Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Der Weg aus der Heiserkeit" |
"Die Stimme trgt Dein Inneres nach Auen. Nervositt und Stress sind sofort hrbar. Wie gelingt uns eine kraftvolle Stimme trotz der psychischen inneren Faktoren? Setze jetzt die 1.Schritte in eine gesunde und fite Stimme, die dir Volumen und Selbstsicherheit gibt. Hier lernst du deinen Stimmapparat in einfachen Schritten kennen und bekommst eine logisch aufgebaute Anleitung um mit einem perfekten Voice Warm Up in deine Gesprche zu starten."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
trading-options-ru |
". . . . . . , , , ! !"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Crafting a Resume & Cover Letter That Gets You the Interview" |
"Writing a resume and winning cover letter that sells your strengths and gets you noticed by those hiring managers can be intimidating and time consuming.This course is a step by step guide and strategies to structure your resume, sell your strengths that brand you above the competition and land that interview.In this course you will learn in 90 minutes:Develop a standout resume that gives you that competitive advantageStep by step walkthrough of writing a resume and cover letter that lands the interviewHow to brand your strengths throughout your resumeResume basics including format, structure, sections to include and what not to doIdentify those action words and key SEO words that move your resume to the top of the pile in applicant tracking systemsTips on how to brand your skills and strengths in the cover letter in response to a job descriptionImprove your cover letter writing skills with a step by step systematic approachParticipant guide for guidance, support, and examples for the resume and cover letter writingprocessThis course is not full of jargon - this will be quick, easy, and to help you brand your resume to stand out from others.This course will include a downloadable PDF workbook."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Tcnicas de Vendas Bsicas e Conceitos de Negociao" |
"Os conceitos essenciais de tcnicas de vendas vm sendo perdidos com o tempo. Muitos profissionais de vendas realizam cursos avanados sem nunca ter tido a oportunidade de receber formalmente as tcnicas bsicas. De uma forma objetiva, simples e clara, este curso transmite conceitos e tcnicas aplicveis e que servem de base para metodologias mais avanadas. Atende desde vendedores iniciantes, como profissionais mais experientes que queiram dar uma rpida reciclada. Serve ainda para profissionais de qualquer rea, pois saber vender til para todo mundo."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Corso di Tedesco: Il lessico base per ogni occasione" |
"In questo corso semplice e intuitivo scoprirai il lessico base per poter iniziare a parlare di svariati argomenti in tedesco. Oltre a insegnarti le parole pi comuni, ti mostrer come puoi impare ogni giorno nuove parole senza sforzo e come fissarle nella tua memoria a lungo termine per non dimenticartele mai pi.Ti mostrer inoltre come imparare sempre nuove parole divertendoti!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft word 2019 from A - Z" |
"2019 ( - - - - - - - - - - - ) - - - - ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
Rshiny |
"Rshiny . . , . 2 Rshiny , , . , ."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"SEO Mastery Course in Hindi, SEO Amazon Affiliate Marketing SEO SEO seo amazon affiliate marketing SEO - amazon affiliate marketing"
Price: 1600.00 ![]() |
"Lezioni di canto - livello avanzato" |
"Amplia la tua tecnica vocale con descrizioni accurate ed esempi pratici sui registri vocali, anatomia della laringe, e gli elementi per la creazione del suono (bocca, lingua, palato molle, subpalato, mascella). Descrizione del passaggio di registro, della modifica delle vocali, degli stili vocali quali il twang il cry, il belting. Voce distorta e in overdrive. Quello che volevi sapere in un unico corso avanzato!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Break Free From iPhone, Screen, Social Media, Tech Addiction" |
"***COMPLETE 2020 IPHONE COURSE THAT WILL HELP YOU BEAT PHONE ADDICTION AND SOCIAL MEDIA ADDICTION******FOR IPHONE USERS USING IOS 13 AND OLDER******INCLUDING HOW TO USE AND SETUP SCREEN TIME AND FAMILY SHARING***Do you want to stop being your iPhone's slave and become the master instead? Do you want to focus more on your relationships, career, studies, aspirations, and self-development?Do you want to keep using your iPhone but control your phone usage?Do you want to transform your iPhone into an ally instead of an enemy?Do you want to improve your iPhone knowledge so you can use your close companion wisely?Do you want to set the right example for your children when it comes to your iPhone usage?Do you want to learn how to set limits, parental controls and put restrictions for yourself and your children?Do you want to end your days having spent your attention, time and energy effectively and not wasted on your iPhone?Although the terms ""phone addiction"" and ""social media addiction"" become more and more popular, we can't just stop using tech and screens. Tech is here to stay, so we need to learn how to use our iPhones and social media in moderation. That's exactly what you will learn in this course.There is no debate that we are using our phones and social media way too much. Just look around you and it seems being on our phones constantly is the new societal norm. Now with the coronavirus outbreak, we use our smartphones and social media constantly since we're home so much. Many of us, however, tell ourselves that we should stop acting like our phone's slave. There are other matters in life that are much more important. That's why you are here. When you use an iPhone, then this course is for you. You will learn:The detrimental effects of too much social media and phone usageWhich iPhone options you need to enableWhich iPhone options you need to disableWhich privacy settings and security settings you need to check and modifyHow to preserve battery life and which battery settings you want to checkEverything you need to know about Screen Time and Family Sharing and how to set it up for yourself and your childrenHow to use your instant messaging apps (Apple's Messages, WhatsApp, Viber, Facebook Messenger) wiselyHow to use your social media apps (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, TikTok, YouTube, YoutTube Kids) wiselyHow to use your mail apps (Apple's Mail, Gmail) wiselyWhich other external tracking and blocking apps can help you with your iPhone usageNon-tech related tips on how to curb phone addiction and social media addictionTips and tricks for your iPhone you don't even know aboutFacts about social media addiction and phone addictionYou will also find downloadable instructions for every lesson.Join this course now and begin immediately to end your phone addiction and social media addiction. It is time you unchain yourself from your iPhone and show it who's boss.Start using your social media apps, instant messaging apps, and mail apps wisely so they don't distract you constantly. Use tech to beat tech and inspire your children, family, and friends to do the same.Enroll now, have your iPhone with you and let's get started!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Aprend a colocar Porcelanato Lquido" |
"Bienvenido a la instancia online del Curso de Porcelanato Lquido.El curso incluye:- Video prctico de aplicacin.- Manual instructivo en diapositivas.- Fotos de trabajos terminados y diseos de pisos 3D.- Asesoramiento continuo post-curso.- Acceso a los productos.Aprenders:Diferencia y uso de materiales.Cules son las herramientas a utilizar.Problemas y soluciones.Incluye certificado de asistencia."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Wed-in-Bliss - How To Plan Your Wedding!" |
"Congratulations!You're either engaged and planning your wedding OR you're helping someone to plan theirs? Whatever the reason may be for joining us today, we can not wait to get started on this emotional journey with you and we're looking forward to following your journey!We guide you through the entire process of planning your wedding slowly, saving you time, money and HOURS of research!Alongside our exciting video workshop, we have created an e-workbook for you. It's packed FULL of tips, tricks, templates and so much more to make this journey a whole load of fun but above all, we'll be setting you up for a smooth operation, dodging any potholes and avoiding unnecessary spending and aggravation along the way.Let's begin, shall we? Happy Planning, Nikki & Alisha xoxo"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"! , , ! , , , , , , , , , ! ! , ! ! ? , ! , ( ) ! ! ! , ! - ( ). , - , , . # !"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"MSA - Anlise do Sistema de Medio" |
"Objetivos do curso de MSA 4 Edio:- Garantir a qualidade dos dados obtidos;- Identificar os fatores externos que podem estar atrapalhando os resultados obtidos;- Ajudar na avaliao custo/benefcio da obteno dos dados;- Interpretar os resultados dos diferentes tipos de estudos como R&R, Estabilidade, Linearidade, Tendncia e Estudos por Atributos.- Disponibilizar planilhas para facilitar o uso e entendimento dos participantes deste curso."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate English Course For Every Real Life Situation" |
"When it comes to learning a new language, the most important thing is to be able to speak confidently and use the proper vocabulary that native speakers will understand. Grammar and spelling are important, but certainly not what makes a person speak fluently and with confidence!Fluency and confidence come from authentic experiences, which is why this course was specifically designed for those who are looking to improve their English conversation skills by learning English in a proper context, through real-life situations and examples.This course includes 12 different real-life situations that you will likely encounter whether you are travelling to an English speaking city for a business trip or on vacation. If you already live in an English speaking city or country and are simply looking to brush up on your vocabulary skills and gain more confidence, this course will also be great for you.We understand that todays attention span is quite short for the average person, which is why weve created aesthetic and visually appealing videos and slides that are sure to capture your attention. We waste no time in our lessons, each minute contains valuable information for you to learn!The 12 real-life situations weve covered in great detail are:At The Coffee ShopAt The HotelAt The AirportAt The Post OfficeAt The Grocery StoreAt The Doctor/PharmacyAt The GymAt The RestaurantAt The MallAt The DentistAt The BankOn The StreetIn each section of this course, weve included:Extensive vocabulary words that native English speakers actually use, with images to help reinforce your learning,Useful conversation tips that will help you when speaking to native English speakers,Sample dialogues of what you can say (or what someone might say to you) in each situation, so you can practice on your own until the dialogue becomes natural,A short quiz (multiple choice) to help you retain the new vocabulary words of each section,Downloadable resources such as the PDF slides and the MP3 audio file of each section, so that you can listen & learn from anywhere, anytime!With lifetime access to this course, the options are endless! If you know that you will be going into a specific situation in the near future (e.g., staying at a hotel in an English speaking city), you can always come back to this course and pick which sections to review. In addition, you can download the resources and retake any quiz to help refresh your memory before going into each situation!For easy understanding and viewing, captions/subtitles are available in English for this course! We have a current coupon code promo for a discount! Hurry before the offer expires: BABA110BC18244A71D27About our instructor:Jasmine is a Canadian native English speaker, fluent in both English and French. She has a certified teaching license in Canada and has multiple years of teaching experience under her belt, both in-person and online. Jasmine is specialized in teaching a second language, which is why she understands that speaking in an authentic way, using the real intonation and speed of a native English speaker, is the best way for you to learn."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Master Salsa Basic in 5 Days!" |
"LEARN SALSA BASICS IN 5 DAYS! Have you always wanted to learn salsa? But never had the time to go to classes?Then, this online course is perfect for you!This is a 5-days course that will teach you all the important Cuban salsa basics so that you start dancing in no time. It doesn't matter if you have never danced salsa before or you have no dancing experience at all, we will teach you step by step slowly right from the beginning!Let's get started! *The course was directed by the International Emmy Awards nominated director, Yosuke Hosoi."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Supreme Immunity: Naturally Optimize Your Immune System" |
"Radically raise your baseline of health and immune function to a level where you are more or less free from the worry and anxiety of getting sick. Stressors that create disease in others no longer show up on your radar, and you can easily handle whatever life throws at you.What you'll learn:Key principles to maximize health and vitalityThe highest-return strategies for boosting immunity and all the other human defense systemsLittle-known nutritional concepts to ensure that your diet is actually a good fit for your unique body/geneticsHow to trigger the body's built-in mechanism to automatically clean up sick cells and heal itselfEasy and effective ways to reduce chronic stressBy the end of this class, you'll have everything you need to set yourself up for superior immunity and sustainable, evergreen health and vitality."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Digital Pattern Making Breakthrough Approach-Fashion Design" |
"Learn Pattern Making the MODERN way - with Basic Block Creation formulae - for absolute beginners!!!This is a course designed for fashion enthusiasts who would like to learn how to create printable sewing patterns from scratch using Adobe Illustrator.---Why Adobe Illustrator (AI)? AI it is a popular graphic design tool that everyone can have access to on their laptop or desktop. AI saves you a lot of time, saves you from your backache/neck pain when drawing paper patterns, gives you a lot of flexibility and the most precise, smooth, and professional-looking patterns. When you need the patterns ready for cutting, you could print them out (within a few minutes) at a Photocopying Shop, requesting for A0 Size Paper Roll;or you can print them out at home using your home printer, and attach the A4-sized pieces of paper together.In 10 years, 20 years from now, these same patterns can still be stored on your hard drives, without the need for you to stockpile thousands of paper patterns in your storage space.Anyone can apply the same techniques and the same formulae learnt through this course to create gorgeous and body-fitting patterns. If you are a beginner, you can refer to the videos and documents provided in the lectures to create blocks from scratch. If you are a professional designer, you can use the same techniques to draw any pattern you design in the future.In this course, you will learn how to create from scratch:- A bodice block- A dress block- A skirt block- A trousers block- A collar block- A sleeve block- The slash and spread method- Waist adaptationsand so much more.Now it's time to start! If you enjoy digital pattern making, please send a rating or a feedback to help other students find the course.I wish you all the greatest successes in digital pattern-making and I look forward to seeing all the digital printable patterns you will be able create after this course!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"L'Arte del Filmmaker" |
"Questo un video corso di filmmaking diverso dagli altri. Perch?Perch questo corso stato concepito per insegnarti un'arte e non solo delle tecniche di ripresa o di montaggio.Far di pi, in questo corso ti aiuter a trovare la tua arte nascosta.Perch tanti sanno fare video, ma nessuno li pu fare come li fai te.In questo corso ti spiegher :- perch realizziamo video: non una domanda banale e nemmeno la risposta- dell'essenza del video: l'idea o la storia- le fasi della produzione cinematografica- ti parler della inquadrature, della fotografia e del significato psicologico, ti mostrer come iniziare un montaggio con un software davvero speciale- ti parler delle varie tipologie di video: dagli spot, ai video musicali ai documentari e cortometraggi con tutti i miei consigli- infine una serie di lezioni per migliorare il proprio stile e come infrangere le regole per diventare originali e creativi"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Reaktive Programmierung mit RxJS" |
"Mein Name ist Georg Schessler und ich bin ein freiberuflicher Frontend Softwareentwickler. Ich untersttze bei meiner Ttigkeit meist grere Teams groer Unternehmen in der Entwicklung. RxJS gehrt dabei zu meinen Standard-Werkzeugen, die ich im tglichen Berufsleben nutze.Mit RxJS holst du die Vorteile der reaktiven und funktionalen Programmierung in deinen Code rein und machst ihn stabiler, leserlicher und performant.Ich werde dir die Vorgeschichte zur RxJS erzhlen und dich mit der Basis den Observables vertraut machen, um dann tief in die Funktionalitten von RxJS einzutauchen."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Data Wiping & Media Destruction" |
"The Introduction to Data Wiping & Media Destruction Course is designed to educate participants on the basics of data destruction processes in electronics recycling and reuse environments, and enable participants to identify the potential threats, vulnerabilities, inconsistencies and incompatibilities that can impact data destruction operations. The course was developed by Mike Cheslock of E-Reuse Services, and is based on his more than 13 years of experience in data destruction operations and process implementation. In this course, we cover terms & definitions, common data destruction methods including physical destruction, degaussing and data wiping procedures and their associated strengths & weaknesses, quality control, reporting and employee training. At completion of this course, participants will have a strong understanding of how to implement and evaluate data destruction processes."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Grade 2 Math in French - Mathmatiques de 2e anne" |
"Ce cours comprend des vidos et des instructions en franais pour couvrir le programme de mathmatiques de 2e anne suivant:Numration et sens du nombreDnombrement: Pour dnombrer, llve apprend compter, reconnatre les symboles et tablir des rapports entre les nombres et les quantits. Quantit: Pour quantifier, llve est amen associer un nombre ce qui peut tre dnombr ou mesur. Relations. Llve est amen tablir des relations entre les nombres en apprenant reconnatre et utiliser les rgularits des nombres pour dgager des liens. Reprsentations: Llve apprend reprsenter symboliquement un nombre, ce qui suppose de sa part une comprhension des concepts de chiffre, de quantit, de rang et de valeur de position.Sens des oprations: Llve est amen saisir le sens des oprations, ce qui suppose de sa part une comprhension des concepts et des procdures qui interviennent dans les oprations mathmatiques.La mesureUnits de mesure: En se servant dunits de mesure non conventionnelles, llve apprend estimer, mesurer, dcrire et comparer les dimensions, le primtre, laire, la capacit et la masse de divers objets ou diverses formes. Relations: Llve apprend tablir et dcrire des relations qui existent dans les mesures de temps, de longueur, daire, de capacit et de masse.Gomtrie et sens de lespace Proprits des formes gomtriques: En explorant les formes gomtriques et leurs proprits, llve apprend dcrire le monde qui lentoure. Position et dplacement: En explorant les concepts de position et de dplacement, llve apprend se situer et situer des objets dans le monde qui lentoure.Modlisation et algbre Rgularits et suites. Llve apprend reprer et dcrire une rgularit dans une suite non numrique motif rpt ou dans une suite numrique pour lui permettre ensuite de crer ou de prolonger des suites non numriques et numriques. galits: Llve apprend reprsenter des situations dgalit, ce qui laide trouver la valeur de linconnue dans une quation simple.Traitement de donnes et probabilit Collecte, reprsentation et interprtation de donnes: Llve apprend recueillir des donnes primaires, les consigner en utilisant diverses mthodes, les reprsenter laide de diagrammes pictogrammes ou de diagrammes bandes et interprter ces diagrammes. Probabilit: En ralisant des expriences simples, llve apprend faire des prdictions et dcrire la probabilit des rsultats."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Aplicacin de la norma NOM035" |
"Al finalizar este curso, el participante conocer a detalle el contenido de la norma NOM-035-STPS-2018, Factores de riesgo psicosocial identificacin, anlisis y prevencin; y conocer las actividades que se deben realizar para implementar la NOM-035 en su empresa o apoyar a otras empresas en su implementacin.Contexto organizacional actual y antecedentes de la norma NOM035.Objetivo y alcance de la norma NOM 035.Factores de riesgo psicosocial y elementos del entorno organizacional favorable.Obligaciones del patrn y obligaciones del trabajador.Que debe contener la poltica de prevencin de riesgos psicosociales.Como identificar a los trabajadores sujetos a acontecimientos traumticos severos.Como realizar la identificacin y anlisis de factores de riesgo psicosocial.Como realizar la evaluacin del entorno organizacional.Cuando practicar exmenes mdicos y evaluaciones psicolgicas a los trabajadores.Que registros necesita la empresa como evidencia.Cuando aplican las medidas de prevencin y control.Herramienta para registro de cuestionarios a los trabajadores."
Price: 1920.00 ![]() |
"CNCpediA -Programmazione CNC ISO Fanuc per centri di lavoro" |
"Impara a programmare le macchine CNC! Che tu sia un hobbista con una piccola fresatrice a casa o che tu sia un professionista che lavora nella meccanica da anni, con questo corso potrai imparare le basi di programmazione ISO del linguaggio Fanuc. Quando avrai finito il corso sarai in grado di:- Leggere programmi ISO- Programmare pezzi semplici o complessi, combinando i cicli che ti verranno insegnati nel corso- Avere una base tecnica per poterti affacciare ad una professione interessante, stimolante e con grandissima richiesta nel mercato del lavoroIl corso spiegato in maniera semplice ed sempre accompagnato da esempi pratici che aiutano la comprensione, oltre ai contenuti scaricabili a fine capitolo che potrai salvare e rivedere quante volte vorrai. Inoltre il corso in continua evoluzione: acquistalo oggi e ti garantirai tutti gli aggiornamenti futuri e le aggiunte che verranno fatte sulla base dei feedback degli utenti.Sei pronto a diventare un programmatore CNC?"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Day Trading Ichimoku-Mthode de Trading Range- Forex, Bourse" |
"Si vous cherchez un moyen de rellement lever votre capital de faon rapide et exponentielle, vous tes au bon endroit.Je vous livre ici Tous les Secrets du systme Ichimoku Kinko Hyo et du Trading Range pour Performer en Bourse.Regardons ensemble de quoi il s'agit.Dans cette Mthode, vous apprendrez:- La manire la plus sre de trader pour prserver votre capital de pertes importantes.- Comment Trader les Ranges, ma spcialit- Comment Trader les tendances et quel moment- Comment Trader a contre TendanceEt surtout mon plus Grand Secret, Comment Anticiper et Trader un Range avant tout le monde, technique que je n'ai jamais vu enseign ailleurs.Choisissez une Mthode de Trading rellement Rentable et Scuris: la fin de ce cours, Ichimoku et le Trading Range n'auront plus de secrets pour vous et avec de l'entrainement et beaucoup de travail, vous pourrez profiter des rcompenses financires alloues tout trader srieux et tre un expert dans ce domaine.Ce n'est pas tout, avec ce cours, je vous accompagne si vous avez malgr tout des difficults, soit par mail, soit par tlphone, autant de temps que ncessaire.AmicalementPhilippe Mesniger"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Professional Makeup For Acne Prone Skin" |
"Hello beautiful ladies! This is a perfect course which will teach you how to create easy and effective makeup when you are on the go, but in particular, this course is also for those who deal with acne-prone or imperfect skin, and how to create the best makeup look to conceal it, helping your skin looks natural and radiant."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"21 dias de Desapego - DESAFIO" |
"Todas as atividades foram pensadas para poder te trazer conscincia e o desapego que precisa nesse momento. Os 21 dias so o mnimo que precisamos para poder transformar nossos hbitos. Confie e se permita realizar todas as atividades, para que ao final voc sinta a transformao que deseja. Cada um ter os aprendizados que estiver pronto, o universo tem uma sabedoria nica!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Atendimento e Vendas pelo Whatsapp Business" |
"Vrias pesquisas apontam o atendimento como um dos principais fatores para reter ou perder clientes e que 68% dos consumidores pagariam mais por um servio ou produto se tivessem um atendimento melhor.Somando questo que o Whatsapp foi o aplicado mais baixado pelos brasileiros em 2019, 98% das empresas utilizam as redes sociais para atender os seus clientes e 55,7% dos clientes preferem entrar em contato com o SAC de uma empresa pelo Chat, fundamental que todo atendente esta preparado para atender da melhor forma o cliente por este canal.Mas infelizmente o que possvel perceber ERROS e DESPREPARO em muitos atendimentos, como:- Demora em retornar as mensagens dos clientes;- Falta de cordialidade ao tratar o cliente pelas mensagens por texto;- Frieza nas mensagens;- Uso inadequado de emojis e textos;- Falta de conhecimento dos recursos disponveis para facilitar o atendimento;- E muito mais...O contedo do curso foi desenvolvido pensando em evitar estes tipos de situaes, desenvolver a qualidade e o encantamento do atendimento em negcios de todos segmento, bem como prestao de servios, comrcio, clnicas, lanchonetes, bares, delivery e muito mais. Voc vai aprender tcnicas SIMPLES que podem ser aplicadas IMEDIATAMENTE no atendimento via Whatsapp Business e deixar os cliente encantados e aumentar a converso em vendas.Se voc trabalha com atendimento e vendas pelo aplicativo de mensagens mais utilizado no Brasil, este curso para voc! So ensinadas tcnicas que deixaro o seu atendimento diferenciado e ser elogiado pelos clientes. Todo o contedo baseado em vrios anos de experincia em projetos de e-commerce e realizando atendimento e vendas pelo Whatsapp."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Crie ambientes decorados do zero com qualidade profissional" |
"O curso tem como objetivo capacitar os alunos para a criao de espaos de interiores decorados, utilizando o Homestyler em projetos prticos e situaes reais. Com as tcnicas aplicadas, voc ser capaz de estruturar espaos arquitetonicamente, compor decoraes gerando um estilo prprio, compreender disposies tridimensionais, alm de gerar o produto final do projeto atravs da extrao de plantas baixas e imagens 3D realsticas."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"TOEFL iBT (26+) Complete Preparation Course!" |
"Course DescriptionDo you want to score 100+ on the TOEFL iBT? We have the course for you!I have been a dedicated TOEFL iBT Instructor for more than 12 years. Learning the TOEFL iBT is a challenge because it is not simply about knowing English, but actually requires test strategy and tactics that have proven results. The TOEFL iBT is an online exam and so your taking this course will allow you to study in the format that is best for the exam.NEW UPDATE: Every section of our course has been updated. We have revised our course to reflect the latest question formats and strategies necessary to succeed at those questions.New: Accelerate Course Syllabus (Located Section 1)This is a FULL and COMPLETE Course. We do not teach a surface level course that tells you the basics of the exam. To truly break down and simplify the questions for you so that the test becomes easy requires the depth of explanation we give. I teach you as if you were taking a full in-person course that would require extensive training. Based on our style, our students often increase their score by 15 - 20 points or more. Our course teaches the strategies in a practical manner so that you can apply them on the exam.What You Get From This CourseOver 150 Lectures (Over 60 Hours Video Teaching)Strategies and Tactics for Each SectionInstructor Led Examples of Mastering Each SectionFree Participation in Live Courses to Review Application of StrategyExam Advice From Past Examiners/GradersCourse BenefitsFree Participation in our Live Online Course covering different subjectsHaving Written Essays Evaluated (time and number of requests permitting)Watching Live Teacher Demonstrations to Succeed on Every SectionHaving Access to Consistently Updated Teacher ExamplesFree Participation in Peer Review for WritingBy the end of the Understanding TOEFL course, you will:be familiar with all parts of the TOEFL testhave some useful tips to help you achieve your TOEFL goalsunderstand how the TOEFL test is assessedCourse Structure This TOEFL Course is organized by skill: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. Each skill area has four key components:Starting out: introducing the strategies and tactics for each area, explaining task types and providing hints not only on how to prepare but also on how to achieve the best marks on each test section.Advice and tutorial videos: Our experts explain the application of the tactics and strategies.Course RequirementsA minimum of Intermediate level EnglishAbility to Actively and Consistently ParticipateYou Need a Score of 79+Target AudienceA non-EU trained health professional applying to register with the NMC (Nursing & Midwifery Council)?An international medical graduate taking the PLAB test to register with the GMC (General Medical Council)?A qualified pharmacist, dentist, nurse or physical therapist that needs this course for licensing?A student applying for Bachelor, Masters, or Doctorate programs in the USA, UK, Australia, or Canada.An international medical graduate applying for residency in the USA or Canada.This TOEFL iBT Course has received 2018 Updates!! Unlike many of the books and other courses, our primary focus is on APPLICATION of strategy and tactics. We do more than tell you what to do, we SHOW you how to do it. If that is what you have been looking for, this course is the right one for you. This is a COMPLETE course."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Qlik Sense Recipes" |
"Qlik Sense is a great tool for exploring data and empowering analysts to generate reports. It truly puts the user in control with self-serve business intelligence. This video course is your guide to getting the most out of Qlik Sense and will help you solve common problems you might come across while using it. This course contains practical recipes covering the various key tasks you can accomplish with Qlik Sense, from visualizing your data to analyzing it. The course also contains some handy recipes for troubleshooting various possible issues in Qlik SenseBI. Well ensure that you have the tricks of the trade to mastering Qlik Sense for effective visual analytics. By the end of the course, you will have upgraded your skills and knowledge to be able to efficiently and become confident in implementing Qlik Sense for your real-world projects. Some prior knowledge of Qlik Sense (and familiarity with Excel and SQL) is assumed for this course.About the AuthorAbhishek Agarwal has 12+ years' experience in developing analytical solutions. He is a seasoned business intelligence (BI) professional with expertise in multiple technologies. He has been teaching BI technologies for the past 5+ years, working in a similar domain. He uses QlikView, Power BI, Tableau, and a couple of other technologies for end-to-end analytical solution development in his current work."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |