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"Master your finances will save your financial life" |
"As a financial coach, I have the desire to help you change your financial habits.I need you to attend this course to learn how to develop your financial thinking and the process you invest your moneyIn this course, I'm going to give you the tools you need and the mindset you must have.But what matters to me is to provide you my life story + a step by step plan on how to become a master of finance.I have to say that you must come to this program with an open mind to study and with a strong desire to take your life to the next levelAnd you must also practice the tools and laws I am going to explain to you. In addition, I will teach you the following topics, following topics-1) my true life story2)7 steps to get out of debt3)What is real money4)Pay yourself first like the rich5)The rules of money6)Books are like a gym to your mind7)Everything can be a business8)You must have a plan B9)The tremendous power of repeating10Build your life on strengths11 And more...I know you want to be a Master in you must take this course. This course will change your financial habits.I will teach you to think properly about investing and money.See you on the other side"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Corso Adobe Premiere Pro" |
"La settima arte del cinema il montaggio video. Con questo corso potrai imparare ad utilizzare Adobe Premiere Pro, uno dei software pi diffusi per il montaggio video, da zero. Lezione dopo lezione prenderai coscienza degli strumenti che il software ti mette a disposizione ed imparerai come funziona un software di montaggio e cosa significa il montaggio."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Start Your Journey in Data Science - Beginners" |
"Hello Everyone,Welcome to Brainy Data Science Course 2020 - Train Your Brain In Data Science. This course covers following topics and perfect for all Beginners in Data Science who are not sure and confused from where to start their journey in Data Science.1. What is Data Science and It's Different Roles.2. How to learn Basic Tools in Python, Machine Learning For Data Science.3. Things to keep and Avoid before Starting Your Journey in Data Science.4. How to Start Your First Project or Competition on Kaggle.5. How to use Jupyter Notebook.6. How to do First Project in Data Science.7. Hands on Experience in Data Science Live Project , Exercises, and Learn How to Check and Handle missing values in DataSet.8. Important Terms you should know before Starting your First Practical Project in Data Science.Happy Data Science."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Tuschezeichnen-Tutorial Ink Drawing Tutorial (DE/EN)" |
"DEIn diesem Tusche-Zeichnen-Tutorial lernen Sie, welche Materialien Sie bentigen, wie Sie damit umzugehen haben und wie Sie herausragende Tuschezeichnungen zeichnen. Es wird auch einen Exkurs in die Tuschemalerei geben.Mit diesem Tusche-Zeichnen-Tutorial werden Sie in der Lage sein, beeindruckende Tuschezeichnungen und Tuschebilder zu zeichnen und zu malen.In diesem Tutorial lernen Siedie Geschichte der Tuschemalereidie Herstellung und die Bestandteile von TuscheInformationen und Pflegehinweise zu den Materialien, die Sie bentigenwie Sie einen Leuchtkasten fr Ihre Tuschezeichnungen geschickt einsetzenwie Sie geeignete Motive fr Ihre Tuschezeichnungen findenwie Sie mit den notwendigen Zeichengerten umgehen solltenwie Sie Schattierungen und Lavierungen zeichnen und malenwie Sie mit Schwmmen kreative, eindrucksvolle Bilder zeichnen und malenwie Sie digital und in anderen Techniken Bilder kolorierenmithilfe von Schritt-fr-Schritt-Anleitungen wie Sie einen Baum, eine Blume und einen Zwerg mit Tusche zeichnen (Praxis-Teil)in der Bonus-Lektion finden Sie in einer Galerie Anregungen zum Malen und ZeichnenIch werde Ihnen zeigen, wie Sie professionelle Tusche-Zeichnungen und Tusche-Bilder selbst zeichnen und malen knnen.Nehmen Sie jetzt am Tusche-Zeichnen-Tutorial teil.ENIn this ink drawing tutorial you will learn what materials you need, how you use them and how you create outstanding ink drawings and paintings. In this ink drawing tutorial you will learnthe history of ink paintingthe manufacture and components of Indian inkInformation and care instructions for the materials how you use a lightbox for your ink drawingshow you can find suitable motifs for your ink drawingshow you should use the necessary materialshow to create hatches and washeshow to create outstanding paintings and drawings with natural spongeshow to colorize images digitally and in other techniqueswith step-by-step instructions how to draw a tree, a flower and a dwarf with ink (practice part)In the bonus lesson you will find ideas for painting and drawing ink drawingsI will show you how you can paint and draw professionally ink drawings and pictures yourself.Subscribe now."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn HTML and CSS -- Build Google, Twitter and Facebook!" |
"This course was made for anyone who is interested in HTML and CSS. HTML and CSS are two of the three pillars of Web Development. Maybe you have just a small interest in Web Development and you want to see what it's all about? I don't blame you, the job market is booming right now. Web Developers are being treated like any other Software Developer now in the work place. But... becoming a Web Developer isn't easy, it takes a lot of work. You don't have to be a genius, I surely am no genius. However, you have to want to learn, to become a better version of yourself. To push yourself everyday to learn something new. That type of person is who this course is for. Someone interested in learning, solving problems, and taking on new challenges. HTML and CSS are two things that are going to help you get started with Web Development. Not a total beginner? No problem, we cover some intermediate material in this course too. Actually, tons of intermediate material is covered in this course. You will learn to create real website layouts, understanding how real companies solve problems everyday when it comes to building their apps and web pages. We cover things like flex-box, animations, and more! There is something in this course for everyone. I hope you enjoy the course, and I want to thank you for checking it out. I wish you the best on your software development journey :)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"CompTIA ADR-001 Mobile App Security + Certify Practice Exam" |
"100 UNIQUE practice questions for CompTIA ADR-001 Mobile App Security + Certify Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : CompTIA ADR-001 Mobile App Security + Certify Practice ExamTotal Questions : 100Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :60 minsPassing Score : 75 (75 of 100)"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Master Produtividade" |
"Master Produtividade um conjunto de estratgias com conceitos e prticas para driblar a falta de tempo e consegui um novo estilo de vida.Excelente para empresrios, profissionais liberais, estudantes e qualquer pessoa que queira fazer mais com menos, impossvel no mudar para melhor!!!Ferramentas de PNL e Hipnose que sero alavancas para sua Vida!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"PTSD Veteran Trauma CBT Life Coaching Course" |
"This course uses a practical cognitive approach. The life coach will facilitate the course. She will present daily lessons that provide material for the student to reflect upon. The student will journal their thoughts and feelings based upon the lesson material in order to learn to recognize negative thoughts and feelings and reframe them with positive ones. Ideally students will finish the course noticing improved sleep, the ability to communicate better, rebuilt trust, and enjoy a better overall life through their work."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Teknik ngilizce Okuma/Reading (Eitim Paketi I)" |
"Merhabalar,""Teknik ngilizce Okuma/Reading"" eitim paketinde 10 farkl makale zmlemesi yaplmtr.Farkl mhendislik dallarna ait, yksek lisans tezlerinden ksa paragraflar alnmtr. Her eitim videosu 4 temel dokmandan oluur:1-Okuma paragraf2-Cmlelere ayrm3-Kalplara ayrm4-Keyword rnekleriBu eitim paketinin ana hedefi, rencilerin teknik makaleleri nasl zmleyeceini rnek uygulamalarla renmesidir. Eitim videosu temel ngilizce bilgisi gerektirmektedir. Tm videolar bitirip, okuma paragraflarn adm adm beraber zmlemeniz halinde, sonrasnda herhangi bir teknik makaleyi okuyup anlayabilir konuma gelebilirsiniz.Eitime katldnz iin teekkr ederiz.Sayglarmzla,"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Invest In Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) In Stock Markets" |
"What if there's a simple, safe and foolproof way of investing in stock markets, through Exchange Traded Funds (ETF)?1 x Avengers: Infinity War movie - That's the time required for the courseThis course has a 4.7 Stars rating on Udemy. If it worked for others, it would be helpful for you as well.You have little to lose, learn something today.Most of us would want to make some extra bucks, whether to fund your holiday, to buy new clothes, to retire peacefully. We all have this agenda in mind and sometimes movies like ""Wolf of Wall Street"" scares us away because it seems complex and difficult.Investing DOESN'T require you to get a Degree in Finance nor a MBA...Neither do you need to be the smartest person in town or Wall Street to make profits from the stock markets.You will find this course as a simple-to-understand way, step-by-step, that everyone can follow without any experienced needed.In simple terms, we will cover the following:Module #1: What Is A Stock Market?To buy and sell Exchange Traded Funds (ETF), we first need a simple understanding on what a stock market is and how it works. If you are a beginner, this few minutes will be useful. If you are already experienced, take it as a quick refresher then.Module #2: What Is A Stock Index? Here, we would like to show the relation between stock markets and stock indices. A stock index can be used to represent a stock market of which we can invest in, more on this later on.Module #3: Why Do Stock Markets Not Fail?We know about stock markets and stock indices. Now, we come to the interesting part of why stock markets do not fail where you will learn 3 reasons why this is the caseModule #4: What Are Exchange Traded Funds (ETF)?We will cover here what Exchange Traded Funds (ETF) are, why it is a better investment choice than Mutual Funds and some examples of different ETFs that are available todayModule #5: How To Invest In Exchange Traded Funds (ETF)?All talk and no action won't give any results. This is the key of this course, where you will be informed of a practical approach to invest in ETF through a simple and foolproof wayBonus #1: How To Use ETF ScreenersLearn how to use an ETF screener to screen for ETFs, based on different types of filtersBonus #2: Quick Walkthrough On How To Use Brokerage To Buy And Sell ETFThere are different brokerages available today. In this example, we will be looking at eToro brokerage on how to buy and sell ETF.Why Haven't You Made Consistent Returns Yet?You might have made these 4 common mistakes that most people are making when it comes to investing, or when you just began your investing journey.1. Not understanding what you are investing inIt is crazy how some people started to invest in stock markets without even knowing what it is. Imagine yourself having to fly a plane when you have no knowledge about aviation, the consequences are dire!2. Falling in love with your investmentsJust like relationships, some are just not meant to last when two parties don't match. Falling in love with your investments and standing by to it despite all indications pointing to a downfall will cause you to lose your judgement and your wealth.3. Predicting price movementsPrices of the stock market move based on demand and supply. There's no one person on earth that could predict price movements, not even Warren Buffett. Any attempt from ""Experts"" to give you a prediction are not being honest as no one person can represent the millions of people in the market.4. Buying and selling at the wrong timeUnfortunately, there are people who buy and sell stocks or ETFs based on emotions and news. These people tend to buy at the highest price point and sell at the lower price point. That is definitely not the way to make money in the stock market.""Why Is This Course Different From Others That You See Online?""To be reasonable and realistic here, you may have probably come across some $1,997 blood-sucking online course that promises you skyrocket returns of 2,000% in 30 days. You and I know it sounds too good to be true.What I would like to say is that this course is different, it is based on 8 years of self learning, time, effort and resources - with strategies and data that has proven to generate realistic and consistent every year.And I dare say you will be starting your new ETF investment portfolio in no time, with it growing bigger day by day.So, all you have to lose is skipping 1 x Avengers: Infinity War movie to get started. Again, you have little to lose, learn something today.. For that, the odds are on your side then. "
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"3Ds Max & Vray from scratch" |
"_ (6 _13 ) (5 _8 ) . This course will teach you everything about architecture Modeling in 3Ds Max (the first 6 sessions with 13 parts) and Rendering in V-Ray (the last 5 sessions with 8 parts) with many workshops as an application parts. Which will be available for beginners to start from scratch and will be good too to the software user to develop his ways more "
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Transmute Toxic Emotional Energy" |
"Got a lot going on? Tired? Afraid? Angry? Want to know how to calm your chaos when all you have is anxiety or panic? Just want things to change? Did you know that you can learn to transmute your negative emotional energies into more positive ones? This is not merely a superficial changing of your energy. This is a deep change. To transmute something is to alter it in its very nature.In this course, you will be taught to transmute your emotions and energy, to renew them at a higher level. This can bring so many benefits to you. Greater perspective, better decision-making, higher productivity, among others. And mostly, learning how to live at those higher levels of Hawkins science-based Map of Human Consciousness how to have more love, joy and peace in your life. You will see selected portions of that Map in the course. So, this course can teach you how you can get a head start on all of these, as you tame your current tension and design a new future for yourself that is more aligned with your heart and soul.How? By using Guided Meditations to teach you how you can transmute your lower level emotions and energy! Once you learn this, you will be able to practice it over and over, to further refine your transmuting abilities. The end goal of this course is that you will know how to change your vibrational frequency at will. The broader goal, to be introduced in the final section of the course, is that you will be able to release negative patterns, of which you may or may not be currently conscious, that may have kept you stuck for years.You will be taught about the universal and human energy fields, and led in Guided Meditations on those teachings. For example, the former includes energies outside of you that are available to you, and the latter includes the 7-chakra human energy system.This course is designed for all levels of learners. Whether you are a beginner or whether you already have some knowledge of transmutation, this course lays out a step-by-step path for you to follow. This is a journey, and now its here for you! This course is all about teaching students how to access and develop their abilities to transmute their emotions and energy, ultimately at will.What will you be taught in this course? Well, to start, you will get a Self-Assessment Quiz to help you identify some signs of your current levels of awareness and, because awareness closely precedes consciousness, that will help you identify your initial starting point in this course. You are encouraged to use this quiz as a tool throughout the course and afterwards, in order to track your progress easy to do, since you will have life-time access to this course.Heres an overview a sneak peek of what you will be taught in this course, all designed to enhance your transmutation abilities and to help you progress as you work towards developing these abilities.o Guided Meditation Videos to Discover the Energy Sources Available to You, Identify Your Energy Blocks, Pinpoint Where to Start to Clear Your Blocks and Transmute Your Energy, Balance Your Newly Transmuted Energy, and Make It Permanent by Releasing Past Negative Patterns and Designing Your New Futureo Breathing techniqueso A personalized initial and on-going Self-Assessment Quizo How to work towards developing your learning, step-by-step, in this courseo Grounding as the first step, and pranayama (breathing techniques) as integral to thiso Know how to ground yourself, to become centered, in any situation you encountero Increase your awareness of energy blockso A brief case study included in the Pinpoint section, designed to enhance your learning about transmutation, and to help you progress in this courseo Identify seven major chakras and understand the importance of groundingo Bathe in chakra energy, using the well-established 7-chakra energy systemo Guide energy through your chakras, releasing negative blocks in the process, and return to your resting state afterwardso Realize what to do in order to further develop your abilities to transmute emotions and energyo The importance of continuing to develop these techniquesSo, get ready to do this work! One definition of transmutation is to change in form, nature or substance. Click the link to enroll now and find out what you can do TODAY to begin to develop your abilities to transmute your negative emotions and energy."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Tik Tok" |
"TikTok? ? - - TikTok Practice Manager AIR Media-Tech. AIR Media-Tech -, : MONATIK, Oleksandr Pedan, Dark Princess, Irina Kudashova, Anna Trincher, Olya Shelby. TikTok: TikTok TikTok TikTok TikTok AIR TIkTok TikTok : Tik Tok Tik Tok 60 , - Tik Tok , )"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Precificao de Produtos & Cost Modeling" |
"Neste curso o instrutor apresentar tcnicas de cost modeling para precificao de produto a partir do custo de matria prima e transformao. A partir deste curso voc poder construir e determinar preos e custos, alm de identificar oportunidades de melhoria, e mais importante , gerando valor. Tpicos como matria prima, transformao, mark-up so elementos chaves, e sero aplicados para traduzir o impacto financeiro da sua estratgia. Custo Matria PrimaCusto de TransformaoOEE e ProdutividadeMark upScrap e SetupO obejtivo trazer habilidades que diferenciam sua atuao no mercado de trabalho, como comprador ou profissional estratgico, trazendo contedo prtico e aplicvel. Este curso para qualquer profissional da rea de compras."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"4H0-533 Hyperion Planning V3 Certified Practice Exam" |
"200 UNIQUE practice questions for 4H0-533 Hyperion Planning V3 Certified Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 4H0-533 Hyperion Planning V3 Certified Practice ExamTotal Questions : 200Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :120 minsPassing Score : 75 (150 of 200)"
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"Graphic Design Elements: Color Theory and Application" |
"Hello I am Adam Chraibi a professional graphic designer and animator. This course is about color theory and how to get the most use of it and apply it as a fundamental to your graphic design projects.Color is one of the most Important and tricky elements of graphic design because it is always a shifting course. But it is also one of the most powerful tools a designer can use and effectively communicate with clients and invoke meaning. With Successful color combinations you can attract the right customers to buy your services or products and easily increase your sells.As much as color can help. The designer can face a lot of difficulties and challenges working with colors, part of those challenges are: The subjective nature of color, it may cause a designer to be afraid of using bold combinations or from experimenting new things, using always the same color combination may get in the way of the approval process with the client.Cultural connotations may lead the viewers to misunderstand the information.The technical difficulties of representing a color on a screen in print and other media.Fortunately, this is what this course is all about. You will learn how to use the right hues for any given design project by studying color relationships such as which color work the best with one another and how to create a successful tonal relationships. Learning this will help you as a designer save time and money and most importantly help you elicit the correct response from an audience and produce successful color solutions."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Effective Delegation - How To Delegate Like A Pro" |
"As you climb higher up the ladder at work, you will find that doing everything yourself is simply impossible. Delegation is a key skill for managers in todays world. Many people find delegation difficult, as it involves getting things done correctly through others. Due to this challenge, they dont delegate their tasks and burden themselves. When leaders delegate certain tasks to others, they become free to focus on higher-value activities and use their time more productively. Delegation not only gives leaders time for strategic thinking, but it also allows them to focus on other tasks that only they can perform, such as leading and coaching their teams.This powerful course is structured to help managers understand the concept of delegation and to support them through a practical step-by-step guide on how to delegate effectively. Through this course, you will be able to:Understand what delegation is and why is it importantEvaluate your style and mindset towards delegation Learn strategies for effective delegation and explore the key mistakes that people make while delegatingLearn some best practices on delegation, from successful leadersExplore a step-by-step approach for delegating any taskUse structured ways to identify whom to delegate, when to delegate and how to delegateLearn the dos and donts of effective delegationWhy this course:. We have put together this powerful course which provides a step-by-step guide on how to delegate, which is easy to use.. Each module provides relevant and practical tips, which you can start applying immediately.. The course is structured in an easy format with small videos covering each of the concepts.. You can learn at your own pace and always go back and refer to the modules later.We strive to make very high quality course content and your reviews help us make these courses better. We aim for making a 5 star course. We are keen to know your views on the course. So we would really appreciate, if you would leave an honest review of the Course. We do read each review carefully and take the feedback to make the course better. We look forward to seeing you in the course."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"PPR Test EC-12 Professional and Pedagogy" |
"Hi Dear teachers. I am mostly reading first videos especially and it could be boring for you. The most important part is Answers. There are so many useful hints for passing the test. Be patient. I will put some comments from my teachers who took the test and passedCynthia Maltez2 weeks ago. I had 2 days to prepare for the PPR! During this stressful time due to the pandemic I had trouble staying focused but I prayed&prayed. I started by taking the $10 practice test on TeXes to see what I didnt understand. I watched all of your videos and completed each quiz at the end of the videos. I also looked up definitions and examples of specific vocabulary. Then I took the exam in the manual and read the reasoning for each answer.. I studied Blooms Taxonomy. Slowly read the question and highlighted keywords and terms. Read the question 3-4 times. & PASSED THE TEST!! Thank you for your helpful videos!Vanessa Tippol 1 year ago Thank you for doing this! I watched all of your PPR videos and I took notes of your tips and advice! I passed my PPR from the first try! Thank you so much for sharing this important information and tips :D For anyone who is studying for the PPR, watch the videos, take notes, study every day for like one hour or it depends on your time limit, and find practice questions online. Always the best scenario perfect world and eliminate answer choices that don't make sense!Jose Caceres1 year ago. Thank you for all the competencies you posted on here. I will be taking my PPR exam in a month.Blessed Soul 3 months ago. I passed my PPR on my very 1st attempt last Saturday. I used 3.5 hours on the allocated time. Praise God!Teebox 1 year ago. I had one week to prepare for the test and these videos pretty much covered everything I needed to know. Just one tip. The questions on the test are very literal so read the question, look at the choices and read the question again and think carefully about what it's asking. If you do that, there is only one answer that goes with the question. These videos were a life-saver.Thank you :D It is a really great idea! Helped a lot :)I was trying to take the test and I couldnt find any resources then I promised to myself that I will prepare the videos to help everyone. Btw, it is very great to hear you passed first attempt.Lamiss A 5 months ago I watched all of your PPR videos and I took notes of your tips and advice! I passed my PPR from the first try! Thank you so much for sharing this important information and tips :D For anyone who is studying for the PPR, watch the videos, take notes, study every day for like one hour or it depends on your time limit, and find practice questions online. Always the best scenario perfect world and eliminate answer choices that don't make sense!Yes, I passed :D Your tips helped a lot! Thank you so much! I am sharing your videos with my classmates so they can watch them and benefit too :DGabriel F.K.3 weeks ago. Thank you. Passed at my first attempt.Luis Villa 1 year ago. Just a tip guys i have failed this test 3 times i know for a fact it will ask formal/abstract thinking and concrete thinking, and some jean piaget questions learn as much as you can good luck this test ruined my lifeElle M. T.1 year ago. this is soo helpful! i really mean it, this is better than the training i had to sign up for in order to take the PPR exam.The Texas Examinations of Educator Standards (TExES) Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities (PPR) test is administered to teachers seeking certification in Texas. Learn more about the content, structure and purpose of this test, and find out what you can do to prepare. Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities EC12 (160) The TExES PPR EC-12 (160): Practice & Study Guide measures a test taker's knowledge of educational theory and pedagogy. This computer-based exam includes 100 multiple-choice questions to be completed over the course of a 5-hour testing session. Content covers four key domains, or teaching skills, expected of certified educators in Texas public or charter schools."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Nordic Walking richtig lernen" |
"In diesem Kurs lernst du die wichtigsten Grundlagen Rund um das Thema Nordic Walking! Dieser Kurs ist so aufgebaut, das die bungen nur mit Nordic Walking Stcken auszuben sind. Lerne die korrekte Ausfhrung der einzelnen Bewegungselemente und bringe Deinen Krper in Form.Die Videos sind so gestaltet das du die bungen ganz einfach von zuhause nachmachen kannst!Falls du noch keine Nordic Walking Stcke besitzt, solltest du dir noch schnell welche besorgen... und los gehts! Viel Erfolg!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Seleccin de Personal IT" |
"El mercado IT tiene mucha demanda como as tambin de selectores IT para poder cubrir esas posiciones. La mayora de las empresas estn solicitando nuevos perfiles profesionales del rea IT para desarrollar su proceso de Transformacin Digital. Esto conduce a una gran demanda del Selector IT ya que se requiere de personal capacitado para la seleccin de personal orientados al mbito de la tecnologa de la informacin."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"PMI PMP 500 Questions on Knowledge Areas - PMBOK 6" |
"In this PMP Practice Exam, there are 5 practice exams based on the PMBOK Guide, sixth edition - updated for 2020. These questions will test your knowledge of the PMP exam and are based on the PMP exam objectives as provided by PMI. Each Questions is linked to a Project Management Knowledge Area.There are five practice exams in this course:PMP Exam One: 100 questions across all exam domains (two hour)PMP Exam Two: 100 questions across all exam domains (two hour)PMP Exam Three: 100 questions across all exam domains (two hour)PMP Exam Four: 100 questions across all exam domains (two hour)PMP Exam Five: 100 questions across all exam domains (two hour)WHAT OUR STUDENTS ARE SAYING:I finally had the courage to take my PMP exams and I passed with flying colors at my first attempt! PMAction was very helpful in preparing with exam level questions.""It's an outstanding preparation for the PMP Exam. It was very helpful, questions and explanations are well written and well organized. The PMAction professional team supported me throughout the process. I want to thank you so much for your work.""Questions were just like the questions on the real PMP Exam. These questions helped a lot to pass the exam. Thanks!""Passed my PMP exam on the first try. First time I did the questions here, I had 50%, second time 61%, and third time 73%. I did all the tests again before taking the exam and had over 80% in all. I can honestly say, the PMP exam was just like the practice exam. The situational questions here helped me answer questions which were about 70% of the questions I had. Thank you""""I solved more than 2000 questions from different sources, and this practice set was the hardest one I can say. I got 85% from others, while I manage to get around 75% here, and passed my PMP Exam""""Questions are challenging and it gives you the idea of the PMP exam and how you should prepare for it"""" Highly recommended. Complete all the mock tests here before sitting for the exam. Thanks!""""One of the most useful preparation courses for PMP. It's well organized with clear questions and explanations. I loved this course.""""The Exam Questions provided well written and great explanations. I went back to each question explanation to clarify any doubts.""""Relevant questions and great study material for PMP Exam. Clear questions and answers."" 5 Mock Exams. 100 questions each. 500 questions in total All questions are based on the PMBOK Guide 6th Edition Over 50 questions from each of the 10 knowledge areas and 5 process groups 1-hour time limit to complete each exam Detailed explanations for each question Almost all questions have page references to PMBOK 6th ed. Knowledge Area information Scenario based questions that challenges your ability to choose the best answer Realistic questions just like the exam Udemy simulator is like the real PMP exam simulator to give you the look and feel of taking the actual exam. Ability to pause and complete it laterExam syllabus:The PMP exam is based on the PMP Examination Specification, which describes tasks out of five performance domains:Initiating the project (13%)Planning the project (24%)Executing the project (31%)Monitoring and controlling the project (25%)Closing the project (7%)The exam consists of 200 multiple choice questions written against the PMBOK specification and the PMP Code of Ethics. The exam is closed book; no reference materials are allowed. Twenty-five of the 200 questions on the exam are Unscored (Pretest) Questions used to adjust difficulty and precision of the exam. These questions are placed randomly throughout the exam. The test taker is only graded on their proficiency on 175 questions. The numbers in parentheses describe the percentage of questions for each domain.Item references:Questions on the test have at least two references to standard books or other sources of project management. Most of the questions reference the PMI A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (aka the PMBOK Guide). The PMBOK Guide is currently (2018) in its sixth edition, and the PMP exam changed in March 2018 to align with the updated guide.There are five major project management Process Groups:Initiating.Planning.Executing.Monitoring and Controlling.Closing.All Project Management Knowledge Areas are covered in the course.Project Management Framework (Bonus)Project Integration ManagementProject Scope ManagementProject Schedule ManagementProject Cost ManagementProject Quality ManagementProject Resource ManagementProject Communication ManagementProject Risk ManagementProject Procurement ManagementProject Stakeholder ManagementAlmost all PMP exam questions in this course are scenario based questions just like the actual exam. They will test your skills and expertise of selecting the best answer. All questions have Knowledge Area information and detailed explanations.These questions are prepared by PMP experts and used by thousands of students to pass the PMP around the world. Review all questions and understand the answers and you will also pass the exam on your first try."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Her Seviyeye Uygun Python Egzersizleri (Soru-zm) : PYT102" |
" Programlama dili renmek ayn yabanc bir dil renmeye benzer. Bir yabanc dilin tm kelimelerini ve gramerini belli bir zamanda ezberleyebiliriz. Ancak pratik yapmadan maalesef o dili konuur duruma gelemiyoruz. Python ise kolay renilen bir programlama dilidir. Teorik ksmnda ok zorlanacanz dnmyorum. Uygulama ksmnda ise beynimizin alma prensibini deitirmek gerekiyor. Python'u tm ynleriyle renmek bizi iyi bir yazlmc yapmyor. yi bir yazlmc olabilmek iin karlatmz ou problemi zyor olmamz gerekmektedir. Bylelikle programlama dili mantn kavradktan sonra ok kolay bir ekilde dier dillere de gei yapabiliriz. Bunu yapabilmek iin ok fazla pratik yapp, problem zmek gerekiyor. te bu kurs bunun iin var. Bu sitede ok baarl bir ekilde Python anlatan eitmenlerimiz var. Bu kurslarn hepsi birbirinden deerli olmasna ramen kapsaml ve detayl bir ekilde sadece python soru zmne odaklanan bir kurs bulunmuyor. Bu kurs, sizin rendiiniz pyhon bilgilerini pekitirmek amacyla oluturulmutur. Eer Python hakknda hibir bilginiz yoksa sizin iin hzlandrlm python blm hazrladm. Bu blmde hzlca Python renebilirsiniz. Python hakknda bilgi sahibi iseniz ksa ve zet bilgi olan bu blm geebilirsiniz. Kolay, orta ve zor seviye olan 3 farkl blmde soru zmleriyle karlaacaksnz. Kaynaklar blmnde sorunun dkmanlarn bulabilirsiniz. Ayrca GitHub profilimden tm ierii indirebilirsiniz. Videoyu izlemeden nce soruyu kendiniz zmeye alrsanz bu kurstan maksimum verim alabilirsiniz. Project Euler sitesindeki sorularn zmn de farkl bir blmde yaynladm. Bu problemler uluslararas biliniyor ve sizin matematiksel zekanz ok fazla gelitirecektir. Bu blmden ok iyi bir ekilde verim alacanz mit ediyorum. Sizinle beraber ben de kendimi gelitireceim. Umarm hepimiz bu kurs sonunda Python'u iselletirmi ekilde akc konuur duruma geleriz :) ************************************************************************zemediiniz sorularda benden destek alabilirsiniz. Zamanla sizin yorumlarnza istinaden yeni sorular eklenerek kurs byyecektir. Yorumlarnz benim ve kursun gelimesi iin olduka deerli.************************************************************************"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Front-End Web Development: Start your journey!" |
"For becoming a front-end web developer you should start learn web development basics. This course will help you to reach your goals in your career journey. We will end this course with portfolio Bootstrap project. Also we will cover the technologies below in this course:HTML from beginner to advancedCSS from beginner to advancedJavaScript jQuery libraryBootstrap"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"leri Seviye Kiisel Gvenlik Eitimi" |
"Teknoloji hayatmz kolaylatrrken ayn zamanda bilgisayar korsanlarnn da iini kolaylatrmaktadr. Evimize kadar giren akll televizyonlar, zerimizden ayrmadmz akll bileklikler.... Akl olan her teknolojik cihaz maniple edilebilir ve cihazlarn akl kt niyetli kiiler tarafndan kullanlabilir. Antivirs programlar ne kadar gelimi olursalar olsunlar belli bir seviyeden sonra kullanclarn da kendi gvenlik nlemlerini almalar, en etkili saldr yntemlerini renmeleri olduka nemlidir. Her kullancnn, zararl yazlmlar analiz edebilme, a trafiini kontrol altnda tutabilme ve kulland akll cihazn, bilgisayarn gvenliini tam anlamyla alabilmesi olduka nemlidir. En nemlisi de kullanclar sosyal mhendislik saldrlarna kar daima tetikte olmaldr.Bu eitimimde kiisel gvenliinizi nasl salayacanzdan bahsediyor ve hacker'larn en sk kulland saldr yntemlerini uygulamal olarak gsteriyorum."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"SEO -" |
": / . . . . SEO . . / / . / SEO / Google Search Console Google / FaceBook Instagram Google ( - - ) SMTP Mailchimp"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Direo Defensiva" |
"O objetivo deste Curso apresentar conceitos e tcnicas de direo, auxiliando os motoristas a perceberem suas atuais atitudes no trnsito e identificar quais mudanas ou aprimoramentos podem adotar. Isso exigir um compromisso e de prtica no dia a dia para que essas novas atitudes possam ser, efetivamente, incorporadas.""Direo Defensiva a forma de dirigir que permite a voc reconhecer antecipadamente as situaes de perigo e prever o que pode acontecer com voc, com seus acompanhantes, com o seu veculo e com os outros usurios da via."" (DENATRAN)"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"CIPS Level 5 Achieving Competitive Advantage (L5M7)" |
"It is a challenge to find practice tests for the CIPS examinations at the Advanced Diploma level. As a person who has successfully completed the CIPS Level 6 Professional Diploma, I can fully understand the importance of practice tests. The passing of CIPS examination is no mean feat. You do not want to be under prepared and then fail the exams. This practice paper will not only increase your confidence but will assist you in achieving high scores in the examinations. There are over 60 questions designed by experts and more will be added regularly.The practice test contains comments that gives an explanation of the right answer. The explanation also helps you revise the concept.Connect with me on LinkedIn or through email and I will send you the lecture notes which will be useful for revision. Be Prepared. Best of Luck."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"TED talks: How to give an Engaging TED Talk or any Speech!" |
"About This ClassLet's Keep It Simple - The KIS Method.You want to engage your audience? - Not just share an idea but make sure it captivates them and sticks.In this course.I share what I have used on the TEDx stage twice plus 50 different speeches in the past 3 years.1. Foundation2. Ingredients3. Visual Storytelling+ Plus Extra tipsYou have a message to share, you will learn how to share it with IMPACT with this course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"156-215.75 Check Point Certified Security Administrator Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Of the three mechanisms for checking the use of a decree on the control of traffic, enabling the firewall to enable Layer 4 packet inspection awareness?a) IPSb) packet filteringc) state ful Inspectiond) Application Intelligencee) NoneQ) Which of the following statements about Bridge mode, right?a) In managing the security gateway in bridge mode, you can use the interface bridge for NAT.b) Assuming that the new installation requires a bridge to change the existing IP routing network.c) All Cluster XL modes are supported.d) Bridge must be configured with a pair of interfacese) NoneQ) What are the components of the Smart Console, administrators can use to track the remote administrative actions?a) WebUIb) Eventia Reporterc) Embodiment's smart displayd) Smart View Trackere) NoneQ) Which of the following statements about managing plug-ins?a) The plugin is a package installed on the security gateway.b) Control plugin interacts with the security management server to provide new features and support for new products.c) Using the plug-in provides full central management unless specifically licensed to apply to the specific features of the plugin.d) Installing the plugin management as the upgrade process. (This overwrites existing components.)e) None"
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"Bug Bounty Hunting -" |
"Bug Bounty Hunting - Ethical Hacking . OWASP TOP 10 & Web Application Penetration Testing. , Bug HuntingBug bounty hunting . ,"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Trauma Transparency: Stories to Overcome Childhood Trauma" |
"This course will focus on helping you overcome your traumas, depression, and suicidal thoughts by relating to someone that has had to overcome those same issues. We all are fighting some battle; we hide from the world through our smiles. Discussed Topics:Child Abuse & Child AbandonmentFavoring One Child Over the OtherParental AddictionDomestic ViolenceDeath of a Loved OneFamily Committing SuicideDivorceBullyingLyingManslaughterDrug DistributionLife-Threatening ViolenceWords of Wisdom for OvercomingIf you can relate to these topics, then this course will be for you. I will discuss them intensely from how they made me feel at the time, to how I've overcome these issues to become an award-winning humanitarian.As a Depression & Suicide Prevention Expert, I travel the world speaking, doing workshops, and 1-on-1 sessions. This course will breakdown some of the tactics I've used to help thousands of people thus far.I want to be upfront and honest ahead of your potential purchase. I WILL NOT BE SUGAR-COATING THE MESSAGES & STORIES!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |