Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"50 Cool Licks and Ideas for Traditional Electric Blues Gtr." |
" Today, it seems that so many blues guitarists are content to jam out in the first or second blues box position - shredding single string solos and bends full of cliched licks and lacking imagination. So how does one escape the mundane? Easy! All you have to do is explore the playing of the ""old school"" blues guitarists - the originators of the style! That's what this new lesson series is all about. I've always been interested in finding new and more interesting licks to mix-in with the commonly used phrases. Here, I will share and teach 50 different ways that you can make your playing more interesting - in the ""old school"" way. In this course, I will teach you 50 different licks and creative ideas from the blues recordings of the 1950s and 1960s. The licks taught in this lesson series come from the playing of such greats as Buddy Guy, Hubert Sumlin, Robert Jr. Lockwood, Pee Wee Crayton, T-Bone Walker, Otis Rush, Freddy King, Eddie Taylor, Johnny ""Guitar Watson. and many more! TABS are included for each lick. Licks include chord licks, single string runs & fills, double stop licks, and other creative ideas. Each lick is clearly explained and demonstrated - so you actually can understand how/why the lick is played and how you can play it in a variety of keys. This lesson series is meant to supplement my two Traditional Blues Guitar Lesson Series for beginners - giving you a variety of new ideas to work into your playing."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Blender 2.8 von A-Z" |
"Die umfassende Einfhrung in 3D-Gestaltung!Blender ist ein komplexes kostenloses Programm, um hochwertige 3D-Inhalte zu erstellen. Nach Jahren stetiger Weiterentwicklung ist Blender 2.8 zu einer echten Konkurrenz zu kommerziellen Tools wie 3dsmax, Cinema 4D oder Maya geworden. In diesem Videokurs erwarten Dich mehr als 10 Stunden kompaktes Training. Er ist ein Basiskurs, der sich an Anfnger richtet, die ohne Vorwissen in krzester Zeit einen umfangreichen Einblick in Blender gewinnen wollen. Lerne die essentiellen Grundlagen von 3D-Design!Der Kurs basiert auf einem Vorlesungskonzept, das sich seit ber 13 Jahren in der Hochschullehre etabliert und weiterentwickelt hat. Fr die vorliegende Kurs-Version von 2020 habe ich smtliche Inhalte komplett neu aufbereitet und auf den aktuellsten Stand gebracht. Er wurde vollstndig in Blender 2.8 aufgezeichnet und fr diese neue Version optimiert!Techniken fr Cycles und Eevee!Die Inhalte dieses Kurses decken alle wichtigen Grundlagen ab, so dass Du am Ende in der Lage sein wirst, selbststndig 3D-Objekte nach Deinen Entwrfen und Ideen zu modellieren, texturieren und animieren. Blender 2.8 von A bis Z! - Inhalt des Kurses:Die behandelten Themen umfassen:Animation, bungsaufgaben, Alpha, Ambient Occlusion, Aura, AusschnittBevel, Bridge, Baumgenerator, BSDF, Bump, Beleuchtungsmodell, Bloom, Bogenverlauf, Bezir, BildformatCycles, ClearcoatDatenblock, Drehmaschinenobjekt, Displace, DopesheetEevee, Easing, Extrusion, Edges, Emission, Evaluation Time, EinzelbildsequenzFaces, Fake Light, Fortschrittsanzeige, FilmdateiGrundkrper, Graph-Editor, Glas, GeneratorHDRI, HierarchienIndirektes Licht, Inset FacesJoinKamera, Kopie & Klon, Keyframes, Knife, Kurven, Konvertieren, KurvenmodifikatorenLayouts, Lichter, Loopcut, Lathing, LatticeMeshmodelling, Modifikatoren, Material, Merge, Measure, Metaballs, Metallic, mp4Node-Editor, Nebenlufige Bewegungen, NachfolgeOptimieren, OutlinerProgrammoberflche, Primitive, Prozedurale Texturen, Parametrische Objekte, Pfadanimation, Platzhalter, ProblemeQuick FavoritesRenderer, Rip, Roughness, Refraction, Record Button, relative PfadeSplines, Subdivision, Split, Smoothing, Sweep, Surfaces, Specularity, Schatten, Stauchen und Strecken, Shape KeysTexturen, Spline Types, Taper, Text, Transparenz, TimingUnsichtbare BereicheVertices, Vorausnahme, VideoschnittWave-ModifikationX-, Y- und Z-ArbeitsrumeZeitleiste... und mehr!~~~ Sieh Dir die kostenlosen Vorschau-Videos an, um zu sehen, wie der Kurs abluft! ~~~Trainingskonzept: Theorie + Technikprinzip + bungDieser Kurs ist leicht verstndlich, einfach nachzuvollziehen und dennoch herausfordernd:Ich erklre Dir Hintergrnde und theoretische Anstze in einfachen, kleinen Schritten. Danach zeige ich Dir an einem ganz einfachen Beispiel, wie es in der Software funktioniert. Hier werden KEINE fertigen Modelle vorausgesetzt, von denen Du nicht weit, wie sie entstanden sind!In jedem Kapitel erhltst Du Aufgabenstellungen in denen Du das Gezeigte selbst umsetzen sollst. Die Aufgabenstellungen sind berschaubar und leicht nachzuvollziehen. Wenn Du mal nicht weiter weit, kannst Du Dir im Video die Lsung ansehen und mitmachen.Wir bauen in diesem Kurs konkret die folgenden Modelle:Turm aus BaukltzenTubeRaupeCupcake mit Farbgestaltung und BeleuchtungTischtuchSahnehaufenSirup-KirschePapierbecherGlckwunschtext + AnimationDiscokugel + Dreh-AnimationFlascheFuball + AnimationDu erhltst lebenslangen Zugang mit einem einmalige Kauf auf Udemy. Der Dozent ist auf Gebiet Spiele-Entwicklung hoch qualifiziert und erfahren, so dass auch komplexe Sachverhalte klar verstndlich, aber auch kurzweilig erklrt werden. Am Ende des Kurses wirst Du selbstsicher 3D-Modelle fr Spiele erstellen knnen und immer weiter machen wollen.Selbst wenn Du noch Anfnger bist, bringe ich Dir alle Grundlagen bei, die Du brauchst. Wenn Du Gestalter oder Knstler bist, lernst Du hier, wie Du Deine kreativen Ideen in Form interaktiver und animierter 3D-Objekte umsetzt. Schreibe Dich jetzt ein!Noch immer unsicher? Sieh Dir die kostenlosen Zusammenfassungsvideos zu Beginn jedes Kapitels an, um zu erfahren, was genau behandelt wird."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Masterclass in Marvelous Designer" |
"welcome to my course, Masterclass in Marvelous Designer. In this course, you'll learn the the way of making clothes.First, you'll dive into understanding the fundamentals of the pattern-based approach in Marvelous Designer.If you have no knowledge of Marvelous Designer, with this course you will be able to create any clothes you need for your 3d model.This course is designed for everyone from beginners to advanced users. At last you will learn to make garment making. and gain new skills to increase your chance for new job opportunities. Software required: Marvelous Designer."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Excel Basics 101" |
"You will learn how to easily move around and use the Excel interface that will then allow you to enter, select and format you data for a more professional looking workbook. You will also come away with the knowledge of basic formulas and function which will allow you to move on to more advance feature and function in upcoming classes."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Getting Started with .NET Core SignalR" |
"Get Started with .NET Core SignalR!Are you a student or professional in the field of software engineering or maybe contemplating an educational or career move to the software engineering world? Have you been looking for a quick and easy way to get up and running with .NET Core coupled with SignalR Real-Time Development and don't want to go through an overwhelming amount of material just to get your environment setup and ready for building your own apps that interact with data? Don't worry as THIS IS THE COURSE FOR YOU! In my course, I will teach you how to get your environment setup for .NET Core SignalR, and help you to build your first set of apps that apply Real-Time Development through a step-by-step guided approach. Take this course and feel proud of the fact that you will be one step closer towards the rewarding field of Software Engineering using .NET technologies!"
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"SAP ABAP : leri Seviye ABAP Eitim Seti" |
"Merhabalar , leri Seviyede SAP ABAP Eitim seti kursuna ho geldiniz. Bu eitim video seti sayesinde ABAP programlama dili ile ileri seviyede gelitirme yapabilecek duruma geleceksiniz. Bir SAP uzmannn , SAP ierisinde ileri seviyede hangi ekranlara ihtiya oluyorsa , sizlere bu ekranlarn kullanm hakknda detayl bilgilerde verilecektir. Bu bilgiler sayesinde sizde SAP Danmanlk irketlerinde veya Kurumsal irketlerde SAP uzman yada SAP Danman olarak alabilirsiniz."
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"SAP IDES ECC6 EHP8 installation step by step process shown." |
"In this course i had shown the step by step process how you can install SAP IDES ECC6 EHP8 on VMWare Workstation Pro. You can use the same steps to install on a physical pc, except the installation process of Windows Server OS will be little different on a physical pc."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"The Nocturnes and Symphonies James Abbott McNeill Whistler" |
"This is a course on the Art of James Abbott McNeill Whistler. This course is designed for us to enjoy, study and learn from this great master artist. Very well trained in art, the young Whistler blossoms to become one of the greatest landscape and portrait artists of the 19th century. He is one of the first to incorporate and introduce the principles of Japanese art to Western Europe."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Art of Belly Dance: Belly Dancing Mastery for Beginners" |
"Do you want to feel feminine, sexy and more confident?Do you want to become healthier and enjoy an activity which will bring smiles to your face and others?This class is a belly dance class which provides you valuable tools and strategies.You will Learn:How to step into your feminine or masculine essenceThe correct posture Basic dance moves to make you feel more confident and sexyHow to center yourselfHow to feel more beautifulHow to step into more claritySeesaw Hip- Release fear, anxiety, panic and stressHow to feel emotionally free through danceHow to get rid of old feelings, especially fear, anxiety, panic and stressBody Shake: Get rid off bad information in your cellsSeesaw Twist: Breast shaking Let go off all unnecessary tensions and emotions, release stuck emotionsHave you thought about learning belly dancing before but the thought of going to a class in public was too embarrassing for you to pursue? In this complete online course you can master the basics from the comfort of your own home!Meet Your Belly Dancing Teacher: Sonja Alexandra PaschirbeMy very first encounter with Bellydance was at the age of 9. My parents organized aBuddhist Culture Festival and a woman taught us a Bellydance choreography. Myfirst Bellydance move was the Arabic Basic Step. For me it felt very natural to movelike this. But in my perception this dance seemed to be a dance for grown up women,so I decided to learn it later, when it would feel appropriate. In between, I had a lot offun dancing other styles like Jazz Dance and Street Dance. Suddenly in 2014, thanksto my ""Soulresponding"" coaching and training, I realized that Bellydancing would be themost authentic way to rediscover my access to my essence.In February 2017, after the start of my digital nomad journey, I felt quiteuncomfortable in my body, I ate to much sugar and bread. But because I loved mybody I decided to give it what it needed: Bellydancing! Back then I was traveling withmy partner through France in a camping van and I suddenly experienced a quitestrong, ecstatic impulse through my whole body. Immediately, I googled the terms""Bellydance teacher training Berlin. The first entry that came up was the Essence ofBellydance Teacher Training. Exactly one spot was left. Instantly, I applied for it andstarted very quickly with the Online Training. It felt so natural to dance everyday andmaster step by step the various ancient moves. In my work with women, I often combine Essence of Bellydance movements withimpulses of what the clients soul is responding. In fact, I use the moves in order totransform emotions that are blocking the body-flow. Some Bellydance moves, like thefigure eight or the Maya, are predestinated to help transforming female, collectivetraumata in our hips. While I was working in school, I realized that being an entrepreneur and coach wouldoffer me more possibilities to live my essence, to be free and to encourage morepeople to live their freedom. Once again, I received an impulse going through mybody while I was in wild nature, on a beautiful island in Sweden. I figured out that Ididnt want to be employed anymore because this was not the adequate life situationfor me to integrate my ideas of social transformation. Inspired by my childhood I grewup with the idea: If you make someone happy, you find your own happiness. So Iasked my higher self what kind of work would fulfill me?Instantly I got the answer inside of me: Guiding and teaching people to find theiressence by themselves.Enroll today in this belly dancing course where I will guide you how to master your body and posture and perfect the basics of belly dancing from the comfort of your own home. But its more than just a belly dancing class, its a transformation within yourself to gain more confidence, feel sexier, release stress and own your emotions in a powerful way. Enroll Now!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Not for Profit QuickBooks Desktop vs QuickBooks Online" |
"Learners will understand how to set up QuickBooks Online & QuickBooks Desktop for a Not for Profit Organization.The course will show how to use free resources to optimize learning.We will demonstrate the use of class the jobs feature & category tracking to generate Not for Profit reports.Learners will see how to create and use donation receipt forms.We will show how to create and use pledge receipt forms.The course will demonstrate how to enter and track restricted resources.We will enter month end adjusting entries.Learners will see how to allocate expenses to programs and administrative categories.We will record net assets released from restriction.The course will show how to generate, analyze, memorize, & export to Excel financial reports."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to Work Smarter and Stay Productive Working from Home" |
"Welcome to our course on How to Work Smarter and Stay Productive Working from Home.This course is designed for:- Anyone who works from home,- Anyone looking for better results,- Anyone who feels overwhelmed and wants to improve,- Anyone that knows they are capable of getting better results with their productivity but dont know where to start, and- Anyone that is unsure of how they can be more productive or wonder what other strategies might be out there.You will benefit from practical tips, resources and templates to assist you with improving your productivity.We all know the famous saying Work Smart, Not Hard! But, what does that mean really for me in terms of achieving better results with better smart working habits! I share my advice with 10 practical tips on how to work smarter including the following suggestions: - Work smart not hard,- Make a weekly plan,- Dont multitask,- Prioritize tasks,- Organize yourself,- Focus on results,- Create productive routines and implement them,- Take regular breaks,- Finish what you have started and- Automate your work.In addition, this course provides the following suggestions on working from home:- How to create a new working environment for you at home,- Why do you need to take breaks while working from home?,- How to establish a routine and how to be flexible when you work from home?,- How to prepare your company to work from home?,- How to deal with employees who might feel isolated when working from home?,- How to utilize video conferences? - How to establish communication rules? - How to track time of your staff?There are no requirements necessary to enroll. We only ask that you come open minded and ready to learn and ready to take some risks. In order to attend this course, you need to follow the course videos, access additional websites provided in the course, utilize the templates and resources provided and engage with the course participants and instructor.If you need personal support, I am here to help!The instructor for this course is AJ who brings a wealthy business and educational background including 20 years of business experience having founded and developed multiple companies. Also, AJ has an educational background teaching Entrepreneurship courses to University students."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Freedom from being Victimized - Embodied Forgiveness - A5.1" |
"This is One Course within a Seven part Course-Series entitled Embodied Forgiveness. This course is complete in itself focuses on utilizing forgiveness to liberate ourselves from Being Victimized, Harassed or Abused.Key: When forgiven properly, you experience a natural authentic appreciation.Forgiveness has many degrees of application ranging from a mere pardon of sins as discussed in ""A Course in Miracles"" to the extreme extent, where ""A Course in Miracles"" could take you; complete forgiving of all the definitions of all physical existence, leading to transcending this physical dimensional plane. This course, however, intends on assisting you to comprehend and apply forgiveness to liberate yourself from current suffering and pain residual from your previous experiences.Forgiveness in itself is almost impossible to teach because authentic forgiveness is an absence of doing something. It develops a shift from perceived imprisonment or struggles to freedom and enjoyment. These principles have been taught by religious and spiritual leaders for eons however it is hardly taken to the extreme of transcending time and space. Your professor Rev. Devan Jesse Byrne however fully embodied forgiveness on his five-year vision quest, where he sought to transcend the world by forgiving every degree and aspect of the world. Not only does forgiveness become a way of seeing, where it is applied instantaneously but it eventually dissolves the physical perspective and allows you to experience the multidimensional Spiritual Universe.So if you are ready to be free from being Being Victimized, Harassed or Abused, this course is what you have been looking for. It is a beautiful addition to any spiritual practice, if you know of ""A Course in Miracles"" or not."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
slimming |
". . . "" . . .""! . , . : 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.5. 1.6.7 1.7. 1.8. 1.9. 1.10. 1.11. 1.12. 1.13. "" . . ."" : . , . , , , . ."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Boost your Health and Immunity with DNA codes!" |
"Do you want to boost your health?How healthy do you feel you are?How in tune are you with the different parts of your body? With all your organs?Are you feeling enough vitality and energy in your life?Are you getting often sick? How is your immunity?Are you afraid of viruses and bacteria?In these days where our immune systems are compromised by global pollution, bad diet and addictions, it is essential to harmonize all the different parts of our body and to restore a healthy, dynamic and coherent flow of life within us.Immunity=Im Unity.It is all about bringing back healthy communication, coherence and power in our different body systems.Our organs are the foundations of our health. To communicate and network with the rest of the body, they are connected to our meridian system, a circuitry in our etheric body. We have 12 pairs of main meridians and 8 marvelous vessels that supervise the overall network.In this class, we will explore more than 80 DNA codes to purify and activate all our organs, meridians and marvelous vessels.These DNA codes are phonic triggers, like sounds that you need to repeat aloud 3 times to activate some dormant energetic systems in your DNA that will purify and/or activate a specific part of your body.Here are the codes we will discover together:Our organs/body parts:Eyes, Ears, Mouth, Gums, Tongue, Nose, Larynx, Brain, Lungs, heart, Stomach, Liver, Spleen, Bladder, Skin, Kidneys, Small Intestine, long Intestine and Gallbladder.Our 12 pair of main meridians:Lungs-Long Intestine-Stomach-Spleen-Heart-Small intestine- Bladder-Kidneys-Pericardium-triple Warmer-Gallbladder- LiverOur 8 marvelous vessels:Ren Mai-Du Mai-Chong Mai-Dai Mai-Yinwei Mai-Yangwei Mai- Yinchiao Mai-Yangchiao MaiThen we will explore other codes to boost our thymus gland, and combinations to boost considerably our all immunity.A meditation with Illahi Noor, the golden Ray energy will help us to reharmonize the communication between all our cells.You will be as well introduced to testing to be able to determine the purity and vitality of each of your organs-meridians. And you will be able to track the improvements.Some general tips of herbal remedies, detox techniques and breathwork will be shared as well.If you have already played with DNA codes from my other classes, then you know how efficient they can be. And if it is your fist class with these codes, then simply trust: your body has all the answers, all the power to restore health, harmony and joy.Our bodies are designed perfectly, to sustain the harsh environment where we live in. This class is an opportunity to clean the whole system, to restore our own ability to heal and function to its optimal level.Are you ready to boost your health and immunity?Now is the time.Demian Haye"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Grow a No-Dig Garden" |
"How to start a no-dig garden from scratch with no gardening experience at all. The basic mechanics, why no-dig, seed selection and garden planning are all covered. At the end of this course you'll be fully equipped to start your garden, get your hands into the soil and grow your own food!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
KNX/ETS-Primer |
"In this course about the KNX protocol and the commissioning software ""ETS5"" we deal with all facets of the KNX protocol and the parameterization within the software ""ETS5"".We will start with a brief look at the history of the KNX protocol and the associated KNX association.We then deal with the numerous communication media types offered by the KNX protocol. We look at all media types starting with twisted pair, power line, radio frequency up to internet protocol.Once we understand the media types, we take a closer look at the various components and device types. We take a look at sensors, actuators and system components.In order for a KNX network to function at all, we first have to get an overview of the topology, i.e. the network structure. Therefore we devote a separate section to topology.As soon as the topology is understood, we can already look at the digital structure of KNX. This includes physical addresses, group addresses and communication objects.Now that we have an overview of the KNX protocol, we start working together in the ETS5. First we get an overview of the different functions. Later in the course, we then parameterize all the important functions together in the ETS5 and then test them live on devices."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Creative Writing: the full course" |
"The most famous italian writing course become finally an international BESTSELLER! Hurry up and improve your writing skills like never before! Finally you're going to have an answer about: - how do you create engaging characters that feel like theyre alive and reel the reader in? - How do you create a narrative structure that keeps the reader hooked and glued to the page from start to finish? - How do you convey emotions using nothing more than text printed on paper? - And how do you write dialogue that manages to deliver information about a character and keeps the plot going all by itself? WHAT STUDENTS ARE SAYING ABOUT:""This training program was on of the best I had! Very complete, detailed and so well grounded. We can notice that the trainer is very knowledgeable regarding the themes he teaches. The program is very well structured and reveals a lot of research. It also gives students lots of examples and each module ends with a challenge! Even if you don`t want to be a writer or a novelist, this program is great for everyone who communicates to audiences and is fond of storytelling techniques. Great tips on this matter! Great job! :)"" - 1stLegacy""Oh my gosh this course was amazing! I entered it thinking I already knew most of the course from experience - I was so wrong (and very glad to be!). Lots of useful tips and exercises, and they explain all the little things that writers do without you realising. I feel much more confident."" - Julia Fyvie-Neill""This course is wonderful and super helpful! It is perfectly well explained, with practical examples and exercices. You are gonna love it!"" - Sandra Navarro Bejerano""A very detailed and precise course. I personally enjoy the load of work that comes with this course because it clarifies my ideas about writing and mainly I get inspired. And I think inspiration is one essential element needed to write, or do anything for that matter. A must for all those who are interested in writing well and with clarity. The analogies and examples used here are very helpful and interesting. This course really inspires me to write my novel. Thank you."" - Jyoti Bhatt""Better then any course I've done on writing before - a must!"" - Sonia Zadro""It's a wonderful experience listening to the content. The examples chosen are brilliant. Thank you for such an engaging course."" - Sathyabama OppiliWHY THIS COURSE?Whether youre a budding wordsmith or someone who already has a few novels under their belt, having a set of tools that are useful for your path as a writer will be essential in order to achieve your goal: to write a novel and become a real writer.Butyou askwhy should you take a course, why this one in particular? My name is Luca Panzarella. I've been writing since I was 14, Ive self-published several books that have sold over 3000 copies, and I have created the most famous literary contest website in Italy, whose mission is to help budding writers.But thats not the only answer to your question: the real reason why you should take this course is that over the past two years, Ive devoted all my time to studying most of the writing books out there and cataloguing the books and movies that have gotten the highest sales, trying to understand what their secret is. And thats exactly how I want to teach you this information: by reading these books and watching these movies together with you, thanks to the countless examples in the lessons.The course had an incredible success in Italy and that's why I decided to translate all the 7+ hours content and I worked with a phenomenal american voice talent in order to give you the maximum quality of the lessons.Start taking the free lessons and see for yourself: is it just me, or are you becoming a better writer already? Your journey towards being a better writer begins right now."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Control Instructions for C Programming MCQ Practice Question" |
"As the name suggests the Control Instructions enable us to specify the order in which the various instructions in a program are to be executed by the computer. In other words the control instructions determine the flow of control in a program. There are four types of control instructions in C. They are:(a) Sequence Control Instruction(b) Selection or Decision Control Instruction(c) Repetition or Loop Control Instruction(d) Case Control InstructionThe Sequence control instruction ensures that the instructions are executed in the same order in which they appear in the program. Decision and Case control instructions allow the computer to take a decision as to which instruction is to be executed next. The Loop control instruction helps computer to execute a group of statements repeatedly. In the following chapters we are going to learn these instructions in detail. Try your hand at the Exercise presented on the following pages before proceeding to the next chapter, which discusses the decision control instructionThese questions will give you basic idea for Examination Preparation and/or interview on Control Instructions for C Programming. Please Note: These questions are only for practice and understanding level of knowledge only. It is not necessary that these questions may or may not appear for examinations and/or interview questionsIn this practice test, because of large amount of questions (around 51 questions) some of questions may have repeatedI had to put as 70% pass rate because there may also be wrong answers from my side."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Bitcoin ve Altcoin Kazan Eitimi" |
"Bitcoin ve altcoin de nasl kazan salanaca, kazan salamak iin izleyemeniz gereken yollar, yntemler ve stratejiler, kazan iin atlacak admlar tek tek adm adm anlatlmakadr. Temelde alnp ileri seviyeye kadar gtrmektedir. Bu seviye sayesinde kazan elde edebilir veya yeni yatrm alan kefedebilirsiniz.Kendi czdannz oluturmay bu czdan sayesinde coinlerinizi saklamay ve kullanmn renmeniz yannda size yardm edecek uygulama ve almalar da sunmaktaym."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Narrative Design Master Class: Game writing essentials" |
"Why this course is specialThis course is like no other on the market. We're going to be looking at some very interesting concepts when it comes to Narrative Design. My GuaranteeFor every student that joins the course, they will be able to ask questions about their games and how to go about using their story to help develop their game. I will be available to answer any and all questions for all of my students.The Course StructureThe course is almost all videos. It will take between 6.5 hours to complete. After you finish this course, you will have a more robust understanding of how to write for your games.The course is structured into 8 main Sections. Section 2: Introduction to Narrative DesignIn this section, We will be taking a solid look at what is narrative design. Understanding all the fundamentals that go into writing and grasp a deep comprehension of plot theory. We will also look at game genres, player archetypes, mechanics, clarity in writing, and much more.Section 3: Concept / PitchHere, we look at how to generate and cultivate ideas from their initial inception to writing out a full-blown pitch document. This section allows you to create your concept that will be pushed throughout the entire course.Section 4: World BuildingThis is my favorite section because here, we will look at the intricacies of building a full-scale world from nothing. We will talk about climate, mood, setting, who inhabits it, is it fantasy, is it science fiction and much moreSection 5: CharacterIn this section, we flesh out our main protagonist and give them a sense of purpose in the out newly created world. This will allow us to see which of the 4 main types of character we want to create/. We when looking at Character Psychology and the 16 personality types, along with really looking at diversity in video games and how to make it more efficientSection 6: StoryThis section is dedicated to player agency, giving the player a sense of purpose throughout the entire game and respecting their choices. We take a critical look at Linear, Non-Linear and open-world games and their perspective on player agency. Section 7: DialogueHere we will look at dialogue and the importance it represents in-game. How to write dialogue, the 3 main types, and incorporating cutscenes into the game.Section 8: Bringing it all togetherThis section brings all previous sections together to understand the fundamentals of narrative designSection 9: Bonus: Breaking into the industry as a Narrative DesignerIn this Bonus Section, we take a look at what tools are at a Narrative Designer's disposal to break into the industry and start their careers right after finishing this courseCertification of completion when finishing this course When you complete 100% of the videos in this course, you will be emailed a certificate of completion by Udemy so you can show it as proof of your expertise and that you have completed a certain number of hours of instruction in the course topic."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Sell Products with Facebook Ads Fast On Shopify 2020" |
"Learn how to create a Shopify dropshipping website for eCommerce along with a secret Facebook advertising strategy to bring in sales from anywhere in the world without any experience. This course teaches you: Making Shopify Brand StoreFind Marketing Content Free For AdsRunning perfect Facebook ads to get sales It requires no experience.This is a very practical course that covers all the basics you need to get started and start selling online in no timeDon't waste your time and money on useless youtube videos that get you nowhere, enroll now and start selling today!regards, Yasir Ahmed, MBA"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"New Virtual Assistant Business - Your Blueprint to Launch" |
"Congratulations! Youre ready to become a virtual assistant and run your own business. Oftentimes, taking the initial leap is the scariest step, so I applaud you for your bravery and commitment.Although youre ready to launch your business, youre probably not quite sure where to start. You may be asking yourself questions like:How do I launch with little or no money?What tools do I need to get started?How do I determine things like my working hours and ideal income?How do I find my ideal clients?Do I need a website or insurance?Should I work under my own name or create a business name?How can I prepare for self-employed taxes and what are the best tools to help me manage income and expenses?What are some common mistakes that lead to new business failures (and how can I avoid them)?Youre in luck! This course takes you all the way from A (determining what kind of assistant you want to be) to Z (how to launch and grow a lucrative VA business).WHO THIS COURSE IS FORThis course is a foundational course and is designed to be your new business blueprint. Its tailor-made for individuals who are ready to launch their own independent business.WHO THIS COURSE IS NOT FORIt is not designed for already well-established VAs or those who are interested in offering virtual assistance as a side-hustle.MEET YOUR INSTRUCTORIm Erin, I launched my own VA business in 2012. I will share the best tips, practices, habits, and tools to help you get your business up and running - today! Not only have I run a lucrative business for nearly a decade, I also have two of the best-selling VA courses on Udemy (Must Have Tools and Double Your Income). I've taught over 16,000 happy students, and created this introductory course after overwhelming demand from my own students.LETS GET STARTEDIf youre ready to cut traditional office ties and create a life where you control who you work with, how you work with them, and how much you charge with confidence, then this is the course for you.So what are you waiting for? Lets hop in the course!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Devlet Destekleri ile Sfrdan irket nasl Kurulur" |
"Kendi iini kurmak iin neye ihtiyacn var? Gerekten yapabilecein o kadar ok yol var ki , sen de baarabilirsin. Kendi iini kurmak iin devletten destek alp i fikrini hayata geirebilirsin. - Devlet Hibe programlar ile 200.000TL hibe alabilirsin - Kendi iimi kurmak istiyorum ne kadar harcamalarm olacak - Aylk vergiler ne kadar - Yllk Vergiler ne kadar - i gelitirme nasl oluyor- Mteri nasl bulurum - Kosgeb destei alp irket kurmak istiyorum- Tbitak destei alp irket kurmak istiyorum- Kendi iimi kurmak iin fikir nasl bulurum"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Anatomia e Fisiologia per l'operatore Olistico" |
"Nell'ambito Olistico conoscere i fondamenti del nostro corpo fondamentale quanto studiare le teorie energetiche.Questo corso vuole essere un primo approccio alla conoscenza del nostro corpo, per capirne le basi del funzionamento e apprendere il lessico fondamentale.I concetti sono stati pensati e riassunti con l'idea di essere utili ai neofiti che vogliano ampliare le proprie conoscenze.Un primo passo fondamentale per gli operatori Olistici ma non solo!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Evde Etkili ve Verimli almann Yollar" |
"Dijitalleen dnyada, pek ok iletme ve global apta irket almalarn uzaktan gerekletirecek ekilde dzenliyor. htiyac karlayan bir bilgisayar ve internet eriimi ile ofise gitme zorunluluu giderek azalyor. Evde almak, alanlar iin de iveren iin de aslnda yeni bir kavram. Bu kavram hayata geirirken baz nemli metodlar bilmek iimizi nemli lde kolaylatryor.Bu eitimde, z disiplini gelitiren, ertelemelerin nne geen, ileri hangi zaman aralnda ve hangi metodlarn yardm ile daha kolay zeceinizi reneceksiniz. ster bir irkete bal ister freelance alyor olun, bildikleriniz kariyerinizi olumlu ynde gelitirecek."
Price: 229.99 ![]() |
"Google My Business Local Listing Course" |
"Would you like to Promote Your Business Locally then Google My Business is a free tool where you can promote your business easily. You Must have Searched on Google about Near Me storesYou Will find may search results in maps and Google Searches for the Same. How it comes on GoogleThe Tool Name is Google my Business. If You List Your Business via Google my Business then you will Get the Following High Qualified Leads through GooglePeople can Search you on Google You, Will, Get free Website on GMBGet Reviews from your Customers sell your products and services from google my business page Google My Business Course in HindiGet Searched Locally in your Market With the Help of Google my BusinessList Your Business on Google and Get Free Leads forever. Complete Guide to Google My Business Course in HindiLearn How to List Your Business on Google in Two MinutesGet Your Google Listing Verified on Call and TextHow to Generate Leads from Google my BusinessHow to Create Free Website on Google within Minutesreview Mechanism on Google My Business"
Price: 3520.00 ![]() |
"Neural Networks With MATLAB: Programming For Beginners" |
"This course provides a comprehensive introduction to the neural network for the data fitting problems using MATLAB. Attendees will learn to construct, train, and simulate different kinds of neural networks. A set of practical problems are solved in this course. At the end of this course, you will be able to solve the Neural Network problems using the MATLAB - Neural Network Toolbox. The MATLAB scripts and functions included in the class are also available for download. Happy learning.NB: This course is designed most straightforwardly to utilise your time wisely."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Corso Instagram per Aziende - (IG Ads con Business Manager)" |
"Instagram per Aziende un corso (teorico e molto pratico) che presenta tecniche e strumenti per integrare Instagram in una strategia di web marketing e fare delle inserzioni ""sponsorizzate"" con Business Manager di Facebook.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Il linguaggio utilizzato semplice e alla portata di tutti.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Instagram un canale relativamente giovane, nasce ufficialmente il 6 Ottobre 2010 come piattaforma di condivisione instantanea dei contenuti, in particolare per gli amanti della fotografia.Il grande salto avviene nel 2012, quando Facebook acquisisce Instagram e introduce nuove feature che cambieranno quest'app.Dalla fine del 2015, anche in Italia sono disponibili le inserzioni ""sponsorizzate"" che si stanno rilevando uno strumento molto efficace.Instagram cresciuta tantissimo soprattutto perch una piattaforma molto facile da capire e da utilizzare.La visibilit che ogni singolo utente pu ottenere attraverso l'utilizzo degli hashtag, un meccanismo che consente a qualsiasi utente (pubblico) di aumentare la propria ed essere considerato attraverso like, commenti e ""follow"". importante sapere che l'ambiente Instagram si presenta quasi al limite della saturazione, per questo motivo qualsiasi azienda che oggi vuole essere presente su questo canale social, deve acquisire le competenze basilari per gestire il proprio profilo."
Price: 134.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop CC 2020 - Architecture and Design" |
"In this course, you will learn to develop visualizations step by step, with Adobe Photoshop and Coorbu!Although the course is developed as an ""Advanced"" course, no previous knowledge of Photoshop is required since we will develop all the visualizations step by step, from Level ""0"" to get authentic professional images!The course is aimed at all lovers of Architecture and Design in general.In a very intuitive way, you will learn how to work with the Photoshop Philosophy : organize layers and folders, download image libraries, different types of adjustments and effects and even learn how to download 3D Models and work with them inside your Photoshop scene !In addition, at the end of each class you will be able to relax with a gallery of reference images that can inspirate your own projects!"
Price: 134.99 ![]() |
"Practical Machine Learning - Learn, Develop and Deploy" |
"In this course we start from fundamentals of statistics, data science, data analytics and machine learning. We cover three machine learning benchmarks which you can use to extract knowledge from data to predict the future. We use house price dataset to perform data analysis and build machine learning model. The best part of the course is it doesn't end with machine learning model, instead you will design a web application, integrate your machine learning model and deploy your machine learning application on amazon web services EC2 cloud for worldwide access."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop Komplet: dari Nol Sampai Gol!" |
"Jadilah desainer, fotografer, dan editor Photoshop dan pelajari aneka skills dari aplikasi yang telah digunakan 3.500.000 orang di seluruh dunia!Video ini adalah online course yang paling lengkap, to-the point, dan mudah dipahami untuk penggunaan Photoshop berbahasa Indonesia di Udemy! Tidak penting apakah Anda belum pernah memotret, atau tidak sanggup menggambar dan mendesain, atau ingin mempelajari efek-efek khusus Photoshop, video course ini dirancang tentu saja untuk Anda! Dalam kursus ini, kami akan mengajari Anda menggunakan Photoshop secara efektif!Dilengkapi dengan berjam-jam video course, tugas-tugas, dan kuis, kursus komprehensif ini tidak membutuhkan pengalaman apapun! Cukup miliki Adobe Photoshop CC. Video course ini akan mengajarkan Anda mengoperasikan Photoshop secara praktis dengan setiap section dilengkapi screencast yang mengajarkan langkah-langkah, tip dan trik, dan workflow editing serta desain lengkap dan contoh-contoh foto yang menarik! Tunggu apa lagi, ayo belajarlah dengan cara yang terbaik untuk Anda!Kami akan memulainya dengan operasi dasar Photoshop. Lantas, kami akan membantu Anda mengoperasikan Photoshop sesuai kebutuhan. Kami membahas berbagai topik, termasuk:Meluruskan foto miringMelakukan vignettingMenggunakan Content-Aware <-- ini adalah tool yang sangat ajaib!Memakai Brigthness/ContrastMenggunakan Hue/SaturationMenyeleksi objek rumit seperti rambutMenyeleksi objek kecil seperti ranting-ranting pohonPengenalan non-destructive image editingEfek-efek khusus pada Layer dan Filterdan lain sebagainya (ada banyak tema-tema yang lain)Anda akan mendapatkan akses seumur hidup ke seluruh materi di dalam video course ini dari awal hingga tuntas!Video course ini dilengkapi dengan jaminan uang kembali 30 hari! Jika Anda tidak puas dengan cara penyampaian atau isi materi, Anda akan mendapatkan uang Anda kembali. UTUH! Jadi tunggu apa lagi? Pelajari Photoshop dengan cara termudah yang akan meningkatkan karir dan menambah pengetahuan Anda, semuanya dengan cara yang menyenangkan dan praktis!"
Price: 280000.00 ![]() |