Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Views no SQL Server para uso no Power Query" |
"Neste curso voc vai aprender como se conectar em um banco relacional, fazendo consultas, e usando essas consultas no Power Query.O Curso foi desenvolvido com foco em aumento de performance das consultas, por isso, ao passar por algum ponto crtico, fao vrias pausas explicando como aquilo pode ser ruim para performance, e como podemos fazer diferente.Voc conseguir, sem medo, identificar os dados de um banco, criando consultas que sero utilizadas pelo Power BI (analistas de BI) e tambm por reas afins (analistas de negcio). Isso ser possvel atravs da criao de views.E no final do curso, aps praticar bastante consultas, ensino como usar o Power BI, para rodar uma consulta noturna, e alimentar uma tabela o banco de dados com o retorno da consulta.Voc nunca mais vau sofrer aguardando por consultas pesadas no seu Power Query (no Excel e no Power BI)."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Web Application Ethical Hacking Fundamentals" |
"In diesem Kurs werden die einzelnen OWASP Top 10 und weitere Schwachstellen in der Praxis an Hand von mehreren Praxisbeispielen erklrt und gezeigt. Dazu wird mit Kali Linux ein Angriff auf 2 weitere virtuelle Maschinen simuliert. Einerseits wird die OWASP BWA hergenommen, welche eine Sammlung an Demoapplikationen fr Web Application Penetration Testing enthaltet und andererseits wird aus dem Pentesterlab die Shellshock Schwachstelle hergenommen. Ziel des Kurses ist es soweit wie mglich auf Tools zu verzichten und hndisch die einzelnen Schwachstellen zu exploiten. Ebenso ein Sekundrziel ist das Verstndnis der einzelnen Schwachstellen und somit eine Basis fr das Penetration Testing zu schaffen."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"GAME OF MATRICES : A Crash course on Linear Algebra" |
"The course covers concepts of Linear Algebra essential for a student of engineering background, The basics of matrices - determinant and its properties, inverse of matrix etc are explained in section 1. Once student is familiarized with basics, Concept - System of Equations is explained. Finally the Eigen values and vectors and LU decomposition are explained.14 problems of different model each are covered for benefit of students involving almost all the concepts of matrices covered in the course."
Price: 1920.00 ![]() |
"Instinctive Learning Series (01) Stress Management" |
"Are your nerves stretched to breaking point with stress and tension?Do you feel as if the very next little thing that goes wrong is going to send you over the edge?Sometimes life just gets to be too much for us. Whether it's a sudden disaster or the slow drip drip drip of steadily accumulating anxiety getting you down. There are times when you feel that you just can't cope anymore.Because your inner psychology is working against you.Your brain feels fried, your shoulders hunch, your back aches, your stomach is tied up in knots. And woe to the poor person who even thinks to asks you to do something for them!Too much strain on your brain makes it harder to solve problems. Of course, whether problems are big or small, ultimately you have to face up to them somehow and figure out a way to deal with them. But what if you're not in any kind of a state to deal with them? If you can't think straight, how are you going to even begin to fix things?This is where Stress Management with hypnosis can make a really big differenceTwenty minutes a day of deep relaxation no matter what is going on will make you feel better than you could possibly imagine. And it will completely transform your powers of resilience problem-solving and help prevent burnout. And if twenty minutes a day sounds like an impossible amount of time to take out of your day. Then that just shows why you really need to! The Stress management learner is a powerful audio hypnosis session that takes all the effort out of mastering relaxation techniques. Because this is Instinctive LearningYou just sit back and let your subconscious mind enjoy the process that will automatically trigger your natural relaxation responses. And that's why we call it Instinctive learning. So in this way, we relieve any anxiety and help you fill your mind and body with feel-good hormones.And as you relax and listen regularly to this session, you'll notice that youll begin to...Experience a deep state of calm and restFeel invigorated and refreshed after each sessionRelax to a much deeper level than you have experienced beforeSeparate yourself from so-called problems 'out there'And you can deal much more effectively with sources of stressSo try our Stress Management learner now and give yourself the much-needed break you deserve."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Como montar e decorar bolo de andares" |
"Fazer um bolo de 2, 3, 4 e at 5 andares pode parcer bem difcil! Mas, quando voc aprende as tcnicas certas para estruturar cada andar e comea a se desafiar criando bolos incrveis, percebe que no to difcil assim. ;)Nesse curso vamos te ensinar como montar bolos de andares bem estruturados, sem o risco de cair ou rachar. Vamos ensinar desde a massa, at montagem e decorao. Ao final desse curso, voc sair sabendo fazer um bolo de andares bem estruturado e com acabamento perfeito, lindo por fora e claro, super gostoso por dentro! Vamos ensinar cada detalhe:Massa amanteigada Marycon, ideal para bolo bem estruturadoGanache sem complicao: quinas perfeitas com blindagem de ganacheCobertura perfeita com pasta americana: lisinha e sem bolhasMontagem de bolo verdadeiro em andaresArte em pasta americana com o tema de decorao 'Mickey Marinheiro': voc aprender como trabalhar a pasta americana para aplicar tcnicas de ruffles (onda do mar), modelagem 3D e recorte 2D. E mais! Voc vai aprender tudo sobre quais materiais e utenslios precisar para fazer seus bolos. Pensamos nesse curso com muito carinho! Depois de assistir todas as aulas e colocar a mo na massa, voc vai se sentir confiante para fazer bolos mais elaborados, entrar no mercado de confeitaria para casamentos e debutantes e e ganhar novos clientes!E no s isso! Voc ainda receber apostila e certificado:Apostila: preparamos uma apostila completa, com receitas de massa, recheios, calda, coberturas e ainda dicas super teis de confeitaria. De bnus voc ter uma apostila exclusiva com 10 recheios extras. Certificado: aps concluso do curso voc receber seu certificado."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Curso MySQL 8 de cero a experto, practico y completo" |
"Bienvenido a MySQL 8 : El Curso Completo, Practico, Desde 0 a experto; En este curso aprenders paso a paso y desde lo ms bsico a lo mas avanzado para manipular bases de datos.MySQL es un sistema de gestin de bases de datos relacional desarrollado bajo licencia dual: Licencia pblica general/Licencia comercial por Oracle Corporation y est considerada como la base de datos de cdigo abierto ms popular del mundo, y una de las ms populares en general junto a Oracle y Microsoft SQL Server, sobre todo para entornos de desarrollo web.Inicialmente, hablaremos sobre las bases de datos relacionales, los conceptos de bases de datos, tablas, campos, indices, llaves foraneas, etc. Te enseare a bajar de internet e instalar la versin gratuita de MySQL que se llama MariaDB. MariaDB es 100% MySQL, la diferencia radica en que MySQL es licenciada por Oracle como te indicaba anteriormente, mientras que MariaDB es totalmente de codigo libre y GRATIS!!.A medida que avancemos en el curso, veremos docenas, .... que digo docenas, ...veremos cientos, cientos de funciones que vienen incorporadas en MySQL y que nos facilita enormemente su uso en el mundo de las bases de datos.No te decides todavia ?, sabias que los sitios web mas populares, como Wikipedia, Facebook, Twitter, Flickr y Youtube utilizar MySQL como su base de datos principal ?. Que esperas, este es uno de los mejores cursos que todos los estudiantes o profesionales en Informtico o Sistemas pueden tomar y certificar para mejorar su perfil profesional."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"UX Testing For Real Clients Revealed Pro Website Reviews" |
"Do you have a website, online store or blog? Want to learn how to better optimize it from a user experience perspective? That means better engagement, more sales and a more functional and useful website for everyone?In this course I take you behind the scenes of my personal user experience testing for numerous websites, marketing agencies, local business and start up services looking to fix big mistakes we all make when designing and creating a website.I've done hundreds of reviews and love helping people. I'm sharing these private case studies in this massive course to help you make your web presence better. You'll learn various ways to improve your own website by watching someone go in blind and use a brand new website. Give, real actionable feedback based on my own personal experience of running two 4 figure websites."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Moodle: Gamificacin" |
"Moodle es uno de los LMS ms populares para crear cursos virtuales ya que est basado en un enfoque social y constructivista. Esta plataforma de aprendizaje ha ido evolucionando y permite introducir e implementar metodologas basadas en la llamada gamificacin.Muchas pginas en la Web mencionan que se puede introducir la gamificacin en cursos de Moodle pero no exista, hasta hoy, un curso que te guiara paso a paso, desde lo ms bsico a lo avanzado, como integrar los elementos de gamificacin a un curso.Muchos desarrolladores han creado innumerables complementos que permiten agregar elementos que hace del aprendizaje algo divertido y entretenido.Estos complementos (plugin), como se conocen, requieren de ciertos conocimientos para poder ponerlos en prctica, es por ello que en este curso vamos a conocer, dominar y poner en prctica algunos de los complementos para enriquecer nuestros cursos virtuales y hacer que el estudiante se divierta, a la vez que aprende.Algunos puntos claves del cursoLa metodologa ser sumamente prctica, inicialmente trabajaremos con las posibilidades que nos ofrece Moodle para gamificar. Esto es el uso de las opciones de restricciones y finalizacin de actividades, insignias o medallas, como se crean, configuran y se aplican a un curso.En la segunda parte del curso, buscaremos en el repositorio de Moodle los complementos diseados para gamificar, aprenders a descargarlos e instalarlos , para luego configurarlos y aplicarlos a los cursos.A partir de la tercera parte del curso vamos a crear escenarios de gamificacin de manera prctica y sencilla aplicando las opciones de restriccin y finalizacin de actividad de Moodle.En la cuarta parte del curso instalaremos extensiones (plugin) de Moodle que nos ayudarn enriquecer los elementos de gamificacin que podemos introducir en un curso y crearemos un escenario gamificado para ejemplificar su aplicacin.En la quinta parte del curso vamos a transformar un curso lineal, de los tradicionales que se hacen en Moodle, a un curso iconogrfico, metafrico y gamificado, donde pondremos en prctica todo lo aprendido durante el curso, te sorprenders de los cursos que puedes llegar a construir si dominas los conceptos presentados en este proceso de formacin.Aprenders a implementar la entrega automtica de certificados, validando las notas o actividades terminadas por los participantes y condicionando su entrega.Espero que este curso sea de tu completo agrado y sirva para complementar tus conocimientos en Moodle.Cuando termines este curso, no dejes de reforzar tus conocimientos aprendiendo con el curso en UDEMY ""Creacin de Aulas Iconogrficas en Moodle"".Estas listo para empezar, entonces manos a la obraTu amigo y tutor,Juvenal"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda a usar as Plantas Medicinais no seu dia a dia." |
"O curso composto por mdulos que possuem videos sobre a planta, artigos e ou monografias. Temos apostilas, livros e mementos para orientar o uso correto, baseado no Sistema nico de sade (SUS) e na ANVISA.Vamos tratar sobre como amenizar e ou curar doenas:- Agitao;- Ansiedade;- Clculo Renal;- Colesterol alto- Clicas estomacais;- Clicas menstruais;- Depresso;- Dermatites;- Diabetes;- Diarreia;- Dores reumticas;- Enxaqueca;- Hipertenso;- Insnia;- Gripes;- Leses e feridas;- Luxaes;- Queimaduras;- Sinusite- E muito mias..."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Top Drugs 4 - Medications you NEED to Know - Pharmacy" |
"Learning medications is one of the most intimidating, overwhelming, and difficult aspects of entering a healthcare field.Where do you start? There are THOUSANDS of medications.Top Drugs is designed to break down what you NEED to know into easily understandable / easy to learn chunks. This course follows which conditions are most prevalent, and which drugs are most popular. This way, the student learns which drugs are actually used in practice. Which drugs are fast movers in every pharmacy. The gold standard drugs for each condition. This course will provide students with a solid foundation of knowledge to enter a healthcare field, preparing them to excel. Benefit in having the advantage over other applicants. Imagine already knowing a bulk of basic medications while applying to Pharmacy, Medical, Nursing, PA, or Dental school. How impressive would you be to the administrators? Avoid the overwhelming feeling of starting your first rotation at a hospital, with only a few weeks of school under your belt. Avoid being completely clueless about what is going on! Go in with a foundation of knowledge, putting yourself above the competition. I have been through professional school. The first couple of years were rough. Had I known what I know now, I would have prepared. I would have gone in with a foundation of drug knowledge. That is what this course provides. Whatever healthcare field you are entering, or considering entering - go in with a strong foundation! Blow away your competition, outshine the other applicants. This is possible with some determination, and made simple with these courses.Entire semesters of schooling can be dedicated to certain conditions. This course provides concise, relevant MUST KNOW education about each condition.Different career paths require different pieces of medicinal knowledge. This course can be used by students in ALL of the different healthcare career fields. Medications are sorted into a hierarchy. Each medication will have a popularity designation. I will tell you when medications are hospital only, over the counter, retail pharmacy only, etc. I will tell you when a medication is an absolute MUST KNOW. I will tell you when a drug is not very popular and only certain professionals will need to remember it. The point of this course is to provide drug information that can be used for any future healthcare professional, at any step of their education journey. You can decide how to utilize the information, you can decide what you need to take note of. I will present every angle of the information. The Drugs and Conditions NEED to Know Medication courses are broken into conditions. Under each condition, there will be:Condition Overview: Learn about the condition. What are the signs and symptoms? What causes the condition? What are the treatments? What are the treatment goals? Who needs treatment?Medication Overview: The bulk of the course will focus on medications. What medications are used to treat this condition? What are the first line medications? When would you use other medications? When and how are these medications used? Medications will be broken into drug classes and popularity. Each medication will have a hierarchy designation. How important is it to know this medication? They will be sorted in importance. MUST KNOW Medication Conclusion: Going over the important medications at the end of each condition presentation. You have learned about the condition and the medications used for it, now what do you absolutely need to remember? Condition Outline: A printable, downloadable, one page Word document summarizing every drug discussed in each presentation. Sorted in the usual hierarchy. Brand and generic names will be listed. You can print these documents prior to the presentations, and use to take notes that are relevant to you and your career. Part 1:Blood Pressure/HypertensionDiabetesCholesterol/HyperlipidemiaOTC - Cough, Cold, AllergyPart 2:Depression/AnxietyGERD - Gastrointestinal Reflux DiseasePain Thyroid DisordersPart 3:AntibioticsAcute SicknessADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity DisorderImmunizations/VaccinesPart 4:Asthma/COPD - Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary DiseaseGoutBPH/ED - Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia/Erectile DysfunctionSleep DisordersBone HealthPart 5:Birth ControlIncontinence / Overactive BladderAnticoagulation / Blood ClotsArrhythmia DisordersDementia / Alzheimer's DiseaseList of the Top 200 Drugs of 2020 along with which Top Drugs course covers each medication available on the Drugs and Conditions websiteI am a Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D) and a topic expert in medications. I'm a currently practicing pharmacist, with experience in retail and hospital settings - As well as academia/consultation areas of healthcare. With the purchase of my course you are obtaining advice/Q&A/expertise on medication related healthcare topics, as long as you are enrolled. I will be open and responsive to questions or discussion in the course pages. Click the Expand Arrows under each section of ""Course Content"" to see exactly what is included in each presentation. "
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Basic Theory of Chinese Medicine: Chapter 1" |
"Do you want to realize the mysterious Chinese medicine? Someone thinks that Chinese medicine is very difficult and unscientific.In fact, Chinese medicine is not only scientific but also effective.Even though the nouns in Chinese medicine are difficult. Dr. Kao will lead you to realize them easily.Just listen, memorize, and ask questions.There are 9 chapters in this course:Chapter 1 IntroductionAfter you finish them, you can learn about basic concept of the herbs, formulas, and diagnosis of Chinese medicine.Everyone can learn about Chinese medicine, especially medical students, TCM students, physicians, or medical doctors.Good luck!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Pilot Devices From Siemens - Let's plan them efficiently" |
"Hi,welcome to this course where we efficiently and reliably plan Siemens SIRIUS ACT Series 22mm pilot devices, most common ones:Emergency stop push buttonpush buttons under normal conditions (START/STOP)pilot lights (GREEN/RED)selector switch with both momentary and latching contacts/positions (SPECIAL CASE STUDY)twin push button (space saving solution and looks cool).Generally, problem with the planning of such devices is that they have a lot of small pieces (similar to terminals with their accessories) that constitute a whole working part.This might get complicated sometimes. So that's why this course - to help you efficiently plan complete pilot devices without making errors or omitting necessary parts (or missing a logic NO/NC), holder, labeling plate, label holder, actuator of the right type etc.As we work our way through the course I will show you additionally what all these components are for and I will parallel to that show you in EPLAN circuit diagrams where we typically incorporate such devices.Second part of the course will cover Allen Bradley pilot devices. So make sure to check also that one, once available (soon).Altogether a well rounded story that will make your life easier when planning manual controls for your project. From real-life, as always.See you in the lectures.Wish you all the best and stay safe and well.Best regards,Ivan (aka Eplan Tutor)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Active Bystander Intervention" |
"The Goal of this course is to expose the student to the concepts of active bystander intervention, Committee of Tactical Emergency Causality Care (C-TECC) first care responder guidelines, and familiarize the student with broad concepts of trauma care. The Objective of this course is to teach guidelines of care based upon the (C-TECC); First Care Providers. Further, to expose the student to the terms, equipment, and justification for Active Bystander Intervention.At the Outcome of this course, the student will be able to explain -The influence of Hartford Consensus on Active Bystander Intervention-Key terms associated with C-TECC First Care Provider Guidelines-Difference between Hot and Warm zone environments-Basic concept of care for trauma victims"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Social Media Automation" |
"To survive in business, you must appear everywhere your customers are. This includes the major social media platforms.The more presence you have, the more extensive your network of people will be; the more comprehensive your network is, the more people will know about your latest offers and be more engaged in your business.Managing the business and keeping multiple social media sites up-to-date can be a handful.What ends up happening is some of your social media accounts are active while some aren't.In the specific video series you will learn how to automate your social media presence.Topics covered:Social Media PlatformsWhich Platform is Best?Customize Your GameplanMap it outAutomation AppsFree Automation"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"The Xero Business Activity Statements (BAS) and GST Course" |
"Do you lose sleep every time you have to do an Activity Statement?Do you find it time consuming, confusing and stressful?Then this is the course for you!---------------------Our ""Complete Xero Business Activity Statements (BAS) Course"" will give you everything you need to know about preparing and lodging Activity Statements in the worlds fastest growing cloud-based accounting software.Over six hours, you will learn how to set up, prepare, check and complete Business Activity Statements (BAS) and Instalment Activity Statements (IAS) in Xero.---------------------What will I learn from this course?You will know how to lodge your completed BAS and IAS returns directly to the ATO via Xero, or lodge them manually in the ATO's Business Portal.You will discover how to pay the ATO with full or part-payments and how to reconcile the payments in your Xero accounts.You will learn how to post manual journals to help manage the tax liability accounts on your balance sheet.You will be able to process export and import transactions to ensure the correct amounts of GST appear on your BAS.And you will be aware of the theory behind GST and withholding tax for payroll so you can better understand how to manage your general ledger accounts and tax rates.By the end of the course you should have the confidence and know-how to set up and manage Activity Statements in Xero for your business or for your clients.If you are a bookkeeper, you will impress your clients with your knowledge and accuracy and will likely be able to charge the best rates for doing BAS and IAS returns.If youre a small business owner, you will have the skills to do your own BAS and IAS returns and avoid making common errors.---------------------What is the course structure?For most of this course, we use a free Xero trial account instead of the demo company. That way, you will learn how to set up your business' Activity Statements properly from scratch.** Please note that this course is about Activity Statements in Australia and uses the Australian version of Xero **Some of the topics we cover are:Simpler BAS vs Full BASInstalment Activity Statements (IAS)Setting up Activity Statements, general ledger codes and tax rates in XeroHow activity statement labels populateStarting, completing and checking Activity StatementsLodging directly through Xero or the ATO Business PortalPosting journals to manage your tax liability accounts in XeroPaying the ATO in full or with part-paymentsReconciling the payments in your Xero bank feedHow to use the GST Reconciliation ReportBasic vs Advanced tax ratesHow to choose the right tax rates for your general ledger codesDealing with imports and exportsInput Taxed sales and purchasesCapital purchasesMapping payroll to labels W1 and W2How labels for other taxes such as fringe benefits tax and fuel tax credits workIn each lesson, we run through the theory behind each learning outcome before going into Xero and demonstrating what you need to do. That way, you can practise your skills in real time as you watch each lesson.This makes the whole course one big interactive exercise!---------------------So what are you waiting for? Sign up today and take charge of your Activity Statements.See you on the course!"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Amazon Advertising Crash Course Amazon Sponsored Ads Guide" |
"Brand new & up to date Amazon PPC course, updated in August 2020.The aim of this course is to take away any kind of overwhelming feeling you may have with regards to Amazon Advertising and show you how to easily structure your ads campaigns, optimize them and the simple tricks you can use to remain profitable, including the right kind of goals, targeting the right keywords, setting ideal bids and optimizing your ads' performances.With well structured slides I will make things as clear as possible, step by step. In one of the final lessons (26), after learning all the fundamental know-how, I will also give a live demonstration of creating your first Amazon ads campaign.For anyone selling on Amazon or aiming to consult others. Amazon Advertising has, for many years now, been the fastest growing sector in global paid marketing and will in all likelihood soon eclipse Facebook (Google not quite yet), meaning the art of promoting products within Amazon is becoming a very necessary and demanded skill.Amazon PPC has become indispensable in terms of ranking and selling products, but it really isn't all that complicated. I'm sure that after this course, you will agree with me!PS. This course will constantly stay updated with any changes made within Amazon PPC, so you have life-long access to all the basic Amazon Marketing knowledge if you need a reminder at any point in time."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Mathematics: Refresher Course" |
"The Refresher Course is a bridge between Basic Mathematics and Advanced Mathematics. This course will be helpful for students moving from school mathematics to a degree (Graduate/ Postgraduate) level. It covers important basic concepts and formulae of basic algebra, logarithms, trigonometry, derivatives, and integration. It shows the correct use of various formulae in the above topics."
Price: 2240.00 ![]() |
"Morganti University - Morganti Ju-Jitsu instructor course" |
"This course is intended for students of Morganti Ju-Jitsu who were nominated by their senseis, teachers of other traditional martial arts, (Jiu-Jitsu, Muay Thai, MMA, Ju-Jitsu, Ju-Jutsu, Submission and Grappling are not in program) and sports and wellness professionals who want to represent Morganti Ju-Jitsu on their cities! By automatically accepting the purchase, you agree to the terms of not disclosing MJJ along with another martial art and in case of future withdrawal, you may never use the name ""Ju-Jitsu"" to form compound names for classes or a martial art for your use or work.When you acquire this content, you'll receive a mentor that is indicated by us. He/She will accompany you through all your belt gradings (not included in this course) until you finish the course and are able to teach other students!Welcome to our familyOSS"
Price: 1500.00 ![]() |
"Adapting to the Remote Work Lifestyle" |
"What you'll learn in this online course:Commit to going all in on your passion.Create a life of more freedom.Find your ideal customers and clients.Build your email list of subscribers.Get started with email marketing using MailChimp.Generate passive income with affiliate marketing.Craft your unique compelling offer.Grow your professional network on LinkedIn.Use marketing automation to grow your network.How to stay at luxury hotels for free.Build a profitable online brand and business.Change lives, change the world!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Ruby On Rails Programming Exams - Become a Expert Developer" |
"Now featuring Rails 6 - the latest version of the Ruby on Rails framework.Ruby on Rails Web Developer average salaries by city as of January 2020 (according to Glassdoor):New York - $95,000/yr, Boston - $97,000/yr, San Francisco - $100,719/yrNeed more reasons on ""why Ruby on Rails?""Since its introduction, Ruby on Rails has rapidly become one of the most popular and powerful web application development tools for both startups and mature software companies. Some of the top sites in the world started with Ruby on Rails such as Basecamp, Twitter, Shopify, Github, LivingSocial, Groupon, Hulu, Airbnb, Yellow Pages and many more! Even after immense scaling, most of them continue to use Rails! Ruby on Rails developers routinely command the highest salaries in the tech industry."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Beginning C++ Programming - From Beginner to Beyond Exams" |
"Which programming language is often seen as a badge of honor among software developers? C++Which programming language can you learn that when added to your resume, will often get you a job interview? C++Which programming language is routinely ranked in the top 5 programming languages by popularity, and been consistently in the top 10 for close to 20 years? C++Why you should learn C++Much, if not most of software written today is still written in C++ and this has been the case for many, many years.Not only is C++ popular, it is also a very relevant language. If you go to GitHub you will see that there are a huge number of active C++ repositories and C++ is also extremely active on stack overflow.There are many, many leading software titles written entirely or partly in C++. These include the Windows, Linux and Mac OSX operating systems!Many of the Adobe products such as Photoshop and Illustrator, the mySQL and MongoDB database engines, and many many more are written in C++.Leading tech companies use C++ for many of their products and internal research and development. These include Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, PayPal, Google, Facebook, Oracle and many more.Can you see how learning C++ will open up more career opportunities for you?If more professional companies are using C++, it stands to reason that there is going to be more of a demand for C++ programmers.But the main reason programmers should probably learn C++ is because it is so powerful!What do I mean by powerful?C++ is super fast, and is a general purpose programming language that supports both procedure and object oriented programming making it very flexible.It can scale easily. And it can be portable as well.C++ can do many things that other languages just can't.That's why nearly every major language has a way to interface with code written in C++.Since C++ has influenced so many languages, if you know C++ you'll likely see elements from C++ in new languages you learn.Is C++ difficult to learn?With all the power and flexibility of C++ comes complexity.There is no question that C++ is one of the most complex programming languages out there.But with the right instructor, and the right training, you really can get up to speed with C++ quickly, and that's what this course is all about.What will I learn in this course?The course assumes no previous experience with C++ (or even programming in general), and you will end up with the skills to create your own programs in C++.Key topics covered include.* Looping with while, do/while for, range-based for statements and recursion* Performing calculations and displaying results* Functions* Pointers* Using existing classes and creating objects* Creating your own classes* Using Basic Standard Template Library classes such as Vector* Constructors and Destructors* Copy and Move semantics including Copy constructors, Move constructors, and copy and move assignment * How to overload operators* Using inheritance and class hierarchies* Using Polymorphic functions and dynamic binding * Using smart pointers* Using stream I/O* An introduction to the C++ STL* An introduction to Exception Handling* And much more.What do I get out of learning C++ ?More career options for one! C++ is one of the most popular programming languages used in games development. It's also heavily used in embedded applications. Your investment in time in learning C++ will reward you time and time again with more pay, and more opportunities, and frankly, more fun!Are you ready to get started?If you are ready to get that first paid programming job, or to move up to a more senior programming position, then this course is for you!Your new job or consulting opportunity awaits!Why not get started today?Click the Signup button to sign up for the course!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"*NEW* DOM 2020 Build Dynamic Websites with JavaScript Part 2" |
"Let me share my new front-end web development secrets with youMastering the DOM will equip you to become an awesome front-end web programmer. Learn how to implement your creative, different and dynamic ideas into your website. Master front-end development and youre half way to becoming a full stack web developer. Take control through understanding. Delivering an interactive web experience is challenging. In this advanced course, we take a deep-dive into DOM events. What are they? Why are they important? The different types of events we can listen to? Where do they come from? What is event bubbling and event capturing, and how does it help? By understanding these questions, and more, you'll be able to access the DOM and better yet, manipulate it! In other words, you will be able to create dynamic apps that improve user engagement and experience.What this course covers?This course is Course 2 of 2This course is the second and final course of a 2-part program. The reason I have done this is that Course 1 provides everything you need to start coding dynamic sites by yourself. It gives you the sound fundamentals and practicals regarding the DOM. It can be taken alone (you dont have to do both courses) to achieve your goals. You will emerge from Course 2 with a solid understanding and practical experience of working with events in the DOM. Course 2 provides a whole different world of fun with amazing practical examples that will captivate you and catapult you to the next level and set you well on your way to becoming a true Grandmaster in front-end web development. In this course youll learn more about front-end web development, by working with events in the Document Object Model.Why this course? Why do you need to know about events in the DOM?If you've ever wondered how you can add animation (and life) to a page, then you need to understand how events work in the DOM. We use the DOM to allow users to interact with our app. It doesnt have to be annoying interaction either simple things like giving the user the ability to ADD/EDIT/DELETE/UPDATE contents on your page, for example, requires interaction with the DOM.This course starts off with understanding what an event is. What are the 2 most important things when it comes to events? What is the difference between an event listener and an event handler? From there, youll start exploring the different ways you can add events to your code. Youll learn simple, yet very powerful strategies to listen for events on your web page and then interact with the page when those events happen. We dont stop here, but get into more advanced things like learning about how an event travels in the DOM (capturing vs bubbling), which leads us to an even more important topic of ... wait for it ... event delegation. And this is only the tip of the iceberg. We go into many other things like DOM extensions, object hierarchy and a bunch of other stuff.Knowledge of the DOM is incredibly useful for understanding how your webpage can be improved.By the end of this course, you'll be able to speak and walk DOM by gaining an understanding of how you can manipulate it in meaningful and practical ways. We dig deeper in every lecture, and this course has many bonus lectures which extend your knowledge base and test your skills.Through practical examples, this course helps you understand the DOM piece by piece. And we use the latest and best features of JavaScript and browsers (like the new classList API) along the way so you can stay ahead of the pack.*** The most important Web Development course on Udemy ***Successful programmers know more than rote learning a few lines of code. They also know the fundamentals of how events work on your website behind the scenes. If youre wanting to become a full stack developer, you need to know how to work with various events in the DOM. You need to know what an event is, how to listen for it, and more importantly, how to react to events when they happen.I want you to become a successful front-end programming Grandmaster.I want you to be able to apply what your learn in this course to your webpage.This course is perfect for you.DescriptionHi there, my name is Clyde and together were going to learn how successful web developers can create whizbang websites that are dynamic and engaging!The root to understanding how to be a professional front-end web developer is understanding the Document Object Model and applying it to practical situations. We're going to practice and learn and emerge confident to tackle any challenges modern programs and websites throw at us.After completing a few university degrees, and post graduate studies, I developed a fascination for web design and software languages. For several years I have immersed myself in this. I spent a fair bit on top courses and went on to apply the knowledge practically. I recognized gaps in some of the courses Ive taken and hence my course teaches what I wish I was taught. My intention is to share the knowledge with you in an easy to follow manner, so that we can benefit together. You benefit form learning, and I from sharing in your success.This course is for beginners and for intermediates.A unique viewUnderstanding the DOM is a vast topic. To get you up to speed, Ive spent months thinking about where to focus content and how to deliver it to you in the best possible way.You will learn ""why"" things work and not just ""how"". Understanding advanced topics within the DOM (like event types, capturing, bubbling, delegation, host vs native objects, etc.) is important as it will give you infinite possibilities. Armed with this knowledge, youll be able to create applications that update the data of the page without needing a refresh. You will be able to create apps that are customizable by the user. You can even allow the user to drag, move, and delete elements. Can you begin to see how important the DOM is?How is this course different?There are lots of great courses that focus on web development. Pity they never get into the detail about how the Document Object Model works behind the scenes a skill that every full-stack developer needs to master.In this Part 2 course, I focus on the more advanced topics of true web development in the front end. This includes understanding what events are, looking at object hierarchy, understanding the different event types, what capturing and bubbling is, and how you can use the concept of event bubbling to streamline your code and make your job of creating dynamic websites easier.Practice makes perfectTheory is theory but theres nothing like getting behind your computer and typing in code. Thats why we will be coding, laughing and pulling out our hair together as we code real life websites and exercises during this course.I love practical examples, which is why we build simple pages and analyze the DOM together.This course is FULL of practical examples, challenges, and we even build an entire project website from start-to-finish (yep, this includes building the HTML and CSS together too). Is this course for you?Absolutely.It doesn't matter where you are in your web development journey. It's suitable for all levels.Still unsure? If you fit in any of these categories then this course is perfect for you:Student #1: You want to dabble in the world of programming. Learning the fundamentals of HTTP, CSS and how you can use JavaScript to change a webpage is the starting point to becoming a full-stack developer.Student #2: You want to know how successful developers build dynamic websites that engage with the user and put them ahead of the competition.Student #3: You want to gain a solid understanding of front-end web development.Student #4: You want to start using backend frameworks like Node.js, but want to first understand how JavaScript is used on the front-end of your webpage.Student #5: You know a little what the Document Object Model is, but have little knowledge about how events work behind the scenes, and how to practically implement knowing about these events in your own applications.Student #6: You have taken other courses in web development but just dont feel like youve grasped front-end development.WHY START NOW?Right this second, your competitors are learning how to become better web developers.Web development is a blazing hot topic at the moment. But you have a distinct advantage. This course offers memorable learning topics, actionable tactics and real-world examples.Lets get started!What do you get?Lifetime access to all tutorial videos. No fees or monthly subscriptions.Q&A support.Quizzes and challenges to help you learn.A final project which we build together. Ive allowed you to download all of my lectures for offline viewing.Let's get excited about becoming a professional web developer, and to be able to confidently apply it to your own websites.See you in the lectures."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Como ser Lider y no fracasar en el Intento" |
"Curso practico donde el estudiante aprender los principios bsicos del liderazgo.Si usted esta en un nuevo cargo por que lo ascendieron, o llego nuevo a una empresa, o lo pusieron sin saber por que, en un cargo de responsabilidad con personal a cargo... este curso es para usted. No permita que le aventajen a la hora de liderar un equipo. Este curso le ayudar."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"FC0-U51 CompTIA IT Fundamentals Certification Test" |
"Are you ready to pass the FC0-U51 CompTIA IT Fundamentals Certification Practice TestUse this course to gauge your readiness level for the actual exam. These practice tests will help you know if you are ready to take the exam, or identify if you need to spend more time on any of the exam topics.These tests cover material from each of the exam topics. With time limits on each test, you will learn time management for the real exam."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"VCP550D VMware Certified Professional 5 - Data Center Test" |
"Are you ready to pass the VCP550D VMware Certified Professional 5 - Data Center Virtualization Delta TestUse this course to gauge your readiness level for the actual exam. These practice tests will help you know if you are ready to take the exam, or identify if you need to spend more time on any of the exam topics.These tests cover material from each of the exam topics. With time limits on each test, you will learn time management for the real exam."
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Linux: ""tmux"" - small tool big work :)" |
"Its an hour training on ""tmux"" utility. Short but very effective training. If you want to be smarter in managing systems then tmux would really really help you on this. Almost, all Linux System Admins use tmux in their day to day life to manage systems & services. I am confident that this training will give you an extra edge."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"CompTIA SY0-401 Access Control Identity Management Exam" |
"139 UNIQUE practice questions for CompTIA SY0-401 Access Control Identity Management ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : CompTIA SY0-401 Access Control Identity Management ExamTotal Questions : 139Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :80 minsPassing Score : 75 (104 of 139)"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Character Creator para Iniciantes" |
"Esse curso para voc que sempre sonhou em criar personagens em 3D com esse curso voc vai realizar esse sonho. O curso vai demonstrar como instalar o software Character Creator, como baixar modelos prontos, objetos, acessrios, roupas de uma maneira ou modo que voc nunca viu antes.Mesmo que voc no tenha nenhum conhecimentos de modelagem, animao, mapeamento, composio de materiais, iluminao, efeitos de ps produo rings e renderizao, integrao com engines de games e software 3d, sistema de renderizao, composio de vdeos finais voc vai conseguir compreender e realizar projetos incrveis com o Character Creator."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Speed Publishing With Kindle. Basic and Advanced." |
"If you've always wanted to publish a book or been wondering how to sell information products utilizing your special skills and knowledge....then this is probably the most important letter you'll ever read.Why?Listen...On this page you'll learn a simple but yet so effective way to reach more people without spending a fortune on advertising.How? In one word: ""Kindle""Heard about it? Of course you did.Expand Your Market ReachIn Just A Few Clicks.Kindle is just amazing.With millions of downloads per day, its an untapped goldmine for information marketers, like us, to make a lot of money with it.Imagine thisWhat if you can get your ebooks exposed to literally millions of people on a day to day basis?With Kindle you can.And you dont need to be a marketing genius to succeed with it.The fact is Kindle has made it so simple for author to publish their info-products that even a child can do it.The Worlds BiggesteBook MarketplaceBefore we go any further, let me give you some insights about Kindle...1. Kindle is a product of Amazon; it was designed to become the worlds best e-reader by the CEO of Amazon Jeff Bezos.2. As of December, 2017, Kindle had nearly 5.9 million ebooks available in the United States alone.3. Kindle Ebook Exclusives, a catalog of digital books that are only available on Amazon, contains over 850,000 items.4. The first Kindle device released by Amazon sold out in five and a half hours.5. Amazon has introduced Kindle software for use on various devices and platforms, such as Microsoft Windows, macOS, Android, iOS, BlackBerry OS and Windows Phone.6. In 2010, Kindle reader accounted for 59% of all ereaders that were shipped worldwide.7. In January, 2011, Amazon announced that Kindle books were outselling their traditional print counterparts for the first time ever.8. In May, 2016, Amazon released the official Kindle Audio Adapter for reading ebooks aloud through a text-to-speech system for the blind and visually impaired.Why You Need To Get Started Now:Kindle publishing has high returns.Kindle can lead you to become an authority in your niche.Amazon Kindle is designed to sell books.Generate income without spending any money upfront.Publishing on Kindle is easy.IntroducingSpeed Publishing With KindleFast. Simple.Super Profitable.Theres nothing like this video series.Watch as I show you how to get started with Kindle to publish your ebooks in just a few clicks.I reveal my best tips for using some unknown tactics that only a few elite few knows.You get to see everything. I explain everything to you.There will be no guesswork.All you need is just a short hour of your time to learn everything and youd be ready to get started with it instantly.Heres What Youll Discover InsideThis Video Training:How to get started with Kindle.Learn how to get use to the interface and configure your settings.Learn how to upload your information product and what are the options to select when doing it.Learn how to work with Kindle features and templates and which one you should choose to publish your ebook fast.How to quickly and easily work with the templates provided in the members area.How to create attractive covers that will attract more readers.How to use benefit from the no cost publishing and how to make it work for you.How to get your link to promote your first kindle report.Learn how to get your product listed on the Kindle marketplace.Learn the different techniques involved in using Kindle to grow your business.And so many more..."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
Empreendedorismo |
"Faa uso de ferramentas e tcnicas cientficas para empreender e obter investimentos para a sua empresa. Esse curso tem o obetivo de mostrar uma alternativa capaz de alavancar um negcio a partir da aplicao de mtodos e tcnicas cientficas. Se voc tem uma idia inovadora possvel aplicar cincia desde o estudo de viabilidade at a implantao propriamente dita. Essa condio promove a possibilidade de inserir a ideia em programas de incentivo e investimento para pesquisa, como por exemplo, participar da concorrncia para projeto PIPE (Pesquisa Inovativa em Pequenas Empresas) da FAPESP. Nesse programa possvel obter at R$ 1.200.000,00 de investimento."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Patent and intellectual property (IP) bootcamp" |
"This course is the new and extended englisch version of my previous Udemy course Patentwissen kompakt (rating: 4.80) in German. I revised the audio quality, checked the structure, added two chapters! So my other course has a good rating already and in my eyes this course is even better! So don't hesitate because of the low number of students. It has been just recently launched! In many areas a basic understanding of intellectual property (IP) and patents is important. This course offers a general introduction to the topic and is suitable for everyone, whether inventor, manager, engineer, scientist or start-up.The course is designed for all those who need a quick introduction to the topic of intellectual property (IP) / patents. After this course you will know when to think about patents! It is important to have this topic in mind when you work in a technical field! We will start with an overview of Intellectual property and its relevance nowadays.Then we will focus on patents:What is a patent exactly? What can i do with with a patent?how to understand a patent?How are patents structured?After that we will focus on Patent search:Step by step, I will show you how and where to best conduct a patent search.We will discuss an example and learn how to do patent search in a professional wayNext we will focus on Patent applicationsWe also go into the subject of patent application. Here I will show you what you have to consider and how you can save money!How much does a patent cost?How to obtain protection in the coutries i need protection? What is a patent family and what is a priority?How long it takes to obtain a patent?When I need a patent attorney?After that we will talk about patent infringementIs someone infringing my patent?Do I infringe a patent? Last but not least we will focus on the basics of IP managmentWhen to consider patents? How to work with patents?Due diligence; Freedom to operate"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |