Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Permanent makeup EYELINER masterclass" |
"Possibility of additional accredited certificateWomen want to have a perfect eyeliner everyday without having to draw it each morning again and again and loosing time when both sides turn out to be uneven. Permanent makeup could be a solution. Here you will see how to perform such a treatment. How to pre-draw, choose color, needles and techniques, all will be covered in this course"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"2.0 (Deep Reinforcement Learning 2.0)" |
"2.0AIDDPGQ-learningAI/AIQ-Learning,Q-learning,DDPGAIAIDDPGColaboratoryGoogle ColabAI"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Strongly Typed Apps" |
"Welcome to Strongly Typed Apps! With TypeScript, we write a superset of types that compile to regular Javascript. Often enough, those who start the transition to TypeScript feel that vanilla JavaScript is no longer enough. TypeScript integrates well with existing JavaScript projects and includes useful features that increase developer productivity.Here is why you should join:This is the only online mobile development course taught by a professional bootcamp instructor.91% of my in-person bootcamp students go on to get full-time developer jobs. Most of them are complete beginners when I start working with them.The bootcamp program I teach costs $15,000. This course is just as comprehensive but with brand new content for a fraction of the price.Everything I cover is up-to-date and relevant to today's developer industry.Along with the course, I wrote an extensive guide to getting started with mobile app development on my website.FAQ:How long is this course?The entire course is self-paced, and should take about one week to complete. At the end of each week you'll have a new skill in your toolbox for building full-stack mobile apps.What are the prerequisites for this course? We assume you know the basics of HTML/CSS/JavaScript and perhaps have dabbled in a newer front-end library (like React) to recognize what it offers. With that said, we spend as much time as we can to ensure that we introduce and explain all the technologies we intend to use before we use them.The course does not teach you how to program from scratch. We delve into intermediate/advanced code, for example, building a GraphQL server with Node and using Hooks with React.While you don't have to be a React Native expert, it is good if you have, for example, gone through a basic React Native tutorial beforehand.Why did you choose [X] technology?We picked the technologies for this course based on our experience, how well these technologies work together, and their use in numerous production applications today. With that being said, we stress the important patterns and concepts we think one needs to know to help build whatever React Native application one might have in mind. There's a lot of information you'll learn from this course to help get you where you want to go."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Video Tutorial Didattici utili per DSA e BES" |
"Questo Corso composto da 6 Video Tutorial realizzati dal Team Sapere Pi e sono destinati a Tutor dellapprendimento, insegnanti curricolari e di sostegno, educatori, pedagogisti, psicologi dellapprendimento e a genitori di studenti DSA e con altri BES.Questa raccolta di Video Tutorial ha lobiettivo di mostrare alcune attivit didattiche (soprattutto giochi strutturati) da svolgere insieme agli alunni per aiutarli a migliorare le loro competenze trasversali di studio o per potenziare le abilit di baseQuesti i 6 Video Tutorial:Video Tutorial 1: Il testo diventa rotoloLivello scolastico: scuola SecondariaQuesto Video Tutorial mostra la tecnica del rotolo, grazie alla quale possibile creare una sequenza di pagine da utilizzare su un piano (tavolo, pavimento, lavagna a muro) per svolgere lanalisi testuale attraverso la pre lettura e la lettura vera e propria di un testo narrativo. Adatto per il lavoro in gruppo o individuale con studenti DSA (ma non solo)Video Tutorial 2: Il gioco dellOcaLivello scolastico: scuola PrimariaQuesto Video Tutorial mostra lutilizzo di un gioco per potenziare la fusione tra le sillabe nella lettura. Adatto per il lavoro di gruppo o individuale con i bambini DSA o con altre difficolt di lettura.Video Tutorial 3: Mostriciattoli senza nomeLivello scolastico: scuola PrimariaQuesto Video Tutorial spiega e mostra lutilizzo di un gioco per potenziare la lettura e la scrittura nei bambini. Adatto per il lavoro di gruppo o individuale con i bambini DSA o con altre difficolt di lettura e scrittura.Video Tutorial 4: Il procedimento per costruire le mappeLivello scolastico: scuola SecondariaQuesto Video Tutorial spiega e mostra come costruire con i ragazzi mappe per lo studio. Adatto per il lavoro di gruppo o individuale con gli DSA (ma non solo)Video Tutorial 5: La Pulsantiera delle CLivello scolastico: scuola PrimariaQuesto Video Tutorial spiega e mostra lutilizzo di un gioco per potenziare la discriminazione uditiva, necessaria per distinguere tra suoni dolci e suoni duri. Adatto per il lavoro di gruppo o individuale con i bambini DSA o con altre difficolt di lettura e scrittura.Video Tutorial 6: Cifre in giocoLivello scolastico: scuola PrimariaQuesto Video Tutorial spiega e mostra lutilizzo di un gioco per potenziare linteriorizzazione del valore posizionale delle cifre. Adatto per il lavoro di gruppo o individuale con i bambini DSA o con altre difficolt di lettura, scrittura e calcolo.Sono previste slide da scaricare relative ai vari Video Tutorial."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Dicas para iniciar na rea de Recursos Humanos" |
"Este mini curso foi elaborado especialmente para estudantes ou profissionais que desejam aprender caminhos importantes para facilitar a conquista da to sonhada vaga na rea de Recursos Humanos.Tambm uma excelente oportunidade para aqueles que desejam fazer a transio de carreira e se sentem perdidos, no sabendo por onde comear.Com base nos meus 20 anos de experincia em Recursos Humanos e carreira, trabalhei todo este contedo com diversos clientes e tivemos excelentes resultados.Muitos estudantes concluem a faculdade e pensam que basta disparar currculos por todos os lados, pois no receberam suporte para aumentarem a empregabilidade.Seguindo as dicas propostas, voc perceber que com estratgia e planejamento, a conquista do seu primeiro trabalho em Recursos Humanos ficar muito mais fcil."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"How to design your own video game with free web platforms" |
"In this course you will learn how to move sprites,use iterations and events.You can find other useful contents subscribing our You Tube channel: 'WEBCAST CHANNEL' We will start with a simple educational and codeless platform: MakeBlock.In the second section we will see how to use a professional game programming system: Construct 3.You will know how to create your own video game in a simple visual method. The course teach how to make a complete video game with a tutorial for beginner and professional programmers. At the end of the course you'll be able to create a 2D game or a shooter game without code and without having previous programming experience. You can test your knowledge downloading the resources available in the lessons and trying to repeat the steps explained in our video.At the end of the course you can download the entire project of tank shooter video game and make some exercises modifying it and creating your own video game.Then you wil know how to design and publish your own video game and monetize with ablolutely free platforms."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Ace CompTIA CySA+ (CS0-001)" |
"Want to ace the CompTIA CySA+ (CS0-001) Examination and become an CompTIA CySA+ (CS0-001) CertifiedWhat you'll learnTired of failing the exam two or three times because you have no idea how the CompTIA CySA+ (CS0-001) Examination is set up . No time for studying and analyzing each videos or powerpoint .Well , you got into the right course .Just practice continuously and you will ace the examWho this course is for: CompTIA CySA+ Absolute Beginners. No prior CompTIA CySA+experience necessary No Time to study No idea how the exam works Failed multiple attempts Want to practice"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Marca Pessoal para o Instagram" |
"Esse curso foi construdo para ser o seu primeiro passo na rede social Instagram! Se voc profissional liberal, autnomo, empreendedor, empresrio, ou CLT em busca de autoridade voc vai se beneficiar muito do entendimento do que a Marca Pessoal e como voc pode comear a usar o instagram para vender voc! Especialmente para quem trabalha com servios essa uma virada de chave muito importante: compreender que seu cliente compra a pessoa que voc . Pessoas compram pessoas. Pessoas se conectam com pessoas. Por isso: Marca Pessoal.Prepare-se para um curso rpido, fcil e com grande potencial de fazer voc ""aparecer para o mercado""!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
TextMachine |
"Neste treinamento, voc pode esperar um passo a passo completo, prtico e fcil de aplicar, para voc j sair da aula escrevendo os artigos para o seu blog, aumentando as suas visitas e vendendo muito mais - ou oferecendo esse servio como freelancer, para trabalhar de casa.Escreva Artigos de Extrema QualidadeFaa com que o seu blog seja nico e memorvel. Bata os concorrentes. Exploda o nmero de visitas. Venda todos os dias.Publique Artigos Que O Seu Pblico AmeIdentifique exatamente aquilo que o seu pblico espera, e entregue um contedo fantstico, para conseguir gerar muito mais converses - sempre!Aumente Meteoricamente O Nmero De VisitasProduza artigos otimizados (SEO) e que levem a mais compartilhamentos, curtidas e fama para o seu blog. Mais visitas = mais dinheiro no bolso!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Filmen mit dem Smartphone - Vom Filmanfnger zum Profi" |
"Du willst professionelle Videos mit deinem Smartphone filmen und direkt bearbeiten? Mein Name ist Rainer Wolf, ich bin seit Jahren begeisterter Smartphone Filmemacher. In zahlreichen Projekten der letzten Jahre haben ich meine Erfahrungen in der Filmerei sammeln knnen. In diesem Videografie Kurs fr die Smartphone Videoproduktion zeige ich dir Schritt fr Schritt, wie du selbst professionelle Videos mit deinem Handy erstellen und direkt auch schneiden kannst. In meinem Kurs lernst du neben allen wichtigen Grundbegriffen der Smartphone Filmerei anhand von zahlreichen praktischen Beispielen alles ber die richtigen Kameraeinstellungen, die Aufnahme eines hochwertigen Tons, die richtige Lichtsetzung, Tipps & Tricks zum Videoschnitt, die Grundregeln der Bildgestaltung und eine Einfhrung in das Thema Storytelling. Du willst eigene Online-Kurse fr YouTube, Facebook oder Instagram drehen oder aber einen eigenen Imagefilm bzw. ein Produktvideo fr eine Firma drehen? Du willst ein Interview aufzeichnen oder gleich einen ganzen Reise V-Log drehen? Du willst ein knackiges Event-Aftermovie, ein eigenes Musikvideo oder vielleicht sogar einen eigenen Kurzfilm drehen? In diesem Online-Kurs ""Filmen mit dem Smartphone"" zeige ich dir wie das funktioniert. Ich erklre dir alles ganz genau und vor allem in einfacher Sprache, welches Zubehr du brauchst (Gimbal, Mikrofone, Filter, Wechselobjektive, Halterungen, Adapterkabel, etc.) und wie du auch ganz ohne weiteres Zubehr direkt mit deinem Smartphone frei aus der Hand professionelle Ergebnisse erzielen kannst. Viel Spa!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Pinterest Business! Gagner de l'argent avec Pinterest ?" |
"Pinterest peut tre un lment essentiel pour votre Business. Contrairement ce que l'on pourrait croire, il est une source de trafic de qualit de plus en plus utilise.Rseau social se prsentant sous la forme dun catalogue interactif visuel, la plateforme Pinterest comptait dj en 2019 plus de 250 millions dutilisateurs actifs de par le monde (et cette tendance devrait se poursuivre en 2020). Belle opportunit explorer quand on est entrepreneur et que lon souhaite plus de visites sur son site Web de vente ou son blog !Mais il vous faudra pour cela utiliser Pinterest de manire beaucoup plus professionnelle, et utilisez la puissance de Pinterest pour votre business en jouant sur le visuel de vos contenus. Pourquoi devriez-vous srieusement envisager dintgrer Pinterest dans votre stratgie de communication ? Laissez-moi vous apporter quelques claircissements sur cette nouvelle plateforme de communication digitale. Des claircissements qui pourront vous faire changer davis quant son utilit.Le rseau Pinterest compte 200 millions dutilisateurs actifs mensuels dans le monde et 100 milliards dimages pingles. 70 % des pinners (utilisateurs) appartiennent la gente fminine. 30 % dentre elles ont entre 25 et 34 ans, suivi des 18-25 ans 20 %. Elles y passent en moyenne 16 minutes chaque connexion. Seulement 8% des contenus seraient gnrs par des hommes.En France, le rseau social Pinterest revendique 3 millions dutilisateurs actifs par mois. Il est utilis par des internautes qui recherchent de linspiration, des ides de nouveaux produits acheter, aller la rencontre de nouveaux vendeurs sur la base des produits quils ont offrir mais galement pour planifier les prochaines courses en magasins. En effet, une tude statistique a dmontr que 93 % des utilisateurs de Pinterest ont utilis le rseau pour planifier un achat et 50 % ont effectu un achat suite laffichage dun Pin promotionnel (affichage sponsoris).Bas sur le principe qui stipule quune image vaut mille mots, la plateforme Pinterest a su mettre en avant laspect visuel des produits pour vhiculer un message. Donnez la possibilit aux internautes de vous trouver, ainsi que vos produits en adoptant une stratgie marketing base sur Pinterest pour votre business.Pinterest ressemble davantage un vritable moteur de recherche qu un simple rseau social. Le nombre dutilisateurs tant en constante augmentation, ne restez pas la traine. Evitez de confier la quasi-totalit de votre trafic au seul et unique moteur de recherche Google et lancez-vous !Mais formez-vous ! tout de suite !"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
highnotes |
""" . - , , , ."" , , , ! , :1. , """"2. .3. .4. .5. , , . :1. .2. - , , , .3. .4. .5. , .6. .7. .8. .9. . ! !!!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"6 Easy Ways to Alleviate Neck Pain" |
"Neck pain is the most common complaint I see in my practice. It can arise from:StressOverworkingUse of cell phones and other technologyAn injuryRepetitive motionAn illnessIn this course you will learn tools to reduce pain and tightness in the muscles of your neck with a Gua Sha Tool, or a common item in your home such as a spoon or the lid from a jar. I demonstrate step-by-step how to use any tool on the different muscles of your neck and how to incorporate one of the most valuable Acupuncture Channels to facilitate the process. Slides for each segment are included with photos of each area of the neck and explanations on how to work on the different muscles that individuals experience tightness and pain. After finishing this course, you will have a valuable tool that you can use daily and avoid chronic pain and stress in your neck."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Fujifilm X-T3'te Ustalamak" |
"Merhaba;Fotoraf ile ilgilenen hemen herkesin zellikle ilk ilgilenmeye baladklar dnemde iinde dtkleri bir tuzak var: En iyi, en pahal makine""Eer en iyi, en pahal makine en iyi fotoraf ekseydi, fotoraflk sadece paras ok olanlarn meslei ya da hobisi olarak kalrd.Oysa imdi, hemen her kesimden insan, hemen her bteden fotoraf makinas ile ok iyi fotoraflar retiyor.Peki nedir bunun arkasndaki gerek?unu unutmayalm ki fotoraf makinas sadece bir aratr. O arac kullanan kiininentelektel birikimi,anlatmak istedii bir hikayesi,Vermek istedii bir mesaj,Estetik yaklam veTeknik bilgisi yok ise elindeki o ok pahal ara hibir ie yaramaz. Bu noktada ise kullanacamz ara olan fotoraf makinasnn srece ne kattn veya ne neminin ne derecede olduundan bir para bahsetmek istiyorum.Elbette iyi bir fotoraf makinasnn, katks nemlidir. Onun ne kadar kabiliyetli olduu, kritik zamanlarda size nasl destek verdii nemlidir. Ama unutmayn ki fotoraf makinas sadece bir aratr.Bu arac ne kadar iyi tanrsanz, ne kadar hakim olursanz, o ara size o kadar faydal olur. Bir fotoraf makinas sizin gznzn ve elinizin uzants olamamsa, sizin ekim srecinizin doal bir paras olamamsa antadaki bir arlktan te bir ey deildir.Fujifilm X-T3, bir fotorafnn ihtiya duyaca her trl kolaylklarla donatlm bir ara.Udemyde yaynladm X-T3te ustalaamak kursu, tam 49 dersten oluan toplamda 5 saat 17 dakika sren, makinay ama-kapatma gibi en temel aamadan balayp, en karmak aamalara kadar anlatan bir eitim seti.te bu eitim seti araclyla, onu antada arlk yaratan bir ara olmaktan karp, fotoraf ekme srecinde, gznzn ve elinizin bir uzants haline getireceksiniz.Bylece iyi fotoraf ekme yolunda, nemli bir yol kat etmi olacaksnz..."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Your Resilience Boost" |
"Throughout this course we will focus on what it means to be resilient and how we deal with situations we face on a daily basis. Your Resilience Boost is a perfect introduction to each topic covered to help you lead a happier healthier life. Topics we cover:what is resilience why we have a negative self talkunderstanding our thought cycles the power of strong thinking concern and influence our thoughts haveworrying gratitude breathing techniques reducing anxiety techniquescompassionrest, recovery and sleepstarting off the day righthelping others to be resilientfinal challenge/homework for continued learning"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Paginas web desde cero con Wordpress y Oxygen Visual Builder" |
"Aprende a disear una web profesional en menos de dos horas con Wordpress y Oxygen Visual Builder (un plugin fcil e intuitivo para disear webs sin cdigo y sin conocimiento )Quieres crear tu propia idea online? trabajar y ganar dinero extra creando pginas web? o aprender sobre diseo? En este curso aprenders desde cero, fcil y rpido:Como comprar un hosting,Como instalar Wordpress en un servidor con CpanelComo instalar el plugin para Oxygen Visual Builder en wordpressDisear Paginas web desde cero con Wordpress y Oxygen Visual BuilderAgregar menus, formularios e imagenes en wordpressSEO en Wordpress para posicionamiento.Optimizar tu sitio web para carga rapida, algo que Oxygen lo hace realmente fcilCrear un BlogTodos los conceptos bsicos sobre diseo y administracin Web para que pongas en marcha todos tus proyectos e ideas.No es necesario conocimiento en programacin, a partir de videos, textos, ejemplos y practicas construiremos desde cero nuestra demo Web."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Guiding in Zoos, Safaris, and Wildlife Parks" |
"The Eco Guide development program is the most comprehensive training program for guides, park rangers, and educators working in Zoos, Safaris, Wildlife Parks, Aquarium, Nature Reserves, and Conservation organizations. The program is also suitable for Airbnb owners offering nature and animal related experiences.The program equips learners with the knowledge and skills they need to provide interpretive experiences through raising guests awareness, connecting participants to wildlife, and interpreting how nature works in an informative and engaging manner."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Photoshop CC 2020, do iniciante ao avanado" |
"Apresento o curso iniciante e avanado de Adobe Photoshop CC 2020, neste curso voc aprender de forma prtica e didtica as principais ferramentas e recursos do Photoshop, sero abordados atravs de exerccios prticos os recursos e ferramentas bsicas e avanadas do aplicativo. Faremos desde simples edies a manipulaes, montagens e fuses avanadas de imagens, layout grfico para impresso e mdias sociais, cartazes e flyers para impresso e redes sociais, tais como Instagram, Facebook e WhatsApp, caricaturas e pintura digital de fotografias"
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
intensiv-sale-of-services |
"1 - - .- , .- .- ?- ?- .- .- .- 1 , 61% .- offer, ?- 295$ .- 4 , .- 3 .- , .- .- .- , .- CPA, E-mail , , Facebook, Instagram . 2 - - , .- .- .- , 60% .- .- , .- .- , .- , .- YouTube .- SMM .- ?- - .- - - .- . .- CRM .- IP- .- . """" ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Detalhamento de Cronogramas (vasos de presso)" |
"Tudo que voc precisa saber antes de elaborar um cronograma de um Vaso de Presso. Muitas dicas e informao tcnica para sair deste treinamento 100% capacitado. Estudo de caso com uma RI (Recomendao de Inspeo) de um Vaso de Presso de mdio porte (10t), para atendimento NR-13 durante uma Parada de Manuteno. Curso voltado principalmente para Auxiliares, Tcnicos e Engenheiros de Planejamento da rea Industrial."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"RTI Act was enacted in 2005. ugc exam, ssc, government exam pension, scholarship, complaints case , RTI, FIRST APPEAL , , , ? , , .. , , .. - , .. [ ] , , 25000 , , , .. , ? , , , , DEEVAAANSHI JIWEBSITE-WWW.DEEVAAANSHI.COMRTI Act was enacted in 2005.Advance legal study is not our aim in this, the purpose of this course is to give you legal knowledge so that you do not strike a lawyer and you get counseling at the right time and there is a case file in which you also have knowledge so that the lawyer also does not cheat you and does not budge. To make.Often we do not get any answer from the government, due to which we do not get timely reply to our ugc exam, ssc, government exam all and pension, scholarship, complaints case. But if there is no answer from here, people often sit quietly thinking that nothing will happen to themselves.But if you appeal the complaint first and then to the Central Information Commission, then who will give your information?Pension, scholarship and your rights have been violated, now you are facing problems, then you will be able to get rid of those problems.Now it is their turn to bear the problem. It is not that you are helpless, for this we will be able to do all the processes online so that your postman's expenses are also saved. Offline will be a class for those who want to post speed. During the class, you will be given a format so that you too can do your RTI anytime later. You can also get information and file RTI without any hesitation and fear so that the information you get from time to time will be beneficial for you. In this category, you can get RTI [information Authority] will take their information, if they do not provide information, then they will face a fine of Rs 25000. With all this and all the information and all the evidences that you should have, then the paper will be problems. Officers will be shown to the officer and that they will delay your information you will be afraid of this, or will not respond, so officials will have to pay only because of the difficulty arises because of them This appellant was able to make up for the pain caused by all these problems for which all those officers are responsible. In this course, RTI has many expert books, related articles and if you also want RTI, then you will get the worker's government How to do if you want to work? During this, you will get all the information about Claus during your video. So that you get your information, job opportunity, and if any of your exams are not getting results, then the scholarship is delayed, it will give you time to answer the officer so that your work is not bad and the problem is not to be wasted. And all of thisThe right that you were deprived of till today.DEEVAAANSHI JIWEBSITE-WWW.DEEVAAANSHI.COM"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Helping your Fussy & Crying Baby" |
"This course is designed to help you though early parenting. I am Dr Mike Marinus, a Registered Chiropractor in Randburg, South Africa. I have a Masters Degree in Paediatric Musculoskeletal Health from Bournemouth University, UK. My passion is in helping young families, especially babies in the first 3 months of life. I believe that skin-to-skin contact is hugely important for new parents. We need to find a way in the modern world to still ""parent primitively"". We need to help baby regulate by watching signs and signals. Colic can be an exhausting, stressful time for any family. I will explain what colic is, what causes it and how to manage it. How to know if your baby has reflux or GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease). What tests need to be done and what to expect from reflux tests. How can we treat and help reflux babies? Does it matter if baby is breastfed or bottle fed? We discuss milestones, tummy-time, rolling and sitting, crawling and walking. We have an entire section on Burping which is a vital part of easing tummy cramps in your newborn. We talk about gas in the intestines and what is normal behaviour with feeding. If your baby is crying - we want to know why and how to help. Should I leave my baby to ""cry-it-out"" and if not, how do I deal with crying. What is a healthy sleep pattern for my baby? What do you need to know about co-sleeping if you choose to do so?Don't be cheated out of a beautiful bonding experience that the first few months of babies life can be. I am convinced that after doing this course, you will feel empowered and confident to start your parenthood journey."
Price: 700.00 ![]() |
"Chapter 7 Bankruptcy" |
"This course will provide you with knowledge, skills, and confidence to file your very own Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Petition. You will gain a clear and concise understanding of how bankruptcies are handled, and the different types of bankruptcies.You will learn step-by-step instructions on how to fill out a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Petition, and how to have your filing fees, and the mandatory credit counseling fees, waived. As a bonus, you will receive the contact information to banks and to mortgage lenders willing to work with individuals after filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. The list includes mortgage lenders, auto lenders and credit card companies. And as an extra bonus, I'll show you how to write off your student loans in a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Acreditao de laboratrios pela norma ISO 17025:2017" |
"A reviso 2017 do documento normativo ABNT NBR ISO/17025, traz no s mudanas no texto, mas tambm de contedo. O objetivo deste treinamento dar aos gestores de laboratrio, bem como aos tcnicos que conduzem ensaios e calibrao, as ferramentas necessrias para torn-los capazes de selecionar, verificar ou validar mtodos de ensaios e calibrao. Para os profissionais que j conduzem este trabalho, o curso busca atualiz-los com os conceitos usados na atualidade.As regras aqui mostradas so as utilizadas para atender as diretrizes da norma NBR ABNT ISO/IEC 17025:2017, alm da legislao das organizaes de inspeo em reas especficas."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Google Search-Master Class" |
"25 tricks to use Google Search more efficiently and faster than before to get what you want and stop wasting time on moving between sites and find whatever you are searching for more accurately and in the most professional way and discover new ways to handle google search that will change your life."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"come costruire annunci perfetti per il tuo airbnb" |
"COME COSTRUIRE ANNUNCI OTTIMIZZATI CHE CONVERTONOSEI SICURO CHE I TUOI TESTI, LE TUE FOTO SIANO QUELLE GIUSTE? SONO EMOZIONALI? CONVERTONO? SEI SICURO CHE IL TUO LISTINO SIA QUELLO GIUSTO STUDIATO SULLE TUE ESIGENZE E NON SOLO SU COSA STANNO FACENDO I TUOI VICINI???imparare a creare annunci perfetti per appartamenti turistici, case vacanza e strutture extra-alberghiere; costruire tutti gli strumenti che ti servono per creare annunci che convertono"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"procedure fiscali e forme giuridiche per gli affitti brevi" |
"COME SCEGLIERE LA FORMA FISCALE PIU' ADATTA ALLE TUE ESIGENZEQUALI SONO LE FORME FISCALI POSSIBILI E QUALI LE PROCEDURE DA SEGUIREquali sono le normative regionali e nazionali del settore che devi seguirequali sono gli organi preposti per la richiesta di informazioni e assistenzaconoscere le variabili da considerare nel calcolo della redditivit di un immobile"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Squat Corrective Exercise & Muscle Activation" |
"Most Fitness industry people, our world has taken a pause for now. Now is the perfect time for learning to improve as a Therapist, Pt, Coach , Your own training - etc for your clients or yourself. The first course ive been working on this week is for: Understanding to Assess & Treat for the Squat. In the first course we will learn about: - Hip Hinging- Ankle dorsiflexion- Knee Flexion- Hip Flexion- Motor Control - What is this? - Muscle length effects- Adductor Implications - Hip flexors limiting Squat depth?- Common faults with Squats"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"2/5 Linux Unix User Command Basics" |
"2/5 file , directory ls, cat, clear, more, cp, rm, mv, pwd, cd, mkdir, rmdir Linux / Unix User Command - Basic Level 2/5 MacOS , Android , / . , #1 ~ #5 ."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"3/5 Linux Unix User Command Basics" |
"3/5 permission , chmod, chown, chgrp permission , effective UID , su, sudo wc, sort, uniq, grep, file, od, strings Linux / Unix User Command - Basic Level 3/5 MacOS , Android , / . , #1 ~ #5 ."
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"5/5 Linux Unix User Command Basics" |
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