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Metasploit |
"Meterpreter Payloadshell1Kali linuxmsfvenommeterpreter payloadMetasploit2virustotal3msfvenom meterpreter CshellcodevsCshellcodeshell4WindowMetasploit5Linuxiptablesmsfvenomreverse_tcp_allports payloadpayload"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Communication for Relationships and Sales" |
"The 'Gold Standard' communication technique for addiction treatment is called Motivational Interviewing (MI). A key component of this is something called Reflective Listening. It is also one of the cornerstone of Conflict Resolution. The reason for it's inclusion in these areas is due to how dramatically effective it can be. You do not have to be a psychologist to learn this skill thoroughly. Anyone in the area of health, in the area of sales or who is having ongoing conflict with a particular person can learn the skills. If they are applied as presented in my beautifully simple model, they can yield incredibly dramatic and quick results. It is unlikely that you will get a simpler explanation of what can be a complex technique, anywhere else.Take advantage of the things I have learnt over many years from both training this technique and using it in professional and personal settings.Using this technique can help you 'Close The Deal' in any situation."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Advanced Microsoft Excel Formulas & Functions Course 2020" |
"Excel formulas and functions are very important in the daily life , especially in cooperative world to obtain the meaningful massage to managerial people to decision making and They are essential to manipulating data and obtaining useful information from your Excel workbooks.Without Excel formulas and functions, it is difficult to take important decisions. Welcome to Advanced Microsoft Excel Formulas & Functions course.The Advanced Microsoft Excel Formulas & Functions course covered Advanced Popular Microsoft Excel Formulas & Functions. I Hope ""The Course is much essential for excel users "". The course split into Six Chapters and Each Chapter Covered Real Practical Excel Work Books For The Illustration.CHAPTER -01 (WITH PRACTICAL EXCEL WORKBOOK)ABSOLUTE & RELATIVE REFERENCE MIXED REFERENCE MULTIPLICATION TABLECHAPTER -02 (WITH PRACTICAL EXCEL WORKBOOK) ADDING ZERO FRONT OF ONE DIGIT GENERATE AUTOMATIC SERIAL NUMBERSCONVERT FUNCTIONCHAPTER -03 (WITH PRACTICAL EXCEL WORKBOOK)WORKDAY FUNCTION RAND FUNCTION RANDBETWEEN FUNCTIONCHAPTER -04 (WITH PRACTICAL EXCEL WORKBOOK) AUTOSUM FUNCTION VLOOKUP FUNCTION HLOOKUP FUNCTIONCHAPTER -05 (WITH PRACTICAL EXCEL WORKBOOK)CHOOSE FUNCTIONTRANSPOSE FUNCTIONRANK FUNCTIONCHAPTER-06 (WITH PRACTICAL EXCEL WORKBOOK)COUNTBLANK FUNCTIONINDEX AND MATCH FUNCTIONCONVERT NUMBERS TO WORDSCREATE DATA ENTRY FORM IN"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Como hacer un evento exitoso. Estrategia de Eventos." |
"El mejor curso para hacer y disear un evento de cualquier tamao, para cualquier audiencia e industria y qu sea exitoso en participacin y en ROI. El curso consta de 5 clases:1. Definir el tipos de evento qu vas a hacer,2. Como elegir a la mejor agencia de eventos,3. Un Check List para qu no te falte nada al armar t evento,4. La frmula para llegar a tu objetivo de asistentes,5. El ROI y KPIs de los eventos."
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"Ethical Hacking Beeginner's Bootcamp 2020" |
"Welcome to my course ""Complete Ethical Hacking Course: Zero to Hero"". By using this comprehensive course you will go from beginner to advanced. In this course i will assume that you are a complete beginner and by the end of that course you will be at intermediate level. This course contain Real World examples and hands on practicals without neglecting the basics. We will guide you step by step so that you can understand better. This course will allow you to work on Real World as a professional.Join Us! Get the opportunity to learn from this comprehensive course."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Online Geld verdienen im Internet!" |
"Das Internet bietet zahlreiche Mglichkeiten des Geldverdienens.Ob von Zuhause aus, im Urlaub, als Neben- oder Hauptberuf.Dieser Kurs ist eine Schritt-fr-Schrittt Anleitung fr dich, online Geld zu verdienen.Dir werden ber 12 verschiedene bewhrte Strategien gezeigt, wie die Profis online Geld verdienen + weitere Bonus Strategien!Es werden die genauen Wege erklrt & was bei dem Thema Steuern & Finanzamt zu beachten ist!Am Ende des Kurses entscheidest du, welcher Weg fr dich der passende ist & weit genau, wie du dir dein eigenes Internet-Einkommen aufbaust."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
szgwfhbg |
"1,000 YouTube 1,000 "
Price: 9600.00 ![]() |
physics_electricity_in_hebrew |
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Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Project 2019 Course for beginners to advanced" |
"Our objective is to present you the course in a easiest way, make you feel it is easy to use, easy to grasp, easy to learn and easy to implement in your project management goals. This course is developed keeping in considerations about growing requirements and aspirations of students, mid-professionals, young-professionals in learning the project management skills. The planning is pre-requisite before starting any meaningful project nowadays for all kind of industries such as construction, software and manufacturing sectors.To adopt best practices of project management, a project planning software will act as a intermediate tool to the project management professional.The course takes you to all of the key aspects of project planning starting from, Pre-program development stage Creating a program and assigning resources stage Program tracking and updating stage Formatting, project communications and report stage.Course duration has been kept at 1.5 hour for strategic purpose to align with the motivation of learners, in a fast paced professional life they tend to learn in a short period of time. Learning is only a stage set for practice, we want our learners and students to practice by learning in an easiest way.Practice makes a person perfect.Thank you!Instructor, Prime Project Control"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Two-Fives Menores: Como se Sair Bem no Improviso" |
"Neste curso voc estudar os acordes que fazem parte do two-five menor de maneira prtica e com a profundidade necessria para improvisar como os profissionais de alto nvel.O mtodo da Escala do Acorde - utilizado no curso para caracterizar os acordes no formato Xm7(b5), X7 e Xm7 - o guia definitivo para a improvisao, e pode mudar completamente a sua concepo musical e os seus resultados, levando o msico a outro patamar na arte da improvisao."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Hosting Mentorship Program" |
"In this course, I will be teaching you how to make money hosting Mentorship Programs. There are many different components when it comes to creating a Mentorship Program. I am going to give you the exact blueprint and strategies that I have used to rank advanced in multiple companies and this is how I got on all the leader boards.You are going to learn how to create a survey to find out who is interested in your Mentorship Program. This is the very first step to find out what their needs are and how you can help them. Without creating a survey, you will not know how to create an effective program. It is very important that you collect data.You are going to learn: How to choose a target audienceHow to choose a theme for your programHow to create a Facebook GroupHow to create imagesHow to promote your programHow to create sales funnelsHow to create an offerContent creationHow to monetize your programHow to up-sell your productsBonuses"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"SAP BASIS/HANA Netweaver 7.5 certification preparation test" |
"Key features:120 Questions.No duplicate questions.Scenario based questions.Guarantee of Passing certification exam.Specially designed for SAP Certified Technology Associate - System Administration (SAP HANA) with SAP NetWeaver 7.5.Ideal for C_TADM55a_75, C_TADM55_75. Sample Questions and answers:Question:Which steps should be performed during the adjustment of dictionary objects (SPDD) in the development system, before SUM continues?There are 2 correct answers to this question.a) Assign the transport request as a modification adjustment transportb) Release the transport request containing the modification adjustmentc) Create ""modified"" versions of the objects that you need to adjustd) Manually activate the adjusted dictionary objectsAns: a,cQuestion:Consider an SAP system that is based on AS ABAP + AS Java (for example an SAP Exchange Infrastructure system).How does the Internet Communication Manager (ICM) ""know"" which browser-based requests are intended for the AS ABAP part and which requests are for the AS Java part?Please choose the correct answer.a) By analyzing the URL prefix of the corresponding request and by comparing this request with the entries of the URL prefix table. Entries in the prefix table indicate requests for the AS ABAP part.b) By forwarding this request both to the dispatcher of the AS ABAP part and to the dispatcher of the AS Java part of the instance. Only the ""correct"" dispatcher will execute this request.c) For systems based on AS ABAP + AS Java, the ICM can only distribute incoming request to the AS ABAP part. Requests to the AS Java part must be sent to the Java Dispatcher directly.d) By evaluation of a session cookie from the browser.Ans: aQuestion:Which solutions will enable SAP Fiori applications to be used offline?There are 2 correct answers to this question.a) SAP HANA Cloud Platform, mobile servicesb) SAP Mobile Platformc) SAP Enterprise Portald) SAP Mobile Secure SAP Netweaver GatewayAns: a,bQuestion:During the installation of an SAP Solution Manager 7.2 ABAP system, you areasked for several user ID s for user management engine (UME) users stored in the ABAP system.For which accounts are you required to provide user IDs?There are 3 correct answers to this question.a) Communication Userb) Database Administrator Usec) Guest Userd) System Usere) Administrator UserAns: a,c,eQuestion:You have an AS ABAP-based SAP system consisting of:- A primary application server instance (PAS)- An additional application server instance (AAS)- An ABAP central services instance (ASCS)You want to start these three instances individually with the help of SAPManagement Console. What is the correct sequence for starting these instances to get an SAP system running as soon as possible?Please choose the correct answer.a)1.ASCS2 PAS3. AASb)1. AAS2. PAS3. ASCSc)1. PAS2. AAS3. ASCSd)1. PAS2. ASCS3. AASAns: aQuestion:What are all of the conditions that must be met for a user to have access to an SAP Fiori applications?a) Access to both the Fiori Catalog and the Fiori Groupb) Access to the Fiori Group so the user can add the file them selfc) Access to the Fiori Groupd) Access to the Fiori Catalog so the user can add the file them selfAns: a,d"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Studio One 4 Pro Dersleri (A' dan Z' ye, Ayrntl)" |
"Studio one 4 ile kayt almay, mix yapmay, kullanm ve arayzn renin, kursumuz srekli gncellenerek yeni videolar eklenecektir. Snavlar, devler, makaleler, soru ve cevap ile rendiklerinizi pekitirecek, rnek almalar indirebilecek ve uygulama yapabileceksiniz. rencilerin istekleri ve talepleri dorultusunda yeni ders videolar eklenecektir. Al ekranndan balayp kanal eitleri, nasl kayt alnr, kanal eitleri nelerdir, chord track, arranger track, otomasyon nasl yaplr, midi nasl yazlr, ses nasl editlenir, macrolar, sample rate nedir, dinamik alan nedir ve daha bir ok sorunuza cevap bulacaksnz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Hacking GNU/Linux" |
"El Sistema Operativo GNU/Linux ha incrementado notablemente su difusin y utilizacin a nivel mundial. GNU/Linux funciona en servidores proporcionando diversos servicios como web, correo electrnico, servidores de nombres. Tambin funciona en computadoras personales, y en dispositivos mviles como telfonos inteligentes. GNU/Linux basa su fortaleza en cdigo open-source o de fuente abierta, adems de una gran comunidad de desarrolladores.GNU/Linux es uno de los territorios ms anhelados por los profesionales del rea, pues sus posibilidades son casi infinitas. Cualquier cosa requerida a intentar y construir, hace a una computadora con GNU/Linux atractiva para muchas personas. La dificultad empieza cuando se necesita asegurar el sistema. Pues primero se deben identificar todas las posibles vulnerabilidades, fallas, o malas configuraciones. Los esfuerzos entonces deben enfocarse en asegurarlo, y consecuentemente evaluar o probar si todo esto se ha realizado adecuadamente.Este curso completamente prctico expone una metodologa y herramientas esenciales para realizar una pruebas de penetracin adecuada contra Sistemas GNU/Linux. Todo el curso se desarrolla en un entorno de laboratorio controlado utilizando mquinas virtuales."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Scratch le Kodlama Eitimi" |
"Bu kurs ile kodlamaya en zevkli yanndan sklmadan giri yapcaksnz.Kodlama dnyasndaki temel kavramlar renip kendi oyunlarnz yada hayalinizdeki uygulamalar yapabiliceksiniz. Dersler iin yardmc resim materyerleri o dersin en nemli noktalarn vurgulamaktadr,dikkatle incelemenizi neririm. Derslerdeki anlamadnz noktalar iin ltfen ekinmeden soru sorunuz,her konuda elimden geldiince yardmc olurum.Derslerin anlatmnda en ince noktalara deinmeye altm ama kodlama dnyasnda ilerlemek istiyorsanz sizde kendi kodlarnz nce yaptklarmdan rnek alarak daha sonra deneme ve yanlma yolu ile kendiniz srekli farkl yollar ile yaparak deneyin. En gzel renme yolu bilenen eyleri farkl yollardan kendinizin yapmas olacaktr."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Identity & Access Management :OIM Implementation" |
"Welcome to the Course where you will learnHow to Setup any OIM Project from scratch Customize the things as per client requirement Integrating your OIM tool with other Product Understanding the Core of the IAM DomainIn Depth Explanation of Architecture Various Use CasesErrors and their SolutionsInterview pin points Pre requisite: Nothing needed but basic knowledge on Linux or IAM Domain will always be a plus point while learning any IAM toolSystem Requirement RAM: 8 GB +OS : 64-bitProcessor: 2 core ProcessorHard Disk : 50+ GB"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"ABC's of Stand-up Comedy" |
"Learn stand-up comedy from A-Z with Matt Wohlfarth. Matt's conversational style will make students feel at ease from lesson one. The class is based on Matt's critically acclaimed book called ABC's of Stand-up Comedy and 31 years of experience performing stand-up comedy. The author will discuss the book in-depth and give real-life examples of how these comedy lessons play out in the comedy world. The assignments will help the students learn the craft and reinforce the lessons from the book. The class will take you from zero to funny!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"La grammatica tedesca (spiegata facile) dalla A alla Z" |
"Impara grazie a questo corso online semplice, chiaro e facile da comprendere la grammatica tedesca dalla A alla Z.Nel corso ci saranno molti esempi per farti comprendere al meglio tutta la grammatica e potrai scaricare anche le slide del corso da portare sempre con te per un veloce ripasso.Imparerai grazie alla spiegazione passo a passo tutte le regole che ti servono per parlare il tedesco correttamente, senza incappare in errori grossolani che non ti permetterebbero di farti capire dai madrelingua. Alla fine di questo corso sarai in grado di comunicare in tedesco corretto, sfruttando le varie sfumature che questa fantastica lingua offre"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Test Driven Development (TDD) - Beginners Essentials course" |
"Hi there, my name is Ignacio Paz. I am an Agile coach, I was a professor in the university for 15 years for Systems Design and Agile methodologies. I applied Test driven development heavily while working as Java Architect for many years.I was originally fascinated with Test Driven Development back in the year 2009, at that time I learnt all the key knowledge and I designed a TDD course that I improved over the years and delivered to hundreds of students. I am really excited to be able to bring this course online for all of you!Are you looking to give the first right steps with Test Driven development? This course will teach the concepts of TDD in the right way along with its true philosophy before you move to a course with coding. We will see key concepts in depth for unit tests, emergent design, refactoring, test doubles, mocks and stubs.This course is for beginners in TDD but it is recommended that you have some previous knowledge in any programming language and understand concepts of object oriented programming. You will start right from the beginning and work our way through step by step.The course has the examples in Java but the concepts can be applied to any language. The code examples are all explained and easy to read by any programmer of other languages like PHP, Python, .Net and more.If you have never used unit test or you have already tried junit and are struggling with the basics of unit tests and TDD, this course is for you and together we will learn the right mindset to work with Test driven development."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"How to Create High Quality 3D Scanned Model" |
"Hi, Im Stefan IvanovProfessional Artist with more than 10 years of experience in AAA Game Development. Last 5 years I was working as Lead Artist and Senior Technical Artist and I was involved intro training boot camps and junior artists joining the studio teams. I've been working with studios like Gameloft, Warner Bros. and most recently Ubisoft.In this tutorial series I'll show you my workflow of creating 3D scanned models. I've been developing and optimizing the process for a long time so that I can summarize it and make it easy, fast and most importantly high quality to be ready for professional production. Don't be intimidated by the softwares that we will be using as I'll guide you through them with a methodology that will help you understand not only the functions that we will use, but also the logic behind them."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Fokus Self-Leadership - Gesunde, erfolgreiche Selbstfhrung" |
"Fokus Self-Leadership Gesunde und wirkungsvolle Selbstfhrung in Zeiten hoher KomplexittTauchen Sie ein in die inspirierende Welt der Selbstfhrung. Nutzen Sie das ganzheitliche Entwicklungsmodell train the eight fr Ihre persnliche Zukunftsfhigkeit als Fhrungskraft. Strken Sie Ihre Wirksamkeit und Ihre Lebendigkeit mit diesem inspirierenden Online-Kurs.Was Sie wissen mssen:Sie als Fhrungskraft knnen nach Peter Drucker einen Menschen immer nur dort hinfhren, wo Sie selber stehen. Nur mit einer guten Selbstfhrung wird Teamfhrung wirklich gelingen!Die Lernziele:Sie machen sich fit fr die steigende Komplexitt der Welt. Es braucht heute eine neue Form der Meisterschaft, um in einer Welt der stndigen Vernderung als Fhrungskraft bestehen zu knnen.Sie steigern mit diesem Kurs Ihre Selbstfhrungskompetenz und Ihre Agilitt in der Problemlsung.Sie stellen Ihre persnliche Entwicklung auf eine ganzheitliche Basis und beziehen Geist, Herz und Ihr gesamtes Tun und Lernen mit ein.Ihr Nutzen:Self Leadership als Prozess verstehen: Entwicklung ist keine einmalige Sache, sondern ein bungsprozess. Beginnen Sie jetzt!Bewltigungsstrategien fr komplexe Situationen lernen: Komplexe Probleme brauchen neue Strategien zur Lsung. Lassen Sie sich insprieren und wagen Sie sich auf neue Wege!Das ""train the eight""-Modell kennenlernen: Ihre persnliche Entwicklung muss ganzheitlich sein. Das train the eight Modell bezieht Geist und Herz mit ein und bringt Sie auf einen bungskurs.Ihren persnlichen Entwicklungszyklus skizzieren: Wissen muss sich in Knnen verwandeln, und das beginnt mit bung und gezieltem Training. Nutzen Sie die professionellen Arbeitsunterlagen und beginnen Sie mit klaren ersten Schritten.Am Ende haben Sie Ihre BigPictures ebenso konkret ausgearbeitet, wie Ihren individuellen, lebendigen Umsetzungsplan!Was Sie nicht erhalten:Sie erhalten keine Anleitungen fr Selbstmanagement oder Zeitmanagement. Dafr gibt es zahlreiche andere Kurse auf Udemy.Was im Kurs alles inklusive ist:1 Arbeitsblatt fr Ihre perektve Vorbereitung auf den Kurs6 Videoimpulse mit sehr kurzen, intensiven Knowlegde-Nuggets15 ausfhrliche Erklrungsvideos fr die effektive Nutzung der Arbeitsunterlagen2 umfassende Arbeitsunterlagen fr den Praxisteil Zahlreiche Prsentationen zur weiteren ErklrungZahlreiche Artikel zur VertiefungOriginal eBOOK Fokus Self-Leadership als PDF zum Download im Wert von 8,99 Euro.Ein abschlieendes Lern-Quiz fr einen besseren Lerneffekt (Make it stick) Keywords: #Selfleadership #Selbstfhrung #Vernderung #Entwicklung #Fhrungskraft #Fhrungstraining #Unternehmen #Leadership #Fhrung #Selbstmanagement #Persnlichkeit #Erfolg #Gesundheit #agile"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Piano 101 for Producers" |
"The fundamentals of learning to play the piano and read music notation for Producers or DJ's wanting to make better use of the keyboard for their production. You will learn the basics of piano playing and technique for your keyboard as well as the underlying principles of music theory. These combined will help you with your music production - the ability to play your own riffs and melodies and to understand the language of music when working with session musicians. This course starts at the very beginning and will allow you to go step by step to playing your first piano piece, through reading rather than just memorising the notes or patterns."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"How To Be A Professional Speaker & Presenter" |
"This course is the result of every single learning I've had over the last two decades of being a professional speaker. You can apply these learnings to setting up an online masterclass series, advising companies (online and offline) or charging to present information all over the world. I've been honoured to be on stage with the biggest names, written an award-winning Sunday Times bestselling book and advised many of the largest companies. Everything I've learned about the speaking industry and how to be a resonant and powerful speaker is now available in this 14 lecture, 7-hour course. I originally had these as standard and premium but now the entire set can be purchased together."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Scultura digitale con Zbrush. Corso completo di livello base" |
"Imparai tutte le funzionalit di base di Zbrush e un metodo semplice ed efficacie per realizzare i tuoi personaggi.Partiremo studiando l'interfaccia del software e i suoi comandi fino ad arrivare alla scultura del volto di un personaggio.Infine prepareremo il modello per la stampa 3d e realizzeremo un rendering di presentazione."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Complete Rigging Masterclass In After Effects (Duik 2020)" |
"Rigging A character can vary in difficulty from a very simple rig to a complex one, In this Course You will learn a lot of Rigs , You will be able to Rig any character , animal or even any object with different ways some of them are very simple and others are complicated but with this course , these difficult ways will be clear and easy.You will learn alot of secrets and techniques that we learnt though hudreds of projects we rigged thousands of characters in them. so You will be able to rig easily whatever the project requirements You are working on.In these Course you will learn the secrets and techniques of the crew of the academy over the past ten year of rigging in After effects. We start from the Basics so don't worry of not having any prior knowledge and we will take the begginer or those who rig for the first time to the professional level. This course makes the life of animators (and riggers) easier.You will learn to rig a character and then create a walk cycle for it, in the shortest time and easiest way.In the second chapter you will be able to rig a complete character using simple features and create a master property by using Essential graphic.In the third Chapter, you will know all the secrets of rigging a character with puppet pins. You will learn How and when to use each pin. You will also learn how to use some expressions and secrets that turn Your puppet Rig into a professional one.In Chapter The Duik Basel script. With this script you can easily rig your character, just by one click and also you can create walk cycle animation for your character, just by one click. All the expressions and the actions that a person needs to spend hours to do for rigging and animating, Duik does by one click and this feature makes it a powerful script for this purpose.But it may have happened to you when after spending a lot of time on the Internet to find a complete course of this script, You were faced with incomplete tutorials, each expressing a part and they have never fully explained all the tools in this script.Thats why, In this course, we want to completely present the last version of Duik script and check all the options in detail with practical examples.If you wanna to be great in the 2D animation, this course will be useful for you.Be Professional with Master Rigging and Animation tutorial in the After Effects and free Duik Bassel plug-in.You will learn How to rig a character using the limber script. How to change its style. how to create a templete limb to use for your future charaters.You will learn How to rig a character using the rubberhose script. How to change its style. how to create a templete hose to use for your future charaters.You will learn How to rig a character using the Joysticks 'n Sliders script. How to create a joystick to control different made poses. how to create sliders for any animation. how to convert the sliders to a visual UI slidersLearn how to rig animate faster even you have a slow computerLearn these professional methods in practical and simple way:What is RiggingTypes Of RiggingHow you can manage Anchor Point EasilyUse parenting To make simple RiggingHow you can manage Pre-compose in the rigging processEssential Graphic Advanced Use in RggingUse Nulls and Sliders to make advanced rigintroduction How can you use Puppet Pins in riggingMaster the use of Position Pins in Rigging charactersMaster the use of Bend Pins in Rigging charactersMaster the use of Advanced Pins in Rigging charactersMaster the use of Starch Pins in Rigging characters to add stiffnessMaster the use of Overlap Pins in Rigging charactersMaster adjusting the Mesh ParametersRecording Motion in two waysMaster Using Null to drive Pins to make advanced puppet rigWhen How why do You use Legacy and Advanced Puppet engineInstalling Duik Bassel In different ways that can solve many problemsWhich Duik Modeyou should work onMaster the Basics of Duik Structure.Learn simple Arm RiggingMaster Fully Parented ArmMaster Fully Puppet pin ArmMaster Puppet pin Upper Arm Parented HandMaster Four Puppet pins ArmMaster Parented upper Arm Puppet pin lower armMaster Rigging a replacement Hand in two waysMaster Rigging a Mechanical HandMaster FK & 2 IK & 3 IK Parented Fingers 3 waysMaster fully puppet fingersMaster Pose Morphing Fingers in two waysHow can you make a Parented Leg rig easilyHow can you make a Puppet leg rig easilyHow can you make a Manual Torso Rigging perfectlyMaster Autorig Torso in simple wayMaster Eye Pupil Rigging In different professional waysMaster Eye Blinking Rigging In different professional waysMake emotions with EyeBrow Rigging EasilyMouth Rigging- Lip sync in simple wayHead Turn animation with DuikRig A Fox In a professional wayMaster making a professional Walk cycleMaster Animal walk Cycle by a secret trickHow to create a joystick.How to modify a joystick.learn Path flipper.How to create a switchMoving controllers betwwen compositionsHow to create slidersHead rigging with joystickHinger rigging with joystickRose rigging with slidersCreate a limberCustomizing the appearance of the limbDuplicating stylesLearn how to rig animate faster even you have a slow computerManual Customization for the limbCreating a rubber hoseChanging the styleDuplicating the rubberRubber An existing layersRubberpin RigAnd more......."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Manage Staff Working From Home" |
"Do you need your staff to work from home? Are you worried they won't be productive and your business will suffer?I'll cover everything you need to take your established business online so your staff can work at home.Containing no fluff, this course will get you, your business and your staff working online quickly so you can go back to making money.Module 1 - Get Organized With a Central Hub- Easily work collaboratively without multiple versions of documents flying around on email- Track staff activity- Monitor what staff are working on (and how productive they are being)- Monitor when staff have completed trainingModule 2 - Setup (& Improve) Communication- Learn how to drastically cut down email (the most inefficient form of communication)- Speed up interactions & conversations, get answers to questions quickly- Organize conversation topics to always find what you need (without searching through emails)Module 3 - Manage & Track Tasks (So You Know Exactly What Your Staff Are Doing)- Easily assign tasks to staff members- Track what stage a task is at- Easily manage conversations around a specific task- Cut down on email chains- Have a record of completed tasksModule 4 - Easily Create Videos (Useful for Staff Training)- Easily record your screen with audio- Train you staff without needing to be there in person- Saves writing long, wordy emails- Create tutorials quickly & easily- Track & organise videos easilyModule 5 - Host Staff Meetings- See your staff face to face- Host scheduled or instant meetings- Know that they are online and ready to work on-time every dayBy the End of This Course You Will:- Be able to run your business online- Know how to monitor staff working from home- Know how to manage staff working from home- Keep track of all communications and tasks - Run meetings without needing together everyone together Join Us:So join us, cut through the noise and get your business up & running online fast, so you can get back to doing what you do best."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Aquarell - Malkurs - Anemone - Watercolor" |
"In diesem Videokurs lernst du die Basics der Aquarellmalerei kennen, wir schauen uns die Materialen an und wie man mit ihnen umgeht. Anschlieend bertragen wir gemeinsam erst unsere Skizze auf das Aquarellpapier und gehen dann strukturiert, Schritt-fr-Schritt, durch den den Kurs.Am Ende des Kurses hast du eine fertige Anemone.Inhalt:Grundtechniken & Materialien die verwendet werdenFertige Skizze zum bertagen auf dein AquarellpapierSchritt-fr-Schritt-AnleitungFr wenn ist dieser Kurs geeignet:Alle die gerne mit mir durch Wasser und Farbe gehen mchten, egal ob Anfnger oder Fortgeschrittener."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Design Better with Canva" |
"Updated for 2020Discover practical guidelines while being taught how to use Canva. Create beautiful work for Social Media, Websites, Presentations, and more.First learn the ins and outs of Canva's toolsA walkthrough of what Canva has to offerNavigate the interfaceUnderstand the tools and how they work togetherTips and tricks for efficiently creating designLearn how to publish, download, and share your workAdd powerful but practical design guidelinesNo grand theories, just useful ideas you can applyThis course won't include a 20 hour lesson on design history, but rather concise concepts you can use to immediately improve your work, including:Refine with alignment and spacingFind amazing color palettes and learn to apply themFind and use great font combinationsIncrease the drama and impact of your workHow to enable creativityThen bring it together with some advanced tricksTake your designs to the next levelYou'll learn a number of simple tricks and techniques to push your designs further."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Inteligencja emocjonalna - zarzdzanie emocjami" |
"Zarzdzanie emocjami nie polega na tym, by je odrzuca i ich nie odczuwa. To, e si w nas pojawiaj, to naturalny proces, na ktry najczciej zreszt nie mamy wpywu. Zo, irytacja, lk czy rozdranienie s staym elementem gry zwanej yciem. Wszyscy ich dowiadczamy i zagraa nam nie to, e si pojawiaj, ale wycznie to, czy pozwolimy, aby przejy nad nami wadz. Zarzdzanie emocjami to proces odzyskiwania kontroli nad wasnym systemem emocjonalnym i jednoczenie zdobywanie umiejtnoci diagnozy oraz poskramiania emocji innych ludzi. Mamy prawo sobie z tym nie radzi, bo aden oficjalny system edukacyjny nie wyposay nas w takie umiejtnoci. Ale warto to zmieni. Wyksztacenie umiejtnoci z obszaru inteligencji emocjonalnej moe w znacznym stopniu podnie jako naszego ycia: prywatnego, zawodowego oraz relacyjnego. Korzyci z opanowania takich umiejtnoci s ogromne, co potwierdzaj uczestnicy naszych szkole oraz kursw on-line. Dlaczego zatem nie sprbowa? samemu jak to dziaa? Dlaczego nie skorzysta z tej wiedzy i nie uatwi sobie ycia?Eksplorowanie wiata emocji, zarwno wasnych, jak i tych, ktrymi kieruj si inni ludzie, moe by fascynujc przygod poznawania ukrytych, jake jednak istotnych mechanizmw odpowiedzialnych za nasze reakcje, wspdziaanie z innymi ludmi oraz relacji, ktr budujemy z samymi sob. Zapraszam kurs video oferujcy wiedz z obszaru inteligencji emocjonalnej oraz techniki i narzdzia zarzdzania emocjami. Te 162 minuty Twojej uwagi zogniskowanej na emocjonalnym wiecie moe by niezwykle cenn inwestycj, przynoszc nie dajce si przeceni yciowe profity. Zapraszam na kurs!Jarosaw Gibas"
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
emoenglish |
Price: 3600.00 ![]() |
"AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty" |
"Welcome to this course: AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty. This course aims to put the entire world of machine learning with AWS in front of you. Machine learning has become the new black. Predictive analytics is a complex domain requiring coding skills, an understanding of the mathematical concepts underpinning machine learning algorithms, and the ability to create compelling data visualizations. The challenge in today's world is the explosion of data from existing legacy data and incoming new structured and unstructured data. The complexity of discovering, understanding, performing analysis, and predicting outcomes on the data using machine learning algorithms is a challenge. Following AWS simplifying Machine learning, this course will help you bring predictive analytics projects to fruition in three easy steps: data preparation, model tuning, and model selection.This course will help solve everyday challenges you face as a data scientist. It begins with the Amazon Machine Learning platform and will implement core data science concepts such as classification, regression, regularization, overfitting, model selection, and evaluation. Then, you will learn to leverage the Amazon Web Service (AWS) ecosystem for extended access to data sources, implement real-time predictions, and run Amazon Machine Learning projects via the command line and the Python SDK.At the end of this course, you will be a master at Amazon machine learning and have enough expertise to be able to build complex machine learning projects using AWS."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |