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"250-270 Symantec Net Backup 7.0 Unix Administration Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) The company has just expanded 7.0 Symantec Net Backup environment by adding additional media server. What is the fastest way to update several hundred Symantec Net Backup customers with a new server to the media?a) the update_all_clients running scriptb) the add_media_server_on_clients running scriptc) Enter the new media server to the backup, archiving and recovery interfaced) Enter the new media server to the client propertiese) NoneQ) Tape library robot has upgraded firmware and now the robot read bar codes with additional symbols. What can thus be established that Symantec Net Backup 7.0 uses the same symbols as happened before the upgrade?a) Media ID generationb) leading mediac) format displayd) rules bar codee) NoneQ) What is the status indicators of the two environments that are excluded from counting toward the maximum number of partially full media? (Choose two.)a) frozenb) import c) actived) availablee) InactiveQ) The administrator has created three main disk storage device Net Backup management console (HT-A, B and HT HT-C). The administrator must create a backup policy, which rotates uniformly use of each of these storage devices for backup. How to policy or the storage device can be configured to accomplish this?a) each set of strategies to use ""all available"" storageb) creation of an area for storage of the STE and select option ""fault-tolerant"" to select the storagec) creation of areas for storing this STE and select option ""newly selected storage device is not less than""d) creation of areas for storing these STE and select A Select data storage devices based on the above order"" optione) None"
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"AWS ANS-C00 Certify Advanced Network Specialty Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Your company is planning to establish a VPN connection between the ES is located in the AWS and on-premise data centers. There is a need to provide VPN connectivity, high availability and at the same time to ensure that the cost is minimized. What would you do to ensure that these requirements are saved?a) Create two VPN connections for high availabilityb) Create another connection direct connectionc) Create another VPC peering connectiond) VPN-connection is already highly availablee) NoneQ) Your company is planning to expand the EC2 instance that will be used to route traffic to the VPN-on-premise data centers. In that case, what is the responsibility of the AWS?a) High availability instance EC2b) High availability VPN compoundc) Ensuring the health of the main physical hostd) The configuration of IPSec protocole) NoneQ) You use Windows Server 2012 in the local site as the client gateway. You have created a virtual private gateway and VPN connection. You will also set up a VPN configuration on a Windows Server 2012 machine. However, when you check the status of the tunnel in the AWS console is still the same down. What should be done to ensure that the tunnel is in the UP state. ?a) Perform the ping command to request a Windows Server 2012 devicesb) From the AWS Console, select the VPN connection, select Actions-> Take the metroc) From the AWS Console, select Virtual Private Gateway. choose Actions-> Take the metrod) Refer to the protocol BGP routing protocol is installed on Windows Server 2012 devicese) NoneQ) Your company has a set of AWS Direct Connect connections. They want the total capacity of these compounds to ensure that a large amount of data can be sent through the pipe. So it was decided to create the aggregation channel group. What are the factors that must be considered when setting up the LAG? Choose two of the options listed below.a) You must make sure that the AWS Direct Connect existing connections have the same capacityb) You must make sure that the VPN connection is also to ensure the LAGc) You should make sure that all connections AWS direct connection end with the same endpoint AWSd) You must make sure that all ends at various AWS endpoint connection AWS Direct Connection"
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"CompTIA LX0-102 Linux Part 2 Certification Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Legacy program for sending files to the printer queue from the command line, which of the following?a) LPDb) LPRc) LPQd) IPPe) NoneQ) Which of the following will create a default route to the gateway Net Stat -Add default quib) Default route IP-default route Route add default GWe) NoneQ) Which of the following objectives dig team?a) To set up a hidden directory permissionsb) To search for files in the file systemc) To set up the hidden file permissionsd) To searche) NoneQ) Which of the following configuration files are not read Sudo in determining whether the user is allowed to run the program as an administrator?a) / Etc / groupb) / Etc / passwordc) / Etc / sudoersd) /etc/sudo.confe) None"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"NLP: Umgang mit Energierubern und Gefhlsvampiren" |
"Du erhltst eine komplette Unterrichtssequenz zum Thema ""Umgang mit Energierubern und Gefhlsvampiren"" incl. Demonastrationen mit echten Coachees, die echte Probleme lsen, Anleitungen / Trancen zur Selbstanwendung im Handout und als mp3 zum Download. Vielleicht kennst du das auch? Du bist guter Dinge und fhlst dich energievoll. Nun begegnest du einer bestimmten Person und deine Energie beginnt mit zunehmender Gesprchsdauer zu schwinden oder ist gar schlagartig weg. Du fhlst dich wie ausgesaugt. Diese Person benutzt dich gewissermaen ungefragt als Energietankstelle. Geben und Nehmen sind nicht im Gleichgewicht!Im Kurs erfhrst du, was genau du bisher tust, so dass du diesen Energieraub gestattest und wie du dich in Zukunft besser schtzen kannst.In praktischen bungen erprobst du mentale Schutzmechanismen und lernst Methoden kennen, mit deren Hilfe du dich mit Energie versorgen und diese an andere liebgewonnene Menschen, die sich in einer akuten Krisensituation befinden, weitergeben kannst (wenn du das mchtest)...Oder du arbeitest selbst als Coach und begegnest diesen Themen in deiner Beratungspraxis... ...dann bist du in diesem Kurs genau richtig!Wenn du einen NLP-Practitioner-Kurs besuchst, kannst du das Videomaterial als wertvolle Ergnzung nutzen, denn du weit ja, dass NLP eine Methode ist, die durch Modelllernen vermittelt wird. Je mehr Demonstrationen du zu einem Thema kennst, umso leichter wird es fr dich, das Wesentliche herauszufiltern. Du lernst, an den individuellen Coaching-Bedarf angepasste Variationen des NLP Grundvorgehens kennen und kannst dadurch souverner mit eigenen Blockaden und Themen von Coachees umgehen. Der Kurs ist sowohl fr Anfnger / Einsteiger ins NLP geeignet, als auch zur Vertiefung der Kenntnisse fr fortgeschrittene NLP-Anwender.Kursinhalte: Vom Umgang mit Energierubern und Gefhlsvampiren. Gemeinsamkeiten des Energieraubs erkennen. Erforschen und optimieren der inneren Bilder Sinnvoller Umgang mit Energierubern. Innere Bilder: Woher kommt meine Energie?Energie tanken. Energie weitergeben. Innere (und uere) Distanz zu nicht passenden Menschen schaffen. Demonstrationen der Formate mit echten Klienten und echten Themenbungen zur SelbstanwendungTrancen zum Herunterladen: Innere und uere Distanz zu nicht passenden Personen. Den Energieraub beenden Selbstndigkeit frdern. Trancen zum HerunterladenKomplettes Handout zum herunterladen.NLP (Neuro Linguistisches Programmieren) ist in allen berufichen Bereichen, in denen Kommunikation, Beratungskompetenz sowie gelungene Selbststeuerung einen wesentlichen Anteil hat, von groem Nutzen. NLP ist eine Methode, die zunchst durch Modeling von Hchstleistungen entstand. Ursprnglich ging es dabei um effektive Psychotherapie. Die Methode hat sich inzwischen in vielen weiteren Bereichen etabliert, wie: Personalwesen, Fhrung, Werbung, Vertrieb, Kundenzufriedenheit, Gesundheit, Physiotherapie, Coaching, Seminargestaltung und Training, Sport und natrlich in allen sozialen Berufen wie Psychologie, Pdagogik, Pdagogik, Sozial-Pdagogik, Coaching, Berarung, Schule und Erziehung...... Und natrlich ist NLP eine hervorragende Methode der Persnlichkeitsentwicklung. Mit NLP kannst du......dein Selbstbewusstsein und Selbstvertrauen verbessern...Blockaden lsen...dein Lebensglck und deine Zufriedenheit steigern...unabhngig und selbstbestimmt werden...schnell groe Mengen Wissensstoff sowie praktische Vorgehensweisen lernen...deine berzeugungen und Glaubensstze optimieren...deine Ziele erreichen...Achtsamkeit und Meditation pflegen...deine innere Verfassung positiv beeinflussen...deine Gesundheit verbessern... ...denn gute Stimmung und schnelles berwinden von Stress-Zustnden untersttzt die Funktion deines Immunsystems....deine Spiritualitt frdern...."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Denk dich gesund... mit NLP!" |
"Krper und Geist sind eine Einheit... dafr sprechen immer mehr Untersuchungen aus den Bereichen der Biologie und Medizin.Vielleicht bist du ja bisher anfllig fr Infektionskrankheiten... oder hast Allergien... oder Wunden, die nicht gut heilen... oder du leidest an einer Krankheit, mit schlechter Prognose... oder du arbeitest im Gesundheitsbereich und untersttzt tglich kranke Menschen beim Gesundwerden... oder du arbeitest als Coach mit Menschen, die derartige Themen in die Beratung mitbringen... oder......dann kannst du von diesem Kurs profitieren!Im Kurs erfhrst und bst du mit Hilfe von NLP-Methoden, wie du das passende Mindset entwickelst und deinem Immunsystem den Impuls geben kannst, Heilung zu aktivieren. Und das selbst bei einer Krankheit, von der du im Moment noch denkst, dass sie schlecht oder gar nicht heilen wird.Kursinhalte: Krper und Geist sind eine EinheitWissenschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse:Krper und Psyche sind eine Einheit Psychoneuroimmunologie (PNI) Epigenetik. Unterschiede im Krankheitsempfinden / Schmerzempfinden. Spontanremissionen. Placeboeffekt und Noceboeffekt Getan oder nur gut ausgedacht?. Konsequenzen aus den wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen Neuro Linguistisches Programmieren. Mentales Training: Daumen hoch. Mache Plan A bis Plan X das hilft entspannen. Erkunde den Unterschied zwischen Krankheit und HeilungStelle dir vor, wie du gesund wirst Trancetext: Heilung aktivieren (Langversion) Trancetext: Heilung aktivieren (Kurzversion) Demonstrationen der Formate mit echten Klienten und echten Themenbungen zur SelbstanwendungTrancen zum HerunterladenKomplettes Handout zum herunterladen.Die bungen gibt es zustzlich zum nachmachen fr sich selber oder andere noch als Download !Einmal als Audio, einfach zuhren und geschehen lassenUnd als Handout mit Hintergrundwissen !NLP-Anfnger, NLP-Practitioner, NLP-Master und NLP-Trainer werden ihren Spa an dem Experiment haben!NLP (Neuro Linguistisches Programmieren) ist in allen berufichen Bereichen, in denen Kommunikation, Beratungskompetenz sowie gelungene Selbststeuerung einen wesentlichen Anteil hat, von groem Nutzen. NLP ist eine Methode, die zunchst durch Modeling von Hchstleistungen entstand. Ursprnglich ging es dabei um effektive Psychotherapie. Die Methode hat sich inzwischen in vielen weiteren Bereichen etabliert, wie: Personalwesen, Fhrung, Werbung, Vertrieb, Kundenzufriedenheit, Gesundheit, Physiotherapie, Coaching, Seminargestaltung und Training, Sport und natrlich in allen sozialen Berufen wie Psychologie, Pdagogik, Pdagogik, Sozial-Pdagogik, Coaching, Berarung, Schule und Erziehung...... Und natrlich ist NLP eine hervorragende Methode der Persnlichkeitsentwicklung. Mit NLP kannst du......dein Selbstbewusstsein und Selbstvertrauen verbessern...Blockaden lsen...dein Lebensglck und deine Zufriedenheit steigern...unabhngig und selbstbestimmt werden...schnell groe Mengen Wissensstoff sowie praktische Vorgehensweisen lernen...deine berzeugungen und Glaubensstze optimieren...deine Ziele erreichen...Achtsamkeit und Meditation pflegen...deine innere Verfassung positiv beeinflussen...deine Gesundheit verbessern... ...denn gute Stimmung und schnelles berwinden von Stress-Zustnden untersttzt die Funktion deines Immunsystems....deine Spiritualitt frdern...."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Ba zi & Fengshui influence; What is in for me in 2020?" |
"For the first part of the training, students will be equipped with the knowledge of the things that are likely to happen to them, based on the heavenly stems and earthly branches of their Ba Zi natal chart. With this knowledge comes awareness and awareness would allow them to take the necessary actions to improve their lives in 2020. For the second part of this talk, students will learn how to overlap the Ba Zi and Fengshui charts."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Oracle 1Z0-238 EBS R12 Install, Patch Maintain Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Oracle Workflow provides infrastructure for the enterprise wide communication of data. This data is related to defined business events, providing capabilities needed to _____. (Choose three.)a) manage concurrent processingb) streamline and automate transaction flowsc) streamline and automate transaction flowsd) support standard and personalized business rulese) deliver notification emails to any Oracle Applications or Internet userQ) The worker shows the Running or Restarted status, but the process is not really running. Which are the two corrective actions that you would perform to restart a worker? (Choose two.)a) Tell the worker to quit.b) Tell the worker to shut down.c) Restart a worker on the curre) nt machine.d) Tell the manager that a worker has failed in its job.e) Tell the manager that a worker acknowledges quit.Q) Which four statements are true about the Rapid Clone utility? (Choose four.)a) It removes components of the file system.b) It does not remove any components of the file system.c) It can be used to migrate an existing system to a new server.d) It reimplements the saved configuration on the target systeme) It is applied in Normal mode to all APPL_TOPs on the source system. f) It preserves the Oracle Applications configuration information that is specific to the target system.Q) Applying a patch in Pre-Install mode performs which three actions only? (Choose three.)a) generates JAR filesb) reads product drivers filec) relinks all the executablesd) performs file copy actionse) performs version checkingf) relinks FND and AD executables onlyQ) Which option is required when using the Applied Patches Advanced Search feature in OAM?a) Patch IDb) Languagec) Server Typed) Applications System Name"
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"Oracle 1Z0-330 Fusion Workforce Compensation Service Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) A corporation has implemented Oracle Fusion Workforce Compensation for a manufacturing client. Which is the building block used in the calculation of deductions and exemptions? (Choose the best answer.)a) Deduction rangesb) Deduction range groupc) Deduction range Valuesd) Deduction overridesQ) As a Fusion implementation consultant, you are configuring Fusion HCM Compensation Management module for a manufacturing client. Which three statements are correct in relation to compensation statement display options? (Choose three.)a) You can hide table columns.b) You can configure display of zero values.c) You cannot hide regions for graphs or descriptions at the statement definition setup level.d) You cannot exclude a category from the statement summary at the category setup levele) You cannot include and hide the welcome message at the statement definition setup level.f) You can hide or show the estimated amount indicator at the category setup level.Q) The manager administering compensation has the option to create budget models to be used to allocate compensation. Which four options regarding compensation modeling are correct? (Choose four.)a) Modeling enables managers to automatically allocate compensation to employees who meet certain criteria.b) Managers can create their own models and use them.c) Managers cannot share a model created by them.d) Managers can use a model created by compensation professionals.e) Access of a model is limited only to the creator of the model.f) A model can be shared with the direct reports of the creator.Q) Your customer has employees located in four countries (Unites States, Japan, India, and Germany) and each country has a specific salary range. How would you configure the salary bases? (Choose the best answer.)a) Create one salary basis and four different grade rates, and attach the grade rate to the salary basis at the employee level.b) Create four salary bases and one grade rate, and define different ranges for the same grade rate while attaching the grade rate to the salary bases.c) Create four salary bases and four grade rates, and attach the grade rates to the salary bases.d) Create one salary basis and one grade rate, and define different ranges for the salary basis at the employee level.Q) While configuring the Budget page, you are setting the properties of the Job column. Which two sections are available in the properties for the Job column? (Choose two.)a) Generalb) Default Valuec) Informationd) Legal Employer"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Oracle 1Z0-409 Linux Fundamentals Certified Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) What is the effect of issuing ZZ and ZQ in the vi editor command mode?a) The command ZZ will zoom in the vi editor command mode and ZQ will zoom out the view.b) The command ZZ will thrash all changes, whereas ZQ will ask for confirmation before saving.c) The command ZZ will save changes and exit, whereas ZQ will exit the editor without saving changesd) The command ZZ will exit the editor without saving changes, whereas ZQ will save changes and exit.Q) Multiple users can share a UNIX machine. This is made possible by the OS by using one user's idle time to service other users. What is this feature of an operating system identified as?a) data sharingb) time sharingc) one-time initializationd) light weight kernel threadinge) interrupt driven process handlingQ) User scott issued the following command at the bash prompt: scottstation1 read t15 n10 s DAX What is the purpose of issuing this command?a) to make the read statement provide 15 seconds to enter up to 10 characters silently (no echo to terminal) into the DAX variableb) to make the read statement provide 15 seconds to enter a minimum of 10 characters echoing onto the terminalc) to make the read statement provide 15 seconds to enter a minimum of 10 characters without echoing onto the terminald) to make the read statement provide 15 seconds to enter up to 10 characters, echoing onto to terminal, into the DAX variableQ) Identify the two true statements about FTP servers. (Choose two.)a) FTP servers typically listen on port 21.b) FTP servers typically listen on port 20.c) FTP servers send data to clients on port 21.d) FTP servers send data to clients on port 20.e) FTP servers do not provide anonymous login by default.Q) Observe the following while loop: while true do echo "" Welcome"" sleep 5 done What does the while statement do in the script when the condition is true?a) It executes the echo command 5 times with a sleep time of 5 minutesb) It executes the echo command infinitely with a sleep time of 5 minutes.c) It executes the echo command 5 times with a sleep time of 5 seconds.d) It executes the echo command infinitely with a sleep time of 5 seconds."
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Oracle 1Z0-520 EBS R12 Purchasing Essentials Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) When you enter a receipt; you first use the Find Expected Receipts window to locate the source document for the receipt. Select four valid source documents for a receipt. (Choose four.)a) An approved internal requisition lineb) An intransit shipment within your Inventoryc) A shipment from a supplier based on a purchase orderd) A move order from Inventory for material storage relocatione) A return from a customer based on a return material authorization (RMA)f) A shipment from inventory backed by an internal safes order generated by an internal requisitionQ) Which setup profile option allows you to send a report directly to a browser window?a) Viewer: Textb) Concurrent: Report Copiesc) Flexfields: Open Key Windowd) Concurrent Report: Access LevelQ) There are several types of RFQ, Including Catalog RFQ, Standard RFQ, and Bid RFQ. There are only two classes of RFQ. Identify the two valid classes and their appropriate purposes. (Choose two.)a) Bid Class, which supports Shipmentsb) Standard Class, which supports Itemsc) Planned Class, which supports CatalogsCatalog Class, which supports Price Breaksd) Cost Class, which supports Bid Price Breakse) Cost Class, which supports Bid Price BreaksQ) Company X is identifying the major aspects of its inventory organization structure and definitions. Which two actions or statements would be correct? (Choose two.)a) An Inventory location can be an Office Site only If it Is also a registered office.b) It can consider manufacturing facilities, warehouses, distribution centers, and branch offices, as well as other entities.c) It does not need a minimum of two inventory organizations in a master/child relationship, but it is a best practice to do so.d) The financial impact of inventory parameters is limited to Purchase Price Variance and Intransit Account for Interorganization shipments and Transfer Credits for the sending organization.e) You can control inventory organizations across different operating units from one responsibility but you cannot have ft default to one operating unit. The last used operating unit used before you tog off would default when you log in the next time.Q) Select the best business practice for a supplier that is being newly added to the Approved Supplier List.a) Allow PO Approval, Sourcing, Schedule Confirmation and Manufacturer Linkb) Allow PO Approval, Sourcing and Schedule Confirmation but not Manufacturer Linkc) Allow PO Approval, Sourcing and Manufacturer Link but not Schedule Confirmationd) Allow PO Approval, Schedule Confirmation and Manufacturer Link but not Sourcing"
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"Oracle 1Z1-574 IT Architecture Essentials Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) The three common goals of Information security are known as the CIA triad. CIA stands for:a) Confidentiality, Integrity and Auditingb) Confidentiality, Integrity and Availabilityc) Confidentiality, Integrity and Access Controld) Confidentiality, Integrity and Authenticatione) Confidentiality,Integrity and AuthorizationQ) Which statements best describe how architecture principles are used within the Oracle Reference Architecture (ORA)?a) The architecture principles for Oracle products are identified whenever an Oracle product incorporated into the architecture.b) ORA uses multiple architecturalviews where each view has its own architecture principles.c) ORA documents describe the architectural principles upon which the architecture is based.d) Architecture principles provide recommendations (based on industry best practices) that should be followed.e) Architecture principles are rules that must be followedin order to comply with the documented architecture.Q) Which statement best describes the relationship between a SOA Service and service Infrastructure?a) Service infrastructure is a primary part of an SOA Serviceb) Service Infrastructure exposes the Service Interface and may satisfy some capabilities of the Service Implementation.c) Service infrastructure fulfills the Service Contract.d) A SOA Service depends on the service infrastructure to satisfy some required capabilities.e) A SOA Service uses the service infrastructure to generate the Service Interface.Q) Which WebCenter product Improves efficiency and productivity by enabling users to connect with others, regardless of their location, via web and voice conferencing, instant messaging, presence, and chat rooms?a) Oracle WebCenter Intelligent Collaborationb) Oracle WebCenter Anywherec) Oracle WebCenter Real-Time Collaborationd) Oracle WebCenter SpacesQ) Bottom-up service Identification analyzes existing systems to Identify SOA Services. Topdown service identification analyzes business processes to identify SOA services.Which statement best describes the relationship between top down and bottomup service identification in Service-Oriented Integration?a) Only a bottom up approach shouldbe used because the goal of SOIis to provide SOA Services exposing existing systems.b) Only a top-down approach should be used because the goal of SOI is composite application assembly.c) A bottom-up approach should be used to identify which SOA Services are built; then a top-down approach should be used to determine which SOA Services are used by each composite application.d) A top-down approach should be used to determine the needed SOA Services; then a bottom-up approach should be used to determine how existing source systems can meet the requirements top-down approach should be used by business, and a bottomup approach should be used by IT.Theoverlap between the SOA Services Identified by the two methods are the ones that should"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
7-lfdpol |
Price: 4200.00 ![]() |
"Autocad 2D and 3D course from beginner to expert" |
"This course elucidates the Autocad software from scratch to expert level, through our work examples and assignment. However, the student doesn't really need to have prior knowledge on Autocad, but with the willingness to learn, this course will make them become experts.Highlights of The Course* This course touches all areas of Autocad 2D & 3D designs (such as: the Ground floor plan, engineering/machine drawings, 3D modeling etc.) * Each Autocad commands is being displayed on the screen * Target sections are being highlighted on the video* The course is self explanatory and easy to understand And other features Instructor and Students interractive platform There is avenue for Questions and answers in the Q&A section of the course, thus every questions asked by students owes a speedy response by the instructor."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Siemens S71200 PLC is the best start to learn programming" |
"Hi dear Friend!Code: DISCOUNT9This training was prepared to cover the most basic topics, especially considering the users who never knew,Here, not only programming, but also logic errors in hardware and programming, and what a professional programmer should pay attention to.Looking to improve your career in Industrial Automation and HMI SCADA programming , PLC & SCADA design track and being able to design a complete project?What Do you think ?If your answer is YES, then you're definitely in the right place.Let's start learning,Do not forget to look at my other trainings after this training,I provide S71500, S71200, S7300 PLC, HMI & WinCC SCADA Trainings, AC and Servo drives.I am waiting for all your questions and opinions"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"No es un curso ms de recruiting IT" |
"Los cursos tpicos de recruiting IT se enfocan rpidamente en el proceso de reclutamiento y en descripciones generales de los perfiles de tecnologa, sin dedicarle primero el tiempo necesario para ensear sobre el trabajo que realizan estos perfiles y el contexto en el cual realizan sus actividades dentro de las reas de IT.Como consecuencia, el recruiter queda con pocas habilidades para entender la necesidad real detrs de la descripcin de un perfil, lo que a su vez, genera:dificultades para identificar buenos candidatos en el mercado laboralpresentaciones de candidatos que supona se ajustaban muy bien al perfil, pero que el rea de TI los rechaza inmediatamente al ver sus CVs.El curso da respuesta a preguntas del tipo, cmo se construye una aplicacin de software? qu herramientas y metodologas de trabajo se utilizan? cmo se conforman los equipos de trabajo en las diferentes etapas del ciclo de vida de una aplicacin? cmo se organizan las reas de IT para dar respuesta a las necesidades de sus usuarios? Qu buscan los profesionales de IT en diferentes momentos de su desarrollo profesional?Este conocimiento te ser indispensable para hablar el mismo idioma que IT, entender una bsqueda ms all de la descripcin de un perfil, y te permitir pensar alternativas que te ayudarn a atraer ms candidatos y que se ajusten mejor a la necesidad real de personal de tecnologa."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"This course explains how to program 8051 Assembly Programming .It focus on learning way to program Timers,Serial Port,LCD,ADC,KEYBOARD .Each lecture has descriptive tutorials and explanations.The step by step analysis of programming will help beginners to learn fundamentals of interfacing and Assembly instructions.Analysis and simulation of sample program on keil software."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Microsoft Azure AZ- 900 Certification Exam Practice Tests" |
"STUDENTS FEEDBACK""Amazing practice test.. I got around 80-90% questions from this course in my actual exam.. Highly recommended. Worth of every penny.. Thank you sir..""""This practice test proved to be one of the best preparation source. I cannot be thankful enough for this. Eagerly waiting for the practice tests on AZ 103. please release them as soon as possible. i could give it 10 stars if there was a option.""""I got 90% of the questions related to this course only. really helpful, scored 940 in the first attempt. Thanks, Durga for wonderful content and explanation of questions.""""Today I passed my exam with a score of 980 . Thanks to Durga Sir for these practice tests. I would suggest everyone, whoever wants to pass this exam , to give these practice tests till you score 100% because almost all the questions in the exam were from these practice tests. Thanks Durga Sir."""" Great Questions, Amazing Contents, Enough Explanation, Complete Preparation."""" This course completely lives up to my expectations. It is well organized to match the syllabus and is enough to get you a pass in your first try. Must have for everybody who wants to pass the exam. You learn a lot of new topics by answering the questions. Big Thank you Durga for this awesome content."""" This practice test are concise in preparing you to take the exams. if you are comfortable taking them all with a passing mark of 80, you should be assured that you will pass the actual exams with no hustle. Follow the reviews and comments on failed attempts, they are so important."""" This was really awesome. I scored 940 only because of this course Worth every penny. Thanks sir, for articulating these questions. I would recommend, first read all the course content from the MS documentation for AZ-900 azure-fundamentals, then give these exams till you get 100% every time. That's what i did."""" Very well put together content. Good format & I especially liked why a particular option is Correct answer and why not the other options! Cleared the exam successfully. 90-95% of the questions were from these practice tests. Thanks Durga and keep it coming for other certifications too!""-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This course is designed for students who want to attain the ""Microsoft Azure Fundamental ( AZ-900 ) "" certification.This course has contents for the Exam AZ-900 ,which includes 6 practice tests each contains 42 questions.This practice tests questions are compiled on actual exam questions , actual exam pattern, actual exam difficulty level with focus on to give clear and simple understanding of each module / topics of AZURE required to pass AZ-900 exam.TOP 10 REASONS WHY THESE PRACTICE EXAMS ARE YOUR BEST CHANCE TO ACE YOUR AZURE EXAM:1) 100% CONFORM WITH AZ-900 EXAM BLUEPRINT: All Practice Tests reflect the latest Azure exam question/answer format. 2) SIMULATE THE ACTUAL CERTIFICATION EXAM: All Practice Tests are timed (60 min to answer 42 questions) and scored (passing score is 80 %) mimicking the real exam environment so you get familiar with the AZURE exam format.3) DEEP DIVE REFERENCE LINKS: To help you understand the concepts, all answers link to relevant sections of official document - the most comprehensive collection of exam-specific information for the AZURE Fundamental Certified exam.4) DETAILED EXPLANATIONS FOR ALL ANSWERS: After completing the practice test, you get to review and check your answers. Every question includes a detailed explanation that explains why each answer is correct or incorrect, supporting your understanding of AZURE Services / topics which are key to passing the exam.5) Regular UPDATES OF QUESTION BANK: We're constantly improving and updating the questions based on exam feedback from our students. 6) TEST REPORT: Upon completion of the Practice Test you are presented with a report. This allows you to track your progress and highlights the AZURE knowledge areas you need to focus on most in your studies.7) Focus on to Complete Entire Syllabus of AZ-900 : Practice tests covers each module and all topics of AZ-900 exam syllabus which are required to understand to pass this exam.8) RESPONSIVE INSTRUCTOR SUPPORT: We comprehensively respond to all of your questions, concerns or feedback within 24 hours. You can contact your instructor directly or via the course Q&A forum.9) ACTIVE Q&A DISCUSSION BOARD: Join the discussion on Azure related topics in our Q&A discussion board where our students share their recent exam experience offering feedback on which topics were covered.10) MOBILE ACCESS: Study on the go and access all practice questions from your mobile phone -anywhere, anytime.The objectives covered in this course areModule 1: Cloud Concepts (15-20%)Module 2: Core Azure Services (30-35%)Module 3: Security, Privacy, Compliance, and Trust (25 - 30%)Module 4: Azure Pricing and Support (25-30%)Who this course is for:Those who want to pursue the Azure Fundamental certificationThose who want to pass the Microsoft exam AZ-900."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Lightroom Mobile Editing Masterclass: Transform Your Photos" |
"This class is for anyone who loves travel photography and wants to know how to take their travel photos to the next level on their mobile - the way pro content creators do!__________How to Edit Travel Photos on Mobile with Lightroom CCAre you curious about how content creators edit their travel photos on mobile to make them look amazing?Heres an easy class from travel blogger Melissa Legarda (@illumelation), where youll learn how to edit travel photos like a pro using the Lightroom CC mobile app. This class is for beginners to intermediates - so dont worry if youve never used Lightroom before!As a student of this class, youll learnAn introduction to visual storytelling and developing your creative styleEssential improvements such as straightening and lens correctionsHow to use the Selective Adjustments tool to make enhancements in specific areasHow to flawlessly 'erase' parts of your image and remove distracting tourists or litterHow to spot fix parts of the image by using the Healing Brush, Clone Stamp and Patch ToolHow to properly adjust colours and tones with the HSL sliders and CurvesHow to crop for Instagram and Export/Save the Image to share with the world"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"ITALIAN TRAVELER LANGUAGE GUIDEWhat is the Italian traveler language guide? What will you learn in our course?This is the ONLY ITALIAN TRAVELER COURSE made by travelers.We created a textbook with REAL LIFE SITUATIONS and REAL DIALOGS which well tell you about, through our REAL STORIES. And you need only 10 hours to complete the course! (Im a last-minute learner, and I know I am not the only one, thats why we thought it would be nice to be ready linguistically for ones travel shortly before going). We also recorded the dialogs, so you can listen to the AUDIO while you read them, so you can get used to hearing real Italian pronunciation.Well tell you how the Italian stereotypes are true while youll learn how to cope with the waiter and the menu in a restaurant. Ill tell you how I met my husband, Luca while youll learn how to order a beer or a coffee. Well tell you our funny experiences in Italian hotels, bed & breakfasts and resorts while youll learn the most useful phrases in these situations and even extras. Luca will tell you why he was so upset when I sat down at a table in an Italian coffee-shop, while youll learn how to read the Italian mind. Youll learn that in some museums youd better speak in Italian because otherwise, youll get only a smile, but not a discount. Youll learn how to cope linguistically on a private and on a free beach. You will need it if you want your peace and relaxation! Luca will tell you what you should absolutely know about Italian fashion and what words to know for your grocery shoppingand how these two topics are related.There is even more! You want to make a super-good impression on Italians? Youll learn the most important (and funny) ITALIAN EXPRESSIONS and idioms from our MINI VIDEO-COURSE.Apart from the main materials youll get EXTRA VIDEOS with the best tips about the Italian customs, culture, language and mindset.Very roughly and objectively youll learn:- Short and long introduction- Asking for directions- Ordering coffee, beer, pizza, other meals- Taking taxis and other public transport vehicles- Buying groceries and other things in the grocery shop, market and at the beach- Buying tickets at a museum- Coping with hotels, bed &breakfasts, resorts and camping- The most important topics for ItaliansAND! AND! AND!You want to understand Italians? You will.With stories about Italians.This Italian traveler course is UNIQUE because of:- Intriguing stories- Real experiences- Insight into the culture"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"What if you could have more time and energy to do things you love for the rest of your life just by dedicating 15 minutes per day for 7 days?Introducing Procrastination Obliterator, the brand-new step-by-step lifestyle improvement course that teaches you how to organize your life by bringing more time and energy to it while getting rid of stress, anxiety and depression.Enough about so-called gurus!This is the only online course taught by a person whos just like you and who has driven hundreds of people into achieving their desired lives."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Improve your French by listening! (for A2 level minimum)" |
"One of the best way to learn french is through adapted listening material. It is better for you when the level is not too difficult, so that you can already understand one part of the information and learn the part you are missing. This way, you see your progress and you keep motivated, focussed and it is highly productive.We will also share with you the best methods used by polyglots to learn french.So, have a look! :) Bon courage!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Find Keywords on a Website with Mangool SEO Tools!" |
"Your website not ranking or don't know where to start ? Here is the all-in-one SEO tools for you for in-depth keyword research. But not only that we take a look how to acquire keywords from your competitors. Figure the keywords other blogger are using to rank on Google first page. How to outrank your competitor with a blog post within 7 days. How to spy on your competition, and start building backlinks which is more easier then it sound. How to research competitors ranking keywords?How to choose keywords for ultimate blog post?We will be use the KWFinder to do the in-depth keywords research. Also I will show you the Golden Keyword Formula which will help you to rank in Google first page in 7 days. There are many blogging courses on keyword research, but I try to keep it simple & easy to understand."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"v4 Foundation - Practice tests/prep (Updated March 2020)" |
"These exam questions were first created by myself for our internal team to better understand the v4 framework. The questions have been made a bit more challenging as they apply to real world organizational environment scenarios (some of which I've personally worked in and currently work in).After going through these questions, you should be feeling extremely confident about taking your exam!--------FAQ--------What is the question format?60+ Real world questions80+ ""fill in the blank"" questionsNo duplicated questionsWhat is the test/exam format?The questions are not in an 'exam format', rather in their own sections so you can identify any areas which still require improvement.Why are test questions broken up into different sections?The test questions have been broken up into different sections to help reinforce your own learning. As you progress, you will loop back through similar questions to help build your own understanding.*There are some sections which have been combined as they relate or closely relate in terms of their contentAre questions repeated?No questions are repeated, but even more complex questions which are repeated are hard enough that you can't simply memorize the answer.--------Example questions - to give you a feel for some of the more complex style of questions--------QUESTION: Reports for a new loyalty rewards app are currently being generated manually by the finance department by copy/pasting the same set of raw data each day into a report template. The IT team has suggested an easy upgrade to the system which will generate the reports at the end of each business day, making them available to the managers the next morning with little to no manual effort.Which guiding principal best applies to the IT team in this scenario?Focus on valueCollaborate and promote visibilityOptimize and automateThink and work holisticallyANSWER: Optimize and automate The IT team is looking to take out a manual process, optimize it, and make it an automatic process."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Breakdance for Beginners 2020!" |
"This is the Beginners Guide to Breakdance created by Europes Champion Bboy Potter.These video lessons teach you how to train correctly, simply and easy, from the beginning.You will be able to express yourself with cool breakdance moves that you can learn from home easily and quickly.Every dancer needs step by step lessons to become a good dancer and this course does just that.Each of the moves in this course is first tought very slow, then broken down from different angles, then you get styling secrets and tips.By the time you are done with this course you will have over 30 moves under your belt that you can perform with balance, rhythm and style."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
Chatfuel |
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Como transformar seus sonhos em realidade" |
"No curso explico como fazer corretamente o quadro de visualizaes e alguns exemplos. uma tecnica poderosssima e muito gostosa de fazer.Se voc ousar sonhar,sua imaginao trabalha por voc produzindo resultado material e visivel do que imaginou,ento qualquer coisa pode ser construida,produzida ou trazida para voc.Parece loucura ,mas eu consegui muita coisa e vou mostrar isso no curso.No fiquei milionaria (por enquanto) mas conheci alguns lugares do mundo,estou morando na praia como eu queria entre outras conquistas.E isso que eu quero explicar."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"SDF: Pivot Tables for Forensics" |
"Welcome to the Surviving Digital Forensics series. This class teaches hands-on, Pivot Table forensic triage techniques.Learn Pivot Table fundamentals from a DFIR point-of-viewUnderstand investigative value of Pivot Tables Learn how to create Pivot Tables for weblog analysisLearn how to Pivot your data on IP addresses, status codes, request methods, etc.Learn how to apply statistical analysis to generate leads"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Teams" |
"CURSO MICROSOFT TEAMSO que o Curso Microsoft Teams?Esse curso tem como objetivo ajudar vrios profissionais no entendimento e na usabilidade do Microsoft Teams.O que o Microsoft Teams?Em novembro de 2016, a Microsoft adicionou uma nova ferramenta ao j robusto conjunto de servios do Office 365 - Microsoft Teams.O Teams uma ferramenta de colaborao baseada em bate-papo que fornece s equipes globais, remotas e dispersas a capacidade de trabalharem juntas e compartilharem informaes atravs de um espao comum. Voc pode utilizar recursos interessantes, como colaborao de documentos, bate-papo individual, bate-papo em equipe e muito mais. O Microsoft Teams tambm est totalmente integrado a muitos outros servios do Office 365, como Skype, SharePoint, Exchange e Yammer.Os seguintes recursos principais esto includos no Teams:Bate-papo - curta conversas pblicas e privadas com suas equipes. A profunda integrao do vdeo do Skype ao aplicativo oferece recursos sociais populares, como adicionar emojis e memes personalizados s suas discusses.Hub - o Teams oferece um espao de trabalho compartilhado para os vrios aplicativos do Microsoft Office, incluindo PowerPoint, Word, Excel, Planejador, OneNote, SharePoint, Power BI. Esse recurso oferece a voc e sua equipe a opo de trabalhar de forma nativa, sem precisar se preocupar em alternar entre aplicativos enquanto tenta concluir os projetos.Uma plataforma para as equipes de hojeO Microsoft Teams foi criado para a fora de trabalho diversificada de hoje. Os mtodos que as equipes organizacionais usam para se comunicar e colaborar passaram por imensas mudanas ao longo dos anos; as hierarquias tradicionais esto desaparecendo, deixando espao para estruturas organizacionais mais planas e, assim, tornando o fluxo rpido de informaes e comunicaes ainda mais importante. O Teams fornece um ambiente digital aberto que torna o trabalho integrado, visvel e acessvel em todos os aspectos. Com as equipes, todos sua volta estaro sempre a par.No cerne deste e de todos os outros servios fornecidos pelo Office 365 esto os trs G's famosos:Governana - Recursos como o E-Discovery so adicionados para garantir que os aplicativos sejam seguros e atendam a vrios requisitos de conformidade.Grficos - tudo o que voc faz dentro do Office 365 Suite capturado como um sinal para a descoberta de contedo nos aplicativos.Grupos - voc pode criar grupos compostos por usurios internos ou externos e colaborar com o mesmo grupo e acessar produtos no Office 365 Suite.O Teams j faz parte do Microsoft Group, tornando todos os seus dados e comunicaes acessveis atravs do Microsoft Graph e do console central de governana e gerenciamento do Office 365. aqui que o Teams facilita as solues de integrao para voc - pertence a uma plataforma robusta. Voc no est se inscrevendo na soluo independente mdia.O Microsoft Teams oferece uma experincia verstil de conversao. Voc poder desfrutar de conversas encadeadas persistentes. Analisando-o de um ponto de vista mais amplo, todas as conversas que voc tem no Teams se tornam automaticamente ativos de informaes e so salvas. Esses ativos tornam-se pesquisveis pelo Microsoft Graph. Essas conversas ficam visveis para todos na sua equipe, mas voc tambm tem a opo de iniciar discusses particulares.Alm disso, a profunda integrao do Skype com a equipe oferece recursos de vdeo e voz, alm de uma ampla variedade de ferramentas modernas de comunicao visual que ajudaro a aumentar os compromissos com os membros da equipe. Voc capaz de se comunicar com itens legais, como GIFs, adesivos, emojis e memes personalizados."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Fast Numerical Computing with Python" |
"Performing numerical computations using conventional Python methods is inefficient as complex calculations can take their toll on your system's performance. However, NumPy, the core library for scientific computing in Python, helps keep computations fast and lets your system perform efficiently.This course adopts a step-by-step approach where you learn through live examples. You will learn numerical computations by performing them! Gain the skills you need to become a better Python developer or data scientist. Beginning with NumPy's arrays and functions, you'll master linear algebra concepts, perform vector and matrix math operations, and use NumPy in Python (using quick and easy techniques) to derive numerical results faster and far more easily than with any other tool. You will understand and practice data processing and predictive modeling throughout the course.By the end of this course, you will have developed a strong foundation in solving numerical computational problems with NumPy. You will also have a really good knowledge of Python and will be ready to advance your career as a Python developer or data scientist.About the AuthorManja Bogicevic has a mission to help decision-makers gain more profit with machine learning insights. She is one of the first self-made women data science entrepreneurs in the world. Currently, she is pursuing her Micromasters in MIT (Data Science & Statistics). She completed her MBA (Leader Project) at Ivey Business School in London, Canada and her BA at the Faculty of Economics in Belgrade, Serbia.She is also Co-Founder at Kagera and a data science mentor and consultant at Impact Hub, Belgrade, and works as a data scientist on projects in marketing, fintech, digital health, and the sports industry.Her strong economics and business background, in combination with her technical skills, mean she delivers innovative and actionable data science solutions in business."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Fullstack Laravel API development with Nuxt and Linux - 2020" |
"Take your PHP Laravel skills to the NEXT LEVEL with this hands-on, real-world project on developing a clone of Dribbble. The entire course is focused on the development of this single application, which gives you explanation of various concepts usually overlooked by most Laravel developers. Here's what you will learn:Repository Pattern: Learn how to organize your code in repositories and contracts, which will make you ready to develop enterprise-grade applications with Laravel.API Authentication management: Everything is API-driven. Learn how to authenticate users using JWT, as well as account confirmation and password recovery. These are foundations to any data-driven application.Geo-search in MySQL: You see search based on user location in many applications - real-estate, food delivery etc. In this course you will learn how to implement location-based search in Laravel and MySQL.Working with Policies and Authorzation: Learn how to authorize actions in your Laravel application using Policies.Image Upload and Server-side resizing: You will learn how to upload images to your local server and to Amazon s3, as well as how to resize / crop images on the server before saving to either Amazon s3 or Local server.Implement Teams: Learn how to implement teams in your application without using a third-party package. Build your own team management from scratch.Chat Messaging - learn how to implement a basic but very effective chat messaging systemConfiguring NuxtJS for client siteUsing GoogleMap API for location autocomplete in Nuxt / VueBuying and provisioning a web server from scratch - without using any third party tool like Laravel ForgeAcquiring and setting up a domain nameConfiguring both API and Nuxt Client using NginxUsing a Nodejs process manager to run the client appAcquiring and installing a free SSL Certificate on your server."
Price: 184.99 ![]() |
"iPhone Filmmaking for Beginners" |
"Welcome to one of the most detailed, in-depth tutorial guides we've ever created on storytelling with your iPhone. Presented by globally awarded director Jason van Genderen, this easy-to-follow course takes you through all the essentials you'll need to completely change the quality of what you'll be able to capture with your mobile. Lean on Jason's depth of knowledge (he's instructed for Apple, Nikon, Sony and the Motion Picture Association) and experience running Australia's first iPhone Storytelling Agency. You'll learn:Why Shoot Mobile? - Jason explains the rise of the iPhone as a camera choiceiPhone Camera 101 - Deep-dive hacks for your iPhone's camerasiPhone Edit Modes - Learn how to manually grade your stills and videos in-phoneLensing Options - What are you iPhone's lenses capable of capturing?Choosing an Accessory Lens System - How to work out exactly what's best for youRecording Audio - In-depth tips, comparisons and examples to master your soundCapturing Great Interviews - A masterclass itself on nailing incredible interviews everytimeLighting & Filters - How to understand lighting, how to shape it, accessory lights & filtersStability & Motion - Techniques and useful, affordable accessories for smooth camera workiOS Apps for Video - Which are the go-to Apps you need to try to change your filming game?Workflow Tips - Best Practice concepts and models for mastering every shootIncome Generating Ideas - Obsessed with your newfound knowledge? Here's how you can use it to make an income!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |