Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Colour Seminar of Interior Decoration Design" |
"Colour Seminar of Interior Decoration Design Online Course is co-presented by Cohim and Adrienne Chinn, who is an international famous expert in Space Decoration Design, also the author of The Home Decorators Colour & Texture Bible, which is for professional Interior Designer, Interior Stylist, and those who are working in Interior Design Industry. This is truly an authoritative advanced level of Interior Colour Design Online Course.This course covers a large amount of authentic global interior colour design cases analysis, classic design interpretation and colour trend prediction. After carefully selecting colour and texture design cases, Adrienne will elaborately analyse the application of colours in this course, which can help designers improve integrated colour design capabilities quickly and comprehensively and achieve excellent interior design project in future. In particular, each video lasts from 7 minutes to 30 minutes according to the level of knowledge and theme, with reasonable time duration. We have optimized studying experience and this course is really good for designers to learn at part-time."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"It's Time To Quit Smoking With The Winning Habits Formula" |
"At the age of 29 I had been a smoker for 14 years and I was determined to quit before my 30th birthday. I had chest pains, a cough and worried constantly about the impact that smoking was having on my health. Also, the fact that my grandfather had died from Emphysema, a smoking related illness just played constantly on my mind. Isnt it funny that the death of a loved one still doesnt make you change your habits! I really wanted to quit smoking.No matter how many times to tried to quit smoking, I just couldn't give up the habit.Whether it was my love of having a cigarette with coffee, or my mind thinking that life wouldn't be the same again, I just couldn't quit smoking for good. After many years of smoking I thought I can do this, I can find a way to retrain my mind, and quit smoking. I believed that it could be possible if I could crack the psychological element of smoking cigarettes and e-cigarettes.Then I cracked it I found a mindset that helped me quitI made one fundamental change to my mindsetI started to pity smokers instead of envying them. Not only am I now 15 years free from smoking, but I never think about cigarettes at all. I have no self-doubt, I have no smoking pangs, and I never believe I have given something up! I wish I had never smoked, but Im so glad that I was able to stop before it was too late. You have that opportunity now, and with my help I will help you quit smoking without the aid of expensive substitutes that keep you addicted to nicotine. This is the time to quit smoking."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"BMS - building management system" |
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Side Hustle Bootcamp" |
"Are you struggling to get a passion project off the ground? Has it been stuck in your head or notebook for longer than youd like to admit, but with all the responsibilities of daily life, it just hasnt gotten very far? I totally get this, because, this was me for years before I started to really take my career into my own hands about 7 years ago. Twice Ive turned side hustles into my full time gig, each time making my livelihood fit me better and better. And now, its happening a third time.If you are ambitious but a little disorganized a serial idea person that spins your wheels in planning and dream but has trouble taking action lets talk. This was me. My nickname as a kid was space cadet. For a long time I was known as a daydreamer, not a woman of action. But thats exactly what Ive become: a successful entrepreneur. Ive done it by creating frameworks to wrangle my creative and often undisciplined nature. I am so excited to teach you these super-practical, non-fluffy framework for transformation.In this course, we will go through my 5-step plan to get any side hustle up and running. And we will be going through the process together, quite literally. I'll be taking my own side hustle and transforming it into the next iteration of my full-time career, using these techniques that have worked for me in the past when I made similar transformations.The course starts with my story; Ill give you the scoop on how I got my career to the pretty amazing place it is at today: self-employed and earning six-figures doing what I absolutely love. I'll explain how making this course fits into my VERY META masterplan, and why all the profits from this course are going to New Story Charity. Thats right, when you purchase this course, youll be supporting an amazing organization that is 3D printing sustainable housing the communities in the world who need it most. Learn more here at newstorycharity dot org.As we work through each of the five strategies, Ill give you stories from my past and present career transitions. But we will also be joined by three semi-fictional characters, each with their own side hustles. This diverse cast of characters will help you get ideas for how to apply the framework to your own situation.STRATEGY ONE: DONT FIGHT YOUR DAY JOB, LEVERAGE IT.The first strategy attacks the most obvious challenge: your day job. The Grind. The 9-5. It's a real buzz kill, huh? And a total energy drain. How can you give your side hustle attention, even when your job seems take it all? STRATEGY TWO: CALENDAR BLOCKING TO FIGHT THE OVERWHELM.The second strategy attacks the overwhelm that you are probably feeling. How can we break up your goal into daily doable tasks and get you on a weekly schedule that accelerates your progress?STRATEGY THREE: TEACH IT TO LEARN IT.The third strategy brings teaching into the mixone of the best tools to combat imposter syndrome and gain the confidence that you'll need to rock your side hustle. The great stoic philosophy Seneca wrote, ""While we teach, we learn. So true! But how do you start teaching when you feel like you have no authority?STRATEGY FOUR: SET DEADLINE LIKE A PRO.The fourth strategy is such an overly-obvious no-brainer. To finish, you need deadlines. But when no external force creates deadlines for our side hustles, it's up to us to self-impose them. How can we create realistic deadlinesbig and smalland stay true to them?STRATEGY FIVE: BRING THE FUTURE INTO TODAY.In the final strategy, we bring it all together to learn how to step into your new role NOW. When your goals feel so far away, when you feel like youll never become that version of yourself that you imagine, how do you harness contentment with where you areultimately to encourage faster progress?I hope you join me in this journey. Ive had to stumble through multiple versions of my career to get to where I am todayexcited about work in ways I never thought possible. My hope is that this course creates a smoother and more direct path for you.Life is too short to work for someone else's dream. So go out there and give your own dream the hustle it deserves!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Perakaunan F5 Chapter 5 Syarikat (KSSM)" |
"Untuk Prinsip Perakaunan Tingkatan 5 Bab 1-3, murid murid boleh mendapat free online tuition di youtube channel cikgu - ""SPM Malaysia"".Dalam course ini, murid-murid akan dapat belajar Prinsip Perakaunan Tingkatan 5 - Bab 5 Syarikat. Selepas course ini, murid-murid boleh membuat soalan untuk * Terbitan Saham ke dalam Akaun* Cara mengira dividen interim dan akhirUntuk dapatkan DISCOUNT bagi course ini, sila melayari youtube ataupun facebook page ""SPM MALAYSIA"", ataupun join telegram cikgu (SPM Malaysia)."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprende la magia y la sensualidad de la danza del vientre, tambin conocida como Bellydance. Practica ejercicio de manera divertida y descubre las maravillas que tu cuerpo y la hermosa msica rabe pueden hacer, este instructivo esta estratgicamente diseado para que tu avance sea notorio, podrs consultar cuantas veces quieras los movimientos deseados, con material extra para combinaciones adaptables a ritmos esenciales de la danza rabe as como una coreografa de velo y contacto directo con la instructora si algo de es completo o deseas mayor explicacin"
Price: 1245.00 ![]() |
"10 Min Work from Home" |
"Programul este simplu si eficient. Vei invata sa:- executi corect exercitiile- sa angrenezi musculatura potrivita conform exercitiului executat- ce inseamna regresia exercitiilor- este pentru orice nivel de pregatire fizica- vei putea sa te antrenezi cu partenerul in acelasi timp- nu ai nevoie decat de saltea si 2 perechi de gantere sau sticle de apaAm structurat un program de Fitness pentru acasa care este diversificat, scurt, eficient insa si distractiv. Este pentru orice nivel de pregatire in fitness deoarece sunt ilustrate imagini cu exercitii a caror executie este simplificata pentru ca incepatorii sa se poata bucura in siguranta de miscare. De asemenea intermediarii si avansatii pot beneficia de acest program deoarece intensitatea este data de capacitatea proprie de a accelera sau decelera. Sa ne antrenam destept, nu haotic, este unul din principiile mele iar acest program are la baza o structura logica si progresiva pentru a ramane in zona de siguranta."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"10 Exerccios de Concentrao e Foco na Prtica" |
"Bem, Concentrao, todos ns temos. Mas voc tem o suficiente para realizar as suas tarefas, mesmo aquelas mais chatas? Consegue estudar sem distraes? O trabalho rende como voc gostaria? Comeou home office, mas no estava acostumado? Quer conseguir ler mais e por mais tempo? Seu crebro est bem ligado aos seus msculos? Consegue comear um novo hbito, ou se livrar de um hbito ruim?Tenha foco para realizar tudo o que busca na vida, seja pessoal ou profissional.O Curso 10 Exerccios de Concentrao e Foco na Prtica traz uma srie elaborada de exerccios prticos para voc aumentar seu poder de concentrao focada e a sua fora de vontade. Este curso vai lhe permitir ser uma pessoa mais focada e persistente nos seus objetivos.O curso est dividido em teoria e prtica, permitindo a voc entender o porqu est realizando esses exerccios.Os exerccios so simples, porm prticos e timos para quem quer exercitar sua concentrao, no dia a dia, mesmo se acha que no tem tempo para isso. Use o cupom 'MELHORPRECOUDEMY02' e ganhe desconto especial. Vlido at dia 11/05."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Composio Musical" |
"Nesse curso voc conseguir ter um norte, para onde ir com a sua composio. Claro que a composio musical exige muito treino, mas extremamente necessrio colocarmos os pingos nos i's, pra ter uma 'mtrica' de composio, sem que isso deixe nossa msica robtica.Abordaremos estrutura musical bsica, subdivises dentro da composio, harmonia funcional bsica, como criar linhas de melodias e progresses harmnicas para enriquecer sua obra, e tambm elementos rtmicos que podemos adicionar na musica.O curso aborda o bsico para se estruturar uma msica, uma 'timeline' sugerida para facilitar suas criaes."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Understanding Qigong 4: Immune Boost Qigong with Dr. Yang" |
"3 hours 28 mins.Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming teaches how to boost your immune system and discusses the theory of Four Seasons Qigong, with 25 exercises to improve your health. Qigong means ""energy work"" and is sometimes called ""moving meditation"". Using simple exercises to boost your Wei Qi (guardian energy) and stimulate the belt vessel, an energy meridian around the waist, you can increase your immunity and maintain your health.Renowned Qigong expert and author Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming discusses the theory of Four Seasons Qigong (Si Ji Gong). Four Seasons Qigong is a well-known traditional medical Qigong practice in which one learns how to regulate the body from one season to the next to avoid common illnesses. This Qigong specializes in training the five internal Yin organs; heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, and spleen, which correspond to the four seasons the year.It is believed that when we get sick it is often due to slow adaptability and immune response, such as during the changes from one season to another. For example, when Fall arrives, it is easier to catch a cold, and when Summer comes, the heart can be too excited. By practicing Four Seasons Qigong, you are able to adjust your bodys Qi during the change of seasons so your health can be maintained.Dr. Yang's systematic approach to teaching offers deep insight into the ancient art of Qigong with modern scientific data to support his theory from both an Eastern and Western perspective. Dr. Yang instructs 25 qigong exercises & explains the related healing sounds Basic Five Elements TCM theory and its relationship to the organs Learn Four Seasons acupressure (qigong massage) techniques Understand how to use qigong to alleviate depression & stress 14 Video Lessons / 210 minutesMany more streaming videos available from YMAA website.Titles in this series:Understanding Qigong 1: What is Qigong? / Understanding the Qi Circulatory System Understanding Qigong 2: Keypoints of Qigong / Qigong Breathing TheoryUnderstanding Qigong 3: Qigong Meditation - Embryonic BreathingUnderstanding Qigong 4: Immune Boost Qigong - Four Seasons QigongUnderstanding Qigong 5: Qigong Meditation - Small CirculationUnderstanding Qigong 6: Martial Arts Qigong BreathingThese stand-alone programs can be used sequentially, or individually, based on your qigong practice goals."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"How to nail your Consulting Case Interview - Part 2" |
"Did you know that only 1% of candidates applying to big consulting firms get an offer? That number has always made me skeptical, but also very excited to be part of this 1% of this pool of candidates.One issue I faced while preparing for my interviews, is the resources. I didnt have a lot of time to read all the classic books, like Case in Point and Case interview secrets. And honestly, I didnt want to lose valuable time on reading, but rather on practicing (and that is one secret to nail your case interview!), as all the frameworks given in those books are known by everyone (especially by interviewers) and mostly all the candidates use them. I wanted to be distinctive to get that offer!So what I did is that, after a lot of practicing, researching and coaching sessions organized by top consulting firms, I developed my own strategy to nail case interviews. After joining McKinsey and having an insider perspective, I have further enhanced this strategy and translated it into this course.Through this course, Ill share with you all the materials I created and used for my case interview prep that guaranteed my offer at McKinsey, including frameworks I developed per business problem type, techniques to calculate faster and tips to tackle successfully every section of your case interview. This step-by-step guide is all you need to accelerate and maximize your learning curve for case interview prep while optimizing your time.Frequently Asked QuestionsWhen does the course start and finish?The course starts now and and never ends! it's completely a self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.How long do I have access to the course?How does a lifetime access sounds? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.What if I'm unhappy with the course?We would never want you to be unhappy! if you are unsatisfied with your purchase, you can ask for a full refund within the first 30 days.What if I have questions about the content?I will gladly answer you questions. All you have to do is send us an email at"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How to nail your Consulting Case Interview - Part 1" |
"Did you know that only 1% of candidates applying to big consulting firms get an offer? That number has always made me skeptical, but also very excited to be part of this 1% of this pool of candidates.One issue I faced while preparing for my interviews, is the resources. I didnt have a lot of time to read all the classic books, like Case in Point and Case interview secrets. And honestly, I didnt want to lose valuable time on reading, but rather on practicing (and that is one secret to nail your case interview!), as all the frameworks given in those books are known by everyone (especially by interviewers) and mostly all the candidates use them. I wanted to be distinctive to get that offer!So what I did is that, after a lot of practicing, researching and coaching sessions organized by top consulting firms, I developed my own strategy to nail case interviews. After joining McKinsey and having an insider perspective, I have further enhanced this strategy and translated it into this course.Through this course, Ill share with you all the materials I created and used for my case interview prep that guaranteed my offer at McKinsey, including frameworks I developed per business problem type, techniques to calculate faster and tips to tackle successfully every section of your case interview. This step-by-step guide is all you need to accelerate and maximize your learning curve for case interview prep while optimizing your time.Frequently Asked QuestionsWhen does the course start and finish?The course starts now and and never ends! it's completely a self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.How long do I have access to the course?How does a lifetime access sounds? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.What if I'm unhappy with the course?We would never want you to be unhappy! if you are unsatisfied with your purchase, you can ask for a full refund within the first 30 days.What if I have questions about the content?I will gladly answer you questions. All you have to do is send us an email at"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Introduccin a la Pasarela" |
"En este curso online te voy a brindar las herramientas las bsicas para empezar a practicar realmente cmo utilizar el cuerpo en la pasarela. Vamos a ver como llevar de manera correcta cada parte del cuerpo, cmo desarrollar la actitud, la postura y la lnea en pasarela.Te comparto la informacin bsica para que puedas practicar desde la comodidad de tu casa, con tips y actividades para lucir lo que llevas puesto, sea tu propio estilo o el de un diseador."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Corso Fiori Artificiali Composizioni Eventi" |
"Il corso affronter diversi temi: dalla storia dei fiori artificiali, alla progettazione e realizzazione di composizioni floreali.Svilupperete doti personali e lattitudine ad osservare e sperimentare, il linguaggio segreto dei fiori artificiali.Questo corso formativo sar la chiave del successo, sar la voglia di trasformare una passione in un vero e proprio lavoro."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"How To Make A Living Online" |
"Be sure to check out the worksheets for each lesson in the Resources Folder!Join the Creator RevolutionDreams dont have to be just dreams. You can create your passion from anywhere, right now.The Creator Academy is a robust online education platform that includes a video series, developed by leading media experts, teaching aspiring creators the key entrepreneurship skills and strategies needed to live their passion in the digital age while providing a community-based environment. As Academy students make their way through the courses, they are encouraged to connect and collaborate with one another and share their achievements; fostering an enduring sense of community that motivates them to push through to the next step on their journey.Who is it for?Creatives of all kinds! This course is tailored well for beginners seeking to make a living online, but there's certainly useful information and guidance for those who have already started. So far, we have graphic designers, illustrators, cooks, knitters, artists, musicians and more taking the course and we're getting very positive feedback from them!Join the Creator Revolution. Let us help you start."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Curriculum efficace per trovare lavoro" |
"Stai cercando lavoro? Il curriculum una parte fondamentale per ottenere un primo colloquio e fare buona impressione al selezionatore. Purtroppo, in Italia, le persone fanno un sacco di errori compilando un curriculum, scegliendo modelli obsoleti che non attirano l'attenzione del selezionatore e non ti valorizzano. In questo corso ti insegno come scrivere un curriculum efficace, quali errori NON devi commettere e ti far vedere alcuni esempi di template efficaci che ti aiuteranno a trovare lavoro."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"You Can Do Voice Overs" |
"Learn how to become a voice-over talent doing voice-over work for radio commercials, television commercials and shows, films and trailers, documentaries, language translations, message prompts, and much more. Great for potential extra or full-time income with many options to work remotely or from home.Your voice-over course instructor Shawn Conrad has worked as a voice-over talent for national brands, commercials, and television shows. He has also worked as a post-production sound engineer for decades. In that role, Shawn has recorded and directed Will Ferrell, Bill Bellemy, J .K. Simmons, James Earl Jones, Rosie Perez, Will Arnett, and many other voice-over artists."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Facebook Marketing for Small Businesses" |
"As a fellow small business owner, I know how difficult it is to market your business without breaking the bank. My wife and I opened a horse farm in 2016 and we had to learn how to leverage Facebook to get exposure and engagement that resulted in business for the farm.In this course, you will learn how to effectively market your small business without spending any money on promoting or boosting posts. You will learn the journey of how to build a great following and then leverage it."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Wordpress.- Crea tu propio rea de clientes/rea virtual" |
"Este curso es ideal para negocios que quieran implementar un rea personalizada para sus clientes. Este curso ha sido implementado para un bufete de abogados y un administrador de Fincas. Gracias a la posibilidad de proporcionar un usuario y contrasea personaliza, el profesional tiene control absoluto sobre las personas que ingresan en su web pudiendo controlar, adems, los usuarios que se descargar la documentacin. De esta manera, puede comprobar los usuarios ms activos en su web."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Grade 8 Math" |
"This course includes videos and instructions in French to cover the following Grade 8 math program:Number Sense and Numeration: representing and ordering rational numbers; representing numbers using exponential notation; solving multi-step problems involving whole numbers and decimals; multiplying and dividing fractions and integers; multiplying and dividing decimals by powers of ten; applying order of operations in expressions with brackets and exponents; solving problems involving percents to one decimal place and percents greater than 100; solving problems involving rates and proportions Measurement: converting between cubic centimetres and cubic metres and between millilitres and cubic centimetres; developing circumference and area relationships for a circle; developing and applying the formula for the volume of a cylinder; determining and applying surface-area relationships for cylinders Geometry and Spatial Sense: sorting quadrilaterals by geometric properties involving diagonals; constructing circles; investigating relationships among similar shapes; determining and applying angle relationships for parallel and intersecting lines; relating the numbers of faces, edges, and vertices of a polyhedron; determining and applying the Pythagorean relationship geometrically; plotting the image of a point on the coordinate plane after applying a transformation Patterning and Algebra: representing the general term in a linear sequence, using one or more algebraic expressions; translating statements, using algebraic equations; finding the term number in a pattern algebraically when given any term; solving linear equations involving onevariable terms with integer solutions using a balance mode"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"actualizacin en masajes" |
"veremos un panorama mas amplio y profundo sobre el masaje, la energia, de donde viene, que es lo que realmente trabaja, con un enfoque global, desde la ciencia hasta las culturas milenarias como la medicina china ,entre otras. como las emociones son el factor mas desiquilibrante, enteremos como funciona el EGO y la conciencia.los diferentes tipos de masajes y sus enfoques , como desarrollar un propio mtodo de masaje efectivo."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Building Design with reinforcement Using StaddPro in Hindi" |
"We all know that to design of building is a tough job but with software this job become more easy. In this course i explained about the building design with reinforcement detailing. This course consist the reinforcement detailing of beam, column, slab and foundation detailing. Following topic were discussed in this course:1. Basic modeling of building2. Advance modeling of building3. Load identification 4. Analysis of model5. Design of beam6. Design of column7. Design of slab8. Design of foundation9. Advance foundation10. Design of stair case"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Cocktails 101: Home Bartending & Mixology by Tipsy Bartender" |
"For the first time ever, Tipsy Bartender reveals the secrets to mixing up cocktails like a pro! Whether you're on the lookout for easy recipes to memorize or a more comprehensive guide to mixology, these 13 video lessons will give you the bartending confidence & skills you need to mix up delicious cocktails - no matter what you have to work with! Yes, the world of alcohol can be complex & intimidating but it doesnt have to be.After creating hundreds of original cocktail recipes, I can confidently say that making drinks comes down to a few basic skills & concepts ALL of which youll learn this course! NOTE: Want the course for less? Cocktails 101 is currently available on my website for $47. In just a few hours, youll have the tools you need to whip up camera-ready cocktails, impress your date & bring any party to life with or without a recipe!Tipsy Bartender's Online Home Bartending Class includes: 13 easy-to-follow video lessonsBartending basics, tools, skills & lingoThe ""5 Steps"" to make ANY drinkMixology: the secrets of flavor pairingLiquor 101: navigating any liquor aisle, bar or cocktail menuMind-blowing party tricks & pro-tipsCommon mistakes & how to avoid them. . . and everything you need to know to mix up insanely delicious cocktails using everyday ingredients!Liquor. Cocktails. Bartending Confidence. This ultimate video guide teaches you the simple skills, secret hacks, & pro-tips to navigate any bar and mix cocktails with style.LESSONS:1. Introduction: The 5 Steps To Make Any Drink2. Liquor 101: Building A Cocktail & Flavor Pairing3. Bar Tools, Lingo & Glasses4. Clear Ice (...And Why It Matters!)5. Chill & Dilute: The 5 Types of Ice6. Measure & Pour Like A Pro7. How to Stir: When & Why8. How To Shake: When & Why9. Lets Get Muddling10. Sweet & Sour, Simple Syrup & Other Sweeteners11. How To Layer Cocktails12. Presentation: The Garnish13. Test Your Skills: Classic & Party CocktailsThis course is perfect for...The Casual Drinker: Mixing cocktails is the ultimate social skill! Learn your way around the bar & how mastering simple tricks - like pouring a layered drink - will make you the life of the party. (Plus, its perfect for date night! *wink wink*)The Im spending WAY too much money on alcohol Drinker: Going out is expensive. Ill show you how to recreate $15 cocktails at a fraction of the price. Make any hour happy hour when you learn to whip up show-stopping cocktails using everyday ingredients.The Drinker Who Wants to Learn More About Liquor: Tired of ordering safe drinks when you go out? Soon, youll be able to confidently order any drink - with or without a menu - because youll know your stuff!Party People!: Make your next party one to remember! Well, your friends might not because of all the cocktails you made them ;) Well cover what you need for the perfect home bar setup & the skills to make party classics on-demand.In this course...Well break down cocktail making into 5 simple steps you can easily learn, carry with you & use to make any drink!Understand mixology, the science behind flavor pairing and how to create your own drink recipes from scratch.Navigating the liquor aisle & ordering drinks will never be the same! Youll look at a cocktail menu, understand it & get an idea of how each drink might taste.Making a punch bowl or jungle juice? Heres the number one way almost everyone screws it up (and what to do instead)!Shock your friends or hot date when you effortlessly mix up delicious & impressive drinks - no matter the occasion or what you have to work with!Know what a drink is going to taste like even before you make it (and exactly what pairs well with what so you can create your own picture perfect cocktails at home)Understand what your bartender is doing when they make your drink & communicate in bar speakKnow enough about liquor & cocktails to be prepared for any social situation or conversation...maybe even show off a little ;)Learn to garnish like a pro & quickly go from the person pouring drinks to the hot shot mixing up cocktails like a boss!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Qigong fr ein stabiles Immunsystem" |
"Dieser Kurs bietet dir eine Reise in die Welt des Qi Gong und der taoistischen Tradition. Die meditativen bungen werden dir helfen, Stress zu reduzieren, Deinen Krper zu energetisieren, Deine Gedanken zu beruhigen und die eigenen Emotionen in Harmonie zu bringen.Du wirst im Kurs bungen erlernen, welche du direkt fr dich anwenden kannst.Ich nehme dich an die Hand und zeige dir Schritt fr Schritt, was welche bung mit Krper und Geist tun wird. Neues Wissen und bungen greifen flieend ineinander. Nach den einzelnen Lektionen hast du dann die Mglichkeit, zu reflektieren und das Gelernte zu vertiefen.Mein Ziel ist es, dass du Techniken erhltst fr das Lenken der Energie an die Stellen deines Krpers, an der Du sie gerade am ntigsten brauchst um dich physisch, psychisch, mental und emotional auszugleichen und zu harmonisieren.Dein Bewusstsein fr deinen einzigartigen Krper, ist ein essentieller Teil eines gesunden Lebens und die Wahrnehmung dieses Bewusstseins ist der Inhalt dieses Kurses.Die Lektionen sind so aufgebaut, dass du sie einfach in deinen Alltag integrieren kannst. Es ist frderlich fr deine Gesundheit dem vorhandenen Stress in deinem Leben mit guten Werkzeugen begegnen zu knnen. Ich zeige dir einige Werkzeuge in diesem Kurs fr ein gutes Leben im Gleichgewicht. Meine langjhrige Unterrichtserfahrung in den Bereichen Qigong, Taiij, Meditation, Krperwahrnehmung und Entspannung zeigt mir, dass durch Entschleunigung und bewusste Bewegungen die Achtsamkeit und Wahrnehmung gefrdert wird und ""entspanntes in sich ruhen"" auch im Alltag erlebbar ist.Ich nehme dich mit auf eine Reise zu den alten Traditionen und dem Wissen der traditionellen chinesischen Medizin, die schon den Shaolin den Weg zu Ausgeglichenheit, Zufriedenheit und einem langen Leben ermglicht hat.Genau das wnsche ich mir auch fr Dich!Lass uns gleich beginnen!Verwendete Musik (Auszug)Laeela - Beyond space and time, CainaNoaidi - Deep SpaceLonesome JourneyLonesome Journey by Keys of MoonAttribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)Life BlossomLife Blossom by Keys of MoonAttribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Learn Hibernate in less than 3 hours" |
"Hibernate with Live Tutorial Coding examplesHibernate ArchitectureInstallation and Directory StructureFirst Application using HibernateHibernate APIHinernate Configuration and Project setup with DBConfigurationSessionFactorySessionTransactionCRUD operations using Session methods.VersioningPrimary key GeneratorsAssignedIncrementSequenceHibernate Query Language (HQL)Joins in HibernateCriteria APICollection MappingAssociation Mappingone to oneone to manymany to onemany to manyCachingFirst level Cache(Session cache)Second level Cache(SessionFactory cache)Query level cache"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Master the Comma" |
"Its time to solve all your comma conundrums.Learn from a word maven extraordinaire who has taught thousands of students, edited hundreds of manuscripts, and written three books of her own.Do you still question where to put your commas?Do you randomly throw commas into your manuscript and hope theyre in the right place?Do you frequently apologize for your commas?Do you get manuscripts back from editors or critique partners with so many redlines (corrections)?This is the course for YOU!You are going to learn when to use commas. When to never use commas. And how to apply all the comma rules to your self-editing practice.Why do you need an e-course about commas?There are so many reasons!1. Commas have more uses than any other punctuation mark.2. Commas are chameleons.3. Commas allow readers to understand your writing.4. Commas save lives!5. Commas do NOT actually indicate a pause.6. Comma usage can be nuanced.7. Commas separate words, phrases, and clauses.8. Commas show you when information is critical for meaning. And when it is not.9. Comma mastery is the mark of a skilled writer.Benefits ListEmpower yourself as a writer with clear communication.Mastering comma usage will boost your creativity and give you the freedom to tell the story youre meant to write.Youll have fun playing with commas while you refine your writing style.You can be confident that your readers wont get distracted by your comma usage, or lack thereof, even in your earliest drafts.Become a sought-after critique partner because of your knowledge.Improve your self-editing skills by learning the ins and outs of comma usage.What You Will GetContent is bite sized and easily digestible. Video lessons for 20+ comma rules Clear examples Sample edits with actual manuscripts from real authors Multiple ways to practiceWhat We Will CoverIll teach you WHY commas are chameleons. Well also dig into: Comma Rules to Always Use Comma Rules to Never Use Comma Rules to Choose And moreBest of all, Ill teach you how to apply all this new knowledge to dramatically level up your self-editing game.Who This Is For and Who This Is Not ForThis Is For: Writers who are serious about improving their craft Writers on a budget Writers who want clarity on the Chicago Manual of Styles expectations New writers Veteran writers Writers of short stories, personal essays, and books (fiction and nonfiction) Writers who use American EnglishThis Is Not For: Writers who dont care about their readers Writers with no interest in growing Writers with scads of money to throw at editors for multiple rounds of editing Writers who make the Chicago Manual of Style bedtime reading Writers who already know all the comma rules and how to use them Writers of poetryWhy Learn From MeIm a word maven extraordinaire. A client once dubbed me the Comma Queen. I know what Im doing.I have over twelve years experience in classrooms, teaching real live people how to write (and use commas).I worked for a National Writing Project affiliate and taught other teachers how to teach writing (and use commas).Ive been a professional editor for six years, and Ive seen hundreds of manuscripts and edited millions of words.Im friendly and approachable. Some people even think Im fun.Im also a writer, with three books publishing in early 2020, so I know what it feels like to be on the other side of the editing pen.Teaching writers how to make their work shine is my passion. Let me help you.FAQsIve never been able to understand how commas work. What makes you different?I learned about commas in school. Why do I need a course on commas?Will I have to complete boring practice worksheets?What do I need to know to do well?Im worried that Im a terrible writer. Are you grading me?What if I have a question during the course?What if I cant attend the LIVE call?If I fall behind, can I catch up later?What is your refund policy?What if I have a writing question thats not about commas?Dear Writers,Now is the time to master the comma so you can save face (no more embarrassing mishaps), time (no more googling how to use commas), and money (no more extra rounds of edits). I cant wait to see you in the course.Take care,Nicole Ayers"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Excel 2019: Funciones y tratamiento de datos" |
"EN CONSTRUCCIN Aprende de una manera fcil, cmoda y sencilla el manejo de Excel. brete puertas en el mundo laboral aprendiendo todo lo esencial de Microsoft Excel. Todo lo necesario para usar el Excel de una forma profesional que te ayudar en tu trabajo o en tu da a da. Nos vemos en el curso!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Personal Budgeting - Simplified" |
"The essential tool for a successful financial life is consistently completing a monthly budget! Unfortunately, many people aren't sure how to create a budget and are scared to ask because they are embarrassed or feel ashamed. This course will help those who are tired of being lost with their finances and desire to get on a plan!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Yoga Arm Balance 101" |
"This course will teach you exercises and steps in order to achieve basic arm balances that will lead up to Crow Pose. Once you start you will learn wrist exercises to help strengthen the hand and the arms for arm balances. Overtime you will build a mind body awareness with practicing these poses."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Daily Halos: Accelerate Your Spiritual Journey Today" |
"Are you trying a combination of all those mindfulness, breathing, self care and spiritual techniques but not getting the results you expected? Traditional self help methods yield limited results because they focus solely on third dimensional discipline. Daily Halos shows you how to channel your time and energy correctly for maximum impact."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Oral Presentation Skills: Overcoming performance anxiety" |
"This is a quick and concentrated course. It aims to help students, business people and public speakers improve on their presentation skills and public speaking. The course focuses on effective preparation techniques, achieving your best possible performance, and a guide on how to ensure the content looks professional.However, this course does not go into the actual content/ideas in a presentation -- just how they can be conveyed to your audience more successfully.It's also ideal for writers who want to pitch to producers, but are very shy or inexperienced."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |