Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"How to be somebody's Hero" |
"What would it look like if we spent more time talking our students INTO something on the front end rather than having to make the time to talk them OUT of something on the back end? The heroes in my life were difference-makers whou taught me that I could make a difference, too! My heroes believed in me when I didn't believe in myself. My heroes challenged me to live beyond my own limits and the limits others put on me. My heroes taught me that I was born to make a difference in the world. And, so are you!The heroes in my life were my parents, grand-parents, teachers, coaches, Sunday School teacher, and the list goes on. They took the time to mark my life in a positive way. We have an opportunity to do that for our kids and the kids we influence. Let's make a difference in the lives of those in our sphere of influence so, in turn, they can make a difference in the lives of others."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to Write a Top Quality Research Paper" |
"Starting college? Struggling with writing assignments? Or do you just want to work on polishing your writing skills? Either way, this course is for you! In it you will learn some guidelines for formatting your document, organizing your writing, using and formatting citations, active versus passive verb use, and other useful tips and tricks to help you write a top quality research paper, earn the grade you want, and succeed! "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Canadian Elite Academy - Volleyball Serving" |
"This is an introductory course to teach beginner volleyball players the basic standing serve. The KISS principle is used to get new athletes in volleyball to take the time to perfect the basic standing serve before moving on to more advanced skills. The basic standing serve is the foundation for all other serves. Once players have mastered the standing serve the other serves are much easier to do"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Rising Above Trauma: The Yamas & Niyamas" |
"Discover ancient guidelines for living that directly relate to trauma and addiction recovery. While commonly overlooked, they provide a framework for us to look at ways in which we can build our self confidence and self esteem in ways that are in alignment with who we really are as individuals. Free of judgement, the exercises and self reflections provided help you find easy ways to apply these principles in your everyday life while uncovering more of your true yourself and regaining touch with your intuition."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Secure Coding - Sviluppo di codice sicuro" |
"Il corso indicato per programmatori, project manager o software architect e fornisce indicazioni sulle basi metodologiche, gli standard (ad esempio Owasp) e gli strumenti per sviluppare codice sicuro, evitando di inserire nei programmi bugs o vulnerabilit. Vengono svolti svariati laboratori pratici a supporto della trattazione teorica, che mostrano l'uso degli strumenti e la mitigazione di alcune delle vulnerabilit che pi frequentemente si riscontrano nelle applicazioni web o desktop."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Bedrfnisorientierte Erziehung - Grundkurs" |
"Mchtest du deine Erziehung reflektieren und eine eigene Haltung entwickeln? Ich erklre dir in diesem Kurs die Grundlagen der bedrfnisorientierten Erziehung. Diese sollen dir dazu verhelfen, im Alltag schneller Entscheidungen zu treffen, sodass du den Bedrfnissen deiner Kinder und deinen eigenen nachkommen kannst. Dabei geht es hier nicht darum einen Perfektionismus zu entwickeln, sondern darum einen strukturierten Blick auf die unterschiedlichen Bedrfnisse der ganzen Familie zu werfen."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Inversiones: Aprende a Invertir en Forex desde Cero" |
"Curso de Inversiones en el mercado de divisas Forex, el mercado mas grande y rentable del mundo, en este curso te enseo desde Cero todo lo que hay que saber para ganar dinero en Forex y puedas multiplicar tu dinero, conseguir tu libertad financiera y vivir de tus ganancias en Forex."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Music Therapy and Body-Based Consciousness" |
"Interoception is the act of feeling and experiencing the body from within. When activated with music, interoceptive processes become enhanced, amplified, and more meaningful. We will look at why this process is so valuable, how it may work, and what techniques can drive vital body-based consciousness. Topics will include:The efficacy of interoception/body-based consciousness in trauma work.The use of music and imagery to enhance experiences.The importance of vibroacoustic stimulation.The use of entrainment.Biofeedback practices. This course is suitable for mental health practitioners, all types of therapists, those interested in music therapy, counselors, social workers, healers, parents, teachers."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"IMDS - Aprenda a Cadastrar" |
"- Com este treinamento os participantes sero capacitados sobre as funcionalidades do site ""mdsystem"", tambm o usurio dever compreender melhor os comandos do IMDS e ser capaz de eficientemente us-los.- Os alunos tero uma viso sistmica do Processo de Aprovao de Peas de Produo (PPAP) em relao a ferramenta IMDS, levando em conta o contexto e abrangncia em toda a cadeia automotiva."
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
"Creating A Sacred Space:Intuitive Tools to Bloom From Within" |
"Creating A Sacred Space is perfect for someone who wants to establish a devoted space at their home (indoor OR outdoor) for Self-Study practices and would like guidance on how to cultivate this space. This course will give voice to a world of potential in the realm of personal development, Self-exploration, spiritual expansion, and overall growth. Learn to maintain a lighthearted sense of play in Self-Study, in a way that gets you excited to show up for yourSelf + shine your Light. Come back into balance by giving yourSelf the space to do so. See you inside!!Britt Lynn"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Formation C++ : Approfondir vos BASES et devenir AUTONOME" |
"Bienvenue tous,A travers ce cours vous approfondirez vos bases en C++ et en algorithmie.Dans le cas o vous n'avez pas encore acquis les bases, une formation gratuite a dj t conue pour vous donner envie d'apprendre le C++.Ce cours est le second chapitre d'une srie de formations.Ici vous allez apprendre : Des notions sur la POO (programmation oriente objet)L'utilisation d'un environnement de dveloppement : QtL'ajout d'une libraire et son utilisation.Exercices d'entrainement sous forme de jeux.Happy Learning !"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Handlettering: initiatie" |
"Handletteren, kan ik best omschrijven als WordArt voor creatieve doe-het-zelvers. Je ontwerpt je eigen letters, tekent ze eigenhandig uit elke letter en spatie zijn dus uniek en je maakt er kleine kunstwerkjes mee, waarin je ook allerlei tekeningen en symbolen verwerkt. Je leert in deze workshop de basisbeginselen om zelf aan de slag te kunnen gaan."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Engenharia Social e Segurana da Informao" |
"Fundamentos bsicos sobre a engenharia social e algumas tcnicas e recursos utilizados pelo engenheiro social na captura de informaes. Um curso que proporcionar uma viso geral sobre os cuidados que um DPO ou Equipe de Gesto em Segurana da Informao devem possuir para mitigar os eventuais riscos que a engenharia social possa ocasionar."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Overcome Challenges: The Transformative Power of Inspiration" |
"Are you going through something challenging in your life right now?Are you feeling lost, frustrated, or perhaps even struggling through a full-on crisis?Or, maybe you're not facing a challenge or crisis at the moment, but you've faced them in the past.We all have ups and downs in our lives.We all feel frustrated at times, like life just isn't working out the way we want, or perhaps the way we planned.We all go through those phases, or have those experiences, when something unexpected happens, and it just knocks us over.It can mentally take us out of the game. We just feel stuck. Did you know that at those times of challenge or crisis inspiration often appears?===============================================================================""Inspiration can present itself as a subtle whisper or a nudge to do something... it's that little voice of encouragement, those little a-has, the sudden solution to a problem, or that unexpected idea. You may see it as communication from your higher self, the universe, God, Life, your heart, your gut, or your intuition. It doesn't matter what you call it, what matters is we all experience it. And, as we will share in this course, it has the power to open up new opportunities that can transform you, your life, and the world. Inspiration is Powerful and when you know how to recognize it, cultivate more of it in your life, and act on it, it has the power to change EVERYTHING."" ~Debbie LaChusa, course creator and author of The Following Inspiration Experiment===============================================================================Inspiration during times of frustration or struggle can help you turn personal challenges into personal growth.When you understand the role inspiration plays during these times, and you understand how to open up to it, it can radically transform your life and up-level your personal growth.This is not just my personal experience, or the personal experience of my co-instructor, Tetyana Azarova.This course is based on Tetyana's PhD dissertation: ""A Mindful Inquiry into the Meaning of Individual Inspiration in a Period of Personal Challenge.""It's based on the research Tetyana conducted for that dissertation, including personal interviews, and a thorough review of scientific and spiritual literature going back some 50 to 100 years.Tetyana uncovered an 8 stage process that people go through when they're working through a personal challenge or crisis. She discovered that inspiration plays a crucial role during these times of personal struggle. But probably most exciting, she discovered that when you open up to the inspiration that breaks through during these challenging times, it results in personal growth and the expansion of human consciousness.That's why she labeled the 8 Stage Process as ""The Cycle of Expansion and Renewal.""Becoming aware of these 8 stages, and opening up to inspiration, has the power to transform your life.When I met Tetyana, and read her dissertation, I was amazed at how this 8 stage process mirrored my own personal experience of learning and growing through inspiration.As I looked back at my 10-year journey of learning to let go, trust, and follow inspiration, I could see that my journey was the same as all of her research study participants.That's when I knew I wanted to share this research, and this profound 8 stage process, in an online course.Because this research takes my concept of following inspiration so much deeper.It proves that inspiration is a journey, not a one-time event.And, that when you view it as a journey, the impact in your life, and in the lives of others, is extraordinary.Inspiration is more than something that just feels good, or motivates us to create art, write a book, start a new business, or make a major life change.Inspiration plays an integral role in our personal growth, and our up-leveling as human beings.So, whether you've gone through personal challenges in the past, you're going through a personal challenge right now, or you're going to go through one sometime in the future--and let's face it, we all will--I hope that understanding this 8 stage process, and the role inspiration plays, will bring you comfort, give you hope, and open the door to the opportunities that are out there for you on the other side of your challenges.If you're ready to turn your personal challenges into opportunities for personal growth, we invite you to join us in this course."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"iPhone Photography Crash Course" |
"Dont settle for just average to good photos when you and your iPhone are capable of creating truly outstanding photos. You just need to learn the techniques and with my crash course style training youll learn them very quickly!It wont take you years or even months to learn how to shoot great photos. Youll be able to completely master your iPhone camera including its hidden features in a little over an hour. Then youll learn my easy composition techniques that youll be able to put in to practice immediately.Most people find it difficult to learn photographic composition. In fact, it took me years to learn these techniques from books, classes, research and experience, but youll learn these techniques in a fraction of the time that it took me.Thats because over the years, Ive found a way to simplify the concepts into easy to understand and follow guidelines. No technical talk or overwhelm here. Just practice my fun and easy techniques and you could see great improvement in your iPhone photography in just a couple of weeks.Some additional things you will learn:How to take very sharp and clear photos even when viewed on larger screens. Most photos look sharp on the small iPhone screen, but when you view them on a larger screen, such as an iPad, computer monitor or a TV screen they often look fuzzy and pixelated.How to take amazing low-light shots regardless of which model iPhone you use.The difference between quick snapshots and a well-composed photograph. Good composition is the key to great photos regardless of the type of camera you're using.How to recognize a good photo opportunity when you see it. Most people are blind to the photo opportunities all around them. I hear so many people say, ""There is nothing to shoot where I live"". Well, after going through this course you'll begin to see photo opportunities everywhere.Youll know exactly what to look for when you go out to shoot photos. With my specific guidelines to follow you'll immediately know if a subject or scene has good potential to be a great photo.How to use angles and perspective to add interest and impact to your photos.How to take better photos while vacationing or traveling. Who wants the same old average photos that everyone else is taking at popular locations?Plus, much more!Lastly, this course is new, so I dont yet have thousands of students like the older courses do, but the good thing about that is youre getting the most up-to-date education and techniques available. Im sure I dont have to tell you how quickly technology changes. What worked a year ago doesnt work the same way today. So, go ahead, enroll now and we can get started right away."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Intro To TKinter for Python GUI Apps" |
"In this course I'll teach you how to make graphical user interfaces for Python using TKinter. You'll be surprised just how quickly you can create some pretty cool looking apps!I'll show you the ins and outs of tKinter, and then I'll show you how to package your app as an .exe file that you can share with others! We'll start out by learning all about the main TKinter widgets. Everything in tKinter is a widget...from labels, to buttons, input boxes, and more. After we've learned all the major Widgets, we'll build a fun Math Flashcard app. Our app will have addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division flashcards.If you've ever wanted to create GUI apps with Python, this is the course for you!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate Sound Design Complete: Mastering Sound Design" |
"Welcome to the Ultimate Sound Design COMPLETE class! Now a UDEMY *Best Seller*, and UDEMY *Hot and New*!This course is ""5-Star Certified"" by the International Association of Online Music Educators and Institutions (IAOMEI). This course has been independently reviewed by a panel of experts and has received a stellar 5-star rating.This class is for anyone who has wondered what sound design is all about. Especially:Producers: If you are making tracks that rely on presets, and you want to learn how to craft your own sounds, this is the course for you.Aspiring Producers: If you are just getting started with music production, this course will be the swiss army knife that you will keep in your belt forever.Musicians: If you have wanted to improve your compositions by understanding how the physics of sound and partials work, this class is for you.Songwriters: Improve your compositions by understanding how to make unique and memorable sounds to use in your songs.In this class, we start with the very basics of sound design and work all the way up to working with complicated plugins like Xfer Serum, Native Instruments FM8, and others. I'll walk you through every step of the process and explain the logic behind every decision I make. The goal of this class is for you to learn how to make original, compelling, and memorable sounds for your music.Software:This course is NOT specific to any DAW program.I'll be using Ableton Live Suite 10 in this course as my main DAW, but if you are using any other program you will be able to follow along just fine. That includes Logic, FL Studio, Pro Tools, Reaper, Reason, Cubase, or any of the others. My method in this class is to teach concepts, so whatever I do, you will be able to do it in your own software.Genre:I'm best known for working with electronic music, but I've designed this course to be as inclusive as possible when it comes to genre. We will talk about sound design techniques for all genres, sounds, and styles. All genres are welcome here!Topics Covered: The Essential Tools of Sound DesignPhysics of SoundTimbreHarmonicsPartialsOvertonesThe OscillatorSine WavesSquare WavesTriangle WavesSawtooth WavesWaveshapersNoise GeneratorsSubtractive SynthesisFiltersEQLow Pass FiltersHigh Pass FiltersBandpass FiltersNotch FiltersSignal FlowEnvelopesADSRBuilding Thick or Thin SoundsBuilding High or Low SoundsBuilding Short or Long SoundsBuilding Motion or Still SoundsThe LFOFM SynthesisThe Native Instruments FM8 PluginModulatorsAbleton Live's OperatorAdditive SynthesisWavetable SynthesisXfer Serum PluginWavetablesCreating WavetablesPhysical Modeling SynthesisAnalog InstrumentsMoog Mother 32Sound Design RecipiesCreating Bass SynthsCreating Drum SynthsCreating Lead SynthsAnd much, much more!If you are ready to start making professional sounding tracks, this is the class that will start you on that journey. Get started today.Dr. Allen is a university music professor and is a top-rated Udemy instructor - with nearly 100 courses and over 300,000 students. In 2017 Star Tribune Business featured him as a ""Mover and a Shaker,"" and he is recognized by the Grammy Foundation for his music education classes. ** I guarantee that this course is the most thorough sound design course available ANYWHERE on the market - or your money back (30-day money-back guarantee) **Closed captions have been added to all lessons in this course.--------------------------------------------------------------------- Praise for Courses by Jason Allen: ""It seems like every little detail is being covered in an extremely simple fashion. The learning process becomes relaxed and allows complex concepts to get absorbed easily. My only regret is not taking this course earlier."" - M. Shah ""Great for everyone without any knowledge so far. I bought all three parts... It's the best investment in leveling up my skills so far.."" - Z. Palce ""Excellent explanations! No more or less than what is needed."" - A. Tth ""VERY COOL. I've waited for years to see a good video course, now I don't have to wait anymore. Thank You!"" - Jeffrey Koury ""I am learning LOTS! And I really like having the worksheets!"" - A. Deichsel ""The basics explained very clearly - loads of really useful tips!"" - J. Pook ""Jason is really quick and great with questions, always a great resource for an online class!"" M. Smith----------------------------------------------------------------------------Students who register for this course will receive ongoing exclusive content and discounts for all future classes in the series. "
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Self-Discipline Course - Control Your Own Life" |
"The Complete Self-Discipline Course - Control Your Own LifeYou can gain greater self-discipline.Imagine going through life on a daily basis on your own terms. You are in control. Life doesnt simply happen to you, you have the self-discipline to create the life as you have always envisioned it.Personal development expert TJ Walker will teach you his revolutionary Selfie Speak Programming techniques for helping you master complete self discipline in the easiest and most time efficient manner.Would you like to have the self-discipline to do the following?* Eat healthy food* Exercise daily* Got a good night's sleep* Work more efficiently* Become more creative* Become a better self learner* Live your dreamsYou can master the self-discipline to live the life do you want. And you can do it starting right now. Enroll now."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"2020 Guide to Monetizing Your Website or Blog" |
"Websites have become online real estate and offer a unique opportunity to generate revenue online. Many websites rely on only one to two common monetization strategies and miss out on the wide variety of opportunities that exist to monetize a website. In this course you will not only discover a wide array of monetization strategies, you also gain access to resource lists full of websites where you can immediately begin implementing the strategies. The research has all been done for you!As we look at each monetization strategy you will see:Your estimated incomeRequirements to startPros and cons of using the strategyExamples of the monetization strategy in actionWhen working towards monetizing your website, you need to know what youre working towards so you can monitor how its going and make sure you end up with the result you actually want. That's why we'll start by making sure you're clear on this by going through a series of questions you should be asking.By the end of this course you will have expanded your knowledge on the wide range of opportunties that exist to monetize your website and you will have the specific tools and resources available to you to get started right away."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Metodologas giles (enfoque PMI)" |
"El curso de metodologas giles esta orientado a conocer las forma adecuada de gestionar proyectos con gran nivel de incertidumbre, usando mtodos y herramientas giles mas tiles y eficientes del mercado.ademas cubre los 7 dominios pedidos por el PMI para entender la metodologa giles que proponen.Los temas a tratar en el curso son:o El manifest gil y el cambio de mentalidad para implementar agilidado Valores y principios gileso Metodologas gileso Liderazgo gilo Maximizar el valor que se le da al negocioo Priorizacin de valoro Entrega incremental de valoro Pruebas y validacioneso Trabajar con los interesados del proyectoo Crear y establecer una visin compartidao Colaboracin, comunicacin con los interesadoso Habilidades interpersonales (blandas)o Construir equipos de alto rendimientoo Liderazgo adaptativoo Empoderar y guiar al equipoo Espacios colaborativoso Seguimiento del rendimientoo Tamao, estimacin, planificacino Planificacin adaptativao Elaboracin progresivao Anlisis y descomposicin en base al valoro Planificacin del entregable y la iteracino Prevenir, identificar y resolver amenazas y problemaso Encontrar problemas tempranoo Seguimiento de defectoso Gestin de riesgoso Involucrar al equipo en la resolucin de problemaso Mejora continua del producto, procesos y personaso Personalizacin de procesoso Mtodos de retroalimentacin para el producto (feedback)o Revisiones y retrospectivas"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Swift basico. Programacin para aplicaciones iPhone" |
"Si quieres saber programar en el nuevo lenguaje de Apple que reemplaza a Objective-C, ste es el momento perfecto para adelantarte al resto de la comunidad de desarrolladores iOS. Aprende ahora Swift, el lenguaje que marcar una poca incuestionable en el mundo Apple. El lenguaje Swift nace como alternativa a Objective-C para desarrollar aplicaciones en plataformas iOS y OSX. Este curso es una oportunidad de conocer rpidamente todo lo relacionado con Swift, de una manera amena y estructurada, sin tener que digerir el manual en ingls de Apple. Vas a aprender lo bsico necesario para iniciarte en el desarrollo de apps para iPhone con Swift, desde los llamados de funciones bsicos hasta desarrollar una app sencilla. Experiencia del profesor: Carlos Leal, ingeniero en Informtica, Centrado su especializacin en el campo de las aplicaciones mviles, y de manera especial en iOS, IDE Xcode, android y mucho mas.. Posee tambin una licenciatura, dos masters y es formador en diferentes tipos de cursos de diferentes lenguajes y sistemas, charlas, ponencias, colaboraciones con diversos portales especializados. Un verdadero maestro de la programacin mvil. Incluye TODOS los archivos fuentes usados en este Curso!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprende Origami paso a paso y aplcalo a tus iPhone apps" |
"La mayora de los diseadores y creadores de apps para iPhone, crean mockups o imgenes estticas de sus diseo y de las ideas que tienen para su app; pero a medida que pasa el tiempo vemos que las apps son todo menos estticas, lo que significa que los diseadores y desarrolladores necesitan una mejor herramienta para crear la interaccin de sus apps. Origami Engine es una plataforma de publicacin del iPad que te permite disear, crear prototipos y publicar interesantes publicaciones iPad interactivas sin escribir una sola lnea de cdigo. Utilice el iPad como su portavoz para conectar con la gente en formas que no podemos con cualquier otro medio. Con el motor Origami, puede utilizar el poder de la tecnologa tctil para contar su historia - ya sea un libro, una revista, un informe, o algo completamente nuevo. Experiencia del profesor: Carlos Leal, ingeniero en Informtica, Centrado su especializacin en el campo de las aplicaciones mviles, y de manera especial en iOS, IDE Xcode, android y mucho mas.. Posee tambin una licenciatura, dos masters y es formador en diferentes tipos de cursos de diferentes lenguajes y sistemas, charlas, ponencias, colaboraciones con diversos portales especializados. Un verdadero maestro de la programacin mvil."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprende a crear un juego como Candy Crush para iPhone" |
"Vas a aprender paso a paso como crear un juego completo como Candy Crush y como usar este tipo de funcionalidades y opciones en tus propias aplicaciones. Construiremos paso a paso la logica de este maravilloso juego, herramientas, escenarios, animaciones del tablero, jugabilidad, entre otras cosas mas! Experiencia del profesor: Carlos Leal, ingeniero en Informtica, Centrado su especializacin en el campo de las aplicaciones mviles, y de manera especial en iOS, IDE Xcode, android y mucho mas.. Posee tambin una licenciatura, dos masters y es formador en diferentes tipos de cursos de diferentes lenguajes y sistemas, charlas, ponencias, colaboraciones con diversos portales especializados. Un verdadero maestro de la programacin mvil. 100% Recomendado! Hazte un experto en Apps Profesionales y lo mejor de todo, incluye TODAS las fuentes usadas en este Curso!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Edita y crea audios profesionales con Adobe Audition CS6" |
"Adobe Audition (anteriormente conocido como Cool Edit Pro) es un editor de audio multiplataforma comnmente utilizado en produccin de vdeo, audio, msica y juegos. Los usuarios pueden trabajar en modo Multipista para construir elaboradas estructuras de audio, o en la interfaz de Forma de onda para aplicar mltiples efectos, editar y mezclar pistas, ajustar proyectos y llevar a cabo restauracin de audio. Audition CS6, la ms reciente versin al momento de esta descripcin, incluye nuevas caractersticas como el estiramiento de clips en tiempo real, alineacin automtica de voz y automatizacin de parmetro. Est disponible como producto individual, como parte de CS6 Production Premium, o a travs de Adobe Creative Cloud. En este curso de Audition CS6 vers todas las caractersticas necesarias de este programa y podrs editar sonido de forma profesional, corregir audios, sea msica, dilogos, u otros efectos de sonido. Iniciaremos cubriendo cmo importar, registrar y administrar los archivos de audio, desde la extraccin de audio y la importacin de vdeo, a la creacin de una nueva sesin multi pista desde cero. Luego nos sumergimos profundamente en la edicin, reparacin y limpieza de archivos de audio, utilizando la forma de onda y editores multi pista, adems de la frecuencia espectral."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Crea prototipos para experiencia de usuario con InDesign" |
"Adobe InDesign (ID) es una aplicacin para la composicin digital de pginas desarrollada por la compaa Adobe Systems y dirigida a diseadores grficos y maquetadores profesionales. Presentada en 1999, su objetivo era constituirse en la alternativa a QuarkXPress. Este curso es impartido por Victoria Vzquez, tcnico en Diseo grfico y en Infografa, curs mster en 3D y animacin digital. Qu voy a aprender? Aprenders a utilizar Adobe InDesign para la creacin de prototipos de experiencia de usuario, agregndoles interactividad y movimiento a tus diseos, mientras aprendes a utilizar las herramientas y opciones que te ofrece InDesign para este propsito, como la utilizacin de guas, cuadriculas, estilos, junto con la creacin de figuras vectoriales, y muchas cosas ms. A quin va dirigido? Este curso va dirigido tanto a diseadores, como a usuarios que deseen crear prototipos de experiencia de usuario con alta fidelidad. Impartido por Carlos Uzctegui, Graduado en el ao 1990 del Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale, en Estados Unidos, Jos M. Ramos ha ejercido su vocacin como profesional creativo por ms de 20 aos. Es experto certificado en Adobe InDesign, InCopy, Illustrator, Photoshop, Acrobat Pro y Dreamweaver. Adems desde el 2009 es miembro activo del programa Adobe Community Professionals."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Trabaja desde tu casa. Aprende como ser un freelance exitoso" |
"Qu voy a aprender? Vas a aprender como planificar tu como freelancer, esto incluye los recursos necesarios, la satisfaccin de necesidades, manejo de dinero, como obtener clientes y gestionar tu tiempo. Este curso trata de trabajar independientemente de su servicio a los dems sin gastar dinero. Usted descubrir cmo iniciar su propio imperio freelance. Se le presentaran algunos excelentes pasos y las herramientas para desarrollarte como un profesional independiente excepcional y muy bien pagados. No hay nombre de dominio, hosting o tasas de respuesta automtica involucrados, a menos que desee. Se le mostrar consejos para aprovechar los sitios de trabajo. Usted tambin aprender cmo aprovechar diversas tcnicas de marketing para la promocin de su experiencia y generar un buen ingreso. Cules son los requisitos? Ganas de emprender y de ofrecer tus servicios en todo el mundo. A quin va dirigido? A emprendedores y personas que quieran trabajar de forma independiente. 100% Recomendado!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentos de SCRUM, metodologa gil gestin de proyectos" |
"SCRUM es una de las metodologas giles ms conocidas para la gestin de proyectos. Las metodologas giles se centran es aspectos como la flexibilidad en la introduccin de cambios y nuevos requisitos durante el proyecto, el factor humano, el producto final, la colaboracin con el cliente y el desarrollo incremental como formas de asegurar los buenos resultados en proyectos con requisitos muy cambiantes o cuando se exige, como es habitual, reducir los tiempos de desarrollo manteniendo una alta calidad. A quin va dirigido? Este curso va dirigido a emprendedores, empresarios y a lideres de equipo que deseen agilizar sus desarrollos y procesos usando el framework SCRUM, sin embargo esta no es una limitante pues, puede ser aplicado en proyectos personales e individuales. Obtendr el conocimiento combinado de metodologas giles y prcticas de scrum. Metodologas giles son los enfoques ms populares en el desarrollo de software, mientras que las prcticas de scrum incluyen desarrollo de software por equipos multi-funcionales y de autogestin, la produccin de cdigo de trabajo al final de cada iteracin o Sprint. Agile Scrum demuestra la capacidad de un profesional para implementar herramientas de scrum a los empleadores globales."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"The Cloud Data Terminology Test" |
"There are many different things that relate to cloud data technology including CRMs, the rise of Edge Computing, networking infrastructure and a variety of different roles, software, and terms. This series of tests is meant to test your knowledge on many of these said topics, and freshen up your memory on how much you know or should know."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Arduino Email Sending Motion Detector" |
">>> Arduino Email Sending Motion Detector: Send Emails using Arduino and Python easily and effectively and unleash the power of Python coding and Arduino Hardware <<<Welcome to this course.The course lesson will explain Arduino Email Sending Motion Detector by using Python Language and PythonEnvironment. This course will work best for you if your basic knowledge of Electronics and Arduino. You will learn how to interface the Arduino with your Computer and Control it using Python to read sensor data and send emails accordingly.Arduino can be used in your Engineering projects, Industrial Projects, or Home Automation related projects.Arduino is one of the cost-effective tools which you can create or purchase & starts programming to interact with physical elements with your logic & create results the way you want.And using Python, you can fully control the Arduino Board and the various process parameters like Motor Speed, LED ON/OFF Feedback, Temperature Signal.In this course, you will learn how to use an Arduino to send an e-mail whenever there is movement detected with any motion detector sensors.You learn how to use the PIR movement detector with an Arduino and to have the Arduino communicate with a python program running on your computer to send an email whenever a movement is detected by the sensor.The Arduino is the heart of this project. It listens to the sensor and when motion is detected it instructs the python script to send an email.What you will learn in this course Request hardware and Software to get this project done.Connect our circuit. It's a very simple circuit that includes an Arduino board a motion detector and some other components.Coding our Arduino board so that it can detect motion using that motion detectorSend signals to your P.C. or laptop.We will get the automation using Python.You will get introduced to Pyserial and you will learn how to install Python and Pyserial on your computer.Write your Python code and we will explain all of the coding done in this course in a step by step manner.So you learn while having fun Applying this project then we will talk about other things you can do with the knowledge that you have gained from this course.I'm sure that you will enjoy this course material and it will be very helpful if you are looking for a motion detector and detection for security purposes or if you are looking just for automation using Arduino and python.At the end of this course, you can create Innovative Projects. The only thing that you need to do is THINKING, WIRING & CODING."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Using Tai Chi Stretches to Ward Off Shoulder Problems" |
"Your Saying, My doing! The following news letter in my mailbox inspire the course, using Tai Chi postures for shoulder problems!The shoulder is the body's most complicated joint. It's where the ends of the collarbone, upper arm bone, and shoulder blade meet. And it's prone to arthritis (a wearing away of the cartilage between the bones), as well as tears or tendinitis (inflammation) in the rotator cuff the group of tendons that helps you raise and rotate your arm. Shoulder pain can keep you from being able to raise your arms to get dressed, or reach up to a cupboard or out to a door.But an easy way to stave off shoulder problems is to regularly stretch the muscles that support the joints. ""The muscles need to be long and flexible to stay healthy. You're more vulnerable to injury when your shoulder muscles are tight and restricted,"" explains Clare Safran-Norton, clinical supervisor of rehabilitation services at Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women's Hospital.How stretching helpsMuscles are a little like cotton fabrics. They may shrink up slightly, but if you pull on the fibers, you can stretch out the fabric again.Stretching your muscles fixes the shortening that occurs with disuse and extends muscles to their full length. The more you stretch the muscles, the longer and more flexible they'll become. That will help increase your range of motion, ward off pain, reduce the risk for injury, and improve your posture. Harvard Health Letter 4 stretches to keep your shoulders in shapeKeeping your shoulder muscles flexible will help prevent injury.Published: August, 2019"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Tai Chi to Keep Joints Limber, FREE from Hip and Knee pain!" |
"THE Following are EXCERPT from Harvard Medical School 's report ""Knees and Hips: A troubleshooting guide to knee and hip pain""""Do your knees or hips hurt? Most people will at some point have knee or hip pain because these large joints have a demanding task: they must bear the full weight of your body while at the same time allowing for a wide range of motion. Wear and tear, injury, and simple genetic predisposition can all contribute to knee or hip pain. Your knees and hips are your largest joints. While supporting your weight as you stand upright, they must work in close coordination to provide the mobility most of us take for granted. So its not surprising, given all that your knees and hips do for you, that theyre prone to injuries and deterioration.""(You can search to buy the full report as the linkage not allowed here)Harvard's word, our action! Let we stand up using Tai Chi to say Bye Bye to knee and hip pain!Tai Chi exercises that are easy on the joints but will still help keep you in shape The types of Tai Chi warm-up that can help improve joint function."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |