Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Mastering PowerPoint 2019 - Advanced" |
"Learn advanced features to get the most out of PowerPoint 2019 or PowerPoint 365Have you seen someone deliver a PowerPoint presentation that was really well done? Do you remember the difference it madenot only in helping you understand the content, but the way it made you feel about the presenter? This course will show you how to turn lackluster presentations into something that is visually stimulating and works to keep your audience engaged.Organize, create, and effectively share information you need to presentMicrosoft PowerPoint is the most common presentation tool in the workplace. This course teaches the most commonly used PowerPoint features and introduces some of the more advanced options. Its time to move beyond bullet points!In this course, presentation expert Kelly Vandever and Meg Pierson walk you through the advanced features of Microsoft PowerPoint 2019."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"AZ Web Design: Corso Completo da Zero (20+ Ore)" |
"Benvenuto in questo corso completo di Web Design! Questo un corso dedicato a tutti coloro che vogliono approcciarsi a questo fantastico mondo e che non sanno proprio da dove iniziare. Grazie a lezioni passo-passo imparerai tutte le competenze cruciali della materia (che potrai spendere nel mondo del lavoro).Segui le esercitazioni con qualsiasi editor HTML, anche gratuito (il mio preferito Notepad++) ... Non necessario scaricare alcun software a pagamento per seguire le lezioni e fare gli esercizi!COSA IMPARERAI?Nella sezione ""Introduzione all'HTML e al CSS"" ti insegner in maniera approfondita a padroneggiare questi due linguaggi (con esercizi intuitivi che potrai replicare sul tuo computer). Creerai la tua prima pagina web completa riga dopo riga, capendo bene il codice e come funziona l'architettura del web!Dopo aver imparato le regole fondamentali del web design, le TAG e le classi CSS passeremo al box model con i DIV. Questo ti servir a creare moltissime strutture per i pi disparati siti web. Imparerai inoltre a perfezionare il codice con l'inserimento di web font, video e elementi multimediali.E la grafica? Niente paura. Ti insegner ad utilizzare Canva per realizzare bellissime immagini da inserire nei tuoi siti!Dopo una lezione sulle tabelle, imparerai a creare un sito completo con il sistema box model. Segui questa lezione perch una delle pi importanti dell'intero corso! Nella sezione seguente ti insegner a creare un layout con la barra laterale e uno a bande, utile per i portfolio online o per i siti web da una pagina soltanto.A seguire imparerai le regole del web design responsive, facendo tuoi concetti come le media queries e l'adattabilit ai diversi dispositivi (smartphone, tablet, desktop).Ho aggiunto a seguire 14 lezioni di web design con Skeleton, un boilerplate CSS responsive gratuito basato su righe/colonne che ti permetter di approcciarti (in futuro, se vorrai) ad altri sistemi come ad esempio Bootstrap.A questo punto daremo vita ai nostri progetti imparando animazioni e effetti CSS davvero sorprendenti e daremo un'occhiata approfondita a Google Analytics, il sistema di monitoraggio web pi utilizzato al mondo. Imparerai inoltre a compilare un preventivo e un contratto per i tuoi futuri clienti.Nelle lezioni aggiuntive di grafica ci concentreremo sul design di una homepage e di una newsletter professionale con Photoshop Nell'ultima sezione ho inserito un corso completo su come realizzare un sito web professionale con Mobirise, (un software intuitivo e gratuito) in meno di un'ora. FAQCosa imparer in questo corso?Imparerai a realizzare numerosi tipi di siti web (con effetti speciali!) completamente da zero con un metodo che ho affinato in oltre 15 anni di carriera!Perch questo corso speciale?Questo corso stato testato in aula e negli anni ha avuto centinaia di studenti!Sono principiante, il corso fa per me?Il corso per tutti. Anche se non conosci una riga di codice HTML, al termine di questo padroneggerai tutti gli strumenti dei web designer professionisti.Di che software ho bisogno per seguire le lezioni?Le lezioni sono state realizzate con Adobe Dreamweaver (gratis per 30 giorni) ma niente paura, potrai seguirle e realizzare il tuo sito web con qualsiasi altro editor HTML, anche gratuito! Qualche esempio? Notepad++ (il mio preferito), Komodo Edit o CoffeeCup Free HTML Editor. Ricorda: il codice HTML codice HTML, il software con il quale scrivi le tue pagine non cambia il risultato!Quanto dura il corso?Il corso diviso in lezioni tematiche per la durata di oltre 20 ore!Ho una garanzia?Se il corso non ti piace potrai richiedere il rimborso a Udemy entro 30 giorni.+ BONUS: 267 eBook di Digital Marketing (link nell'ultima lezione)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"VLAN on MikroTik with LABS (RouterOS & SwOS)" |
"Configuring VLAN's on MikroTik products can be a challenge. There are different ways to create VLAN's and the configuration differs from a MikroTik product to another.For this reason, I have created this course to show you all possible ways of creating VLAN's on MikroTik products. This will include configure VLAN's on RouterBoards using the RouterOS, on CRS switches using RouterOS, as well as on MikroTik CSS switches using SwOS.Finding information on the internet of creating VLAN's on MikroTik products is very limited, so this course can be used as a reference in case you want to create VLAN's in your production network.To be able to practice all LABS of this course, you require to have physical hardwares as following:Internet service2 x RB such as RB941 or RB9511 x CSS switch such as RB2601 x CRS switch such as CRS1093 x UTP cables1 x PCI hope you will enjoy this course and I will see you inside."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Easy Landscape Painting In Gouache" |
"Welcome to the class Easy Landscape Paintings In Gouache Where youll learn to paint 3 Landscape Paintings with M3 Method using Gouache colors.My name is Mandar Marathe, I am an artist and have taught more than 11000 students thru my studio workshops and online courses like these. Ill be leading you through this course.M3 Method of Painting evolved from teaching painting to my students over the last 8 years. It breaks down the painting process into 3 steps of composition, block-in, and detail which even beginners can follow and paint confidently. To further simplify things, we just use 3 colors and less than 3 brushes for the entire painting.Gouache medium is very similar to watercolor but with an important addition of opaque white color. This makes it easy even for beginners to get great results. If you have used an opaque medium like acrylic or oils, gouache can produce very similar results but with the convenience of watercolor.Each demo in this course clearly shows these 3 steps and also gives you the reference photo for you to use and paint from it.By the end of this course, youll not only learn the M3 method but also learn the effective use of the Gouache medium and will be able to approach any painting with confidence.This course is right for you if you are a complete beginner or an intermediate level artist who needs to bring some structure to the painting process.You dont need any prior art experience to benefit from this course.Feel free to look through the course description and I look forward to seeing you inside the course.Happy Painting!Mandar"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Learn to play 19 cool new Sonny Terry licks on harmonica now" |
"This course will enable you to develop your Sonny Terry style of playing. And it's really FUN!Studying Sonny is a big challenge and this will be a great start if you want to learn more about his style, or will further increase your skills if you have tried this before.Sonny was the master of rhythmic chugging and since these are two mainstays of the harmonica you will definitely benefit from this course and this type of study.To create these riffs I studied the following original Sonny Terry recordings - Fox Chase, Airplane Blues, Raincrow Bill, Crow Jane, and Mean Old Frisco. So if you listen to those tracks you will hear many of the ideas in this course.What I have done for you is taken Sonny's original recordings and modified them to make it simpler to play and to write down, notate and tab out for you.These are not exact copies - just 'inspired by' Sonny's playing. I have quantised his playing to help you learn and made backing tracks that are more contemporary so they sound better to your ears.Each riff is explained by me and then you get it at three different speeds and also with written notation and harmonica tablature.The material brought to life in this course comes from a book I co-wrote with Paul Lennon called Sonny Terry 3 and it is available from HarmonicaWorld if you want a copy. You don't need it for this course but you might want to extend your learning.The first half of this course is on a C harp and the second half uses an A and a G harp. I recommend using Transcribe! from SeventhString if you want to change the key (and/or speed) of an mp3 if you do not have an A or G harp. You can change the key of the backing track to make it work on your C harp.Use your A harp on ST3 63 Playalong in E-Johnny in Winter or use a C harp and raise the pitch +3# (half steps/semitones)Use your G harp on ST3 62 Playalong in D-Mindlessly Simple or use a C harp and raise the pitch +5# (half steps/semitones)"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Dvelopper avec Bootstrap 4 & Flexbox" |
"Flexbox CSS3 est un modle de bote flexible qui succde aux solutions de display ""inline"" et ""float"" pour grer la disposition des lments et structure des pages web. Voici, un cours complet pour apprendre les concepts de base de Flexbox, avec :les options de direction et d'orientation (row et column)les options pour aligner des lments dans un conteneur flexible et gestion des espaces disponibles (fluidit),Alignements et centrages horizontaux et verticaux, justifis, rpartis ...,le contrle de l'ordre avec la rorganisation des lments indpendamment de lordre du flux (DOM),et, Distribution des lments horizontale ou verticale, avec passage la ligne autoris,Plusieurs dmos sur:le conteneur flexibleles proprits flexla disposition des lments flex en colonne et rangeles options d'alignement des lments flexle contrle de l'ordre des lments flexDes TP pour une mise en pratique rapide : des exemples et projets de mise en page, de simple plus complexe, avec les proprits Flexmenu responsive flex, galerie d'images ... Et, Bootstrap 4 avec Flex: un projet pour dcouvrir les bnfices du CSS moderne et d'une mise en page contrle et facilite grce aux classes et utilities Flex de Bootstrap 4."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Crer une API REST avec Node.js & Express.js" |
"Dcouvrez comment crer une API REST en utilisant Node.js et le framework Express.jsUne API (Application Programming Interface ou interface de programmation applicative en franais) est un ensemble de services offert par un logiciel d'autres logiciels et qui permet de manipuler facilement et rapidement des bases de donnes.Pourquoi le framework express ?Node.js est un langage bas niveau avec une courbe d'apprentissage assez longue pour les dbutants. Express.js est un framework bas sur Node.js, qui facilite le dmarrage de cration de serveur et de routing pour communiquer avec la base de donne. Express.js sera idal pour le dveloppement de cette API REST.Ct client avec l'exemple d'un mini blog, on apprendra: interroger le serveur via l'interface de programmation applicative (API) pour afficher des posts de blog par catgorie et individuellement. On abordera aussi des notions de React avec react router, redux, pour la gestion d'tat de l'application, redux-thunk, pour les requtes HTTP asynchronises et bootstrap 4, pour dvelopper une interface front rapidement et facilement.Ce que vous allez apprendre :Crer une base de donnes avec MongoDBApprendre insrer de nouveaux documents dans la base de donnes (MongoDB)Interroger un serveur web avec JavaScript avec la cration d'une interface (service) pour faire les appels rseau (HTTP)intgration de Redux pour la gestion globale d'tat de l'applicationUsage des React Hooks avec les fonctions composantFaire des oprations HTTP pour synchroniser les donnes avec le frontVous en sortirez plus confiant dans le dveloppement d'applications en javascript autant du ct serveur que ct client.Quels sont les prrequis ?Des notions de programmation en JavaScript et ES6 (ECMAScript 2015)Les bases de l'intgration web avec HTML5 et CSS3Avoir dj utilis Bootstrap 3 ou 4 au moins une foiset, un intrt certain pour les technologies javascript ? et pour ceux qui souhaitent monter en comptence sur le sujet."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Certified Habits Life Coach Positive Psychology [Accredited]" |
"Mr. Pobric is a Prominent Online Instructor and the Authority Figure in the field of Positive Psychology, Happiness and Human Flourishing. He has over 39,000 happy Udemy students in 170 Countries and over 2,500 REVIEWS. Mr. Pobric is actively involved in this amazing community of happier people and does his best to answer all the questions within 48 hours. Upon completion of this training you will be eligible to apply for and receive; Official Authentic Certification40 CPD / CE Credit Hours (Continuing Professional Development / Continuing Education Credits)In addition to the course content students should be prepared to study and practice the material for a minimum of 80 course hours. Fully Accredited CPD / CE Program by the CPD Standards and when completed you will be eligible to receive Accredited Certificate with 40 CPD / CE Credit Hours. At the end of this course, you will:Practice Coaching Clients to establish new routines and change bad habits Apply Habits Coaching ModelUse Habits Life Cycle in your Coaching Practice Adopt Client Ready Coaching Form and Questionnaires to Your BusinessUnderstand how to introduce Habits Coaching to your ClientsReceive 7 FREE Books and Amazon Bestseller Habits and Happiness Get access to Research PapersGet examples of Real Life Coaching Stories Apply specific Habits Coaching Tools Help Clients achieve True Life Success Complete multiple Practical Assignments and Tests Choose One or More Habits You Want To Change This program is Fully Accredited CPD / CE Program by the CPD Standards.Receive TWO (2) Full Certification Courses Certified Habits PractitionerCertified Habits Life Coach Our CPD provider Number is 777313Habits and Happiness Udemy Program combines years of research by experts in the field of habits, neuroscience, traditional and positive psychology, and teaches you how to apply this new information in a very simple and practical way. This program will help you understand your habits: why you have them, why you can or cannot change them, and how they can work to help you live a great life. Implementing habitual behavior in accordance with this program will help you become happier and more successful, will improve your wellbeing, and will assist you in living the life you've always wanted to live.Everything you want to achieve in life--from a successful career, thriving relationships, improved health, or simply increase your happiness and wellbeingeverything starts with habits. Everything! If your goal is to double your income, get a new job, do well on an interview, lose weight, gain weight, start exercising, start meditating, improve relationships, change your diet, become happier or anything else in life this course is for you. This program is based on my bestselling book Habits and Happiness: How to Become Happier and Improve Your Wellbeing by Changing Your Habits, my Habits and Happiness workshops, individual coaching sessions, and many years of helping others change their life for the better in the areas they believe are most necessary. Regardless of what areas of your life need improvement income, career, heath, relationships, spirituality or anything else - you can only make that happen by changing your habits. Click the ""take this course"" button, top right, now ... Enroll NOW to become happier and more successful. Every minute you delay is actually COSTING you...Happiness, Health, Success... ENROLL NOW! "
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Mindfulness Life Coach Teacher Accredited Certification" |
"Students who complete this course and all course assignments are eligible to apply for an official mindfulness TEACHER CERTIFICATE. This training program is accredited by the internationally recognized Continuing Professional Development Accreditation, CPD Group (Provider No: 776727). 42 CPD Hours/CEU credits will be awarded to approved candidates. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++This program includes access to a thriving community of active teachers, parents, life coaches, and personal growth enthusiasts. Together we strive to answer your questions within 24 hours. I am a top Udemy instructor in the personal growth and development category. My courses have been taken by over 47,000 enthusiastic students from 172 countries. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++WHAT STUDENTS ARE SAYING ABOUT THIS NEW COURSE ""I love this course because the teaching is very clear and gives great exercises and examples that make you think and makes me want to come up with my own creative ways to relate it to my own teachings. It's not just like follow along, take notes, and do everything by the book. It is more interactive. I would create my own exercises along with the course so when I finish I have created my detailed exercise for my future students or jot note ideas of exercises. Overall I feel like this course doesn't take away from your own organic teachings because there is creative space in Patrick's teaching to develop your own technique and style. Thanks for the course!"" - Daicy""I have a master's degree in mindfulness studies. Patrick's course is an excellent resource in taking something extremely conceptually dense such as mindfulness and making it pragmatic for those looking to improve their lives. I thought this course was loaded with an array of tools to add to my own tool kit. Thank you, Patrick!"" - Brian""This is the first course I bought on Udemy, and for the price I'm delighted, It's well taught, and informative. During this coronavirus outbreak, I'd become stressed and anxious, and the course has helped me back to the route of mindfulness again. I feel much more peaceful. I'm planning hoe to incorporate this into my current practice so it's also given me a focus."" - AnneFULLY ACCREDITEDOn completion of this course, you will be eligible for full CPD Accreditation. If you opt for accreditation, youll also get a diploma and 42 hours of CPD / CEU / CE Credits (depending on your country of origin).Mindfulness Meditation Life Coach Accredited Teacher Training This course offers you concrete tools and concrete strategies on your journey to becoming a dynamic mindfulness teacher.With an amazing cohort of; teachers-in-training, life coaches, business professionals, parents, and personal growth seekers (from around the globe) - this training offers you the opportunity to obtain 42 Continuing Professional Development credit hours upon competition of all course work and assignments.The program material is designed so that you can easily complete the training in 2-4 weeks by combining synchronous and asynchronous learning strategies. If you wish to enroll in this Mindfulness training you do NOT need to hold a current life-coaching diploma. Many students enroll in this Mindfulness Course for use as a reflective life tool.Students who complete the course requirements are eligible to receive a Mindfulness Teacher Certificate. Once received the certificate is valid for two years and may be renewed with proof of the appropriate level of continuing education units.Who is the target audience?This course is well-suited for the typical practitioners of Mindfulness Practices including; life coaches, therapists, counselors, teachers, social workers, pastors, organizational leaders, wellness professionals parentsLife coaches who want to offer live and/or webinar-based workshopsBusiness leaders seeking creative ways to help their employees increase productivity while experiencing personal growth and wellnessIndividuals working towards self-actualizationCoaches-in-training who want to provide substantial guidance and direction to their clientsWellness professionals in need of continuing education unitsIn order to promote good coaching practices, please note that you are advised to use this training program within the boundaries of your expertise. The course author is not responsible for unauthorized usage of this training program."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Build Apps with SwiftUI" |
"SwiftUI is an amazing new framework. It's maybe the biggest leap in for the Apple development ecosystem since Swift was introduced in 2014. With SwiftUI you will build better apps with less code. It makes app development a lot faster, simpler and even works across all Apple platforms. SwiftUI gives you automatic support for dynamic type, darkmode, localisation and a lot more.What this course is NOT: This course is not an introduction into Swift or Xcode. It is also not meant to be a comprehensive SwiftUI handbook.What this course aims to do: This course wants to bring you beyond the standard tutorials of displaying some local or web based data in a list. It wants to address the questions that arise when creating an app with SwiftUI for the first time and cover topics that will enable you to understand app development with this new toolset and thus make you feel comfortable continue the journey of exploring SwiftUI on your own. This course is going to take you through the process of creating an app step-by-step. Not only will you have finished a complete app after taking this course, you will also get profound knowledge about SwiftUI and its most important concepts like property wrappers and its connections to the Combine framework.I am Brian Advent and I have been working as a developer and trainer, especially in the Apple ecosystem, for almost a decade now.Build your own Apps with SwiftUIIn this course I am going to provides you with all the knowledge you need to create your own SwiftUI apps in no time. I have selected the topics, progression and features that we are going to cover in this course with great care and based it on my experiences with this new toolset since its inception. Building an app from start to finish will give you a headstart in working on your own projects with SwiftUI.How and what you are going to learnThis course is project based which means that you will learn while working on a cool app project. Important theory will also be covered in distinct videos. In our sample project we will build a cool user interface, mix and match UIKit classes with SwiftUI, we are going to explore the most important property wrappers that are mostly responsible for the reactive magic of SwiftUI. We will also create custom shapes, animate them, store data on a device and so much more.Among other things you are then going to learn:Basics like VStacks, HStacks and ZStacksMix and match UIKit with SwiftUIUse Property WrappersCreate dynamic content with ForEachWork with multiple viewsCreate your own shapesAnimate Shapes based on interactive dataData persistence... I designed this SwiftUI course to be easily understandable for any developer who has a beginner-intermediate knowledge about the Swift programming language and the Xcode IDE.This course comes with extensive exercise files (code files and assets) for every video, with a begin and end state of all projects. You'll be able to work alongside the instructor and will receive a verifiable certificate of completion upon finishing the course."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"SAP S/4 HANA PP- Planificacin de la Produccin" |
"El mdulo de S/4 HANA Planificacin de la Produccin permite planificar la Produccin y Aprovisionamiento y ejecutar la Fabricacin. En este curso, el estudiante adquirir un conocimiento de todos los Datos Maestros involucrados en este proceso, cmo ejecutar la Planificacin de Necesidades o MRP y cmo ejecutar las operaciones de Fabricacin. Todas las lecciones contienen una introduccin terica y una demo en el sistema. Para un mejor entendimiento, se utilizar un caso de estudio simple donde simularemos la planificacin de la fabricacin de una bicicleta en S/4 HANA. Despus de una introduccin y visin general, en la segunda seccin veremos todos los Datos Maestros involucrados. A continuacin, cmo se crea la demanda, especialmente las Necesidades Primarias. Finalmente, veremos cmo ejecutar el MRP y una demostracin de ejemplo, analizando su resultado. Este curso permitir a los estudiantes adquirir un conocimiento de lo que este mdulo ofrece y cmo realizar una demostracin bsica. "
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"United States History Practice Test" |
"The United States has a history that many of us should know about. These tests should test your knowledge on questions related to early US history, prominent figures, prominent events, past presidents, important laws, movements, etc. Take these practice tests today and test your U.S. history and social studies knowledge."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Philosophy of Anarcho-Capitalism" |
"Anarcho-Capitalism is far from anarchism, and as a political movement, it is spawning in the 21st century in response to the rise of decentralization. Many topics go into learning about Anarcho-Capitalism such as deontology, classical liberalism, economics, game theory, Rothbardian philosophy, and Sociophysics. This series of tests will test you on some of these said topics."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"CCNP Security - 300-730 SVPN Extensive Training Course" |
"This course is for students trying to pass he Implementing Secure Solutions with Virtual Private Networks v1.0 (SVPN 300-730) exam, which is a 90-minute exam associated with the CCNP Security, and Cisco Certified Specialist - Network Security VPN Implementation certifications. This course teaches individuals on how to fully implement secure remote communications with Virtual Private Network (VPN) solutions including secure communications, architectures, and troubleshooting. This course helps candidates to prepare for the 300-730 SVPN exam"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Web Scraping and API Fundamentals in Python 2020" |
"Are you tired of manually copying and pasting values in a spreadsheet?Do you want to learn how to obtain interesting, real-time and even rare information from the internet with a simple script?Are you eager to acquire a valuable skill to stay ahead of the competition in this data-driven world?If the answer is yes, then you have come to the right place at the right time!Welcome to Web Scraping and API Fundamentals in Python!The definitive course on data collection!Web Scraping is a technique for obtaining information from web pages or other sources of data, such as APIs, through the use of intelligent automated programs. Web Scraping allows us to gather data from potentially hundreds or thousands of pages with a few lines of code.From reporting to data science, automating extracting data from the web avoids repetitive work. For example, if you have worked in a serious organization, you certainly know that reporting is a recurring topic. There are daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly reports. Whether they aim to organize the website data, transactional data, customer data, or even more easy-going information like the weather forecast reports are indispensable in the current world. And while sometimes it is the interns job to take care of that, very few tasks are more cost-saving than the automation of reports.When it comes to data science more and more data comes from external sources, like webpages, downloadable files, and APIs. Knowing how to extract and structure that data quickly is an essential skill that will set you apart in the job market.Yes, it is time to up your game and learn how you can automate the use of APIs and the extraction of useful info from websites.In the first part of the course, we start with APIs. APIs are specifically designed to provide data to developers, so they are the first place to check when searching for data. We will learn about GET requests, POST requests and the JSON format.These concepts are all explored through interesting examples and in a straight-to-the-point manner.Sometimes, however, the information may not be available through the use of an API, but it is contained on a webpage. What can we do in this scenario? Visit the page and write down the data manually?Please dont ever do that!We will learn how to leverage powerful libraries such as Beautiful Soup and requests HTML to scrape any website out there, no matter what combination of languages are used HTML, JavaScript, and CSS.Certainly, in order to scrape, youll need to know a thing or two about web development. Thats why we have also included an optional section that covers the basics of HTML. Consider that a bonus to all the knowledge you will acquire!We will also explore several scraping projects. We will obtain and structure data about movies from a Rotten Tomatoes rank list, examining each step of the process in detail. This will help you develop a feel for what scraping is like in the real world.Well also tackle how to scrape data from many webpages at once, an all-to-common need when it comes to data extraction.And then it will be your turn to practice what youve learned with several projects we'll set out for you.But theres even more!Web Scraping may not always go as planned (after all, thats why you will be taking this course). Different websites are built in different ways and often our bots may be obstructed. Because of this, we will make an extra effort to explore common roadblocks that you may encounter while scraping and present you with ways to circumnavigate or deal with those problems. These include request headers and cookies, log-in systems and JavaScript generated content.Dont worry if you are familiar with few or none of these terms We will start from the basics and build our way to proficiency. Moreover, we are firm believers that practice makes perfect, so this course is not so much on the theory side of things, as it adopts more of a hands-on approach. Whats more, it contains plenty of homework exercises, downloadable files and notebooks, as well as quiz questions and course notes.We, the 365 Data Science Team are committed to providing only the highest quality content to you our students. And while we love creating our content in-house, this time weve decided to team up with a true industry expert - Andrew Treadway. Andrew is a Senior Data Scientist for the New York Life Insurance Company. He holds a Masters degree in Computer Science with Machine learning from the Georgia Institute of Technology and is an outstanding professional with more than 7 years of experience in data-related Python programming. Hes also the author of the yahoo_fin package, widely used for scraping historical stock price data from Yahoo.As with all of our courses, you have a 30-day money-back guarantee, if at some point you decide that the training isnt the best fit for you. So youve got nothing to lose and everything to gain ?So, what are you waiting for?Click the Buy now button and lets start collecting data together!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Gypsy Rumba Guitar" |
"If you play guitar, love rhythm and fast riffs then this course is for you. Gypsy Rumba is basically spanish guitar sounds with a latin beat.The style is extremely popular in Spain and the south of France were it has a long and rich tradition. It has also been well adapted into pop, latin and jazz music. It has been made famous by groups such as the Gypsy Kings, guitarists like Paco de Lucia, Al Di Meola and their album ""Friday Night in San Francisco"".In this course we begin with righthand strumming patterns, simple traditional chord patterns and melodies. As well a detailed look at the righthand strumming technique, Picado for melodies, and Rasqueados for powerful breaks. You will also learn how to improvise to this style. Slowly through the course we will combine all the techniques together . In the end you will be able to play 6 traditional and popular Rumba songs, and a composition for solo guitar. All guitarist can benefit in this course by enhancing their technique, learning a new style, and adding new sounds to your music."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Mass Transfer Principles for Vapor-Liquid Unit Operations" |
"Introduction:This course covers all the theory required to understand the basic principles behind Unit Operations that are based on Mass Transfer. Most of these Unit Operations (Equipments) are used in Process Separation Technologies in the Industry.Common examples are Distillation, Absorption and Scrubbing.This course is required for the following:Flash DistillationGas Absorption & StrippingSimple DistillationBatch DistillationBinary DistillationFractional DistillationScrubbersGas TreatingSprayers / Spray TowersBubble Columns / Sparged VesselsAgitation VesselsPacked TowersTray TowersWe will cover:Mass Transfer BasicsDiffusion, ConvectionFlux & Fick's LawThe Concept of Equilibrium & PhasesGibbs Phase RuleVapor PressureEquilibrium Vapor-Liquid Diagrams (T-xy, P-xy, XY)Equilibrium CurvesDew Point, Bubble PointVolatility (Absolute & Relative)K-ValuesIdeal Cases vs. Real CasesHenry's LawRaoult's LawDeviations of Ideal Cases (Positive and Negative)AzeotropesSolubility of Gases in LiquidsInterphase Mass Transfer and its TheoriesTwo Film TheoryMass Transfer Coefficients (Overall vs Local)Getting Vapor-Liquid and Solubility DataSolved-Problem Approach:All theory is backed with:ExercisesSolved problemsProposed problemsHomeworkCase StudiesIndividual StudyAt the end of the course:You will be able to understand the mass transfer concepts behind various Unit Operations involving Vapor - Liquid Interaction. You will be able to apply this theory in further Unit Operations related to Mass Transfer Vapor - Liquid, which is one of the most common interactions found in the industry.About your instructor:I majored in Chemical Engineering with a minor in Industrial Engineering back in 2012.I worked as a Process Design/Operation Engineer in INEOS Koln, mostly on the petrochemical area relating to naphtha treating. There I designed and modeled several processes relating separation of isopentane/pentane mixtures, catalytic reactors and separation processes such as distillation columns, flash separation devices and transportation of tank-trucks of product."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Acing the Machine Learning Engineering Interview" |
"** Mike's courses are popular with many of our clients."" Josh Gordon, Developer Advocate, Google **Recent Reviews""Excellent course. I highly recommend it. Very clear, succinct and to the point. Will help all machine learners tremendously. Great job Mike!"" - Diana""Great course, can highly recommend this to anyone that wants to do well in their technical interview. Mike West is a great teacher."" - Sanmari""Good overview of concepts that could be asked in an interview. The overview can serve as a guide to which concepts you might need to revisit."" -- JonathanCourse DescriptionThe machine learning engineer is the single most in-demand job on earth, according to top job board indeed. My name is Mike West and I'm a machine learning engineer in the applied space. I've worked or consulted with over 50 companies and just finished a project with Microsoft. I've published over 50 courses and this is 50 on Udemy. If you're interested in learning what the real-world is really like then you're in good hands.If you want to land a job as a machine learning engineer, youll need to pass a rigorous and competitive interview process. Most top companies will have a phone screen and at least two to three rounds of in-person interviews. Listen, I'm not going to lie to you. The interview process is comprehensive and knowledge intensive. Our interview process is over 100 questions. Big salaries come with big skills. You either have the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in the real-world or you don't. While its impossible to provide all the answers to questions youll see in the applied space, this course is a comprehensive look into many of the questions youll see in real-world interviews. In this course youll learn how to answer many questions specific to machine learning in the applied space. Youll learn about concept reductionism and how to apply it in an interview setting. In the Artificial Intelligence space, role confusing is rampant. Many working in applied careers cant provide you with a clear definition of the roles in this space. This course will define the trends and the data behind the top jobs. Youll learn to analyze job posts you are interested in and tailor your interview preparation based on each individual role. Youll start by learning how to handle the most basic questions about machine learning. For example, what is machine learning and how does it fit into the Artificial Intelligence Hierarchy? If you cant answer the most basic questions, you certainly wont be able to tackle the more difficult ones. In this course, I'm not going to list out a bunch of questions. I'm going to answer them and show you the applied aspect to the answer. For example, I'll define hyperparameter tuning then I'll show you how these parameters are passed into a model. Thanks for your interest in my course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Belly Dance Basics 5" |
"In this fifth course in her Belly Dance Basics series, Shyama will teach hip figure eights--horizontal, Maya, and Taksim. Following a detailed breakdown of the movements, some variations will be taught to explore the diversity of the moves. Combinations will be taught using individual moves to form the building blocks of a dance choreography of your own. Students will explore precise technique, fluidity, and varying speeds. Concepts learned in previous courses in this series will be referenced as well, building off one another to expand students' repertoire! After completing this course, students will have a foundation for continuing their dance study, and for practicing on their own. Students will get a great start in learning to belly dance for fitness, fun, or performance! Belly dance is a naturally good core workout, designed to power muscles in your core, legs, arms, and back. Absolutely anyone can benefit and enjoy this art form--people of all ages, genders, shapes and sizes have enjoyed belly dance! Learning and performing belly dance can do wonders for self esteem, self confidence, and promote positive body image! Whether you are looking to form a new and unique fitness regimen, learn a new style of dance, drill moves you already know, or just want to try something different, this course is for you! Shyama breaks down moves to their simplest aspects so students can follow along and learn the techniques."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Flutter Intermedio: Diseos profesionales y animaciones" |
"Bienvenido a mi curso de Flutter: Diseo profesional y animaciones, este curso es de nivel intermedio y no es para personas que estn comenzando en Flutter.Este curso tiene por objetivo ensearte a crear animaciones personalizadas y diseos atractivos para tus aplicaciones mviles y aplicaciones para tabletas.Temas principales del curso:AnimationBuilderTweensSingleTickerStateProviderCurvesProvider como manejador de estadoCreacin de widgets re-utilizablesDiseo en tabletas y telfonos con la misma base de cdigoTema light y darkTemas personalizadosCustomPaintersSliversCustomSliversSlideshow personalizadoDiseo de aplicaciones tipo PinterestMen animadoCircular progress indicatorsScrollControllersAnimationControllersY mucho msA lo largo del curso trabajaremos creando varias aplicaciones que eventualmente unificaremos en una nica que nos permita trabajar el diseo en diferentes pantallas. Cada seccin del curso ha sido planificada para que encaje perfectamente al final en una aplicacin grande con un nivel de complejidad elevado con su respectivo manejo de estado.El curso te enseara formas para personalizar y re-utilizar tus widgets de manera til y eficiente, permitindote implementar tus mismos widgets en otras aplicaciones.Despus de entrar al tema de las animaciones, vers que cada seccin las utiliza para que se mire elegante cada widget que hacemos, porque si bien es cierto que la mayora de las animaciones son innecesarias, pero le dan el extra que puede diferenciar tu aplicacin de la competencia y que tus usuarios la prefieran.Nuevamente, antes de que te inscribas, este no es un curso para empezar en Flutter, es necesario tener la base de un Stateful Widget , Stateless Widget y comprender a nivel bsico los widgets comunes de Flutter. Pero si vienes de mi curso previo de Flutter, tienes todo lo que necesitas para empezar este curso.Que lo disfrutes y sobre todo, que aprendas lo que ests buscando en este curso y mucho mas!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to write Cinematic Percussion" |
"Your Journey in Cinematic PercussionAre you ready to master cinematic percussion for your music compositions?Do you want to create amazing percussion mixes: for epic power...dramatic action...intense energy...or perhaps percussive underscores?My name is Mike, and I am a music composer. Just. Like. You. And in this course I will take you on a learning journey and adventure, where you will unlock the secrets of cinematic percussion.Learn the Guidelines of Cinematic PercussionExplore the Sound Palette and ColorsDiscover Practical Tips & InsightsGet Live Examples & DemonstrationsMaster Cinematic Percussion for Your MusicTake Action, and begin your adventure in cinematic percussion, right now!"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Educacin a distancia con Google Classroom" |
"Aprende a crear una clase virtual utilizando tu computadora, una conexin a internet y Google Classroom, que es una herramienta educativa de Google. Ensear por internet es muy interesante y con la tecnologa adecuada, podemos hacer nuestras clases interactivas, colaborativas y ayudar a muchos ms alumnos a interactuar entre si, mientras que dejamos que Google Classroom nos ayude a eficientar nuestro proceso de enseanza. En este curso de Google Classroom, aprenders: Como crear clases online, con todo lo que necesitas para impartir una clase por internet.Dominars Google Classroom y podrs gestionar tu proceso de enseanza mientras te actualizas a las nuevas tecnologas. Aprenders a invitar a los alumnos a que se unan a tus clases, y podrs crear tareas, trabajos, cuestionarios o exmenes interactivos que se califican en automtico. Ahorrars tiempo y esfuerzo para calificar a tus alumnos en automtico. Podrs organizar y gestionar mltiples grupos de alumnos para las distintas clases que impartes. Adems, podras pensar que es dificil gestionar o fomentar la comunicacin de los alumnos, o la participacin en clase, al no estar frente a frente en el aula, sin embargo, con Google Classroom podrs aprender y utilizar las herramientas de comunicacin para:Crear anuncios generales o privados para toda tu clase, o para alumnos especificos. Enviar comentarios, mensajes y correos electrnicos a toda tu clase o a alumnos en particular.Tendrs un foro de participacin en Tiempo real, donde tus alumnos podrn hacer preguntas, comentar sobre el contenido de la clase, o ayudar a otros alumnos, mientras trabajan en equipo para completar los trabajos o tareas asignadas. Cuando creas tareas y trabajos, muchas veces es dificil lograr que los alumnos se apeguen a las fechas de entrega de tareas, pero con Google Classroom, podrs: Crear tareas, trabajos, cuestionarios o ejercicios con fechas limite de entrega, que se controla en automtico, para que los alumnos sepan exactamente cuando deben entregar las tareas y que tu no tengas que supervisar manualmente las fechas. Que necesitas para comenzar a utilizar Google Classroom?Una cuenta de correo de gmail.Tu computadoraBuena conexion a internetEs todo! super sencillo. Google Classroom es una herramienta GRATUITA.Aprende de una vez a dar una clase interactiva y profesional con Google Classroom sin trabajar de mas, ahorrando tiempo, esfuerzo y dinero en procesos o metodos de enseanza anticuados y poco eficientes. Te esperamos adentro del curso. Rodrigo BlancoFundador de la Academia Skill Domination."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"English Verbs Upgrade Speaking, Pronunciation, Grammar" |
"Upgrade your English by mastering all the verb tenses for the Top 50 most used English verbs! Many English learners can only use the basic verb tenses fluently making their English sound simple and limited. This course is designed to take you to the next level and help you master all the English verb tenses so you can create and use much more complex English!Learn and Master the Verb Tenses of the Top 50 Verbs Used by Native English SpeakersLearn all the Tenses and Uses for the Top 50 English verbsMake your English Sound Better with Pronunciation and Speaking Practice Exercises for Each Verb.Learn How to Make Complex Sentences with Each Verb and all Their Different Tenses Through Hundreds of Real-Life ExamplesTest What you Learned With Interactive Quizzes for Each VerbContents and OverviewThis course contains over 180 lectures and 10 hours of content. It's designed for anyone, regardless of experience level, who wishes to improve their English and master the English verb tensesIn this course, you will learn all the verb tenses for the top 50 most used English verbs, and you'll see how they are used in hundreds of real-life examples.You'll then be able to improve your pronunciation and speaking by listening and repeating along with the instructor, an American Professor.And, finally, you'll be able to quiz yourself with online interactive questions and review quizzes for each verb.By the end of this course, you'll have valuable skills that will help you quickly make complex English sentences in both your speaking and writing. In addition, your listening skills will greatly improve allowing you to better understand other English speakers.You'll also receive access to the instructor (an American Professor) at any time. Allowing you to ask questions and discuss English whenever you wish!Who this course is for:Language learnersPeople interested in improving their EnglishWant to become like a native English speaker by mastering all the verb tenses? Sign up now!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Gerenciamento de Projetos a Distncia para Freelancers/Asana" |
"Modelos prontos de gesto de projetos de vrios segmentos: Marketing, Design, TI, Social Media etc.Planeje e estruture os trabalhos da forma que fizer mais sentido para voc. Defina prioridades e estabelea prazos, compartilhe detalhes e atribua tarefas. Tudo isso num nico lugar.Acompanhe os projetos e tarefas em cada etapa. Voc sabe em que ponto est o trabalho e deixa todos os membros alinhados com as metas.Crie planos de projeto visuais para ver como cada passo representado ao longo do tempo. Identifique riscos e elimine obstculos mesmo quando os planos tiverem modificaes."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"My Google Classroom: Google Classroom Made Easy to Beginners" |
"Google Classroom program now has forty million users, thirty million Chromebooks students!You must be a part of the Classroom Revolution.Here is an outstanding chance to Set your Classroom up for success and get set to be amazed at the smoothness and simplicity Google Classroom brings to your workflow.Are you in the Digital education industry? Have you heard of Google Classroom?Google Classroom is a free web service by Google to support paperless learning in schools.Used correctly, it can take off significant stress that comes with teaching and having to deal with students and their needs.With more than forty million students and educators worldwide, it might be your turn to discover this platform.Google Classroom is a free application to assist students, and teachers collaborate, communicate, manage and organize assignments, go paperless, and much more!Google developed this application, especially for students and teachers, and they desire it to be your go-to assignment manager for Google Drive and more.Soon everyone can take advantage of this exceptional tool that makes training, education, and even outreach possible. All you want is a Google Account to set up the Classroom.So your school, your business, your consultancy, or your department can set up a google classroom. A classroom anyone can join and learn.Partners are developing successful Google Apps for Education business practices by creating together a tapestry of cloud, mobile and independent software vendor solutions.Googles launch in the learning management system world was received with many buzzings.Google Classroom, a centralized spot for teachers and students to communicate, work on assignments and have discussions, was published in September 2014.In the period of just five years, Google has improved upend the sales processes companies use to place their products in classrooms. It has engaged teachers and administrators to promote Googles products to different schools. And it has outwitted Apple and Microsoft with a powerful blend of low-cost laptops, and free classroom apps.Google Classroom is an immaculate, easy-to-use application. Still, there are a lot of best practices you will discover along the way.We have developed some of the best advice and tricks to use Google Classroom efficiently and tap into this incredible potential. Just grab our UpToDate, well researched, comprehensive Google Classroom Training Course. This online course will explain everything you need to understand about setting up a Google Classroom and managing it efficiently and effectively.There is a deep-felt shift occurring in World education: the Googlification of the Classroom!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Next-Level LinkedIn Marketing: LinkedIn Marketing Made Easy!" |
"LinkedIn Marketing has become the most popular method for success-hungry marketers to make the most from their promoting efforts. If not given sufficient importance to, it can prove disastrous for your business. It provides you with more opportunities to improve your credibility, and you will stay on top of your targeted audience's minds for a long-term basis.LinkedIn Marketing is the secret key to generate tons of targeted traffic to business & boost ROI conveniently.Let's check out some interesting facts that will get you stuck to it-LinkedIn is the most-used social media platform amongst Fortune 500 companies.LinkedIn has more than 600 million usersMore than 92% of B2B marketers rate LinkedIn the most powerful website for Lead generation.LinkedIn delivers more than 50% of all social traffic to B2B websites & blogs.43% of US marketers have got at least one new customer through LinkedIn.There's no hype hereonly raw hard data.Indeed, that's just a small piece of the immense possibilities that it holds for business owners of all sizes and shapes. Yes, benefits are getting LARGER AND LARGER, so the opportunity to generate tons of targeted traffic to business & promote offers to increase sales and profits.Do you know what the best part is? You don't need to bother about the complexities and high-cost required in mastering these methods. We have this innovative blueprint that takes you by the hand and guides you safely through the entire process quick and easy.Next-Level LinkedIn Marketing: LinkedIn Marketing Made Easy!This step-by-step video training course will guide you by the hand and assist you in improving LinkedIn marketing campaigns & boosting brand awareness.With its proper use, you can immediately direct laser targeted traffic to your site and cost-effectively expand conversions.And, MOST IMPORTANTLY discover Premium LinkedIn Marketing Tools and Services to expand sales & profits.All you need is to copy the precise steps mentioned in the training course. And the rest will be history."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"5 Minute Transformations" |
"This program includes many workouts for the busiest of people. Most are only five minutes in length. You will get workouts with bands, bodyweight, core, legs, full body and so much more. The workouts are created after training 20,000 sessions. Workouts for beginners, advanced and more. You can do them at home at the gym or anywhere else. If you are time strapped there is no longer any excuse."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"financial freedom Urdu/Hindi" |
"Earn Smart Course is in designed to facilitate people in managing their personal finance as well online business. The course is in Urdu/Hindi for better understanding for Indian & Pakistani Audience: Financial Framework2: Rich Mindset3: Expense Management4: Investment5: Grow Your Business6: Online Business7: Start a New Business8: Job Promotion9: Welfarebest of luck for information. and remember me in your prayers and do subscribe my youtube channel please."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"After Effects CC - Workflow Profesional para Motion Graphics" |
"Hola y bienvenidos al curso: After Effects CC - Workflow Profesional para Motion GraphicsEn este Curso aprenderemos desde cero el proceso de elaboracin de un trabajo profesional para Motion GraphicsTrabajaremos Desde el concepto, anlisis de un guin, elaboracin del storyboard, realizacin del desarrollo visual y frames de estilo, hasta llegara a la animacin final en After Effects CC 2020Recorreremos herramientas de animacin para motion graphics como after effects Photoshop e Illustrator todo DESDE CERO.El paquete de diseo de Adobe para motion graphics con After Effects, Photoshop e Illustrator son un conjunto de herramientas muy potentes y profesionales utilizadas para crear piezas audiovisual para TV , Cine o videos promocionales para Youtube o Redes sociales. Podremos resolver todos los desafos planteados del proceso desde la creacin del Story Board hasta el proceso final de animacin con un montn de trucos profesionales y tcnicas que potenciarn el resultado de tus Motion Graphics en el futuro.El curso est dividido en 6 secciones principales:En la primera seccin:Empezaremos Instalando After Effects y recorreremos toda la interfaz de usuario.Continuaremos con las configuraciones de nuestras composiciones.Aprenderemos el uso de capas y capas 3D, efectos,Conocers muchas tcnicas profesionales y entraremos a fondo con la animacin y el trabajo con keyframes en After Effects.Al final de la seccin aprenderemos todo lo necesarios para poder renderizar nuestras animaciones tanto desde After Effects como desde Adobe Media Encoder.En la segunda Seccin:En esta seccin tendrs una introduccin a las herramientas Adobe Photoshop y Adobe Illustrator para el desarrollo visual de vuestras piezas de Motion Graphics.Aprenders el uso de las herramientas bsicas e indispensables para generar tus propios diseos.En la tercera Seccin:Empezaremos buscando un tema con el que trabajar enfocado a un proyecto personal.Para ello veremos varias tcnicas como los mapas mentales y los listados de conceptos.Continuaremos con el trabajo de anlisis y planteamiento de escenas desde un guin previo.Para finalizar entraremos de lleno en la dinmica del trabajo con referencias que nos ayuden a situar visualmente nuestro trabajo.Generaremos tanto un mood board tradicional como un story-mood board.En la cuarta Seccin:En esta seccin aprenderemos todo lo relacionado con el arte del storyboarding.EMpezaremos con la explicacin de las convenciones que conforman su lenguaje, seguiremos con la creacin de thumbnails o bocetos rpidos en miniatura,y finalizaremos con la elaboracin de nuestro story Utilizando las herramientas del paquete Adobe Illustrator y Photoshop.En la quinta Seccin:Empezaremos con la parte de desarrollo visual para nuestro trabajo de Motion Graphics.Aprenderemos tcnicas especficas que nos sern tiles tanto en Illustrator como Photoshop sobre principios de color y generaremos nuestros frames de estilo que sern nuestra gua visual para montar nuestras escenas animadas en After Effects.Despus gereraremos todas nuestras animaciones en After Effects. Aprenders infinidad de tcnicas y te dar muchos consejos profesionales para que consigas un resultado muy complejo tcnicamente de la manera ms ordenada posible.Para finalizar haremos la post-produccion de la pieza, aadiremos el sonido y te dar algunos consejos para que renderices tus trabajos de acuerdo a las necesidades concretas de cada caso.En la sexta Seccin:Echaremos un vistazo a las redes sociales y plataformas ms interesantes para publicar nuestros videosAprenders consejos para presentar tu trabajo y hacerlo visible y as impulsar tu carrera como Motion Designer.Es un Curso muy completo en el que estudiaras y aprenders las herramientas necesarias para poder crear tus propias piezas de Motion Graphics y aplicarlas profesionalmente a la creacin de videos para Cine, TV, y soportes sociales como youtube o redes.Tendrs soporte 24/7 directo del instructor en el foro de preguntas y respuestas.Acceso de por vida a todo el contenido del curso incluyendo los videos y los proyectos de cada seccin."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"ECO11: Principles of Economics I" |
"This course introduces the basic principles of economics from the perspective of the Austrian school. Based on Carl Menger's Principles of Economics, Ludwig von Mises' Human Action, and Murray Rothbard's Man, Economy, and State, this course covers the concepts of human action, scarcity, opportunity cost, time preference, capital, trade, money, and prices."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Experto Diseos y Decoracin Espacios de Oficinas y Trabajo" |
"Experto Diseos y Decoracin Espacios de Oficinas y TrabajoEspecialzate en Diseo Profesional de Entornos de Trabajo, Oficinas y Coworkings de la mano de Arquitectos.Instructores: Arquitecto lvaro Garca y Arquitecta Luca Fernndez.Contenido Actualizado: Septiembre 2020Itinerario Formativo:Introduccin y Bienvenida al Experto Diseos y Decoracin Espacios de Oficinas y Trabajo Historia, Tendencias Actuales y ReferenciasDiseo y Organizacin del Espacio InteriorMobiliario, Mobiliario, Iluminacin y AtrezzoPrincipales Conceptos sobre Dibujo Tcnico ArquitectnicoDibujo 2D Asistido por Ordenador con AutoCAD en Diseo de Oficinas Modelado 3D de Proyectos de Diseo de Oficinas Renderizado de Imgenes Fotorrealistas de nuestros Diseo de Oficinas Edicin Fotogrficas de Nuestros Proyectos y Diseos en Adobe PhotoShopMaquetacin, Presentacin y Documentacin Tcnica de Nuestras Propuestas de DiseoMedicin y Presupuesto de la Ejecucin Material del Proyecto Creacin de un CV y Portfolio Creativo Impreso y DigitalConsideraciones sobre Seguridad y Salud en las ObrasRecursos para el Alumno del Experto en Diseo y Planificacin de Proyectos de Diseo de Oficinas Emisin del Certificado de Finalizacin del Experto Diseos y Decoracin Espacios de Oficinas y TrabajoSobre el curso:El ""Experto Diseos y Decoracin Espacios de Oficinas y Trabajo"" es un curso prctico y terico dirigido a aquellos diseadores y directivos que quieran crear entornos laborales que funcionen eficazmente. Para explicar las variables que deben considerarse a la hora d e planificar unas oficinas, el curso se estructura en una secuencia que abarca desde los objetivos que deben cumplirse y las primeras decisiones que deben tomarse, hasta un estudio particularizado de cada uno de los tipos de espacios de trabajo, los diferentes tipos de salas de reuniones y los espacios auxiliares requeridos para el buen funcionamiento de una oficina.La formacin est complementada por varios casos prcticos y por una serie de recomendaciones para poner en prctica los proyectos, todo ello ilustrado con esquemas explicativos y ejemplos sugerentes de todo el mundo. Por su prctica estructura y su representacin sinttica de conceptos y tipos de oficinas, este volumen constituye una formacin online integral para aquellos profesionales interesados en la configuracin de los lugares de trabajo y en el diseo de oficinas. Este Curso de Oficinas, Espacios de Trabajo y Coworking se basa en unos conocimientos terico-prcticos impartidos por Arquitectos con el que podrs ir adquiriendo los conocimientos imprescindibles para poder abordar con garantias y solvencia cualquier proyecto en ambientes laborales. La decoracin y el diseo de las oficinas son un aspecto importante para cualquier organizacin empresarial ya que suponen el escaparate de cara al cliente. Con este curso el alumnado podr conocer las ltimas tendencias y diseos en espacios empresariales, as como conseguir los mayores beneficios para la empresa u oficina, sacando provecho del diseo y estilo que se le aporte al lugar de trabajo.Qu es lo que en realidad hace la gente en una oficina?Qu tipo de actividades debemos poder hacer en una oficina?Qu espacios favorecen ms el trabajo en equipo?Qu tipo de espacio favorecen ms el trabajo individual?Qu tipo de oficina encaja mejor con la identidad de una empresa?Cmo podemos hacer que un espacio de oficina funciones?Todas estas y muchas preguntas sern resueltas durante este completo curso online de diseo de espacios de trabajo. Metodologa de Aprendizaje:Puedes elegir ver todas las lecciones de forma secuencial (lineal) y aprovecharlas al mximo la formacin. Pero tambin puedes decidir ver este curso como una gua de referencia. Las clases estn claramente organizadas en secciones lgicas y puedes decidir visualizar solo las clases que te resulten ms importantes segn tus necesidades formativas. A excepcin de las lecciones PRO, la mayora de las lecciones son independientes para que puedas comprender los conceptos de cada leccin sin tener que ver las lecciones anteriores del curso. Para desarrollar el programa formativo propuesto no ser requieren grandes conocimientos previos, ya que la formacin se acomete desde un nivel de usuario 0. El mster est orientado a aquellos creativos que quieran ampliar sus skills (habilidades) y conocer mltiples trucos, consejos, recursos y recomendaciones, de la mano de los arquitectos lvaro Garca y Luca Fernndez. Adems todas las formaciones de Udemy disponen acceso automtico al contenido, sin limitacin de tiempo, disponibilidad 24/7 (24 horas al da los 7 das de la semana), sin caducidad y con garanta de devolucin.La modalidad de este mster te permite que empieces y acabes cuando t quieras, marcando el ritmo de la clase segn tu disponibilidad. Puedes volver a visualizar lo que te interese, saltar el contenido que ya domines, hacer preguntas, resolver dudas, compartir tus proyectos...Recuerda que este mster global incluye lecciones en vdeo fullHD con audio de estudio (compatible con TV, PC, Mac, tablet y smartphone), artculos didcticos, actividades, proyectos paso a paso, recursos descargables, links de inters, acceso de por vida, certificado de finalizacin, tutorizacin online, y una exclusiva comunidad de aprendizaje privada que nos ayudamos aportando nuestras experiencias en el foro de comunicacin del curso. A qu esperas?, este mster es ideal para ti, atrvete a convertirte en un experto y expresa tus ideas y diseos de la forma que siempre has deseado. Adelante, nos vemos dentro de la formacin ;)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |