Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Investing in Stocks for Complete Beginners (Basics)" |
"Investing in stocks for beginners. Learn how to invest in the stock market and pick the right stocks for your investing portfolio. Learn how to select the best stocks like a pro and evaluate the basics of financial statements. I'm also going to share with you how to read financial statements and also teach you the stock market basic terms that you need to understand. P.S. The videos here are the same exact content as my Youtube so you might as well go and watch it there for free. If you need a proper course, email my team at"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mastering Forex Technical Analysis for Beginners" |
"This is a course for aspiring forex traders who want to use technical analysis for their trading. This will be an introduction of the various indicators and strategies that you can consider using for your trading career.Risk disclaimer: I'm not a financial advisor and I will not be responsible for any losses incurred from trading or investing activities as a result from watching the videos in this course. Forex trading carries high levels of risk and may not be suitable for everyone. P.S. The videos here are the same exact content as my Youtube so you might as well go and watch it there for free. If you need a proper course, email my team at"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn About Spin Selling" |
"As per experts, SPIN stands for the four kinds of questions successful salespeople ask their customers: Situation, Problem, Implication, and Need-payoff. works from the theory that relationship selling is customer-centric. The module dwells on this mechanism towards closing a sale through the method that approaches the prospects using timed and close ended questions."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
cutbvusv |
Price: 9600.00 ![]() |
"TABLEAU 10 (A-Z): Crea Impactantes DASHBOARDS Interactivos" |
"Aprende a Utilizar TABLEAU 10 de manera practica para crear Dashboards, Historias, Anlisis y Reportes que agreguen Valor y ayuden a la Toma de Decisiones. Todos los temas se desarrollan en Clases cortas, didcticas y con Ejemplos Prcticos del Mundo Real que te permitirn interpretar los conceptos de manera Rpida y Simple.EXTRA: Obtendrs un Importante Descuento en el Valor del Curso si utilizas el siguiente Cdigo de Descuento: DESCUENTO12 TE INVITO A VER LAS RESEAS Nataly Jaramillo PadredinMuy detallado en sus explicaciones y brinda buenos ejemplos con los mismos recursos de Tableau. Estoy muy satisfecha de haber realizado este curso. Lo recomendar indudablemente.Clara SchmitPresentado de forma clara, precisa, concisa y amigable. El profesor es muy didactico en su forma de explicar y todos los temas son llevado a ejemplos practicos del mundo realAndres Alejandro Ysturiz CaldeiraMuy detallado y claro todos los camposOswaldo Mauricio Romero TiguaBuen curso para entender de manera introductoria Tableau, recomendado!Mario AlvaradoAcabo de terminar el curso, y me pareci bastante bueno para iniciar y adentrarse al mundo de la inteligencia de negocios, bastante completo y dinmico, quedo con muchas ganas de ya adquirir conocimientos avanzados sobre tableau. Muchas gracias por la dedicacin, el entregar conocimiento siempre es muy bien valorado. saludos !Maicol aguileraMuy didacticoCarlos MontaezTodo genial, todo bien claro excelente curso.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sobre qu temas aprenders?: [+] Instalar Tableau 10[+] Conectar Tableau con varias Bases de Datos: Excel & Archivos CSV[+] Crear Grficos de Barras, Mapas, Grficos de Dispersin, Grficos de Torta, Waterfall/Cascada[+] Crear Mapas en rbol, Burbujas Agrupadas, Histogramas[+] Crear Dashboards Interactivos[+] Crear Historias / Storylines[+] Crear Clculos de Tabla[+] Trabajar con Parmetros[+] Crear Grficos de Doble Eje[+] Crear Campos Calculados[+] Trabajar con Series de Tiempo[+] Entender distintos Grados de Detalle en la Informacin[+] Agregar Filtros, Filtro Rpidos e Interactivos[+] Crear Jerarquas en la Informacin[+] Agregar Botones de Accin en Dashboards (Filtros que aplican a varios Grficos a la vez + Resaltados)[+] Trabajar con Roles Geogrficos, Grupos y Clusters[+] Herramientas para Optimizar el Preparado de la Informacin (Interprete de Datos, Pivot, Split, Administrar Metadatos)Mas de 4500 estudiantes (desde mas de 96 pases) me han elegido para su formacin dentro de Udemy.INSCRIBETE YA y comparte este gran curso conmigo!Nos vemos dentro !Cristian GuerenuInstructor de Udemy - Ingeniero Industrial TAGS:tableau public; tableau software; tableau software; tableau certification; tableau api; tableau bi; power bi; microsoft power bi; tableau desktop; tableau download; learning tableau; tableau examples; e tableau online; tableau free; tableau for students; tableau free download; tableau free trial; tableau for mac; tableau gratis; aprender tableau; reporte tableau; dashboard tableau; business; business intelligence"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Market Risk For Actuaries (Exams SP9/CM2/CP1)" |
"For the Actuarial StudentsThis course is designed for actuaries writing exam: SP9/CM2/CP1.It is theoretical in nature and designed to introduce a student to the material.It is not a substitute for studying, rather a supplement.IntroductionRisk is defined as the consequences resulting from uncertainty.Market Risk is defined as the unexpected changes in an assets price.ContentPart 1 is an introduction to Risk and looks at the mathematical properties of risk measures.Part 2 is about being aware of Market RiskPart 3 is about identifying Market Risk and its sources of uncertainty.Part 4 is about the models used to assess Market RiskPart 5 is about managing Market Risk and going beyond just hedging and derivatives.Part 6 is about monitoring Market Risk with the Sharpe and Sortino RatiosPart 7 is about how Black Scholes can be used to calculate an Implied Volatility for Market Risk Models"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"iOS Xcode Swift - 3," |
"iOS, . 2 : - ToDo list, - :- GestureRecognizers ( )- CoreGraphics, CGAffineTransformation, UIView.animation ( iOS) , AppStore ."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Richard Stibbard's Chinese Characters: Cracking the System" |
"80-95% of all Chinese characters are Sound-Meaning Compounds, in which one part of the character represents, with varying degrees of accuracy, the sound, and the other part the rough meaning. Characters which share the same sound element (or phonetic element) make up families of characters with similar pronunciations.The (relatively) logical internal structure of this type of character makes it possible to learn them in their phonetic families.This is the best system there is for learning the vast bulk of characters, and this course shows how you can use this system to learn characters efficiently, in these natural families, how you can distinguish visually similar characters, and best of all, almost from the start, to read characters you've never seen before in your life!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Criando seu primeiro datacenter no Azure" |
"Curso presencial sobre Azure. A imerso ocorre durante dois dias onde abordaremos os principais contedos para que o aluno entre em um nvel iniciante e termine o curso no nvel arquiteto. Durante a imerso assuntos que so temas da prova AZ900, AZ103 e AZ300 sero abordados, assim como diversas dicas e questes dos exames."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Rhetorik: 7 Fakten warum Menschen nicht wahrgenommen werden." |
"Wer das Geheimnis erfolgreicher Kommunikation kennt, hat automatisch mehr Ansehen, Image, Respekt und damit auch mehr Einkommen.Der Top-100-Trainer (DE, AUT, IT und CH) steht seit 20 Jahren selbst hauptberuflich auf der Bhne. Er hat 6 Bcher zum Thema Kommunikation am Markt, wovon der Topseller ""Die geheime Macht der Kommunikation"" mehr als 200.000 mal gelesen wurde.In diesem Videokurs verrate ich dir die 7 wichtigsten strategischen Rhetorikfakten, warum 95% der Menschen niemals ernst genommen werden.Diese sprachlichen Strategien habe ich in den letzten 20 Jahren bei Poliitkern, Managern, Unternehmen, im Vertrieb und mit Fhrungskrften so gezielt eingesetzt, dass nicht nur Wahlen gewonnen werden konnten, sondern sich der Umsatz und das Einkommen im besten Fall versiebenfacht haben. Interviews dazu kannst du unter meiner Website ansehen.Inhalt:Die verflixten Mglichkeitsformen - Wie Mglichkeitsformen unsere Rhetorik zum sprachlichen Emmentaler machen.Wie du Begrndungen locker auslsen kannst und deine Gegner zu Verlierer stempelst.Warum Weichmacher deine Redekompetenz zerstren.Die Qualitt deiner Frage bestimmt die Qualitt deines Ansehens.Wie du mit Wiederholungen deine Gegner schachmatt setzt.Wie du durch die Triangeltechnik Menschen von dir abhngig machst.Wie du unmerklich sprachliche Signale in die Erinnerung der Menschen einpflanzt.Zu jedem Video gibt es noch schriftliche Unterlagen.Zusatznutzen: Mein Bestseller ""Die geheime Macht der Kommunikation"", der bereits mehr als 200.000 mal gelesen wurde, ist im Videokurs als E-Book kostenfrei dabei.ber den Trainer: Elmar G. Arneitz trainiert seit 20 Jahren Menschen aus Wirtschaft, Politik und im Privatbereich. Seit 3 Jahren zhlt Arneitz zu den Top-100-Trainern (Speakers Excellence). Arneitz hat sechs Bcher zum Thema Kommunikation geschrieben, die in mehreren Sprachen bersetzt wurden. Regelmig finden Seminare in Deutschland und sterreich von Arneitz statt."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Marketingcode 1 - Die nackte AIDA-Formel fr mehr Umsatz!" |
"Warum gelingt es selbst Laien mit ihren Texten die komplette Aufmerksamkeit von Kunden zu erhalten whrend die Texte der Anderen gar nicht wahrgenommen werden?Warum knnen selbst Laien mit ihren Texten Menschen sofort abholen und dazu bringen ihre Angebote in Anspruch zu nehmen, whrend die Anderen nur migen Erfolg vorweisen knnen?Warum beherrschen selbst Anfnger mit ihren Texten 90% ihrer Nische, whrend die Anderen sich mit dem Rest begngen mssen?Die Antwort liegt in der ""nackten AIDA-Formel"", die seit 120 Jahren bestens funktioniert. Selbst groe Werbeagenturen arbeiten mit der ""nackten AIDA-Formel"" um DEN hchsten Kaufrausch bei den Kunden auszulsen. Wer die ""nackte AIDA-Formel"" kennt und einsetzen kann, braucht sich keine Gedanken um Auftrge oder Verkufe zu machen. Der Referent Elmar G. Arneitz ist Profi auf diesem Gebiet und trainiert seit nahezu 20 Jahren Marketing fr Unternehmen, Fhrungspersonen und Politik. Er hat sechs Bcher zum Thema Kommunikation auf dem Markt wovon sein Top-Seller ""Die geheime Macht der Kommunikation"" bereits mehr als 200.000 mal gelesen wurde. Arneitz ist unter den 100-Top-Trainern in sterreich, Deutschland, der Schweiz und Italien und wurde 2018 und 19 als ""Bester Dienstleister"" und ""Beste Bewertung"" ausgezeichnet. Inhalte im Kurs:Warum die AIDA-Formel von den besten Marketingagenturen eingesetzt wird.Wie die Aufmerksamkeit der Kunden einfangen wird.Wie das Interesse der Kunden gesteigert wird.Wie das Verlangen der Kunden bis hin zum Neid ausgelst wird.Wie der Kaufrausch ausgelst wird.Warum die meisten am ""Testen"" scheitern.Wie du mit Farben Emotionen auslst.Wie du Flyer und Folder nach der AIDA-Formel erfolgreich kreierst.Wie du mit Tieren & Kindern die Aufmerksamkeit erhhst.Viele Textdokumente und PDFs zum downloaden."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Krpersprache: Menschen einfach lesen." |
"Unsere Signale sind die Visitenkarte unserer eigenen Wertschtzung und Persnlichkeit!Der Krper lgt nie der Mund schon! Nur 0,003% der Menschen beherrschen die Krpersprache so, dass sie ihr Gegenber wie ein offenes Buch lesen knnen!Schon seit Jahrhunderten ist es der Wunsch der Menschheit, die Krpersprache erkennen & entziffern zu knnen. Unsere Gesten und die Mimik verraten ALLES ber unsere Gefhle und Vorhaben. So ist es nicht verwunderlich, dass die Welt der Krpersprache lange geheim gehalten und nur mndlich weiter gegeben wurde.In der modernen Zeit ist es vom absoluten Vorteil zu erkennen was uns das Gegenber ehrlich verrt oder versteckt. Besonders im Geschftsleben kann so auf die Bedrfnisse eingegangen und viel leichter verkauft oder Begeisterung ausgelst werden. Alle Redner, Referenten & Vortragende sollten die Krpersprache beherrschen, um ein wortloses Sofortfeedback der Zuhrer zu erhalten!Selbst Menschen, die eine gute Intuition haben sind berrascht, wenn sie erstmals die Bedeutung der einzelnen Signale erfahren. Wer oft von Menschen enttuscht oder auf den Arm genommen wird, sollte unbedingt in diesen Kurs investieren.Inhalt:Wie du knftig aus dem Augenwinkel erkennst ob dein Gegenber dir etwas vorspielt (Inkongruent).Warum du den Unterschied zwischen emotionalen und rationalen Signalen kennen solltest. Wie Menschen Emotionen oder Taten verstecken und es selbst nicht merken.In welchen Aktivzonen Menschen ihre Arme bewegen um dich aktivieren zu wollen.Warum die Beine immer die ehrlichsten Signale liefern.Wie du Gang Charakteren der Menschen erkennst!Warum du die geheime Fingerkrpersprache in Gesprchen unbedingt brauchst.Arme & Hnde, die Spiegel der Gefhle!Sitzen, Kampf, Krampf oder Entspannung!Was dir die Signale am Tisch verraten.Was es mit dem geheimen Wasserglas auf sich hat.Wie du sofort erkennst, welche Vorhaben jemand hat, wenn er seinen Kopf oder Gesicht berhrt.Du erfhrst die Grundsignale der Krpersprache direkt vom Experten Elmar G. Arneitz, der seit 20 Jahren Justiz, Manager, Politiker, Verkufer und Menschen in Fhrungspositionen schult. Arneitz hat mehrere Auszeichnung beim Lsen von Flle vor Gericht erhalten, hat sechs Bcher zum Thema Kommunikation verfasst wobei der Toptitel: Die geheime Macht der Kommunikation mehr als 200.000 mal gelesen wurde. Arneitz ist das vierte Jahr in Folge Top-100-Trainer in Deutschland sterreich Italien und der Schweiz, ausgezeichnet als ""Top Empfehlung"" und ""Top Dienstleister"" und hat mehrere Gtesiegel als Referent und Trainer. Weiter Kurse zum Thema Krpersprache von Elmar G. ArneitzDie 80 Flirtsignale der Frauen.Lgen aufdecken."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Devices and Circuits - Wiring & Busbars" |
"Hi,welcome to my course series where I teach you about basic components and circuits inside and outside electrical cabinets.This course in particular will cover two basic topics: wiring inside a cabinet and 60mm busbar system.This course is also real-life oriented, that's why we learn things that will benefit you on your real-life projects, where it doesn't matter whether you work as a designer, panel builder or system integrator that wants to dip his finger into electrical cabinets story a bit.There are two real treats at the end of the course (last two videos/lessons):- 119 photos of electrical cabinets from international projects (my partner workshop) - both power and control cabinets, also SIVACON- RiLine60 busbar system in 3D in Eplan PRO Panel - where we experience in 3D how a 60 mm busbar system looks like in ""reality""The next course that will come out if this workshop of basic components and circuits is going to be a DOL motor starter with in depth analysis so stay tuned for more valuable content.Hope you'll enjoy the course and I'll be seeing you over there!Best regards and stay safe and well,Ivan Vidovic (aka Eplan Tutor)"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"The Focus and Productivity Blueprint." |
"What are your main hurdles in Succeeding?We all have the desire to become successful in life.We all make plans at the beginning of the new year to accomplish our tasks.But how many of us follow through and complete the goals we set out to achieve.What are the hurdles which stop us in our tracks from achieving our goals and succeeding.* Are you Unfocused?* Are your days unproductive?* Are you distracted when you work?* Do you feel Stressed out?If you answered yes to the above Questions, then we have a system for you which will help you to be more focused and productive in the next 30 days.Hi, I am Thomas Varghese, Author of the Book Productivity for Professionals and life coach at empower-yourselves.I have trained over 4500 students from 110 countries to achieve Success and become more productive and get results in their daily lives and in this brand new training program I will be introducing you to the 2 most important elements you must have in order to be successful in your life.They are 1. Focus.2. Productivity.When you have the knowledge of these 2 important elements, you will be unstoppable and will be miles ahead of your competition because most of the people nowadays are distracted with technology, social media and other shiny objects which in turn prevents them from reaching their goals and becoming successful.In this course I help you to cut through the distraction and have laser sharp focus. Also in this course I will cover productivity techniques which have personally helped me, my kids and above all my students to be successful in their lives and reach their goals. In this course we will try to unearth the problems like being being Unfocused, Unproductive and being Distracted and will teach you how to overcome these hurdles, so that you can reach your Goals in life and become Successful."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
digitalmarketingwithyousef |
": - - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Affiliate marketing"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
tkcwofbu |
"! - ! 2- ( ) , ! ? : , , . , , ! , """" : , 2 . . )) . - - ? - / ? - ? (!) - ... ? - , ! - , , - ?! , !) , , ! , ! @pravda_draw."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"The Complete guide of CISCO iOS Backup and Upgrade" |
"Welcome to the The Complete guide of CISCO iOS Backup & Upgrade. This course is designed for beginners who want to learn router / switch configuration backup and iOS upgrade will also enjoy this course.This course introduce a variety of concepts, practice activities and simulations that help build the learners skills and understanding of router / switch configuration.In this Course you will; Understand CISCO Hardware - Memory types Have a full understanding of The boot sequence process Learn how to Install & configure TFTP server Understand how to get the Proper iOS Image Understand how to backup / restore cisco iOS Learn how to back the configuration Learn how to Upgrade the iOS Test and verify the backup & upgrade Build a simple Network to simulate the Scenario Have Full Lab Practice on Packet Tracer"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Learn To Live a Low Stress Life" |
"In today's world our reality is that we are STRESSED! There are multiple things to do and too many things to care for that we just are just living in a state of autopilot in order to cope. That changes with this course on how to simplify each and every aspect of your life! You owe it to yourself to take a minute and clear all that drains you, it takes work but the work will end in a beautiful result. The result will be more time for yourself to enjoy life and more time to do the things that you find happiness in. This course consists of step by step instructions to simplifying every single aspect of your life. It is simple, easy and fun to do. About The Instructor:I am a Herbalist and an Energy Healing Practitioner. I have been studying nutrition and health for over 15 years and help my clients overcome health and wellness issues through nutrition, lifestyle choices, stress management and energy healing practices. I believe the body has an incredible ability to overcome health problems when our lives are simplified through natural healing practices and nutritionI would like to share with you some of the successful techniques I have used to help clients overcome multiple health and wellness issues and live more fulfilling lives."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"IoT : Internet of things from scratch to market Exams" |
"Imagine a world of connected ""things"" (devices, vehicles, buildings) able to talk to a network, internet, to themselves and be able to take actions ?Welcome to the IOT(Internet of Things) space, a new revolution, which will have 212 Billion Installed things, 30 Billion autonomously connected things, 3 Million Peta Bytes off Embedded Systems Data by 2020, spanning across all verticals estimated at a value of $8.9 trillion.Those are some good reasons to look in this direction, Personally it is a truly unique space, as you get to work on both the hardware and the software side of things, be able to connect to the internet and create spectacular devices and solutions.This course is designed to enable ""YOU"" to create amazing IOT products and solutions from scratch all the way to the market.Learn it by creating 3 IOT devices from scratch for Home Automation, Building Security and Assisted Living use cases!The focus in this course it to enable and equip the audience to immediately start building IOT products. We touch all the necessary software, hardware, platform, protocols, everything in between to the point it is required. Additional study material is provided for a deep dive.Soon there will be more apples coming out of the garage! imagination will be the only limitation.Key Exams Subject Highlight's :1) IoT Ecosystem Concepts and Architecture IoT Architecture Understanding and Setting up the Base IoT Hardware2) Prototyping Embedded Devices3) Software Programming & IoT Devices Sensors4) Internet Principles5) Networking Analysing Huge Amount of Data with Cloud based IoT Analytics IoT Security, Understanding and Setting up the Base IoT Hardware6) Fog Computing Working with the Cloud Cloud Collaboration Framework"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Modelagem de joias, com rhinoceros 3D" |
"Aqui veremos, todas as ferramentas fundamentais para modelar nossas joias, do bsico ao avanado, com explicaes das ferramentas e exerccios para aplicao do contedo aprendido ou a aprender.Voc poder tirar suas duvidas diretamente com o professor. Focado totalmente na modelagem de joias, iniciaremos com o bsico desenho, plano, em seguida volumes, respeitando as medidas e muitas vezes indicando qual media ideal para construo de uma joia em ouro, logo apos, passaremos a volumes com movimento de superfcie, joias orgnicas, justamente o ponto crucial para um bom modelista de joias 3D.Faremos pingentes, anis, gargantilhas, pulseiras, muitas desas peas com montagens, fechos, articulaes, cravao em linha e pav entre outros.O curso totalmente embasado em joias de produo, produtos viveis ao mercado, deixando o arquivo pronto para prototipagem, para se tirar borracha ou no. Do bsico para quem no tem conhecimento, avanando para que o aluno saia do curso pronto para modelar suas prprias joias. "
Price: 399.99 ![]() |
"Flutter Android & iOS Instagram Clone App with Firebase 2020" |
"In this course you will learn how to create flutter social media app like instagram with firebase firestore using flutter dart programming language.This instagram clone we will develop using new dark theme user interface. Moreover it will firebase cloud messaging for real time push notifications. And much more.For more info you can watch the first introductory video and if you want to learn the please enrolling in the course. At the end of this course you will be able to develop your own fully backend+frontend flutter iOS and android Apps."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"MS-700 Managing Microsoft Teams - Practice Tests" |
"Candidates for this exam are Microsoft Teams Administrators for their organization. The Microsoft Teams Administrator configures, deploys, and manages Office 365 workloads for Microsoft Teams that focus on efficient and effective collaboration and communication in an enterprise environment.The Teams Administrator must be able to plan, deploy, and manage Teams chat, apps, channels, meetings, audio conferencing, live events, and calling. The Teams Administrator is also responsible for upgrading from Skype for Business to Teams.The Teams Administrator collaborates with Telephony engineers to integrate advanced voice features into Microsoft Teams. This role is not responsible for configuring direct routing, configuring call routing, or integrating telephony. The Teams Administrator may work with other workload administrator roles, including security and compliance, messaging, networking, identity, and devices.Candidates for this exam should be proficient at managing Teams settings by using PowerShell. The Teams Administrator has a fundamental understanding of integration points with apps and services, including but not limited to SharePoint, OneDrive for Business, Exchange, Azure AD, and Office 365 Groups. The Teams Administrator understands how to integrate external apps and services.Skills measuredNOTE: The bullets that appear below each of the skills measured in the document below are intended to illustrate how we are assessing that skill. This list is not definitive or exhaustive.Plan and Configure a Microsoft Teams Environment (45-50%)Manage Chat, Calling, and Meetings (30-35%)Manage Teams and App Policies (20-25%)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Complete Machine Learning Masterclass - Learn From Scratch" |
"Welcome to this course ""Complete Machine Learning Masterclass - Learn From Scratch"". In this course you will learn from scratch. We will assume that you are a complete beginner and by the end of the course you will be at advanced level. This course contain Real-World examples and Hands On practicals. We will guide you step by step so that you can understand better. This course will allow you to work on the Real-World as a professional.Enroll Now! Get the opportunity to learn from this complete course."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Complete Python Course: Go From Beginner To Expert" |
"Welcome to this course ""Learn Python from scratch and go from zero to hero in Python"". In this course you will learn from scratch. We will assume that you are a complete beginner and by the end of the course you will be at advanced level. This course contain Real-World examples and Hands On practicals. We will guide you step by step so that you can understand better. This course will allow you to work on the Real-World as a professional.Enroll Now! Get the opportunity to learn from this complete course."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Complete React Course - Learn From Scratch" |
"Welcome to this course ""Complete React Course - Learn From Scratch"". In this course you will learn from scratch. We will assume that you are a complete beginner and by the end of the course you will be at advanced level. This course contain Real-World examples and Hands On practicals. We will guide you step by step so that you can understand better. This course will allow you to work on the Real-World as a professional.Enroll Now! Get the opportunity to learn from this complete course."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Online Course Essentials - Online Course as Fast As Possible" |
"Hello there, Nick here.In this course, you will learn everything that will allow you to start creating your first online course and become an online instructor with a steady online income.In this course You Will Learn:What is an Online Course;Why You Should Create an Online Course;How to Choose Topics for the Course;What Skills are Required for an Online Course;How Much Money You Can Realistically Expect to Make;and much more!This course is made for complete beginners of online course creation and works as a gateway to online courses and covers the concepts that are necessary to understand in order to create the first online course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"1Y0-A13 Implementing Citrix Access Gateway Enterprise Exam" |
"106 UNIQUE practice questions for 1Y0-A13 Implementing Citrix Access Gateway Enterprise ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 1Y0-A13 Implementing Citrix Access Gateway Enterprise ExamTotal Questions : 106Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :65 minsPassing Score : 75 (79 of 106)"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
learn-to-crack-android-applications-from-scratch |
"classes.dexresourcesassets :APKToolJG-GUIDEX2JARAPKStudioVTSJADXetc.... . APKTooldex2jarSingAPKjd-gui"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"C Programming - Pointers Explained" |
"Learn how pointers work using first principles.This course demonstrates pointers in C and explores their use in detail. In contrast with most other C programming courses, here, we are not only focusing on the syntax of different statements but we are going in-depth, behind the scenes and explore how different statements operate. This is especially important when it comes to pointers and pointer manipulation as pointers directly interface with memory locations.In this course you will learn:How pointers workRe-referencing pointersPointers & StringsPointers & ArraysPassing by value & passing by referenceThis type of in-depth analysis will provide you with a rigid foundation upon which you can build a solid understanding of the C programming language. This rigid foundation, in turn, will ensure that you deeply understand how the programming language operates in the background you will be less likely to make mistakes when programming yourself. A lot of additional support material is provided as part of the course, including all of the code that you see written on the screen and the slides presented.Throughout the course, extensive use of slides and graphics is being utilised in order to aid the understanding and memorability of complex programming concepts. All lessons come complete with coding exercises to help you practice the new concepts that are being discussed during the course and ensure that you have a thorough and practical understanding."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
nsdzycyo |
Price: 12600.00 ![]() |
VideoScribeYouTubeVer3.6 |
"20209Ver3.6VideoScribe7VideoScribeVideoScribe1600(Video ScribeVideo ScribeVideoScribe7VideoScribeVideoScribeVideoScribeVideoScribe"
Price: 4800.00 ![]() |