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"Das mentale Fitnessstudio"
"Frher galt: Erfolg ist 10% Inspiration und 90% Transpiration. Heute schaut man von allen Dingen auf das Entrepreneur Mindset. Aber was ist das eigentlich? Kann man es entwickeln? Wir meinen: Ja!Viele Ratgeber erzhlen Dir wie Du erfolgreich werden kannst. Wir zeigen Dir ganz praktische bungen. Mit Deinem persnlichen Trainingsplan schaffst Du den Nhrboden fr Deinen Erfolg.In unseren Coachings sehen wir immer wieder, dass Grndern mit ihren tollen Ideen viel zu frh die Puste ausgeht. Warte nicht, bis Du ausgebrannt bist, in schwierigen Situationen den Kopf verlierst oder Zweifel Deine Energie ziehen - starte Dein Training: ganz praktisch, wie im Fitness-Studio.In diesem Kurs haben wir die wirksamsten Prinzipien, Vorgehensweisen, Methoden, Tools und bungen aus mehr als 20 Jahren Erfahrung zusammengestellt, die praxisbewiesen wirklich helfen und auch bei vollem Terminkalender einfach und schnell umzusetzen sind.Du trainierst aktiv deine mentale Kraft, Ausdauer, Schnellkraft und Beweglichkeit und damit auch das Entrepreneur Mindset. Wir hoffen, Du merkst dabei auch: Erfolg ist 10% Inspiration und 90% Freude am Machen.Wir freuen uns auf Dich!Herzlich Deine Mentaltrainer Kathrin & KaiKursfeatures 54 Kursvideos praxisnah und auf den Punkt gebracht Interviews mit dem Olympiasieger Andreas Kuffner, der Schauspielerin Isabell Gerschke und der Unternehmerin Katja Gnther Dein individueller Trainingsplan, den Du whrend des Kurses erstellst 14 Arbeitsbltter fr Deine Reflexion unzhlige praktische bungen, die du ganz einfach zwischendurch durchfhren kannst Literaturempfehlungen zum Weiterlesen"
Price: 89.99

"TikTok Dream Vivez Vos Rves"
"Vous voulez avoir normment de followers beaucoup plus rapidement quInstagram ?Imaginez gagner plus de 10000 followers sans avoir passer des heures faire du ""Follow on follow"" ou passez votre temps prcieux trouver du contenu pour votre chane Youtube.Vous pensez quil ny a plus de possibilit dmerger sur net ?""Comment puis-je me dmarquer davantage dans mon secteur lorsqu'il est satur ?""Une des meilleures stratgies pour faire connatre votre marque personnelle ou professionnelle consiste dominer une application par les mdias sociaux nouvelle ET en croissance exponentielle. Et TikTok est la principale application de mdias sociaux de 2019-2020.Pourquoi devriez-vous rejoindre une nouvelle application lorsque vous avez des comptes sur Instagram, Facebook et Youtube? Eh bien, les marques commencent sintresser TIkTok qui littralement explosent. Elles vont avoir besoin dinfluenceur pour les reprsenter sur TikTok et vous permettrede devenir influenceur et de toucher beaucoup dargentPourquoi suivre ce cours TIKTOK pour dbutants ?Ce cours vous aidera gagner du temps lors de l'apprentissage de l'utilisation de l'application. Vous recevrez galement des secrets d'initis sur la manire de gagner plus de public et de devenir ce que nous aimons appeler TIKTOK FAMOUS.Ce cours est mis jour frquemment chaque fois qu'il existe de nouvelles techniques de tendance et des modifications apportes l'application. Toutes les informations dont vous avez besoin pour russir sont disponibles dans ce cours.Vous ntes pas seul ! On vous aide !Assurez-vous d'envoyer des messages et de converser avec les autres tudiants du cours. C'est une communaut pour partager des stratgies et poser toutes les questions auxquelles vous n'obtenez toujours pas de rponse.-Gagnez du temps avec des tutoriels tape par tape-Dbloquez vos comptences dans les mdias sociaux-Dvelopper votre crativit-Apprenez vous amuserVous avez 3 options :Option 1 : Vous pouvez ne pas suivre le cours et vous noyez dans les mandres des rseaux sociaux et regarder les autres russir !Option 2 : Vous pouvez aller apprendre utiliser l'application TIKTOK vous-mme. Jespre que vous arriverez merger avec 600 000 000 millions dutilisateurs.Option 3 : Suivre le cours, apprendre les raccourcis vers le succs et ne pas perdre sa motivation pour changer de vie."
Price: 34.99

"Adsense Yksek TBM EitimiGoogle Adsense ile cookie kullanarak ya da kullandmz internet taraycmz (browser) Yksek TBM alacak ekile getirerek yurtdndan para kazanyoruz . Eitim Setinde batan sona izlediinizde u sorulara cevaplar bulacaksnz1)Yksek TBM Yntemi nedir ? Nasl yaplr ?2) Cookie sistemi taraycya nasl kurulur ?3) Set Browser sistemi yani taraycda yksek tbmli reklamlar nasl kartlr ?4) Custom Search  Nedir ? Nasl Yaplr ?5) Reklam kst olan sitemizden nasl gelir elde edilir ?6) Trkiye Adsensem Var Onda Olmaz M Bu Yntem ?7) Yabanc Adsense ( POUND , EURO , DOLAR ) Nasl Aarm ?8) Yurtdndan Nasl deme Alabilirim ?9) 30 a kadar Dolar , Euro , Pound banka hesab nasl alabilirim ?10) ngilizce bilmeme gerek var m ?11)  Yurtd Adsensem Var Veya Amak stiyorum. Adres Pinini nasl dorulayacam ?12) Otomatik Botla M Siteleri Oluturuyorsun ?13) Adsense Reklam Yerleimi Nasl Yaplr ?14)Ads.txt Dosyas Nasl Siteye Eklenir ?15)Birden Fazla Adsense Hesabn Nasl Ayn Bilgisayarda Kullanyosun ?16)Adsense Reklam Kst Nasl Kaldrlr ?17)Adsense Hesab Satyor Musun . Gncel Adsense Hesaplarn Piyasas Nedir ?Daha sayamadm birok konuda bilgi sahibi olucaksnz .Kurs rencilerden Yorumlar ;>> Forum sitelerinde bulamayacanz bir ok bilgi var .ok teekkr ederim hocam. Adsense reklamlarndan gelir elde etmek bu kadar kolaymyd. Harika bir eitimseti. Adsense den gelir elde etmek isteyenler bu seti izlemeden ie balamasn. >> Arkadalar selam, kt zaman ve zor artlar altnda eitimi tamamlamaya alyorum. Harun Bey, ok mtevazi, sabrl, sorulan sorulara muhakak yant veren biridir. Eitimi almak isteyenler hi dnmeden satn alabilirler >> Dersler ok aklayc ve gerekten konuya yeni balayan insanlar da dnerek ince ince anlatlm.Hocamzn yeni dersler ile ierii daha da zenginletireceini sylemesi ve bir sorunuz olduunda mesajlarnz cevaplamas da cabas. Konuya ilginiz varsa kesinlikle alnabilecek bir ders.>>Gayet aklamal ve baarl soru cevap gibi olmu mesela turk domane yabanc cerk eklesem yurt dsne nasl olur gb akldak sorular sadece ses az bilginiz olsun >>MTH YARARLI BR DERS LGLENME 10/10 UMARIM HAKETTN YERE GELRSN HOCAM>>Harika anlatm.ilgili hoca.tesekkurler>>Gerek anlamda parasn hak eden bir eitim. Dier eitimlerle kyaslanmamas gerek. nk bu eitim kazandryor>>ok kaliteli bir kurs, bu kurs sayesinde ok ey rendim, Harun Bey de ok ilgili ve hzl bir eitmen btn sorulara saniyesinde cevap veriyor."
Price: 49.99

"Build Your Credit! The ultimate guide to boost your credit"
"If the thought of having great credit, saving a ton of money in interest, and being able to live your financial dreams sounds appealing, then stop dreaming and start taking action!  Do you have late payments, collection accounts, charge-offs, bankruptcies, or judgments against you that are holding you back from realizing your financial dreams?  If you do, you need to realize that the damage done is not permanent, and with the right coaching and the right techniques, it is often possible to reverse the effects of those negative items and get you back on the fast track towards having stellar credit and hearing those wonderful words, ""Congratulations, You're Approved!""Your credit score can easily be the difference between being denied for a loan, versus being approved.  And if you are approved, it can be the difference between saving thousands of extra dollars in interest payments by being approved for the loan at the lowest possible interest rates.Your credit score is more than just the ability to apply for new loans.  Many institutions are increasingly pulling a credit report for you for a wide variety of issues.  This may make it difficult to finance a car, or a home.  If you decide to rent a home landlords will often pull a credit report as part of their screening process.  Many insurance companies run your credit so it could affect your auto insurance rates.  And finally some employers require a credit check depending on the job you are applying for!When you take control of your credit, you take control of your finances and will never feel money pressure again. Great credit has a ripple effect through your entire financial life that puts you on a path to success. Who This Course Is For:This video is for students of all ages and income levels who want to improve their financial life, reach goals, eliminate financial stress, and have more freedom to live the lifestyle you deserve. You'll come away with step-by-step strategies to build and maintain great credit so you can:Qualify for low-rate credit cardsBuy a homeGet a home equity loanRent an apartmentCut your utility deposits and billsBuy a carGet a jobQualify for a personal loanGet lower auto insurance ratesGet lower home insurance ratesFollow your dreams"
Price: 24.99

"PDF 30 40 20 30 30 20 30 40 40 430 30 40 115"
Price: 6000.00

"CompTIA JK0-802 A+ Certification Practice Exam"
"Sample QuestionsQ) A user reports slow performance on their PC after importing some photos. Which of the following maintenance tasks should a technician recommend in order to increase performance? a) Install new camera driversb) Install new camera driversc) Update anti-virus definitionsd) Run CHKDSKQ) A user has asked for a recommendation for a strong password. Which of the following passwords is the STRONGEST? a) password!b) Pa$sw0rdc) pa$4w0rdd) thisismypsswrd1Q) Which of the following would be the BEST choice to use when implementing a business virtual environment? a) Thick clientb) Thin clientc) Media PCd) Remote desktopQ) A user reports that their PC will not boot after multiple attempts. Which of the following should be the technicians FIRST response? a) Are you able to log in?b) Do you see lights on the PC?c) Do you hear a clicking sound?d) Is the PC plugged in?Q) A technician discovers that a hard drive has died in a RAID 0 configuration. Which of the following would be the outcome of this situation?  a) The user will need to replace the PC.b) technician will need to back up and replace the drive.c) The user will lose all non-backed up data.d) The technician will need to replace the drive and rebuild the array"
Price: 169.99

"CompTIA LX0-104 Linux Powered by LPI Certified Practice Exam"
"Sample QuestionsQ) Which of the following network devices use ACLs to prevent unauthorized access into company systems?a) IDSb) Firewallc) Content filterd) Load balancerQ) Which of the following is used to define how much bandwidth can be used by various protocols on the network?a) Traffic shapingb) High availabilityc) Load balancingd) Fault toleranceQ) Which of the following is used to authenticate remote workers who connect from offsite? (Select TWO). a) OSPFb) VTP trunkingc) Virtual PBXd) RADIUSe) 802.1xQ) Which of the following provides accounting, authorization, and authentication via a centralized privileged database, as well as, challenge/response and password encryption?a) Multifactorauthenticationb) ISAKMPc) TACACS+d) Network access controlQ) A technician needs to set aside addresses in a DHCP pool so that certain servers always receive the same address. Which of the following should be configured?a) Leasesb) Helper addressesc) Scopesd) Reservations"
Price: 144.99

"5G Planning"
"5G Radio Access network planning is a process of proposing location of sites, configuration and settings of the network nodes to be rolled out in a wireless network. Radio network planning objectives are fulfilled by proper selection of site locations, configurations and settings of all parameters including antenna heights, azimuths , angles etc. In 5G, automated site selection and configuration is becoming a must in 5G NR planning as the number of cells deployed are much higher than previous wireless technologies. The process of planning is carried out by its RF design and the use of planning tool to carry out design. 5G NR provides operators with additional options for designing multi-layer networks by adding small cells to boost capacity and to deliver new services. Multi-RAT planning is the planning of multiple layers as a single network."
Price: 1920.00

"Advanced Fortigate Configuration"
"Welcome to Advanced Fortigate Configuration Course.In this course you will advance more with Fortigate configuration, and start deploying Fortigate clusters in the cloud, integrate with SSO services, and design web proxy with different access levels for your users.We will emphasize on reporting and analysis, so expect to dive into the different implementation of SNMP and Syslog solutions to capture and analyze large sets of logs, and monitor the environment health and stability .Finally we will jump into web applications, to learn how to build, scale and secure IPv6-enabled services, and how to utilize advanced UTM security tools to protect your critical data and systems from online attacks."
Price: 29.99

"Process Instrumentation : Press,Temp,Level,Flow Measurements"
"the course will give over view of relationship between instrumentation and automation with process industry,pressure instruments and their wiring to PLC.temperature transducers thermocouple,RTDs and their wiring,level transmitters DP type,capacitance type,ultrasonic and RADAR types and their applications,flow measuring transmitters DP type,wheel type,magnetic,ultrasonic ,coriolis,their principle and application,flowmeter process requirements like meter run,reynolds number and rangeability"
Price: 104.99

"International Teaching: Getting a Job Teaching Abroad"
"Making the move into international teaching can be difficult as it is both very competitive and confusing. With more than a decade of international teaching and administrative experience, Travis will explain the ins and outs to give you the information you need to successfully begin your international teaching career. This series of lectures is designed to be clear and specific so that you can begin your journey right away.Plus, you will be able to participate in thoughtful activities that are designed to help you better understand your own preferences for schools, regions, countries, cultures, and compensation. And as a bonus, everyone taking this course can participate in the free and private Facebook group where you can learn more from Travis as well as from the other members.Thank you for considering taking this course. Your future countries and schools await."
Price: 19.99

"TOEICUdemy305Mindset305Non-JapaneseDual Perspective211234No5"
Price: 15600.00

"30 Google Sheets"
"30 Google Sheets 10 , , , , Google, . , , , ,"
Price: 1799.00

"Solar Power Healing Therapy"
"Solar Power Therapy is an ancient therapy that has myriad of benefits if practiced skillfully. After learning the principles once, it is the practice that you put into it that gives you real miraculous results every single time. As the rays of the sun are limitless, so are its uses and applications. You will be getting basic tools to understand the correct way to make medicines and use them. You will be amazed to know the innumerable applications of Solar Power Therapy.Get inspired by going through some of the benefits in the following list.Get rid of dangerous side-effects of Allopathic medicinesAchieve healthy body and mind naturallySAY NO TO CANCER - NaturallyDeveloping a strong immune systemEnjoying health that is holistic in its complete senseDeveloping a happy and peaceful state of mindLearn to make your own medicinesHeal yourself and your loved ones in the most natural wayUnderstand the imbalances of energies in your bodyMake Wonder Tonics at homeCure common illness like a proChronic diseases can also be cured successfullyWonderful cure for migraine, insomniaRelieves the symptoms of fits, asthma and many moreYou shall learn to use Solarised water, sugar and oil etc.Various combinations and formulae for curing diseases, pain etc.Totally Safe for children, weak and aged peopleTreat without fear of side effectsEasy, cheap and natural therapy"
Price: 19.99

"Defesa Pessoal para Mulheres"
"Somos Todas Diana tem como objetivo ensinar as Mulheres os conceitos bsicos de Defesa Pessoal. O curso online atravs de video aulas e alm da defesa pessoal, tambm ter como contedo conceitos bsicos da: Lei Maria da Penha, Primeiros Socorros, Exerccios Fsicos e Terapia. Dentro do treinamento, ser abordado diversas situaes possveis que podem acontecer com qualquer mulher.O nome Somos todas Diana vem como inspirao o nome da mulher maravilha, isto , Diana de Themyscira. Uma figura feminista em prol dos direitos das mulheres."
Price: 189.99

"Freedom From Anxiety"
"'Freedom From Anxiety' is a six week course that takes you from feeling lost, panicked and overwhelmed, to a place of mental calm, peace, and relief. You are introduced to life coaching techniques developed by Tony Robbins, ancient Vipassana based guided meditations, beginner yoga postures suitable for all abilities and practical nutritional advice that together, builds you from the ground up on solid foundations to a place of strength and stability, where you can learn to trust yourself again, and lean into the core of your power that is waiting for you to rediscover"
Price: 19.99

"Aprenda ERP TOTVS Protheus na prtica - Compras"
"Treinamento prtico do mdulo Compras com exemplos reais de usabilidade do ERP TOTVS Protheus.Aprenda ou aprimore seu conhecimento no ERP mais usado no Brasil. Atravs de exemplos prticos baseados em um departamento de compras trazemos a voc um curso didtico e de fcil entendimento, mesmo que voc no conhea esse ERP.Na concluso abordamos a usabilidade do mdulo de maneira macro, sabendo quando utilizar cada uma das rotinas apresentadas.Esse um treinamento voltado desde usurios principiantes a conhecedores do Protheus que desejam aprimorar seus conhecimentos funcionais.Venha conosco aprender com quem atende e entende ;)"
Price: 84.99

"Comment bien grer votre budget de projet selon le PMI"
"Combien de fois vous avez lu, vu ou entendu des projets qui font la manchette aux journaux ou la tlvision pour les mauvaises raisons car soit ils sont en retard ou ils ont doubl voir tripl leur budget initial ou ont tout simplement t suspendus pour arrter lhmorragie financire de lentreprise qui les ralise.Dans une des confrences du PMI au Canada, j'ai bien aim ce que le confrencier nous avait dit  << Il y a des milliards dhumains sur terre. Des millions uvrent au sein de projets. Des centaines de milliers grent des projets. Des milliers possdent la vraie connaissance de ce quest la gestion de projet. Quelques-uns uniquement lappliquent vraiment. Les autres, quant eux, sont aux prises avec des projets en pril >>Je trouve cette citation est tellement vraie lorsqu'il s'agit de la gestion des cots et du budget de projet en particulier. Ce que jai constat depuis les 15 dernires annes est quil est difficile de raliser un projet public ou priv dans le respect du budget tabli au dpart et cela dans tous les domaines dindustrie (TI, Construction, engineering, pharmaceutique, arts et mdia, etc.).Si vous partagez avec moi ce constat et vous voulez participer amliorer la gestion des cots et du budget de vos projets et les bien russir, rehausser notre maturit et notre rputation en gestion de projet par lapplication des meilleures pratiques, principes et concepts du PMI dans vos projets de tous les joursVous tes au bon endroit. Cette formation se veut trs pratique, ds le lendemain vous pourrez mettre en pratique et appliquer tous les connaissances et le savoir que vous allez acqurir dans vos projets.  Mettre en place les outils de suivi et de contrle budgtaire de projet pourrait savrer toute un dfi pour certaines organisations, c'est pourquoi notre slogan durant toute cette formation est que  : Il vaut mieux viser l'excellence et s'en approcher que viser la mdiocrit et l'atteindre.Je vous souhaite la bienvenue cette formation et voici quelques commentaires que jai reu lors de mes formations en gestion des cots de projet que je partage avec vous :Le formateur est passionn par ce sujet. SuperLe meilleur formateur ce jour. Excellent pdagogue, comptent et trs concret dans ses exemples et ses explications. Merci! :)Le professeur se sentait engag par le mtier de gestionnaire de projet."
Price: 199.99

"Understanding our Political Economy"
"The purpose of this course is to study fundamental economic principles and to apply them in solving todays economic problems: poverty, inequality, unemployment, recessions, high taxes, inflation, etc. The textbook used is Henry Georges masterwork, Progress and Poverty. Though this book first appeared in 1879, it is fully applicable to todays conditions since the principles with which it deals are universal. A reading of the book will convince the student of its timeliness.The basic problem which George set out to solve in this book is still todays basic problem: Why, in spite of progress, does poverty persist?Many answers have been given since Georges day, and many measures have been applied, but the problem still remains. The problems of the business cycle and recurring periods of unemployment have also defied solution. In this course, we look into Georges analysis to which sufficient attention has not been paid, but which has never been successfully refuted.A fundamental and non-technical approach to economics is taken in this course. Basic terms are defined, basic economic laws are sought and basic principles are applied. Study supplements are offered for each lesson not as a substitute for the text but to augment it by elaborating certain points, by applying the principles to current conditions and by answering the most frequently asked questions.The course is divided into 7 lessons.  The Rise of EconomicsEssential Elements of Political EconomyThe Natural Laws of Production and Distribution of Wealth Money, Currency and CreditRent Privatization and the Boom-Bust CycleHoles in the Neo-classical Price TheoryWhat to do when the Perfect is out of ReachIt will be seen that the last part of the course goes beyond economics and into social justice. The theme as it unfolds becomes more fascinating and will reward the student who pursues it to the end.Each lesson has online assignments and in some cases, supplemental reading and a set of questions for offline practice.To get the most from this course, it is highly recommended to read the entire text of Progress and Poverty."
Price: 19.99

Price: 24000.00

"Python for Machine Learning"
"It is a small journey to get your toolbox ready to dive into machine learning world  through this journey you face alot of difficult and amazing things so try to keep going and reach the end with competitive spirit so from normal python programming , matrix and vector operations ,tabular data manipulation, data visualization and linear Regression using sci kit learn you will face the challenges that extract the best inside of"
Price: 19.99

"Tableau is the world's leading interactive data visualization software company. It was founded in January 2003.Tableau products query relational databases, online analytical processing cubes, cloud databases, and spreadsheets to generate graph-type data visualizations. The products can also extract, store, and retrieve data from an in-memory data engine.This coure assumes you have not worked with the software earlier.I will acquaint you with various visualizations, show you how to do calculations as well as make interactive visuals using paramter controls."
Price: 19.99

"Breve Introduo s Pandemias e as Relaes Internacionais"
"Diante da pandemia do novo coronavrus, as pessoas buscam informaes de qualidade sobre o assunto. Este curso oferece uma viso sistematizada (j que muitas informaes esto dispersas) e sintetizada sobre a temtica ""pandemias e as relaes internacionais"", reunindo informaes histricas, tcnicas e culturais sobre o tema em questo. Sero ensinadas definies sobre as relaes internacionais e as pandemias, elaborado um panorama histrico, realizados estudos de caso (da peste bubnica, varola e gripe espanhola), examinado o novo coronavrus e as mudanas na ordem internacional, listados filmes, sries e livros sobre a questo, bem como sero realizadas reflexes sobre o futuro do mundo aps a crise da COVID-19. Aproveite o perodo de isolamento (ou o momento posterior) e faa o curso no conforto de sua casa, que pode ser utilizada para reflexes criativas (por exemplo: Newton descobriu a teoria da gravidade durante quarentena em 1665)."
Price: 39.99

"Mind Muscle Training"
"This course teaches waking state Mindfulness exercises and Meditation techniques together.  Combining the two delivers high impact results.  Students will learn to use Meditation and Mindfulness to connect with the energy in the body and learn to shift and re-calibrate how energy is held in the body.   Upon completion of the course students will be able to identify how negative emotion is held in the body, uncover Energetic Blockages, and use Mindfulness and Meditation techniques together to improve your Emotional States and generate well-being."
Price: 59.99

"How to pick the best CRM system for your Startup"
"You will learn how to pick the BEST CRM solution for your business!There are 1000s of CRM solutions, even here in Udemy - so which one works for you?Avoid making an error that will cost you $1,000s to fix and tons of work hours to re-do things later on. Instead, pick this course and learn:Get the basic knowledge you will need to select a CRM system - from someone on your sideKnow the basic components of a CRM solutionLearn the differences between CRM approaches Figure out the system that makes sense to your businessKnow how the costs work - how will you get chargedNOT SPONSORED BY ANY VENDOR Get neutral advice from a practical POVLearn from someone on your side, not the CRM sellersLearn from over 13+ years of experience in CRM, in many different industries and stagesSure, you could Google a lot of this content, but lets face it, you will end up looking at funny YouTube Videos or looking for the Lyrics of a forgotten song by the end of the hour. Instead, focus for less than an hour, and learn how CRM will help your business in a clear a practical way!"
Price: 59.99

"Bioestatstica Bsica"
"Curso direcionado para profissionais da rea de sade. Curso voltado para o aprendizado de conceitos bsicos, de forma fcil e exemplificada, direcionando o aprendiz para a leitura e interpretao de artigos cientficos desta rea. No h pretenso de formar estatsticos, nem substituir a necessidade deste profissional.O curso inclui video-aulas, material didtico e exerccios.Os concluintes recebero o certificado."
Price: 399.99

"Crescendo Seu Instagram Em Poucos Dias - Treinamento Eficaz!"
"Crescimento real da conta do Instagram com o uso de ferramentas passo a passo para aumentar o nmeros de seguidores rapidamente, bem como gerar comentrtios, curtidas e salvamentos que aumentam o engajamento da conta, fazendo com que o algortmo eleve a um patamar acima das outras que no utilizam essas ferramentas eficazes."
Price: 489.99

"Curso Google Ads Search na prtica"
"Esse o curso que vai ajudar voc no incio de uma jornada que vai mudar o seu negcio e a forma de voc anunciar. Comece do absoluto ZERO at a gesto otimizada da sua conta.O que voc ir aprender? Anunciar com o Google Ads de maneira profissional, eficiente e com foco no resultado Analisar a performance da conta, campanhas, grupos, anncios, palavras-chave, etc Realizar pesquisas de palavras-chave com o Google Keyword Planner Aprender a trabalhar com diversos tipos de extenses de anncios (Sitelinks, Snippets Estruturados, Frases de Destaque e muito mais) Aprender sobre otimizao de palavras-chave (correspondncia, negativas, termos de pesquisa, etc)Como funcionar o curso?Tudo simples e sem bla bla bla!Por que o Google Ads uma parada obrigatria na sua trajetria profissional?O Google Ads te d o poder de impactar o seu pblico-alvo no EXATO MOMENTO em que esse usurio est procurando pela sua soluo no Google. Incrvel, no?! No a toa que milhes de empresas tm usado a plataforma em suas estratgias de marketing digital, para assim, aumentar vendas, gerar trfego para sites, aumentar o reconhecimento de marca e garantir a reteno de clientes. Alm disso, com a evoluo da plataforma e a adeso do Youtube Ads, j conseguimos ter um alcance superior e mais efetivo quando comparado com s clssicas propagandas na televiso.E, se ainda assim, voc no conseguir conquistar sua persona de primeira, a plataforma ainda conta com um sistema incrvel para trabalhar com campanhas de remarketing. Em outras palavras, estamos lidando com algo extremamente completo e efetivo!Sendo assim, se voc dono de um negcio ou um profissional de marketing digital, o Google Ads com certeza uma parada obrigatria na sua trajetria. Seja para aumentar suas vendas ou aprimorar o seu CV, garantindo uma excelente valorizao profissional.Voc est comprometido com o seu negcio?"
Price: 39.99

"Gerenciamento de Risco e Segurana do Paciente"
"O Curso Aprendendo com Erros discute a ocorrncia de incidentes resultantes de falhas ou erros nos servios de sade que afetam o paciente. Este tpico est includo na disciplina de gerenciamento de riscos e segurana do paciente, que visa discutir como podemos aprender com os erros e, assim, mitigar incidentes, a partir da anlise da causa raiz. A anlise de causa raiz uma metodologia reativa para analisar o evento, dada a sua ocorrncia. O curso tambm aborda a importncia do planejamento de aes e do gerenciamento da efetividade das aes implementadas. Bons estudos!"
Price: 204.99

"Learn about Selling on Amazon India"
". 4 5 Amazon- . . Amazon- . DESCRIPTION- . . !!"
Price: 1280.00

"Learn After Effects CC 2020 in Hindi -"
"Course Complete Course After Effects CC Professional Look Animations Product Explainer Videos Motion Graphics Course l Topics Cover l Tips & Tricks Advance Courses l"
Price: 1600.00