Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Lightroom CC completo para Fotgrafos" |
"Ei fotgrafo, Quer levar o tratamento da sua fotografia para outro nvel?Se voc respondeu sim, voc est no curso certo!Este curso foi criado para descomplicar uma das ferramentas mais poderosas de edio do mercado. Neste curso voc ir aprender, de forma simples e prtica a extrair o melhor do Lightroom, tornando mais viva a sua fotografia.Voc vai aprender:Criar e organizar catlogos;Manipular cores;Exportar suas fotos com a melhor qualidade possvel;Corrigir aberraes cromticas;Manipular Iluminao;Dar identidade a sua fotografia;O que serei capaz de fazer depois deste curso?Editar suas fotografias;Exportar suas fotografias para Impresso e redes sociais;Criar seus prprios presets.E a, que tal fazer parte desta turma? Ser o maior prazer ter voc como meu aluno!Nos vemos nas aulas!"
Price: 204.99 ![]() |
charlie1 |
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Brigadeiros para Iniciantes" |
"Neste curso, o aluno ter contato com todas as ferramentas e conhecimentos iniciais para comear a trabalhar no ramo dos brigadeiros e da confeitaria. O aluno ir aprender as tcnicas aplicveis a toda e qualquer receita de brigadeiro e ter a base necessria para ampliar o cardpio do seu negcio por conta prpria, pois ter capacitao para desenvolver toda e qualquer ideia que tiver, com total autonomia."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"- A2 Part 2" |
"A2B2 17 29"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Survive Panic and Anxiety through Reconnecting" |
"This brief course focuses in depth on one technique to improve anxious or panicky feelings: grounding. Through the methods in this course, you will learn a variety of ways to implement grounding. This will help you to pull yourself from your anxious or unpleasant thoughts by reconnecting with the physical world. As part of this process, you will learn how to use your various senses in creative ways. The technique can be helpful when suffering from all kinds of negative feelings including grief, stress, and sadness."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cype - Curso completo de Generador de Prticos - Certificado" |
"En este curso encontrars todo lo que necesitas saber para poder definir completamente la envolvente de un edificio en el Generador de Prticos de Cype.Empezando por la identificacin de las opciones y acabando en una exportacin de una envolvente a Cype 3D. En este curso pasaremos paso a paso por todo lo que hay que saber del Generador de Prticos de Cype 3DA diferencia del curso gratuito, en este curso podrs:1. Obtener certificado de finalizacin (facilitado por Udemy)2. Preguntas y respuesta de los instructores.3. Mensaje directo al instructor.4. Visualizar los vdeos con las resoluciones de las dudas de otros alumnos."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Este curso esta diseado para personas que sienten inters por el Yoga pero an no se animan a probarlo y para personas que llevan poco tiempo practicando Yoga y quieren una gua para seguir la practica. Este curso es la gua perfecta para que te enamores de una de las disciplinas ms completas, no necesitas ms. Aprenders muchas cosas y te darn ganas de seguir indagando an ms. Haremos clases de YOGA cada da durante 13 das para principiantes. Con el fin de que puedas aprovechar el tiempo para aprender nuevas cosas y regalarle bienestar y salud a tu cuerpo.Te aseguro que cuando termines este curso entenders la conexin que existe entre tu cuerpo, tu alma y tu mente. Aprenders a respirar adecuadamente, descubrirs varias formas de trabajar la energa, te sentirs mucho ms fuerte fsica y mentalmente, tu flexibilidad mejorar, sentirs la paz de respirar y estar en el presente y ms Cuando termines este curso terminars encantado con el Yoga como me paso a mQU HAREMOS?-YOGA: PROBARS 4 TIPOS DE YOGA: Hatha Yoga, Power Yoga, Yoga Flow y Yoga Esttico. Con el fin de que descubras la variedad de reas que existen en el Yoga y te quedes con la que ms te guste.-TERICO-PRCTICA: Qu es Pranayama? Qu son Mudras? Qu son Chakras? Descubre el significado y cmo se usan en la prctica del Yoga y en nuestro diario vivir.-MEDITACIN: Haremos una meditacin de cierre que incluya Pranayamas, Mudras y una alineacin de Chakras.QU INCLUYE EL CURSO Y QU APRENDERS?- 8 Clases de Yoga COMPLETAS (2 Hatha Yoga, 2 Power Yoga, 2 Yoga Flow, 2 Yoga Esttico)- 3 Vdeos explicativos ( Qu es Pranayama?, Qu son Mudras?, Qu son los Chakras?- 1 PDF complementario con la informacin de MUDRAS. - Un audio en MP3 de una clase de Yoga a ciegas. - 1 Clase completa de MEDITACIN (Integrando Pranayamas, Mudras y Chakras)- Mi gua para hacer Yoga en casa.- Certificado de finalizacin.QUIERES HACER YOGA Y NO HAS TENIDO LA OPORTUNIDAD DE INTENTARLO? ENTONCES ESTE MOMENTO ES IDEAL PARA TI."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso #1 en Design Thinking como crear productos y servicios" |
"En este curso aprenders que es la metodologa Design Thinking sus etapas y principales herramientas desde lo mas bsico y elemental hasta sus variables mas complejas. Estos recursos los podrs aplicar para la creacin de productos y servicios, los cuales puedes transformar en proyectos personales, emprendimientos o modelos de negocio que te permitirn ser autnomo y exitoso en tu profesin. Todo el contenido Audiovisual de el curso esta construido con la metodologa Visual Thinking para el fcil entendimiento, comprensin y aplicacin de lo enseado.Es el mejor curso, mas completo"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Master DevOps Monitoring with Prometheus" |
"The Complete Guide to Mastering DevOps Monitoring with Prometheus.Unfortunately, monitoring is often overlooked in the DevOps Lifecycle. Attaining thorough time-series data from your environment to source crucial system trend information and construct desirable analytics to further development is essential to each and every organization. You also need a solution that is built from the ground up to assess dynamic environments.As the 2nd graduated project by the CNCF after Kubernetes, Prometheus is a simple open-source solution that your organization needs. Prometheus has been widely adopted by many large companies such as Uber, SoundCloud, Docker, and Digital Ocean for its unique ability to monitor dynamic and evolving environments.This is THE course when it comes to learning monitoring with Prometheus on Udemy. Get started with a 10 hour hands-on project where you will gain the experience that you need to adopt Prometheus within your own environment. We will cover:Theoretical monitoring principlesInstallation methodsAlert and metrics dashboardsYou will also learn:App InstrumentationScraping metrics from numerous exportersThe Push GatewayService Discovery methodsEnvironment LabellingRecording RulesThe unique PromQLThis course is constantly being revised with feedback from students like you. Engage the instructor with any concerns as you embark on your journey to becoming the next PromQL Guru!Let's get started!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Google My Business - Complete Listing Optimization Training" |
"Are you looking for a Google My Business (GMB) course that shows you how to rank Google my business listings?Great, youre in the right place.Maybe you own a local business and would like to optimise your GMB listing OR maybe you would like to learn the whole process so you can offer it as a service to local business owners.Whichever one it is, you can be sure Ive got you covered.I dont just talk the talk; I actually walk the walk and live it too.In this course, youll be able to watch me in real-time as I optimise a LIVE Google My Business listing and get it ranked.At the end of the course, youll find that this GMB listing ranking for some BIG keywords.The process I follow throughout the course is the SAME process I use when ranking my client GMBs, so you can be confident what youre learning is indeed used in the real world and does actually work.What youll learn by taking this GMB CourseLearn how to optimise your Google My Business listingFind out what the top GMB ranking factors are Find out what citations are and how to build them to correct wayHow to generate more reviews for your businessHow to deal with fake reviews on your GMB listingHow to set up Google Ads for your local business within the GMB dashboard Google algorithms that affect the map pack (Where GMBs rank)A reliable company you can use to outsource local pack rankings (hint, theyre not who you think they are)Literally everything you need to be able to implement a successful GMB campaign.There are tons of resources for you to download throughout the course and lots of bonus tips and tricks you can use as well.Fact: 97% of consumers searched online to find a local business in their area. (Hubspot)Theres never been a better time to master GMB optimisation.MONEY-BACK GUARANTEEBefore we go any further, let us just say, I dont want you to be disappointed.If you dont like this course for any reason, you can get a full refund in the first 30 days, which is backed by Udemys 30-day guarantee, with no questions asked!This is not just a guarantee, it's my personal promise to you that I will go out of my way to help you succeed.Invest in your business today and never look back.Enrol now."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Link Building Course - Backlink Building 2020" |
"Are you looking for a link building course that shows you how to build backlinks that will get your website ranked higher on Google?Great, youre in the right place.I run an SEO agency for a living called ClickSlice, this course brings together all of our link building processes we use at the agency and presents them all in a nice bitesize format.In this course, I reveal over 10 link building strategies we use day by day to generate 100s of page 1 rankings.Instead of just showing you the method and leaving it there, I go a step further and show you exactly how to action each one of these link building strategies.I will show you one of my websites that is at the top of Google from following these proven link building strategies.The process I follow throughout the course is the SAME process I use when ranking my client websites, so you can be confident what youre learning is indeed used in the real world and does actually work.What youll learn by taking this Link Building CourseLearn more about backlinks and why theyre important Find out what anchor text is and why its crucial in link building How to find out what backlinks your competitors haveHow to build backlinks to your website that will get you ranked higherHow to tracking all your backlinks using the spreadsheet we use at the agencyHow to track your progress and keywords Literally everything you need to be able to implement a successful link building campaign.Backlinks and links are both the same things, there are multiple ways to refer to them which causes unnecessary confusion.CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETIONWhen you finish the course and complete 100% of it, Udemy will email a certification as proof of your link building expertise.MONEY-BACK GUARANTEEBefore we go any further, let us just say, I dont want you to be disappointed.If you dont like this course for any reason, you can get a full refund in the first 30 days, which is backed by Udemys 30-day guarantee, with no questions asked!This is not just a guarantee, it's my personal promise to you that I will go out of my way to help you succeed.Invest in your future today and never look back.Enrol today."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"O curso vai contar o que a PNL, desde os fondadores at os mais recente . As fases importantes e os conceitos deles. A Programao Neuro Lingu s t ica (PNL) eo es tudo de como a linguagem verbal e nao verbal se relaciona com o nos so cerebro e como podemos dirigir a nos sa vida para onde queremos ao dominarmos a nos sa comunicacao. A PNL eum ins t rumento poderoso que pode ser usado para desenvolver nos sas proprias abordagens e es t rategias de vida."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"4/5 Linux Unix User Command Basics" |
"4/5 , link, symbolic link ln, df, du, quota, tar, gzip, rsync, wget, mount process ps, ulimit, nice Linux / Unix User Command - Basic Level 4/5 MacOS , Android , / . , #1 ~ #5 ."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"CompTIA BR0-003 A + Bridge Certified Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Which of the following devices to connect two segments of the same local area network (LAN), but store traffic separately on the two segments?a) Modemb) hubc) switchd) Bridgee) NoneQ) You are responsible for the technical support of the company. An employee complains that they can not open the file. When you see the file in Windows Explorer, please note that the color green. What is their problem?a) The file has been corrupted.b) The file was encrypted by another user.c) File from an earlier version of Windows,d) A file created by another applicatione) NoneQ) Under what environmental conditions, the risk of electrostatic discharge (ESD) in the upper part?multiple-choicea) High humidityb) Low temperaturec) Heatd) low humiditye) NoneQ) What are the contacts in a parallel printer? Each correct answer presents a complete solution. Choose two.a) DB-9 b) Centronic c) DB 25 DB 15"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"E20-007 Data Science Associate Certified Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) You can use Madlib linear regression analysis. What value does the statement re-SELECT (linregr (depvar, indepvar)) R2 by zeta1 ?.a) perfection attackb) coefficientsc) standard errord) P valuee) NoneQ) What data access are an example of quasi-structured data?a) Web server logb) XML data filec) database tabled) news articlee) NoneQ) What would be considered ""big data""?a) OLAP cube contains client demographic information 100, 000, 000 customersb) Daily log files from a Web server, which receives 100,000 hits per minutec) Aggregate statistics are stored in a relational database tabled) Tables containing the monthly sales data for Global 100 companiese) NoneQ) A computer scientists plan to classify feeling polarity of 10,000 responses received from the Internet. What is the most appropriate model to use? Let us assume that the labeled training data is available.a) Bayesian classifier Naveb) linear regressionc) Returns logisticsd) K-means clusteringe) None"
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"IBM 000-797 Tivoli Identity 4.5 Implementation Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) What LDAP information is required when installing IBM Tivoli Identity Manager (ITIM V4.5)?a) hostname ITIM DN location, company name, the name of a corporate ID card, the number of hash, the port numberb) hostname of the ITIM DN location, company name, the name of a corporate ID card, port number, the chief DN and passwordc) host name, company name, the name of a corporate ID card, the number of hash, a port number, the chief DN and passwordd) the name of the ITIM DN host location, company name, the name of a corporate card ID, the number of hash, a port number, the head DN and passworde) NoneQ) What definition of (usually) will return all people in the client personal asset for Dynamic organizational roles?a) client faces returnb) client object == manc) (Object = Customer man)d) select * from person where ObjectClass = client man""e) NoneQ) What are two naming conventions used for the decoration design devices? (Choose two.)a) Name attribute Conventionb) Naming convention facilitiesc) name convention service accountd) OU naminge) Convention application account nameQ) Two of which are actually forgot password behavior? (Choose two.)a) direct entryb) password by e-mailc) Account is disabledd) notification managere) Notify administrators"
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"Aprende con Qliksense avanzado Business Intelligence" |
"Este curso de Business intelligence (BI), esta dirigido para cualquier persona que tenga conocimientos previos de Qliksense, de cualquier perfil profesional. Porque vamos a empezar desde nivel intermedio y llevarlos a un nivel avanzado. Y al terminar el curso tendrn la habilidad para transformar los datos en informacin, y la informacin en conocimiento, de forma que se puedan optimizar el proceso de toma de decisiones en los negocios, ya sea en su propia empresa o en alguna donde sean consultores o trabajen en relacin dependencia. Ademas este curso estar en constante actualizacin, con lo cual los estudiantes estarn en un aprendizaje continuo. Al final del curso el estudiante alcanzara un nivel superior."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"In the Beginning Was the Word: Improve Your Bible Literacy" |
"The Academy of Biblical Literacy & Christian Living (ABL-CL) exists to inspire Christians throughout the world to pursue the transformative power of God's Word, the Holy Bible. With stronger Bible literacy at the foundation of their Christian walk, students will not only learn how to apply Godly principles in their own lives but to confidently and evangelically share the same principles with others.ABL-CL believes that the key to greater Bible literacy, and thus transformational spiritual maturity, is chronological study of the Bible, from the first fascinating pages in the book of Genesis to the final triumphant verses found in the book of Revelation. It is through this type of prayerful and systemic study that believers are able to most effectively understand the nature of Gods holy character, His involvement throughout the course of human history, and His redemptive plan for mankind through the Cross of Jesus Christ. To that end, ABL-CLs mission is to promote and foster a community of like-minded believers through engaging, chronological Bible study courses."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Practice Chemistry Exam" |
"Practice chemistry questions are always helpful when preparing for an examination. This Chemistry Practice Exam is suitable for high school, college or university entry level chemistry courses. Write a simulated chemistry exam. Then review each question with a detailed solution. Master your chemistry knowledge and find success on your chemistry exams. This course does not take the place of study and review but acts as a supplement to learning."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"CompTIA JK0-022 E2C Security Threats Vulnerabilities Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Which of the following describes how Sara, an attacker can send unsolicited advertisements to a mobile device?a) Man in the middleb) Bluejackingc) Bluesnarfingd) packet sniffingQ) Joe, an employee is taking a taxi through a busy city and begins receiving unsolicited files sent to your smartphone. Which of the following is an example of this?a) vishingb) Bluejackingc) War drivingd) SPIMQ) A user get to work by public transport received an offensive image on your smart phone by another commuter. Which of the following most likely attacks that took place?a) warchalkingb) Bluejackingc) war drivingd) BluesnarfingQ) Which of the following is characterized by an attack on a mobile device?A) twin badb) Header manipulationc) Bluejackingd) Rogue APQ) Which of the following connections allows access to the contact lists on mobile phones?a) warchalkingb) Bluejackingc) packet sniffingd) Bluesnarfing"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"CompTIA PK0-004 Project+ Certified Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) A project manager is trying to determine the correct sequence and duration of project activities. Which of the following would be the most beneficial?a) Network Diagramb) Ishikawa diagramc) WBSd) Gantt chartQ) Which of the following are characteristics of a project? (Pick one.)a) in progressb) Temporaryc) Start and endd) Achieving a goale) Consisting of milestonesf) Limit the budgetQ) A company has determined that it does not have the skills in-house to carry out a project and wants to procure third party services. Which of the following documents will be the most likely release FIRST society?a) RFOb) RFIc) .RFPd) RFQQ) The project managers were asked to provide recommendations for a vendor removal. A meeting was scheduled with key stakeholders and the project sponsor to highlight the reasons for this recommendation. Which of the following should the head of the project will lead to the meeting in support of this recommendation? (Pick one.)a) The problem log to show why the seller is to be replacedb) he of team action items to show why the seller has to be replaced.c) The scope statement to show why the seller is to be replacedd) A procurement plan to show why the seller has to be replaced.e) A management plan for the change to have the replaced provider.Q) A project manager is creating the WBS. In which of the following stage is the project?a) Initiationb) Planningc) executiond) closing"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"SAP C_THR12_66 Associate Human Capital Management Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) You want to provide a real-time report on personnel data. What would you use reporting tools to create this report? (Pick two)a) reports Writerb) SAP Net Weaver Business Warehousec) Ad Hoc Queryd) SAP QueryQ) Where do you find all of the fields that can be used for decisions on a feature, such as crush or ABKRS?a) In the documentationb) When assigning Countryc) In the administrative datad) In the structureQ) What is the purpose of the organizational key infotype 0001 (organizational assignment)? (Pick two)a) It can be a key field for a Customizing table.b) It shows the dotted signaling report.c) It can function as additional standard report selection criteria.d) It stores values for the additional authorization checks.Q) Standard SAP ERP integrates organizational management with which of the following areas? (Pick two)a) Workflowb) Plant Maintenancec) Project Systemsd) ControlQ) It performs an action recruitment. The integration is active between Personnel Administration (PA) and Management (OM). As a result of this integration, the fields of IT0001 organizational assignment can not be maintained directly? (Choose three)a) Positionb) My Areac) Cost centerd) Work Keyd) Organizational unit"
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"Learn making LED bulbs to start own business" |
"In this course one will learn in detail about the components in LED bulbs, different quality of LED bulbs, the way to assemble the product, and few marking strategies to launch the product in their own brand. After the successful completion of the course one will be able to launch the product in his own brand and increase the sale in the market."
Price: 2240.00 ![]() |
"Best Email Marketing for WordPress - ActiveCampaign" |
"Working around the globe with different Email marketing platforms I manage to find the best platform which is very easy to use and well worst any penny. That is why I want to grab your attention to give you my best practice where it comes to Email marketing for websites and not only websites.Are you curious how those automated emails working when you submit the form on the website and then for a couple of weeks keep receiving different offers? If yes, then this is exactly for you. This course will guide you from the very beginning to fully working automation. This means you set up it once and forget about it because automation will do all the hard work for you! And the best part is you can create as many automation's as you want and let technology work for you! So the main criteria when it comes to email marketing platform is user experience.Such a platform must provide:Everything must be logical and easy to understandEmails must be delivered exactly where and when you need them to be delivered, so powerful client sorting options and email scheduling must haveForms - ease of creation and use (integration with other platforms)Automation - this is your main point to look at (create once run forever)Email templates - ease of emails styling to match your brandStatistics of your hard work - results will tell what is working well and what is not so wellWhy ActiveCampaign?Best value for moneyBest user experience where it comes to template and form creationSuper easy to create and overlook automation'sGreat platform help assistance in every step you goLoads of possibilities to grow in the futureGreat integration with many other platforms"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"How to develop your emotional resilience" |
"Anxiety, uneasiness, fear , nervousness . these are complex emotional disordersWHO report suggests average 1 per 13 person is suffering this complex emotional disordersanti anxiety and sleeping pills are most selling drugs last two decadesbut human nervous system has a unique ability to reline psycho neuro endocrine axis and rewire brain for health and happiness"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Self help guide to overcome your depression" |
"DEPRESSION is a chronic mental disorder that affects majority of population in varies intensityIt is general umbrella term, there are wide range of different symptoms of depression, but there is individual predominant factor in each and every depressive person. so, it must be address by one person to otherthis course will guide you about specific solution of problem by general tool and teqnics.WHO reports suggest that on and average 800000 people per year is committed suicide because of depression.this need to be fixed to save major population who loss their life without any reason.depression is psycho neuro disturbance that can rewire any time and anywherethis programme will give u ultimate solutions, and exercise to resolve any conflict,"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Statistik fr Data Science & Business Analytics mit Excel!" |
"Fallstudie FinanzvertriebDie vorliegende Excel-Fallstudie ""Finanzvertrieb"" dient als bung der Schwerpunkte aus der deskriptiven und induktiven Statistik. Anhand der vorhandenen Datenstze knnen die bungsaufgaben praxisnahe und zielgerichtet durchgearbeitet werden. Dabei liegen Datenstze in Excel vor, welche aus 100 Stichproben, 7 verschiedener Merkmalen bestehen. Die Fallstudie setzt sich zusammen aus insgesamt 10 Aufgaben. Whrend 6 Aufgaben zur Vertiefung der deskriptiven Statistik dienen, beschftigen sich 4 Aufgaben mit den Lehrmethoden der schlieenden Statistik. --------------------------------------------ThemenbersichtEinfhrung in die Fallstudie--------------------------------------------Deskriptiver Fallstudienteil (50/100 Punkte)Aufgabe a: Klassierung von Daten, Hufigkeitsanalyse, Verteilungsfunktionen(Berechnung einer Hufigkeitsverteilung mit Datenanalysefunktion in Excel, grafische Darstellung in approximierende/empirische Verteilungsfunktion)Aufgabe b: Zusammenhangsmaanalyse(Berechnung des Kontingenzkoeffizient K* anhand Assoziationsma Chi in Excel)Aufgabe c: Korrelationsanalyse und Regressionsanalyse(Korrelationsmatrix ber Datenanalysefunktion, inhaltliche Interpretation, Modellierung linearer Funktionszusammenhang in Excel; Interpretation Gte und statistische Signifikanz; Berechnung Regressionsfunktion; quantitative Bewertung absolute/relative Wichtigkeit der Regressoren)Aufgabe d: Visualisierung Zeitreihe(Grafische Visualisierung Zeitreihe in Excel ber Liniendiagramm)Aufgabe e: Trendermittlung nach exponentiellen Gltten(Berechnung Trendfunktion, Prognoseschtzung)Aufgabe f: Ermittlung Trendfunktion(Berechnung Trendfunktion, Prognoseschtzung)--------------------------------------------Induktiver Fallstudienteil (50/100 Punkte)Aufgabe g: 1-SP-Testfall fr den Erwartungswert(Durchfhrung statistischer Parametertest, Entscheidung ber Gltigkeit/Ungltigkeit der Hypothese)Aufgabe h: 1-SP-Testfall fr den Erwartungswert - Ergebnisnderung(Modellierung des Signifikanzniveaus zur inhaltlichen Ergebnisnderung der Hypothesenentscheidung)Aufgabe i: 2-seitiges Konfidenzintervall (Berechnung Intervallgrenzen eines 2-seitigen Konfidenzintervalls basierend auf Stichproben in Excel)Aufgabe j: Zweistichproben-F-Test(Durchfhrung statistischer Parametertest, Entscheidung ber Gltigkeit/Ungltigkeit der Hypothese)--------------------------------------------Im Kurs zum Download erhltlichZusammenfassung aller Themen der deskriptiven & induktiven Statistik (PDF)Formelsammlung (PDF)bungsaufgaben der Fallstudien (PDF)Rohdaten der Fallstudie (Excel)Lsungen der bungsaufgaben (Excel)"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Statistik-Fallstudie in Excel: Jetzt richtig durchstarten!" |
"Fallstudie Video-On-DemandDie vorliegende Excel-Fallstudie ""Video-On-Demand"" dient als bung der Schwerpunkte aus der deskriptiven und induktiven Statistik. Anhand der vorhandenen Datenstze knnen die bungsaufgaben praxisnahe und zielgerichtet durchgearbeitet werden. Dabei liegen Datenstze in Excel vor, welche aus 600 Stichproben, 6 verschiedener Merkmalen bestehen. Die Fallstudie setzt sich zusammen aus insgesamt 9 Aufgaben. Whrend 5 Aufgaben zur Vertiefung der deskriptiven Statistik dienen, beschftigen sich 4 Aufgaben mit den Lehrmethoden der schlieenden Statistik. --------------------------------------------ThemenbersichtEinfhrung in die Fallstudie--------------------------------------------Deskriptiver Fallstudienteil (50/100 Punkte)Aufgabe a: Klassierung von Daten, Hufigkeitsanalyse, Mittelwertanalyse(Berechnung einer Hufigkeitsverteilung mit Datenanalysefunktion in Excel, grafische Darstellung, Mittelwertanalyse in Excel)Aufgabe b: Korrelationsanalyse, Pivot-Analyse(Korrelationsmatrix ber Datenanalysefunktion, bedingte Formatierung und inhaltliche Interpretation, multidimensionale Pivot-Analyse)Aufgabe c: Kontingenzanalyse(Erstellung Bivariate Analyse ber 2-dimensionale bersicht, Berechnung Kontingenzkoeffizient ber , Interpretation)Aufgabe d: Variationskoeffizient (Berechnung des Variationskoeffizient ber Standardabweichung und Mittelwert sortiert nach Merkmalen in Excel ber Pivot-Tabelle)Aufgabe e: Boxplot-Analyse & Outlier-Detection(Erstellung Kennzahlenbersicht und Kastengrafik in Excel, Inhaltliche Erklrung, Durchfhrung Ausreier-Analyse (Outlier-Detection), Berechnung Intervallgrenzen, Identifizierung Ausreierwerte, Interpretation) --------------------------------------------Induktiver Fallstudienteil (50/100 Punkte)Aufgabe f: 1-SP-Testfall fr den Erwartungswert(Durchfhrung statistischer Parametertest, Entscheidung ber Gltigkeit/Ungltigkeit der Hypothese)Aufgabe g: Normalverteilungsfunktion Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie(Berechnung Wahrscheinlichkeiten anhand Normalverteilung in Excel)Aufgabe h: 2-seitiges Konfidenzintervall (Berechnung Intervallgrenzen eines 2-seitigen Konfidenzintervalls basierend auf Stichproben in Excel)Aufgabe i: Chi-Quadrat-Anpassungstest(Durchfhrung eines Verteilungstest mit Chi-verteilter Testprfgre, Entscheidung ber Gltigkeit/Ungltigkeit Normalverteilung)--------------------------------------------Im Kurs zum Download erhltlichZusammenfassung aller Themen der deskriptiven & induktiven Statistik (PDF)Formelsammlung (PDF)bungsaufgaben der Fallstudien (PDF)Rohdaten der Fallstudie (Excel)Lsungen der bungsaufgaben (Excel)"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Time Flies.Learn to be the BEST Pilot You Can: Part 1" |
"Time is the essence of life. How you use it, allocate it and perceive it determines who you are and who you will become! Learning the art of using time efficiently, productively and wisely changes the whole quality of your life and helps you become the best version of yourself. "
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Understanding MS SQL Server Magic -- Beginners' Course" |
"This course is designed for those that are completely new to SQL or would like to brush up on their skills. If you don't yet know how you'll be using SQL in the future, if you'll go into analysis, development or anything else, this course is for you! We'll be using v2019 and start at the installation of SQL Server as well as the tools and databases we'll be using (SSMS and AdventureWorks, which is Microsoft's ""teaching"" database). The course has been designed with efficiency as a prime driver so we'll be talking a fair bit about what to do and what not to do as well as some theory on data storage, data types, etc so that you get an understanding of why certain things are the way they are rather than ""just do"". Apart from Section 7, the lectures are designed to be not too technical for beginners' level, while S7 is a bit more technical but will be very beneficial for your better understanding of what is going on in the background.In terms of style/delivery: UK English, bit of added sarcasm (very minimal), generally cool and avoiding buzz. Also I tend to use ""you"" (""if you have a look at this/do that"") rather us (""let us do this/that"") in most cases. It's just to say some people prefer one or the other so you know what to expect. Furthermore I don't use ""I'm going to go ahead and..."". Just saying. :)Course structure:1: Intro to SQL and SSMSWhats SQL, Uses, Dialects, Analysis, Development PurposesInstall SQL Server, SSMSQuick intro to SSMS Get AdventureWorksSettings & line numbers2: Data ConceptsData Concepts -- Tables, Views, Temp TablesData Concepts -- KeysData Concepts -- Stored ProcsData Types Short & NULL ValuesIndexes ShortBest Practices Naming, Coding (Tabs, 1=1, Using [], Etc.)3: Basic CommandsSELECT/DISTINCT & TOP ++ Where data goes (onto the screen that is.)WHERE, <>, =, !=, AND/OR/NOT, text () -- relation to indexesLIKE, %ORDER BY -- when not to use itGROUP BY & HAVINGUNION/UNION ALL/INTERSECT/EXCEPT JOINs4: Basic FunctionsCOUNTSUM, AVGMIN, MAXLENLTRIM/RTRIMUCASE/LCASESUBSTRINGCOALESCE5: Table OperationsCREATE TABLESELECT INTOALTER TABLE (drop col, add col, change data type, add index) DROP TABLE vs DELETE FROM vs TRUNCATE6: Modifying DataINSERT (gui, manual, insert from elsewhere)UPDATE7: Tech Deep-Divesys tables for finding information Data storageMore About HeapsMore About Indexes & Fragmentation"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
Excel |
"Excel, , , , , , , , , Excel"
Price: 1799.00 ![]() |