summary & Conclusion- Much, much more!The copyrighted videos in this course were included with the kind permission of the owners, Dr. Lilian Sevillano, Massey University, New Zealand, and Professor Valerie Balester, ATM University, Writing Center, USA."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"OrthoMesh3D. Plan orthopaedic surgery in 3D using Blender" |
"This course covers the basics of the free open source software named Blender, and how to utilize it in the planning of orthopaedic surgery using 3D bone models from CT scans. The modelling and animation of bones and joints will be covered, as well as the principles of deformity correction using cutting guides in the 3D environment using the Add on script - OrthoMesh3D. The OrthoMesh3D script is given to the students for free once they buy the course. Explanations are given on converting DICOM CT scans to 3D bone models, cleaning of bone models in Autodesk Meshmixer (free software) and importing them into Blender for surgical planning. There is a detailed explanation on how to use the free software Inkscape for converting pictures of implants to SVG files which then can be converted into 3D models in Blender. Lastly, a case example of a reverse shoulder replacement will be covered in addition to animation and simulation methods using the Blender's Armature tool. Inverse and Forward Kinematics for joint and bone model animation is covered too. The processes described in this course and software used are for research and virtual planning, NON FDA approved software is used. Not intended for clinical use"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"3ds max + Corona Renderer: Creating Amazing Worlds" |
"Welcome to the Digital Landscapes course! My name is Igor Golyuk. I'm a professional 3D artist and I want to share this surprising and really valuable course with you. Do you want to learn to create impressive digital images for games and films as a professional? Do you want to go to the next level? Do you want to create a marvelous portfolio and start you career as a 3D artist?Using the information from this course, you'll be able to get unbelievable work opportunities in various industries including cinema, video games, architecture and more.My course Digital Landscapes will completely explore the topic of creating beautiful and photorealistic worlds in 3ds max and Corona Renderer.A bit about the benefits of Corona Renderer:Corona Renderer is a modern highly efficient photorealistic renderer.Corona Renderer first and foremost is very easy to use. It practically doesn't need special settings and has powerful functions and produces fantastic, photorealistic results.Corona Renderer is used by a huge number of professional 3D artists.Digital Landscapes is a unique course that has fundamental knowledge and my personal practice that I've accumulated over the years. It has as useful and necessary information as possible that will help you unlock your potential in computer graphics.When you finish the course, you'll have created several beautiful scenes and will already have the base skills to create your own backgrounds and share them with the community or use them in your own projects.In any case, this will unlock a wonderful capability for you and give you the chance to create a successful career as a 3D artist.Don't miss this chance! Enroll today and start creating amazing worlds right now!"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Color Theory for Designers" |
"Hey! My name is Sarah and in this Color Theory course I want to share with you some of the knowledge I have gained in the almost 20 years I have been a Graphic Designer, from the basics of the colour wheel and the color harmonies to the psychology of colour in branding.In this Color Theory course we take a look at the color systems used in design and technology, (RGB, CMYK and Pantone color). With some class projects filled with useful tips on where to find great color resources in Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Color.By the end of this course you should feel more confident when picking color schemes for your projects, you will know the basic theory of color and how to create killer color combinations that work."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Numpy Practice Test : Python Certification Mock Test" |
"The Python practice online Test is for those trying to become a Data Scientist.Entry Level (0-4 yrs Experience) Data Scientist earn on an average $95,000, Mid-level (4-8 yrs Experience) Data Scientist salary is average $128,750, Senior level (8-10 yrs Experience) expect salary $150,000.If you have skilled in Deep Learning , AI , Big Data you can bet that you will pay handsomely.But if you done most your work in excel it will be difficult to get very high salary.To get this position there is some skills you should master ,1. Python or R Programming,2. Big Data3. ML and AI4.Tools like TablueTo setting algorithm, doing Mathamatical Predictions, Solving Statistical Errors Numpy and Scipy Library of Python is Used.In This Test We given questions which test your Knowledge.This Practice test gives you real exam like environment, and question much like the questions of the Data Science certification Exam.We covers below topics in this test as you see like syllabus below,1. Numpy Ndarray Objects2. Numpy Data Types3. Array Attribute4. Array Creation Routines5. Array from Existing Data6. Array from Numerical Ranges 7. Indexing Slicing Broadcasting 8. Iterating over array 9. Operators10. Functions11. Byte Swapping12. Linear Algebra13. Matplotlib14. Histogram Using MatplotlibThere will not any limit to attempt this test, but ideally if you learn python and numpy from anyy Bootcamp or taking any online/offline course , you must attain 75% in both test.There is no limit to gain knowledge, try practical resources , build small projects , solve open challenges, earn reward using kaggle, using this kind of practices you are very close to your destination to become Data Scientist.Thank you so much taking interest in me and taking my challenge to solve my Practice set which is very hard to beat made by me with making time of 3 months for Certification in Python."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"CompTIA A + 220-801 Networking Certified Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) New cables should be installed in a hospital with a very strict code of fire. Which of these materials is likely to be associated with this requirement?a) Optical fiberb) PVCc) twistedd) Plenary sessione) NoneQ) ISP has a DSL Internet connection with a static IP-address. The technician must configure the home office small office (SOHO) wireless router and access the Internet network for up to five computers in a network. Which of the following should be used?a) NATb) WPSc) MAC filteringd) port forwardinge) NoneQ) One office with four computers and a server is an example, which of the following?a) PANb) WANc) SANd) LANe) NoneQ) Which of the following provides the highest wireless security?a) WEPb) WPA2c) WPAd) HTTPSe) None"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"CISA Protecting information Assets Certified Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Which of the following functions to be performed by the application owners to ensure adequate separation between IP and end-users?a) systemb) Adoption of Access to Informationc) programmingd) Data managemente) NoneQ) Responsibility for the maintenance of adequate security for information assets to live with:a) security Officerb) System Administratorc) data and system owner.d) operating system group.e) NoneQ) The main risk to the end user has access to the database at the system level, not the application is that users can:a) unauthorized changes to the database directly, without an audit trail.b) To use the language query system (SQL) to access information.c) remote access to the database.d) update data without authentication.e) NoneQ) In order to determine who is granted permission to use a particular system resource IS auditor should review:a) lists activitiesb) access control lists.c) Login ID listsd) password lists.e) None"
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"New SAT Math 2020 Pratice test 3 Answers" |
"New SAT Math 2020- for all practice tests published by college board. In the SAT test, the time consume is very important. I will teach you the strategies to do every questions to save the time. I also show you steps by steps to do it. I do suggest students try to the question first and then watch my videos, so they can learn from mistakes."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ingles Basico: Lo mas importante para todo aprendiz" |
"Curso de ingles basico, el curso trae todo lo necesario para que puedas comenzar a entender el idioma en su parte gramatical, y luego puedas comenzar a aprender por tu cuenta si as lo deseas, mas de 3 horas de contenido que te facilitara un poco mas este hermoso idioma, ayudandote asi a aumentar tus posibilidades de mejorar tu viva laboral, social, etc"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Apprendre crer un CV efficace" |
"Tu galres avoir un retour dappel, un courriel ou tout simplement une confirmation dentrevue? Dans ce cours nous allons apprendre crer un CV impactant visuellement pour que ton CV sorte du lot. Afin de ne plus jamais rester sans rponse, je vais te donner les diffrentes astuces psychologique qui vont pousser un recruteur s'intresser un CV ou non.Si tu veux enfin dcrocher un entretien, cette formation est faite pour toi."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de SketchUp Fast Learning - Aprendizagem Rpida" |
"Nesse curso voc aprender tudo que precisa para comear a modelar em 3D, desde as ferramentas e suas funcionalidades at a modelagem de uma residncia simples.Desenvolvido por mim, com o mtodo Fast Learning - Aprendizagem Rpida voc aprender de forma rpida e eficiente, sem enrolao nas aulas e indo direto ao ponto de interesse, com aulas curtas e objetivas."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"5G Spectrum analysis and its benefit" |
"This course made for Telecom professional to very details to understand 5G spectrum and its utilization and bandwidth and help professional to understand about 5G bandwidth calculation and utilization globally.This contain 5G spectrum,standardization,5G System requirements/5G NR Operating and its frequency bands. 5G NR is the first ever radio system that is designed to support any spectrum ."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Liderana empresarial: atributos e ferramentas" |
"Bem-vindo ao curso de Liderana empresarial: atributos e ferramentas.Este curso vai oferecer a voc uma srie de orientaes estruturais para desenvolver as competncias necessrias de quem busca ser um lder eficaz nas empresas contemporneas. O contedo est dividido em 5 mdulos:a. Liderana: conceito, teorias, prticas de gesto, disciplina x resultadob. Comunicao: definio, objetivos da comunicao, atributos, comunicao interpessoal, tcnicas de desenvolvimentoc. Proatividade: conceito, gesto do tempo, lista de tarefas, elenco de prioridadesd. Metas: objetivos e metas, foco, tcnica EMARTe. Competncias essenciais: definies, da zona de conforto superao, atitudes que geram resultado, as competncias e valores essenciaisAo todo, so cerca de 130 minutos de contedo apresentado por instrutores com vivncia prtica no mercado de trabalho."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |