Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Aikido ABC - Vol 3. Advanced techniques" |
"The five core techniques of Aikido:1. Kaiten-nage 2. Tenchi-nage. 3. Kotegaeshi. 4. Shiho-nage.5. Irimi-nage. We will study them in basic form, step by step, so you will be able to learn and execute them by yourself in order to gain the balance and body knowledge required to move your partner."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"WebGL internals" |
"This course is a beginner level course for JavaScript developers who want to learn WebGL2. After learning WebGL, students can pursue a career in Graphics programming or Image Scientist,etc..I am not going to use any library as it confuses the students when they are beginners, we are going to build our own library and use it for rendering to the canvas."
Price: 12800.00 ![]() |
"STI-884 SOCA Sales Small & Medium Business Practice Exam" |
"130 UNIQUE practice questions for STI-884 SOCA Sales Small & Medium Business Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : STI-884 SOCA Sales Small & Medium Business Practice ExamTotal Questions : 130Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :90 minsPassing Score : 75 (97 of 130)"
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"C_TB1200_88 SAP Certify Associate Business One Practice Exam" |
"175 UNIQUE practice questions for C_TB1200_88 SAP Certify Associate Business One Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : C_TB1200_88 SAP Certify Associate Business One Practice ExamTotal Questions : 175Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :110 minsPassing Score : 75 (131 of 175)"
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"Animal Nutrition; Natural Dog Nutrition And Cat Nutrition" |
"Are you the proud owner of a dog? Are you wondering about the nutritional needs of your pet? Are you the parent of a cat? Are you wondering about their unique nutrition needs. Have you heard about raw food diets and the BARF diet? This course will cover animal nutrition. Whether you are concerned about dog nutrition or cat nutrition this course covers it. Upon completion you will earn a certificate of completion and the course comes with a 30-day money back guarantee"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Complete Basic Guitar Tutorial" |
"This is a very practical course that will help you learn to play guitar and follow along with any song you want. We are going to start from scratch so don't worry if it is your first time holding a guitar.Welcome to the course, Enjoy the process and don't forget to HAVE FUN!!!Please leave a feedback because your contribution will help me to improve this course quality."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Excel - trucos avanzados con CAD - GIS y Macros" |
"En este curso aprenders a sacar ms provecho de Excel, aplicado a trucos con AutoCAD, Google Earth y Microstation.Incluye:Conversin de coordenadas de geogrficas a proyectadas en UTM,Conversin de coordenadas decimales a grados, minutos y segundos,Conversin de coordenadas planas a rumbos y distancias,Enviar de Excel a Google Earth,Enviar de Excel a AutoCADEnviar de Excel a MicrostationTodo, usando frmulas de Excel.Adicionalmente, conoce cmo trabajar funciones avanzadas de Excel utilizando MacrosFiltros de escala de tiempo y segmentacin de Datos,Grabar macros,Crear formulario,Formularios desde Visual Basic,Crear listas usando ComboBox,Decisions usando Funcin IF, Else mediante CheckBox,Imprimir formulario,Credenciales de acceso para ingresar a tu hoja de excel,"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"sap abap smart forms for beginners" |
"Learn How to create a smartforms in sap.what are different components and elements of smartforms.Page set up.Smart styleText elementsImages/logoForm interfaceAddress component Flow logic TemplateTablesDifferent types of windows - main window, secondary window, final window, copy window. Creation of smartforms Attach to print programSmart forms output in PDF.Multiple sf in single print"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Laravel 6 PHP Framework A - Z Build Professional Ecommerce" |
"One of the Best Laravel 6 Framework Course on Udemy.Laravel is an open-source PHP framework, which is robust and easy to understand. It follows a model-view-controller design pattern. Laravel reuses the existing components of different frameworks which helps in creating a web application. The web application thus designed is more structured and pragmatic.Why We Should Learn Laravel ?Laravel is a first development life cycle and less code functionality it's easy to learn making web applications faster configuration error and exception handling automation testing work. URL Routing Configuration is very high in Laravel.Scheduling tasks configuration and management It has a huge community Unlimited resource.Most importantly it's very easy to get a job if you have Laravel skills. What is your benefit ?As i told you this complete project course which beings you to Beginner to Advance level by creating complete most advanced Ecommerce Project. You will able to understand how to complete one project, how to handle project bugs, Core structures of MVC. This complete project will help you to get a job with this new skill. You will be able to start work for your client. Add this project in your profolio and university assignment And most importantly you will get my support with in 24 hours. If you have any issues just let me know about this i will be in your touch. What is the Best Part of this Course?Create Complete Ecommerce Project with Laravel 6Get a Deep Understanding of Laravel 6Laravel User AuthorizationMultiple Language Order Tracking Stock Management User Role Management Socialite Return Order Apple Coupon Facebook Comment Product Search Change Password OptionProduct Discount Price Online Payment Getway System Mailing System Reports System Product Wishlist JWT & Laravel Passport Contact Page Form Site Setting Site SEO Product Add to Cart and much more functions ..This course you will not just learn you actually doing it. Learn and apply this on live project with me. Sound Great right? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Click the ""Enroll Now"" button at the top right now!I am excited to see you in the course!Sincerely,easy Learning"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft 70-483: Programming in C# .NET Practice Test" |
"English Course Description / Explicacin del curso en EspaolHello there!I am extremely pleased to have you on board.Lets begin a journey where we would be working together to go through every possible challenging question Microsoft 70-483 exam offered by Microsoft has to you.Here is what makes this course so unique and beneficial for you. Since our material Microsoft 70-483: Programming in C# .NET Practice Test is based on a real test, We can guarantee that you would be able to solve 65% questions(at least) in your exam without putting any extra effort by going through all those reference textbooks.My purpose here is to ensure that when you appear in the real exam, you are calm and super confident about yourselves.This test is being offered by Microsoft and our material has about +100 questions. Now, each question has been specifically designed for this course that will push your cognitive abilities to the limits. This intense journey will not only make you have a good idea about what type of questions the real exam would have but also cover the tiny concepts people usually miss while preparing for Microsoft 70-483: Programming in C# .NET Practice TestThe test was last updated on March 18th 2020 and covers all the latest concepts as per the course requirements and it is written in English.I have a firm belief that you are going to ace that exam like a true champion!#### Spanish ####Hola a todos!Estoy muy contento de tenerte a bordo.Comencemos un viaje en el que estaramos trabajando juntos para pasar por todas las posibles preguntas desafiantes que ""Microsoft"" le ofrece en el examen ""Microsoft 70-483: Programming in C# .NET "".Esto es lo que hace que este curso sea tan nico y beneficioso para usted. Desde nuestro material ""Microsoft 70-483: Programming in C# .NET Practice Tests"" podemos garantizarle que podr resolver el 65% de las preguntas (al menos) en su examen sin hacer ningn esfuerzo adicional al revisar todos esos libros de texto de referencia ya que se basa en una prueba real. Mi propsito aqu es asegurarme de que cuando aparezcas en el examen real, ests tranquilo y muy seguro de ti mismo.""Microsoft"" ofrece esta prueba y nuestro material tiene aproximadamente ""+100 preguntas"" similares. Ahora, cada pregunta ha sido diseada especficamente para este curso que llevar sus habilidades cognitivas al lmite. Este intenso viaje no solo le har tener una buena idea sobre qu tipo de preguntas tendra el examen real, sino que tambin cubrir los pequeos conceptos que la gente suele perderse mientras se prepara para ""Microsoft 70-483 Programming in C# .NET Practice Tests""La prueba se actualiz por ltima vez el ""18 de marzo de 2020"" y cubre todos los conceptos ms recientes segn los requisitos del curso y est escrita en ingls.Creo firmemente que vas a obtener ese examen como un verdadero campen!"
Price: 345.00 ![]() |
"000-324 IBM EServer ZSeries Technical Certify Practice Exam" |
"174 UNIQUE practice questions for 000-324 IBM E Server Z Series Technical Certify Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 000-324 IBM E Server Z Series Technical Certify Practice ExamTotal Questions : 174Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :110 minsPassing Score : 75 (130 of 174)"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"V2R5 NR0-015 Design Architecture Teradata Practice Exam" |
"107 UNIQUE practice questions for V2R5 NR0-015 Design Architecture Teradata Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : V2R5 NR0-015 Design Architecture Teradata Practice ExamTotal Questions : 107Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :70 minsPassing Score : 75 (80 of 107)"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Lo studente ADHD a scuola" |
"Questo Corso online che spiega in maniera semplice che cosa si intende con ADHD e come si pu affrontare questa difficolt dal punto di vista operativo e didattico sia a scuola, sia nellambito delle attivit di tutoring extrascolastico.DestinatariTutor dellapprendimento, insegnanti di sostegno e curricolari, genitori, operatori del mondo delleducazione e dellistruzione scolastica ed extra scolastica.ObiettiviSpiegare in maniera semplice ed attraverso esempi come affrontare dal punto di vista operativo e didattico le difficolt dovute allADHD, sia nel bambino, sia nelladolescente.Struttura Corso online condotto con video e slide.In aggiunta, 2 materiali di Approfondimento in formato pdf: ""La guida pratica per strutturare il lavoro didattico""Scheda per lautoriflessione dellalunno per la modifica dei comportamenti problematici""Tematiche del CorsoDefinizione di ADHDDifficolt di autoregolazione e ricerca della gratificazioneIl ruolo del Tutor come guida metacognitivaLe difficolt legate allattenzioneLimpulsivitLa tolleranza alle frustrazioniLa Memoria di Lavoro e lADHDLe condotte iperattiveLe difficolt di pianificazioneTematiche degli approfondimentiLe strategie per lorganizzazione del materiale, del tempo scuola e del tempo di studio a casaLe strategie per la modifica del comportamento problematicoFormatriceDott.ssa benedetta frigerio, psicologa e Tutor dell'Apprendimento"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ace CompTIA A+(220-1001)" |
"Want to ace the CompTIA A+(220-1001) Examination and become an CompTIA CertifiedWhat you'll learnTired of failing the exam two or three times because you have no idea how the CompTIA A+(220-1001) is set up . No time for studying and analyzing each videos or powerpoint .Well , you got into the right course .Just practice continuously and you will ace the examWho this course is for: CompTIA A+(220-1001) Absolute Beginners. No prior CompTIA A+ experience necessary No Time to study No idea how the exam works Failed multiple attempts Want to practice"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Experto en WIRESHARK" |
"Experto en Wireshark est dirigido a profesionales de tecnologas de la informacin que necesiten aprender esta herramienta desde cero.Wireshark es la herramienta de anlisis de red estndar del mercado, su uso se extiende a nivel global tanto en ambientes de produccin como acadmicos. Es comn la analoga que compara a Wireshark con una mquina de rayos x, y en Yacha creemos que es precisa, porque a travs de ella logramos obsevar lo que se oculta detrs de la red.Las aplicaciones de esta herramienta son diversas, por eso recomendamos que si trabajas en TI (sin importar tu rol) aprendas a usarla. Wireshark es til para un ingeniero de redes que necesita saber por qu existe latencia en la red, para un administrador de servidores que no sabe por qu los usuarios no logran actualizar su correo electrnico, o para el desarrollador que despliega una nueva aplicacin a la que no logra conectarse. De igual manera, Wireshark es utilizada por profesionales de ciberseguridad por ser un arma fundamental para capturar y analizar sus objetivos.El contenido del curso est diseado para llevarte a utilizar Wireshark de una manera profesional, a travs de videos, notas, laboratorios, retos para poner a prueba tus habilidades y recursos adicionales.S en un experto en Wireshark."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop CC 2019 Beginner to Fast Level Design Course" |
"What you Learn from this this Course, Adobe Photoshop Cc 2019 Latest Collection with Advance tools & Techniques With Special effectsWhat will you learn:Basic Introduction of adobe Photoshop cc 2019How to remove backgrounds.How to change colors of any subject in images.How to make selections.How to make Logo in 3D Mock upHow to Create Facebook Cover in Fast WayHow to Create YouTube Cover in on Original SizeHow to make images blurry.How remove red eye.How to adjust skin tone.How to adjust images color.Layer style effects.Ruler and guideline.How to mask and selection option.How to duplicate subject in images.How to crop images.How to make black and white image.And Much More Design TechniquesDescriptionGraphic Design whether you are designing just like a Poster Design, an Advertisement, a Banner, a Flyer, a Picture with Quotations or anything you could ever think of. There is a psychological aspect Photoshop in your graphics that will give your viewers a look and feel according to New Version of Photoshop CC 2019 Latest Collection With Advance tools & Techniques.I am AHEMD and I am a Graphic Designer with Adobe Photoshop CC 2019. I will teach you basic to Expert Level Designer Just as Add Text in your picture and giving your viewers a look and feel that you want to. I have divided this course into different sections and lectures and Explain Each & Everything in these Lecture.After you complete this course, you can apply Online for Earning Designing catchy Thumbnails for YouTube videos with TextsNOTE: Even if you are NOT Adobe Photoshop user, you can get lot of concepts from this course which you can apply using other photo editing software too. No particular Photoshop tool is emphasized in this course. Rather, a concept of how the ingredients of Text impact the overall design is focused here.I hope you have fun taking this course in learning Adobe Photoshop cc 2019; a simple and the most powerful part in Designing.Requirements for this course:Just require PC / LaptopWhy this course is best?This course is slow speed exercise so that easy to understand.Each exercise will have each tool knowledge and will learn how to use and implement it.Shortcut keys for both PC or MAC.This course is easy to learn because it is based on To-The-Point exercises.This course is for Everyone:This course is suitable for those who have zero knowledge or anyone want to improve it.This course will cover each tools one by one with basic knowledge and using of full control of each tool options.1. Students2. Science3. Engineers4. Business5. Job holders6. Freelancers7. Job less8. commerceGive Review About my Course and and Please don't mine about my English is Little but normal ,I hope you understand thank you for watching ,"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Online Home Business Training Step by Step" |
"Learn how to build & market any business right from home. You will also be given an option to have a done for you business right after the course ( If you are a beginner). This training will take you by the hand and walk you step step to learning everything you need to know. There are two courses of the Training. The second course will walk you step by step on setting up your business and generating you income starting today."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Ergenlik dnemi kiinin geliim aamalarnn ierisinde bulunan ve ocukluun bitiiyle balayan nemli bir dnemdir. Bu dnem erkeklerde ve kzlarda farkl fizyolojik ve psikolojik etkilerle kendini gsterdii iin olduka nemli bir dnemdir. Doru aile iletiimine ihtiya duyulan ve salkl yetikinliin admlarnn atld bir dnem olarak olduka dikkat edilmesi gerekir.ETM ERErgenlik Nedir?Ergenliin Getirdii DeiimlerErgenlik Dnemi ve Duygusal-Bilisel DeiimlerErgenlik Dnemi ve Aile letiimiErgenlik Dnemi ve Arkadalk likileriErgenlik Dnemi Duygusal ProblemleriErgenlik Dnemi Gelecek Planlamas"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Watercolor rose" |
"Painting flowers is always a challenge, especially if it's a rose. Difficult drawing of multiple petals, a lack of flower's volume and capricious flowing watercolor - this video-tutorial helps you to master them and to paint beautiful watercolor rose illustration.Join the class and you will discover: How to draw a complex flower How to avoid common mistakes when you work on wet paper How to paint with only three primary colors How to create a volume of a flowerThe class may be interesting both for beginners and advanced artists who never stop improving their technique.I'm looking forward to seeing you in the class!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Liderazgo Efectivo en equipos de trabajo" |
"Un lder, no basta con la capacidad tcnica de un profesional, tiene que tener cualidades y capacidad humana esto es muy importante. El conocimiento ya no es el privilegio de algunos sino el potencial de ciertas cualidades y comenzar a movernos a travs del autoconocimiento la relacin que tienes con los dems es fundamental para trabajar en equipo."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Advance Techniques to Activate Your Immune System" |
"Have you ever though why some people get sick, and others do not? Actually, it is all about your immune system. Your immune system determines your body's response to infections, colds, severe disease, and whether or not you surrender to allergies, auto-immune or serious illness. In this course, I have covered the concept of immune system, how it works, what is is important to strengthen immune system along with two powerful visualization to protect from viruses including infections, bacteria etc. I hope after this course, you will feel more secure, and feel that your immune system has improved. and you will not fall sick again and again and will live long and happy life."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"MS Excel Exam Guide: Analyzing and Visualizing Data" |
"Microsoft Excel is one of the most important software programs ever created. Businesses large and small, in countries all around the world, run off of systems and processes built on and around Excel. With so many people using Excel as part of their day-to-day jobs, it is more important than ever for you to stand out from the crowd and certify your Excel skills so you can contribute and be entrusted with these business-critical opportunities.Enter this course. Designed directly off the study guides and outlines for the Excel 70-779 Exam, this course provides not only the theory but also the practical and foundational skills needed to pass the certification exam and stand out from the crowd. Not only will you be well prepared for the exam, but youll also build out a skill set that will be in demand for years to come.When youre ready to professionally certify your Excel skills, this is the course for you."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Swift - TDD, Clean Architecture, Design Patterns, SOLID, MVP" |
"Nesse curso irei mostrar como criar um App em Swift usando TDD como metodologia. Irei mostrar como criar componentes desacoplados e reutilizveis, seguindo o Clean Architecture e os princpios do SOLID. Mostrarei tambm como aplicar Design Patterns em casos de uso reais.Irei utilizar UIKit para montar a interface, Swift Package Manager como gerenciador de dependncias, Alamofire para fazer requises HTTP e MVP como Design Pattern de UI."
Price: 279.99 ![]() |
"ArcGIS For Beginner Level (3 Module)" |
"Do you want to learn ArcGIS software? Dont worry!Nothing that you need to know... This course will qualify students in ArcGIS Desktop 10.x and in particular in ArcMap, ArcCatalog and ArcTool Box. The training material will be focused on vector and raster data models, how to handle them and store them in a geodatabase, their relationship within a geodatabase and on how to develop final cartographic products and maps.Students will be trained in the creation and editing of vector and raster data, in the usage of basic greoprocessing tools available in ArcGIS 10.x, in the management of a geodatabase, also providing valuable information in the development of high-quality mapping products.Enrolled students in this course will have access to our online course platform (which is available lifetime access and unlimited chance), where they will find the content of the course, practical exercises,additional informations.So why do you wait?Improve yourself and take an advantage in your worklife. ;) By taking this course, you will learn:How to use ArcGIS Desktop (Arcmap and ArcCatalog) Creating ArcGIS datas (shape files,geodatabase...) Projection Systems and GIS informations.How to create maps by using spatial datas.How to make SQL nquiresHow to make georeferencingHow to digitize raster datas.How to create feature classes for geoDatabase system.How to create your geographic information system in arccatalog.How to make Basic and Advanced Editing your spatial datas.How to create thematic maps/choropleth/dot maps.Representing map for printingExtra quiz questionsRich contents and Bonus Practices This course aims:Highlight the importance and utility of a Geographic Information System (GIS), its integration and applicability in a variety of professional sectorsGeneral overview about the essential GIS concepts and about al the basic skills needed in handling ArcGIS 10.8Learn about GIS key tools usage of vector and raster data informations.Gain experience in data preparation, layout development, map creation and delivery.Whole Life time access! Study it whereever you are. (home, out,school...) Watch the videos step by step.So lets start ;) I have been waiting your reviews ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Criando um currculo que te leve para entrevista de emprego." |
"Voc sabia que:A maioria dos recrutadores e empresas de RH descartam os currculos em menos de 30 segundos?Que existem 4 partes do currculo que so essenciais para o recrutador decidir se vai te chamar para entrevista ou no?Ou que, sair enviando um monte de currculos s diminuem as chances de uma chance para a entrevista?Se voc fica enviando currculos e quer ser chamado para uma entrevista de emprego, definitivamente esse curso para voc.Voc aprender o que fazer:Antes de escrever e enviar o seu currculo.O que no pode faltar em um currculo.O que fazer durante a escrita do currculo para conseguir prender a ateno do recrutador.Como se comportar durante a entrevista.Tcnicas de persuaso para convencer o entrevistador que voc a pessoa certa para a vaga.O que fazer depois da entrevista.Em uma hora de curso voc aprender como criar um currculo atrativo para conseguir uma entrevista de emprego.Esse um treinamento objetivo que, aps consumir o contedo, voc estar apto para reescrev-lo tornando-o competitivo a cada vaga que voc se candidatar.Aps a anlise de mais de 2.000 currculos e a realizao de mais de 500 entrevistas, temos certeza de que conseguimos te ajudar a elevar o seu nvel em relao a currculos e entrevista.Agora, a deciso de ter um currculo competitivo est em suas mos."
Price: 204.99 ![]() |
"YDS Denemeleri, km Sorular, Anlatml zmler, Strateji" |
"Kursumuzda gramer, noun clause, adjective clause, adverbial clause ,coordinator, sentence connector, prep.phrase, addition, concessive contrast ,direct contrast, taban tabana paralellik, choice, cause, purpose, result, manner, emphasis restatement, explanation, transition, correction, refutation, examplification, warning, alternative, exection, proportion/degree.time, condition, listing, summary konularyla ilgili ok nemli bilgi notlaryla ve deiik anlatm tarzyla baary yakalayacanzdan eminim yeter ki zel bilgi notlar ok iyi bir ekilde renilsin."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Reeducao Alimentar: Receitas Semanal - Emagrea De Vez" |
"Quer aprender criar receitas fceis e rpidas para uma boa reeducao alimentar? E perder peso com sade? Melhorar sua sade e manter uma vida mais longa, ingerindo uma alimentao mais saudvel?Meu nome Vanessa Camacho e j ajudei centenas de pessoas como voc a melhorar suas vidas comendo melhor e fazendo receitas incrveis.Estou sempre investindo meu tempo em conhecimento sobre a culinria saudvel, para compartilhar o que h de melhor para voc e sua sade com meu curso de Reeducao Alimentar.Basta clicar no boto para comear.Voc aprender como:1. Criar receitas rpidas e fceis para cada dia da semana2. Saber como criar receitas saudveis com pouco dinheiro3. Aprender a criar pratos saborosos e nutritivos4. Aprender a reeducar sua alimentao5. Manter uma vida mais saudvel atravs da alimentao semanale muito mais!O que voc est esperando? Centenas de alunos j melhoraram seus hbitos alimentares, trazendo mais sade para seu corpo com meu contedo de reeducao alimentar.Esse curso para todos aqueles que querem ter uma vida mais saudvel, comendo os melhores alimentos, que so encontrados com facilidade e preo baixo.Vou manter meu curso atualizado com receitas extras que podero fazer a diferena no seu dia a dia, sua sade importante, vamos l, te vejo no curso!PS. Esse um curso para quem precisa criar marmitas com base na reeducao alimentar, pessoas que necessitam educar a sua alimentao no trabalho e tambm em casa.Instrutora Vanessa."
Price: 234.99 ![]() |
"Sistemistica per Sysadmin e Pentester Microsoft & More LVL2" |
"In questo corso sono inserite molte funzionalit avanzate di una configurazione server. Lo step by step di migrazione da 2008 R2 uscito di supporto a 2019 sicuramente un punto di forza. Le piattaforme di sync tra due server e di firewall virtuale gratuito completano il pacchetto assieme a NOX. Un corso che comprende una serie di informazioni davvero utili per tutti i professionisti del campo IT sia che sia Sysadmin o che poi si orientino verso la Cybersec ed i Pentest. Conoscere le funzionalit aumenter la loro capacit di gestioneattacco ed anche di eventuale remediation."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"LvL-Up your martial arts from home - stick fight edition" |
"This course is for people who are interested in expanding their martial arts skills. You will learn all the basics to help you get started. You can use these skills to enhance your own martial arts lessons, or just to expand your knowledge in martial arts.This course is for all entry levels, So it doesn't matter if you are an expert athlete or have 0 experiance in sports."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
Drools |
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"156-215.75 Check Point Security Administrator Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Of the three mechanisms for checking the use of a decree on the control of traffic, enabling the firewall to enable Layer 4 packet inspection awareness?IPSpacket filteringstateful InspectionApplication IntelligenceNoneQ) Which of the following statements about Bridge mode, right?a) In managing the security gateway in bridge mode, you can use the interface bridge for NAT.b) Assuming that the new installation requires a bridge to change the existing IP routing network.c) All Cluster XL modes are supported.d) Bridge must be configured with a pair of interfacese) NoneQ) What are the components of the Smart Console, administrators can use to track the remote administrative actions?a) WebUIb) Eventia Reporterc) Embodiment's smart displayd) Smart View Trackere) NoneQ) Which of the following statements about managing plug-ins?a) The plugin is a package installed on the security gateway.b) Control plugin interacts with the security management server to provide new features and support for new products.c) Using the plug-in provides full central management unless specifically licensed to apply to the specific features of the plugin.d) Installing the plugin management as the upgrade process. (This overwrites existing components.)e) None"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |