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"Step by step Revive Your Future in Marriage" |
"While managing our past and present one always wishes to have a bright, happy and stable future and when it's come to a relationship the desire becomes more significant. In this course we will understand and learn how we can create a wonderful and stable future in our relationship whether our partner involves or not. Enjoy the course to have a wonderful future."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"YKDL Denemeleri, km Sorular, Anlatml z. Strateji" |
"Kursumuzda gramer, noun clause, adjective clause, adverbial clause ,coordinator, sentence connector, prep.phrase, addition, concessive contrast ,direct contrast, taban tabana paralellik, choice, cause, purpose, result, manner, emphasis restatement, explanation, transition, correction, refutation, examplification, warning, alternative, exection, proportion/degree.time, condition, listing, summary konularyla ilgili ok nemli bilgi notlaryla ve deiik anlatm tarzyla baary yakalayacanzdan eminim yeter ki zel bilgi notlar ok iyi bir ekilde renilsin."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"HIPAA & HITECH Part 1: Policies & Procedures" |
"Part 1 focuses on HIPAA and HITECH fundamentals and guides you in breaking down the Privacy and Security Standards into meaningful and appropriate policies and procedures. In four sections, this part of the program assists you in understanding how to build the foundation for your Compliance Plan.Section 1: HIPAA/HITECH Fundamentals - This section outlines the HIPAA regulatory requirements as well as the consequences and sanctions for non-compliance.Section 2: Key HIPAA Principles - As an architect of your Compliance Plan, you will learn the key principles of HIPAA and HITECH and how to translate these principles into meaningful and appropriate policies and procedures to guide the daily functions of your workforce.Section 3: Foundation Built on HIPAA Privacy and Security Standards - This section provides checklists and more of the elements of the Privacy and Security Standards, which must be translated into appropriate policies and procedures to guide the specific functions of each faction of your workforce.Section 4: Prevent Sanctions with Compliance - Accountability is key to compliance. Documenting appropriate policies and procedures is the first component of achieving compliance but implementation is the second step. This section uses Case Studies to demonstrate the consequences for failing to draft and implement appropriate policies and procedures, and meaningful workforce training programs."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"HIPAA & HITECH Part 2: Complaints & Breaches" |
"Despite best efforts - errors, workforce non-compliance, complaints and breaches do occur. HIPAA and HITECH impose the duty to monitor and resolve these issues in a mandated timeframe. The complaint and breach report process addressed in Part 2 outlines the elements of this key administrative safeguard and incorporates the HITECH risk assessment and notification requirements of the HIPAA Omnibus Rule.Section 1: Health Information Management It is the responsibility of the Covered Entity to document, investigate, and resolve all complaints and breaches that come to its attention in a timely manner as well as the responsibility of privacy and security officers to implement this safeguard. Business Associates are an element of and accountable to the Covered Entity in its Health Information Management process.Section 2: Complaint Management Process This section provides an outline of the elements of the administrative safeguard requiring the investigation of HIPAA complaints in a timely manner. It provides a template to guide development of a complaint report and investigation process and a template for a Privacy and Security Complaint Policy with sample complaint forms. Documentation developed form this section can be produced in an OCR audit to demonstrate the Covered Entity's/Business Associate's compliance efforts.Section 3: Breach Management and Reporting The HIPAA Omnibus Rule requires the documentation and investigation of all breaches and security incidents (""breaches"") in a timely manner, and has outlined specific exceptions which fall outside of the breach notification requirement. This section provides a template to guide the development of a breach report and investigation process, as well as how to identify exceptions to the notification requirement; guidance about the required elements for a breach notification letter with a sample breach notification letter, and a template for a Privacy and Security Complaint Policy with sample complaint forms. Documents developed from this section can be produced in an OCR audit to demonstrate the Covered Entity's/Business Associate's compliance efforts.Section 4: Sanctions, Workforce Training, and Case Studies - This section focuses on the liability of the Covered Entity, Business Associate and/or individual employees for non-compliance and violations.Case studies taken from actual HHS investigations demonstrate the regulatory oversight required and sanctions into the hundreds of thousands of dollars assessed for non-compliance to date.Accountability is an essential aspect of a Compliance Plan and meaningful workforce training programs."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Energy systems workout Just kettlebells and Bodyweight!" |
"Welcome! My name is Johann Francis, CSCS, aka ""Coach"" Johann and I have an extensive background in fitness and nutrition. My clients (trained over 30k hours in 17 years) achieve success at every turn while on my programs and I am damn proud of it. I am a CSCS certified Strength Coach, a nutrition expert with a Nutrition degree, and an athlete.The lifestyle and workouts I present, I PERFORM!Enjoy them, make them your own!This is the BASE Energy Systems workout for you to get STRONG!To burn fat, you have to build muscle. Period. Any quality coach will agree. Friends, not all muscle is the same as we breakdown in this workout program. Type 1, 2a and 2x all have different purposes and sizes but targeting those muscle fibers requires education, science and nuance!Strength, is the total body goal we are looking for. Here's scientific, nutritional and metabolic Truth: the more muscle you build, the higher your metabolism, the more FAT YOU BURN!Thus, we look to build muscle.We look to periodize our workout into macrocycles, mesocycles and microcycles.Write your goals down on the Goal Card providedKeep up with your Coach, or beat him in the CHALLENGE SECTION in Round 6/FinisherBreakdown energy systems into 4 partsLearn the language of Fitness!Here are the 4 systems.EnduranceStrengthAnaerobicBurstSee, that spells BASE! The science explains what many great coaches know already that energy systems in your body perform and burn calories differently.Learning how to gauge your heart rate helps alot too. But, we provide an estimate of what your heart might be.Earn a generalized meal plan at the end upon completion to support your gain!BONUS kettlebell flow at the end for maintenance and mobilityAnd, here are my other COURSES, most of which are free!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Leadership in 2020 - Your First 30 Days!" |
"This is the Storyline experience. We have taken the best of what has worked in the past and rebuilt leadership for the modern workforce. People, technology, and culture has changed, and it is time that leadership training does as well.30 days. That is all you will need to launch to gain an edge in your career. Instead of hours of classroom and video time, we focus on the essentials - then you can use our documents and walkthroughs to implement what you have learned immediately. You can start seeing results immediately.We will help you craft a new story about an incredible leader who went on to change the world - YOU."
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to diplomatic protocol and etiquette" |
"Learn general rules of business etiquette and diplomatic protocol and boost your credibility as a professional no matter the industry you are in. If you'll follow the lectures, upon completion of this course, not only your audience will be leaning and wanting to hear more about you but you will be bursting at the seams with confidence from using these rules so naturally.Comprehensive introductory course to the fundamentals of diplomatic practiceThis is an introductory course aimed at teaching you and help you acquire the necessary skills to work in an international environment, whether you are working already or would like to work, by understanding the key elements of diplomatic etiquette and proper use of the protocol in official relations. Because every section of this course is independent, you can start in whatever section you wish, and you can do as much or as little as you like. Each section provides unique data and exercises that will challenge you so you can learn by immediately applying what you're learning.Practice-oriented lectures delivered by professionals in the industryThe practice-oriented lectures are aimed at enhancing your understanding of business etiquette. How would you like to feel at ease in matters such as how to address an ambassador, how to address a congressman or any official, how to write a formal invitation, how to properly introduce another person, who is the first to initiate a handshake, is it ok to kiss hands, what to do when receiving and giving a business card, who seats where at a formal dinner or even, what is the proper dress code?Learning protocol and etiquette is the most crucial piece to your social interaction and in this course, we'll share some of the basic rules to help strengthen your interpersonal skills and facilitate efficient participation in any situation and regardless of whom you are with. Contents and OverviewThis course begins with a section dedicated to the understanding of some of the most used words in diplomatic protocol and etiquette, carefully clarifying any confusion between them by using real-life examples. For this reason, the course can be easily completed both by practitioners in the field of diplomacy and any students wishing to access a diplomatic career and study topics not offered through their university curriculum. To understand the different roles that diplomats have, you'll go over the recognized classification of diplomatic titles and you'll learn to differentiate between the different diplomatic corps. Also, you'll learn which formula of address you should use and what is the order of precedence. Then you'll tackle the best practices for greeting officials, from how you greet to what you say and do in order to not break protocol and ensure guests are welcomed. This will not only help you make a good impression but also to boost your credibility as a professional that really knows what is doing.Following what Mark Twain once used to say, Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence in society,"" you'll review some of the main attire men and women must be wearing depending on the type of the event they are participating into.Finally, you'll cover how to set the table for a formal dinner, what manners you should have during meals and what are the practices accepted for table etiquette.By the time you complete this course, you'll be proficient in using with ease and naturalness internationally accepted rules of protocol and etiquette. You will be using your skills as an aspiring diplomat to communicate effectively and freely so you can avoid any embarrassing situations and maximize your chances of standing out from the crowd. Participants will also have the opportunity to use the knowledge from this introductory course and credits to gain admission to the Advanced course on Diplomatic protocol and etiquette offered by the US Institute of Diplomacy and Human Rights."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Be Maker 04. Elettronica e Robotica per Ragazzi con Arduino." |
"Qui si diventa MAKER!Quarto Corso: Tante cose nuove ed interessanti e 5 progetti pratici con Arduino.Questo Quarto Corso il proseguimento del Corso ""Be Maker - Elettronica e Robotica per Ragazzi con Arduino"" e fa parte di un progetto molto pi esteso che ha quale filo conduttore la finalit di farvi diventare dei makers, cio ""creatori"" di vostri progetti di elettronica e robotica.PER CHI E' INTERESSATO AL MATERIALE DIDATTICO UTILIZZATO NEI CORSI BE MAKER CHE INCLUDE ANCHE UNA ROBOT CAR, PUO' SCRIVERMI TRAMITE LA PIATTAFORMA UDEMY."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"(30+Saat) Python A-Z Sfrdan Yazlm Gelitirmeyi renin" |
"Korkmayn kursa balamak iin hi bir n hazrla gerek yok.Sizleri tamamen her eye hazrlayp, eitimi veriyoruz.Her eyi EN TEMELDEN, SIFIRDAN anlatyoruz.Kurs Boyunca PYTHON PROGRAMLAMA DL Olarak Kurs Boyunca; Hem AKADEMK hemde UYGULAMALI eitim vardr.Tamamen Sfrdan Anlatlm; 40 Saati Aan Konu Anlatm.Tamamen Sfrdan Tasarlanm 10'DAN FAZLA PROJE ve 100'DEN FAZLA UYGULAMA RNEK vardr.Kursumuzda yazlmn en temel alanlar eitimi vardr. Bunlar:Arayz Tasarlama ( Hem Teorik, Hem Pratik&Uygulamal )2D Oyun Tasarlama & Gelitirme ( Hem Teorik, Hem Uygulamal )WEB Sayfalar Tasarlama & Gelitirme, Veri ekme ( Hem Teorik, Hem Uygulamal )VER Bilimi & Analizi ( Hem Teorik, Hem Uygulamal )Grnt leme & Sinyal lemleri ( Hem Teorik, Hem Uygulamal )Makine renimi ( Hem Teorik, Hem Uygulamal )HAYD SENDE BU ETME KATIL.."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"(70-762) Desenvolvendo Bases de Dados SQL Server" |
"Este curso apresenta os fundamentos para desenvolvimento de um banco de dados no Microsoft SQL Server 2019. Nele, sero abordados os principais tpicos do Exame 70-762 Developing SQL Databases da Microsoft, que um dos requisitos para a certificao MCSA SQL Database Development.Aps o curso, o aluno estar apto a:- Criar um banco de dados no SQL Server;- Desenvolver tabelas e trabalhar com tipos de dados;- Implementar ndices e performance tunning;- Aplicar a integridade referencial em tabelas e codificar triggers;- Trabalhar com XML;- Desenvolver Views;- Criar Stored Procedures;- Implementar User Defined Functions;- Entender sobre CLRs;- Gerenciar transaes e locks;Como pr-requisitos, espera-se que o aluno tenha conhecimentos em lgica de programao e tenha conhecimentos bsicos sobre bancos de dados relacionais."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Certificao MCSA SQL Server 2019 Database Development" |
"Este curso apresenta os fundamentos para escrita de consultas em T-SQL e para o desenvolvimento de um banco de dados no Microsoft SQL Server 2019. Nele, sero abordados os principais tpicos do Exame 70-761 Querying Data with Transact-SQL da Microsoft, que o primeiro requisito para a certificao MCSA SQL Database Development.Alm disso, sero abordados os principais tpicos do Exame 70-762 Developing SQL Databases da Microsoft, que o segundo requisito para a certificao MCSA SQL Database Development.Aps o curso, o aluno estar apto a:- Utilizar ferramentas de consulta no SQL Server;- Escrever consultas utilizando SELECT;- Agrupar e resumir dados;- Relacionar diversas tabelas com Joins;- Inserir, alterar e deletar dados;- Trabalhar com subconsultas;- Consultar campos de texto usando ndices do tipo Full-Text;- Utilizar objetos de programao, tais como views, funes, procedures e triggers;- Consultar metadados;- Trabalhar com transaes;- Aplicar tcnicas avanadas na construo de consultas, tais como utilizao de cursores, converses de tipos de dados, SQL dinmico e XML;- Criar um banco de dados no SQL Server;- Desenvolver tabelas e trabalhar com tipos de dados;- Implementar ndices e performance tunning;- Aplicar a integridade referencial em tabelas e codificar triggers;- Trabalhar com XML;- Desenvolver Views;- Criar Stored Procedures;- Implementar User Defined Functions;- Entender sobre CLRs;- Gerenciar transaes e locks;Como pr-requisitos, espera-se que o aluno tenha conhecimentos em lgica de programao e tenha conhecimentos bsicos sobre bancos de dados relacionais."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"L'Abc dello scrittore esordiente" |
"L'Abc dello scrittore esordiente il videocorso di scrittura creativa e comunicazione culturale pensato per lo scrittore alla ricerca del kit perfetto per scrivere e promuovere il suo romanzo.Il corso strutturato in 26 videolezioni che potrai seguire dove e quando vuoi, dalla A di Allenamento, alla Z di Zero idee, ovvero il famigerato blocco dello scrittore. Ogni lezione corredata di materiali di approfondimento, esercizi per metterti alla prova e risorsi utili.Con un approccio pratico e divertente, svilupperai un metodo di lavoro e imparerai a strutturare una storia efficace, dare forma a trama e personaggi, scrivere dialoghi naturali e utilizzare diversi stili e generi narrativi.Oltre alle lezioni dedicate alla scrittura creativa, troverai lezioni per revisionare i tuoi scritti (mantenendo la calma!) e lezioni per conoscere meglio il mercato editoriale italiano: dalle indicazioni sui diversi formati di libri all'analisi del pubblico di lettori, dai consigli su come presentarsi a una casa editrice alla guida per autopubblicarsi.Infine, diverse lezioni ti insegneranno come promuoverti online, attraverso la creazione e gestione di un blog, l'uso di vari social (Facebook, Instagram, Youtube) e collaborazioni con bookblogger, ma anche dal vivo, tramite l'organizzazione di una presentazione del tuo libro.L'Abc dello scrittore esordiente il corso che fa per te se vuoi finalmente realizzare il sogno di scrivere e pubblicare il tuo romanzo!Le docenti del videocorsoAlba Grazioli responsabile editoriale e fondatrice di Geeko Editor, casa editrice digitale. Si occupa di editing dei testi e consulenze editoriali; inoltre web designer e cura la creazione di contenuti per i social e per il sito. Da anni organizza eventi culturali, presentazioni di libri e corsi di formazione.Marianna Brogi scrittrice e copywriter. Il suo primo romanzo, Scrivi, stato pubblicato da Geeko Editor nel 2018. Ha inoltre pubblicato numerosi racconti e articoli su riviste letterarie e antologie. Si occupa di scrittura creativa e scrittura per il web per aziende e privati.Elenco delle lezioniA come Allenamento - Come sviluppare e organizzare un programma di scritturaB come Blog - Come creare un blog originale e strutturare un calendario editorialeC come Casa editrice Guida alle varie tipologie di case editriciD come Dialoghi - Come scrivere dialoghi efficaci e naturaliE come Editing - Cos' l'editing di un testo, modalit e utilit per un autore esordienteF come Facebook - Come promuoversi su FacebookG come Genere narrativo - I generi letterari e i loro elementiH come Hashtag e Instagram - Come promuoversi su InstagramI come Immagini Come creare un racconto per immaginiJ come Jakobson Funzioni comunicative e stili di scritturaK come Keep calm e taglia! - Il labor limae nella revisione del testoL come Libri e lettori - Come creare libri cartacei, digitali e audiobookM come Metanarrativa - Cos' la metanarrazione, come e quando utilizzarlaN come Norme compositive - Come riconoscere e utilizzare le principali norme compositive del racconto O come Ostacolo come motore narrativo - L'uso degli ostacoli all'interno dei meccanismi narrativiP come Presentazioni, eventi e fiere - Come organizzare un evento letterarioQ come Qualit Self-publishing: cosa ti serve per autopubblicare il tuo libroR come Redazione Il lavoro all'interno di una casa editrice e come collaborare con una realt editorialeS come Struttura narrativa - Conoscere i meccanismi narrativi delle storieT come Trama - Come strutturare una trama efficaceU come Universo narrativo - Come dare forma ad ambientazione e personaggiV come Video - L'importanza dei video nella promozione: booktrailer, dirette e storieW come Web - Come fare rete e creare collaborazioni con book bloggerX come Xanax Come mantenere la calma nei momenti buiY come Youtube - Come promuoversi su YoutubeZ come Zero idee - Superare il terribile blocco dello scrittore"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Alta Costura para Principiantes" |
"Curso Bsico Alta Costura Para PrincipiantesEste curso est diseado y planeado para todas aquellas personas que desean aprender corte y confeccin de una forma prctica y fcil.Es un mtodo muy sencillo de seguir sin tantos tecnicismo complejos.Aqu aprenders a realizar prendas bsicas as como son; diferentes tipos de blusas, faldas, pantalones, vestidos, entre otras cosas.Encontraras todo lo que debes aprender para comenzar en la alta costura; esta ser tu gua la cul con la prctica memorizaras y perfeccionaras hacindola tuya.Todo lo que en este curso te enseo, es lo que he aprendido de la prctica y lo que les ha servido a cientos de personas. Cada trazo o patrn no es exacto ya que los cuerpos varan de uno a otro. Siempre hay que usar las transformaciones segn lo que requiera cada cuerpo, esto es algo que solo con la prctica podrs perfeccionar."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Prctica para el exmen Oracle Database SQL 1Z0-071" |
"Estas pruebas son simulaciones de cmo ser el examen real. Si realiza estas pruebas de prctica, estar en buena forma para el examen real.Cada pregunta tiene una explicacin detallada y enlaces a materiales de referencia para respaldar las respuestas que aseguran la precisin de las soluciones del problema.Las preguntas se barajarn cada vez que repita las pruebas, por lo que deber saber por qu una respuesta es correcta, no solo que la respuesta correcta fue el tem ""B"" la ltima vez que realiz la prueba.Lo que se cubre en las pruebas de prctica:Conceptos de bases de datos relacionalesRestriccin y clasificacin de datosUso de funciones de conversin y expresiones condicionalesMostrar datos de varias tablasUsar operadores SETGestin de ndices, sinnimos y secuenciasAdministrar vistasAdministrar objetos con vistas de diccionario de datosRecuperando datos usando la instruccin SQL SELECTUso de funciones de una sola fila para personalizar la salidaInforme de datos agregados utilizando funciones de grupoUso de subconsultas para resolver consultasGestionar tablas usando sentencias DMLUse DDL para administrar tablas y sus relacionesControl de acceso de usuarioAdministrar datos en diferentes zonas horariasEstas pruebas de prctica lo ayudarn a prepararse para el Examen de prctica SQL Database SQL 1Z0-071, pero no deberan ser la nica fuente de capacitacin que utilice."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Formatao de Computadores em 1 hora!" |
"Formatao em 1 hora ensina como qualquer pessoa pode realizar a formatao de um computador de maneira simples, rpida e segura. Neste curso mostramos como instalar os principais sistemas Windows 7 e Windows 10, alm de demonstrar como fazer uma formatao sem precisar fazer backup dos arquivos. Este curso voltado para pessoas que desejam aprender a formatar seus prprios computadores ou notebooks, ou mesmo, quem deseja ingressar na rea e comear a ganhar dinheiro formatando computadores."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Libras - Bsico" |
"Neste curso utilizamos uma metodologia intuitiva, venha aumentar o seu vocabulrio na Libras, com atividades prticas e exerccios ao final de todas as aulas.Esse curso tem prtica? E como funciona?Sim esse curso tem aula prtica, no final de cada mdulo teremos exerccios prticos para facilitar a fico do tema desenvolvido em aula, os exerccios prticos sero avaliados, ento ao final de cada mdulo voc ter uma avaliao pratica.Para quem esse curso?Esse curso para pessoas que querem se comunicar com mais facilidade com os surdos.No necessrio conhecimento em Libras.O que esperar deste curso?Aps este curso, voc ser capaz de ter um primeiro contato com o surdo, voc vai ser capaz de iniciar um dilogo com vocabulrio rico, cheio de verbos, advrbios, frases de afirmao e negao, numerais e muito mais.Tenho a conscincia de colaborar para a incluso de pessoas surdas na sociedade, mediante a isso foi desenvolvido este curso para pessoas que esto iniciando na Libras, essas palavras Surdez, Educao e Incluso sempre bateu muito forte dentro de mim.Aproveitem o curso, qualquer dvida entrar em contato!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Russian Ballet Online. Learn At Home. Part 2" |
"This is 2nd part of the Russian Ballet Online course. Search for previous and next parts on Udemy.This course is for those who love ballet and want to practice more at home or while travel.You can use this course as an additional or as a main training.You can do the classes any time that suits you best. Dont need to travel to a studio, struggle to find a parking space or pay a bus fare.All you need is your computer/tablet/phone and a chair or something you can use as a barre.The course is suggested to be learned during 6 months with 8 classes a month.This course includes:Free overview video where you can see the style of the classes.4, 1h10mins approx each.Certificate of CompletionTotal support from the teacher. You can ask any questions any time you want to about anything related to this course or ballet in general and make sure youll receive detailed answerIn additional to questions you can also record the class or some exercises while you do it and send to me and Ill give you detailed feedback with corrections and suggestions how to improve.Each class includes:Warm up on the floor to wake up the muscleBarre workCenter work or JumpsDetailed explanation of combinationMost common mistake and the way to improve themWithin this course you will learn exercises from simple to more complex steps. You will build up the technique as you go. Make sure you practice as often as possible to keep your muscle strong."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Russian Ballet Online. Learn At Home. Part 3" |
"This is 3rd part of the Russian Ballet Online. Search for previous and next parts on Udemy.This course is for those who love ballet and want to practice more at home or while travel.You can use this course as an additional or as a main training.You can do the classes any time that suits you best. Dont need to travel to a studio, struggle to find a parking space or pay a bus fare.All you need is your computer/tablet/phone and a chair or something you can use as a barre.The course is suggested to be learned during 6 months with 8 classes a month.This course includes:Free overview video where you can see the style of the classes.4, 1h10mins approx each.Certificate of CompletionTotal support from the teacher. You can ask any questions any time you want to about anything related to this course or ballet in general and make sure youll receive detailed answerIn additional to questions you can also record the class or some exercises while you do it and send to me and Ill give you detailed feedback with corrections and suggestions how to improve.Each class includes:Warm up on the floor to wake up the muscleBarre workCenter work or JumpsDetailed explanation of combinationMost common mistake and the way to improve themWithin this course you will learn exercises from simple to more complex steps. You will build up the technique as you go. Make sure you practice as often as possible to keep your muscle strong."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Russian Ballet Online. Learn At Home. Part 4" |
"This is 4th part of the Russian Ballet Online. Search for previous and next parts on Udemy.This course is for those who love ballet and want to practice more at home or while travel.You can use this course as an additional or as a main training.You can do the classes any time that suits you best. Dont need to travel to a studio, struggle to find a parking space or pay a bus fare.All you need is your computer/tablet/phone and a chair or something you can use as a barre.The course is suggested to be learned during 6 months with 8 classes a month.This course includes:Free overview video where you can see the style of the classes.4, 1h10mins approx each.Certificate of CompletionTotal support from the teacher. You can ask any questions any time you want to about anything related to this course or ballet in general and make sure youll receive detailed answerIn additional to questions you can also record the class or some exercises while you do it and send to me and Ill give you detailed feedback with corrections and suggestions how to improve.Each class includes:Warm up on the floor to wake up the muscleBarre workCenter work or JumpsDetailed explanation of combinationMost common mistake and the way to improve themWithin this course you will learn exercises from simple to more complex steps. You will build up the technique as you go. Make sure you practice as often as possible to keep your muscle strong."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"250-270 Symantec NetBackup 7.0 for Unix Administration Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) The company has just expanded 7.0 Symantec Net Backup environment by adding additional media server. What is the fastest way to update several hundred Symantec Net Backup customers with a new server to the media?a) the update_all_clients running scriptb) the add_media_server_on_clients running scriptc) Enter the new media server to the backup, archiving and recovery interfaced) Enter the new media server to the client propertiese) NoneQ) tape library robot has upgraded firmware and now the robot read bar codes with additional symbols. What can thus be established that Symantec Net Backup 7.0 uses the same symbols as happened before the upgrade?a) Media ID generationb) leading mediac) format displayc) rules bar codee) NoneQ) What is the status indicators of the two environments that are excluded from counting toward the maximum number of partially full media? (Choose two.)a) frozenb) importc) actived) availablee) InactiveQ) The administrator has created three main disk storage device Net Backup management console (HT-A, B and HT HT-C). The administrator must create a backup policy, which rotates uniformly use of each of these storage devices for backup. How to policy or the storage device can be configured to accomplish this?a) each set of strategies to use ""all available"" storageb) creation of an area for storage of the STE and select option ""fault-tolerant"" to select the storagec) creation of areas for storing this STE and select option ""newly selected storage device is not less than""d) creation of areas for storing these STE and select A Select data storage devices based on the above order"" optione) None"
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"CompTIA MB0-001 Mobility + Certification Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Which of the following will be used to apply a policy that requires two-factor authentication on some mobile devices?a) username and passwordb) Face and PINc) Pattern lock and passwordd) fingerprints and retinal scane) NoneQ) Employee reports a problem connecting to the network support. Which of the following measures should be taken before the escalation of the problem?a) Identifying and documenting the problem, questioning the obviousb) Attempts to solve the network problem by starting the serverc) Ask the user to remotely his car and wait 15 minutes before calling backd) The dissolution results of documents and lessonse) NoneQ) Which of the following can be applied to the mobile device in order to maintain the company's mandate does not allow online gambling?a) ~~ POS network IDS = TRUNCb) Host-IDSc) Software POS ~~ = TRUNC antivirusd) content filteringe) NoneQ) When setting up a wireless access point for 802.11g, the user will see the mobile device using any of the following frequency bands?a) 2.4 MHzb) 5MHzc) 5GHzd) 6 GHze) None"
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"ECCouncil 412-79 Security Analyst (ECSA) Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Corporate network just completed audited SAS 70. Checking reported that the network as a whole to provide, but there are some areas that need improvement. A large area has been SNMP security. The auditing company is recommended to disable SNMP, but this is not an option, because you have so many remote sites to keep track of. What steps can you take to help secure SNMP network?a) Change the default community string nameb) Block all internal MAC-address by using the SNMP protocolc) Blocking access to UDP port 171d) Block access to TCP port 171e) NoneQ) At what level of the OSI model do routers function?a) $3 b) $4 c) 5d) $1 e) NoneQ) ""Idle"" system is also called what?a) Zombieb) PC is not in usec) healingd) The computer is not connected to the Internete) NoneQ) What operating system will respond to this command?a) Mac OS Xb) Windows XPc) Windows 95d) FreeBSDe) None"
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"SAP HANA 1,0 C_HANAIMP_1 Certify Application Associate Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Which of these units, you can use to create a computing type of GUI SAP HANA Studio? (Choose two)a) Information Foundationb) aggregationc) Joind) analytical e) PrivilegeQ) Replication table is interrupted, which SAP Landscape Transformation Server (SLT) to do?a) This prevents RFC connection with reading sources logging system tables.b) He removes the database triggers and tables harvest in the original system.c) It stops the RFC connection and remove the target table in SAP HANA.d) He continues to read through an RFC connection from the source system, but do not load data into SAP HANA.e) NoneQ) Which of the following may be part of an analytical approach? (Choose three)a) conversion requestb) unionsc) logically god) data foundatione) attributeQ) What tools do you use to transmit data in real-time initialization in SAP HANA?a) SAP-terrain transformation (TA)b) SAP Business Objects Information Management Federationc) SAP Business Objects Data Servicesd) SAP Direct connection extractor (DXC)e) None"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Complete Guide to Achieving Anything Fast" |
"Superhuman Capabilities to Achieve Anything Fast explores human potential and teaches some of the most practical ways to put this potential into use towards improving productivity, focus, confidence, and will power.This course teaches the following:How to instantly increase efficiency by developing triggersHow to identify and defeat the enemies that destroy focus and productivityUsing 'shortcuts' to successOptimizing your mind and body for maximum productivityConfidence, self-esteem, and focus x 10Simple yet powerful productivity hacks...And so much more."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn English: How to Become Fluent in English in 30 Days" |
"HOW TO BECOME FLUENT IN ENGLISH IN 30 DAYS offers immersive learning experience for non-English speakers, because the truth is it's not ""WHAT"" non-English speakers are learning. It's ""HOW"" they're learning.This course offers immersive techniques in FOCUSING, LISTENING, READING, and SPEAKING to allow them to gain nearly the same experience as native speakers of the English language.This course also offers bonus exercises that help eliminate the psychological factors that limit the learners' ability to achieve Engllsh fluency."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"ArcGIS API for JavaScript Fundamentals" |
". . . . ."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Agile & Scrum" |
"Whether you've only just heard of Agile and Scrum and want to know more or you're a seasoned project manager tired of constant late delivery, this course is for you.Let the UK's leading trainers in Agile and Scrum put you and your business on the road to transformation with this vital introductory course. Taught by John McFadyen and Karim Harbott, two of the founders of Agile Centre, this rich, accessible course will cover the reasons why modern organisations need a new approach to business, as well as the theory, practices, and rules of Scrum. This course provides practical guidance for adopting Scrum and continuously improving your organisation. This course includes the following modules:An Overview of AgileAn Overview of the Scrum FrameworkThe Scrum Roles & ResponsibilitiesThe Scrum ArtefactsThe Scrum EventsSupporting PracticesFAQsBONUS: Hints & Tips From The FieldAgile Centre is a Scrum Alliance Registered Education Provider (REP)."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"NH-BOOST: Change habits and get in shape in 28 days" |
"*The course is delivered in hebrew, but Includes captions (English). The same goes for the writen titles and explanations - all in english**The attached files are all in english.Want to live a better quality life? wish to get 6 pack abs in a short period of time, and keep it for years ahead?in this course you'll get: 1) Professional fitness program that you can do anytime, anywhere.2) Delicious and healthy diet program for each day of the week.3) guidance for how to set goals, change habits, get focus and clarity, and achieve your life major goals.4) Pdf files (in english) that will help you acheive your goals.5) Bonus: my 70 pages Ebook: ""How to change habits"". The book presents an easy and clear set of practical rules that you can apply immediately, in addition to many great tips and ideas that can change years of bad habits and have the potential to change your life.In this book you will learn the principles of changing behavior patterns, some of which you consciously adopted and some you've adopted unconsciously. These principles will guide you to change the choices you make every day and reshape your future for the better.It is a practical guide based on years of hard work with thousands of people."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Curso Kodular para crear aplicaciones y juegos Android 2020" |
"Este es un curso completo de Kodular para crear aplicaciones y juegos Android que podrs monetizar con Admob-Adsense. El curso te ensea a publicar tus aplicaciones y juegos en la tienda de Google Play y tambin a promocionar usando Google Ads y Facebook Ads.El curso se basa en un mtodo sencillo, muy fcil de aplicar, no necesitas conocimientos previos ni nada de programacin para comenzar a crear aplicaciones, juegos y ganar dinero con la publicidad."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
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Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Barbering-Fades, Scissors, Beard Trims & Straight Razor" |
"This course is for anyone looking to begin their barber career, earn some extra pocket money or simply cut hair for their loved ones. Step by step video tutorials, 3 hours of content, taking you through the very basics. After this course you will be able to cut hair, fade, trim beards, do lineups, use straight razors and scissors as well as fully understand what tools to use, how to use them and how to adjust them."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |