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"Aprende a trabajar a distancia. Teletrabajo para todos." |
"En este curso entenders mejor como enfrentarte al mundo de trabajar a distancia. Sus peligros, los miedos que puede generar en la empresa y en el trabajador y las herramientas que se usan habitualmente en esta modalidad de trabajo. El conocer todas las herramientas te dar mucha confianza a la hora de presentarte a ofertas laborales que no son presenciales.Contenido del curso.Este curso de teletrabajo est dividido en dos mdulos.Mdulo 1: Fundamentos del teletrabajo.En este primer mdulo se tratan los temas referidos a los miedos comunes y hbitos contraproducentes al trabajar a distancia. Se detallan pautas generales a seguir al trabajar a distancia y consejos basados en mi experiencia.Mdulo 2: Apartado Tcnico.En este segundo mdulo se habla del equipo bsico necesario para poder trabajar a distancia, se dan unas pautas bsicas de seguridad y se explican los programas de uso ms comunes en el sector.A lo largo del curso os ensear: A marcar pautas generales -basadas en mi experiencia- acerca de cmo trabajar a distancia; qu hacer y qu NO hacer.Programas involucrados, Los ms habituales y famosos los tocaremos someramente para que os familiaricis con ellos, en reas de comunicacin, gestin de tareas, etc.Seguridad informtica bsica. Lo bsico, lo que todo el mundo debera hacer y nadie hace y luego llegan los sustos. Importante trabajando a distancia pues pueden suponer un grave problema al trabajar a distancia.Cuando hayas acabado este curso sers capaz de:Superar los miedos comunes que suelen aflorar con el uso del teletrabajo a nivel de empresa o del trabajador.Te fijars unas pautas definidas cuando ests trabajando desde casa.Evitars caer en las tpicas trampas que presenta el trabajar a distancia.Tendrs unas nociones bsicas pero muy tiles de seguridad informtica.Te familiarizars el uso de los programas ms estndar en las reas ms interesantes: comunicacin visual y escrita, organizacin de tareas multiusuario, comparticin de ficheros.Hay requisitos para realizar el curso?Si eres un usuario normal de Windows que sepa hacer cuatro cosillas, entonces este curso lo tienes a tu alcance. Si sabes: navegar por internet, enviar y recibir correos, copiar/mover archivos entre carpetas, usando pendrives o discos duros externos, entonces no deberas tener problema.Para quin es este curso?Este curso est dirigido a toda persona que tenga inters en comenzar a trabajar a distancia y quiere aprender sus fundamentos bsicos para empezar a trabajar sin miedo."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Formula Silicon Valley - Crea tu empresa con xito" |
"Alguna vez te has preguntado como es trabajar en Silicon Valley? Te has planteado venir y no sabes cuales serian los pasos. O quieres inspirarte y aplicar a tu empresa.La formula de Silicon Valley parece ser un secreto. En estos 3 meses te ayudaremos a desvelar cuales son los ingredientes para la formula perfecta. Podrs convertirte en empresario, llevar tu negocio al siguiente nivel, disfrutar creando algo tuyo, invertir el tiempo que quieras en el trabajo o poder trabajar desde cualquier parte del mundo.Mi nombre es Alejandro Sanchez Acosta, hace 5 aos vine a Silicon Valley a vender mi empresa a Godaddy. Lamentablemente no funciono y cree otra compaa que vend a una empresa de la costa Este. Con el fin de conocer todos los detalles de una empresa, me puse manos a la obra e hice mas de 1000 entrevistas en mas de 100 empresas del Valle. Tanto aprendi que decid escribir el libro de como hacer entrevistas.Eso no paro ahi, cree un podcast y entreviste a mas de 50 expertos en Silicon Valley. En la formula de Silicon Valley te enseo como va a ser todo este viaje para conocer los mejores expertos de Silicon Valley y como funciona una empresa por dentro. Y no de una forma que tengas que ver mucho contenido, vas a ver pldoras cortas que te permiten conocer muchos de los conceptos bsicos para tener xito.Ests preparado para conocer la formula del xito en Silicon Valley? Preprate que comenzamos."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Oracle Application Express - APEX - Bsico" |
"Neste curso, encontrar informaes bem detalhadas sobre o funcionamento desse framework que tanto gosto.No vou ensinar apenas a fazer os recursos, vo aprender como cada pgina, cada componente, cada elemento funciona, como se comunicam entre si, vai aprender a essncia do APEX.Desde a primeira aula at a ltima, de contedo terico onde pode acompanhar de forma prtica e junto com a aula, em seu prprio ambiente.ESTE TREINAMENTO O MESMO EXISTENTE EM MEU CANAL DO YOUTUBE. ELE EST AQUI NA PLATAFORMA, PARA QUE NO FINAL, VOC POSSA TER UM CERTIFICADO DO TREINAMENTO.Contem comigo sempre e bom curso!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Acrylic Landscape Painting" |
"The quick course is designed to give you confidence in using acrylic paints while helping you to avoid the problems and challenges often faced by people new to this medium. This Acrylic Painting Techniques course is designed for beginners who have never picked up a brush before and also for intermediate level artists who are looking to try out acrylics and learning new approaches to the various elements found within.Each exercise demonstrates various basic elements such as bushes, ocean, skies and so on, and extends to producing a complete painting within an hour. I work step by step through each exercise using easy to understand methods.Materials required for this course have been carefully chosen in order for the beginner to get started without overspending. In this course, Im using Acrylic colors, but if you dont have acrylic paint at home you can get it online from Amazon or you can use other mediums such as Camlin Poster Color or Oil Color. Feel free to use any color brand you like.The accompanying PDF contains helpful information on these materials, including paints, palettes and brushes, canvas and so on.The total running time of this course is around 1 -1.5 hours.Enroll now to benefit from these easy to follow and rewarding techniques, all at your own pace and in the comfort of your own home."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Lebanese Dabke the complete guide" |
"the course will teach you everything about lebanese Dabke , the historical part, music, steps and a lot more.The course is simple, easy and informative, enjoy dancing Dabke with your friends, family and everyone you love.The course will give you step by step instructions to be able to understand everything about this beautiful art alot of researches made in order to give very specific information, you'll be able to put your first step and benefit from years of experience while you're at home. this course is a mandatory course to complete the intermediate and advanced courses later, you'll be using these simple steps and moving forward with more advanced once, for example "" theatrical style Dabke, Techno and modern Dabke. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Corso completo di Street Photography" |
"La prima guida completa alla Street Photography: le tipologie di Street, le regole fotografiche applicate, come configurare la Reflex al meglio, la post produzione (lezioni pratiche in photoshop), la pubblicazione delle foto online, consigli per scattare in strada e uno studio approfondito sui pi grandi fotografi di Street del presente e del passato. Ci sono anche molte risorse esterne come i link a tutti i profili Instagram dei maggiori fotografi di Street attuali."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Impara Blender 2.8 dalla modellazione al rendering" |
"Lezioni teoriche e pratiche per acquisire una conoscenza del mondo 3D a 360 gradi. Sarai in grado in poco tempo di creare da zero una scena totalmente 3D e animarla. Un corso utile e pratico con tempistiche ottimizzate e studiate per ogni esigenza.Partiremo dalla modellazione 3D e i vari tool principali per poi passare alla texture dell' oggetto studiando le UV e l' applicazione di immagini bidimensionali.Modelleremo una scena completamente in 3D con animazione.Studieremo le tecniche per fare il rigging ai nostri personaggi e come creare oggetti pi complessi.Realizzeremo il nostro primo personaggio 3D e la nostra scena con tutti gli elementi utili per la parte del rendering: luci, background, camera.Cosa aspettate!?Buon divertimento"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Fit, Fearless, and Fabulous Bootcamp" |
"The Fit, Fearless, and Fabulous Bootcamp is a 14-day kickstart course to help you lay the foundation of busting through your roadblocks and helping you to revive your energy and your alive, youthful self!This is NOT an online course or a training program This is an implementation bootcamp where there will be an expectation to work hard, move fast, and have fun!I set this up so that if you DO the work, you will start seeing results very quickly.It has been clients like YOU that tell me they needed someone to teach EXACTLY what they need to do to begin feeling less stressed, less bloated, more energetic, and more in shape. My clients told me that they wanted someone to kick their butt into gear because motivation was dwindling- ""Fit, Fearless, and Fabulous"" Bootcamp was born!This is a bootcamp focused on one thing: YOUR RESULTS.Its different from any other bootcamp, because its strategy coming from my experience and years of coaching others how to succeed in creating abundant health and energy. In this bootcamp, you will learn some of the best practices to create a solid foundation in boosting your own health, banishing your stress, and jump starting your best self ever- and it goes way beyond exercising more and eating healthier.""Fit, Fearless, and Fabulous"" is also different from any other bootcamp because it focuses on the main areas of health that, when not balanced, causes massive distress throughout the body. It has challenges built in throughout the 14-days to help you break past fear and step into action. Since this is a kickstart program, there are options available to continue your growth and dive deeper into your own personal needs and uniqueness!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Gestin del Miedo y Aprendizaje de la Valenta" |
"El curso supone una inmersin en la emocin del miedo, cuya finalidad no es fastidiarte la vida, sino advertirte de qu PROBLEMAS CONVIENE ATENDER, para AVANZAR en tus relaciones personales y laborales. Liderando as tu vida, sin la parlisis que produce la hua, la evasin de conflictos o la falta de confianza para afrontar situaciones difciles.Juntos, aclaramos conceptos como la cobarda, la conducta valiente, la educacin represora, la confianza, la valenta, las habilidades y la atencin.El objetivo es ENTENDER las reacciones que el miedo te provoca, APRENDER a observar tu estado emocional y tu conducta. DESARROLLAR el hbito de enfocar tu atencin all, donde puedes crear soluciones en lugar de ponerla donde slo hay atasco y sufrimiento.A lo largo del curso, aprendes a:* Hacer las paces con tus miedos, para entenderlos y atenderlos.* Tratarlos con la dignidad que merecen.* Diferenciar entre tu miedo real (si corro con el coche puedo matarme) y tu miedo imaginario (todo el mundo se re de mi).* Averiguar qu necesidades no cubiertas, es necesario que atiendas.* Hacerte las preguntas que te llevan a salir de bucles mentales limitantes y dirijir tu atencin a la creacin de soluciones.* Estrategias que puedes aplicar en cualquier momento, para afrontar situaciones tensas y angustiosas.Este curso se dirige a todas aquellas personas que se sientan bloqueadas por:* Miedos sociales.* Miedo a los cambios.* Miedo a lo que otras personas pueden pensar.* Miedo a decir lo que les molesta.* Miedo a hacer lo que de verdad desean.* Miedo a expresarse con libertad.* Miedo a los conflictos.* Miedo a atreverse a defender su postura y opinin.Tambin, a aquellas personas interesadas en la educacin de la correcta gestin del miedo a nios y jvenes."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Academic Writing" |
"In this course, you will learn how to write a successful academic essay that is critical and well-structured. Through the use of practical examples, we will be looking at the different components of an essay and analysing what makes them good or bad. This way, you will learn not only how to write a good essay, but how to revise your essays to improve them."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"UI Design: Criao de um projeto mobile do comeo ao fim" |
"Sobre o curso:Voc tem interesse na criao de design para aplicativos mveis?O foco deste curso para pessoas que no tem experincia na rea e querem comear uma carreira como designer de interface e tambm para quem j tem experincia como designer grfico e quer migrar de rea.Neste curso vamos focar no aprendizado de uma maneira simples e direta onde no final voc vai ter seu primeiro projeto para publicar em seu portflio.Vamos passar por 18 captulos de aulas em vdeo onde eu vou te ensinar o bsico para fazer seu primeiro projeto de aplicativo mobile.Vou te ensinar tcnicas de design que aprendi nos meus 12 anos de profisso como UI/UX Designer trabalhando com clientes nacionais e internacionais.Vamos focar no aprendizado da teoria e prtica e no somente focando nas ferramentas para voc sair com uma bagagem onde ter o conhecimento para ir mais a fundo e criar seus prprios projetos.Sobre o instrutor:Ol! Meu nome Victor Berbel.Com mais de uma dcada de experncia eu trabalho como UI/UX Designer em projetos nacionais e internacionais.J trabalhei com diversas startups resolvendo todo tipo de problema de usabilidade e tambm criando interfaces nestes projetos."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Emprendimiento e Innovacin: Estructura y arranca tu negocio" |
"Quieres ejecutar y tomar control de tus ideas, aspiraciones y proyectos mientras generas valor para ti y para tu entorno?Si ests leyendo sobre este curso es porque seguramente quieres tomar accin para redefinir el rumbo de tu vida y tu trabajo.Seguramente tienes una idea, un pequeo negocio o el deseo de encontrar un nuevo camino que te apasione, que te llene y tenga sentido para tu vida.Si es as, significa que es momento de emprender y nosotros queremos ayudarte.Hola, somos met.conecta, empresa global dedicada a la formacin, el emprendimiento y la innovacin. Durante ms de 15 aos, nuestro equipo ha desarrollado y asesorado a ms de 1,000 proyectos de emprendimiento, de los cuales el 85% de ellos logra sobrevivir sus primeros 5 aos de operacin.Cmo hemos logrado esto? Con metodologas enfocadas a que estructures e identifiques tres elementos clave: tu mercado, tus procesos y tus finanzas. Todo esto planteado sobre un modelo de negocios que te permite visualizar de una manera clara como entregar una propuesta de valor que sea nica para tus clientes e irrepetible por la competencia.Los herramientas y metodologas no son todo, nuestros asesores expertos en negocios y de distintas industrias son un pilar importante en el desarrollo de nuestros emprendedores. Por lo que en este curso en linea incluiremos una sesin de mentora grupal cada mes para responder las dudas que tengas relacionadas al material del curso y sobre cuestiones relacionadas a tu negocio.El curso tambin incluye herramientas y recursos de apoyo como libros, podcasts, PDFs y artculos para que complementes el conocimiento visto en los mdulos de aprendizaje.Tambin, podrs formar parte de nuestro comunidad en Facebook: Met. Conecta Emprendedores, en donde te compartiremos noticias, herramientas, consejos, entrevistas y convocatorias a eventos de emprendimiento para que estes completamente involucrado en un ecosistema de apoyo y crecimiento con emprendedores y expertos.Los objetivos de ese curso son los siguientes:Identificar reas de oportunidad en el mercado.Comprender a tu cliente.Entender cmo entregar valor a nuestros clientes.Estructurar el modelo y mtodo de operacin del negocio.Verificar la prefactibilidad de su producto o servicio.En total al comprar este curso obtendrs lo siguiente:- 7 mdulos de aprendizaje.- 1 mentora grupal cada mes con expertos en emprendimiento.- Herramientas prcticas para definir tu negocio.- Recursos de apoyo: Libros, podcasts y artculos.- Acceso a nuestra comunidad de Facebook: Met. Conecta Emprendedores- Invitaciones a nuestras entrevistas semanales con expertos y emprendedores.Estas en buenas manos, atrvete a tomar accin y control de tu vida. Con este curso te daremos las herramientas para que estructures tu negocio y no brinques con los ojos cerrados. Queremos que tu tiempo, dinero y esfuerzo se usen sabiamente, pero para eso tenemos que tener claro como vamos a crear, entregar y capturar valor.Este es la oportunidad que has estado buscando, atrvete!Te deseamos el mejor de los xitos.- Equipo met.conecta -"
Price: 2445.00 ![]() |
"The Business of Logistics in Supply Chain Management" |
"This course gives you a complete understanding of the Business of Logistics Management and Supply Chain Management, from a day to day operational point of view. You will learn the theory behind Logistics and Supply Chain Management and then put the theory into practice as we discuss the decision-making process involved in the transportation of cargo via Air Cargo Management via cargo and courier, commercial and sample cargo movement and Ocean Cargo Management through FCL and LCL shipments. We will also cover topics like VGM, Shipment Schedules, and ContainerizationYou will learn how to schedule a shipment, Calculate the cost of shipments and gain insights from an Industry Expert in Planning your Logistics Activity. This course is created to help you gain an understanding in the way the world works with regards to moving cargo.This course will also teach you the Export-Import Procedures and Documentation involved in Logistics Management and the Certifications involved in the process and discuss the steps in filling up of the Commerical DocumentationYou will also learn the basics of Warehousing and Inventory Management, explaining the basic principles of EOQ( Economic Order Quantity), ABC Analysis and Safety Stock.There are interesting case studies to help make the course more relatable and Pop Quiz and Assignments to test your knowledge.If you are looking for a course that will help you Ace your Supply Chain Management Exams and make you an Amazing Manager then this course is short, precise and to the point and will certainly help you gain almost a decade of Management experience, presented to you in a nutshell."
Price: 12800.00 ![]() |
"Cmo hacer un negocio rentable con el tramite de visas" |
"En el curso aprenders la forma correcta de llevar a cabo el trmite de visa americana de turista, as como evitar los errores ms comunes que el 90% de la poblacin comete al llevar a cabo su trmite. Tambin aprenders a perfilar correctamente a cada uno de tus clientes en base a sus caractersticas principales mediante el sistema de creacin de perfil FODA."
Price: 420.00 ![]() |
"Become an Expert in Corvil and boost your Resume!" |
"Using the Corvil Practice Labs, I'm going to show you all the tricks and resources that Corvil offers to you. You're going to be able to quickly identify issues and learn how to customize this amazing software so the users will be able to take max advantage of it.I hope you like my training. If you want to keep in touch, please, don't hesitate to send me a message. Thank you."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Corso Completo di TikTok Marketing per il tuo profilo/brand" |
"Vuoi iniziare con TikTok, ma non sai come?L'obiettivo di questo corso sfruttare il mio know-how per aiutarti a lanciare e far crescere il tuo profilo e il tuo marchio su TikTok.Imparerai step-by-step ad usare TikTok nella tua strategia di Marketing, mantenendo la coerenza e la credibilit del brand. Se invece vuoi usare TikTok per il personal branding, niente di pi facile! Ascolta i miei consigli e sfodera la tua creativit."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"WordPress-Themes entwickeln und gestalten" |
"+++ Hinweis: Auf Udemy wurde fr mehrere Jahre eine Raubkopie dieses Trainings angeboten, die mittlerweile gelscht ist. Wir haben das Training nun offiziell hochgeladen. Der Kurs ist bereits 2016 im Rheinwerk-Verlag erschienen und behandelt daher nicht die neueste WordPress-Version. Der Groteil aller beschriebenen Techniken ist jedoch nach wie vor aktuell und wurde lediglich um neue Features ergnzt. Die wichtigste dieser Neuerungen ist der WordPress Block-Editor (Gutenberg). +++Mchten Sie mit Ihrer WordPress-Seite auffallen, geht nichts ber ein individuelles Design. Webprofi Jonas Hellwig zeigt Ihnen in diesem umfassenden Praxis-Training, wie Sie ein mageschneidertes WordPress-Theme entwickeln und gestalten. Sie verfolgen live am Bildschirm, wie die Beispielseite Schritt fr Schritt entsteht und mit zahlreichen modernen Funktionen erweitert wird. Dabei lernen Sie jede Menge ntzliche Werkzeuge und Plug-ins kennen und erweitern Ihr WordPress-System um effektive Funktionen wie Multisite oder das Shop-System WooCommerce."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprender Windows Movie Maker" |
"El curso consiste en montar nuestras imagenes de dibujos (digitalizados o previamente escaneados) o incluso fotografias, logos o proyectos de graficos etc. en un video que acabado puede que dure no mas de dos o tres minutos, Se pueden montar con bajofondo musical , letras y algunas animaciones sencilla para darle mas gracia a nuestro video. El objectivo es prepaparar nuestro portfolio para ensearlos a potenciales clientes que en lugar de demorarse media hora mirando nuestros trabajos de imagenes/fotos fijas, resuelven lo mismo en 2/3 minutos optimizando el tiempo y aumentando las posibilidades de trabajar ya que nos aseguramos mas visualizaciones!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Data Wrangling with Python" |
"By the end of this course, you will be able to:Load a local dataset from CSV and Excel files.Import a dataset from CSV and Excel files via a URL.Determine the size of a dataset.Explore the first and last records of a dataset.Explore the datatypes of the features of a dataset.Check for missing data in a dataset.Deal with missing data in a dataset.Filter for records with certain values from a dataset.Filter records with multiple filters from a dataset.Filter for records from a dataset through the use of conditions.Perform sorting in ascending and descending order.Split a column in a dataset.Merge data frames to form a dataset.Concatenate two columns to one column in a dataset.Export a dataset in CSV and Excel formats."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Getting Started with Chromebooks" |
"Moving to a new type of computer is difficult but with a Chromebook, the transition can be painless. Getting Started with Chromebooks is designed for ANYONE to quickly and easily get up and running using a Chromebook. More importantly, this course will show you how you can maximize your Chromebook experience to make it the ultimate productivity, creativity, and anything you need it to be tool.In this course you will learn:How to setup a ChromebookChromebook tips and tricksHow to make your Chromebook your ownHow to integrate Google Apps into your workflowHow to create images, video, and more on your ChromebookProductivity with a ChromebookAnd much, much more...This class is designed to cut the fluff and get you right into using a Chromebook. Through easy to follow tutorials, you will find that you will master the Chromebook in no time. This course will show you the ins and outs of Chromebooks so that you can use it to suit your needs.So what are you waiting for? Enroll today!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Advanced Video Marketing For Beginners Video Marketing Ads" |
"Our Advanced Video Marketing For Beginners Course You Will Learn How To Boost Your Online Presence Using Video Marketing.These simple and over the shoulder videos will enable you to increase your learning and make the most by using Advanced Video Marketing techniques for your business.This Course Also Includes the .MP3 audio version of each lecture, so you can learn on the go.Its a proven fact that VIDEOS are the best way to PUMP UP your learning.Now you can learn how to apply the latest Video Marketing strategies in the right way to attract more and more visitors and retain them for the long haul.Here is what you can do with Videos:Reach out easily to globally scattered audienceDrive more conversions & engagementConvey your marketing message instantly to boost profitsStrengthen long-term relationships with your customersGet higher ROI from your video marketing effortsThis is a complete collection of High Definition videos with step-by-step content. Heres the breakdown:Video 1: What Is Video Marketing All About?Video 2: Planning A Successful Video Marketing StrategyVideo 3: Creating Your Marketing Video Step by StepVideo 4: Uploading Your Video To the Right PlacesVideo 5: Advertising Your Videos The Free WayVideo 6: Advertising Your Videos The Paid WayVideo 7: Going Live Like A ProVideo 8: Running a Successful Video Marketing Campaign with YouTubeVideo 9: Running a Successful Video Marketing Campaign with FacebookVideo 10: Running a Successful Video Marketing Campaign with TwitterVideo 11: Running a Successful Video Marketing Campaign with SnapchatVideo 12: Advanced Video SEO For Your Video Marketing EffortsVideo 13: Popular Video Metrics You Should TrackVideo 14: Using The Flywheel Model In Your Video MarketingVideo 15: Advanced Video Marketing On Social MediaVideo 16: Outsourcing Your Video Marketing The Right WayVideo 17: Video Marketing Dos And DontsVideo 18: Video Marketing Premium Tools And Services To ConsiderVideo 19: Video Marketing Success StoriesVideo 20: Video Marketing Frequently Asked QuestionsI will also include Free Guides on how to grow your business using Tik Tok, Instagram and Linked at no extra cost.What are you getting in this course?- 20 HD step-by-step videos- 20 .MP3 audio files of each lecture- TikTok Marketing Guide Free- LinkedIn Marketing Guide Free- Instagram Marketing Guide Free- Plus more...Enroll Now and Take Your Video Marketing To Another Level."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Herbalism :: Professional Herbalist Certificate" |
"HAVE YOU EVER DREAMED OF BECOMING A PROFESSIONAL HERBALIST?If so, this is THE place to start! This is the information you must know from where to begin, to how to market yourself and everything else in between.This course is filled with an experts career insights and advice on where the opportunities are. Gain the confidence to move forward!Here is what students are saying: ""This course is even better than I was hoping it would be. Elizabeth Heck is a fabulous teacher who makes learning the business side of herbal medicine fun. Her presentation is well-researched, concise, organized and practical. While I have studied herbalism for a few years now, it seems that anyone with an interest could jump right in and get just as much out of this presentation. So, grab your favorite cup of tea and take the leap of faith. It will be well worth your time and investment."" Jacqueline D ""Elizabeth is a lovely instructor with so many valuable insights and tips on every area of the herbalist profession. This course is a great introduction to the potential that exists for every budding herbalist to build a profession out of a passion for plants."" Uilani B ""This course was very informative and provided numerous great resources for anyone/everyone who has an interest in becoming a herbal practitioner."" DeBorah C ""Very informative, helped me to decide on what it is I really want to do within the field of Herbalism. The instructor's resources are very helpful indeed."" Erica N ""An enjoyable and informative class! Elizabeth delivers valuable knowledge, tips, resources, and ideas in an engaging manner that is thorough but not overwhelming. The class put me on a solid path for my herbal journey and encourages consideration and exploration of a variety of careers and possibilities open to herbalists of all levels. I am inspired!"" Amy BThe need for herbalists has been increasing steadily over the past 40 years. Recently the field of herbalism is growing by leaps and bounds. Today herbalists are very much in high demand.There are more ways to be an herbalist then you can imagine, whether your passion is plants or people. Herbalists are the vital bridge between the two. This is truly meaningful work. This course dives deep into a wide variety of opportunities including:Working with clientsHerbal products entrepreneurshipMedicinal plant farmingHarvesting plants from the wildTeachingWritingand moreChoose whatever career opportunity suits you. Like many of us herbalists, you may find yourself overlapping these specialties or evolving into new ones. Find your unique path.Your instructor, Elizabeth Heck has 25 years of experience in working with plant medicines. She is by far, Udemys most qualified herbal instructor. Rest assured, youre in good hands. She has enjoyed each one of these career paths and knows how to expertly guide you. Even better, she is there for you throughout the course to answer any of your questions. That is incredible value!Why is this Course Not Accredited?Nearly every online course (unless it is a large university) that claims to be accredited, actually is not. These are simply fake accreditations from real-looking websites used as a marketing scam in order to sell more courses. Elizabeth, as with any experienced herbalist, teaches with ethics and integrity and absolutely will not be deceitful for marketing sake. Rather, her students are sincerely respected and honored. Therefore none of her courses claim to be accredited.More of What Students Have to Say: ""Thank you so much for the given information. I enjoyed this so much and this information was perfect and clarified some do's and don't i haven't thought of once before. Thank you again."" Ebonie ""I love Elizabeth's teaching style. She does short segments, which are great for comprehension and for finding things later without having to watch a long video!"" Stephanie S ""Packed with information and ideas, I found this course invaluable, thoroughly enjoyed it."" Aileen KYou have lifetime access to the course so you can take as long or short as you wish to go through the material. You can replay the videos at anytime using the course as an ongoing reference. You also have a 30 day money back guarantee.BE SURE TO ENROLL NOW!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Modern Niche Marketing: Niche Website for Beginners!" |
"Are You Ready For Niche Marketing Profits?It's About Time For You To Master Niche Marketing!Don't believe the hype niche marketing does work if you do it accurately.Niche websites are being traded every day for vast amounts of money.Indeed, there is infinite competition these days which means that you have to be intelligent to succeed.Niche marketing is nothing new. It's been going on for several years. Still, only a tiny percentage of digital marketers that attempt it are successful.While we cannot be precise about why exactly people fail, it is safe to say that mistakes are made, leading to niche website owners to give up.It is very possible that picking the wrong niche is a contributory factor to the high levels of failure.You may notice people in the Digital marketing space claim that it is no longer likely to earn a good profit from niche marketingThis is not correct.Not all niches are immersed, in fact, this is an impossible condition to happenBut how can YOU profit from it?Here's where our advice comes in.Modern Niche Marketing: Niche Website for BeginnersHow To Benefit From Niche Marketing In this Modern WorldNo stones are left unturned when you access Modern Niche Marketing now.You'll become a full expert, and you will get everything you require inside to do the sameHere is A Quick Preview Of What You Will Discover Inside...What's Niche Marketing & Why Should You Get Interested?Generate New Ideas For Niche MarketsTesting Your Niche Website IdeasSetting Up Your Niche WebsiteContent For Your Niche WebsiteGetting Traffic To Your Niche WebsiteMonetizing Your Niche WebsiteNiche Marketing Best PracticesPlus, a whole lot more...This is the simplest way to actually benefit from niche marketing in this modern world!Does This Sound Like Precisely What You Need?Click The Button Above Now And Get Immediate ACCESS"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"TOTAL: CEH v10 (Ethical Hacker) Practice Tests - 500 Q's" |
"Are you looking to prepare yourself for the EC-Council Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) exam? It's a rigorous exam with high eligibility requirements (don't believe us? Read the last section!). But once you pass, you'll be a part of the exciting CEH field.Did you know the CEH certification is one of the top paying certifications with an average annual salary of $71,331 per year*?This practice test course is designed to help prepare you for the CEH exam. Since the requirements and costs are so high (the exam voucher alone is $1,199), you'll want to make sure you're prepared to pass the exam the first time. Practicing the same questions over and over isnt helpful because youll quickly begin to memorize the test questions and answers. The best way to prepare is to practice as many DIFFERENT questions as possible. Not sure which practice test course to choose on Udemy? Check out our features and benefits:FEATURES & BENEFITS4 FULL practice tests, 500 questions- More practice for studying 125 questions, 90-minute exam, 4-hour time limit to take the exam, passing grade of 85, domains weighted like the exam- Practice like the real CEH v10 examWrong answers linked to the domain they came from- Targeted studying, don't waste time studying for topics you already knowPause or stop the exam whenever you like- Practice on your own time, at your own paceDetailed explanation of answer- Better understanding of the content, also understand why the wrong answers are incorrectExam questions written by a panel of experienced test writers**- Know you're getting relevant, well-written exam questions that mimic the real examLifetime access- Udemy's courses all have lifetime access, so use this practice test to brush up on your CEH skills whenever you likeWHAT'S COVERED? CEH Practice Test domainsBackgroundAnalysis/AssessmentSecurityTools/Systems/ProgramsProcedures/MethodologyRegulation/PolicyEthicsHOW DO I TAKE THE CEH EXAM? To sit for the CEH, you are required to first be accepted through the application process. Then you must either: 1) Attend the official EC-Council training online or in-person (which costs $850) or2) Prove 2 years' work experience in the Information Security domain, pay $100, and submit an Exam Eligibility ApplicationOnly then can you sit for the exam. The vouchers cost $1,199, so make sure you're prepared before you buy a voucher! Use these practice exams to help prepare you for the Certified Ethical Hacker exam. It's a small investment for a huge payoff.WHAT'S THE BIG DEAL ABOUT CERTIFIED ETHICAL HACKERS, ANYWAY? ""The Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) program is the most comprehensive ethical hacking course on the globe to help information security professionals grasp the fundamentals of ethical hacking. The course outcome helps you become a professional who systematically attempts to inspect network infrastructures with the consent of its owner to find security vulnerabilities which a malicious hacker could potentially exploit."" (From the EC-Council Web site)Want to become a Master Licensed Penetration Tester? Check out this certification path from the EC-Council:Certified Network Defender (CND)Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH)CEH PracticalEC-Council Certified Security Analyst (ECSA)ECSA PracticalLicensed Penetration Tester (Master)"" ****resources. infosecinstitute. com/certified-ethical-hacker-salary/**Practice test questions are drawn from the McGraw-Hill CEHCertified Ethical Hacker All-in-One Exam Guide, Premium Fourth Edition and CEH Certified Ethical Hacker Practice Exams, Fourth Edition.***Source: eccouncil .org"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Nutzengetriebene Produktentwicklung in agilen Projekten" |
"Was Sie erwartetProjektleiter in der Softwarebranche, aber auch in anderen Branchen kommen um agile Methodenkenntnisse kaum noch herum. Es wird immer wichtiger, sich mit Agilitt gut auszukennen sowohl in der Praxis als auch in der Theorie. In diesem Kurs lernen Sie unabhngig von einer konkreten agilen Methode, wie Sie darauf Einfluss nehmen knnen, den Nutzen Ihres Projektes in den Mittelpunkt zu stellen und zu maximieren.Wie der Kurs aufgebaut istDer Kurs setzt inhaltlich folgende Schwerpunkte:Nutzen-Bewertung mit Hilfe von Finanzkennzahlen: Im ersten Kapitel lernen Sie die Finanzkennzahlen kennen, mit denen der Nutzen von Projekten in der Regel bereits vor Start des Projektes errechnet bzw. geschtzt wird. Risikomanagement in agilen Projekten: Der Eintritt von Risiken reduziert den Nutzen, den das Projekt stiften soll. Sie lernen die Methodik, wie Sie die Eintrittswahrscheinlichkeit und Auswirkung von Projekt-Bedrohungen reduzieren.Priorisierung der Features und User-Stories: Agile Projekte priorisieren die Features mit dem grten Geschftsnutzen. Sie erfahren, nach welchen Methoden Sie Ihre User Stories priorisieren knnen.Inkrementelle Lieferung: Inkrementelle Lieferung steigert den Nutzen. Nach Durcharbeiten dieses Kapitels kennen Sie verschiedene Techniken rund um inkrementelle Lieferung wie den MVP und MMP, den Aufbau von (Kanban-)Boards, den Einfluss von Multitasking etc.Agile Vertrge: Sie erfahren, auf was es bei Vertrgen in agilen Projekten ankommt, damit die Arbeit mit Externen auf Basis der agilen Werte und Prinzipien mglich ist.Nutzen-Validierung: Im letzten Abschnitt geht es um die Fragen ""Baue ich das Produkt richtig?"" und ""Baue ich das richtige Produkt?"". Fr wen der Kurs istIch habe den Kurs sowohl fr diejenigen erstellt,die unabhngig von der konkret angewendeten agilen Methode verstehen mchten, wie Einfluss darauf genommen werden kann, den Nutzen Ihres Projektes in den Mittelpunkt zu stellen und zu maximieren.die das Zertifikat PMI-Agile Certified Professional (PMI-ACP) anstreben, da dieser Kurs die zweite Domain Value-Driven Delivery vollstndig abdeckt.Sie bentigen kein Vorwissen, lediglich Interesse am agilen Arbeiten und der Denkweise dahinter. Grundwissen im agilen Arbeiten helfen jedoch weiter."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Bessere Personenaufnahmen mit Dauerlicht" |
"Du mchtest Deine Portrt- und Mode-Aufnahmen bei Dauerlicht aufs nchste Level bringen?Mein Kurs hilft Dir, in allen Lichtsituationen noch bessere Bilder zu erhalten - auf Basis meiner jahrelangen Erfahrung als internationaler Modefotograf fr VOGUE, ELLE, Cosmopolitan, QUALITY .....Du fotografierst gerne Portrts bei Dauerlicht? Du liebst die natrliche Stimmung oder filmst auch hin und wieder gerne?Du wnschst Dir mglichst authentische AufnahmenDann ist dieser Kurs genau das Richtige fr Dich.Du lernst in diesem Kurs Profitricks zu folgenden Themen:- Welche Lichtquellen bieten sich an, was sind die Vor- und Nachteile - wie stelle ich die Kamera richtig ein und- wie optimiere ich mein Bild im Rawkonverter.Beachtet Ihr alles, erhaltet Ihr im Vergleich zu Blitzaufnahmen deutlich stimmungsvollere und ausdrucksstrkere Portrts, Beauty- und Mode-Aufnahmen."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Six Sigma Black Belt: Phase 4 & 5 Practice Tests" |
"Start your Six Sigma Black Belt Certification journey today from Advanced Innovation Group Pro Excellence (AIGPE). The Six Sigma Black Belt Certification is a gold standard for Process Improvement, with over 10,000 open Six Sigma jobs in the US alone.In this course you get 60 Six Sigma Black Belt Practice Questions for Phase 4 (Improve) and Phase 5 (Control). These 60 questions are divided into two tests of 30 questions each. At the end of each test you can see your total percentage score for the test, as well as get an explanation for each question, explaining why the right answer is the right answer.You can review each question and sort them as correct answers, wrong answers, skipped questions and questions marked for review.Do multiple Six Sigma Black Belt Certification (Phase 4 and 5) practice tests like this one to see how the grasp of your knowledge on the course material. You can take this Six Sigma Black Belt Certification (Phase 4 and 5) practice test as many times as you want, the questions and the answer order is randomized. I would suggest 60%+ of right answers consistently on all Six Sigma phases using multiple practice tests before applying for the certification exam.Click the ""Buy Now"" or ""Add to Cart"" button to start your Six Sigma Black Belt Certification Journey today!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Zapier Fundamentals for Business Automation" |
"Attention Small Business Owners!Ive just released my brand new Zapier Fundamentals Course All new content, new Zapier features, over an hour of easy-to-follow, self-paced how-to videos.Its not for everyone though, so read on to see if its right for you. If youre like me, Im always looking for savings in my overheads and doing more with less.Years ago, I was searching for a way to automate my business with minimal outlay and effort - but with maximum efficiency. Enter Zapier.As soon as I started using Zapier, I was hooked. And in the first year I implemented automation in my company, I saved over $50k per year in business costs.Youve probably heard of it - its the online platform that helps you connect thousands of apps so you can automate almost every aspect of your business.You might have tried to use Zapier already and perhaps even made a few Zaps. But I know from experience that learning how to use a powerful system like Zapier can feel frustrating without the right direction.So you need a way to learn how, right?Ive put together a beginners Zapier course that covers all the fundamentals. Heres what youll learn:- All the ins and outs of how Zapier works- Starting with a basic Zap- Creating online forms- Integrating with Airtable- Build automated documents- Leverage Trello for automated team task management- Zapier helpers - the magic of filters, formatter, and delays- Understand Zapier paths- How to share a Zap-The power of the Zapier URL shortenerThis course is for beginners - if youre super experienced in Zapier, its not for you. If youre looking for advanced content, its not in this course.Its designed to get you from zero (or close to it!) to a confident Zapier user in no time at all.Once you start the first few videos, it will be a breeze,Technology is changing the way the game is played, and its making it easier to boost profits with less stress....and I want to show you how you can take advantage of it today"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Modern Farming Techniques" |
"Agriculture is one of the major industries in the world, there are millions of farms producing our daily food supply. In this course, we want to focus on many of the most innovative techniques in the farming world which are:- Aquaculture or aquafarming- Permaculture (set of design principles centered on whole systems thinking, simulating, or directly utilizing the patterns observed in natural ecosystems)- Aquaponics (the system that combines conventional aquaculture with hydroponics in a symbiotic environment)- Drone Applications in farming (pest control, vegetation index, etc)All this to help you understand the basics of each technique, gather tips on how to start your business and boost your farm productivity no matter the size. Farming is becoming more and more important year after year with millions of jobs created, growing revenue for the farms and you can be part of this by understanding innovative procedures. To get started click the enroll button.I hope to see you in the course soon!! TAKE ACTION TODAY! I will personally support you and ensure your experience with this course is a success. Best"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"PROCREATE on IPAD: The complete course" |
"No matter if you are a beginner or a pro in drawing, you will fall in love with this software, Procreate, that is probably the best drawing tool you can imagine for your creations. In this course, you will find all the major tools of the software with plenty of examples about how to use them. You will the application of all the tools proposed and how to use them. You will also learn some basics in drawing, like anatomy, color, proportions, movements and many other stuff that will teach you some good tips to progress as an artist."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Tsuboki Japanese Face Massage Advanced Techniques" |
"This course is for students who have completed my previous Tsuboki Japanese Face Massage course. It will allow you to add much more variety to your face massage. The course is mostly practical, since we covered basic theory last time. As before, it is broken down into modules with me demonstrating, so that you can progress in small stages in your own time. There are also written notes with points to remember for each move.You will learn additional techniques, some of which are based on those learned in level 1, and some brand new ones, several of which are especially rejuvenating. You will learn the meridians and points on the scalp, extending the meridians over the head. And you will learn a routine I have devised for using rollers on the face, either ridoki or other types, such as jade rollers. So go ahead, sign up, and I will see you very soon"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |