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"Estrategias de Marketing Digital & Social Media" |
"El objetivo del curso es realizar una inmersin en el mundo de la gestin de marcas en internet (social media, blogs), a travs del entrenamiento basado en experiencias reales que ha tenido el Dr. ngel Pez en ms de 10 pases alrededor del mundo. Est orientado principalmente a personas no expertas en el mbito digital que desean tomar control sobre su marca en la web y en social media, bien sea como social media managers, directores de marketing digital o bien desean mejorar su entendimiento del mundo digital a fin de entender el trabajo que hacen los expertos y saber que exigir al momento de contratarlos."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Crear un negocio inmobiliario rentable" |
"Todos los agentes inmobilarios trabajan, pero no todos consiguen un negocio rentable, por ello en esta clases online se diferencian las diferentes crisis a superar en cada etapa de crecimiento de una empresa inmobiliaria, para poder identificarlas y prepararse para ellas, sin desviarse del objetivo proyectado. La experiencia y mtodos de los mejores agentes inmobiliarios ahora paso a paso sin moverte de tu vivienda u oficina. Este es el primero de las cuatro clases que completan todo lo que necesitas saber del sector, para poder garantizar un negocio inmobiliario estable y rentable. Estas clases online las tendrs de por vida tras su adquisicin, y debera ser parte de tu sistema inmobiliario, de tu diferencia frente a la competencia, un arma tambin de retencin de talento, una vez adquirido es adecuado repasar la formacin, dado que es vital estar realmente entrenado diariamente al igual que un atleta se prepara, un entrenamiento ideal es por ejemplo de 9 a 10 h de la maana dedicar (todo el equipo para poder hablar el mismo idioma) 1 hora a recibir una de estas clases, para ir creando msculo inmobiliario, en total hemos creado 20 clases (20 das) en 4 cursos como ste, destinados aportar toda la metodologa necesaria, y que la puedas ver a lo largo de un mes entrenando 1 hora diaria. Es una forma de ir asimilando poco a poco la formacin, sin ser repetitiva, ponerlo en prctica y crear hbitos. Vers a tu equipo evolucionar e incluso sin estar presente, y llevarlos a trabajar en Alto Rendimiento con ventas mnimas por agente de 12 inmuebles/ao en la primera etapa, para aprobar con suficiente y para obtener su sobresaliente cuando el alumno inmobiliario alcance las 48 ventas/ao. Podris los coordinadores y gestores, destinar tiempo a realizar carpetas con los datos y contenidos que se indican en las clases, as como los patrones de llamada y otros procesos que descubrirs, para facilitar el material de aprendizaje al resto de compaeros y a vosotros mismos, para incluir vuestra marca en documentos y guiones de trabajo. De esta forma todos los clientes recibirn a partir de ahora el mismo perfecto trato de parte de vuestra empresa independientemente quien le atienda, gracias a que todos trabajis con los mismo procesos y manuales, esto tambin hace que las personas que se incorporan a vuestro equipo ahora o en el futuro, vean un empresa profesional, se formen individualmente y con la sinergia del resto del equipo, con los mismos elevados criterios, evitando la gerencia destinar ms tiempo del necesario a la formacin de nuevos asistentes y agentes, pudiendo la gerencia controlar la evolucin al participar realizando un rol play entre los miembros del equipo, o con pareja y amigos en el caso de agentes nicos, as aumentar la propia confianza interna del alumno, en el control de los diferentes procesos. En resumen todo lo que necesitas saber, y slo preocuparte de cumplir con la accin. Los resultados llegan ellos solos."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Desenvolva a Inteligncia Emocional para uma Vida mais Feliz" |
"Neste curso voc vai aprender a conhecer e gerir suas Emoes e Sentimentos que muitas vezes geram Crenas Negativas no subconsciente trazendo Bloqueios e Dificuldades em uma ou mais reas da vida.Este curso oferece tambm Ferramentas simples, mas que muito contribuiro para o Desenvolvimento do Equilbrio Emocional, controle da Ansiedade e Autoconhecimento.No Curso de Inteligncia Emocional, voc vai aprender a lidar com o estresse e a presso do dia a dia, gerir suas Emoes no Trabalho para ter mais Sucesso Profissional e ser um Lider Motivador, Emptico e de Alta PerformanceAprimoramento de suas relaes interpessoais, na esfera Pessoal e Profissional."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Vitalpilze zur Strkung des Immunsystems" |
"In diesem Kurs entdecken Sie die Vielfalt der Vitalpilze, auch Medizinalpilze oder Heilpilze genannt. Sie werden staunen, was Pilze fr Sie und Ihre Gesundheit tun knnen und welche groartigen Inhaltsstoffe sie mit sich tragen. Nach diesem Kurs wissen Sie ber die verschiedenen Vitalpilzen Bescheid und knnen schon die ersten Erfahrungen in der Anwendung machen. Sie werden staunen!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Lezioni di canto - livello principiante e intermedio" |
"Vorrei consigliare questo corso a chi inizia il suo percorso nello studio del canto ed a chi si trova in una fase di studi intermedia.IL corso stato realizzato in modo semplice e diretto al punto, con spiegazioni pratiche ed esempi vocali. Parleremo della postura, di alcuni tipi di respirazione (diaframmatica, costo-diaframmatica, profonda posteriore). Appoggio e sostegno. La laringe. i registri vocali, in particolare la voce di petto e di testa, il falsetto (e un accenno al fry e al registro di fischio). Le risonanze, le posizioni della mascella e della bocca. La lingua e il suo utilizzo, il palato molle con esercizi pratici. Il passaggio di registro, e come farlo in modo migliore. Gli attacchi delle note. Esempi di passaggio, vibrato, glissato. Domande e risposte ad alcuni problemi del cantante. Inoltre ci saranno video musicali cantati da me con annotazioni tecniche in contemporanea al video.Non aspettare, iscriviti al videocorso, perch troverai argomenti utili trattati per uno studente in modo chiaro e potrai migliorare la tua conoscenza e abilit nel canto velocemente. Ricorda anche di lasciare una tua recensione, grazie e ti aspetto!Riccardo Tasselli"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Get Paid to Write: 8 Steps to Take Today" |
"Anyone...yes, anyone, can make money writing. That means you!While not everyone should quit their day jobs to become a writer, if there is something youre passionate about, whether its graphic design or sports, there are people, platforms, and businesses willing to pay you to write about it!Trust me, I know from experience and I was once in your shoes.Entrepreneur and writer Michael Luchies (thats me!) will be your guide, helping you begin your journey as a paid writer. Michael has been getting paid to write for over a decade and works full-time as a writer as the founder of his business TrepRep. I am a TEDx alum, former contributor for Entrepreneur Magazine, published ghostwriter and author, and I have published over 2,000 articles and blog posts. From website copywriting to nonfiction books, I have done and seen it all while finding creative ways to earn money with my writing.The hardest part of getting paid to write is starting, and thats what brings us together today. Warm up your laptop and your typing fingers and lets get to work!In this course, you will learn the basics, and even a few tips many professional full-time writers overlook, including:What you need to know before landing your first paid gigWhat you should write aboutEditing basicsHow to determine what to charge when getting startedHow to find clientsAnd more!I have created a resource list of tools, websites, and articles you should check out and also a worksheet that will help you throughout the course so make sure to download course materials.Enroll and start today to earn money writing!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Oud Instrument Lessons - Module 1/100" |
"After 20 years of experience of teaching the Oud instrument, Ramy Adly introduces the best modules to learn the Oud instrument. Students who join the curriculum in the School of Oud Online can become the best soloists on the stage and learn how to teach this beautiful instrument to those around the world. Now, the curriculum is built to build Oud soloists that can represent their countries. Students join students from over 27 countries around the world.For the first time, the school is introducing tutorial module videos.One of the main goals when teaching the Oud, is to provide the most valuable and cutting edge tools that allows the student to play more effectively and smarter in a small amount of time.The School of Oud Online curriculum teaches tools and just not information only. Tools make you play, information makes you think. I am sure youd rather play and not just think.You will be introduced to useful lessons, tools and sources to help prepare you for the next step. Our students around the world, are practicing very hard every single day to achieve their dreams. Students who come from no experience can become a World- Class oud player. Its great achievements that I encourage and that also brings me great happiness to see them progress in this manner after having been taught in the School of Oud Online.In this course you will be learn detailed explanations and tools, which are perfect for Oud beginners. Some of these things may include:1- Ear training, so you can play anything by ear2- Etudes and exercise so you will be trained on the songs you will learn here in this course3- Modules: practicing means you repeat the same module over and over here is where you will learn each of the tools and techniques that you are going to use in your playing the Oud and help you prepare the next level4- you will learn Maqams which is the musical scales of the Arab world.5- you will learn songs and compositions6- Is that all? NoActually this is just the beginning, this course is one of 10 full courses to cover part of your journey in playing the Oud to the master level. Yes, the School of Oud Online is the ultimate and largest School in the world specialized in teaching the Oud instrument.If you have any questions, please share your questions via video and send them back and I will be happy to answer them.Tune your Oud and lets rollStart learning this course"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Mowa ciaa w wystpieniach publicznych" |
"Mowa ciaa to bardzo wany element wystpie publicznych. Prezenter moe nauczy si wietnie ukada wystpienie, uywa piknych sw, jednak jeli jego mowa ciaa bdzie nieodpowiednia jego wystpienie bdzie po prostu gorzej odebrane. Wikszo z nas zapewne nie dostaa nigdy konkretnych wskazwek w jaki sposb sta przed publicznoci, jak si porusza, ani w jaki sposb gestykulowa, aby wzmocni swj przekaz. Na szczcie s konkretne sposoby na to, aby Twoja mowa ciaa wspieraa Twj przekaz.Micha Taran, z wyksztacenia aktor a od wielu lat trener wystpie publicznych przygotowa kurs, w ktrym krok po kroku przeprowadza Ci przez sztuk mowy ciaa. Korzystajc ze swojego bogatego dowiadczenia pracy szkoleniowej pokazuje sprawdzone sposoby na profesjonaln mow ciaa.Kurs jest podzielony na trzy czci:Pierwsza cz dotyczy sylwetki. Dotyczy tego gdzie i jak stoimy oraz porusza kwesti poruszania si w przestrzeni.Druga cz dotyczy rk. W tym module Micha opowiada w jaki sposb warto gestykulowa w trakcie wystpienia.Trzecia cz to mimika. Tutaj dowiesz si tego w jaki sposb warto kontrolowa swoj twarz w trakcie wystpienia oraz co robi ze swoim wzrokiem."
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
"Crez des Jeux & Codez avec Scratch Pour Enfants (& adultes)" |
"Quoi de plus facile que d'apprendre en s'amusant ? Quoi de plus sympa que de crer des jeux ?Grce cette formation tu vas apprendre crer des jeux avec scratch, tu pourras ensuite les partager tes amis et mme gagner de l'argent par la suite grace aux outils que tu vas apprendre dans ce cours.Scratch est un programme trs facile apprendre et il va te permettre des crer des jeux, de comprendre les grandes bases de la programmation.Avec scratch pas besoin d'crire de code, tout se passe avec ta souris.tu pourras par la suite imaginer et crer des programmes l'infini, tu peux crer des histoires, avec des personnages anims, les possibilits sont infinies.Tu pourras ensuite mme grace ce cours passer au code python... puisque tu auras compris les grandes bases, les ides et comment demander ce que tu veux qui se passe l'cran.Ps: Si ce cours t'a plu je compte sur une bonne note :-) ... et aussi des commentaires sympa.. oui comme toi je suis aussi not pour ce projet .... tu vois l'cole ca continue tout le temps :-)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ingls 4.0 Conversao sem segredos" |
"O curso Ingls 4.0 perfeito para quem quiser destravar a lngua e aprender a falar ingls. Para quem nunca estudou ou para quem j estudou, mas no consegue falar de maneira fluente.Voc aprender:Falar frases simples e complexas (vocabulrio na prtica);Ter pouco sotaque (sons, dico e fontica);Perguntar e responder (conversao);Entender e usar a lgica do ingls (lingustica bsica);Usar algumas regrinhas que juntam tudo isso (gramtica fundamental).Se o seu foco for (1) entender quando falam ingls e (2) falar ingls e ser entendido, esse o seu curso.Voc vai ganhar:Mais de 18h de videoaulas ;Mais de 4h de udios para voc praticar;Dois e-books (pdf) para acompanhar as videoaulas;Outros dois e-books (pdf) com exerccios para seguir os udios e revises;Materiais de apoioIngls 4.0 Conversao sem segredos. Compre agora e aprenda ingls fcil!Prof. Gustavo Matiuzzi, PhD"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Lightworkers Workshop" |
"In this workshop I will be talking to you about Lightworkers!I'm an intuitive psychic medium, and a Lightworker.I've co-created with the Universe this workshop to help you unleash the Lightworker within and help define what a Lightworker REALLY is.This workshop has been channelled through me from the Divine.We will work together to help you connect with your Soul,Release unwanted energy and karma with the Violet FlameHow to cleanse, cut cords, ground and protect your energyDefine a LightworkerEgo, fear releasing, drop shields, create new boundaries with loveMessage of LoveMeditation with JesusWork with the energy of Forgiveness and why this is importantSelf CareMeditation with the Soul and the MarysThe help that's available to us all and connect with your personal Guardian Angel and Spirit GuideRaising your vibrationCleanse your vibes and create new intentionsRelease ourselves from persecutionLightworkers checklistBalancing meditationAnswering the call with a declarationDeep cleanse with the DragonsManifestationA message from the Council Of LightAttunement To The Council Of LightClose Down The Space"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Create a Python based website" |
"In the first section, you will get a crash course in the Python Programming language.Once we covered the basics, we will guide into creating a nice Python-based website, using the Flask framework.You will be in full control of you website and by the way, hosting your website will be totally free !"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"In 28 Tagen meditieren lernen" |
"Meditation ist eine wunderbare Methode, um dein Leben zu verbessern. Viele wissenschaftliche Studien belegen die positiven Effekte auf Krper und Geist: innere Ruhe, mehr Kreativitt, mehr Fokus, mehr Gelassenheit, mehr Resilienz, besserer Schlaf, u.v.m. Der Krper kommt durch Meditation in tiefe Entspannung, das Gehirn bildet neue Verbindungen.In diesem Kurs lernst du in 4 Modulen ( 7 Tagen) wie du meditierst, was es dir bringt und welche Formen es gibt. Modul 1: Einfhrung in die Meditation (Was brauchst du dafr? Wo kannst du meditieren? Was ist zu beachten? etc.)Modul 2: Auswirkungen auf den Krper (Entspannungsreaktion und Gehirn)Modul 3: Meditationsformen (Lerne verschiedene Arten von Meditation kennen und finde die fr dich passendste)Modul 4: Umsetzung im Alltag (Integriere Meditation in dein Leben, so dass du langfristig davon profitierst).Jedes Modul beinhaltet ein Video mit Fakten und Informationen zum jeweiligen Thema. Auerdem erhltst du Videos mit Anleitungen zum Meditieren, die du jeden Tag nutzen kannst."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Drop Servicing- Step by Step Set Up Course" |
"Dropservicing is a new opportunity that has greatly presented itself in the eCommerce industry in 2020. Do not let this just pass by. 89 students are already enrolled.It's time for you, too, to jump right in and position yourself in drop servicing, and experience exponential growth in the near future.In this course, you'll grow from beginner to expert level experience setting up a profitable drop servicing business. I outline three main methods (one of these is with no start-up investment required)- unlike in other courses where you only have a single and subscription-based method. You'll get to learn best practice in service arbitrage, and how similar or different drop servicing is, compared with dropshipping. We'll evaluate how the drop servicing business model works, what opportunities are there, and, finally, how to get started building your own profitable agency. This course will equip you with all the necessary starter tools (including a free approach method) that you need to get yourself positioned to start and grow your own drop service business.Welcome aboard!P.S.You have a 30-day money-back guarantee- so let's get learning!"
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Graad 1 Afrikaans en Wiskunde (Kwartaal 1 en 2)" |
"Rock n Roll Einteins fokus daarop om leer vir kinders lekker te maak d.m.v musiek, visuele stimuli en beweging. Elke video se inhoud word deur 'n werkkaart vergesel om die kennis te toets en in te oefen. Die taalvideos bestaan uit enkelklanke en ander klanke soos dit in die CAPS kurrikulum vervat word. Die -a- . -e- , -o-, -i-, -o- woorde, langklanke -aa-, -ee-, -oo-, -uu- en ook -oe-, -ou-, -ui-, -eu-,-ie- klanke word visueel en deur musiek ingeoefen. Hierdie vorm Graad 1 se basis van klankherkenning wat belangrik is vir lees en spelling. Die basiese wiskundige vaardighede soos tel in 2s, 3s, 5e en Maats van 5 tot 10 word ook deur die twee volumes behandel. CAPS is swaar aan inhoud en ouers kan ook die videos by die huis gebruik om basiese vaardighede te versterk. Terselfdertyd is daar pret wat leer vir leerders lekker maak. Leer vind net soveel makliker plaas as daar positiewe emosie betrokke is.Aan die einde van die kursus is daar ekstra 7 werkkaarte vir hersiening."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Selenium con Python." |
"Questo corso dedicato alla programmazione in linguaggio Python utilizzando la libreria Selenium, con lo scopo di sviluppare progetti di automatizzazione web nel campo dei social e dell'informazione. Il corso strutturato in differenti sezioni che spaziano dall'instalazione e la configurazione delle libreria alle spiegazione e applicazioni delle sue funzioni pi utili in questo ambito.E' anche messo a disposizioni dello studente, qualora fosse necessari, un modulo dove vengono trattati i prerequisiti necessari per l'utilizzo di tale libreria ( Programmazione Python, Basi di HTML)Sono esposti differenti esempi commentati e differenti progetti guidati, con i quali lo studente apprender, in maniera pratica, come risolvere le differenti problematiche che possono presentarsi al momento dello sviluppo di un progetto reale."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"8. Snf OVERCOME LGS (ngilizce 16 Deneme Snav + MEB LGS)" |
"Her biri 10 sorudan oluan 17 deneme testinin yer ald Overcome LGS 8de2019 MEB LGSde kan tm sorulara da ayr bir test olarak yer verildi. Konu konu deil de karma olarak hazrlanan bu deneme snav sorularn zecek renciler, hem baarlarn artracak hem de 2019 LGS snavnda kan sorular inceleme ans bulacaktr. Dorudan bir nite kazanmlaryla ilgili klasik sorular sorulmasndan daha ok dier nitelerde rendii kelimelerin de kullanld beceri sorularn Overcome LGS 8degren renci, girecei LGSde karlaaca soru rneklerine aina olacak, bu yeni nesil soru tiplerini zebilecek becerileri kazanacak, snavda da baar orann artracaktr."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Astronomical Apex Testing" |
"Are you a Salesforce developer looking to get a deeper understanding of how you should be testing you Apex? If so this course is for you. This course is a set of short bitesize videos to guide you through everything you need to know about testing your Apex code in the most effective way. In the course we will cover a variety of topics including:Creating test dataWorking with web servicesTesting Visualforce controllersTesting Asynchronous ApexTesting SOSLAnd much moreIf you're a new Salesforce developer, or just a Salesforce developer looking to improve their testing practices, this is the course for you."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Tarot Basics" |
"This self-paced course is for those who are interested in learning the basics of tarot reading. If you want to have a solid understanding of the fundamentals of tarot upon which you can build a fun, fulfilling, successful, and insightful tarot practice, then this is the course for you! Having your own tarot deck may prove helpful for this course, but it's not necessary. PowerPoint slides with examples of cards from three different decks are included in the resources."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Lyrics Video Hazrlama Kursu: Instagram" |
"Kurs srekli gnceldir. adresinden yaplmas istenen lyrics sayfalarn gnderebilirsiniz. Yeni ierikler gelmeye devam edecek.Sizde Instagramda mzik videolarn grdnzde acaba nasl yaplyor diye merak ettiniz mi? O zaman bu kurs tam size gre.Grdnz videolarn ok benzerlerini yaparak bu konuda uzmanlamanz salayacam. Kursu tamamladnzda kendi sayfanz oluturup. zgn tasarmlar yaparak videolarnz hazrlayabileceksiniz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"FCPX Facile -Crea il tuo progetto video in sole 5 lezioni-" |
"Il corso strutturato su 5 lezioni dalla durata che varia tra i 5 minuti e 18 minuti. Si tratteranno, solo quelle nozioni base di Final Cut Pro, per permettervi di montare fin da subito i vostri filmati delle vacanze.In dettaglio:1- Flusso di lavoro di FCPX - Library, Event, Project2- Catturare le clip dalla SDCARD e clone tramite archive 3- Taglio e selezione delle clip video con Favorite e Keyword4- La Storyline e i suoi tools, inserire una clip audio soundtrack5- KeyFrame audio ed esportazione del progetto video"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"App Idea Validation - score your ideas in 10 steps" |
"So you have an app idea... but is it worth working on?Many people have ideas but without a process to refine those, how can you tell if it's worth investing time and money?We've helped launch over 60 app startups, and helped entrepreneurs sift through 10,000+ ideas.In this process, we've devised this 10 step scorecard to validate ideas. Step by step guide to evaluate ideas objectivelyUnderstand commercial viabilityExercises and templates to assess ideasShift to an ideas mentality - see opportunities everydayWhy I am qualified to help youHi, I'm Patrice, the Founder and CEO of Appy Ventures, a London based app idea Accelerator. Since 2012, weve been working with top-tier companies (Canon, Louis Vuitton, Ikea, etc.) and entrepreneurs that want to bring their ideas to life. Weve helped launch or optimise over 60 app startups, across all sectors, with a big focus on creating successful businesses, not just clever apps."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"La mquina de billetes: Creando tiendas exitosas en internet" |
"Aprenders a vender sin inventario: No tendrs que preocuparte por hacer pedidos con un valor mnimo o quedarte con productos fsicos que no se vendieron, o contratar almacenes para guardar los productos, ni tampoco tendrs que preocuparte por la Logstica.Empezar Hoy mismo con Mnima Inversin: Solo requieres hacer una inversin mnima, que ser para establecer tu negocio y su infraestructura.Invierte solo en lo necesario y escala cuando tengas resultados. No gastes de ms y solo cuando ests listo para el siguiente paso.Saber delegar tu Logstica: Aprende a dejar que tu proveedor recoja, empaque y enve los pedidos a tus clientes, y adems te darn los nmeros de rastreo de cada paquete, para t puedas drselos a tus clientesComprar desde una pieza: Podrs comprar un solo producto si fuese necesario. Esta ventaja te permite inclusive tener varios proveedores trabajando para ti, ayudndote a tener un diverso catlogo de productos.Adems de esto, en el curso aprenders:Como identificar los mejores productos para vender por Internet. Aquellos que resultarn en ventas reales, que tengan demanda, y que tengan clientes con dinero para comprar Analizar el mercado y conocer a tus clientes potenciales, para que no inviertas en un nicho o mercado saturado por tiburones.Encontrars el nicho perfecto: con demanda y con poca o sin competencia y con clientes que tienen ganas y deseos de comprar Competirs con cualquier negocio y aprenders a diferenciarte de los dems.Como encontrar Dropshippers y proveedores confiables para evitar situaciones desagradables. Tambin te ensear como negociar con otros distribuidores para que hagan Dropshipping para t, aun cuando no se dediquen a eso.Podrs identificar a los Dropshippers que se dedican a estafar a sus clientes y te ensear a desarrollar tu sexto sentido para protegerte de este tipo de fraudes"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Bump to Mum Pilates Trimester Two" |
"This Pilates series is specifically designed for the 2nd trimester. At this stage of your pregnancy your body is forever changing, however during this trimester your energy levels are generally high which means it's a great time to be doing some exercise. The course includes an introduction to pilates and six 20 minute workouts. Focusing on abdominal training, maintain and improve glut activation and maintain spinal mobility."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Bump to Mum Pilates Trimester Three" |
"This pilates series is specifically designed for the later stages of your pregnancy. Exercising at this stage ensures your pelvic floor and core muscles remain strong and aid with relaxation and breathing control to help prepare for labour. The course includes an introduction to pilates and six 20 15-20 minutes workouts. Focusing on abdominal training, maintaining and improving glut activation and maintaining spinal mobility."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Bump to Mum Pilates Postnatal" |
"Women can return to pilates four-six weeks after delivery or eight-ten weeks after a caesarean. This workout series will help you regain your shape and muscle tone. Improve your core control and build your confidence with safe easy to follow workouts. The exercises are specifically designed to aid postnatal recovery, focusing on posture to help with lifting, carrying and feeding."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda programao de CLP do zero - Do conceito prtica" |
"Este curso para voc, que iniciante na rea de programao de CLPs.Neste curso vou mostrar como o CLP surgiu, quais foram suas caractersticas inciais, tambm veremos como arquitetura do Controlador Lgico Programvel, quando a sua construo (processador, memria, e perifricos).Vamos desenvolver lgicas de programao com a utilizao de instrues de contatos e bobinas, temporizadores, contadores, flip-flop por meio da instruo de Set e Reset. Os exerccios de fixao so prticos, realizados diretamente no software de programao do CLP, os cases so baseados em situaes reais onde se pode automatizar os processo apresentado.Neste treinamento utilizaremos o software Clic Edit da WEG para programar o CLIC02, por se tratar de um rel programvel e o prprio software permitir simulaes o mesmo a ferramenta ideal para quem est iniciando ou deseja melhorar seus conhecimentos sobre programao de CLPS.Tambm ser apresentado a plataforma da Siemens para programao de CLPs que o TIA Portal, uma ferramente altamente tecnolgica que permite elaborar de forma integrada sistemas baseados em CLPs, IHM, supervisrios, Redes entre outros. O intuito dessa apresentao ser demonstrar que as ferramentas e instrues utilizadas no CLIC, podem ser utilizadas em um software de desenvolvimento para avanado. Conhecendo o principio de funcionamento de um CLP, sabendo os conceitos da linguagem LADDER possvel programar CLPs e qualquer fabricante, sendo eles Siemens, Rockwell, Schneider, SEW, Beckhoff, B&R, Altus, WEG, Delta.O segmento de automao industrial est em constante evoluo, estamos na era da quarta revoluo industrial. Na indstria 4.0 o profissional de automao a pea chave para desenvolvimento de sistemas e controles, logo esse profissional ter um alto valor agregado.Com a realizao deste curso voc saber:- O que um CLP, como ele surgiu, qual sua arquitetura e seu principio de funcionamento- O que caracterizado como mdulo de I/O, o que so sadas e entradas no CLP.- Linguagem de programao LADDER- Desenvolver lgicas de programao em LADDER- Desenvolver projetos de situaes reais e realizar a simulao do processo.- Elaborar programao e configurao de um CLP em software de desenvolvimento complexo, TIA Portal (Siemens)"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"aret Dili Eitimi" |
"Eitim setimiz Trk aret Dili'ni sizlere retmekte. aretleri ak ve anlalr ekilde aktarmak amalanmtr. Tercmanlk eitimine de balang yaplmtr. Hem konuma hem de iaretler ayn anda yaplarak pekitirme yaplamaya alld. Konular niteler eklinde ayrld ve kademeli bir ekilde eitim verildi. Kartrlan iaretlerin farklar belirtildi ve ufak tyolar da aktarld. itme engellilerin de tantld bu eitimde sizlere keyifli dersler dileriz."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"C# fr Beginner - lerne richtig zu programmieren" |
"Wenn du C# lernen mchtest dann bist du hier genau richtig! In diesem Kurs lernst du alle Grundlagen um dein erstes eigenes Spiel zu programmieren. Von Variablen zu Funktionen, If und Else abfragen , Arrays, Loops,Klasse, Switch Statements, Enumerations, GameObjects und Components, GetButton und GetKey, Time.deltaTime,Vectors, Translate und Rotate, GetAxis , LookAt, Lerp , und Instantiate. Der Kurs ist nicht sehr lang da ich mich darauf Fokussiert habe mglichst viel Inhalt in einen kurzen Zeitraum zu dieser 1 Stunde und 12 Minuten lernt ihr alles um euer eigenes Spiel programmieren zu knnen."
Price: 184.99 ![]() |
"Quels rgimes de neutre pour protger personnes et biens ?" |
"Que sont les rgimes de neutre ?Quy a-t-il derrires les sigles TN-S, TN-C, TT, IT ?Comment raccorder terre et neutre ? Est-ce important ? Est-ce rglement ?Que faut-il choisir en fonction des pays et applications ?Comment assurer la scurit des personnes ? Et celle des biens ?Comment assurer une meilleure continuit de service ?Quels sont les avantages et les inconvnients des diffrents rgimes de neutre ?"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Bien dbuter l'Ukull, c'est facile" |
"Transmettre tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour ne pas perdre de temps et ne pas faire d'erreurs, cest lobjectif de ce cours dukull.Ce cours sadresse tous les dbutants, mme ceux qui nont jamais touch un instrument et qui veulent apprendre l'ukull de faon simple grce une mthodologie prouve.Nous vous aiderons atteindre un niveau suffisant pour dcouvrir le plaisir de jouer de l'ukull en apprenant :Comment tenir votre ukull et adopter une bonne postureComment accorder votre ukullComment jouer tous les accords de bases et vraiment utilesComment jouer en rythme et jouer plusieurs rythmiques diffrentesComme lire une tablature et un diagramme daccordComment faire des arpges et jouer aux doigtsComment gratter les accordsComment vous organiser votre entrainement pour bien progresser"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |