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"De 0 a Profesional del 3D Con SketchUp Pro" |
"En este curso vamos aprender de 0 a ser un profesional del Modelado 3D y la Visualizacin en tiempo real con el programa de SketchUp de una forma muy fcil. Este curso es especial para Arquitectos, Artistas, Diseadores, Ingenieros, Educadores, Carpinteros para todas las persona que quiera iniciarse en el mundo del 3D de forma fcil y rpida. Con este curso vas a poder representar en 3D tus ideas, con eso conseguirs comunicar mejor una idea o concepto a las dems personas ( Una imagen vale mas que mil palabras y un vdeo vale mas que mil imgenes)."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Android Machine Learning with Firebase ML Kit in Java/Kotlin" |
"RequirementsYou should have some basic knowledge of Android App Development using Java or KotlinFirebase ML Kit for Android Developer'sMake your Android Applications smart, use ML trained model or train your own ML models explore the power of AI and Machine Learning.This course was recorded using Android Studio 3.6.1 (which is a great introduction to the development environment!) For a smooth experience I'd recommend you use the same, but students can still use the latest Android Studio version available if they prefer!Wish youd thought of Object Recognition/Face Detection/Text Recognition?Me too.But until I work out how to build a time machine.Heres the next best thing.Firebase ML Kit for Android Developer'sCurriculum:In this course, we will explore the features of Firebase ML Kit for Android. We will start by learning about Firebase ML Kit and Features it provides. Then we will see how to integrate ML Kit inside your Android Application just using Android studio. After that, we will explore the features of ML Kit and develop Android Applications likeText Recognition Android ApplicationAndroid Application to Translate between LanguagesLanguage Detection ApplicationFace Detection ApplicationBarcode Scanner Android ApplicationObject Detection Android AppLandmark Recognition ApplicationStones Recognition ApplicationThen we will learn about Auto ML Vision edge feature of Firebase ML Kit using which we can train Machine Learning model on our own dataset and build Android Application for that model. We will train model to recognize different types of stones and build an Android App for that model.At the end of this course, we will combine different features of Firebase ML kit to build an Android Application to categorize images of mobile gallery.Why choose me?My names Hamza Asif, Udemys coding instructor.It's not my first course on mobile Machine Leaning. I have a course named ""Complete Tensorflow Lite course for Android App Development"" on udemy.So which course you should take? It's recommended taking ""Machine Learning for Android Developer using Tensorflow lite"" first so that you can understand the working of Machine Learning.If you want to learn a practical implementation and use of Machine Learning in Android using Firebase ML Kit............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. then that course is for you. This is my 2nd course on Android Machine Learning and I am the only udemy instructor with more than one course on that topic. My goal is to promote the use of Machine Learning in Android and I am excited to share my knowledge with you.Android Version we will use?Android Pie, Android QAll the Android Application we will develop in this course we will use Android Pie and Q to test them. So we areSo join my Firebase ML Kit for Android Developer's course today and heres what youll getLearn practical implementation of Text Recognition, Language Identification, Face and expression detection, Barcode scanning, Landmark Recognition, Text Translation, and Object detection and recognition inside Android App Development using Android Studio and ML kit.Learn how to use Auto ML to train the model on your own dataset and use those models in Android ApplicationLearn about both on-device and Cloud Machine LearningWhy take this course?Machine Learning use is at its peak so is the mobile tech but people having skills to implement both are rare. This course will enable you to empower your Android Applications with the practical implementation of Machine Learning, Computer Vision, and AI.Having a little knowledge of Android App Development, this course will differentiate you from other developers because you will have something that is currently in demand.This course will make provide you a smooth path to become a pro in using Machine Learning in your Applications.This course will not just enable you to apply machine learning in limited scenarios but It will enable you toPrepare or download your own datasetTrain machine learning modelDevelop Android ApplicationSo if you have very basic knowledge of Android App Development and want to apply Machine Learning in Android Applications without knowing background knowledge of Machine Learning this course is or you. Is this course for you?This is a one-size-fits-all course for beginners to experts. So, this course is for you if you are:A total beginner, with a curious mind and a drive to make and create awesome stuff using Android App development and MLA fledgling developer, want to add Machine Learning implementation in his skillsetA pro app developer-heavyweight, with an itch to build your dream app An entrepreneur with big ideasBenefits to youRisk-free! 30-day money-back guaranteeFreedom to work from anywhere (beach, coffee shop, airport anywhere with Wi-Fi)Potential to work with forward-thinking companies (from cool start-ups to pioneering tech firms)Rocket-fuelled job opportunities and powered-up career prospectsA sense of accomplishment as you build amazing thingsMake any Android app you like (your imagination is your only limit)Submit your apps to Google Play and potentially start selling within hoursUse ML Kit just using Android StudioThanks for getting this far. I appreciate your time! I also hope youre as excited to get started as I am to share the latest use of ML in Android development with you.All that remains to be said, is thisDont wait another moment. The world is moving fast. And I know youve got ideas worth sharing.Coding really can help you achieve your dreams.So click the button to sign up today completely risk-free.And join me on this trailblazing adventure, today.Who this course is for:Anyone who wants to learn the practical implementation of Machine Learning and Computer Vision in their Android Applications.Anyone who wants to make their Android App Development smart.Anyone who wants to train and deploy Machine Learning models on his own data without background knowledge of Machine Learning."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Aktuelle Sprechtechnik in Business & Alltag" |
"Gezielte Stimm- und Artikulations-bungen sofort umsetzbar direkt im Alltag sprbar!Denn Stimm- und Sprachregeln, die Du vielleicht fr unvernderlich hltst, knnen sofort verndert werden. Hier lernst Du nach der SAM-Methode, die auf meiner ber 35-jhrigen persnlichen Auftritts- und Coaching-Erfahrung beruht. Du lernst schnell und effektiv mit bewhrten bungen, Tipps und Tricks auch noch abends wohlklingend, stressfrei und berzeugend zu sprechen bungen von 2 bis 3 Minuten, die Du leicht wie ein Stimm-Profi in Deinen tglichen Alltag integrieren kannst.Dr. Anna Martinis Stimm-, Sprech- und Atemtechnik (SAM), ist eine ber Jahrzehnte erprobte und bewhrte Methode, die 2004 erstmalig publiziert wurde. In 4 Lektionen arbeitest Du Schritt fr Schritt mit bungen aus der Praxis fr die Praxis.Wir trainieren und entwickeln: Deinen Stimmklang wohlklingend und berzeugend zu sprechen das laute und das leise Sprechen Deine Artikulation, das heit die Deutlichkeit Deiner Aussprache den Sprachfluss Deine Atmung Dein Sprech-Atem-Verhalten Deine Ausdauer zu sprechen"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Blender 2.82a Creacin de un Personaje 3D para Videojuegos" |
"Bienvenidos al curso creacin de un personaje para video juegos en blender 2.82a.en el curso aprenderemos a crear un personaje a partir de una imagen de referencia, crearemos el personaje low poly, teniendo en cuenta las bases del modelado polygonal, apartir del low poly crearemos el high poly para crear detalles mas finos al personaje, pasaremos a crear os UVS, Para poder texturizar el personaje en substance painter. crearemos el bake de textura para generar la informacin de normal map y ambient oclussion, exportaremos las texturas de substance painter a blender y crearemos un set de iluminacin para sacar el render final en Eevee."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Astrologia - O Incio da Jornada" |
"Um dos principais desafios que a Astrologia enfrenta um emaranhado de desinformaes que ao longo dos sculos so propagados popularmente, levando a concluses errneas sobre o que de fato essa cincia humana.Devido a isso e tambm a uma linguagem costumeiramente tcnica demais dentro da comunidade do astrlogos, o publico geral as vezes pode ter a impresso de que a Astrologia inacessvel. O que no verdade.Todos podem ter informaes bsicas necessrias para ter uma viso adequada do que a Astrologia e de como possvel aplicar de forma simples e prtica na prpria qualidade de vida.Mas para isso precisamos dar os primeiros passos nessa direo.Entenda a Astrologia como um grande rio. Nem todo mundo tem a inteno de se dirigir a esse rio para ir at o fundo. Alguns preferem dar os primeiros passos para ver se esse rio para si. Este curso para isso. Com ele voc dar esses primeiros passos e ver de forma clara se esse caminho para voc seguir e se aprofundar, ou se esses conhecimentos j sero o suficiente para voc pelo menos entender e usar a seu favor.Sejam bem vindos ao Incio da Jornada na Astrologia."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"The Stress Detox: Reduce Stress and Burnout In The Workplace" |
"I am buried under a never ending to do list feeling like Im about to lose it any second. I find myself getting angry with the people I love most and feel awful afterwards. I wake up in a constant state of anxiety and panic before the day has even begun. Im worried about making the right choices, and fear Im not good enough. I often go on shopping sprees and regret how much Ive spent and what Ive purchased later. My work doesn't feel exciting and interesting, I wonder what I'm doing here. I find myself overeating, even when Im not hungry. I feel alone, like I can't share my feelings because I don't want to be judged, so instead I put on a smile and go on with my day.Do any of these statements resonate with you? If yes, what I want you to know is that you are not alone. That's worth repeating... You're not alone. Regardless of your current role whether that be a CEO, a newly hired employee, a student, a parent, a health educator makes no difference. You are a human first. You are one of the millions of people around the world suffering from stress, anxiety, and burnout.Over 60% of people report Workplace Stress as the number one source of stress, as work mobility becomes more and accessible work stress becomes life stress.The truth is... Stress Happens! It is your bodys internal alarm system that is keeping a pulse on your safety. It signals your mind and body to respond when change occurs, or it perceives threat. Your body responds to these changes physically, mentally, and/or emotionally driving your behaviors.How and when you choose to respond to stress could make the difference between calm and chaosEliminating stress is NOT the goal. You need a healthy dose of stress to drive you to look, feel, and perform better. The million dollar question is: what's healthy and whats not?In this course, youll put on your stress detective hat to identify your personal stressors, and stress related behaviors so you can strategically manage stress and stay in the zone and optimize good stress more often than not. Well do this through my 3D Framework: Develop, Discover, Do.First, you will develop your self awareness and mastery over mind through meditationNext, you will discover where stress is occurring in your lifeLastly, you will make a plan to do something about your stressStress is personal. One persons stressor is another persons passion, so your approach to stress management should be personal too. This course is full of practical activities and worksheets to help you create a personalized plan for managing stress in your life.As a recovering stress addict, I know how difficult stress management can be, and the detrimental impact stress can have on your life. I know the highs and lows of feeling stress and how easy it is to get stuck in a vicious stress cycle. But I also know the transformative power of breaking free from the cycle and doing something to make meaningful change.Imagine, if you werent so stressed out, what would that give you time and energy for?Enroll today and find out!"
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"Cost Estimation - Architectural work Case studies" |
"This course is a solved example for estimating cost of architectural items:1- Masonry work2- Plaster work3- Painting work4- Flooring porcelain tiles5- False ceiling tiles.6- Gypsum board partitions.all examples with labor and equipment productivity rates and material consumption and wastage %.Course contain professional work sheet for estimating cost and budgeting and professional information."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Negotiating with a Strategy" |
"Negotiation is a skill that is important for all levels in an organisation. It could be a purchase manager in a food company or a Marketing head in an IT company, or a CXO level employee, everyone needs to be a more effective negotiator to get the best deals for their organisation. This course in a simple yet effective way helps a negotiator understand the market situation, draw up strategy after basic analytics, summarise the same and conduct effective negotiations."
Price: 3200.00 ![]() |
"Learn to implement lean principles everywhere" |
"Improving Production with Lean is a departure from traditional production Thinking courses. This Lectures is intended for use in a course that traditionally has been titled, ""Production Control,"" ""Operations Management,"" ""Manufacturing Systems,"" or ""Production Management,"" and it is intended to provide a comprehensive view of issues related to this area, with a specific focus on lean engineering principles. This course is full of practical production examples of how lean thinking can be applied effectively to production systems.Take aways:The concepts of process, customer and value are essential to lean thinking There are fundamental principles behind lean thinking based on making value flow A number of simple tools and concepts underlie lean thinkingAt the end of this course, you, as managers or accountables for processes or lines, should be capable of applying lean thinking principles in your business units for your proper issues and necessity.My goal from this course is to help you start your lean journey and help you achieve your optimization goals. You can also use attached excel sheets templates provided and books I usally use for my own projects. This course is my gift for you to help you Find your own necessity and then develop what you need to, for your unique circumstances. In other words, you will find your necessity and then with some of the following: Good old-fashioned hard work Good problem-solving skills A determination to get through resistance and failures Truly motivated introspection A touch of humility Sufficient courage you will see that lean thinking method applies to your situation as well."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Online school of hardening, barefoot and coldwater swimming." |
"Welcome to ""Sergey Kutuzov's COLDWATER CLUB""!Today i'm happy to offer you what may seem cheap, but become the most important purchase of your life. This course will destroy your fears of catching a cold and getting sick. You will not be afraid of cold temperatures, hunger, thirst. It will make you better and your spirit stronger.I believe that one day we will win battle with ""CoViD 19"". But i also believe, that this virus is only test, and only beginning.The main question is what qualities we must have to have ability to protect ourselfs today and in the future.I'm getting ahead of myself. To protect yourself you must be hardened person, be united with nature, do not drink alcohol and do not smoke and follow moral and ethical normes.This course is about this.In this course you will study 12 rules of a system of natural healing ""Detka"", principles of hardening for beginners and you will see some demonstrations, which ordinary hardened person can do.This is a new version of a course ""Hardening for beginners"". First this course was written in Russian, and was created for Russian audience. But now i have decided to translate it into English, because sad circumstances in a World appeared.Now, when many countries face with threats i present you my course ""Detka system: increasement of resistance to viral diseases"" or ""System of natural healing ""Detka"" & hardening for beginners"", or Practical course of hardening and swimming in cold seawater.Now, when humanity fights with coronavirus Detka system can help to many people.This course tells about the legendary Russian, Soviet system of natural healing ""Detka"", following the rules of which can increase the body's resistance to viral diseases and colds.The system was very popular in the 80s of the 20th century in Russia. Now, in the age of human plague, it is time to remember it. The ""Detka"" system is not only a means of hardening. Its uniqueness is that it not only gives health, but also restores the connection of man with nature, teaches a person to communicate with it.In Nature, only a healthy organism can exist. Sick animals do not withstand natural selection. In nature, during the pestilence, the weakest animals die. Today - this is a a 'pestilence"" of humanity.It does not matter where the virus was created, which has now swept the planet: in the laboratory or originated in Nature itself. My opinion is that the virus originated in itself and its purpose is to force humanity to change habits.This is not revenge, but the first serious warning to humanity from Nature. This is only the first virus, and there will be many more.Why does nature ""punish"" humanity? The man has come out of nature, but has lost touch with it, squanders its wealth and always increases consumption.Why are people now seriously ill or dying? Because they have weakened immunity and weak resistance to the virus.Is there a means to prevent the future infection of the body with these and other more dangerous viruses and increase resistance to the disease? Yes, there is such a remedy.Medicine, sports, yoga, wu-shu, taijiquan can do it? No!Hardening can do. It is an ancient tool that modern man does not want to use. Now it is almost forgotten, because it requires a person's will, a high level of spiritual development, courage. These qualities are not in vogue now. In addition, tempering is strongly associated with totalitarian states: the USSR, Germany, Japan.Hardening cannot 100% prevent infection with viruses, but can increase resistance to viral diseases and faster and smoother recovery. If you are hardening for a long time the probability that you will get sick decreases, and the probability of a rapid recovery increases.But if this virus is a punishment from Nature, is simple hardening enough? Why this course is not about the official Soviet school of hardening, but about the system ""Detka"" (although the official system of hardening, and ""Detka"" were both very popular in the USSR).Simple hardening is not what is needed in the current situation. The purpose of hardening was initially to increase resistance to adverse natural factors, so as not to suffer from cold and heat during research and expeditions, to find the desired and .... better to rob nature.Is there a system that, besides hardening, teaches man how to return a person to Nature, correct his mistakes in Nature to transfer him to another spiritual level and reconcile him with Nature?Yes, it's the Detka system. I've been using this system for almost 30 years and I'm sure it has ahead of time. It was created by one of the most wonderful Russian thinkers, practitioners and spiritual teachers.It has three levels. The level for the common man who wants to be healthy- the level of hardening, the spiritual level, the metaphysical level. I constantly find more and more facets in it.I'm sure it's time to introduce you to this system. While you have time in quarantine, you can easily follow all 12 rules of the system. It is a time and chance to begin.Thank you and good luck.Please do not hesitate to contact me in case of any questions.PS Previous title of course is ""Practical course of hardening and swimming in cold seawater""."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Loops and Patterns in C - Tips and tricks" |
"This course covers ""Programming using Loops"" and ""Printing Patterns in C "" with simple tips and tricks with clear explanation and Execution. These tips and tricks are useful for a viewer to design best logics for any new pattern is to be implemented.This Course is useful for the candidates who are preparing for placements and for the students who wants to get thorough knowledge in C. Check your knowledge in C by watching this videos clearly.You can post me the patterns for which you are not able to program.Thank you."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Cmo ganar dinero por Internet" |
"En este curso voy a explicaros cuatro modelos de negocio que a MI me han ayudado a ganar dinero por Internet. Eso significa que se puede hacer, pero quiero dejar claro una cosa y es que, si no ponis el 100% de las ganas, el esfuerzo y el tiempo, va a ser imposible y an as, no es fcil. As que yo no me hago responsable de que iniciis uno de estos negocios y no os funcionen. (no todo el mundo est capacitado para todos los modelos de negocio). "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Everything you need for the SAT Reading and Writing sections" |
"This course provides everything you need to know to do well on the SAT Evidence based Reading and Writing sections. Included are techniques for reading the passages, recognizing typically right and typically wrong answers, identifying question types, planning your pacing, and understanding the structure and scoring scheme of the section. Also included are grammar lessons for the commonly tested grammar on the SAT, lessons on paragraph structure questions, lessons on stylistic concepts within the section, and various techniques for approaching the passages and questions. You will be able to follow along through video lectures, content quizzes, and downloadable handouts."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Certified Wireless Network Administrator CWNA-107 :Exam 2020" |
"Certified Wireless Network Administrator CWNA-107 :Exam 2020Do you have an understanding of the fundamentals of wireless technology? Do you know how WLAN work and how its managed day-to-day? Do you have the ability to install, configure and troubleshoot and maintain wireless networks within small business or Enterprise deployments?As the demand for wireless continues to grow, so does the need for certified network administratorsCWNA certification is a foundational level wireless LAN certification for the CWNP Program.I have prepared this practice test course for all those candidates who are planning of taking CWNA exam in near future.This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with CWNP in any way.Exam Topics covered as per syllabus CWNA-107 exam Certification questions :Radio Frequency (RF) TechnologiesAntenna ConceptsWireless LAN Hardware and SoftwareNetwork Design, Installation, and ManagementWireless Standards and Organizations802.11 Network ArchitectureWireless LAN SecurityTroubleshooting"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"SAP C_HANATEC 142 Technology Associate Certify Practice Exam" |
"171 UNIQUE practice questions for SAP C_HANATEC 142 Technology Associate Certify Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : SAP C_HANATEC 142 Technology Associate Certify Practice ExamTotal Questions : 171Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :100 minsPassing Score : 75 (128 of 171)"
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"Learn Ethical Hacking & Information Security In Arabic ( 1 )" |
" 45 .. .. . "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Word para todos" |
"O curso conta com aulas funcionais e prticas, produzidas a partir de situaes do dia a dia pessoal e profissional de nossos alunos. Ao final deste curso, voc ter desvendado todos os principais recursos do Word 2016, ficando assim apto a utiliz-lo tanto em casa quanto em empresas dos mais variados setores."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Flutter Bootcamp: Zero to Hero in Flutter" |
"This course is created and designed for new Flutter developers! We are going to explain every basis widgets inside Flutter and you will be able to create your own application at the end. This course is very easy to understand for new programmers and It is specially designed for this purpose. I'm sure you will like Flutter!In-App Payments, In-App Purchase, Firebase, Flutter, Dart, HTTP Request and many widgets, Mobile E-Commerce!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Basic Medical/Biomedical Waste Management Course" |
"The course is aimed at Biomedical/Clinical engineers, Biomedical students, Medical personals, and General public.By taking this course, the course will provide with basic knowledge of biomedical waste management which is not only an added advantage to existing employees but also to general public and students for contributing to a safe and sound hospital environment as the topic is of higher importance."
Price: 5760.00 ![]() |
"Ace Google Associate Cloud Engineer 2020" |
"Want to ace the Google Associate Cloud Engineer Examination and become a Google Cloud CertifiedWhat you'll learnTired of failing the exam two or three times because you have no idea how the Google Associate Cloud Engineer Examination is set up . No time for studying and analyzing each videos or powerpoint .Well , you got into the right course .Just practice continuously and you will ace the examWho this course is for: Google Cloud Absolute Beginners. No prior Google Cloud experience necessary No Time to study No idea how the exam works Failed multiple attempts Want to practice"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"WhatsApp para Vendas" |
"O que voc acha de aumentar as suas vendas usando estratgias e tcnicas simples, muito eficazes, em um aplicativo que o brasileiro mexe todo dia?O WhatsApp pode ser mais do que uma ferramenta de bate-papo entre voc e seus amigos ou familiares. possvel ganhar mais dinheiro por meio dele!Conversar com os seus clientes e potenciais clientes...Segmentar o seu pblico em listas diferentes...Criar grupos e melhorar a interao com o pessoal...Traar estratgias de recuperao e escassez...E o melhor: com 100% de abertura! Todo mundo que recebe mensagem no WhatsApp, l.Se voc souber o que fazer, como falar e de que forma ser persuasivo, aumentar suas vendas e seus lucros, colocando mais dinheiro no bolso.E exatamente sobre isso que eu falo no curso. Aproveite!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Primeira Venda Online" |
"Era 09 de Abril de 2013.8 dias antes do meu aniversrio. E eu ganhava o presente adiantado. Naquele momento, confesso, eu no tinha a dimenso do que aquela venda representaria para mim.Se algum dissesse que depois daquele dia, eu venderia milhes de reais online, diria que estava brincando. Afinal, eu nem era maior de idade. Ia completar 18 anos no dia 17 daquele ms.Tambm no imaginaria que anos depois, teria quase 20 mil alunos, um livro escrito, dezenas de produtos digitais...Nem que realizaria os meus sonhos mais ambiciosos. Nada disso passava pela minha cabea.Meu nome Victor Palandi. E a histria foi a seguinte...At 2013, eu ganhava algum dinheiro com internet a partir de blogs, com Google Adsense, e com trabalho freelancer, escrevendo textos para outras pessoas.3 meses antes da minha primeira venda online, eu tinha alugado uma pgina no Facebook de futebol para divulgar um dos meus blogs. Pagava R$ 350 por ms para poder publicar o quanto eu quisesse.Naquela poca, fanpage ainda tinha um timo alcance, ento, eu conseguia ter um lucro sobre esse aluguel. Publicava um novo texto, colocava na fanpage, recebia os acessos e faturava com Adsense.Ento, eu conheci a Hotmart uma plataforma de produtos digitais. Vi que tinham vrios produtos, dentre eles um chamado Investimento Futebol, que ensinava a ganhar dinheiro com trading esportivo, ou seja, apostando em partidas.Divulguei nessa fanpage de futebol. E minutos depois, saiu a venda. A bendita primeira venda da minha vida. Foram R$ 30,19 de comisso. Fiquei em delrio!Eu acredito que essa venda no foi por acaso. Foi tipo um aviso do destino (ou Deus) dizendo que esse era o caminho que eu devia seguir. Se voc acredita em algo assim, talvez entenda.Digo isso porque foi muita sorte. Tanto que fiquei quase 2 meses depois disso sem fazer uma venda sequer.Eu no sabia vender na internet. Mas fiquei to feliz e frustrado ao mesmo tempo, que fui atrs de descobrir o caminho.Se no fosse por esse Marco Zero, eu no teria chegado a R$ 1 milho em comisso apenas na Monetizze, por exemplo.As 3 Maneiras de Fazer Venda OnlineDurante meus estudos e meu processo de aprendizado sobre vendas online, eu descobri que existem 3 maneiras de vender online.So elas:1 Mastigar Contedo (Tempo)Muitas vezes, voc no precisa inventar a roda, mas apenas fazer as pessoas ganharem tempo realizando a pesquisa por elas. Como assim?Eu tenho diversos amigos que ganham R$ 50 mil, R$ 100 mil, at R$ 200 mil por ms com eBooks de receitas!Hoje, voc encontra receita em qualquer site ou at banca de jornal. O ponto que eles vendem muito, porque o seu pblico quer as receitas mastigadas, j testadas, fceis de por em prtica, num nico eBook.No querem perder tempo pesquisando ou tendo que arriscar. Querem o que certo. E para isso, preferem pagar R$ 39,90, R$ 49,90 ou o preo que for.Esse um dos caminhos: pegar tudo o que j existe e condensar em um nico lugar, seja curso, eBook ou udios.2 Apresentar Uma Soluo Que J Existe (Pesquisa)Essa a mais fcil que tem: trata-se de no criar nada, apenas pegar o que j existe e colocar na frente das pessoas que esto procurando. Eu vou explicar a dinmica daqui a pouco.O segredo aqui unir o pblico certo para o produto certo. Simplesmente servir de elo entre essas duas partes, a linha que as conecta.Essa fcil, porque requer menos esforo, menos investimento e menos dor de cabea. quase 100% certeiro e sempre gera vendas. Sempre. Voc vai entender melhor j j.3 Colocar sua Sabedoria em Jogo (Autoria)O mais complexo, mas tambm muito lucrativo, voc ensinar ou mostrar s pessoas aquilo que voc sabe. Levar a sua sabedoria e conhecimento a quem precisa daquilo que voc est disposto a compartilhar.Apesar de ser uma maneira extremamente lucrativa, a qual me rendeu milhares de alunos, bastante dinheiro e reconhecimento, a mais fcil de errar tambm. A maioria sempre cai na mesma armadilha. Vou contar qual abaixo...O Jeito Errado (e mais popular) de VenderUm nmero gigante de pessoas falha na misso de vender online porque cria um produto ou escolhe um produto para vender como afiliado, e DEPOIS vai pensar em como vender.DEPOIS que j fez o produto ou se afiliou, pensa: Bom, vou atrs do meu pblico. Isso completamente errado e a melhor forma de fracassar.Por que? Simples...Voc fica refm do produto que escolheu. Vai dar muito trabalho e dor de cabea ir atrs de quem pode querer aquilo que voc est oferecendo.Por isso, os iniciantes ficam pipocando de produto em produto. Percebem que no est vendendo, e j quer divulgar outro. Talvez isso j tenha acontecido com voc.Existe um jeito to fcil, to garantido, to tranquilo de vender, onde todos saem felizes, que masoquismo ficar investindo nesse modelo falido de negcio.Eu tambm j fiz isso l em 2013-2014. normal, porque parece intuitivo. Deixa eu pegar esse produto aqui para divulgar. Puxa, estou divulgando e ningum compra. Aff, gastei j dinheiro e no recebi nada. Essa a histria de 90% dos afiliados.Ou ento, eu criava um produto da minha cabea e ia atrs de alunos. At que vendia, mas sofria uma barbaridade e nem sempre valia o esforo.Victor, qual , ento, o jeito certo?Nunca vi ningum ensinando esse mtodo. Fico triste, porque ele to efetivo, mas to efetivo, que posso dizer que nunca deu errado para mim.Teve um perodo em 2015-2016, que era quando eu estava ganhando uma boa grana online, onde eu viciei em criar produtos. Trabalhava muito, mas criava muito, e vendia muito.E isso foi seguindo esse mesmo mtodo que estou prestes a te ensinar. Esse o seu dia de sorte, porque eu tenho quase certeza que colocando em prtica, voc vai vender.O Mtodo Por Trs De Vendas RpidasEu me propus a te mostrar como fazer a sua primeira venda online, mas a verdade que com esse processo de 3 passos, voc pode vender muito mais.Imagine emendar uma vez atrs da outra e terminar a semana com metade do seu salrio atual apenas usando a internet? Isso possvel e vou te provar como.Passo #1 Fazer uma pesquisa com seus contatosSe voc tem Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, Linkedin ou qualquer forma de atingir dezenas/centenas de pessoas, isso vai funcionar.O processo comea com voc fazer uma pesquisa com os seus contatos, perguntando o que eles querem ou esto precisando. Quanto mais pessoas voc conseguir respostas, maiores sero suas vendas no final.Passo #2 Descobrir o que cada um quer comprarEnto, voc colhe, separa e analisa as respostas de cada um. muito importante que voc saiba exatamente o que querem e o que esto precisando comprar.Quanto mais detalhes melhor, inclusive legal saber o oramento que eles tm para pagar (no obrigatrio).Passo #3 Colocar uma oferta na frente de cada pessoaEnto, com todas as respostas em mos, voc pode colocar na frente de cada pessoa exatamente o que ela quer comprar.Veja como a dinmica prova de falhas: se a pessoa pediu X, voc no tenta vender Y. Voc vende o que ela pediu, e pronto. Ela vai querer comprar.Vamos ver na prtica...Na ltima Black Friday, um amigo meu perguntou sua rede de amigos o que eles estavam querendo de promoo, porque ele faria a pesquisa e apresentaria as melhores lojas com os melhores preos para eles.Ento, comearam a pedir: celular, geladeira, ventilador e por a vai.Ele pesquisou e deu a cada um, os produtos buscados pelo melhor preo. Simples assim.Resultado: no fim da Black Friday, ele tinha embolsado R$ 3 mil reais. No teve que criar produto, no teve que ser um vendedor chato, no teve que ficar forando a barra para vender.Nada disso. Disse assim: Voc quer um celular? Aqui est o melhor preo da Black Friday. E pronto, as pessoas compravam.Ele ganhou comisso em cima de cada venda como afiliado. Ento, os R$ 3 mil entraram livre no bolso dele, pago pelas lojas que venderam os produtos.Como eu aplico essa tcnica e tenho tambm resultados fora da curva?Sempre pergunto aos meus seguidores, amigos e alunos o que esto buscando aprender ou qual problema esto enfrentando.Com base nessas respostas, desenvolvo os produtos exatos que esto querendo. Assim, eu tenho certeza que vou vender, porque o que esto pedindo.Em 2016, eu lancei uma oportunidade muito legal em que a pessoa pedia uma aula sobre qualquer coisa de Marketing Digital e Copywriting, e eu fazia um vdeo detalhado explicando o tema.Levantei R$ 500 em um estalar de dedos e com as aulas que eles pediram, pude revender e ganhar mais grana depois. Eu fui pago para criar produtos que as pessoas queriam de fato comprar!Quer ter esse mtodo em detalhes e com mais preciso?Em 2016, eu ensinei esse mtodo em uma live e muita gente me pediu para fazer um curso sobre o assunto. No perdi tempo e criei um treinamento.Agora, em 2019, estou relanando esse mtodo com mais aulas, atualizaes e estratgias. O Primeira Venda Online um curso em vdeo, online, feito com o passo a passo que eu uso para fazer vendas dentro de 1 semana em um novo projeto.A base do curso o que eu expliquei aqui para voc: vender s pessoas aquilo que elas querem comprar, porque assim a venda praticamente garantida.Esse mtodo funciona para quem quer criar produtos prprios ou para indicar outros produtos e vender como afiliado. Eu j testei para os dois e os resultados foram timos em ambos.A verdade uma s: se voc oferece o que a pessoa te pede e quer comprar, voc vai ganhar mais dinheiro. uma receita livre de surpresas.No Primeira Venda Online, voc vai descobrir:Como alcanar os seus clientes e obter respostas essenciais para fazer a vendaO que perguntar e como perguntar para maximizar suas vendas3 tcnicas para criar produtos em tempo recorde e monetizar seu conhecimento rapidamente10 empresas que deixam voc revender produtos e ganhar comisso pela venda, desde celular e eletrodomsticos at treinamentos e passagens areasO passo a passo para voc iniciar e concretizar a sua primeira venda onlineTcnicas avanadas de comunicao para fechar negcios com mais facilidadeE muito, muito mais!Adquirindo o seu acesso ao curso por essa pgina, voc tambm vai receber um material especial e exclusivo mostrando:Como realizar vendas consistentemente usando Marketing DigitalEsse bnus ideal para voc construir uma fonte de renda extra slida para a sua vida, capaz de te ajudar a fazer uma viagem com a famlia, trocar de carro, reformar sua casa ou fazer o que quiser com esse dinheiro.Com o mtodo Primeira Venda Online, j vi alunos colocarem R$ 500 no bolso na primeira semana e tambm j vi alguns colocarem R$ 2.000. Os resultados variam, mas so sempre de cair o queixo.Ento, quanto a inscrio nesse curso?Confesso que olhando de perto, ele vale pelo menos R$ 1.000, porque, como mostrei, um mtodo bem poderoso.Porm, eu sei das dificuldades que estar investindo no comeo. Tambm j passei por isso.Alm dos mais, toda hora aparece algum querendo vender uma soluo mgica, e talvez voc esteja um pouco descrente com esse mercado.Ento vamos fazer um acordo...Estou colocando o investimento no curso Primeira Venda Online + bnus exclusivo por somente: R$ 39,90.A verdade que eu j ganho dinheiro vendendo produtos no nicho de sade, e ensinar marketing digital uma diverso para mim. Ento, com esse valor, consigo pagar os custos de gravao e edio, e fica tudo bem.S quero que depois voc me avise quando fizer as primeiras vendas e ficar louco de alegria com a realidade que ganhar dinheiro pela internet. Combinado?Voc ainda est protegido com a garantia de 30 dias da Udemy. Voc tem 1 ms aps a inscrio para estudar, colocar em prtica, e se no for tudo isso que estou dizendo, s pedir seu dinheiro de volta. Sem estresse, sem mgoas, continuaremos amigos.O que no pode deixar de se inscrever, porque esse curso tem o potencial de mudar a sua vida para sempre, de verdade. A deciso est agora em suas mos.Continuar perdendo tempo, dinheiro, fazendo esforo toa e dormindo frustrado...Ou fazer a sua inscrio livre de riscos, protegido pela garantia, para acessar um mtodo que vende de verdade e nunca falhou comigo?Por esse preo sem vergonha, nem tem como dizer que no tem condies. para agarrar essa oportunidade mesmo!Conte comigo nessa jornada. O suporte comigo garantido aqui dentro da Udemy, para voc aproveitar ao mximo!Sucesso e nos vemos no curso!Abrao"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Boost Your Confidence & Self-esteem" |
"Ever notice how some people exude a confident charisma that effortlessly attracts others and creates luck everywhere they go?What creates this presence that I like to call the confidence effect? It is a set of concepts, belief systems, and habits. A MINDSET. Learn how to gain this mindset to advance your social life, transform your dating experience, and improve your overall relationships. Step into this course and let me show you how to bring out the best version of yourself in every and any area of your life. Develop the core practices and social habits Ive discovered over the past decade, as you release your fears, past pains/traumas, and awaken your inner power. You will begin to live a life true to yourself as you become more confident and improve your self-esteem.Other things you will learn:Develop Your Natural CharismaBuild ConfidenceDevelop an Empowering MindsetSocial SkillsConversation SkillsEmpowering Daily RitualsBecome aware of your self-talk and create an empowering new storyLearn how to connect with people at an emotional level to cultivate incredible relationshipsStart a conversation with anyone & make an amazing first impressionDating Tips*Join now and dive into the course for FREE."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"The Power Morning Routine" |
"Are tired of dreading every day? Of every single time the alarm goes off being gripped by anxiety, fear, depression, anger, self-hate, insatisfaction and just feeling cathartic.Transform your anxiety, fear and stress into core confidence. Seriously. It all begins as soon as you open your eyes in the morning. How you start your day largely determines the quality of your day, your work, and your life. The power morning gives you the ultimate morning routine to embody the most confident version of you. This is guaranteed to improve your life ten-fold. Implement a morning routine that creates SUCCESS from day 1!Learn how meditation can help you to become more relaxed, grounded, but overall more focused and confident.Know what the power of visualization to super charge your confidence and daily succcess.Learn how a dream journal can help you to increase your confidence and digest unconscious thoughts and emotions.Implemente my #1 secret method to releasing emotions (fear, shame, hate, resentment, desire/attachment etc.) and mental blocks to take on the day without any baggage. Learn the importance of gratitude and how it fits into your daily ritual.Use your past successes to fuel TODAY's success.Implement my story creation method to control your thoughts and determine your outcomes for the day!Know how important it is to 'Envision' your life and how it affects your mood?And, much more!!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Glider design, Performance and Stability" |
"This is a short course for students and other interested parties to learn how to use the XFLR5 software to optimize the design of a glider. The first part of the course deals with simple aerodynamic optimization such as aspect ratio, airfoils to use and other aspects such as sweep angle, taper ratio, dihedral angle, etc..The second part of the course introduces stability concepts for both static and dynamic conditions. Main focus is given to learn how to improve longitudinal stability and lateral/directional stability by optimizing flight parameters .The third part of the course is a simple flight mechanics evaluation of glide range, time of flight and climb rate, etc.."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Canva Design Masterclass" |
"Canva is regularly updating and evolving, therefore we fully intend to keep adding to this course on a regular basis. If there are any chapters that you would like us to add in particular, please feel free to contact us. We rarely say no!PixelHaze Academy founder, Elwyn Davies has been a professional web and graphic designer since 2004. In fact, he has been working with graphic design software including Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop since way back in the mid-1990s.Over the past 4-5 years, he has been working with Canva, and, although it doesnt have the technical capability of the industry-leading software, it is the perfect gateway to desktop publishing for the next generation of designers, or for those of you who need to create the occasional flyer, social media graphic or slideshow presentation.Canva is extremely easy to pick-up, it has a huge number of starting templates, with a stock library baked-in to the website. Whats more, it is built into your browser. You no longer need to download, install and update design software on your computer to create stunning artwork. Over and above that, the majority of features are completely free.Throughout this masterclass series, we will be working with all aspects of Canva, carefully striking the balance between a technical understanding of what the software is capable of, to working with assets and the built-in font library. To compliment all of this, we will be tapping into Elwyn's experience as a professional designer to ensure you have a number of take-away tips and processes that he has picked up through the years.We hope this has managed to whet your appetite and you are now ready to crack on with Canva. Lets get started..."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Learn Italian 400 practical quizzes for Beginners" |
"Speak Italian Assessments is an extention of Speak italian in 15 Lessons Course in where you already had the opportunity to test yourself with its interactive exercises.Thanks to this course you will have the opportunity to challeng yoursef even more thanks to its more than 400 questions about the italian language contained in its 37 quiz."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SAP Business One 9.0 (C_TB1200_90) Exam Practice" |
"Enhance your certification score. Even though you're working at a top company, you'll want to keep your certification score up. It's important for your job search, especially if you want to go for a higher level position. When you're looking for new jobs, people are going to be screening your resume a bit with certifications. If you're experienced using agile strategies, have excellent teamwork skills, embrace uncertainty with eagerness and thrive on quick response times, then your talents are in demand.Enhance your certification score through practice/mock tests. Even though you're working at a top company, you'll want to keep your certification score up. It's important for your job search, especially if you want to go for a higher level position. When you're looking for new jobs, people are going to be screening your resume a bit with certifications. Understand the test structure and what to expect; then walk through each topic area, quiz yourself with practice questions and answers, and ensure youre ready to take the certification.Scenario based exam questions for SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP Business One 9.0 Certification,Online practice exam to be completed in Specified Time Duration.Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts. Your results are immediately available, while you stay focused on your exam results. Practice tests provides the answer to a test/questions you haven't already learned.Exam Questions similar to actual Certification Exam.Life time Access to practice tests to try as many times until you master the subject. You have access to practice test answers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you're not satisfied, you can easily return to the practice test to make corrections.The practice test have been designed carefully by maintaining the exam structure , syllabus, topic weights , cut score and time duration same as actual certification exam. The aim of the practice exam is to allow the candidate to identify the risks related to a exam topics and be able to recognise them when analysing a real practice scenario.Applicants will need to make sure that they are able to complete the practice examination in its entirety and pass all the multiple choice tests in general nature.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP Business One 9.0Exam Code : C_TB1200_90Exam Level : AssociateDuration : 180 minsPassing Score : 69Total Questions to check your knowledge: 200 (Actual exam contains 80 questions)"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"SAP Sales and Distribution, ERP 6(C_TSCM62_67) Practice Exam" |
"Enhance your certification score. Even though you're working at a top company, you'll want to keep your certification score up. It's important for your job search, especially if you want to go for a higher level position. When you're looking for new jobs, people are going to be screening your resume a bit with certifications. Understand the test structure and what to expect; then walk through each topic area, quiz yourself with practice questions and answers, and ensure youre ready to take the certification.Scenario based exam questions for C_TSCM62_67 SAP Certified Application Associate - Sales and Distribution, ERP 6 Certification,Online practice exam to be completed in Specified Time Duration.Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts. Your results are immediately available, while you stay focused on your exam results. Practice tests provides the answer to a test/questions you haven't already learned.Exam Questions similar to actual Certification Exam.Life time Access to practice tests to try as many times until you master the subject. You have access to practice test answers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you're not satisfied, you can easily return to the practice test to make corrections.The practice test have been designed carefully by maintaining the exam structure , syllabus, topic weights , cut score and time duration same as actual certification exam. The aim of the practice exam is to allow the candidate to identify the risks related to a exam topics and be able to recognise them when analysing a real practice scenario.Applicants will need to make sure that they are able to complete the practice examination in its entirety and pass all the multiple choice tests in general nature.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : SAP Certified Application Associate - Sales and Distribution, ERP 6 CertificationExam Code : C_TSCM62_67 Exam Level : AssociateDuration : 180 minsNumber of Questions : 80Passing Score : 65%Total Questions to check your knowledge: 320 (Actual exam contains 80 questions).Topic AreasPlease see below the list of topics that may be covered within this certification and the courses that cover them. Its accuracy does not constitute a legitimate claim; SAP reserves the right to update the exam content (topics, items, weighting) at any time.Sales Documents (customizing)> 12%Shipping Process and Customizing8% - 12%Master data8% - 12%Pricing and condition technique8% - 12%Sales process8% - 12%Organizational Structures8% - 12%Cross-functional Customizing8% - 12%Basic Functions (customizing)8% - 12%Billing Process and Customizing8% - 12%Availability Check< 8%"
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"HTML5 Programming From Scratch For Beginners & Advanced" |
"HTML5 is one of the best web technologies and is widely gaining acceptance across mobile and web. In our course you get a complete resource which can get you started on website development for HTML5. In our course you work on actual examples and go through important concepts which are required In our course you will start with basic HTML tags. You will learn how to create HTML websites. We do not assume any prior knowledge so we go through the concepts from the beginner's point of view. In our HTML5 lectures we start with new tags and forms. We then gradually move to advance topics like adding iframes etc. This course creates easy to grasp examples for each of the concepts and by the end of it you will be able to understand the complete picture rather than just bits and pieces of the technology.This is the HTML5 course you will need to get you started with HTML5 for website development Who this course is for:No programming background is assumed just a passion to learnAlso a short re-cap for beginners."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"CSS sin Estrs" |
"Css es un lenguaje de diseo grfico para definir y crear la presentacin de un documento estructurado escrito en un lenguaje de marcado el cual debes aprender para porder dar los estilos necesarios a tus proyectos web este leguaje nos premite embellecer una web a nuestra manera asi poder dar el resultado deseado"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |