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"Gesto Financeira para Empresrios" |
"A Gesto Financeira um pilar fundamental para o sucesso de um gestor. Nesse curso, abordaremos o planejamento e elaborao dos relatrios e anlises gerenciais mais utilizados no mundo empresarial. Os instrutores trazem as questes vivenciadas nas suas rotinas para te mostrar, de maneira introdutria e prtica, como coletar dados, analis-los e tomar decises com o embasamento necessrio."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Study Skills Masterclass - Success Tools For Straight A's" |
"Our life long journey in the professional world starts with our education. That's exactly why study skills are essential for students who aim to make their educational journey a successful one. Study skills can take student's performance to a whole new level, it gives them the ability to finish more, in less time, and have more free time for themselves. Moreover, through the tools and skills, you will acquire, you'll be able to ensure better grades and bigger success in school and university. You will learn the ways that students, become top students, and you will become a top student after implementing those habits and skills in your daily scholastic life.This course includes several different topics tailored to ensure your success:1) You will be able to become one of the top students in your class through all the skillsets and knowledge you will acquire. 2) You will be able to enhance and optimize your cognitive performance.3) You will be able to enhance your memory and your recalling ability as well as your understanding.4) You will learn how to become more productive, use your time efficiently and effectively, become more productive, and organize your daily tasks to ensure proper execution.5) You will also learn tools such as using procrastination to your favor, mind mapping, creativity enhancement, and ways to ensure that your educational journey is a successful one.6) Finally, you will learn HOW WE LEARN. The best way to learn is to understand how you're learning and how to enhance those abilities.Get ready to learn revolutionary study skills that will take you to a whole new level. "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Illustrator CC Illustrator Werkzeuge & Logodesign" |
"Tauche ein in die Welt von Adobe Illustrator CCDu wirst die Illustrator Werkzeuge kennenlernen. Du gestaltest dein eigenes Logo. Du erstellst individuelle Icons. Du lernst generelle Funktionen der Adobe Programme. Du wirst dir hilfreiche Shortcuts antrainieren, um deinen Workflow zu optimieren.Du erhltst wertvolles Wissen ber Gestaltungsgrundlagen. Du lernst effektiver zu gestalten. Du erhlst bungsaufgaben, um dein angelerntes Wissen zu festigen. Im Downloadbereich stehen dir auerdem Handouts zur freien Verfgung. Ich prsentiere dir Plattformen, Webseiten und andere Quellen zur Information & Inspiration. Lass uns jetzt gemeinsam starten! Vom Anfnger bis zum Illustrator Profi!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Mastering T-shirt Design for Non-Designers 2020" |
"My name is Nafiul Alam Nayem, I have over 5 years of t-shirt design experience and I am very much excited to be your instructor. Welcome to the Mastering T-shirt Design Course. You know, T-shirt industry is a multi-billion Dollar industry and in online it's the fastest-growing part of this industry. You can easily sell your T-shirt design on different platforms such as Teespring, Merch by Amazon, Redbubble and other print on design companies. Even you can also work as a T-shirt Designer on any Freelancer marketplace. For example Upwork, Fiverr and so on.So if you want to learn t-shirt designing from the very beginning to expert then you are in the right place. Actually this course will be perfect for beginners & non designers.As in this course, I have cleared all the concepts step by step with my best technique and analysis. Because I believe that your satisfaction is my success. Therefore, stay connected for your best result.Now, go ahead and click the enroll button, and Ill see you on the inside!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Coronavirus Guidance for Businesses and Employers" |
"Though running to Fear and causing havoc is not the solution, we all need to Plan, Prepare and Respond to the Coronavirus Disease. The following interim course may help prevent workplace exposure to acute respiratory illnesses, including the Coronavirus (COVID-19), in non-healthcare settings. The guidance in this course also provides planning considerations if there are more widespread, community outbreaks of COVID-19. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to prepare for the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)" |
"This new virus was first detected in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China. The first infections were linked to a live animal market, but the virus is now spreading from person-to-person. Its important to note that person-to-person spread can happen on a continuum. Some viruses are highly contagious (like measles), while other viruses are less so.The virus that causes COVID-19 seems to be spreading easily and sustainably in the community (community spread) in some affected geographic areas. Community spread means people have been infected with the virus in an area, including some who are not sure how or where they became infected.Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses. Some cause illness in people, and others, such as canine and feline coronaviruses, only infect animals. Rarely, animal coronaviruses that infect animals have emerged to infect people and can spread between people. This is suspected to have occurred for the virus that causes COVID-19. Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) are two other examples of coronaviruses that originated from animals and then spread to people."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Complete IBM Cognos Analytics 11 Cloud Training Course" |
"New to Data Science and IBM Congnos Analytics? Do you want to learn to build amazing data visualizations, dashboards and reports on various files and data bases within short amount of time?This course is designed for anyone who is interested in learning a powerful package for data analytics and visualization. At the end of this course you will feel confident about analyzing large amounts of data for yourself or key decision makers to discover data patterns such as customer purchase behavior, sales trends, KPIs, and performance monitoring. This course is designed for beginners and provide them a solid understanding of how the latest version of IBM Cognos Analytics works in reality in addition to principles of data analyses and visualization. At the end of this course, you will be able to: Connect and upload and dig deep in your data Create Explorations and Comparison Cards Create interactive dashboards that monitor key organizational indicators Create stories that point out to the pain points and offer solutions, Create well-designed reports And much moreYou do not need anything to start the course. We will create everything together as we proceed through the course and by the end, you will have amazing charts, visualizations, and reports. We will create a free account and use the cloud-based version, which means you do not need to install anything on your computer and you will have access to Cognos any time anywhere. This course is up to date and you will have access to the latest version all the time. In addition to getting to know Cognos and being able to run it, I infuse critical thinking you need to ask the right question and use the right visualization, which is essential to become a great data analyst. Why this course by Dr. Mohammad Habibi?I am a data analytics veteran and have more than 10 years of experience in the IT industry. I have a Doctorate degree in Business Administration (DBA) and an award winning business professor at undergraduate, graduate, and MBA levels in one of the largest business schools in the USA. Being a professional teacher, I tend to simplify everything and make them straightforward and easy to understand. Therefore, during this course, you will not spend your time on obvious things or things you can easily discover yourself. We will spend our precious time on the important matters. So this course is very efficient and you will be able to easily finish it up. Good Luck :) "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Azure SQL Data Warehouse Synapse Analytics Service" |
"Why Azure Synapse Analytics Service (formerly Azure SQL Data Warehouse)Azure Synapse Analytics truly is a game-changer in Data processing and Analytics.In the most recent study conducted by GigaOm in January 2019 for the TPC-H benchmark report shows that Synapse Analytics is 14 times fast and still 94% cheaper than any other leading service in the market.And that's why clients are shifting to Azure and Azure is growing at nearly twice the rate of Amazon Web Services. According to a 2019 Dice report, there was an 88% year-over-year growth in job postings for data engineers, which was the highest growth rate among all technology jobs.If you are interested in this domain, there cannot be a better time to start learning Azure Synapse Analytics Data Warehouse then now.Expected OutcomesIn this courseYou will learn the difference between Traditional vs Modern vs Synapse Data warehouse architectureYou will learn why Microsoft Synapse Analytics service is going to be a game-changer in the Data AnalyticsYou will learn how to provision, configure and scale Azure Synapse Analytics serviceYou will learn Cloud Data Warehouse MPP architecture, table types, partitioning, distribution key, and many other important concepts.You will learn different migration techniques and advantage of PolyBase over other techniques with lots of DemosYou will learn Security, Configuration, backups, monitoring and other important topics with lots of DemosBy the end of this course, you will have a fairly good understanding of Synapse Service and you can directly start working in a Production environment.100% Syllabus covered for DP200 and DP201 certification exam for Azure Data warehouse (Synapse)What if I am new in Data Warehouse?I have included a module on Data Warehouse Basics (Crash course to speed up with Cloud warehousing)LevelBeginners & intermediateIntended AudienceBeginners in Azure PlatformData Warehouse developers/ adminsDatabase and BI developersDatabase AdministratorsData EngineersData ScientistData Analyst or similar profilesOn-Premises Database related profiles who want to learn how to implement these technologies in Azure Cloud.Anyone who is looking forward to starting his career as an Azure Data Engineer.PrerequisitesBasic T-SQL and Database conceptsAzure Free trial SubscriptionLanguageEnglishIf you are not comfortable in English, please do not take the course, captions are not good enough to understand the course.What's insideVideo lectures, PPTs, Demo Resources, Quiz, Assignment, other important linksFull lifetime access with all future updatesCertificate of course completion30-Day Money-Back GuaranteeCourse In DetailIntroductionMicrosoft has recently released this brand new service, which is a big success for the data team at Microsoft. Synapse contained very rich features, not only to the engine itself to increase performance, but also to add new functionality in providing a unified analytics experience for diff data teams.In the most recent study conducted by GigaOm in January 2019 for the TPC-H benchmark report shows that Synapse Analytics is 14 times fast and still 94% cheaper than any other leading service in the market.And that's why clients are shifting to Azure and Azure is growing at nearly twice the rate of Amazon Web Services. Azure Synapse Analytics truly is a game-changer in Data processing and Analytics.According to a 2019 Dice report, there was an 88% year-over-year growth in job postings for data engineers, which was the highest growth rate among all technology jobs. If you are interested in this domain, there cannot be a better time to start learning Azure Synapse Analytics Data Warehouse then now.I hope you will join me on this exciting journey of learning this technology.Azure Synapse Analytics ServiceWhy we should consider warehousing solutions in the cloud?And then we'll discuss Microsoft's brand new Azure Synapse analytics service, and how this service brings together enterprise data warehousing and Big Data analytics, and provide a unified experience to ingest, prepare, manage, and serve data for immediate BI and machine learning needs.Advantages of Synapse analytics service over other cloud-based analytics services.We will discuss the difference between Traditional vs Modern vs Synapse Architecture.You will also see Azure Synapse studio which provides a unified experience for all Data Professionals. So, whether you are Data Engineer, Data Scientists, Database administrator, business analysts or any other IT professional, you will find your space in Synapse studio.And then finally in Demo, we'll provision new Azure Synapse Analytics Service, we will see how to pause or resume compute node which is very important, and how to set firewall rules and connect with SQL Server Management studioInternal and ArchitectureIn this module where you are going to learn Azure Data Warehouse famous MPP or Massive parallel processing architecture.And then we'll discuss various cloud data warehousing internal but important concepts like storage and data distribution through Hash, round-robin and replicated tablesWe will learn not only different Data types and table types like columnstore, heap and Clustered B-tree index, but we will also learn best practices around, how to partition our data into these diff table types.We will discuss in detail about distribution key and how to analyses the table to find the best distribution key according to partition.Then we'll discuss how to apply these concepts in dimensional modeling.And then finally we'll take a case of Microsoft's famous Adventure works DW, we will download and restore it in our on-premises management studio, and we will analyze the distribution and the data types for Data Warehouse and we will prepare it to migrate to Cloud data warehousing.Data MigrationIn this module, we will learn about data loading or data migration in the Azure Data warehouse serviceWe'll start with learning the best practices of loading data in MPP architectureThen we'll learn about different loading methods and we will learn the difference between Single client loading methods and Parallel readers loading methodsWe will see specifically the difference between SSIS and PolyBase loading methods, and why PolyBase is preferred for large tables.We will learn the PolyBase process in detail and go through all steps to set up the PolyBase environment.SecurityIn this module, we will take a look at how we can secure our azure SQL data warehouseActually, without security, nothing else really matters and that's why Microsoft Azure provides 5 layers of defense to secure your Azure SQL DatabaseFirst is Threat Protection - This is a most outer layer of security, and in this Microsoft Azure constantly monitor the traffic to your Azure SQL Database and look for suspicious patterns.Then the next comes to Network Security - Network security is to make sure only requests which are coming from valid IP addresses can access your database.Authentication and Access control are part of Access ManagementAuthentication - Authentication is about validating your credentials like User Name/User ID and password to verify your identity.And Access control or Authorization determines what kind of access the authenticated user has over particular resources.And finally comes the Data Protection layer - Microsoft provides different information protection and encryption technologies to protect our data in your Azure SQL Database.Configuration and OptimizationIn this module, we'll examine configuration settings and common tasks that are available to us inside the Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics service portal.We will see it is how incredibly easy to backup and restore data warehouse in the Synapse Analytics service portal.Then, we will take a look at price optimization and will see how you evaluate different configuration suits best for your needs.We will learn about Managing workload, which helps solution Architects to ensure that data warehouses always have enough resources to hit SLA for classic data warehousing activities like loading, transforming and querying data.We will learn different monitoring tools like query activity, alerts, metrics, diagnostic settings and resource health provided by Synapse portal. We will also look at the option to submit a support ticket to Microsoft in case you are not able to resolve the issue at your end.And Finally, we are going to delete all the resources we created during Demo, this is very important to avoid any charges when you are not using the system.Data Warehouse Crash CourseIn this module, you will learn, what is Data Warehouse, Why we need it and how it is different from the traditional transactional database.We will learn the concept of dimensional modeling which is a database design method optimized for data warehouse solutions.Then I will explain what we mean when we say facts and their corresponding fact tables. What are dimensions and their corresponding dimension tableshow are these special kinds of tables joined together to form a star schema or snowflake schema.This section will establish the foundation before you start my course on Azure Synapse Analytics or formally known as Azure SQL Data Warehouse.Some students Feedback (from other courses)One of the most amazing courses i have ever taken on Udemy. Please don't hesitate to take this course. The instructor is really professional and has a great experience about the subject of the course. - Khadija BadaryVery nicely explained most of the concepts. a must have course for beginners - Manoranjan SwainI appreciate this course explaining everything in great detail for a beginner. This will assist me in overcoming challenges at my work - Benjamin CurtisGood course for Beginners. Labs are really helpful to grasp the concept. Thank you - SapnaTopics touched in this courseMicrosoft SQL Server, Azure SQL Server, Azure SQL Data Warehouse, Data Factory, Data Lake, Azure Storage, Azure Synapse Analytics Service, PolyBase, Azure monitoring, Azure Security, Data Warehouse, SSIS"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Facebook (Ads) 3.0 Made Easy: Fast Track Training" |
"Facebook (Ads) 3.0 Made Easy: Fast Track Training:These simple and over the shoulder videos will enable you to increase your learning and make the most through Facebook Ads for your business.Its a proven fact that VIDEOS are the best way to PUMP UP your learning, so you dont go in the wrong direction and apply the latest Facebook Advertising tactics in the right way to attract more and more Leads, customers, sales and ultimately, more profits* for your business It also helps to-Boost profits* by targeting your desired audience preciselyFacilitate multiple ad views to increase sales for your offersGenerate quality buyer leads and convert them into loyal customersIntensify your marketing campaign for an affordable priceIncrease customer loyalty and satisfaction with less effortIntroducing: Facebook (Ads) 3.0 Made Easy: Fast Track TrainingCourse Description:Most people do not know how to get started with all the Social Media products online today. With this Fast Track Training course designed to take you to the Advanced level, you will be up and running in no time using Facebook (Ads) with confidence.Facebook (Ads) 3.0 Made Easy: Fast Track Training is a straight to the point, step by step training course to get you started immediately.This is a complete collection of High Definition videos with step by step content. Heres the breakdown:Section 1: IntroductionLecture 1: IntroductionSection 2: Facebook Ads BasicsLecture 2: What Is Facebook All About?Lecture 3: What Are Facebook Ads?Lecture 4: What Is Retargeting And What Makes Facebook The Top Retargeting Platform?Lecture 5: How Can Facebook Ads Help Your Business?Lecture 6: Shocking Facebook Ads Facts To ConsiderSection 3: Facebook Ads Step by StepLecture 7: Facebook WalkthroughLecture 8: Facebook Ads Manager WalkthroughLecture 9: Creating A Facebook Page To Run AdsLecture 10: Promoting A Basic Page Post The Right WayLecture 11: Creating A Basic Ad Using The Ads ManagerSection 4: Creating Ad Campaigns Step by StepLecture 12: Creating A Custom AudienceLecture 13: Adding The Facebook Pixel From A Campaign To Your Business WebsiteLecture 14: Sending More Traffic To Your Site With Facebook AdsLecture 15: Increasing Conversions Through The Ads ManagerLecture 16: Creating A Lead-Generation FunnelLecture 17: Creating A Facebook Retargeting CampaignSection 5: Additional Tips to considerLecture 18: Do's And DontsLecture 19: Premium Tools And Services To ConsiderLecture 20: Shocking Case StudiesLecture 21: Frequently Asked Questions"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Procreate: Ipad ile Dijital izim, Tasarm ve Animasyon" |
"Neden Procreate?ou sanat, ressam ve tasarmc artk dijital izim tekniklerini renmeye balyor.Ipad iin en iyi izim uygulamas olarak bilinen Procreate, hem yeni balayanlar iin ok avantajl hem de ileri seviye sanatlar iin snrsz zellik sunuyor.u an birok masast uygulamasnn yapabildiklerini ve daha fazlasn yapabiliyor.Tpk bu kurs gibi tek seferlik deme ile mr boyu program ve gncellemelerini kullanabiliyorsunuz.Ne reneceksiniz?Procreate uygulamasna dair her eyKanvas kullanmFralar ve paletlerKatman kullanmRenk teorisiiziminizin admlarn gsteren bir video oluturmaPerspektif izimAnimasyon yapmKarakter tasarlamaKarakalem almalarnz dijital ortama aktarmaNeden Bu Kurs?Simple Academy ekibi olarak kurslarmz en kapsaml ekilde hazrlyor ve gncel tutabilmek iin elimizden geleni yapyoruz. Ayn zamanda sorularnza annda cevap bulabileceksiniz.Sadelii ve kaliteyi misyonumuz olarak konumlandrdmz iin, kurslarmzda bilgi kirliliine rastlamayacak ve gerek animasyonlu anlatmlarmz gerek ise elenceli altrmalarmzla renmek istediiniz konuyu en etkili ekilde renceksiniz.Her kursumuzda 30 gn iinde para iadesi sunuyoruz. Memnun kalmadnz anda hi soru sormadan iade edebilirsiniz."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Exam MS-500: Microsoft 365 Security Administration 2020" |
"Exam MS-500: Microsoft 365 Security Administration 20MS-500 Candidates for this exam implement, manage, and monitor security and compliance solutions for Microsoft 365 and hybrid environments. The Microsoft 365 Security Administrator collaborates with the Microsoft 365 Enterprise Administrator, business stakeholders, and other workload administrators to plan and implement security strategies and ensures that the solutions comply with the policies and regulations of the organization.I have prepared this practice test course for all those candidates who are planning of taking MS-500 exam in near future.This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with Microsoft in any way.Exam Topics covered as per syllabus MS-500 exam Certification questions :Implement and manage identity and access (30-35%)Implement and manage threat protection (20-25%)Implement and manage information protection (15-20%)Manage governance and compliance features in Microsoft 365 (25-30%)"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"CompTIA A + JK0-802 Certification Practice Exam" |
"315 UNIQUE practice questions for CompTIA A + JK0-802 Certification Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : CompTIA A + JK0-802 Certification Practice ExamTotal Questions : 315Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :205 minsPassing Score : 75 (236 of 315)"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Teatro em Casa (Jogos para todos os pblicos e lugares)" |
"Ao longo do curso sero ensinados jogos teatrais simples que no precisam de muitos recursos para serem realizados e que podem ser jogados sem distino de idade. O curso Teatro em Casa foi pensado para pessoas que esto passando um tempo prolongado dentro de casa (seja por determinao, seja por condio climtica, seja por viagem, etc) e querem se divertir."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Deploy Laravel Applications to production fast" |
"Learn how to launch your application to production fast.TechnologiesGit - Use git to manage your source codeNginx - Set up Nginx from scratchSSH - Learn how to access your server using secure shellMySQL - Learn to install, set up and secure MySQLVPS - Learn how to set up an application environment from scratch on VPSSSL - Learn to how to install SSL on your serverBudgetAbout $8 for the domain name if you don't have one yetAbout $5 for the VPS, free for 60 days."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How to Improve your Chipping - From Beginner to Advanced" |
"Creator of World Of Short Game, Short Game Specialist and co-owner of the biggest golf-teaching business in Denmark, welcomes you to the most thorough course about chipping, ever found on Udemy.Everybody knows that a better short game can change your golf-game completely, and will lead to lower scores immediately.This course covers ALL the aspects you need to know in order to see remarkable improvements in your chipping-game on the golf course.From the bulletproof technique of the basic shots, to the different height variations, distance control, slope adjustments, shot selection process, lie evaluation, understanding of backspin, bounce and grinds, the geometry of the chipping motion and so much more, everything you need to know is here.Do you want to know exactly How to Improve your Chipping - From Beginner to Advanced this is the course for you!Course Goal: From luck to knowing exactly were the ball ends up when chipping; you learn how to take control of the outcome of all of your chip-shots.Course Outline: This course is made of 13 sections, divided into 36 lectures. The lectures start of by introducing you to the absolute basics of chipping - the standard middle trajectory chip-shot. How to setup, and how to swing the club back and forth. Important key points will be pointed out so you know exactly what to practice on your own.The further you make it into this course, the more skills you will learn, and the more tools you can put into your tool-box, so you are better prepared the next time you face a chip on the course.Lecture 1: Introduction: You will be introduced to the overall believes this course is based on, and we will do a quick vocabulary check so we know exactly what specific words means.Lecture 2-6: Basic technique: How to setup, and how to swing the club back and forth. Important key points will be pointed out so you know exactly what to practice on your own.Lecture 7: Distance control Part 1: You will learn how to control the carry-distance of a chip-shot.Lecture 8: Distance control Part 1: You will learn how to control the amount of roll on the ball when it lands.Lecture 9-12: Change the height: You will be guided through different options you can apply to you standard motion, that makes the ball fly higher og lower.Lecture 13-17: Slope adjust: You are very rarely placed on a totally flat surface, so you need to know how to adjust for different slopes.Lecture 18: Lie evaluation You will learn a 3-step formula about one of the most overlooked skills in the short game of golf, how to read and adjust to different lies.Lecture 19-20: Shot selection: You will learn the 3 questions you ALWAYS need to ask yourself before hitting a chip-shot, if you want to be in control of the outcome.Lecture 21-28: All applied - Examples: All the things you have learned so far will be put together in 8 different example-shots.Lecture 29-32: How to practice: Its time to make your practice a lot more efficient! You will learn the 4 most important concepts about how to practice, and I will give you my 3 favorite drills that will make up a perfect chipping-practice session.Lecture 33-34: Bonus lecture - Understanding backspin: Everybody loves backspin, and I will reveal all the secrets of the fascinating phenomena.Lecture 35: Bonus lecture - Wedge-fitting: Bounce and grinds, what exactly is that, and how can you benefit from playing with the right wedges.Lecture 36: Bonus lecture - Swing library: You will be given 5 videos that you can use as inspiration when recording your own chipping-motion.This Course is Based on Real Practical ExperienceThis course is build upon knowledge gained over a number of years. Both as a teacher, but also as a competitive player that has played tournament golf at a professional level.Endless hours of research and testing has been done to be able to present the knowledge in the most efficient way, so the students can see the improvements as quickly as possible.More than 300 danish players has attended the live-classes that World Of Short Game offers in Denmark, and the improvements that are made a remarkable. The information shared at these classes is all shared in the course, and so much more! What students are saying about the course:I just wanted to go straight to the practice area after watching the first few lectures, and try out all the new knowledge I had gainedThe structure of the course is so clear and easy to understandThe first impression was: Wow! Here is finally all the information I need to know in order to improve my chipping once and for allThe changes that has happened to my short game since I learned the basic techniques are remarkable---------------------------------------------------------------------To your information, I am here to help if you have any questions. Feel free to write to me!I hope you will enjoy the new information you will find in this course, I definitely enjoy putting it all together! Thanks,Nicolai Cetti Engstrm"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Troubleshooting with Palo Alto Firewalls" |
"*** The only Palo Alto Networks Firewall course on Udemy 100% Troubleshooting oriented .***When things turn wrong, the Admin guide or Google search will have their limits very quickly! Troubleshooting takes time, a logical methodology and sharp skills: This training will give you the tools to find most problem root causes and help you to become quick at solving them on Palo Alto Networks firewalls.WHAT OTHER STUDENTS SAYPractical, to the point..and obviously from field experience. no flufffEnjoyed course. Recommend to others wishing to increase knowledge of PA FW's.Trainer has sufficient knowledge to deliver this training and the explanation is easily understandableGreat course. With concise description of the subjects on intro level.Course Release15/03/2019 - v0.1 : Course Release30/03/2019 - v0.2 : Captions Update"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SAP BusinessObjects Access Control 10 C_GRCAC_10 Practice" |
"Enhance your certification score. Even though you're working at a top company, you'll want to keep your certification score up. It's important for your job search, especially if you want to go for a higher level position. When you're looking for new jobs, people are going to be screening your resume a bit with certifications. Understand the test structure and what to expect; then walk through each topic area, quiz yourself with practice questions and answers, and ensure youre ready to take the certification.Scenario based exam questions for C_GRCAC_10 - SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP BusinessObjects Access Control 10.0.Online practice exam to be completed in Specified Time Duration.Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts. Your results are immediately available, while you stay focused on your exam results. Practice tests provides the answer to a test/questions you haven't already learned.Exam Questions similar to actual Certification Exam.Life time Access to practice tests to try as many times until you master the subject. You have access to practice test answers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you're not satisfied, you can easily return to the practice test to make corrections.The practice test have been designed carefully by maintaining the exam structure , syllabus, topic weights , cut score and time duration same as actual certification exam. The aim of the practice exam is to allow the candidate to identify the risks related to a exam topics and be able to recognise them when analysing a real practice scenario.Applicants will need to make sure that they are able to complete the practice examination in its entirety and pass all the multiple choice tests in general nature.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP BusinessObjects Access Control 10.0Exam Code : C_GRCAC_10Exam Level : AssociateDuration : 180 minsNumber of Questions : 80Passing Score : 63%Total Questions to check your knowledge: 200 (Actual exam contains 80 questions)Topic AreasPlease see below the list of topics that may be covered within this certification and the courses that cover them. Its accuracy does not constitute a legitimate claim; SAP reserves the right to update the exam content (topics, items, weighting) at any time.MSMP workflow configuration> 12%User provisioning configuration> 12%Access Risk Management setup> 12%Business Rules Framework setup> 12%Common GRC settings configuration8% - 12%Role definition and management8% - 12%Emergency Access Management setup8% - 12%Integration Framework configuration< 8%"
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"SAP Financials with Business All-in-One(C_A1FIN_10) Practice" |
"Enhance your certification score. Even though you're working at a top company, you'll want to keep your certification score up. It's important for your job search, especially if you want to go for a higher level position. When you're looking for new jobs, people are going to be screening your resume a bit with certifications. Understand the test structure and what to expect; then walk through each topic area, quiz yourself with practice questions and answers, and ensure youre ready to take the certification.Scenario based exam questions for C_A1FIN_10 - SAP Certified Application Associate - Financials with SAP Business All-in-One Solution,Online practice exam to be completed in Specified Time Duration.Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts. Your results are immediately available, while you stay focused on your exam results. Practice tests provides the answer to a test/questions you haven't already learned.Exam Questions similar to actual Certification Exam.Life time Access to practice tests to try as many times until you master the subject. You have access to practice test answers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you're not satisfied, you can easily return to the practice test to make corrections.The practice test have been designed carefully by maintaining the exam structure , syllabus, topic weights , cut score and time duration same as actual certification exam. The aim of the practice exam is to allow the candidate to identify the risks related to a exam topics and be able to recognise them when analysing a real practice scenario.Applicants will need to make sure that they are able to complete the practice examination in its entirety and pass all the multiple choice tests in general nature.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : SAP Certified Application Associate - Financials with SAP Business All-in-One SolutionExam Code : C_A1FIN_10Exam Level : AssociateDuration : 180 minsNumber of Questions : 80Passing Score : 63%Total Questions to check your knowledge: 80 (Actual exam contains 80 questions)Topic AreasFinancial Accounting > 12Positioning & Implementing SAP Business All-in-One > 12Management Accounting > 12Best Practices Deployment and Tools8-12SAP NWBC in SAP Business All-In-One<8Special implementation topics<8SAP and the Mid Market Approach<8SAP Best Practices in detail<8SAP Best Practices overview<8SAP NetWeaver and SAP ERP Overview<8SAP Business All-In-One Overview<83rd party Integration<8"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"A complete guide on how to build Image Search Engine" |
"Course DescriptionLearn to build image SEARCH engine with using deep learning . Deep learning is popular where a machine can be trained to search images based on patterns in the images. Once trained, it can be used to search for similar images.A lot of smart researchers have already spent lot of time building really good image classification networks like VGGNET, RESNET, Inception V3. The networks are variants of CNN. These networks have been trained on imagenet animal dataset. If your dataset requires a different type of image classification, you could just start with these networks and fine tune them on your smaller dataset. This saves significant time and resources. We are going to leverage VGG in this course.Build a strong foundation in image search engines with this tutorial for beginners.Understanding fundamentals image searchUnderstanding fundamentals of deep learning , CNN and VGGBenefits of VGG and Glove embeddingsLearn to use image and text embeddingsUnderstand approximate nearest neighbor algorithmUse Spotify's Annoy index for faster retrievalLearn how to apply VGG with real example of visual similarity search Use Jupyter Notebook for step by step programmingFine tune accuracy of model for performing text to image and image to text searchBuild a real life web application for visual similarity search classificationA Powerful Skill at Your Fingertips Learning the fundamentals image search puts a powerful and very useful tool at your fingertips. Python and Jupyter are free, easy to learn, has excellent documentation.No prior knowledge of CNN or deep learning is assumed. I'll be covering topics like deep learning, Convolution and CNN from scratch. Jobs in image search area are plentiful, and being able to learn transfer learning will give you a strong edge. Image embedding is state of art technology that can quickly help you achieve your goal. Learning image search with VGG will help you become a computer vision developer which is in high demand.Content and Overview This course teaches you on how to build image search engine using open source Python and Jupyter framework. You will work along with me step by step to build following answersIntroduction to image search engineIntroduction to image embeddings and text embeddingsBuild an jupyter notebook step by step using VGG Build a real world web application to find cat vs dogWhat am I going to get from this course?Learn VGG and build image search classification engine from professional trainer from your own desk.Over 10 lectures teaching you how to build image search engineSuitable for beginner programmers and ideal for users who learn faster when shown.Visual training method, offering users increased retention and accelerated learning.Breaks even the most complex applications down into simplistic steps.Offers challenges to students to enable reinforcement of concepts. Also solutions are described to validate the challenges."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"WHATSAPP: Como vender e ganhar dinheiro pelo WhatsApp" |
"Chegou o momento de voc TRANSFORMAR o seu uso do WhatsApp!*** Curso atualizado com uma seo NITRO com uma nova aula semanal ***O WhatsApp entrou de vez na categoria de SUPERAPP, um aplicativo de alta performance considerado essencial na vida das pessoas. Quer aprender como vender pelo WhatsApp?Quais so os recursos que poucos sabem e at mesmo seus concorrentes?Como sair na frente e vender muito, digo muito mesmo?PROVA! Pesquisas apontam que j ultrapassamos 130 milhes de contas;E que 76% dos brasileiros usam de maneira comercial;77% tiram dvidas e pedem informaes;61% recebem promoes e54% compram! ? Isso d um total de 70 MILHES DE COMPRADORESAgora que tal aproveita e saber como Vender pelo WhatsApp? justamente isso que voc vai aprender nesse curso!Objetivo desse curso de WhatsApp:Capacit-lo a extrair o mximo dessa incrvel ferramenta. Aps o curso voc acelerar sua performance nas vendas pelo WhatsApp. As aulas vo apresentar tcnicas ninjas, funis de abordagens, scripts de abordagem, como conseguir os contatos de seu pblico e a revelao de estratgias ultra secretas utilizadas pelos batedores de metas.O treinamento composto de 7 mdulos (O MAIOR E MAIS COMPLETO CONTEDO) Mdulo 1: Introduo e Configuraes Ninjas Mdulo 2: Captura de WhatsApp de prospectsMdulo 3: Estratgia de VendasMdulo 4: Funis de Acelerao de ResultadosMdulo 5: WhatsApp Business NITRO (Atualizado semanalmente)Mdulo 6: WhatsApp BOTS (passo a passo da automatizao)Mdulo 7: Principais novidadesMdulo 8: Mega BnusGarantia total incondicional: Se em 30 dias voc observar que esse curso de Como Vender pelo WhatsApp no para voc, devolvemos o seu valor, sem explicaes e de maneira rpida e direta. o nosso compromisso de oferecer o que realmente til para voc."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate English Language Paper 1 GCSE: AQA Paper 1 Course!" |
"Are you a parent homeschooling your child and not sure how to go about helping them when it comes to preparing for the English Language Paper 1 portion of their GCSE exams? Alternatively your child may sadly have failed their GCSEs in English and need to resit and the thorn in their side has always been English Language Paper 1? Maybe you are a student who is currently studying and preparing for your English Language GCSEs at school but you feel lost, unsure about what your teacher is saying and the pace at school may be too rapid?Not to worry - we've got you covered! The 'Ultimate English Language Paper GCSE Course covers EVERYTHING you need to know and understand when it comes to understanding the structure of this paper, how to answer Questions 1, 2, 3 and 4 of this paper which is the comprehension portion of the paper as well as how to craft a top Creative Writing answer for Question 5 of the paper! If this is what you are seeking, lets get started!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"AutoTune Eitimi - Tm Ynleri ile AutoTune" |
"Eer u an bu dersi inceliyorsanz, AutoTune kavramn mutlaka duymu olmalsnz. AutoTune; aslnda 'Pitch Correction' ileminin yaygn olarak bilinen ismidir. Temelde bu isimin kullanlmas Antares irketinin AutoTune isimli yazlmndan gelmektedir.Pitch Correction ilemi 2 ekilde gerekletirilebilir:1- Otomatik : Bu sette bu ilemden 'Auto Tuning' olarak bahsediliyor.2- Manual : Bu ilemden de 'Tuning' olarak bahsediliyor.Bu ders serisi boyunca sizlerle birlikte Auto Tuning ve Tuning ilemlerini yapabileceimiz yazlmlar inceliyoruz. Birlikte rnek almalar yaparak bildiklerimizi pekitiriyoruz.Ayn zamanda Pitch Correction ilemini doru yapabilmemiz iin temel mzik kavramlarndan, armoni bilgisinden biraz anlamak gerekiyor. Merak etmeyin bu set ierisinde sizlere armoni ve mzik teorisini anlattm 2 derslik bir blm bulunmakta. Autotune renirken ayn zamanda mzik bilgisini de reneceiniz bir eitim setini sizler iin hazrladm. Btn sorularnz cevaplamak ve birlikte autotune renmek iin sizleri eitim setine davet ediyorum.Videolarda grmek zere,Can Kiremitci"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"VueJS Firebase" |
"VueJS VueJS Google (Evan You) 89% UI/UX MVVM Javascript DOM VueJS VScodeWindows/Mac CRUD VueJS Vuex Google Firebase Firebase API/ Firebase API VueJs Vuex Firebase Cloud CRUD Firebase 1000 2020 Glove VueJS Firebase VueJS Firebase Cloud VueJS"
Price: 3200.00 ![]() |
"Stupidly Simple Squeeze Pages on WordPress" |
"This course is created by Pranay Kumar, who has built several blogs and websites as well as landing pages and squeeze pages on WordPress. Services such as Lead Pages are very costly and free landing pages services by autoresponder services such as GetResponse and AWeber are not yours. You have to lose them if you decide to change your Autoresponder. Creating WordPress Squeeze Pages can be tedious, especially for a beginner. But not anymore, with this course you can create squeeze pages easily through a free plugin. This course is for those who do not want to go super technical and waste hours designing, through this course creating squeeze pages can be a breeze!This course covers: Various Autoresponders. Their Pros and Cons. How to buy a Domain with the best discount possible applied automatically. Cheap Hosting services with unlimited bandwidth and linking your Domain to your Hosting. Creating Professional Emails for Autoresponders and Installing WordPress. Installing WordPress Creating and Configuring the landing page and linking it to your Autoresponder Service. Creating the Lead Magnet Yourself in a day.( For those who cannot afford to have it written)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Complete RDBMS and SQL/Oracle Bootcamp Master SQL/Oracle" |
"Learn how to write SQL (Structured Query Language) from scratch with the SQL Essentials training course. This course will easily step you through writing SQL using an online editor. SQL allows you to retrieve, sort, filter, group, aggregate and calculate data stored in a SQL Server database. This course is designed for people wanting to learn how to interrogate data from a relational database, how to manipulate this data (Insert, update, and delete records).Although we use SQL Server to interrogate data throughout this course, SQL is a common language easily adapted to other RDBMS (relational database management systems) such as MySQL, IBM DB2, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Ingres, Sybase, and Microsoft Access.Topics:Relation Database Management System (RDBMS)JOINSKEYSData Types in SQLDATA DEFINITION LANGUAGE(DDL)DATA MANIPULATION LANGUAGE(DML)TRANSACTION CONTROL LANGUAGE(TCL)DATA CONTROL LANGUAGE(DCL)BASIC DEFINITION OF DATABASE MANAGEMENT (DBMS)SUBQUERIES USED IN DBMSOPERATORS USED IN SUBQUERIES"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Reprocessamento de Filas RabbitMQ no SpringBoot" |
"Nesse curso voc aprender a padronizar sua criao automtica filas automticas trazendo maior facilidade de leitura do cdigo, criar fluxo de exceo para suas filas com controle de repetio e analise para erro, criao de reprocessamento totalmente automtico e o tempo restabelecido para execuo da sua rotina de processamento trazendo automao e independncia as seus processos assncronos e por fim um endpoint da sua API para reprocessar no momento em que quiser.Ento esquea o processamento manual de filas e deixe suas fila automticas."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"iOS 13 & Swift 5: RESTFul API Weather App with Alamofire 5" |
"Welcome to the RESTFul API Weather App with Alamofire 5 course.This course is designed for iOS developers with at least 6 to 9 months experience or web developers who want to learn to make network or RESTful APIs calls on the iOS platform. The lessons are designed to provide student the thought process and skillset required to make HTTPS calls with a secured API key via building a concise and fully functional weather app. In this course, students will also learn to build the views via the storyboard with auto layout and stack views. The project is built according to the MVC architecture which reinforces good coding practices such as the DRY principle, separation of concerns and keep code readable, neat and modular.These are some comments from students of courses by the instructor:Excellent Content, I appreciate the different styles of onboarding screens and all the great explanation! - Carey MThe course is very concise but informative . I really like the project based approach that this course takes. It cuts straight to the chases and show you how these abstract concepts are put into real life problems . Highly recommended - AN DinhReally easy to follow and great for beginners. Really enjoyed the course, thanks Kelvin! - Atiqah A.KPerfect course to help me get started on ios programming! - Tan Kel VinThe instructor is knowledgeable and clear with his instructions. The course is great and informative for those who are planning to build a skeleton they can build on their own app projects Instructor is also helpful. - Raphael Lim"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Chinesisch lernen mit Spa Mandarin : Feiertage und Feste" |
"Ich freue mich sehr, dass du dich fr Chinesisch bzw. die chinesische Kultur interessierst. Damit das Chinesisch Lernen nicht zu langweilig wird, habe ich aus meiner eigenen Lernerfahrung mit Deutsch diesen chinesischen Kurs ""Chinesisch lernen mit Spa"" konzipiert.Insgesamt gibt es 5 Teile, womit du durch verschiedene Methoden Chinesisch lernen und mehr ber die chinesische Kultur erfahren wirst.In diesem Teil hier geht es um die wichtigen Feiertage und Feste in China.Du wirst in dem Kurs alle wichtigen Feiertage und Feste kennenlernen. Dazu gehren auch die Tradition und die Geschichte bzw. die Herkunft. Du kannst nicht nur die Aussprache und die Zeichen von den Feiertagen lernen, sondern ich werde dir noch ein paar bliche Begrungsworte beibringen. Falls du zu den Feiertagen in China bist, kannst du die Leute damit auch begren.Was wirst du nach diesem Kurs knnen?- Datum, Geschichte, Bruche und Sitten der wichtigen Feiertage und Feste in China- Aussprache und Zeichen- Begrungsworte- Besonderheiten der Feiertage und Feste- Tipps, wie du dich verhalten solltest- Chinesische Feste besser verstehenBist du bereit? Lass uns starten!Jetzt den Aktionspreis 13,99 sichern! (gltig bis zum 19.10 2020)Gib diesen Aktionscode SPASSSEPT beim Kaufen ein, um den Rabattpreis zu bekommen."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Estruturao de Programa de Coleta Seletiva" |
"O curso aborda os aspectos da gerao dos resduos slidos em nosso dia a dia, problemas atuais ocasionados pelo aumento do consumo em nossa sociedade (sobretudo no meio urbano) e, consequentemente, o impacto negativo ps-consumo. Tambm d ateno aos principais aspectos da Poltica Nacional de Resduos Slidos - PNRS (Lei 12.305/2010): gerao dos resduos, disposio adequada, responsabilidade compartilhada e ciclo de vida dos produtos.Outro aspecto importante o papel do catador de material reciclvel em nossa sociedade: estruturao adequada da organizao, fundamentao de empreendimentos denominados de cooperativas/associaes de catadores (conforme tambm estipulado na Lei), arranjos de tais empreendimentos e como devemos pensar em sua estrutura para que, de fato, possam funcionar adequadamente.Alm disso, o curso proporciona a base para elaborar projetos ambientais oriundos de editais pblicos ou privados, bem como a estruturao de programas de coleta seletiva nos municpios. Por fim, o curso enfatiza a importncia da filosofia da ISO 14.001, sua utilizao estruturao de empreendimentos constitudos por catadores e cases de sucesso relacionados coleta seletiva."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
rudiments |
Price: 2400.00 ![]() |
"Curso de Baralho Cigano Teraputico - Petit Lenormand" |
"Neste curso, voc conhecer as simbologias de cada carta de forma profunda e reflexiva. Ser abordado o significado geral tanto da carta, quanto do naipe, bem como aplicado em nas principais reas da vida, tais como: AmorTrabalhoSadeFinanceiraTempo corrido LugaresVoc tambm aprender 7 tipos de leitura para compor as suas consultas."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |