Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Learn C++ Programming For Absolute Beginners" |
"This course is dedicated to people who want to learn more about C++. In this course you will learn how to use :variables stringsarraysif/else statementsswitch statementsfunctionswhile and do-while loopsfor loopsCONST keyword You will also learn how to create a basic calculator. If you are a student or you want to start new a new career as a software (C++) developer take this course."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Function Guide In C++" |
"Learning C++ programming can be very intimidating, but we will be working on building our skills one level at a time. All of the lectures are hands on video lessons to get you creating your own programs.This course is dedicated to learn the basics of c++ programming. anyone who want to learn Object Oriented Programming concepts can start with this course because c++ is object oriented programming language . This course contain practical demonstration as well as basics. in this course you will learn about basics of c++ langauge such as classes and objects etc in a understandable way . This is a beginner level course in C++ language."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"AWS Certified Machine Learning Practice Exam Exampods" |
"The AWS Certified Machine Learning - Specialty certification is intended for individuals who perform a development or data science role. It validates a candidate's ability to design, implement, deploy, and maintain machine learning (ML) solutions for given business problems.Abilities Validated by the CertificationSelect and justify the appropriate ML approach for a given business problemIdentify appropriate AWS services to implement ML solutionsDesign and implement scalable, cost-optimized, reliable, and secure ML solutionsRecommended Knowledge and Experience1-2 years of experience developing, architecting, or running ML/deep learning workloads on the AWS CloudThe ability to express the intuition behind basic ML algorithmsExperience performing basic hyperparameter optimizationExperience with ML and deep learning frameworksThe ability to follow model-training best practicesThe ability to follow deployment and operational best practices"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Como faturar mais com a sua Silhouette" |
"Aprenda a agregar mais um produto ao seu negcio com a Silhouette!Esse curso para voc que acabou de comprar sua Silhouette ou j uma expert.Nvel Iniciante, Intermedirio ou Especialista.Entre de cabea no mercado que cresceu 23% durante a crise!Aumente sua renda vendendo adesivos de parede pela internet.Neste curso apresentamos um passo a passo focado na produo e venda de adesivos vinlicos de parede decorativos.Ao longo das aulas explicamos com detalhe o NOSSO JEITO, isso mesmo, a nossa receita infalvel para faturar muito com a Silhouette.Nossos ingredientes principais so:PRODUTO - Aprenda todas as caractersticas dos adesivos de parede recortados em vinil adesivo;PBLICO - Conhea um nicho de mercado que est sempre se renovando e promete crescer ainda mais depois da crise;PREO - Precifique seus kits de adesivos de forma simples e lucrativa;VENDAS - Utilize nossas dicas e as mesmas plataformas de venda que usamos e tenha vendas dirias;EMBALAGEM - Produza seus kits no formato j testado e aprovado;ENVIO - Saiba qual a forma mais vantajosa para enviar seus adesivos. um resumo de anos de experincia nesse mercado para que voc lucre mais, trabalhando menos.Todas as dicas, os pulos do gato, arquivos e muito mais.Voc j tem tudo o que precisa: Computador com Studio V3 ou V4Silhouette CameoImpressora jato de tintaCelular com WhatsappAcesso mdias digitais (Facebook)Venha contar estrelas com a gente ;)"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
Vol.1 |
"4020Vol.1Night Hawks SHOUT"
Price: 2400.00 ![]() |
"Higher Vibrational Being - Qi Gong and Meditation" |
"Chi is energy. The vital force of life in the Universe. Chi travels from the stars, planets and nature through the subtle bodies and animates the physical plane. When we work with Chi and feel its energy running through our physical and subtle bodies, we know from experience the substance of the Universe. We realize that this spirit flows through us physically and permanently. As we develop our own energy, we form a link to the greater parts of ourselves.The Tao Yin Fa Series empowers the Chi of the organs by stretching the twelve acupuncture meridians. Each Qi Gong section includes breath work and mudras, as well as the inner work of sound and colour at the consciousness level. The synthesis of the colour, movement and sound wakes up and redirects Chi within the body.This course will help you to activate your energy portals by bringing more Qi/Chi to your meridians, organs & more life into your energy system. Come and practice Qi Gong to activate your energies and empower your physical system into a more vital state of being.Remember you are the creator of your universe and in each and every day we have the opportunity to make a difference to our daily lives. The Qi Gong postures increase the supply and flow of vital energy throughout the body, inducing calm, mental and emotional states with a variety of rejuvenating effects. The ancient Taoists believed Qi Gong increases longevity. Many of us put a lot of our life force into earning money but if your vital energy is depleted, we are often more prone to illness.In the Elemental Resonance Higher Vibrational Being course we will learn to activate our key energy portals, building and expanding our connection to the Qi to our meridians, organs by bringing more life into our energy systems.Connect and align with your vital energy by activating your energies and empowering your physical system into a more vital state of being.The classes work on a system called the Tao Yin Fa Series inspired by Fabien Maman, which uses a combination of Sound, Colour and Movement. Working to empower the Chi of the organs by stretching the twelve acupuncture meridians. When we work with Chi and feel its energy running through our physical and subtle bodies, we know from experience the substance of the Universe. We realize that this spirit flows through us physically and permanently. As we develop our own energy, we form a link to the greater parts of ourselves."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"5 minutos de calma" |
"En este momento donde estamos viviendo una crisis mundial, es normal sentir que la angustia y el miedo comienzan a ser parte de nuestro da a da, es por ello que este curso te ensear las ms eficaces tcnicas de respiracin que te ayudarn a sentirte en un estado de tranquilidad ptima. Aprenders a conectar contigo, a entrar a un estado meditativo que te har sentir mejor que nunca."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Esse material, meu melhor contedo quando se trata das minhas estratgias, Em 2 anos de Mercado Financeiro, cheguei em um set up que me faz lucrar toda semana com OB. O melhor dessa forma de operar, que tem horrio especfico para entrar, par de moeda especfico e at corretora especfica para operar, ou seja, pelo celular mesmo tu acessa sua corretora, espera aquele padro e efetua a entrada, no precisa passar o dia olhando grficos, timo contedo pra quem no tem muito tempo pra operar ou viaja muito. Logo quando aprender esses detalhes, garanto que sua taxa de acerto no vai mais ser a mesma, ASSISTA O VIDEO"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"How to publish your own book or audiobook" |
"Have a book written but do not know what to do? Do you want to know the process to it takes from writing on your computer to getting your book in the hands of many individuals? We will take you through several courses from word processing to audio publishing. This course is for you."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Corso di russo: grammatica base" |
"Questo corso ha lo scopo di fornire le basi della grammatica russa partendo prendendo in considerazione i vari casi e lo sviluppo del verbo russo. IN modo particolare per quanto riguarda i casi verr esposto in modo dettagliato la loro formazione e il loro utilizzo. Per quanto riguarda il verbo verranno presentate le diverse coniugazioni e tempi verbali esistenti."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"' - Java" |
"2013. . 0 . ."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Protection of Personal Information Act Fundamentals (POPIA)" |
"This introductory course covers the fundamental principles of South Africa's Protection of Personal Information Act and how to implement it in your organisation. The POPI Act of 2013 is the minimum standard for working with personal information in South Africa. All organisations, regardless of form or size are expected to comply with this legislation if they make use or store personal data in any way. This course will help you understand the reason why this law is important and how you can comply with it in your organisation."
Price: 650.00 ![]() |
"Automating mobile with Appium in Python" |
"Appium one of the most popular automation tool for Mobile Application Automation, It encompasses Native, Web & Hybrid apps.What you will learnBy end of this course , you will be able to basic automation on Native and Hybrid apps in Android / iOS using Appium in PythonYou will be able to write Gherkin in BehaveYou will have knowledge on basic mobile conceptYou will know how to connect to real device in Android and iOS"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Matriser la virtualisation: la formation virtualbox ULTIME" |
"La virtualisation tintresse et tu souhaites en apprendre davantage ? Pour ta culture personnelle, par curiosit ou bien tout simplement pour des raisons professionnelles ?En tant que dveloppeur, tu souhaites avoir un environnement de dveloppement au plus proche de la production ?Tu as envie de dmystifier tous ces termes barbares du monde de la virtualisation et de la branche systme et rseau de linformatique ?Tu souhaites, enfin, pouvoir tester des choses sur Windows ou Linux sans pour autant endommager ta machine principale ?Ou encore, tu es sur Mac et tu souhaites avoir accs un Windows sans pour autant utiliser le dualboot ?Et bien bonne nouvelle, tu as trouv LA formation quil te faut !Oracle VM VirtualBox est un des logiciels de virtualisation les plus simples prendre en main pour un particulier et devine quoi ? Cest celui que nous allons voir pendant la formation.Les machines virtuelles nauront plus aucun secret. Si tu es bloqu sur un cours, sache que je rpondrais rapidement tous tes messages. Je noublie personne :D !VirtualBox est un hyperviseur puissant, gratuit et disponible sur quasiment toutes les plateformes. Il te sera donc facile de suivre cette formation depuis nimporte quel ordinateur et de faire basculer ton travail dun support un autre.Toutes les bases de la virtualisation seront prsentes dans ce cours, tu repartiras avec un packaging complet, te permettant de te dbrouiller seul dans la cration et le management dune machine virtuelle.Achte ce cours MAINTENANT et apprends virtualiser quand tu le souhaites. L'accs au cours est garanti vie, et le contenu sera toujours jour !"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Die Wunderwelt des Fertigfutters" |
"Wenn man heute in ein Zoofachgeschft geht und nach Hunde- oder Katzenfutter sucht, ist die Auswahl umwerfend gro. Viele Futtermittel versprechen einen hohen Fleischanteil, Lebensmittelqualitt oder frei von Konservierungsstoffen. Aber worauf muss man achten, damit das Tier gesund bleibt? Ist teuer gut und billig schlecht? Was sind die Tricks der Fertigfutterindustrie? Und was macht ein gutes Fertigfutter aus? Wenn Sie sich diese Fragen schon einmal gestellt haben, ist dieser Vortrag genau das richtige fr Sie.Nicole Zufelde-Paprotny ist mobile Tierheilpraktikerin in Buxtehude mit den Schwerpunkten Ernhrung, Mykotherapie, Phytotherapie und Bachbltentherapie."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Your complete business Start Up Course!" |
"This Course was designed in the hopes of helping anyone with the desire of starting a business get started. As Im sure most people are aware, working for yourself can be pretty scary when you dont have guidance and help to get going in the right direction. Thats where Business made easy comes in, Just follow each and every step, watch every lesson and youll be on your way in no time. I cant wait to see what you do with this information and how you choose to apply it to your life."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"LoadRunner ASP Certification Practice Test" |
"This practice test is for performance testing professionals who want to appear Microfocus LoadRunner 12.5 ASP CertificationThis will help you to understand the sample questions, exam formatThis exam format is latest as of March 2020Process to register for the exam is also outlined in this courseAnswers have been provided to each question"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Laravel : Cration d'un site web E-commerce de A Z" |
"Dans ce cours, nous allons apprendre partir de zro et tape par tape, comment crer une application Web e-commerce complet avec sept cartes crdits : Visacard, MasterCard, AmericanExpress, UnionPay, Dinners club, JCB et Discover. Nous allons apprendre: Comment crer et visualiser des produits, des catgories de produits, des sliders; Comment slectionner un produit par catgorie; Comment ajouter des produits au panier; Comment mettre jour la quantit d'articles et comment supprimer les articles du panier; Comment personnaliser le formulaire de paiement pour le paiement en ligne avec Stripe Api; Comment enregistrer et afficher les commandes des clients; Comment exporter des commandes client de laravel vers PDF."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Acrylic lesson - Lake sunset with rays of sun - Landscape" |
"You will paint the landscape step-by-step! You will learn how to create sunset sky with rays of the sun, beautiful clouds, calm lake with a reflection on it, paint grass - detailed, layer by layer and how to add flowers, not just as the black, flat silhouette, but with petals and colors! You will learn how to analyze the type of brushstrokes and how to choose brushes depends on it!You will also receive traceable for this tutorial! Easy to print and transfer all the lines you need. You can add any details you like and create unique art based on this tutorial.I'm sure - everyone can paint it! My mission is to motivate you to believe in yourself. Paint with me and open the talent you have!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Como ser um profissional ideal" |
"Nesse curso voc obter novos conhecimentos e ferramentas para tornar-se um profissional melhor atravs da autoavaliao. Trataremos de diversos temas, como as caractersticas de um bom profissional, para isso, voc identificar o seu perfil, falaremos sobre as expectativas existentes dentro da empresa e como o que o seu chefe espera de voc, seu relacionamento com os colegas, a importncia da comunicao, sobre ter inteligncia emocional e um propsito de vida bem definido."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"(Actor's life hacks.)" |
", , , . , Blindspot (Warner Bros.Television), .( . (/ ) , - , - , .) : ? ? ? . - . . "" "" , """" ? , ? - ?(The course includes a book on acting (Russian / English editions). See-in resources.) (The course from the Director, editor, screenwriter of TNT , REN TV, actors of theaters. Mossoveta, The Sovremennik Theatre, author of the idea of the series Blindspot (Warner Bros.Television) , teacher and author of a book on acting Fedosov Roman.The course will introduce you to artistic techniques and ways to communicate with the audience : how to cope with excitement ? How to prepare for shooting? How to attract the viewer's attention and how to manage it ? Let's talk about the laws of visual perception. And also-how to find your stage personality and Wake up the energy . What is the role of atmosphere in the creative process and how to create it? What is a ""stage space"" , how to fill it and ""settle in""? How do I learn to listen, hear, and feel my audience ? We will also discuss how the live audience differs from the TV audience.)"
Price: 1799.00 ![]() |
"Curso de Auto Maquiagem" |
"Curso de auto Maquiagem para todas as mulheres que desejam aumentar sua alto estima e aprender mais sobre a maquiagem de forma rpida e simples. Aprender a se auto maquiar com produtos que voc tem em casa e no sabe como usar, estarei montando aulas incrveis para voc ir aprendendo um passo de cada vez, tenho certeza que vai amar.. ento vem comigo!!"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate Microsoft Word ( Word )" |
"2019 2010 2013 2016 ..."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Krav Maga: Defending Common Unarmed Attacks Part II" |
"This material focuses on krav maga defenses as taught by award-winning author and IKMA U.S. Chief Instructor against some of the most common unarmed threats and attacks including:sucker punchescombined shirt grabs and punchesrear bearhugsfrontal hand chokesrear arm chokestakedownshow to fall safelyThis course is a follow-up or adjunct to Krav Maga Defending Common Unarmed Attacks (Part I), but also may be taken as a stand-alone independent course.This material was produced by six time award winning author David Kahn who serves as the United States Chief Instructor for the Israeli Krav Maga Association. He received his advanced blackbelt teaching certifications from Israeli Grandmaster Haim Gidon. David has authored six best-selling and award winning krav maga books for both Macmillan Press and YMAA Publications: Krav Maga (2004), Advanced Krav Maga (2008); Krav Maga Weapon Defenses (2012); Krav Maga Professional Tactics (2016); Krav Maga Defense (2016) and Krav Maga Combatives (2019). Through his company KMI LLC, David provides high-level corporate executive travel and safety training consulting programs in conjunction with former Israeli and American Secret Service agents. He has trained over 200 local, state, government law agencies, including FBI, US Secret Service, US Marshals, DEA, ATF, NYPD, NJSP and Philadelphia PD in support of their respective de-confliction and use of force policies. He has also provided anti-abduction training and self-defense tactics for the Navy SEALS, Army Green Berets, Air Force Special Operations and Marine Corps Special Operations Command. David developed a national krav maga school affiliate program with over a dozen monetized affiliates. For the NFL, David created specialized event de-escalation and football tactics training. Mainstream media regularly feature David including Mens Fitness, GQ, USA Today, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, New Yorker, Penthouse, Fitness, Marine Corps News, Armed Forces Network, and Special Operations Report. David also produced the Mastering Krav Maga DVD series, Volumes I-IV that became Amazons Choice along with the Mastering Krav Maga Online program. David earned his BA cum laude from Princeton University in 1994 and his JD from the University of Miami in 1998."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Agile Life Planning:" |
"Agile Life Planning - (, ) () . Agile Life Planning , 5 :"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Interview dynamics: complete course" |
"Video/Prezi lectures hosted by James Stallcup M.D. CMIO that will transform you into a top-tier candidate to get you the job you want. This course covers all aspects of interview including appearance, nonverbal communication, physical preparation, the development of personalized content to the 40 most probable questions (which will allow you to impress and not scramble for words) and techniques to master the virtual interview by phone, Skype, Teams, or Webex. Many interview courses are taught by the inexperienced. Dr. Stallcup has managed/interviewed thousands of employees as the CMIO and CMO of a large health system and trained countless physicians in the art of interviewing. This specific course covers fundamentals and techniques that can be employed to land any job, from entry-level to C-suite. "
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Evolution of Workplace and Future of Work" |
"Let me take you for a trip to a different perspective. I will draw a new frame on the future of work. This is to encourage you to create the change that you want to see in the world.The questions we will be asking ourselves today are: How the workplace evolved within the recent decades and what is there to come? As a popular quotation says: The future is already here , it is just unevenly distributed :) So what is this next thing that is unevenly distributed at the moment?The course provokes a human-centric view on evolution of work and evolution of purpose of work. It helps you out of the hamster wheel of the single loop learning and encourages a deeper reflection on the purpose of business. It summarizes the evolution of work in the recent decades and state of Agility at the end of 2010s. In parallel the webinar equips you with a set of tools that will be useful to design your own vision of the future (Wardley maps, double learning loop).The webinar is for all people-oriented leaders and practitioners, including CEOs, Agile Coaches, HR officers that sense a friction between how their companies function and needs of employees and societies. For leaders who see limitations in how we work these days and look for inspiration for alternative ways of working: alternative ways of engaging people in their companys mission, but also an alternative purpose of work in the first place."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"A Complete Guide to Your Dream U.S. UniversityStudy in USA" |
"Welcome to the first online course 100% dedicated to applying to U.S. universities and getting a large scholarship! Everything you need to know to apply, get accepted and receive a large scholarship from U.S. universities and colleges! - Study Abroad and get into the top U.S. universities, such as Harvard, Columbia, MIT and win a 60-80% scholarship (and possibly even 100%) Here is what you will learn when you join the online course:Get a clear timeline of what to do, when and how The course will provide you with a clear timeline and a checklist of EVERYTHING you will need to do and when. You will be in control of the process and its deadlines, and not the other way around. No need to spend hundreds of hours looking for information online, reading articles, and watching YouTube videos trying to figure out what you need to do. Everything you will need to do is already included in the course.Get a large scholarship to cover your tuition You will know where and how you can get funding for your education. You will learn how to negotiate scholarship with universities and get it increased. It will show you how to save money on application fees. It will give you a list of external scholarships you can apply for, and where you can start your independent research.Choose the right university and prepare your best application package You will learn how to be smart about choosing universities, what to pay attention to and how to establish contact with them. Learn how to properly compare universities with each and how to navigate their complex websites. Learn about all pieces of your application package and what major mistakes to avoid when preparing it. You will know how to write a winning personal statement and a great resume. Find out how to use your strengths and uniqueness to win over the admission committee.Get confidence! No more anxiety The course will take away your anxiety and insecurities. Say bye-bye to feeling overwhelmed and lost. Just follow the instructions! It is based on the experiences of hundreds of international students and their success stories. They did it and you can do it too! Share your experiences with other international applicants just like yourself who also joined this course!Use my assistance and expertise By joining this course you will become my student, and will have permanent access to the course program. If you are a student of my program, you can book me for a personal consultation with a DISCOUNT! Plus, were constantly listening to your feedback and adding new resources. So you will have access to an updated course, its workshops and new downloads anytime.We're not done yet! I want to make sure you have everything you need to get the best results FASTER and EASIER.So when you join the course, you will ALSO get: BONUS #1: A brief step-by-step guide on applying to U.S. universities specifically designed to save you time. Use it as a checklist to cross off the things you've already done! BONUS #2: I have already pre-researched all the websites with possible scholarships you could apply for! You will receive a list of different external scholarships that you can use. How amazing is that? BONUS #3: Get a spreadsheet on how to choose the right university. It is an excel sheet that is designed to help you make the right choice. BONUS #4: If you find terminology about American education confusing, this one is for you! I've prepared a dictionary of the words you might find confusing to make the process as easy for you as possible! BONUS #5: A lot of my student have troubles preparing a personal statement. For this reason, I've prepare a worksheet that will help you brainstorm ideas. BONUS #6: If you want any U.S. university to offer you admission, you need to show them ALL THE VALUE you've got. Questionnaires about yourself and your achievements will help you increase your value before the university and sharpen your selling points. BONUS #7: You will also receive working examples of emails that I sent to the admission committee, when I was negotiating my scholarship, accepting and declining their offers. Feel free to use them as you wish!So to recap...This course is definitely for you if: You dream of studying in the U.S., but simply do not know where to start. You feel lost and overwhelmed with the amount of things you need to do. You are extremely busy and do not have time to figure out things on your own. You are doubting your chances of getting accepted into your dream school. You do not have sufficient funds to pay for your education. You don't know how to choose the right university and how to establish contact with them."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Conexin con tu nio interior" |
"Sabias que las heridas de la infancia tienen una gran influencia en la vida presente?Nuestro nio interno, es la percepcin que hemos hecho de la vida en funcin de las viviencias de nuestra niez.All, vamos a encontrar respuestas a males y situaciones repetitivas de la niez, que hoy no nos permiten la plenitud totalPero para poder escuchar y sostener al nio, primero hay que sanar las voces que nos han quedado grabadas, esas que nos marcaron para bien y para mal, las voces de los adultos: nuestros padres.En este taller, vamos a reencontrarnos con nuestro nio, para aprender a amarlo, abrazarlo y escucharlo, esa es la base para destrabar cualquier conflicto que no nos permite disfrutar de la vida.Para eso, vamos primero a sanar con nuestros padres, a travs de meditaciones y ejercicios escritos.El taller tiene como objetivo:sanar la relacin con la madresanar la relacin con el padresanar la relacin de nuestros adultos internos con nuestro nioreconocer los deseos del nioaplicar da a da el poder escuchar a nuestro nio interiorEl taller incluye:Ejercicios de meditacinejercicios escritosmanual terico y practico"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Randy's Ultimate Beginner Ukulele Course" |
"Randy's Ultimate Beginner Ukulele Course is a great resource for anyone who wants to play ukulele. This course gets right down to business, you will be playing songs in no time. No experience needed! All the tools you need to start playing your favorite songs are right here. The video focuses on the following segments: Introduction and the types of ukulelesHow to tuneHow to read ukulele tablature (TAB)Playing ChordsStrummingArpeggios (Broken up chords)Basic Chord ProgressionsLead SheetsLearning Additional ChordsRecap and Additional MaterialsIn addition to the video, you will also receive a plethora supplemental materials. They are:Main Ukulele Chords (PDF)Secondary Ukulele Chords (PDF)Reading Ukulele TAB (PDF)Reading Fretboard Diagrams on Ukulele (PDF)Basic Ukulele Chord Progressions Song List (PDF)Hot Cross Buns TAB (PDF)Twinkle Twinkle Little Star TAB (PDF)Happy Birthday TAB (PDF)Jingle Bells Lead Sheet (PDF)Up on the Housetop Lead Sheet (PDF)Ukulele Book Recommendations (PDF)Additional Strumming Pattern Photos"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Yoga Adv. Arm Balances with Yogi Bear" |
"Welcome to the Next Level! This course will challenge your strength, flexibility, and balance as you progress through these final series of arm balances. Make sure your joints especially your hip flexors and hamstrings are warm enough before you tackle these advance arm balances. Have fun and enjoy the journey!"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |