Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"PHP basics" |
"PHP is a language written for the Web, quick to learn, easy to deploy and provides substantial functionality required for e-commerce. This course introduces the PHP framework and syntax and covers in depth the most important techniques used to build dynamic Web sites. Enroll today and deploy your project tomorrow !"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Web Interaction for Everyone" |
"In Web Interaction for Everyone, we use practical real-world scenarios to demonstrate fundamental web interaction development techniques. Upon completion, youll have built an entire library of awesome web components from scratch using pure HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This fast-paced and fun course begins with building simple switches, toggles, tabs, and accordions. As the building blocks of a great web interaction take hold, we craft more complex interactions like dropdown menus, modal dialogs, sortables, and touch-enabled sliders. Finally, we dive into reactive interfaces and discover how frameworks like Vue.js and React can be used to abstract the tedium of state management in larger applications."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Kinetic Thinking" |
"Do you ever think about how you think? We go to the gym to exercise our bodies, but where do we exercise our minds?We typically think of entrepreneurs and innovators as seeing things we do not see and doing things that we do not. Perception and action are fundamental aspects of entrepreneurial behaviour. There are different ways of seeing and doing, regulated by our thinking and shaped by habits, routine and life experience.This course will explore the levers of thinking that define how we respond when the future taps us on the shoulder. They form four distinct styles, all essential for navigating the entrepreneurial journey towards innovation. You will have the opportunity to learn about your own individual style and begin to develop pathways to new ways of thinking."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Your Guide to Negotiating A Payment Plan with the IRS" |
"A easy to follow online course that gives you you step-by-step guidance on setting up an affordable IRS payment plan. This course will guide you through the process of getting a payment plan that you can afford, saving you time and money, while equipping you with the confidence to get the results you want. With the purchase of this course, if are a Florida Attorney you will also get 2 CLE hours!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Supera tu proceso de seleccin y entrevista de trabajo" |
"El mercado laboral es cada vez mas competitivo, en la actual situacin de incertidumbre y con la previsible crisis econmica tras el coronavirus, los puestos de trabajo van a escasear. Os propongo mi mtodo para prepararte, diferenciarte, y lograr vencer en el duro proceso de conseguir el puesto de trabajo que quieres."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Grade 7 Math in French - Mathmatiques de 7e anne" |
"Ce cours comprend des vidos et des instructions en franais pour couvrir le programme de mathmatiques de 7e anne suivant:Numration et sens du nombre Quantit: Pour quantifier, llve est amen associer un nombre ce qui peut tre dnombr ou mesur. Relations: Llve est amen tablir des relations entre les nombres en apprenant comprendre les rapports entre les nombres et les quantits, et en apprenant reconnatre et utiliser les rgularits des nombres pour dgager des liens. Reprsentations: Llve apprend reprsenter symboliquement un nombre, ce qui suppose de sa part une comprhension des concepts de chiffre, de quantit, de rang, de valeur de position et dquivalence. Sens des oprations: Llve est amen saisir le sens des oprations, ce qui suppose de sa part une comprhension des concepts et des procdures qui interviennent dans les oprations mathmatiques. Mesure Units de mesure: En se servant des units de mesure conventionnelles, llve apprend estimer, mesurer, dcrire et comparer les dimensions, le primtre, le diamtre, la circonfrence, laire et le volume de divers objets ou diverses formes, ainsi que la distance et la vitesse. Relations: Llve apprend tablir et dcrire les relations qui existent dans les mesures de longueur, daire et de volume, ainsi que la relation entre le temps, la distance parcourue et la vitesse. Llve est aussi amen dcouvrir des formules de calcul. Gomtrie et sens de lespace Proprits des formes gomtriques: Llve utilise sa connaissance des formes gomtriques et de leurs proprits afin de les apprcier dans le monde qui lentoure. Position et dplacement: Llve apprend dvelopper son sens de lespace en deux et en trois dimensions, ce qui suppose une comprhension des concepts de position et de dplacement en gomtrie.Modlisation et algbre Relations. Llve apprend reprsenter une relation simple laide dune table de valeurs, dun graphique ou dune quation pour lui permettre de reprer une rgularit et de dduire, dterminer et expliquer la rgle qui sert complter et prolonger des suites numriques. Concepts algbriques: Llve apprend reprsenter des situations dgalit, ce qui laide trouver la valeur de linconnue dans une quation et valuer des expressions algbriques. Traitement de donnes et probabilit Collecte, reprsentation et interprtation de donnes: Llve apprend recueillir des donnes primaires et secondaires, les consigner en utilisant diverses mthodes, les reprsenter laide de divers diagrammes, interprter ces diagrammes et dterminer les mesures de tendance centrale.Probabilit: En ralisant des expriences simples, llve apprend dnombrer les rsultats en utilisant un tableau, un diagramme en arbre ou une liste ordonne, faire des prdictions et dcrire la probabilit de ces rsultats laide de fractions."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Quit Your Job, Find Your Career" |
"Over the next 30 QUESTS you will discover the 5 KEYS that will Unlock your Potential and open doors to Unlimited Career Opportunities!1st KEY The Starting PointWhat job or career is right for you? Let's find out using simple concepts to make things clear and help you in your decisions. Regardless of your qualifications or lack thereof. Weather its for a new job or simply a promotion within your own company we can help guide in in the right direction.2nd KEY The Professional PortfolioShould job titles be capitalized on a resume? Can a job reference be a friend? Is leveraging social media the right strategy? You'll discover 6 portfolio secrets that will differentiate you from your competition.3rd KEY The SearchWhere to look for and find the best jobs? How to be accepted for an interview? Are consultants worth the money? All the way to how to get several interviews lined up within weeks.4th KEY The InterviewWhat do I say? What do I wear? What do I do? Be prepared like a champion with our real-life proven method, that creates results each and every time, guaranteed!5th KEY The NegotiationLet's make a deal! Don't just be satisfied with what they give you. We'll teach you several super-heroes hints to get 30% to 50% more!Each of the 30 QUESTS you will receive training videos, workbooks, templates and eNotes to help guide you STEP-BY-STEP throughout this process. Our team of experienced instructors will guide and motivate you each step of the way through this simple yet effective program.Were excited to be part of this journey with you. Lets get started!"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Melhore seu rendimento nos estudos, seja mais eficiente!" |
"O curso Melhore seu rendimento nos estudos, surgiu da necessidade de otimizar o aprendizado utilizando algumas tcnicas e mtodos para melhorar os estudos. Acredito ser muito til essas dicas para seus estudos. Iremos identificar quais so os pontos positivos e negativos que enfrentamos quando nos dedicamos a aprender. Veremos como o crebro aprende e quais fatores faz com que esqueamos to facilmente o que lemos. O curso no se baseia somente em mostrar as tcnicas e mtodos mais sua utilizao de maneira simples e eficaz. Confira!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"What's Your Story? Learn to live a more empowered life." |
"Whats Your Story?Our stories shape our lives. They create the basis of our beliefs both limiting and empowering. But are you truly aware of the narrative you create?Through this fun and thoughtful course, youll be able to put practices in place that will elevate your game and help you your life in a more empowering way.Youll create a clearer picture of what lights you up and what personal, daily practices you can create to clear away the clutter and bring you closer to living more authentically.Whats Your Story? is An e-course designed to entertain, provoke thought, and inspire Thought provoking homework exercises Gaining clarity about your desires and goals Getting rid of what holds you back Moving through transitions in life with grace and connection Creating a practice that supports your greatest potential A Transformational breath-work and meditation session to help you establish new neural connectionsSix time Emmy Award winning Producer, inspirational speaker and teacher, Janice C. Molinari leads you on a quest to unlock your greatest potential by re-shaping your thoughts and practices to align with your goals and desires."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Casa Limpa com Dr. Bactria" |
"Este curso tem a finalidade de promover conhecimentos prticos sobre como higienizar corretamente sua residncia utilizando produtos simples, de forma prtica, econmica e funcional.As tcnicas ensinadas visam eliminar germes que podem transmitir doenas aos homens e animais. Com essas informaes sua disseminao poder ser mais ainda evitada.Direitos reservados e proibida cpia sem consentimento do autor."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Temel Fotoraflk" |
"Merhaba! Bu kurs, nasl daha etkileyici fotoraflar ekebileceimizi anlatyor.Basmakalp ezberlere kulamz tkal, konuarak, ekerek, fotoraf nasl okunur onu reniyor.Nasl daha etkileyici Manzara fotoraflar, insan portreleri, hareketli veya sabit anlar grdmz gibi, hissettiimiz gibi nasl salam temellerle ekebiliriz bunlardan bahsedeceim.Diyafram nasl ayarlanr, Enstantane nasl belirlenir, ISO hakimiyetimi nasl gelitiririm, tm bunlar nedir ve ne ie yararlar?hepsini kefetmeye ve tm bu kuramlara nasl hakim olabileceinize hazr olun!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Practical WordPress Theme Development" |
"As of now, WordPress powers around 35% of the entire internet with over 400 million people visiting WordPress websites each month. It was released in 2003 as a simple platform for everyone who is looking for creating a basic blog. But over time, it has become a powerful and flexible tool that can create almost any kind of website. WordPress powers its users to customize almost all the aspect of the website. Learn the art and science of WordPress theme development in this amazing course. We have created a complete hands on experience for anyone who wants to learn WordPress theme development. What this course cover? A basic site structure with the starter theme set up, basic header structure & theme support functions.Creating sidebar, applying CSS reset styles, importing basic element styles & changing basic TwentyTwenty styles.Looping through posts, adding pagination, adding WP site content, basic typography, creating a PacMan horizontal rule style & finishing building header.Creating & styling navigation bar along with social navigation, search bar, site title & main navigation bar. Working with thumbnails, adding a background image, site columns, archive post entry structure, archive page entry title & thumbnails.Creating & designing widget including sidebar widgets, site footer, pagination, footer widgets, site colophon & footer image.Designing single posts & pages, meta details, single posts entry-content, single post widgets, site logo, sidebar menu, page title & overall theme.Take this course now to understand all the necessary concepts behind building WordPress themes. Explore the world of WordPress today!!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"How to Make a Pretty Fabric Cloth Doll" |
"Have you been inspired to create a fabric doll for a child or make a friend yourself? A cloth doll is not just a children's toy. It is a cloth figure, made by hand using traditionally homemade natural materials. Now may be many different types of cloth made dolls available in the market, but I'll show you how to make a beautiful original handmade doll. The online class covers many doll-making techniques by the end of this workshop you will have created a very nice doll to keep or give as a gift."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Medical Terminology Test Course" |
"This course related to medical terminology is one of the most basic testing courses you could take. Get introduced to questions related to medical tools, professions, and protocols. Also, go over some basic biology and anatomy questions. Enroll in this course today and test how much you know or how much you should know."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Forex Terminology Course" |
"Are you a professional Forex trader or Quant with decades of experience? Have you been creating your own distributed computing protocols and setting up super computing clusters for advanced trading algorithms? Well, you definitely don't need to be that smart to pass the tests introduced in this course. This course is meant to go over the basics of what many Forex traders should know, and ask questions on strategies/indicators, charting, proper terms and almost everything in between. Test how much you know!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Internet History Test Course" |
"The internet is one of the things that spawned from the age of computing. It is part of a history that brought many wonderful things into society, but also many things that still have the potential to set us back to the dark ages. This course is meant to test you on some of the history of the internet and terms, key events, technologies, and things of the past. Test your knowledge through this pack of practice questions and see how much you know!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Management and Entrepreneurship" |
"There are lots of forms of management in terms of style, approach and techniques. There are also a series of different ways you should organize a business strategy, and standards that you should or even have to follow depending on your business. The tests presented here will question you on terms and topics related to some of these styles, approaches and techniques. Practice through these series of questions and see how much you know."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Artificial Intelligence Terminology" |
"Artificial Intelligence and the rise of machine learning are some of the most talked about technologies in this day of age. There are alot of terms related to AI, questions on ethics, key technological concepts, and things that AI engineers, data engineers, and everybody in between should know. The series of practice questions presented through these tests are meant to test your knowledge on all of that."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Terms for Binary Options Traders" |
"Lots of people think that Binary Options trading is just a form of gambling and that there are no real winners. This is obviously a misconception. Binary Options trading can be broken down to a science and some would even say an art form of mathematics. This course is meant to introduce to you some of the most basic terminology and concepts that binary options traders should know through a series of tests featuring practice questions. Sign up for the tests today and see how much you already know or should know!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Intuitive Coach Certification" |
"If you are a Life Coach who wants to work with clients on a much deeper level, then this is the course for you. It will not only help you to develop your own intuitive skills, but will teach you how you can use these skills with clients so they can help improve their own lives.This Continued Professional Development course will help you stand out from other life coaches by giving you the ability to help your clients delve deeper into their lives and provide them with tools they can use to make decisions based on their instincts, which is where most of the best decisions come from. It will help you gain a better understanding of your clients as well as giving you the awareness you need to help you in your practice.This course is also for you if you are someone who wants to enhance your own intuitive powers so you can transform your life for the better.Everyone has intuitive skills, but as we get older we forget how powerful it can be to listen to our gut instincts and other signs from the Universe and we spend most of our lives making decisions based on logic, discounting that little voice inside us, which is the key to our happiness.This course will teach you a range of strategies you can use to develop your own or your clients intuition - a skill that will enhance every area of your life for the better. You will also receive a certificate that should be valid for insurance purposes.**PLEASE BE AWARE I AM CURRENTLY ONLY ABLE TO PROVIDE YOU WITH A UDEMY CERTIFICATE**I look forward to meeting you all.Love,Angie xx"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Modern Javascript for Beginners 2020 + Javascript Projects" |
"Javascript runs the web. It makes your website come alive. If you want to create magic with your websites or web apps, then you need Javascript. Period. You can literally do magic online with just Javascript. Just that. In this course, we hope to break down the beginner concepts of the Javascript programming language into manageable parts so you can learn them fast and retain the concepts much longer. This course will be useful for both beginners to the world of programming and programmers who already know other programming languages. We'll be teaching you the latest version of Javascript (ECMAScript 2015 and above). Every concept is taught through a wealth of over-the-shoulder examples so you understand the concepts better. What will you learn in our course? 1. A thorough introduction to the Javascript programming language2. Information storage using variables and constants (both ES5 & ES6 methods)3. Using the console to debug your code, check errors and retrieve intermediate outputs4. Creating dynamic storages using variables and Javascript's different datatypes, including complex and simple ones5. Javascript's strict mode and how it regulates your code6. Type conversions in Javascript (including NaN, undefined and null)7. Various ways to show outputs and get inputs from the users8. Applying the various operators available in Javascript on your strings, numbers and boolean values9. What are template strings (backticks) and when & how to use them10. Working with strings and applying the various pre-defined string methods available to you on them11. Creating numbers and manipulating them with a range of pre-defined number methods12. Creating conditions using the if and switch statements13. Creating loops using the for, while and do while loops and applying the break and continue statements on them14. Creating both 1D and 2D arrays for varied storage and applying various pre-defined array methods on them15. Working with Dates and the Math object 16. Creating user-defined functions in Javascript (including anonymous functions, return, this & self-invoking functions)17. The basics of Object Oriented Javascript (Creating objects, their properties and methods and manipulating them)18. An introduction to Javascript's Document Object Model (DOM)19. Retrieving various HTML elements and manipulating them 20. Manipulating the CSS styles of various elements21. Using event handlers to create an action-reaction effect in your web pages22. Global and local scope (function & block scopes)23. Apply what you learn via various exercises, fun puzzles and real world projectsAnd so much more! How is this course designed? Our course has 12 modules, where each module will thoroughly explain the intricacies of one of the concepts in Javascript (the Modern version) with a wealth of over-the-shoulder examples. Here are the modules: Module 1 - Getting started with Javascript - This is the foundations module. We'll look into what setting up your Javascript coding environment, using consoles for bug detection, comments, getting basic outputs and so much more. Module 2 - Variables, data types, type conversion and more - In this module, you'll learn how to create information storage spaces (variables), the different data types available and how to work with them. Module 3 - Operators - In this module, we'll look into the various operators available in Javascript, using them to manipulate numbers, strings and booleans and more. Module 4 - String and string methods - In this module, you'll learn how to create strings, how and when to use backticks, the various pre-defined string methods available to you and their uses. Module 5 - Number and number methods - In this module, you'll learn about creating numbers in Javascript and using the various pre-defined number methods to manipulate them. Module 6 - Conditional statements and loops - In this module, you'll learn how to create conditions with if and switch statements and using for, while and do while loops to repeat the same lines of code multiple times (based on given conditions). Module 7 - Arrays - In this module, you'll learn how to create arrays and store more than one value (of different types) in them, how to retrieve those values, manipulate them with pre-defined array methods, use 2D arrays and so much more. Module 8 - Date, date methods & Math object - In this module, you'll learn how to create and use the date object and use the math object to perform various math operations. Module 9 - Functions - In this module, you'll learn how to create user-defined functions in Javascript (including anonymous functions, return, this & self-invoking functions).Module 10 - Objects (Basics) - In this module, you'll learn the basics of Object Oriented Javascript (Creating objects, their properties and methods and manipulating them).Module 11 - Document Object Model (DOM) - In this module, you'll learn about the DOM, how it works, how to use it to manipulate the elements in your websites and make it come alive using event handlers. Module 12: We also cover a lot of examples, puzzles and real world projects (which are constantly updated): For now, our course covers the following puzzles to gently nudge you into applying your theoretical Javascript knowledge in real world problem solving:1. Puzzle #1 - Alternate small and capital letters in a given string2. Puzzle #2 - Find the compound interestWhy should you choose our course? 1. We like to be thorough in our teaching. Every beginner topic covered in this course will cover everything you need to know about that particular topic. You won't have to look anywhere else. 2. We strongly advocate learning by doing, rather than just listening or reading. Our lectures are filled with a wealth of examples that explain every concept clearly. 3. If you follow along with our examples in our over-the-shoulder trainings, and create our examples with us, you'll have a thorough understanding of what Javascript is, and how to apply it to create magic in your websites. You'll be able to confidently add this as a skill in your resume. 4. We prefer creating fun projects to explain the concepts and to keep things interesting as well. You'll learn how to apply the concepts you learn in the course in the real world projects and examples.So, what are you waiting for? Enroll now and start creating magic in your websites with Javascript in no time at all! "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Aruba Central - Post venta" |
"Este plan de entrenamiento esta pensado para todo el personal tcnico que requiere un entendimiento ms amplio en cmo realizar configuraciones desde un nivel bsico hasta funcionalidades especificas que permitan una mejor operacin de Redes WiFi Aruba.Tambin explicamos las mejores practicas para el anlisis de problemas y su correccin. Al mismo tiempo volvemos a dar un breve repaso en los conceptos bsicos tales como:VLANVPNMAC catchingOtro de los temas importantes, es conocer las correcciones o configuraciones a nivel de Radio Frecuencia (RF) para una correcta cobertura de WiFi.Tambin estaremos cubriendo la creacin de portales de autentificacin y validacin para permitir el acceso WiFi.Y por ultimo el control de trfico de red para evitar su saturacin mediante el bloqueo de aplicaciones especificas como Facebook, NetFlix o YouTube, que muy frecuentemente saturan los anchos de banda a Internet"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Learn How to Self-Publish on KDP with Jumpstart" |
"Self-publishing has a new kingpin in the ring and its name is KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing). Now Amazon gives you only one platform to print your book. CreateSpace is no more and so a lot of people now need to know how to create a book solely on KDP. This course will guide you and help you jump start your way to publishing your first book on KDP."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"BACH para principiantes -Clsicos del Piano Vol.4-" |
"Eres estudiante de piano principiante?Estas estudiando piezas del libro ANA MAGDALENA BACH?Estas tocando piezas barrocas para piano estas BATALLANDO para estudiar de manera eficiente?Quieres conocer ms sobre el estilo barroco en el piano pero de una manera sencilla, fcil de seguir y con piezas fciles del repertorio pianstico?ESTE CURSO ES PARA TI!! Bienvenido a ...BACH para principiantes -Clsicos del Piano Vol.4- Este curso esta pensado especialmente para todos los estudiantes de piano que estan por abordar el repertorio de Bach o quiz ya estan estudiando piezas sencillas de este compositor y desan mejorar su rendimiento al piano y habitos de estudio que son indispensables para TOCAR BACH CORRECTAMENTE, estos consejos son aplicables a la msica barroca.-Este curso NO ES UN TUTORIAL NOTA POR NOTA entonces es indispensable que tengas el nivel de lectura para tocar estas piezas-Que piezas incluye este curso?Incluye piezas bsicas del libro ANA MAGDALENA BACH VOL.1Musette - D mayor-Minueto - G menor-Minueto - G mayor- Este curso contiene:- Anlisis estilstico de la msica Barroca.-Consejos tcnicos y estilsticos de las piezas. - Ejercicios de lectura y audicin de las piezas.Recuerda que en el curso tienes la posibilidad de realizar preguntas al instructor.Ilse Lozoya es la instructora del curso, es Lic. en Msica, Maestra en Educacin y desarrolladora de cursos y contenido online, maestra de ms de 75 cursos en Udemy y + de 50 000 estudiantes inscritos, no dejes pasar ms tiempo e INSCRIBETE AHORA !!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"BACH For Very Beginners -Piano Classics Vol.4-" |
"Are you a piano student?Are you studying pieces from the book ANA MAGDALENA BACH?Are you playing Baroque piano pieces? Are you STRUGGLING to study correctly and get results?Do you want to know more about the Baroque style on the piano but in a simple, easy to follow way and with easy pieces from the piano repertoire?THIS COURSE FOR YOU!! Welcome to ...BACH for beginners -Classics of the Piano Vol.4- This course has been specially created for all piano students who are about to study Bach's repertoire or perhaps are already studying simple pieces by this composer and want to improve their piano performance and study habits that are essential to PLAY BACH CORRECTLY, all the recommendations in this course are very useful.THIS IS NOT A NOTE by NOTE tutorial so you need to have the music reading correct level for playing these pieces.What pieces does this course include?Includes basic pieces from the book ANA MAGDALENA BACH VOL.1Musette - D major-Minuet - G minor-Minuet - G major- This course contains:- Stylistic analysis of Baroque music.-Technical and stylistic advice of the pieces.- Exercises for reading and listening to the pieces.Remember that in the course you have the possibility to ask the instructor questions.Ilse Lozoya is the instructor of the course, her professional profile includes a Musics Bachelors Degree, Masters Degree in Education and she is a pianist and online educator, teacher of more than 75 courses in Udemy and more than 50,000 students enrolled, do not wait..ENROLL TODAY !!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
how-to-build-owned-media-blog |
Price: 2400.00 ![]() |
"Bitcoin Trading in 2020: Price Action Trading Course" |
"Bitcoin trading is what I am specialised in, and I will teach you how to do it!When I do Bitcoin trading, I have the chance to profit when it is going up and when it is going down. It is not the case that I will buy and wait for months. My trades last between a few hours to a couple of days, and I take quick profits.Hello! My name is Petko Aleksandrov, and I am the Head Trader at Forex Academy. In this Bitcoin trading course, I will teach you how to recognise the best moments to enter the market and the levels where you should take the profit.I will demonstrate to you my system for price action trading with the Bitcoin. You will see trading examples which will help you understand practically the system. No boring slides and presentations, only real trading examples.Why is it better to do Bitcoin trading and not investing in it?The Bitcoin, together with the other cryptocurrencies showed that it is not one way to heaven. In 2018 the cryptocurrency market crashed.When we do Bitcoin trading, we can profit in both directions - we can benefit when the price goes up, and we can profit when it goes down. This means that it does not matter where the price is.With this trading system, you will learn when to join the big trend, which with the Bitcoin is always very strong. It is essential to catch the right moment, and not to be late. At the same time, you should not hold the positions too long, because the profit might be gone.What will you learn in this Bitcoin trading course?how to recognise the major trend and trade in the same directionsee the first signals that the price gives us to open the tradeswhat are the impulsive breaks and how to take advantage of themdiversify the risk on three different entries to increase the profitabilitymake profits quickly as a professional traderstick to a precise system and follow it in 100%avoid the emotions when trading with exact rules to followPrice action trading allows the traders not to depend on the lagging indicators that most people use. In manual trading, the right moment to enter is fundamentally essential and exact trading system is a must.No prior experience in trading is needed - with my trading system, you will be able to open trades with confidence, and I will teach you how to practice it.I have selected to use the Bitcoin as a trading asset because it shows the most volatility and great results could be achieved. However, the trading system is suitable for any trading asset that you wish to trade.Who is the instructor?My name is Petko Aleksandrov, and I am a professional trader. The recent years, I have specialised in Bitcoin trading because this asset gives a lot of possibilities. It has the volatility a trader needs, thousands of dollars in moves, and already there are many platforms, brokers and exchanges where it could be traded. I have thought over 14 000 traders in the last two years, and I am quite happy to see that most of them accept and use my trading strategies. The one I am demonstrating in this course works the best for me because it uses price action trading, which represents the market behaviour. I will teach you how to read it, and how to apply it.Why did I decide to take this course?I like recording my trading because this way I share it with thousands of traderswhen others test my strategies I receive feedback and this way together we succeed to improve it is great to meet new people, share ideas and strategies, this way everyone profitsI am very open to any questions. I answer all inquiries within 12 hours, so do not hesitate to drop me your question.Of course, if you think that this is not the right trading strategy for you, you can always use the 30-days money-back guarantee.Enrol now, and I will help you improve your trading!Enjoy the course!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Master Myofascial Cupping Course" |
"Have you ever thought is cupping really working? while treating? Or while getting out your cups, fumbled with an explanation of how they work when your client asks? If so, you are in the right place.Cupping has been gaining popularity rapidly, particularly after the last Olympics when several athletes were seen with the classic red circle marks of cupping. Celebrities are on the bandwagon as well. All of this is for good reason. The health benefits to be had from the regular use of myofascial cupping therapy are vast.Many massage therapy programs are now teaching basic cupping techniques as part of their program, and if not, taking a cupping course is usually one of the first courses taken for CE credits by many therapists. This course is the next level. I will be going over key concepts such as:How to accurately identify myofascial adhesionsHow to painlessly and quickly treat adhesionsThe most up to date research on how cupping worksHow to seamlessly add cupping into your treatment planI have been using cups as a regular part of treatment for almost a decade. I have treated hundreds of patients, and through that experience, I have developed a technique that has given me the fastest, longest lasting and most reliable results when using cups.This course is designed to build a strong foundation for using myofascial cups. I will show you how to go beyond treating general myofascial adhesions. I have thoughtfully and painstakingly put together the most comprehensive course on myofascial cupping, but it all starts with assessment.As an instructor at one of the most successful massage colleges in Canada, I have realized that identifying and assessing myofascial adhesions is the hardest concept to grasp. This course demonstrates the exact technique on how to do so with complete clarity.As an added bonus I will also be showing you how to use cups for self-care, as well as essential oils and ointments that compliment cupping perfectly."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Effectively earn from Youtube (Urdu Hindi)" |
"In this course easy to follow strategies are discussed to create good quality content for digital video platforms such as Youtube. this course is designed to require least amount of initial investment from the creators and students and mainly focuses on keeping the initial cost as low as possible for creators by making use of smartphone capabilities. This course also teaches how to monetise the created content in an effective and practical way to generate maximum potential income."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Most effective strategies to help you with Addiction" |
"12 ways to recover from Addiction is a compilation of my best most effective de-addiction strategies. Through years of experience in counseling and being a victim of addiction I have gained a first hand experience to deal with addiction. There is so much information available on how to overcome addiction that sometimes it becomes overwhelming to action on them. My approach in this addiction course is to provide you effective techniques to help decrease your addiction by yourself without any external help. If your addiction is clinical, then this course is not for you. This course is not a substitute for professional help and medication.However, I appeal to you, that these techniques that I have screened for you are the best ways ""that work"" to help with your addiction by yourself.Why this course?I have shared with you techniques that professional counselors use to help you overcome addictionYou will also learn meditation techniques and spiritual ways of overcoming addictions which are often taught by spiritual teachersYou get a variety of concepts that you can choose from. If some technique doesn't work for you, you can skip it.You have total flexibility of which concept you choose based on what works for you.Techniques come from Buddhism, Stoicism, Acceptance & Commitment Therapy, Dialectical Therapy, Mindfulness based Therapies, and Mental Strategies from books such as Psycho-Cybernetics and Think & Grow Rich.This will help you understand addiction and the ""addict mind"" in a whole new way. Whether adding to your existing recovery program or searching for an alternative method.I have taught in easy to understand language and understood personally. It will give you a whole new way to look at addiction and recover.With over 4 years of experience in addiction counseling and a lifetime of personal experience I can help you get to that next level or assist someone you love.Personal Disclaimer: This course is not a substitute for professional help of medicine, certified therapist, or counselor nor is it a substitute for University approved courses. I am a Certified CBT Practitioner from Achology The Academy for Modern Applied Psychology. By enrolling and applying this advice you agree to take 100% responsibility for all consequences. The certificate of completion doesn't hold any value other than what this platform claims. The student agrees to purchase this course with full knowledge of the above facts."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"PHP Interview Questions" |
"PHP is a server side scripting language. that is used to develop Static websites or Dynamic websites or Web applications. PHP stands for Hypertext Pre-processor, that earlier stood for Personal Home Pages. PHP scripts can only be interpreted on a server that has PHP installed. The client computers accessing the PHP scripts require a web browser only."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |