Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"How to Influence People, Make Friends and Social Skills" |
"Do you want to be in control of any situation you encounter?Every influential leader understood the power of body language and charisma. Winston Churchill, Richard Nixon, Barrack Obama, Donald Trump and even infamous leaders such as Hitler and Stalin.Such powerful leaders have forged the landscape of our history for better or for worse. Some rose to power bringing freedom and prosperity, while others left terror and atrocities in their wake. These influential leaders intuitively knew the power of utilizing body language to advance their agendas.The truth is humans communicate mostly through body language! Did you know 80%-90% of what we say is revealed through our body language and the remaining 10%-20% is verbal communication!Situations You May Encounter:You want to better understand you co-worker's personality type at the workplaceDealing with customer's irate behaviorsYou have an upcoming interview and want to be preparedYou have friends or colleagues that may be manipulating you?What You'll Learn: Identifying Personality Types/Traits Analyzing Body Language & Micro ExpressionsHow to Influence People, Become likeable and Make FriendsHow to Spot Manipulation & Stop It!How to Deescalate Conflicts And, much, much more!These skills are universal whether you are prospecting romantic relationships, interview situations or spotting deception and stopping it in its tracks.Get the advantage you need to stay on top of every social encounter you come across.Buy Now!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Master Chess Principles for Business Strategy" |
"In this course you will learn the basics of chess strategy, and how it applies to the business world.A chessboard and the business world are very similar both requires a set of skills and a Grandmaster mindset. Even if you dont play chess, these basic principles will help you to get to the right mindset.Ill teach you how to think like a Business Grandmaster."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Learn Python for Data Analysis and Visualisations" |
"Are you ready to start your path to becoming a Data Scientist!This comprehensive course will be your guide to learning how to use the power of Python to analyze data, create beautiful visualizations!Data Scientist has been ranked the number one job on Glassdoor and the average salary of a data scientist is over $110,000 in the United States and all over the World according to Indeed! Data Science is a rewarding career that allows you to solve some of the world's most interesting problems!This course is designed for both beginners with some programming experience or experienced developers looking to make the jump to Data Science!This comprehensive course is comparable to other Data Science bootcamps that usually cost thousands of dollars, but now you can learn all that information at a fraction of the cost! With over 65 HD video lectures and detailed code notebooks for every lecture this is one of the most comprehensive course!We'll teach you how to program with Python, how to create amazing data visualisations with Python! Here a just a few of the topics we will be learning:Programming with PythonNumPy with PythonUsing pandas Data Frames to solve complex tasksUse pandas to handle Excel FilesUse matplotlib and seaborn for data visualisationsUse plotly for interactive visualisationsand much, much more!By the end of this course you will:Have an understanding of how to program in Python.Know how to create and manipulate arrays using numpy and Python.Know how to use pandas to create and analyze data sets.Know how to use matplotlib and seaborn libraries to create beautiful data visualization.Have an amazing portfolio of example python data analysis skills!Enroll in the course and become a data scientist today!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"OneDrive for Business in Office 365" |
"Die Teilnehmer lernen den Umgang mit Dateien und Ordnern in der Cloud mit dem Programm OneDrive. Der Zugriff kann von jedem beliebigen Ort erfolgen, sofern ein Internetzugang vorhanden ist und Hardware wie Laptop, Tablet oder Smartphone.Die gespeicherten Dateien knnen in OneDrive bearbeitet werden oder es knnen neue Dateien erstellt werden. Dateien knnen fr andere Anwender freigegeben werden. Diese Freigabe kann auch wieder entzogen werden.Grundstzlich behlt der Besitzer einer Datei die vollen Rechte ber seine Daten, nur er kann sie z. B. lschen.Die Bearbeitung von Dateien kann gleichzeitig mit mehreren Personen erfolgen, wobei jeder Anwender die Aktion von anderen Personen live sehen kann. Die dadurch entstehenden Versionen werden ber die Versions-Historie verwaltet."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Teora musical simplificada Parte II - enfocado en armona" |
"Dirigido para gente sin conocimientos previos de msica, estudiantes de msica en sus primeros aos de estudio o gente que desee aprender acerca de Teora musical y tcnicas de composicin o improvisacin, o simplemente querer comprender la msica que escucha o que ejecuta y toca.Ests interesado en composicin musical pero no sabes leer el pentagrama o no tocas ningn instrumento?Este curso est diseado para facilitar la lectura y comprensin del lenguaje musical, por lo que no se har uso del pentagrama y por lo tanto, no es necesario tener conocimientos previos en msica. Las herramientas de trabajo son unos archivos Excel (Versin en lnea con Google Drive disponible, en caso de no poder contar con Microsoft Excel 2007 o algn software similar) que contienen unas tablas interactivas que te generan los resultados necesarios para crear intervalos y tonalidades musicales para comprender mas fcilmente los temas.Para qu nos sirve la Teora musical? Con este curso demostramos que la teora musical nos sirve para poder comprender la relacin entre las notas y as poder crear una obra musical triste, feliz, pacfica o armoniosa, misteriosa o tenebrosa, o agresiva, entre otros. Esto gracias ms que nada a la experiencia acumulada durante aos de distintos msicos y gracias a los libros que se han escrito respecto a este tema. Errneamente se dice que la teora musical son ""reglas"" que te limitan como msico, ya que la composicin viene del corazn y no de ""reglas"" mentales, pero an as la mayora de estos msicos terminan componiendo con los conocimientos ms bsicos y convencionales de teora musical, por lo que terminan en una contradiccin muy mala y solamente demuestran que ignoran muchos temas musicales. En este curso veremos que estas ""reglas"" son ms bien modelos o prototipos de sonidos que uno puede usar o quebrantar segn sea lo que el compositor desee lograr.Contenido del curso:VOLUMEN 1.- Introduccin, Intervalos y Tonalidad mayorVOLUMEN 2.- Continuacin de la Tonalidad mayor y Tonalidad menor. LECCION 1. Modos griegos. LECCION 2. Acordes triadas. LECCION 3.- Inversiones. LECCION 4.- Acordes cuatriadas. LECCION 5.- Extensiones de acordes. LECCION 6.- Funciones tonales y progresin de acordes. VOLUMEN 3.- Intercambio modal y ritmo."
Price: 495.00 ![]() |
bvavvagp |
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"How to draw cartoon characters ?" |
"We will learn how to draw the most popular cartoon characters.We will walk with you step by step from drawing to paintingWe will learn the steps of drawing each characterAnd also coloring each cartoon character and the correct coloring method...All you are required to bring the drawing tools ""pencil, markers, colors, your sketchbook, eraser and sharpener""Then follow the same steps as in the video"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Asp.Net Core + Redis/In-Memory" |
"Kursum 2 ana blmden olumaktadr.1. Blmde : In-Memory Cache ve Redis(Distributed Cache) yapsn reneceksiniz2.Blmde : In-Memory Cache ve Redis(Distributed Cache)'i Aspnet Core projelerinde nasl implement edileceini ve kullanlacan reneceksinizKurs aadaki konular iermektedir.Caching Nedir ? Caching eitleri nedir ?In-memory Caching nedir ?Distributed Caching nedir ?On-Demand ve PrePopulation Caching nedir ?Cache mr (Absolute time ve Sliding time) nedir ?Redis nedir ?Docker Container ile Redis Server nasl ayaa kaldrlr ?Redis Veri Tipleri nelerdir ?Redis String veri tipi nedir ?Redis List veri tipi nedir ?Redis Set veri tipi nedir ?Redis Sorted Set veri tipi nedir ?Redis Hash veri tipi nedir ?Asp.Net Core projelerimizde In-Memory Cache nasl kullanlr ?Asp.Net Core projelerimizde Distributed Cache nasl kullanlr ?Complex Type'ler nasl cache'nir ?Image/PDF'ler nasl cache'lenir ?StackExcanage Redis API nedir ?StackExcanage Redis API'y AspNet Core uygulamalarmza nasl implement ederiz ?"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
Coaching |
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Price: 199.99 ![]() |
Coaching |
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Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Creando tu Huella" |
"En este programa de desarrollo personal te acompao para que te reconectes con tu presente, tu camino, tus metas y tu actitud, que te permitir convertirte en aquella persona en que quieres convertirte, empoderarte de ti mism@ y liberarte de aquellos prejuicios y temores que te impiden crecer. Te brindar herramientas eficaces para que te re-enfoques en lo que verdaderamente vale la pena para ti, en el emprendimiento que an no comienzas, en tu profesin o en el sueo que siempre quisiste cumplir y que por alguna razn pospones.El programa 10,000 latidos de desarrollo personal comprende cuatro mdulos descargables que te demandarn alrededor de 30 min cada uno. El curso te permitir: Priorizar lo ms importante para ti Fijar tus prioridades en el da a da Valores que decides honrar Tomar conciencia de ti mientras te diriges hacia tus metasCon el programa 10,000 Latidos podrs abrir las puertas a lo ms profundo de tu ser, conectndote contigo mismo para guiarte hacia tu propia meta.Te deseo todo lo mejor y hasta pronto.Dante"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"42 Ways I've Made Money Online & You Can Too" |
"Every aspiring Entrepreneur usually has to put in countless hours, days, & years of learning their craft before they ever see success.But what if you could cut your learning curve, accelerate your success, & better identify which Business was right for you?...immediately!You wouldn't have to wait to find out through failure. You could learn from the successes & failures of other successful Entrepreneurs. And you could profit from their insight.Why would you invest countless amounts of time & money in a single Business Model BEFORE you knew if it would work for you?The truth is, there are a million & 1 ways to make money & succeed as an Entrepreneur...& a few might be perfect for you!But, if you're stuck banging your head against the same wall, hoping something will click for you eventually...chances are YOU'RE MISSING OUT on THE Business that's ACTUALLY right for you.In this Course we'll cover all that & more.If you're serious about Identifying which Business Model is right for you AND you're sick of success being so close, but ""just around the corner,"" this is your opportunity to finally take control & get on the right track. NO ONE wants to find out that all the hard work they've been doing for the past 5 years was for nothing...because their ladder was leaning up against the wrong wall.Enroll today."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Najlepszy biznes online 2020: Amazon Self Publishing" |
"W tym kursie poka ci gotowy przepis na najprostszy sposb stworzenia przychodu pasywnego- publikacje ksiek o maej zawartoci treci, czyli Low Content Books na Amazon KDP.Trening obejmuje nauk od podstaw, do zaawansowanych technik tworzenia produktw low content.Stworzymy na ywo produkt dla pocztkujcych: prezent dla mamy.Nastpnie stworzymy produkt zaawansowany, dla tych, ktrzy ju publikuj na Amazonie- bardzo dochodowa nisza, szczeglnie w tych czasach.Jeli jeste pocztkujcy to przedstawi ci moj formu, dziki ktrej zarabiam na Amazon nie wychodzc z domu pracujc 2 godziny dziennie. Jeli ju publikujesz to zdradz ci tajemnice z wyszej pki, ktrych nauczyem si od moich mentorw, zarabiajcych 10-20 tys. $ miesicznie.Wszystko, czego potrzebujesz, by zacz, to internet i laptop. Zero zotych na start!Nic nie ryzykujesz- pamitaj, e Udemy daje ci 100 % gwarancj zwrotu, jeli bdziesz niezadowolony z kursu.Jednak o to si nie obawiam- wszystko, czego si nauczysz robi codziennie a mj przychd pasywny ronie z miesica na miesic. Nie czekaj, a inni wpadn w tym czasie na ten pomys! Docz do kursu ju teraz i wyprzed konkurencj!"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"CBT Cognitive Behavior Therapy With Mindfulness" |
"Have you having trouble with your emotions? Do you have issues related to anxiety, PTSD or depression? In this course, we are going to cover what CBT is. We will learn about cognitive distortions like overgeneralizing, and catastrophizing. We will cover the Mindfulness and the benefits of a Mindfulness practice. We will cover strategies to change those thoughts, learn coping strategies and better regulate emotions. Upon completion, you will earn a certificate of completion. The course comes with a 30-day money back guarantee. Enroll today."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Certificate Course Cupping Therapy Massage Therapy" |
"Cupping Therapy is a deep tissue type of massage. Massage therapy is a growing career. In this course you will learn about the theory of cupping therapy, cupping points, and about facial cupping. You will learn about the qualities that make a massage therapist great. For those of you with a business interest the course also covers how to start your own massage therapy business. After finishing the course students receive a certificate of completion. The course comes with a 30-day money back guarantee. "
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Eu Comprometido Motivacional: Sucesso pessoal e profissional" |
"Nesse curso voc aprender tcnicas e habilidades para editar sua mente para se tornar uma pessoa de sucesso. De incio aprender a maneira correta de se comunicar e se conectar com as pessoas. E ainda, poder observar detalhes para entender como as pessoas pensam. Aproveitando o exemplo do Ex-piloto de frmula 1, Airton Senna, vamos destrinchar as razes que levaram ele a ser considerado o melhor piloto de frmula 1 de todos os tempos mesmo sem ser o piloto que ganhou mais ttulos. Na seo seguinte trataremos de um tema importante: O que realmente importa na sua vida. Descarte o que no essencial e entenda o que te falta hoje dia e que poder causar feridas para toda a vida. Descubra qual o seu legado e o que voc mais deseja. O objetivo e final de estabelecer um compromisso com sigo mesmo para atuar na vida da melhor forma possvel."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Curso MuseScore 3.0 - Editorao de Partitura" |
"Muitas pessoas pensam que escrever e transcrever musica algo extremamente difcil e desafiador para quem est comeando no ramo musical.MuseScore considerado um dos maiores programa de notao musical. O MuseScore um software gratuito e poderoso que possibilita trabalhar com escrita, edio e composio musical.Vantagem em fazer nosso treinamento.Software profissional de escrita musicalEscrever e transcrever partituras com muita qualidade.Compor musicas para banda, orquestra, coros...Crie seus mtodos, aulas e arranjos musicais."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Palestrante Corporativo do ZERO" |
"Imagine que voc domina os segredos da oratria e se torna um excelente comunicador. Voc pode sentir o poder que isso lhe traria?Ao apresentar suas ideias no seu trabalho, seu chefe concorda prontamente, assim como seus parceiros da sua equipe.Ao apresentar seus produtos ou servios, voc percebe um aumento significativo em suas vendas.Diante de um grande pblico, percebe que conseguiu convencer com seus argumentos e com isso gerando mudana em grupos e equipes para realizao de objetivos que vo ajudar a todos.No importa o motivo, seja para uma apresentao institucional, comercial, um lanamento de produto ou servio, um treinamento, uma aula, um Workshop, um seminrio, uma apresentao de resultados ou captao de recursos para um projeto. Com esse curso eu irei caminhar junto com voc nessa jornada para se tornar um excelente Palestrante.Quanto vale o tesouro de um navio pirata no fundo do mar? Nada, no mesmo? E quanto vale anos de aprendizado, dezenas de cursos, centenas de livros lidos se no forem colocados em prtica? como uma biblioteca abandonada, com as traas corroendo todos os livros.De nada vale nosso conhecimento se no utilizarmos para tornar o mundo um lugar melhor.As informaes contidas neste curso, so nicas e exclusivas e no esto disponveis em nenhum outro lugar.Talvez voc pense que no tem tempo suficiente para fazer esse curso, mas posso lhe garantir que voc ter total liberdade para assistir no mnimo tempo possvel em que voc tiver, pois o curso fica disponvel 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana. No mximo em 2 horas voc j ter completado o curso.O valor investido ser muito bem aproveitado lhe abrindo portas em seu local de trabalho, emprego ou empresa e tambm na sua vida pessoal com esposa, marido ou filhos, pois voc conseguir colocar suas ideias e necessidades com muita clareza e de forma assertiva, obtendo assim muito mais resultados.Algumas pessoas acreditam que no precisam ser melhores influenciadores, mas se enganam, pois as tcnicas so poderosas e permitiram a voc ter mais domnio sobre sua vida.Neste curso, no quero que acredite no que vou ensinar, pois isso seria F. O que eu quero que voc veja que as tcnicas funcionam colocando em prtica na sua vida e conferindo os resultados.Voc estava pensando em fazer aquele curso de teatro para se tornar um palestrante? Esquea!!! A no ser que queira fazer parte d prxima apresentao de Hamlet de William Shakespeare. Um bom orador aquele que domina o assunto e no aquele que apenas interpreta um papel. No vai ser seus gestos magnficos que iro transformar as pessoas e sim seu conhecimento e experincia no assunto.Neste curso, voc vai aprender como desenvolver habilidades de persuaso para se tornar uma pessoa mais influente e um lder melhor, pois como dizia John Maxwell Toda liderana questo de influncia, nada mais, nada menos.No primeiro mdulo, voc vai aprender que todo palestrante, antes de mais nada, deve ser tambm um lder. Vai saber qual a velocidade mais adequada da sua fala e aprender tambm a importncia do poder de sntese.No mdulo 2, voc vai entender porque voc j um palestrante. Vai conhecer a regra de ouro do palestrante, a importncia da razo e da emoo e como criar um palestra de alto impacto.No mdulo 3, voc vai ser introduzido as etapas que precisam ser vencidas desde a pesquisa, definio do objetivo, quem o seu cliente e o que comunicao.No mdulo 4, vai aprender a identificar o problema do seu pblico, como fazer as pessoas reconhecerem esse problema e a identificar as causas e como dar a motivao necessria para que saiam da inrcia.No mdulo 5, voc ver como treinar suas palestras, como uma explicao breve sobre gravao. Vai aprender sobre como vender sua palestra, como executar e a importncia do aperfeioamento contnuo.No mdulo 6, voc ir aprender o bsico sobre gesticulao, cuidados com a voz, alimentao adequada para o palestrante e a importncia dos exerccios, tanto fsicos quanto para sua voz.Se voc ainda no se inscreveu no curso se inscreva agora e faa parte da minha comunidade exclusiva dos meus alunos aqui da Udemy no Facebook.---------------------------------------------------------------------O que os alunos esto dizendo sobre meus cursos: ""O curso aborda muito mais do que eu esperava! com certeza um timo investimento."" - Vitoria Karolini Paula Dos Santos - Fluxo de Caixa ""timo curso Explica muito bem Fcil de acompanhar."" - Eduardo Augusto Novaes Lima - Fluxo de Caixa ""O curso incrvel atendeu TODAS as minhas expectativas ! Parabns professor estava precisando do seu curso nesse exato momento. Muito obrigadaaaa mesmo. - Claudia Rodrigues da Silva - Fluxo de Caixa ""Excelente!!!!!!"" Fabiano Pdua Laranja - Influncia, Persuaso e Liderana ""Esclarecimento claro e objetivo. fcil entendimento e didtico."" - Ana Karoline Dos Santos Noronha - Influncia, Persuaso e Liderana ""Curso excelente, consegui aprender vrias tcnicas."" - Felipe Huber dos Santos - Influncia, Persuaso e Liderana ""O curso um guia prtico para ter uma melhor compreenso sobre liderana."" - Bruno Souza Almeida - Influncia, Persuaso e Liderana---------------------------------------------------------------------No importa se voc usa PowerPoint, Google Slides ou Keynote. O que ir aprender se aplica a qualquer um desses softwares. (Este curso no ensina a utilizar esses softwares).Uma dica, voc no deveria comprar esse curso agora, sem considerar todos os seus benefcios.""No importa o que ou o quanto voc sabe, se no souber passar a sua ideia para as pessoas voc nunca ser considerado uma pessoa de valor."" Paulo Mattos""Voc s conseguir influenciar as pessoas quando conseguir que seu pblico coloque em prtica o que aprendeu com voc."" Paulo Mattos.""O homem tem o tamanho daquilo que se atreve a fazer."" Jorge Angel Livraga""Voc vai realizar todos os seus sonhos, se ajudar muitas pessoas a realizarem os sonhos delas."" Zig Ziglar.PS.: Voc no tem que tomar uma deciso de compra agora, pelo menos at ter certeza de que esse curso ir mudar a sua vida."
Price: 219.99 ![]() |
"Revit Architecture: Fundamentals for BIM projects" |
"In this course we will focus on giving you the best working methods so that you master the Revit tools for building models at a professional level and in a very short time. We will use a simple and easy to understand language to take you from the basics to the depth of the use of this great program.The real reason to learn Revit is to use BIM technology. Otherwise it would just be a program to draw buildings. But as you will see in the course, there are many more behind this powerful program. We will emphasize information management.Unlike other courses that are only limited to showing the use of the tools, we will give you tips that will help you implement the BIM methodology in your project"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Amazon PPC - Traffic & Convert Masterclass - Part 1 of 2" |
"This is Part 1 of 2 of Amazon Traffic & Convert Masterclass.The Amazon Traffic & Convert Masterclass is absolutely a no fluff course on mastering Amazon paid ads or PPC using Sponsored Products and Brands. These are over the shoulder videos, not screenshots of how to implement every strategy in detail.This course is formatted to provide you with the strategy for each section where I explain the why and then the execution with the how.Mastering paid ads (or PPC) always increases total sales. This happens for your ecommerce store, on Ebay, and on Amazon. Its not about vanity numbers like having a low ACoS, its about increasing total revenue using ads. This course is not about sourcing products or philosophy, its about battle tested strategies and tactics that have worked for my account and the accounts that I have managed. Amazon Traffic & Convert Masterclass Part 1 contains two modules that builds the foundation for Part 2.Module 1 - Conducting Keyword Research, Product Targeting And Predicting Traffic Like A ProI'll teach you the techniques that other 6/7 figure Amazon sellers are using to find new keywords and products to target. If you're not targeting the best keywords or products, you're not getting discovered. Identify keywords and products that you can target to put you on the first page of Amazon. Generate organic & paid traffic to your product listing page. Find out who your competitors are and which keywords to target yourself. Which keywords to use in which campaign (broad, phrase or exact)? Many times, we're wondering why we're never on the first page for these keywords, we'll see why during this process.Module 2 - Product Listing & Conversion Rate Optimization Like A ChampChoosing the best keywords/search terms is the key for these 8 critical areas of the product listing to outrank your competitors. We'll get Amazon to index your product page with top competing keywords to increase your product relevancy and ranking.Conversion Rate optimization is the single best way of increasing sales without spending a dime, but when you are spending money on ads, you want to make sure your ads convert at the highest level. If you do the math for your account, what is an additional 1% mean for you in terms of monthly revenue?"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Amazon PPC - Traffic & Convert Masterclass - Part 2 of 2" |
"This is Part 2 of 2 of Amazon Traffic & Convert Masterclass.The Amazon Traffic & Convert Masterclass is absolutely a no fluff course on mastering Amazon paid ads or PPC using Sponsored Products and Brands. These are over the shoulder videos, not screenshots of how to implement every strategy in detail.This course is formatted to provide you with the strategy for each section where I explain the why and then the execution with the how.Mastering paid ads (or PPC) always increases total sales. This happens for your ecommerce store, on Ebay, and on Amazon. Its not about vanity numbers like having a low ACoS, its about increasing total revenue using ads. This course is not about sourcing products or philosophy, its about battle tested strategies and tactics that have worked for my account and the accounts that I have managed. Amazon Traffic & Convert Masterclass Part 2 contains two modules that continues from Amazon Traffic & Convert Masterclass Part 1.Module 3- Setting Up Your Campaigns For Success (Not Failure)Having the proper campaign structure is like having a recipe before you make your world famous BBQ ribs or having a blueprint before anyone can start building a house. I'll show you the proper way so that you can track and optimize your products and keywords. If you have more than one product and not structuring your campaings & ad groups this way, you're probably not getting great results.Module 4 - Manage Your Amazon PPC Like a $100K+ SellerDominate your PPC! If you're ever confused with Amazon Advertising, this module is for you! Implement the Amazon 2X Formula - which words go to which match type, how much should I bid when my ACoS is high, should I pause my campaign and start a new one? We'll clarify what steps to take in every scenario and how to implement it. Also, you'll receive the exact framework and system on how to optimize your campaigns."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Yoga for Athletes" |
"This program delivers an all round body workout through the practice of yoga. Every exercise can be done at home or in your training facility. With the Udemy app you can access this content from your mobile devices.The course is split into sections that consist of short, beneficial videos with audio instructions.Target areas:Mobility - Hips, Glutes, Hamstrings, Lower back, Shoulders & NeckStrength - Core, Legs (universal), Shoulders & BackBalance - Legs & CoreLung ConditioningInjury PreventionCardio- Combining videos lead to a longer full body workout for burning a few caloriesSports:AthleticsSwimmingCyclingRugbyLifesavingFootballGAASurfingK1RowingTriathlon"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Beginner Piano Lesson - The 5 Minutes Piano Challenge- Piano" |
"Do you want to learn to play the piano in 5 minutes instead of weeks or years?The Italians have a saying ""piano piano"" which means ""slowly slowly"". Thats how you should learn to play the piano: Step by step without frustration!Learning to play the piano should be fun!Thats why I developed a unique method and taught over 1.000 students how to make faster progress without having to learn boring theory.In this course you will learn, how to name the keys of the piano and you will also learn how to play your first song on the piano!AND if you have just 5 more minutes, Ill show you how to play almost 80% of the most popular songs at the piano in just 5 minutes!Sign up for the course, so we can get started!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda UNITY 3D com o Mario" |
"Aprenda a criar um Jogo Super completo em 3D com o personagem Mario dentro da Unity.Curso Prtico! Sem enrolao!Nesse curso voc ir aprender a importar personagens em 3D, Configurar suas animaes conforme o uso dos botes ou comandos, ir criar um sistema para abrir uma porta que necessita que o usuario coloque uma pedra em cima de uma plataforma pressionavel, semelhante as plataformas encontradas no jogo god of war. Tambm criaremos sistemas de Gameplay semelhantes aos encontrados nas franquias do Mario como quebrar tijolos ao pular, coletar moedas e itens especiais encontrados em blocos de interrogao, usar os canos verdes para se teleportar, andar sobre troncos giratrios, usar as moedas coletadas para comprar itens em uma loja, voc aprender tambm a programar a inteligencia articial para monstros tradicionais e para o boss final do game, que neste caso utilizaremos o Bowser, tambm ser ensinado um sistema de alavancas que alternam a liberao de travas criando um puzzle bem legal! Voc aprender tambem sobre level Design, atravs de dicas e truques que facilitaro na construo de seus cenrios. Aprenda tambm como criar um sistema de Save/Load eficiente para seu jogos e como salvar e carregar checkpoints. Alm de muitas dicas para impulcionar sua carreira no Desenvolvimento de Games!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Complete C# Unity Developer 2D: Master 7 Games From Scratch" |
"List Of Games You Will Build:ColorSwitch Game Flappy Bird Game Basketball Game Ellen Game Space Shooter Game Sunny Land Game Knife Hit Game Other than that you will learn to:Create Awesome Games using ""Analog Controller""for Best Game PracticePublishing a Game on Google Play StoreCreate Awesome Level Design using ""TileMap"" Create your own level DesignCreate Best Score(Score System)Make AI Enemy.Learn the basic concepts, tools, and functions that you will need to build fully functional Android mobile Games with the Unity game engine.Build a strong foundation in Unity and Android Game Development with this course.Android Game ExamplesVersion ControllingLeader boards implementationThe course is project-based as we believe this is the best way to learn Unity and C#. You will not just be learning dry programming concepts, but applying them immediately to real indie games as you go. All the project files will be included, as well as additional references and resources - you'll never get stuck. There are talking-head videos, powerful diagrams, quality screen casts and more.Oh, and it's just bigger and better than other Unity courses you will find online. See the course length and the reviews.For each demo game you build you will follow this process...Be challenged to build the entire game yourself.Be shown step-by step how to build it.Be challenged to apply, and re-apply your knowledge regularly.You will get full lifetime access for a single one-off fee. The creators are qualified and experienced coders and avid gamers, so are able to explain complex concepts clearly, as well as entertain along the way.You will learn C#, and in turn build a solid foundation for Object Oriented Programming. By the end of the course you'll be very confident in the basics of coding and game development, and hungry to learn more.What this course DOESN'T cover...Whereas this course is already huge, we can't possibly cover everything in that time. Here are some things we will not be covering...Performance optimization.Editor plugins or modifications.Physics engine modification*Who this course is for:Anyone Who Wants To Master Unity 2D Games Should Take This Course"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Google ADS - Crie Anncios Otimizados! Google + Remarketing" |
"Aprenda a criar anncios de alta performance no Google ADS. Utilizando todos os recursos de pblico-alvo, Remarketing e tipos de Campanhas disponveis na ferramenta do Google!Neste curso voc aprender de forma objetiva a criar campanhas e anncios otimizados no Google, conseguindo assim impactar seu pblico-alvo com mais essa ao de marketing digital.O Google ADS uma ferramenta essencial e indispensvel para qualquer empresrio que tenha um site (landing Page, Portal, E-commerce, Blog, Etc.) e ou profissionais de marketing que desejam aprender a criar anncios otimizados no Google, podendo ento aumentar o retorno das suas aes de Marketing, proporcionar maior visibilidade para sua marca e at mesmo aumentar as suas vendas pela internet.Alguns tpicos essenciais que o ADS permite:Criar Pblicos-Alvo para direcionar seus anncios;Criar Aes de Remarketing.Criar anncios em sites parceiros do Google;Criar Campanhas para o Youtube;Configurar Converses / Metas;Entender quais as pesquisas que geram mais resultado;Otimizar suas aes de Marketing Digital;Monitorar Aes de Usurios em seus anncios.E Muito mais...Enfim, esta poderosa ferramenta do Google oferece tudo que voc precisa para alcanar e impactar seus clientes, seja com anncios de texto, aes de Remarketing com anncios grficos, anncios responsivos e at mesmo anncios em vdeos.E tem mais..Certificao Oficial do Google:Para quem no sabe: O Google possui uma Certificao Oficial do ADS! Isso mesmo! Voc pode ser Certificado como Profissional de ADS com certificado emitido diretamente pelo Google!Neste curso explico todos os detalhes para voc conseguir essa certificao, que Enriquece seu Currculo. Pois este curso serve tambm como material de estudo para as provas de certificao.Este curso s tem vantagem... T esperando o que!?Inscreva-se Agora!"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Learn Photoshop 2020 _ 2020" |
"2020 .. 2020 .. (( ))"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
a-simple-overview-of-algorithms-analysis |
"! "" "" . ! ! ... ( ) ... ( ?) : !"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The ultimate clickfunnel course for affilate marketing" |
"Clickfunnels is an online sales funnel builder that helps businesses market, sell, and deliver their products online. This tool simplifies online marketing, selling, and delivery of their products and services by providing users with funnel options that are pre-built for a specific business, product, or service.Can you make money as a Clickfunnels affiliate?If you're on the fence, here's how to make money as a Clickfunnels affiliate. If you choose to promote Clickfunnels you'll earn 40% of the referrals monthly fee each month. Payments are made 30 days after each payment and it's all trackable using the reporting feature in your affiliate account."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
Intro |
Price: 12600.00 ![]() |
"Beyond Spreadsheets: Automate Your Charting With Python" |
"In this course, we will explore how behavior analysts can super charge their charting skills by learning some fundamental aspects of plotting with the the popular computer programming language Python. We will walk step-by-step through the process of generating data, loading data, plotting data, and saving data. Finally, we will learn how to use the power of loops to automate this process enabling us to examine multiple datasets simply with the click of a button. BCBA/BCaBAs can earn 3.0 CEUs for successful completion of this course."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |