Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Darkest Secrets of Making a Pitch for Film and Television" |
"Need your movie, TV series, streaming series or screenplay to be produced? Are you going to pitch a project to a studio executive, producer, name actor or private investor? Pitching means asking producers, name actors, and studio executives for help. No one pretends this is easy. ""Ive seen other filmmakers give presentations,"" says film producer/director/screenwriter Tom Marcoux, ""Many presentations crashed and burned. But remember, people do this all the time, successfully. You can do it well."" After gaining funds for a number of projects (one film went to the Cannes film market), Marcoux has compiled what worked and what didn't into this online course. Much of it builds on his observations of dire mistakes, his own and others. He alerts you to the 10 Darkest Secrets of this process. Even better, youll find Countermeasures. Discover problems that pop up and how to solve them. Learn to avoid the traps that amateurs fall into. Youll learn great skills and how to eliminate bad habits or wrong assumptions that can torpedo your pitch. When it comes to the vital skill of pitching your ideas and enrolling others into your vision, this course shows you the way.""This insightful course shows you how to zing a curveball right past the parts of the Hollywood exec's brain that want to say no before you even make your pitch. You will learn what works when pitching, and more importantly, why, so you can get to YES much more often."" - Danek S. Kaus, produced screenwriterTom Marcoux gives you powerful methods so you easily gain rapport, trust and active responsiveness from important people. David Baron, co-author of Power Persuasion"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"jQuery 2020! Tudo que o novo Programador precisa saber!" |
"Aprenda a os recursos fundamentais para instalar, criar e dar manuteno em projetos que utilizem jQuery! Todos os cdigos de exemplos criados no curso esto disponveis para Download.Este curso foca em mostrar as principais funcionalidades do jQuery, onde voc conseguir de forma simples entender projetos que j utilizem sua estrutura, ganhando assim agilidade e produtividade em seus trabalhos.Claro que neste curso voc tambm conseguir criar um Projeto totalmente novo utilizando esta biblioteca JavaScript.Todo o contedo abordado segue as recomendaes do site Oficial do jQuery.Curso completo! Tudo o que voc precisa saber sobre o jQuery atual!Aqui voc tambm aprender como utilizar os efeitos do jQuery para aplicar maior interatividade nos seus sites. E tudo isso com poucas linhas de cdigo.Entenda como est biblioteca JavaScript pode contribuir para agilizar o FrontEnd do seu site.Alguns temas abordados no curso:Proporcionar interatividade no seu site.Identificar e corrigir projetos que j utilizem jQuery.Aplicar efeitos de Transparncia e Slide no seu site.Aplicar recursos interativos nos seus formulrios HTML.Seletores Avanados.Usar os eventos do Mouse.Mudar imagens do site com apenas um clique.E muito Mais...Este Curso s tem VANTAGEM!Inscreva-se Agora"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Working with Americans: Effective Meeting Management" |
"This Effective Meeting Management course is part two of the CMD Framework which stands for Communication, Meeting Management, and Documentation. This course will cover tips to help you learn: 1. How to run an effective meeting, 2. How to manage in-person and phone meetings, and 3. Hosting a client meeting. Apply these tips to help you earn an American client-facing role, or a faster promotion or pay hike by adapting your behavior to American expectations."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Excel et VBA pour grer efficacement vos donnes" |
"Explorez une autre faon d'utiliser Excel, Formation Excel fonctions avances et VBAUtilisez-vous Excel dans vos tches quotidiennes ?tes-vous fatiguez d'excuter toujours les mmes actions sur Excel, dans le cadre de votre activit ?Sentez-vous le besoin d'automatiser les tches rptitives que vous effectuez sur Excel ?Voulez-vous utiliser Excel pour crer une application afin de grer au mieux votre activit ?Voulez-vous utiliser Excel comme Base de donnes ?Etc.Autant de questions auxquelles ce cours s'engage rpondre !Tout ce que vous devez connaitre pour amliorer votre travail sur Excel se trouve ici !Aucune comptence particulire n'est requise pour vous lancer dans cette formation, vous pouvez tout fait commencer de zro.Et la fin de cette formation, vous pourrez crier haut et fort Je peux automatiser Excel et mme gagner de largent grce vos nouvelles comptences.Alors pourquoi cette formation est la solution optimale pour vous?Apprenez en pratiquant !Comme le dit Richard Branson La meilleure faon dapprendre cest de faire ! Et oui, il n'y a pas de secret, plus vous pratiquerez, plus vous progresserez !Cest pourquoi dans chaque partie de cette formation, on fera de la pratique !"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"React, Angular, Node In-Depth Guide: Beginner to Pro (2020)" |
"If you are planning to start your career as a developer or you just want to improve your programming skills, then this course is right for you. Get all you need to start web development in one course! This resource is the only thing you need in order to start Web Development with Angular, React and Node and during this course you will get confidence and skills required to start your own projects. You will get the right mindset to apply for a developer career and to improve in modern frameworks like Angular, React and Node,We will start very easily with Angular and React, in which we will create a layout of our application. I will explain to you how to create basic components, services and reusable code. Later we will implement routing and state management in our application.We will prepare registration and login forms with fully working validation on each input. A user will be able to register and login into the application. A logged in user will experience new features and changes in the user interface.After the authentication section we will work on functionality to create rental properties.Furthermore, we will work on a detail page of a rental property in which we will integrate 3rd party Tom Tom API. We will implement a feature to display the location of a rental property on a map.Next, we will work on a core application functionality to book rental property for certain numbers of nights. We will integrate interesting features to our application, calendar for choosing range of dates, a modal window to confirm bookings and a toast component to display messages.After the booking section, we will take a look on the rental search functionality. We will search rentals by city.Later, We will work on the functionality to display user bookings, rentals and received bookings with the option to remove them.Next we will work on a very interesting feature to update rental properties. On the Rental Update feature you will learn how to create powerful reusable components.After the update section we will work on an interesting feature for an image upload. We will learn how to upload images to Cloudinary. Before uploading our image to Cloudinary, we will also take care of cropping and processing our image.There is a much more covered in the lectures I hope you like the application we are going to work on and I hope to see you in the course.------------- Brief Curriculum - Listed Important Features You Will Learn -------------JS Basics[JS, Node] - Intro To Basics (Classes, Variables, Callbacks, Arrow Functions, Inheritance, Async, Promises, Observables) React Section[React] - Intro To React (Components, JSX, Redux, State, Props, Bootstrap, Life Cycle Functions, Link To, Render)[React] - Networking (Proxy, Axios, Get data from server)[React] - Authentication (React hook forms, Validation, JWT, Protected Pages + Guards, Axios Interceptor)[React] - Github (Repository creation, branches, pushing changes)[React] - Rental Map (HOC, Composition, Map Component, 3rd Party Service, TomTom API, Caching, Geolocation)[React] - Create Rental Feature[React] - Bookings (Date Range Picker, Book a rental property, Modals, Toast Messages)[React] - Search Rentals by City Feature[React] - Manage Section - Delete Rentals and Bookings[React] - Update Feature (Editable Components, Reusability, Composition & Inheritance )[React] - Crop and Upload Image Feature (Cloudinary, Learn how to send an image in request )[React] - Deployment (Heroku, Production Server Setup)Angular Section[Angular] - Intro To Angular (Components, Services, Modules, Routing, Bootstrap, Life Cycle Functions, Passing Data, Links, Types, Observables)[Angular] - Networking (Proxy, Axios, Get data from server)[Angular] - Authentication (Reactive Forms, Template Forms, Validation, JWT, Guards, Interceptor)[Angular] - Github (Repository creation, branches, pushing changes)[Angular] - Rental Map (Pipe, Font Awesome, Map Component, 3rd Party Service, Geolocation, TomTom API, Caching)[Angular] - Create Rental Feature[Angular] - Bookings (Date Range Picker, Book a rental property, Modals, Toast Messages)[Angular] - Search Rentals by City Feature[Angular] - Manage Section [Angular] - Update Feature (Editable Components, Reusability, Inheritance, Subject )[Angular] - Crop and Upload Image Feature (Cloudinary, Learn how to send an image in request )[Angular] - Deployment (Heroku, Production Server Setup)Node Server Section[Node] - Intro to Node (Express Framework, Server Creation, Postman, MongoDB, Routing, Handle Errors)[Node] - Authentication (JWT, Encryption, Middleware)[Node] - Bookings (Book a rental property, Server Validation)[Node] - Manage Feature (Delete a rental property, Delete a booking)[Node] - Image Upload (Cloudinary, Multer, DataURI, Format transformations)Get all you need to start web development in one course.You will pay once and you will get a lifetime access to this up-to-date course.Do not forget that you are protected by 1 month money-back guarantee. "
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Rispetta il GDPR col tuo sito Wordpress" |
"Con questo corso imparerai a rendere il tuo sito WordPress a norma col GDPR. Per chi ha un progetto web, avere un sito compliant fondamentale per evitare sanzioni e guadagnarsi il rispetto degli utenti.Vedremo insieme la normativa italiana, il GDPR e la Cookie Law, faremo approfondimenti sugli argomenti pi importanti e imparerai ad applicare la norma con casi specifici ed esempi pratici.Imparerai esattamente cosa fare per redigere le privacy & cookie policy, dove inserirle e come gestire i consensi degli utenti.Vedrai quali plugin puoi utilizzare per gestire i consensi, i banner e gli opt-in.Inoltre conoscerai i plugin pi diffusi per evitare Data Breach, gestire i Backup del tuo sito ed evitare gli attacchi hacker pi diffusi.Un sito WordPress non mantenuto correttamente e non GDPR-compliant mette a rischio te e la tua azienda.Non correre questo rischio."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"American Sign Language HOSPITALITY SPECIAL" |
"Welcome to the World of Language without words Hospitality specialListen with your Eyes - Speak with your HandsNo previous knowledge is needed! Courses designed in a new approach, Clear & Easy way to learn - Suitable for Hearing & Deaf students.In this course youll learn in American Sign Language:In addition to Hospitality signs you will learn The Manual Alphabet/Fingerspelling of words Numbers - Tenses: Present, Past & Future - Family Signs - Question keys - Key locations - Action verbs - Food & Eating - Weekdays & time -Landmarks/Vacation - Hobbies - Directions - Money signs - Medical & Emergencies and the most important topic: The Deaf Etiquette & Way of life addition, a full introduction on Fundamentals, Facts and Concepts of this worldwide popular sign language.The course will benefit anyones profession in private/customer relations Restaurants, Airports, Government & banking sectors, hospitals - Hotels & residential sector etc.Boost your career & Personal DevelopmentExpand your awareness & knowledge in communicating with the Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing worldAmerican Sign Language is the Global sign language Deaf people use in their travels, Business & Everyday life.Did you know?Even though Deaf people use Sign Language, not everyone who uses Sign Language is Deaf.Learning Sign Language opens doors to communicate with anyone experiencing any sort of language processing challenge for example:Stroke victims & cerebral palsy patients - Children with Autism and Aspergers syndrome (as a middle step for processing language) - Any individual with Apraxia or Down syndrome - Elderly People - Children too young to speak, etc.Sign language is for everyone, It is also used in daily communications by:Fire fighters - Police officers - Medical staff - Scuba divers - Stock traders - Airports staff - Construction sitesFactories - Sports fields - Concerts - Radio/TV Stations, etc.""Deafness/Hard of hearing is not a disability but only a difference in human Experience & Perception."""
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"English Literature: Archetypes and Tragic Hero - Cinema" |
"Ever wondered why some literary works and movies are successful and some others are not? Well this course tells you what the pattern that they follow in order to succeed. Obviously there is a pattern and this pattern occurs usually in master pieces. This course tells you more about Archetypes and their types. In a separate section of this course, the idea of tragic hero and Aristotelian tragedy is also discussed with many examples."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"English Literature: How are Archetypal Characters made?" |
"A writer, a reader or even a student; this course is essential as it teaches you how characters are made in literature and movies. With more than twenty examples, this course is oversimplified. How to create archetypal characters while writing your first novel or short story? How to analyze other works and rate or criticize them based on the characters portrayed within? All in this course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"First-Time Project Manager" |
"Podejcie projektowe sprawdza si nie tylko w duych projektach, ale take w pracy codziennej menederw, liderw, specjalistw oraz innych pracownikw odpowiedzialnych za terminowe zadania i mniejsze 3-5 osobowe projekty. Istot zadania projektowego jest bowiem nastawienie na konkretny oczekiwany rezultat i odniesienie aspektw planowania do czasu. Czasu, ktrego nigdy nie ma za wiele, ktry pozostawiony sam sobie bez kontroli zwykle szybko ucieka.Na tym szkoleniu nie bdzie teorii naukowych, nudnych wykadw i hipotez, ktre bdziesz testowa na swoich wasnych bdach. Otrzymasz wiedz praktyczn i sprawdzon w postaci gotowych do wykorzystania narzdzi pozwalajcych na szybkie zbudowanie efektywnego i zmotywowanego zespou.Poznasz praktyczne podejcie do zarzdzania projektem, czyli co jako lider lub meneder projektu moesz zrobi, by osign sukces. Wyznaczysz ramy dla swoich dziaa - cele, zakres, harmonogram, monitoring, ktre stworz stabilny i przewidywalny plan dla Ciebie lub Twoich wsppracownikw.Dostaniesz gotowe do wykorzystania szablony i metody, ktre zwiksz o 90% Twoje szanse na dowiezienie rezultatu do koca."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Warrior Plus 2.0 For Beginners: Fast Track (Profit) Training" |
"This is the Marketers platformBrand New Over-The-Shoulder Video Series On How To Increase Profit With Warrior PlusIntroducingWarrior Plus For Beginners 2.0: Fast Track (Profit) TrainingDear Friend,Youve been wanting to get your offer out there to be seen by others.Its almost impossible for a new affiliate program to gain traction.The mistake many program owners make is thinking that affiliates will flock to them.Very few people are going to promote your program if they dont know who you are.Trust is an issue in todays world of online marketing. The affiliate needs to put a lot of trust into someone who is unvetted.That trust means risking valuable time and money that an affiliate may not have.Warrior Plus Is The Trusted Platform Online Marketers UseYouve been considering about putting your offer out there on Warrior Plus.Its both an exciting platform and also somewhat confusing to those whove never used it before.We help take out the confusion by explaining the entire process in our video series.All you need to do is watch our videos to fully understand how to take advantage of all the Warrior Plus benefits.Well even show you how to use their wallet system to make paying affiliates a snap. No longer do you have to worry about cutting checks or anything like that.The entire process has been streamlined so that you can focus all of your efforts on profits.The Growth Potential Is Almost LimitlessMany people promoting Warrior Plus offers are in the make money online niche. Every year there are more and more people wanting to make money on the internet.If youre in this niche, then you already know how profitable it can be. Though you should be aware other niches are being promoted at Warrior Plus.You can tap into all of the marketing power the site has to your offers, and it will result in sales.There arent many other places on the internet where you have the eyes of so many marketers focused on your offer.If what you have converts, youll have an almost endless amount of affiliates ready and willing to promote your offer.Let The Affiliates Do All The Hard Work For YouHow does that sound? It has to sound pretty good.Just think of how having others promote your offers will free up your time. It will allow you to focus on growing and expanding your business.Who knows, it may even give you enough time to create a new offer. All of this is possible if you fully understand how Warrior Plus works.No one signs up and understands all the bells and whistles the site has to offer. Anyone who thinks they do are fooling themselves.Itll be costly if you make this mistake. Instead, watch our videos and learn from the pros.Youll turn your offer into cash with the help of our videos and the professional marketers who promote the offers at Warrior Plus.Our Easy To Follow Videos Will Show You How Its DoneYou wont have any questions after watching our videos.Youll not only fully understand how Warrior Plus works, but you will also learn how to get affiliates to promote your offer.Our videos are fun, entertaining, and highly educational.Youll have a firm grasp of how to get your offer on Warrior Plus and the best ways to ensure that affiliates actively promote it.Sign up for this training today and make your future as bright as it possibly can be.----------------------------------------------------Course Description And Overview:Most people do not know how to get started with all the puzzling functions of the Warrior Plus Platform today. With this Fast Track Training course designed to take you through the Beginner's level, you will be up and running in no time using Warrior Plus with confidence.Warrior Plus For Beginners 2.0: Fast Track (Profit) Training is a straight to the point, step by step training course to get you started immediately.***NOTE: This training is an advanced continuation of our other course ""Warrior Plus For Beginners: Fast Track Training 2020""***See the course subjects below:-------------------------------------------------------------------Warrior Plus For Beginners 2.0: Fast Track (Profit) TrainingSection 1: Course Overview1 - OverviewSection 2: Setting Up & Account Settings2 - Sign Up Process3 - Account SettingsSection 3: Vendor & Affiliate Settings4 - Vendor and Affiliate Settings - Part 15 - Vendor and Affiliate Settings - Part 2Section 4: Vendor Settings & WP Wallet6 - Vendor Settings - Warrior Plus Wallet - Part 17 - Vendor Settings - Warrior Plus Wallet - Part 2Section 5: Customer Purchase & Product Offer8 - A Customers Warrior Plus Wallet Purchase9 - Creating a Product Offer - Part 110 - Creating a Product Offer - Part 2Section 6: Adding A Product11 - Add a Product - Part 112 - Add a Product - Part 2Section 7: Product Button & Product Offer13 - Preparing the Product Button14 - Activating Your Product OfferSection 8: Affiliate Approval & Pre Offer Request15 - Affiliate Auto Approval Thresholds Set By Vendor16 - Pre-Affiliate Offer RequestSection 9: Promotion Statistics & Offer Request17 - Affiliate Promotion Statistics18 - Affiliate Offer RequestSection 10: Making A Sale & Customer Research19 - What Happens When You Make A Sale20 - Doing Customer Research as a Vendor-------------------------------------------------------------"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Affinity Designer()" |
"Affinity DesignerPhotoshop()Illustrator()Photoshop()Illustrator()Affinity DesignerPhotoshop()Illustrator()"
Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
"Making A Presentation Slide Website From Scratch" |
"In this course, you'll learn to make a presentation slide website with some by default CSS and JS. You just need to write the HTML section. This is much more convenient than making a Presentation on Google Slide or MS PowerPoint. Because this slide can be available to all the members present in a meeting, and all of them can follow your presentations with the slides. No need to share via Pendrive or email. Just send the link to all the members."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"ngilizce Telaffuz Kursu - Amerikal Gibi ngilizce Konuun" |
"ngilizce reniyorsunuz ama bir trl doru telaffuzu ve aksan yapamyor musunuz? Bu kurs tam size gre!ngilizce telaffuz kursumuzu hizmetinize sunduumuz iin ok mutluyuz.ngilizce telaffuz alannda nde gelen eitmenlerden birisi olan TRACY BRYLEWSKI MAYMO'nun ana eitmenliini yapt kursumuz ile ngilizce kelimeleri doru telaffuz etmenizi ve ana diliniz gibi ngilizce konumanz salamay amalyoruz.Kursumuz ile ngilizce telaffuz hatalarnz dzeltebilecek ve daha gzel bir aksana sahip olabileceksiniz. Kendinizden emin bir ekilde ngilizce konuabilecek ve daha anlalr ve akc hale gelmeye balayacaksnz.Bu kurs ile ngilizcede kullanlan sesleri, dildeki vurgu, ritim ve tonlamay da renebilecek, bunlar gnlk konumalarnzda kullanabileceksiniz.Kursun tamam 3'l set olarak yaynlanmaktadr ve 9 temel telaffuz zelliini kapsamaktadr. Bu kurs 3'l telaffuz eitimi setimizin birinci blmdr. Dier blmler de hazrlk aamasndadr daha sonra ayr kurslar olarak yaynlanacaktr.3'l set olarak yaynlanan kurslarmzn ierikleri u ekildedir:Part 1: Segmentals: Vowels and Diphthongs (nller ve kili nller)10 main vowel sounds in English (ngilizcedeki 10 ana ses)5 main diphthongs (ngilizcedeki 5 ana ikili nl ses)Part 2: Segmentals: Consonants (nszler)24 consonant sounds in English (ngilizcedeki 24 nsz ses)Part 3: Suprasegmentals (ngilizcenin Melodisi)Intonation (Tonlama)Rhythm/sentence stress (Ritim ve cmle vurgusu)Word stress (Kelime vurgusu)Thought groups (Dnce gruplar)Linking (Sesleri balama)Blending (Sesleri harmanlama)Kursumuza her seviyede kayt olabilirsiniz. Kursumuzda Tracy Brylewski Maymo'nun anlatt derslerde ngilizce ve Trke altyazlar aabilir, anlamadnz veya zorlandnz blmlerde altyazlardaki aklamalardan faydalanabilirsiniz.Her derse eklediimiz PDF, POWERPOINT ve WORD dosyalarn da indirerek kurs dnda da ek almalar yapabilirsiniz.Ayrca, soru & cevap blmnde dilediiniz zaman bize sorularnz sorabilirsiniz.%100 renci memnuniyeti ve 30 gn para iade garantisiKursumuz %100 memnuniyet garantilidir. Eer memnun kalmazsanz 30 gn iinde iade edebilir ve dediiniz tm paray geri alabilirsiniz. Ayrca, kursumuzu satn aldktan sonra bizimle dorudan iletiime geebilir, kurduumuz messenger gruplarna dahil olabilir ve takldnz yerlerde dilediiniz zaman bize ulama imkanna sahip olursunuz.SayglarmzlaTracy Brylewski Maymo & Sekin Esen & Akn Demir"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Preparatrio Certificao Oracle GoldenGate 12c Especialista" |
"Depois de ter falhado no exame 1Z0-447 eu decidi reunir todas as questes de GoldenGate que eu pude encontrar, e com estas questes criar o meu prprio material de estudo. Ento pesquisei pelas respostas CORRETAS baseadas nos documentos oficiais da Oracle. Funcionou muito bem e na minha segunda tentativa acertei mais do que 90% da prova. Tenho certeza que este estudo preparatrio vai te dar a confiana necessria para obter sua certificao em GoldenGate e subir na sua carreira.Com este Preparatrio voc recebe dois (2) simulados com 72 questes cada, o mesmo numero de questes da prova oficial.Todas as questes so diferentes umas das outras e esto em INGLS, da mesma maneira que a prova oficial.Memorizando todas as respostas e questes GARANTIDO que voc ir passar na prova 1Z0-447.Boa Sorte."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Excel Executivo para Compradores Estratgicos" |
"Neste curso o professor abordar conceitos em excel utilizando ferramentas no ambiente de compras. Voc aprender a construir do ""zero"" uma planiha para de Spend Analysis, Sourcing e Market Drivers.Aplicaes que voc aprender:Construo de GrficosTabela Dinmica Atingir MetaOutrosFrmulas/Funes que voc aprender:SOMASES ()SOMARPRODUTO ()CONT.SE ()SE ()SUBTOTAL ()PROCV ()INDICE (CORRESP () ) A abordagem bem prtica e ensina desde como pensar a construo de um dashboard at integrao das frmulas. "
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Como Elaborar Hojaldre" |
"Con este curso busco inspirar a todo tipo de persona interesada en la cocina, aprenderan a elaborar hojaldre, los tipos de pliegues que tiene, los elementos necesarios, as como los usos que le podemos dar al hojaldre. Si ests interesado en aprender a elaborar hojaldre no lo dudes mas y apntate!!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"1Y0-253 Citrix Net Scaler Application Desktop Solution Exam" |
"120 UNIQUE practice questions for 1Y0-253 Citrix Net Scaler Application Desktop Solution ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 1Y0-253 Citrix Net Scaler Application Desktop Solution ExamTotal Questions : 120Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :75 minsPassing Score : 75 (90 of 120)"
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"HP0-085 HP Planning Design Superdome Server Solution Exam" |
"138 UNIQUE practice questions for HP0-085 HP Planning Design Superdome Server Solution ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : HP0-085 HP Planning Design Superdome Server Solution ExamTotal Questions : 138Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :95 minsPassing Score : 75 (103 of 138)"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"IBM 324 E Server Z Series Technical Certified Practice Exam" |
"298 UNIQUE practice questions for IBM 324 E Server Z Series Technical Certified Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : IBM 324 E Server Z Series Technical Certified Practice ExamTotal Questions : 298Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :200 minsPassing Score : 75 (223 of 298)"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Sun 310-035 Certified Programmer For Java 2 Practice Exam" |
"111 UNIQUE practice questions for Sun 310-035 Certified Programmer For Java 2 Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : Sun 310-035 Certified Programmer For Java 2 Practice ExamTotal Questions : 111Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :70 minsPassing Score : 75 (83 of 111)"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Salesforce Administrator Certification Exam Questions Adm201" |
"This course is for anyone who wants to get the Salesforce ADM201 Certification quickly. This course contains 3 tests of this exam that will help you get salesforce certification.The tests cover all the salesforce administration concepts :Organizational Setup: 3%User Setup: 7%Security and Access: 13%Standard and Custom Objects: 14%Sales and Marketing Applications: 14%Service and Support Applications: 13%Activity Management and Collaboration: 3%Data Management: 10%AnalyticsReports and Dashboards: 10%Workflow/Process Automation: 8%Desktop and Mobile Administration: 3%AppExchange: 2%"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"DAS MORPHEUS-PROGRAMM - Raus aus der Depression!" |
"Morpheus heit der Gott des Traumes und der Vernderung. Metamorphosen des Lebens sind wie Geschenke, die wir selber herbeifhren, indem man sie nicht mehr zu verhindern versucht. Im Balancefinden zwischen Wandeln und Bewahren stellt uns das Leben vor Herausforderungen und Problemstellungen. Dabei gilt es die eigenen Ressourcen und Fhigkeiten mglichst optimal einzusetzen.Mit Methoden der Systemischen Therapie zeigt Psychotherapeut Robert Riedl, wie wir persnliche Fhigkeiten und Kompetenzen einsetzen knnen, um mehr Vertrauen zu persnlichen Vernderungskompetenzen aufzubauen und zuknftige Aufgaben oder Herausforderungen aber auch Befrchtungen und Sorgen selbstsicher begegnen zu knnen. Der Autor gibt konkrete Anleitungen, wie eigene Probleme gelst, individuelle Lsungswege gefunden und aktuelle Lebensaufgaben bewltigt werden knnen.Die erste bung mit dem Titel ""Mein Bro der Lsungen"" verfolgt das Ziel, dir Lsungswege zu zeigen, bei denen du deine persnlichen Ressourcen mglichst optimal einsetzen kannst.In der zweiten ""Therapie-Einheit"" bzw. am sogenannten ""Weg der Vernderung"" zeige ich dir, wie du mit Lebensumbrchen aktiv umgehen kannst. Sie ermglicht dir, mehr Vertrauen zu deinen Vernder-ungskompetenzen aufzubauen, um zuknftige Aufgaben oder Herausforderungen aber auch Befrcht-ungen und Sorgen selbstsicher begegnen zu knnen.Abschlieend gebe ich dir eine konkrete Anleitung, damit du einen Notfallplan fr beginnende oder akute Depressionen erstellen kannst."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Problem Solving 7x" |
"Molti esperti ritengono che la capacit di risoluzione dei problemi sar una delle skill pi richieste dal mondo del lavoro: spesso, infatti, non lentit del problema a fare la differenza ma le modalit con cui reagiamo, lo affrontiamo e lo risolviamo.Problem Solving 7x un corso nel quale imparerai sette potenti tecniche di problem solving proposte dal mondo dei sistemi qualit.Per essere efficaci problem solver importante aumentare le nostre competenze, apprendere le tecniche che funzionano davvero e che analizzano le cause del nostro problema."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Aprende a solucionar cada problema de la lactancia materna" |
"Este curso es respaldado por el Gobierno de Colombia y el Ministerio de Tecnologas y Comunicaciones, y dictado por especialistas en estrategia IAMII de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Conoce de primera mano la forma correcta de lograr y mantener una lactancia exitosa, evitar el dolor y las grietas, almacenar la leche y establecer un agarre correcto."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Estiramientos para todos." |
" Con este curso mejorars la flexibilidad, estars mucho ms relajada, llenars de energa y bienestar, desconectars de rutina y problemas. Se te quitarn los dolores de cabeza y espalda. El curso consiste de 2 partes. Primera parte incluye 7 clases de estiramientos suaves para relajar con duracin de unos 5-7 minutos. Recomiendo hacer una clase cada da siguiendo el orden. Se puede hacer en cualquier momento del da, aunque lo ideal sera hacerlo recin despierta o antes de acostarte. Los estiramientos son para cualquier nivel. Despus de hacer estos estiramientos es posible, que tengas agujetas, eso es bueno, significa que los msculos han trabajado y se han hecho ms estirados. La ducha caliente ayuda a quitarlos. Segunda parte del curso incluye 5 clases para conseguir hacer ""el spagt"", ""abrirse de pie"". Es para nivel un poco ms avanzado. Haciendo estos estiramientos cada da durante un mes, mejorars tu flexibilidad de una manera muy significante. Muy importante, que sigas los consejos para hacerlo de modo ms eficaz y evitar los errores tpicos. En caso de cualquier duda, podrs ponerte en contacto conmigo por medio de los mensajes en esta plataforma Caterina Grudtsina, autora del curso ""Estiramientos ""de oro"" para relajar""."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Unstoppable You - overall personality development" |
"Practical techniques to successfully master your Life and your Mind. Do you want to be happy, successful and fulfilled in every area of your life and possess the inner power ""Unstoppable You"" creates to overcome whatever challenge you might face?this programme combines all into one simple route to achieve all your goals as a fully rounded person. It covers everything you need to do: from saying 'No', managing your time, getting promotions, choosing a career, keeping fit, self talk, overcoming fear or guilt, and so so much more. It looks at lots of real life examples and gives practical tools you can use right away to get better results.I designed this online course to guide you step-by-step on how to access the mindset that will allow you to perform at your best. You will learn a specific method tailored to your individual needs. I have outlined clear steps and strategies that will develop your capacity for conquering challenges and becoming you, YOU TRULY ARE and discard everything that keeps you bogged down and suppressed.WHO THIS COURSE IS FOR:If you want to learn researched, data informed, PROVEN strategies to develop a powerful mindset that will change your life for good, this course if FOR YOUPeople who are overwhelmed and exhausted by their responsibilitiesAnyone who DREAMS of a new direction, a new breath of fresh air in their life to achieve their inner goalsAnyone wanting to eradicate guilt, stress, jealousy, anger and fearSomeone who is successful, but feels they could achieve even moreREQUIREMENTS :You will need an curious and open mind and a pencil or pen to fill in the prepared to do the exercises mentioned in this course to experience the real change.Please watch all the lecture videos and move forward while taking the course, as they are all linked with one another to achieve the maximum benefit out of this courseWillingness to take action"
Price: 10240.00 ![]() |
"API Platform Symfony 5" |
"Kurs uczy pracy z frameworkiem API platform. Piciogodzinne szkolenie pozwoli Ci zapozna si z podstawowymi oraz zaawansowanymi technikami tworzenia REST serwisw. Zaczniemy od tworzenia prostych zasobw typu CRUD (Create Read Update Delete). Nauczysz si jak dziaaj filtry, paginacja oraz jak je skonfigurowa. W zaawansowanej czci bdziemy tworzy bardziej elastyczne zasoby poprzez rozszerzanie moliwoci Api Platform. Wasne akcje, data providery oraz obiekty typu DTO (Data Transfer Object) nie bd skryway przed Tob tajemnic. Bdziesz rwnie w stanie stworzy wasne implementacje tych komponentw. W czasie kursu korzystam z najnowszej wersji Symfony5. Jeeli jeszcze nie zapoznae si z t dystrybucj to jest najlepsza okazja, eby dowiedzie si co si zmienio w porwnaniu z poprzednimi wersjami."
Price: 204.99 ![]() |
"C/C++ Programlamaya Giri (Introduction C & C++ Programming)" |
"Bu kursun kaynak kitab: Kodlab yaynlarndan kan C/C++ Programlama kitabmdr.Kurs ierii bu kitap ile paraleldir. C/C++ Programlama Kurs erii;- C ve C++ Program Yaps - C/C++ Editrleri - Veri k lemleri (printf komutu , cout<< komutu)- Veri Girii (Girdi lemi) Komutlar (Scanf Komutu , cin>> komutu )- Veri Tpleri- Operatrler- Mantksal ve Bitsel operatrlerin karlatrlmas- SEML YAPILAR (IF, IF-ELSE VE SWITCH CASE) - Dngler (while, do-while, for)- ie Dngler- kt Desenleri (Patterns)- Tek Boyutlu Diziler (Vektrler)- ift Boyutlu Diziler (Matrisler)- Karakter Dizileri (Stringler)- Fonksiyonlar- zyinelemeli fonksiyonlar- return, sizeof, static komutlar- Hata Yakalama (Exceptions)- aretiler (Pointers)- Dosyalama (Files)- Yap (struct) ve typedef tanmlamalarNot. - Bu konular haricinde renmek istediiniz bir konu olursa tarafma bildirirseniz en ksa zamanda o konu ile ilgili de kurs videosu da platforma eklenebilir.- Ayrca programlama zerine zel ders isteiniz olursa adresine mail atabilirsiniz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Intro to Shopify App Development with React, Node & GraphQL" |
"This is the first course of it's kind on the internet! Learn how to make professional applications for the Shopify Platform using React, Node, Koa, GraphQL, Apollo, and the Shopify ScriptTag API.In this course we will using data from the Shopify Admin and injecting it into the Storefront using the Shopify ScriptTag API. This course is made as an extension to the Shopify React + Node tutorial available in the Shopify documentation. We will be diving deeper into the documentation where I will be explaining the concepts in more detail and additionally showing how to use the Shopify ScriptTag API to create a concept application that is able to inject custom code into the front-end of a store.Average annual earnings for the top 25% of Shopify app developers is $272,000 (source: Shopify developers website)"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Publishing Scientific Research" |
"This short course is designed to teach and guide new researchers on how to write and publish their manuscript in a simple and easy method. It covers the publication process from writing the manuscript to finding and submitting to suitable journal. The course explain in simple language the publication process and how to find the suitable journals"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |