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"Proofreading Made Easy: A Complete Technique Based Editing" |
"Proofreading and writing editing is a complete process where a person has to concentrate on not only grammar, vocabulary but also techniques which makes the process faster and easier. in this course, you will learn about techniques how can you proofread even a complex document with extreme ease..Here is the synopsis before you actually take the entire course1) The course deals with how can you opt different techniques to make proofreading process easy and convenient2) Basic Grammar Revision (very much like a kid in the school)3) Advanced level common mistakes which one conducts while writing4) A practical test for assessment of your abilitiesProofreading is a process with a lot of complications which are connected with it. When someone writes a piece, he has no idea about the mistakes which he unknowingly conducts. It is the duty of a proofreader (even if you are proofreading your own written piece) to find mistakes and correct them. But how will you do that? By reading through the written piece or by analyzing each and every part of the written piece? Choice is yours.Proofreading and editing is based on techniques like making bullet points, reading backward, finding major errors and small mistakes, reading a paper from different perspectives such as spelling, paragraph or whole document structure etc. whatever perspective you choose to start the proofreading and editing process, you have to understand all the intricacies and difficulties connected to it.In this course, I have tried to be comprehensive, hence tried to provide maximum information in minimum time so that you can polish your skills through practical assessment instead of just theoretical understanding. Udemy gives 30 days money back guarantee. So take the course or take your money back. Again! The Choice is yours."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Writing Editing Practice Test: Polish your Proofreading" |
"Proofreading is a skill which is polished with the practice. for becoming a professional proofreader, or expert in writing, a person needs to polish his grammar, vocabulary, sentence structure, sentence narration and lots more. All these skills are subjected to practice practice and practice.This practice test has been designed in a way that enables students to make themselves able to cope with any type if grammatical issue. Udemy gives 30 days money back guarantee if you do not like the course content. try is Must!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Assemble Parts and Components in Fusion 360" |
"Mechanical assembly is the process of putting parts and components together to make a complete product or perform a function.In this Fusion 360 course: We will model all the parts and components for our assembly. Apply In-context and top-down assembly Turn solid bodies into components Create sub-assemblies Import non-native 3D files into our assembly Enable contact sets to prevent component interference Create joint limits Add inteligence to our model with motion link Follow along with highly detailed light to moderate instruction. Course Exercise Files included in every lecture to assist you in starting out where you ended. In addition to having a Udemy Certificate of Completion you will also be receiving an Autodesk Certificate of Course Completion once you have completed all challenges**.By the end of this course, you will realize the importance of sketches and constraints in component creation and gain the confidence to explore complex mechanisms and assemblies."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Excel 240" |
"Udemy11ExcelExcelExcelCtrl+CCCopy(Ctrl,Alt,Shift)1.2. / 3.""""4.5.6.A1PDF7."
Price: 8400.00 ![]() |
"Entrepreneurship - Ft. Matthew Rolnick of Yaymaker, Groupon" |
"**Update**This course includes an exclusive interview session with a seasoned business veteran - Matthew Rolnick. Matthew is currently the VP of Sales at Yaymaker, and former Divisional Sales Manager at Groupon. His key accomplishments including generating over 10 million in sales at Groupon.YouAccel recently had the opportunity to conduct a comprehensive Q&A style interview with Matthew Rolnick. The interview was conducted as part of an initiative to add valuable new content to YouAccels line up of Entrepreneurship and Freelancing courses. Matthew Rolnick is currently the VP of sales at Yaymaker, a company devoted to enriching lives through exciting social experiences and live virtual events. To date, Yaymaker has hosted over 300,000 events including paint nites, cookie decorating, and wreath making. In the hour long session, Matthew Rolnick speaks about his experiences working for some of the biggest brands in North America, including Groupon and Tribune. Matthews list of business accomplishments made him the perfect candidate for aspiring entrepreneurs to gain valuable insights from. In his role at Groupon, Matthew acted as the divisional sales manager in the Health & Wellness category. Matthew helped the company generate a staggering 10M in sales. Matthew and his wife also run a successful property investment company through their ownership stake in a HomeVestors franchise. The interview touches on several key aspects of the entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship journey that defined Matthewss career path over the last several years. Through his detailed responses to difficult questions, the interview showcased the aptitude and wisdom Matthew has accumulated over his work life. Matthew provided a glimpse into his view of entrepreneurship, and many of the pitfalls new business owners should avoid. He also touches on the importance of consistency, and other imperative character traits that help ensure entrepreneurial success. Towards the end of the session Matthew takes on tough questions from students including tips on avoiding social isolation, and tackling uncomfortable situations. The Q&A session are an absolute must-see for anyone aspiring to enter the world of entrepreneurship. Course Intro:Youve done the starter jobs, the in-between jobs, the pro-jobs and this is what it comes down to. Youre ready to take the reins of your career, and set out on the ride of your life.So... you, want to be an entrepreneur!This course will give you an introduction in how to master this exciting career choice.In How to Succeed as an Entrepreneur, you will learn:How to Define an EntrepreneurThe Mindset Required To Succeed As An EntrepreneurThe Skills Needed to Succeed as An EntrepreneurHow To Choose Your Entrepreneurship Idea and Test It's ViabilityHow To Get Started as An Entrepreneur and Go About Securing FundingWhat The Entrepreneurial Pitfalls You Should Look Out For AreAnd finally, well provide Resources To Get You Started on your quest to succeed as an entrepreneurSo go ahead and click the enrol button and lets get started making you a successful entrepreneur."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate Privacy by Design MasterCourse (GDPR, CCPA etc)" |
"Lessons from ex IBM-er, MICROSOFT-er about how to make privacy operational and how to get 3 privacy certifications in less than 30 days: CIPTv2020, CIPM, CIPP/E by IAPP-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5+ hours video content60+ lessons2020 update-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MY FIRST PROMISE TO YOU is the following: You will be prepared to pass 3 IAPP certifications in less than 30 days if you follow the below learning plan:Course 1: Build EU GDPR data protection compliance from scratch (CIPT)Course 2: How to succeed in a Data Privacy Officer Role (GDPR DPO, CIPM)Course 3: GDPR Privacy Data Protection Case Studies Explained (CIPP/E, CIPM, CIPT)Course 4: Ultimate Privacy by Design Guide - step by step strategies with examples (CIPM, CIPT) - we are here!!!Course 5: Build Security Incident Response for GDPR Data Protection (incl. parts from CIPT and CIPM also)Course 6: (part of CIPP/US): California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) - Complete course***************************************************************************************************************************************************My name is Roland Costea and after spending my last 8 years working for Microsoft, IBM, Genpact and Cognizant as a Privacy & Security Director being able to create hundreds of integrated security & privacy programmes for top organizations in the world, I have decided to put all my experience together in a comprehensive privacy LEARNING PLAN, to show how to actually make Data Privacy operational and most importantly how to think out of the box.I have been involved in engineering privacy for a lot of industries including Automotive (Mercedes-Benz, Geely, Volvo) and also provided DPO as a service for several other top companies in Europe and US. I have worked and developed the privacy strategy for Microsoft & IBM for the whole Central & Eastern Europe and also drived Cognizant Security & Privacy business in DACH.Certifications I hold: CIPT, CIPM, CISSP, CDPSE, CRISC, CISM, CCSK, CCSP, LPT, CEH, ECSA, TOGAF***************************************************************************************************************************************************Protecting private information has vital and obvious implications for everyday life, and the only way companies can successfully do this is to create a culture of privacy.The only solution -- the only way to change peoples behavior -- is to embed privacy in the very fabric of the organization. Thats why Privacy by Design, a decades-old application design and development strategy, is now being discussed as a foundational strategy for entire organizations.The original goal of Privacy by Design was developing best practices that ensured application developers were building privacy into their products from the ground up. Even if concern for customer or employee privacy wasnt the highest priority, there was always profit -- it is very expensive to re-engineer privacy into a product following a failure.Today, these best practices are more important than ever. Increasing amounts of data have created an ever-expanding attack surface, and complex new regulations demand a foundational approach to privacy. In fact, Article 25 of the GDPR is titled Data Protection & Privacy by Design and by Default.Organizations face an ever-growing number of attack vectors related to privacy, including the internet of things (IoT), government and business data over-collection and unread mobile app permissions such as allowing scanner apps to keep and sell the data they scan.This course is not about the GDPR, though it can certainly be used as a process for data protection & privacy by design and default (Article 25 of the regulation). Most probably you are already enrolled in my bestseller Build EU GDPR from scratch course which goes for GDPR from all perspectives. This course is not meant to comply with any specific regulation, though use of the correct privacy-by-design process herein will help organizations comply with many regulations. This course is about how to build better processes, products and services that consider individuals privacy interest as a design requirement. It is about how to build things that people can trust.There are four sections I have created. Section 2 provides introductory remarks, including an introduction to Ann Cavoukians 7 Foundational Principles of Privacy by Design, a short history of regulatory adoption and past challenges that privacy-by-design practitioners have faced. Given its 10-year history in the privacy professionals community, many readers may already be familiar with Cavoukians principles. This section also contains something most privacy professionals, outside academia, may not be aware of. Here I discuss what I feel is the impetus for why companies must build privacy into their processes, products and services and not rely on individuals self-help to protect their own privacy.For those not familiar with the Solove Taxonomy of Privacy or the Hoepman Strategies, most probably the majority of you, Section 3 is a must. The two frameworks form the basis for identifying and mitigating privacy risks in the privacy model developed in that section. Section 4 describes how to analyze the privacy model built in Section 3.In the analysis section, a risk model is built using the Factor Analysis of Information Risk with a focus on individual risks over organizational risks and tweaks in the terms and definitions for privacy beyond information security. Designers may never need to determine privacy risk explicitly but understanding the factors that influence privacy risk provides a deeper understanding of why the process is built the way it is. The last section, Section 5, details the design procedure, while using the other sections as reference"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Zuhause fit ohne Gerte - Wirkungsvolles Mitmachtraining" |
"Zuhause fit, schlank und sexy. Erreiche deine Fitnessziele durch wirkungsvolles Zirkeltraining vom Sportwissenschaftler.Fr Zuhause, ganz ohne Fitnesstudio und Gerte!Durch optimierte Intensittsintervalle erreichst du den besten Trainingseffekt mit minimalem Zeitaufwand.Das Training ist ein praktisches Training zum direkt mitmachen so, als wrdest du eine Klasse im Fitnessstudio besuchen oder mit deinem personal Trainer arbeiten.Dreh die Musik auf und los geht's!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Grundkurs GfK -Gewaltfreie & wertschtzende Kommunikation" |
"So gut wie in der heutigen Zeit ging es uns noch nie!Uns geht es besser als den grten Knigen von Damals: Wir haben es warm, immer gengend zu essen und unser Leben ist viel sicherer.Trotzdem scheinen wir unzufrieden zu sein: Wir streiten uns mit unseren liebsten Menschen, hegen Groll und knnten manchmal vor Wut explodieren. Jede 3. Ehe wird geschieden (Stand: 2018) und 2,5 Millionen Elternteile sind alleinerziehend. Tglich wird in deutschen Haushalten gestritten und geschrien, statistisch gesehen wird jede Stunde eine Frau gefhrlich von ihrem Partner verletzt.Wenn Gefhle unausgesprochen bleiben, Bedrfnisse bergangen und Bitten unbeantwortet im Raum stehen bleiben, kommt Wut auf. Verzweiflung. ""Du untersttzt mich nie"" ""Was erwartest Du denn alles? Weit Du wie anstrengend es im Bro ist?"" ""Du verstehst mich nicht"" ""DU verstehst MICH nicht"". Die Gesprche schaukeln sich hoch und jeder Versucht, seine Sichtweise und seine Bedrfnisse in den Vordergrund zu stellen.Obwohl es diese Konflikte gibt, schaffen es einige Personen trotzdem, harmonisch im Einklang ihrer Bedrfnisse miteinander zu leben -mit einem guten Gefhl, viel Spa und keinem Groll. Vllig egal, ob Du bei Konflikten aufbrausend Wtend wirst oder das Problem runterschluckst und Dich traurig oder ngstlich zurckziehst-Du kannst es schaffen, dass auch Du Deine Zeit mit Deinen Mitmenschen geniet. Stelle Dir vor, was es fr Dich bedeuten wrde, wenn Du sofort eine Strategie und eine Lsung httest, sobald ein unangenehmes Gefhl hast. Wie wre es, wenn die Erfllung Deiner Wnsche und Deiner Zufriedenheit von keinem einzelnen Menschen mehr abhngig wre? Wie wre es, wenn Du nichts mehr musst, sondern nur noch mchtest? Bevor ich die Gewaltfreie Kommunikation kennengelernt habe, hatte ich viel Groll und Wut in mir. Wenn meine Tochter mich mit ihren Nrgeleien und ihrem Jammern auf die Palme brachte, sa ich wtend auf der Palme oben und schmiss mit Kokosnssen, ohne dass sich etwas besserte. Weder meine Tochter noch mein Groll nderten sich. *Eines Tagen bekomme ich ein Wut-Geschwr im Bauch* dachte ich oft.Als ich vor gut einem Jahr einen Vortrag zur GfK hrte hatte ich die Erleuchtung. *DAS ist die Lsung!* schoss es mir durch den Kopf. Ich las jedes Buch, das ich zu dem Thema finden konnte, gab Vortrge und setzte die ""neue Sprache"" immer mehr in meinem Alltag um. Fr mich war das wie eine zweite Geburt in ein neues GfK-Leben.Aber ich bin nicht die Einzige. Ich lerne immer mehr Menschen kennen, die mir GfK erfolgreich kommunizieren und vermitteln, viele davon beruflich als Mediator. ber jedes Gefhl sind wir dankbar, weil es uns zeigt, wie wir noch zufriedener im Leben sein knnen. Es gibt uns eine Richtung im Leben. Endlich wissen wir, was wir wollen und wir wissen, wie wir das erreichen knnen. Wie wre es fr Dich, wenn Du diese Euphorie ber Deine bisherigen Konfliktsituationen haben knntest? Wenn Du merkst, wie sich unangenehme Gefhle in Luft auflsen, wenn sie gehrt wurden und die Bedrfnisse befriedigt wurden? Wenn Du pltzlich im Einklang mit Deinen Werten Leben knntest?In diesem Kurs lernst Du Dich, Deine Beobachtungen, Deine Gefhle und Bedrfnisse neu kennen. Du lernst, von Herzen gerne zu geben und nehmen. Kommt ein unangenehmes Gefhl auf, weit Du sofort, was zu machen ist. Ich freue mich, zusammen mit Dir zu ben."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Programao bsica em Ruby" |
"No curso programao bsica em Ruby, abordo os seguintes temas: introduo, variveis, entrada de dados, condio, comandos de repetio e, a na ultima seo do curso, passo exerccios para que o aluno possa revisar o contedo do curso. O curso tem, aproximadamente, uma hora e meia de durao. Inscreva-se, pois est imperdvel!!!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
tnxezviw |
Price: 4800.00 ![]() |
"Processamento de Linguagem Natural com spaCy e Python" |
"A rea de Processamento de Linguagem Natural - PLN (Natural Language Processing - NLP) uma subrea da Inteligncia Artificial que tem como objetivo tornar os computadores capazes de entender a linguagem humana, tanto escrita quanto falada. Alguns exemplo de aplicaes prticas so: tradutores entre idiomas, traduo de texto para fala ou fala para texto, chatbots, sistemas automticos de perguntas e respostas, sumarizao de textos, gerao automtica de descries para imagens, adio de legendas em vdeos, classificao de sentimentos em frases, dentre vrias outras! Atualmente, este setor est cada vez mais necessitando de solues de Processamento de Linguagem Natural, ou seja, aprender essa rea pode ser a chave para trazer solues reais para necessidades presentes e futuras. Baseado nisso, este curso foi projetado para quem deseja crescer ou iniciar uma nova carreira na rea de Processamento de Linguagem Natural, utilizando a biblioteca spaCy e a linguagem Python! O spaCy uma biblioteca desenvolvida com foco no uso em ambientes de produo, possibilitando a criao de aplicativos que processam e entendem grandes volumes de texto. Ela pode ser usada para extrair informaes, entender linguagem natural ou preprocessar textos para posterior uso em modelos de deep learning.O curso est dividido em trs partes:Na primeira voc vai aprender os recursos mais bsicos de Processamento de Linguagem Natural utilizando o spaCy, como: part-of-speech, lematizao, stemizao, reconhecimento de entidades nomeadas, stop words, parsing de dependncias, semelhanas entre palavras e tokenizaoNa segunda parte criaremos um classificador de emoes utilizando frases em portugus, utilizando 100% os modelos de machine learning disponibilizados pelo prprio spaCyPor fim, na terceira e ltima parte, criaremos um classificador de sentimentos utilizando uma base de dados do Twitter com textos em portugusUtilizaremos tecnologias modernas, como a linguagem Python e o Google Colab, garantindo que voc no tenha problemas com instalaes ou configuraes de softwares na sua mquina local.Preparado(a) para dar um importante passo na sua carreira? Aguardo voc no curso! :)"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
hansoku03 |
Price: 3000.00 ![]() |
"How to Solve Physics Problems with Forces (Mechanics)." |
"Have you ever been stuck when trying to answer a mechanics question involving forces? Maybe you are clueless on how to begin, or maybe you often get stuck at a certain point? Well, this course is there to solve that problem!This course presents a 5-step technique that can guide you through any physics problem involving force. It is structured in 3 sections.The first three episodes contain a summary of the 5 steps and 2 solved examples. The goal of this first section is to for you to get an overview of the technique before diving into the details.The second section consists in 6 lesson videos. The process of applying each step is presented in detail and in various situation. The conceptual and mathematical tools required to carry out each single step is also presented (1 step = 1 video + 1 extra video about the manipulation of vectors). You will learn here how to draw a free body diagram, how to express a resultant force mathematically, how to manipulate vectors, when and how to apply Newtons Laws etcThe third section is your play-ground! You will find 8 exercises for you to train your skills in applying the 5-step technique to solve physics problems. After giving you a chance to solve each question yourself, the presenter carries out a detailed correction on the white board. This section also contains a video lesson about mechanical friction forces.I have been a private teacher for 7 years now, helping every year, dozens of students with their study of physics. One observation I can report is that many students manage to get by a mechanics problem, and even find a correct numerical solution, without truly understanding the concepts they used, and without any structure to their thinkingThe problem shows up the day of the exam when confronted to an exercise they have never seen before Exam day can then easily turn into panic day. This is why I produced this course, to avoid such a situation.If you follow the course seriously and work on the exercises diligently, you will learn much more than just a bunch of equations. You will learn how to approach any dynamic problem (at the high school level) and thus learn how to begin the resolution process when confronted to a new question.When this approach becomes second nature to you, you will realize that Physics is actually pretty easy to handle: the patterns of thinking presented in this course are commonly used in many areas of physics, and could be very useful to you in your studies.The level of this class corresponds to the last years of High School Physics Programs. This makes it an ideal tool as support for the lessons you get at school, and to prepare any High School Diplomas in Physics, like for example IB Physics, A-Level Physics, AP Physics etc.I hope you enjoy the course and wish you a productive study,Edouard Reny, PhD, Tutor in Physics.Note: This course comes with manually edited captions. So even if you are not a native english speaker, you can still make the most of this course!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"La defensa Pirc 1" |
"La defensa Pirc es una de las defensas ms flexibles que existen.Es una apertura que te permitir desarrollar fcilmente tus piezas y atacar contra el centro.Adems, como se producen pocos cambios de piezas, es una defensa ideal, que te permitir conservar muchas opciones reales de victoria y con la que podrs jugar a ganar con negras.La ventaja de la defensa Pirc es que, ms que una defensa, es un sistema de defensa, en el que no es necesario el estudio de mucha teora sino que lo importante es comprender las ideas y los planes que surgen.Adems, la defensa Pirc se puede considerar un sistema de defensa universal que puede ser empleado contra muchos rdenes de jugadas elegidos por las blancas. Esta caracterstica te permitir ahorrar mucho tiempo en el estudio de las aperturas, ya que podrs confiar en utilizar este sistema contra casi todo.Es un sistema de defensa fcil de aprender, y que lleva a posiciones muy ricas, llenas de ideas estratgicas y posibilidades tcticas y combinativas.En este curso aprenders las ideas fundamentales de la defensa Pirc, celadas, trucos tcticos, planes tpicos y esquemas y modelos estratgicos.Aprenders a manejarte en posiciones de medio juego y tambin en los finales resultantes que surgen a partir de este sistema de defensa tan interesante.Comprenders la funcionalidad de las piezas y aprenders esquemas estratgicos tpicos de aperturas tan importantes como la variante dragn de la defensa siciliana, la apertura espaola, la defensa india de rey, la defensa Philidor o la defensa Benoni.No solamente aprenders aperturas, sino que tambin aprenders estrategia, mejorars tu visin tctica y combinativa y desarrollars tu tcnica en los finales de partida.En definitiva, tienes ante ti un curso muy completo, con numerosos ejercicios prcticos e ilustrativas partidas magistrales completamente comentadas para que puedas llegar a dominar este sistema de defensa lleno de posibilidades.La defensa Pirc te permitir tener un sistema de defensa flexible y slido para el resto de tu carrera ajedrecstica.Si realmente ests buscando mejorar tu juego, este es tu curso."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"La defensa Pirc 2" |
"La defensa Pirc es una de las defensas ms flexibles que existen.Es una apertura que te permitir desarrollar fcilmente tus piezas y atacar contra el centro.Adems, como se producen pocos cambios de piezas, es una defensa ideal, que te permitir conservar muchas opciones reales de victoria y con la que podrs jugar a ganar con negras.La ventaja de la defensa Pirc es que, ms que una defensa, es un sistema de defensa, en el que no es necesario el estudio de mucha teora sino que lo importante es comprender las ideas y los planes que surgen.Adems, la defensa Pirc se puede considerar un sistema de defensa universal que puede ser empleado contra muchos rdenes de jugadas elegidos por las blancas. Esta caracterstica te permitir ahorrar mucho tiempo en el estudio de las aperturas, ya que podrs confiar en utilizar este sistema contra casi todo.Es un sistema de defensa fcil de aprender, y que lleva a posiciones muy ricas, llenas de ideas estratgicas y posibilidades tcticas y combinativas.En este curso aprenders las ideas fundamentales de la defensa Pirc, celadas, trucos tcticos, planes tpicos y esquemas y modelos estratgicos.Aprenders a manejarte en posiciones de medio juego y tambin en los finales resultantes que surgen a partir de este sistema de defensa tan interesante.Comprenders la funcionalidad de las piezas y aprenders esquemas estratgicos tpicos de aperturas tan importantes como la variante dragn de la defensa siciliana, la apertura espaola, la defensa india de rey, la defensa Philidor o la defensa Benoni.No solamente aprenders aperturas, sino que tambin aprenders estrategia, mejorars tu visin tctica y combinativa y desarrollars tu tcnica en los finales de partida.En definitiva, tienes ante ti un curso muy completo, con numerosos ejercicios prcticos e ilustrativas partidas magistrales completamente comentadas para que puedas llegar a dominar este sistema de defensa lleno de posibilidades.La defensa Pirc te permitir tener un sistema de defensa flexible y slido para el resto de tu carrera ajedrecstica.Si realmente ests buscando mejorar tu juego, este es tu curso."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"La defensa Pirc 3" |
"La defensa Pirc es una de las defensas ms flexibles que existen.Es una apertura que te permitir desarrollar fcilmente tus piezas y atacar contra el centro.Adems, como se producen pocos cambios de piezas, es una defensa ideal, que te permitir conservar muchas opciones reales de victoria y con la que podrs jugar a ganar con negras.La ventaja de la defensa Pirc es que, ms que una defensa, es un sistema de defensa, en el que no es necesario el estudio de mucha teora sino que lo importante es comprender las ideas y los planes que surgen.Adems, la defensa Pirc se puede considerar un sistema de defensa universal que puede ser empleado contra muchos rdenes de jugadas elegidos por las blancas. Esta caracterstica te permitir ahorrar mucho tiempo en el estudio de las aperturas, ya que podrs confiar en utilizar este sistema contra casi todo.Es un sistema de defensa fcil de aprender, y que lleva a posiciones muy ricas, llenas de ideas estratgicas y posibilidades tcticas y combinativas.En este curso aprenders las ideas fundamentales de la defensa Pirc, celadas, trucos tcticos, planes tpicos y esquemas y modelos estratgicos.Aprenders a manejarte en posiciones de medio juego y tambin en los finales resultantes que surgen a partir de este sistema de defensa tan interesante.Comprenders la funcionalidad de las piezas y aprenders esquemas estratgicos tpicos de aperturas tan importantes como la variante dragn de la defensa siciliana, la apertura espaola, la defensa india de rey, la defensa Philidor o la defensa Benoni.No solamente aprenders aperturas, sino que tambin aprenders estrategia, mejorars tu visin tctica y combinativa y desarrollars tu tcnica en los finales de partida.En definitiva, tienes ante ti un curso muy completo, con numerosos ejercicios prcticos e ilustrativas partidas magistrales completamente comentadas para que puedas llegar a dominar este sistema de defensa lleno de posibilidades.La defensa Pirc te permitir tener un sistema de defensa flexible y slido para el resto de tu carrera ajedrecstica.Si realmente ests buscando mejorar tu juego, este es tu curso."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"La defensa Pirc 4" |
"La defensa Pirc es una de las defensas ms flexibles que existen.Es una apertura que te permitir desarrollar fcilmente tus piezas y atacar contra el centro.Adems, como se producen pocos cambios de piezas, es una defensa ideal, que te permitir conservar muchas opciones reales de victoria y con la que podrs jugar a ganar con negras.La ventaja de la defensa Pirc es que, ms que una defensa, es un sistema de defensa, en el que no es necesario el estudio de mucha teora sino que lo importante es comprender las ideas y los planes que surgen.Adems, la defensa Pirc se puede considerar un sistema de defensa universal que puede ser empleado contra muchos rdenes de jugadas elegidos por las blancas. Esta caracterstica te permitir ahorrar mucho tiempo en el estudio de las aperturas, ya que podrs confiar en utilizar este sistema contra casi todo.Es un sistema de defensa fcil de aprender, y que lleva a posiciones muy ricas, llenas de ideas estratgicas y posibilidades tcticas y combinativas.En este curso aprenders las ideas fundamentales de la defensa Pirc, celadas, trucos tcticos, planes tpicos y esquemas y modelos estratgicos.Aprenders a manejarte en posiciones de medio juego y tambin en los finales resultantes que surgen a partir de este sistema de defensa tan interesante.Comprenders la funcionalidad de las piezas y aprenders esquemas estratgicos tpicos de aperturas tan importantes como la variante dragn de la defensa siciliana, la apertura espaola, la defensa india de rey, la defensa Philidor o la defensa Benoni.No solamente aprenders aperturas, sino que tambin aprenders estrategia, mejorars tu visin tctica y combinativa y desarrollars tu tcnica en los finales de partida.En definitiva, tienes ante ti un curso muy completo, con numerosos ejercicios prcticos e ilustrativas partidas magistrales completamente comentadas para que puedas llegar a dominar este sistema de defensa lleno de posibilidades.La defensa Pirc te permitir tener un sistema de defensa flexible y slido para el resto de tu carrera ajedrecstica.Si realmente ests buscando mejorar tu juego, este es tu curso."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"La defensa Pirc 7" |
"La defensa Pirc es una de las defensas ms flexibles que existen.Es una apertura que te permitir desarrollar fcilmente tus piezas y atacar contra el centro.Adems, como se producen pocos cambios de piezas, es una defensa ideal, que te permitir conservar muchas opciones reales de victoria y con la que podrs jugar a ganar con negras.La ventaja de la defensa Pirc es que, ms que una defensa, es un sistema de defensa, en el que no es necesario el estudio de mucha teora sino que lo importante es comprender las ideas y los planes que surgen.Adems, la defensa Pirc se puede considerar un sistema de defensa universal que puede ser empleado contra muchos rdenes de jugadas elegidos por las blancas. Esta caracterstica te permitir ahorrar mucho tiempo en el estudio de las aperturas, ya que podrs confiar en utilizar este sistema contra casi todo.Es un sistema de defensa fcil de aprender, y que lleva a posiciones muy ricas, llenas de ideas estratgicas y posibilidades tcticas y combinativas.En este curso aprenders las ideas fundamentales de la defensa Pirc, celadas, trucos tcticos, planes tpicos y esquemas y modelos estratgicos.Aprenders a manejarte en posiciones de medio juego y tambin en los finales resultantes que surgen a partir de este sistema de defensa tan interesante.Comprenders la funcionalidad de las piezas y aprenders esquemas estratgicos tpicos de aperturas tan importantes como la variante dragn de la defensa siciliana, la apertura espaola, la defensa india de rey, la defensa Philidor o la defensa Benoni.No solamente aprenders aperturas, sino que tambin aprenders estrategia, mejorars tu visin tctica y combinativa y desarrollars tu tcnica en los finales de partida.En definitiva, tienes ante ti un curso muy completo, con numerosos ejercicios prcticos e ilustrativas partidas magistrales completamente comentadas para que puedas llegar a dominar este sistema de defensa lleno de posibilidades.La defensa Pirc te permitir tener un sistema de defensa flexible y slido para el resto de tu carrera ajedrecstica.Si realmente ests buscando mejorar tu juego, este es tu curso."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Learning GatsbyJs in 2 Hours - 2020" |
"Gatsby is a free and open source framework based on React that helps developers build blazing fast websites and apps.Why would we need a framework on top of a framework (or a library)? Isnt React a tool that helps developers build websites and apps? This is a reasonable question. It is often posed about tools such as Next.js.React is a library that is meant to provide a certain set of core functionality for developers to leverage. It is intended to be lightweight and broadly applicable.Gatsby, on the other hand, is, a static PWA (Progressive Web App) generator. You get code and data splitting out-of-the-box. Gatsby loads only the critical HTML, CSS, data, and JavaScript so your site loads as fast as possible. Once loaded, Gatsby prefetches resources for other pages so clicking around the site feels incredibly fast.Gatsby is a static site generator that leverages React.What are static sites?Static sites have been around for a very long time. In fact, they are probably the original website: just HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. They are not rendered during runtime; there is no server-side code, no database, etc.A static site generator is a tool that generates static sites. With regard to JS frameworks and libraries, these usually generate HTML content on the client side during runtime. Static site generators generate this content during build time. Then, once loaded, React takes over, and you have a single-page application!How is this different from server-side rendering? This is a great question. The main difference is that there is no server-side code. So, unlike a tool such as Next.js, Gatsby does not render anything on the server when a request is made. This is all done at build time of the application.Some of the benefits of a static site are: speed, search engine optimization, and security. Not only are sites made with Gatsby blazing fast, but they have an implicit security since there is no database or server, and unlike standard React applications, they make SEO much easier since crawlers can find the content.What you are going to learn in this course:Gatsby FundamentalsHow to build fast static websites with GatsbyBuild a Blog in GatsbyBuild an E-commerce website in GatsbyHow to use GraphQL, React to build static websites"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Integrao contnua com testes, utilizando Jenkins" |
"Seja muito bem vindo(a) ao curso de Integrao contnua com testes, utilizando Jenkins.Nesse curso, voc ir aprender como criar um processo automatizado de integrao e deploy contnuo CI/CD para a sua aplicao. Sempre, claro, passando por vrios processos de testes visando garantir que novas verses do seu produto entrem no ar de forma rpida e segura.Iremos adicionar ao processo de integrao contnua testes unitrios, de servio e funcionais, utilizando ferramentas populares como JUnit, Rest Assured e Selenium (inclusive, para este ltimo, configurando uma sute para execuo de testes paralelizados em um Grid criado pelo Docker). Tambm faremos anlise de qualidade e cobertura de cdigo testado, atravs do Sonarqube. Veremos o histrico dos testes e avisos sempre que tiver problemas na sua construo.Alm disso, vamos aprender a estruturar nosso processo em duas formas distintas, atravs de jobs do Jenkins do tipo Freestyle (que podemos configurar tudo atravs da interface do Jenkins). E tambm criaremos um processo completo do tipo Pipeline, onde centralizar todo o processo em um script (Jenkinsfile) dinmico e poderoso.Contaremos tambm com o uso de ferramentas importantes e atuais como o Docker (e docker-compose), Spring Boot, Postgres, Tomcat e Selenium Grid.Ento isso, espero poder te encontrar nas prximas aulas. At l! ;)"
Price: 459.99 ![]() |
"Enterprise Information System" |
"Taught 3000+ students offline and now extending the course and experience to online students like you!Winners don't do different things, they do things differently! Complete course guide, separate guide of 700+ practice questions, 50+ industry examples & case studies, downloadable resources, supportive animation/videos for better understanding. With over 17 hours of training, quizzes, and practical steps you can follow - this is one of the most comprehensive Information System courses available. We'll cover concepts, Business Process Re-engineering, BPM, Central Banking System, Cloud & Mobile computing, Information security techniques, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Bring Your Own Device, Green Computing, Web 3.0, and many more! This course is a great ""value for money!"".By the end of this course, you will be confidently implementing techniques across the major situations in Business and IT.You'll Also Get:Lifetime Access to course updatesFast & Friendly Support in the Q&A section If you are a student or preparing for the competitive exam you may opt for education notes/ handouts & separate guide of 700+ practice questions( mentioned in Bonus Section) Free eligibility for any new lectures added to this course, for a lifetime!Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for DownloadDon't Miss Out!Every second you wait is costing you a valuable chance for learning and to outstand.These courses come with a 30-day money-back guarantee - so there's no risk to get started.Go ahead and hit the ""take this course"" button to start growing a business online today!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"3DS MAX 2020 Interior Design Beginners Course" |
"Hi my name is Vito and welcome to this Interior Design Beginners Course.Building compelling Architectural experiences with 3ds Max can be both incredibly rewarding and extremely frustrating. With so many parameters and settings, it's hard to know where to look when you need a solution. But when it all comes together, an extraordinary experience can be created. Join me in my Interior Design Beginners Course on 3ds max Architectural visualization, where we'll dig into Modeling, Materials, lighting, and Rendering techniques that will take your project from concept to final render. This course is a must watch for Anyone who wants to learn 3D Modeling, Architectural Modeling or Rendering Interior or Exterior Designs in 3DS MAXSo well begin by setting up initial settings in 3ds max like our measurement units, 3ds max project and render settings once we have our settings setup. Well begin modeling our interior step by step starting with base shape of the interior design next well model furniture including tv cabinet, couch, carpet, curtains and more. After that well start working on setting up lights in our scene next well add materials and textures and finally render photorealistic images out of 3ds max so lets go ahead and get started."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"The Complete SSIS to SQL Server Database Bootcamp" |
"If you are looking to find out vital information with SSIS then this is the course for you.You will learnHow to pull data from SQL Server using SSIS (SQL Server Integration Services)How to debug SSIS PackagesHow to performance tune SSIS PackagesAfter this course, you will be able to use SSIS to pull back data from SQL Server."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Paint a Digital Portrait with Clip Studio Paint" |
"Clip Studio Paint is an amazing software used to make comics, illustrations and drawings. This class will show you how you can use this fantastic digital painting software to create digital portraits of your own.I'll be demonstrating my portrait-making process for Clip Studio from the very beginning to the very end. Throughout the drawing, I'll be explaining each step and giving you all my tips and tricks along the way.Although this class is designed with Clip Studio specifically in mind, a lot of what we will cover can also be done in other digital drawing/painting programs like Photoshop; so this class will still be useful even if you don't own Clip Studio yet!Check out this course if you want to learn more about Clip Studio Paint, have a drawing tablet handy or just want to practice drawing digital portraits and illustrations. See you in class!*Music courtesy of DJ Quads."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Canon Eos 1300D - Dbuter en photographie avec ce botier." |
"Vous souhaitez comprendre et savoir mieux utiliser les Reflex CANON pour bien dbuter en photographie numrique ? Vous tes dj possesseur ou bien vous souhaitez l'acqurir ... !? C'est clair que vous souhaitez comprendre tous les boutons de votre appareil photo numrique ! Vous savez que c'est possible de transfrer vos fichiers JPEG de manire efficace avec le Wifi , mais est-ce si compliqu de le faire en ralit !? Il y a des APPLICATIONS CANON pour contrler votre appareil distances ..... a c'est cool, et je vous montre comment cela se droule ... C'est fait pour le Dbutant, l'Amateur passionn, le futur Professionnel de la photo ."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"video editing : Premier pro CC2020, wondershare filmora 9" |
"En este curso, veremos 7 programas esenciales para aprender editar, as tambin que es importante que no importa si no tienes una cmara profesional, con los efectos de la edicin y la randerizacin, quedara un vdeo de calidad, tomar el curso y darle seguimiento es una parte fundamental para aprender.Por politica de Udemy el curso ya no podr ser gratuito, gracias a todos mis estudiantes que se inscribieron."
Price: 570.00 ![]() |
"Operating System Project - Develop Heap Memory Manager in C" |
"This course attempts to answer the following INTERVIEW QUESTIONS :1. How will you design your own heap Memory Manager?2. What is the data structure employed for Heap Memory Management?3. What is the time complexity to allocate memory to a process?4. How free( ) knows how much memory to free?5. How to get rid of Memory Fragmentation?This course is about - ""Design and Implement your own Memory Allocation Scheme to address the problem of Memory Fragmentation, see Memory Usage and statistics and Catch Memory Leaks. Talk to your prof and ask to do this project as your Operating Seminar Project"". Do this yet another System Project and Impress the interviewer with your knowledge of System Memory Management.In this course, we shall design and implement a scheme in the form of a Library that takes the responsibility to allocate & de-allocate memory to your userspace process while taking care of the problems of Heap internal and external fragmentation behind the scenes. We already are familiar with the problem of Heap internal and external fragmentation which grows and magnifies over a period of time when a process is in execution and make much of the part of Heap memory unusable. Many companies implement this scheme in the industry in userspace itself to get rid of Fragmentation problems and also speed up the mechanism of Memory (de)allocation to a process.This is a pure coding based course and at every stage of the course, you need to write a code to implement the project."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
khoomeichina |
"24/7 . , 3Skype"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"SketchUp 2020 Interior Room Design" |
"Learn through a step by step process how to easily create a Professional 3D model of the interior of a room. Learn how to build models with SketchUp Pro 2020 and how to create photo realistic renderings with Lumion 10. Wether you are a beginner or experienced this course is great way to master 3D modeling."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Como Dar e Receber Feedback - Mtodo FG" |
"Imagine ter mais poder de liderar e gerir pessoas atravs de um Mtodo Testado e Comprovado de Feedback.Um Mtodo que te capacita a Dar Feedback de Desenvolvimento e de Reconhecimento (Elogio) e Receber Feedback.Isso possvel aplicando as Tcnicas, Ferramentas e Estratgias deste curso.Ento, por que voc quer aprender sobre Feedback?. Como seria se voc pudesse se comunicar com excelncia com qualquer pessoa, a qualquer momento, e saber que sua comunicao est sendo altamente considerada e valorizada pela outra pessoa?. Imagine se voc pudesse aumentar sua liderana e competncia em gesto de pessoas escolhendo aprender mais sobre essas poderosas tcnicas de Feedback. Voc gostaria de ser um lder, gestor ou profissional que fala exatamente o que importa para cada tipo colega, liderado ou gestor e, assim, criar melhores relacionamentos e mais resultados?. Como seria se voc pudesse se sentir mais confiante, seguro e confortvel dando e recebendo feedback e demonstrando o valor do que voc agrega?. Imagine como seria se voc pudesse aumentar significativamente seu poder de influncia e persuaso fazendo com que as pessoas considerem suas opinies e mensagensO que o Mtodo FG de Feedback?Este Mtodo tem a ver com a utilizao de ferramentas, tcnicas e estratgias de comunicao que impactam diretamente o subconsciente e as motivaes de seu liderado, colega ou gestor.Ao acessar essas informaes e com o apoio das tcnicas e estratgias ensinadas neste curso, voc poder aumentar em muito o seu poder de persuaso e reduzir a resistncia consciente das pessoas e eventuais conflitos.E isso essencial em um mundo onde as pessoas esto cada vez mais informadas e preparadas.Por isso, absolutamente necessrio que voc se torne um especialista na arte de Dar Feedback (de Desenvolvimento e de Reconhecimento) e Receber Feedback para liderar e gerenciar mais e melhor.Ao desenvolver suas habilidades no uso do Feedback, voc ir:. aumentar suas habilidades de comunicao. aumentar as suas competncias como lder e gestor de pessoas e conquistar mais resultados. tornar-se mais persuasivo com as pessoas em geral. influenciar mais as pessoas. ter a capacidade de tornar suas ideias e sugestes mais consideradas e aceitasE exatamente isso que voc aprender neste curso.== >> E lembre-se! O curso tem uma garantia de 30 dias, ou seja, voc no corre riscos ao decidir se inscrever agora e iniciar sua TRANSFORMAO POSITIVA agora mesmo.O que voc vai aprender ao final do curso?Ao final do curso voc estar mais capacitado do que antes para dar e receber feedbackEstar habilitado para falar o que deseja e ao mesmo tempo minimizar o impacto no outroAumentar em muito a sua a sua capacidade de escolher as palavras certas e o tom correto para as suas conversasConseguir aumentar o poder de provocar mudanas e tomada de responsabilidade por parte de outras pessoasElevar sua capacidade de ser um comunicador mais competenteAo final do curso voc ter o poder de liderar muito mais e melhor== >> Voc no corre nenhum risco ao se inscrever agora! O curso tem uma garantia de 30 dias. Inscreva-se agora e inicie sua TRANSFORMAO POSITIVA neste instante."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"The Inca Empire and the Andean Civilizations" |
"This is a course on the Inca Empire and the Andean Civilizations. We begin as far back as possible, searching for the earliest inhabitants of this region. And then follow the developments of this isolated, unique and pristine culture. The Andean civilization was one of five civilizations in the world deemed by scholars to be ""pristine"", that is indigenous and not derivative from other civilizations. Welcome to this journey of discovery into this mysterious civilization of which relatively little is still known."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |