Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Aprende a realizar consultas SQL con Oracle Live" |
"Hoy en da, para hacer una aplicacin decente, necesitamos manejar bases de datos.En este curso, aprenders como realizar consultas en SQL sin experiencia previa, de las ms simples a las ms complejas.Usaremos el entorno Oracle Live, no siendo necesario instalar nada en tu equipo.Los temas a tratar son:Consultas bsicas: veremos como realizar consultas bsicas usando SELECT, FROM, ORDER BY.Consultas con WHERE: veremos como filtrar los datos de nuestras consultas.Funciones: veremos que funciones tiles podemos utilizar para nuestras consultas.Consultas multitablas: veremos como realizar consultas con mas de una tabla.Consultas de agrupamientos: veremos como realizar consultas con datos agrupados.Condiciones de agrupamiento: veremos como filtrar los datos de nuestras consultas agrupadas.Subconsultas: veremos como realizar una consulta dentro de otra consulta.Conjuntos: veremos como realizar consultas con UNION ,MINUS, INSERSECT, etc.SQL Joins: veremos como unir tablas de formas diferentes.Tablas temporales: veremos como utilizar las tablas temporales en nuestra consultas.Vistas: veremos como crear y utilizar las vistas.De todos estos temas, veremos una explicacin terica para introducirnos en el tema de lleno.Podrs tambin pedir consultas personalizadas para aumentar el contenido del curso.Os espero!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Java - Spring Framework" |
"Kurs koncentruje si na czci servletowej frameworka Spring. Nie tumacz tutaj protokou HTTP albo architektury wielowarstwowej. Zakadam, e uczestnik ma tego typu podstawy (np. przerobi inne kursy). Stawiamy projekt od zera, korzystajc ze startera aplikacji Spring BootPrzechodzimy przez pierwsz, dziaajc wersj (Rest Repositories)Przerabiamy na ""klasyczne"" klasy @RestControllerKonfigurujemy, korzystamy z plikw properties, YAML oraz rnych profilwczymy si z relacyjn baz danych, wykorzystujemy bazodanowe migracjeOmawiamy mapowanie obiektowo-relacyjne (ORM), korzystamy z frameworka Hibernate oraz Spring DataZgbiamy springowe wstrzykiwanie zalenociKorzystamy z narzdzi do pisania testw: JUnit 5, Mockito, AssertJ, MockMvcPatrzymy na wykorzystanie narzdzi Filter, Interceptor oraz CompletableFuture w kontrolerachTworzymy szablony, korzystajc z silnika Thymeleaf, patrzymy o co chodzi w Spring MVCAdresujemy wymagania niefunkcjonalne - metryki i logowanie - przy pomocy AOP (Aspect-Oriented Programming)Rozszerzamy moliwoci naszego systemu w oparciu o obsug zdarzeZabezpieczamy system korzystajc z Keycloaka (Identity Provider, OpenID, OAuth 2.0) i Spring Security"
Price: 234.99 ![]() |
"Revit Architecture Complete Beginner Training" |
"Revit Architecture Training For BeginnersThis Course Is For Beginners With No Prior Knowledge In Cad Software's But If You Are Using Any Other Cad Software Like Auto-cad Then This Training Will More Beneficial , you will learn how to create a full architectural model using Walls, Doors, Windows, Floors, Roofs, Ceilings, etc. You will learn how to annotate, tag, detail, your model, along with creating and printing sheets. Other advanced topics will be discussed in the course Like Project Phases, Design Options, . Also, you will learn creating several types of schedules, how to import CAD files. The course will show you how to deal with Rooms, Cameras, And Different 3D ViewsNow With All Of This I Have Also Included Practice Questions Videos Along With Pdf Files.You Can Download Those PDF Files With You For Practice Purpose.Now Through Those Practice Questions We Will Create A Project Like Plan Included wall windows and doors,Detailing Like Tags,Section,Elevation,And Putting All Of This On Sheet For Printing On Paper."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"(IMO) Senior Selection School" |
"Once you've made it to selection school by doing well in the AMO in early February, which only about 15 do for Senior, you have about two weeks to do the APMO and then about a month to prepare for the Team Selection Test. There you will do three 4.5 hour exams on consecutive days to determine your place in the Australian team of 6 people.Here we will examine the Team Selection Test (TST) of many countries including USTSTST, IMO ShortList, India, Australia, etcmay include USAMOWe mainly focus on the problems and give brief accounts of theory where needed. My other courses present the theory in more detail including proofs of theorems."
Price: 204.99 ![]() |
"Cristalloterapia applicata alle griglie - corso base" |
"Questo corso multimediale, al pari dei corsi dal vivo, ti certifica come Cristalloterapeuta con applicazione alle griglie di cristallo.Il corso accreditato dalla IAOTH, International Association of Therapist che fa si che il certificato sia riconosciuto a livello internazionale.Le griglie di cristallo sono uno strumento eccezionale, in grado di cambiare la realt che ti circonda e in grado di farti risparmiare tempo.Gli utilizzi sono tantissimi, come:-realizzare i propri desideri-raggiungere i propri obiettivi-migliorare la propria salute-proteggersi-fare le stesse cose su citate anche ai propri cari, alla propria famiglia, ai propri amici-usarle come strumento di lavoro sugli altri, come terapia, come raggiungimento degli obiettivi, ecc..-agire su persone o cose, case, paesi, citt, nazioni e il mondo intero-tutto questo e ancora di pi, il limite nella tua immaginazionePotrai usare le informazioni di questo corso se operi nel settore olistico, puoi usarle per entrare per la prima volta in questo settore, o puoi semplicemente usarle perch avrai a disposizione uno strumento molto potente.Attraverso la teoria, consigli e numerosi esempi verrai guidato passo passo in questo mondo affascinante e veramente colmo di infinite possibilit.Sei pronto a scoprire ci che puoi fare grazie alle griglie?Sei pronto a cambiare la realt come tu desideri?"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Cristalloterapia applicata alle griglie - corso avanzato" |
"Questo corso multimediale, al pari dei corsi dal vivo, ti certifica come Cristalloterapeuta con applicazione alle griglie di cristallo.Il corso accreditato dalla IAOTH, International Association of Therapist che fa si che il certificato sia riconosciuto a livello internazionale.Questo corso di livello avanzato, quindi come requisito dovresti aver conseguito il certificato di livello base sull'argomento.Le griglie di cristallo sono uno strumento eccezionale, in grado di cambiare la realt che ti circonda e in grado di farti risparmiare tempo.Gli utilizzi sono tantissimi, come:-realizzare i propri desideri-raggiungere i propri obiettivi-migliorare la propria salute-proteggersi-fare le stesse cose su citate anche ai propri cari, alla propria famiglia, ai propri amici-usarle come strumento di lavoro sugli altri, come terapia, come raggiungimento degli obiettivi, ecc..-agire su persone o cose, case, paesi, citt, nazioni e il mondo intero-tutto questo e ancora di pi, il limite nella tua immaginazioneIn questo corso verranno approfondite griglie ancora pi potenti ed efficaci e diverse applicazioni sulle persone.Troverai inoltre applicazioni pratiche praticamente sconosciute a tutti quelli che operano nel settore.Potrai usare le informazioni di questo corso se operi nel settore olistico.Puoi usarle per approfondire ancor di pi la tua conoscenza professionale a riguardoPuoi usarle per aver a propria disposizione strumenti sempre pi potenti per ottenere ci che si vuole.Attraverso la teoria, consigli e numerosi esempi verrai guidato passo passo in questo livello avanzato, ricco di nuove e incredibili possibilit.Sei pronto a scoprire i segreti che possono veramente modificare la tua realt?Sei pronto ad immergerti nell'incredibile, affascinante, misterioso e potentissimo mondo dei cristalli e delle griglie?"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Kurs Woocommerce - zbuduj wasny sklep internetowy w 2h!" |
"Czy masz ch uruchomi swj wasny sklep internetowy?Bardzo czsto sysz, e proces stworzenia wasnego sklepu internetowego jest trudny, czasochonny i co najwaniejsze kosztowny.Brana e-commerce z roku na rok ronie w si, w roku 2019 warto rynku przekroczya 50 miliardw zotych.Pojawia si pytanie, czemu Ciebie tam jeszcze nie ma?A moe jest problem ze stworzeniem sklepu internetowego?Myl, e te miabym problem wyda 5000 z na stworzenie sklepu internetowego na samym pocztku, zanim mj biznes jeszcze by ruszy. Wolabym te pienidze wyda na marketing.Teraz moe by tylko lepiej.Postanowiem przygotowa bardzo praktyczny kurs, ktry pomoe ci procesie od zakupu domeny i serwera, po konfiguracj wtyczek patnoci.W czym moe ci kurs?kompleksowa budowa sklepu internetowegozaoszczdzisz czasoszczdzasz pienidzepoznasz proces budowy sklepu onlinePrawda jest taka, e moesz stworzy swj wasny sklep internetowy w mniej ni jeden dzie, pacc mniej ni 100 zotych z gry.Zaczynamy?Docz do programu i zbuduj wasn platform e-commerce"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"La Teoria dei 5 Elementi" |
"La Teoria dei 5 Elementi una branca della Medicina Tradizionale Cinese. Un punto di vista semplice ed esplicativo, che parte dalla natura per spiegare situazioni dell'uomo e del suo benessere. La Teoria dei 5 Elementi ci insegna che il nostro star bene passa da un corretto equilibrio delle parti. La giusta alternanza di emozioni e di situazioni ci permette di essere felici."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"10 techniques connatre en CSS" |
"Je vous propose ce tuto vido qui va vous faire dcouvrir 10 techniques gniales en CSS.Une manire ludique d'amliorer vos comptences de dveloppeur front-end !Au programme de ce tuto 10 techniques connatre en CSSCentrer en CSS,Proprits raccourcis,Crer des formes,Techniques avec le slecteur universel,Passer au-dessus de tout,Les effets de survol,Image responsive et qui booste les performances,Un toggle en pur CSS,Grer le surlignage,Maitriser les dgrads.Je reste disponible pour rpondre vos ventuelles questions sur le cours.On se donne rendez-vous de l'autre ct !"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Impara Javascript da Zero 2020 - Modulo Base" |
"JavaScript il linguaggio di programmazione pi importante che devi imparare come sviluppatore web e con questo corso ti assicuri di non perdere una sola cosa che devi sapere come sviluppatore JavaScript!Questo il corso pi completo e moderno che puoi trovare su JavaScript: si basa su tutte le mie conoscenze JavaScript e sull'esperienza di insegnamento . sia una guida completa , a partire dalle nozioni di base del linguaggio, sia un ampio riferimento del linguaggio e dell'ambiente JavaScript, assicurando che sia i nuovi arrivati che gli sviluppatori JavaScript esperti ottengano molto da questo corso! un corso enorme perch ricco di conoscenze importanti e contenuti utili. Dalle basi fondamentali, ai concetti avanzati e alle specialit JavaScript, fino ad argomenti esperti come l'ottimizzazione delle prestazioni e i test: questo corso ha tutto. Il mio obiettivo era quello di creare la tua risorsa di riferimento per il linguaggio JavaScript, che non solo puoi utilizzare per impararlo, ma anche come risorsa a cui puoi tornare e cercare argomenti importanti.Il corso si basa sulla mia esperienza di sviluppatore JavaScript a lungo termine e di un insegnante con oltre 1.000 di studenti su Udemy e sul mio canale YouTube Isjeady. pieno di esempi, demo, progetti e ovviamente video - tutto con l'obiettivo di darti il miglior modo possibile di imparare JavaScript."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Regulation for Enterprise Risk Management" |
"In this course we look at the various financial regulations for the Enterprise Risk Management exam.We start off with a quick historical comparison of Spain and Holland in the late 16th century.The introduction video covers the foundational idea of regulation and why we have it.We then look at an organisation known as the Joint Forum which oversees all regulations.We spend some time going through the various versions of the Basel Accords. (Banking Regulation)We then look at Solvency 2 and its requirements. (Insurance Regulation)We also quickly look at the Sarbanes Oxley Act and other regulatory frameworks from around the world.We end off by looking at some common questions that could be asked in the exam."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
FlutterAPP |
"Flutter4APPFlutterFlutter1 FlutterHybridFlutterFlutterFlutter2 FlutterWindowsAndroidmacOSiOSIDE3 FlutterFlutterWidget4 FlutterContainerRowColumnListViewGridView5 Material6 iOS CupertinoiOS CupertinoCupertinoCupertinoCupertinoCupertino7 8 9 pub10 FlutterSQLiteCRUD11 Webhttp12 APPAPPWebAPIAPP"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Lesson Up - aplikacje i strony do nauki angielskiego PART 1" |
"Kurs Lesson Up pomoe Ci oswoi si z nowymi technologiami i pokae strony internetowe, ktre moesz wykorzysta na swoich zajciach. Kurs przeznaczony jest dla lektorw jzyka angielskiego na kadym poziomie zaawansowania.Pierwsza cz kursu skada si z 12 unitw oraz ebooka ""LessonUp - zbir 50 stron internetowych do wykorzystania podczas zaj jzykowych"" do pobrania. Zapisujc si na kur otrzymasz:- ebook z 50 stronami internetowymi- lekcje video opisujce 12 stron (7 stron z ebooka + 5 ktrych nie ma w ebooku)"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Machine Design : Theories of failure and Design for fatigue" |
"Machine design is the practice of designing structural elements of a product to meet functional and durability criteria .Failure prevention is a big part of study for Machine design . This course deals with the various theories of failure in Static and dynamic (cyclic) loading conditions.Basics of Principal stress from mechanics of materials Importance of principal stressWhat are Theories of failure? the most simplest formMaximum Shear stress Theory - How it is derived , the analysis and cases Maximum distortion Energy theory - the most widely used theory of failure for ductile materials The derivation from concept of strain energyDefinition of Von mises stressMohr theory - Theory for materials with different tensile and compressive strengthsCoulomb- Mohr theoryBrittle Failure theorySelection of Failure theory What is Fatigue loading? fatigue failure?Fracture mechanics basicsWhat is fracture toughness property Factors to be consideredThe S-N curve and RR Moore test to develop S-N curveEndurance strength and Endurance limitThe Endurance limit modifying factorsSurface, Size, temperature, loading Stress concentration factor Characterization of cyclical loadingDefinition of failure criteria in FatigueThe course is designed to be compact and to the point highlighting the most important concepts and the Why ? behind it. This is an advanced level course suitable if you are already familiar with strength of materials or mechanics of materials and basics of mechanical engineering ."
Price: 5440.00 ![]() |
"Apprendre les caractres chinois simplifis avec les images" |
"Dans la cration des caractres chinois, il y a une grande partie sont des pictogrammes. Des dessins reprsentant la chose dont on parle. Dans ce cours, je vous donne des exemples avec les 5 lments. Dans la culture chinoise transmise en Core et au Japon, les cinq lments qui constituent le Wuxing sont :chinois : ; pinyin : jn ; litt. mtal parfois traduit orchinois : ; pinyin : m ; litt. bois chinois : ; pinyin : shu ; litt. eau chinois : ; pinyin : hu ; litt. feu chinois : ; pinyin : t ; litt. terre .Vous allez voir comment c'est intressant d'apprendre le chinois."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
design-capacitor-banks-for-electrical-networks |
". . 22/0.4 ."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Criao de Marcas - Mtodo e ferramentas" |
"Os alunos iro aprender todas etapas envolvidas em um Projeto de Criao de Marca. Design Projeto e no apenas um desenho. Este curso apresenta uma Metodologia Completa e diversas ferramentas de criao para criar marcas de maneira profissional.O curso conta ainda com dicas de trabalho e otimizao. Professor experiente em criao de marcas, contedo direto ao ponto. Com esse curso voc estar pronto para criar marcas de forma Profissional."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Quality Assurance Mastery - Automation Testing with Selenium" |
"Start Learning Quality Assurance TODAY! ""This is one of the best QA software introduction courses, the instructor explains the testing concepts clearly and concisely."" ""Great automation tips and tricks, definitely worth it!"" ""Useful, in-depth walkthroughs. Instructor is knowledgeable, genuine and speaks in a calm, paced manner."" ""The best course for starting out with testing software. Every beginner QA should watch this."" ""Thank you for this useful information! This course is easy, not too fast and not too slow. Everything is explained clearly and to the point. I recommend this course!"" ""A good beginner course for someone who is looking for a QA profession. Very nice presentation!! Thanks.""******************************************************************************************You will learn different ways of Software Testing and everything you need to start your first job as Junior Automation Quality Assurance Engineer.This course will give you the foundation and confidence to enter the IT Industry as Automation QA Engineer.You WILL Learn:What is a Test Case and how to write a Test CaseWhat is Software Development Life CycleWhat is Agile - Scrum and KanbanDifferent Types of TestingWhat is a BUG?Black Box TestingWhite Box TestingUAT - User Acceptance TestingRegression TestingCross Browser TestingJIRA - Bug Tracking ToolWhat is Selenium in AutomationCreate your First Automation Project with SeleniumNUnit Automation FrameworkAssertions in SeleniumElement Selectors - ID, ClassName, XPathYou don't need any experience to enroll, you will be guided step by step through this course .You will also get Bonus Materials to help you from the beginning.This course requires work in the beginning - just like any other thing in life.But the best thing in the world is when your start making positive changes in your life.This course teaches you the simplest way to enter the IT field - Quality Assurance!If You Are Someone Who: Want to Become Quality Assurance Engineer Want to learn Software Testing Want to Change Career Want to achieve Financial Freedom and Enjoy LifeEnroll in the Course Today and Get Started!This course comes with a 30-day 100% Money Back Guarantee, so if you aren't happy with your purchase, you can get a refund - no questions asked!You will also get:- Support and Answers to All Your Questions During the Course- Lifetime Access- Certificate of CompletionNow go Ahead and Click the Enroll Button.I'll See You in the First Lesson!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Enqute Avec Sphinx : Crer Votre Questionnaire" |
"Avez-vous envie de raliser une enqute en vous servant du logiciel Sphinx ? Alors ce cours est pour vous. Il vous livre en effet toute la dmarche pour construire un questionnaire solide et efficace avec Sphinx. Grce ce cours ralis entirement en vido, vous droulerez un exemple concret de questionnaire tout en acqurant les connaissances ncessaires pour rpliquer intgralement la dmarche votre propre cas d'enqute.Concrtement, vous apprendrez structurer votre questionnaire de A Z, en passant par ces tapes successives :Crer une entte pour votre questionnaireCrer une premire section de votre questionnairePr-visualiser votre questionnaire en cours d'laborationCrer une deuxime et troisime section de votre questionnaireEditer votre questionnaire : modifier, supprimer, dplacer, tablir des renvoisMettre en page votre questionnaire : questions, zones de rponses, polices, tailles, styles, couleurs, etc.Imprimer votre questionnaire en PDFConvertir votre questionnaire en format Word"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"CMO DAR UN CURSO DE TEATRO (estructura, ejercicios, juegos)" |
"Comparto contigo mi experiencia como profesora de teatro de nios pequeos, adolescentes y adultos. Te contar cmo estructuraba yo cada una de las clases y las diferencias entre diferentes grupos de alumnos o entre las instituciones con las que he trabajado. Te explico cmo organizar cada clase y el curso a lo largo de las semanas o meses, para que t puedas adaptarlo a tus circunstancias. Te dar dinmicas y juegos, temario para que tus alumnos avancen y ejercicios para que practiquen e integren lo aprendido."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Rock Your Wedding First Dance" |
"Have you been dreaming of your wedding your whole life, but now feel a little uneasy when it comes to your first dance? Maybe you are looking for something a little more interesting than stepping side to side for your first dance, but also don't want it to look completely choreographed. I completely understand, and that's why I created this online first dance course for you! With just nine steps, you will learn all the essential beginning ballroom steps you'll need to feel confident AND excited. Along with my awesome husband, we walk through each step slowly and clearly, so that you know exactly how to execute each new step from both perspectives (for the ladies and the gents), and we even provide a couple camera angles to demonstrate when needed. You can have two left feet, no rhythm, and feel uncertain, and still succeed at this course. I've taught hundreds of couples these exact same steps in just two private 45-minute lessons, and I know you can learn them too! You will emerge from this course with the confidence to rock your wedding first dance! Here's what you'll get in this Rock Your Wedding First Dance course:Nine basic ballroom dance steps, perfect for combining in your own way to rock your first dance!Demonstration from both the ladies' and gents' perspectives of the steps so it's easy to follow along. All nine videos are yours to keep, and return to anytime you want.Do this course for nine consecutive days, or in your own timing. Make it yours.Even when you've completed the course, you'll have lifetime access to revisit your favorite steps anytime you want to!With this course you will:Learn a new skill that is accessible for people of any fitness level.Discover how to reveal more confidence and self-value than you've ever had, by learning fun dance technique for your first dance.Challenge yourself to be the best possible YOU at your reception.Fulfill bucket list dreams!Who should take this course?Engaged couples who want to purposefully learn a new skill that engages their mind and body.Engaged couples who want to transform their first dance stress into a first dance win!Engaged couples who can move at a basic fitness level."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Automate Excel using Python - Xlwings Series 2" |
"This course teaches how to automate Industry-level datasets maintained in Excel sheets using Python programming language.MS Excel is a very helpful tool for record-keeping. But the language that comes by default for macro is VBA, which is dated. And in the field of Data Analysis, Python has a lot of interesting packages which makes a job easy. Package like xlwings links any Excel with Python macros. Packages like Pandas, takes data into tabular format and also has customized filtering of rows or columns for complex data analysis. Packages like Matplotlib, Plotly enables to create different plots - line plot, Scatter plot, Heat map for finding the correlation b/w different parameters. In the Series, 3 Case studies has been picked from Industry process line. And correspondingly, Python macros are created to:reduce time in analysisenable customization using python packagesreduce macros code lines in VBA codebase.create customized User-defined modules by python functions."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Fast Track Reiki" |
"A quick way to learn the need to know parts of Usui Reiki the hand positions for working on yourself and others, my personal tips, and get attuned quickly. Also included will be learning a brief introduction to the seven main chakras and the aura. A great way to fast track into becoming a Master Usui Reiki Practitioner!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Intuitive Crystal Connection" |
"There are thousands of resources out there that tell us the power of crystals and the healing properties they hold. But have you ever sat back and wondered how YOU can access the wisdom and properties that each unique crystal holds?In this course, you are going to intuitively connect to a collection of various crystals to find out how they can help you and how they can assist you in manifesting your goals.WHAT THIS COURSE COVERS:How to figure out your intuitive typeHow to ground and protect yourselfHow to activate your palm chakrasHow to intuitively connect to the energy of the crystalHow to use crystals as divinationHow to setup a crystal healing session"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
": Kaggle-" |
"Python Kaggle. 4 : : . , - . ASHRAE. (ETL): , , pandas. : EDA. sklearn . . RMSLE . : . . . . , . , Prudential. : , , F1, . . . . . : SVM. ().XGBoost .LightGBM CatBoost . , , . : F1 . . HDF5. . . , . () .LeNet, AlexNet, GoogLeNet.VGG, Inception, ResNet, DenseNet. MobileNet, Unet, PSPNet FPN. ."
Price: 19799.00 ![]() |
"Selling on Amazon FBA Course Private Label Product Research" |
"This course will teach you about-1. How to get started in your amazon journey2. Why is Product Research so important for your Amazon FBA business3. Important tools to use for Product Research: FREE AND PAID TOOLS4. Product criteria: Basic requirements of a good product5. Product Research Techniques: 5 techniques to find a product6. Product Validation: Final checks before sourcing a product"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Kotlin By Making Android App" |
"In this course we will learn about the basic Kotlin programming and we will learn how to build android app using Kotlin. This is a project based so what ever we learn we will implement in our android project .This is a free course and every one is welcome to join and learn. If you have never write a code before then this is a perfect course to get your hand dirty.This course is for beginner in android development and programming . If you are experienced programmer or android developer then this course may not be suitable or you may not learn much from this course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate (SAA-C01) Exam" |
"AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate (SAA-C01) Exam Practice Tests*One test contains only 50 questions (instead of the official 65 questions) and the time limit is 130 minutes (same as the official 130 minutes)* *The minimum score to pass is 70% (instead of the official 72%)**Answers have been curated and official reference resources have been consulted*Mixed set of questions covering all sections and objectives of the AWS SAA-C01 exam, seen below:Sections Included in the Practice Tests:Domain 1: Design Resilient Architectures - 34%1.1 Choose reliable/resilient storage.1.2 Determine how to design decoupling mechanisms using AWS services.1.3 Determine how to design a multi-tier architecture solution.1.4 Determine how to design high availability and/or fault tolerant architectures.Domain 2: Define Performant Architectures - 24%2.1 Choose performant storage and databases.2.2 Apply caching to improve performance.2.3 Design solutions for elasticity and scalability.Domain 3: Specify Secure Applications and Architectures - 26%3.1 Determine how to secure application tiers.3.2 Determine how to secure data.3.3 Define the networking infrastructure for a single VPC application.Domain 4: Design Cost-Optimized Architectures - 10%4.1 Determine how to design cost-optimized storage.4.2 Determine how to design cost-optimized compute.Domain 5: Define Operationally-Excellent Architectures - 6%5.1 Choose design features in solutions that enable operational excellence."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Personal financial coaching" |
"Personal financial coaching is my best way to teach you to finance with this course.My goal is to teach you to think in the right financial wayso that you invest your money wisely. I want to give you tools to help you with your financial management.You must start working with your money in the right financial way.I want to teach you how to think in the right financial way. you must be able to learn how to best invest your money. (A hint of money must work harder than you working)In addition to the course, you will learn the following topics 1 Why it is important to store financial wealth.2 types of how to behave financially correctly. 3 Which Mind Set You Need.4 How to know what your monthly spend is. 5 How To Produce From Your Desire.6 How to invest the money correctly. 7 How to negotiate."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Word - Word from Beginner to Advanced" |
"Material was recorded using Microsoft Word 2016 version but the same is relevant post 2007 versions of MSWord. Don't use just Word, learn tips and tricks with this course to be a smart user. This course includes basic level, intermediate level and advanced level of MSWord. Enroll now to go from beginning to Advanced user. At completion of this course you will have mastered the Microsoft Word."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Educators Guide to Use Video Meetings for Remote Teaching" |
"Remote learning can be a fantastic tool to engage and grow learners while also creating a sense of community and shared experiences. This course will walk you through 4 main themes (Content and Instruction, Personal Learning, Socializing, and Collaboration) to help you be the best you can be teaching remotely with video meetings."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |