Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"How to Build A Profitable Massage Business on a Small Budget" |
"This 5 hour (TX CE 5 Hour Certified) Course walks you through how to set up a massage office from scratch and get clients that are happy tp see you and rebook because of the systems outlined. This Proven system takes you step by step in duplicating my process from graduating from Massage School to opening an office that was fully booked and made money within 3-6 months. This course teaches fool proof systems so you can manage your business, massage clients and rebook consistently without complicated costly online programs or lead generation tools that cost money each month. Learn how to integrate Free or Low Cost apps and online tools to automate your business. Marketing and Business building systems that save you time and money and get the phones ringing. Bonus Video and Digital Handout: See how I use this handout at networking meetings and download the handout. BONUS Module: See how this system is scaleable to grow from one therapist to as many as you want and provide them with clients that rebook. Personal Coaching through my Closed Facebook Group with daily interaction and 100+ marketing videos available."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Spring Boot with API and Performance Testing(Crash Course)" |
"This is a crash course on Spring Boot API Development, and it covers the below topics : 1. Spring Boot Microservices development, where we'll create rest based APIs for a hypothetical scenario.2. API Testing using Postman, where we'll discuss in depth regarding creating API test suites for automating our tests.3. Performance Testing using Artillery tool, where we'll load test the APIs that we'll create using Spring Boot, and will generate the report for the same."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"The Magic of Provence Ros" |
"The Magic of Provence Ros demystifies Provence ros by explaining whats in it, how its made, and how its blended. Taught by a Provence resident who works in the wine business.It's crazy how much confusing information is out there about ros. They say ros is not a blend of red and white wine, and yet it's hard to get a straight answer about why some ross have white grapes in them like Vermentino. Some people say White Zinfandel is a ros, and others say it is not. Whos right?Im here to cut through the confusion and set the record straight. And not only that, but I can give you information that will help you derive even more pleasure from ros!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Apprentice Perfected Gluten Free Bread Course" |
"There are a lot of us out here that have chosen to go gluten free, but the bread options are the laughingstock of our friends! In fact, a lot of people don't even consider it real bread. But with this recipe, all of that changes. Suddenly being gluten free becomes very tasty. In fact, I've heard non-gluten-free people say that they could live with this bread even if they could never taste wheat again. Plus, the amount of money you could save making this bread instead of paying for the GF label could easily save you far more than the cost of this course."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Como e onde operar bitcoin fora do Brasil e fazer dinheiro" |
"Neste curso rpido voc aprender sobre o que e como funciona um bitcoin, como funciona sua blockchain e como voc pode operar bitcoins no exterior.Para quem ainda no possui bitcoin, mostramos uma maneira segurana de transacionar e poder fazer dinheiro com isto. importante dizer que este curso algo bsico, apenas mostrando um overview para os alunos e possibilidades.No so dadas dicas de trade, muito menos incentivamos voc a fazer qualquer operao. ESTE NO UM CURSO PARA QUEM J TEM EXPERINCIA COM BITCOIN NO EXTERIOR.Sinta-se a vontade para me contactar para fazer crticas, estou aprendendo a fazer aulas e entendo que este contedo pode ser melhorado.Espero contar com vocs para que possamos ampliar seus conhecimentos e melhorar a sua aprendizagem.Obrigado."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Faa um carrinho com a famlia usando materiais reciclveis" |
"O curso mostra, em sequncia lgica, todo passo-a-passo para voc montar um carrinho tipo Rover Lunar utilizando somente materiais reciclveis (garrafas pet, de refrigerantes, de gua, etc) e outros materiais encontrados em sua casa (fita adesiva ou fita crepe, caneta, tesoura, cola escolar, estilete ou lmina de barbear, etc, tintas simples) e para isso vou apresentar tambm alguns mtodos diferentes para algumas partes do carrinho, para que voc possa escolher o caminho de sua montagem.Os passos so mostrados detalhadamente, com imagens e udios bem ntidos para melhor compreenso.SEJA O HERI DE UMA CRIANA, TIRE-A DO ISOLAMENTO ATRAVS DA IMAGINAO - NEM QUE ESSA CRIANA SEJA VOC !Faa um brinquedo super atrativo, e totalmente personalizado!O objetivo do curso unir a famlia, os pais, filhos, avs e netos em um tema: construir do ZERO um carrinho lindo, com materiais caseiros, onde todos possam usar sua criatividade a partir da sequncia das aulas, e aps os acabamentos no brinquedo, brincar, brincar e brincar, criando ambientes espaciais dentro de casa e por fim at gravar alguns vdeos, por exemplo prendendo o celular no veculo. uma brincadeira divertida que envolve toda a famlia e um excelente passatempo!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Durchfhrung und Konzeption des Online-Unterrichts" |
"Auf Grund der aktuellen Corona-Situation sind viele Schulen und Nachhilfe Institute berfordert...Dieser Kurs soll Abhilfe schaffen. Ich ermgliche Ihnen und Ihren Kollegen einen schnellen und kostenlosen Zugang zur Online-Nachhilfe. Ganz ohne komplexe Tools oder elaborierte Portale.Es geht um eine schnelle Strategiefindung und Konzeption, um Ihren Schlern den Unterricht zu ermglichen."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Soforthilfe bei Angst und Panikattacken" |
"KENNST DU DAS, WENN... dich eine Gedankenspirale qult... Angst oder Sorgen dein Leben lenken.Panikattacken sind wirklich nur schwer zu ertragen und knnen dir das Leben zur Hlle machen. Ich verstehe dich nur zu gut, da ich selbst einmal unter Angststrungen litt. Genau deshalb habe ich dieses Buch geschrieben. Als ausgebildete Mental-Trainerin kann ich dir ntzliche Tipps und bungen an die Hand geben, die dir dabei helfen sollen, wieder ein neues Lebensgefhl zu erlangen.Ich wei, wie schwer es gerade fr dich zu sein muss, in Ruhe ein Buch zu lesen, doch bitte gib dir selbst die Chance und berwinde dich. Du musst das nicht allein durchstehen. Ich nehme dich mit diesem Ratgeber an die Hand und gemeinsam finden wir einen Weg aus der Spirale hinaus und in ein neues, angstfreies Leben."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"A Working From Home 2-Course Bundle" |
"Save 15% with this two-course bundle!The bundle includes:Working Effectively From Home - BeginnerOnline Meeting Etiquette - BeginnerWorking Effectively from Home -- In this course, students will learn helpful strategies to support their adjustment to working effectively from a remote location. Tips are provided to help employees designate a suitable remote workspace. In addition, students will learn strategies to optimize productivity, streamline communication, and maintain a work-life balance. Students are encouraged to self-assess their level of engagement and productivity to experience success as a teleworker.- This IAAP-certified counts for 0.25 recertification points for the CAP certification under the Operational Functions content area.- Email with proof of completion of the course to obtain your certificate.Online Meeting Etiquette -- if online meetings are run professionally and smoothly they can be a great use of people's time and an essential part of collaborating. If they aren't, they waste everyone's time and can place critical projects in jeopardy. With more companies decentralized, meeting virtually is a core business skill everyone must develop. This course helps students learn the fundamental skills needed to succeed in online meetings."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Datenaufbereitung mit Microsoft Power BI Desktop" |
"Business Intelligence von morgen erfordert weit mehr als nur Excel und Powerpoint. Neue effiziente Tools mssen her um im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung Daten schnell dynamisch und effizient verarbeiten und visuell aufbereiten zu knnen. Und das betrifft alle Geschftsbereiche Controlling, Finanzen, Marketing,... gleichermaen. Deshalb:Hallo und Willkommen in der Welt von Power BIPower BI ist eine Suite aus Business Analytics-Tools, die dir dabei helfen neue Insights in deine Daten und dein Unternehmen zu generieren. Du kannst eine Vielzahl von Datenquellen anbinden, die Daten einfach aufbereiten und nach der Datenaufbereitung Ad-hoc-Analysen durchfhren. Du kannst ansprechende Visualisierungen und Reports erstellen und ziel-gruppenspezifisch anpassen.Und genau das lernst du hierDas ist ein praxisbezogener Kurs. Wir gehen die einzelnen Kapitel gemeinsam durch.Am Ende wirst du Datenaufbereitungsmglichkeiten / Datenbereinigung / Datenvorbereitung in Microsoft Power BI Desktop kennenlernen und anwenden und dadurch (hoffentlich) in der Lage sein noch effizienter mit Power BI Desktop zu arbeiten. Du lernst interessante Lsungen kennen die dich bei deiner tglichen Arbeit mglicherweise untersttzen knnen. Wir bauen teilweise auf deinem Wissensstand der vorherigen Kurse auf.Einfhrung in Microsoft Power BI DesktopEinfhrung in Berechnungen mit Microsoft Power BI DesktopEffizientes Arbeiten mit Microsoft Power BI Desktop Datenanalyse und Visualisierung mit Power BI DesktopPower BI Desktop - praktische Projekt Tipps und TricksEinfhrungen in Berechnungen mit Calculate in Power BI DesktopPower BI Desktop - hilfreiche Tips und TricksDatenaufbereitung mit Microsoft Power BI Desktop(Alle sind ebenfalls auf Udemy verfgbar) Es werden alle bungsdateien bereitgestellt, sodass du jeden Schritt selbst nachbauen kannst. Nach meiner Erfahrung bringt diese praktische Anwendung den grten Lernerfolg mit sich.Also los. Worauf wartest du noch?"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Lego Customs Course: Create My Own Creation MOC Lego Sets" |
"Lego Customs Course: Create My Own Creation MOC Lego Sets********************************************************This is the class to enroll if you want to learn how to profit with selling your custom lego creations known as MOC which stand for My Own Creations. You can buy any lego set great creative and make money even with small amount of pieces. Did you know that with a bit of imagination and a little of creativity you can make money with selling your own lego creations online.In this class you will learn how to make money with selling Lego custom sets. First part of the class will focus on where to get the parts, second where to sell and list and last part how to build a few sample lego custom sets to resale for a profit. Learn how to start your own profitable lego business with start a shop in Etsy and also in eBay. This is easy to do, learn and get start with a little imagination and creativity you can go a long way. I will also show you in this class my own lego shop and also included are a few examples of creations you can attempt to build yourself and sell at a profit. Pieces for those creation prototypes can be bought from my shop or found online at the suggested sites.Course Includes the FollowingHow to open Etsy & eBay shopsWhere to find discount lego partsGuide to making money with legoFive examples of custom lego mocs40 Free Etsy Listings to startDisclaimer: LEGO is a trademark of the LEGO Group of companies which does not sponsor, authorize or endorse this product."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"3D Lighting - Theory and Practice" |
"Light is a language. Learn the essential building blocks of that language (lighting theory) from an industry professional. See the theory put into action. Learn how to command emotion with light, and apply that toward creating compelling renders.If you are seeking a classical understanding of lighting theory, and also want to see real world application, this course is for you."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Make Pottery on the Wheel for Beginners" |
"Have you been dying to learn how to do pottery? Now is your chance. This course will teach you how to throw a pot on the wheel, from pulling your clay out of the bag to removing your pot from the wheel. This pottery wheel course is for first time beginners new to throwing on the pottery wheel or for intermediate students who want to brush up their skills or troubleshoot their skills for quicker success. It doesnt include instruction on the process of firing your pottery once it has been thrown. That's for another course. This course includes the following: 1. How to arrange your pottery wheel workspace, your clay, your water and your tools. How to set up a temporary kitchen tabletop studio if you have limited space. How to set up a room as a permanent studio if you have lots of space. 2. How to throw a pot on the pottery wheel. This is step by step lesson that takes you from pulling a piece of clay out of the bag to centering all the way through to cutting your pot off the wheel. 3. Specific tips and troubleshooting techniques to help you rapidly improve your pottery making on the wheel. These lessons will not only help you to quickly learn important skills, they will help you to avoid many of the common pitfalls that beginners and intermediate students face when learning to throw pottery. 4. Video demonstrations of the entire throwing process that you can watch over and over again to improve your technique. This will help you to throw pots much more quickly and easily than learning by trial and error. This course assumes you already have access to a pottery wheel and know how to make it spin. It also assumes you can outfit your workspace with a water bucket and a basic set of tools including a sponge, a clay cutting wire, a clay needle and a wooden clay knife. If you dont have these tools you can buy a kit that includes all of these tools for around $12 online or at most craft stores. If you're ready to learn how to throw a pot on the pottery wheel, this lesson will show you how and give you tips and strategies so you can learn faster and with less effort. Start watching and throw your first pot today!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Crea tus propias rutas y gana dinero enseando tu ciudad" |
"Ser ""gua de turismo"" es cada vez una profesin ms demandada debido al crecimiento del sector turstico en todo el mundo. El sector turstico est en su mejor momento. Hay ms personas viajando en el mundo que nunca en la historia. Adems quieren hacerlo de una manera diferente, conociendo la ciudad como una persona local.Es el momento de aprovechar el auge del sector y ganar un dinero extra haciendo eso que te gusta hacer. Este curso tiene concentradas una serie de tcnicas contrastadas que una vez aplicadas te harn progresar y tener xito. Aprende a crear tu ruta en solo tras solo 1 hora de curso. Avanza en los vdeos y aprende de forma divertida y dinmica. Reconoce los trucos que les funcionan a los grandes profesionales. Construye tu propia ruta- Encuentra la legislacin que rige la actividad y en qu lugares te est permitido trabajar. Entrate de qu empresas estn ofreciendo empleo actualmente. Gana confianza y tranquilidad exponindote y manejando al grupo.Mejora tu proceso de preparacin y gana eficacia con la metodologa propuesta a la hora de preparar las explicaciones.Contaras con una serie de materiales complementarios para ampliar temas ms especficos as como para practicar los conocimientos adquiridos. Al finalizar este curso estarspreparado para ser un excelente gua turstico!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"JavaScript DOM Game Blackjack JavaScript Game from Scratch" |
"Explore how you can create a JavaScript DOM based game from scratch using JavaScriptUpdate and manipulate web page element with JavaScript Code - No libraries No tricks all JavaScriptThis course focuses on JavaScriptCreate elements and add them to your web page using JavaScript - Yes loaded with examples and way to do this easily.Add event listeners to create interactive content using JavaScriptDynamic content and interactions updating web page elementsDo more with JavaScript - Learn to apply JavaScript best of all while build a FUN INTERACTIVE GAMEBlackjack game - Easy to create with simple rulesCreate visual cards using CSSApply styles, classes and interactions to elementsStep by step learning - everything you need to create YOUR OWN VERSION OF THIS GAME!!!!Learn how to add functions that run the code in sequence to make a gameLearn more about game design along the wayTaught by an instructor with many years of REAL WORLD web development experience - READY to HELP YOU LEARNFast friendly support is always available within the Q&A sectionWhat are you waiting for - you have nothing to lose!!!BUILD YOUR OWN VERSION of the GAME TODAY!!!!Source code is included step by step so you can copy the code try it out and get a feel for what JavaScript is doing."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Extraia o mximo de valor dos seus dados: Microsoft Power BI" |
"Business Intelligence o uso da Anlise de Dados para tomada de deciso e formulao de estratgias. Desenvolvido pela Microsoft, o Power BI trata-se de uma boa opo para um profissional que deseja possuir experincia na rea ou uma empresa em busca de uma soluo competitiva.Com experincia em atendimento a empresas lderes de mercado em seus segmentos, a BIX Tecnologia sabe a importncia da unio entre Anlise de Dados e Negcios."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Creating Expert-Level Shadows in Photoshop" |
"In this course, we will learn how to create expert-level shadows for your photo manipulations, using the same tricks as the professionals. You'll learn about the different types of shadows that can exist in a scene (yes, there are multiple shadows) as well as how to create each one realistically in Photoshop."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Master en Python: Aprender Python 3, Django, Flask y Tkinter" |
"Bienvenido al Mster en Python, en el que aprenderemos todo lo necesario para dominar el lenguaje de programacin multiproposito ms popular en la actualidad y todas las tecnologas a su alrededor con ms demandadas.Este no es un curso cualquiera, ests ante un mster completo en el que aprenderemos:Programacin desde cero y paso a paso, sin necesidad de tener conocimientos previos.Python, uno de los lenguajes de programacin ms populares en la actualidad.POO, Programacin Orientada a Objetos en Python.Bases de datos SQL, trabajando en conjunto con nuestros desarrollos.Mdulos y frameworks, para dar el salto profesional con Python.Tkinter, para crear aplicaciones de escritorio con interfaz grfica.Desarrollo web, creando varios proyectos web.Django, el framework de desarrollo web para Python ms popular y demandado por las empresas.Flask, el moderno framework para desarrollar aplicaciones web.Habilidades full-stack, haciendo cientos de ejercicios, prcticas y proyectos completos.Si quieres ser programador o desarrollador web profesional, o incluso si ya te dedicas al esto, aprender a trabajar con estas tecnologas y frameworks es casi obligatorio.La metodologa de aprendizaje es la ideal:Todo explicado desde cero y paso a paso.Decenas de horas de contenido en clases en vdeo (30 horas y subiendo).Cientos de prcticas y ejercicios.Ms de 150 clases bien explicadas.Varios proyectos poniendo en prctica todo lo aprendido.Orden lgico y progresivo, diseado para interiorizar todos los conocimientos tanto si sabes programar como si no.Adems te estar ayudando cuando tengas cualquier duda o problema.Al finalizar el curso:Sabrs programar y tendrs conocimientos para aplicarlos a cualquier lenguaje de programacin.Sabrs crear aplicaciones de escritorio.Sabrs crear sitios y aplicaciones web.Dominars Python y sus frameworks ms importantes (mencionados anteriormente) para desarrollar proyectos o aplicarlos a proyectos ya existentes.Y mucho ms.Durante las ms de 30 horas del curso vers como desarrollar varios proyectos multiplataforma y haremos cientos de ejercicios con todo lo que enseamos.Algunos de los proyectos que desarrollaremos desde cero:Una aplicacin de linea de comandos con Python y SQL.Una aplicacin de escritorio completa con Tkinter.Varias aplicaciones web con Django.Proyectos web con Flask.Trataremos todos los temas paso a paso y poco a poco hasta conseguir un buen nivel en Programacin, Python, MySQL, SQLite, POO, Tkinker, Django 3, Flask, etc.Para aprovechar al 100% el curso te recomendamos tener conocimientos bsicos el uso de un sistema operativo al nivel de instalar programas y usar un navegador web, an as dentro del curso haremos un repaso de todo para afianzar estos conocimientos. Pero realmente no necesitar tener ningn conocimiento previo en desarrollo web, lo aprenderemos todo dentro de este mster.Adems de todas estas cosas, en los cursos de Vctor Robles conseguirs soporte, apoyo y ayuda muy rpida para que puedas conseguir tus objetivos y resolver tus dudas.Si quieres aprender programacin y desarrollo web completo, moderno y profesional con Python sin dolor, practicando poco a poco con las tecnologas y frameworks ms actuales, subir de nivel y aumentar tus opciones laborales Este es tu MASTER!chale un vistazo al programa del curso para ver todos temas que aprenders.nete al curso y sube de nivel: Se un Mster en Python!!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Curso de PDO Avanado" |
"O curso completo de sistemas avanados com PDO possui 68 vdeo aulas, neste curso aprederemos a criar um sistema de gerenciamento para clinicas com toda a parte de consulta, marcaes, quadro de horrios, filtros por data entre outros recursos, este curso faz parte de um projeto completo para desenvolvimento de um sistema hospitalar, este quarto curso, caso tenha interesse em criar todo o sistema do zero ideal acompanhar antes os outros mdulos, caso tenha interesse apenas no contedo deste curso ideal que tenha pelo menos conhecimento bsico em PHP e PDO, caso no tenha indicamos acompanhar antes os cursos de PDO ou sistemas com PDO."
Price: 534.99 ![]() |
"Sounds True Presents: Qi Gong for Health and Healing" |
"This course is an in-depth study into the practices of qi gong and Taoist meditation. Included are instructions for self-healing, stress reduction, energy enhancement, emotional balance, and spiritual insight. Ive designed this program to give you lots of tools in your toolbox, tools that can take you from where you are to where you want to beenergetically, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. There are three kinds of materials included in this course: written, video, and audio. The written materials are designed to combine historical, theoretical, and practical information in order to give you the map of the territory. Here, you will find explanations of the exercises and meditations found in the courses video and audio components. In addition, youll find self-assessments, journaling exercises, and opportunities for reflection that will help you deepen your practice. As you go deeper into the material, youll be able to develop your own healing prescriptions simply by noting how your body, mind, and spirit respond to particular practices and meditations. The video segments are designed to give you practical, everyday ways to utilize and dive into your qi gong practice. They are your workouts; they focus on the movement of the body as a way to circulate qi. These workouts use the body as a way to calm the mind, activate internal energy, and awaken spiritual energy for deep connection. The workouts in the video series should be used synergistically and as a way to cross-train. The audio material serves as a deepening of your practice and as a complement to the videos. The videos are a great medium to experience and learn movements; the audio material is a great way to learn and be guided into the meditative aspects of the practice. Each session contains one or more guided meditations to deepen the spiritual aspects of your qi gong path. Initially, you should follow the practices, both audio and video, in the order in which theyre presented. After that, you can use your own wisdom and the information gathered in your journaling exercises (using the online workbook provided with this course) to determine how to get the most out of the program. You may also wish to create a qi gong journal; that way, you can repeat the journaling exercises as often as you wish, and have space to create further practice plans."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Filmora 9 : Tutorial Masterclass For Beginners" |
"Welcome to Filmora Tutorial Masterclass For Beginners,As the name suggests this is a Masterclass course to teach you everything that Filmora video editing software has to offer.This is a comprehensive course with beginners in mind, so if you have questions such asHow to edit videos in Filmora?How to Remove Background Noise in Filmora?How to color correct videos in Filmora?How to create slide-shows in Filmora?etcThen this course is for you.In this course, we will take a look at the following (Take a look at the curriculum for more info)We will take a look at where to get copyright-free videos so you can work with this courseWe will first take a look at the Filmora interface?We will learn how to import videos into Filmora?Then we will look at How to use the timeline in Filmora?Then we will move on to basic editing in Filmora such as cutting clips and moving clips around.How to add titles in Filmora?How to add text in Filmora?How to add effects in Filmora?How to remove background noise in Filmora?How to sync audio in Filmora?How to use the audio equalizer in Filmora?How to blur faces in Filmora?How to blur screen in FilmoraHow to record a screencast in Filmora?How to face in and fade out audio in Filmora?How to use Masks in Filmora?How to crop videos in Filmora?How to add an image in Filmora?How to create a slideshow in Filmora?How to use LUTs in Filmora?Color correction in Filmora?How to render videos Filmora?How to create split-screen videos in Filmora?And Much Much more.If you have any questions let me know at any time and I will be happy to guide you.Check out the course curriculum for full course details.After taking this course you will know Everything Filmora has to offer."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Grundlagen SAP Berechtigungen inkl. Fiori" |
"Viele Wege fhren zu funktionierenden SAP Berechtigungen in ABAP-basierten SAP Systemen. Einer davon ist SAP_ALL. Wenn Sie wissen wollen, wie Sie SAP Berechtigungen effektiv und sinnvoll managen und verwalten knnen, ist dieser Kurs genau das Richtige fr Sie. Als Einsteiger lernen Sie grundlegende Funktionen kennen, aber auch wichtige Fallstricke und Hindernisse zu umgehen. Als Fortgeschrittener knnen Sie Tipps und Tricks mitnehmen aus meiner jahrelangen Praxis aus vielen Berechtigungsprojekten und Prfungen.Dieser Kurs ist die Neuauflage meines erfolgreichen Kurses ""SAP Berechtigungen Grundlagen"" von 2016 und enthlt nun auch das notwendige Wissen um Fiori Berechtigungen fr die aktuelle ERP Generation SAP S/4HANA zu entwickeln.Seit mehr als 10 Jahren vermittle ich Wissen aus der Praxis fr die Praxis auf der Webseite RZ10 - der grten deutschen Webseite fr SAP Basis & Security. In diesem Kurs habe ich erstmals all diese Erfahrungen in einem ansprechenden Online Kurs zusammengefhrt."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Boost Your Immune System Naturally" |
"Dear students,As the world grapples with the quickly evolving coronavirus I wanted to reach out and let you know that I hope you, your family and loved ones stay safe and healthy during these particularly challenging times.The outbreak of the coronavirus (COVID-19) has impacted people in varying ways on an international scale. It is understandable that during times like these people may be feeling fearful, anxious and overwhelmed by the constantly changing alerts and media coverage regarding the spread of the virus.While it is important to stay informed, the following are some Mental health and Well-being tips and strategies to help you continue looking after yourselves and each other during these very difficult times.Manage your exposure to media coverage as this can increase stress levels and feelings of fear and anxiety. Be mindful of sources of information and ensure you are accessing good quality and accurate information.Follow a calm yet cautious approach do your best to remain calm and be mindful not to contribute to the widespread panic that can hinder efforts to positively manage the outbreak. Ensure you are following directives issued by the government, medical advice and observe good hygiene habits.Show compassion and kindness to one another these times of fear, isolation (both physical and social) and uncertainty are when it is most important that we strengthen our sense of community by connecting with and supporting each other in whatever way that we can while still continuing to keep ourselves safe.Ive had to close my clinic doors in the last few weeks as Im sure has been the case for so many of you but instead of getting caught up in the stress and uncertainty of it all, I decided to put my time and energy into creating a course that would provide great benefit to you, my students during this current pandemic.In this course I share with you my all time favourite techniques for helping to defuse stress and boost immunity.These are the techniques that Ive been using daily with my own family to keep us safe and healthy during this time and I do hope youll find them useful too!Our immune system is designed to protect our bodies from infection by fighting foreign invaders such as viruses and harmful bacteria as well as cancer.However, excessive stress as many of us are dealing with now more so than ever wreaks havoc on our immune systems by affecting our thymus gland. This gland manufactures white blood cells called t-cells which help to regulate immunity and also produces various immune related hormones.The stress reaction diverts resources to the main parts of the body that need to deal with stress, mainly the brain, heart and muscles.Other systems are then deprived of resources, including our immune systems. Hormones produced by the adrenal glands can cause the thymus to shrink and also degrade the activity of the white blood cells, causing damage to the bodys ability to fight infection. As a result, high levels of stress can result in reduced resistance to common infections such as colds and flu.As this course focuses on specific techniques that help to defuse stress levels, strengthen your thymus gland and overall immunity and much, much more...working your way through it should definitely be high up on your list of things to get stuck into during this somewhat quiet time.As an added bonus the course also offers students a full colour comprehensive course manual which goes more in depth into the techniques being taught, so be sure to go to the Bonus Material Downloads section as soon as you sign up and download your copy!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
astrologicheskoe-prognozirovanie |
". , , . , , : , . , , , , . , , , . 50 . , : , , .. , . , , , . , , - , . , , : , , , , , , ! , - , . , : , , , , . , , , . . : , , !"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"9 Pencil Animal Pack - Learn How To Draw for Beginners" |
"Have you ever wished you could draw?Would you love to be able to draw AMAZING pictures you never thought possible?With this course you'll learn to draw 3 animal pictures using JUST 9 PENCILS!Pick up and LearnIn my 30+ Years of Experience I have found that Pastel Pencils is the by far the easiest art medium to pick up and learn.Whether you're completely new to drawing or are looking to try something new, this course is for you.You'll learn how to draw a:King Charles SpanielBlack CatPig PortraitWhen you have finished this course not only will you walk away with 3 AMAZING paintings but you will also be able to apply what you have learnt to draw your own pictures.MaterialsThe pencils I use and recommend are Faber-Castell Pitt Pastel Pencils. You can use any pencils you like however you'll hear me refer to the Faber-Castell colours specifically throughout the course. The 9 Pencil Colours needed for the pictures are:101 white 199 black273 warm grey IV131 medium flesh173 olive green yellowish176 van dyck brown186 terracotta187 burnt ochre191 pompeian redThe paper I use is Sand Coloured Fabriano Ingres Paper, this is a great neutral tone and works so well for all kinds of subjects. It is ideal for someone new to pastel pencil work as you can erase mistakes!I provide you with an outline drawing for each subject so that you do not have to draw free hand. Trace this through to your paper or print it straight out using your printer. I walk you through step by step with Video instruction how to draw each stage. You'll learn techniques behind drawing beautiful animals and create pictures you can be proud of.If you have always wanted to learn how to draw then this course is for you. With just a small amount of pencils you will see the AMAZING effects you can get with no previous experience.Let your journey into drawing and painting start here."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Non-Destructive Hard Surface Modeling in Blender" |
"Hey there! Josh here, presenting you with my newest and most beneficial course: Non-Destructive Hard Surface Modeling in Blender. We'll cover the following: Non-destructive workflow and modeling theoryBoolean and Bevel operationsProblems with Subdivision Surface workflowsComprehensive modeling, texturing, and rendering workflowIssues with booleans and how to solve themProper lighting and rendering settings for photorealismOverviewWe'll start with some important introductory info. You'll understand how booleans and bevels work powerfully together, along with why the subdivision surface workflow is overused and will give us problems in the future.Next, we'll hop right into the meat of the course: the modeling. We'll block out the model first, ensuring accurate dimensions to help us achieve a flawless workflow. Then we'll use boolean cutters and various hard-surface modeling techniques to add accurate detail. The core of the course will involve mastering the boolean and bevel modifiers, while also solving the annoying issues caused by these modifiers.After modeling, we'll use Blender's built-in material system to achieve realistic textures and real-world material settings.Next, we'll add text decals to the model to give it a feeling of completeness and realism.Finally, we'll set up the scene for rendering, giving it a nice background and stunning camera settings to achieve a photorealistic render. You won't be able to tell whether your final scene is a 3D render or photograph; it looks that real.You'll also be protected by Udemy's 30-day money back guarantee. There's no risk in enrolling!Master the Non-Destructive WorkflowHave you ever heard of the term ""destructive"" or ""non-destructive"" while 3D modeling? Well, what's the difference, and is one better than the other? The answer is it depends. This course will focus mainly on the non-destructive workflow, but we'll also use destructive modeling techniques throughout parts of the course. This means that you'll gain an intuition for when to use one workflow over the other. You can use both workflows together when one technique is better suited over the other.The power behind the non-destructive workflow is that we can use booleans with ease. Booleans are those things that allow you to add cut-outs to your model, kind of like when you cut out shapes in cookie dough before baking them. However, if you're familiar with 3D, it's no surprise that booleans can cause significant issues. We'll discuss how the bevel modifier can solve most of these problems.How is this course different?I see the term ""non-destructive"" thrown around too much without detailed explanation. It took me forever to finally understand and gain an intuition behind this workflow. What techniques warrant the term ""non-destructive""? Why does this workflow even matter? The answer is to just stop worrying about it; people get too caught up focusing on one workflow or another, where they should just be designing and naturally using such techniques without even realizing it. What does matter is how well you're applying your skill set. This course will give you the intuition behind 3D modeling, meaning you'll just be able to create without thinking too much about which workflow to use.Remember when you first learned how to drive a car? You had to think about how hard to press the gas pedal, how much to turn the wheel, how to angle your car to park nicely, or how to time a merge into traffic. But over time, these techniques became muscle memory and you didn't have to think about it. By the end of the course, 3D modeling will feel much the same way, and you'll be able to just work rather than worry.ConclusionWhether you're a beginner or experienced 3D artist, this course will help expedite your workflow and give you new techniques to use. Blender is a massive 3D software, with so many different areas to focus on. The course breaks everything down nicely for the beginner viewer, while not being overwhelmingly boring for the experienced one. With the key strokes listed and every operation detailed, you won't fall behind or get lost during the design. This course is meant to revolutionize your 3D ability, and will leave you a proficient modeler by the end of it."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Work From Home job start a Video Tutoring Online Career" |
"Work from home job online teachingThis course is not only about how to start working from home as an online teacher, but I have shared with you a lot of strategies and techniques to become a successful and professional instructor to succeed in your first and every course you create, I have explained the things in this course in such a way to make it easy for you to start work from home as an online instructor,From the last 6 years, I am working from home as an online teacher and I have taught different subjects online to my students on different online teaching websites,Teaching is always a very respectable profession, and when it comes to working from home as an online teacher it becomes the most appropriate and easy way of teaching because, from my 6 year's experience of work from home online teaching I have found that work from home job as an online teacher is very simple and easy, there is nothing difficult in working from home as an online teacher,and the good thing in working from home as an online teacher is you record your lectures only once and then it remains published forever, you do not need to come and attend the class every day as teachers do in the institutes or in the offline teachings professions,Once you are recording your lecture you put everything in it and then after publishing your course on online teaching websites every day new students are coming and they are enrolling in your course and watching your lectures,So at the end of the day, you work only once by creating a course and then you publish your course and start making sales of your course for a lifetime.Now definitely a question will arise in your mind that what would I teach to work from home as an online teacher, so, first of all, there are a lot of things you can teach online but still if you dont have anything to teach so the method is to learn something first from other people courses and then start teaching it to others,But how you will do this and what topic would you need to choose and all the online teaching strategies and techniques of making more sales, recording and editing your courses, how to use the free tools for recording and editing your courses, the quality and quantity of your courses, getting reviews and high rating strategies, we will be discussing all of these things and I will make it very easy for you in this work from home online teaching job course,Now, what is the income of online teachers and instructors?From the time I have started working from home online as a teacher I have made connections with other colleagues instructors who also work from home as online teacher and including me, I found most of the instructors quit their other jobs and started working as full-time online teachers, there are the different reasons we started working as full-time online teachers, the first reason is its income, its income is more than the other jobs we do for other peoples in the offices, the second reason is we are the boss of our own, we work on our will, there is no pressure on us, and we made it our hobby we started loving this job,So my first advise to you in this course is to fell in love with this work from home online teaching job, and make it your hobby, in your free extra time learn a skill, master that skill and then create a course on that skill, publish the course and start making money from your hobby,Let say for example you created 10 courses and lets take a very minimum estimate that you are earning only 200 dollars on each course in a month, so if you have 10 courses that make it 2 thousand dollars every month, and if you are working continuously you will make it double in some time and then triple and so on, I have seen instructors who are working from home and they have hundreds of courses published and they are making thousands of dollars each month, but remember the quality of courses is more important than the number of courses, and we will be discussing the quality of course latter in this course because one high-quality course can bring you more sales then other 20 courses,Now, what are the things you need to start work from home job as an online teacher?So all you need is a laptop, one screen recording software, and one video editing software and dont worry I will be giving you the link to both the software to download it and I will be teaching you how to use both this paid software for free, and also you would need a headphone with a mic for to record your voice during the screen recording,And some people think they need to be very bold and confident for to work from home as an online teacher but thats completely wrong because you are not standing in front of students in a class but you are sitting at your home inside your room in front of your laptop and you have the scripts in your hands, you are looking to the scripts and you are recording your lectures so after recording you can watch your lecture again and if you found that you have spoken something wrong so you can delete your lecture and start recording it againSo is not it interesting to start this work from home online teaching job?Now lets fell in love with this work from home job as an online teacher and make it your hobby and start making money from your hobby."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Effortless Artisan Breads" |
"Do you think that great artisan sourdough and yeasted breads are really difficult to make?Do you think it takes hours of hard work? That you would never have the time?Are you put off by the thought of all that kneading ?Or are you nervous about using sourdough leaven?If your answers to any of those questions are 'yes', then you'll be delighted to know you are wrong! And we have built this course just to prove to you how easy artisan sourdough and yeasted baking can be.The secret is all in the planning, and understanding the vital relationships between time, temperature, ingredients and techniques. The great news is, we've done all that for you! Effortless Artisan Breads is a complete, standalone course to help you make great bread a part of your life. Through this course, you will learn:how to make different types of artisan bread according to how soon you want to eat it! the six expert schedules that give you ultimate flexibility13 tried and tested recipes that cover every eventuality from 10 minutes through 3 or 4 hours, 12 hours, 24 hours or all week. how to do all this with just 5 minutes hands-on effort, letting nature and time do all the rest for you.In the core of the course, you will see exactly how to make a Daily Sourdough, by mixing one big batch of dough at the beginning of the week and using your fridge to slow down the rise, so that you can get out some dough and bake a fresh loaf/baguette/rolls every day. If you are nervous about sourdough, don't worry; you will also learn how to make a Daily Yeasted Bread, using instant bakers yeast. Then, once you've got the hang of it, you can move on to the sourdough version.For those of you who are new to baking (or want a refresher), the section on Tools & Techniques covers:all the basic baking techniquesthe different stages and modes of the dough our Seven Steps for making breadthe two super-convenient points where you can choose to pause the whole process, using your refrigeratorYou will also find a section on:how to make a sourdough culturehow to make a sourdough leavenHow we teach:Our approach is always friendly, practical, rooted in proven baking principles and more showing than telling. We earnestly believe that baking your own sourdough bread is fundamental to improving your personal health and happiness, which is why we are so excited about sharing these ways of fitting it into your everyday life, with the benefit of all the know-how weve acquired after 12 years teaching and decades more of baking.Effortless Artisan Breads is for practical people like you, who have busy lives and other interests. You don't want to spend your whole weekend creating one loaf, but you DO want to eat genuine, artisan bread on a regular basis, without spending a fortune in the stores. And now you can!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"AZ-500: Microsoft Azure Security Technologies -UPDATED 2020" |
"v 1.1 - August 2020Updated contents of course as per changes in objectives - 29th July 2020Added extra practice test questionsThis course will make students be prepared to take on the following examExam AZ-500: Microsoft Azure Security TechnologiesAll concepts covered in this course are aligned to the following Exam ObjectivesManage identity and accessImplement platform protectionManage security operationsSecure data and applicationsThis course also has an entire section of practice questions to better prepare students to take the exam"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
", . Visual Basic . . VBA ."
Price: 88000.00 ![]() |
"Microsoft Visio Introduction - Step by Step for Beginners" |
"____Course Overview:Information is at the heart of the modern workplace. It comes from everywhere people, processes, applications and devices. The greatest challenge can be making sense of all that data. What if you could unlock that old adage, A picture is worth a thousand words, and create visualisations evocative enough to represent those complexities? Or, put another way, what if you could visually represent your data like a professional graphic designer? With Visio, you can. Visio lets you easily and quickly visualise the information you deal with every day. With over 250,000 shapes and templates designed for a variety of industries, Visio makes it simple and intuitive to create professional diagrams in just a few steps.This Microsoft Visio Introduction course gives you a comprehensive understanding of how to use Visio features such as Diagrams, Shapes, Connector Points, and many more! It will show you when, why, and how to use tools and features of Visio and guide you through interactive, hands-on demonstrations every step of the way.__________We'll start by covering everything you need to know to get up and running with Microsoft Visio, including:The Visio EnvironmentCreating Diagrams in VisioVisio ToolsManual and Automatic Diagrams in VisioManaging Shapes in VisioDesign and Formatting in VisioConnection PointsHeader and Footer Control in Visio__________We'll then progress onto other areas in Microsoft Visio, including:Shape OperationsBrainstorming DiagramCause and Effect DiagramCross Functional Diagram with FlowchartOrganisation Chart DiagramsTimeline DiagramsCreating a Stencil Visio DiagramsCreating a Stencil Visio ShapesCopying Shapes between StencilsManaging Stencils in Visio__________Whether you're looking for a quick overview on Diagrams, trying to diversify your Visio skill set, or hoping to step up your reporting game in a major way, you've come to the right place. In today's increasingly data-driven world, Visio makes it easy and intuitive to create flowcharts, diagrams, org charts, floor plans, engineering designs, and more, using modern shapes and templates. Enrol today and start your journey to becoming a confident Visio user.See you there!-Richard Walters (Microsoft Visio Trainer)"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |