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"Aprende Excel Rapido y Facil" |
"Alguna vez ha querido aplicar a una posicin y no ha podido por no saber Excel? O tiene su negocio y sabe qu Excel le puede ayudar a llevar el inventario, finanzas pero de nuevo, no lo ha podido aprender? Si te has visto en estas situaciones este curso est hecho especialmente para ti. No solo te damos las instrucciones de manera simple, pero te ayudamos a re-enforzar con apoyo personalizado y ejercicios. Vas a ver que con nuestra ayuda se te va a hacer fcil y placentero. Atrvete a mejorar tu calidad de vida, aprende Excel ahora. Con este curso aprender todo lo necesario y fundamental para triunfar en el uso de Excel de manera rpida y efectiva.En este curso introductorio le explicaremos muy detalladamente:La partes ms importantes de una pantalla de Excel, que nos serviran de guia para el resto del curso.Las funcionalidades ms comunes y esenciales para utilizar Excel: diferentes guas aparecen dependiendo de la posicin del Mouse en las cada celda.Como cambiar el formato, color, tipo de letra, dimensiones y bordes de las celdas.Frmulas ms comunes en Excel Atajos y trucos para poder hacer clculos ms rpido y efectivamente.Cmo trabajar con grficos fcilmente.Funciones y frmulas ms avanzadasHaga su presupuesto con nuestra ayuda.Necesita un horario semanal para sus actividades? Aqui lo haremos tambien.Cmo imprimir correctamente en ExcelSolo necesita revisar cada mdulo de una duracin de 3 a 5 minutos aproximadamente, practicar el conocimiento con los ejercicios y archivos que le incluimos, y va a asombrarse de lo fcil e intuitivo que es Excel:Empezaremos con un repaso de las herramientas ms usadas y esenciales de Excel.Seguimos con breves lecciones que le indican paso a paso que hace cada una de esas herramientas.Al final usted aprender a construir su propio calendario semanal y hasta un presupuesto o Budget en Excel.Con este curso nos puede contactar si tiene preguntas. Un experto en Excel se comunicara con usted, no un robot o un mensaje pre-grabado.Cuando complete este curso le enviaremos un certificado suministrado por iKnowledge Learning Center, para que lo pueda mostrar como prueba de su conocimiento en Excel."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"CompTIA CV0-001 Cloud+ Certified Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) One of the administrators of a cloud service provider has been asked to assist one of its newest customers to deploy a multi-tier application (web, application, and database). The architecture design does not specify where each service should reside and the customer is asking for a recommendation. Which of the following should be recommended?a) Application server should be placed in the DMZb) Database server should be placed in the DMZc) DMZ are only used for single-tier infrastructured) Web server should be placed in the DMZQ) An IT professional is considering the migration of an on-line store to the cloud due to high variation in demand. Which of the following cloud characteristics is key?a) Elasticityb) Securityc) Scalabilityd) StandardizationQ) A shipment company is looking to streamline some of their business activity. They are considering the automation of a number of electronic services. The company handles confidential documents and confidential data. Which of the following service options would the company choose?a) Automated business process tools delivered by a public cloud providerb) Community cloudc) On-demand/self-service private cloudd) On-demand/self-service public cloudQ) In the process of streamlining the IT activity, a company has considered the delivery of a number of services from a cloud. The best identified candidates were the newly acquired CRM and Help-Desk platforms. Which of the following would be their choice considering the company offers a 24/7 help line/self service portal to both their internal users and customers?a) SaaS deployed on Public Cloudb) PaaS deployed on Private Cloudc) BPaaS deployed on a Hybrid Cloudd) IaaS deployed on a Hybrid CloudQ) Which of the following would be used to mitigate the risk of an unauthorized party authenticating into the network?a) Install a software-based firewallb) Establish a baseline and review logs dailyc) Install antivirus softwared) Disable the administrator account"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"CompTIA JK0-702 E2C A+ Practical Application Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Which of the following protocols would a technician use to run commands on a remote computer?a) NETBIOSb) FTPc) SMTPd) TELNETQ) Which of the following groups should a user be added to for the ability to restore files, without granting any ownership privileges?a) Remote Desktop Usersb) Power Usersc) Administratorsd) Backup OperatorsQ) An inkjet printer has poor color registration. Which of the following should be done FIRST to resolve the problem?a) Clean the printheads.b) Replace the toner.c) Calibrate the device.d) Replace the drum.Q) A technician needs to upgrade memory on a laptop with one available memory slot. The type and amount of memory has been confirmed to be correct. Once the new memory is added, the BIOS reports the original memory size. Which of the following is the NEXT step to perform?a) Replace all of the laptop's memory.b) Reseat the laptop memory.c) Perform a Windows Update.d) Replace the motherboard.Q) A customer reports that their sound is not working. They state that the speakers worked previously. Which of the following should the technician check? a) Speakers are in regulatory compliance.Speakers are on and the mute is off.b) Ensure the speakers are on the Windows HCL.c) Verify the system has enough hard drive space.d) The audio driver is installed correctly.e) Speakers are plugged into the correct jack."
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"Songwriting: Writing a song from start to finish" |
"In this course you will learn:- The building blocks of writing a song- creating and choosing scales and chords-How to create melodies that work with your chords/chord progressions- Lyric writing ideas and rhyming schemes- How to analyse and work out song structure-How to count bars when listening and writing songsI will walkthrough how I wrote the lyrics and chords/music for a song specifically written for this course- (Matt Welch- The House)"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Custom Organic Spa Facial & Mini Facial Bar Set up" |
"Take your natural spa-facial business to the next level. Whether you're just getting started with your spa business or want to enhance your existing spa menu, we can help! In this course you will learn how to master our signature holistic-organic facial and how to set up your own mini facial bar for custom blending. My Aromatherapy & Raw Skincare Bar in Downtown Oakville, Ontario Canada is a retail destination hot spot for custom blending and spa facials, and now I'm sharing our methods, techniques and concept with you!There are TWO sections to this course:In SECTION 1: You will learn how to develop a custom client intake form, how to set up your spa room and pre-facial steps. You will also learn how to incorporate a mini raw facial bar into your business. A custom facial bar is an exciting and unique service offering whereby raw skincare ingredients such as clays, carrier oils, extracts and essential oils are hand picked and blended on the spot to suit the clients skin type and concerns. No expensive equipment needed. You will also learn quick, easy and original recipes from my DIY Raw Skincare Recipe book. In SECTION 2: You will learn how to master our holistic organic facial using strictly raw plant-based ingredients, ancient practices and techniques. This is an ultra-gentle facial with no extractions and no harsh chemicals. You will learn how to incorporate acupressure massage and our signature Hot Cloth Cleansing Method. We also teach proper Gua Sha and Jade rolling techniques (as taught by TCM Acupuncturist Lana Marconi) and how to incorporate aromatherapy hand/arm massage for relaxation. This facial will certainly appeal to today's health-conscious consumer and those concerned about toxic chemicals in their skincare. It is especially beneficial for sensitive skin and irritated skin conditions (acne, rosacea, redness, eczema) and can be tweaked for teens and adults alike. Suitable for vegans.Marga Nieves is your Facialist Instructor. Acupressure techniques taught by Lana Marconi, R.Ac., Registered TCM Acupuncturist. Certificate of Completion available from Nuworld Botanicals."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Deskriptive Statistik Grundlagenkurs in Excel fr Anfnger" |
"ThemenbersichtExcel Grundlagenkurs1. Excel Download & Start2. Die wichtigsten Elemente einer Excel-Datei3. Formatieren, Zellausrichtung, Filtern4. Die ersten Formeln Summen und Aggregatfunktionen5. Visualisierungen und Darstellungen6. Bonuskapitel - Excel-Shortcuts7. Pivot-TabellenDeskriptive Statistik Grundlagenkurs1. Einfhrung in die Statistik (Grundlagen, Merkmale, Skalenniveaus)2. Hufigkeiten und Diagramme in Excel(Klassierung von Daten, Hufigkeiten, Verteilungsfunktionen, Diagramme)3. Mittelwertkennzahlen in Excel(Modus, Median, Arithmetisches & Geometrisches Mittel, Boxplot, Ausreier-Analyse)4. Streuungskennzahlen in Excel(Varianz, Standardabweichung, Variationskoeffizient, Spannweite, Lineare Streuung)5. Zusammenhangskennzahlen in Excel(Grundlagen Zusammenhangsmakennzahlen, bersicht Skalenniveaus) 6. Kontingenzkoeffizient in Excel(Berechnungssystematik, Interpretation und Beispiele)7. Rangkorrelation Spearman in Excel(Berechnungssystematik, Interpretation und Beispiele)8. Korrelationskoeffizient Pearson in Excel(Korrelationsmatrix, Berechnungssystematik, Visualisierung, Interpretation, Beispiele)9. Regressionsanalyse in Excel(Modellierung linearer Funktionszusammenhang, Interpretation)10. Zeitreihenanalyse in Excel(Visualisierung, Trendermittlungsverfahren, Fehlerberechnung, Standardisierung)--------------------------------------------Im Kurs zum Download erhltlichZusammenfassung aller Themen der deskriptiven Statistik (PDF)Skript aller inhaltlichen Themen der deskriptiven Statistik (PowerPoint)Formelsammlung (PDF)bungsaufgaben der einzelnen Themenkapitel (Excel)Lsungen der bungsaufgaben (Excel)Bonus: bersicht aller Shortcuts in Excel (PDF)Bonus: bersicht zum Thema Pivot-Tabellen (PDF)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Induktive Statistik Grundlagenkurs in Excel fr Anfnger" |
"Themenbersicht Statistik Excel KursInduktive Statistik Grundlagenkurs in Excel1. Einfhrung in die Induktive Statistik(Grundlagen der Induktiven Statistik & Stochastik, Unterscheidung zur Deskriptiven Statistik, Datenerhebungen)2. Kombinatorik (Excel)(Grundlagen, Permutationen, Beispiele, Berechnungen in Excel)3. Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie (Excel)(Diskrete und Stetige Verteilungen: Binomial-, Hypergeometrische-, Poisson-, Normal- und Exponentialverteilung)4. Konfidenzintervalle (Excel)(Grundlagen, Berechnungssystematik, Beispiele, Berechnungen in Excel)5. Grundlagen statistische Parametertests (Excel)(Grundlagen der Testtheorie, bersicht statistische Testszenarien)6. Einseitiger Hypothesentest fr den Erwartungswert (Excel)7. Einseitiger Hypothesentest fr den Anteilswert (Excel)8. Einseitiger Hypothesentest fr die Varianz (Excel)9. Zwei-Stichproben-t-Test (Excel)10. Zweiseitiger Hypothesentest fr die Differenz zweier Anteilswerte (Excel)11. Zwei-Stichproben-F-Test (Excel)12. Verteilungstests: Chi-Quadrat-Anpassungstest auf Normalverteilung (Excel)--------------------------------------------Im Excel Kurs zum Download erhltlichZusammenfassung aller Themen der induktiven Statistik (PDF)Skript aller inhaltlichen Themen der induktiven Statistik (PowerPoint)Formelsammlung (PDF)bungsaufgaben der einzelnen Themenkapitel (Excel)Lsungen der bungsaufgaben (Excel)Bonus: bersicht aller Shortcuts in Excel (PDF)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Power of Resilience" |
"Bonus Lecture. In this course you will learn how to achieve your goals with the quality that has characterized all the greats who have passed through this earth. The Resilience. You will learn to develop this quality through concepts, exercises and techniques so that you can emerge this tool every time you set a goal and are successful in everything you set for yourself. See you at the top!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Craque do email - Como limpar e manter vazia Outlook Inbox" |
"Voc conhece a sensao de ter 500 e-mails no lidos e no ter a mnima de idia de quais desses 500 emails so spam, quais so teis e quais precisam de alguma ao sua?Se voc sabe do que estou falando, este curso para voc.Neste curso, discutirei dicas e truques de produtividade para e-mail que vo te ajudar a retomar o controle da sua caixa postal, chegar ao to sonhado Inbox Zero e, neste processo, recuperar uma hora do seu dia e reduzir seus nveis de stress e ansiedade relacionados incerteza que acompanha uma caixa de entrada lotada e mal administrada.Neste curso usarei o Outlook para demonstrar como voc pode implementar os conceitos explicados."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"How I Lost Over 100 lbs. & Kept It Off For Over 30 Years!" |
"I have done what few on this planet have done. I have lost over 100 pounds & have kept it off for 3 decades. I will share with you the tricks, secrets, and biohacks I have learned from this amazing journey. Your trainer doesn't know what you have gone through...but I do. Let me help you now! The road to weight loss & management begins with this course!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"A million dollar idea in the Forex market" |
"I spent almost a year to develop a new strategy which is both simple and very profitable. I think i'm the first one that started to trade like this in the Forex market because you can't find any other course like this! I will prove it to you in this course, that it's possible and practical to make huge profits just in one simple trade."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Achtsamkeitskurs: Ruhig bleiben - in turbulenten Zeiten" |
"Achtsamkeit bezeichnet die Fhigkeit, bewusst, prsent und urteilsfrei zu leben. Etwas, das wir grundstzlich knnen, uns in turbulenten Zeiten aber oft abhanden kommt. Hufig bewegen wir uns in Gedanken in die Zukunft, sorgen uns um das, was kommen wird - oder wir grbeln der Vergangenheit nach. Doch das Leben spielt sich immer nur im jeweiligen Moment ab und wir tun gut daran, diesen Moment zu leben :-)Die Praxis der Achtsamkeit hilft dabei, wieder ins Hier & Jetzt zu kommen und in sich Ruhe zu erfahren, egal wie schwierig und herausfordernd es gerade ist. Gerne zeige ich Dir in diesem Kompaktkurs, was Achtsamkeit ist und woher das Trendthema kommt,wie wir uns in Achtsamkeit ben knnen,welche Wirkung regelmiges Achtsamkeitstraining hat,und wie wir achtsam mit Stress umgehen knnen.Kursinhalte:11 Theorielektionen zur Achtsamkeitslehre und Stresstheorie6 Praxislektionen mit klassischen Achtsamkeitsbungen5 Arbeitsbltter zur Strkung der Selbstwahrnehmunggefhrte Meditationen und Arbeitsbltter zum Download Damit dieser Kurs seine optimale Wirkung entfaltet, braucht es regelmige bung und etwas Geduld. Nimm Dir daher bitte einige Wochen Zeit fr Deine ""Achtsamkeitsreise"" und reserviere Dir tglich mindestens 20 Minuten fr die bungen - eine Zeit, die nur Dir gehrt und in der Du ungestrt sein kannst. Hinweis: Ein Achtsamkeitskurs ersetzt keine notwendige medizinische, psychiatrische oder psychotherapeutische Behandlung. Die Kursteilnahme erfolgt auf eigene Verantwortung des/der Einzelnen. Sollte anlsslich der Kursteilnahme ein Personen- oder Sachschaden entstehen, kann ich dafr keinerlei Haftung bernehmen."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Mdulo I - Escola Bblica Charisma da Rocha Eterna" |
"A Escola Charisma visa preparar de forma prtica os cristos e ministros a viverem uma vida crist semelhante a Cristo e exercerem seu chamado de forma sobrenatural. H uma urgncia em associar conhecimento prtica, para que todos os cristos vivam a plenitude da vida crist - intimidade com Deus, vida transformada e um chamado poderoso ao mundo que carece da mensagem do evangelho.Com uma linguagem acessvel, vdeos com a durao ideal e acompanhados de material apostilado com todo o contedo das aulas em vdeo. Voc encontrar uma rica abordagem bblica, histrica, eclesiolgica e lies prticas para viver plenamente a vida crist - poderosa, sobrenatural, transformada e ""estando preparados para responder a qualquer um que vos indague a razo da vossa f"" 1 Pedro 3.15"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"English Grammar Basics: Learn from a Master Level 1" |
"This course covers all the common core grammar standards for first grade. Students will learn about sentences, noun, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. Each lesson is around 10 to 15 minutes long and engages the student for the entire lesson as an active participant using techniques I perfected as an elementary school teacher. Each lesson gives explanation, examples, and guided student practice. I recommend after each lesson that you follow up with your child, reviewing what they learned and work to use it in their daily conversation. If you have any questions please reach out to me, and I will do my best to reach out in a timely manner."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Aprende feng shui real con Giselle collado" |
"En este curso se podrn encontrar con una ciencia milenaria que te va a dar todas las herramientas para que puedas cumplir con los objetivos deseados, tanto espirituales como terrenales. Les brindo todo lo que s. El feng shui que enseo, no solo mira el exterior (objetos, colores, ubicaciones, orientaciones, etc) sino que tambin tiene muy en cuenta el interior, ya que sin esto solo vamos a tener el 50% del camino recorrido. Un curso mega completo en donde te explico las cosas de una forma simple para que todos las puedan entender.Brindo mas horas de clase que otro curso de Feng ShuiTe podes comunicar conmigo via whatsapp en cada duda que tengasAplica el Feng Shui para que tu lugar se convierta en ese lugar soado que te permita lograr tus objetivos y sentirte bien."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Invata C++ usor si rapid, pentru cariera sau scoala" |
"Structurat pe baza materiei de bacalaureat acest curs isi propune sa ofere cursantilor abilitatile necesare in a intelege si in a realiza singuri programe si a rezolva cerintele de la examenul mentionat anterior.Cursul este structurat pe clasele de liceu ( a IX, X , XI si a XII ) fiecare clasa avand 3 lectii video."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Herkes in Teknik Analiz - Grafiklerle Uygulamal Eitim" |
"Teknik Analiz dendiinde akla sayfalarca materyaller, yazlar, izgiler, grafikler gelebilir. Teoride youn miktarda bilgi ieren bu kavramn pratikte kullanm iin yatrmclarn kendilerine yarayacak olan bilgileri bulup onlar kavramalar nemlidir. Yatrmclarn iine yarayacak, teoriyi pratie basit ve sade bir ekilde dkecek olan bilgileri bu eitim ierisinde bulabilirsiniz. Bu eitim ieriinde allmn dnda bir ierik ve anlatm tarz bulunmaktadr. Grafikler zerinden, teknik analizin inceliklerini, kanallar, formasyonlar ve eitli (ie yarayabilecek) indikatrleri uygulamayla birlikte renme ans elde edebilirsiniz. 100 indikatr renebilirsiniz ama 100 indikatr ayn ekrana yerletirip sonu almaya alabilir misiniz? Tabi ki HAYIR. nemli olan az ve z veriyle salkl sonular elde edebilmektir.Eitim, insanlarda kalc davran deiiklii oluturmaktr. u anda bulunduunuz sitede bile eitimlere baktnzda belirli bir sosyo-ekonomik dzeye, yaa, cinsiyete, kltre vb farkl zelliklere sahip insanlara ynelik eitimleri grebilirsiniz. Fakat YATIRIM yle bir kavram ki, 7'den 70'e herkesi ilgilendirebiliyor. Maandan kk bir miktar deerlendirmek isteyeni de, ykl miktarlarda parasn deerlendirmek isteyeni de, harlndan birikim yapmak isteyen renciyi de ilgilendiriyor.AMA, bu ii eitimi olmadan yapmak ne kadar doru? Gnmzde insanlarn evreden duyduklaryla alm-satm yaptklar gibi bir gerek var. Her insann kazanc kendisi iin deerlidir ve duyumlarla hareket ederek bu kazanc kaybetmek zc sonulara neden olabilir. Bu nedenle, BLNL yatrm ok nemlidir. Temel Analiz renebilirsiniz fakat yatrm yaptnz piyasa ve enstrmana gre renmeniz gereken bilgi farkllk gsterebilir. Hem petrolle ilgili gelimelere bakarken hem de aldnz bir hissenin bilanolarn inceliyor olabilirsiniz. Peki teknik analizin fark ne?TEKNK ANALZ hangi piyasa olursa olsun, hangi enstrman olursa olsun ayn ekilde ileyen bir dinamiktir. Gemi fiyat hareketlerinden gelecee ynelik tahminlerde bulunma sanatdr. statistik bilimine dayanr. Olaslklar hesaba katar. Eer sizler de bunun nemli olduunu dnyorsanz o zaman teknik analiz renmeli ve uygulamalsnz. Bunu da kendi banza yapmanz gerekiyor. En doru kararlar, kendi bilgi ve birikiminizle uygulamaya dktnz verilerden elde ettiiniz kararlardr. Bu eitimden sonra altn, gm, petrol, yerli ve yabanc hisseler, kripto para birimleri, yerli ve yabanc endeksler gibi kresel apta tm enstrmanlar ayn bilgi ve birikimle yorumlayabiliyor olacaksnz.(NOT: Kurs alt balnda yazlan EsCo Analiz kanal tarafma ait olup video paylam sitesi YouTube zerinden snrl aralklarla paylam yapmaktadr. Daha nce karlaanlar ve analizlerden faydalananlarn referans alabilmeleri amacyla eitim ieriklerindeki ""EsCo Eitim"" isimleri sakl braklmtr)"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Guitarra - Escala Pentatnica" |
"O curso vai abordar as escalas Pentatnicas com seus desenhos.Criao de Licks Solos e idias de como utilizar as escalas.Padres Meldicos, Arpejos dentro das escalas.Curso prtico e de fcil entendimento que vai te ajudar a entender como vo surgir as pentatnicas, e como aplicar os Desenhos ou Shape de maneira clara. Dividido em 4 mdulos 100% voltado para escala Pentatnica."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Sabendo usar, no vai faltar: recursos hdricos." |
"Esse curso visa ajudar pessoas a se conscientizarem da responsabilidade individual de conservar e proteger os nossos recursos hdricos. Visto ser um bem comum de todos e essencial a vida. um recurso que pelo seu ciclo d a ideia de ser inesgotvel, porm, pela modo que est sendo mal usado est seriamente ameaado."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Bachata Men Styling" |
"10 unikatowych lekcji, z ktrych dowiesz si jak msko wyglda w bachacie.Jako pionier w rozwoju mskiego stylu w bachacie zapraszam Ci do zapoznania si z kursem online z Men Stylingu, wspieranego przez kampanie Real Men Can Dance Bachata.W pierwszej czci nauczysz si rusza i izolowa poszczeglne czci ciaa, ktre bd niezbdne do wykonywania efektownych stylingw i footworkw. Bdzie to baza na pozostae czci kursu. Dostaniesz zestaw wicze, ktre w krtkim czasie sprawi, e Twj styl nabierze kolorw. S to wiczenia, ktrymi dziel si z najlepszymi bachateros na lekcjach prywatnych.Druga cz kursu opiera si na bodymovemencie z pierwszej czci zaj. Dostaniesz praktyczne footworki do wykorzystania w dowolnym momencie w tacu z partnerk. Gotowce, ktre dziki pierwszej czci kursu zaczn wyglda efektownie i doprowadz partnerki do rumiecw."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Joga oczu - dowiedz si jak poprawi wzrok" |
"Jak poprawi wzrok naturalnymi sposobami?Czy masz ju do braku leczenia przyczyny Twojej wady wzroku i tylko wymieniania szkie na mocniejsze?Czy chciaby dowiedzie si jak wzmocni swoje oczy?Czy chcesz nauczy si jak dba o swoje oczy na co dzie?Kurs online jogi oczu to ponad 3 godziny nagra + program wicze i medytacje + materiay do druku. Wystarczy wiczy ok. 15-20 minut dziennie.Zrozumie swoje oczy...Ja take zmagaam si z pogarszajcym si wzrokiem. Pomimo przepisanych okularw, intuicyjnie czuam, e nie s one dla mnie. Postanowiam wic sama odnale sposoby na uzdrowienie wzroku. Wybraam naturalne metody zwizane z prac z ciaem i umysem. Dziki temu mogam zmieni si w badacza, ktry sprawdza na sobie, ktra metoda dziaa najlepiej.Gdybym miaa t wiedz, ktr mam teraz, by moe nie musiaabym kupowa swoich pierwszych okularw. A moe wanie potrzebowaam przej t drog, by zrozumie swoj wad oczu i pomc te Tobie.Dla kogo jest ten kurs?Kurs jest przeznaczony dla wszystkich, ktrzy chc poprawi swj wzrok, a posiadaj takie wady jak:krtkowzrocznodalekowzrocznostarczowzrocznoastygmatyzmlub te szybko mcz im si oczy np. podczas pracy przy komputerze,albo chc zapobiega wadzie wzrokuCo dokadnie otrzymasz?Ponad 3 godziny video + audio kursu online ""Jak poprawi wzrok"" Nagranie z wiczeniami oczu i masaem punktw8 medytacji prowadzonych (np. medytacja oczu, na lewe i prawe oko, uzdrawiajce pytania, afirmacje)Tablic do badania wzroku w domu gotow do drukuUzdrawiajce afirmacjeWorkbook, czyli zeszyt wicze z programem kursuDlaczego ten kurs jest skuteczny?W tym kursie, oprcz wzmacniania mini oczu, skupisz si take na pracy z umysem, emocjami, relaksacj i odpowiednim sposobem patrzenia. Aby wiczenia fizyczne byy skuteczne, potrzebny jest take odpowiedni stan umysu i uwano. Tego wszystkiego dowiesz si w tym kursie.Referencje""Kurs jest wielowymiarowy i zrozumiay. Ela porusza wiele aspektw, ktre maj wpyw na wzrok. Bardzo przydatny jest zeszyt wicze, gdzie mog obserwowa swoje postpy. Po 1,5 miesica wicze wada spada mi o 0.50 dioptrii i widz ogromne zmiany w tym, jak postrzegam temat mojego wzroku. Polecam, wszystkim, ktrzy chc polepszy swj wzrok!""Kristen, Wrocaw"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"wiczenia twarzy face fitness - wymodeluj swoj twarz!" |
"Czy wiesz jak poprawi ksztat swojej twarzy?Jakie 7 lat temu zaczam poszukiwa odpowiedzi na powysze pytanie. Nie lubiam za bardzo swojej twarzy, bo pomimo szczupej sylwetki zawsze byam do pulchna na twarzy. Nawet mj partner mwi na mnie pczuszek.Jakie s 2 szkoy wicze twarzy i ktra jest bardziej skuteczna?Zaczam wtedy zgbia swoj wiedz na temat wicze twarzy face fitness. Odkryam, e s 2 szkoy wicze:Do chaotyczne i szybkie robienie rnych min jak np. marszczenie brwi, robienie zaskoczonej miny. Jak dla mnie te wiczenia mog dobrze rozrusza minie, ale nie wzmacniaj ich efektywnie. Poza tym wydaj mi si, e mog powodowa dodatkowe zmarszczki.Powolne i precyzyjne wiczenia, gdzie nacisk palcw lub caych doni suy jak ciarek. Napina si taki misie na ok. 10 sekund, rozlunia i powtarza tak seri kilka razy. Nie tworz si przy tym wiczeniu zmarszczki i to mnie przekonao.Czy wiczenia dziaaj?wiczenia mini musz dziaa aktywno fizyczna zawsze odbija si na wygldzie.Popatrz na zdjcia starszych kulturystw. Sylwetka wyglda znakomicie, niestety tylko twarz nie bya wiczona i odbija si to na wygldzie.Powyej znajdziesz kilka moich starych i do kompromitujcych zdj, ale wrzucam je po to, eby moga zobaczy, e te wiczenia rzeczywicie dziaaj.Jakie wiczenia stosuj na co dzie?Na podstawie wielu rde (np. Benita Cantieni, masa Tanaka, Christina Mendoca itp.) uoyam swoje programy face fitness, ktre udostpniam kilka lat temu na moim kanale na YT.Jest masa na czoo, na oczy, na wydatne policzki czy zlikwidowanie drugiego podbrdka. Wszystkie te wiczenia s naprawd skuteczne, jedyny minus kto znajdzie 40 minut dziennie na wiczenia twarzy?Ja take po pewnym czasie przestaam je stosowa, wanie z powodu braku czasuJednak wiedziaam, e jeeli chce wymodelowa twarz, to wiczenia s konieczne. Uoyam wic skrcony 8 minutowy program skadajcy si z 8 najbardziej efektywnych wicze. wicz go od kilku lat codziennie wieczorem przed pjciem spa. I to wanie tym programem chciaam si z Tob podzieli.Najwiksze problemy kobiet...Problemem wikszoci kobiet nie s te mae zmarszczki mimiczne (ktre wg mnie dodaj twarzy uroku i charakteru), tylko:opadajce policzkidrugi podbrdekpulchna twarzopadajce kciki ustmao wydatne ustaopadajce powiekiTo temu bdziemy zapobiega. Dziki wiczeniom bdziesz moga cieszy si bardziej atrakcyjnym wygldem, uwydatnisz swoje koci policzkowe i podniesiesz kciki ust. Wszystko to za pomoc naturalnej metody, bez skomplikowanych zabiegw.Za pomoc tego nagrania:poznasz 8 niesamowicie skutecznych wicze face fitnesswymodelujesz swoj twarz w cigu kilku miesicy (ju po ok. 4 tygodniach powinna widzie pierwsze efekty)wiczenia obejmuj pen twarz czoo, oczy, policzki, usta, brod i szyj.Co dokadnie otrzymasz?Nagranie z 8 najlepszymi wiczeniami wraz z relaksujc muzyk (8 minut)Opisy wiczeMotywujcy workbook wraz z kalendarzem wicze gotowy do drukuBONUS 1: Przepis na mj ulubiony banalnie prosty olejek do twarzy i ciaaBONUS 2: Bardzo prosty i tani przepis na napj wzmacniajcy skr, wosy i paznokcie. Przyczynia si on do syntezy kolagenu, dziki czemu skra staje si jdrniejsza.Gwiazdy te wiczwiczenia jogi twarzy staj si coraz bardziej popularne. wicz je take znane aktorki takie jak Gwyneth Paltrow czy Jennifer Aniston. W Polsce ta metoda rwnie jest coraz bardziej popularna. Zapraszam Ci, aby Ty rwnie j wyprbowaa.Nagranie zawiera take muzyk relaksujc w tle, dziki czemu wykonywanie wicze bdzie przyjemniejsze.Koszty zabiegu w salonieA teraz porwnajmy ile kosztuje przykadowy zabieg kwasem hialuronowym na przywrcenie jdrnoci skrze:Modelowanie policzkw: 1800-2000 zWypenienie bruzd nosowo wargowych: 800-1000 zPowikszenie ust: 800-1300 zEfekty zabiegu kwasem hialuronowym utrzymuj si tylko kilka-kilkanacie miesicy i zabieg trzeba powtarza.Sama zdecyduj, czy wolisz te drogie i nietrwae metody, czy naturalne i zdrowe wiczenia z trwaymi efektami.ReferencjeSerdecznie polecam ten produkt! wiczenia s atwe do zapamitania i wykonania, zostay przedstawione w przystpny sposb. Odpowiada mi to, e wiczc, nie wykonuj adnej inwazyjnej ingerencji w swoje ciao. Metoda jest naturalna i wspomaga pielgnacj skry.Aleksandra, Dbrowa GrniczaKurs jest jasny, zrozumiay i przyjazny. Filmiki pokazujce wiczenia s bardzo przydatne, a wrcz s baz dla kursu i dziki nim mona zobaczy jak dobrze robi wiczenia. Dobrze wiedzie jak mona dba o swoja twarz na dusz met bez operacji i zabiegw!Kristen, Wrocaw"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Nokia 4A0-M01 IP_MPLS Mobile Transport Certify Practice Exam" |
"UNIQUE practice questions for Nokia 4A0-M01 IP_MPLS Mobile Transport Certify Practice Exam Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam. 100% verified answers and explanations to each question. After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam."
Price: 9600.00 ![]() |
"Ultimate Microsoft Excel - Excel 2016 Zero to Master" |
"Imagine you sit in your car, then you see one big company. and 1 question comes in your mind!how can i get a job here..?answer: you need to learn some skills, learn hard and get a job done.RequirementsBasic Computer KnowledgeMS Excel 2007, 2010, 2013, or 2016 installed on your computer.Pen and paper to take notesMicrosoft Excel 2007 or laterDescription Learn from an experienced consultant with over 5 Years of MS Excel, MS Word and MS Access experience Hands-on practical exercises that you can use in real life and on the job. Beginner and Intermediate concepts covered Useful for Excel Beginners, College and University Students, and New Job seekers who would like to improve their skillsWho this course is for:Student who want to start new Career pathBusiness Owner who would like to start using Excel for personal planning and small business managementProfessionals who would like to start using Excel in the workplaceTeachers who teach computer science in Schools.Anyone who would like to learn a new skill and want to earn more money"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Introduccin al Liderazgo" |
"En este curso trabajaremos sobre herramientas prcticas de liderazgo y comunicacin, las que podrs aplicar inmediatamente en tu da a da y desarrollar tu propio estilo de Liderazgo.Conversaremos sobre Mitos y Verdades, qu es para nosotros Liderar y cules son las claves del Nuevo Modelo Comunicacional del Siglo XXI.Te acompaamos en la Gestin del Capital Humano y en tu desarrollo Profesional."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"ngilizce'de Kullanlan En Yaygn 40 Deyim (Idioms)" |
"Merhaba Arkadalar. Bu kursta zenle hazrlanm 40 adet ingilizce deyimi bol rneklerle ve grseller ile reneceksiniz ve ingilizcenizi bir st seviyeye tam olacaksnz. Dersleri sonuna kadar dinlemenizi ve sizlerinde renilen deyimler ile yeni cmleler kurmaya almanz tavsiye ederim.Deyimler tam Trke karl ile anlatlmtr. ngilizce'de Kullanlan En Yaygn 40 Deyim (Idioms) kursumuzu beeneceinizi umuyorum."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Musikproduktion: Der groe FL Studio 20 Einsteiger Kurs" |
"Mit diesem Kurs fr Einsteiger und Fortgeschrittene braucht ihr euch keine Sorgen machen, dass ihr etwas Wichtiges verpasst oder den 2. Schritt vor dem 1. macht. Ich erklre euch alles was in den ersten Jahren der Musiker Karriere relevant ist und gebe viele Tipps. Zusammen ben wir wie man den Kompressor beherrscht und komplette Tracks arranged. Auerdem erklre ich euch schwierige musikalische Begriffe und bersetze diese vom Englischen ins Deutsche."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Scrum-Master und Product-Owner Zertifizierung in 8 h" |
"Das Training gibt dir die Essenz von Scrum kompakt in 1,5 h wiederKeine langatmigen Erklrungen, sondern Fakten und Erfahrungen aus ber 10 Jahren stndiger praktischer Anwendung Die ideale Vorbereitung in 6,5 h zu deiner erfolgreichen Zertifizierung zum Scrum-Master und Product-Owner in einem einzigen Kurs (!)Der Kurs ist so aufgebaut wie wenn ich ihn persnlich an einem Tag geben wrde mit maximalem Erfolg fr den TeilnehmerDurch den Kauf und des Durcharbeiten des E-Learnings steigt die Wahrscheinlichkeit die Zertifizierungen zu bestehen sehr stark anNach dem Kurs kannst du beide Zertifikate PSM I und PSPO I der Scrumorg angehen und wirst sie mit Hilfe der 13 Tipps bestehenIch fhre dich und bitte dich den 13 Tipps-Leitfaden step fr step zu absolvieren und jede Stufe erfolgreich abzuschlieenFalls du Fragen hast und dir trotz der Tipps nicht sicher bist, kontaktiere mich wie im 13 Tipps-Leitfaden beschrieben persnlichIch schule seit ber 10 Jahren Scrum und habe mehrere hunderte Prflinge erfolgreich zur Prfung vorbereitetDie Scrumwerte F.O.R.C.C. sind Teil meines Privatleben, so dass die Werte sich nicht von meinen Businesswerten unterscheidenIch will dich von meiner Begeisterung fr Scrum anstecken und deine Persnlichkeit zu einem agile Leader entwicklenNutze bitte einen hochwertigen Bildschirm und gute Lautsprecher, so dass die Qualitt sich im ganzheitlichen Erleben wiederspiegelt In Zeiten wie diesen mchte ich an deiner Seite stehen bis du die beiden Zertifikate hast, daher ist der Preis auch fr zwei Kurse und zwei Zertifikate in einem fair gewhlt"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"QuickBooks Online for Beginners: Small Business & Bookkeeper" |
"**Course includes LIFETIME access**If you're brand new to QuickBooks and specifically, QuickBooks Online, then this is the course for you!In this QuickBooks Online course, we introduce you to this essential cloud accounting software. QuickBooks Online looks different to the traditional QuickBooks desktop software. We've developed this course specifically for QuickBooks Online users.In this QuickBooks Online course, We start at the very beginning and cover everything thats required to get set up in QuickBooks Online before moving onto more advanced features.In this course you will learn:How to create a company file and set up your chart of accountsSetting up your preferences in QuickBooks to suit your companyCreate invoices, enter and pay bills and purchase ordersAll about estimates and working with customers and jobsHow to work with sales taxAbout receiving items, inventory, creating purchase orders and paying for itemsHow to reconcile bank statementsHow to set up recurring items and journal entriesThis course includes:4+ hours of video tutorials50+ individual video lecturesCertificate of completionCourse CompatibilityThis course was recorded using QuickBooks Online edition. This course won't be suitable for you if you are using QuickBooks Desktop.This course was designed for people new to QuickBooks Online but may also be useful for students with some QuickBooks experience who are looking to improve their knowledge of this essential accounting software.Heres what our students are saying""Very thorough course with all the ins-outs, tips, tricks, and feature you could want to learn about to start using the program.""- Elizabeth Binde""Amazing, above expectations course with a very knowledgeable teacher !""- Muhammad Khan""Great! Got both desktop computer screens up so am watching on one screen and setting up and executing on the other.""- Diane BakerDid you know?Simon Sez IT teaches all sorts of software, including:- Microsoft Excel- Microsoft PowerPoint- Microsoft Word- Microsoft Project- Microsoft Outlook- QuickBooks- Photoshop Elements- Web Development Languages- And so much more!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"How to create your FREE Blogs with Intermediate" |
"Detailed course on Going through many of the elements. From adding in pictures. To setting up contact forms. Detailed videos explaining just about everything there is. In"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to create Blogger Blogs with blogger Advanced" |
"In the Advanced Blogger Blog Course. You will learn... How to instal a Blogger Blog Template. Customizing your Blogger Blog Templates. How to make a blog look like a website. Promoting your Blogger Blog. Using Google Hangouts to promote your blogger blog. Have your very own youtube thumbnail. The Advanced Blogger Blog Course has some fantastic information. Things you may not know how to do. Very easy to follow. Lots of videos showing you what to do. Over 5 hours of fantastic information. Included are many examples from YouTube. Plus links to Blogger Blog Templates that you can download for FREE. And lots more."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |