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"Capacitao para professores Tecnologias na sala de aula" |
"Se voc procura enriquecer suas aulas, aprender sobre novas tecnologias educacionais, se atualizar sobre ferramentas que os alunos j so familiarizados e agradar seus alunos com aulas mais interessantes, este o curso certo.O intuito desse curso compartilhar um pouco da minha experincia, e ajudar voc professor, a deixar sua aula mais dinmica, moderna e alinhada com o interesse de seus alunos, uma vez que o mtodo tradicional de se passar informao comprovadamente invivel nos tempos atuais. Se voc se interessou por esse curso porque quer fazer a diferena como professor, e aps as aulas, e implementando estes mtodos em sala de aula, com certeza suas aulas vo se destacar e ganhar total aprovao dos alunos. Vamos l?"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Architecting Big Data solutions with AWS" |
"The goal of this course is to learn, understand and compare the various components of an on-premise Big Data platform vs various AWS Services. You will also learn how to replicate them using AWS services over cloud. In this course we will take a baseline of an on-premise Enterprise Analytics Platform Architecture for our reference and then we shall compare all the components with individual Amazon Web Services. We will also demonstrate the various services and how to utilize them in our present environment. During the course we will take up some of the case studies. Course will also touch upon the best practices followed on AWS architecture principles."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to AI and Big Data for business leaders" |
"Our course Introduction to Big Data and Artificial intelligence for managers focuses on explaining the artificial intelligence and all related topics, like Big Data, Data science, Machine learning, Deep learning or Data Analysis. Our target is to challenge you with its implementation in your fields and companies. We will go through those topics, their meaning, characteristics, purpose and importance for every industry.During this course we will go through:Big Data meaning and characteristicsAdvanced data analytics and its world-wide influenceMachine learning and Deep learning purpose and providing examples to explain, how it worksReal success case studies from differrent companies and industriesAI implementation incl. hints how to build your AI strategy, AI team and what is necessary to lead AI projects effectively and successfuly to reach the goal"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Shell Script: Automao de Tarefas e Pentest" |
"Quer aprender a programar em Shell Script e ser capaz de criar suas prprias ferramentas e scripts? Bom, voc adquiriu o curso certo. Ao longo do curso iremos abordar tpicos mais bsicos at tpicos mais avanados.Desenvolvi cada aula com muito carinho, tentando ser o mais didtico possvel, para que qualquer um seja capaz de entender o assunto abordado.Bom, agora chega de enrolao, pega o seu caf, sua gua e bora escrever cdigo! :D"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Videos mit Zoom - fr Videokonferenzen, Meetings und Lehre" |
"Zoom hat sich in den letzten Jahren zum Standard im Bereich Video ber das Web entwickelt. Gerade in der aktuellen Krise greifen viele zu Zoom als Tool der Wahl. In diesem Kurs lernt ihr, wie ihr Zoom richtig einsetzt, wie ihr Zoom richtig konfiguriert und wie ihr tief in die Trickkiste greifen knnt:In Meetingsin Videokonferenzenin der LehreIch bringe in diesen Kurs meine Erfahrung mit 5 Jahren Zoom ein, die ich seit 2016 in wchentlichen Webinaren fr die IHK gesammelt habe. Dort unterrichte ich den Kurs ""Online Marketing Manager"" und habe mehr als 200 Teilnehmer/innen erfolgreich zum Zertifikat gefhrt.---Update History:06.05.2020: Videohintergrnde, Weiabgleich, Snapcam05.05.2020: Sicherheit und DSGVO04.05.2020: Umfrage-Kapitel erweitert, Praxisbeispiel & Fun-Kapitel hinzugefgt."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Full Stack Development With Spring Boot And Apache Kafka" |
"What is KafkaKafka is a Publish/Subscribe messaging system. It allows producers to write records into Kafka that can be read by one or more consumers. These records that cannot be deleted or modified once they are sent to Kafka.ProducersThe first component of Kafka is Producers. Producers create messages and send them to topics. The data or we can say that records are published to the topics by the producers. They can also assign the partition when it is publishing data to the topic. The producer can send data in a round robin way or it can implement a priority system based on sending records to certain partitions based on the priority of the record.Kafka ClusterKafka uses a distributed clustering system. If you have any background in distributed systems, you already know that a Cluster is a group of computers acting together for a common purpose. Since Kafka is a distributed system, the cluster has the same meaning for Kafka. It is merely a group of computers, each executing one instance of Kafka broker.Kafka BrokerKAfka clusters are occurred from brokers. The broker is Kafka server. It is just a meaningful name given to Kafka server. And this title makes sense as well because all that Kafka does; is act as a message broker between producer and consumer. The producer and consumer do not interact directly. They use Kafka server as an agent or a broker to exchange messages.TopicsAdditionally, each broker has a topic or topics. Records are published into topics. Kafka is run as a cluster in one or more servers and the cluster stores or retrieves the records in a feed called Topics. Each record in the topic is stored with a key, value, and timestamp.The topics can have one or multiple consumers or subscribers.PartitionsThe Kafka cluster uses a partitioned log for each topic. A record will be published in a single partition of a topic. Producers can choose the partition in which a record will be sent to, otherwise, the partition is chosen by Kafka.The partition maintains the order in which data was inserted and once the record is published to the topic, it remains there depending on the retention period (which is configurable). The records are always appended at the end of the partitions. It maintains a flag called 'offsets,' which uniquely identifies each record within the partition.The offset is controlled by the consuming applications. Using offset, consumers might backtrace to older offsets and reprocess the records if needed.ConsumersIn kafka, like producing a message, we can also consume it. To consume it, consumers are used in Kafka. Consumers consume the records from the topic. They are based on the concept of a consumer-group, where some of the consumers are assigned in the group. The record which is published to the topic is only delivered to one instance of the consumer from one consumer-group. Kafka internally uses a mechanism of consuming records inside the consumer-group. Each instance of the consumer will get hold of the particular partition log, such that within a consumer-group, the records can be processed parallely by each consumer.Consumer-Group?Consumers can be organized into logic consumer groups. Consumer-Group is a group of consumers. Several Consumers form a group to share the work. Different consumer groups can share the same record or same consumer-group can share the work.ZooKeeperAnd finally, lets talk about Zookeeper. Zookeeper is used by Kafka to store metadata. Kafka is a distributed system and is built to use Zookeeper.It is basically used to maintain coordination between different nodes in a cluster. One of the most important things for Kafka is it uses zookeeper to periodically commit offsets so that in case of node failure it can resume from the previously committed offset.Zookeeper also plays a vital role for serving many other purposes, such as leader detection, configuration management, synchronization, detecting when a new node joins or leaves the cluster, etc.Future Kafka releases are planning to remove the zookeeper dependency but as of now it is an integral part of it.Topic partitions are assigned to balance the assignments among all consumers in the group. Within a consumer group, all consumers work in a load-balanced mode; in other words, each message will be seen by one consumer in the group. If a consumer goes away, the partition is assigned to another consumer in the group. This is referred to as a rebalance. If there are more consumers in a group than partitions, some consumers will be idle. If there are fewer consumers in a group than partitions, some consumers will consume messages from more than one partition.About consumer groups, In order to avoid two consumer instances within the same consumer groups reading the same record twice, each partition is tied to only one consumer process per consumer group.Now, lets talk about the advantages and disadvantages of Kafka. And why and when we should use Kafka.Kafka is designed for holding and distributing large volumes of messages.First and most important feature of Kafka is scalability. Kafka scales nicely up to a hundred thousands (100,000) messages per seconds even on a single server. The opponents of Kafka are far behind about it.Kafka has an essential feature to provide resistance to node/machine failure within the cluster.Kafka is Highly durable messaging system. Kafka offers the replication feature, which makes data or messages to persist more on the cluster over a disk. This makes it durable.Kafka is a durable message store and clients can get a replay of the event stream on demand, as opposed to more traditional message brokers where once a message has been delivered, it is removed from the queue.Kafka has a retention period, so it will store your records for the time or size you specify and can be set by topic.Cons:Now, Lets talk about the drawbacks of Kafka.First of all, we should say that to use it is not easy according to opponents. Because Kafka has some complexity about configurations.Secondly, Apache Kafka does not contain a complete set of monitoring as well as managing tools. Thus, new startups or enterprises fear to work with Kafka.Thirdly, it depends on Apache Zookeeper. But in the development roadmap, the kafka team aims to escape from Zookeeper.Kafka messaging system works like that queue but it does not support priority queue like RabbitMQ.In general, there are no issues with the individual message size. However, the brokers and consumers start compressing these messages as the size increases. Due to this, when decompressed, the node memory gets slowly used. Also, compress happens when the data flow in the pipeline. It affects throughput and also performance.Kafka has a very simple routing approach. Publish messages to the topic then subscribe to it and receive messages. On the other hand, other messagng systems like RabbitMQ have better options if you need to route your messages in complex ways to your consumers such as fanout routing or conditional routing."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Advanced C#+SQLServer Using MVP Design Pattern 2020 (Arabic)" |
"MVP Advanced C#+SQLServer Useing MVP Design Pattern MVP . Clean Code SQL Server"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Tcnica Vocal Aplicada - Volume 2" |
"Este curso para voc que quer cantar afinado, melhorar sua percepo, preparo fsico e ter um conceito bsico de intervalos musicais para comear a fazer aberturas vocais. Eu montei um material super bacana e prtico pra voc!Vamos estudar os conceitos de afinao, explicando fisiologicamente como tudo funciona, teremos vrios exerccios para voc praticar quantas vezes quiser. O mdulo de preparo fsico tem uma entrevista com um profissional da rea de Educao Fsica, com vrias dicas interessantssimas. J em intervalos musicais teremos um conceito super prtico para voc entender melhor como tudo funciona, teremos vrias escalas para voc trabalhar e tudo isso no final vai te ajudar e alcanar um novo nvel como vocalista. Com poucos minutos por semana voc j conseguir ter resultados surpreendentes.Adquira agora o curso Tcnica Vocal Aplicada - Volume 2"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Marketing Psychology How to Sell Anything" |
"Have you ever wondered why some brands succeed and others fall flat on their face?What if I told you the difference between success and failure really boils down to marketing psychology ?Marketing is the life blood of a business and there is complex psychology behind marketing that I will break down for you inside this course.Think about it? What makes people buy things? The truth is there are various factors at play here, and a major concept you need to understand is your customer's psychology!There are exploits in human psychology that you can take advantage of ethically in order to have customers buy from you again and again.What You'll Learn Truth About Marketing Persuasion TechniquesBrand PositioningPsychology Of Colors In Marketing Understanding Your Customers On a Deeper LevelCognitive Dissonance Value SystemsAnd, Much, Much More!This knowledge on customer psychology and persuasion techniques are universal and applicable to all industries and disciplines you can think of...1. Building a Business 2. Product Development3. Increasing Sales Potential I'm someone who has experience with selling over $100,000+ of products from my online business ventures alone. So, believe me when I say marketing psychology plays a huge role on closing sales and is paramount to understand in order to thrive in the world of business. I go into specific details on what you need to do to find success. Answering fundamental questions that a lot of novice business owners ignore and as a result fail.If you want to survive and prosper in this harsh unforgiving landscape of business and be well prepared to thrive in this terrain I suggest you learn how to master marketing psychology and persuasion, which I cover inside my course. Buy Now!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"UK Genealogy: Researching Wills and Probate" |
"If you have already carried out some family history research and have made some way into your ancestry, you will now want to dig deeper. Wills and probate records are some of the most interesting genealogy records you can use, giving you extra genealogical information, and insights into your ancestors' property, wealth, relationships and character. If you think your ancestors may have left a will, but you find the search for wills confusing and complicated, this course will help to simplify the procedure, as well as giving you some guidance into understanding and reading them."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Estrategias de fidelizacin de clientes en e-Commerce" |
"UD1. E-commerce Identidad digital La web 2.0 en la empresa Definicin web 2.0 Proteccin de la informacin Malware y medidas de seguridad UD2. Direccin de ventas Claves de xito de venta en equipo Caractersticas a tener en cuenta para seleccionar al vendedor influyente Razones para la formacin continua del vendedor Claves a tener en cuenta para preparar la llamada de telfono Claves de las ventajas de establecer territorios de ventas Efecto pigmalin para motivar Objetivos del plan de compensacin Decisiones territoriales UD3. Negociacin comercial Qu es la negociacin? Elementos fundamentales de la negociacin Aspectos clave de la negociacin El rol del negociador Objeciones, ventajas e inconvenientes de la negociacin El mtodo de la negociacin Las etapas y los pasos de la negociacin Los estilos de la negociacin Organizacin y planificacin Comunicacin Escucha activa y feedback Inteligencia emocional Persuasin e influencia Seguridad y confianza Estrategias de negociacin Tcnicas de negociacin UD4. Estrategias de fidelizacin de clientes a travs de Internet Primer contacto con el inbound marketing Marketing de contenido Fidelizacin de clientes con WooCommerce Fidelizacin de clientes Marketing viral"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"C# Exams for Beginners: Learn C# Fundamentals by Coding" |
"C# is a beautiful cross-platform language that can be used to build variety of applications. With C#, you can build mobile apps (for Windows, Android and iOS), games, web sites and desktop applications.Once you master fundamentals of C# and programming with .NET framework, you'll have lots of options in front of you. You can choose to build mobile apps if you prefer, or you can change job and work as a web developer. As long as you know the fundamentals well, switching to different technology stacks is pretty easy.Challenge your knowledge with +900 Questions and answers with clear explanation for each answer."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Smart Goals for a Smart Life" |
"Do you feel like you're working hard but not getting anywhere?Setting smart goals gives you clarity, focus and motivation.Using this formula improves your ability to reach your goals, and encourages you to define your objectives and set a completion date.''Many people fail in life ,not for lack of ability or brains or even courage, but simply because they have never organized their energies around a goal'' Elbert Hubbard"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Excel in a Nutshell" |
"This course will teach you the skills you'll need to successfully use Excel 2013. Each lesson contains step-by-step instructions and explanations to show you how to use all the features, and also provides video tutorials on how everything is done.This course will start with basic skills, then move forward to more advanced features and techniques."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Coaching B" |
". , . . , . , . , . ; , , , , : ' , , ( , , , , , )"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"CISSP-ISSMP Information Systems Security Management Exam" |
"211 UNIQUE practice questions for CISSP-ISSMP Information Systems Security Management ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : CISSP-ISSMP Information Systems Security Management ExamTotal Questions : 211Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :130 minsPassing Score : 75 (158 of 211)"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Complete SQL from Scratch: Bootcamp" |
"Learn SQL, The first step to SQL you need to learn to succeed in SQL development, it is easy to learn and understand our online SQL Training course program is designed for you with the complete steps to require develop dynamic and complex queries. Mr. Sudha Sekhar will explain to you even complex topics to simplify and teach you, where beginners can understand easily with real-time examples.Create a Good and Strong base foundation in SQL, With the Complete SQL from Scratch with PostgreSQL Course.SQL SkillsSQL DataTypesSQL QueriesSQL statementsSQL Built-in FunctionsSQL ProgrammingSQL reading data rows SQL updating data rowsUsing PgAdmin for PostgreSQLSQL Commands and ClausesDatabase import and export using GUI toolA Strong Skillset at Your Hands-on QueryLearn to built SQL applications using the PgAdmin tool. This course assumes no prior SQL knowledge(SQL language basics will help you), just a desire to learn to build your own analytics applications using SQL structures query language.In this course we cover from scratch to create your own SQL analysis like all professionals creating SQL pages with basic instructions, you also learn inner query and complex Join to interacting with the different tables from a database to read dynamic data.Content and Summary Who wants to start with beginning in SQL Development, through this course of 50+ lectures and hours of content, youll learn all of the PostgreSQL SQL Skills and establish a strong understanding of the concept behind SQL application implementation. Every Section closes with a challenge, putting your new learned skills into practical use immediately and Most of the Lectures are having Assignments to test your knowledge.Starting with an introduction, how to use PgAdmin, controls, basics, and settings, etc.Learning with these SQL skills, you will be eager to learn other programming languages very quickly that lead you to become a successful programmer/analyst.If you really want to learn SQL, This Complete SQL from Scratch Course is for you to develop your skills more than others and you will become strong on SQL database Applications Development.Start solving your challenge now Enroll today and learn risk-free with this 30-day money-back guarantee offer."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Domestic Violence What It Is And How To Get Out" |
"This course has been designed as an informational resource to learn about the existence of abuse, its causes, warning signs and when to get out of the relationship. This course has been designed for both men and women who have been the victim of abuse. This course will explore important information on the topic of abuse. I encourage you to explore the information if you or someone you know has been victimized. In the second part of the course is a 31 day motivational to get through the relationship grief process. The course comes with a 30-day money back guarantee."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"BASECAMP: Boost Productivity" |
"Do you want to get things done faster and without frustration while still ensuring high-quality results?If the answer is YES, then Ive got good news for youIn one word: Basecamp.Basecamp is the best project management platform ever created for internet entrepreneurs.With over 2 million customers, the company has built one of the oldest and longest-surviving businesses on the internet.Started as a web-design company, over the 18 years period, they transformed themselves into the leader in project management software business.Simplicity At One Click.If theres one thing that Basecamp is known and loved for is its simplicity.The clean and simple to use interface makes it the #1 choice for all internet entrepreneur to use.No technical experience required.From newbie to intermediate to advance business people, it caters to all of them.Increase Productivity.Get More Done In Less Time.The key to running a successful project or business is having a communication structure that is both adequate and reliable.From being in management to working as a group, Basecamp makes communication easier and efficient.By using Basecamp, you are categorically saying goodbye to the challenge of staying on the same page when working as a team.Basecamp frees you from the long email chains of forwards and replies. It keeps discussions and task lists organized, and everyone informed on what is required and expected of them.Why You Need To Get Started Now:A great project management solution from a great reputable and trusted company.It is a SaaS solution that actually works with little to no downtime at all.Solve all of your communication challenges with one innovative solution.Keep track of your project and teams milestones and progress.Manage assignments, tasks and create smart to-do lists for your project and or team.And the list goes on and on.Implementing Basecamp in your business will bring it to the next level and that is why I decided to come up with this unique over the shoulder video series to get you started very quickly with it.IntroducingOrganize & Delegate With BasecampHow To Get All Your Projects CompletedThe Most Efficient Way.Theres nothing like this video series.Watch as I show you how to get started and integrate Basecamp in your business so that you can bring your business to the next level.I reveal my best tips for using some unknown tactics that only a few elite few know. You get to see everything. I explain everything to you.There will be no guesswork.All you need is just a short hour of your time to learn everything and youd be ready to get started with it instantly.Heres What Youll Discover Inside This Video Training:Understand what Basecamp is all about and how it can help your business.Learn which Basecamp version to use and how to get started fast.Getting familiar with the interface and understanding the main features.Discover how to create a project and invite people in.Learn the simple technique used to create todo lists and also create discussion threads.The dos and donts of basecamp and how to organize your work efficiently.Learn how to navigate through the site so that you can manage projects efficiently.Learn how to set up tracking and notification settings properly.How to use calendars and navigation shortcuts easily.How to import content into your account and also use templates for your projects.There's No Risk!I'm so confident that you'll be pleased with your purchase that Im going to offer you a full 30 Days Money Back Guarantee on this offer.Try it RISK-FREE.If you aren't satisfied with your purchase for ANY reason at all, just get in touch with me within 30 days from the time of the purchase and I'll immediately give you a 100% refund.No question asked!Fast & essential learning to boost your business growth. No fill-in talk."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Run Your Business from the Cloud." |
"Cloud computing is the futureTheres no way around this fact, and soon youll come to that realization. You may not want to do everything in the Cloud.It may seem way too far out there. First off, its not all the difficult. Secondly, youre going to have to do it.Soon the choice will be made for you, and its not going to be a pretty one. You should learn to harness the power of the Cloud before its too late.Not doing so will put your business at risk of being behind the times. If this happens, then everything will begin to crumble.There are absolutely no advantages of using outdated computing methods to further your business.Connect Everyone Together SeamlesslyWhats the most significant advantage of using the Cloud?Its the fact that everyone can seamlessly interact with each other. Theyll be able to tell who is doing what and this will pay off big time.No one will be running around trying to figure out what the others are doing. Youll also be able to keep an eye on what other people are doing as well.Ever wonder why productivity is going up or down?You wont wonder anymore when you can see with your own eyes whats going on.Tools, Information, And So Much MoreAlmost everything that youre doing now can be moved to the Cloud.Did you know its even possible to use cloud-based word processing software?Theres almost nothing that you cant do from the Cloud. The benefits of this are the fact that no one is tied down to their office.What if a woman could work from home while pregnant?She may not miss as many days of work since its possible to complete tasks at home using the Cloud.There are many reasons beyond telecommuting that make using the Cloud attractive.IntroducingRun Your Business From the CloudMore Flexibility & More ProductiveTheres nothing like this video series.Watch as I show you how you can easily put your entire business online and run it from the cloud.In this video training, I reveal all my best tips to you on what I do and what are the tools I use to get it done fast.There will be no guesswork.All you need is just a short hour of your time to learn everything and youd be ready to get started with it instantly.Work Smarter, Not HarderYouve got to use every tool possible to stay one step above the competition.The way you do that is by utilizing everything the Cloud has to offer.We can help you do that with our instructional videos.Youll be given insight to not just what the Cloud is, but how to make the most out of it.Your everyday life will be changed forever by using the Cloud.The same thing could be said for your worker's lives as well. Theyll be more productive, and their workload will lessen.It will as the result of utilizing the power and structure that the cloud has to offer.Youll be surprised by how much time and money the Cloud will save you.Dont fear innovation. Instead, harness its power by watching our videos.They will change how you do business, and itll start by making full use of the Cloud.Sign up for this training today and make your future as bright as it possibly can be.This is such an amazing offer, how much for all this?Many people that try to figure things out on their own end up wasting a lot of time and get frustrated and end up with nothing.Thats because they spin their wheels, follow bad advice, and just dont get the right roadmap to success.This video series will prevent that from happening When you invest in this training today, you watch as I do it and you replicate it.Its THAT simple.There's No Risk!I'm so confident that you'll be pleased with your purchase that Im going to offer you a full 30 Days Money Back Guarantee on this offer.Try it RISK-FREE.If you aren't satisfied with your purchase for ANY reason at all, just get in touch with me within 30 days from the time of the purchase and I'll immediately give you a 100% refund.No question asked!Fast & essential learning to boost your business growth. No fill-in talk."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"EVERNOTE: Work Smarter And Boost Productivity" |
"Work Smarter. Get Organized. Earn More.Evernote like a second brain and the beauty of it never forgets anything.You capture, organize and share your thoughts with others. Its as simple as that.Have an awesome idea? Add it to Evernote.You can refer back to it anytime you feel like. Declutter your life and dont be stressed about remembering every piece of information.Then when youre ready to make your ideas a reality, Evernote will be here to bring all the pieces together for you, at your convenience.From Idea Brainstorming To Finished ProjectsHave people working with you on some important projects? No problem.Evernote helps you to manage your team and also to facilitate the communication process.It also helps you track their progress and making sure that youre always on time for delivery.Scan, search and maintain data in one centralized place for your team to access anytime, anywhere.Evernote is a superb platform that can simplify your business processes greatly and if youre not using it, then youre missing out big.Why You Need To Get Started Now:Access anytime and anywhere. All you need is an internet connection to access what you need.Go Paperless. Get everything in the clouds and theres no need to carry anything with you.Remember Everything. Declutter your life. Save your best ideas on EverNote. It never forgets anything.Ease communication with your team. Clear. Concise. Get things done faster.Track Goals. Remain on target. Keep the focus on what needs to be accomplished.And the list goes on and on.Theres no doubt that Evernote will help simplify your business life and that is why I decided to come up with this unique over the shoulder video series to get you started very quickly with it.IntroducingWork Smarter With EvernoteHow To Declutter Your Life And BecomeMore Productive With EvernoteTheres nothing like this video series.Watch as I show you how to use Evernote the best way possible.I reveal my best tips for using this amazing platform to simplify your business life. You get to see everything. I explain everything to you.There will be no guesswork.All you need is just a short hour of your time to learn everything and youd be ready to get started with it instantly.Heres What Youll Discover InsideThis Video Training:Learn how to get started with Evernote and discover how it's going to help your business overall.Discover which Evernote plan is appropriate for you and some valuable tips you need to know.How to set it up on your PC for maximum efficiency.Learn how to use it on your mobile phone and access it anytime and anywhere you wish.How to share files, notes and many other cool things with other people.How to integrate it with Zapier and IFFTT quickly and easily.Learn how to scan documents and share them on Evernote.Learn how to use voice notes and dictation to increase productivity.Learn how to take notes, organize your files and integrate them with your calendar.Learn how to do integrations with services like Wordpress, Trello, Pinterest, Twitter and Google Drive.30 Days Money Back Guarantee!Im so confident that youll be pleased with your purchase that Im going to offer you a full 30 Days Money Back Guarantee on this offer.Try it RISK-FREE.If you aren't satisfied with your purchase for ANY reason at all, just get in touch with me within 30 days from the time of the purchase and I'll immediately give you a 100% refund.No question asked!Fast & essential learning to boost your business growth. No fill-in talk."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SLACK: Boost Productivity And Workflow" |
"We live in a world where not everyone works at the office.Even if they do, then youve still got issues when it comes to managing everyone at the same place.Gone are the days when you could look over the shoulder of everyone who worked for you.Everyone is either in their own cubicle or away working at a distance where they cant be seen.How You Bring People And Projects TogetherYouve probably heard of Slack. Its the way unity is brought forth in todays world.It gives everyone a chance to work together without any boundaries at all. It doesnt matter in the least where your workers are located.They could be in offices next to each other or in countries all over the world. None of that matters in the slightest when youre working with Slack.This is why so many professionals and business owners alike use Slack every day of the week.Managing Your Workflow Has Never Been Easier.Right now that sentence is probably a tough one to swallow. Youve been pulling out your hair trying to figure this out.You know that theres an easier way to get everyone on the right page. The problem is that you cannot see the solution to your problem.Slack is the solution and youre not going to have to go in circles trying to figure out how to use it.There is an easier way, and were going to show you how.Learning Slack Isnt As Difficult As You ThinkYou dont need to be a computer genius to figure this out. Youve probably heard terms like cloud and others that make you scratch your head.Dont worry; its not as complicated as you think. Its actually quite easy to use Slack. Its just a matter of learning the ropes.Youll be able to manage the flow of work and information around your virtual office in a matter of no time. Slack gives you the ability to do just that reasonably effortlessly.Its just a matter of you learning how to use it and feeling comfortable with this new platform.IntroducingSpeed Workflow With SlackGet More Done FasterTheres nothing like this video series.Watch as I show you how you can achieve more and complete more projects with slack.In this video training, I reveal all my best tips to you on what I do and what are the tools I use to get it done fast.There will be no guesswork.All you need is just a short hour of your time to learn everything and youd be ready to get started with it instantly.Free Up Your TimeIt is when you watch our instructional videos. Youll get to see Slack in use by seasoned professionals.Our videos are made by experts who know Slack-like its the back of their hand.You wont sit around all day spinning your wheels trying to figure out what to do from one moment to the next.Youll be able to go from one task to the next seamlessly.The real value of our videos is how much time youll save. You could spend all day long searching the internet for the information in the videos.It sure would be a lot easier to have seasoned pros teach you everything. Thats precisely what you should expect by watching our videos.Youll know what to do and how to manage all of your important files and workers.Being able to do both of these things effortlessly will give you more free time to expand your business horizons.Fast & essential learning to boost your business growth. No fill-in talk."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"TRELLO: New Way To Boost Your Productivity" |
"Additional content: Peak Productivity BlueprintDo you have goals and ambitions for your business you want to achieve in the coming days or months?Im sure you do and youre looking for solutions that will help you achieve this faster without much headaches.You need a structure.You need something that will gather all your thoughts, ideas, projects, people and your entire business process on in one central place so that you can exercise full control over those activities at a glance.The answer to your need is: Trello.Streamline Your Processes.Free Up Your Time.Thats what Trello is there for.It creates visibility and accountability. It can fit in the way the work and can adapt to your business processes.It gather all your team in one place and help them collaborate with each other while youll still be able to know exactly in every details whats going on in each phase of the project development.It helps you focus on the important things that matter and that allow you to grow your business faster.Manage Any Project.Your Way.This is probably one of the best project management platform youll ever need for your business.Trello gives you a visual overview of what is being worked on and who is working on it.Youre the boss.You remain in control of all activities if you want to.Or if youre not comfortable with controlling everything, no problem.Start delegating your assignments and set team leaders to manage certain projects and tasks while still meeting deadlines.Trello is powerful when you know how to use it.So lets take a deeper look at...Why You Need To Get Started Now:Centralize Everything. Get everything in one place. Know everything at a glance.Stay Focus. No distractions with emails and messaging. Focus on what are important till the completion of projects.Accountability. Know what and when your teams are working and make them accountable for specific assignments.Deadlines Make People Efficient. Trello works with deadlines. Time allocated to complete an assignment. This improves efficiency.Its FREE. You can get started for free. Use the basic edition if youve got no money to pay for it yet.And the list goes on and on.Trello is without a doubt one of the best project management platform out there and that is why I decided to come up with this unique over the shoulder video series to get you started very quickly with it.IntroducingGet More DoneWith TrelloHow To Get More Done For FasterResults With TrelloTheres nothing like this video series.Watch as I show you how to get your business processes streamlined on Trello and accelerate your team productivity within days from now.I reveal my best tips for using this amazing platform. You get to see everything. I explain everything to you.There will be no guesswork.All you need is just a short hour of your time to learn everything and youd be ready to get started with it instantly.Heres What Youll Discover InsideThis Video Training:Learn how to work with Trello and how it's going to help your business.Learn how to work with the interface and background.Learn how to correctly configure your settings before starting to use it.How to use Trello Power-Ups feature and some very interesting tips you should know.Learn how to use labels and comments the right way.Learn how to create checklists, teams and boards very quickly.Discover how to integrate it with your Google Drive.Learn how to use the tracking and storage featuresThe fast and easy way to share files and open up discussions.How to integrate Trello in your mobile.There's No Risk!I'm so confident that you'll be pleased with your purchase that Im going to offer you a full 30 Days Money Back Guarantee on this offer.Try it RISK-FREE.If you aren't satisfied with your purchase for ANY reason at all, just get in touch with me within 30 days from the time of the purchase and I'll immediately give you a 100% refund.No question asked!Fast & essential learning to boost your business growth. No fill-in talk.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------PEAK PRODUCTIVITY BLUEPRINTDiscover How To Triple Your Productivity,Get Things Done & Achieve Your Goals FASTWithout working longer hours, burning out and freaking out!YES! I WANT TO TRANSFORM MY LIFE NOW!If you find yourself constantly struggling to get things done before deadline, have a never-ending to-do list, putting off important projects week after week, and you are way behind all your personal, professional, and financial goals then, do yourself a favor please pay attention to this...Because youre about to discover the secrets to: Double or even TRIPLE your productivity so you can get more things done Boost your output so you can have more projects completed in timely mannerAll these without working longer hours, feeling stress, overwhelmed, or overworking yourself to death!Sounds too good to be true?I know it is. But, before I revealed the secret...Arent You Curious?Arent you curious to see why some mega-rich and successful people have the time to make TV appearances, give talks, and even be part of a movie?...while most folks are struggling to make ends meet even though they have worked an insane amount of hours?And arent you curious how in the world that people like Jack Ma has the time to even create his own movie while managing a multi-billion dollar business?Think about your best performing colleague in the office....or the TOP gurus in your current niche...Why does it seem like they have reached the top of the world like it was the easiest thing to do? Like its almost second-nature to them?How did they manage to achieve so much in a finite amount of time?...and you often find yourself wondering what is that secret that makes all the difference.Dont worry if youre not where you want to be just yet.Because its all going to change...Mark your calendar today...Thats because today is going to be the important turning point in your life. Youre about to discover the exact strategies that the worlds top achievers use to reach all their goals and multiply their wealth... all without working longer hours than average folks.Youre about to learn the most crucial skill you need in order to become an overachiever. This skill can help you achieve all your goals and dreams faster than you could imagine.These are the strategies that I personally used to TRIPLE my productivity, boost my overall work output, get more things done fast all without burning out or freaking out.Your frustration ends here.IntroducingPeak Productivity BlueprintHow To Triple Your Productivity And Achieve Your Personal BestPeak Productivity Blueprint is the ultimate guide to help you TRIPLE your productivity, maximize your work output and get results FAST. Productivity is the key ingredient to success. Youll be able to get more things done in less time with Peak-level Productivity.The best part is, you will have more time and freedom for things that matter most. You'll feel less stressed and less overwhelmed, knowing that you can instantly get into the zone with some powerful productivity hacks. This is what Peak Productivity Blueprint is all about.This blueprint reveals all the proven strategies and tactics to uplevel your productivity You will discover ow to train your mind to be ultra-productive, time management secrets, how to create an environment that 'forces' you to be productive, the power of delegation, outsourcing, and powerful tools to get things done and much more!If you want to step up your personal productivity, get more things done fast, hit new ambitious goals and put an end to procrastination... then this is the solution that youve been waiting for.Here are the things you will discover in this life-changing program:How to plan your day for success with maximum efficiencyUseful tips to create a productive workspaceTypes of people you should avoid if you want to be productive9 elements of a productive mindset that you need to knowHow by Eating The Frog first thing in the morning will boost your productivity4 proven & effective ways to manage and eliminate procrastinationDiscover the 2-minute rule to get more things doneWhy you should stop multi-tasking (its more destructive than you think!)Why taking a break can help you refresh and refuel your mind to get more doneHow to fight stress and anxiety by doing this one simple thing11 practical tips to declutter your life and boost your focusThe one simple exercise that you can do every single day to clear your mind7 simple healthy eating tips to keep you focused and energizedHow to take advantage of your Productive Times3 simple strategy that you can use to prioritize your most important tasksHow to delegate, outsource, and useful tools to complete tasks fasterThis is the Golden Key for those who want to:Get more things done fast with the least amount of effortIncrease their income without working longer hoursBuild massive wealth as a result of being more productiveHave more freedom for themselvesDominate their life by becoming the best version of themselvesCreate a massive impact on the people around themLive a more fulfilled and meaningful lifeLeave behind a legacy for themselvesBecome the top performer in their personal & professional lifeBe in a more positive, creative, high-energy & motivated state"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"CLICKFUNNELS: How To Get More Customers" |
"If you want to boost your online traffic conversion and get more customers in an easy way. This is where you need ClickFunnels!Why?Because, ClickFunnels gives you everything you need to build a sales funnel, and run your business.When Im talking about everythingit means every single thing starting from web hosting, email marketing platform, opt-in page, sales page, even a shopping cart is available for you.And guess what that meansIt Can Save A Lot OfYour Time And Money!So yes, this is a solution for little guys like us.But...For new users, to use all the features available in ClickFunnels, it may feel like rocket science.Thats too bad.Think of this:All the features available in ClickFunnels are built with one single mission...Build a high-converting sales funnel.So if you dont know how to use all the features, you wont get the highest conversion possible.I know it's normal. And I know it happens to us every time we used new stuff.But still, thats just too bad!And listen..You pay for all the features since the first time you use it.So if you don't use them, that means you wasted the money you've invested!ButWhat if you can harness all these features to get the highest conversions possible... since very first time you use ClickFunnels?More Conversions AndNo Money Wasted!Thats exactly what Im going to help you.Ill show you the exact step-by-step to optimize all of ClickFunnel's features. You just need to watch over my shoulder as I show you how to use them all.And you know what that means?It means you don't need to worry about being overwhelmed with all the features, and ended up wasting them all.Instead, you can start building your profit-sucking sales funnel, even if you just started using ClickFunnels this morning!Why You Need To Get Started Now:A high-end solution designed for anyone and any business.Drag & Drop with Clickfunnels, no technical or design knowledge required.Beautiful templates and designs guaranteed to work by scientific research.Integrations with all other essential software and tools.Clickfunnels provides conversion tracking and A/B TestingAnd the list goes on and on.Using ClickFunnels will bring your business to the next level and that is why I decided to come up with this unique over the shoulder video series to get you started very quickly with it.IntroducingMaximize Your ResultsWith ClickFunnelsHow To Make Maximize YourResults In Days From NowTheres nothing like this video series.Watch as I show you how to get started on ClickFunnels and use it in your business.I reveal my best tips for using some unknown tactics that only a few elite few know.You get to see everything. I explain everything to you.There will be no guesswork.All you need is just a short hour of your time to learn everything and youd be ready to get started with it instantly.Heres What Youll Discover InsideThis Video Training:Learn how to get started with ClickFunnels and how to get the best result from using it.Find out all the 22 types of sales funnels you can use to grow your business.How to pick the right pre-made sales funnel template for your product.How to build your very first sales funnel with ClickFunnels.How to create an eye-catchy sales page by adding your logo, choose the right font, and customize the colors.How to add your product, and start selling it online directly from ClickFunnels within a few minutes.Quickly and easily set up the split test on your sales page to get even more sales.How to properly place a video on your sales page.The easy guide to creating an eye-catchy CTA button.How to track your stats, and analyze them to get even better results."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Reverse Engineering Essentials" |
"The aim of this course is to cover the essentials techniques and tools for reverse engineering and malware analysis. As the title suggests, we will cover only the Windows environment in this class, since it is by far the most used and abused. We try to provide a complete picture for the starting reverse engineer but in the same time relevant for the more advanced analysts.There are always multiple ways to do a task. We will insist more on ""Why?""s instead of ""How?""s since we consider that it's more important to understand WHAT we're trying to achieve and WHY.There are no pre-requisites for this class other that a Windows virtual machine and the will to learn. All the tools discussed here are freely available online. Analyses are demonstrated on a Windows 8.1 virtual machine.Don't worry! Neither professional programming experience nor assembly language knowledge are required to benefit from the course. If you know these already, it would be helpful when well look at identifying encryption algorithms and bypass anti-virtualisation checks. The concepts will be explained clearly and additional resources will be recommended.Some programming experience will definitely be beneficial, however, the focus will be mostly on understanding the technique, the tools and their most useful features. When needed, source code written in C or Python will be provided.To get the most out of this course, we recommended to try all the exercises and assignments that follow the lectures and whenever a concept or idea is not fully explained or clearly understood, either reach out with questions on the Q&A section or consult online resources."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Dental Caries" |
"Are you struggling for course in Dentistry?? Then this course is for you..This course will cover everything you need to know about dental caries under following heading:1. Definition of Dental Caries.2. Symptoms associated with Dental Caries.3. Location of Dental Caries.4. Commonly used index for Measuring Caries Activity.5. Various Theories suggesting Caries mechanisms.6. Factors responsible for Caries.7. Classification of Dental Caries.8. Histopathology of Dental Caries.9. Various Diagnosis Aids for Caries Detection.10. How to Prevent Caries.The complete content is developed using Animation, which will help you to understand the topic.Viewing the videos and completing the supplementary readings will take approximately 12-15 hours, however i will advice students to complete a topic per day."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
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Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Line Art Heart Pattern Play featuring Illustrator Brushes" |
"In this class, Line-Art Heart Pattern Play, well have more fun with Illustrator brushes. I will show you how to create a varied selection of brushes including scatter, calligraphy and art brushes. I walk you through each step, and you will learn to create these for yourself. The starting point is so easy you wont believe it!Having basic knowledge of Illustrator is an asset, but not required, as these may be tools you have never tried and can now learn in depth. Part of this skillset is learning about options for customizing brushes in real-world situations. I will clearly explain all the steps as we proceed.Once your brushes are ready, you will create some unique motifs. Using the brushes and understanding how to control them when patternmaking is an important skill. Learning what to look for and how its done is critical for you in your graphic design or surface pattern design career. Its easy to make a pattern, but to make a unique, original, interesting and well-designed pattern is what will set you apart! Observe my methods and you will learn plenty and get a full grasp of how a designer works! And the neat thing is, you will have a sweet pattern at the end that you can use for a pattern collection or for any number of cool projects.Lesson 1: Creating and Customizing BrushesLesson 1 will launch you on the path of creating your own brushes which will be so useful to you in creating this and multiple other creative pattern layouts.Lesson 2: Adjusting Brushes to Draw HeartsIn this lesson, I will show you how to work with the brushes we have created in Lesson 1 to create varied shapes and motifs with very smooth strokes.Lesson 3: Brush Adjustments and Design Pre-PlanningYouve created the motifs and now you will learn how to make many adjustments as we work towards our goal of arranging them all into a pleasing pattern. Many tips and tricks are discussed along the way!Lesson 4: Layout Ideas and DemoLearning to do fine-tune adjustments on patterns is integral to your success at being truly professional. In this lesson, I will also show you creative guide use and quick pre-testing of the fit of your pattern.Lesson 5: Enriching and Fine-Tuning Your PatternAdding fillers is the main focus of this lesson. I will show you a variety of methods including the use of the blend tool to create a series of dots that go from small to large and are evenly spaced. Ideally, you'll have a nice balance between motifs, with even spacing and good flow.Lesson 6: Enhancing the LayoutYou will observe the techniques of a professional designer in this lesson. The entire process of perfecting the pattern design is the focus of this lesson.Lesson 7: Finalizing, Mockups and Wrap UpIn this lesson we will be finalizing, creating the mockups and wrapping up with a few closing thoughts.Concepts covered:Brush design fundamentals, Illustrator brush creation, brush stroke smoothing and adjusting, Illustrator brushes, the layers palette, the blend tool, pattern repeats, pattern layout and design, testing pattern repeats, mockups, mockup design, creating illustrator artboards, asset export with the Asset Export panel in Illustrator"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Healing Grief" |
"When a beloved person dies, regardless of how prepared you may be, it sends shockwaves through your whole being and your life. The most natural thing in the world is that you grieve that which you have lost. You may feel devastated that the plans you had of spending your life with this person are shattered, whether that person was your partner, child, parent or friend. The sadness can be overwhelming and you can get stuck in your grief, unable to move forward with your life, stuck in pain, stuck in the guilt of still being alive and ashamed in the moment you feel some joy.This course is designed to help you move forward in your grieving process and to heal your heart fully so that you can live your beautiful life, enjoying your time here while honouring the memory of your beloved person. You learn how to release your emotional pain and how to rebuild your life step by step whichever stage you are at in your grieving process.The course also puts a great emphasis on continuing your relationship with your beloved one, showing you how to gently and naturally continue your communication with them. This new level communication is made possible once you open up your heart and allow that flow of communication to take place. There is nothing weird, woo-woo or scary about this communication it is simply a different kind.Milena Kosak guides you gently and expertly through your grief, whatever stage you are in. She shares generously about how she found her path through her deep grief after losing her 3-year old daughter. It is through this personal journey that Milena knows what you are going through in your grief and also what created her purpose in life of helping others move through grief and live fully again."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Build A Chat Application With Firebase, Flutter and Provider" |
"Do you want to build a complete chat mobile app just like WhatsApp, Telegram or Facebook Messenger? This is the course for you!WHAT WILL WE BE BUILDING?In this course, well use the best in Flutter and Firebase to build a complete chat application from zero to deployment called Chatify that you can release on the Google Play Store or iOS App Store.WHAT DOES THE APP FEATURE?An Amazing Real-time Messaging ApplicationA recent Conversations Page just like other popular messaging appsFinding other App Users with Full-Text SearchMedia Sharing between Users Realtime MessagingProfile Customization (i.e. Display Name, User Bio, etc)AuthenticationUsing Device Camera and Image Library for Image UploadsCreating Group ConversationsWHAT CONCEPTS ARE COVERED?A Complete Masterclass on Firebase / Firestore with Flutter Provider State Management FrameworkUploading Media Files with Firebase Storage + Image Compression Techniques Authentication with Firebase and Flutter Taking Pictures / Picking Images for Upload with Flutter Build and Deploy Firebase Functions Complete CRUD Functionality in Realtime with Cloud Firestore All the Realtime Firestore Database Triggers (onCreate, onUpdate, onDelete) Working with Streams, Futures and Updating State Media Queries and Device Orientation for Responsive App DesignHandling Async Data with FutureBuilders, StreamBuilders, and Async / Await FunctionsAnimations and Page TransitionsSVG Images and Image Caching for Performance Form Validation and Error Handling Custom Theme Creation and Fonts Tons of Practical, Straightforward and Repeatable App-Building Patterns And much more!WHAT ELSE DOES THIS COURSE OFFER? Deep, Fine-Grained Learning This course is jam-packed with information. I made the course that I most wanted to take and as a result, I didn't skimp on the details. You're going to cover more topics and material in greater depth than ever before. 100% Real-World Practice My goal is to get you writing code as much as possible. And not just any codewe'll be working exclusively on practical tasks that are instrumental in building your own amazing real-world apps. No-Nonsense, Spot-On Explanations - Every lesson is to-the-point. I break down what we're making, how we'll be doing it and what the final product will look like, all on top of helpful and illustrative descriptions to aid your understanding along the way.I really enjoyed making this course and I think youll enjoy taking it just as much.Looking forward to seeing you within the course!Who this course is for:Mobile and web developers looking to build impressive real-world, production-ready apps!Flutter developers looking for a challengeDevelopers looking to delve into the world of Firebase"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"TestNg Framework - Learn from Scratch with Practical Tests" |
"***Course Updated with latest examples time to time***TestNG is a testing framework for the Java programming language created by Cdric Beust and inspired by JUnit and NUnit.The design goal of TestNG is to cover a wider range of test categories: unit, functional, end-to-end, integration, etc., with more powerful and easy-to-use functionalities.What made this course Unique from other courses? Only course on Internet which covers Real time project explanation and all your Quetion like what and why ??It's basically designed in such a way -so that one can answer when we should go for what approach and how?.-- WHAT MAKES THIS COURSE BEST? *******************We assume that students have no experience in TestNg and start every topic from basics level.Examples are taken from REAL TIME Scenario to understand how different components can be automated, that will give you idea of industry level framework and give you confidence.NO PRIOR CODING OR AUTOMATION EXPERIENCE NEEDED, this course covers all the necessary topics.Get more than 5+ hours of unique content with real example Contents are provided to refer and learn with examples.***************************************************************************Every Sections has INTERVIEW QUESTIONS to practice/master the learning process.It will be very helpful for your NEXT JOB/Interview. :)****************************************************************************On course completion You will be Mastered in TestNg and can implement Successfully it in your work place or will surely land on High Paying Job.We start from Beginners level and slightly go through Advanced FRAMEWORK level. This is a single course for everything you need to know related to TestNg Framework.We have Covered all the Topics: (Refer- Course content Section)********************************Bonus*****Some exciting stuff*************************************************************************************This is life time supported course - Any time you can access these course via Mobile App or Web App*************************************************************************************At the end of this course you can pick any Web Application over internet and can automate it comfortably with all necessary validations.***Keep Learning- Keep Growing*** and Wish you all the Best !!"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |