Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Learn Basics Of Angular From Scratch" |
"Angular is one of the most popular frameworks for building client apps with HTML, CSS and TypeScript. If you want to establish yourself as a front-end or a full-stack developer, you need to learn Angular.This Course was created to assist one in understanding the basic principles of AngularJS in a methodical and fast manner. It extends the scope of HTML with new and added topics, making it a more comprehensive and easily understandable lesson that can produce straightforward results, since HTML was never designed to be for the masses. AngularJS can be tricky to understand, therefore learning it can be daunting. Every attribute of it can be changed depending on the conditions.To learn AngularJS, you must have a basic knowledge of IT, including JavaScript, CSS, and HTML. In the lecture, you'll have access to all the sources you need (wherever appropriate)."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Advanced Angular 2 Programming Course" |
"Welcome to this course. In this course you will learn from scratch. We will assume that you are a complete beginner and by the end of the course you will be at advanced level. This course contain Real-World examples and Hands On practicals. We will guide you step by step so that you can understand better. This course will allow you to work on the Real-World as a professional.This course teaches all about AngularJS. The course is designed for people having basic understanding of HTML,CSS & JavaScript. Learning AngularJS will surely be an added advantage for you as a web-developer.This course covers all the basic and advanced topics."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"VFX Compositing with Nuke: Complete Course From Scratch" |
"This course will teach you the concepts of 2D and 3D Compositing in Nuke, Tracking techniques. Render Passes, and how to work on Stereo Conversion. By the end of the course, you will successfully be able to composite what would be considered a Pro Compositor.This course is designed in such a way that you will get all the concepts related to the Nuke Compositing are at one Place in a organic way so that after this course you no need to look for other platform for learningThis Course have detailed explanation for each and every topic and concepts and have a practical view towards each concepts. after this session for sure you will be able to compose any kind of compositing in Nuke."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Social Distancing & Isolation - Stress Management Techniques" |
"Greetings, This course addresses stress caused by a range of issues faced by real people during serious events while living in the stress circus of life.High levels of stress and events that top the list of negativity at the physical, mental and emotional level; including unprecedented events like a epidemic or pandemic like COVID-19. You will learn:An understanding of how calm is createdTips to think Positive Meditations for staying focused & Calm around the covid-19 pandemicStay safe & blessed, Paul J Tavares MSc BSc"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
america_hatsuon |
Price: 19800.00 ![]() |
"Mtodos de trabajo con compradores para su inmueble." |
"Dispone de los mtodos de trabajo para crear un departamento o servicio especializado en compradores, aprendiendo en las diferentes clases como desarrollar la comunicacin ideal cuando nos dirigimos a los propietarios de viviendas, la obligatoriedad de reservar la informacin confidencial que nos aportan nuestros clientes y otros procesos en la comunicacin vitales para ser un agente del comprador. El marco legal y tico para formalizar los contratos con compradores. Descubrirs consejos para enviarles informacin a tus clientes compradores entre la llamada y la cita, y los consejos que podemos realizar a los propietarios para prepararles para la venta de su casa sin violar la representacin a los clientes compradores. En este curso recibirs clases para conocer de primera mano la forma ideal de filtrar a los contactos compradores, considerndolos clientes una vez que sabemos cierta informacin, como la zona y casa que buscan, tamao, estilo, estado de la construccin, que uso le darn, si tienen capacidad financiera para ejecutar la compra, plazo, estilo de vida, servicios requeridos alrededor de la vivienda, precio mximo, etc. todo lo que debes saber para no trabajar con desconocidos ni al azar, una fase de investigacin necesaria para poder prestarle el servicio adecuado y filtrar ""ladrones del tiempo"", tendrs acceso a los patrones de llamada que te permitirn como si de una cebolla se tratara, ir quitando capa a capa hasta llegar a tener un cliente real. Descubrirs clases en este curso con los procesos que te ayudarn a captar la confianza del comprador y que ellos quieran contratar tus servicios como Personal Shopper Inmobiliario, diferenciarte a ti y a tu empresa, y los servicios que debers prestar a los clientes compradores para que crear satisfaccin tras haber realizado la contratacin de tus servicios, y te mostraremos como controlar paso a paso el camino para llevarle a una compra segura y sin sobresaltos."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Piano for the Adult Beginner" |
"How to play the piano and read music notation for the Adult who has never played before, or perhaps took lessons as a child and would like to revisit the fundamentals. Any adult who would like a firm grasp on the fundamentals of music, to ensure a solid foundation and to be inspired in their playing. The course gets you reading right from the start and includes 2 piano pieces to get you playing with confidence. "
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Manual de Escrita Jornalstica" |
"Um profissional da comunicao diria que o jornalismo pode ser explicado como a resposta social dada s perguntas O que aconteceu hoje? e O que est a acontecer agora?. De facto, os textos jornalsticos tm como objetivo comunicar e informar sobre algo. Estes textos so os que possuem maior alcance nos diversos setores da sociedade e a sua principal caracterstica a efemeridade.Dentro do jornal impresso h vrias seces que, por sua vez, incluem vrios tipos de texto. Existem, portanto, diversos gneros jornalsticos. De entre esses textos salientam-se a notcia, a entrevista, a reportagem, o perfil, o editorial, a crnica, as breves e os cartoons, ao que se somam outros gneros que podem variar conforme o jornal em que se inserem.Na generalidade, o texto jornalstico dever ser composto por ttulo, lead (o primeiro pargrafo) e corpo da notcia, podendo ainda apresentar antettulos, ps-ttulos ou entrettulos, ao longo do texto. no corpo do texto que se d continuidade ao lead, seguindo-se a regra da pirmide invertida: estrutura-se a notcia do mais importante para o menos importante.Assim, com este curso poders saber mais sobre as regras de escrita jornalstica."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Carrier Train Your Cat" |
"Do you have to wrestle your cat into the carrier when it's time to go to the vet? At the very least this is stressful, at worst someone gets injured. This course teaches you how to use positive reinforcement methods to get your cat to voluntarily walk into the carrier on cue. You also bond with your cat and start learning clicker training so you can teach more skills on your training journey!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Create Your Own Virtual Reality" |
"In this course, students will be introduced to the world of coding by creating their own virtual realities. Learn the basics of characters, paths, scenes, 3D images, and variables. Students will follow video tutorials while simultaneously creating their own games in a student account. The course includes 18 video tutorials, 3 quizzes, and a certificate of completion. It also provides students with a 1-year subscription (worth $75) to CoSpaces and allows them to create multiple games and projects."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda a investir com pouco dinheiro" |
"COMO SE TORNAR UM INVESTIDOR COM POUCO DINHEIROMuitas pessoas querem ficar ricas, mas poucas do o primeiro passo: tornando-se um investidor!Mas antes eu tenho algo importante para deixar claro...investir no complicado e no precisa ter muito dinheiro!E com menos de R$ 100,00 voc pode ser um investidor. Vou te mostrar como!Garanto a voc que ao fim desse processo voc ter conhecimento prtico suficiente para investir seu dinheiro, com a facilidade do seu celular, com menos de R$ 100,00 e construindo riqueza financeira.E voc pode se livrar de um problema que tem atingido cada vez mais pessoas:Problemas financeiros tem levado pessoas a depresso, ansiedade, baixa autoestima e at ao suicdio!Outras pessoas conseguem desfrutar de uma boa vida. Talvez at deixando de trabalhar antes dos 50 anos, desfrutando de viagens, boas comidas, lazer e cultura. Simplesmente aproveitando a vida!Muitas dessas pessoas no so grandes herdeiros nem ganharam na loteria.Estou seguro em apresentar para mais pessoas aquilo que ser o primeiro passo para sua transformao financeira:Uma aula prtica, direta ao ponto e que vai te transformar um Investidor do zero ao caminho do sucesso no mercado.UMA AULA: APRENDA A INVESTIR COM MENOS DE R$ 100Nos ltimos meses ajudamos dezenas de pessoas em mais de 10 turmas a entrarem no mercado financeiro. E agora juntamos todos esses cursos em apenas uma aula!Sem enrolao, sem contedo desnecessrio, sem falsas promessas! Apenas o conhecimento prtico para que voc possa se tornar de fato um investidor!J te adianto que voc no vai pagar uma fortuna por esse curso, pelo contrrio! Ser mais barato que uma pizza!Ento vamos l...Acredito que pessoas comuns podem transformar suas vidas atravs de investimentos financeiros. Ao final pode ter certeza que voc estar pronto para investir, mesmo que voc tenha menos de R$ 100 no bolso!Voc j perdeu uma vida, no perca mais tempo e comece a MAIOR transformao financeira da sua vida! ESTRUTURA DA AULAA aula ser dividida por seces para melhor aprendizagem do aluno. E vai conter a seguinte estrutura:Aprenda o segredo para poupar todo msComo ganhar dinheiro no mercado financeiroInvista fcil com seu celularConhea os principais investimentos at R$ 100Aprenda a analisar seus investimentosInvista em Ttulos do TesouroInvista em AesO que voc deve saber sobre tributaoComece seu plano de investimento mensalA estratgia dos maiores investidores"
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Edicin d vdeos Profesional desde 0 con Adobe Premiere Pro" |
"En esta clase aprenders desde cero a manipular el software de edicin de vdeos ms poderoso de la industria audiovisualPlan de estudio con el SOFTWARE ADOBE PREMIERE PROFormato y norma de vdeoImportar archivosTcnicas de edicinFotogramas claveDuracin y velocidad del clipMezclador de audioDisear ttulos y GrficosTransiciones de vdeo y audioAnimacin y movimiento en 2DEfectos de vdeoGuardar y Exportar proyecto"
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Vasitha Pranayama Practice" |
"I am sharing 12 different pranayama techniques that I use back to back in a particular order for a 25min daily practice. The Vasitha method of pranayama aims to cleanse the lungs, balance and regulate the natural breath, expand your lung capacity and ability to elongate Kevala Khumbak (the natural pause at the the top and bottom of every breath). Boost your immune system, battle stress and anxiety and alleviate depression. This course also contains a bonus yoga Nidra meditation to aid sleep and relaxation, and a bonus counting the breath anxiety fighting practice. I have also included downloadable .mp3 files for you so that you don't need to be at a computer watching a video to practice these techniques. All I ask is that you leave a nice review. xx Thank you. NOTE: It was my intention to provide this course for free, given the current pandemic (at time of publishing this course; March 2020) in the hopes that we can all find peace, calm and stronger lungs at this time. However there is over 2 hrs of video content, and so i'll do my best to circulate a free coupon for people to use so as many people can sign up for free during this scary time."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mindfulness for Kids" |
"Welcome to Mindfulness for Kids! This course is taught exclusively by Miss Casey, a second grade teacher who has been practicing mindfulness for 6 years. This course breaks down the practice of mindfulness for kids of all ages to benefit and learn the practice. Mindfulness activities, such as gratitude journaling, mindful eating, yoga, and nature walks are all explained in a fun and unique online setting! This online course was created during a global pandemic in the hopes of spreading mindfulness in an otherwise difficult and challenging time. Teaching children mindfulness at a young age increases their self awareness, emotional regulation and thought processing skills for years to come. These activities are easy to learn and fun to practice! Feel free to pull up a chair next to your child and join them on their first mindfulness journey! Sending love, light and presence to you! "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn to Perform Long Lasting Retwists on Locs/Dreadlocks" |
"This method of retwist solves most problems complained about in the average retwist by those who have locs. The retwists don't last very long, they aren't always very neat and often too tight. The average client does not know the difference between a retwist and repair.This small course outlines how to effectively complete a retwist on afro kinky hair, that lasts longer than traditional methods. With the right tools and techniques, you can come up with a great result every time. I carefully lay out ways and methods to keep a retwist longer and complete the task in a smaller but efficient amount of time. This information is extremely helpful to the loctician who already has retwisted locs before but want to make the results more professional and neat."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Mystery Shopping Training: Becoming an Outstanding Assessor" |
"Earning significant income by visiting restaurants, shops, and hotels and providing feedback on, and improving, the quality of service may seem a faraway dream, too lucrative to be true. But guess what its not! The opportunities to be engaged in such projects really exist yet the involvement in them is only offered to the most outstanding assessors research agencies have in their database.You may be a potential mystery shopper, looking into new income opportunities. Or you may be already working as a mystery shopper, yet not satisfied with the number or projects you are approved to participate in, or with their remuneration. In both cases, excelling among other mystery shoppers so as to become a first choice for mystery shopping agencies is crucial in order for you to make a difference in the quality of servicing - or your income from the activity to make a difference for you. I have created a step by step course that will equip you with the tools and the knowledge to become an excellent mystery shopper. Over my 15-year engagement in customer service management, the last 8 of which selecting, training, and reviewing mystery shoppers, I have worked with thousands of shoppers, potential and experienced... and I have pinpointed all the ways they could improve their performance! These guidelines represent the backbone of the course - from types of projects and requirements for mystery shoppers, to preparation, implementation, and reporting of mystery shops no relevant topic is left out. To top up the improvement, I have included information on common mistakes of mystery shoppers. Both as a newcomer in the business and as an experienced shopper, a better understanding of what is important to the mystery shopping agencies, and how you can do better, will inevitably bring you more and better paid tasks. It can help you make this next step to being the mystery shopper research agencies LOVE to work with, the assessor they would first think of then starting recruitment for a new project. And your income as a mystery shopper will testify to that!The course includes: The basics what is mystery shopping, who can be a mystery shopper, frequently asked questions by shoppers. Mystery shopping projects information channels of implementation, main businesses using mystery shoppers. Preparing for a mystery shop materials, audio and video recording, question to the assigning agency, how and when to decline a mystery shop. Implementing a mystery shop tips to maximize your observations as a shopper and avoid pitfalls. Reporting a mystery shop feedback, supporting materials, deadlines. Five common mistakes and misconceptions. 100% practical, and with no technical jargon. Lots of visuals, including examples of poorly chosen pictures and videos. Several downloadable resources to keep structured information from the course and 2 quizzes to help you test if you have understood the information well. Plus a lot of fun - being a mystery shopper, other earning additional income, is also a lot of fun!Who this course is for: Potential and current mystery shoppers who would like to receive or improve their income by engaging in more and better paid mystery shopping assignments Anyone interested in customer service and desiring to help improve service quality in various businesses and environments Someone who wants to do management or human resource management in their future career. Anyone looking for additional income."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"105 Excel VBA Functions Explained" |
"Since I have started your 105 Excel VBA Functions course on Udemy I have become a big fan of your approach. This course is not just a basic VBA course but it actually generates useful tips for real life problems - Marcel Eggen, The NetherlandsIn this course I'll walk you through 105 Excel VBA functions that have been proven in real life business applications I developed for my customers over the years.Unlike a boring walk-through of explaining VBA, here you learn in the fastest way possible, which is learning by example. In addition to giving you actual code you can use today, each of the 105 pieces of code include a video where I explain the code line by line, along with imporant programming best practices and VBA masters secrets.You will not find any course like it anywhere!You will have the option of downloading* all of these functions and using them in your own programs!I have also included user interaction dialog boxes for a professional look and a pleasant user experience. Use these User Forms to create more dialog boxes for your specific applications.By understanding my thought process and how these functions are written, you will improve your own VBA skills when writing your own functions.In addition, if you plan to create Excel VBA applications for clients, or even within your company, when you download this functions library of mine, you will have a solid foundation for actual business applications built with Excel.I have used these functions in projects for companies like: Citadis, Re-solutions Insurance, Hospitality Designs, Customer Faithful and many others.This library will save you tons of time and frustration you would otherwise invest to create these functions yourself.* Your name and email are required if you wish to download the 105 Excel VBA Functions Pack"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Reaper tutorial en espaol" |
"Reaper es una plataforma digital excelente para comenzar a producir msica, en este curso aprenders las funciones y herramientas bsicas para comenzar tu proyecto, desde la configuracin de la sesin, insertar y agrupar tracks de audio, automatizaciones y herramientas para editar, cortar y agregar fades, insertos de efectos como un ecualizardor y reverb, instrumentos virtuales (midi) y la renderizacin final. Lo presento de una forma sencilla y prctica, como para que aun si nunca has utilizado un Daw (Estacin de audio digital), lo puedas hacer a partir de este video.Tambin dejo descargables los audios del video para prctica."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Voc na Primeira Pgina - Curso de SEO" |
"Esse um curso para voc que possui uma empresa e est atrs de clientes. Ao invs de pagar fortunas para colocar seu site como ""Anncio Pago"" no Google, voc pode colocar ele na PRIMEIRA PGINA sem gastar nada, alm do seu tempo. Para isso, voc ir aplicar mtodos simples, rpidos, fceis, porm extremamente EFICAZES!Voc ir aprender assuntos como:Indexar o seu site no GoogleMostrar para o Google como o seu site funcionaOtimizar o seu site para que ele seja melhor ranqueadoUtilizar ferramentas essenciais para SEO... e muito mais!Resumindo, tudo o que voc preciso saber para colocar o seu site na primeira pgina do Google, voc encontra nesse curso!Alm de todo o conhecimento incrvel que voc vai adquirir, voc ainda ganha:Acesso vitalcio ao curso e todas as suas atualizaesCertificado de concluso online do cursoNosso suporte personalizado e respostas as suas dvidasGarantia de reembolso de at 30 dias"
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Qigong Meditation: Small Circulation Meditation w Dr. Yang" |
"3 hours 20 mins.Develop your Energetic Circulatory System to improve your physical and spiritual health, and enliven your body on a cellular level. Renowned Qigong Master and author, Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming discusses the theory of Small Circulation qigong meditation, and demonstrates how to practice safely. Small Circulation qigong meditation is also known as microcosmic orbit practice in the ancient traditions of Buddhism and kundalini yoga. Using this technique, one may develop the main energetic circulation pathway of the body, which in turn provides abundant energy (qi / prana) to the circulatory system branching out to the entire body. The practice can improve your general health, and it is a fundamental step in the practice of spiritual enlightenment meditation.Dr. Yang's systematic approach to teaching offers deep insight into Qigong with modern scientific data to support his theory from both an Eastern and Western perspective.This course is beginner-friendly and easy to follow for anyone interested in meditation of any style. This program is a must for serious qigong students, meditators, and energy healers, and it is recommended for yoga practitioners interested in studying the internal (energetic) aspect of practice. This practice is beneficial for energy cultivation for yourself or with a partner, including reiki, and any qigong style.Dr. Yang offers an overview of his qigong theory as it pertains to Small Circulation.Candle Training for meditation, with a 5-minute candle video for safe home practice.Learn about the key Qi points in qigong meditation, the same as used in acupuncture..Understand the differences between traditional and Dr. Yang's modified practice.Dr. Yang offers advice on how to safely start your own small circulation practice.12 Video Lessons / 200 minutesMany more streaming videos available from YMAA website.Titles in this series:Understanding Qigong 1: What is Qigong? / Understanding the Qi Circulatory System Understanding Qigong 2: Keypoints of Qigong / Qigong Breathing TheoryUnderstanding Qigong 3: Qigong Meditation - Embryonic BreathingUnderstanding Qigong 4: Immune Boost Qigong - Four Seasons QigongUnderstanding Qigong 5: Qigong Meditation - Small CirculationUnderstanding Qigong 6: Martial Arts Qigong BreathingThese stand-alone programs can be used sequentially, or individually, based on your qigong practice goals."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Enhance your certification score. If you're not sure whether you're ready to take any certification exam, practice tests will help you test your knowledge. If you're finding something you don't know, you can study in that area a bit more. Use the tests in practice to refine your understanding of the subject.The best part is that you can study until the test, and your score on the actual certification exam will not be negatively affected. That means you can take as many practice tests as you like, so you can practice the actual test for several days before.In this way, even when you can not figure out the questions yourself, you will test your knowledge.Scenario-based exam questions for SAP Certified Application Associate - Reporting, Modeling, and Data Acquisition with SAP BW/4HANA 2.x.Even if you're working at a top company, you're going to want to keep your score on certification. Especially if you want to go for a higher level position it is important for your job search. When you're looking for new jobs, people will screen your CV with certifications a little bit.Understand the test structure and what to expect; then walk through each subject area, ask yourself practical questions and answers, and make sure you're ready to take the certification.The objective of the practice exam is to allow the candidate to identify risks related to the subjects of the exam and to be able to recognize them when analyzing a real practice scenario.Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts. Your test results are immediately available while you remain focused on the results of your exam. Practice tests provide the answer to a test/questions you haven't already learned.Life Time Access to practice tests to try as many times as possible until you have mastered the subject. You have access to practice test answers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you're not satisfied, you can easily return to the practice test to make correctionsApplicants will need to ensure that they are able to complete the full examination of the practice and pass all multiple-choice tests of a general nature.The practice test has been designed carefully by maintaining the exam structure, syllabus, topic weights, cut score, and time duration the same as actual SAP Certified Application Associate - Reporting, Modeling, and Data Acquisition with SAP BW/4HANA 2.x.Topic AreasInfoObjects and InfoProviders > 12%Data Flow > 12%Source Systems & Data Extraction > 12%Data Modeling > 12%Administration and Performance > 12%Data Warehouse Architecture 8% - 12%Official Exam Details:Exam Name: SAP Certified Application Associate - Reporting, Modeling, and Data Acquisition with SAP BW/4HANA 2.x.Total Questions to check your knowledge here at Udemy: 318Type of Questions : Multiple choice (single/multiple), True/FalseWho this course is for:Anyone willing to take SAP Certification can benefit from this practice exam bank. Those who want to get knowledge & pass Sap Certifications.Aspiring SAP ConsultantsSAP Interview Preparations"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Starting Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu:" |
"Starting Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu can be both exciting and bewildering. The point of this course is to help you make it a better experience! This course will focus on 3 major landmarks (Side Control, The Mount and Back Control). Well study:How to maintain these landmarksWhat primary attacks you should employHigh percentage follow up attacksHow to transition from one landmark to another. Through this course you'll develop a realistic, streamlined game plan to improve your experience in live rolling. "
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Trading con order flow" |
"Este es un curso en donde vas a aprender los conceptos mas importantes del flujo de ordenes (order flow), para que no tengas que depender de indicadores, ni de lineas dibujadas sobre el grfico que intentan predecir el movimiento. Te voy a ensear a tradear utilizando lo esencial: la accin del precio y el volumen. Vendra a ser algo as como mirar una radiografa de lo que va haciendo el mercado en tiempo real, para ajustar al tick las entradas.Lo que no te prometo son resultados porque eso depende del trabajo de cada trader, pero s te voy a dar las mejores herramientas."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"LITCHI App - Misses Automticas com WPs e POIs drones DJI" |
"Neste curso ir aprender tudo sobre o planeamento de misses automticas com pontos de trajecto, pontos de observao, trajectos rectos, trajectos curvos, pras de cmera, aces finais da misso, aces automticas de pra para fotografia e video, aes automaticas nos pontos de trajecto e nos troos entre pontos, pre-visualizao do voo do drone em google earth, planeamento em virtual litchi mission e sistema android, entre muitas outras coisas."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Horn Antennas - Design - Simulation - Optimization" |
"So, first of all, thank you for coming, we are glad to see you here. Relax, open your mind and yes, the answer is yes, you are going to be a master of horn antennas.This is the skeleton that we are going to follow:* Antenna Theory - Aperture field, Radiated field, Directivity, Phase center, etc. - Types of Horn Antennas - Improving Horn Antennas performance and optimization* Several Design Projects - Covering the most important horns as Pyramidal, Double Ridge, Corrugated and Circular Multimode aperture horn. Moreover, in each design, we will talk deeply about electrical specifications, parameters, ways to improves antennas behavior and much more.+6 HOURS OF PROFESSIONAL HORN ANTENNA KNOWLEDGE"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Family, Couples & Relationship Work in Neuro-Rehabilitation" |
"These modules explore the use of relational ideas from family and couples psychotherapy, social neuroscience and social cognition rehabilitation to support people with neurological conditions and their significant others. An approach is outlined, to conceptualising and responding to needs following neurological conditions, via the medium of relationships and communication. Appropriate for clinical neuropsychologists, clinical psychologists, speech and language therapists, occupational therapists, rehabilitation nurses, and individual, family and couples psychotherapists/counsellors, plus students."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"AutoCAD 2021 ESSENCIAL" |
"Voc ira aprender o que realmente essencial para realizar um projeto no AutoCAD 2D. Com este curso no precisar ficar horas e horas para poder conseguir fazer um projeto, o nosso curso OBJETIVO e lhe dar as ferramentas necessrias para que VOC possa sair a frente no mercado de trabalho. No AutoCAD existe inmeras possibilidades e quando os alunos comeam a fazer um curso com inmeras ferramentas que no so muito usuais, o curso se torna cansativo e com pouca utilidade j que as ferramentas essenciais ficam perdidas em meio a tantas funcionalidades."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Muay Thai e fitness: le tecniche e la preparazione fisica" |
"Hai deciso di tonificare il corpo, aumentare lagilit e perdere peso con un metodo pi dinamico e completo dei soliti esercizi basici? Vivi lontano da una palestra o per mancanza di tempo non riesci a frequentarne una, ma hai bisogno un programma di workout efficace e divertente? Vuoi imparare le tecniche base principali della Muay Thai nel confort e nellintimit di casa tua?Il programma Muay Thai e fitness prevede lezioni di boxe thailandese, da poter eseguire in casa e a corpo libero (o con poche esemplici attrezzature), in cui imparerai i colpi principali di questo sport da combattimento e utilizzerai le sue tecniche per eseguire esercizi e circuit training mirati alla tonificazione dei muscoli ed allaumento di forza, resistenza, agilit e coordinazione.Il programma prevede 12 lezioni da 40 minuti circa ed ha un carattere progressivo: gradativamente si aumenta il livello tecnico e lintensit degli esercizi per raggiungere gli obbiettivi.Dovrai fare 3 lezioni a settimana, terminando il percorso in 1 mese. Se rispetterai la frequenza di allenamento noterai in breve tempo ottimi risultati: i tuoi muscoli si definiranno, il grasso corporeo diminuir, la tua postura nei gesti quotidiani e la resistenza migliorer, diminuir la stanchezza a fine giornata, sarai pi reattivo, veloce e agile.come le lezioni sono strutturate?Ogni lezione suddivisa in pi parti:1. Il riscaldamento, dove si esegue un lavoro continuo, principalmente aeorbico attraverso esercizi come il salto della corda, ginnastica a corpo libero e la shadow boxing2. Esercizi tecnici specifici che ti permetteranno di imparare la giusta postura, detta posizione di guardia, come ci si muove mantenendo equilibrio, stabilit e difesa attiva. Le principali tecniche dei colpi tipici della boxe thailandese: i pugni diretti, ganci e montanti, i calci circolari lowkicks, middlekicks e frontkicks, le ginocchiate libere frontali e le gomitate orizzontali e verticali.3. Un allenamento di carattere funzionale, dove utilizzeremo molti esercizi a corpo libero, efficaci su i vari distretti muscolari, e le tecniche dei colpi apprese, applicate a dei circuiti intervallati HIIT per laumento della forza e resistenza muscolare e cardiovascolare.4. Esercizi per gli addominali e stretching finale."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Swing for Beginners" |
"EASY to follow and FUN to learn, this course teaches you one of the most fun dances to learn - Swing. Swing has very simple structure and footwork along with basic moves and styling. It is popular for its simple nature and is often danced to slow, medium, or fast tempo - jazz, blues, or rock and roll. This course is NOT for people that have ballroom dance experience. It is specifically designed for beginner dancers who are uncoordinated and have two left feet. =) We demonstrate every step for you, break each movement down, and give you tips and tricks to ensure your absolute SUCCESS.Once you finish this course you will have CONFIDENCE to get on the floor and dance!What you can expect:- Clear, simple breakdown of each step from multiple angles.- Techniques to better connect with your partner- Tips on how to hear the beat- Go at your own pace- Variety of steps to look and feel more confident on the dance floor- Forever access to your dance lessons"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Electrical 101" |
"Electrical work, like everything else in life, can run the gamut from very basic to extremely complex. It is helpful for every DIY-minded homeowner to have at least a basic understanding of electrical work. This article will attempt to reveal some of the mystery surrounding the maze of wiring that runs throughout your home and that makes everything in it work with the flick of a switch."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Emergency & Business Continuity Management - Small Business" |
"As a small business (1-50 people), you will want to prevent disruption, protect your assets and prepare for the worst that the world can throw at you. We will provide you with the training and tools to respond to emergencies, continue to do business and recover. The course is designed to suit you, no matter what your business does. The course provides a combination of video tutorials, plan templates and detailed guidance contained within them. It is flexibly designed to suit the time you have available, and the size and services of your business. Each template supports the video training with detailed advice on every step you need to take. Some of the benefits youll experience are: Making sure that your business can survive the impact of serious disruption for a more secure future. Reassure your clients and customers that you can meet their needs, even when faced by major challenges. Find opportunity and new clients by showing that youre a safer bet than your competition. In future, we could see that insurers may offer better deals to resilient businesses.COVID 19: If you are already experiencing disruption, modules 2, 3 and 6 will help you think ahead and to manage your immediate planning. During this period, the many other challenges you could face wont go away, so you may wish to take advantage of any time available to get prepared now."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |