Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Renderizado Profesional Con Visualize Solidworks" |
"Aprende a usar uno de los software de renderizado ms potentes del mercado, te esplicamos todos los pasos desde importacin de modelos, apariencias, texturas, iluminacin, cmaras, animaciones renderizados de imgenes, renderizados de vdeos, entorno HDR ...Dale a tus diseos 3d el toque para destacar, con Solidworks Visualize, El software destaca entre la competencia por la facilidad de conseguir acabados profesionales, en un menor tiempo que la competencia por la facilidad de la navegacin en sus herramientas."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ace CompTIA Security+ ( SY0-501)" |
"Want to ace the CompTIA Security+ ( SY0-501) Examination and become a CompTIA CertifiedWhat you'll learnTired of failing the exam two or three times because you have no idea how the CompTIA Security+ ( SY0-501) Examination is set up . No time for studying and analyzing each videos or powerpoint .Well , you got into the right course .Just practice continuously and you will ace the exam.Who this course is for: CompTIA Security+ Absolute Beginners. No prior CompTIA experience necessary No Time to study No idea how the exam works Failed multiple attempts Want to practice"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Corso Completo di LinkedIn Ads - Pratico al 100% (2020)" |
"Corso Completo di LinkedIn Ads - Pratico al 100% - Questo corso prevede l'utilizzo di LinkedIn Ads per realizzare, in autonomia, delle campagne da integrare nella propria strategia di marketing.ARGOMENTI DEL CORSO:IntroduzioneProgramma del corsoCome funziona LinkedIn AdsCompany PageCreazione di una Company PageConfigurazione di una Company PageCreazione di un eventoTrucco per Company PageCreazione di una Pagina VetrinaAccount PubblicitarioCreazione di un Account PubblicitarioPanoramica Account PubblicitarioCreazione Gruppo CampagneCampagne e Annunci (Notoriet e Considerazioni)Obiettivi campagneCampagna Notoriet del brand (Awareness) + Annuncio Singola ImmagineCampagna Visite sul sito + Annuncio Immagine Formato ModuloCampagna Interesse + Annuncio FollowerCampagna Visualizzazioni Video + Annuncio VideoAnnuncio Formato Messaggio (InMail)Annuncio Di TestoAnnuncio Spotlight Asset dell'accountInsight TagCollegare Google Tag Manager (GTM) al proprio sitoCollegare LinkedIn a Google Tag Manager (GTM)ConversioniLe conversioni e i modelli di attribuzioneRetargeting: che cos' e come funziona Creazione gruppo di Retargeting (Audience corrispondenti) da sitoRetargeting: Video e Modulo per l'acquisizione di contattiInserire un gruppo di Retargeting in una campagna + Pubblico LookalikeAudience SalvataModuli per l'acquisizione di contattiCampagne e Annunci (Conversioni)Campagna Generazione di leadCampagna Conversioni Sito WebCampagna Candidature + Annuncio LavoroAnnuncio con singola offerta di lavoroReport e BudgetReport + AB TestPanoramica Google Data StudioModificare una campagna Come determinare il budget di una campagna Come determinare il budget di una campagna (Parte 2)Casi studioPromo Corso LinkedIn AdsContenuti ExtraCreazione account e panoramica di CanvaUtilizzo di CanvaRingraziamentiConclusioni*corso in continuo aggiornamento Puoi eventualmente richiedere il RIMBORSO COMPLETO entro 30 giorni dall'acquisto."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Professional Scrum Master(PSM 1) Certification Practice exam" |
"Enhance your certification score. Even though you're working at a top company, you'll want to keep your certification score up. It's important for your job search, especially if you want to go for a higher level position. When you're looking for new jobs, people are going to be screening your resume a bit with certifications. Understand the test structure and what to expect; then walk through each topic area, quiz yourself with practice questions and answers, and ensure youre ready to take the certification.Scenario based exam questions for PROFESSIONAL SCRUM MASTER I,Online practice exam to be completed in Specified Time Duration.Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts. Your results are immediately available, while you stay focused on your exam results. Practice tests provides the answer to a test/questions you haven't already learned.Exam Questions similar to actual Certification Exam.Life time Access to practice tests to try as many times until you master the subject. You have access to practice test answers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you're not satisfied, you can easily return to the practice test to make corrections.The practice test have been designed carefully by maintaining the exam structure , syllabus, topic weights , cut score and time duration same as actual certification exam. The aim of the practice exam is to allow the candidate to identify the risks related to a exam topics and be able to recognise them when analysing a real practice scenario.Applicants will need to make sure that they are able to complete the practice examination in its entirety and pass all the multiple choice tests in general nature.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : PROFESSIONAL SCRUM MASTER IExam Code : PSM1Time limit: 60 minutesNumber of Questions: 80Passing score: 85%Format: Multiple Choice, Multiple Answer and True/FalseDifficulty: IntermediateLanguage: English onlyTotal Questions to check your knowledge: 160 (Actual exam contains 80 questions)"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"SAP S/4HANA Implementation Scenarios[C_S4IMP_1610] Practice" |
"Enhance your certification score. Even though you're working at a top company, you'll want to keep your certification score up. It's important for your job search, especially if you want to go for a higher level position. When you're looking for new jobs, people are going to be screening your resume a bit with certifications. Understand the test structure and what to expect; then walk through each topic area, quiz yourself with practice questions and answers, and ensure youre ready to take the certification.Scenario based exam questions for C_A1FIN_10 - SAP Certified Application Associate - Financials with SAP Business All-in-One Solution,Online practice exam to be completed in Specified Time Duration.Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts. Your results are immediately available, while you stay focused on your exam results. Practice tests provides the answer to a test/questions you haven't already learned.Exam Questions similar to actual Certification Exam.Life time Access to practice tests to try as many times until you master the subject. You have access to practice test answers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you're not satisfied, you can easily return to the practice test to make corrections.The practice test have been designed carefully by maintaining the exam structure , syllabus, topic weights , cut score and time duration same as actual certification exam. The aim of the practice exam is to allow the candidate to identify the risks related to a exam topics and be able to recognise them when analysing a real practice scenario.Applicants will need to make sure that they are able to complete the practice examination in its entirety and pass all the multiple choice tests in general nature.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : SAP S/4HANA Implementation Scenarios CertificationExam Code : C_S4IMP_1610 Exam Level : AssociateDuration : 180 minsNumber of Questions : 80Passing Score : 61%Total Questions to check your knowledge: 120 (Actual exam contains 80 questions)"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Email Marketing with ConvertKit for Beginners" |
"Learn the ins and outs of being an email marketer with the best tool in the market for bloggers and online businesses.You will learn the ConvertKit dashboardYou will become conversant with creating forms and landing pagesLearn how to set up your first welcome emailLearn how to set up a sequence that works for you while you sleepLearn to customize your Landing Pages to what suits you and your nicheThis and much more."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Theraband Training, so geht es richtig!" |
"In diesem Kurs lernst du die wichtigsten Grundlagen Rund um das Training mit dem Theraband! Dieser Kurs ist so aufgebaut, das die bungen nur mit einem Theraband auszuben sind. Lerne die korrekte Ausfhrung der einzelnen Bewegungselemente und bringe Deinen Krper in Form.Die Videos sind so gestaltet das du die bungen ganz einfach von zuhause nachmachen kannst!Falls du noch kein Theraband besitzt, solltest du dir noch schnell eines besorgen... und los gehts! Viel Erfolg!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Como calcular a dose de rudo e nvel de exposio - TST" |
"O Curso tem como objetivo trazer para voc como se deve proceder para realizar avaliaes de exposio ao agente rudo, quais equipamento so recomendados, limites de tolerncia, nveis de ao, suas consequncias e quais medidas devem ser tomadas para que o trabalhador no adoea.Sendo assim voc poder avaliar de maneira adequada seguindo as normas NHO01 e NR15 anexos 1 e 2"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Metrado de Cargas" |
"El metrado de cargas es una tcnica para estimar las cargas actuantes en los diferentes elementos estructurales y no estructurales que componen una edificacin tambin es calcular, medir el peso que pueda tener la edificacin, al sumar cada elemento columna, placa, losa, viga, etc. (carga muerta) y el peso que pueda actuar sobre la estructura como muebles personas etc,(carga viva ).El principio fundamental en el metrado de cargas es entender el proceso de transmisin de cargas desde el nivel ms elevado hasta el terreno. Entender este proceso adecuadamente es la clave para estimar correctamente las cargas actuantes en los elementos y con las cuales posteriormente sern diseadas."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Meditation for Beginners: Meditation For Deep Relaxation" |
"What You Will Learn:How to Meditate Step by StepHow to Calm Your Mind and relax fully using MeditationHow to use pre-meditation exercises to go Deeper into MeditationHow to Find time for MeditationHow to build Successful meditation practice without struggle How to Build habit of Meditation in your daily lifeHow to Deal with Stress and anxiety using easy to follow meditation techniquesHow to realize and build inner peaceHow to deal with negative emotionsHow to improve your concentration and focusHow to improve your levels of energy using meditationWhy You Should Take This Course: Easy step by step way to learn MeditationFeel more relaxed and in controlImprove clarity, concentration and focusLet go off negative emotionsDeal with past hurt and regretBuild inner peace Feel more happiness and satisfactionKnow and understand yourself betterDecrease stress and anxietyBecome happy, healthy and stress freeImprove energy level and sleep qualityIncrease productivity and creativityQuestions answered in this course:How to meditate?How to choose the best posture?How to breath correctly in meditation?How to concentrate in meditation?How to deal with thought in meditation?How often should you meditate?How long should you meditate?Best time for meditation?Where should you meditate and why?How to deal with noise in meditation?What to do if light disrupt you in meditation?Meditate with music or without?Are meditation results permanent?What if you skip a day of meditation?How to realize and let go of negative emotions?How to Master meditation?How Subconscious codes information?How to find time for meditation?How to build habit of meditation without struggle?How to effectively deal with stress and anxiety?"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Crea una App como UBER utilizando Android Studio y Firebase" |
"En este curso te voy a ensear como crear una aplicacin estilo (UBER, CABIFY, BEAT, DIDI, InDriver) utilizando Android Studio y Firebase. Algunos de los temas que veras a lo largo del curso sern los siguientes:Integrar una aplicacin con Firebase.Manejo de datos en tiempo real utlizando Firebase DatabaseAutenticacion de usuarios con Firebase AuthenticationMapas de GoogleNotificaciones Push AvanzadasNotificaciones Push tipo llamada telefonicaRelacin de datos en bases de datos NOSQLNavegacin con GPSGuardar y mostrar imagenes con Firebase StorageGeofire"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Mathematics Practice Tests- Redesigned SAT" |
"Please attempt the Official Practice Tests from the Redesigned SAT 2016 within the time - limit for each section and then look at the notes of explanation for each questionStudents who find it hard to follow videos and prefer written step by Step Explanation of SAT Math problems explained in a student friendly manner will love the notes for each question I have provided answers using steps and colorful annotationsPractice Test 1 No Calculator SectionPractice Test 1 Calculator SectionPractice Test 2 No Calculator SectionPractice Test 2 Calculator SectionSAT Math Questions focus on - How to tackle the SAT Math Test which includes* Heart of Algebra * Problem Solving and Data Analysis * Passport to Advanced Math* Additional Topics in Math* Sample Math Questions: Multiple-Choice* Sample Math Questions: Student-Produced Response Course is taught in a way the student understands concepts easily and thoroughly. Student can tackle similar problems and situations faster once they complete the course."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Estimativa da Incerteza da Medio" |
"Em qualquer processo onde a conformidade de seu produto for baseada em medidas instrumentais, a avaliao da incerteza associada ao sistema de medio fator de qualificao ou de confiabilidade do laboratrio.A representao da incerteza um intervalo de confiana em torno do valor central materializado. Sendo assim, um mesmo produto ensaiado em dois laboratrios pode apresentar resultados diferentes, embora possam ser iguais estatisticamente, dependendo da incerteza associada.Ainda, quando um resultado estiver prximo ao limite da conformidade, a incerteza um importante fator ou regra de deciso: aprovar ou rejeitar.O documento normativo ABNT NBR ISO/17025:2017 trouxe no s mudanas no formato, mas tambm de contedo. Entre elas, o foco na mentalidade de risco, que requer que os laboratrios incluam no seu sistema de gesto uma regra de deciso, que descreva como a incerteza de medio deve ser considerada ao declarar a conformidade ao escopo de suas atividades, incluindo a amostragem associada ao ensaio subsequente.O objetivo deste treinamento discutir mecanismos de avaliao da incerteza associada s atividades de laboratrio, principalmente as de ensaio e amostragem subsequente. No faz parte do objetivo discusses aprofundadas dos clculos e frmulas das operaes matemticas, uma vez que para cada caso, ser mostrada uma planilha que executa todos os clculos. O objetivo mostrar as ferramentas de interpretao dos resultados."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Das Lernen der Zukunft: einmal verstanden, fr immer gemerkt" |
"Kennst du das auch? Du befindest dich im Studium und hast die Schnauze voll vom ewigen Pauken, bei dem einfach nichts hngen bleibt? Oder du liest aufgrund deiner Persnlichkeitsentwicklung viele Bcher und rgerst dich, dass dir so wenig davon merken kannst? Oder du bist du ganz einfach nur eine sehr wissbegierige Person und mchtest mehr erreichen in weniger Zeit?Dann bist du hier genau richtig. Mir ging es frher hnlich wie dir. Ich konnte mir in der Schule auch nie etwas wirklich gut merken und habe mich deswegen auch eher schlecht als recht durchgekmpft. Dann entdeckte ich fr mich das Lernen der Zukunft. Also eine Art zu lernen, mit der man sich das gelernte Wissen nicht mehr rein prgelt, sondern es auf einfache und gehirngerechte Weise lernt und so vollkommen verinnerlicht. Und dieses konzentrierte Wissen aus 8 Jahren Erfahrung mchte ich heute mit dir teilen:Erfahre, wie du dir JEDES Wissen dauerhaft merken kannst und es nie wieder vergisst.Lerne, wie du durch effektives lernen kostbare Zeit sparst und mehr Raum fr deine Lieblingsbeschftigungen hast.Entdecke die effektivsten Lerntechniken und Lernstrategien, die es gibt.Entfalte das volle Potenzial deines Gehirns und sprenge deine Grenzen.Werde durch das gelernte Wissen erfolgreicher, als du es ohne je sein knntest.Nutze deine Zeit sinnvoll, lebe stressfreier und lerne die Dinge von Anfang an richtig. Dein Leben ist zu wertvoll, als dass du es mit Pauken und Stress verschwenden knntest.Lerne das Lernen.Klicke jetzt auf den Jetzt kaufen Button und erlebe, wie einfach lernen sein kann und wie viel Spa du in Zukunft damit haben wirst."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Fortigate NSE 4 Preparation - Security" |
"FortiGate next-generation firewalls (NGFWs) utilize purpose-built security processors and threat intelligence security services from AI-powered FortiGuard labs to deliver top-rated protection, high performance inspection of clear-texted and encrypted traffic.The ""Introduction to Fortinet and Fortigate Firewalls"" course has been designed to help you with the basic understanding of how to work with Fortigate Forewalls. Topis include - What makes Fortigate different, Fortigate modes of operation, Fortigate Networking, Accessing the Fortigate and Administrative Access to Fortigate."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"OAuth2 & OpenID Core: Best Practices For Implementers 2020" |
"TL;DRThis is a complete guide to understanding access control and security with OAuth2 and OpenID Connect Core quickly and intuitively.What?This is a fast track course to understanding how OAuth2 and OpenID work and are recommended to be used today, based on firsthand recommendations from conversations and workshops with the creators and working groups of the OpenID and the Financial-Grade API standards. I've tried to make it concise so that you can understand it quickly!The specs can be quite intense, but they're very important. I've compressed information about implementing OAuth2 and OpenID based on many RFCs, real-life practices and conversations with industry professionals. This course considers the latest recommendations from the OpenID community, including Google, Microsoft, Auth0, Okta and Ping Identity. Use this course to save yourself time and/or get a big head start on some further reading!Why?Open banking is picking up around the world and developers are finding themselves having to learn these standards better.For developers, its a great learning experience to pick apart Proof of Key Code Exchange, handling network errors and different types of JWT.If you're a developer that wants to add cyber security to your skill set, this is a great entry point.Which standard do you think is usually employed for securing microservices?Why this course?Save Time: This course is designed to fast track your understanding of the open standards.Accessible: Done by editing captions, testing colour visibility of slides and using existing learning platforms.Up-To-Date: Technology doesn't stop evolving and neither does this course. Check back for updates.Expert Knowledge: An instructor with years of involvement in Financial-grade APIs.Things you'll learnBy the end of this course, you will have gained these skills:Understand the terminology of OAuth2 and OpenID Connect in-depthUnderstand the grant types for OAuth2 and OpenID Connect and how they vary between standardsUnderstand the correct way to handle errorsCorrect methodology for implementing these standards to avoid common vulnerabilitiesKnow where to go to find the most up-to-date, relevant information for application securityReady to learn?Then enrol now to start learning, with a 30-day money back guarantee."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
milize-lifeplan |
Price: 2400.00 ![]() |
"Sweat and Reset - Fitness Workouts" |
"8hr 41min of video content published, more hiit workouts that any other course. Sweat and reset is a set of professionally built workout videos, for every fitness level and goal. My workouts provide Day-by-day instruction, creating incredible, sustainable results. These workouts are intended to make you have cardio, lose weight, and burn fat. Sweat and Reset is a library of workouts that target the parts of your body that store fat. Both men and women can use these exercises to burn fat and live an overall healthier lifestyle."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"English Grammar in Use" |
"This course will help you to understand the different English tenses and learn how and when to use them fluently. We want to make learning grammar fun, so this course includes lots of visuals to help you understand the tense system in English, along with full explanations and examples of how and when each tense is used.As well as learning all of the different English Tenses, you will also learn how to use:Reported SpeechConjunctionsModal VerbsPassive VoiceQuestionsArticlesUncountable NounsTo + Infinitive ConstructionsGerund ConstructionsPronounsRelative ClausesAdjectives & AdverbsPrepositionsWith detailed video tutorials and practise worksheets for every unit of the course.Learn more advanced grammar and how it is used in Real English."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Sales Force DEV-401 Building Applications Visual Force Exam" |
"Sample Questions Q) Which of the following statements are true for finding a relationship? (Select all that apply):a) A maximum of two relationships are allowed for each objectb) Lookup attitude can span multiple layers toc) A parent is required to record for each childd) The search field is a required fieldQ) If the search field is not mandatory, what steps you can define the field, if someone removes the reference LookUp recording? (Select all that apply)a) Clear the value in this fieldb) Delete all records that contain this linkc) Do not allow the removal of search records, which is part of the search for relationshipsd) Remove this item alsoQ) If a developer wants to configure access so that the managers are always owned by the slave registry, which has developers should use?a) Organization-wide defaultb) role hierarchyc) exchange managementd) profilese) NoneQ) If the user has access to only one entrance, the function should be used?a) rollerb) role hierarchyc) profile settingsd) exchange managemente) None"
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"Professional Diploma in Digital Marketing Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Web spiders perform a key function in the search. What is it? Select one of the following:a) site indexingb) Rate websitec) analyze websited) website translatione) NoneQ) Implement Search Engine Optimization (SEO) involves two main aspects. Who are they? Select one of the following:a) On-site and off-siteb) On-site and micrositec) Outing and directoryd) On-site and cataloge) NoneQ) You want to display your name as a reference to the primary product search in the search results. Which meta tag will help you achieve this? Select one of the following:a) titleb) Descriptionc) Keywordd) updatee) NoneQ) You perform offsite optimization on your site. Which of the following is part of the exercise? Select one of the following:a) inbound linksb) Product registrationc) Domain Name Registrationd) canonizatione) None"
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"Aprende Business Intelligence con Qliksense desde cero" |
"Este curso tiene objetivo ensear Business intelligence (BI) desde cero, esta dirigido para cualquier persona que no tenga ninguna conocimiento, o que sea de cualquier perfil profesional. Porque vamos a empezar desde cero y llevarlos a un nivel intermedio. Y al terminar el curso tendrn la habilidad para transformar los datos en informacin, y la informacin en conocimiento, de forma que se puedan optimizar el proceso de toma de decisiones en los negocios, ya sea en su propia empresa o en alguna donde sean consultores o trabajen en relacin dependencia. Ademas este curso estar en constante actualizacin, con lo cual los estudiantes estarn en un aprendizaje continuo. Al final del curso el estudiante alcanzara un nivel intermedio."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
Recoloque-se |
"Com o aumento do desemprego, temos muitos profissionais qualificados disponveis no mercado. Este fato, atrelado diminuio da oferta de vagas, torna os processos seletivos cada vez mais disputados e os candidatos, cada vez mais bem preparados.Acompanhar o mercado, entender as novas necessidades dele e aprimorar suas habilidades em demonstrar seus conhecimentos e experincias so os primeiros passos para quem quer se recolocar.Conseguir traduzir tudo isto na linguagem de resultados (resultados que voc gerou como pode agregar para a empresa a qual est se candidatando) pode te trazer um grande diferencial.Para se recolocar no mercado exigente e concorrido, preciso surpreender e se destacar. E exatamente por isso que passaremos por 10 Mdulos, trabalhando aspectos importantes como:PlanejamentoAutoconhecimentoPreparando seu currculoPreparando-se para entrevistas (presencial, telefone, Skype)Testes PsicolgicosDinmicas de grupoPreparando-se para usar seu ingls (currculos, entrevistas, testes, etc)Preparando-se para usar seu espanhol (currculos, entrevistas, testes, etc)Como manter-se motivado no novo empregoAlm dos 41 vdeos que voc ter acesso, o Recoloque-se um programa prtico! Ou seja, voc ter tarefas para cumprir que te ajudaro no desenvolvimento das habilidades que so fundamentais para a sua recolocao."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Take 21" |
"It takes 21 consecutive days to create a habit. But where do you start? And what habit do you want to start? It can be overwhelming to make a change. Therefore, I present to you, a list of 21 things you can try. This way, you get some ideas about what you like and don't like and can choose the ones that do work for you. Once you've made your decision (and you'll feel much better by this point), you can create your own habits. This workshop will help you stay accountable by joining others doing the same, recording daily in your journal and giving you something to think about and try each day."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Learn Microsoft Excel From Scratch Practically" |
"In this course, you will learn the fundamentals of Excel and become an effective user. The target audience for the course are those who have never used Excel before and those who are beginner level users. You would need a copy of Microsoft Excel for Windows since you will be practicing along with the course. I use Excel 2013 for Windows in the videos but any version with Excel 2007 for Windows or later would work.Your professional instructor will talk you through Excel features, starting with the basics, from creating files to editing existing documents. You'll start with creating a new workbook and entering text and numbers, moving onto saving and printing your documents."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Manualidades en Foami / Goma Eva para tu Hogar" |
"nete a este taller en lnea de Manualidades para principiantes y aprovecha tu tiempo libre para relajarte mientras fabricas adornos y accesorios para tu hogar, para regalar o para vender!Hacer este tipo de actividades y manualidades nos ayuda a desestresarnos , es una manera creativa de desconectarse despus de un da difcil, de generar ingresos adicionales o simplemente desear hacer hermosos accesorios que nadie ms tendr, y en este curso puedo mostrarte cmo!!! El curso se compone de vdeos para que puedas ver el proceso de creacin paso a paso y patrones de todo lo que te enseamos. Podrs aprender tcnicas, trucos y mucho ms.Te animamos a que descubras tu lado ms creativo, e iniciar tu propio negocio y puedas vender tus creaciones.Cuando compres este curso, tendrs acceso inmediato y sin caducidad. Aunque lo compres ya, lo podrs hacer cuando tengas el tiempo. No necesitas experiencia previa, simplemente ganas de pasar un rato agradable y de sacar a flote tu creatividad."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Excel-Gesto Essencial de Dados" |
"Excel-Gesto Essencial de DadosEm um mundo em constante transformao e com a velocidade com que os dados so processados, bem como com a quantidade de informaes apresentadas, necessrio que voc esteja preparado para fazer parte desse universo. No curso, ""Excel-Gesto Essencial de Dados"" voc vai aprender como desenvolver relatrios, otimizar planilhas e proteger seus dados contra invasores. Atravs de um mtodo nico e diferenciado de ensino, voc ser capaz de logo nas primeiras aulas, aplicar as funes do Excel, mesmo que voc nunca tenha feito nenhum relacionamento com a ferramenta.O curso rene as principais ferramentas do Excel para quem est iniciando, atravs dele, voc ter o ponto chave para mudana do seu estilo profissional. Aplique os conhecimentos obtidos atravs do curso e seja reconhecido em seu ambiente de trabalho. Assim, fica bem mais fcil conseguir aquela to sonhada vaga de emprego ou at mesmo a promoo dos seus sonhos.A quem se destina ?O curso foi feito para voc profissional que realmente deseja aprender os princpios do Excel. Se livre de uma vez por todas de ter que pedir para algum formatar a sua tabela. Se voc quer realmente se desenvolver, esse o caminho!*** ATENO** Para quem NO esse curso? Bom, para todos que j tem um domnio avanado e para aqueles que so autossuficientes no Excel, realmente esse curso no para voc. Nosso espao destinado as pessoas que desejam crescimento na vida e desenvolvimento profissional. Qual a diferena do seu curso ?Esse curso voltado para as pessoas que querem ter realmente o essencial do Excel, sem enrolao e com muita prtica. Atravs do nosso mtodo, auxiliamos pessoas a realizar os sonhos e se desenvolverem cada vez mais. Se junte a milhares de pessoas que decidiram transformar dados dispersos em informaes relevantes para tomada de deciso. Entenda isso, ""Eu quero que voc tenha resultados extraordinrios"", coloque em prtica nossos ensinamentos, tire suas dvidas e desfrute dos resultados.Suporte 24/7 do Instrutor(direto comigo) isso mesmo, no h terceiros respondendo suas dvidas.Acesso vitalcio as aulas, voc poder ver quantas vezes quiser.Conquiste o conhecimento do qual voc possa se orgulhar.Aumente seu nvel e explore suas potencialidades.A deciso sua, vamos?Talvez seja por isso que voc no consegue ter resultados, procrastinao , isso mesmo, voc no pode mais adiar seus sonhos, se junte a milhares de estudantes espalhados por mais de 30 pases que j assistiram aos nossos cursos e tiveram seus conhecimentos elevados. A oportunidade agora!Acredite, voc o nico responsvel por suas aes! Te espero l.Angelo Ponciano"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Develop Effective Time Management Techniques and Skills" |
"We all have 24 hours in a day. But, why does it seem that some people are able to get the most out of every minute of the day? Believe it or not, they don't have the power to slow down time. They do, however, know how to properly manage their time.Want to know how you can become a master of Time Management as well?Let's Begin....This Time Management course has been designed to provide you with techniques and insights on how to achieve success in life and business by managing your time efficiently and effectively, thus increasing your productivity in the workplace. You will learn skills on how to take control of your time and achieve your goals."
Price: 500.00 ![]() |
"Corso di Fotografia Digitale Base" |
"Vieni a conoscere Emilio Bottazzi il tuo nuovo tutordi fotografia digitale.Un corso completo per conoscere le funzioni di basedel tuo corpo macchina, delle ottiche standard edelle funzioni fondamentali per iniziare a fare i tuoi primiscatti da vero professionista.7 lezioni con esercizi pratici, video in Full HD On Camera e tanti suggerimenti per scattare al meglio in modo divertente"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Gestin de tareas en Bitrix24" |
"Este curso proporciona meses de aprendizaje y experiencia en un video curso de 1 hora aproximadamente.Habiendo implementado Bitrix para muchas compaas, entiendo las necesidades de las empresas en general y he tratado de abordar muchos de esos problemas en este curso. Trato tambin de explicar de forma sencilla todas las posibilidades que tiene Bitrix24 en el funcionamiento de tareas.Voy a intentar responder a todas las preguntas que se hacen en Udemy sobre este curso."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Boost Your Japanese Speaking Skills: Conversational Course" |
"""Boost Your Japanese Speaking Skills"" is a course FULLY TAUGHT IN JAPANESE designed towards Elementary to Pre-Intermediate level speakers of Japanese, aimed at improving students' verbal skills to Upper-Intermediate Level. It is taught by Mira, JLPT N1 certified instructor living & working in Japan for almost 10 years. You will learn the target grammar structures, vocabulary, culture notes and gestures, so you can speak and sound native in Japanese. This course includes: Real life conversationsLectures on grammar explanation and vocabularyIntroduction of Japanese manners and gesturesCulture Note series on hot and useful topicsFull English captions for all the videos Each section focuses on a certain theme and explores it from multiple angles allowing you to understand the subject more in depth. There are 3 main end goals from this course: Learn grammatical structures and put them in practice to formulate sentences of your own Expand vocabulary to better understand conversational Japanese Familiarize ourselves with gestures and topics unique to JapanIf you want to make Japanese friends, if you want to speak to locals in your next trip to Japan or if you simply want to take your Japanese to the next level, this course will help you succeed in improving your Japanese. *Credit to Vecteezy(dot)com for the course image"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |