Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Website Testing Real UX Testing For Actual Client" |
"Do you have a website, online store or blog? Want to learn how to better optimize it from a user experience perspective? That means better engagement, more sales and a more functional and useful website for everyone?In this course I take you behind the scenes of my personal user experience testing for numerous websites, marketing agencies, local business and start up services looking to fix big mistakes we all make when designing and creating a website.I've done hundreds of reviews and love helping people. I'm sharing these private case studies in this massive course to help you make your web presence better. You'll learn various ways to improve your own website by watching someone go in blind and use a brand new website. Give, real actionable feedback based on my own personal experience of running two 4 figure websites."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Simulado exame LPIC-2: Linux Engineer-Verso 4.5-201-450" |
"Pratique com o simulado completo para o exame de certificao LPIC-2: Linux Engineer 201-450 em portugus-BR atualizado 2020.Esta a certificao de nvel intermdirio da carreira de um profissional Linux, uma das principais certificaes Linux do mercado, muito valorizada e reconhecida internacionalmente. Validade de 5 anos, apartir da segunda prova, para receber a certificao necessrio ser aprovado nos dois exames 201-450 e 202-450.O que a prova abrangePlanejamento de capacidadeKernel do LinuxInicializao do sistemaSistema de arquivos e dispositivosAdministrao avanada de dispositivos de armazenamentoConfigurao de redeManuteno de sistemaPara o exame voc precisa acertar 50% das questes, ou seja 30 questesSo 60 questesTotal de tempo 1 hora de prova, caso escolha sua lingua PT-BR, caso no, 90 minutos.Linguagem da prova, pode ser feita em Ingls, Japons, Portugus BR, e alemoNecessrio estar com a LPI 1 em validadeValor $173 dolares, necessrio carto internacionalNvel intermdirio"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
AR |
"AR "" "" "" "" .. AR AR AR Photoshop + Unity + Vuforia () = AR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Photoshop AR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vuforia AR Database Package ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Unity AR 1. Database Package2. 3. 4. 5. UI 6. 7. 8. Android APK 9. App ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Photoshop Photoshop Vuforia AR License Manager Target Manager Unity Vuforia Database AR Camera Image TargetUnity Unity Animation UI C# AR Android Android AR App"
Price: 1400.00 ![]() |
"Cisco Foundation Untuk Pemula" |
"Cisco Foundation Untuk Pemula merupakan training online khusus untuk pembahasan dasar pembelajaran Cisco Router dan Switch. Ada tiga simulator yang akan dibahas untuk praktek lab Cisco yaitu Cisco Packet Tracer, GNS3 dan Eve-NG. Training ini sangat direkomendasikan bagi Network Engineer yang ingin mendalami penggunaan network simulator Cisco. Untuk dapat menggunakan simulator Cisco dibutuhkan spesifikasi laptop yang cukup. Pada course ini juga dijelaskan konsep dasar Router dan Cisco switch, konfigurasi, verifikasi, tips dan trik bagaimana cara ngelab yang efektif dan efisien, setting laptop atau PC pada saat menggunakan GNS3 agar berjalan normal dengan resource yang rendah. Oleh karena itu , bagi yang penasaran ingin memaksimalkan simulator dan emulator Cisco untuk hasil yang maksimal, Anda bisa mengikuti petunjuk teknis pada course ini."
Price: 1050000.00 ![]() |
"Java Programming Masterclass Exams for Software Developers" |
"Java MCQ Exams consists of 6 Exams 100 Question each challenge your knowledge now and enroll in the course these comprehensive java Exams cover everything youll ever need.Whether you want to:- build the skills you need to get your first Java programming job- move to a more senior software developer position- pass the oracle java certification exam- or just learn java to be able to create your own java apps quickly....this complete Java Masterclass is the course you need to do all of this, and more.Are you aiming to get your first Java Programming job but struggling to find out what skills employers want and which course will give you those skills?This course is designed to give you the Java skills you need to get a job as a Java developer. By the end of the course you will understand Java extremely well and be able to build your own Java apps and be productive as a software developer.The course is a whopping 600 Questions long. Perhaps you have looked at the size of the course and are feeling a little overwhelmed at the prospect of finding time to complete it. Maybe you are wondering if you need to go through it all?Why would you choose to learn Java?The reality is that there is a lot of computer languages out there. It's in the hundreds. Why would you choose the Java language?The number one reason is its popularity. According to many official websites that track popularity of languages, Java is either #1 or in the top 3. Popularity means more companies and their staff are using it, so there are more career opportunities available for you if you are skilled in the language.The last thing you want to do is pick a language that is not in mainstream use. Java came out in the 1990's and is still very popular today.Will this course give me core java skills?Yes it will. Core Java is the fundamental parts of the java jdk (the java development kit) that programmers need to learn to move onto other more advanced technologies.Heres just some of what youll learn(Its okay if you dont understand all this yet, you will in the course)All the essential Java keywords, operators, statements, and expressions needed to fully understand exactly what youre coding and why - making programming easy to grasp and less frustratingYou will learn the answers to questions like What is a Java class, What is polymorphism and inheritance and to apply them to your java apps.How to safely download and install all necessary coding tools with less time and no frustrating installations or setupsComplete chapters on object-oriented programming and many aspects of the Java API (the protocols and tools for building applications) so you can code for all platforms and derestrict your programs user base (and potential sales)How to develop powerful Java applications using one of the most powerful Integrated Development Environments on the market, IntelliJ IDEA! - Meaning you can code functional programs easier. IntelliJ has both a FREE and PAID version, and you can use either in this course.(Dont worry if youre used to using Eclipse, NetBeans or some other IDE. Youre free to use any IDE and still get the most out of this course)Learn Java to a sufficient level to be a be to transition to core Java technologies like Android development, the Spring framework, Java EE (Enterprise edition) in general as well as and other technologies. In order to progress to these technologies you need to first learn core Java - the fundamental building blocks. That's what this course will help you to achieve.Is the course updated?Its no secret how technology is advancing at a rapid rate. New, more powerful hardware and software are being released every day, meaning its crucial to stay on top with the latest knowledge.A lot of other courses on Udemy get released once, and never get updated. Learning an older version of Java can be counter productive - you could will be learning the ""old way"" of doing things, rather than using current technology.Make sure you check the last updated date on the page of any course you plan to buy - you will be shocked to see some have not been updated for years. Thats why Im always adding new, up-to-date content to this course at no extra charge. Buy this course once, and youll have lifetime access to it and any future updates (which are on the way as we speak).What if I have questions?As if this course wasnt complete enough, I offer full support, answering any questions you have 7 days a week (whereas many instructors answer just once per week, or not at all).This means youll never find yourself stuck on one lesson for days on end. With my hand-holding guidance, youll progress smoothly through this course without any major roadblocks.Theres no risk either!This course comes with a full 30 day money-back guarantee. Meaning if you are not completely satisfied with the course or your progress, simply let me know and Ill refund you 100%, every last penny no questions asked.You either end up with Java skills, go on to develop great programs and potentially make an awesome career for yourself, or you try the course and simply get all your money back if you dont like itYou literally cant lose.Ready to get started, developer?Enrol now using the Add to Cart button on the right, and get started on your way to creative, advanced Java brilliance. Or, take this course for a free spin using the preview feature, so you know youre 100% certain this course is for you.See you on the inside (hurry, Java class is waiting!)"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
Kindle |
Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
"Complete Java Course - Learn From Scratch" |
"Welcome to this course ""Complete Java Course - Learn From Scratch"". In this course you will learn from scratch. We will assume that you are a complete beginner and by the end of the course you will be at advanced level. This course contain Real-World examples and Hands On practicals. We will guide you step by step so that you can understand better. This course will allow you to work on the Real-World as a professional.Enroll Now! Get the opportunity to learn from this complete course."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"BPM, BPMN e Modelagem de Processos com Bizagi" |
"O curso de Modelagem de Processos com Bizagi Modeler tem o objetivo de dar compreenso e apresentar como deve ser o trabalho prtico para realizar o mapeamento de processos de negcios, para obter o AS IS, que uma das fases do mapeamento.A fase do AS IS (modelar a verso atual do processo) a base para a Gesto de Processos, neste sentido, este curso apresenta contedo e demonstra os conceitos aplicados para um trabalho de mapeamento de processos com exerccios prticos.Abordamos conceitos utilizados na prtica para que voc possa aplicar no seu trabalho, seja voc colaborador, empresrio, consultor ou servidor pblico.GRADE CURRICULAR DO CURSOSeo 01 - Apresentao do Professor e Instalao do BizagiAula 01 - Apresentao do ProfessorAula 02 - Instalao do Bizagi ModelerAula 03 - Apresentao do BizagiSeo 02 - Introduo e ConceitosAula 04 - Apresentao de BPMAula 05 - Conceito de ProcessoAula 06 - Conceitos de Negcio e Processo de NegcioAula 07 - Tipos de processo: Primrio e de SuporteAula 08 - Tipo de processo de GerenciamentoAula 09 - Conceitos de BPMN - Parte 01Aula 10 - Conceitos de BPMN - Parte 02Aula 11 - Tipos de atividades e eventosAula 12 - Tipos de eventos e gateways: conceitosAula 13 - Tipos de eventos e gateways no BizagiAula 14 - SubprocessosAula 15 - Subprocessos no BizagiAula 16 - Dicas do BizagiAula 17 - Especificao BPMN 2.0.2Seo 03 - Tarefa 01 - Processo: Solicitar PedidoAula 18 - Apresentao da Tarefa - Solicitar PedidoAula 19 - Resoluo da tarefa - Parte 01. Processo: Solicitar PedidoAula 20 - Resoluo da tarefa - Parte 02. Processo: Solicitar PedidoAula 21 - Resoluo da tarefa - Parte 03. Processo: Solicitar PedidoSeo 04 - Ferramenta Bizagi ModelerAula 22 - Apresentao da FerramentaAula 23 - PaletaAula 24 - Criando Piscinas e RaiasAula 25 - Funes de zoomAula 26 - Criando eventos, atividades e gatewaysAula 27 - Elemento - evento intermedirio - LinkAula 28 - Elemento - Fluxo de MensagemAula 29 - Elemento - MarcoAula 30 - Movendo os componentesAula 31 - Aba Incio - FormataoAula 32 - Aba Inicio - opes: Edio e RevisarAula 33 - Aba FormatarAula 34 - Aba VisualizarAula 35 - Aba PublicarAula 36 - Aba Exportar/ImportarAula 37 - Aba Arquivo - opesAula 38 - Boto - Validar ProcessoAula 39 - ArtefatosAula 40 - Artefato: GrupoAula 41 - Artefato: Objeto de dadosAula 42 - Artefato: ImagemAula 43 - Artefato: AnotaoAula 44 - Artefato: Armazenamento de DadosAula 45 - Artefato: CabealhoAula 46 - Artefatos PersonalizadosAula 47 - Documentar atividadesAula 48 - Propriedades: Acionar ApresentaoSeo 05 - Conceitos avanados de BPMN no Bizagi ModelerAula 49 - Subprocesso reutilizvel e atividade de regra de negcioAula 50 - Subprocesso Transacional: Agncia de ViagensAula 51 - Subprocesso Transacional: Solicitar saque no ATMAula 52 - Subprocesso Transacional: explicao do processo solicitar saque no ATMSeo 06 - Tarefa 02 - Processo Solicitar Pedido - Subprocesso baseado em eventoAula 53 - Subprocesso baseado em evento - Apresentao da TarefaAula 54 - Subprocesso baseado em evento - Resoluo da TarefaSeo 07 - Exerccios de casos reaisAula 55 - Apresentao da seoAula 56 - Consultoria Jurdica - Apresentao do exerccioAula 57 - Consultoria Jurdica - Erros comuns durante a modelagemAula 58 - Consultoria Jurdica - Melhor soluoAula 59 - Pedido de Compra - apresentao do exerccioAula 60 - Pedido de Compra - soluo do exerccioAula 61 - Promoo por Seleo - apresentao do exerccioAula 62 - Promoo por Seleo - elaborao do exerccioAula 63 - Promoo por Seleo - explicao do exerccioSeo 08 - Material complementar: plataforma UdemyAula 64 - Plataforma Udemy: Perguntas e RespostasAula 65 - Plataforma Udemy: marcadoresAula 66 - Plataforma Udemy: velocidade do cursoAula 67 - Plataforma Udemy: download das aulasAula 68 - Plataforma Udemy: classificao do curso"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Application of Remote Sensing techniques" |
"This course is for Remote sensing beginner students. The student must be energetic about spatial learning. After completing this course, you will be able to understand the solid idea about the remote sensing. The student having knowledge about the basic interface of ArcGIS is eligible to learn this course, however other also may learn."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Elevation Data Processing In GIS" |
"If you are searching for the GIS project related to elevation data, this course is definitely for made for you. In this course you will learn about the lots of project based idea such as drainage management, surface analysis using DEM, volume calculation for hydrological study, remote sensing analysis etc. You also get the change to learn about the LiDAR technique. At the completion of this course, you built your confident to working any of the Digital Elevation datasets."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Catia 50 Adet Profesyonel 3D izim Altrmas" |
"Endstriyel 3D Catia'y Sfrdan leri Dzeye Kadar Gerek Projeler Yaratarak renin !Bu kursta 3D Catia programnn hzl uygulama gelitirmeye ynelik avantajn kullanarak hemen her blmde uygulamalar gelitirerek Catia programnn 3D ksmn tmyle kavrayacaz.Kursun erii :Akademimiz tarafndan hazrlanan 50 esiz 3d izimi hocalarmz eliinde hepberaber iziyoruz+8 Saat ierik sunan en uzun 3d Catia eitimidirBAKA HBR KAYNAA HTYACINIZ YOKBu eitim seti sizden ekstra bir kaynak kullanma talebinde boyu eriimMobil ve TV'den eriimBitirme SertifikasKurs boyunca yardma ihtiya duyduunuz konularda hi ekinmeden bize mail zerinden yahut soru-cevap ksmndan sorularnz iletebilirsiniz."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Trades Menores: O Curso Definitivo (Minor Triads For Bass)" |
"Este material foi estruturado a partir de necessidades diagnosticadas em pesquisas realizadas com baixistas de diferentes estilos e niveis de conhecimento.Uma das maiores dificuldades observadas e o olhar para uma determinada cifra e ver nela apenas a nota principal (tnica), criando desta forma uma viso limitada do acorde. Na maioria dos casos, se o acorde for maior ou menor, toca-se a tnica, e se tiver notas de tensao nao importando quais sejam, a nota referencia continua sendo a tnica.Muitos baixistas iniciam sua trajetria musical tendo que acompanhar uma musica sem antes haver se preparado para tal. Logo, ouve sol e toca sol, ouve la e toca la.Este o princpio da formao da viso tonal: uma imagem, a forma de tocar e distribuir notas (que levara tempo de estudo e dedicao) para se desfazer e poder ver os acordes de outra forma.No h nada de errado nisso, pois de fato, uma linha de baixo precisa ser feita tendo como base a tnica, mas considero importante o baixista desenvolver uma viso mais ampla da estrutura dos acordes.Os formatos de estudo e aplicao contidos neste livro foram utilizados inmeras vezes e aprimorados para que se chegasse a este resultado.Todo trabalho deve ser feito seguindo os passos sugeridos. O tempo de assimilao essencial para o bom aproveitamento deste material.Lembre-se: A msica no pode ser tratada como uma cincia exata, portanto, nunca substitua um conceito seu por algo que foi sugerido ou apresentado por algum.Busque incorporar novas ideias s suas ideias, lapidando desta forma a msica que est dentro de voc."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Everything you need to know about your iPad!" |
"Are you thinking about buying an iPad and want to learn more about it? Or do you own an iPad and want to put it to better use? These lessons are designed for beginners as well as the intermediate level and will cover the very basics and key features. There is even a lesson with tips that will help you get the most out of the iPad and perhaps even teach your friends a neat trick or two. Beginners or seasoned iPad vets can learn all about one of the coolest machines to come along in a long time. Maybe you just got a new iPad. Maybe you've had one for a bit, and want to squeeze every last drop of awesome out of it. Learn about the latest iPad, how to choose the best one on the market and get the most out of your equipment. This amazing video course lets you go at your own pace so you can learn at any time."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Candle Making Make Money Making Candles" |
"In this course you will learn the theory of various methods to make beautiful candles. This is not a how-to course on making candles You will learn what supplies you need. However the focus of the course and its strength is that it covers the business of making candles. If you already know how to make them, then take this course to learn how to make money doing what you love. You will learn how to create a business as a sole proprietor making candles. After finishing the course you will earn a certificate of completion. The course does come with a 30-day money back guarantee."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Dog Care, Dog Behavior, Dog Training For New Owners" |
"Dogs have their own way to communicate. As a new owner you need to learn how to care for your dog. In this course you will learn about the way dogs think and you will learn to understand dog behavior so you can care for your new dog. The course covers various training techniques. You will learn how to resolve common dog behavior issues. Once the course is finished you will earn a certificate of completion. The course comes with a 30- day money back guarantee. "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to write a Successful Project Proposal" |
"Justification or Business Needs Objectives and Success Criteria Project Cost Benefit Analysis Key Deliverable High-level Risks Milestone Schedule Summary Budget"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"DESEN DERSLER, nite: 11 mgesel izimler" |
"Mzeyyen Karaiftci Desen dersleri bal altnda, mgesel izimler nitemizde: 1. Derste: mgesel tasarm 2. Derste: imgesel kompozisyon 3. Derste: konunun anlatm 4. Derste: teknik olgunluk 5. Derste: yaratclk konular video ders olarak ilenmitir. mgesel izimler derslerimiz ileri dzeydedir. Bir sonraki dersimizde; lavi almalar ilerleyen derslerimizde portrede duygusal ifade, ve farkl malzemelerle desen izimleri konularmza devam edeceiz."
Price: 259.99 ![]() |
"The Java Certification Course" |
"Welcome to my course ""Complete Java Course: Go from zero to hero"". By using this comprehensive course you will learn the basics and advanced methods. We will assume that you are a complete beginner and by the end of the course you will be at advanced level. This course contain Real-World examples and Hands In practicals without neglecting the theory and basics. We will guide you step by step so that you can understand better. This course will allow you to work on the Real-World as a professional.Enroll Now! Get the opportunity to learn from this complete course."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Angular Programming MADE EASY : A Concise Angular Course" |
"By using this comprehensive course you will learn the basics of Angular, Some of the advanced methods of Angularprogramming and much more. In this course i will assume that you are a complete beginner and by the end of that course you will be at advanced level. Get step by step guide so that you can understand better. This course contain hands on practical examples without neglecting theory and basics. Learn to use Angular like a professional. This comprehensive course will allow to work on the real world as an expert!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Overview Of Angular Components & Programming" |
"Welcome to my Angular course. By using this course you will learn the basics of Angular, Some of the advanced methods of Angular programming and much more. This course will guide you step by step so that you will learn basics and theory of every part. This course contain hands on example so that you can understand coding in Angular better. If you have no previous knowledge or experience in Angular, you will like that the course begins with Angular basics. Otherwise if you have few experience in programming in Angular, this course can help you learn some new information. Go from beginner to advanced in Angular by using this course!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Travel Writing 101" |
"Have you always wanted to be a travel writer, but unsure of what it involves or how to break into the industry? Wondered how to write great travel stories that captivate and inspire readers to answer the call of elsewhere? Would you like to learn about the business side of travel writing, finding your first clients, press trips and sending pitches? Travel writing is an eclectic mix of business and the creative. It's a prized and often-misunderstood profession and this class will help you unpick it. Upon completion of this class, youll have a definitive blueprint for building a successful and profitable career as a travel writer."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Master Editing in Adobe Premiere CC For Beginners" |
"This course delves into the fundamentals of film-making, specifically in terms of the post-production phase (after shooting). Students will go through the process from scratch learning key terminology and industry-standard techniques. Students will also be able to complete a fully edited film using Adobe Premiere by understanding the process of editing, adding sound along with music, inserting and designing titles, the basics of color correction, and finally, exporting using Premiere and Media Encoder. In just under three hours, students will be able to edit their own film using Adobe Premiere, having gained a solid grasp of the formal devices discussed in the course."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"SEO Training Course 2020: Rank your website in Google." |
"******* Last Update: December 2019 *******A guided tour from A to Z with practical examples updated and faithfully reported by the experiences with the 100 sites built by the Italian author Federico Magni, Senior SEO Specialist for about 10 years and today founder of the GetSEOfix platform.In this guide about Search Engine Optimization for 2020, the author talks about various failures and successes on Google, analyzing not only the concepts of keywords and link building, but also focusing on the latest SEO strategies to position your site on search engines for a specific keyword.In addition to concrete suggestions and theoretical explanations, you will find experiences, case studies verified in different European markets and the challenges of the author during his daily work in the SEO world, with numbers and concrete data.This SEO course is ideal for those who already know the subject, but also for those approaching recently. It is recommended for the beginner who wants to start in the best way and for those who have a more advanced level and want to improve some techniques for their own professional growth.Here are some of the topics we will analyze in this SEO course:What is SEO and how does it workKeywords: the basis of each projectChoose the domain without changing your mindServer choice: where to host the siteStructural elements of the siteHow to write SEO-friendly contentSEO OnPage: optimize pages for GoogleLink building: backlinks acquisition strategiesMeasure results with KPIsSite analysis and optimizationSEO penalties: identification and solution"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Professional Scrum Master - Exam Preparation" |
"This Test Course is focused on the PSM level one exam: This is not a Scrum course! The goal is to help you in the preparation of that exam that is based on multiple choice quizzes. The exam characteristics:Really high quality questions85% passing score80 quizzes, 60 minutesThere's no single course or book that covers 100% of the thingsCertification highly recognized I've uploaded here all the quizzes that I've collected and produced in the last years of courses. The quality and difficulty of these simulations is nearly the same of the real exam. Untill now I've helped many students to achive this certification."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Color Palettes in Procreate" |
"Be more confident in your color choices and develop your signature color style!In this class, we will go through different fun exercises to build your confidence in creating your own color palettes and picking the colors for your unique taste and art style.I will explain my color palette creation process step by step. You will learn about:what makes a strong color palettehow to test colors so they work well togetherhow you can start developing your signature color styleWe will talk about saturation, color harmony, how to use references from real life, creating a mood board, working with thumbnails. You will also learn coloring tips and tricks, and other useful tips along the way.I will be using Procreate but feel free to use any other digital drawing program.Whether you are a beginner just starting to learn about colors or you are a little bit more experienced illustrator looking into learning some new skills, this class is for you.Lets experiment and play with colors!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Canto - Vocal Evolution Level 2 - Agilit, Passaggi & Mix" |
"Vocal Evolution Level 2 un lavoro di anni di ricerca e pratica per migliorare la connessione tra i registri, migliorare la ""voce di testa"" e il MIXING o la voce di MIX (o voce mista). Nel momento in cui ho creduto di poter realizzare un video metodo, significa che credo molto in questo lavoro, cos come tutti gli allievi che seguo nella mia scuola, cos come ci credono i Vocal Coach che formo e che aggiorno ogni anno. Il corso che troverai qui avr diversi modi di porsi alla tecnica, avrai scale per allenarti, avrai me come punto di appoggio, avrai ascolti per poterti confrontare. Sperando di aver fatto un bel corso, mi auguro di averti messo qui le basi e i mezzi per poterti migliorare anche a distanza. Sergio Calafiura, creatore dei Vocal Evolution."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Juniper (JN0-348) JNCIS Routing and Switching Exams 2020" |
"Juniper (JN0-348) JNCIS Routing and Switching Exams 2020The Juniper Networks Certification Program (JNCP) Enterprise Routing and Switching track allows participants to demonstrate competence with Juniper Networks technology. Successful candidates demonstrate thorough understanding of networking technology in general and Juniper Networks enterprise routing and switching platforms.Enterprise Routing and Switching, Specialist (JNCIS-ENT)This exam is designed for experienced networking professionals with beginner to intermediate knowledge of routing and switching implementations in JunosI have prepared this practice test course for all those candidates who are planning of taking JNCIS-ENT exam in near future.This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with Juniper in any way.Exam Topics covered as per syllabus JNCIS-ENT exam Certification questions :Layer 2 Switching or VLANsSpanning TreeLayer 2 SecurityProtocol Independent RoutingOSPFIS-ISBGPTunnelsHigh Availability"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"CLASSE CONOMIQUE - Apprenez voyager moins cher !" |
"Dans la formation CLASSE CONOMIQUE, vous allez dcouvrir la mthode complte pour voyager de la manire la plus conomique possible. Pas pas, nous allons voquer les principaux postes de dpenses que l'on rencontre lorsque l'on voyage, et nous verrons alors comment il est possible de rduire au maximum ces frais. chaque fin de section, un document PDF vous sera remis o les principaux points du cours seront rsums. Vous aurez donc la fin de la formation une marche suivre de plus de 100 astuces et conseils pour crer votre voyage idal, et ce au meilleur tarif possible."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ace CompTIA Pentest+" |
"Want to ace the CompTIA Pentest+ Examination and become an CompTIA CertifiedWhat you'll learnTired of failing the exam two or three times because you have no idea how the CompTIA Pentest+ Examination is set up . No time for studying and analyzing each videos or powerpoint .Well , you got into the right course .Just practice continuously and you will ace the examWho this course is for: CompTIA Pentest+ Absolute Beginners. No prior CompTIA Pentest+ experience necessary No Time to study No idea how the exam works Failed multiple attempts Want to practice"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Sueos Lcidos: Toma el control de tus sueos y de tu vida." |
"Este curso es una revolucin de la mente para despertar a tu potencial en tus sueos y en tu vigilia. No slo aprenders a soar lcidamente, sino a aplicar lo que aprendas ahi y transformar tu vida. Busca disipar las ilusiones y DESPERTARTE del sueo que la mayora de nosotros hemos tenido sin darnos cuenta.Qu es el Sueo Lcido?El sueo lcido es simplemente darse cuenta de que ests soando mientras ests en el sueo. Hay muchos niveles de lucidez o cunto puedes influir en el sueo. Todo eso es cuestin de prctica y creencia. Sin embargo, la prctica y el tiempo que pasas soando lcidamente puede tener un tremendo impacto en tu vida.Cmo el Sueo Lcido y el Yoga del Sueo pueden ser aplicados a tu vida:Recupera 1/3 de tu vida al despertar en tus sueos. Ests incrementando tu duracin de vida y tus experiencias, tus habilidades y tu potencial de aprendizaje!Evolucin de la conciencia: Toma conciencia de tus profundos pensamientos subconscientes, elimina los bloqueos mentales y emocionales, y los traumas para hacerte cargo de tu vida. A travs de las prcticas de yoga de los sueos, aprenders las 4 verdades fundamentales; no eres tus pensamientos y tu identidad es una ilusin, segundo ests viviendo un sueo, tercero la impermanencia de la vida y finalmente todos/todo somos uno. Ley de atraccin: Mejora tus prcticas de la ley de atraccin. Manifestaras mejor y ms rpido, rompiendo muchos bloqueos y lmites mentales previos.Conciencia de genio: Mejora tu creatividad, tu enfoque y tu habilidad de vivir en el momento . Si practicas deportes no slo puedes practicar habilidades durante el sueo lcido, sino que las prcticas de yoga del sueo mejorarn automticamente tus reflejos porque estars ms PRESENTE. Despertar espiritual: Desarrolla otra percepcin que muchos han llamado el estado de testigo o percibir la vida desde la perspectiva de una tercera persona.Mejora tu confianza y la autoestima: Supera los miedos sociales, las inseguridades y construye una fuerte creencia en tu propio ser y en tus habilidades.Si ests buscando aprender a soar lcidamente y llevar esa prctica a niveles an ms profundos para tu vida diaria, entonces este curso es para ti! La simple verdad es que cualquier cosa que practiques o experimentes en tus sueos (especialmente lcidos) es mucho ms impactante que lo que haces o experimentas en tu vigilia. La razn es que cuando trabajas con tus sueos ests trabajando con niveles ms profundos de tu subconsciente. As que la transformacin positiva no slo es profunda sino rpida y ms permanente. Adems, muchas de las prcticas de sueo lcido y del yoga del sueo resolvern automticamente tus problemas, porque el darte cuenta de bloqueos mentales automticamente los disuelve. Los problemas emocionales y cualquier cosa que se haya quedado atascada y inconsiente.Acerca de mHe estado soando lcidamente desde que tena 16 aos, ahora tengo 34. La idea de dominarlo surgi de una presentacin que tuve que hacer en mi clase de psicologa en la preparatoria. Me dieron a escoger cualquier tema y yo escog los sueos lcidos.Qu regalo fue ese! Desde entonces he practicado muchos mtodos para el desarrollo personal, los negocios, la confianza, habilidades sociales, mi vida romntica y en general. Sin embargo, el sueo lcido, especficamente el yoga de los sueos ha sido el mayor descubrimiento en casi 20 aos de desarrollo personal.No slo me apasiona ensearte a tener sueos lcidos, sino tambin a llevar ese nivel de conciencia a tu vigilia. nete a m en este viaje de evolucin de tu conciencia!Testimonios""Felipe, he seguido tu consejo de anotar mis sueos y he empezado a tener algunas transformaciones poderosas! Me llamaron para reparar una sociedad de negocios y hemos empezado a trabajar juntos de nuevo. ""~Spencer M.Un curso increble!~Julin David Ramrez ValenciaUn curso increble sobre un tema que me ha interesado desde que era adolescente. Disfrut de lo prctico que es este cursoal igual que las practicas bsicas de los sueos lcidos, desde el diario, el anlisis de los signos de los sueos (creando una hoja en excel) hasta las tcnicas de induccin de los sueos lcidos. Tambin disfrut de cmo el curso est diseado para el desarrollo personal y no slo para tener sueos lcidos. Muy bueno!!!~Liz SchultzMi garanta:Inscrbase en este curso y si no est 100% satisfecho, le reembolsare el dinero. Si no tienes un sueo lcido en 30 das o por cualquier razn descubres que este curso no era para ti, te devuelvo el dinero! NO HAY RIESGO PARA TI. Realmente quiero que aprendas esto y lo apliques a tus sueos y a tu vida en general. Deseo que ms gente pueda experimentar esto y DESPERTAR. Mi objetivo es ayudar a tantos a despertar y construir la compasin en todo el mundo.Famosos soadores lcidos:James CameronNikola TeslaLeonardo DicaprioStephen KingChris NolanSalvador DalAlbert EinsteinTim FerrisThomas EdisonJohn Lennon"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"From Burntout to Sanity : The Complete Mom-Preneurs Guide" |
"We all became mompreneurs for the same reason - to run our own business doing what we're passionate about, to achieve financial freedom, and to have more control of our schedule. Sadly, we sometimes end up working twice as hard to have nothing but expenses and balancing our time just seems impossible. I created this course to give you some new tools to get you back on track, doing what you want, and living the life you signed up for. I've combined my expertise as a hypnotherapist helping people live their best life, and my life long experience as an entrepreneur to help you get really clear about what you want, and go for it. Being an entrepreneur can mean having the time for your family that you want, while still earning the income that gives you the lifestyle you deserve."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |