Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
akrilgold |
", . , , , . , . , , , , . . , !"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"CATIA V5 with DMU Kinematic Analysis of Mechanism with Clash" |
"In this Course you are going to learn how to use Catia full part design and assembly modeling with type kinematics joints long with Analysis of Mechanisms and clash details for finding interference between two part or in assembly 1. Revolute Joint2. Prismatic Joint3. Cylindrical Joint4. Screw Joint5. Rigid Joint6. Point Curve Joint7. Roll Curve Joint8. Cable JointCome join me in introduction to catia kinematic"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Shopify und Printful Print on Demand Business Step by Step" |
"In diesem Kurs lernst Du Dir Dein eigenes Print on Demand Business mit Shopify und Printful aufzubauen und Online Geld zu verdienen. Ob mit T-Shirts, Hoodies, Tassen oder CANVAS - Printful bietet Dir vielfltige Mglichkeiten, um Dein Online Business profitabel zu machen.Du lernst Schritt fr Schritt, was Shopify ist und was es bietet. Wir fhren im Vorfeld eine Marken- und Produktrecherche durch, um professionell vorbereitet zu sein.Wir bearbeiten gemeinsam die wichtigsten Theme Einstellungen, installieren die wichtigsten Apps und richten sie ein. Ein kurzer Exkurs ins Designen lehrt Dich, Dein eigenes Design mit canva zu erstellen.Am Ende kannst Du Deinen Shopify Shop aufbauen und ein Print on Demand Business mit Printful betreiben!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Personality Psychology Certification Course" |
"Hello and welcome to our certification online course on Psychology of Personality. I am Gloria Dimitrova and I will be your lecturer in the upcoming training. The aim of the training is to gain in-depth knowledge of the psychology of the personality, to understand why this part of psychological science is important, and how generally personal psychology contributes to the behaviour and life of the person. The training is divided into five main lectures into the most influential theoretical concepts and schools on understanding the notion of personality.In the first lecture, we will introduce the psychoanalytic personality theory created by Sigmund Freud. We will turn our attention to the three psychic structures (Id, Ego and the Super-ego), their functions and meaning. We will look at the notion of a person in terms of classical psychoanalysis. We will introduce Freud's ideas and views on the drive to life and the drive to death.In the second lecture, we present the ideas and views of Karl Gustav Jung and analytical psychology about the personality. We will focus on some differences in Yung and Freud's views and we will look at the three personality kinds in the theory of Jung. We will introduce you to the idea of the personal conscious, personal unconscious and the collective unconscious, their meaning and functions, and we will look at the typology of the personality created by Jung, which most people know as the psychological notions of introvert and extrovert.In the third lecture of the course, we will present you the ideas and views of Erich Fromm and his critique of Sigmund Freud's theories. We'll look at the escape mechanisms dealt with by Fromm. We will focus on Karen Horney's insight into the female psyche and her views on anxiety, and we will look at the personal orientations described by Horney.In the fourth lecture, we will present the ideas and views of Alfred Adler and individual psychology. We will look at his social approach to personality. We will look at the social interest, its significance and its functions. We will introduce Adler's idea of the feeling of inferiority and the inferiority complex and how it can be overcome. And we will introduce you to the hypothesis raised by Adler about the conductor/leader/head of our lives, namely the sense of authority and superiority.In the fifth lecture of the course, we present the situational and dispositional approach to the personality. We will look at the ideas and views of Gordon Allport, Hans Eysenck, Kurt Lewin, Raymond Bernard Cattell and Walter Mischel. We will introduce the idea of features and dispositions. We will also look at the main criticisms of the two approaches to explaining the person.Thank you for your attention and wish you pleasant and fruitful minutes with our training.With this course you will receive:Downloadable materials which can be used for diagnostic purposes.Certificate of completion from Udemy.Certificate of completion about Personality Psychology.The second certificate is granted by the psychologist of our team: Valentin Boyadzhiev - a trained nutritionist from 2011, graduated Master of Psychology in ""Psychology and Psychopathology of Development"" from 2016; acquired a Professional Qualification ""Teacher of Psychology"" in 2017; with a Postgraduate Professional Qualification ""Psychological Counseling in Psychosomatic and Social Adaptation Disorders"" from 2017. Since 2018 - a member of the Association ""Bulgarian Psychoanalytic Space"". Since 2019 - a member of ""International Society of Applied Psychoanalysis"" and International Alliance of Holistic Therapists. Since 2011 - a lecturer on issues related to nutrition, diet, supplementation, food and nutritional supplements, sports and more. Since 2016 - teacher of psychology, logic, ethics, law, and philosophy and a lecturer on psychology. From 2017 - a school psychologist of children and pupils from 5 to 18 years of age. Participated annually in scientific conferences on psychology, psychotherapy, dietetics, medicine, and others. Past through many other pieces of training and seminars. His main interest and practice is in the field of psychoanalysis and clinical psychology."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Crea un Sistema y Sitio Web para una Concesionaria" |
"En este curso vamos a crear un Sistema Web con PHP utilizando el Patrn Modelo - Vista - Controlador, haciendo conexiones a la base de datos en PDO.Tambin este sistema tendr su pgina Web la cual estar administrada por diferentes Gestores en nuestro Sistema.Utilizaremos la plantilla AdminLTE para nuestro Sistema.Utilizaremos el plugin de DataTable para hacer nuestras tablas de manera ms sencillas y dinmicas.Utilizaremos el plugin de SweetAlert2 para crear Alertas a nuestro proyecto.Haremos peticiones Ajax.Veremos como subir imgenes a nuestra base de datos.Te invito a que te inscribas a este curso."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Cambridge AS Level: Organic Chemistry" |
"A test covering Organic Chemistry according to Cambridge AS Chemistry Syllabus.Topics include:1- Introduction (nomenclature, formulae, isomerism, reactions, functional groups)2- Hydrocarbons3- Halogenoalkanes4- Alcohols5- Carbonyl Compounds6- Carboxylic acids (little)7- PathwaysTo make sure you score the highest mark possible, be ready to widen your understanding and thinking skills; just memorizing the content won't make you succeed as you expect.Consider this your evaluation and assistance through any struggle you have in Organic Chemistry.Make sure you got your papers and pencil ready for any work you need to solve the questions.Best of luck."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"E-Tourisme: Le Cours Complet avec Certification TripAdvisor" |
"Deviens #1 sur TripAdvisor La 1re Annonce de Votre Ville!La rputation en ligne de votre tablissement fait rfrence toutes les informations quun client peut trouver votre sujet sur Internet.Toutes les publications sur les rseaux sociaux, les sites de partenaires de rservation, les sites davis, etc. sont concernes. Combines, ces sources dinformations forgent votre rputation en ligne, cest--dire lopinion que se fait un client de votre tablissement.EXCLUSIF : SATISFAIT OU REMBOURS durant 30 jours !Ce guide est conu pour aider les tablissements qui commencent grer leur rputation en ligne. Il est fond sur quatre principes cls :Influencez la discussion. Vous navez aucun contrle sur ce que les gens disent de votre tablissement, mais vous pouvez les influencer en grant activement votre rputation en ligne.Dfinissez des attentes ralistes. Votre rputation en ligne doit dfinir des attentes ralistes, que vous pouvez ensuite surpasser pour satisfaire les clients.Optimisez vos efforts. Dveloppez une stratgie claire et fixez des objectifs prcis pour cibler vos efforts et optimiser votre retour sur investissement.Il nest jamais trop tard pour commencer. En suivant un plan adapt et en y consacrant seulement quelques minutes par jour, tout le monde peut grer la rputation en ligne de son tablissement.Le guide complet 2020 de la gestion de la E-rputation sur TripAdvisorBONUS: LES OPRATIONS MARKETING SUR BOOKING.COM la fin de ce cours, si vous le suivez en entier et russissez l'ensemble des quizz : obtenez votre certification lectronique insrer dans votre CV et profil LinkedIn.(Dernire MAJ de la formation le 04/04/2020)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aula de Independencia, tantan Gesiel Cruz" |
"Com a realizao deste curso o aluno passar a executar com exelencia o seu instrumento de percusso, obtendo uma total independncia das mos, assim como tirando um bom som do instrumento, tendo uma liberdade maior para execuo do mesmo, e uma bom desempenho ao executa lo, tornando se um profissional do ramo."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"MOTYWACJA do dziaania" |
"Caociowy WEBINAR, w ktrym dowiesz si jakie czynniki wpywaj na motywacj, co jest wane w projektowaniu rodowiska do dziaania oraz dlaczego okrelone czynniki potrafi nie tylko nie motywowa ale rwnie demotywowa do dziaania. Zapisz si ju teraz i dowiedz si w jaki sposb zabra si za ""zabranie si"" oraz czego szuka w rodowisku aby si po prostu przynosi lepsze wyniki i czerpa satysfakcj ze swojej pracy."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Devenir Community Manager en moins de 5 heures" |
"Bien le bonjour !Devenir CM en moins de 5H est une formation en ligne que j'ai ralis dans le but de t'aider dvelopper et acqurir les bonnes comptences en Community Management pour te permettre de contribuer efficacement au succs de ton entreprise grce ton expertise sur les rseaux sociaux. Ou ta future expertise sur le sujet si tu n'es pas encore Community Manager ;)En effet, je me suis aperu que l'importance du mtier de Community Manager et les comptences qui y sont associes sont bien trop souvent ngliges.Entre les dirigeants qui n'ont pas compris ce qu'tait rellement le Community Management et qui demandent tout et n'importe quoi leurs collaborateurs qui travaillent sur le sujet.Ou les ""coles"" et centres de ""formations"" qui ne sont pas capables de proposer des cursus qui permettent aux (futurs) CM d'acqurir des comptences efficaces qu'ils pourront rellement mettre en pratique. Il fallait remdier cela :)Cette formation va donc te permettre d'acqurir toutes les comptences essentielles qui te permettront de participer efficacement la dfinition et la mise en place de la stratgie rseaux sociaux de ton entreprise.Prt.e devenir un.e expert.e du Community Management ?"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Singing Bowls for ENERGY Work" |
"Awaken and ignite your healing skills by integrating singing bowls into your session! BLISSbowls Sound Healing Methods will help you use the powerful sound and vibration from singing bowls to boost the effectiveness of your sessions. Whether you practice Reiki, Healing Touch, manual therapies, chakra work; ANY modality can benefit from adding a therapeutic singing bowl. Energy Workers are amazed at how the bowls amplify their work by helping to clear energy blocks, rebalance the chakras, flush meridians, project intention, and add impact to protocols. Massage therapists and bodyworkers love these techniques because bowls can help with the energy aspects of the client and give you unique avenues to help clients who are ""touch-sensitive"" due to PTSD, fibromyalgia, Chemo, anxiety, etc.Healers of all kinds can benefit from incorporating a singing bowl into their skill set. Just one bowl and these creative techniques make any session memorable and powerful for client and practitioner.Level 2 offers all the floating bowl techniques youll need to work with any client. These same techniques are used to begin and end your sessions in creative ways. In addition, you will learn skills to help the client deeply relax so they can receive your work on a more profound level (and who doesnt want that!). Keep an open mind as you watch Level 2 and youll see so many valuable nuggets of information that pertain to your individual healing work.The BLISSbowls program offers a contemporary, leading-edge approach to sound healing, while providing a platform to integrate the unique talents of each student. In this fast-track program, you gain confidence in your intuitive capabilities and acquire useful, practical techniques for using a therapeutic singing bowl in many ways. For thousands of years, cultures from around the world have used vibrational medicine to treat illness, revitalize the body, and elevate the spirit. Sound healing is powerful, therapeutic, and restorative; harmonizing the entire being. And now you can equip yourself with the right approaches and techniques for YOUR unique practice. Ann Martin is a sound-healing innovator with vast experience in practical singing bowl skills, as well as powerful insights into the energetic and physiological applications of sound healing. Anyone doing healing-type work can benefit from incorporating a singing bowl. Bowls provide a ""double healing"" experience as you receive all the benefits of the healing vibrations at the same time your client does. A singing bowl will expand your capacity to effect change in the body, mind, and spirit while offering ""Whole Person Healing"" and undeniable benefits to you and your clients...using just ONE BOWL!IMPORTANT: To get the most out of this course, please watch Level 1 - ""Singing Bowl FUNdamentals"" as it is the prerequisite for this course. Levels 3 and 4 are currently in production.BLISSbowls Sound Healing Methods Certification series - This class is the Level 2 course for the BLISSbowls Sound Healing Methods Certification series; for students who want to work with singing bowls in a therapeutic capacity. Create your own sound sessions with confidence and affect the healing and comfort of others:Level 1: Singing Bowl FUNdamentals the essential foundation that all other levels depend upon.Level 2: Singing Bowls for Energy Work learning how to use bowls creatively in energy work and other healing sessions.Level 3: Singing Bowls for Body Work effective use of bowls on the physical body to effect change in the muscles, bones and organs.Level 4: Singing Bowl Layouts and Mixed-Bowl Sessions How to use more than one bowl in healing work including layouts and mixed bowl sessions (both metal and crystal bowls).These 4 Levels of training represent over 30 years of research, experimentation, and training from my family of bowls. Once you have completed all 4 Levels, I will personally send you an official BLISSbowls Certificate of Completion. If your goal is to help others, then here is a tool whos whole purpose is to help the human condition. Together, you and your bowl can bring Whole Person Healing benefits to your world, thru the transformative power of sound and vibration."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Andriod IOS" |
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Price: 19.99 ![]() |
Coaching |
", . , , . . , , . . ; , , , , : , , ; ( ) coaching (, , ) coach coaching"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Process Safety Management, Standard-Based Approach" |
"This course is intended for engineers who wish to acquire the necessary knowledge about the standard approach of process safety management system; it focuses on defining the american OSHA standard (1910.119) along with a technical comparison between it & the risk based approach..moreover; this course has the feature of defining the key performance indicators with comprehensive non-exhaustive details about the determination & setting the KPIs in your organization.."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Citrix 1Y0-401 Designing Citrix XenDesktop 7.6 Solution Exam" |
"256 UNIQUE practice questions for Citrix 1Y0-401 Designing Citrix XenDesktop 7.6 Solution ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : Citrix 1Y0-401 Designing Citrix XenDesktop 7.6 Solution Exam Total Questions : 256Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :150 minsPassing Score : 75 (192 of 256)"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"1Z0-521 Oracle EBS R12 Order Manage Essentials Practice Exam" |
"91 UNIQUE practice questions for 1Z0-521 Oracle EBS R12 Order Manage Essentials Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 1Z0-521 Oracle EBS R12 Order Manage Essentials Practice ExamTotal Questions : 91Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :45 minsPassing Score : 75 (68 of 91)"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"2 Haftada Elektro Gitar almay renin" |
"Kurs gnceldir, son dersler ve revizeler 10.06.2020'de eklenmitir.Bu kurs gitara sfrdan balayanlara ve balang seviyesinde olanlara gre tasarland. Ders program sra sra ilerlemeniz gereken bir programda oluturuldu. Bu kursun amac, sizin minimum vaktinizi alarak birok pratik egzersizlere balatp, hzl bir ekilde gitar hakimiyeti kazandrmak.lerleyen derslerle de gerekli teorik kavram ve materyallerle birlikte nasl almanz gerektiini, hzl renme yntemlerini kefedeceksiniz.Yeni balayanlara ynelik, egzersiz almalar, basit anlatmlar, grntyle entegre ek Tab/Diagram/Ritim grselleri, yakn plan ekimler ve birok yardmc veriler bulunmaktadr.8 Haziran (2020) haftas yeni dersler eklenmitir ve kimi eski derslere revize ekilmitir ve kurs ierii 2,5'tan 3 saat zerine kmtr.Yeni dersler eklenmeye devam edilecektir..."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Dogs As Emotional Support To Ease Anxiety or Depression" |
"We love our pet dogs and cats. Through dog training or puppy training, dogs can become service dogs, therapy dogs or emotional support animals. Cats and other animals can provide emotional support too. In this course we will talk about the role of dogs, cats and other animals to ease anxiety, depression and promote healing. The course covers how they are used as part of cognitive behavioral therapy (cbt) and for many other purposes including assistance to those with autism. The course comes with a 30 day money back guarantee and after you finish the course, you will earn a Udemy certificate of completion. "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Business of Soap Making Learn To Make Soap For Income" |
"In this course we will cover the theory of cold process, hot process, and the melt and pour methods of making soap. Learn about essential oils, colors and even how you can use soap as color therapy. The course also covers how to turn the hobby of soap making into a business. This course has more of a business focus. Upon completion of this course you will earn a certificate of completion from Udemy. The course comes with a 30-day money back guarantee. Enroll today. "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
mvhjygth |
".. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Bootstrap ile Sfrdan Web(E-Ticaret ) Sitesi Tasarm ren" |
"KAMPANYA - 1 ! 24TL'ye BIR KURS ALANA BIR KURS BEDAVA. KAMPANYA - 2 ! 32 TL'ye BR KURS ALANA K KURS BEDAVA . (kampanyalardan yararlanmak iin rnein kampanya 1den yararlanmak istiyorum x kursu almak istiyorum yannda y kursunu istiyorum. ya da kampanya 2den yararlanmak istiyorum x kursu almak istiyorum yannda y ve z kurslarn da istiyorum diye indirim kuponlar iin mesaj atabilirsiniz. NOT: kuponsuz kampanyadan yararlanlmamak !! ) Bu eitim serimizde sizlerle birlikte bootstrap ktphanesini kullanarak statik web sitesini yani bir e ticaret sitesinin tasarmn yapacaz. Statik web sitesini yaparken html, css, ve zellikle son yllarda web tasarmnda ok nemli yeri olan bootstrap ktphanesini kullanarak yapacaz.Bootstrap bir html, css, javascript frameworkdr. Bir web sitesinin tasarmnda ihtiyacmz olan hemen hemen tm elemanlar iinde barndran nemli bir web tasarm teknolojisidir ve son yllarda web tasarmclarn ok nemli bir ekilde kulland bir frameworktr. Kursun sonunda elinizde Bir tane E-Ticaret Sitesinin Tasarmn olacak"
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"Praying the Rosary" |
"Learn about the history and promises of the Catholic Rosary. Pray along with the speaker the Rosary for each day of the week. Lectio Divina is contemplation of sacred word, and Visio Divina is contemplation of sacred image. Downloadable materials. Bonus: First Friday Devotions, First Saturday Devotions. Fatima Message: Pray the Rosary every day in honor of Our Lady of the Rosary to obtain peace in the world . . . for she alone can save it. (Our Lady, July 13, 1917)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
transform-your-projects-to-lean-construction-philosophy |
" "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Linux para Leigos" |
"Curso de Linux que aborda um pouco de histria, os conceitos bsicos de utilizao, a preparao do ambiente de mquinas virtuais, a instalao das distribuies Debian e Centos, acesso aos terminais de linha de comando, manipulao de arquivos e diretrios, identificao de componentes de hardware, desenvolvimento de scripts simples, gerenciamento de grupos de usurios e permisses de acesso, compartilhamento de arquivos, acesso a Internet e instalao de pacotes."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Vous avez mal au dos ? On vous a peut tre dj dit que cela tait d des muscles trop faibles ? Vous dsirez renforcer le systme musculaire de votre dos de faon efficace pour avoir un dos stable sans douleurs ?Nous vous proposons une formation qui s'adresse toutes les personnes souhaitant renforcer leur dos afin de le stabiliser de faon efficace et durable. Notre cours est complet, la fois thorique pour une bonne comprhension, et pratique pour des rsultats optimaux.L'objectif du cours est de vous permettre de comprendre ce qu'est le mal de dos et pourquoi tant de personne en souffre. Vous apprendrez galement bien ragir fasse un inconfort du dos, car nous le verrons bien des ractions ont tendance entretenir les douleurs de dos.Nous allons apprendre ensemble valuer votre systme musculaire de faon simple, en effet, c'est par une bonne valuation que vous pourrez mettre en place un programme de renforcement musculaire personnalis et adapt. Je vais vous montrer une gamme complte d'exercice recommand par des tudes scientifiques pertinentes.Nous irons dans ce cours au del du renforcement musculaire, et nous aborderons bien des causes qui agissent dans le mal de dos, tels que la posture, l'ergonomie, l'activit physique...A l'issue de ce cours, vous serez en mesure de comprendre ce qu'est le mal de dos, de bien ragir fasse ce dernier. Vous serez en capacit d'valuer votre systme musculaire et de mettre en place votre programme personnalis afin d'atteindre les objectifs que vous vous tes fixs, et ce grce une planification bien tablie. Enfin, vous saurez identifiez de nombreuses causes impliques dans votre inconfort et serez en mesure d'avoir des rponses adaptes.Tout au long du cour, Benjamin reste entirement disponible si vous avez une interrogation, il s'engage vous rpondre rapidement."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Tablas dinmicas, dashboards, macros y ms con Google Sheets" |
"En este curso vamos a aprender a utilizar google Sheets de una manera profesional.Este es un curso incremental, en donde iremos agregando cada vez ms contenido y nuevos ejercicios hasta completar cada uno de los temas:Aprenderemos a crear grficos, editarlos y publicarlos.Crearemos dashboards profesionalesAprenderemos a trabajar con tablas dinmicas y a crear grficos dinmicosCrearemos formularios conectados a nuestra base de Google SheetsTrabajaremos con macros sencillas y aprenderemos a crear funciones personalizadasNos conectaremos con Data Studio, para generar reportes ms profesionalesVeremos los mejores componentes que podemos agregar a nuestros libros de google Sheets para sacar el mayor beneficio"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
homeoffice |
"(/) ? , , , , ? , - , , , """"? - ! ! 2 ! : , , , , , ,"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"V-Ray for 3ds Max, her 3B sanats ve tasarmcsnn i akna sorunsuz bir ekilde entegre edilebilecek eksiksiz bir klandrma ve glgelendirme zmdr. Sektrde hakim konuma gelen V-Ray render alma yazlm, hz, gvenilirlik, kullanm kolayl ve render kalitesi konularnda endstri standartlarn belirlemitir. Video ieriinde grselletirme almalarnzda en ok ihtiyacnz olan malzeme oluturma ve zelletirilmi tekniklerden bahsedeceiz."
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"L'essentiel d'Excel : de dbutant avanc" |
" ________________________________________________ , _________________________________________________ : , _________________________________________________ , __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Apprenez Excel partir de zro ou devenez plus confiant.Vous cherchez apprendre Excel mais vous ne savez pas par o commencer?OU vous utilisez Microsoft Excel depuis un moment, mais vous ne vous sentez pas 100% confiant?Il y a tellement d'informations l-bas. De quoi avez-vous besoin pour russir au travail?J'ai slectionn les comptences Excel essentielles dont un analyste de donnes a besoin et les ai intgres dans un cours structur.Il existe de nombreuses formules et fonctionnalits Excel utiles et permettant de gagner du temps. Nous avons tendance oublier ce que c'est si nous ne les utilisons pas. Ce cours sur les bases de Microsoft Excel vous donnera la pratique ncessaire pour pouvoir appliquer la meilleure solution la tche accomplir. De cette faon, vous pouvez faire plus en moins de temps._________________________________________________POURQUOI PRENDRE CE COURS EXCEL SPCIFIQUE?Oui. Il existe de nombreux cours Microsoft Excel qui vous enseignent les fonctions et fonctionnalits Excel importantes que vous devez matriser.MAIS, pouvez-vous appliquer ce que vous avez appris vos propres fichiers?Avez-vous assez de pratique et de dfis pour vous souvenir de toutes les nouvelles informations?Ce cours vous permettra de concevoir en toute confiance des feuilles de calcul simples complexes. Vous irez au-del des bases d'Excel. En suivant le cours, vous pourrez appliquer ce que vous avez appris immdiatement votre travail.Vous matriserez les nouvelles formules et dcouvrirez de meilleures mthodes pour configurer vos feuilles de calcul existantes. La direction aime l'efficacit.Dans ce cours, vous allez rsoudre des dizaines d'exemples concrets du monde rel. Ils vous aideront sortir des sentiers battus pour que vous puissiez travailler plus intelligemment, pas plus fort._________________________________________________CE COURS EXCEL EN LIGNE EST-IL UNIQUEMENT POUR LES DBUTANTS?Ce cours Excel complet s'adresse deux types de personnes:Dbutants Excel, c'est--dire tous ceux qui souhaitent apprendre Excel partir de rienLes utilisateurs intermdiaires et avancs d'Excel qui souhaitent s'assurer que leurs comptences couvrent tous les lments essentiels. Cela inclut de nombreuses astuces Excel et des fonctionnalits caches que peu d'analystes de donnes connaissent."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"The Freedom of Forgiveness and Release of Negative Emotions" |
"If you find yourself stuck behind a wall of negativity and can't break free, your emotional choices may at the root of your continued anguish. Self-defeating tendencies, and rigid thought patterns can keep you encased by mental barricades, without you consciously understanding what is causing your blockage. In this course, you will learn how to forgive yourself or those who have wronged you in the past, and let go of the negativity surrounding circumstances that have kept you from moving forward.When exploring the characteristics you possess on an internal level, we can begin to unravel the emotional turmoil, and gain an understanding of what is stored in your unconscious mind that is halting your progression, from entering a more harmonious frame of mind. If you are challenged with excessive thoughts, or feelings of anger, resentments, or bitterness, and have the tendency to carry grudges and hold onto negative thought patterns, Neuro Linguistic Programming can assist you in breaking free from those debilitating states. This course will explore your patterns and behaviors, to discover what is holding you back from offering forgiveness to those people or situations that you have encountered in your life. You will discover ways to let go of emotions that no longer serve your well-being, and allow you to move into a healthier mindset. Once the new changes begin to take affect, you will notice more positive thought patterns and your life will begin to blossom, as the weeds are removed from your internal mind."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |