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"Python 3 - Einfhrung in die Programmierung" |
"Dies ist der der perfekte Kurs fr anspruchsvolle Einsteiger, die nicht nur die Syntax der Programmiersprache Python 3 lernen wollen. Dieses Seminar behandelt neben Python 3 auch grundlegende Techniken, Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen, die jeder (angehende) Programmierer kennen und beherrschen muss. Python 3 selbst ist einfach zu erlernen, so dass Sie bereits nach wenigen Lektionen in der Lage sind, eigenstndig nutzbringende Programme zu schreiben. Trotz aller Einfachheit, die Python auszeichnet, knnen Sie mit dieser Programmiersprache sehr mchtige Programme schreiben: Internet-Anwendungen, wissenschaftliches Rechnen, Numerik, Datenbanken, Grafik usw.Natrlich startet das Seminar mit ganz einfachen Programmen und ""Fingerbungen"". Bei der Beschaffung und Installation der notwendigen Software werden Sie untersttzt. Dennoch ist das Seminar sehr anspruchsvoll. Alle bungsaufgaben sind Programmieraufgaben, die jeweils reale Aufgabenstellungen lsen. Die Programme stellen sinnvolle Werkzeuge dar, die Sie in Ihrem Arbeitsalltag am Computer verwenden knnen.Alle Programme knnen Sie von Beginn an auf Ihrem eigenen Rechner ausfhren. Mgliche Unterschiede zwischen den Betriebssystemen (Microsoft Windows, macOS, Gnu/Linux) werden besprochen und Lsungen erarbeitet, so dass sie bereits ab dem 3. Seminarabschnitt in der Lage sind portable Programme zu schreiben.Im Einzelnen lernen Sie:einfache Programmeeinfache Datentypen (Zeichenketten, Zahlen, Wahrheitswerte, ...)strukturierte Datentypen (Listen, Dictionaries, Mengen, ...)FunktionenModularisierungObjektorientierungFehlerbehandlungwichtige Algorithmen & Datenstrukturen (Kellerspeicher, Warteschlangen, Bume)Zu allen behandelten Themen gibt es bungsaufgaben, in denen Sie den erlernten Stoff vertiefen und ntzliche Softwarewerkzeuge selbst erstellen. Es gibt keine Multiple-Choice-Tests. - Hier lernen Sie das Programmieren!Vorkenntnisse in irgendeiner Programmiersprache sind nicht erforderlich. Sie sollten Ihren Computer aber sicher beherrschen."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Narzdzia nie tylko dla Scrum Mastera i Agile Coacha" |
"Zestaw najpopularniejszych i najbardziej przydatnych narzdzi, ktre uywaj zespoy Scrumowe, Scrum Masterzy, ale take Project Menederowie czy Team Leaderzy, pogrupowanych w jeden przystpny kurs.Przedstawione narzdzia dotycz zarwno kwestii mikkich, przykadowo nawigowanie po poziomach konfliktu, etapy procesu grupowego, dynamiki grupy, jak i konkretnych sposobw i porad na temat dzielenia elementw Product Backlogu czy szacowania relatywnego.Omwienie narzdzi i modeli podparte jest osobistym, kilkuletnim dowiadczeniem autora w penieniu roli Scrum Mastera, komentujcego zarwno zalety jak i wady pewnych rozwiza. Dodatkow warto stanowi praktyczne, wzite z ycia przykady z zespow scrumowych.Kurs moe by ogldany zarwno od pocztku do koca, jak i wyrywkowo, poniewa kady z rozdziaw jest niezalenym bytem o oddzielnej tematyce."
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"myEasyProject - Projektmanagement fr Frauen" |
"Als Unternehmerin hast du sicherlich einige Ideen fr dein Business, ob fr dein Marketing, fr deine strategische Ausrichtung oder hinsichtlich deiner persnlichen Leistungsbilanz. Das Problem dabei: Die Umsetzung neben der tglichen Arbeit. Zu oft fehlt die zustzliche Motivation und Kraft, um Ideen wirklich zu planen und sie als Projekt erfolgreich umzusetzen. Die Grnde dafr sind vielfltig, ob: Angst vor Fehlernkeine funktionierende UmsetzungsstrategieGefhl der berforderungfehlende EntscheidungsfreudeDas Ergebnis ist aber immer gleich: Dein Business kommt nur schwer vom Fleck. Aufgeschobene Ideen belasten dich und spuken stndig im Hinterkopf. Oder deine Ideen schlummern so lange in deiner ""Schublade"", bis jemand anderes den gleichen Einfall hat und damit genial erfolgreich ist. Das kannst du jetzt ndern! In diesem Onlinekurs zeige ich dir, wie einfach du vom Denken ins Tun kommst. Ich habe fr dich eine Methode entwickelt, die dich garantiert in die Umsetzung bringt. Ab nun wirst du deine Aufgaben motiviert und strukturiert erledigen. Die Methode hat schon vielen Unternehmerinnen geholfen ihr Business wirklich voranzubringen. Mit deiner Buchung erhltst du 4 umfassende Module - konkret bedeutet das:5 wichtige Lektionen je Modul20 Videos mit einer ausfhrlichen Einfhrung ins Thema19 bersichtlich gestaltete Arbeitsbltter mit bungen und ImpulsenZugang zur Facebook-Gruppe zum Austrausch mit mir und anderen TeilnehmerinnenAlle Impulse und bungen untersttzen dich dabei, deine Projekte mit einer Umsetzungsstrategie erfolgreich zu planen und deine Ideen endlich auf die Strae zu bringen. Der Kurs ist fr 4 Wochen konzipiert, du kannst ihn aber in deinem eigenen Tempo durchlaufen."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Elite Card Technique 2" |
"In this course we pick up where we left off in Elite Card Technique 1. Now we dive deeper into intermediate sleights, including the double lift, forces, culls, and color changes. We are building an arsenal of more jaw dropping techniques to impress everyone from friends, colleagues and family. Buckle up and enjoy Elite Card Technique 2!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Windows Server 2016 MCSA 70-740,70-741,70-742 + 800 questes" |
"Ol! Seja bem vindo ao curso mais completo sobre Windows Server 2016 que voc encontrar nesta plataforma!Desenvolvi neste curso de 56 horas de durao, 17 apostilas personalizadas, mais de 800 perguntas em arquivos VCES e tudo totalmente passo a passo, para que voc consiga dominar o Windows Server 2016 do bsico ao avanado e o melhor de tudo, TOTALMENTE PASSO A PASSO! A empresa DICARJ tem um orgulho muito grande em saber que j ajudamos centenas de profissionais da rea a passar nas provas da Microsoft!O nosso ndice de aprovao com este curso, altssimo!Dividimos o curso por prova. E em cada prova, seus arquivos especficos, apostilas, arquivos VCES e muito mais!!!!!Porm, mesmo que voc no queira fazer as provas, este curso para voc que quer dominar o Windows Server 2016!Ensino simplesmente tudo!!!! No precisa de curso adicional!Perguntas mais frequentes dos alunos :1- Quando foi gravado o curso?R: Grande parte do curso foi gravada ao vivo(De junho de 2019 a Abril de 2020) com os alunos e o curso est super atualizado(2020)!2- Aps assistir a todos os laboratrios, apostilas e VCES, tenho chance de passar na prova ?R: Sim! Diversos alunos j esto atingindo os seus objetivos e tirando a to sonhada certificao.3- Como funcionam os arquivos VCES ?R: Eles simulam o ambiente real de prova! Logo, voc poder verificar sua pontuao! A cada mdulo o professor desenvolveu um arquivo .VCE exclusivo para o aluno treinar para o grande dia!4- Como funciona o suporte do professor?a- Pela Udemy: Voc poder enviar uma mensagem pela Udemy que responderei suas dvidas diariamente!b- Pelo grupo do Whatsapp. Temos diversos alunos por l e podero lhe ajudar com todas as suas dvidas!!! Te aguardo no curso! Rumo a certificao e a administrao de forma completa deste maravilhoso sistema operacional!"
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
"Solidworks - Bsico 2019/2020" |
"Este curso de Solidworks 2019/2020 foi feito para pessoas que ainda no tem contato com o programa e gostaria de aprend-lo do zero.So mais de 50 vdeo-aulas, ensinando o passo a passo de modelagens de diversas peas. Aps as modelagens, montaremos essas peas como um conjunto, fazendo anlise de massa, interferncia e a sua vista explodida.Posteriormente mostraremos vrios recursos do ambiente de detalhamento 2D."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Curso Cremas Naturales y Formas Cosmticas Online" |
"En este curso On line de Cremas Naturales y Formas Cosmtica aprenders a dar un sello nico a tu propios productos guiado por Qumica Farmacutica Especialista en Cosmtica Natural y que ha formado ms de 1,000 personas en su taller en Santiago de Chile. En el Curso Cremas Naturales y Formas Cosmticas On line elaborars tus cremas desde cero, haciendo incluso las bases de cada emulsin y aprenders a calcular el Balance Hidrofilo Lipofilo (HLB). En cada video aprenders a utilizar los insumos y las materias primas en la elaboracin de tus productos, y entenders cmo elegir cada materia prima de acuerdo al tipo de pielEl curso Cremas Naturales y Formas Cosmticas On line es de uso ilimitado, podrs descargar recursos que tienen la descripcin terica del curso, y un listado de proveedores de materias primas en Chile (Si estas en otro pas debes buscar los proveedores cosmticos locales)En este Curso Cremas Naturales y Formas Cosmticas On line elaborars desde cero:Locin de limpieza micelarMscara de rostroCrema de rostro nocheContorno de ojosStick labialUngento reparadorT nimo y ganas de aprender cosas nuevas, y a elaborar productos de cosmtica natural son los nicos requisitos necesarios para echar a volar tu imaginacin y potencial."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Realizza te stesso nella Vita e nella Professione" |
"Ciao mi chiamo Carlo Lesma Coach e Mentor, creo vari corsi online e offline e nello specifico sono di supporto per aiutare ogni singola persona o impresa che ha voglia nel ricercare in se stessi i propri talenti individuali e professionali, sono autore di vari libri e audio, lobiettivo di questo corso online Realizza Te Stesso quello di guidarti attraverso degli esercizi pratici nel portarti in un processo di autoconsapevolezza e di conoscenza interiore al fine di scoprire chi e chi vuoi essere oggi nella tua realt e quali azioni potrai mettere in campo per creare la vita che hai da sempre desiderato.Perch scegliere questo corso?Ti sei mai chiesto quale il mio scopo nella vita? Quale il mio posto? in che modo posso realizzare me stesso allineandomi alla mia vera identit? Oppure ti mai capitato di sentirti smarrito, confuso, senza una meta? Molte volte perdiamo lentusiasmo e vari stimoli che ci portano a creare e sviluppare la vita che vogliamo realmente vivere, forse perch non abbiamo punti di riferimento, forse abbiamo perso la bussola, e ci manca una visione nel medio e nel lungo termine. In questo percorso che faremo insieme ti guider passo dopo passo a vivere un processo che ti porter a creare la vita che hai da sempre desiderato, troverai alcuni suggerimenti idee e intuizioni nelle quali potrai trovare ottimi spunti di ispirazione per delineare il tuo cammino. La prima cosa che dovrai fare procurati una agenda e segnare i tuoi progressi, mettendo a fuoco i tuoi obiettivi, desideri e sogni e ti prometto che se farai gli esercizi e dedicherai del tempo a sufficienza per marcare il tuo nuovo inizio sono sicuro che la tua vita cambier in poco tempo e riuscirai a realizzare il tuo scopo nella vita di tutti i giorni. Magari sei in un momento nella tua vita che vuoi ripartire da zero e non sai come fare, magari ti senti bloccato e legato dal tuo passato, se prenderai alla lettera quello che descritto nel corso online Realizza Te Stesso vedrai tu stesso il progresso che da sempre avevi atteso. Troverai alcune strategie che potrai mantenere nel tempo, come trasformare i tuoi desideri in realt e come creare delle nuove abitudini di successo, andrai a scoprire quali atteggiamenti/ comportamenti saranno utili al tuo percorso professionale e personale, scenderai in profondit per estrapolare le tue vecchie convinzioni e crearne delle nuove utili al tuo processo interiore. Andrai a comprendere quali sono i tuoi Talenti e come metterli in pratica al fine di produrre risultati concreti e riuscirai a fare una tua ricerca di mercato utile a fare la differenza nella vita di tutti i giorni, riuscirai a essere in equilibrio con te stesso al fine di prendere le decisioni migliori e fare delle scelte utili al tuo cammino personale. Comprenderai uno degli strumenti pi potenti al mondo di facile applicazione, la meditazione e le visualizzazioni nelle quali comprenderai i simboli e le immagini utili a comprendere alcune risposte che da sempre hai ricercato nel tuo cammino. Anche se si nascondono dei blocchi e vuoi liberati dal tuo passato per fare progressi ugualmente in questo caso la meditazione sar di grande supporto, vivi la vita che vuoi vivere suonando da oggi il tuo strumento interiore, la tua vera e unica identit imparando a rilassarti giorno per giorno e mantenendo alta la tua motivazione quotidiana.Cosa imparerai con questo corso?Iscriviti al mio corso onlineRealizza Te Stesso e avrai accesso alle mie lezioni dove imparerai:Scoprirai come Realizzare il tuo scopo nella tua vita di tutti i giorni nel lavoro e nel tuo percorso personale;Riuscirai a innescare un sistema strategico nel quale tu stesso sarai il creatore dei tuoi risultati personali e professionali;Imparerai tu stesso a fare delle scelti importanti e comprendere quali decisioni sono utili per la tua ricerca interiore;Conoscerai come vivere in equilibrio e in armonia nella vita di tutti i giorni per essere sempre motivato e avere delle intenzioni precise e delineate;Saprai come scoprire chi sei e fare la differenza nella tua vita di tutti i giorni."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Master Subjuntivo - Take your Spanish to the next level" |
"In this course you will learn to identify, conjugate and use subjuntivo correctly. The course includes theory, but the main focus is the use of subjuntivo. The course is highly practice-oriented and includes several exercises, as well as a final test with 100 questions. To help you along the way, you will not only find several quizzes, but also PDF material, including a 1-page cheat sheet at the end of the course, right before the final test. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions and I will be very glad to help you."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"NoCode Eitim Seti" |
"Kodlama bilmeden kodlama biliyormu gibi rnler retip yepyeni markalar oluturabilir veya var olan markanz bytebilirsiniz. Yapabileceklerinizin snr yoktur. Ve bu ileri yaparken hi kod yazmayacaksnz.Instagramda paylatnz resmi tm sosyal alarda otomatik paylatrmak.Kendi kendine tweet atabilen Twitter sayfas yapmak.Kendi kendine haber paylaan haber sitesi yapmak.ok deli manyak rnekler: Hava durumuna gre tweet attrmak.Bir mekana girdiimde mesaj gndermesi.Gelen mesajlar listelemek.Telefonunuzdaki resimleri yedeklemek. Yedein yedeini almak.Hepsi ve daha fazlas eitim setinde."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"TikTok for Complete Beginners Influencers & Small Businesses" |
"Do you want to grow your influence on social media?Do you want to increase your traffic, get more subs or followers and turn pro with your online business?Welcome to the TikTok Beginners Guide where we will share with you the tiktok algorithm and strategies to turn your Tik Tok into a working business! Thank you for considering enrolling in this course! I promise to make it worth your time with our simple step by step system.In this course you will learn:-What is TikTok and why you should use it as an entrepreneur / influencer-The TikTok Algorithm-Creating viral videos / Content-Tiktok marketing strategies for your business-How to Use Hashtags Correctly-How to grow your audience and send traffic to your other platforms with easy marketing strategies-How to publish your tiktok content on other social media platforms (FB / insta stories and compilation youtube videos)Meet your trainer:Krystal Kelly is a best selling author, podcaster and YouTuber with several online businesses and a growing social media community. Krystal has been a social media influencer for over 5 years and has extensive knowledge on growing your audience and creating an online community."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Verbal Vinyasa" |
"Learn the art of flowing and fluid communication from World-Class Flow-State Performance Coach - Sumedh Chatterjee.Do you sometimes not know what to say? Do you trip over your words a lot? Do you feel scared to express yourself? Do you have social anxiety and can't speak up? Do you feel awkward speaking in public?This course is for you and will help you immensely. You will Improve your Charisma. Be more Engaged. Cause an Impact and Make an Influence. Balance Hemispheres... Attain Harmony... And Stay Flowing!You will never be the same communicator again.May the Flow be with you."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Coding for beginners with Python" |
"Python is a very popular and powerful programming language.Python is versatile and can be fun to use in creating powerful and useful applications. Python can be used to create a variety of applications types from games, web applications,desktop applications. Python is also very prominently used in data science and data analysis.Jupyter Notebook is an environment that we can use to experiment with Python interactively . It allows you to share live Python code with others .Some of the biggest websites on this planet earth use python in one way or another. Examples include:GoogleYoutubeFacebookNasaDisneyPixarRedditPinterestInstagramSpotifySurvey MonkeyYahoo MapsIn this absolute beginners course you will learn:Python VariablesPython ExpressionsPython data typesCasting data typesPython ListPython TuplesPython DictionariesPython Conditional StatementsPython LoopsPython Functions"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Bu derste Scrum'n temellerini, Scrum ekiplerinde rn Sahibinin (Product Owner) sorumluluklarn ve evik bir ortamda rnlerin nasl ynetilecei hakknda detaylar reneceksiniz. Eitimde Scrum rn Sahibi rol, bilmesi ve yapmas gerekenler, alrken debildii hatalar en yaln ekilde anlatlmaya allmtr. Bu eitim ayn zamanda PSPO I sertifika snavna hazrlk materyali olarak da kullanlabilir. Snava hazrlk iin bir soru seti materyali de paylalmtr. Derste anlatlan konular iyi bir ekilde anlalp zmsendiinde hem pratik hayattaki almalarnzda hem de scrum org tarafndan dzenlenen PSPO I snavnda baarl olmanza yardmc olacaktr."
Price: 369.99 ![]() |
"Trabalhar Online - ensino e terapias" |
"Este curso responde s necessidades atuais de digitalizao e mobilidade.Num mundo onde cada vez mais as pessoas esto em mobilidade, e onde precisamos de estar em vrias frentes, ter as nossas aulas e curso online essencial.Com este curso pode aprender novas formas de trabalho digital, como ferramentas para fazer as suas sesses e aulas, assim como para as divulgar e vender.Este curso est em construo, sendo que sero adicionados contedos novos nas prximas semanas."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Estratgia de Marketing" |
"Neste curso voc vai aprender a estruturar e implantar um Plano Estratgico de Marketing que o ajudar a selecionar e desenvolver mercados lucrativos. Veja o contedo programtico do curso a seguir:1 Etapa . Definio das premissas Como definir as premissas2 Etapa . Anlise do ambiente de marketingIntroduo anlise do ambiente de marketingAnlise do macroambiente de marketingAnlise do ambiente demogrficoAnlise do ambiente econmicoAnlise do ambiente naturalAnlise do ambiente tecnolgicoAnlise do ambiente poltico-legalAnlise do ambiente socioculturalAnlise do microambiente marketingAnlise das cinco foras de PorterAnlise da cadeia de valorAnlise interna da organizaoAnlise SWOTAnlise do portflio de negciosAnlise do portflio com a Matriz BCGAnlise do portflio com a Matriz GE3 Etapa . Estabelecimento das metasComo estabelecer as metas de marketing4 Etapa . Definio das estratgias de marketingIntroduo seleo de mercados-alvoSegmentao geogrficaSegmentao demogrficaSegmentao psicogrficaSegmentao comportamentalSeleo de mercados-alvoTipos de seleo de mercados-alvoDefinio do posicionamento de mercadoAs trs estratgias genricasEstratgias de crescimentoEstratgias de estabilidadeEstratgias de reduo5 Etapa . Definio do marketing mixIntroduo ao marketing mixMarketing mix: produtoMarketing mix: preoMarketing mix: praaMarketing mix: promooConcluso e encerramento"
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Const for C Programming MCQ Practice Questions" |
"In the C, C++, D, JavaScript and Julia programming languages, const is a type qualifier:[a] a keyword applied to a data type that indicates that the data is read only. While this can be used to declare constants, const in the C family of languages differs from similar constructs in other languages in being part of the type, and thus has complicated behavior when combined with pointers, references, composite data types, and type-checkingThese questions will give you basic idea for Examination Preparation and/or interview on Const for C Programming.Please Note: These questions are only for practice and understanding level of knowledge only. It is not necessary that these questions may or may not appear for examinations and/or interview questionsIn this practice test, because of large amount of questions (around 18 questions) some of questions may have repeatedI had to put as 70% pass rate because there may also be wrong answers from my side."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SUPER DBUTANT MasterClass -Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign" |
"LA MEILLEURE FORMATION pour les SUPERS dbutants sur les logiciels Photoshop, Illustrator et Indesign.Je suis Romain Duclos, formateur digital depuis plus de 10 ans et avec mon exprience j'ai remarqu que beaucoup de personnes souhaitent apprendre les logiciels Adobe mais n'ont pas une formation adapte leurs besoins et surtout une formation avec les premieres approches bien expliques et concretes - C'est pour a que j'ai dcid de faire cette formation ? SUPER DBUTANT ? pour vous.Avec cette MasterClass, nous allons travailler tape par tape un rythme adapt aux SUPERS DBUTANTSFormation UNIQUE et parfaitement adapte pour vous.Voici le programme dtaill de cette formation:PHOTOSHOP - Programme Super Dbutant - Environ 3h de vidosInterfaceLes imagesLes calquesLa slectionRecadrage d'une imageComment crire du texteGrer la couleurLes effetsATELIER CRA - Retirer des lments gnant dans une photoATELIER CRA - Decaler slection crer l'effet GLITCHATELIER CRA - Changer le fond d'une imageATELIER CRA - Utiliser un Mock UpATELIER CRA - Faire une couverture FacebookATELIER CRA - Crer des filtres comme sur INSTAGRAMILLUSTRATOR - Programme Super Dbutant - Environ 3h de vidosPrise en mainUtiliser le texteCaler les lments entres-euxCrer des formes simplesDessiner des formes librementATELIER CRA - Picto BonhommeATELIER CRA - Picto AdobeATELIER CRA - Picto OrangeATELIER CRA - Le Coq est fireATELIER CRA - Logo Austin MiniATELIER CRA - Pictogramme PoissonATELIER CRA - Reproduire le logo FANTAINDESIGN - Programme Super Dbutant - Environ 3h de vidosL'interfaceOuvrir - Enregistrer - Exporter des fichiers sur IndesignDessiner des formes simplesComment grer la couleurEcrire du texteImporter des imagesATELIER CRA - Modifier un document existantATELIER CRA - Cration d'un badge expositionATELIER CRA - Faire une carte de visiteATELIER CRA - Crer une plaquette com'ATELIER CRA - Faire un prospectus 3 volets - Menu restaurantJe vous accompagne tout au long de votre formation et vous pouvez me poser toutes vos questions via la messagerie.Alors n'hsitez plus et apprenez enfin Photoshop, Illustrator et Indesign.Par la suite vous pourrez suivre mes cours plus avancs pour progresser encore plus.Cliquez, apprenez, crez avec les formations by Romain DuclosA bientt"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Agile Project Management" |
"AgilePM Project Management - IntroductionGet an appreciation of Agile, Agility and AgilePM Project Management, a best practice for Agile project management.AgilePM is the most popular agile project management qualification in the world Trusted Training RadarThis course provides a good introduction to AgilePM Project Management, a best practice for Agile Project Management.The AgilePM certification aims to address the needs of those working in a project-focused environment who want to be Agile. It provides individuals and organisations with a leaner, more structured approach to project management enabling them to respond quickly to change and provides a way to implement high-priority initiatives. It works alongside formal approaches such as PRINCE2, PMI, APMP and compliments quality processes such as ISO 9001 and CMM1.AgilePM Project Management - The worlds leading framework and certification for Agile Project Management is a practical and repeatable methodology that achieves an ideal balance between the standards, rigour and visibility required for good project management, and the fast-pace, change and empowerment provided by Agile.Benets of Method: Deliver quicker, cost-effective and low risk change by implementing a tried and tested approach to agile project management. Understand the background of agile in project management and the differences compared to traditional / alternative approaches. Equip yourself with the core principles, concepts and processes required for successful agile projects. Learn how to apply the DSDM agile approach to projects and daily activities and embrace an evolutionary development approach for more effective solutions. Boost communication and stakeholder engagement skills; critical for successful projects. Clarify different management styles needed for successful agile projects compared to traditional projects and be able to tailor these to the situation. Help organizations deliver effectively, at a lower cost and with lower risk, by continually validating project milestones against business objectives. Become an informed member of a project team using DSDM and AgilePM practices. Enhance your CV and boost future employment prospects.This accredited course aims to set you on a path to becoming a fully certificated Registered Practitioner (Upgrades available for Foundation & Practitioner level study and qualification) in your own time and at your own pace.Introduction - Course Content: 2 modules with associated engaging, motion graphic video presented lessons Notes to support each lesson and references to further suggested reading. Support materials and exercises to consolidate the learning Foundation level sample questions to test and embed the learning Eligible for 5 CPU/PDU points.FAQs1) What knowledge & tools are required?Familiarity with projects and Project management is useful but not essential.2) Who should take this course?Anyone interested in learning about and applying agile, agility and agile approaches to managing their projects or aspiring for a career in project management. This is an accredited course and sets you on a path towards a qualification in AgilePM Project Management.3) What will students achieve or be able to do after taking your course?a) Describe Agile, Agility and list the various Agile approaches and an appreciation of why and when to use Agile Project Management.b) Practical understanding of the underpinning philosophy and principles in an Agile project.c) Help you to become aware and productive member of an agile project environment.d) Set you on a path towards a potential Foundation and Practitioner level qualification in AgilePM Project Management.e) Eligible for 5 Category - C PDUs or CPDsNext Steps: AgilePM Foundation & Practitioner Qualification"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Spark raliser des visuels attractifs pour le web" |
"Adobe Spark Adobe Spark est un outil de la srie Adobe permettant de crer rapidement diffrents types de contenu pour les rseaux sociaux, mais galement pour d'autres types de support. Pour multiplier la cration de visuels marketing, ou simplement de crer ses posts pour les rseaux sociaux, des outils comme Photoshop peuvent paraitre un obstacle, de par la complexit, et de par un temps plus elev pour la cration d'un contenu marketing. Avec Spark, vous avez un outil gratuit qui fonctionne avec des modles prdfinis, ainsi que des outils de cliquer dposer. Pour cela il faut avoir une connection internet car l'outil est disponible en ligne. Le point fort de Spark rside dans une grand nombre de templates, adapts pour tous types de design, de la couverture de livre au post pour rseaux sociaux, de la bannire au montage photo. Il permet galement de crer le design simple d'une page web ou encore un diaporama vido. Spark vous donne galement toutes les tailles dfinies pour chaque type de visuel, vous n'avez donc pas faire cette recherche. De plus, la bibliothque d'image est vaste et vous pouvez galement tlcharger vos propres images. Pourquoi utiliser Adobe Spark - Vous voulez crer des designs personnels avec un outil abordable- Vous avez besoin de crer des posts pour les rseaux sociaux- Vous voulez crer des montages originaux- Pour votre travail vous avez besoin de crer diffrents visuels- Vous manquez d'ide pour crer des visuels- Vous ne voulez pas chercher les tailles respecter des diffrents supportsLa formationDans cette formation, je vais vous montrer comment utiliser Adobe Spark pour raliser tous vos designs. Nous travaillerons tape par tape en commenant par l'interface et le tableau de bord. Je vous montrerai tous les outils pour pouvoir ensuite les utiliser dans vos compositions. Je vous donnerai galement certaines techniques. Vous verrez galement comment crer le design d'une page web, ou encore un diaporama vido, qui sont des fonctionnalits trs intressantes. Enfin nous travaillerons sur des designs en partant de rien, mais galement partir de modles prdfinis."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Learn Microsoft Office 365" |
"SO, YOURE LOOKING FOR A COURSE THAT WILL TEACH YOU OFFICE 365 QUICKLY & IN A FUN MANNER?Ive got just the course for you!Welcome, my name is Josh Werner with Learn Tech Plus and Ive put this course together to help people just like you quickly master Office 365...Whether youre a beginner or experienced with Office 365!If your goal is to become a master of Office 365, then this course is perfect for you. It will get you started on the right path and give you the knowledge and skills you need to master Office 365...Learning Office 365 is Not only for Experienced users, but also everyone else. Because when you have mastered Office 365, you can get around Office 365 quickly and increase your productivity!In short, a good understanding of Office 365 is tremendously beneficial.Now, in this course, we'll go far beyond that. By the end of it, you'll have gained complete proficiency in Office 365 even if you're currently a complete beginner!THATS RIGHT...NO PRIOR EXPERIENCE OR KNOWLEDGE IS REQUIRED!You dont need any previous experience or knowledge to take this course. In fact, all you need is a desire to learn and master Office 365.This is not one of those courses that will throw too much at you at once and cause you to get overwhelmed. This is a course that youll not only learn so much from, but also enjoy the journey as youre learning (which is a very important part of the learning process)The course will take you by the hand and teach you everything you need to know step by step and even put your knowledge to practice immediately by showing you how to setup an account with Office 365 and How to use Office 365.On top of this, you will also get my continuous support as well to make sure youre successful with my course.LEARN OFFICE 365 BY DOING! (LEARN OFFICE 365 FROM SCRATCH!)We will go step by step and cover Office 365. The goal here is to help youA) Setup a Free Account with Office 365B) Work with Office 365Heres what well cover in the course:1. Well start from the very beginning and explain what Office 365 is, why & how its used.2. Introduce you to Office 365ENROLL NOW ID LOVE TO SEE YOU INSIDE THE COURSE AND HELP YOU LEARN OFFICE 365!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"TCC na prtica e sem dor" |
"Este um curso para que voc faa seu TCC de forma eficiente e eficaz. Ao entender como a dinmica e estrutura de cada um dos elementos que compem o TCC, o trabalho se torna mais simples e rpido de ser realizado. O curso foi elaborado a partir de minha experincia como professora de metodologia e consultora cientfica. Seja bem-vindo(a) ao ""TCC na prtica e sem dor""."
Price: 339.99 ![]() |
"English Mommy ( )" |
"- , . , ( ), , . , - . , , . 10 , . , :)"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Arquitectura de Software en la Prctica" |
"Arquitectura de Software en la Prctica es la continuacin del curso Arquitectura de Software publicado previamente en Udemy. Con este entrenamiento impartido por Lenin Lozano Argel a nivel empresarial, podrs potencializarte en el rol de Arquitecto de Software, ms que un curso es un entrenamiento real impartido presencialmente a nivel empresarial, el cual decidimos hacerlo asequible para mejorar las competencias y habilidades de quienes lo realicen. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"From Vintage Book to Handmade Journal - A Cheat's Guide" |
"If you've admired all those beautiful hand bound journals and junk journals on Pinterest and Instagram, but aren't quite ready yet, to bind your own from scratch. Or maybe, you don't want to invest the necessary time to bind a whole journal and are looking for a simpler and quicker way to create a handmade journal, then this class is for you.In this Cheat's Guide to Book Binding, you are going to learn how to replace the existing or most of the existing pages of a vintage book with pages and papers that you have chosen. The whole process is really simple and will allow you to create a handmade journal in an afternoon or two.In this class you are going to find out, which books are suitable for this project, how to remove the existing pages, cut new pages and quickly assemble to new book.As a bonus, I'll be creating a separate video, in which I'm going to show you additional extras you could add to the book, eg tuck spots, pockets, envelopes and ideas on how to add pictures and photographs.This class is suitable for beginners to book binding, as I will be guiding you through the process step by step. However, even if you have been binding your own notebooks and books or are a seasoned paper crafter, taking this class will give you another take on book binding and allow you to quickly create a beautiful present for a friend or family member or yourself!A downloadable PDF will give you a list of all the tools and materials you might need for this class.Music used is by Hooksounds"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Jak efektywnie pracowa zdalnie w domu - Praktyczny kurs" |
"Czy chcesz efektywnie pracowa zdalnie?Kadego roku praca zdalna staje si coraz bardziej popularna, powoli zanika przekonanie, e freelancerzy pracuj tylko z komputerem pod palmami. Powstaje coraz wicej firm, ktre s zarzdzane w 100% zdalnie. Niestety nie zawsze idzie w parze z wydajnoci.Najwiksz wad pracy zdalnej s s rozpraszacze, nale do nich np. social media, dzieci, powiadomienia. To trudne, ale moesz z tym walczy. Kolejn wad jest organizacja, jeli nasza praca nie jest zaplanowana, to nasza wydajno spada.Wanie dlatego przygotowaem 1,5-godzinny kurs, ktry pozwoli Ci efektywniej pracowa z domu:Czego nauczysz si w tym kursie:zorganizowanie swojej pracy w domupoznanie przydatnych praktycznych narzdzinauczysz si sposobw jak walczy z rozpraszaczamipoznasz sposoby jak pracowa efektywnie w zespoleOtrzymasz potny zastrzyk duej dawki praktycznej wiedzy, ktr sam stosuje.Prawda jest taka, e praca zdalna to umiejtno, ktrej musisz si nauczy. Zaczynamy? Docz do programu i zwiksz wyniki w pracy zdalnej o 30%."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Azure AZ-500 Security Technologies Practice Test (July 2020)" |
"Microsoft has announced their first ever security certification in March 2019! This practice test course will assist you in your journey to obtain the certified Azure Security Engineer Associate Certification. This practice test is aligned to the AZ-500 exam objectives.This practice test course contains 6 complete timed tests. That's 280 questions to see how prepared you are for the real test.Unlike other practice tests, you get LIFETIME access to these questions. There is no time limit. You can take the quizzes as many times as you like. Each test contains 40+ questions, and you'll be timed and graded on your results. It's a good way to see how ready you are for the real thing!The exams are formatted just like the real questions would be. Unfortunately, we are limited in the types of questions we can offer, so this quiz will be multiple choice only unlike the real exam. But we're confident that you will be fairly tested on your knowledge of Azure Architecture after taking this exam. These quizzes also has case study questions with advanced diagram drawings included!Microsoft's AZ-500 Azure Security Engineer exam is the first security certification from Azure. Getting that Azure Security Engineer certification is the ultimate proof of your expertise in Azure.This practice test course contains two complete practice tests so that you can prove your skills as an Azure Administrator. A perfect tool to assess your readiness, and find those one or two spots that you can study in the days before taking the test.The test covers:* Manage identity and access (30-35%)* Implement platform protection (15-20%)* Manage security operations (25-30%)* Secure data and applications (20-25%)There are questions about each of these areas in this practice test course which have the same weighting as the real exam.Look forward to seeing you inside the course!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Parlare in Pubblico in 4 mosse. Corso II - Livello Avanzato" |
"Se sei qui vuol dire che sei una persona che punta al miglioramento personale.Questo un corso di secondo livello, cio successivo a ""Parlare in pubblico in 4 mosse"", corso da sempre Best Seller del segmento.Se non hai frequentato il mio primo corso, ti consiglio di partire da l, per approdare si questo.Il corso tuttavia indipendente.Il public speaking larte della comunicazione efficace, labilit che ti permette di migliorare te stesso, la tua vita e la tua carriera.Quello che conta, nella vita e nella carriera, sono le relazioni interpersonali. Costruirle, svilupparle e renderle solide la chiave del successo.Arriva per ognuno di noi, il momento di salire sul palco, parlare ad un pubblico ampio, impugnando un microfono e dovendo sostenere un discorso di fronte ad una platea gremita.Ci sono inoltre, le riunioni tra colleghi, le presentazioni di progetti al resto del team o potrebbe arrivare il giorno di un colloquio con una grande aziendaSe vuoi diventare padrone della tua comunicazione smetti di procrastinare e passa allazione.Sono Carlo Loiudice, sono un attore, life coach e public speaking coach professionista, di base a Berlino dal 2011.Dopo il successo di Parlare in pubblico in 4 mosse ho deciso di pubblicare, date le tante richieste, un livello avanzato. Come tutti i miei workshop, anche questo un corso pratico, intensivo e divertente."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"ServiceNow Subscription - Microcertification" |
"ServiceNow Subscription - MicrocertificationEstudo para microcertificao ServiceNowSubscription ModelVerifique tambm outros Testes aqui no Udemy assim como cursos disponveis.Disponvel testes como prepatrio para certificao CSA o System Admin.Disponvel testes como prepatrio para certificao e Implementation.No prprio site da ServiceNow h informao sobre o assunto e tambm um local para solicitar contato e eles avaliarem o licenciamento e realizar propostas sobre sua necessidade."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"ServiceNow IntegrationHub" |
"IntegrationHub, testes inteiramente em ingls. JUST in ENGLISHQuando se necessita uma integrao a soluo facilita o desenvolvimento, reutilizao de componentes utilizando REST, PowerShell, and script.Este Mock test proporciona ao administrador/desenvolvedor se habilitar a certificao integration HubAproveite e verifique outros Mock testes disponveis em meu perfil, entre em contato, tire dvidas e me adicione no linkedin.Updated jan/2020New York"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
Cromoterapia |
"Este mais um mdulo do nosso curso FTHS - Formao em Terapeuta Holstico Sistmico da MEDA - Minha Escola de Autoconhecimento. Este curso foi escrito pelo Casal Josi & Marco Meda com o objetivo de apoiar o desenvolvimento de estudantes e profissionais que buscam na terapia holstica uma oportunidade de cura, autoconhecimento e espiritualidade.Voc sabia que apesar de parecer novidade, a cromoterapia j praticada desde cerca 2.800 a.C. Os egpcios, gregos, indianos e chineses j utilizavam esta tcnica no apoia cura dos seu povo.Arquelogos descobriram nos templos de Karnak e Tebas, salas coloridas que indicavam o uso da cor na sade. Outras evidncias do uso da cromoterapia, que alguns destes templos foram construdos de tal forma que os raios do sol refletissem as cores do arco-ris na sala. Isso nos d indicaes que este tratamento j era usado.Outros estudos arqueolgicos tambm comprovavam que guas com pedras coloridas tambm eram utilizadas nesta poca e que ao serem ingeridas traziam muitos benefcios para a sade fsica daquelas pessoas.Atualmente a Cromoterapia utilizada com excelentes resultados, auxiliando tratamentos de doenas fsicas, emocionais e espirituais. Podemos ver na prtica diria, por exemplo, a ao da cor como calmante, ajudando as pessoas com insnias a dormir melhor. No campo fsico, temos resultados excelentes no auxlio ao tratamento de tendinites, fraturas e todo o tipo de problemas sseos.Cromoterapia a cincia que utiliza as cores do Espectro Solar para restaurar o equilbrio fsico-energtico em reas do corpo humano atingidas por alguma disfuno. baseada nas sete cores do espectro solar, em que cada cor tem uma vibrao especfica.Ela se apoia nas propriedades teraputicas das 7 cores do arco-iris. Estas cores agem diretamente nos campos de energia chamados de Chacras, os quais j estudamos incansavelmente no Mdulo de Anatomia Energtica, promovendo assim o seu reequilbrio energtico. Na sequencia seu efeito atinge o corpo fsico, favorecendo o rgo afetado por alguma doena atravs do aproveitamento dos componentes nutritivos das clulas e do restabelecimento da ordem funcional.Prepare-se para mergulhar neste lindo curso repleto de cores que vo levar voc a transcendncia."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |