Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"BallandoTech Corso Base" |
"Dopo 5 anni di ricerche e studi sui vari metodi di apprendimento, abbiamo trovato questo metodo che tra tutti veramente un metodo strabiliante per tanti motivi. Che dire BallandoTech rappresenta la leaderschip di ogni corso di ballo liscio. Il metodo numero 1 dei Corsi di Ballo Liscio, unico nel suo genere, un corso leader in tutti i corsi di Ballo.12 lezioni di ballo Liscio (Valzer lento, Tango, Fox-trot, Moderato, Cumbia, Mazurka e Beguine)"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Transformao de negcios" |
"O mercado est mudando, e empresas que passam por transies de modelos de negcio precisam se preocupar com diversos aspectos dessa mudana. Utilizando exemplos do mundo das empresas de tecnologia, que aplicam-se igualmente a praticamente todos os segmentos da economia, esse treinamento oferece informaes, modelos e metodologias que podem apoiar o planejamento e execuo das diversas fases dessa transio"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Creative Website One/Multi-Page Portfolio WordPress Theme" |
"This course will guide you through every single step from installation to finished website. I'll show you how you can install Wordpress on your own computer for free, so you don't have to pay for a domain name or hosting fees while you complete this course. Once you've got Wordpress installed on your computer, you will learn how to build and run a successful, beautiful, responsive-design website you can be proud of.Whether you want to create websites without coding, or you need to learn WordPress so you can update existing websites at your job, I've got you covered."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Social Plugins - Make Visitors like Your Social Media Pages" |
"In this course you will learn how to add Social Plugins And See what your Social Media friends liked, shared, or commented on across the Web. You will learn to add all your content from Social Media pages like Post Like, Share, Send, & Quote With And Laravel AppPage Plugin The Page plugin lets you easily embed and promote any public Facebook Page on your website. Just like on Facebook, your visitors Can like and share the Page without leaving your site. You can use the Page plugin for any Page that is not restricted, for example, by country or age.Page Plugin The Page plugin lets you easily embed and promote any public Twitter Page on your website. Just like on Twitter, your visitors can like and share the Page without leaving your site. You can use the Page plugin for any Page that is not restricted, for example, by country or age.Facebook Page URL IN Your Site WordPress.comFacebook Page URL IN Your Site LaravelEmbedded Comments, Posts, & Video PlayerGroup PluginComments PluginLike Button for the WebSave ButtonLike, Share, Send, & QuoteLike ButtonShare ButtonSend Button"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Build Beautiful Content For The Web TinyMCE and Laravel App" |
"TinyMCE is an easy-to-use, intuitive tool, and everyone is happy using it. The way that we have been able to customize the editor is fantastic. Were very satisfied with TinyMCEs features, functionality, ease of integration, and the impeccable support team. Tiny is the best plug-and-play rich text editor solution. Plus the cloud delivery automates the editor updates and takes server configuration off my plate.TinyMCE provides a full-featured rich text editing experience, and a featherweight download. TinyMCE is open source For a decade TinyMCE has been an open source project. Licensed under LGPL, everyone at Tiny remains as committed to its open source future as the day we started. If open source matters to you too, please contribute. No matter what you're building, TinyMCE has you covered. From content management to email marketing, here are our customers' most common uses:Content Management Systems (e.g. WordPress, Umbraco )Learning Management Systems (e.g. Blackboard)Customer Relationship Management and marketing automation ( e.g. Marketo)Email marketing (e.g. Constant Contact)Content creation in SaaS systems ( e.g. Eventbrite, Evernote, GoFundMe, Zendesk)These are just the start. TinyMCE is incredibly flexible, and with hundreds of APIs there's likely a solution for your editor project. If you haven't experienced Tiny Cloud, get started today. You'll even get a free trial of our premium plugins no credit card required.Why is Laravel so popular? Because once you learn it, creating complex applications are easy to do, because thousands of other people have created code we can plug (packages) in to our Laravel application to make it even better.There are many reasons why Laravel is on the top when it comes to php frameworks but we are not here to talk about that, right?You are here because you want to learn Laravel, and find out what course to take, right? Alright lets lists what this course has to offer, so that you can make your decision?User & Registration SystemUsers can register for an account using the quick and easy register Popup.Login System comes with a Forgotten Password, to allow users to reset their password via email.Media BuilderMembers / Admin add unlimited recipes.SEO optimized for Services using meta keywords and meta tags.Allow anyone to share recipe on social media (Facebook, twitter, google+, ..)Admin PanelFlexible control panel system with full options.Only admin role can login admin panel.Change website settings(name, logo, favicon, timezone, site description,...).Change website SEO settings (meta keywords, meta description).Change Contact information (email, phone,...).Unlimited slides images related to the Services.Change social media pages.Manage Members (Edit, Delete, Add and view member information) and change their member role (Regular member, admin).Manage categories (add, edit, delete, view).Mange (Add, Edit, Delete, and approve member recipe).Approve member Media to appear on website.Can able/ disable Media appearing.Mange Blog Posts (add, edit, delete, view).Manage ADS and select its location dynamically otherwise google ads or custom ads images on website.Other FeaturesEasy to install and usability(without any coding knowledge needed).Awesome Design for Website and admin panelFully Responsive for Website and admin panelClean Code with hight performance.Easy CustomizationFriendly with SEO.High performance.More features will coming up.One To OneOne To ManyOne To Many (Inverse)Many To ManyHas Many ThroughPolymorphic RelationsMany To Many Polymorphic RelationsQuerying Relations"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn to make a level editor in unity" |
"In this course you will learn to make your very own level editor within your games. This will teach you how to use a file structure in a way that will allow you to easily create, save, and load levels on the fly. If your game has loads of cool things, but you just don't have the time to make 100+ levels every day, a level editor is the way to go. It allows your users to dynamically add content to your title. You save months of work trying to create extra content, since you can expect your community to keep your game alive for you. A level editor is a great way to go if you want to give your users the same tools you used when making your game. It allows you to know exactly what constraints they will have to face when using it, and helps you to iron out the features that might not be as great as you first envisioned.It's always a good idea to make your own editor, not just because of the reasons listed above, but also because often you don't have all the tools you'd like right where you need them. When using unity I often have to bounce back and forth between a tile set editor, and a prefab brush, and a terrain editor just to make one level. It may be easier for you to just create something you're familiar with, and can expand if need be."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Python ile Makine renmesi & Yapay Zeka Projeleri (5.2)" |
"PYTHON ile MAKNE RENMES (ML) & YAPAY ZEKA (AI) PROJELERPython ile Makine renmesi & Yapay Zeka(AI) Projeleri kursunda 4 farkl proje ile ileri seviye Yapay Zeka algoritmalarn reneceiz.Makine renmesi & Yapay Zeka Projeleri Kursu erii: Yapay Zeka Projeleri GiriGiri Kurulumlar Udemy Tantm Datai Team: Github ve Kaynaklar Ek Kaynak: Makaleler & Faydal LinklerProje 1: Ggs Kanseri SnflandrmasProje 1 Giri Veri Seti ve Problem Tantm Veri Seti Ykleme Keifsel-Aklay Veri Analizi (Exploratory Data Science) Outlier Detection: Local Outlier Factor Yntemi Outlier'larn Tespiti ve karlmas Veri Setinin Eitim ve Test Veri Seti Olarak Ayrlmas Standardization K-Nearest Neighbors(KNN) Nedir? KNN En yi Parametreleri Bulma Principal Component Analysis(PCA) Nedir? Principal Component Analysis(PCA) Uygulama ve Sonularn Deerlendirilmesi Neighborhood Components Analysis (NCA) Uygulama ve Sonularn Deerlendirilmesi Test Sonucunun Deerlendirilmesi Proje 1 Sonu ve devProje 2: Ensemble Learning (Topluluk-Kolektif renme)Proje 2 Giri Ktphanelerin Yklenmesi Veri Seti Yaratma Basic Classifiers: KNN, SVM, DT Algoritmalarn Eitimi ve Sonularn Grselletirilmesi Ensemble 1: Random Forest Classifier (Bagging) Ensemble 2: Adaptive Boosting Classifier Ensemble 3: Voting Classifier Proje 2 Sonu ve devProje 3: IMDB Duygu AnaliziProje 3 Giri Ktphanelerin Yklenmesi Veri Seti ve Problem Tantm Keifsel-Aklay Veri Analizi (Exploratory Data Science) Preprocess: Padding ve Eitim/Test Verisinin Ayrlmas Recurrent Neural Network Recurrent Neural Network Eitimi Sonularn Deerlendirilmesi Proje 3 Sonu ve devProje 4 Aralarn Yakt Tketimi TahminiProje 4 Giri Ktphanelerin Yklenmesi Veri Seti ve Problem Tantm Imputing Missing Value (Kayp Veri Sorunu) Keifsel-Aklay Veri Analizi (Exploratory Data Science) Outlier'larn Tespiti ve karlmas Feature Engineering (z Nitelik Mhendislii): Skewness Feature Engineering (z Nitelik Mhendislii): One Hot Encoding Preprocess: Eitim/Test Verisinin Ayrlmas ve Standardizasyon Linear Regression (Dorusal Regresyon) Regularization 1: Ridge Regression Regularization 2: Lasso Regression Regularization 3: ElasticNet XGBoost Modellerin Ortalamas (Averaging Models) Proje 4 Sonu ve devNeden Python -- Makine renmesi -- Derin renme?Python 2019 IEEE aratrmasna gre dnya apnda en ok kullanlan ve tercih edilen programlama dili.Python kolay renilebilirlii sayesinde kodlamaya yeni balayanlarn ilk tercihi oluyor.Python open source (ak kaynak) olmas nedeni ile Facebook yada Google gibi dnyann en byk irketleri tarafndan destekleniyor.Veri bilimi, makine renmesi yada yapay zeka denince akla ilk olarak Python dili geliyor. Bu durumda Python'n dnya apnda byk bir kitlesinin olmasna neden oluyor.Python renmesi en kolay olan dillerin banda geliyor.Kariyer asndan Python en ok frsata sahip dillerinden biri.Makine renmesi alannda i frsat ok geni,Dnya yapay zeka yani makine renmesine doru inanlmaz hzl srkleniyor,Makine renmesi gelecei parlak meslek dallarnn olmazsa olmaz,Makine renmesi bir veriden derinlemesine bilgi karmaya olanak salyor.Derin renme modelleri veri says artt zaman klasik makine renmesi yntemlerinden ok daha baarl sonular veriyor.Derin renme furyas tm dnyada gibi byyor ve bizlerde yolun bandayken derin renmeyi renmeliyiz.Derin renme bilgisine sahip olmak i hayatnda fark yaratacak.Derin renme herkesin renebilecei kolay bir konu deil bu nedenle derin renme bilen biri olarak her alanda daha kymetli olursunuz.BU KURSU EN Y YAPAN NEDR?Bu kurs Python ile Makine renmesi ve Yapay Zeka Projeleri alannda en kapsaml bir kurstur.Basit seviye anlatm ve algoritmalarn dnda ileri seviye teknik ve kodlama becerisinin gelitirildii bir kurstur.Gerek dnya projeleri ile alrken zorluklarn stesinden nasl gelindiini reneceksiniz.BU KURS LE SAHP OLACAKLARINIZSfrdan Kodlama Becerisi: Sizinle birlikte kod yazyoruz. Her ders bo bir sayfa ile balar ve kodu sfrdan yazarz. Bu ekilde ilerleyebilir ve kodun nasl bir araya geldiini ve her satrn ne anlama geldiini tam olarak anlayabilirsiniz.Kodlar ve ablonlar: Kursta oluturduumuz her Python ablonlarn ve kodunu indirebilirsiniz. Bu, sizlere hem daha sonra kod zerinde pratik yapma hem de kendi projelerinizi ablon sayesinde daha kolay bir ekilde yaratma imkan salayacaktrTeori ve Mantk: Size yalnzca kod yazmay deil, hem yazdmz kodun arkasnda yatan mant ve teoriyi hem de neden byle bir kod yazdmz anlatyoruz.Kurs ii destek: Size sadece video ile ders anlatm yapmyoruz. Size destek olmak iin profesyonel Veri Bilimcilerinden oluan bir ekip oluturduk. Bu da ders ve ya ders d sorularnza en fazla 72 saat iinde yant alacanz anlamna geliyor.Hemen kaydolun ve bir an nce balayalm."
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"Everything you need to know about mathematical functions" |
"In this course we teach you all there is to know about functions. It includes the linear function, parabola, hyperbola and exponential function. There are two sections. Section 1 contains the basics of all functions and we only stick to up and downward shifts. In section 2 we look at up or down and left or right shifts. We show you how to derive the equations of each function and how to draw each function. Each lesson highlights what to remember with detailed explanations and examples."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Stochastic Processes, Markov Chains and Markov Jumps" |
"In this course we look at Stochastic Processes, Markov Chains and Markov JumpsWe then work through an impossible exam question that caused the low pass rate in the 2019 sitting.This question requires you to have R Studio installed on your computer.Things we cover in this course:Section 1Stochastic ProcessStationary PropertyMarkov PropertyWhite NoiseIncrementsRandom WalksSection 2Markov ChainsTransition ProbabilitiesChapman-Kolmogorov EquationsTransition MatrixStationary Probability DistributionsIrreducibilityPeriodicitySection3R Studio Exam QuestionSection 4Markov Jump ProcessTransition and Survival ProbabilitiesKolmogorov's Forward Differential EquationTransition RatesGenerator MatrixKolmogorov's Backward Differential Equation"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Build Web Base Network Automation Apps using Python Django" |
"In this course, we are going to learn how to build Web Base Network Automation Application using Python & Django.We are going to automate Cisco & Mikrotik Routers. This course will be awesome! In the end of this course, you will be able to build your own Web Base Network Automation with very beautiful GUI.May be you have learn about Network Automation before. But I am sure that you only create a script for Network Automation and run it via CLI (Terminal). But in this course, we are going to build a beautiful Web Application for Network Automation. So you can manage your network from the web base. This is will be very interesting!"
Price: 1260000.00 ![]() |
"Bear Hug" |
"MerhabaBu kursa balamadan nce baz aklamalar yaplmas gerekirAma: Ay kuaklamalar kavga halinde genelde ok olarak arkada veya kavga ayrmaya alan kiilerce yaplmaktadr bu durumda sizin kendinizi korumanz gerekir.Uygulama: Kar taraf size saldrmadan nce baz beden kilitleri arkadanz veya ayran kiilerce yapabilir Beden kilitleri ok gl olduundan hareket edemez ve kar tarafn saldr ve ataklarna savunmasz kalabilirsiniz. Bu durumda en ksa srede kilit pozisyonundan kurtulmanz gerekir. BU durum aamada gerekleir.1.Kilit durumundan kurtulmak2.Rakibin stne doru kilit yapan kiiyi ynlendirmek3. Saa sol bak ve ka (active scanner)Teknik:Ay kuaklamalar Teknii Ka trl yaplr?1. Eller serbest, n ve arka2. Eller kapal n ve arka /Eller kapal yan tutular ayrca incelenir)Ayrca kurt kapan zel olarak anlatlr, kurt kapan arkadan st kilit olarak yaplr ve ok gl bir kitleme sistemidir.Pratik:Teknikleri videolarda uygulamalar ile seyrettikten sonra bir ok kere partner ile pratik yaplmas gerekir eer partner yoksa ayna karsnda dry drill yaplmas tavsiye edilir; Dry drill: Yaplan tatbikat ve senaryolar"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Automatizando Campanhas de Email Marketing com Mautic" |
"? Aplique o cupom e ganhe 78% de desconto: CURSO-MAUTIC-25 ATENO: Este curso no ensina instalar/configurar o Mautic, apenas manuse-lo para criao de campanhas automatizadas. O mais popular curso sobre Mautic na UdemyDiga adeus para aquelas campanhas manuais e exaustivas de Email Marketing. Chegou a hora de voc aprender (de verdade) como automatizar suas campanhas e assim aumentar consideravelmente sua produtividade no Email Marketing (estratgia esta que tem sido considerada como uma das mais rentveis no mundo do Marketing Digital).Apresentamos voc, a melhor soluo de Email Marketing no quesito custo x benefcio: o Mautic.Mautic: Automao de Email Marketing acessvel todosCriado em 2014 por David Hurley, o Mautic a primeira plataforma de Automao de Email Marketing gratuita e de cdigo aberto (opensource). Seu tipo de licenciamento contribuiu muito na sua popularidade entre as empresas de pequeno/mdio porte e que buscavam uma soluo para alavancar os negcios e que no fosse to cara quanto as demais plataformas vendidas no modelo SaaS, como por exemplo da Hubspot, Infusionsoft, Mailchimp, RD Station, E-Goi, LeadLovers, Get Response e entre outras.Embarcando no mesmo sucesso do Wordpress, hoje o Mautic encontra-se presente em mais de 200.000 empresas e traduzido em mais de 35 idiomas diferentes. Seu cdigo-fonte mantido por mais de 1.000 comunidades de desenvolvedores PHP e est sempre passando por constantes melhorias.Contedos e Viso GeralNeste curso, iremos aprender as principais funcionalidade do Mautic para ento construir uma campanha de Email Marketing. A estratgia adotada nesse treinamento, consiste basicamente em criar uma Squeeze Page, onde nosso pblico-alvo receber um brinde (isca digital) ao se cadastrar em nossa lista de emails. Ao final, analisaremos alguns dados provenientes dessa campanha com o objetivo de entender melhor o perfil do nosso pblico."
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Construction Claims" |
"The course is addressed to all parties involved in construction.Construction claims are a combination of law and practice .The proper preparation and evaluation of claims requires knowledge of practice as much as of law.Course Contents.1.Claims Definition.2.Claims Types.3.Sorts Of Claims.4.Sectional Completion.5.Liquidated Damages.6.Acceleration.7.Disruption.8.Concurrency.9.Common Law.ten.Direct Loss Or Expense.11.Potential Head of Claims.12.Causation.13.Global Claims.14.Substantiation Of Claims.15.Addressing Claims under FIDIC.16.E.O.T Under FIDIC 99.17.E.O.T Under FIDIC 2017.18.E.O.T Under J.C.T. 98."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Learn Photoshop From The Scratch" |
"New to Photoshop or need a refresher? This online course is designed to give you a solid foundation in the basics of Adobe Photoshop.In engaging lessons, you will learn how to use basic techniques like layer masks and clipping masks, remove backgrounds, create custom shapes and a variety of effects, plus more.Whether you use Photoshop for work, study, or leisure, these tutorials will start you on your journey to becoming a Photoshop pro!Video tutorials are recorded in Adobe Photoshop CC 2019 & 2020"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Atraccin de talento a travs de redes sociales" |
"Te has puesto a pensar cunto provecho puedes sacarle a las redes sociales? Aprende a enfocarlas en cuestiones de atraccin de talento. En este curso encontrars la forma de poder explotar Facebook, con la finalidad de que puedas encontrar gracias a esta plataforma al talento adecuado a la necesidad de tu empresa."
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"Books and finance" |
"Books and Finance!There is a close relationship between reading financial books and financial success. The knowledge that is gained from a good financial book is priceless. It is like mental gold in the sense that it never loses its value. Books are weights for your brain.The more you read and apply, the more your mind gets stronger, which leads to better performance and better results. It is essential to understand that merely reading is not enough, you must apply the knowledge in your life.Take an example from Jeff Bezos, one of the richest people in the world and co-founder of Amazon. He learned from the book of Sam Walton and copied Sam's formula.In the beginning, Amazon was focused only on selling books. On the other hand, Sam Walton's desired to open physical stores that sell everything. This triggered Jeff Bezos' lucrative idea to build a site that was capable to sell any product that we know today. Because of Sam Walton's book, Jeff Bezos understood that he can sell not only books but all kinds of products.In this series of videos that are called Books and Finances, I am going to recommend the best books that I have read - books that have changed my life. In this series, you are going to learn the following topics:1) how to develop proper financial thinking and tips to help you save your money2) why it is important to invest in physical gold and how to buy it3) how to negotiate correctly4) the secrets behind the books that changed my life5) why it is important to get up early in the morning, and how it is related to your financial situationIf you like books that focus on business and money, your financial situation is important to you, or if you just want to learn why investing in gold is important, this digital course is for you!Buy the course now!I'll see you on the other side."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Authentication using React, Laravel and Docker" |
"Learn how to authenticate using React and Laravel. In Laravel you will learn: Install and run Laravel PassportUse migrations, seeders, factoriesCreate public and secure API endpointsSend EmailsIn React you will learn:Create components and routesConsume API callsUse state and propsHandle errorsYou will learn also how to run all these apps in Docker.If these are what you are looking for then this course is for you."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Solid Works Industry Oriented Practice Modules" |
"Course Has been created to provide the CAD knowledge in the Industrial Level, This course has been created exactly how the industry projects will be executed to produce Quality products to the Clients.I am sure after taking this course with proper practice with the material provided in the course the students can execute the Operations as per the industry needs.While Explaining the Part Modelling and Drafting Manufacturing methods has been explained clearly and how a designer should adopt his design methods according to the manufacturer needs.Apart from the Design for manufacturing and design for assembly this method of Designing can be followed to produce even automation works also"
Price: 12160.00 ![]() |
"You 2.0 - How To Be The Best Version Of Yourself" |
"With this 22 video series, you'll be able to learn more effectively and anywhere and anytime you desire!It will show you how to completely redesign your life and live your best year yet.Topics covered:Defining Your Big PictureDiscovering Your WhyUnleashing Your Creative PowersCreating Your Vision BoardVisualization TechniquesThe Fundamentals Of Goal SettingSucceeding At Goal SettingMaking Goals An Active Part Of Your LifeIncreasing Time Management SkillsWhat is Your Definition of SuccessAchievements Don't Happen OvernightKey Factors For AchievementMotivators and Team WorkAchievement by AssociationRid Yourself of Negative PeopleLearning How To Overcome Self-SabotageWhy Do We ProcrastinateHow To Finish What StartedWhy is Procrastination Destructive To Our LivesWhat We Are Up AgainstUseful Time-Management Series"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Curso de R para Anlisis de Datos" |
"Te gustara analizar datos de forma ms rapida y eficiente?En este curso veremos cmo utilizar en anlisis exploratorio de datos para responder preguntas de inters. Trabajaremos con los datos de ""gapminder"", que tienen informacin demogrfica de distintos paises de todo el mundo desde 1952 hasta 2007. Por lo que veremos en accin como utilizar paquetes de tidyverse en R para analizar datos reales.En este curso aprenders a:Generar preguntas de inters para un anlisis de datosTransformar datos en nuevas tablas en R con dplyrExaminar datos con visualizaciones bsicas en RUtilizar anlisis exploratorio de datos (EDA) para responder preguntasRequisitosAunque no hay requisito adems de que tengas instalado R y RStudio en tu PC, es recomendable tener conocimiento bsico de R (recuerda que si no lo tienes puedes ver el curso gratuito que tengo en Udemy)Sobre el instructorMi nombre es Rafa y trabajo como cientfico de datos en Madrid. He utilizado la anlisis exploratorio de datos de datos en R en muchos de mis proyectos. Espero poder ayudarte a despejar todas las dudas que tengas para tu desarrollo profesional.GarantaEste curso cuenta con una garanta de satisfaccin de 30 das. Por lo que si no ests contento con los resultados del curso puedes pedir un reembolso del curso. No se hacen preguntas.Espero verte pronto en el cursoRafa"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Power Engineering Arc Flash Fundamentals" |
"Power Engineering Arc Flash Fundamentals is a comprehensive video course where you can learn how to do an arc flash analysis and developing an Arc Flash Safety Program for your business.I have handcrafted this course to allow students to acquire core fundamental knowledge on Arc Flash as well as the hazards associated with it and how to do Arc Flash Mitigation.If you are engineer, electrical worker or safety profession, you will find this course of great help to get the fundamental knowledge you need to kick start your professional career. If you own or work inside an engineering consulting firm, this course will provide you with the tools to effectively and efficiently produce Arc Flash analysis and recommendations to your clients.This course can benefit anyone not only in the utility industry, but also in the engineering industry or any businesses that works with situations that have potential arc flash hazards. As long as you have interest in a career that electrical engineering or safety, this course can help you to get an advantage at looking for work or giving you an edge over your competitors as it gives you core knowledge of Arc Flash knowledge and risk assessment fundamentals that you would not have otherwise obtain unless you have worked in specific industries for years, especially within the utility and safety industry. And knowledge is power.So let's get started! Let's start your fulfilling journey and mark an important point of your phenomenal career!"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
Unity20190 |
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Content Marketing - Creare contenuti aziendali online" |
"Questo corso fornisce tutte le competenze necessarie e indispensabili per creare contenuti aziendali efficaci per il marketing e la comunicazione d'impresa.Non basta infatti essere in grado di scrivere bene o produrre video di qualit per svolgere la professione di Content Marketing Manager, bisogna anche saper gestire la pubblicazione dei contenuti in maniera efficace, comprendendo il mercato di riferimento e garantendo un opportuno ritorno economico dai contenuti stessi.L'obiettivo del corso formare figure professionali apprezzate e competenti in grado di ideare e produrre contenuti che sostengano il brand, i prodotti e i servizi dell'azienda, oltre a coinvolgere il pubblico in modo da generare un engagement costante e duraturo, che si traduce nella acquisizione di lead e nel mantenimento di un rapporto stabile e intenso con i clienti e i follower pi fidelizzati.La prima parte del corso insegner a comprendere i principi teorici e le caratteristiche specifiche del funnel del content marketing e a individuare correttamente il target e i destinatari della comunicazione.La seconda parte spiegher in dettaglio le tecniche per creare tutti i principali tipi di contenuti finalizzati al marketing.La terza parte illustrer i metodi pi usati per la valutazione dei risultati economici (ROI) dei contenuti pubblicati online.Al termine del corso acquisirai le competenze indispensabili per lavorare in aziende e agenzie che puntano a fare marketing attraverso la pubblicazione di contenuti mirati."
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"Develop an Employee Engagement Program" |
"Get ready to take steps towards a more engaged workforce. This course will remind you about the importance of employee engagement and different factors that influence levels of engagement, before walking you through the 6 step employee engagement process, and discussing practical initiatives that can improve engagement within an organization. We will cover the process of developing, implementing and evaluating employee engagement surveys (PLUS you'll get access to our ready-to-use engagement survey template!)We've packed the course full of helpful tools and resources to get you started and help you along the way. With this course, you'll have access to:- Communication Templates- Strategic Planning Template- Engagement Survey Template- Action Planning Templates- Step-By-Step Guide through the 6 steps of employee engagementIf you want to start taking actual steps towards addressing engagement in your workplace, then this course is for you! If you want to get focused on engagement, but arent sure where to start or need a bit of guidance, then this course is for you!"
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Employee Engagement Training for Managers" |
"Are you a manager, supervisor, or business owner ready to tackle employee engagement on your teams? Get started by learning about engagement fundamentals, and getting the knowledge and resources you need to understand engagement levels on your team and understand how to address them effectively. High-levels of employee engagement can skyrocket your teams' performance, improve outcomes, and grow profits, all while reducing turnover rates and lowering your highering costs. In this course, we cover the basics of what employee engagement is, before diving into a review of manager/supervisor roles and responsibilities when it comes to building an engaged team. You'll gain insight into what factors contribute to employee engagement, and we'll cover specific actions you can take to start addressing engagement today!Let's get started! Enroll today!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Trading With Divergence" |
"Profit is what all traders are aiming at while working on the stock market. Divergent patterns indicate that a reversal may be close, why not learn to take advantage of that information.This course takes you step by step, building your basic knowledge and then applying this and bringing it all together. Learn to understand the difference between reading the trend and the oscillator. Understand how to use indicator divergence for indicating potential reversals. Take this knowledge to implement a divergence strategy to enter and / or exit the trade."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Java in 7 Hours" |
"This course introduces computer programming using the JAVA programming language with object-oriented programming principles. Emphasis is placed on event-driven programming methods, including creating and manipulating objects, classes, and using object-oriented tools. Take your first steps towards becoming a Java developer! Learn Java syntax and create conditional statements, loops, and functions."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Java para Iniciantes ao Intermedirio" |
"Neste curso o aluno aprender de forma prtica a desenvolver aplicaes de computador utilizando a linguagem de programao multiplataforma Java, onde vamos abordar desde conceitos bsicos como estruturas da programao at tpicos de nveis intermedirios e ainda aluns de nveis mais avanados, mas tudo bem explicado de forma que o aluno consiga acompanhar e entender o contedo sem maiores dificuldades.Alguns dos Tpicos que sero abordados durante o curso:. Estruturas bsicas da programao. Sintaxe da linguagem Java. Desenvolvimento de aplicaes de Linha de Comando. Desenvolvimento de Aplicaes de Ambiente Grfico. Programao Orientada a Objetos. Aplicaes com conexo com Base de Dados. Aplicaes que realizam leitura e escrita de arquivos. Criptografia utilizando a linguagem JavaAssim como tambm vamos aprender os conceitos necessrios da linguagem java para poder continuar em outras reas de desenvolvimento sejam estas Web ou Mobile.E ainda ganhar a base de conhecimento necessrio para poder compreender e comear a estudar qualquer outra linguagem de programao."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Lungenkrankheit COPD" |
"COPD (englisch chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, bersetzt dauerhaft atemwegsverengende Lungenerkrankung ist eine schwere Lungenerkrankung.Sie kann die Lebensqualitt der Betroffenen sehr negativ beeinflussen und schlielich sogar zu einem frhen Tod fhren.In dem Kurs erfahren Sie Grundlegendes zur Erkrankung wie Ursachen, Risiken, Verlauf, Diagnose und typische TherapieanstzeDieser Udemy-Kurs gibt aber nicht nur Einblick in die Erkrankung, sondern bietet Ihnen auch einen sehr persnichen Erfahrungsbericht von Frau Delfine Blumenfeld, der Hoffnung schpfen lsst."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Android App Development Masterclass: Build Apps" |
"So you want to learn how to build your own Android Apps from scratch...From the comfort of your own home... That can help you earn thousands of dollars each and every month... Then you've come to the right place! Welcome To The Complete Android App Development Masterclass: Build 4 Apps Join 500,000+ Students Who Have Enrolled in Our Udemy Courses! 10,000+ Five Star Reviews Show Students Who Enrolling Are Getting Real Results! You Get Over 30+ hours and 100+ Lectures of FULL HD content! Watch the Promo Video to see how you can Get Started Today!_________________________________________________________________________Here are all of the benefits to enrolling in our complete Android App course today -We've designed this course to include everything you need to know about Android App Development in 2020 and beyond..-We've also designed this course so that you can learn everything you need to start building your own Android Apps in less than 8 weeks.. -Our previous android app course had more than 100,000 students -- so we've made this course bigger, better, with more apps and even more affordable -Don't have any previous experience with Android App Development? No problem. We take you from beginner to advanced and show you how to get build real world android apps from scratch - you don't need any prior experience to enroll in our course.But thats not all...We believe the best way to learn in by DOING. That is why we have you build 4 real world applications right along side of us in this course! These hands on projects will allow you to not only learn by watching, but by DOING as well. Here are some of the projects you will create in our complete after effects cc master class First you will build a sample application (add in more about these and the other projects)Here are all of the Useful Skills you will learn in our complete course: Java LanguageDesigning reach User InterfacesDebugging android applicationsYouTube and Google Maps APIsDatabasesContent ProvidersNetworking in AndroidHandling Background TasksNotificationsVersion control with Git and GitHubTips for PublishingSo much more_________________________________________________________________________With the right mindset, understanding, and application, you will instantly begin learning how to become a professional android app developer from scratch. When we learn something new - we add it to the course - at no additional cost to you! This is a course that will continue to add more and more to every aspect of your life._________________________________________________________________________What I can't do in this Course..I can't guarantee your success this course does take work on your part. But it can be done!I am also not responsible for your actions. You are responsible for 100% of the decisions and actions you make while using this course._________________________________________________________________________It's time to take action! This course will not remain this price forever!Enroll Today!Every hour you delay is costing you money...See you in the course!Sincerely,Meisam & Joe"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"CompTIA Cloud CV0-001 + Certified Practice Exam" |
"103 UNIQUE practice questions for CompTIA Cloud CV0-001 + Certified Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : CompTIA Cloud CV0-001 + Certified Practice ExamTotal Questions : 103Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :60 minsPassing Score : 75 (77 of 103)"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |